housefreak · 9 months
life is so beautiful i have two packages supposedly coming today and all of my preordered yarn had shipping labels printed yesterday
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dorkousloris · 2 years
hmmm wip!! for a art of a new au bc my brain is on farming games rotation atm
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its going to be vertical art bc ofc it is-
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heckcareoxytwit · 8 months
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Storm's journey into the center of the Afterlife Dimension.
(3rd and 4th pics are the close-ups of the 2nd pic which is a spreadout page)
Resurrection of Magneto #1, 2024
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todomemolesta18 · 7 months
Angel dust trauma and assault is very complicated. I agree on one hand there's still valid criticism coming from someone who have the same experiene the same thing. Theres also people who found it relatable about the experience that is valid. Loser baby song now i'm the side this song is victim blaming, some in the side this song is about comforting angel dust. People are entitled to their own opinion. So angel dust discussion is complicated and mixed reaction.
Vivziepop should never involved writing this topic at all. Considering how she have this fetish whom should she keep it to herself. Then that animator she hired why does she want to keep damaging her reputation even further? If she want to save face she fired when the news is already spreadout
I agree with you, anon. Like, everyone is divided.
On one hand, is good representation. On the other one, is not.
If people who suffered the same as Angel feel seen, then Im glad for them. But Viv wasnt the right person to handle this topic. Also, I will never forget that she literally let the person who has a sa fetiche to storyboard the scene...
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roosterarts · 1 year
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June 6, 1944
- DZ A -
"Stand up!"
" Hook up!"
"Equipment check!"
"Sound off equipment check!"
"Eighteen, okay!"
"Seventeen, okay!"
On and on it went until, "One, okay!"
Then they waited. The red light glowed in front of them. But as they waited the night sky suddenly came alive. Explosions suddenly errupted all around them, as streaks of tracer fire rose up into the sky. They could feel the C-47 sway as it tried to evade the anti-aircraft fire. Suddenly, the light turned green. In one swift movement, the line lurched forward, as one after another paratroopers leaped into the night sky.
The 502nd Parachute Infantry Regiment of the 101st Airborne was to drop into DZ A, behind Utah beach. The objective of the regiment was to capture the vital causeways that lead inland from Utah beach, as well as disable a German artillery battery near Saint-Martin-de-Varreville.
However, the drop was hampered by the fact that the pathfiners, who dropped in before the main force to deploy beacons to guide in the C-47s, were dropped in the wrong place. This, combined with anti-aircraft fire, resulted in the transport aircraft getting lost and scattered, which, in turn resulted in the paratroopers being dropped spreadout in the wrong areas. Out of the regiment's three battalions, only the 1st Battalion was able to land on the right place. In fact, they were the only unit, out of the whole 101st Airborne, that landed in the correct spot.
Despite the bad landings, the paratroopers of the 502nd managed to achieve their objectives, securing the causeways and securing Saint-Martin-de-Varreville. Their actions would help in the successful landing of the US 4th Infantry Division on Utah beach.
@temper-temper and @randomgurustuffs as paratroopers of the 502nd Parachute Infantry Regiment of the 101st Airborne Division, the "Screaming Eagles". Both have the heart insignia of the 502nd PIR on their helmets, which helped scattered paratroopers indicate the units of the troopers next to them.
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sometimesgaining · 1 year
You've gotten really nice and fat. When you compare your fat self of these days to the times when you were slim, what are your thoughts then?
I think slim me saw me now they would just be thinking damn we go fat, what happened there.
We take up more room, jiggle more, occupy more space. Our thighs spreadout when we sit down and are larger than some people's waists.
Turns out it was on purpose, who would have thought?
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mapsontheweb · 2 years
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Many place names in India end with common suffixes. Most are regional and few are spreadout.
