sportaholix-blog · 6 years
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💪 We want you for the SEXIEST BATTLE IN TOWN 🏋️‍♀️
DRESDEN 02. | 03.02.19
LEIPZIG 02. | 03.03.19
Registration right here 👉 http://www.fitstyledays.com/competition/
🙃 The winner takes it all - get 🏆 & some 🎁 from CAPITAL SPORTS Deutschland Multipower Aesparel Sportaholix and many more
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healthengineers · 6 years
Hey #trizeps Freunde, . . . 🇬🇧 exercise for arms? 🇩🇪 Übung für hinteren Oberarm? @healthengineers ________ . 📳On- & 📴Offline - 🏡Home & 🏩Studio Training. . . . 💪 Need Support ❔ 4 Coaching: DM 📩 💪 . . 💯 Damit viele von den Übungen profitieren: #Comment & #Likes & #Follow4follow 💯 . ________ (Ads wgn. Markenerkennung) #nopainnogain #workhard #train #trainhard #training #noexcuses #exercises #fitnessscience #fitnessbutright #sportaholic #bodybuilding #buildmuscle #medicine #fitnessimportance #instafitness #instadaily #triceps #bocomebetter #fitnessexercise #instafit #instadaily #fitness #bodytransformation #gainz #muskel #muscle Supported Musiker: @iksonofficial Musik: Wander (hier: Cologne, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtjtFMwDcjo/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=mqtqzn55r714
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Love Drowned
@dianakko-week Day 3 : how they fell in love 
pairing : diakko / dianakko (diana + atsuko)
reading time : ~ 5min 
approximate word count : 1200
context : this is an AU where Luna Nova is a normal school, but with professional SWIMMERS in training, in stead of witches. Diana talks about her days to her dead mother through her diary. As the days go by, Diana tends to write more and more about Akko, not even realizing she is spilling her love interest to her mother.
I based the ‘moment they fell in love’, on the episode of the anime, where there is the big witch ceremonial festival, where Diana summons a unicorn, and the red team get eaten by a big sad ghost. Yeah, that’s that. 
(i’m also sorry i got to lazy to properly finish this, but i will try to continue this AU later on. alsotheendingisapracticaljoke, it doesn't actually happen, lmao)
(Sun) September 1st , 2014
Good evening Bernadette,
 Today is the last day of summer, which means, school is starting over. Finally.
New year, new beginnings.
As you already well know, vacation has always been a time of the year I dread most. Having to endure two months of it, is an amount of time utterly painful for me. How can I become the world’s greatest swimmer, if so much time of my life is wasted on things else than training?
But alas, time has come.
This also means, there are only two more years before graduation, and I’ll be off to university. Each year passing by, has only got more thrilled!
 Jeana is worried about me. She says that ever since you pa , ever since you told us your farewells, she has judge me too hard of a worker. Though she is always so polite, it seems she is inclined to using the term “sportaholic”. She says it would pain you to see me so deep into my training, “never taking a brake” as she puts it. Is it true? Do you worry for me? For I must assure you, I find myself most fine and content in my hard work. I hope you can see that.
 (M) September 2nd , 2014
 Good evening Bernadette,
 Today went by quickly. Nothing much changed since last year. My classmates are almost all the same. Anna and Barbara are still by my side, like always. They haven’t changed either. Always chattering and blabbing about anything and everything. I’d forgot how much I preferred to be alone. I usually find the silence quite comforting. I believe the library will yet again be my best friend. Although I must say, nothing can ever relieve my heart the way you do. You’ve been such a great friend and listener to me all these years, through and through. I certainly can’t thank you enough. I miss you. Always.
(F) September 6th , 2014
 Good evening Bernadette,
 For the first in a long time, a new student has arrived in our school. She is from a foreign country. Japan. She will be in my class for the year.
As head of school club comity, and Luna Nova’s best student, it was my duty to accompany her throughout the school. After the tour, we said our goodbyes, and I haven’t payed much attention to her since. Or at least, I tried. Work is always more interesting than most people of course. Yet, in the little time this new girl has been here, she’s been making quiet a fool out of herself.
