#spree joe keery
steddie-thirst · 2 years
Strange Obsession | Eddie Munson x Harrington!Reader | Stranger Things x Spree (Crossover) ONE
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((Notes: this is a crossover series that will be taking place between two universes and for it to work Stranger Things is in a more modern era.))
Thank you @rollergirlworld for inspiring part of this fic as well, she's amazing please go give her some love.
SUMMARY: Kurt is on the run from the cops after his little murder spree. He comes across Steve Harrington and his group of friends and Kurt takes a liking to Eddie's girl. A little to much.
We are now live from the scene of the series of brutal murders, A former comedian, Jesse was in downtown when she was shot and killed. The police and other agencies recommend the cancellation and use of ride-share apps, if you need a ride to ask friends or family members. I'm Kennedy Fox and you're watching Channel 6.
"Wow, I can't believe all of this is going on just a town away."
"Well, sis." Steve carefully stirs the pot of mea not missing a beat to take a jab at the guitarist, "People go psycho everyday - you just so happen to be dating one." He teases not even sparing the metalhead, who was currently lounged at the bar, a glance and Eddie scoffed. 
Eddie shakes his head, fingers tapping idly at the cup in his hands, he lets out a quiet chuckle sparing you a glance and he smiles. "Is that really how you see me, Harrington?"
Steve shrugs looking over his shoulder and spots the rather unamused look on his face, "I don't know, Eds. It might be all those crazy tattoos and crazy hair." The man argues, turning his eye back to the stove to keep an eye on the vegetables that were currently being sautéed. Rolling up his sleeves he reaches for a spatula to stir them around the pan, careful not to burn them as Eddie watches.
You pass Steve in the kitchen delivering a small slap to his arm in which he lets out a huff much to Eddie’s chagrin. "Leave him alone, Steve. Eddie is probably the only guy in town that wasn't trying to get into my pants." You demand not appreciating the lashing towards him.
"That's on facts, babe." Eddie agrees, sending a sly wink your way, making you blush and burst into a fit of bubbly giggles. He lifts the cup to his lips and down's the rest of the liquid.
"Eww, if you guys plan to flirt, do it in Eddie's trailer." Steve groans, eyes practically rolling all the way into his head. You and the brunette share a loving gaze as he works the stove - The sweet scent of onions and peppers filling the room. Tonight was like every other Friday. Dinner and a movie.
Steve, Eddie, Robin, and you wound up making these nights a weekly thing. From cooking and picking a movie and just spending time together. Robin, had unfortunately been unable to make it, with her car not working, and being stuck with Nancy on babysitting duty so it was just the three amigos.
As the meal prep comes to an end, you're left to set up the table, placing salsa, guacamole, and queso out on the table. Tonight’s dinner was fajitas and all Eddie’s idea, the man loved a good taco, as any other person would. In the process of setting up the table a harsh rapping brings you from your duties. Looking back into the kitchen hoping the boys wouldn't mind grabbing the door, but  were too busy conversing with one another.
With a roll of your eyes you set the chips down and with a huff turn to walk towards the door, "Ugh, boys." Flattening out your dress skirt and going to open the door.
Steve and Eddie were sharing a good laugh in the kitchen over a couple of glasses when they heard you scream. They ran into the living room and found you standing over an unconscious body, Eddie hurried over to you.
Steve checks the body for a pulse, and sighs out of relief, "He's not dead. But judging from all this blood, I am surprised he isn’t." He checks the face and his flips drop into a frown, "What the fuck?"
Eddie finished comforting you, his hands slowly rubbing at your tensed shoulders, you deciding to head into the kitchen. Eddie sighs before turning to Steve and kneeling down next to the body. The guitarist noticed the horrified look on his face. "What's up, man?"
Steve's lips curl into a thin smile and shakes his head, "See for yourself." The man gestures to the body's face and Eddie leans over to examine him.
"Holy Shit!" Eddie is aghast. It was like Steve had a clone, same facial structure - poor sense of fashion and overly greasy hair - but the same as their beloved 'lover boy' himself.
