#spooky house ghostly shenanigans time
executionersghost · 1 year
New haunted mansion movie??? With Danny DeVito?
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euos-the-cat · 2 years
OC drabbles bc yeah
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25 (7/7)
Childhood best friend of Alissa
History teacher
Soft spoken and rare to actually make angry (he's scared to ever get super angry so he tries to keep calm)
Nervous wreck, very skittish
Has several house plants to help him remember to take care of himself (doesn't always work)
Has trouble sleeping. Man runs on coffee no wonder he's jumpy
Likes to color, read, and set up terrariums
Favorite color is blue
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25 (5/25)
Childhood best friend of Alan
Works at a local cafe
Mom of 2
Loves the outdoors, specifically chose a home that was near the woods
Very superstitious
Has back problems that are not helped by her job
Hotheaded and quick to defend those she cares about
Mama bear type of mom
Likes to carve things out of wood using her claws (keeps them sharp)
Favorite color is green
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22 (2/17)
Alan's boyfriend and colleague, Cynthia's best friend
Science teacher
Absolute nerd, loves sci-fi as well as science stuff in general
Loves to collect ties. Also has lots of matching socks to go with them
Cheerful, ray of sunshine
Tutors Alissa's kids on weekends every now and again
Likes to play more action oriented games that are lighthearted in nature (Mario and Splatoon would be ones he likes)
Favorite color is yellow
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5'4 (this varies)
21 (10/30)
Alan's younger sister and Andy's best friend
Works at a store like Hot Topic but will take jobs at haunted houses during the spooky month
Very flexible. No literally, something's fucked up with her body it acts like silly putty (magic shenanigans)
Very energetic and animated. Nearly constantly moving (will puff steam when she overheats)
Also an absolute nerd. Likes edgier things than Andy but they share a lot of interests still
Sad that she can't get piercings since they can very easily fall out
Loves to prank people. Nearly got expelled from school as a kid over this
Favorite color is purple (tries to avoid)
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12 (10/2)
Alissa's firstborn child
Skittish similar to Alan, though more due to general anxiety and not, y'know, trauma
Artsy and really likes to draw. Their paws are big and clumsy though so it's hard
Stutters and has some trouble getting their thoughts out
Cuddlebug, still likes to sleep next to Alissa from time to time
Nervous about their birthday since they were born in an "unlucky month" (according to their mom)
Prefers doing basic crafts over wood carving. Would rather carve foam anyways
Favorite color is Teal
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8 (2/12)
Alissa's younger adopted daughter
Mostly nonverbal and sensitive to sounds. Can chirp or sign to communicate
Has the ability to see and interact with spirits
Absolutely obsessed with a show called "Kuroji the Brave" about a bunny hero
Nervous around Alan at first but bonds with him over Kuroji
Likes to draw with Max
Feels a duty to protect her new family and will go along with Alissa's superstitions to help
Keeps a journal on information she gathers on ghosts
Favorite color is red
Bonus character:
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13 (4/18)
Ghostly friend of Iggy's
Girl who lived in the woods and guided Iggy. Only one she would attempt to speak to
Helped Iggy run away even after her passing
Liked to play tricks on people, though was more careful with Iggy
Taught her survival skills to help her tough it out in the wilderness until she was safe
Acts as Iggy's guardian, helps her recognize what people are feeling when she has trouble with it
Will move things around to spook people because she thinks it's funny
Favorite color is orange
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writer59january13 · 5 months
Unsettling premonition kickstarts fiendish abomination
Consider the following dogmatic, enigmatic, fantastic, idiotic, jargonistic, kimetic, linguistic, narcissistic, opportunistic, poetic, quixotic, rhapsodistic, scholastic, transformistic, universalistic agglomeration as an abbreviation
overactive imagination wrought demonic manifestation
unaware reading dictionary could engender garrison housing Century 21 ghostly conjuration
paranormal shenanigans this Lake Wobegon resident grudgingly attests perturbation
disembodied spirit betook (analogous to Casper the friendly ghost) "FAKE" spooky introduction
primarily cause ethereal phantom of the opera mine diaphanous doppelganger actualization
forcing agonizing confrontation blindly highlighting spectacular illumination
constituting undeniable declaration,
whereby stagnant existence aligned stark juxtaposition
courtesy faux charade, escapade, facade..., gimcrackery literary affectation
yielded (still does) negation to befriend prospective logophile, essentially begetting immediate amputation
as posited a posteriori said acquisition
regarding, kneading, experiencing...
inclusiveness feeling reviled discrimination
foisted linkedin with nonestablishmentarian progressive, liberal, agnostic Unitarian
paradigm upbringing birth parents decreed ideal articulation
to foster independent cogitation
among yours truly, and his two sisters, at one time felt veneration marble lustrous bead
felt towards (guess who) second born only brother gifted with affliction
diagnosed recent as schizoid personality disorder, a mental health condition,
whereat emotional affinity
toward kin folk sundered buzzfeeding self cannibalization
predicated on inchoate in utero causation insync with adaptation (actually Putin on Ritz key conspiracy incorporating Russian collusion)
in tandem with basket of deplorables
little rock and rolling witnesses regeneration
frothy heady windblown dyed in wool Taj Mahal size pompadour toupee coronation ego freezing troll defies decapitation barley bubbling within hopscotching mucky swamp characterization
capital hillbilly Phoenix resembling archeopteryx alights
shrill screeching, digging lame talons
into trumpeting paunchy underbelly.
0 notes
ponds-of-ink · 1 year
Westerfield, Tenny-See/BB-Bella Lore
Okay, I’m going to info-dump on my potential story ideas for Westerfield/BB-Bella real quick. Spoilers below for a couple of story beats, if I decide to do this as a loose NaMoWrimo or something.
Quick Disclaimer: There are some actually pretty dark ghost stories in here. While I won’t be going into extreme detail, the content may be emotionally distressing for some. If I had to give an example, I’d say… maybe… Gravity Falls level? Maybe? I haven’t watched the show, so I’m going to need a second opinion on that.
So far, the basic premise is that little Bella Pickens has officially had her Rite of Passage for local folklore hunting. Yes, she is considered old enough to go out into her hometown of Westerfield, Tennessee (pronounced and spelled Tenny-See for some long-forgotten reason) by her parents. And, being the little spooky-loving girl she is, she’s absolutely thrilled.
However, due to some dangers in the woods, she can’t go alone. She invites her “fashion rival” Rem and the town-famous storyteller Old Jeb to come along, since they’re the only ones she knows that also like these kinds of spooky shenanigans.
While there most likely will be more haunting surprises in store, I have only two ghostly legends set up: The Stone Rabbit and The Harlan Family.
The Stone Rabbit itself isn’t that scary. It’s just an extra-fluffy rabbit statue carved out of stone. What is terrifying, however, is the story that comes with it.
You see, many decades ago, a couple of out-of-state visitors stayed at The Harlan House for a vacation. Everyone who visited came and left… Except for one. A man known only as “William Miller” decided to remain one more night, not knowing that it would be his last. Much to the homeowners’ horror, he was found dead at midnight with a teddy bear in his arms as its sole witness to what actually happened.
The poor homeowners thought William had died of grief due to sone horrific incident a few weeks prior, but no supporting evidence was found. No letter, no tear stains on the pillow, and no weapon.
Shortly after, Miller was given a quiet burial in the rose garden. Due to the horrible timing of it all, only the homeowners attended. A rabbit statue was soon placed beside the gravestone to honor the one fact they knew for certain about the man: He really liked bunnies.
Ever since then, there have been reports of the statue literally springing to life on its own. Some say it’s the Harlan family’s spirits preparing to mess with Miller’s descendants should they dare visit his grave. A few claim that William himself was inhabiting the rabbit, most likely trying to figure out how to escape such a degraded place. There are even a few who suggest that a deceased family member is guarding his grave, though its hopping doesn’t resemble a cautious watchman. Whatever the reason, the rabbit is meandering around. Scanning its surroundings until the sun comes up.
In case you’re wondering why the Harlans have been mentioned in such a villainous light, there’s a very good reason for that. Aside from a few decent folk like Pretty Polly, most of them are absolute menaces. Using their ghostly powers to terrorize both the normal and the unnatural. Striking deals to wayward travelers for them to be living groundskeepers with no pay and no way home. No matter the circumstances, their decree holds true: You’ll never leave Harlan alive.
And this was something the homeowners back in Miller’s day knew quite well.
But that’s another story for another time.
On the slightly less bleaker side of things, Pretty Polly herself has been keeping them at bay with her music box. It is a shame that the once-enthusiastic dame has now been reduced to an ever-winding music box extension. It was already bad enough with her untimely demise at the hands of Billy Stakes.. Which the Polly folk song already covered, so maybe I won’t have to reexplain it here. Emphasis on maybe.
Finally going back to Bella’s side of things, she shouldn’t have to worry about the Harlans just yet. A few of the smaller mysteries should be enough to get her started. Like the Treasure of Rock Candy Lake. Or the Parrot of Gold-Beard. Something that provides adventure, but still has less chances to go wrong straight away. After all, if she went to the Harlans now, then the saying would go for all three of them…
To wrap up, let’s switch to some behind the scenes stuff. Most of the folklore for Westerfield falls into one of two categories: stuff I made up and stuff inspired by bluegrass songs.
