super-doctor · 8 months
Day 2: Power Nap
Ternyata sulit juga untuk konsisten menulis setiap hari..adaaa saja kendalanya. Sebenarnya draft untuk tulisan ini sudah ada di otakku dari kemarin, tetapi belum sempat tertuang ke dalam tulisan karena 1 dan lain hal terkait pekerjaanku. Karena hari ini sudah memasuki hari ke-3, maka aku akan mem-posting 2 tulisan untuk memenuhi komitmenku dalam #30haribercerita.
Baiklah..jadi aku bekerja di 2 RS yang berbeda, akan tetapi keduanya searah dari rumahku. Di pagi hari aku akan berangkat ke RS yang pertama (sebutlah RS A), di sini aku bekerja sebagai part timer (tidak setiap hari dan hanya beberapa jam saja). Lalu siangnya sampai dengan malam hari, aku akan melanjutkan ke RS ke-2 (sebutlah RS B). Di RS B ini aku bekerja sebagai full timer dari hari Senin sampai Sabtu. Jarak dari RS A ke RS B pun hanya 30 menit saja, alhamdulillah.
Terkadang karena lalu lintas yang lancar, aku sampai di RS B terlalu cepat dari jadwal masuk kerjaku. Aku biasanya memanfaatkan waktu luang ini untuk tidur di mobil. Aku akan memasang alarm di handphone-ku antara 10 sampai 20 menit tergantung sisa waktu luangku tersebut. Pernah membaca artikel yang menyatakan bahwa power nap memberikan dampak positif pada tubuh kita (baca di sini)? Jujur aku merasa setiap bangun dari tidur siang singkat di mobil ini, aku merasa energiku pulih kembali. Jadi lebih segar dibandingkan jika aku langsung masuk kerja sehabis dari RS A.
Pernah ada kejadian lucu (?) saat aku sedang melakukan power nap. Biasanya kalau punya waktu untuk power nap, aku akan parkir di parkiran biasa supaya lebih leluasa. Tidak perlu khawatir kepergok oleh sejawat dokter lain yang parkir di basement (di RS B tersedia parkir khusus dokter di basement). Kebetulan saat itu sedang hujan jadi aku memilih parkir di basement supaya tidak repot buka-buka payung. Belum ada 5 menit aku memejamkan mata, tiba-tiba jendela mobilku diketuk oleh satpam.
"Ya, Pak?" Aku membuka jendela mobilku.
"Dokter sedang kurang sehat?"
"Oh enggak, Pak..saya cuma ngantuk aja."
"Oh syukur kalo gitu..anu punteun soalnya di basement gak boleh nyalain mesin mobil lama-lama, dok. Takutnya akumulasi karbon monoksida. Itu ada pengumumannya ditempel. Kalau masih ngantuk mangga dilanjut tidurnya di ruangan aja, dok. Punteun." Ujar satpam tersebut sambil menunjuk ke arah pengumuman yang dimaksud.
"Oh iya, Pak. Maaf ya. Terima kasih." Aku merasakan telinga dan pipiku memanas. Malu. Segera kutegakkan senderan kursiku, kututup jendelaku, lalu kumatikan AC dan mesin mobilku. Buru-buru aku keluar mobil menuju ke arah lift, tidak berani menatap wajah pak satpam tersebut. Badanku langsung segar, bukan karena power nap, tapi karena adrenalin. Pak satpam tersebut tidak salah, dia menjalankan tugasnya dengan baik. Aku yang salah pilih lokasi. Tips dariku untuk yang mau power nap di tempat kerja atau tempat umum: pilih lokasi yang nyaman dan "aman".
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mildew-mop · 2 years
Sometimes, I wonder about how different alters have different drink preferences, and wonder if its not a necessary distinction as we’ve always liked similar drinks, then I remember this shit.
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(no one else likes this shit)
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head-post · 22 days
Slovakia calls for not destroying successful recycling system
Slovakia’s environment ministry should reject legislative plans that could jeopardise a successful deposit return system (DRS) that serves as a model for other EU countries, Euractiv reports.
Nine beverage packaging companies, including EUROPEN, Brewers of Europe and Zero Waste Europe, expressed “strong concerns” in a joint letter about proposed amendments to Slovak DRS legislation for single-use drinks packaging, presented by Environment Minister Tomáš Taraba (for SNS) in August.
The changes would not only undermine the system, but would also violate “a number of principles established in Slovak and EU law,” the letter said, urging the ministry to withdraw its draft amendments. Signatories stressed:
The Slovak system is clearly one of the leading examples of a well-organised DRS and serves as an inspiration for many other European countries which are preparing to establish their own DRS.
