#bios save
villains4hire · 1 year
Vaggie. (Hazbin Hotel)
1 - I will be using the wiki's canon sexuality for her and making her gender relatively vague. Why? Hrm, because I think some people in how they regard things is understandable, but how they express themselves and think it is absolute law is a pretty dumbass take whether criticizing it or not, esp when most people don't erase her liking women. I am fine with any forms of sexuality or even gender change so long as it reflects canon to some degree. Such as how I roleplay a majority of my women as trans fem, but they're still women. I will be keeping this character primarily into women, but certain feminine men she also could like or certain types of men, but is really picky when it comes to them. This character has never been confirmed to be a lesbian and the wiki reflects that, but overall is presumed to be one by the fandom, which is flawed thinking honestly.
2 - If you are weirdly aggressive toward Vaggie over Charlie's relationship with her? Mostly as I can kinda tell those types? I am not your vent toward what you see as a threat to the 'Alistar and Charlie' ship. You will be blocked if you're annoying about this or just randomly unfunny. As I am fine with people just being a dick to her or if I know you? You could even slap her ass or something, expect to get backhanded though, honestly, but it is very obvious when people are self-inserting their disdain for Vaggie.
3 - That being said? I do not force the Chaggie canon ship and I more or less either have them as ride or die best friends, or simply lovers. Any Charlie's interested in my Vaggie need to ask before I ship, as I'm pretty relaxed but it's never to assume I ship out the gate even if it comes to canon.
4 - My Vaggie is detached from canon in terms of origin, what she is, her power-set, but I will be keeping the 'hispanic' part of her even if she is a 'Fallen Angel' now. I will mostly use her canon personality as it develops as she's largely not too characterized, though go my own way still? As I don't see why Angels can't reflect the good aspects of humanity, what we are, compared to how Hell often reflects the bad, but also what we are too since Millie seems to be southern along with her family? Regardless, I won't delve into any culture and simply use phrases on occasion rather than try to use a language I know nothing about. In terms of power-scaling? I'd say she's just under an Overlord but probably could kamikaze one and die in the process, or even a Goetia considering Striker was implied to be able to kill Stolas. Granted, not all Goetia of course, but eh, I'll play it by ear as this mostly is just to give reference to what she's capable of as Vaggie wouldn't do this unless pushed to the brink vs someone specifically.
5 - My Vaggie's true name is canonically Vagatha which is possibly taken from Agatha (Doesn't go by Agatha) which means 'Good Woman' in Greek, but is also fine going by 'Evangeline' which I thought was the fitting name for her before her fall since it means 'Good Angel' in old english. Granted, you need to be closer to use Evangeline, Eva or any variant of that compared to the former.
6 - ->My Disclaimer on the Fandom<-
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Body reference above.
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Vaggie's Fallen Angelic Form FC, though by default she's in her canon looks as we know her. (Corrupted Angelic Form, her berserk fallen angelic form is way too weird/complicated to get commissioned easily) This is merely an edit to flatten the chest but leave some slight moth fluff beneath the shirt, then four arms, etc, wings.
Family: @kugel-bitch​ (Lute and Vaggie’s younger sister) Names: Vagatha Harmayne (Vaggie) - Evangeline Harmayne (Eva) Do I want them to die: Death is pretty prevalent, so while not permanent? Yes. They're different from the average 'Hybrid Being' though. Will I have/get icons: I have a lot. Tag: dissenting fall (default verse) - aimless fallen (Multiverse/Outside of the Hazbin Hotel Verse) As I am willing to use this character in fantasy, or other crossover settings outside of Hell other than Sci-Fi, but I’d be fine with her going into space/Rick and Morty, Final Space, or otherwise etc as I don’t really care about the canon unless interacting with someone from that fandom. Age: A few centuries. Sex: AMAB by human standards. Gender: Trans Fem by human standards. Fine with he/she pronouns. Race: Angel: Subrace - Justicar Caste (Former) - Fallen Angel: Subrace - Demonic Moth Hybridized with her Former Species (Current) Sexuality: Queer, Sapphic Leaning (Canon) Personality Traits: Slow to warm up to people. Pragmatic. Cautious, though not afraid to die entirely. Realist. Supportive. Loyal. Loving (Depending). Sassy. Kind of bitchy. Complains a lot. Fairly prudish, but could be into someone depending. Has a very dry quip or reply type of humor. A bit of dark humor, though not overly fucked up and usually fitting when the situation rarely calls for it. Gets human things to the point of understanding lingo, phrasing, but not exactly how they think at all times. Has a distrust toward masculine figures, though isn't completely overbearing about it. Passing comments, a slight dislike. Distrusting of others in general. Kind-hearted deep down and does provide mercy, though not stupid about it. Fairly high intelligence. Capable of changing her opinions. Judgmental somewhat but mostly to those she could consider a sleezeball. Curses a bit. Brutal. Rage-filled, somewhat easy to rile up depending on who it is. Argues, but not entirely quick to violence unless provoked rather heavily. It'd have to be something past petty insults. Will take you down with her like a rabid honey badger if it comes to it, though rarely is the first to attack first even if she points her weapon at someone. Tactical. Leadership in Combat at least, though socially while capable, not