Pretty Polly and the Harlans fall into the bluegrass category, but for different reasons. The Harlans in general were inspired by this one song whose chorus honestly made the county it was based on was a crypid town. So, in order to fit the haunted house story I was writing, I changed it to a family who refused to let “trespassers” leave their manor alive. Unfortunately, the true motives behind that motto aren’t clear to me yet.
Pretty Polly, however, is very clear. Her name and ghostly backstory are pulled from the Pretty Polly ballad, but I’ve winged it a bit with the rest. There is this detail in a couple of renditions where she has multiple rings on her hands, so that might come into play later. Maybe they now have this power to keep certain ghosts at bay? Hmm..
As for William Miller?
You know I had to sneak a cameo of sorts in there. ;]
So, yes, him and the parrot are completely original [as one of them can get]. The Rock Candy Lake is named after Big Rock Candy Mountain, but only because the water looks like rock candy at certain points of the day.
…Oh and one more thing: Bella’s supposed to go into a fiddle-playing show-down later.
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gloriabomfim · 1 year
Of course! Here are the first 9 montages with titles, actions, and dialogue transcripts for Bumpy in nighttime places while experiencing slapstick injuries:
Montage 1 - "Bumpy's Nighttime Park Pratfalls"
Title: Nighttime Park Shenanigans
Action: Bumpy visits a park at night.
Dialogue: Bumpy: "Moonlit adventures!"
Action: He stumbles over a park bench and lands in a pile of leaves.
Dialogue: Bumpy: "Leafy cushioning!"
Montage 2 - "Bumpy's Nightclub Nonsense"
Title: Nightclub Hilarity
Action: Bumpy goes to a nightclub for some dancing.
Dialogue: Bumpy: "Dance floor sensation!"
Action: He tries to dance but ends up tripping over his own feet and crashing into a disco ball.
Dialogue: Bumpy: "I just added some sparkle to the party."
Montage 3 - "Bumpy's Haunted House Hiccups"
Title: Haunted House Hysteria
Action: Bumpy visits a haunted house attraction at night.
Dialogue: Bumpy: "Spooky thrills await!"
Action: He gets startled by a fake ghost and runs headfirst into a wall.
Dialogue: Bumpy: "Ghostly encounters are scarier than I thought."
Montage 4 - "Bumpy's Nighttime Street Performer Spectacle"
Title: Street Performer Surprises, Night Edition
Action: Bumpy tries street performing in the city at night.
Dialogue: Bumpy: "Nighttime entertainment!"
Action: He attempts to juggle flaming torches but accidentally sets his own hat on fire.
Dialogue: Bumpy: "Hot tricks, literally!"
Montage 5 - "Bumpy's Moonlit Beach Mishaps"
Title: Moonlit Beach Blunders
Action: Bumpy visits the beach at night under the moonlight.
Dialogue: Bumpy: "Beach adventures under the stars!"
Action: He tries to build a sandcastle but collapses it on himself.
Dialogue: Bumpy: "I'm the sandcastle king… for a second."
Montage 6 - "Bumpy's Late-Night Restaurant Romp"
Title: Late-Night Diner Dilemmas
Action: Bumpy goes to a late-night diner for a meal.
Dialogue: Bumpy: "Midnight munchies!"
Action: He slips on a spilled milkshake and lands in a booth.
Dialogue: Bumpy: "I'll have a milkshake bath, please."
Montage 7 - "Bumpy's Movie Theater Madness"
Title: Midnight Movie Mayhem
Action: Bumpy attends a late-night movie at the theater.
Dialogue: Bumpy: "Cinematic escapades!"
Action: He tries to get to his seat in the dark but ends up sitting on someone's lap.
Dialogue: Bumpy: "I hope they don't mind sharing."
Montage 8 - "Bumpy's Midnight Library Lunacy"
Title: Midnight Library Laughs
Action: Bumpy visits a library late at night.
Dialogue: Bumpy: "Quiet reading time… or not."
Action: He knocks over a book cart, creating a loud crash and scattering books everywhere.
Dialogue: Bumpy: "Whoops, I just rewrote the Dewey Decimal System."
Montage 9 - "Bumpy's Rooftop Stargazing Slip-Up"
Title: Rooftop Stargazing Spills
Action: Bumpy goes to the rooftop to stargaze.
Dialogue: Bumpy: "Starry night magic!"
Action: He slips on a telescope stand and tumbles into a pile of stargazing equipment.
Dialogue: Bumpy: "I found a new constellation, the Bumpy Dipper."
I hope you enjoy these nighttime slapstick adventures with Bumpy! If you have more requests or need further assistance, feel free to ask.
Certainly! Here are the next 10 montages with titles, actions, and dialogue transcripts for Bumpy in nighttime places while experiencing slapstick injuries:
Montage 10 - "Bumpy's Nighttime Carnival Capers"
Title: Carnival Chaos After Dark
Action: Bumpy visits a nighttime carnival.
Dialogue: Bumpy: "Carnival thrills under the moon!"
Action: He tries to win a stuffed animal at a game booth but accidentally knocks down the entire booth.
Dialogue: Bumpy: "I guess I got the grand prize!"
Montage 11 - "Bumpy's Late-Night Bowling Blunders"
Title: Midnight Bowling Mayhem
Action: Bumpy goes late-night bowling with friends.
Dialogue: Bumpy: "Strikes and spares!"
Action: He slips on the bowling lane and slides into the pins.
Dialogue: Bumpy: "I'm the ultimate bowling ball!"
Montage 12 - "Bumpy's Nighttime Concert Catastrophe"
Title: Concert Chaos Under the Stars
Action: Bumpy attends a late-night outdoor concert.
Dialogue: Bumpy: "Rocking out in the moonlight!"
Action: He tries to dance but trips over a speaker cable and unplugs it.
Dialogue: Bumpy: "I brought the unplugged version!"
Montage 13 - "Bumpy's Late-Night Art Gallery Antics"
Title: Midnight Art Exhibition Escapades
Action: Bumpy explores an art gallery at night.
Dialogue: Bumpy: "Artistic adventures after hours!"
Action: He accidentally knocks over a sculpture, and it shatters.
Dialogue: Bumpy: "Modern art meets gravity."
Montage 14 - "Bumpy's Nighttime Park Bench Predicament"
Title: Park Bench Pranks, Nighttime Edition
Action: Bumpy sits on a park bench at night.
Dialogue: Bumpy: "Nighttime relaxation!"
Action: The bench collapses again, and Bumpy lands in a puddle.
Dialogue: Bumpy: "This bench has it out for me, even at night."
Montage 15 - "Bumpy's Nighttime Ghost Tour Gaffes"
Title: Ghost Tour Giggles
Action: Bumpy takes a nighttime ghost tour.
Dialogue: Bumpy: "Spooky stories and laughter!"
Action: He gets so spooked that he runs into a fake tombstone and falls over.
Dialogue: Bumpy: "Who needs ghosts when you have me?"
Montage 16 - "Bumpy's Nighttime Roller Rink Ruckus"
Title: Roller Rink Rampage, Night Edition
Action: Bumpy hits the nighttime roller rink.
Dialogue: Bumpy: "Roller disco under the stars!"
Action: He loses balance, crashes into the DJ booth, and the music stops (again).
Dialogue: Bumpy: "I'm a night owl roller."
Montage 17 - "Bumpy's Midnight Arcade Amusement"
Title: Arcade Antics After Dark
Action: Bumpy visits an arcade at midnight.
Dialogue: Bumpy: "Late-night gaming fun!"
Action: He tries to reach a prize in a claw machine but gets stuck inside (again).
Dialogue: Bumpy: "I guess I'm a late-night prize."
Montage 18 - "Bumpy's Nighttime Farmers Market Fiasco"
Title: Farmers Market Follies, Night Edition
Action: Bumpy returns to the farmers market for nighttime adventures.
Dialogue: Bumpy: "Nighttime harvest hilarity!"
Action: He accidentally releases fireflies from a jar, creating a glowing frenzy.
Dialogue: Bumpy: "Firefly rave!"
Montage 19 - "Bumpy's Midnight Street Performer Spectacle"
Title: Street Performer Surprises, Midnight Edition
Action: Bumpy continues street performing in the city at midnight.
Dialogue: Bumpy: "Midnight street magic!"
Action: He tries to juggle flaming torches again but ends up setting his own shoes on fire.
Dialogue: Bumpy: "Burning rubber, literally!"
I hope you enjoy these nighttime slapstick adventures with Bumpy! If you have more requests or need further assistance, feel free to ask.
Certainly! Here are the final 10 montages with titles, actions, and dialogue transcripts for Bumpy in nighttime places while experiencing slapstick injuries:
Montage 20 - "Bumpy's Midnight Hotel Hijinks"
Title: Midnight Hotel Mayhem
Action: Bumpy checks into a hotel at midnight.
Dialogue: Bumpy: "Late-night luxury!"
