#spring haddock fishing
mbari-blog · 1 year
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The secret life of Velella. ⁠
⁠In the spring, beachgoers often happen upon beaches covered by thousands or millions of blue jellyfish relatives called Velella velella, the by-the-wind sailors. Velella typically live on the surface of the open ocean far from shore, propelled by winds pushing on their tiny sails.⁠ ⁠ Velella is best described as a hydroid colony that has flipped itself over. It is unlike a traditional jellyfish (medusa), but rather like the benthic stage of a hydroid. Instead of living attached to rocks on the bottom, its "substrate" is the ocean's surface. These hydroid colonies bud off tiny medusae, little "jellyfish," just like many benthic hydroids do.
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A particularly striking feature of Velella is their blue pigmentation. In fact, most animals that live on the water's surface (snails, jellies, fish) have blue pigmentation. It may serve different purposes for different organisms but is likely a combination of camouflage and protection from the sun's rays. Learn more about these tiny but tremendous drifters on our YouTube channel.
Images courtesy of Steve Haddock.
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materialtintin · 1 year
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so. I wrote a haddotin drabble solely based on this image n I couldnt decide where to post it but I'm gonna put it under read more here and then maybe move it to ao3 later on. Enjoy some spring fluff!
Tintin In Pink
Haddotin fluff, 1K, Tintin gets a new sweater and it ignites what they should have seen coming a long time ago.
The image came to Haddock like he was in a dream. He knew rationally that it couldn't be, since he had just woken barely an hour ago to the chirping of magpies beginning to nest in the rose bushes below his bedroom window. But as he stepped out onto the circle beneath the looming entrance of his chateau, the retired sea captain was greeted by a vision that blossomed before him as if he was seeing with color for the first time. In some ways, he was seeing one color in particular with new eyes. 
Tintin was kneeled just beyond the pavement of the driveway, having parked further down, and was just about to enter Marlinspike at his usual time on the weekends. He and the Captain had begun visiting each other most weekends when they lived only a few blocks from one another in Brussels, and the routine only seemed to lengthen with each visit now that the gorgeous grounds of the estate was solely theirs to wander for hours. Sometimes their visits led to more adventures that put them far off across the world, but often it's only result was an afternoon and night completely gone by with laughter and music and easy conversation. 
There, ruffling the fur of his companion as Milou looked captivated by the sprinkling of blossoms in the air, was Tintin in a brand new baby pink sweater. Perhaps ‘new’ wasn't the proper term, as it was in the exact style as his other more commonly seen jumper, but the softness of the scene before him paired with the shock of seeing Tintin in something other than his usual blue stirred something deep within Haddocks heart. He adored the ginger journalist, more than he had ever felt admiration or appreciation for anyone else, and at this point it would be a slight against Tintin's investigative genius to think the lad wasn't aware of the fact. Haddock wore his heart on his sleeve, and now on his face as his cheeks flushed to a similar shade as the sweater once Tintin finally looked up and flashed Haddock with an open, carefree smile. He rose and walked up to where the captain still stood frozen on the front steps, with Milou following patiently at his heels, 
“Good morning Captain! I hope you've been well.”
“Aye, Tintin… you look bonny in that new getup, if I say so myself”
Then it was Tintins turn to blush. His eyes widened and color tipped the tops of his ears, as he met the Captain's gaze and then quickly looked away.
“Thank you, Captain. I wanted to try something new.. I suppose its been to my benefit?”
 He moved to push on the double doors of Marlinspike, but was stopped by a large, calloused hand lightly latching on to his upper arm. He turned to face the Captain again to quip about spring fever getting to both of them, only to see Haddock earnestly gawking at both Tintin's face and back to the sweater. Of course Tintin had picked up the pink jumper with the thought of the Captain's reaction to it in the forefront of his mind, but had only expected the sailor to be surprised, or to perhaps rib him a bit about getting out of his comfort zone. Now it was the Captain who seemed completely like a fish out of water, struggling to contort his mouth into any words that encapsulated what a beautiful sight the young reporter was to him. 