"Right?" Steve is just as taken back as the metalhead. Eddie chews on his cheek as he looks him over. He pulls his hand back and leans away, looking back at his friend. Suddenly the unconscious body sat up and the two jumped back.
"Shit! Shit -Jesus!" Eddie cried out.
"Who the fuck are you?!" The man on the ground was quick to ask the other two, throwing his hands up in defense. Eddie chuckled and Steve huffed.
"We were just about to ask the same question. So, can you tell us your name, dude?" Eddie asked wanting to know exactly if the guy posed a threat especially with his girl in the other room.
He gulps, "K-Kurt. I'm Kurt Kunkle.. I was running from that guy."
"What guy?" Steve asked, arms crossing over his chest. Let's say that he wasn't a fan of some look-alike asshole, with shitty hair, scaring off his sister and pulling some undead shit in his living-room.
Kurt looked between the two men above him. One looked like he dove straight out of some 80's rom-com, whilst the other looked like he belonged on stage with Metallica. "T-That uhm ride-share freak." Kurt lied, "The guy came at me and I decided I wasn't ready to die so I reached up to the front and crashed the car."
Eddie could see how that would explain the blood and the cuts.
"Okay, and did he follow you?" Eddie asked.
"No, cops were on his tail and I wasn't g-gonna stay to find out, man." Kurt drops his hands in defeat. "Look I have no idea what town I'm in and I almost died tonight, I was just looking for somewhere to stay." He explained and Steve huffed. The information checked out considering the injuries, his house was also the first one off the main road, but he was skeptical.  You had overheard the whole conversation and while he had scared you initially it wouldn't be fair to throw him back out to the wolves.
Steve and Eddie turned to converse amongst themselves whilst Kurt sat there practically the odd man out. When they turned back he jumped still pretty nervous considering, "Alright you can stay for a week. You will sleep in the guest room and if I swear you act out or pull some shit I'm calling the cops, got it?" Steve wasn't fucking around.
"Yeah-" He swallows. "I-I got it." Steve offered his hand and helped Kurt up off the ground. "Good, my sister will help you get settled and no funny business." Steve warned him.
"(Y/N), will you help Kurt find the guest room? I need to talk to Eddie." The look-a-like Steve turned his head and caught a glimpse of you.
"Follow me?" He eagerly nodded.
"I'm fucking confused Steve. Why does he look like you?" Eddie whispered, arm thrown out gesturing off towards Kurt.
"Fuck- Eddie- I don't know, man. Okay?" He shrugs, tensing muscles as his shoulders rise. He sighed and relaxed, "Listen. Just stay here for a week with (Y/N). I can't leave her here by herself and because we work opposite shifts one of us can keep an eye on her and one on him." Eddie and Steve agreed.
"So, are you a nurse?" He asks as you search for the med-kit. Having already removed his shirt so you could tend to the cuts.
"Ha, no. I just always end up patching up the boys." You grabbed the kit and let out a small hum of approval and turned to him. "So, I taught myself. My boyfriend especially likes to fist fight." Kurt would have been surprised if you were single. An angel like you was a once and a lifetime kind of girl.
"You have a boyfriend? What's he like?" Kurt asks, the question teetered on the edge of being rather blunt but it really came off as curiosity. He couldn’t believe that he had a chance, but a man could only dream.
"Oh- He's uhmm - You've met him and my brother. Guys downstairs." You rummage through the kit for the gauze and alcohol before turning back to him. Kneeling down on the floor between his legs to first clean the long cut on his arm.
"Which is which?" Kurt asks a blush creeping across his cheeks as he watches you work on the cut, nimble fingers accompanied by gentle touches. Your current position, between his legs like that drove the man crazy and no girl had ever gotten to him the way you did. To you it was harmless, but to him - Fucking Hell - you were sexy.
"Well-" You start with a tilt of your head, Kurt nearly moans - you were just so irresistible and cute like a little puppy - dabbing the alcohol on his arm and he winces, a sharp hiss escaping him, "Sorry, Kurt." You pause and when the pain subsides he gave a nod which urges you to continue.
