sky-blue-memories · 7 months
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I've been developing a theory that every delta sleep song can be about petrigrof if you're insane enough about it
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42ds-too · 2 years
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It is with a heavy heart, and an empty kitty, that I share that my beloved sprankle dong is no more.
Sadly, some of his sprinkles were set a little too close to the surface, causing the silicone to break and become unsanitary and impossible to properly clean. He leaves behind more orgasms than I'll ever recall, in the hands of some wonderful men and women (and the occasional piece of furniture).
He made friends wherever he went, starred in countless videos, and traveled the world to the delight, horror, and amusement of so many TSA screeners. He was always by my side... Unless he was actually inside me.
I'll miss him dearly.
Donations can be made in the form of a replacement, via my wishlist.
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trenchcrows · 9 months
It's that time of year again
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glitzybunny · 1 year
yellow n pink 4 the ask game
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You too J, you too 💕
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kiitchensiink · 1 year
glad ur enjoying my insatiable desire to rip Tyler/Blur/Clancy apart and make him Sad™️, means a lot 💖
bro my favourite thang in the entire world is hot boys getting their insides turned into outsides™ so you are totally speaking my language
for being a cool moot here's some free boy torture ideas on the house:
- choker that's also a shock collar, colour coded for each boy. if they misbehave onstage they get a jolt. if the bishops are displeased with their performance, they get a sustained shock for. however long their bishops want :)
- boys slowly sustaining more and more damage and being told it's for the honourable rituals of vialism and basically being tortured until they are barely alive :3 dealers choice if they survive or not
- Clancy and Tyler both experiencing trauma-induced episodes of self mutilation whenever they get too stressed and their programming kicks in again
- blurry being forced to capture and re-educate torchbearer who thinks Clancy n Tyler are dead so he has no will to live :3 the guilt eats him up inside but he can do nothing about it
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honorhearted · 2 years
𝐻𝑜𝑤 𝑑𝑜 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑛𝑒𝑒𝑑 𝑡𝑜 𝑏𝑒 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑑?  
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Carefully, like a gentle rain on dry Earth You've been left beaten down and by someone you really trusted and loved, so now love doesn't come easy for you. You want it to. You want to love and be loved, but you're not sure you remember how. So you need someone else to take the lead. They have to be gentle and sweet and patient. They have to watch out for you, and make sure you’re doing okay, because most days you feel a little fragile, if not totally shattered. But someone will come along who will put those pieces back together again.
tagged by: @luckhissoul​ ~ thank you! <3 tagging: YOU! <3
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da-ill-spot · 1 month
Tomorrow, May 11th! Timeless DNB 16 Year Anniversary w/ Break x Document One + More!
Don Quixote | Los Angeles, CA | 18+ | Tix
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stellesappho · 5 months
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birthday gift for @sprankle 💗
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lovethestars11 · 2 months
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Twankle sprankle
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When Sonic offered Shadow a chilli dog for the first time, the latter sprinkled it with coffee beans
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Haha! That sounds fuckin’ precious!❤️✨
WAIT! OHMYGOD! OKAY! HEADACHE WITH PICTURES: it’s not coffee beans, it’s crunched up espresso beans like you’d get in a Starbucks frappe. You know, the sprinkle-sprankle stuff that you’d get in a Java chip drink!? That stuff!
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Now with more Sprankle!
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manyblinkinglights · 1 year
Shane and I saw a bevy of CYCLISTS today and he shuddered and froze as they gallantly cycled past reassuring him. Also we passed a walking couple who asked whether he was shy (because he’s always stopping) and I was like well, he’s not SHY, he’s just,, a LITTLE mean, and will take absolutely any excuse to stop walking. And they thought this was very funny (it is). And THEN on the rest of the way back, this partly busted bit of someone’s irrigation system was doing a bit of a sprinkle sprankle, and Shane HATES drips. HATES drips. He also hates everything, but especially cold drips. It was sending a spray just barely over the whole path… so I wound up standing in front of the last little bit of it, so he could scoot past dry.
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Ignore the fly. (My back looks like this so his flank can look like this etc.)
I think he actually understood that interaction, and that I was protecting him from the spray. It didn’t raise me in his estimation MUCH but it did help a bit.
Also there’s 1 hill on the walk and when we come back down it I extremely gently and politely give him his head, because horses need their heads to balance with. So with all the leadrope in the world, he tosses his head to downvote, snakes around to try to bite me, wallows into the ditch where the dead grass but also the steepest slope and worst footing is, half falls over throwing his head down to try to eat while awkwardly walking, snakes around to try to bite me even more urgently (I am still giving him his whole entire head as self-effacingly as I can), chews on the lead rope, and continues step by tottering step trying to eat, throw his back out, and fall down all at once like someone rolling a wardrobe down the stairs, and bite me. And then finally he is through my terribly unfair Saw puzzle and we are back on the level. And he has done this, the exact same way, all three times.
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g0dspeeed · 4 months
A sprankle✨
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Had the privilege of making @v0idbuggy 's Eran just for funsies.
Thanks for letting me, @v0idbuggy ! 💕
I would make a cool background but my skills are hilarious compared to yours so
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scoticus · 10 months
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I think we have about five weeks left of short shorts and tank weather (the short shorts can prob stay until halloween or so) but this last weekend looks like our last 80s and today's overcast and sprankles has been lovely. I really committed to the slut uniform during my 40th summer (and also being a slut ofc) and this is the first time I've ended summer without a farmers tan. sometimes I even remembered to wear sunscreen.
it just occurred to me that i was born in jan and was zero years old for my first summer so i guess this is my 41st summer.
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30 for the song ask <3
either lake sprinkle sprankle by Delta Sleep or Polite Company by Rainbow Kitten Surprise. i know, i know, it’s probably cheating to pick 2 songs but i can’t decide between them :’)
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ellgrimm · 7 months
As those of us in the northern hemisphere descend into winter, please enjoy my life hack for non-gritty hot chocolate from instant mix powder (such as Swiss Miss but whatever you prefer)
Ignore the instructions (good start, good start) and put the chocolate mix powder into your mug FIRST
Add maybe a scant 1/4 cup of cold milk or water, stir vigorously. It will look like trash. That's okay
Add more cold milk or water to mostly fill the mug. Stir gently but don't worry about it still looking like trash
Microwave until hot, probably around 1.5-2 minutes depending on your microwave
Stir gently, and enjoy your magically frothy, smooth hot chocolate
Easy modifications:
JAVA MOD: skip step 3, and microwave your smaller amount of trash slurry for more like 35-45 seconds (less volume, less time), stir, and then top off with coffee!
SNOWY PEAK MOD: Add whipped cream!!
DETRITUS MOD: Sprinkle sprankle some cinnamon or pie spice or cocoa powder or chocolate shavings or something on top!!!
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Pictured: a java mod with whip and pie spice sprankle. I used Mexican hot chocolate in granulated form (not the disc) and it worked beautifully
This post is brought to you by the Deliciously Hydrated Gang
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