#sporadic osprey
orcelito · 10 months
For the ask game! <3
Hi Ozzy!!! :D
💥 What is one canon thing that you wish you could change?
Bfmsbfmsbd OK since I answered this previously for p5, I'll answer this for trigun. Ykno knee jerk reaction I was gonna say the skirt chasing in 98 and Especially BLR, but... honestly, I think I'd wanna change the pacing. No matter the version, there are issues with pacing. Tristamp is too rushed bc they were trying to fit in So Much in only 12 episodes. 98 was very slow then Very Fast. I enjoyed the "filler" episodes a lot, overall, but the abrupt change between fun downtime and Oh God It's Legato is. It gives some whiplash. And then for trimax... man, I wish they just had more downtime. We only get to see little bits of it before it's right on to the next thing. I wanna see the main four just hanging out! The girls aren't even There for like the middle third of it. Where are the goofs? 🥺 I need the goofs 🥺 and so. Wish Fulfillment. I will give Myself the goofs. In my fic :')
🦋 Which character is your favorite to write?
Hfkshfjshfkdhfn well. Well,,,, obviously current favorite is Vash, but overall I'd say he's tied with Akechi. Vash is so fun bc of course I love his general personality (SO. MUCH.) but he's also just. Absolutely full of so much interesting POTENTIAL in terms of what he's capable of doing. I have so much fun just going balls to the walls insane with my action scenes. I have a scene coming up in a few chapters that's gonna REALLY embody this, and I'm so very excited. But AT THE SAME TIME, my dear goro 🥺 I love and miss you so 🥺 what a little asshole. His internal thoughts are so fun. I miss his aggression. I miss his everything. Idk, in general I just really love complex characters. I could talk about them for hours and hours and hours (as u can see. From my hundreds of thousands of words written hfkshfdn)
Ask game from here!
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widogasm · 6 years
If you had to pick: favorite member of the M9?
ask me anything!
[decorates a collage of caleb pictures with hearts and U Suck stickers and more hearts]
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yaw-man · 3 years
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Gizka :3
Thanks for the follow, @sporadic-osprey! I really liked that zaalbar drawing, glad some people see it from time to time.
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For the music asks how about 11?
A song I never get tired of
People Like Us by Matt Bomer or Friends by Empire of the Sun. Both are straight VIBES and u should definitely have a listen!!!
Thanks for the ask!!
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spellucci · 5 years
Movin’ to Montana
Friday, August 16, 2019
The osprey nest above our campsite was active in the morning. We saw at least 4 osprey circling over the river and perching in the trees. Lots of small birds visited the bottom of the massive nest and appeared to be welcome.
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We both had scheduled phone calls in the late morning and the cell service was sporadic at Tower Rocks, so we headed north in search of better cell service. Big mistake. We drove for about 2 hours with no cell service at all.
We reached the Continental Divide at the border of Idaho in the Bitterroot Mountains before we got a signal. Tim was late for his call and Jeanne just barely made the conference call she was scheduled to lead. Can you say “stress”?
We stopped at a dirt road trailhead for the Nez Perce Trail. While Jeanne was on the phone, Tim picked ripe Bitterroot blueberries. Haven’t heard of them? Good reason. They were horribly sour. We threw them back to the wildlife.
The Sawtooths were mostly volcanic, but the Bitterroots are sharp peaks of granite. We turned around to get another look at Trapper Peak, which rivals the Tetons.
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Close to Missoula Tim spots a lighthouse in the distance. Lighthouse? It turned out to be a brightly painted power line pole near the airport.
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Amber’s paws are not better, so we headed for an animal hospital in Missoula. Jeanne and Amber went to the vet while Tim went for an oil change. We have driven 4,000 miles so far this trip.
Amber is ok. She had little crescent shaped cuts between the pads on her paw consistent with volcanic glass cuts. The vet prescribed antibiotic and boots! We went to the local pet store for fashionably green booties. She does not like them, but it keeps her from licking and getting dirt in them.
We did a few days of grocery shopping in Missoula. By the time we were done it was too late to head for the lakeside boondock campsite we had planned. However, 20 miles outside Missoula is a casino that lets RVs park overnight, and sounded good enough. As we pulled in we had a fantastic view of a range of mountains to the north. We’ll head that way tomorrow.
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zi-tales · 6 years
KTL-03: Competition
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skanadario-archive · 7 years
Wingtalia hcs for your OCs?
Yo I like this anon.
Jean - Snowy Owl:
His wings are a stark off-white, with sporadic specks of brown that match his freckles.
They’re pretty big – his wingspan is roughly three times the size of Matt’s, a grey jay.
His feathers are usually a bit messy and very soft.
If he happens to be flying in some sort of race or competition, though, he’ll groom them for aerodynamic purposes.
A pretty strong flier, loooves to race
Tends to sing and whistle a lot when people aren’t watching. He has a fairly pretty voice, even if it is a little bit husky.
Gets maple syrup stuck in his wings often
It’s easy to tell what he’s feeling by looking at his wings. If he’s happy, he’ll flutter his wings and tail a little. If he’s depressed, they’ll droop to his sides. If he’s angry, they’ll ruffle and spread out.
His call is low, harsh and grating, and it’s more of a bark than a hoot.
Probably has his own little cavern or hideaway somewhere in the woods, near a river of some sort.
Likes splashing and playing in shallow lakes, rivers and ponds.
Aubrey - Blue Jay:
His wings are blue, white and black in pretty patterns, and his tail feathers curl a bit at the ends.
They’re a little bit big for his physical size, which makes him look marginally bigger than he actually is. He’s very proud of this.
He’s proud of his wings in general, really–hey, he and his city might be pretty homely-looking for the most part but look!! Pretty wings!!!
no seriously he’s a total narcissist about them.
He’s rarely seen with his wings closed because he loves showing them off.
That being said, they’re very spartanly decorated and smell faintly of smoke.
Though they’re usually quite well-groomed, the tips are sometimes splattered with ink.
Has a habit of curling his wings around himself when he’s resting, or when he gets cold. (which, being Aubrey, is often)
It’s difficult to read how he’s feeling just by looking at his wings, unless you’re good at catching onto the subtlest nuances.
Preening. All the preening. He loves preening.
Takes dust baths often. He doesn’t even have to, it’s mostly just for fun. He just loves rolling around in the dirt.
Evangeline - Osprey:
Her wings are varying shades of light and dark brown and white.
They’re absolutely feckin’ gigantic, more than several times her size–this can be very annoying for poor Evie.
If she ruffles or stretches her feathers she’ll end up knocking over things, poor child.
A very strong flyer, if somewhat clumsy due to the size of her wings.
Either whistling or singing almost all the time.
Her osprey feathers are very water resistant, and she loves swimming and diving in shallower areas of the ocean.
Catches fish by diving below the surface of the sea, then shooting back up
Her call is similar to a high pitched whistle, and can be very, very loud
She’ll paint her feathers with reddish clay, or even decorate them with pieces of sea glass sometimes. She likes the way it looks.
Kaimana -  Nēnē:
Their wings are dark brown with white stripes and ruffled feathers.
Flying ability isn’t the greatest, in all honesty.
They’re very clumsy in flight, and struggle a lot with staying in the air for long.
Preens a lot to look good for tourists.
Ruffles their feathers whenever they’re excited or nervous.
Their wings are warm to the touch and smell like ocean salt and flowers.
Decorates their wings with leaves, shells and flowers in gorgeously intricate patterns.
Keeps a little stash of edible flowers, nuts, seeds, etc. in a pouch with them wherever they go.
Like Evie, they sing and whistle frequently. It’s very pretty to hear.
Incorporates their wing movements into their traditional dancing, the hulu in particular.
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biomedgrid · 5 years
Biomed Grid | Epidemiology, Diagnosis & Prevention of Newcastle Disease in Poultry
Newcastle disease is a contagious bird disease affecting many domestic and wild avian species. It is a zoonotic disease with widespread distribution. It is caused by avian Paramyxovirus serotype 1 virus which, with viruses of the other eight serotypes (avian paramyxovirus1-9), has been placed in the genus Avulavirus, sub-family Paramyxovirinae, family Paramyxoviridae. Virulent ND virus strains are endemic in poultry in most of Asia, Africa, and some countries of North and South America. Other countries, including the United States of America and Canada, are free of those strains in poultry. The strain of Newcastle pathogenicity can be classified into five pathotype: Asymptomatic enteric strain; Lentogenic strain; Mesogenic strain; Viscerotropic velogenic strain and Neurotropic velogenic strain. Clinical signs are extremely variable depending on the strain of virus, species and age of bird, management, concurrent disease, and pre-existing immunity caused by Paramixovirus with worldwide distribution affecting chickens of all age groups.
The transmission of ND occurs through respiratory aerosols, exposure to fecal and other excretions from infected birds, through newly introduced birds, selling and giving away sick birds and contacts with contaminated feed, water, equipment, cannibalism and clothing. Gasping, coughing, sneezing, rales, tremors, paralyzed wings and legs, twisted necks, circling; colonic spasms and complete paralysis are the clinical pictures of the disease. Newcastle disease may cause conjunctivitis in humans, when a person has been exposed to large quantities of the virus. The objective of this review is, therefore, to understand the epidemiology, clinical signs, diagnosis, prevent and control of Newcastle disease in poultry
Keywords: Newcastle Disease; Strains; Pathogenicity; Avulavirus; Poultry; Zoonosis
Based on the number of animals, poultry represents the largest domestic animal stock in the world [1]. Poultry represents an important sector in animal production, with backyard flocks representing a huge majority, especially in the developing countries. In these countries, villagers raise poultry to meet household food demands and as additional sources of incomes. Backyard production methods imply low biosecurity measures and high risk of infectious diseases, such as Newcastle disease (ND) or zoonosis such as Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) [2]. Newcastle disease is a contagious bird disease affecting many domestic and wild avian species; it is transmissible to humans. ND is an important infectious disease of the poultry that is caused by virulent strains of Avian Paramyxovirus-1, which is a single strand non-segmented negative sense RNA virus [3]. Newcastle disease is a viral disease caused by the avian Paramyxovirus serotype 1 (APMV1), is one of the most important poultry diseases worldwide [4]. The epizootics of ND in poultry continue to occur in Asia, Africa, Central and South America while in Europe, sporadic epizootics occur [1]. In developing countries, human diet is deficient in the animal proteins; approximately 66% population has protein deficient diet [6].