“Yer like a fresh spring morning, lad. I thought I might… well, I… “
“Oh please, you're flattering me too much! Its just a-”
In a flash, the Captain swept an arm around Tintin's waist, pulling him into an embrace where their sides were fully pressed together. Haddock was still fumbling with words, trying to explain what was in his mind and why his body was reacting faster than it, but Tintin saw more in his swimming eyes and flushed face than any combinations of the older mans colorful vocabulary could express. 
“I think you look quite dashing yourself, you old so-and-so.” Tintin said, now with an embarrassed grin pulling his features. The Captain smiled back, though he struggled to form any more coherent thoughts now that his and Tintins faces were so close. He could see the individual freckles across the bridge of the reporter's nose, the hint of darkness below his eyes belying the constant spring in his step. The Captain thought of the days and nights they spent together, all the times he'd seen Tintins expressions flow between joy and stoicism, rage and exhaustion, but the Captain couldn't ever recall seeing the glow in the ginger's crystal blue eyes so close, and so raw. 
“Blistering.. typhoons, Tintin. Before we go in, I just wanted to-”
The Captain was interrupted by a pair of soft lips touching his own, softly first with hesitation, and then firm as Tintin felt the Captain begin to respond. The ginger let a puff of air out through his nostrils, suddenly melting into the embrace with the Captain and reaching his arms around the taller mans shoulders for support. Haddocks hands went to the lads waist, as their kiss deepend and the wind scattered white blossoms across the pavement and through the air where they stood. The world filled with all of its dangers and misadventures dissipated, and like a key turning into its lock for the first time, the duo felt the summation of all of their perils and tribulations come to this kiss, the gentlest and most fulfilling moment after surpassing countless dangers. It was as if they had been kissing for the past 100 years, in every former life, and had simply forgotten. 
Milou yipped at their feet, excited by the breeze and swirling patterns of blossoms and leaves, and the happiness radiating off his two companions. When Tintin and the Captain finally broke away from each other, they sported a pair of dopey grins. Tintins eyes flit from his Captains face to the spring wonderland around them, watching the large trees around the front of the chateau shake with the light breeze. They held each other in comfortable silence for a few moments, before Haddock slipped his hand down from where it rested at the small of Tintins back to reach for his hand, feeling Tintins smaller hand squeeze his in reassurance. 
“Lets head inside, lad. I had plans for the afternoon, but it seems like I completely forgot them.” the Captain murmured into the ginger's temple, leaving a kiss beside Tintins quiff and squeezing his hand back. Tintin chuckled, turning to push on the entrance doors once again, 
“Oh, I’m sure we'll come up with something. We -oh! Oh, hello Nestor.” 
The stoic butler stood a few feet away from the pair, holding the chateau door slightly ajar and giving both of them a look that could only be described as unamused. He cleared his throat and nodded to Tintins greeting before facing the Captain, 
“There’s tea and aperitifs laid out in the main study, but I’d be happy to bring them to the porch if that would be more convenient. It seems to be a lovely day outside.” he replied tonelessly, glancing down at the pairs hands still intertwined before regaining composure and looking at the beet red face of the Captain. The ghost of a smirk played at the butlers lips, but he turned and disappeared into the house before even hearing the Captain's spluttering response about the study being just fine. Tintins twinkling laugh echoed into the front room with the soft thumps of two pairs of feet and four furry legs walking through the halls, the flash of pink color that sparked something new flitting past the windows, with one hand still linked tightly with another.
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Warrior Cats Prefixes- H
I had a WC Name Generator on Perchance that I made but I don't seem to have access anymore, so I'm remaking it here as just a simple list. The definitions used are the ones that Clan cats have for those things, and thus are the origins of the names. Definitions used are whatever I found when I googled it.