She doesn’t listen in class, often distracts everyone with her unspeakable manners, and worst of all, when we did our first swimming lesson, she didn’t know how to dive! It was quite ridiculous seeing her in such struggle. I am still perplexed as to how Luna Nova could allow such low trained commoner enter our team.
 (W) September 27th 2014
 Good evening Bernadette,
 Today was spent making preparations for the synchronized swimming event we are holding next week. Establishments from all around the United Kingdom and Ireland will be participating. The festival is something quite intense and a bit stressful for our teachers and the principal. It is why I naturally accepted to help with the making of posters and to organize the new shower head delivery and the arrangements of new pool filters to complete the renovations.
The event must be perfect. After all, Luna Nova has its reputation at stake.
 (F) September 30th 2014
 Good evening Bernadette,
 Today was the great “Luna Nova Autumn Dive Festival”. Everything was in order. Everything was perfect.
All the snacks had been laid out, posters put in place, showers scrubbed, and prizes stored.
When th evening started, the classes of Dublin were the first to present. Then came that of Limerick. Then Whales and London. Aberdeen, Edimburg, Cambridge, thus leaving the hosts for last.
Each school had remarkable performances, though the judges seemed particularly unimpressed.
I had spent the night before the event, embroidering our ancestral coat of arms on my suit, believing it would provide me with our family’s hope and strength.
So finally came my turn.
Although the event held most rules from the sport, some other specific things were allowed too. This is why the girls and I had agreed on making a very special move at the end of our performance. 
As the show unraveled, after spinning a few times at the top of the water, all three of us plunged under the surface. Anna went at the bottom of the pool, while Barbara put herself on her hands. This allowed me to go on top of her, and to push through the surface of the water, with a back layout flip before diving back into the water without disturbing it.
As I swam to the ladder and pulled myself out of the pool, multiple students from other teams came running at my side to congratulate me. The crowd all around also seemed quite impressed. I must say the recognition of my hard work was quiet comforting.
I wish you had been there to see it.
  actually… you’re right. There is something else. Something troubling me... It’s about Atsuko Kagari. You know, the new foreign student.
Because this event concerned our school, all of our classes had to participate, meaning that even though the new girl could barely swim a few laps without running out of breath, she still had to put on a show, like everyone else. Yet, she didn’t seem discouraged at all. Quite the opposite actually. She was fierce and determined. Until the very last second, she was training in the second pool, to make sure she could compete.
I’ve seen her train. Day after day she stayed past school curfew, sneaking at night into the pool, to work and train. But what was most shocking, was the look she gave,that day ; when she came out of the pool and through the changing room, still dripping, and stared at me dead in the eyes : “Watch me.” was all she said, before entering the second pool to show the judges.
The power this girl holds, just bewilders me. Though she says she doesn’t want to prove herself to anyone, I simply refuse to believe her. How could such a frail girl hold such determination…
 (W) October 14th 2014
 Good evening,
 Atsuko Kagari is such a pain.
Let me enlighten you on the subject. She has been continuously falling behind the program and her grades are disastrous! This implies she has to work extra time, thus meaning she hasn’t any time from training, and though professor Ursula has been her assigned mentor, she has been notably unable to provide Atsuko with the right aid, so, the teacher counselors have now turned to me.  
I used to love helping people. It has always been my noble “cup of tea”, but when it comes to Atsuko, my patience suddenly vacates me immediately. No matter the effort I give, it is like she is bound to go toward the opposite of scholar success. This doesn’t either amply her troublesome attitude, which has already caused her near expulsion for the third time this week.
I am lost to what to do. Some help would much be appreciated. Until next time.