The proposed changes to the Backup Act will strengthen state control over the system. The ministry argues that the current DRS administrator is mismanaging the programme, failing to meet mandatory targets and potentially exposing Slovakia to future EU sanctions.
Bratislava exceeded targets
However, European organisations see the situation differently.
In their view, Slovakia has not only improved the collection and recycling of single-use beverage packaging and reduced litter since the system was introduced in 2022, but has also exceeded mandatory EU targets.
Specifically, Slovakia has achieved a collection rate of more than 90 per cent of beverage packaging in 2023, which is several years ahead of the EU targets of 77 per cent of packaging by 2025 and 90 per cent by 2029, as required by the EU Single-Use Plastics Directive.
In its response to Euractiv Slovakia, the Environment Ministry reaffirmed Slovakia’s right as an EU member state to adapt its system to national needs and rejected what it called “lobbyist interference.”
“The payment system has been used to drive Slovak producers out of business by preventing them from obtaining recycling codes and thus legally selling their products,” the response said, calling the current mechanism a “scandal.”
The response also refers to the obligation to make the system transparent, as citizens are “forced to pay significant sums to several private companies through this monopoly imposed by law.”
Possible contradictions
However, according to the organisations that signed the letter, the proposed changes contradict a number of legislative principles, notably the concept of extended producer responsibility (EPR) and the minimum requirements for DRS.
Instead, they called for a constructive dialogue with industry representatives and the DRS administrator to resolve the issues without disrupting the system. Slovakia’s DRS administrator acknowledged the letter and hoped to co-operate with the ministry.
The proposed amendment was also criticised by the Slovak Chamber of Agriculture and Food (SPPK), opposition parties and even the Ministry of Finance.
The SPPK called it “unconstitutional” and in breach of EU law, while the Ministry of Finance said it would increase fees and that the Environment Ministry’s justification was inadequate.
Read more HERE
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makan126 · 6 months
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salesdilegalin · 2 years
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Jasa PENGAJUAN PKP Cepat Lengkap Jakarta Tangerang Bogor Depok Bogor Dilegalin #BikinBisnisJadiMudah! SPPK ENOFA E-SERTIFIKAT PASSPHRASE PASSWORD FREE INSTALASI EFAKTUR 3.2  IDR. 1.500.000  *EXCLUDE 
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sarapashaofficial · 4 years
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Happy feedback 💓 . . . . . . . . . . . #SARAPASHA #areekahaq #sppk (at Taxila) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEUQy0Wprti/?igshid=9itxvpmzgbda
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Pic 1: Actual post. A girl posted a video showing her father kissing her before departing with her daughter. Pic 2: This guy wanted to get cheap fame and attention or maybe start a propoganda so he changed the caption to "moulvi saab ye kiya baat hui" and turned into hate post against moulvi. And the jahil awaam who dont know it started sharing and bashing moulvis without having any proof or research. Those who knew defended it (awesome❤️). Its shocking that how people try to find negativity in our society just for cheap fame. This is the perfect example of how easy anyone can change the meaning of the post and turn it into hate. I hope kai ap logo ko ye fake propoganda game samjh agai hogi. Always research before sharing. #spnews #sppk #iub #iubians #islamabad #islamabadians #islamabadphotographer #islamabadphotographers #islamabadgram #islamabadweddings #islamabaddiaries #islamabadfashion #islamabadstreetstyle #islamabadblogger #islamabadfoodies #memory #shadi #marriages #couple #longlong #lovelife #longlived #superbb #amazingmoment #centaurus #shoppingchallenge #quboolhai (at Islamabad, Pakistan) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEEhaTqhTD1/?igshid=zq92lvdhb5lk
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aggilbewara · 4 years
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Ahli Patolagi : Virus Ikut Mati Setelah Jenazah Dimakamkan Kalau masih ada oksigen, virus masih bisa bertahan hidup. Tapi kalau sudah dimakamkan tidak ada oksigen tentu segera mati virusnya.
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kocsy · 6 years
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#v4 #nak #krir #sppk #akcr (helyszín: Czerwienne) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bqe4u5VAD1J/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1lryk41mepmn9
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super-doctor · 8 months
Day 1: Emosi
Akhirnya aku memutuskan untuk meramaikan #30haribercerita, walaupun kita sudah berada di hari ke-17 di bulan Januari. Tidak apa-apa, toh dalam hashtag-nya tidak dituliskan "30 hari bercerita di bulan Januari saja". Anggap saja ini sebagai pengikatku untuk berkomitmen membuat 30 tulisan.
Di hari pertama bercerita ini, aku memutuskan untuk menceritakan tentang emosiku yang sempat meluap. Hari ini adalah hari ke-6 menstruasiku. Biasanya menjelang berakhirnya menstruasi, emosiku sudah stabil. Lebih chill. Tapi kali ini berbeda...
