#spotted paca
silksanimals · 1 year
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Lowland/spotted paca - least concern
📍South America, Central America
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Altura: 125 metros (en 4 patas)
Longitud: 500 metros
Peso: 60,000 toneladas
Primer Avistamiento: Ulan Bator [Tierra: Teratoverso]
Controles: Tierra Control [Excavación, Embestida Petrea y reforestación] Fuego Control [Rayo Incandescente y rafaga ignea]
Guarida: Desierto de Gobi [Tierra:Teratoverso] Monte Makapu [Avatarverso]
Aspecto: Charonosaurus (Dino Rey) + Aptonoth
Humanos: Aang, Katara, Soka, Iroh, Zuko, Toph
Kaijus y otras bestias: Godzilla, King Kong, Mothra, Rodan, Anguirus
Humanos: Ozai y Azula
Kaijus y otras bestias: Kasai Rex
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lovelynim · 29 days
Hello Fabi my sweetheart, I'm here to congratulate you on the 1000 milestone AND ALSO be very greedy and use this opportunity to request Lee!Oikawa and Ler!Reader with navel as the spot
é isso ai, um grande beijo e meus parabéns 😱🥳💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓
Vou escrever em PTBR mesmo e que se exploda. Muito obrigada pelo apoio!! A gente se conheceu (começou a interagir na vdd) faz pouco tempo, mas te considero pacas.
De qualquer forma, espero que goste desse meu gesto de gratidão por tudo que você fez por mim recentemente. Hah.
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“T-tira a mahahão daí!! AHahAHah, eu tô fahahalando séheherio!” Oikawa riu, agarrando seus pulsos com toda a força que restava nos braços - que já não era muita, para o azar dele e sorte sua. 
Você sorriu contra a pele da nuca dele, fazendo um arrepio se espalhar pelo corpo dele. “Tá mesmo? Rindo assim, nem parece… será que você não consegue ser um pouquinho mais convincente?” Você sussurrou, uma de suas mãos segurando a camiseta dele fora do seu caminho enquanto a outra atacava a barriga dele com cócegas, seus dedos gentilmente circulando o umbigo dele, arranhando de leve os poucos músculos que ele tinha no abdómen e cutucando pontos onde a carne era mais macia.
“P-pohohohor fahahavor!! AHahahAh, i-isso fahahaz cócegahahas!!” Oikawa choramingou entre risos, se debatendo no seu abraço, tentando encontrar uma saída, uma maneira de fazer com que o seu toque fosse menos efetivo - mas todas as tentativas sem sucesso. Você sabia que tinham só mais alguns minutos antes do intervalo acabar, então era melhor ter certeza que cada um deles seria muito bem aproveitado.
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Lowland paca
Cuniculus paca
Family Cuniculidae, pavorder Caviomorpha, suborder Hystricomorpha, order Rodentia
Also known as the spotted paca, tepezcuintle, guardatinaja, pisquinte, jaleb, conejo pintado, guanta, majás, picuro, jochi pintado, boruga, tinajo, guartinaja, gibnut, labba, lapa, and lappe.
There is another animal with a similar name, the Pacarana. But these are not the same animal. They simply have similar appearances.
They are mainly quiet and nocturnal. They dig burrows about 2 metres below the surface with usually more than one exit and are great climbers and swimmers.
They will often seek water to escape predation as they can hold their breaths for several minutes.
They are omnivorous and important seed dispersers. They love fruit and will also eat stems, leaves, tubers, roots, nuts, seeds, and herbs.
They will also eat from carcasses to supplement protein. They eat flesh less often than plants though. They lean more towards herbivorous in the wild and omnivorous in captivity, but have been known to eat flesh in the wild.
There is some conflicting information about their social structure with some sources saying they are largely solitary, and others saying that they are monotonous and form small family groups. Caring for young anywhere from 8 weeks to 6 months.
@jackalspine @fifiibibii
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Memorable moments, lines, and my observations from season 4:
-Howard saying “Jimmy, don’t” while standing in front of the coroner van right before it drove off made me gasp
-Jimmy’s reply to Howard bearing his soul about causing Chuck’s suicide sent a chill down my spine
-Lmao at Jimmy fawning shock over the printer being so good it could counterfeit money. Bob played that so well.