*many, many, MANY pages later*
 (F) December 13th 2014
I think im gay
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eileenhilton-blog · 7 years
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Zwischen der Jagd nach dem perfekten Bild, blieb sogar noch etwas Zeit um @thomas.faber zu zwingen ein GroopieBild zu machen😂 Der war nämlich eigentlich da um seinen ehemaligen WgMitbewohner zu unterstützen, der ihm bei StrengthWars das Händchen hielt! Das nenn ich doch mal Kameradschaft! 🙃 Vielen Dank auch an @bjoernatfitness, der mich im Besten Licht erwischt hat...NICHT! Naja Humor ist wenn man trotzdem lacht... stimmts🙈 Übrigens... wer den LifeStream dann doch noch verpasst hat ( böser Fehler) der darf sich auf das Best Of im OnDemand-Format freuen! Wo? Genau? Auf @sportaholix.club ... wo auch sonst😂👌🏼 .‼️die Teams im WOD UP Berlin‼️. . @axtcrossfit @weareathletescom @spreecrossfit @myleocrossfit @crossfitaorta @argoathletics @crossfiticke @crossfitpotsdam @crossfitwerk @evope_germany @thefrontlineberlin @g3_crossfit @hauptstadtcrossfit @urbangladiatorsberlin @noex_berlin . . ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ ❤️💪🏼❤️💪🏼❤️💪🏼❤️💪🏼❤️💪🏼❤️💪🏼❤️💪🏼❤️💪🏼❤️➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ ➖➖ #wodupberlin #crossfit #2 #competition #badass #liftingislife #throwdown #girlstrainhard #beastoftheday #sportaholixclub #sportialnetwork #fightgonebad #sportaholic #livestage #backstage (hier: AXT CrossFit)
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margiehasson · 5 years
Corsa e mindfulness, l’importanza del recovery
«Tra tutte le cose che dobbiamo fare, pensiamo anche a quelle che vogliamo fare». A ricordarci l’importanza del «recovery» fisico e mentale è Vanessa Villa, influencer e runner. Spesso si tende a sottovalutarlo, ma conta almeno quanto una gara. Il recupero permette di massimizzare i risultati della performance sportiva. Perché non basta correre per pensare di aver fatto a sufficienza.  Lo stretching è una forma di recupero, così come lo stacco mentale, ma anche la corsa stessa è recupero. Sì, ma con un obiettivo diverso: defaticare gambe e muscoli. Insomma, per tutte quelle volte in cui avete corso e poi non avete fatto il defaticamento, sappiate che vi siete persi qualcosa di importante per il vostro corpo.
Vanessa per le easy run indossa la Nike Joyride Run Flyknit
  Ecco perché Nike Joyride Run Flyknit ha pensato a una scarpa da corsa con uno speciale sistema di ammortizzazione personalizzato costituito da migliaia di microsfere colorate TPE.
La mente gioca un ruolo molto importante nel recovery. Spesso, infatti, la costanza e la determinazione di allenarsi e di raggiungere i risultati dipendono proprio dalla testa. Per sopportare la pressione, la soluzione è sapersi rilassare. E questo a Vanessa riesce molto bene perché combina la sua consapevolezza di yogi a quella di agonista di karate. Lei si definisce una sportaholic, perché senza lo sport non sarebbe davvero se stessa. Insieme a Nike si sta preparando a correre la sua prima 10 chilometri, in cui correrà con la Nike Air Zoom Pegasus 36, la scarpa pensata per correre più veloce e più a lungo. La Nike Air Zoom Pegasus 36 grazie alla sua Zoom Air a tutta lunghezza, e rivestita dalla schiuma Cushlon nell’intersuola, consente una falcata più regolare, reattiva e ammortizzata.
Vanessa indossa la Nike Air Zoom Pegasus 36. La suola Zoom Air garantisce reattività e massima velocità.
  Come ti stai allenando? «Anita, coach Nike running, mi ha preparato un allenamento di sei settimane da dividere su tre giorni a settimana. Un giorno è dedicato a correre molti chilometri ma lentamente; uno alle ripetute quindi con distanze più brevi ma intense, e un giorno mi alleno correndo alla massima velocità».
Qual è il tuo obiettivo per questa 10 chilometri? «L’obiettivo è fare questa dieci chilometri con il mio tempo migliore. Ho una tempra da agonista e miro a farla al top. Ma ho anche un’anima da yogi e quindi se non otterrò il risultato sperato, so come sentirmi soddisfatta lo stesso. In ogni caso mi dirò “brava Vane”, ce lo meritiamo sempre».
Che ruola gioca la mindfulness nella tua vita? «Ho iniziato a praticare yoga quando ancora facevo gare di karake. La mindfulness è importante nella mia quotianità per togliere lo stress, per ascoltarmi e tornare alla semplicità delle cose. È  indispensabile, è un recupero mentale e fisico. E poi si può mettere in pratica sia a livello statico sia correndo».