Newcastle disease is an economically important disease and a major threat to poultry industry [7]. According to variation in strains of NDV, the rate of mortality and morbidity in a flock is different [8]. Pathotyping of NDV by reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and restriction enzyme analysis along with decrease in egg production [9]. Isolation of virus and serological diagnostics, such as hemagglutination inhibition (HI) Test, Enzyme linked immune-sorbent assay (ELISA) and molecular diagnostic tests like real time PCR confirmed the presence of velogenic NDV [10]. The economic importance of ND may effect on the meat quali- ty of poultry. Availability of egg is increasing at rate of round about 4% annually [11]. In most developing countries, meat is a very important protein sources in diet of people because it is affordability and has high quality protein [12]. The objective of this review is to understand the ND causative agent, pathogenecity, clinical sign and how to prevent and control the ND, which concerned with the currently published research.
History of Newcastle Disease
The first outbreaks to be recognized and termed Newcastle disease (ND) occurred in poultry in 1926, in Java, Indonesia [13, 14], and in Newcastle-upon-Tyne, England [15]. However, there are earlier reports of similar disease outbreaks in Central Europe before this date [16]. In particular, Macpherson [17] attributes the death of all the chickens in the Western Isles of Scotland in 1896 as being due to Newcastle disease. It is possible; therefore, that ND did occur in poultry before 1926, but its recognition as a specifically defined disease of viral aetiology dates from the outbreaks during this year in Newcastle-upon-Tyne [18]. The name “Newcastle disease”, (after the geographical location of the first outbreaks in Great Britain), was coined by Doyle as a temporary measure because he wished to avoid a descriptive name that might be confused with other diseases [19]. The name has, however, continued to be used although when referring to the ND virus (NDV), the synonym ‘avian Paramyxovirus type 1’ (APMV-1) is now often employed.
Newcastle disease is caused by avian Paramyxovirus serotype 1 [APMV-1] viruses, which with viruses of the other eight APMV serotypes (APMV-2 to APMV-9), have been placed in the genus Avulavirus, sub-family Paramyxovirinae, family Paramyxoviridae, in the current taxonomy. Newcastle disease (ND) is a member of the family Paramyxoviridae in the genus Avulavirus. There are ten serotypes of avian paramyxoviruses designated APMV-I to APMV-10 and ND virus (NDV) has been designated APMV-1. Newcastle disease virus has also been categorized into five pathotypes based on clinical signs in infected chickens, designated:
a) viscerotropic velogenic,
b) neurotropic velogenic,
c) mesogenic,
d) lentogenic or respiratory and
e) asymptomatic. Pathotype groupings are rarely clear-cut [18,20] (Table 1).
Table 1: Characteristics of Newcastle Virus.
Source: Alexander et al. [18].
Many species of birds both domestic and wild Chickens are highly susceptible to disease; turkeys do not tend to develop severe signs. Game birds (pheasants, partridges, quail and guinea fowl) and parrots (order Psittaciformes) vary in susceptibility; cockatiels are susceptible Wild birds and waterfowl (order Anseriformes) may harbor virus sub-clinically; some isolates within certain genotypes have caused epiornitics within these species Young cormorants (Phalacrocorax spp.) have demonstrated disease associated with APMV-1 Disease has been recorded in ostriches (order Struthioniformes) and pigeons (order Columbiformes) are known to be susceptible Raptors are usually resistant to ND; except reports of acute disease in bearded vulture (Gypaetus barbatus), white-tailed sea eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla), a wild osprey (Pandion haliaetus) and some species of falcons Other birds known to have been affected by NDV include: gulls (order Charadriiformes), fowls (order Strigiformes), and pelicans (order Pelecaniformes). Passerine birds (order Passeriformes) are variable in their susceptibility; some species show no signs of disease but excrete NDV while others may develop severe disease Reports of deaths in crows and ravens (genus Corvus) have been recorded Acute ND has been recorded in penguins (order Sphenisciformes). The morbidity and mortality rates vary among species, and with the strain of virus. Humans may become infected; manifested by unilateral or bilateral reddening, excessive lachrymation, oedema of the eyelids, conjunctivitis and sub-conjunctival haemorrhage [10].
Direct contact with secretions of infected birds; principally via ingestion (faecal / oral route) and inhalation, fomites: feed, water, implements, premises, human clothing, boots, sacks, egg trays/ crates, etc. Survival of agent is prolonged by presence of faeces; as in soiled eggshells. Virus is shed during the incubation period, during clinical stages and for a limited period during convalescence [18]. Fleas, rodent, insect and dog can also transmit NCD virus mechanical from infected faeces [21-23].
Velogenic NDV is endemic in areas of Mexico, Central and South America, widely spread in Asia, the Middle East and Africa, and in double-crested wild cormorants in the US and Canada. Lentogenic strains of NDV are worldwide in their distribution while widespread mesogenic pathotypes with a special adaptation to pigeons (i.e. pigeon Paramyxovirus) do not appear to infect other poultry readily [24].
Pathogenicity and Clinical Signs
The virulence of NDV strains varies greatly with the host. Chickens are highly susceptible, but ducks may be infected and show few or no clinical signs, even with strains lethal for chickens [25]. In chickens, the pathogenicity of ND is determined chiefly by the strain of virus, although dose, route of administration, age of the chicken, and environmental conditions all has an effect. In general, the more younger the chicken, the more susceptible to the disease. With virulent viruses in the field, young chickens may experience sudden deaths without major clinical signs; however, in older birds, the disease may be more protracted and with characteristic clinical signs. Breed or genetic stock does not appear to have a significant effect on the susceptibility of chickens to the disease [26]. The disease can vary from mild to severe. A highly contagious and severe form of the disease, called exotic Newcastle disease (END), is so deadly that many birds die suddenly without showing any signs of disease [27]. Clinical signs seen in birds infected with NDV vary widely and are dependent on factors such as: the virus/pathotype, host species, age of host, co-infection with other organisms, environmental stress and immune status (Figure 1).
Figure 1: Chickens showing torticollis (twisting of the neck) due to Newcastle Disease virus infection at the age of 4 weeks.
Clinical signs alone do not present a reliable basis for diagnosis of ND. Morbidity and mortality depend on virulence of the virus strain, degree of vaccinal immunity, environmental conditions, and condition of the flock [18]. The clinical signs of the three most virulent pathotypes of avian Paramyxovirus (APMV-1) have been shown below [3,28]: Lentogenic strains: usually associated with subclinical disease marked by mild respiratory disease; coughing, gasping, sneezing and rales. If other co-infectious agents circulating, it can result in severe signs. Mortality is negligible. Mesogenicstrains: may produce cause acute respiratory disease and neurologic signs in some species Mortality rate is usually low (<10%). If other co-infectious agents circulating, can result in severe signs. Velogenicstrains: most commonly cause severe disease in chickens with mortality; signs principally respiratory and/or nervous. Initial clinical signs vary but include lethargy, inappetence, ruffled feathers, oedema and injection of conjunctiva. As the disease progresses birds may develop greenish or white watery diarrhoea, dyspnoea and inflammation of the head and neck often with cyanotic discoloration.
In later stages of disease neurologic signs may be manifested as: tremors, tonic/clonic spasms, wing/leg paresis or paralysis, torticollis, and aberrant circling behaviour; also, be seen. Sharp drop in egg production; eggs contain a watery albumin and appear misshapen with abnormally coloured, rough or thin shells. These strains often result in sudden death, with few or no signs. Birds that survive serious infection may develop neurologic and partial or complete cessation of egg production. Morbidity and mortality rates may approach 100% in unvaccinated chickens [18]. The Strain of Newcastle Pathogenicity: The strain of Newcastle pathogenicity can be classified into five pathotype: Asymptomatic enteric strain a form that has sub-clinical enteric infection without clear symptoms; Lentogenic strain which virus present with the mild respiratory infections; Mesogenic stain which virus presents with rare nervous and respiratory signs while mortality rate is related with the age of susceptible birds(young birds are more susceptible as compare to adults); Viscerotropic velogenic strain which virus cause haemorrhagic intestinal lesions (Figure 2) and it is highly pathogenic; Neurotropic velogenic strain which virus cause high mortalities followed by respiratory and nervous signs [14].
Figure 2: Hemorrhagic lesion in the Intestine of a chicken infected by Newcastle Disease Virus.
Clinical Sign and Lesions
For a definitive diagnosis of ND, both virus isolation and laboratory characterization are necessary. Nevertheless, if the disease is known to be present in a given area, signs and lesions may be considered highly suggestive, especially for village chickens. Typical clinical signs are: a state of prostration and depression in the birds, with ruffled feathers; greenish white diarrhea; and, in survivors, the head turned to one side, a condition known as torticollis is very often seen, as are paralysis of the legs, wings or other neurological signs. Other typical characteristics of the disease include: rapid spread; death within 2-3 days; a mortality rate of over 50% in naive populations; and an incubation period of 3-6 days or, on rare occasions, 2-15 days [18, 29]. On necropsy, typical lesions are mucus in the trachea, and usually hemorrhage in the intestine, particularly in the proventriculus. It should be borne in mind that all the preceding signs and lesions can be caused by other diseases [18].