a well-adjusted one. Mental Traits: Angelic, Demonic mind with the Justicar Caste, specifically that of the Exterminator Angel subset of the Justicars. Is able to retain a calm sense of thought even if lost in her rage. Physical Traits: 5'5, mostly confined to canon proportions with a slight neck adjustment so it’s a bit thicker, then maybe slightly thicker body wise? But she’s relatively small-framed as a person, I just make it more realistic though keep a sense of it’s not human by any means. Somewhat flat but not exactly? Nearly though. Her wings were moth wings prior and used them to dart and move at extreme speeds. Her physique is deceptively strong despite her thinner frame, but not greater than a Hellhound’s. Powers: Her powers more or less resemble or are a hybridized combination of her prior species. • Rage-Fueled: While part of her previous caste? Vaggie's powers are fueled by her anger or hatred. In general, this is how her powers worked prior, though now with a demonic flare instead of righteous retribution. Some of her innate powers guide this such as pain, hate, or a strong need to carry something out. • Exterminator Physique: She does not tire in combat, she has extreme durability to getting shot, hit and functionality even if her body is brutalized or torn to pieces until she's completely destroyed. Her strength is supernatural, though not impressive by supernatural standards as at most she could rip off a car door, a standard sized steel door or something. • Rage Regeneration: While not extreme amounts such as instant regeneration of limbs, it is visible while fighting. • Exterminator Rage: Vaggie can 'die', but enters a rage state when killed to which lasts a few hours, pushes her body beyond its limits until she breaks or is physically destroyed. She is completely aware while in this state, but more or less has to fight until she dies and can't control herself other than what she's attacking. Healing her out of death is capable of ending this rage to which she'll then collapse and spasm for a few minutes before fine. Mostly because her body thinks she's dead before resetting as it does confuse her innate genetics as her specific Angelic Type. • Instinctive Jolting Reflexes and Speed: Capable of dodging bullets, blows, or parrying. Think of like the Flash from DC. She can do this with or without her wings out. Combined with her weaponry? She more or less uses a style to attack vital points to her target to quickly move onto the next. This is intentionally based off of canon Exterminators. • Summonable Holy Weaponry: has throwing knives and a spear to which she can resummon on the fly. It's partially why she only fights when she has to usually. Vaggie summons these weapons by pulling from the X in her other eye, though there’s no visual gore or anything like that, it’s just a flash of reddish light • Revival: Like most other Demonic or Angelic Entities? Vaggie revives, however, due to her nature? She often revives at a neutral location when and if she dies. That being Earth as it's a neutral anchor, I have it this way as Vaggie's 'Fall' wasn't really her intention and instead was saved through a series of events. Albeit she didn't exactly ask or intend to, but stayed with Charlie at the conclusion of them and their journey together of how they met. Due to her Exterminator genetics though? Other than core memories such as Charlie, people she knows, she does lose a chunk of her own memories when she dies. • Plane-Shifting: Vaggie can no longer enter Heaven with her fall, but is capable of going to Earth on her own. • Fallen Form: This has no real effect on her powers, but her true form is that of an Angelic Moth Horror that's more discernibly demonic and in line with being say. A moth humanoid version of a hellhound but rather bizarre in the shapes, broken rings and so on scattered or separated throughout the body. Otherwise, when not in this form, she simply looks like that of a humanoid moth with broken rings over her limbs. This is probably something she'd use if lost at the moment or death raging. • Holy Resistance: Vaggie has some forms of Holy Resistance, granted, holy weaponry STILL does kill her, but it has to be the finishing blow that destroys her rather than send her into a death rage. Otherwise, it does not really do much to her other than pierce her more easily. I kind of reason this is simply how that type of weaponry works, however, albeit, it does not kill pure angels. • Knowledgeable about Demons and keeps the players on the radar in her sights: She has a deep knowledge of Alister and his place, probably among the others. I will not have her god-mod, but mostly just if your character is infamous of famous within Hell, Heaven, or even Earth if doing a fantasy setting? Then yeah, she probably knows of them if she’s been in the area for a month or two. And is also capable of tactics, forming strategies on the best way to kill something if given enough time or on the fly depending. • Hunter Sense: Vaggie is not exactly entirely blind in her other eye that has an X over it, but mostly it picks up aura trails and meshes with sight in general, to which everyone’s is unique. Mostly to track quickly and to kill. Higher Demons such as Stolas, Ozzie, Lucifer, Lilith, etc probably are aware of this basic Exterminator ability and can hide their auras for those more magic inclined . She can use this to fight invisible creatures as well unless hiding their auras, along with remembering weak-points through the aura once discovered. Motivations: To be free. To be loved. To support a cause for the common good. To enjoy things. To see her family again. Backstory: I had considered writing a backstory drabble like I have for other characters of great interest? And still might as it’d be called ‘Fall’ if people show interest in it enough, an example of my introduction drabbles can be found on Betilla, Ash, Fox, Clarence etc.