Action: He tries to open his room door but accidentally pulls the handle off.
Dialogue: Bumpy: "I guess I'll sleep in the hallway."
Montage 21 - "Bumpy's Late-Night Bowling Blunders"
Title: Midnight Bowling Mayhem, Part 2
Action: Bumpy returns for another round of late-night bowling.
Dialogue: Bumpy: "Strikes and spares, take two!"
Action: He slips on the bowling lane again and slides into the pins.
Dialogue: Bumpy: "I'm a repeat bowling ball!"
Montage 22 - "Bumpy's Rooftop Stargazing Slip-Up"
Title: Rooftop Stargazing Spills, Part 2
Action: Bumpy returns to the rooftop for more stargazing at midnight.
Dialogue: Bumpy: "Starry night encore!"
Action: He slips on the same telescope stand and tumbles into the same pile of stargazing equipment.
Dialogue: Bumpy: "Some things never change."
Montage 23 - "Bumpy's Midnight Art Gallery Antics"
Title: Midnight Art Exhibition Escapades, Part 2
Action: Bumpy revisits the art gallery for more nighttime adventures.
Dialogue: Bumpy: "Artistic encore after hours!"
Action: He accidentally knocks over another sculpture, creating a modern art disaster.
Dialogue: Bumpy: "I'm a gallery sensation."
Montage 24 - "Bumpy's Midnight Ghost Tour Gaffes"
Title: Ghost Tour Giggles, Part 2
Action: Bumpy joins another nighttime ghost tour.
Dialogue: Bumpy: "Spooky stories continue!"
Action: He gets scared again and crashes into the same fake tombstone.
Dialogue: Bumpy: "It's like déjà boo!"
Montage 25 - "Bumpy's Late-Night Farmers Market Fiasco"
Title: Farmers Market Follies, Midnight Edition
Action: Bumpy returns to the farmers market for more late-night shenanigans.
Dialogue: Bumpy: "Midnight harvest hilarity, part two!"
Action: He accidentally releases fireflies from another jar, creating a glowing frenzy (again).
Dialogue: Bumpy: "The night sky's disco!"
Montage 26 - "Bumpy's Midnight Street Performer Spectacle"
Title: Street Performer Surprises, Midnight Edition, Part 2
Action: Bumpy continues his midnight street performance in the city.
Dialogue: Bumpy: "Midnight magic, act two!"
Action: He tries to juggle flaming torches yet again and, unsurprisingly, sets his own hat on fire.
Dialogue: Bumpy: "Fireproof hat, anyone?"
Montage 27 - "Bumpy's Late-Night Roller Rink Ruckus"
Title: Roller Rink Rampage, Midnight Edition
Action: Bumpy returns to the roller rink for more late-night fun.
Dialogue: Bumpy: "Late-night roller disco!"
Action: He loses balance (again), crashes into the DJ booth (again), and the music stops (again).
Dialogue: Bumpy: "Midnight roller mishaps!"
Montage 28 - "Bumpy's Midnight Movie Theater Madness"
Title: Midnight Movie Mayhem, Part 2
Action: Bumpy revisits the late-night movie theater.
Dialogue: Bumpy: "Cinematic escapades, round two!"
Action: He tries to find his seat in the dark but ends up sitting on the same person's lap.
Dialogue: Bumpy: "Back by popular demand!"
Montage 29 - "Bumpy's Late-Night Carnival Capers"
Title: Carnival Chaos After Dark, Part 2
Action: Bumpy returns to the late-night carnival for more antics.
Dialogue: Bumpy: "Carnival thrills, midnight encore!"
Action: He tries to win another stuffed animal but accidentally knocks down the same game booth (again).
Dialogue: Bumpy: "I'm a carnival regular!"
Montage 30 - "Bumpy's Late-Night Music Concert Catastrophe"
Title: Late-Night Concert Chaos
Action: Bumpy attends another late-night outdoor concert.
Dialogue: Bumpy: "Rocking out under the moonlight again!"
Action: He tries to dance but trips over the same speaker cable (again) and unplugs it (again).
Dialogue: Bumpy: "I'm back with my unplugged hits!"
I hope you've enjoyed these nighttime slapstick
adventures with Bumpy! If you have more requests or need further assistance, feel free to ask.
0 notes
‘Kay, so
I really, really, REALLY want Oxventurer ghosts to show up in Blades in the Dark. And I have ideas for how it could happen.
All the Oxventurers’ ghosts would be tethered to different objects important to them and the reason they are still holding on to the mortal plane is because they are all separated from each other. Due to ghosts being unable to leave the mortal plane in the time that Blades in the Dark takes place, even if reunited, they would still be trapped on the mortal plane.
They would be some of the oldest ghosts in G’eth, as they were either A) some of the first souls to be kept from the astral plane or B) were already staying as ghosts before the thing that’s stopping ghosts from leaving happened. These are dependent on whether they cause the thing/during their lifetime the thing was caused or if that happened later in history.
Corazón would be tethered to the super-strength bracelets (so when the two are brought together, his ghost will form) or, personal favourite, he’d be tethered to the Joyful Damnation. He’d be a literal ghost ship! And like, it would show up in the harbour one day, and the BITD crew (probably Lilith and Edvard) would have to go aboard, and it would be a whole ‘exploring the spooky ghost ship’ episode where they’d have to try to figure out what’s going on and also avoid traps and ghost attacks. And the whole time, they’re trying to get to, like, the captains quarters or something. And once they finally do, everything turns into a ghostly tornado of stuff flying around them. Then Lilith would basically yell/ask the ghost what it wanted or say that they were here to help or something, and then everything would stop and drop to the floor as Corazón’s spirit appears and it would be super cool! I feel like Andy would love that.
Dob would, obviously, be tethered to his lute. And! It’d be at the very bottom of a super deep lake in/near Volesport. Like, a mythically deep lake. They’d have to use a submarine to dive down to the bottom to retrieve it and could encounter some… interesting creatures along the way, wink wink. Edvard would most definitely be involved with this one, cuz submarine, duh. There could be a little tunnel leading to a cave with a pocket of air, and the lute would be in a ghost-proof box (to keep Dob in), on a pedestal there.
Merilwen would be tethered to her bow, or to a forest. If she was tethered to the bow, the bow would be considered an expensive and beautiful antique, so some noble or rich dude would probably own it and have it on display in their house. But then there’d be strange occurrences surrounding the bow and it’d get passed off to someone else. The BITD crew would be asked to help, either because they’re an antiques store or because someone would ask for ghost help from Lilith, or maybe both. Either way, Lilith and, maybe, Barnaby would go to check it out. The noble would give them a tour of the house and then finally show them the room where everything’s been happening. They’d say that they suspect that the bow was the issue/that the strange things had been happening since they got the bow then leave the crew to fix it. Ghost shenanigans ensue, including chasing a ghost cat (aka Merilwen in cat form) around. Lilith eventually coaxes Merilwen’s ghost out into view and talks to her and asks her to stop. Merilwen wouldn’t like that and would basically say that she wouldn’t stop until she got what she wanted. Lilith would ask what she wanted and Merilwen would 1) ask to stop being bought/passed around by nobles and just hung on a wall and 2) say she wanted to be reunited with her friends. Lilith would ask the noble if they could take the bow, and the noble would either be willing to just give it away to get the thing out of their house or the crew/the crew’s ally would have to buy it.
If Merilwen was haunting a forest or a specific tree/treehouse (her childhood home?). The people who were supposed to be cutting down that chunk of trees would report strange occurrences, like seeing a ghost cat walking through the trees, glaring at them, before disappearing, or tools going missing, or machines breaking mysteriously overnight. The company would only call on the ghost department of the university when a worker was nearly killed by one of these strange occurrences (and also an expensive piece of machinery was exploded). Lilith would be asked to check it out, etc. etc.
Prudence would probably be tethered to a Grimoire or a Cthulian artifact of some kind. Either way, spooky, old, cursed thing. It’d probably be found somewhere spooky by an archeologist and sent to a museum or got collected by some noble, where she would almost immediately begin to wreak havoc/terrify all of the people around. The crew would either have to steal the thing (cuz valuable) or the ghost uni would send Lilith to deal with it. It’d probably be a Lilith and Zillah mission.
Egbert would be tethered to the True Polymorph mace, which would no longer be magical, but would be super haunted. Eleanor would ask the crew to get it, cuz it used to be magic, without knowing/telling them that the mace was also super haunted. It would probably be a Barnaby and Lilith mission. I think they’d have to steal it from somewhere or something, maybe a super rich dude who also has the right stuff to contain ghosts and likes old relics. Maybe he’s having a party at his house and/or is showing off a new relic he received recently.