Serological Diagnosis
In the absence of vaccination, the presence of specific antibodies against the ND virus indicates that the bird has been infected by the virus at some time, but not necessarily that it was suffering from the disease at the time of sampling. In practice, a high antibody titre is indicative of a recent infection. Two methods are used to measure antibody titres: the haemagglutination inhibition (HI) test, and the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). For both, it is necessary to collect blood samples from the chickens. Catching village chickens for this purpose can present a problem. There are two approaches: where overnight housing is used, they can be retained in the morning; or children can be persuaded to catch them.
Blood samples are taken from the wing veins - a detailed description of the method is given in Alders and Spradbrow [22]. Cocks are usually harder to sample than hens. Blood can be drawn directly into a syringe or collected into a tube after piercing the vein with a needle. In both cases, the sample is subsequently placed nearly horizontally to allow clotting and to permit separation of the serum sample, which should be straw coloured. The serum sample should be kept cool until it can be frozen in the laboratory.
The haemagglutination Inhibition Test
The HI test is based on the principle that the haemagglutinin on the viral envelope can bring about the agglutination of chicken red blood cells and that this can be inhibited by specific antibodies. V-bottomed microtitration plates are used. The serum samples are diluted in serial twofold dilutions in phosphate buffered saline and then a fixed quantity of viral antigen is added to each well. Usually 4 Haemagglutination Units are used, according to the method of Allan and Gough [30]. Following incubation, a suspension of red blood cells is added to each well and the plate is incubated again. In the absence of any antibody against the virus, haemagglutination occurs, appearing as a diffuse red colour at the bottom of the well. In the wells where the antibody against the virus is of a sufficient level, haemagglutination is inhibited and the red blood cells sediment and appear as a small pellet at the bottom of the well. The presence or absence of agglutination is accurately assessed by tilting the plates. Only those wells in which the RBCs stream at the same rate as the control wells (containing RBCs and PBS only) should be considered to show inhibition.
The HI titre is the reciprocal of the highest dilution of serum which completely inhibits haemagglutination and is usually and most conveniently expressed as the logarithm to the base 2. Although the test is difficult to standardise between laboratories, the HI titre gives an indication of the immune status of the bird. A titre of log23 is indicative of protection and a titre of log26 or more suggests a recent infection by the virus. If no vaccination has taken place, diagnosis of the infection can be made on this basis, although it cannot be determined exactly when it took place. Sequential samples taken at different times can indicate whether the titre is rising - indicative of a recent infection - or declining [28]. When the HI titre is used as a measure of immunity (for example, when testing flock immunity following vaccination), it is recommended that an avirulent strain such as V4 or Ulster 2C be used as the viral antigen. The La Sota antigen has been found to be unsuitable for this purpose when vaccination is done by the same strain as it results in an overestimation of protective serum antibody titres [31].
Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) Test
The ELISA works on the principle of recognition of anti-NDV antibodies, attached to a plate coated with viral antigen, by antibodies produced in another species against chicken antibodies. This anti-chicken antibody is conjugated to an enzyme that catalyzes a reaction, causing a change of colour which can then be read quantitatively on a photo spectrometer designed to read microtitration plates. The Animal Production & Health Section of the Joint FAO/ IAEA Division has produced an ELISA kit for antibodies against NDV which is designed to be easily transportable and give uniform results under widely varying ambient temperatures. HI and ELISA titres show a good degree of correlation and ELISA titres can be interpreted in a similar way to HI titres [32].
Virus Isolation
The definitive diagnosis of ND is done through isolation and identification of the virus [33]. Tracheal and cloacal swabs are good sources of virus for isolation from living birds without having to kill them. A cotton-covered stick is inserted into the trachea or cloaca, and then put into a vial containing phosphate buffered saline plus penicillin and streptomycin. It is important to ensure that cloacal swabs are coated with faeces. These samples must be kept cool during transport to the laboratory where they should be stored at 4°C if they are to be processed within 48 hours or frozen at least at -20°C until the isolation attempt. Although cloacal swabs or faeces should always be sampled, virus can also be isolated from homogenized organs from dead birds, chosen to reflect the clinical signs. Nine-day-old embryonated fowls’ eggs are injected with 0.1 mL of the suspension into the allantoic cavity and returned to incubation. The eggs are candled twice daily. As dead eggs occur, they are chilled, together with d all eggs after 5-7 days incubation, are chilled at 4°C at which point the allantoic fluid is then harvested and tested for its ability to haemagglutinate chicken red blood cells. Diagnosis is based on the inhibition of haemagglutination by specific anti-NDV serum. This proves infection of the bird by the virus, but does not indicate whether the virus is a pathogenic or avirulent strain [4].
Pathogenicity Test
The recommended in vivo test is the intracerebral pathogenicity index (ICPI) test in day-old chicks [34]. This involves the inoculation of virus derived from fresh infective allantoic fluid into the brain of ten day-old chicks from specific pathogen-free parents. Each bird is examined at 24-hour intervals for eight days and graded zero if normal, one if sick and two if dead. The index is the mean score per bird per observation over the 8-day period. The most virulent viruses give ICPI values approaching the maximum score of 2.0, while lentogenic viruses give values of, or close to, 0.0 [18]. Where day-old chicks are not available, the mean death time (MDT) in eggs (i.e. the mean time in hours for the minimum lethal dose to kill all the inoculated embryos), can be used as a guide to virulence. The MDT has been used to classify ND virus strains into velogenic (taking under 60 hours to kill); mesogenic (taking 60 to 90 hours to kill); and lentogenic (taking more than 90 hours to kill) [18].
Prevention and Control
The general approaches to the control of Newcastle disease are hygiene and vaccination, this is always important, especially in the control of NCD in semi-intensive systems where birds are confined within a fenced yard or house. Hygiene includes measures such as cleaning, disinfection, limiting access to wild birds, and personal hygiene of the farm staff. Vaccination in combination with appropriate hygiene measures, this remains the most effective way of controlling ND. Vaccination against ND would result in immunity against infection and replication of the virus. Realistically, ND vaccination usually protects the bird from the more serious consequences of disease, but virus replication and shedding may still occur [23].
Vaccination, initially with inactivated virus, was considered a possibility for the control of ND at the time of the apparent emergence of the virus. However, after the 1933 outbreak in England, an attenuated live vaccine was produced which was called strain H. Later, the naturally occurring USA isolates of low virulence, Hitchner B1 (HB1) and La Sota, became the most used veterinary vaccines throughout the world. Fifty years or more have passed since vaccine was first used to protect village poultry against ND [35]. During this time, a wide variety of types of vaccine have been developed. Many, but not all, have been tested on village poultry. It is the purpose of this chapter to present an overview of the different kinds of vaccine available. It is not the intention to recommend a particular vaccine, but rather to try and outline the relative advantages and limitations of each, with particular reference to its use in the village situation and giving examples of how the different vaccines are employed.
The principle of vaccination against a viral disease is wellknown: to elicit an immunological response against the virus in a way that does not cause the disease. The simplest way to do this is to take the virus, kill it, and then inject it into the bird. This is an inactivated vaccine. Another approach is to select a naturally occurring virus that is not virulent enough to cause serious disease and infect the birds with this virus. This is a live vaccine. This latter approach can be taken further by taking a non-virulent natural virus and selecting a clone from the virus population with desirable properties, such as lack of vaccinal reactions, or heat tolerance. This is a cloned live vaccine. Finally, it is possible to genetically engineer a vaccine by, for example, taking part of the genetic material of the virus that codes for a surface antigen, and inserting this into another, different, virus to produce a recombinant vaccine [18].
These different approaches to vaccination have been applied to ND. There are three types of vaccines used for ND: live lentogenic, live mesogenic and inactivated vaccines. Live lentogenic vaccines are usually derived from field viruses that have been shown to have low pathogenicity for poultry but produce an adequate immune response. Typical vaccine strains are HB1, La Sota and F strain and some viruses from the asymptomatic enteric pathotype, which are usually based on the V4 or Ulster 2C viruses. However, these viruses have been frequently subjected to selection pressures by manufacturers in order to improve their immunogenicity or to enable their use by a particular method of application [18].
Inactivated Vaccines
Inactivated vaccines are produced by growing a ND virus in eggs, and then treating the infective allantoic fluid with an inactivating agent, such as formalin or betapropiolactone. An adjuvant, such as mineral oil, is usually then added to make the inactivated virus more immunogenic. Since the vaccine is no longer capable of replication or spread, it has to be injected individually into every bird needing vaccination. It is normally injected into the back of the thigh muscle (sometimes the breast muscle is used), using 0.3 or 0.5 ml per bird. This requires some training, and cannot be done by every keeper of chickens without prior demonstration. Inactivated vaccines produce very high levels of antibodies against NDV, and provide good protection against the virulent virus [18, 36]. In intensive poultry production, inactivated vaccines are usually applied after an initial priming vaccination with a live vaccine. In village poultry, however, good results in the absence of an initial vaccination with live vaccine have been reported [37]. The reason for this is probably, as serological surveys have shown where they have been carried out [38], that antibodies to the virus are already present in the village poultry as a result of previous infection by the wild virus.
Inactivated vaccines have been used extensively in village poultry, for example, in a successful project in Burkino Faso [39]. Although inactivated vaccine gives good protection, it is relatively expensive to produce. It also carries a slight risk to the user of accidental self-injection. While inactivated vaccines are, to some extent, heat sensitive, they are much less so than conventional live vaccines which makes transporting them to villages more feasible [36].