But to give a summary: more or less being kind-hearted innately, strong-willed even despite her high ranking from tactics, performance, then eventually the sights she sees. The people she kills and the genuine emotion, fear and the families being part of a squad who purged the Sinners who were just people trying to survive really did start to wake her up with the doubts she had, from families, more etc, the stuff you can’t just ignore. More or less Vaggie was born to be a weapon, a sword of retribution and justice to which she embraced at first, though overtime with all that in mind and an encounter with Charlie? Started talking after they had throughout the fight mostly prompted by Charlie, talking, relating and Vaggie’s doubts more or less confirmed. Was given a charm at the end of it, the two communicating overtime, Vaggie starting to primarily target the more ‘worse’ dredges of the Pride Ring and them specifically. Showing mercy at times when able, though eventually led to unwanted attention by certain other ‘leading’ beings that went to Hell as well. This eventually led to a framing, drama, events I don’t exactly want to spoil? But it ends with her avoiding a fate of memory erase, torture and repeated deaths to make her into a true Exterminator as she was intended to be with the help of the charm, Charlie yoinking her to Hell and her waking up in a bed and going from there.
Multiverse wise, I’m kind of just going to give the same reasoning that Vaggie defected due to how things were run in a vague realm sense of things.
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capyclara · 3 months
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dinner's ready! the dinner is the guests <3
couple descending stairs by jc leyendecker (1932) 🩸
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tiercel · 10 months
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Thermal imaging of captive wolves
Photos by USGS
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rarepears · 24 days
Back in the same vein of #shang qinghua is the grandpa friend among the Cang Qiong peak lords AU where Shang Qinghua is one of the oldest Qing peak lords and also nearly a couple centuries older than the youngest Qing generation disciples/peak lords (ahem, Shen Jiu and Liu Qingge)...
One day, the artifact peak lord presents a new artifact discovered from the dusty shelves of Cang Qiong and puts it on the table. It's used to identify parent-child relationships. Specifically, it identifies who, if any, in the room are the parents of the person holding the artifact. *Insert random reason why the artifact peak lord had to bring it out - maybe it's for a low stakes mission for some disciples to undertake but requires a peak lord to transport the artifact because it is rare, expensive, and delicate.*
The Cang Qiong peak lords pass it out, mostly out of curiosity. Or rather, a peak lord is curious about the artifact that they are allocating precious minutes to spend discussing during the monthly peak lord meeting, so he grabs the artifact to take a look. Plus he's bored, so there's that.
The artifact is round, pearl like, and quite pretty with that cat-eye sheen on it. He looks at it from this angle and that, but ultimately, the artifact doesn't react or respond. It's quite boring after 30 seconds of toying it around, so he puts it back.
Naturally, this becomes an invisible signal for the other peak lords to have their turn taking a look at the artifact and a number of peak lords reach out to grab it - but of course, Yue Qingyuan calls dibs first as the sect leader and therefore the highest ranked peak lord. He's not so much interested in the artifact, rather he's getting it to give to Shen Jiu.
Except... when he grabs it, a golden light immediately forms between him and Shang Qinghua... and the artifact is claiming that Shang Qinghua is his biological father.
Silence, and then shocked gasps erupt all around.
Someone immediately asks, "Is this malfunctioning?"
Shen Qingqiu goes to yank the pearl out of Yue Qingyuan's hands, but the moment he touches it, a golden light shines between him and Shang Qinghua.
By the end of this meeting, it's discovered that Shang Qinghua "fathered" most of the Qing generation peak lords; that Shang Qinghua, as is standard for An Ding peak disciples, went on many missions delivering goods to/from various merchants and encountered many sex pollen incidents as the mission leader was led by, at best, a senior disciple; and that Shang Qinghua solved those incidents the good old fashion way with some strangers (ahem, not fellow disciples because they bullied him).
Plus it's taken as fact that Shang Qinghua fathered those peak lords given that not all peak lords were his (as that would immediately be concluded as the artifact no longer properly working) especially when they interrogated Shang Qinghua so hard that they squeezed out from his mouth that he's managed to rizz up an extremely powerful influential demon ruler purely through acting pathetic. Somehow this weakling has the moves to seduce any and all, even the married and most beautiful.
(Only Shang Qinghua knows that it's only the peak lords that he actually gave a name to instead of leaving as namely NPCs in PIDW that are marked as his children.)
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amimuu · 3 months
vro if you have the time or energy make a mini comic or the other characters in the au cuz this shit is liugid gold
dw no pressure
-- the sgss au anon
Hey!! I remember you!! I’m glad ye are liking the au so far :3 Thanks for checking it out!!