Anyways, I’ve had that in my head for a while. Sorry that it’s so long ^^; I got really into it •v• Enjoy the ramblings lol
( @outsidexboxofficial )
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lexicals · 4 years
Liner notes for An Echo, An Answer
Okay let's give this a go I guess? I may add more to this if I remember things too lol
Fair warning this is an exceedingly long post. It has ~subheadings~ (ooh). These cover: 
Fun Facts
Notes about mira
Notes on actual writing/plot
Post-canon tidbits (to be supplemented by actual post-canon oneshot coming maybe not soon but definitely at some point probably)
Needless to say this contains some BIG OL’ SPOILERS. Please enjoy o:
Some general Fun Facts™:
When I posted the first few chapters of this fic, I didn't have a fucking clue where it was going. I didn't even know how kravitz died until I'd already posted like 10 chapters lmao. This was a stressful way to write and I am never doing that again
In terms of inspo, I remember there being a fic in which taako was a ghost and kravitz was a medium (if anyone knows what fic this is PLEASE tell me I cannot find it) and I think I subconsciously took inspiration from this. Also I’d already written a vampire au and I wanted more undead boyfriend shenanigans, I looove playing with the liminal aspects of kravitz being a dead-but-not-dead character
There was a goof version of this fic where kravitz wasn't from the 1900s at all and died in like. The early 2000s or something. He died having come back from/at a costume party, people assumed he was an actual ye olde victorian ghost, and he decided to just lean into it. Cue fake accent. This was scrapped mainly because I loved the ‘sleepy hollow’-esque man-out-of-time shenanigans way too much and also because I know very little about the early-2000s US but do you know what I do know a moderate amount about? 1900s england
I have not read the cask of amontillado and I did not know what it was until seeing the memes, which was after I wrote the basement body twist. I just wanted to have a cheesy secret basement behind a bookcase c'mon it's a murder mystery in an old spooky house let me have this
Anyone who's followed my content for a while probably knows that I'm a big trans kravitz stan, but I dithered over making him trans in this fic a Lot. This was mostly down to self-doubt abt a story ft. a trans man living as his preferred gender in that time period would be deemed "unrealistic" but in the end I said fuck it I want this & I think that was the correct move. Also I read a fair bit about absolute legend dr james barry & that made me a bit more confident about committing to the decision bc these people did exist & they deserve their rep
You may notice that all of the major OCs created for this fic are women. This was an accident but also I stand by it bc I think it helps to balance out the fact that so much of the ‘screentime’ is being dominated by the male leads (inc. angus, who probably has the 3rd most screentime after taako & krav). They’re also all just, absolutely indomitable people. I have a type when it comes to OCs. Speaking of:
Notes on mira:
Mira was very much a character created to serve a purpose, but she ended up becoming a lot more than that and I'm glad people warmed up to her while reading as much as I did while writing. She wasn't going to have anywhere near as much screen time initially as she did in the end but I just loved her & how her relationship with kravitz turned out so much that I ended up writing a bunch of snippets with the two of them just for me, which eventually turned into the fragment chapters because I wanted to share how gd cute they were. Also they ended up being pretty useful for plot too lol
She and flossy were actually kind of the same character to begin with, being kravitz's best friend who he lived with in a kind of lavender marriage with neither of them interested in the other but being happy enough being friends & pretending. I scrapped this pretty early for a lot of reasons but she was still the cause of his death in that version, whether or not she actively killed him. I think there was a gambling debts element at some point
Whatever iteration of the story, she was always going to be the cause of death. I ruled out actual murder pretty early on because I didn't want to tell a story about a gay, black trans man getting murdered in cold blood in his own home, which in a ghost story only really leaves manslaughter, and an accidental killing by a loved one was an idea that followed pretty hot on the heels of that decision - it's very sad, but there's no hatred behind it, so it's not too outright depressing for what is most likely an audience with a high population of marginalised people. That bittersweetness of tone - sad events, but almost always with loving intentions behind or around them - ended up being a real touchstone for the story as a whole
In terms of post-canon content for her, or I guess just stuff that wasn't mentioned in-fic lol, my idea of how her life played out is that she was a pretty solid pillar of her community for a very long time. She took what kravitz said about thinking about what she wanted to add to the world very much to heart, and her answer was for her to be to as many kids and vulnerable people as possible what kravitz was to her. Obviously in the end she poured a lot of herself into helping others out of guilt for having killed a man who she likely remembered a little rose-tinted, but the intent was always there before that too
I don't know how much this came across in the actual text but mira is mixed race (Black/white), though she is Black-coded in terms of how people see and respond to her (please tell me if I’m using these terms incorrectly). I downplayed a lot of the racial elements of this fic bc I don’t feel like it’s my place as a white writer to delve into those areas, but it is an element of her story that ties into anti-miscegenation laws and general societal attitudes and I didn’t just want to entirely gloss over those aspects, bc that wouldn’t be right of me either, so I can only hope the balance ended up working here, and for kravitz’s story too. I did a lot of the writing for mira’s story before even really thinking about this angle which is something I’ve learnt from now bc oh boy should I have thought about it sooner lmao........
Anyway. I love her. I’m very glad that other people love her too
In terms of story writing:
I used to watch A LOT of crime dramas when I was younger, and got so familiar with the structure of them that I used to predict who the killer was going to be about a quarter of the way into them almost every time. Most of the time the killer is someone introduced early on as someone fairly innocuous, but still notable, before the narrative doubles down on a red herring suspect who's proven innocent about 3/4 of the way through, paving the way for the real twist killer. You see where I took my base structure from here
So, mira is introduced early on as someone important to kravitz, who was involved in his life (& death) somehow, but in general she's more suggested to be a victim than a culprit - because of course she is, she’s a child and she loves him! I'm only just realising now that this is a "person of interest" style plot twist here. (Remember what I said about the crime dramas? Just so many of them.) But then in the end she suffered just as much as anyone else, so I guess you could say she's both a victim and a culprit, even by accident.......
Structurally I'm actually really happy with how this turned out. In my head (BECAUSE OH BOY I DID NOT WRITE ANY OF THIS DOWN! Or at least not in a coherent way) the story was split into three mini arcs - the enemies section ending with the kitchen blowout, the friends section ending with the the bay window scene, and the lovers section which covers the rest of the fic. This ended up integrating really well with the main mysteries/pulls of the story - the first being the will-they-won't-they (they will, it’s fanfiction, but how?) of the romance element, and then once that's tapering off starting to dig more into the murder mystery element, which had been more of a subplot up until then, while the romance moves onto the back burner a little bit. The dual genre was an interesting challenge to try to balance and I think it turned out pretty well!
While I'm on this, setting up my breadcrumb trails for the plot twists was simultaneously very stressful and very rewarding. Trying to keep things obvious enough to be noted but subtle enough not to give the whole game away? Gave me so many headaches lmao. I actually thought for sure that some people would twig about the body in the cellar sooner than ch42, but then actually in ch42 way more people picked up on fisher's sniffing around than I expected. Clues are hard!! But at the same time seeing the handful of people who called mira as an adoptive daughter, or the fact that krav fell down the stairs, or the fact that mira's og parents were involved was very cool and it made me very happy to see people picking up the little stuff and putting it together
Something else that a couple of people have noted & that I only realised in the process of writing was the fact that a lot of kravitz's ghostliness in this fic has the potential to be read as an allegory for chronic illness/disability. This was something I only caught onto myself while I was writing the scene on the porch at the end of ch42 when I was writing kravitz's dialogue and was like..... oh shit that's a thing huh. Bc he is, y'know, quite literally housebound and limited in what he can do in a lot of ways, which is part of the reason I really tried to hammer home in that chapter that even though the fic ends with him being 'cured' (because that ending was always the intention from day one before I ever thought about this reading), they would have been happy together regardless. Love is not conditional!
Post-canon thoughts:
Taako and kravitz go into the house. Kravitz says oh my god what is that smell. Taako says he made blueberry pie earlier. Kravitz says okay we're putting bedroom fun times on hold I need that RIGHT NOW
Kravitz eats way too much too fast and spends the rest of the afternoon curled up on the sofa with a horrible stomach ache. He is not used to that much rich food. Taako is not impressed with this
He rolls his eyes and they watch a movie and talk instead and get to the bedroom fun times later
On the topic of food you Know krav ends up with a bit of a tummy from taako spoiling him. He looks & feels great and taako loves how comfy he is
Also on the topic of bodies I think krav does a lot of experimenting initially with what feels good now that he has a lot more freedom in presentation. He likes to mess with his hair a lot. Dresses and skirts are still a bad feel but a little makeup is fun sometimes. Kravitz living his best undeath 2k18 (I took so long to finish this fic it’s set 2 years ago now lmaoooo)
Kravitz lets taako drive him somewhere exactly Once before vowing NEVER AGAIN taako's driving privileges are REVOKED kravitz is going to get magnus to teach him to drive instead.