Live Vaccines
Live vaccines differ from inactivated vaccines in that they can replicate in the host. This is both an advantage and a disadvantage. It is an advantage in that it is not necessary to vaccinate every bird individually; the vaccinal virus can spread on its own from one bird to another. It is, however, a disadvantage in that, since an infection with a live virus is involved; this may result in clinical signs because of the innate virulence of the vaccine virus or by exacerbating other organisms that may be present, especially in the respiratory tract. The severity of this reaction depends therefore on the particular vaccinal strain used [40] and the presence or otherwise of concurrent infection with other pathogens. Another advantage of live vaccines compared to inactivated vaccines, is their ease of application as they can be applied to the drinking water or with an eye-dropper. Although NDV has essentially only one serotype, there is a wide difference in the pathogenicity of different strains, ranging from those that cause virtually no signs to those that kill within a few days. These have been classified, in order of increasing pathogenicity, into asymptomatic enteric, lentogenic, mesogenic and velogenic strains. The majority of live vaccines are derived from asymptomatic enteric or lentogenic strains, although some vaccines derived from mesogenic strains are still in use [36].
Conventional Lentogenic Vaccines
The level of vaccine reaction is an important consideration for intensive commercial poultry and because HB1 has very mild vaccinal reactions, it has been widely used for initial vaccination of intensive poultry. In a controlled trial in village poultry, HB1 provided effective protection against ND [37]. La Sota produces moderate vaccinal reactions, especially in immunologically naive birds and is not usually recommended for primary vaccination. In theory, La Sota would also be unsuitable for vaccinating a multi-age population, including young chicks which are inevitably seen in the village situation. This is because the virus spreads and it is not practical to isolate the adults from the chicks. In practice, the degree of reaction from La Sota as a primary vaccine depends on the residual level of antibodies, which could protect the birds from vaccinal reactions, and on the extent of other concurrent infections, such as Mycoplasma spp, pathogenic E. coli, or infectious bursal disease virus and other respiratory viruses. In intensive systems, vaccination using spray delivery systems which produce small particle sizes may also exacerbate the vaccine reaction [18].
Some lentogenic vaccines have been cloned by taking a single infectious virus and growing a homogenous population from it, with the aim of selecting a virus which gives less vaccinal reactions than a La Sota-like virus, while retaining its superior immunogenicity compared to a HB1-like virus. An example of this kind of vaccine is “clone 30” [18]. All conventional live vaccines have the disadvantage of needing to be kept at low temperatures to maintain their efficacy. This is not a problem for intensive poultry production in an industrial setting, but the maintenance of the “cold chain” during distribution can be very difficult in village settings, particularly where there is high ambient temperature. Another problem that is often encountered when using commercial vaccines in the village situation is that they are sold in vials containing 1000 or 500 doses, many more than the average village farmer needs. In fact, the packaging is a major component of the cost of manufacturing them, because a vial containing a smaller number of doses would not necessarily reduce the cost proportionally. Oil adjuvant, normally used with inactivated vaccines to improve immunogencicity, has also been tested with live vaccines and found to improve immunogenicity [41], but this combination has not been tested with village chicken.
Heat Tolerant Vaccines
Some asymptomatic enteric viruses have been noted for their greater heat resistance than more conventional lentogenic viruses. This property has been enhanced by selection and cloning in the laboratory to produce heat tolerant vaccines. These have a distinct advantage in the village situation because it is possible to transport the vaccine without a cold chain. The most extensively used vaccine has been the NDV4-HR vaccine, which was pioneered in Malaysia, where a significant proportion of the village poultry was eventually covered by this vaccine [42]. The application was in feed, which, because of its thermo-stability, it was possible to pre-coat with the vaccine. The advantage of this method is that it is not necessary to catch the chickens before vaccinating them. The same vaccine has also been tried in other countries in South East Asia, but not always with the same success as in Malaysia. Tests of its application on a variety of foodstuffs have produced variable results [43]. The vaccine was also tested in some African countries, but applied by eyedrop and gave good protection against the virulent virus [44, 45]. Given the difference between African and Asian feeds, the variety of feeds within Africa, and the variable results with some feedstuffs in Asia, it seems that application of this type of vaccine is best done by eye-drop.
It can also be argued that the additional security provided by the vaccine is an incentive to invest in some form of housing, in which case catching the chickens is no longer a problem [18]. More recently, a similar vaccine to NDV4-HR, called I-2 [46], has been made available for local production in non-industrialized countries, which has the significant advantage of low cost. In trials in Ghana, Mozambique, Tanzania and Vietnam village chickens, vaccinated with strain I-2, were protected against artificial and field challenge with virulent virus [47-50].
Mesogenic Vaccines
Mesogenic strains have long been used for vaccination in the village situation. These produce severe vaccinal reactions in an immunologically naïve population, and the use of this kind of vaccine is not advisable in situations where chickens are without any immune protection against the virus. Normally mesogenic vaccines, such as Komarov [51] and Mukteswar [52] are used as secondary vaccines after a primary vaccination with a lentogenic vaccine [18].
Recombinant Vaccines        
NDV has two surface glycoproteins, fusion [F] and haemagglutinin/ neuraminidase [HN]. The genes coding for either of these can be inserted into a different kind of virus to make a recombinant vaccine. For example, the fusion gene inserted in herpes virus of turkeys produced a vaccine which gave good protection against virulent NDV [53]. One advantage of this technique is that the host virus may have better stability than NDV. Another advantage is that antigens for multiple different pathogens can be inserted into the same host virus to produce a single vaccine against several different diseases. Perhaps the most significant advantage for field use is that it is possible to monitor the response to the vaccine independently of the wild virus but in its presence, and conversely, it is possible to detect antibodies against the wild virus in the presence of vaccination. This is done by using an enzyme-linked immunoabsorbent assay (ELISA) that uses a purified antigen, and comparing the results with those of an ELISA using a whole virus antigen. For example, Makkay et al. [54] prepared an ELISA using only nucleocapsid protein of NDV as antigen. This detected antibodies against wild virus, but not antibodies against a recombinant fowl pox virus expressing HN glycoprotein. A parallel ELISA using whole virus as antigen detected antibodies against the vaccine. A disadvantage of recombinant vaccines is that where they have been developed commercially the cost is high [18].
Vaccine Application
Mass administration methods: In intensively developed commercial poultry industries, an important cost of vaccination is the administration. For this reason, mass application methods have been developed, primarily for live vaccines. Various forms of equipment are manufactured to generate coarse sprays, which allow mass application with minimum adverse reaction, although in some circumstances, mass application by fine sprays and aerosols are employed [55]. Application of live vaccines via drinking water is still employed in some areas, although in the commercial sectors, this gives some problems in preparing and cleaning the drinking water system, with a tendency for a less than uniform uptake [55].
Figure 3: Eye-drop administrations. When using an eye-dropper, hold it in a vertical position. Eye-droppers are calibrated according to the size of the drop that forms when the dropper is held in a vertical position [22].
Eye-drop administration: Application of the vaccine by eyedrop methods is probably the most effective for live lentogenic vaccines (Figure 3). It ensures that the vaccine reaches the individu al bird and, as a consequence, titres obtained are usually uniform throughout the flock. Correct dilution of the vaccine is critical. If eye-droppers are being used, they should be calibrated beforehand. In the absence of suitable eye-droppers, it is also possible to use the tip of a feather or a syringe (preferably a 1 mL syringe) to administer the drop. However, these two options should be seen as last resorts as they are inaccurate and cause considerable wastage of vaccine. Most live ND vaccines require re-vaccination at 3-4 monthly intervals. Eye-drop administration provides good protection because the vaccine passes to the Harderian gland just behind the eye, which in chickens is a key organ in the development of the immune response [18].
Administration of the Vaccine via Drinking Water
Vaccination by placing the live vaccine virus in the drinking water is easier than application to individual birds, but it provokes a lower level of immunity than eye-drop administration, has less uniform uptake and requires more frequent application. The vaccine should be given twice, initially 2-3 weeks apart, with re-vaccination at least every three months. It is important to remove drinking water from the chickens for 1-2 hours before the administration of the vaccine, and mix the vaccine with a volume of water that the chickens will be able to drink during one hour (usually 5-7 mL of water per bird). Always use fresh and clean water. In rural areas, it is best to give the drinking water in the morning just as the chickens are released from the chicken house. In areas with abundant surface water, chickens find their own source of drinking water and vaccination via water is not appropriate [18].
Administration via feed
Oral vaccination of chickens with thermo-stable vaccines (i.e. NDV4-HR and I-2) has been successful in some developing countries. Good veterinary services, local availability of suitable grains and recovery of virus from the grain are important considerations for successful oral vaccination. One problem with food-based ND vaccination is the low recovery of virus from some grains (especially maize), a consequence of either binding or inactivation. This method should be thoroughly tested before being used widely in the field. The vaccine must be given more often when administered via feed, making it more expensive, and survival rates in the face of an outbreak are lower than those achieved by eye-drop administration. Food used in any vaccination campaign should therefore be recommended by the Veterinary Authority. 7-10 grams of food per bird should be well mixed with the corresponding number of doses of appropriately diluted vaccine. With most grains, 1 ml. of fluid will efficiently moisten 10 grams of grain. The treated food is best given in the morning as the birds are leaving the roost. The vaccine should be given twice, initially 2-3 weeks apart, with re-vaccination at least every 2-3 months [28].
Administration via injection
Inactivated ND vaccines are administered by intramuscular or subcutaneous injection only (in the breast or the leg). Inactivated vaccines should be allowed to reach ambient temperature (approximately 28°C) and the contents should be well shaken prior to use. If stored in a cool, dark location, an inactivated vaccine may retain its activity for 1-2 weeks outside a refrigerator. Inactivated vaccines are more effective in chickens which have previously received a living vaccine. Re-vaccination is usually done every 6 months [28].
Accidental injection into the vaccinator of inactivated vaccines based on emulsions formed with mineral oil can cause a serious localized reaction. These usually require incision and washing. Expert medical advice should be sought at once, and the doctor must be informed that the vaccine was a mineral oil emulsion. In many parts of Asia, mesogenic strains (for example, Mukteswar) of the ND virus are used and can be administered by injection only. This vaccine should be used in birds over eight weeks of age and following a primary vaccination with a lentogenic strain such as F strain [18, 28].