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I am actually in fact planning to do a comic of a certain scene I have planned out in my head—but for now I can only offer some of the characters’s roles I got so far…I am still deciding who “takes place” of who in the story…I wonder if you can guess which roles I gave to these sillies :3
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kcrra · 6 months
[eye twitching] yeah it's fine that i've spent the last year and a half trying to convince people that house of the dragon should not be reduced down to "teams" or medieval euphoria because in reality it's supposed to be a complex, borderline shakespearean, poetic tragedy about the downfall of dragons and their royal line, highlighting how war corrupts and destroys even the strongest of us; representing a critique on monarchy, patriarchy, familial violence and trauma. [eye twitches extra hard] and then hbo just went ahead and released "team green" & "team black" trailers. yeah no it's totally fine im calm about it [eye continues twitching]
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lonvelymoon · 1 month
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˖ 𖥔 ࣪ ִֶָ ✉️ , , 🐰 𓄼 🗒️ ʾ˓ 𓂃 ៹ ♥︎ ⠂ᴥ ⠂
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♡ or ↺ if save !
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zephyrine-gale · 7 months
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birthday shop update! I'm also doing a giveaway on twitter :> shop link: x twitter: x
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chuchaaay · 3 months
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Babygirl in blue pt. 2 🌸
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captainsavre · 4 months
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Your parental stress has only begun. Be afraid. Be very afraid. Maya and Carina || Station 19 - 7.08 ‘Ushers of the New World’
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villains4hire · 1 year
Honey, the Punch Witch (Claimed OC)
1. So this character is an OC but also just taking the character ‘Honey’ from Sonic in terms of faceclaim, thus her redesign and design is based around my own on it. Even if my Honey is disconnected from the Sonic Fandom, she’s been designed to seamlessly work with it as well. And considering how people are? It’s fine if they don’t read her bios and don’t realize she’s just my OC as I’m using Sega’s Near Abandoned character from a fighting game as a vessel for a two to three year old concept for an OC that I had no real expressive enough or specific enough in terms of personality or faceclaim that I wanted until now. I did not expect it to end up like this, but I’ll take it, I kind of like how the concept has evolved anyway. So with that being said: I am taking the concepts of her being a fashionista and designer, then her knowing Tails, Sonic, Amy and characters knowing her from being famous and just as the ‘Honey’ in that universe is fine. I welcome it actually as the Sonic Fandom has been pretty good to me, so I’m pretty friendly toward it to begin with. So anything else? Is of my own creation from design, powers and vague concepts happening to co-mingle, as it just lined up for the perfect storm for Honey’s creation. On a sidenote: because of her tail tuft? That’s where I got the idea to make her more like a Lion/Leopard or whatever.
2. Honey works with the following fandoms: Sonic, Mario, Rayman, Smash Brothers, Arcade-Like Games, more Casual Fantasy or Casual Dnd-Esque Adventures and is fine with relatively dark settings. Then can work with adult cartoons like Rick and Morty, Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss/Villainous etc as I believe where the real clash begins is with things like Warhammer, Gritty Series/Too Edgy/Serious or crazy in power scaling like DBZ etc. Feel free to talk to me however if there is a fandom a bit jarring for her to be in. I designed to be pretty flexible though.
3. This character is considered on ‘Sonic Levels or Protag Levels’ of power so I will be scaling her down or upward to fit any crossovers that may occur. But I will only do so if asked or if I feel if it’s needed, then I’ll ask. I will have a specific tag for this as I feel considering the power scaling of what I’m going off of is basically high fantasy/sci-fi with the Sonic Universe to being akin to Marvel in terms of power-scaling. It’s signifcant enough to where I should probably mention it, as I don’t want to step on any toes and I will try to create a relatively balanced character since some of the characters from that franchise are pretty ridiculous.
4. If you are from the Sonic Fandom, Honey’s purpose: to be a strong bulwark of a tank witch spell-caster using buffs, hexes and shadow strike magic for distance and a broad fighter defender but also duelist with an execute based off my own concept, but also lining up with her original concept as well from her fighting game. She is probably the slowest of the caste but can move like that of a lion/big cat still and pounce and her size and design was partially based off of how Big the Cat was designed and including his height being 6′6 apparently. So if your character is interacting with Honey, unless they are the same archetype, to catch them if it is her magic, gap-closers or just her sheer destruction? I expect your character to be able to out-run her, but also she CAN react with swift, fast movements when it comes to strikes and reflex and could react to Sonic per-say trying to punch her. Why? Well, it’s mostly to limit her as if I don’t, she wouldn’t be able to fight most of the caste from just being too slow all around, so I just make her slow moving ground wise from how dense and durable she is. And if I made her able to keep up even slightly behind Sonic? She’d body most of them probably combined with the powerset I’m giving her, so precaution and all that. But also do take in mind we all have different perspectives on how power-scalings work etc, just if your character is at Sonic’s Level or Above, they can fight Honey or keep up with her and we can just go off of that. As I tend to balance more around the OG caste since it’s more balanced usually and the one I know the best. As my intent is to make a ‘fun’ character that’s power-scaled pretty reasonably considering what the characters can do. As I do intend for her to grow and work together with whatever character she’s interacting with in terms of executes and spells to help them both when adventuring.
