#spop corridors
mimimar · 2 years
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teach me the words i used to know i forgot them long ago
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Almost new year, still attached to his ankle with no sign of letting go
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Tap / click for better quality
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chloris-orius-spop · 8 months
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aprillikesthings · 2 months
ghgh I sometimes wish I knew how to make videos
I'd just edit together every single time Catra and Adora react to hearing the other's name or voice
like, every single time they did it
because they visibly react every single time
this post brought to you by watching Corridors. AGAIN lol. and watching Catra's face when Glimmer is talking about her perfect day and having a sleepover and how when Glimmer says Adora's name, Catra's eyes widen for a split second
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look at this sad baby
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catrasbewbwindow · 1 year
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Just rewatched Corridors and had to draw this scene asdfgkdjsllsd
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fan-kingdoms · 1 year
i would like everyone to know that i’m rewatching season 5 of she-ra and the princesses of power and i am being So not normal about it !
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apollo-cackling · 5 months
something's reminded me of the
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motif in She-Ra (I did this in like 5 seconds + couldn't figure out how to change note lengths in the editor ignore that) and now I want to write something on it ghjdklsahg but I'm out working on smth rn and like
pros: I have the entirety of she ra saved on my hard drive
cons: I don't have my headphones on me
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hitchell-mope · 5 months
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tippenfunkaport · 1 year
Bow's Character Arc
There was a discussion on Twitter from people who were confused about Bow’s character arc and whether he had one (he very much does, and it’s actually one of the clearest / most spelled out in the entire show!). To help anyone experiencing that confusion and because it’s never a bad idea to understand how character arcs work if you want to be a writer/storyteller, I might as well break Bow’s character arc down for anyone who might find it helpful.
Buckle in, it's nerd time!
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At the most basic, a character arc is a change (usually growth) a character goes through over the course of a story. Usually good (positive change arc) but sometimes bad (negative change arc). It’s very often a reversal aka the character is often in the exact opposite state by the end of the story than how they start it out. It can be trickier to follow in an ensemble story like SPOP because there are a lot of characters with parallel story lines going on and multiple arcs colliding in different ways, but She-Ra does a really good job of giving each of the four leads arcs (with Catradora as the main leads, Glimbow as the secondary) near equal time.
Yes, including Bow.
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What I think throws people about Bow’s arc is it’s based on hypocrisy.
He encourages his friends to talk it out and share their feelings… while hiding his own feelings from his dads and repressing his frustrations with having to be the middle man between Adora and Glimmer (Season 4)
He declares that average people (such as the kitchen staff at Dryl) don’t need the princesses and are just as capable of fighting the Horde themselves… while he believes himself and his abilities inferior to Princess Entrapta’s
He reminds the others (esp Adora) about the need to accept help… while refusing any help for himself (think about “Don't worry about me. I'm the one who worries about you. Can we go back to that? Please?” in Pulse through to that moment when he agrees to let Glimmer take him to check on his dads in Return to the Fright Zone and literally leans on her)
I think a funny way to sum up his character issue is: Not me, though.
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This arc progresses across all five season as he gradually changes. He starts the series out repressing his feelings from both his family and friends while doubting his abilities and refusing to ask for help (he IS Adora’s mirror, after all!). Over the course of the series he learns to express his feelings instead of bottling them up (The Beacon > Reunion > really all of Season 4 but it comes to head starting with Boys Night Out through Beast Island > Stranded), gains more confidence in his tech skills (The Frozen Forest > Signals > Flutterina > Mer-Mysteries > Corridors), and starts to learn to ask for help (The Beacon > Pulse > Return to the Fright Zone).
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Which of course all culminates in The Heart Parts 1 and 2 where he finally wraps up all threads at once by
a) asking Scorpia to trust him (putting faith in someone else to help)
b) completing Entrapta’s program to unchip everyone (proving he IS as good a scientist as she is)
c) giving the speech to everyone on Etheria rousing the common people to fight Prime (average people can make a difference… which he now fully believes that includes him).