Com’ è la tua corsa mindfulness? «Faccio delle easy run in città o nella natura, come in campagna o al mare. Corro in modo tranquillo con musica organica che mi conduce in un viaggio attraverso me stessa. Ed è un momento per scoprire il luogo in cui sto correndo. Senza stress, obiettivi, ma solo respirando e godendomi l’esperienza. Lascio che il flusso vada, mi lascio andare, respiro e scopro».
E dopo la corsa? «Dopo la corsa, specialmente dopo i training più intensi, termino sempre con una parte di stretching mutuata dallo yoga, delle asana che allungano i muscoli che ho usato durante la corsa. Per il recovery consiglio, per esempio, le posizioni Down Dog, High Lunge, Half Split, Lizard e Butterfly.
Cos’è lo sport per te? «Non riesco a concepire la mia vita senza lo sport. Sono una sportaholic, e provo a farli tutti. Amo sentire il mio corpo muoversi e vibrare. È fonte di salute, non sarei io senza sport».
Vanessa parteciperà alla Easy Run di Nike dedicata al recovery attraverso la corsa e la mindfulness in programma lunedì 16 settembre. Una run breve e tranquilla cui sarà abbinata una lezione di meditazione e yoga. Il ritrovo è alle 20 al Nike Store di Corso Vittorio Emanuele angolo via Agnello. Per iscriversi è necessario scaricare la NRC app o registrarsi a questo link.
Nike Joyride Run Flyknit
        L'articolo Corsa e mindfulness, l’importanza del recovery sembra essere il primo su Glamour.it.
Corsa e mindfulness, l’importanza del recovery published first on https://lenacharms.tumblr.com/
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cassie1604 · 5 years
Once you’ve been bitten by the travel bug, there is no antidote.  Wanderlust will course through your veins for the rest of your life.
Travel, for me, has always been an addiction.  I can never get enough of it, despite having been forced to slow down a bit recently. An irritating combination of having a compromised immune system and my sportaholic youth coming back to haunt me.  I have no cartilage left in either of my knees, so I’m walking bone on bone.  Unfortunately, a concrete date for my first replacement knee has not been set but, in the meantime, my spirit is ever willing.
With the threat of COVID-2019 hanging in the air, it probably wasn’t the best time for me to think about hobbling off to Holland.  Still, Amsterdam was calling, and for a special occasion.
February 2020 – Cassie and Ollie, refusing to make eye contact as I pack my suitcase.
The only negative about going on holiday for me is leaving the family members who, through no fault of their own, have to stay at home.  I hate leaving Cassie the Blog Dog and Ollie the Cat, and they hate being left.  They refuse to make eye contact with me, once they’ve clocked the suitcase.  But, we are very fortunate to have a friend who moves in to look after them when we are away.  Someone who seems to have the canine/feline-Mary Poppins-effect on them both.d
Booked with BA, Jersey through to Amsterdam, our flight was late arriving into Jersey, due to strong winds.  Fortunately, we arrived in Gatwick with plenty of time to catch our connecting flight to Schiphol and get into the holiday spirit at ‘Spoons’.
Unfortunately, as with all delays, they have a knock-on effect.  Our Amsterdam flight was delayed a little, but once we were all boarded, our captain then decided to break the news that Dutch Air Trafic Control had put back our landing time back by about three hours, because of the wind.
We spent the first hour on board parked by the finger, before being moved to ‘a quieter part of the airport’ to enjoy the view, for another two hours before taking off.
As we discovered, the earlier EasyJet flight to Amsterdam had been cancelled.  Apparently, as Holland is mostly flat, the Arctic winds roll in from the north which can make for some exciting sideways landing, and, more disappointingly, cancellations.  Fortunately, that didn’t happen to us. Once on our way, it was only a wind-assisted 45-minute flight before we started enjoying our Amsterdam experience.
#gallery-0-4 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-4 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-0-4 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-4 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
A quiet seat with a view, Gatwick Airport February 2020
Bye, bye Gatwick
Hello Amsterdam
To be continued…
    Travel Undaunted Once you've been bitten by the travel bug, there is no antidote.  Wanderlust will course through your veins for the rest of your life.