5. I am fine with this character being a Witch’s Familiar or some kind of Companion or maybe even ‘Minion’ if discussed.
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Full Body Reference in her stylized armor. Design owned by me, artist is @sleepytime-muses​
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Front Teeth.
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Back Teeth
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Chest if flexing reference.
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Arm if flexing reference.
Voiceclaim: ->Kaine from Nier!<- Her Family: Her Baby Sister ‘Honey’, to which when with or talking about them both? Refer to my Honey as ‘Syrup’. Do I want them to die: Hm, considering the series? Death is fine as a threat but I’d have to greatly consider it for her to ‘mcdie’. As most of the caste if rarely is ever killed permanently. Will I have/get icons: I have them. Tag: the punch witch (default main verse) | witch left behind (past verse), she is simply 18 in this verse and not intended to be shipped but fine with adult situations etc, but more or less in the middle of her training still so she’s significantly weaker. | scaled (either scaled up or down for power scaling) Age: 34 Sex: AMAB Gender: By human standards? Trans fem, she’d just be considered a woman by her own species. Fine with any pronouns. Race: Lycan-like Big Cat Species, a Mobian if interacting with the Sonic Fandom. Sexuality: If she likes you enough to get intimate. Doesn’t care really. Personality traits: Extremely expressive with her face and fine to take note of. Slow to Anger. But when angered? She’s pretty merciless, brutal but smiling to mixed expressions, though does not kill beings like Sonic, Amy, or Tails and so on if she was fighting them. Eggman, Bowser or random people shown willing to just hurt random people, etc? Yeah she would without thinking about it. Can be calm to hyper, but usually has a pretty friendly forward demeanor. Curious, Playful, Can be Flirty in a Playful Sense as she does like to just mess with people into her. A Bit Goofy, Smug at times. Extremely affectionate and loving and handsy if she knows you, but also can handle someone with tenderness or rough tenderness with ease despite her strength. Likes Quips in Fights to mess with her opponents. Likes Jokes, Likes Puns, Likes Cat Puns especially. Granted if she’s not joking while fighting? She’s probably intending to kill the other person or defend something or her own goals if it’s important enough to seriously effect her or own loved ones. Very willing to lie or fight dirty if the stakes matter. Likes to talk during fights with her friends if beating someone down, or talking with someone if beating them down. Dislikes having to be serious and tends to poke fun at those overly serious for everything, but can and will get serious if she needs to be. Very goal-driven, self-driven by her own ambitions and sense of adventure, then also food. Loves food, especially meat and sweets. Likes fashion and making different lines for various people, learning runes and how to weave them into fabrics or make various fabrics to withstand daily Mobian/Super Being Life. Likes to cook and is a Chef from being a Witch Brewer as well getting her into the hobby from having to learn how to cook certain potions and tonics in alchemy. Then loves learning new spells, moves and combinations to help her friends, allies. Likes to spot, coach or workout with other people depending on who it is. Smart in what she does, but a bit reckless, fearless, and subtly arrogant. Hard to bring down emotionally, rather positive as a person. Protective and vicious to hold onto what she holds dear, lacks a concept of personal space if she likes you, but at first keeps a respectable distance. Mental traits: A bit inhuman with feline tendencies but overall has a bit of identifiable humanity in her mental-state in terms of ‘classing’. Physical traits: 6′0, her physical references can be seen above, but what’s unsaid: her hair due to being AMAB is a stylized mane rather than hair, as it’s simply her fur mane that I usually do for Lions, granted I’m aware a Lioness can develop a mane, but it’s uncommon. She doesn’t wear shoes per-say, her claws are exposed to climb and pounce, but wears red leg bracers and then bracers over her clawed feet. Has big feline toe-beans on her claws and clawed feet. The claws on her hands and feet are protractable, meaning she has to flex certain muscles for them to come out rather than keeps them sheathed, this is to reflect actual Lions, Leopards and other Big Cats. Rumbles and purrs like an oversized house-cat so she’s basically a walking massage chair if you’re on hugging terms with her. The barbs on her tongue can strip skin and hide with ease, but they’re protactable, she has to flex her mouth in a bite to make it come out, otherwise it’s just a friendly feline lick. She’s rather fluffy but firm feeling and especially fluffy on her chest underneath the armor. Her unarmored reference is on my sideblog if you want to see it or just dm me, just beware of nsfwish anatomy. Powers: Size Control: she can go from 6′0 to 3′0 or anywhere in-between with the same proportions. She developed her body to do this overtime using her magic to make life easier due to being rather big when not around other Big Cat People/Mobians. If Rune Charged: she becomes around 9′0 and is a bigger target because of it, but has moderate regeneration as if using a blood rune, longer reach, leap etc. - Super Strength: she could swing a car or tank or throw it at someone. Honey can control her strength with great precision so a lethal punch is different from a non-lethal punch. This strength also factors into her jump capability being pretty far but not fast enough to say to catch Sonic for example. If Rune Charged: she could swing a train like a flail. - Ultra Durability: she could be shot with a tank and it’d smart a bit but she would be fine and wouldn’t be thrown around. Though if hit with like a car going at a high miles per hour, while she’d be fine even if hurt, she’d be thrown by the gravity of it. Then she can fall great heights and be relatively fine. If Rune Charged: it wouldn’t hurt and it’d scratch her up a bit, but ultimately wouldn’t harm her