And while you can make the argument that confessing to Glimmer is part of his arc to share his feelings, the fact is that he completes a full character arc without ever behind reduced to just someone’s love interest because none of his character growth is tied to his romantic relationship at all (which was what the original tweet claimed). It's all his inner journey to have faith in himself and his abilities and how they relate to his friends and loved ones.
And thus the guy who starts the series as “only one around here who’s not a princess” with doubt in his tech abilities ends the series as confident Tech Master and future King of the regular people he sought to inspire, which is about as textbook a reversal as you can get.
Does it come out of nowhere?
His character arc progresses and takes significant focus in the following episodes….
S1:E6 System Failure
S1:E10 The Beacon
S2:E1 The Frozen Forest
S2:E3 Signals
S2:E7 Reunion
S4:E3 Flutterina
S4:E4 Pulse
S4:E7 Mer-Mysteries
S4:E8 Boys Night Out
S4:E10 Fractures
S4:E11 Beast Island
S5:E3 Corridors
S5:E4 Stranded
S5:E9 An Ill Wind
S5:E10 Return to the Fright Zone
S5:E12 Heart Part 1
S5:E13 Heart Part 2
That’s 17 episodes out of 52 which means his character development gets approximately 32% of the focus of the entire show… which for an ensemble cast like this where he’s one of four leads is just about dead on as it's over a quarter of the episodes.
That's a significant chunk of screentime with multiple episodes devoted specifically to his character journey.
Is his journey as flashy and action sequence-y as what Adora, Catra and Glimmer get? No, but it's a) a show marketed to girls so it makes sense they get the more cinematic scenes and b) his arc is more emotional and thus didn't need to hinge on big action like theirs did. Though considering the culmination of his arc is him as a 100 foot tall hologram speaking to the entire planet, I personally feel like that was pretty hard to miss.
If you look at all of this and still want to say that Bow did nothing or had no character arc, I think the thing to ask yourself is: why is it so important to you to discount the accomplishments and character growth of this character specifically?
In conclusion, this is the face Bow makes when he spent five season growing, changing and kicking butt as Tech Master and Voice of Reason and you say he did "literally nothing"...
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Tell me how "Corridors" is simultaneously one of the funniest and most heartbreaking episodes of SPOP. Bow trying to manage Entrapta and Adora at the same time on a spaceship? Iconic. *Handyman* Adora tangled up in tape after she tackled a project very much out of her wheelhouse insisting she has "everything under control"? Incredible. Entrapta custom-making Bow a spacesuit will a midriff cutout? Unparalleled.
Meanwhile, Catra? Oh, she's being threatened with having her very soul torn from her through a creepy, painful religious ritual. She's having fundamental realizations about her life, childhood, and actions. Then she makes the most heartbreaking apology as she saves a friend while struggling against clones trying to drag her to her doom. Wild.
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spopsalt · 4 months
When it comes to the rule of “show don’t tell”, SPOP’s utilization of it is a mixed bag. The show does (or should I say did) a good job at showing how Angela’s death affected the BFS (more specifically Glimmer), and how SW’s abuse affected both Adora and Catra
But then there’s the whole thing about Adora and Lonnie. Everytime the 2 interact Lonnie’s like, “WE WERE FRIENDS HOW COULD U LEAVE US” when we barely saw them interact prior to Adora deflecting from the Horde or since. Closest we got is the stupid flashback in Corridors but even then it’s just mentioned
Most of the time, they have a massive tell, don't show problem. They tell us that Catra loves Adora, but her actions tell a different story, like you said they tell us that Lonnie was Adora's friend but never showed that. Spop has just forgot the word subtley
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azure-firecracker · 1 year
Exciting news everyone!
We will be starting a She-Ra and the Princesses of Power episode tournament on this blog! (Inspired by @theowritesfiction’s awesome polls, the BTVS one is still going on, check it out if you’re interested!) Every SPOP episode has been randomly put into a bracket and you wonderful people will vote to determine the best episode!