-Kim goes OFF on Howard, like DAMN. I would watch this woman scream the phone book
-Kim kissing Jimmy on the couch 🥹
Something Beautiful
-Me when Jimmy opened the door for the twins at the Vet’s 😳
-I feel confident the Vet saying “can you not hit every damn pothole, please!?” was a Joe DeRosa ad lib
-The printer shop guy sleeping in his office specifies he wants his pizza sliced- in my head cannon that’s a Breaking Bad call back to the pizza place that doesn’t slice their pie
-The cell phone store aesthetic is spot on. My dad had a few Nextel/Sprint stores in the early 00’s and like Jimmy I had to make my own fun while hanging out there for hours on end
-The twins raiding the compound was v Breaking Bad-esq
-Just realized the advice Mike gives Jimmy after Bag Man about realizing you can forget came from Stacy talking about Matty in group!
Quite a Ride
-We get our first flashback to the Breaking Bad timeline!
-Jimmy’s hair is SO fucking cute in phone selling montage
-I did not enjoy seeing Howard so broken in the courthouse bathroom
-Fuck you, Jimmy
Something Stupid
-The “Need to call? Buy from Saul!” business card we see in the opening montage is just the next step in his catchphrase evolution. I wholeheartedly appreciate the attention and care that went into showing us exactly how Jimmy got to Breaking Bad Saul
-I love that you don’t know who Jimmy is giving the office tour to and it’s Huel lol
-You’ve been selling drop phones? On the street?
-KIM’S FACE when Suzanne Erickson refers to Jimmy as a scumbag disbarred lawyer
-SO many silly one liners:
-I’ll leave the bottle
-Are you prosecuting Santa Clause!?
-Clarence is going at the organ, I’m gonna step into the vestibule
-I will be with you PRESENTLY!!!
-The fake donations on the church website is some tasteful foreshadowing/calling back to Saul laundering Walt’s money through fake online donations
-The staircase kiss!!
-I love the painting in the boardroom at Mesa Verde. It’s called The Blue Rigi: Lake of Lucerne Sunrise
-Overall this episode is a 10/10. It’s silly and entertaining but also feels so pivotal on a rewatch because it sets the stage for everything else that will happen. The entire show can kinda be divided into pre and post Coushatta
-Slow down, I’m wearin flip flops!
-I didn’t know I needed an origin story for that fucking bell until I got it
-The! … suspense… ! They really make you think Werner is gonna explode and then he does but not how you expected
-Jimmy driving like a bat out of hell through the S&C parking garage is a vibe
-The way Jimmy’s voice quivers when he says to Kim “you look at me and you see Slippin Jimmy” 😭I just want to comfort him
-ICONIC karaoke scene
-Mike’s gum trick was so slick. What can I say the man knows parking
-Two details about Kristy Esposito reinforce Jimmy seeing himself in her: Howard’s question to her was about working with elders and she’s the only candidate wearing a fun funky shirt
-Michael, is that you? 😏
-I’ll do everything in my power to be worthy of the name McGill… changes his name 5 minutes later
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tommyarashikage · 1 year
I was tagged by @natesofrellis @socially-awkward-skeleton @jendoe @risingsh0t @leviiackrman @adelaidedrubman and @phillipsgraves to post a WIP, thank you everyone 💕 it's been a while for some of you, so tagging you back if you have new wips to share!
sending out tags to; @sstewyhosseini @hoesephseed @thomrainer @poisonedtruth @ghastlyrider @confidentandgood @josephslittledeputyy @aceghosts @echo3-1 @indorilnerevarine @strangefable @purplehairsecretlair @noetikat @shellibisshe @roofgeese @shadowglens @jacobseed @jackiesarch and YOU!
rn I'm working on a little something for Palo and Sam! very early on in their lives, they're young here (and still in Boston). this is still a rather rough draft so I apologize! this one's mainly fluff so 👉👈
“No, stop”, she says in between breathy laughs, “Do you want my parents to hear us?”
“Sorry, Paca but you did this to yourself.” His grip around her waist gets tighter. Paloma wiggles around, trying to escape his grasp. He’s surprisingly stronger than he looks.