if she was shot with a tank. Moving her becomes a near impossible task unless a rather great force of equal power is applied. - Super Reactions: she can trade blows with a speedster, granted, she’d probably take a few good hits from say like Sonic, but could dish a few devastating ones back. Especially if he’s not careful or someone similar. - Shadow Tether: if a target is willing? She can tether to them to follow along and can react, move without rune use and teleport with a certain distance of the target using her runes. This is in order to block, defend and support the person she’s tethered to. Granted while she’d be behind Sonic even if tethered to him or someone else just as fast? She’d be able to keep up still, react and use her runes. - Supernatural Claws and Punches: she can punch through most materials, armors, robots and rake through them like butter with her claws. Granted high-grade force-fields and magic shields can block against it even though, she could potentially slash through it eventually. She generally doesn’t use her claws however unless intending to kill someone. - Chef’s Delight: this is an NPC only move to use on a character that isn’t an rper without discussion, as they’d die from being eaten as a lil fishcake. As this is her basically when the character is hurt enough from her combos and spells? She snaps her claw to turn them into a piece of cake with a little fish on it, then eats it. Kind of like a hansel and gretel thing or Buu from DBZ. This move creates a Death Rune when eating one of them of the fishcakes. It can be used on robots, inorganic things that have energy, life or some form of power source even if inanimate so long as it’s damaged severely. - Feral Fighting Style: Honey uses a series of specialized pounces, grapples, slams and strikes, and raking of claws for a rather fluid and brutal fighting style. In terms of skill? She’s considered a legendary fighter in the ring or vs another opponent. - Extreme Physique and Dense Mind: Honey does not age at full maturity and it’s hard for her to become sick or ill. And her body usually adapts rather quickly to even the most bizarre or strange viruses, invading mind influences or even curses and hexes if magical. Her teeth, claws, strikes and otherwise can go through metal, stone, concrete in dents, smashes, or carving through like butter. She can also eat most things and be relatively fine unless the most extreme of circumstances. - Big Cat Physique: She moves at the speed of a big cat and can pounce as well as if one. Her sense of smell is akin to that of a Lion or Leopard along with hearing. - SpellBook of the Punch Witch: Rune Generation: using force, friction and kinetic energy from her strikes or receiving them? She generates runes of her choice depending on the moves or if blocking. These are used in tandem to create spells revolving around buffs, hexes and shadow magic to strike at a distance or close the gap. Most of this is utility or giving her some kind of reach and the stronger or more impactful the spell is? The following runes are generated using the moves listed next to them. Note: Honey can form these runes other than Death Runes just by doing the moves to generate the energy needed to create them on her body. - Air Runes: spin punches, kicks, dash kicks, dive pounces - they are used to help jump, mobility or delayed shadow teleportation or homing claw/strike dives. - Water Runes: fluid counters, parry, grapples, and slams - they are used to walk on water, breathe underwater, give extended reach or react more seamlessly if a speed increase for trading blows is needed. - Earth Runes: grounded punches, hard hitting punches, haymakers etc - they are used for defensive runes, hardening skin, hide or making bones and muscles denser. - Fire Runes: claw rakes, claw dices, bites, gnashing of teeth. - they are used for shadow strikes, lengthening claws or turning them red to give red shadow claw shockwave strikes temporarily. - Blood Runes: blocking, defending, taking damage - they are used for passive buffs such as increasing or amplifying abilities such as speed, strength, durability, increasing size, regeneration, magic or other sources of power based on their innate power. So Honey using a blood rune to increase her speed would not increase much, but for Sonic? Depending on how many runes she fed into the blood rune? He could be slightly faster just from one rune amping the blood rune to twice as fast if using a great number of them such as using eight or ten. Then if a Blood Rune is offensively used? It could be to passively do the opposite effect: slower, weaker, more fragile, shrinking, negating regeneration, then de-amplifying power. However, instead of instantly applying it, she does a time limit when activating this as her claw glows like a shadow or when doing a shadow strike. So it’s a hail-mary basically if expending a great amount of runes to do a crippling hex or to give an edge before following up with more spells. - Death Runes: executing an enemy or power source with Chefs Delight - it is specifically used for her strongest spell that she can use on herself or an ally called ‘Rune Charged’. These Runes only last for twenty-four hours before dissipating. - Combined Runes: these are runes combined together to sacrifice two to make a new rune to form a specific rune to prepare for a specific spell. - Fog Rune: used to simply fly or jump higher or create a form of smoke screen. - Air and Water - Sand Rune: used to become more shapeless and sand-like and harder to hit. User or Honey becomes vulnerable to extreme temperatures to become like glass, however - Air and Earth - Lava Rune: used to give the user or Honey to give fire resistance and then lava-like punches or increased power if already a fire-user of some kind. Vulnerability to water-like attacks and lashes are created temporarily, but just getting splashed or submerged wouldn’t do much if brief. - Earth and Fire. - Cosmic Rune: used for instant shadow teleportation and gap-closing, then amplified Claw Magic or Shadow Claw Strike Magic - Air and Death Runes. - Spells: Anything from buffs to hexes listed above to shadow strikes and technically spells unlisted but I did my best to give a broad idea as magic users tend to be widely varied, but best