Newcastle disease represents the most severe poultry disease responsible for marked economic losses in the world. ND may cause conjunctivitis in humans, when a person has been exposed to large quantities of the virus. Therefore, according to the concluding remark, the following points are recommended: regular vaccination should be carried out. Further study has to be conducted to know the depth (strength) of the epidemiological impact of those possible risk factors on the distribution of this disease.
Authors’ deepest gratitude goes to friends and Debre Berhan University Staff members for their logistic supports.
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Read More About this Article: https://biomedgrid.com/fulltext/volume3/epidemiology-diagnosis-prevention-of-newcastle-disease-in-poultry.000632.php
For more about: Journals on Biomedical Science :Biomed Grid
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courtneytincher · 5 years
This Dual Purpose Navy Ship is More Than Just an Aircraft Carrier
But if the Navy wants to, it could instead cram up to twenty fighters on the LHDs, turning them effectively into light aircraft carriers—a class of ship the Navy hasn’t built since World War II. Were the USS America to cruise alongside the French nuclear-powered aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle, the average Joe might struggle to distinguish their purposes. Both flat-tops measure longer than two-and-half football fields in length and carry jet fighters and helicopters.But the America and her sistership Tripoli are technically “Landing Helicopter Assault” vessels numbered LHA-6 and LHA-7 respectively: super-sized members of the “gator navy” of amphibious assault ships designed to deploy the expeditionary units of the U.S. Marine Corps onto hostile shores. In addition to the Navy crew of 1,000-1,200 sailors and officers, each LHA can carry nearly 1,700 Marines.Unlike the catapult-launched Rafale-M jet fighters on the Charles de Gaulle, the America and Tripoli can only deploy short-takeoff and vertical-lift capable jump jets from their decks. You can see a video of an F-35B hovering down for a landing on the America here.Rather than using nuclear reactors to achieve brisk speeds of 30 knots, 45,000-ton LHAs use an innovative hybrid electric/gas-turbine propulsion system pioneered in the final Wasp-class LHD, USS Makin Island. The electric propulsion is used for slower cruising speeds while the gas-turbine becomes more efficient near the more modest maximum speed of twenty knots.However, unlike the Wasp-class Landing Helicopter Docks (LHDs) they were based upon, America and Tripoli lack floodable “well deck” which can carry landing craft to ferry troops ashore. (This video shows how the Wasp’s cavernous well deck works.) All that space has instead gone to dramatically expanded aviation facilities and fuel stores. The ship’s medical facilities were also reduced by two-thirds.Instead of watercraft, the LHAs rely on squadrons of MV-22B Osprey tilt-rotors, sophisticated hybrid aircraft combining the vertical lift ability of a helicopter and the speed and range of an airplane—to insert troops by air.Officially, a “typical” air wing on the America would include a dozen Ospreys, six Harrier or F-35B jump jets, seven AH-1Z “Viper” attack and four CH-53K heavy transport helicopters to support troops ashore, and two MH-60S choppers for anti-submarine and search-and-rescue duties.But if the Navy wants to, it could instead cram up to twenty fighters on the LHDs, turning them effectively into light aircraft carriers—a class of ship the Navy hasn’t built since World War II. Like the lower-end escort carrier, the concept was that there were many missions like aircraft delivery and convoy escort that would benefit from air support, but didn’t require the massive firepower of a full carrier air wing with seventy to a hundred warplanes.Indeed, during the invasion of Iraq in 2003 the Navy used the LHDs Bataan and Bonhomme Richard as pocket carriers primarily to launch Harrier airstrikes in Iraq.However, the subsonic Harrier, though a versatile support platform, was substantially inferior in performance to equivalent land-based or catapult-launched fighters.The new supersonic-capable F-35B Lightning II stealth jets entering service with the Marine Corps are far more capable of taking on fourth- and fifth-generation fighters and launching longer-range strikes. Combined with the F-35’s surveillance capabilities, this means future air wings on LHDs and LHAs will be far more versatile.As the Pentagon’s chief strategic contingency is preparing for the possibility of conflict with China, the Marine Corps sees the Pacific Ocean as its most important likely battleground. A U.S.-China conflict might play out over small islands in the South China Sea in which the Chinese military has installed airfields, missile batteries and naval bases. And it may prove inefficient or risky to delegate a full-sized supercarrier to operations targeting these islands, or defend islands to which Marine and Army forces have deployed their own missile batteries.Indeed, the LHD USS Wasp deployed in April 2019 with ten F-35Bs onboard and buzzed Chinese troops deployed at Scarborough Shoal, an occupied by Chinese troops but claimed by the Philippines.Light carriers might also be appropriate in scale for protecting vital convoys traversing the vastness of the Pacific against sporadic air and submarine attacks using their onboard fighters and helicopters respectively.The cost of the America-class LHAs reflects the efficiency argument well: the three ships ordered together were developed and built for $10 billion. That’s less than a single $13 billion Gerald Ford-class supercarrier.Bringing Back the Well DeckNonetheless, Marines have understandable objections to the removal of the ability to deploy landing craft from a nominally “amphibious” ship.Afterall, air-cushion landing craft (LCAC) can carry up to 180 soldiers, 60-75 tons of supplies on each load, and vehicles as large as an Abrams main battle tank. Meanwhile, an Osprey can only carry 10-15 tons or thirty-two personnel. The only vehicle the MV-22B is certified to carry internally is a Growler jeep.The Marine Corps, however, is increasingly convinced that D-Day style amphibious landings on defended beachheads are less and less likely to be viable in modern warfare. It’s not merely that they fear a bloodbath on the beaches of the sort depicted in Saving Private Ryan or Letters from Iwo Jima. Strategists worry that long-range shore-launched anti-ship missiles will make it unlikely that landing craft, and even the larger LHDs and LHA carrying those landing craft, will be able to approach close enough to even deposit their troops in the first place. Surely, giant amphibious ships stuffed full with over a thousand Marines would be particularly tempting targets. America-class LHAs can at least thin out threats up to thirty miles away with their two Evolved Sea Sparrow missile launchers before having to rely on Phalanx gatling cannons and Rolling Airframe Missile launchers and Nulka decoys for point defense. But none of these systems can even hope to stop anti-ship ballistic missiles entering service in Iran and China.Thus, the Marine Corps recently abandoned its former objective of maintaining thirty-eight amphibious assault ships in service (it currently has thirty-two) which can deployed two full brigades into battle between them, in favor of dispersing troops amongst more numerous, though less capable, auxiliary and even robotic ships.That may explain why the Navy prioritized the ability to launch additional troop-carrying Ospreys from over a hundred miles away which can land behind enemy lines rather than exposed beachheads.But that doesn’t change the issue of logistical throughput: if you need to rapidly reinforce a beachhead with heavy weapons, vehicles and supplies, landing craft are preferable—especially once nearby enemy defenses are suppressed.The Ospreys themselves, while highly flexible, are also expensive to maintain and operate per flight hour. Furthermore, exhaust from both the Osprey and, especially, the F-35Bs inflict heat damage to the flight deck over time, limiting the advisability and increasing the cost of surging high-intensity flight operations over prolonged periods. The Navy has been continuously adapting the ships to prevent heat damage for years.Therefore, in a bid to restore flexibility, the third America-class ship, Bouganville (LHA-8) which was laid down in March 2019 in Mississippi, will see the well-deck restored with a capacity for two LCACS. The island is trimmed down to allow more flight deck parking spot in compensation for lost hangar space. Armament and sensors are re-situated onto the vessel’s “island” superstructure, including a brand-new EASR radar also destined to equip future Gerald Ford-class carriers.The new configuration inevitably requires tradeoffs. According to a chart at Navy Recognition, Bougainville falls squarely in between the Wasp-class LHD and the first two America-class boats with 38,000 square feet of deck space dedicated to aviation, but has less than half the aviation fuel capacity of her sister ships and more limited vehicle stowage. Despite these downsides, the restoration of the ability to carry landing craft should improve the America class’s flexibility. Still, naval planners will hopefully bear in mind the carrier’s secondary potential to serve as economy-size aircraft carriers for missions that don’t require $13 billion supercarriers.Sébastien Roblin holds a master’s degree in conflict resolution from Georgetown University and served as a university instructor for the Peace Corps in China. He has also worked in education, editing, and refugee resettlement in France and the United States. He currently writes on security and military history for War Is Boring.Image: Reuters.(This article was originally published earlier this month and is being republished due to reader interest.)