This map visualizes 12 suffixes. (-pur,pura,puram -gaon -halli -palle -nagar -wadi -patti -abad, etc). Each dot is a village, town or city.
by @Stats_of_India
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saclarclay · 1 year
Can i like speak to te anet staff in charge of making all the snargle fanfic i mean novel cough
Especially after the triple date that we have like maybe news of it got spreadout
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norcal44 · 7 months
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heyharoldsboo · 2 years
Also keep in mind, you may have some younger anons too lurking around here. The wednesday fandom is very spreadout in ages even if the target is teens. So us older folks tend to freak out less imo.
to the younglings…. Just breath my dears!! And stay in school lol
Yes, yes!
I have become duckling mom, haven’t I? And I’m okay with it! This is a safe space, and if trolls want to come here for shits and giggles, they’ll get the duckling mama special: KINDNESS!!!
Let’s all take a deep breath and just think about nice things. Like puppies and Percy and flowers. Or go watch your favorite movie 🖤
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rebeccamcullen · 1 year
Perks of daytime, weekday movies: I get to spreadout and take three seats for the price of one.
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villains4hire · 1 year
Ziggy Sleeze (Helluva Boss OC)
1 - This woman is semi-powerful even in direct combat, but killable through plotting, progression, but generally is reserved to be permanently killed when your character wants their position or can simply demote them. As you can instead while answering to Stella can take him as your own minion as a reward.
2 - If replacing her? You can't shut things down or interfere with the efficiency of the managing of apartments, houses, and contracts, along with any surveillance, machinery and so on, but you could make it ethically run for tenants, for example. If your character is intimate or close to Stella as family or otherwise? You can see fit to change things IC with interactions with Ziggy Sleeze by throwing your weight around after discussing it with me. As Stella would allow aid since she's rather busy/her responsibilities stack rather high, and then the rest goes to her own alone time/recreational time. So things often have to be run by her minions and how they see fit, so long as they get the job done. Ziggy as in her name because she thought it was funny? Chose that to better interact with Sinner Demons and the ever-changing culture of Hell.
3 - this character contains elements of animal death and drawn images of rats. Her tag is cold vermin if that bothers you.
4 - this character is a land lord and often deals with topics of homelessness and eviction, so be aware as well of that.
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Faceclaim: Picture above.
Do I want them to die: Sure, but she's probably my trickiest to kill. Granted, Stella is actively looking for a replacement for Miss Sleeze or at least someone to manage the Rat Demon for her, as she's a handful to keep in line. Will I have/get icons: I do, it's mostly Rat King from Moon Girl or whatever that show is called. Tag: cold vermin -  cold vermin 'insert rper's character last and first initials here then a single digit number. Age: Nearing two thousand years old. Sex: AMAB Gender: Any pronouns. Race: Greed and Envy Rat Demon with the Sub-Facet of Rage. Sexuality: If she likes you. Personality traits: Will sell her own mother (if she had one) in terms of how little others mean to her. Sells secrets, loyal to few, very few and usually only if they benefit her. Has a soft spot, but it's extremely rare or hard to reach this. Is paranoid, often stressed and overworked but Stella does find miss Sleeze, well, useful, but does detest her and it's why she gave her the option of such an annoying, but useful spreadout demon after hunting her down for a few decades: to join her or be permanently killed. To which she reluctantly agreed and then she was bound at the hip to the Goetia's designs. To which Ziggy is often abused or beaten by Stella if failing to meet her quotas or embezzling money from her. Is willing to evict entire families from her properties or send them to the cannery if they owe her enough money to warrant such a response. Enjoys being homeless herself and moving from place to place, always moving. Talks rapidly, quick and rather hyper and loves taking things that are important to people, or even people themselves from others, even if it's their own life. Has few friends and for good reason, she's likely to betray you if not working for