balanced if restricted to schools of magic. She can also have the person she’s tethered to be able to use them instead, granted certain ones like the claw spells or diving strikes her body is better built to perform them. She is capable of learning new spells, combinations to make new spells to better help her current ally or fighting partner. So in summary: her spells solely revolve around buffs for herself and allies, hexes toward enemies and shadow-like magic of varying kinds used to describe the above, then catering to what her ally if any needs. As the possibilities PRETTY big in what she could do with them when combined with someone else, so I just laid down a base. - Rune Limit and her Spell Limitations: the runes form on the knuckles of her claws, she has ten digits, so she can only have ten runes and it’s the maximum number her style of magic can have anyway on her body. Then after using a Rune Spell? There is a brief window of time of ten to thirty seconds to several minutes based on how powerful the spell is before she can cast another Rune Spell. A fight usually only lasts for several minutes realistically even if an rp could take weeks to finish, so it should not be an issue balance wise. - Minor Example: she hardens her bones, hide or gives a subtle regeneration to herself to heal throughout a fight or to gain a delayed shadow teleportation: ten to thirty seconds depending on what it is. Moderate Example: A Blood Rune used to give her moderate regeneration such as if being Rune Charged but not being Rune Charged: that’s relatively powerful, so probably like forty seconds to a minute before she can cast another spell. Major Example: She uses her signature ability as listed below or uses a great amount of Runes to amp Sonic for example to go twice as fast or Mario to be near invulnerable as Metal Mario: three to five minutes. - Rune Charged: her signature ability requires ten runes including one death rune which basically amplifies the user’s base body by double what it’s normally capable of or the complexity of the person’s magic, power or spell. She can only use this every half hour and it lasts for around ten minutes. - Professions: Armor and Clothes Making: these objects are capable of enduring supernatural blows and attacks. And more importantly to Honey: are functionally fashionable. Chef: she is considered an expert Chef. Alchemy: she can make potions and tonics using her runes, but also ingredients to make new potions and tonics outside of what she can do. Rarely, does she bring potions into combat, however. Usually just healing ones or regenerative ones. At most, she has about two at a time due to either being swiped or broken in fighting, so she usually puts them in chained, extremely durable containers on her hip. Motivations: To eat well. To be aesthetically pleasing, but also extremely strong but even more so when taking hits. To make friends, family and lovers. To explore and adventure. To have a good fight with someone or something. To get stronger. To joke and play around. To learn something new. Take a few new hobbies and experiences. To refuse to be left behind, no matter what it takes. Backstory: Early in Life, she served helping her Teacher who had taken her in after showing no hopes of being a magic user, a speed fighter or even just a fighter other than average with what she could outwardly exert, or even displayed. It was the potential inwardly and in inner mind, body and spirit of being a blank slate nearly to where she truly began her new but old form of magic using as a form of Astral Shadow Rune Monk as her teacher decided to classify her as, but Honey simply calls herself a Punch Witch much to the amusement though slight dismay of her old Teacher. It is here where she learned how to form, generate and create runes along with alchemy and her love of cooking began. It created a specific style and form of magic, as forming Death Runes usually took weeks or a month even to form and only lasted temporarily. Honey through experimentation and using random energy crystals before testing it on wild-life? Had found the quick-fix access to a Death Rune to further empower or use new magics and a unique fighting style while gradually empowering herself inwardly rather than outwardly. It was only through hard work and grueling years of training had she built the body and broken it several times over to become what she is now. It was where she had met the call several years after her training, adventuring, honing her crafts among other things and experiences as she grew older. Refusing to be left behind, and also refusing to bow to the man that came next to terrorize all she once knew. As Honey has served in a war against a tyrant, but after the first major battle to kick him to the curb? A certain Speedster becoming the hero of the world? She became a fashion designer after noticing that most Super Beings tend to wear tights or stupid looking armor usually for some odd, tacky reason. Creating fashionable but dense and durable clothing and armor for daily Super Being needs. Starting trend after trend with the help of her baby sister in combination of their fashion designs. No longer left behind when it came to her abilities, Honey had felt like they were truly starting to live life to its fullest now.
With so much to do and see, to explore and create? The only limit was herself, as it always has been.
Family Life: Honey (Baby Sister, owned by @winters-club​) Honey was often called Honeys when referred to by her Mom and Dad with her baby sister when she was born... and being both their actual names, so sue them, her parents were uncreative when it came to naming them both. Her Little Sister tends to call her either Honey or Syrup, then when referring to either of them? Honey is referred to as Syrup by someone outside of their family, and she loves her family dearly, often taking her baby sister Honey out on adventures together with them as full grown women having fun and doing who knows what in the hi-jinx they get up to. Along... with whoever becomes competition to their fashion brands, granted Syrup tends to not TOO MUCH but does enjoy the competition to give her something to do when not fighting or scouring places for new possible materials to synthesize for their wares together.