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scriblicalvibez · 7 years
@Regrann from @kaiology - Are you a sportaholic and you want to be part of The Live Network family? We're looking for four new hosts to join our team on our new show "Beyond The Score"! If you love talking about Basketball, Baseball, Hockey, or Football then we're looking for you! Send your inquires to [email protected] or submit a video to elevationnationmedia.com #sports #sportsjunkie #football #basketball #baseball #hockey #sportsshow #detroit #sportsfan #sportsrealityshow #realsports #nfl #nba #nhl
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eyeologyinc-blog · 7 years
@Regrann from @kaiology - Are you a sportaholic and you want to be part of The Live Network family? We're looking for four new hosts to join our team on our new show "Beyond The Score"! If you love talking about Basketball, Baseball, Hockey, or Football then we're looking for you! Send your inquires to [email protected] or submit a video to elevationnationmedia.com #sports #sportsjunkie #football #basketball #baseball #hockey #sportsshow #detroit #sportsfan #sportsrealityshow #realsports #nfl #nba #nhl
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sportaholix-blog · 6 years
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🤓 Moderne Diagnostik trifft auf traditionelles Wissen‼️ ⁉️Du hast Fragen zur Wirkung bestimmter Lebensmittel und Heilpflanzen ⁉️Dich interessiert die Auswirkung dessen auf dein Nervensystem und dein Wohlbefinden Dann darfst du das Seminar von @peacemaker_alexandervonhausen und Dr. Ingfried Hobert nicht verpassen! . Besonderer Fokus liegt hier auf Nahrungsmittelallergien und ihren psychosomatischen Ursachen sowie deren Behandlung . ➡️ Ticketlink BIO (keine Vorkenntnisse erforderlich!) . #Sportaholics #eatfresh #eathealthy #eatwell #eatclean #fitfamgermany #cerascreen #nahrungsergänzungsmittel #tests #sportaholixevents #nahrungsumstellung #allergie #allergies #wohlfühlen #wohlbefinden #sportaholix #feelwell #feelings (hier: Essentis Ecohotel Berlin) https://www.instagram.com/p/BpmoU39HJqK/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1tgp1ebh18ga5
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healthengineers · 6 years
Hey #bodystyler Freunde, . . . 🇬🇧 exercise for shoulder and breast? 🇩🇪 Übung für Brust, Schulter und Trizeps? @healthengineers ________ . 📳On- & 📴Offline - 🏡Home & 🏩Studio Training. . . . 💪 Need Support ❔ 4 Coaching: DM 📩 💪 . . 💯 Damit viele von den Übungen profitieren: #Comment & #Likes & #Follow4follow 💯 . ________ (Ads wgn. Markenerkennung) #nopainnogain #workhard #train #trainhard #training #noexcuses #exercises #fitnessscience #fitnessbutright #sportaholic #bodybuilding #buildmuscle #medicine #fitnessimportance #instafitness #instadaily #medizin #bocomebetter #fitnessexercise #instafit #instadaily #fitness #bodytransformation #gainz #muskel #muscle Supported Musiker: @iksonofficial Musik: Wander (hier: Cologne, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtbojjJIyyg/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=nu38q3l3oxnt
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eileenhilton-blog · 7 years
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Ein sehr langer und aufregender Tag geht allmählich zu Ende! Nur noch eine Speicherkarte die gesichtet werden muss! Vielen Dank an @flockberg und @frauflockberg, für Ihre tatkräftige Unterstützung! 💪🏼 .‼️die Teams‼️. . @axtcrossfit @weareathletescom @spreecrossfit @myleocrossfit @crossfitaorta @argoathletics @crossfiticke @crossfitpotsdam @crossfitwerk @evope_germany @thefrontlineberlin @g3_crossfit @hauptstadtcrossfit @urbangladiatorsberlin @noex_berlin . . ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ ❤️💪🏼❤️💪🏼❤️💪🏼❤️💪🏼❤️💪🏼❤️💪🏼❤️💪🏼❤️💪🏼❤️➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ ➖➖ #wodupberlin #crossfit #2 #competition #badass #liftingislife #throwdown #girlstrainhard #beastoftheday #sportaholixclub #sportialnetwork #fightgonebad #sportaholic #livestage #backstage (hier: AXT CrossFit)
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sportaholics-blog · 13 years
Sportaholics Helps With Your New Year's Resolutions
Happy New Year. Last week you were still basking in the glow of the holiday festivities, but this week, you've decided to get down to business once again and get serious about those New Year's Resolutions you made.