“And you know what you are, peaches?”, he asks quietly, his whispers brushing against her ears. She scoffs at the nickname. “Cheeky, brazen and a little bit of a brat.”
She hums, thinking his description over, “The word you’re looking for is ‘bold’. Also, confident and independent.”
“Are you sure you’re not describing yourself right now?”, she asks quietly. The closer they got, the faster her heart was beating. The silence of the night isn’t very helpful in covering up the loud thuds in her chest.
“Nah, I only have great qualities. Charming, clever, courageous, kind of a daredevil, and — dare I say — quite handsome. Overall, a pretty amazing guy.”
Paloma bites her lip to keep herself from smiling.
“And judging by your actions, extremely irresistible”, he continues, followed by a smile and a quick brush of his nose over hers.
She rolls her eyes as she blows a raspberry. Then she manages to break free. The distance between the two is so small, yet the missing warmth of his embrace makes her feel bare. As if the cold glow of the moon on her skin could freeze her on the spot. How badly would she like to run back into his arms, but she has already made one step towards him. Now it’s Sam’s turn.
She crosses her arms and turns back around, a playful glint in her eyes, “I haven’t seen much of your courage as of yet.”
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typhlonectes · 1 year
Sierra Gorda - Mexico:  Margay, Cougar, Coati, Crested guan, Brocket deer, Paca, Spotted skunk 
via:  BWILD
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rodentcompetition · 1 year
I know I made this bracket with a few of my fave snakes in mind so I'm curious if you have a personal top rodent list? Also since I love learning neat facts about animals what makes your favorite rodent(s) so cool??
I must admit I don't know that many things. There's so many of the little creatures and I'm mostly aware of ones that live nearby heh. But I'm planning to learn so much more with this competition! I already spent so much time going through various wikipedia pages, learning more about creatures I've never seen before :D Learned about chinchilla rats! And that there's over 150 species of voles! PACAS! They have spots and I decided I love them!! And I'm sure I'll find out about more creatures from submissions, I'm so excited!!
To actually try to answer your question, my favourites (for now? 👀) are rats ^^ They were the first rodents I got really interested in, started learning about wild species and genetics of fancy rats :D always love to learn about animals' fur colours and patterns 🥰
Rat catchers were the ones that started breeding fancy rats! During their job they caught rats that had slightly different colours, started breeding them and selling as pets! And now we have so many of different ones :D
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panchambro · 11 months
[Art Fight 2023] - Fated Encounter
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Attack on DandyMoth: Seagullmon and Zack - DandyMoth
See full description:
It's a match-up between two Mons that you don't want to see.
From Seagullmon's point of view, he had been wandering a realm that he had unexpectedly been transported to and trying to find a way out. Suddenly, he spotted a fuzzy dark-green and beige paca-like creature wearing a purple bandana and holding a purple purse from afar and inched closer to try and seek help.
From Zack's point of view, he was enjoying a picnic with his fellow Team Shortcake members Emilia and Rodney, only to take awareness of a mysterious biped seagull with a red scarf trying to approach the group. Mistaking Seagullmon's run as an ambush, Zack took his first punch at him. Seagullmon retaliated and defended himself from Zack.
The two stared at each other with fated breath. Zack could sense that Seagullmon was not a Pokémon like he was, and that he expressed a more powerful aura than he could ever produce. Seagullmon himself stared at Emilia and Rodney, recognizing that Zack only attacked him because he thought he posed a danger towards his friends
After a couple of minutes at the standoff, Zack lowered his defenses; Seagullmon did the same. Though their first encounter was tense, the two were able to come to their senses and realize what was going on. "You're not from here, are you?", Zack asked. Seagullmon nodded. The two soon introduced themselves to each other. Zack learned of Seagullmon's status and what a Digimon was, and Seagullmon learned of Zack's backstory, and what a Pokémon was.
"Do you want to join our picnic, and discuss how we can get you back?", Zack asked Seagullmon. "That would be great", the seagull Digimon answered. Seagullmon and Zack headed back to Emilia and Rodney with their picnic and the four bonded over some nice food that the group brought. Though Team Shortcake's goals now is to return Seagullmon to the Digital World and reunite him with Cas, their first encounter and subsequent bonding will be something that both Seagullmon and Zack will never forget.