Telepon di laboratorium berdering lama tetapi tak kunjung diangkat oleh analisku. Aku yang mulai terganggu mendengar bunyinya memutuskan untuk mengangkatnya sendiri. Mungkin analisku sedang sibuk mengerjakan sampel jadi tidak sempat mengangkatnya, pikirku.
"Halo dengan laboratorium, ada yang bisa dibantu?"
"Eh balikin semua tubing IGD dong! Mau ngirim sampel nih!" Jawab si penelpon tanpa basa-basi dengan intonasi yang tidak ramah. Suara pria. Sepertinya perawat.
"Di sini gak ada tubing punya IGD, mas." Aku berusaha menjawab setenang mungkin, walaupun pada saat itu emosiku sudah mulai tersulut.
"Ga mungkin! Orang tadi gue ngirim sampel banyak kok ke sana! Tubingnya belom pada dibalikin dari tadi! Balikin! Gak bisa ngirim sampel nih!"
Please chill, Ran. Chill. Mungkin orang ini emang gaya bicaranya nyolot. Mungkin dia emang suka ngegas.
"SAYA UDAH BILANG GA ADA YA DI SINI!" Oops. Emosiku menang. Si penelpon tersebut masih mencoba menyanggah sepertinya, tapi aku sudah tidak mendengarkan lagi. Aku kesal setengah mati dibentak orang yang tidak kukenal. Kuletakkan gagang telepon di atas meja. Masih tersambung. Biar dia mengoceh sendirian. Aku hendak kembali ke ruanganku menenangkan emosiku, tiba-tiba analisku tergopoh dari ruang mikro, "Kenapa, dok?".
Mungkin dia kaget mendengarku berteriak, yang mana tidak pernah aku lakukan sebelumnya.
"IGD minta dibalikin tubing..orang gak ada di kita." Jawabku sambil mengedikkan kepala ke arah gagang telepon di atas meja. Analisku lalu buru-buru menjawab si penelpon dengan pernyataan yang kurang lebih sama karena memang begitulah adanya. TIDAK ADA TUBING MILIK IGD DI LAB! Iiiish..aku jadi emosi lagi. LOL.
Moral of the story..tolonglah jika berbicara dijaga sopan santunnya, terutama saat berbicara di telepon karena kita tidak bisa melihat ekspresi lawan bicara kita. Minimal dijaga intonasinya agar tidak menyinggung perasaan orang lain. Kali ini aku tidak akan menyalahkan hormon..karena tidak ada yang suka diteriaki orang lain kan? KAN?!
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mildew-mop · 2 years
Hello there. You've reached the main blog of The Squid System, a DID system with ADHD and probably a reasonable amount of sideblogs.
If you are a sfw blog that has been followed by us, allow us to redirect you to @padded-daydreams (our main agere blog), @tiny-prismatic-tot (our other agere blog, which mainly consists of aesthetic reblogs), or @mr-squids-classroom (yet another agere blog which mainly consists of coloring pages and little media).
If you're here looking for system discourse, why not check out @squidcourse instead? We keep that discourse over there to contain the drama.
While we will talk about being a transgender stoner here, check out @the-transgenda-agenda and @high-theyre-frendo for more focused content.
That's not all of them, but that's enough for a pinned post. Probably.
If you're wondering what this blog is, well then the answer could be a lot of things. Its for reblogging random stuff, spouting stream of consciousness, and generally pretty much whatever we decide to do on the internet.
Do Not Interact List
Endogenic “systems” (also tuplas, mixed origin, all that shit) and supporters
Ableist individuals
Pro-transabled/transage/transrace/transx/transid etc
Pro forced birth life
Minors in kink spaces
Anti-Age Regression
Minors are mostly ok to interact, but please do not DM. [more]
will be updated if for some reason deemed necessary
About Me/Us
Has pet ball python named Mike.
Has pet silver cat named June.
Has pet white cat named Princess (former street cat mother cat).
Has pet kittens named Jellybean, Jerry, Pasta, & Noodle (children of Princess).
Has trans-femme girlfriend (answers to the name of Maxine).
Masks as someone called James. Goes by He/Him/His/It/Its/Xe/Xem. Trans-Masculine Genderqueer Man.
19 years old.
Testosterone since 09/12/2020
Top Surgery 02/07/2022
System (Squid)
pk;system tag || 🦑
user of Simply Plural
DID, traumagenic, polyfrag(?)