Stella, even then, it's debatable if she might not try something. Understands little of humans and thinks very rarely like them, but can grow an unhealthy attachment to someone if she sees them as property. Hates when people take her things from her many piles of treasure, or is thwarted in stealing something from someone else. Talks in a broken speech. Extremely intelligent and intentionally is deceptive about this. Rarely speaks face to face with people, though could be forced into it by Stella if someone wishes to ‘talk’ to her if close to her. Runs an orphanage. Often self-loathing, hates mirrors. Lives a rather miserable existence. Extremely untrusting. Loves to steal. Mental traits: Alien mindset and thinking, understands little and cares little for human-like minds and feelings. Physical traits: Around 7'0. Wear hoods and things to cover her body. Rat Humanoid Demon Creature. Powers: - Greed: We am many: can reincarnate from her rats and manifest from a rat and back to and forth. Her rats range in the literal hundreds of thousands in hell, but the true number is unknown. If her true form is killed with angelic weaponry? She dies. This ability takes an hour at a time to use again, to which she becomes rather paranoid in that timeframe. Fueled by greed: while not DC levels of Flash? Her rats and herself move at supernatural speeds and reflexes. We see many: Ziggy can see through rats at will if they see something she'd be interested in or hearing. She can use her rats to record things for her, but if the rat dies? She loses the memory. Give shiny: Ziggy grows in potency for her utility abilities based on the amount of treasure and resources she's pooled. - Envy: You see us not: Ziggy can go invisible in rapid spurts if standing still or brief movements. This can tire her, however. I want it: Ziggy if truly inspired? Can 'blink' in small teleportations if truly hyped up for the object, but can tire easily from this. I make all the rules: Ziggy has minor forms of reality bending when sacrificing some of her own swarm that's a part of herself? She can defy reality in some aspects such as ignoring a hit and letting it phase through her, melting the room or odd things happening, or distorting perception itself of the area. This can backfire on her though, and I often roll for that unless it's a plotted encounter. Shapeshifting: Ziggy can change her own shape to match others if sacrificing her own rats. Mind Control Virus: Ziggy can influence certain actions if bitten by her rats, but often random and non-harmful, she usually uses this to disorient people rather than take full control of someone. Other than that? It lasts and is like that of a common cold and immunity can be built up to this. Memory Eater: she can eat the memories of people if she eats the brain of someone. - Rage: We come: her rat swarms can enter a rage under certain circumstances, their bodies need to be completely destroyed to stop from functioning. Their teeth can bite through cement and bone. - Weaponry: She uses none, usually runs, but her rat swarms could count as a shield and a weapon and just being overwhelming to deal with. Granted, they’re nothing to a tougher, stronger demon. As they’re usually just for her to escape and shift a far away rat of hers. - Technical Skills: Is an expert electronic engineer and hacker. Stella has often forced her hand in creating cybersecurity or aiding in such endeavors. Good at rigging junk together to just create things, from cars, ships or otherwise. Good in real-estate, surprisingly, as they’re a hoarder of property, treasure among other things and goods. Tinkerer: often an inventor in the throes of paranoia and arguably sometimes fits of madness. - Demon Rat Traits (Special): Supernatural hearing and smell, she can hear many conversations and sniff out almost anyone if she gets a scent. Is made and consists of swarms of rats and can disperse into them, but is extremely fragile compared to tougher demons. Motivations: To survive. To take it all that she can at any given time. Backstory: Ziggy isn’t even aware of her own origins, her first memories were fully grown and her powers more or less still manifesting in the ever chaotic rings of hell. They remember first awaking in the glowing lakes there, unsure exactly who they were and what happened. But fell into what she seemed to innately know somehow, uncaring to the beings around her, only her rat swarms she grew and fed that conjoined to make what she was. The only thing in her mind to survive, for some reason being the most important thing to her though fairly obvious, but to the point of obsession, then her favorite things and gizmos keeping her company.