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chat-eaux · 9 months
Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
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Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur (or PACA) is one of the eighteen administrative regions of France, located in the southeast and encompassing six departments. This region of France has an incredibly diverse geography, bordered by Italy to the east and Monaco and the Mediterranean Sea to the south. PACA has over 5 million people, with Marseille being its largest city. With its temperate, early-summer climate and gorgeous variety of landscapes such as the Alps mountains and Mediterranean coastline, Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur has become a vacation destination for millions of tourists each year. This region is quintessentially French!
Language and Culture
Though French is, of course, the most spoken language in the region, there are many foreign and regional languages present as well. Those languages include Italian, Arabic, Spanish, Corsican, and Provençal, a regional language that combines elements of both French and Catalan, a regional language from eastern Spain.
PACA is one of France’s largest immigration hubs, welcoming immigrants from surrounding European and Mediterranean countries such as Spain, Portugal, Italy, Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia. As a result, PACA’s culture is overwhelmingly Mediterranean. PACA is heavily urbanized as well, with approximately 90 percent of its population living in towns. PACA also has over 2,000 historical sites and monuments as well as several UNESCO World Heritage sites (which I discuss in further detail below). This region also boasts an incredible amount of festivals and major sporting events, such as the Cannes Film Festival and the Grand Prix.
Notable People
Some famous individuals from PACA include the prophet Nostradamus, the painter Paul Cézanne, and American-born singer Nina Simone.
UNESCO World Heritage Sites
Because there are dozens of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur alone, I decided to focus on three in this blog: the Geopark of Haute-Provence, the Fortifications of Briançon, and Pays de Grasse. 
The Geopark of Haute-Provence, located between the Alps and Provence, is the largest open-air geological museum in France. It houses 18 separate geological sites, such as the Dalle aux Ammonites (ammonite slab) which illustrates 200 million years of fossils and fascinating discoveries. The Geopark is perfect for students and people dedicated to preserving and protecting natural history!
Designed by Louis XIV’s famed military engineer, Vauban the Visionary, Briançon is a fascinating town in the Alps in PACA. It is a testament to France’s lengthy military history, with its elaborate forts, walkways, and slopes. Despite being closed to the general public, these forts can be accessed via private tours.
Finally, though Pays de Grasse is not a UNESCO World Heritage site in a traditional sense, this town is still hailed as a center of significant cultural importance in France. Grasse boasts some of the world’s most beautiful mimosa, violet, and jasmine fields, which are used in its world-renowned perfumery industry. Grasse’s spot as one of UNESCO’s “Intangible Cultural Heritage” sites is due to its centuries-long perfected perfume techniques, including plant growth, selection, and processing of raw materials. 
Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur hosts a strong, multinational cuisine, influenced by Italian, French, and Mediterranean foods. Some of its most famous dishes include ratatouille (a dish comprised of tomatoes, aubergine, garlic, onion, courgette, and capsicum); bouillabaisse (a classic fish soup made with seafood and a spicy broth); and pissaladière (an Italian-French-fusion flatbread that closely resembles pizza).
PACA is also France’s oldest wine-producing region; the first vines in France were said to have been grown around Marseilles in the 6th century BC! PACA is known in particular for its red and rose wines. 