Frequent Fronters (basically a list of alters who bothered posting stuff online that boils down to some basic profiles and picrews with minimal organization le relevance)
About the Blog
While we may not always remember to do this, we will tag posts with whoever’s fronting. Tags will be name + pk proxy + 🦑. This is just a way to keep it organized. Often, the emojis mean nothing, its just to keep it consistent and organized. [Ex. James 🦦🦑]
Vents by us -> #🦑 lore
Simply Plural/PluralKit -> #sppk 🦑
Triggering content will always be marked in the tags, so that you can block it. If we forget to tag something properly, let us know politely. People make mistakes, and forget to do things sometimes. It is not our intention to upset anyone. Usually.
Feel free to use the ask feature. We’ll reply. If you have something to say to a specific alter, go ahead and specify them. If you are rude or otherwise hateful, you’ll probably not be taken seriously. If you want to share something cool or cute or interesting or whatever, that would be appreciated. Or if we've been posting about something and you wanna discuss, feel free.
Some Links Below
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-> amnesia credit -> regress too much credit -> glasses credit -> does not have a host credit -> self dx credit -> comfort in stimming credit -> leg problems credit -> agoraphobia credit -> autistic trauma credit -> narc abuse
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head-post · 8 months
Slovak farmers to join protests against EU policies
Slovak farmers together with their partners from the V4 countries (Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Poland) are ready to join the protests of their European colleagues against the shortcomings of the current Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) of the EU, representatives of the SPPK said at a press conference.
SPPK (Slovak Agricultural and Food Chamber) says that Brussels and its green policies are at the root of the plight of European farmers. This also includes problems resulting from the poor management of the Slovak Agricultural Payments Agency (APA) and the definition of a national strategic plan to implement CAP.
Read more HERE
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lampung7com · 2 years
Dinas PU Kabupaten Tanggamus Diduga Lakukan Penarikan Fee Program Bantuan SPPK Tahun 2021
Dinas PU Kabupaten Tanggamus Diduga Lakukan Penarikan Fee Program Bantuan SPPK Tahun 2021
LAMPUNG7COM – Tanggamus | Program sanitasi jamban yang direalisasikan oleh Dinas Pekerjaan Umum (PU) Kabupaten Tanggamus bermasalah, hal ini dapat di lihat dari hasilnya yang buruk, disebabkan karena diduga terjadi penarikan fee sebesar 10 persen oleh oknum di dinas tersebut. Diketahui bahwa pada tahun 2021 lalu, Dinas PU Kabupaten Tanggamus, merealisasikan program sanitasi pedesaan padat karya…
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View On WordPress
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San Francisco. Painting. Art studio Sergey Konstantinov. #antiques #artwork #sculpture #oilcanvas #artrestoration #artconservation #artstudiosergeykonstantinov #sanfrancisco #photography #fineartphotography #decor #desing #classic #art #artgallery #fineartgallery #артстудиясергейконстантинов #киев #львов #искусство #живопись #oilpainting #oilpaintingconservation #decorative #artrestoration #fineartpreservation #fineartpreservationsanfrancisco https://www.instagram.com/p/Cdb8vP-sPpK/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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iriyanto · 3 years
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Rumah Sakit Lapangan Indrapura (RSLI) Surabaya tengah mewaspadai COVID-19 varian MU yang masuk melalui Pekerja Migran Indonesia (PMI) atau TKI, yang baru pulang dari luar negeri. Untuk memonitor hal ini, RSLI telah mengirim 78 sampel untuk dilakukan Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) ke ITD Unair. Dokter Spesialis Patologi Klinis sekaligus Dokter Penanggungjawab Pasien (DPJP) RSLI, dr Fauqa Arinil Aulia SpPK mengatakan hingga kini pihaknya masih menunggu hasil WGS. "Kita tidak bisa berandai-andai, semua masih menunggu konfirmasi dari WGS dari sampel yang kita kirimkan Selengkapnya klik link di bio ! #covid19 #beritainternasional #ingatpesanibu #corona #viruscorona #vaksinchina #coronavirusindiapdate #TakKenalTakKebal #VaksinUntukNegeri #LindungiDiriLindungiNegeri #ingatpesanibu #satgascovid19 #cucitanganpakaisabun #mencucitangan #menjagajarak #memakaimasker #protokolkesehatancovid19 #vaksinhalal #vaksincovid19 #medialawancovid19 #gerakanpakaimasker #dirumahaja #vaksinnusantara (di Times Madura) https://www.instagram.com/p/CToG3rHJvTn/?utm_medium=tumblr
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aggilbewara · 4 years
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Ahli Patologi: Virus Covid-19 Tidak Menular Melalui Udara Bandung, Bewarajabar.com - Kepala UPT Laboratorium Kesehatan Kesehatan (Labkes) Dinas Kesehatan Kota Bandung, dr. Tati Sutarti SpPK menyatakan sebuah tempat pelaksaan rapid test tak lantas menjadi sarang virus corona atau Covid-19.
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