from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines
But if the Navy wants to, it could instead cram up to twenty fighters on the LHDs, turning them effectively into light aircraft carriers—a class of ship the Navy hasn’t built since World War II. Were the USS America to cruise alongside the French nuclear-powered aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle, the average Joe might struggle to distinguish their purposes. Both flat-tops measure longer than two-and-half football fields in length and carry jet fighters and helicopters.But the America and her sistership Tripoli are technically “Landing Helicopter Assault” vessels numbered LHA-6 and LHA-7 respectively: super-sized members of the “gator navy” of amphibious assault ships designed to deploy the expeditionary units of the U.S. Marine Corps onto hostile shores. In addition to the Navy crew of 1,000-1,200 sailors and officers, each LHA can carry nearly 1,700 Marines.Unlike the catapult-launched Rafale-M jet fighters on the Charles de Gaulle, the America and Tripoli can only deploy short-takeoff and vertical-lift capable jump jets from their decks. You can see a video of an F-35B hovering down for a landing on the America here.Rather than using nuclear reactors to achieve brisk speeds of 30 knots, 45,000-ton LHAs use an innovative hybrid electric/gas-turbine propulsion system pioneered in the final Wasp-class LHD, USS Makin Island. The electric propulsion is used for slower cruising speeds while the gas-turbine becomes more efficient near the more modest maximum speed of twenty knots.However, unlike the Wasp-class Landing Helicopter Docks (LHDs) they were based upon, America and Tripoli lack floodable “well deck” which can carry landing craft to ferry troops ashore. (This video shows how the Wasp’s cavernous well deck works.) All that space has instead gone to dramatically expanded aviation facilities and fuel stores. The ship’s medical facilities were also reduced by two-thirds.Instead of watercraft, the LHAs rely on squadrons of MV-22B Osprey tilt-rotors, sophisticated hybrid aircraft combining the vertical lift ability of a helicopter and the speed and range of an airplane—to insert troops by air.Officially, a “typical” air wing on the America would include a dozen Ospreys, six Harrier or F-35B jump jets, seven AH-1Z “Viper” attack and four CH-53K heavy transport helicopters to support troops ashore, and two MH-60S choppers for anti-submarine and search-and-rescue duties.But if the Navy wants to, it could instead cram up to twenty fighters on the LHDs, turning them effectively into light aircraft carriers—a class of ship the Navy hasn’t built since World War II. Like the lower-end escort carrier, the concept was that there were many missions like aircraft delivery and convoy escort that would benefit from air support, but didn’t require the massive firepower of a full carrier air wing with seventy to a hundred warplanes.Indeed, during the invasion of Iraq in 2003 the Navy used the LHDs Bataan and Bonhomme Richard as pocket carriers primarily to launch Harrier airstrikes in Iraq.However, the subsonic Harrier, though a versatile support platform, was substantially inferior in performance to equivalent land-based or catapult-launched fighters.The new supersonic-capable F-35B Lightning II stealth jets entering service with the Marine Corps are far more capable of taking on fourth- and fifth-generation fighters and launching longer-range strikes. Combined with the F-35’s surveillance capabilities, this means future air wings on LHDs and LHAs will be far more versatile.As the Pentagon’s chief strategic contingency is preparing for the possibility of conflict with China, the Marine Corps sees the Pacific Ocean as its most important likely battleground. A U.S.-China conflict might play out over small islands in the South China Sea in which the Chinese military has installed airfields, missile batteries and naval bases. And it may prove inefficient or risky to delegate a full-sized supercarrier to operations targeting these islands, or defend islands to which Marine and Army forces have deployed their own missile batteries.Indeed, the LHD USS Wasp deployed in April 2019 with ten F-35Bs onboard and buzzed Chinese troops deployed at Scarborough Shoal, an occupied by Chinese troops but claimed by the Philippines.Light carriers might also be appropriate in scale for protecting vital convoys traversing the vastness of the Pacific against sporadic air and submarine attacks using their onboard fighters and helicopters respectively.The cost of the America-class LHAs reflects the efficiency argument well: the three ships ordered together were developed and built for $10 billion. That’s less than a single $13 billion Gerald Ford-class supercarrier.Bringing Back the Well DeckNonetheless, Marines have understandable objections to the removal of the ability to deploy landing craft from a nominally “amphibious” ship.Afterall, air-cushion landing craft (LCAC) can carry up to 180 soldiers, 60-75 tons of supplies on each load, and vehicles as large as an Abrams main battle tank. Meanwhile, an Osprey can only carry 10-15 tons or thirty-two personnel. The only vehicle the MV-22B is certified to carry internally is a Growler jeep.The Marine Corps, however, is increasingly convinced that D-Day style amphibious landings on defended beachheads are less and less likely to be viable in modern warfare. It’s not merely that they fear a bloodbath on the beaches of the sort depicted in Saving Private Ryan or Letters from Iwo Jima. Strategists worry that long-range shore-launched anti-ship missiles will make it unlikely that landing craft, and even the larger LHDs and LHA carrying those landing craft, will be able to approach close enough to even deposit their troops in the first place. Surely, giant amphibious ships stuffed full with over a thousand Marines would be particularly tempting targets. America-class LHAs can at least thin out threats up to thirty miles away with their two Evolved Sea Sparrow missile launchers before having to rely on Phalanx gatling cannons and Rolling Airframe Missile launchers and Nulka decoys for point defense. But none of these systems can even hope to stop anti-ship ballistic missiles entering service in Iran and China.Thus, the Marine Corps recently abandoned its former objective of maintaining thirty-eight amphibious assault ships in service (it currently has thirty-two) which can deployed two full brigades into battle between them, in favor of dispersing troops amongst more numerous, though less capable, auxiliary and even robotic ships.That may explain why the Navy prioritized the ability to launch additional troop-carrying Ospreys from over a hundred miles away which can land behind enemy lines rather than exposed beachheads.But that doesn’t change the issue of logistical throughput: if you need to rapidly reinforce a beachhead with heavy weapons, vehicles and supplies, landing craft are preferable—especially once nearby enemy defenses are suppressed.The Ospreys themselves, while highly flexible, are also expensive to maintain and operate per flight hour. Furthermore, exhaust from both the Osprey and, especially, the F-35Bs inflict heat damage to the flight deck over time, limiting the advisability and increasing the cost of surging high-intensity flight operations over prolonged periods. The Navy has been continuously adapting the ships to prevent heat damage for years.Therefore, in a bid to restore flexibility, the third America-class ship, Bouganville (LHA-8) which was laid down in March 2019 in Mississippi, will see the well-deck restored with a capacity for two LCACS. The island is trimmed down to allow more flight deck parking spot in compensation for lost hangar space. Armament and sensors are re-situated onto the vessel’s “island” superstructure, including a brand-new EASR radar also destined to equip future Gerald Ford-class carriers.The new configuration inevitably requires tradeoffs. According to a chart at Navy Recognition, Bougainville falls squarely in between the Wasp-class LHD and the first two America-class boats with 38,000 square feet of deck space dedicated to aviation, but has less than half the aviation fuel capacity of her sister ships and more limited vehicle stowage. Despite these downsides, the restoration of the ability to carry landing craft should improve the America class’s flexibility. Still, naval planners will hopefully bear in mind the carrier’s secondary potential to serve as economy-size aircraft carriers for missions that don’t require $13 billion supercarriers.Sébastien Roblin holds a master’s degree in conflict resolution from Georgetown University and served as a university instructor for the Peace Corps in China. He has also worked in education, editing, and refugee resettlement in France and the United States. He currently writes on security and military history for War Is Boring.Image: Reuters.(This article was originally published earlier this month and is being republished due to reader interest.)
August 24, 2019 at 07:30AM via IFTTT
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newstfionline · 7 years
After Trump’s visit to Japan, U.S. ambassador enters fray over Okinawa base
By Anna Fifield, Washington Post, November 13, 2017
TOKYO--The new U.S. ambassador to Japan, William Hagerty, embarked Monday on a careful visit to Okinawa, where he met with the governor who wants the American military presence on the southern island prefecture sharply reduced.
The U.S. bases on Okinawa are the most sensitive aspect of the two countries’ security alliance, which President Trump and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe celebrated during their meetings in Tokyo last week.
The governor of Okinawa, Takeshi Onaga, has been campaigning against the relocation of the huge Marine air station at Futenma, in the middle of Okinawa’s main island, to a remote spot on reclaimed land farther north at Henoko.
Hagerty is scheduled to visit Camp Schwab, the existing American base at Henoko, by helicopter Tuesday if the weather permits.
But Onaga and a majority of Okinawans, according to polls, don’t want the base moved there. Instead, they want the base moved out the prefecture entirely, saying that the southern islands bear too much of the burden for the U.S.-Japanese alliance.
“People in Okinawa prefecture are working hard to stop that base ever being finished,” Onaga told Hagerty during their 35-minute meeting, according to local media reports.
Onaga’s previous attempts to persuade policymakers in Washington have led nowhere, with American officials telling him it is a matter for him to sort out with the central government in Tokyo. Abe’s government has been pressing ahead with the plans to expand the base in Henoko, while Onaga has come up with creative ways to stymie them.
Onaga took the opportunity to make his case to Hagerty, complaining about the environmental impact of the construction at Henoko, particularly on sea life, and asking why Okinawa had to have the new base.
Okinawa was occupied by the United States for almost three decades after the end of World War II, and the bases remained after it was handed back to Japan in 1972. The island chain accounts for less than 1 percent of Japan’s landmass but houses 74 percent of the U.S. military bases in Japan.
“This is discrimination against Okinawa,” Onaga told Hagerty.
In response, Hagerty said that the United States had an agreement to reduce the military burden on Okinawa and alleviate some of the impact of hosting the bases.
The governor also raised concerns about a recent series of military accidents in Okinawa involving tilt-rotor Ospreys or other military aircraft.
A Marine CH-53E transport helicopter last month caught fire in midair during a training flight in the northern part of Okinawa’s main island. The copter crashed just 300 yards from houses. No one was injured.
Sporadic and sometimes serious crimes also have fueled Okinawans’ concerns about the large American military presence.
A U.S. military contractor, Kenneth Franklin Shinzato, is expected to plead guilty Thursday to charges of raping a 20-year-old Okinawa woman last year and then dumping her body, but not guilty to killing her.
Hagerty, a Tennessee businessman who spent three years working in Japan for the Boston Consulting Group earlier in his career, was at pains to be diplomatic at the start of his visit Monday.
“My visit to the Peace Memorial Park and Museum was a deeply moving experience,” Hagerty wrote on Twitter after visiting the memorial to the 200,000-plus people who were killed during the three-month-long Battle of Okinawa in 1945. It was the only battle of World War II that was fought on Japanese territory.
Hagerty also visited Shuri Castle, the center of the kingdom that ruled the islands before Japan took them over, and tweeted that he had a “fantastic” visit with high school students.