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Altura: 120 metros (en 4 patas)
Longitud: 480 metros
Peso: 60,000 toneladas
Primer Avistamiento: Fiordos de Kenai [Tierra: Teratoverso]
Controles: Tierra Control [Excavación, Embestida Petrea y reforestación] Fuego Control [Rayo Incandescente y rafaga ignea]
Guarida: Fiordos de Kenai [Tierra:Teratoverso] Monte Makapu [Avatarverso]
Aspecto: Paris (Dino Rey) + Partonoth + Tepezcuintle
Humanos: Aang, Katara, Soka, Iroh, Zuko, Toph
Kaijus y otras bestias: Godzilla, King Kong, Mothra, Rodan, Anguirus
Humanos: Ozai y Azula
Kaijus y otras bestias: Kasai Rex
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asightsodivine · 10 months
I'm not sure what's going on but last tarkov wipe you'd get scavs with a paca or some equivalent at most but I think the RNG for getting the new level 3 armors is broken because have the scavs I kill are tanking 10 shots to the thorax with decent pen bullets consistently. I hit a scav 4 times center mass with a .366 eko and nothing fucking happened. they also spot you when you aim at them if you're >50m away which is crazy but thats not new. I think they've improved using bushes as cover now though because last wipe theyd shoot thru them a lot but I don't think I've experienced it at all so far
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makotoarashi · 1 year
The similarities and differences between Nakanohito Genome [Jikkyouchuu] and Danganronpa
All players wake up in an unknown place
All players know each other
All players have some type of amnesia
All players miss someone
Menace of a mascot is some type of fluffy animal
The same menace is a host
The game is organized to entertain people "from the outside world"
Elimination and/or breaking the rules may lead to death
Dying in virtual world leads to death in reality
There are do not enter zones
Danganronpa: never told the players they were part of an entertainment show and there was no way to get out alive unless it was only one person, elimination process was leading to certain death
Nakanohito Genome [Jikkyouchuu]: told the players they have a goal to finish the game with a certain amount of viewers, the same way they can save eliminated players and bring them back to game by finishing particular challenges
Danganronpa: giving only hints for possible pairings with nobody obsessing over anybody and everyone focusing on the game to get out alive
Nakanohito Genome [Jikkyouchuu]: giving viewers a high chance to see how close and intinmate the players can be including few characters obsessing over another
Danganronpa: MC always being pictured as someone who can't stand not being trusted or betrayed
Nakanohito Genome [Jikkyouchuu]: MC being pictured as a person people could like and at the same time be annoyed at, betrayal isn't even considered
Danganronpa: players have strong amnesia which includes few years being erased from their memories
Nakanohito Genome [Jikkyouchuu]: players amnesia with the feeling that they might know other players but not recalling any memories which would prove the feeling right
Danganronpa: Bear (Monokuma)
Nakanohito Genome [Jikkyouchuu]: Alpaca (Paka/Paca)
Danganronpa: entering forbidden areas was hardly noticable and if it was, the reveal was dramatic and during the trial
Nakanohito Genome [Jikkyouchuu]: entering forbidden location was punished not long after it happened without any trial risking innocent lives
Danganronpa: in second game the dying in reality turned out to be fake
Nakanohito Genome [Jikkyouchuu]: gave proof that if you die in game you can never go back to reality
Danganronpa: the action is focused on specific POV
Nakanohito Genome [Jikkyouchuu]: you can see what happens to all players no matter if the protagonist is around
Danganronpa: all cameras have blind spots
Nakanohito Genome [Jikkyouchuu]: even if cameras have blind spots there are also mobile cameras
Danganronpa: host couldn't care less if someone died from different causes than the game goal
Nakanohito Genome [Jikkyouchuu]: will not let NPCs kill the players in games which aren't connected to the players dying
Danganronpa: strictly limited free time
Nakanohito Genome [Jikkyouchuu]: players can scare the hell out of Paca and earn more time :D
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robertgoetschkes · 1 year
What Exactly Is the Peace Corps?
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The Peace Corps is a program in which volunteers help underdeveloped countries with a variety of duties ranging from education to business training. Although the programs vary considerably, they all share a common goal: to make a positive difference in the lives of individuals all around the world.
The Peace Corps, established by Executive Order on March 1, 1961, has served as an enduring symbol of American commitment around the world. Aside from its apparent Cold War ties, it has also served as a symbol of America's commitment to friendship and service.
Sargent Shriver, Kennedy's brother-in-law, was tasked with establishing the Peace Corps. He led the group in quickly shaping the organization and fleshing out its aims and achievements.
Shriver provided Kennedy with a memorandum outlining the seven steps necessary to establish the Peace Corps in February 1961. Despite his reluctance to accept the position, he followed the recommendations and hired a lot of competent employees.
There is little doubt that the Peace Corps has had its fair share of controversy throughout its history. Some lawmakers dismissed the initiative as a passing fad, while others were suspicious of the concept.
Peace Corps volunteers are working to educate people about HIV/AIDS. This education is crucial in fighting the disease's spread.
Peace Corps volunteers collaborate with local partners to enhance community health. They contribute to the development and implementation of long-term, effective programs. These include HIV/AIDS education, behavior modification activities, preventative interventions for teenage girls and young women, and enhancing primary community care.