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iffoundreturntosea · 27 days
August 28, Day 240/241
Day 240 2015
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Yet another beautiful Texas summer sunset
#beautiful #texas #summer #sunset #clouds #field #nature #outdoors #outside #picoftheday #project365 #day240
Day 241 2016
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No words needed
#texas #summer #sunset #orange #shadesoforange #august #picoftheday #project365 #day241
Day 240 2017
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#riverbed #trinityriver #rocks #fossil #imprint #nature #natureconquers #august #picoftheday #project365 #day240
Day 240 2018
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Friends make a difference
#friends #makeadifference #stories #love #grass #outdoors #shoes #bekind #bekindtooneanother #walkinsomeoneelsesshoes #august #picoftheday #project365 #day240
Day 240 2019
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Mouse ❤️
#mouse #kitty #cat #catsofinstagram #mybaby #mysnugglebug #missingherterribly #roughday #neededasnuggle #love #pawprint #nationalrainbowbridgerembranceday #august #august28 #2019 #nationalday #nationaldaycalendar #picoftheday #project365 #day240
Day 241 2020
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#sticker #ouch #poke #pointy #stick #seed #spreadout #flora #texture #august #august28 #2020 #picoftheday #project365 #day241
Day 240 2021
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Waiting for me to turn the water back on. Silly boy
#leo #kitty #cat #furbaby #itshotoutthere #tryingtostaycool #august #august28 #2021 #picoftheday #project365 #day240
Day 240 2022
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Found some gooseneck barnacles today 💕
#gooseneckbarnacles #lepasanatifera #beach #nature #animal #love #august #august28 #2022 #picoftheday #project365 #day240
Day 240 2023
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I think I should stop feeding him!
#create #art #doodle #fish #aquarium #paper #books #fun #august #august28 #2023 #picoftheday #project365 #day240
Day 241 2024
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Over the last 9.5 years I’ve done a lot of posts on books, including my favorites. I can’t pick just one because it depends on what mood I’m in and the memories attached to reading them.
Honor Among Thieves by Rachel Caine
Harry Potter by J. K. Rowling
The Hot Zone by Richard Preston
Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett
Wings of Fire by Tui T. Sutherland
The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms by N. K. Jemisin
#favoritebook #dailytheme #books #love #somanytoread #notenoughtime #august #august28 #2024 #picoftheday #project365 #day241
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heckcareoxytwit · 1 year
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The Krakoan Exiles (consisting of Third Eye, Toad, Nekra, Oya, Melter, Nanny and Orphan-Maker; sans Madison Jeffries and Sabretooth) are in dire straits when they have to deal with the powerful orphaned mutant babies who are crying and lashing out with their powers. Also, Sabretooth is absent because he is held captive by Graydon Creed who took advantage of his depowered state by torturing him.
Nanny comes up with an idea to calm the mutant babies down by using mind control and regressing them (the adults and two teenagers) into child-like state so that the babies would not lash out at any adult present. With the exception of Orphan-Maker, the others (the rest of the Krakoan Exiles, Doctor Barrington and Commander Kruger) are reluctant with her idea because it's too creepy for them but they allow her to do that as long as she keeps her promise in reverting them back to normal when the danger passes. As Nanny puts them into a trance, everyone is safe as the babies went to sleep and the Krakoan Exiles finally woke up with their minds intact. Nekra takes charge of the mutant refugees as Sabretooth is no longer around.
(2nd and 3rd pics are the cropped images from the spreadout pages which is the 1st pic)
Sabretooth & the Exiles #5, 2023
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bjgaulton · 6 months
Just For a Day 2
Just for a dayThey saidFred ended up being readand then deadBut everything got spreadOut on the pavement. BJG March 20th 2024
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profamer · 2 years
ABRIDGE #abridge #synonym #ingles #abbreviate #diminish #shorten #lessen #curtail #antonym #amplify #expand #spreadout #portugues #abreviar #abreviar #diminuir #encurtar #diminuir #reduzir #restringir
ABRIDGE #abridge #synonym #ingles #abbreviate #diminish #shorten #lessen #curtail #antonym #amplify #expand #spreadout #portugues #abreviar #abreviar #diminuir #encurtar #diminuir #reduzir #restringir
Inglês: Abridge Synonyms Abbreviate, diminish, shorten, lessen, curtail, restrict, tract, condense, epitomize, compress. Antonyms Amplify, expand, spread out. Português: Abreviar Abreviar, diminuir, encurtar, diminuir, reduzir, restringir, trato, condensar, simbolizar, comprimir Thank you for visiting us! Obrigado pela visita!
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