The first polls round of polls will go up later today (as soon as enough people see this post) and you’ll be able to vote for a week before the next round starts. Before we begin, there are a number of randomly selected episodes that are automatically in the second round because 52 is a lousy number for a bracket. I tried and failed to find a bracket without so many automatic advances. Those episodes are:
S3E06-The Portal
S5E09-An Ill Wind
S5E08-Shot in the Dark
S1E01-The Sword, Part 1
S1E05-The Sea Gate
S2E06-Light Spinner
S5E07-The Perils of Peekablue
S4E12-Destiny, Part 1
S1E08-Princess Prom
S3E01-The Price of Power
It just so happens that most of these episodes are (in my opinion) quite popular and probably would have advanced anyway, and I did remake the bracket a few times to avoid any insane matchups in round 1 to the best of my ability, so we should have a pretty fair tournament.
Please spread the word, and happy voting:)
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aprillikesthings · 27 days
Maybe I'll rewatch some She-Ra. I wonder where I left off in the Netflix tab I've always got open--
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oh for god's sake
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simpforcatra · 1 year
i'd like to propose the ideal SPoP speedrun viewing order. feel free to argue for your own episodes. this mostly follows the catradora arc with some additions i consider essential- but it does skip some episodes that are perhaps useful for context
s1e1 and s1e2. obviously the sword parts 1 and 2. vital to understanding not just the story of spop but also catradora. also introduces us to glimmer and bow.
s1e8. princess prom. not as essential in the world building order but i mean like. come on. it's princess prom. maybe the second gayest episode in the show.
s1e11. promise. the breakup. fr this time. i think this episode really seals the reason why catradora is so filled with angst.
s2e2. ties that bind. my only pick from s2- this is mostly just a for funsies one because catra interacting with bow and glimmer is hilarious, and i felt weird not including s2 at all.
s3e3. crimson waste. e2 is fine but i find e3 more interesting and fun, and it's got catra. this is imo the best cold opening in the series, and leads into the next 3 episodes.
s3e4-6. portal centered. 4 sets up the whole shebang and there's a bit of drama between the two. 5 and 6 are portal world and are really gay. at this point there is no catradora content until save the cat arc, but i feel like the next couple are pretty vital to watching the show if you're speedrunning it.
s4e1. coronation. one of my personal favorite episodes in the show. the parallels between glimmer and catra are chef's kiss.
s4e6. scorpia. pretty emotionally charged episode and we start running into the bottom of catra's arc.
s4e9. hero. i'll always bake a pie for you mara <3
s4e10. fractures. catra's fracture. the best friend squad's fracture.
s4e11+12. beast island/destiny. pretty important imo, we find micah, we learn more about she-ra, and we start to see the first glimpses of adora's she-ra, not the first one's she-ra.
s4e13. destiny. catra bottoms out. shit goes down.
s5e3-5. save the cat arc. corridors is an instant cry ep and i actually enjoy the gas station episode, plus i feel like it helps bring glimbow back into the fold. and of course the whole reason we're here is save the cat itself.
s5e8 onwards. finding melog. returning to etheria and saving the chipped individuals. spinnetossa arc did make me cry. don't throw tanks. drunk shadow weaver. failsafe. the kiss. you're my dad. this is the crux of the show. we are watching these.
total episodes: 26 (half the show total) runtime: roughly 9 hours
honorable mentions:
s1e3. razz. not the most important character imo but her episode with adora is pretty good.
s2e5. whiteout. fun ep that is interesting but not entirely catradora packed.
s2e6. lightspinner. this is a good ep but i really dont want to see sw more than i have too.
s4e2. valley of lost. introduces double trouble, but perfuma annoys me this ep a bit
super super condensed version (idk why you'd even watch this):
episodes that you can not convince me include:
s2e4. roll with it. this one is like actually filler if you argue for this one you're just wrong
actually pretty much every other episode in s2 that i didn't mention.
okay thanks please present your counterarguments if u love this show as much as i do lol
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feisaru · 2 years
The CS x SPOP crossover is actually as old as my drawing account and the first thing I ever brainrotted about was SARU and Fei as young Catradora in Corridors. I ultimately never redrew that, not really at least. But now the rot has gotten bad enough for me to do something hah
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catrassingletear · 2 years
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Himbo Adora, my beloved.
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