Taako says what the hell are you gonna do if you get pulled over you are a hundred and thirty and also dead you can't get a license. (He could get him a fake one, but he's not going to, because he's being petty about kravitz insulting his driving.) Kravitz says fine show me yours then. Taako says no but kravitz steals it anyway. A minute later he’s produced his own undoubtedly fake license out of nowhere complete with a fake DOB and a very nice picture
Taako says gasp kravitz that's ILLEGAL. Also you know you have to make this picture worse if you want it to be convincing right
Kravitz starts giving angus music lessons. Angus isn’t a natural by any means but he works hard and that gets him a long way
Maybe it's weird to start with barry but the poor man has to have a sit down. He has so many questions. Kravitz what is the afterlife like it's fine you can tell him just give him a hint please and also can he maybe get like. A blood sample or something. No that's not weird it's for science what are you talking about taako bring him back
Kravitz is fully expecting lup to wreck his shit, and she acts like she's going to right up until she's close enough to give him a big ol hug instead. She says she missed him a lot & that he's much nicer to hug now that he's not a freezy boy, and kravitz goes ;_;
It's a very tight hug though. In some ways it is still a punishment
Also could he maybe hook her up with this death goddess of his? Lup would like to be immortal too, kravitz. Kravitz can you get a resume to your boss and could you write lup a reference while you're at it
Angus!! He’s so happy to have his other uncle back!! There’s a new caleb cleveland book he needs to read so they can talk about it!! All of this after a lot of crying and hugging.
I think at some point they do go over to visit mira’s descendants. Taako says hi remember me? I brought my boyfriend to visit! Unnamed great great grandchild #1 is like um he looks kind of familiar. Kravitz says well yes there is kind of a reason for that and it’s because I’m in that picture on the wall over there, hi I’m your great great grandfather nice to meet you
The family is a little weirded out by this at first but eventually they’re like. Well alright I guess do you want a coffee
Kravitz says yes please god do you know how many people keep offering me tea
He babysits for the youngest ones sometimes. The kids love him and the adults are happy to give him stories in exchange for his time, seeing as that’s all he asks for
Taako says ask them for money and contribute to this household kravitz. Kravitz says absolutely not they’re family and you’re already getting my youtube ad revenue
Yes kravitz has a youtube channel and is also very involved in the local music scene. He can’t do anything that would technically be classed as interfering with the flow of the living world but no-one said he can’t anonymously share some of his music here and there
Johann gets him a gig conducting for his orchestra every now and then. Kravitz is fucking ecstatic and finally gets to conduct some of his own pieces in front of an audience. Maybe they actually get to that biography johann mentioned at some point. Idk I haven’t thought about that part too much
Okay I wrote WAY more than I meant to here but I hope at least some of it was interesting and feel free to ask me questions if there are elements I’ve missed off of here that you want to hear more about! (Bearing in mind some of the answers may be “actual post canon content coming soon/later” lol.) As you can tell I have a lot of things to say about this fic & I’m always more than happy to hear that people are interested!! o:
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roseverdict · 5 years
msa au where everything's the same except lewis saw arthur's whole face in the Cave™ when he fell
this is most definitely a legitimate idea i had and not at all my rehyperfixation suplexing me into Emotions™ until i come up with a way to get some shenanigans and happy times with the gang
he's aware that Something Went Screwy™ (idk if he knows exactly what at first, but he knows it's there) from the get-go and doesn't go directly into "IM GONNA KILL YOU ARTHUR" mode
vivi's memory is still wonky, arthur's still down an arm, lewis is still a ghost, they just. don't have Animosity Based Upon Misinformation™
arthur still freaks out (heh) over running into lewis, but mostly bc He's Had Enough Dealings With Supernatural Entities Of Immeasurable Power For One Lifetime, Thank You, even before he realizes it's lewis and has everything click into place
idk if vivi would get her memory back or how it'd work, but without the threat of imminent destruction hanging over their heads, she's a lot more prone to poking and prodding at lewis ("arthur his hair is like fire but it doesn't burn!!!")
mystery's still, well, a mystery, so idk if this little twist would really change much about him at all skdhsjxbdkd
probably the biggest change would be lewis. knowing his best friend had no intentional hand in his death probably helped his mental state in some ways (no feelings of betrayal, broken trust, or The Immense Burning Hatred One Feels For An Ex-Friend), but probably not in others. (arthur was being CONTROLLED and lewis couldn't do anything to HELP HIM and vivi was there and WHAT IF ARTHUR'S STILL POSSESSED)
this would probably change the way he looks a little bit. if he's not thinking of arthur as a backstabber and vivi as someone he still cares for, he likely wouldn't go and make a spooky mansion for the express purpose of scaring the living daylights out of arthur and entrancing vivi.
consider: lewis is a ghost. by definition, he is spooky. but lewis is also a good friend, and he knows that while vivi likes the supernatural, arthur is easily frightened. conclusion: he leaves enough clues for vivi to piece together that Something Is Going On That Isn't Exactly Following The Known Laws Of Reality, but instead of going the haunted house route, he's just. waiting for them to show up wherever he made his base of operations. "so uh. hi guys please don't freak out but-!"
and idk if msa-verse ghosts are all just Like That, with the bouncy skulls and the dapper suits and the exposed ribs, but i think lewis would be more willing to tone down the ghostliness, what with Not Being Swept Up In Righteous Fury And Plotting His Revenge, and also so they (or at least arthur) can recognize him instead of being "ah hello there strange spirit"
but anyway arthur is still understandably terrified, and it takes both vivi ("come on dude he's super-chill for a ghost!") and lewis ("arthur my guy i saw what you were fighting in the cave, it may've been your arm but it's not your fault and i don't blame you") to calm him down, at which point we can get down to The Fluff And The Hugs
but because i can't just leave them alone, lewis is still angry at his murderer, he just Actually Knows what happened. so clearly the next course of action is to have the mystery skulls go search out ??? and kick its butt (shoulder? elbow???)
i haven't really thought any of this out and i've thought out even less of whatever would come next so i'm just gonna cut it off here skdhskxbskdjs
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sloshed-cinema · 5 years
The Changeling (1980)
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This ghost definitely read the “How to Haunt a House” manual from cover to cover.  Peter Medak’s The Changeling delivers all of the ghostly tropes you could hope for in a satisfying, simple package.  Every element of the creepiness can ultimately be traced to an aspect of the tragedy that brought about the haunting, and the investigation of the supernatural has just enough corniness to keep things interesting.  Medak paves the way for the likes of Guillermo del Toro’s Devil’s Backbone and others in this tale of personal loss and the lingering consequences of murder.
 Just as much of a treat as the spooky shenanigans is the treatment of Seattle, The Changeling’s primary setting.  It’s an interesting time capsule of an earlier period, capturing the rapidly transforming city both downtown and in its older neighborhoods. Sure, there are apartments and office towers springing up willy-nilly these days, but that weird fucking beaver project of the Rainier Tower is eternal.
Select either the BALL or the WHEELCHAIR and sip whenever it appears onscreen.
Someone says ‘1909’.
John Russell starts to work at the piano.
Disembodied voices are heard.
The attic room door opens or closes.
Someone starts or stops a recording.
Rhythmic banging begins.
Flashback sequence.
Someone begins to orate in some fashion.
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hyperioncitypd · 6 years
could you like, compile a list of podcasts you listen to? basically so i can treat it like a recommendation list, because our tastes clearly overlap (penumbra, taz...) but i don't recognize every podcast you reblog about. i always need more stuff to listen to
oh my holy super shit i never got a notification for this i am so sorry
this got super long, so it’s broken into three sections (caught up with/working on/it’s on my list), with the second two sections under the cut. everything’s been annotated with descriptions, though at some point i’d like to do a more formalized rec list with content and warning tags.
caught up with/listening as it updates (alphabetically):
alice isn’t dead - night vale presents, a woman becomes a trucker to search for her missing wife and ends up discovering a ghostly horror conspiracy
the adventure zone - mcelroy brothers + their dad play dnd and other roleplaying podcasts, v funny and sweet
alba salix, royal physician - one grouchy woman must handle the medical needs of an entire kingdom, because her two assistants sure aren’t gonna help
the bridge - in an alternate timeline, we built a bridge across the atlantic. the monsters that live in the ocean weren’t too happy about it.
the bright sessions - psychics probably need therapy, and the government wants to use that as a weakness.
eos 10 - more medical comedy shenanigans, but on a space station. very silly, lot of sexual humor
the far meridian - an agoraphobic young woman lives in a mysterious travelling lighthouse. this one is just incredible
inkwyrm - fashion magazine office comedy, on a space station! many of the lgbtq+s
otherverse - propaganda from our new alien overlords
the penumbra podcast - a couple of different shows, but the two primary ones are a sad bisexual nonbinary detective in the cyberpunk martian future, and a whole cast of knights in a medieval fantasy cop dramedy
the strange case of starship iris - procyon podcast network, the only survivor of a mysterious spaceshipwreck must learn to trust a bunch of criminals, and stop trusting the government
thrilling adventure hour - several shows in one, including married alcoholic ghostbusters, your space western hero is a cop and acts like a deadpan toddler, catchphrase superheroes, and others. a super long runner, went for like ten years. did a crossover with wtnv at one point.
under pressure - procyon podcast network, a doctor of literature is assigned to both philosophy and socializing in an underwater station with a bunch of scientists
welcome to night vale - night vale presents, spooky news from a friendly desert community
within the wires - night vale presents, lesbian cassette tapes from an alternate timeline where families were banned in order to promote peace
wolf 359 - a bunch of strong personalities, trapped on a space station together, and also there’s a big conspiracy. very funny dramedy
wooden overcoats - two funeral homes compete for monopoly rights in a small english village. the rest of the village has its own shenanigans going on.