Peace Corps has one of the most significant external relationships with the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR). PEPFAR strives to save the lives of people living with HIV. It also aims to improve the quality of life for persons living with HIV.
The Grassroot Soccer program is one example of a PEPFAR initiative's impact. Soccer is used to educate, empower, and involve the community.
Volunteers interested in learning more about business training in the Peace Corps might enroll in a course offered by the Virginia Tech Prep Program. This program assists students in preparing for Peace Corps service and developing leadership abilities. The system provides a number of paths that can be completed as an academic or non-academic minor.
The Community Economic Development track is one of the main prerequisites for many business degrees. It provides pupils with a one-of-a-kind opportunity to practice global thinking and cultural understanding.
Peace Corps volunteers travel to foreign nations to work with local organizations to enhance the health and education of the people who live there. They also assist in the development of technology resource centers and libraries. Their training includes learning how to spot safety issues, deal with unwanted attention, and build relationships with the community.
The Peace Corps seeks to enhance people's lives around the world by addressing community needs. Peace Corps volunteers support neighborhood economic growth, environmental awareness, and the health and education of children and adults through forming relationships with local groups.
The Peace Corps also helps communities by developing information infrastructure. Volunteers collaborate with communities to build infrastructure for schools, businesses, and towns. They also collaborate with companies to create and promote products. This is accomplished by assisting with business training and basic computer abilities.
In addition, Peace Corps volunteers help with AIDS and HIV education. They also educate environmental awareness and basic hygiene to youth groups and communities.
Peace Corps Volunteers contribute to the end of global poverty through their labor. Their initiatives are based on the Participatory Analysis for Community Action (PACA) framework. They aim to rebuild the infrastructure of abroad communities using lessons acquired from their fieldwork.
The Peace Corps is a federal institution that provides volunteer service overseas. It is a program designed to motivate individuals from all around the world to learn about and appreciate one another.
As a result, Peace Corps volunteers make an impact in communities all over the world. Volunteers are dispatched to impoverished countries to help with educational and health projects. They also improve their language skills and cultural awareness.
Peace Corps is now working in 142 countries. Over 200,000 volunteers have served. Furthermore, the organization is still growing. Some volunteers work in agriculture extension, early grade reading teacher training, and HIV/AIDS education and prevention initiatives.
Many volunteers who return home go on to have successful careers in a variety of disciplines. Volunteers can also use their expertise in community development, disaster preparedness, nutrition, basic hygiene, and other areas.
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rusrolli · 2 years
Pikka in english
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#Pikka in english how to
All you have to do is to click here and submit your correction. So if you encounter any problem in our translation service please feel free to correct it at the spot. Although we have added all of the meanings of Pika - پیکا with utmost care but there could be human errors in the translation. This will improve our English to Urdu Dictionary, Urdu to English dictionary, English to Urdu Idioms translation and Urdu to English Idioms translations. We encourage everyone to contribute in adding more meanings to MeaningIn Dictionary by adding English to Urdu translations, Urdu to Roman Urdu transliterations and Urdu to English Translations. E' facile che ai pi piccoli si debbano dire le cose da fare.
#Pikka in english how to
We have tried our level best to provide you as much detail on how to say Pika - پیکا in English as possible so you could understand its correct Urdu to English translation. If you have trouble reading in Urdu we have also provided these meanings in Roman Urdu. These idioms or quotations can also be taken as a literary example of how to use Pika - پیکا in a sentence. a twenty year old elephant, elephant baby, young elephant. If there is a match we also include idioms & quotations that either use this word or its translations in them or use any of the related words in English or Urdu translations. Find English meaning of pikka with definition and translation in Rekhta Urdu to English dictionary. In case you want even more details, you can also consider checking out all of the definitions of the word Pika - پیکا. Some of these words can also be considered Pika - پیکا synonyms. To understand how would you translate the word Pika - پیکا in English, you can take help from words closely related to Pika - پیکا or it’s English translations. of the Oola Pikka, ghostly spirits who spoke to the people through auroras. Meanings of the word Pika - پیکا in English is paca. Translations in context of Oola in English-Arabic from Reverso Context: My.
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