Maybe you resolved to take better care of yourself in 2012. Maybe you wanted to spend more quality time with your family and friends. Perhaps you'd like to be more financially responsible.  Well my friends, Sportaholics is here to help you with all of those things.
We have some really fantastic deals line up in the coming weeks.
Our first deal of the New Year is a fantastic deal featuring Fusion Workouts in Newton, MA. Jen Brickey, founder of Fusion Workouts, is a RKC (Russian Kettlebell Challenge) and AOS (Art of Strength) Kettlebell Instructor. She gets results! With Sportaholics, you can now save $110 on one month of Kettlebell Fusion Classes, including an assessment and orientation with Jen, as well as a meal plan for JUST $39! That's 74% off. How's that for motivation!
We'll be following that up with something a little less intense, but just as good for you! 50% off two weeks of unlimited group yoga classes at Still Studio at Legacy Place in Dedham. With a variety of instructor and class styles, take advantage of this deal to find the type of class that is right for you. 
In the weeks ahead, we'll also be offering deals on rock climbing, zumba classes, ski tuning, and more. Make sure that you have signed up  to receive our weekly emails so that you don't miss out on any of the great savings!
Happy New Year!
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sportaholix-blog · 7 years
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(via sportaholix is creating fitness events | Patreon)
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sportaholix-blog · 7 years
#laufband war gestern – heute ist Skillmill™ von @technogym! Also rauf aufs Gerät und die neuen #skillmill-WOD ausprobiert! ➡️Wo? @blacksheepathletics ➡️Wann? Am 23.09. startet die Aktion #skillmillgoescrossfit Anmeldung hier: https://www.sportaholix.club/events/skillmillgoescrossfit-skillmill-black-sheep-athletics/ 🏋🏼🏃🏅 . . . #sportaholics #sportaholix #crossfit #wod #crossfitbox #crossfitter #technogym #athleticperformance #skillmilltechnogym #power #strength #functionaltraining #championstrainwithtechnogym #performance #training #speed #skillathletictraining #workout #fitness #stamina #running #tryoutscomingsoon #thesportialnetwork (hier: Black Sheep Athletics Berlin)
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sportaholix-blog · 5 years
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🏋️‍♀️ Da rackerst du dich als #fitchick im Fitnessstudio ab und er liebt Chips mehr als deine Muckis⁉️ . 💪 oder zieht ein Nickerchen in den Couchkissen deinen definierten Armen vor⁉️ . 🤸‍♀️ Jetzt ist Schluss damit 👉 wie du deinen Partner für Sport begeistern kannst, findest du in unseren Tipps 👇 Link BIO . . . #Sportaholics #sportaholix #fitchick #partnerincrime #parshipgoals #traintogetherstaytogether #together #gymtime #fitnesslifestyle #couplegoals❤ #couplechallenge https://www.instagram.com/p/B0xZjKwi74X/?igshid=1p3r7wh2ep1u
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sportaholix-blog · 5 years
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#sharingiscaring❤️ 👉 nach Car Sharing, Ride Sharing & Flat Sharing ... gibt es auch nun Cow Sharing! . Buchstäblich auf die Kuh gekommen & das Konzept zum Teilen, hat das Team von @besserfleisch entwickelt . 🐮 Wie das "Teilen" einer Kuh funktioniert und was hinter dem Konzept steckt verraten wir dir in unserem neuen #blogpost 👉 Link BIO . . #sharing #Sportaholics #sportaholix #besserfleisch #bewusst #nachhaltigkeit #bio #nachhaltig #bemorehuman #human #humanbeeing #biofleisch #glücklichekühe #artgerecht #artgerechtehaltung https://www.instagram.com/p/B0fXd87CwiL/?igshid=1339oh6v7iz03
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