working on:
ars paradoxica - a physicist’s work goes horribly awry, and she is pulled back in time to wwii, and eventually the cold war.
girl in space - there’s a girl, alone on a space station. eventually, she is less alone.
jim robbie and the wanderers - a group of friends travel through a fantastical postapocalyptic wasteland.
kakos industries - the shareholder announcements from a corporation that is helping you Do Evil Better.
the lost cat podcast - a man searches for his cat. on the way, he finds all manner of horrors.
love and luck - gay australians use phone messages to plan all their dates.
lucyd - a young woman has bad dreams. through the power of magic, she also eventually has a bad reality. 
mabel - the carer for an elderly woman is trying to get ahold of her charge’s granddaughter, mabel. but there’s magic about, and some things should not be messed with.
misadventure by death - the new groundskeeper for a historical site finds the place to be Super Duper Haunted.
saffron and peri - what if fairy godmothers worked out of a call center?
spines - i’ll be honest, i don’t really know what’s going on yet, but the narrator’s voice is top, and it has a very desert-y horror aesthetic, so i’m into it.
station to station - procyon podcast network. shortly before a research cruise, a scientist’s work partner and best friend goes missing. there’s a mystery afoot.
steal the stars - alien government conspiracy, from the point of view of the government. also, so far, gets major points for genderflipping the traditional trope of Grizzled Older Tough Soldier Man and Nubile Young Female New Coworker.
tides - a biologist researcher has been stranded on an alien planet, and records her findings as she looks for shelter and awaits rescue.
what’s the frequency - another one where i don’t know quite what’s happening yet, but there’s a horror mystery afoot!
hoping to get to soon (i have no idea what any of these are, so they’re not annotated):
crossing wires
fall of the house of sunshine
friends at the table
greater boston
join the party
kalila stormfire’s economical magick services
lake clarity
lesser gods
the magnus archives
the once and future nerd
we fix space junk
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wendyalice-archive · 7 years
Classicaloid OC
(I do not have art skills so I cannot draw him but I do have this little moron and may one day add him into something, sometime, somewhere, so here he is. XD)
Name: Alexander Scriabin
Other Handle He Goes By: “Lord and Creator of Unending Darkness and loyal servant to the Dark Gods.”
People who call him that outside of himself: 0
Birthday: December 25
Physical Age: 17
---- Hair: Chestnut Brown but wears a black wig (He won’t die his hair).
---- Hair Length: Natural hair dusts his shoulders but the wig goes down to his waist.
------ Eye Color: Silver-Gray. He tries and fails to get red eyed contacts, mostly because he scares vendors away by being creepy.
------ Eye Bandage: Will sometimes cover up his left eye, no real reason other than it’s connected to Chunnibiyo/Occult style.
------- Height: 5′7
------ Weight: 140 pounds
------ Extra Nonsense: He has very pale, ghostly skin and takes great pride in it. He will leave the house with an umbrella if it’s too sunny or put on his very thick, black cloak to maintain it. He takes great care of his hair (some lingering personality to the actual Scriabin) which is why he won’t die his hair. His nails are usually well taken care of and, while he’d like them to be longer and more claw like, he has conceded to the fact that he needs to be able play piano, so he needs to make sure they’re short enough so he won’t break them. Also, he likes to bless the “Dark And Terrible Gods” for the fact that, in this life, he was given longer, spindly hands instead of the small ones he had in his previous life.
Personality: An Occult loving fanatic, Scriabin remembers his incarnated self with some form of clarity. Through his more powerful memories surround the mysticism of his old life, which he has taken to mean he must the fulfill the destiny his old life couldn’t: Create the End of the World through song. However, unlike his predecessor, he is unfortunately very enamored with the Gothic culture and spends most of his time looking into most of it along with Occult teachings and chasing Cryptids around, forgoing any progress on finishing Mysterium.
He is rather crazed with his hobbies but is a rather nice person. If you can look past his rather morbid fascinations, he mostly desires to be close to these darker interest to be close to his old life, in a somewhat misguided way. If you happen to be in his presence for a while, he’ll try to give you little things or tell you some of his more recent findings in spooky folklore. If you spend enough time, he’s something like a cat, he’ll hand you little dead things or creepy souvenirs as tokens of his affection. He is very friendly and likes hanging out with people....it’s just people don’t necessarily like hanging out with him.
History: Unknown as of yet. He figures he was another Classicaloid created by Kyogo but he seems to not have any memories of that....
What Kind of tenant would he be at the Otowa house: He would engage in all the events with the group, mostly because for being Occult Fanatic, he does like being outgoing a bit, as long as he can “slink back into the darkness”, and would get into the usual shenanigans of the rest. He does pay the rent....but not the full rent. He can’t seem to find a job, and in some places he’s tried, because he usually scares the employers or actual customers. He does find money on the ground a lot, or he finds things while he’s out looking for ghosts, so he will pay Kanae half the rent accumulated from all his findings or in the somewhat valuable things he finds. Kanae is not thrilled but at least he pays something.
Clothing: His usual black cloak although he does wear some gothic lolita he’s been able to find??? No one’s really sure how he found it, but he exclusively wears it only around the house. When he’s out, he tends to wear a plain black shirt and pants, some running shoes as well in case he’s gotta chase some lovely critters.
Musik Style: Electroswing.
Musik Color: Oddly enough, an Eerie pink-purple color. He hates it at first but accepts it after a while.
Musik Phrase: Пусть моя темная музыка пробудит демонов (Which Google translate swears to be the Russian Translation of “Let my dark music awaken the demons.”)
EDIT: Musik Ability: He of course has the usual stand ability that I’ve mentioned in my own theories (His happen to be Demons that jump from people’s heads in one of his Musik scenes) but his main ability is Digestive Assimilation through Dark Matter constructs (Yes even the ability has an edgy title.) Essentially, different Musiks have him create different Dark Energy Constructs that, for lack of a better way to explain, “eat” things. In the story down below, he played Flammes sombres (Avec une grâce dolente) which essentially had him create Dark Matter balls that touched the tools the Vandals brought and “ate them.” Obviously this scared the vandals pretty good.
Extra Trivia:
------- He was once able to pay his rent in full when, in the summer, he was hired to help with someone’s “test of courage” attraction. It became hugely popular and he actually made friends with the man who ran it and his wife. They treated him well and when some vandals were going to wreck it, he defended it and gave a lovely Musik event to save them. The couple was extrememly grateful and sort of thought Scriabin was a ghost himself? XD But eventually summer came to an end and they had to pack up, but they promised to a rather teary Scriabin that they would invite him back next summer. Scriabin promised himself that when he ended the world, he would definitely make sure they ascended to heaven first.
------- Disappointed he can’t grow facial hair. At all. Sometimes, when he feels particularly bad, he’ll wear a fake one and pretend. It’s also black like his wig and is a handlebar mustache because he is a ridiculous, dramatic child.
------ Would 100% date any creature, monster, or phantom. Gender is not a factor. For regular humans, gender is still not a factor but they must “WISH TO BE ONE WITH THE NIGHT AND JOIN THE DARK FORCES AND THEIR HELLISH CRUSADE.”
------- Reads Horror stories and Gothic literature in his spare time. He would play horror games if he wasn’t terrible at them (which is what happens when you run TOWARDS the monster, you bloody moron)
------- He screams and cackles a lot, it’s not really to be spooky though. He’s just a loud boy.
------- Paints his nails and will put make up on sometimes, depending if he feels like it.
------ Speaking of, he cares deeply about his appearance to odd degrees. His clothes can look like he rolled out of bed, but he brushes his wig and cleans his face and keeps his hair underneath, nice and washed and healthy.
EDIT: ------- Added due to some fun shenanigans had because of the Classicaloid OC discord, if you’re a force of darkness, he is an anime masochist for you.
May add more later, maybe a picture if I’m not deeply embarrassed over my artwork. So this is my loser, he is a loser.
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petepepsi · 7 years
My First Fanfiction (AKA: Why Did I Think of This When I was Nine Years Old What the Heck)
A bit of background first:
When I was in like 3rd/4th/5th grade, Phineas and Ferb was the greatest thing in the entire world (followed by Smash Bros and pumpkin pie, respectively). I loved that show more than anything ever.
During this point in my life, I also discovered ~*~the internet~*~. Once on ~*~the internet~*~, it was rather inevitable that I would look up Phineas and Ferb on Google Image Search.
One glorious day, I found a picture I really liked. So, wanting to get a better look, I clicked on it. It was at that point that I discovered something that would change my life forever.
KictserAsh on Deviantart. AKA imaginashon on tumblr, but little wee baby Skyler didn’t know what Tumblr was (thank god). AKA: Literally the Biggest Inspiration in my Whole Damn Life. (and now they work on mml ain’t that neat)
I went through their ENTIRE Phineas and Ferb gallery, loving every single piece. I also found some of their written work, and oh boy you bet little Skyler LOVED that.
So I read like everything on their account. And those stories inspired me. They still do, actually (and so does their art everything they make is really good you should go look at their blog/gallery please).