Haddock-: "[noun] a silvery-gray bottom-dwelling fish of North Atlantic coastal waters, related to the cod"
Hail-: "[noun] pellets of frozen rain which fall in showers from cumulonimbus clouds"
Hare-: "[noun] a fast-running, long-eared mammal that resembles a large rabbit, having long hind legs and occurring typically in grassland or open woodland"
Harrier-: "[noun] any of the several species of diurnal hawks sometimes placed in the subfamily Circinae of the bird of prey family Accipitridae. Harriers characteristically hunt by flying low over open ground, feeding on small mammals, reptiles, or birds"
Haven-: "[noun] harbor or port; [noun] a place of safety or refuge"
Hawk-: "[noun] a bird of prey with broad rounded wings and a long tail, typically taking prey by surprise with a short chase"
Hawthorn-: "[noun] a thorny shrub or tree of the rose family, with white, pink, or red blossoms and small dark red fruits (haws)"
Hay-: "[noun] grass that has been mown and dried for use as fodder"
Haze-: "[noun] a slight obscuration of the lower atmosphere, typically caused by fine suspended particles"
Hazel-: "[noun] a temperate shrub or small tree with broad leaves, bearing prominent male catkins in spring and round hard-shelled edible nuts in autumn; [noun] a reddish-brown or greenish-brown color"
Heath-: "[noun] an area of open uncultivated land, especially in Britain, with characteristic vegetation of heather, gorse, and coarse grasses; [noun] a dwarf shrub with small leathery leaves and small pink or purple bell-shaped flowers, characteristic of heathland and moorland"
Heather-: "[noun] a purple-flowered Eurasian heath that grows abundantly on moorland and heathland"
Heavy-: "[adj] of great weight; difficult to lift or move; [adj] of great density, thick or substantial"
Hedge-: "[noun] a fence or boundary formed by closely growing bushes or shrubs"
Hedgehog-: "[noun] a small nocturnal Old World mammal with a spiny coat and short legs, able to roll itself into a ball for defense"
Hemlock-: "[noun] a highly poisonous European plant of the parsley family, with a purple-spotted stem, fernlike leaves, small white flowers, and an unpleasant smell"
Hen-: "[noun] a female bird, especially of a domestic fowl"
Heron-: "[noun] a large fish-eating wading bird with long legs, a long S-shaped neck, and a long pointed bill"
Herring-: "[noun] a silvery fish that is most abundant in coastal waters"
Hibiscus-: "[noun] a plant of the mallow family, grown in warm climates for its large brightly colored flowers"
Hickory-: "[noun] a chiefly North American tree of the walnut family that yields useful timber and typically bears edible nuts"
Hidden-: "[adj] kept out of sight and concealed"
Hill-: "[noun] a naturally raised area of land, not as high or craggy as a mountain"
Hive-: "[noun] a container for housing honeybees; [noun] a colony of bees"
Hollow-: "[noun] a hole or depression in something; [adj] having a hole or empty space inside"
Holly-: "[noun] a widely distributed shrub, typically having prickly dark green leaves, small white flowers, and red berries"
Hollyhock-: "[noun] a tall Eurasian plant of the mallow family, widely cultivated for its large showy flowers"
Honey-: "[noun] a sticky yellowish-brown fluid made by bees and other insects from nectar collected from flowers"
Honeybee-: "[noun] a stinging winged insect that collects nectar and pollen, produces wax and honey, and lives in large communities"
Honeysuckle-: "[noun] a widely distributed climbing shrub with tubular flowers that are typically fragrant and of two colors or shades, opening in the evening for pollination by moths"
Hoot-: "[noun] a deep or medium-pitched musical sound, often wavering or interrupted, that is the typical call of many kinds of owl"
Hop-: "[noun] a hopping movement; [adj] (of a person) move by jumping on one foot"
Hope-: "[noun] a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen"
Hornet-: "[noun] a large stinging wasp that typically nests in hollow trees"
Horse-: "[noun] a large plant-eating domesticated mammal with solid hoofs and a flowing mane and tail"