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orcelito · 2 years
So I was gonna leave a comment on the fic but it would have been some random chapter in the middle so I just figured I’d go here, but just want to express how much I love discacc. I’m reading it for the third? Fourth time? And it always hits. Lowkey kinda inspiring me to start writing fic of my own? Anyways just wanna send a little positivity ur way, keep being awesome!
fjsdkfjsldfkj <333333 thank you,,,, it is very definitely my darling giant baby... i may be focused on libero a due rn but rest assured discacc is never far from my thoughts
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sparrows in the tall grass bustle flirtatiously  all around me confident in their calls in their flirting, with songs bright sporadic like a jazz singer covered in gold sequence with pursed lips and hips that swing for an eternity songs that make my head turn in every direction like anxiety, but without the feeling of anxiousness. Brown/gold/orange/yellow like grains/cornmeal/stained teeth/tahini sunsets/soil/mineral deposits/limestone. the wind kisses my face as I squint at the horizon. I look up to see an Osprey soar across the entire sky changing the shape of clouds with intention discipline purpose I long to be him, or the sparrows confidently navigating and filled with purpose.
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flauntpage · 7 years
Who have been the PRO14 breakthrough stars of the season so far?
Five weeks into a topsy-turvy, roller coaster ride of a Guinness PRO14 season, some of the league’s youngest players have shone, making it clear to everyone that the kids certainly are alright.
Here, we take a look at some of the breakthrough stars of the campaign so far and get to know some of the new kids on the block.
Alex Wootton – Munster
There’s no better way to announce you’re going to have a big season than equalling the PRO14 record for the most tries scored in a game, as Wootton did with his four against the Cheetahs in September.
Munster’s Alex Wootton (Inpho/Billy Stickland)
The 23-year-old made a handful of appearances for Munster last term but has started all five games this year and is the joint-leading try-scorer in the competition with five.
The Macclesfield-born winger is only the second Munsterman to score four tries in a game in the competition, Mike Mullins first achieving the feat against Caerphilly in 2001.
The Irishman’s start to the season has been a highlight for the province thus far, and Wootton appears to have the ability to continue that form all season long.
Barry Daly – Leinster
Not to be outdone by Munster, Leinster have a winger of their own making breaking through in the shape of Barry Daly.
The former Ireland Under-20s star featured sporadically for the province last season but now, in the second year of his first professional contract, Daly is grabbing the headlines.
Having just turned 24, the wideman displayed his strike ability with a hat-trick against the Cheetahs, also grabbing a try against Cardiff Blues to become Leinster’s top marksman this season.
Jacob Stockdale – Ulster
Lisburn-native Stockdale has scored a try in every Guinness PRO14 match he’s played this season, racking up three from three.
Ulster’s Jacob Stockdale (Inpho/Morgan Treacy)
Keep up that form and he’ll be adding plenty more Ireland caps to the two he won over the summer.
The elusive winger is into his third senior season but at the tender age of 21, he’s already notched up 14 tries in 27 senior Ulster appearances.
Scoring in the wins over the Dragons, Scarlets and Benetton Treviso, Stockdale has made six clean breaks and more than 200 metres – statistics like those indicate the 6ft 5in poacher is in for an excellent season.
Francois Venter – Cheetahs
He’s certainly not a breakthrough star in the Southern Hemisphere but having only made three Springbok appearances, European audiences haven’t had much chance to witness the talents of Francois Venter.
The Cheetahs captain missed the opening-round defeat to Ulster, returning against Munster and then leading the Bloemfontein side to wins against Zebre, Leinster and Ospreys.
Echoing South African legend Jean de Villiers, Venter is adept at spotting a gap and his break for William Small-Smith’s try against Leinster was a joy to behold.
The midfielder has already beaten 12 defenders and claimed over 250 metres, spearheading the Cheetahs’ sprint to third place in Conference A.
The post Who have been the PRO14 breakthrough stars of the season so far? appeared first on Life Style Sports Blog.
Who have been the PRO14 breakthrough stars of the season so far? published first on http://ift.tt/2pLTmlv
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pressography-blog1 · 8 years
Freed South Sudan Political Detainee Requires Launch of Others
New Post has been published on https://pressography.org/freed-south-sudan-political-detainee-requires-launch-of-others/
Freed South Sudan Political Detainee Requires Launch of Others
A former political detainee in South Sudan says extra than 30 such prisoners continue to be held against their will, regardless of a vow from President Salva Kiir to Release them.
                                               South Sudan
Southwest Airlines
Leonzio Angelo One, the dean of the college of implemented and commercial sciences at the University of Juba, is asking the president to paste to a current promise and Launch 32 prominent detainees diagnosed in December by means of rights institution Amnesty Worldwide Top Theto.
One stated dwelling as much as that pledge might be constant with the August 2015 peace deal aimed at ending South Sudan’s civil struggle.
“If President Kiir clearly needs forgiveness, he must Release all the detainees” as well as the prisoners being held by way of the national security career, he told VOA’s South Sudan in Awareness program.
The 32 guys and loads of others have been detained for opposing Kiir, the embattled president of the center of South Sudan’s civil struggle. Rebellion forces had been combating to oust him on account that December 2013, amid accusations that Kiir has concentrated strength inside the fingers of his own Dinka tribe.
Kiir used a national day of prayer closing Friday to order the discharge of Trendy Elia Way N epoch and Principal Trendy Andria Dominic, each detained because last Can also. One said he considered the gesture an awesome first step.
The 2 generals had been let loose Tuesday, consistent with authorities officials.
In Can also 2016, Amnesty Global launched a document detailing what it described as “appalling” situations for South Sudanese political detainees. The record said most of the detainees have been never charged with an offense, however, have been being held in dire conditions and fed most effective once or twice a day.
One, who became held in the Jebel Detention Facility among December 2015 and overdue April 2016, corroborated that file. He said that he changed into housed in a shipping field-like room on the facility.
Political News
“I could not sleep inside the night. There has been little or no oxygen so my mind became kicking off and I was having nightmares,” he stated.
Other prisoners lived in warm, crowded quarters, eight to a room, and locked up 24 hours, seven days a week, he says.
One stated the guards might not feed them sufficiently.
“We were ingesting beans and maize meal once a day and occasionally we had trouble,” he said. “We can not actually have the only-time-a-day meal, we ought to pass without meals for two days.”
He said he have become very ill whilst imprisoned, and suspects Other detainees have suffered comparable illnesses, however, have now not been handled.
each One and Amnesty Worldwide said they have obtained records that detainees have died in captivity, however, Amnesty said it couldn’t affirm any deaths.
One emphasized he became never given get entry to a legal professional or charged with against the law. He said throughout the five months he turned into imprisoned, he had no concept why he becomes there.
Khartoum Sudan
“We do no longer want to reside inside the past, we need to go ahead,” he said. He shows it’d assist if the authorities could accept responsibility for its abuses and pay the households of those detained, “in a way admitting and announcing, ‘Everybody has sinned, let us forgive every Different and let us circulate forward,’” Onek said.
What is the Context of the Violent Crisis in South Sudan?
In case you are pressured about Sudan and South Sudan, then join the membership! We in Africa, even right around the corner to Sudan and its new neighbor South Sudan, a brand new kingdom created handiest 3 years ago, are often baffled with the aid of the ordinary happenings that are best hinted at in sporadic, difficult to understand, and weird press debts.
Clearly, part of the deeper hassle with the Sudan Disaster is that the sector’s media is covering it without the sources they might commit to a human tragedy of this length in Europe, Asia, Africa, or the Americas. Unluckily, we are inured to Africans death by way of the lots, and it simply would not generate headlines. It’s miles possibly, consistent with UN officials, that hundreds are already dead in South Sudan, however, no one has hard numbers for a frame rely on up.
Sudan People
Though much blood has already been spilled in South Sudan, things were given lots worse in the final ten days. The point of interest of the violence has fallen increasingly more on civilians. UN Secretary Fashionable Ban Ki-Moon has ordered something like 7,000 Global police and military to be brought to a comparable quantity already stationed within the region around Juba, however this will not be sufficient to counter the forces of The two South Sudanese factions combating for the supremacy of The two main South Sudan political heavyweights, Salva Kiir and his former collaborator and political best friend Riek Machar. United International locations human rights officers on the ground have said that there may be no end-fireplace in sight. Until Kiir or Machar wins decisively, the conflicts and deaths will retain.
An oversimplified (but always useful!) manner to understand the context in which the current violence has erupted on this barren, imperative part of Africa is primarily based on ethnicity and faith. There have been two steps to the procedure that created the contemporary mess, the primary regarding Muslim/Christian conflict that created South Sudan as a new country in 2011, and now the present day war, which has arisen solely inside South Sudan as competing political figures vie for supremacy.
Again within the days of the antique state of Sudan, with the aid of some distance the biggest u. S . A . in all of Africa earlier than it cut up, northern and southern Sudanese frequently had fights primarily based on faith and ethnicity. The northern Sudanese, who’re targeted in Khartoum, the marvelous and historic capital town at the Nile, are largely light-skinned Arab Muslims. The human beings of southern Sudan are predominantly black African Christians. The Muslims for many years appeared the southerners as 2nd class citizens and did no longer hesitate to brutalize them. And so it becomes those black Christians who voted overwhelmingly (98 in step with cent) to secede from Sudan as a brand new kingdom in 2011. This new country turned into christened South Sudan.
The broader issues of more Sudan got here to short public interest in a remarkable spark of explosive international prominence a decade ago, whilst Hollywood film stars attempted to Focus charitable giving on human distress in Darfur. Actor George Clooney famously lent his own excellent personal aura and reputation to raise cash for refugees. however then Sudan diminished from the news, and now we discover that the killing and horror has resumed.
Political Polls
Some 3 hundred U.S. residents had been evacuated from the town of Bor, the capital of Jonglei Province, the geographical Cognizance of instability in South Sudan. Bor is a place of newly observed oil wealth, and this considerably complicates everything.