So here’s where we get into the fanfiction (adding a readmore b/c this is about the get REALLY LONG)
TW: talk of death, and swearing.
To put this story into EXTREMELY simple terms, the plot goes as follows: (sidenote: characters are like 16 in this) Ferb dies, and Phineas’s friends help him get back on his feet afterwards (along with a more supernatural friend).
Now, you’re probably thinking: “Skyler, that’s not too weird of a fanfiction.”
That’s where you’re wrong, but I’ll get to that later.
You see, the story begins at Ferb’s funeral (loosely inspired by the fact that I had recently gone to a funeral, so this was pretty legit). Very well-described, from what I remember. The family gave little speeches, it was nice.
Then, the next chapter was Phineas at home (alone) in his room at like four in the morning. This was when we found out how Ferb died. It was some kind of industrial accident (a giant machine fell on him yikes). It was the “project of the day” that P and F were working on that caused Ferb to fuckin die. This part I remember the least about when it comes to the specifics, but I do remember reading it over again in 7th grade (before the computer I wrote this on became deader than Ferb) and thinking that the scene sounded “vaguely like someone contemplating suicide, but in a more child-friendly way.”
The next chapter took place about a week later, from the perspective of Phineas’s friends (Baljeet, Buford, Isabella, and Django i don’t know why Django was there instead of any other character shut up) They were all going to visit Phineas, because “he hadn’t left his house in over a week” and, apparently, that was very unlike him. So they go up to the house, and there’s a tiny little description of the backyard, where, I shit you not, I wrote: “There was still blood on the grass.”
So cut to later that chapter, and Phin’s pals are trying to help him out, but he’s having none of it. He locked himself in his room, and won’t talk to anyone (except in depressed sighs).
Here comes the best scene of the whole story.
So during this part, Baljeet is very quiet, and I certainly made sure everyone was aware of that (I was never subtle, but then again I was eight). Eventually, Isabella and them give up, and Baljeet gets fucking piiiiissed. In a shocking display of strength, Baljeet BREAKS DOWN THE DOOR IN A FIT OF RAGE. And that’s where the chapter ends.
I can’t remember what happened in the next chapter (I believe it was some silly ghostly shenanigans with Ferb  even back then, i was a “master of comedy”), but the one after that was where the plot happened.
So, being a fourth grader, I had at this point in my life discovered “Ouija Boards.” And little Skyler thought that was so cool, until her mom told her a really spooky story about Ouija Boards, which deeply traumatized little Skyler. Little Skyler, having no way to express her emotions other than writing, decided to use this terrifying experience and turn it into something “nice.”
So the gang uses a Ouija Board to chat with ghost Ferb (never thought I’d write that sentence), and things go all right for a bit.
Key words: a bit.
So Django and Co. leave, and Phineas is home alone once again. Well… he’s not really alone.
Phin grabs the Ouija Board, and (breaking the ONLY RULE GOD DAMMIT PHIN) uses it alone.
Here is where we meet the coolest motherfucker ever. His name?
I have no idea.
I wrote this a long time ago, and his name must’ve been pretty dumb for me to push it out of my mind like that.
For the sake of convenience, his name is Todd (b/c why not).
Now Todd was my first ever OC. He's a ghost who wishes to return to the human realm. I remember him looking like "a strange eight-foot tall vaguely humanoid figure with four ribbon-like appendages protruding from his back. His body was completely black, aside from his eyes which took on the appearance of glittering rubies. Aside from the eyes, his entire body looked to be made of pen scribbles, like someone had scribbled over a picture of someone they disliked and then transformed it into a 3-D image.“
Now, you’re probably thinking, “How the heck was Todd going to return to the human realm?” Well, according to my made-up ghost rules, all he needed was a willing host. The “host" offers you their soul, and you take it, giving you not only a physical form, but a slave for all of eternity! It’s a pretty swell deal, tbh.
So Todd, posing as Ferb (reminder that poor lil Phin can’t see the Eldritch monstrosity that he’s communicating with), tries to convince Phineas to give him his soul (using very different terms).
It’s sorta like “Oh hey yeah, you’re sad, but you can fix everything. You can save me. Then everything will be normal again.” And Phineas, being the “uwu innocent naïve cinnamon roll” totally believes him.
Phineas is about to accept “Ferb”’s deal, when suddenly - WHOOSH! The lil Ouija disk thing flies out of his hand (and out the window), and the board flies up and slams down against the floor (as if someone threw it down there hint hint), shattering on impact.
Now, Phineas is fucking distraught over this, but instead of exploring that shit, I zoomed on over to the next chapter.
Chapter six seven who gives a fuck, begins before the previous chapter, and takes place from Ferb’s perspective (because I remembered that he was a character who existed).
So Ghost Ferb (Gerb? Fost?) is chillin and thinkin about ghost shit, when he “senses the Ouija Board being activated” (b/c that’s a thing ghosts can do). Ferb, thinking “Phineas what the shit you broke the only fucking rule goddammit,” goes to make sure no other spirits are fucking shit up, when lo and behold…
So Ferb doesn’t immediately rush in, he stands outside the door thinking, “Who’s this bloke and what does he think he’s doing? I’m gonna go all medieval on his metaphysical ass.”
Ferb listens to his plan (which he is saying out loud because he’s the bad guy), and thinks “Phineas isn’t gonna fall for this.” Then, he hears Phineas agree and he’s like “WHAT THE FUCK, PHINEAS” and then runs in and using his extremely inconsistent influence on the material world, throws the Ouija disk out the window and smashes the board on the floor.
As one could assume, this makes Todd fuckin pissed. However, instead of beating the shit out of Ghost Ferb (b/c really, what would that accomplish?), he leaves, warning Ferb that “he’d be back.”
then i never continued the story the end
Just kidding. Well, not really.
I never actually continued the story (it was at this point I got kinda out of the PnF fandom and more into video game and stuff), but I did have more stuff planned out. But I literally can’t remember any of that shit. And since the computer I wrote this work of art on died, I can’t exactly look it up. But I don’t wanna leave you like this.
So here we have…
the extra shit that i didn’t put into that long-ass description
Django’s speech on the importance of art. This was just kind of a thing that randomly occurred while the gang was on their way to Phineas’s house.
Ferb’s very inconsistent power over the material realm. I’m not exactly sure where I was trying to go wih this, but basically Ferb had some magic powers that let him interact with the physical world (i.e. knocking over stuff, levitation sometimes, etc.). This is sort of a regular ghost thing, but my story had a neat little twist. Ferb could only use this power at the Flynn-Fletcher household, because it only works at the place the ghost considers “home.”
the stuff i never actually wrote in the story itself
So, before I get started on the story parts of this, I should tell you Todd’s Backstory.
Todd was alive back in modern day. He was like one or two years older than Ferb. When he was younger, he was in some sort of academic competition against Ferb and Ferb won. This caused Todd to hate Ferb with a burning passion, and basically create a grudge so strong that only an extremely stubborn crazy determined teenager could hold it.
About a year or so before the story takes place, Todd died in a car accident after a distracting “beam from the sky” caused him to drive into oncoming traffic (It was highly implied that the beam was from one of Phineas and Ferb’s machines can’t believe phineas has a fuckin body count). It is revealed that (using the powers of “evil ghostly revenge”) HE caused the machine to fall on Ferb, and now he plans on getting revenge for Ferb beating him in all those academic competitions.
And yeah, that’s it. My first fanfiction. Hope y'all enjoyed this trip through my eight/ten year old psyche.
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gloriabomfim · 1 year
Montage 1: "Haunted Mansion Mischief"
[Scene: Bumpy and Spookie exploring a spooky haunted mansion.]
Spookie: (wickedly) Welcome to my domain, Bumpy!
[Bumpy's attempts to escape from ghosts result in comical chase scenes through the dark, creaky mansion.]
Bumpy: (panting) Ghosts have a thing for me, I swear!
Montage 2: "Eerie Forest Fumble"
[Scene: Bumpy and Spookie in a dark, eerie forest filled with spooky sounds.]
Spookie: (smirking) Isn't this forest lovely, Bumpy?
[Bumpy's nervousness makes him jump at every spooky sound, causing him to stumble and fall into a muddy puddle.]
Bumpy: (dripping mud) I'm the forest klutz!
Montage 3: "Carnival of Creepiness"
[Scene: Bumpy and Spookie at an abandoned, creepy carnival.]
Spookie: (gleefully) Behold, the carnival of nightmares!
[Bumpy's encounters with malfunctioning rides and spooky attractions lead to slapstick hilarity.]
Bumpy: (dizzy and disheveled) I'm the carnival sideshow!
Montage 4: "Graveyard Goofiness"
[Scene: Bumpy and Spookie in a spooky graveyard.]
Spookie: (sinisterly) We're here for some thrills, Bumpy!
[Bumpy accidentally topples over a tombstone, thinking it was a decorative prop.]
Bumpy: (startled) Oops! Did I just make a grave mistake?
Montage 5: "Spooky Science Lab"
[Scene: Bumpy and Spookie inside a creepy laboratory.]
Spookie: (mischievously) Time for some experiments, Bumpy!