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torchtour · 2 months
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can artfight end faster so i can go back to whatever i was doing before? i can smell the smoke of burnout on the wind, threatening to overtake the glossy meadow in which i lay :'[
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theanonymousninja247 · 3 months
Random Turtle Thunks: Kisses
*adjusts my sunglasses* It'd be softboi hours folks. Tonight I'm thinking about the Rise Boys and their favorite places to kiss you.
*Cookies and Cream Rating: 16+ please*
Raph 🧸♥️:
•Forehead Kisses. Lingering ones right at the tip of your hairline. It's often because its the only place he can reach without having to shift too far down. Often brushing your hair back, cradling your cheek in the palm of his hand and tilting your head back juuuuust a little to get that perfect angle for a small smooch. The type of kisses that are full of tender promises and small wholesome moments where he just longs to be soft with you.
•Your shoulder. Chaste presses of his lips to your skin to the crook of your neck. This young Atlas knows a little something about carrying the weight of the world and often that weight settles on the shoulders. These type of kisses serve as a reminder that he understands the struggle, the weight and promises that you don't have to carry it all by yourself anymore. A somewhat protective kiss, reminding you that nothing can hurt you when you're this close to him. That he's here for you, he’ll never leave you and will forever have your back.
Donnie 🤔🟪
•Your nose. I really don't see Donnie being really big into kissing. Like think about it. Kissing is literally just the process of swapping saliva. How uNsAnItArY. *shudders* “Just where has your mouth been? Did you even brush your teeth?!” That being said, a quick peck to your nose is a simple way to fulfill the “touch of the day” box without having to get unnecessarily close and personal. There is work still to be done after all. Not to mention the cute little face you make when you go slightly crossed-eyed at his affectionate gesture is somewhat endearing. It is a very understandable reaction after all. He too would go speechless at such attention from a genuis like himself.
•Behind the corner of your jaw. Donnie doesn't like kissing. That being said, if he is going to engage in such an act, he's going to want to do it right. Never mind him looking up the most sensitive parts of the human body to make sure he plants his affection in the most effective locations. Nevermind that at all. Besides, kissing here that little bundle of nerves seems to do the trick most adequately.
•Your lips. “My Lady, if the kisses are words, c’mere. I’ma give you a speech.” No. Like seriously. I know Leo is considered the “medical expert” of the family, but the amount of times this turtle has given you some serious mouth-to-mouth should be illegal. In all honesty though, it really does mean something special to him. For this smooth talking turtle who always knows just what to say, it’s a way for him to shut up and learn how to put some action behind those words. For once, he wants to show you that he means what he says. Because for all the silliness, it was never a joke, his feeling for you.
•Your knuckles. Leo is a one-stinking suave gentleman when he wants to be, and he's not going to let you forget it. Not to mention it’s an easy, inconspicuous way to keep you close so long your hand is entertained with his. Not that he worries when you're out of reach or anything. The cute little increase of color right there on your cheeks as he presses a slow kiss to each fingertip and between your knuckles is also a nice touch. Just lets this face man know he's on the right track or whatever.
•Your cheeks. This bundle of affection will give you some sugar anytime, anywhere without hesitation. You can not stop it. It is inevitable. He's so close to you all the time anyway that it just seems second nature to have his cheek squished against you somewhere. He also just loves getting close enough to see your eyes. They really are like windows to the soul, and you have a soul he wouldn't mind getting lost while exploring. So it makes sense to decorate those “windows” with some “Angel Kisses” (He does put the angel in MichelANGELo after all) You know. Just while he's close to you like this. Never mind the heat from your cheeks underneath his hands as he tries to hold you still for your daily barrage of affection is comforting to his scared hands. Never mind that at all.
•Your tummy. There is something incredibly magical about the way you giggle shriek as you try to writhe away when he kisses your tummy. It’s the kind of laugh that means you are happy and in the present moment with him and currently the furthest away from something that hurt you. He just wants you happy and hearing that laugh heals something inside his heart. He loves the way your tummy its so squishy underneath his kneading hands and he can't help but bury his face in your soft skin. Be warned you will not escape without some raspberry blown kisses. Mikey ain't letting you leave without being properly adored that is both a threat and a promise.
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mistergreatbones · 4 months
Tim: hey what do you call your dad?
Damian: …Father…?
Tim: no i mean like your bio dad
Damian: *judgemental silence*
Tim: oh right you don’t have one of those
Damian: *AGGRESSIVE judgemental silence*
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undertheredhood · 10 months
“why do you headcanon jason todd as a poc?” idk maybe it’s because he was racially ambiguous enough to the point where he considered lady shiva as one of the potential candidates to be his bio mother as a possibility.
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strawberrystepmom · 3 months
what is your fav’s insta bio 🎤
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