He just really enjoyed how you doted on him, kind and caring, "As I was saying, my brother is the one with the fluffy hair, and insane amount of polo shirts." You joked making Kurt chuckle, even more than that comedian he'd offed, you were much better. With the gentle touches he only wondered what it’s be like to have those hands all over him, touching and caressing as they went. "My boyfriend is the tall guy with fluffy curls and leather."
Kurt should've known such a thing the dark-haired boy was much more protective of you and practically gave him the look of death. "What's his name?"
"Eddie." You replied and he nodded. Once you finish wrapping up his arm and stand up he’s almost saddened by the loss of contact. "And my brother is, Steve." You explain. He looked down at his arm and smiled, you were actually a good little nurse. Not to mention a pretty one at that.
"Thanks." You smiled and packed up the med-kit.
"The rest are small enough to close up on their own, just make sure to clean them. Bathroom is just down the hall." Kurt nodded and watched you leave the room. He let out a sigh he was holding and he couldn't believe what he just got away with. His massive murder spree and no one had any clue. Especially you - This was going to be fun.
When you returned downstairs Eddie was pacing at the thresh-hold of the stairs, you stopped halfway. "Eddie?" He whipped his head up to look at you and he smiled. You'd never seen him so worried and Steve was sitting on the couch dazed off, probably thinking. Eddie helped you down the rest of the way, "You seem worried, Eds."
"I was. You were gone for a while.." He pouted lips pulled into a thin frown and you giggled.
"Aww, poor baby." You coo reaching up to place your hands over his cheeks. Physical touch was definitely his love language. "Lemme kiss it better." Your lips lock with his and he moans. Steve groans from his spot on the couch. Kurt had finished cleaning up and headed down the steps.
For some reason seeing you with Eddie - his lips on yours - a rage boiled inside him. He didn't deserve you. Kurt could take care of you better than him and definitely better than your brother. Things were going to have to change.
@st-ls @munsonloverblog @off-phelia @strangerthingsstories5255 @fujiihime @shyposttree @damon-loves-pie @fanficfanatic204 @positivevibesnlif3 @beebslebobs @seratoninsickness @k0urti @thatlonelypieceoftoast @marianita195 @b-barnes04 @phantomxoxo @buchanansbaby
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flowers-that-sing · 1 year
just finished watching spree. i have so many thoughts but i dont know how to articulate any of them
but yeah. one of my favorite movies now i think. and one of the few social media themed/involved movies i actually really like—it was done well.
it made me think, it was funny, it gave me chills, scared me, made me angry, it was so. wow.
and it escalated so much from the start—even though the killing starts at the very beginning, it isnt thrilling or scary, it’s kind of funny and like. kinda feels deserved.
and the ENDING. and the ENDING ENDING on reddit? and—just. yeah. i have sooo many thoughts but i dunno what to say. i liked it though!!! a lot!
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psiirockin · 4 months
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Something from a few weeks ago I think! Prompt was draw your Twitter icon with your Discord icon.. And well..
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theghostinyourwalls · 1 month
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I can’t believe we’ve all been cropped out of these pictures
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distinguisheddingus · 4 months
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ghostlyfleur · 1 month
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​ happy international joe keery day ♡
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voldiscute · 4 months
This bitch walked So she could run
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changebydjo · 2 months
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SPREE (2020) dir. Eugene Kotlyarenko
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costcopunk · 5 months
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my uber drivers acting a little weird but ig hes cute
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steddie-thirst · 2 years
So I'm totally writing that Spree x Stranger things crossover tonight. So each day I plan to release one fic, whatever I'm in the mood to work on that day is what I'll put out. So you guys will get part three of Kind Hearted and the first chapter of this cross over fic
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djokunkle95 · 2 months
I love him 🥲
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vader-anakin · 7 months
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"Do you guys wanna, I don't know, check out my boner?"
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theghostinyourwalls · 1 month
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The silly
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sherifftillman · 10 months
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little-bumblebeeee · 10 months
man written by a woman energy
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ghostlyfleur · 1 month
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sweet boy <3
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