[Bumpy's clumsiness results in him knocking over bubbling potions, causing him to comically change forms.]
Bumpy: (transformed) I'm the mad scientist's masterpiece!
Montage 6: "Haunted House Hilarity"
[Scene: Bumpy and Spookie entering a haunted house attraction.]
Spookie: (smirking) Brace yourself, Bumpy!
[Bumpy's exaggerated reactions to jump scares keep Spookie entertained as they navigate the spooky maze.]
Bumpy: (screaming) It's just…AHH!…a cardboard ghost!
Montage 7: "Cave Conundrum"
[Scene: Bumpy and Spookie daring to enter a spooky cave with glowing eyes.]
Spookie: (grinning) What could go wrong, Bumpy?
[Bumpy's fear-induced clumsiness causes a cave-in, but they emerge unscathed.]
Bumpy: (covered in dust) I'm the cave explorer, not-so-extraordinaire!
Montage 8: "Creepy Clown Encounter"
[Scene: Bumpy and Spookie at a creepy circus.]
Spookie: (playfully) Let's see what's under the big top, Bumpy!
[Bumpy's hilarious encounters with clowns, including one with a squirting flower, have Spookie in stitches.]
Bumpy: (squirting water) I think I made a clown friend…?
Montage 9: "Haunted Hotel Hijinks"
[Scene: Bumpy and Spookie exploring a spooky-themed hotel.]
Spookie: (winking) We're checking in, Bumpy!
[Bumpy's mishap with the revolving door becomes a running gag as he spins uncontrollably.]
Bumpy: (dizzy) Room service…or room disservice?
Montage 10: "Haunted Mirror Mayhem"
[Scene: Bumpy and Spookie inside a spooky-themed haunted mirror maze.]
Spookie: (laughing) Enjoy the reflections, Bumpy!
[Bumpy's confusion leads to him repeatedly bumping into mirrors and getting disoriented.]
Bumpy: (bewildered) Who's the fairest of them all? Not me!
Montage 11: "Spooky Shipwreck Shenanigans"
[Scene: Bumpy and Spookie exploring a spooky shipwreck.]
Spookie: (smirking) Time to dive into some ghostly adventures, Bumpy!
[Bumpy's accidental release of ghostly seagulls creates a hilarious scene of chaos on the ghost ship.]
Bumpy: (surrounded by seagulls) I'm the seagull whisperer!
Montage 12: "Mysterious Maze Madness"
[Scene: Bumpy and Spookie in a spooky-themed maze.]
Spookie: (mischievously) Let's see if we can find the way out, Bumpy!
[Bumpy's wrong turns and panic lead to comical encounters with costumed creatures in the maze.]
Bumpy: (running in circles) I've become the maze rat!
Montage 13: "Art Gallery Antics"
[Scene: Bumpy and Spookie inside a spooky-themed art gallery.]
Spookie: (grinning) Time to appreciate some eerie art, Bumpy!
[Bumpy's clumsy attempt to admire a painting results in a hilarious mess.]
Bumpy: (covered in paint) I think I just redefined modern art!
Montage 14: "Creepy Doll Dilemma"
[Scene: Bumpy and Spookie in a creepy doll shop.]
Spookie: (gleefully) Dolls can be quite haunting, Bumpy!
[Bumpy's attempt to interact with dolls causes a cascade of creepy dolls falling from shelves.]
Bumpy: (surrounded by dolls) I've got a doll army now!
Montage 15: "Ghostly Mine Mishaps"
[Scene: Bumpy and Spookie inside a haunted mine.]
Spookie: (smirking) Let's dig for some frights, Bumpy!
[Bumpy's mishandling of a pickaxe results in a humorous rockslide.]
Bumpy: (buried under rocks) I'm the rock star of the mine!
Montage 16: "Haunted Toy Store Tangle"
[Scene: Bumpy and Spookie at a spooky-themed toy store.]
Spookie: (chuckling) Toys have a way of coming to life here, Bumpy!
[Bumpy's excitement leads to him knocking over shelves of spooky toys, causing them to animate.]
Bumpy: (running from toys) I didn't sign up for Toy Story: Horror Edition!
Montage 17: "Ghostly Graveyard Games"
[Scene: Bumpy and Spookie inside a spooky graveyard.]
Spookie: (teasingly) Let's play hide and shriek, Bumpy!
[Bumpy's exaggerated hiding and attempts to scare Spookie backfire comically.]
Bumpy: (covered in leaves) I'm the leafy ghost!
Montage 18: "Creepy Circus Capers"
[Scene: Bumpy and Spookie at a creepy circus.]
Spookie: (enthusiastic) Let's clown around, Bumpy!
[Bumpy's interactions with circus performers, including an accidental pie-in-the-face, create humorous chaos.]
Bumpy: (pie-covered) I guess I'm the pie king now!
Montage 19: "Arcade Arcade Antics"
[Scene: Bumpy and Spookie at a spooky-themed arcade.]
Spookie: (grinning) Time for some spooky games, Bumpy!
[Bumpy's gaming attempts, filled with jump scares, lead to amusing outcomes on various arcade machines.]
Bumpy: (laughing) I've mastered the art of spooky gaming!
Montage 20: "Cursed Escape Room"
[Scene: Bumpy and Spookie inside a cursed escape room.]
Spookie: (sinisterly) We'll escape…maybe.
[Bumpy's creative but wrong solutions lead to amusing consequences as they attempt to solve puzzles.]
Bumpy: (puzzled) Escaping has never been this complicated!
Montage 21: "Cemetery Circus Fun"
[Scene: Bumpy and Spookie at a creepy circus set up in a graveyard.]
Spookie: (grinning) Let's join the spooky circus, Bumpy!
[Bumpy's interactions with circus performers cause hilarious circus mishaps under the eerie moonlight.]
Bumpy: (juggling clumsily) I'm the clown acrobat extraordinaire!
Montage 22: "Ghoulish Ghost Tour"
[Scene: Bumpy and Spookie on a spooky-themed ghost tour.]
Spookie: (with a sly grin) Time to embrace the spirits, Bumpy!
[Bumpy's over-the-top reactions to the guide's spooky stories provide comic relief during the tour.]
Bumpy: (hiding behind Spookie) I've become a ghost's best friend!
Montage 23: "Zombie-Infested Escape"
[Scene: Bumpy and Spookie navigating a zombie-infested area.]
Spookie: (tauntingly) Let's see if we can outwit them, Bumpy!
[Bumpy's attempts to dodge zombies result in him tripping and stumbling, narrowly escaping their grasp.]
Bumpy: (panting) Running from zombies should be an Olympic sport!
Montage 24: "Eerie Dollhouse Drama"
[Scene: Bumpy and Spookie inside an eerie dollhouse.]
Spookie: (mischievously) Dolls can be quite mischievous, Bumpy!
[Bumpy's clumsy interactions with dollhouse furniture lead to comical doll drama.]
Bumpy: (confused) It's like I've entered the doll soap opera!
Montage 25: "Wacky Witch's Kitchen"
[Scene: Bumpy and Spookie inside a wacky witch's kitchen.]
Spookie: (winking) Let's see what spooky spells she's brewing, Bumpy!
[Bumpy's accidental mixing of ingredients creates a bubbling cauldron of chaotic consequences.]
Bumpy: (covered in potion) I'm the witch's new brewmaster, I guess!
Montage 26: "Phantom Photo Shoot"
[Scene: Bumpy and Spookie in a spooky-themed photo shoot.]
Spookie: (posing) Time to capture our spooky side, Bumpy!
[Bumpy's exaggerated poses and dramatic expressions lead to a series of hilarious snapshots.]
Bumpy: (striking a pose) I'm the phantom fashion model!
Montage 27: "Cursed Carnival Chaos"
[Scene: Bumpy and Spookie at a cursed carnival.]
Spookie: (gleefully) Carnivals are the best for scares, Bumpy!
[Bumpy's interactions with carnival games and rides result in comical carnival chaos.]
Bumpy: (spinning on a ride) I'm the carnival whirlwind!
Montage 28: "Poltergeist Playground Pranks"
[Scene: Bumpy and Spookie inside a spooky-themed playground.]
Spookie: (chuckling) Let's see what the poltergeists have in store for us, Bumpy!
[Bumpy's encounters with playful poltergeists lead to funny, gravity-defying mishaps on the playground equipment.]
Bumpy: (floating in the air) I didn't know playgrounds had anti-gravity settings!
Montage 29: "Witch's Spellbinding Show"
[Scene: Bumpy and Spookie attending a witch's spellbinding magic show.]
Spookie: (with a wicked grin) Prepare to be enchanted, Bumpy!
[Bumpy's unexpected participation in the magic show results in comedic magical mishaps.]
Bumpy: (wearing a rabbit costume) Abracadabra! I'm the surprise guest!
Montage 30: "Creepy Carnival of Laughter"
[Scene: Bumpy and Spookie share a hearty laugh amidst the spooky mayhem.]
Spookie: (laughing) Bumpy, your slapstick antics make even the scariest situations amusing!
Bumpy: (grinning) Well, what's a spooky adventure without a good laugh, right, Spookie?
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