Huge, heavy-responsibility U.S. Army Osprey plane, the ones magnificent airships which can shift their engines to factor skyward while landing so that they function like helicopters, attracted gunfire inside the closing ten days even as trying to extract fleeing Individuals. In the meantime, hundreds of citizens from Other Western International locations, consisting of Canada, the U.Ok., and Australia, have elected to live in South Sudan and hard it out, within the hope that a peace plan can be cobbled together before the violence gets worse. There can be A few cause to wish.
The yank Secretary of Country, John Kerry, has put pressure this week at the administration of President Salva Kiir for a Christmas stop-fire (sarcastically, the birthday celebration of Christmas was banned with the aid of the antique government in Khartoum), Although with blended effects. fighting continues as I write this, consistent with most reports. Refugees are fleeing into neighboring international locations to the east, especially Uganda and Ethiopia.
There are reportedly 20,000 displaced folks in Juba, the dusty capital town of South Sudan. The International airport has been closed, perhaps to gradual down the tide of departures. There are some other 15,000 refugees in Bor. A majority of these people fear for his or her safety notwithstanding curfews from sundown to sunrise.
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addcrazy-blog · 8 years
New Post has been published on Add Crazy
New Post has been published on https://addcrazy.com/south-sudan-renegade-wellknown-requires-overthrow-of-kiir/
South Sudan: Renegade Wellknown Requires Overthrow of Kiir
By John Tanza And Ayen Biron A renegade South Sudanese Well known says President Salva Kiir is destroying the East African country and should be overthrown.
Standard Thomas Cirillo Swaka spoke to VOA’s South Sudan in Consciousness from an undisclosed region Monday, soon after saying the release of a new riot group, the Countrywide Salvation Front.
“Kiir is killing our humans, Kiir has betrayed the aspiration, the wish of our human beings,” he stated. “So it is a need to for the people of South Sudan … To pop out at this historic juncture to see into it that Kiir is not there.”
South Sudan has been mired in a war on the grounds that fighting among pro- and anti-Kiir factions broke out at the crease of 2013. The warfare has displaced greater than two million humans from their homes and caused ongoing food shortages in many regions.
Cirillo stated his group will “use each method viable” to bring down Kiir, however, become evasive about the dimensions of his forces.
“My military is our those who love peace. My navy is our people who like to be together, who love to be in team spirit,” he stated.
Cirillo, a veteran of South Sudan’s -decade struggle for independence from Sudan, became the military’s deputy chief of the group of workers for logistics before resigning his role last month. In a manifesto released Monday, he accused the Kiir administration of seizing power and belongings for the president’s personal Dinka tribe at the expense of different ethnic groups.
Cirillo said he holds different competition leaders in high regard and expressed desire they are able to come collectively to, in his phrases, “rescue the state.”
Kiir and insurrection leader Riek Machar signed a peace deal in August 2015, but the settlement has made little development due to the fact preventing in the capital, Juba, last July killed three hundred human beings and pressured Machar to escape the country.
The power conflict between President Kiir and his former deputy Machar broke out in December 2013, after the president accused Machar and 10 others of attempting a coup d’etat.
What’s the Context of the Violent Crisis in South Sudan? In case you are stressed about Sudan and South Sudan, then be part of the club! We in Africa, even right around the corner to Sudan and its new neighbor South Sudan, a new state created best three years in the past, are regularly baffled By means of the typical happenings which can be simplest hinted at in sporadic, difficult to understand, and bizarre press debts.
Virtually, a part of the deeper hassle with the Sudan Disaster is that the world’s media is masking it without the assets they might commit to a human tragedy of this length in Europe, Asia, Africa, or the Americas. Lamentably, we’re inured to Africans loss of life By way of the heaps, and it simply doesn’t generate headlines. it is probably, in line with UN officers, that thousands are already lifeless in South Sudan, but no one has hard numbers for a body count.
Though a great deal blood has already been spilled in South Sudan, things were given a whole lot worse in the closing ten days. The point of interest of the violence has fallen increasingly more on civilians. UN Secretary Well known Ban Ki-Moon has ordered something like 7,000 global police and army to be introduced to a similar quantity already stationed inside the area round Juba, but this will now not be sufficient to counter the forces of the 2 South Sudanese factions fighting for the supremacy of the 2 essential South Sudan political heavyweights, Salva Kiir and his former collaborator and political best friend Riek Machar. United Countries human rights officials at the floor have stated that there’s no end-fireplace in sight. Till Kiir or Machar wins decisively, the conflicts and deaths will hold.
An oversimplified (however constantly helpful!) way to recognize the context in which the modern-day violence has erupted on this barren, vital-gap part of Africa is based on ethnicity and religion. There had been two steps to the method that created the modern mess, the primary concerning Muslim/Christian warfare that created South Sudan as a brand new kingdom in 2011, and now the current conflict, which has arisen completely within South Sudan as competing political figures vie for supremacy.
Returned inside the days of the vintage country of Sudan, Through some distance the biggest use in all of Africa earlier than it cut up up, northern and southern Sudanese frequently had fights primarily based on faith and ethnicity. The northern Sudanese, who are centered in Khartoum, the astonishing and historic capital town on the Nile, are in large part light-skinned Arab Muslims. The humans of southern Sudan are predominantly black African Christians. The Muslims for many years seemed the southerners as 2nd magnificence citizens and did no longer hesitate to brutalize them. And so it became those black Christians who voted overwhelmingly (98 in line with cent) to secede from Sudan as a brand new nation in 2011. This new kingdom turned into christened South Sudan.
The wider issues of extra Sudan came to short public interest in a splendid spark of explosive world prominence a decade ago, whilst Hollywood movie stars tried to Attention charitable giving on human distress in Darfur. Actor George Clooney famously lent his own great personal air of mystery and popularity to elevate money for refugees. but then Sudan diminished from the news, and now we find that the killing and horror has resumed.
Some three hundred U.S. citizens had been evacuated from the town of Bor, the capital of Jonglei Province, the geographical Focus of instability in South Sudan. Bor is an area of newly found oil wealth, and this substantially complicates the whole thing.
Big, heavy-responsibility U.S. Military Osprey aircraft, the ones wonderful airships which can shift their engines to point skyward when landing in order that they feature like helicopters, attracted gunfire in the closing ten days even as attempting to extract fleeing Americans. In the meantime, thousands of residents from different Western Countries, consisting of Canada, the U.K., and Australia, have elected to live in South Sudan and hard it out, inside the wish that a peace plan may be cobbled together earlier than the violence receives worse. There may be Some motive to pray.
The american Secretary of State, John Kerry, has positioned strain this week at the management of President Salva Kiir for a Christmas stop-fire (satirically, the birthday party of Christmas used to be banned With the aid of the old government in Khartoum), Though with blended effects. preventing continues as I write this, in line with maximum reports. Refugees are fleeing into neighboring nations to the east, especially Uganda and Ethiopia.
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flauntpage · 7 years
Who have been the PRO14 breakthrough stars of the season so far?
Five weeks into a topsy-turvy, roller coaster ride of a Guinness PRO14 season, some of the league’s youngest players have shone, making it clear to everyone that the kids certainly are alright.
Here, we take a look at some of the breakthrough stars of the campaign so far and get to know some of the new kids on the block.
Alex Wootton – Munster
There’s no better way to announce you’re going to have a big season than equalling the PRO14 record for the most tries scored in a game, as Wootton did with his four against the Cheetahs in September.
Munster’s Alex Wootton (Inpho/Billy Stickland)
The 23-year-old made a handful of appearances for Munster last term but has started all five games this year and is the joint-leading try-scorer in the competition with five.
The Macclesfield-born winger is only the second Munsterman to score four tries in a game in the competition, Mike Mullins first achieving the feat against Caerphilly in 2001.
The Irishman’s start to the season has been a highlight for the province thus far, and Wootton appears to have the ability to continue that form all season long.
Barry Daly – Leinster
Not to be outdone by Munster, Leinster have a winger of their own making breaking through in the shape of Barry Daly.
The former Ireland Under-20s star featured sporadically for the province last season but now, in the second year of his first professional contract, Daly is grabbing the headlines.
Having just turned 24, the wideman displayed his strike ability with a hat-trick against the Cheetahs, also grabbing a try against Cardiff Blues to become Leinster’s top marksman this season.
Jacob Stockdale – Ulster
Lisburn-native Stockdale has scored a try in every Guinness PRO14 match he’s played this season, racking up three from three.
Ulster’s Jacob Stockdale (Inpho/Morgan Treacy)
Keep up that form and he’ll be adding plenty more Ireland caps to the two he won over the summer.
The elusive winger is into his third senior season but at the tender age of 21, he’s already notched up 14 tries in 27 senior Ulster appearances.
Scoring in the wins over the Dragons, Scarlets and Benetton Treviso, Stockdale has made six clean breaks and more than 200 metres – statistics like those indicate the 6ft 5in poacher is in for an excellent season.
Francois Venter – Cheetahs
He’s certainly not a breakthrough star in the Southern Hemisphere but having only made three Springbok appearances, European audiences haven’t had much chance to witness the talents of Francois Venter.
The Cheetahs captain missed the opening-round defeat to Ulster, returning against Munster and then leading the Bloemfontein side to wins against Zebre, Leinster and Ospreys.
Echoing South African legend Jean de Villiers, Venter is adept at spotting a gap and his break for William Small-Smith’s try against Leinster was a joy to behold.
The midfielder has already beaten 12 defenders and claimed over 250 metres, spearheading the Cheetahs’ sprint to third place in Conference A.
The post Who have been the PRO14 breakthrough stars of the season so far? appeared first on Life Style Sports Blog.
Who have been the PRO14 breakthrough stars of the season so far? published first on http://ift.tt/2pLTmlv
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