Hound-: "[noun] a dog of a breed used for hunting, especially one able to track by scent"
Howl-: "[noun] a long, loud, doleful cry uttered by an animal such as a dog or wolf; [verb] make a howling sound"
Humming-: "[verb] make a low, steady continuous sound like that of a bee"
Hummingbird-: "[noun] a small nectar-feeding tropical American bird that is able to hover and fly backward, typically having colorful iridescent plumage"
Hurricane-: "[noun] a storm with a violent wind, in particular a tropical cyclone in the Caribbean"
Hush-: "[noun] a silence"
Hyacinth-: "[noun] a bulbous plant of the lily family, with strap-like leaves and a compact spike of bell-shaped fragrant flowers"
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moths-wc-aus · 2 years
Prefix Meanings - H
Hackberry - “A tree of the elm family that has leaves resembling those of nettles.” A tall cat; A sturdy cat; A spiky-furred cat; A firm cat
Haddock - “A silvery-gray bottom-dwelling fish of coastal waters, related to the cod.” A grey cat; A social cat; A cat who is prone to wandering
Hail - “Pellets of frozen rain which fall in showers from the sky.” A white cat; A grey cat; An aggressive cat; A reserved cat; An aloof cat
Half - “One of two equal or corresponding parts.” A calico cat; A tortoiseshell cat
Hare - “A fast-running, long-eared mammal that resembles a large rabbit, having long hind legs and occurring typically in grassland or open woodland.” A brown cat; A long-legged cat; A lanky cat; A stubborn cat; An independent cat; A cat with a short tail; A swift cat
Harrier - “A long-winged, slender-bodied bird of prey.” A brown cat; A dark-furred cat; A grey cat; A tabby; A strong cat; An observant cat; Good eyesight; A skilled hunter; A slender cat; A cat with long limbs
Haven - “A place of safety or refuge.” A gentle cat; A soothing cat; A kind cat; A friendly cat; A trustworthy cat
Hawk - “A bird of prey with broad rounded wings and a long tail.” A brown and white cat; A reddish-brown cat; A tabby cat; A cat with sharp eyesight; A sharp-minded cat
Hawthorn - “A thorny shrub or tree of the rose family, with white, pink, or red blossoms and small dark red fruits.” A brown cat; A white cat; A red cat; A spiky-furred cat; A thick-furred cat; A defensive cat
Hay - “Grass that has been mown and dried for use as fodder.” A golden cat; A yellow cat; A golden-brown cat; An honest cat; A spiky-furred cat
Hazel (1) - “A reddish-brown or greenish-brown color.” A reddish-brown cat; A red cat; A brown cat Hazel (2) - “A temperate shrub or small tree with broad leaves, bearing prominent catkins in spring and round hard-shelled edible nuts in autumn.” A brown cat; A thick-furred cat; A sturdy cat; A wise cat; A stubborn cat
Heath - “An area of open uncultivated land with heather, gorse, and coarse grasses.” A cat with coarse fur; An open cat; A friendly cat; A social cat; A swift cat
Heather - “A purple-flowered plant that grows abundantly on moorland and heathland.” A grey cat; A white cat; A black cat; A thick-furred cat; An elegant cat; An attractive cat; A flexible cat; A spiky-furred cat
Heavy - “Of great weight; difficult to lift or move; of great density; thick or substantial.” A large cat; A muscular cat; A heavy-set cat; A strong cat
Hedge - “A fence or boundary formed by closely growing bushes or shrubs.” A thick-furred cat; A protective cat; A defensive cat
Hemlock (1) - “A highly poisonous plant of the parsley family, with a purple-spotted stem, fern-like leaves, small white flowers, and an unpleasant smell.” A white cat; A tall cat; A lanky cat; An intimidating cat; A powerful cat Hemlock (2) - “A coniferous tree with dark green foliage that is said to smell like hemlock when crushed.” A brown cat; A dark-furred cat; A spiky-furred cat; A defensive cat
Hen - “A female bird, especially of a domestic fowl.” A fluffy cat; A parental cat
Heron - “A large fish-eating wading bird with long legs, a long S-shaped neck, and a long pointed bill.” A white cat; A tall cat; A long-legged cat; A persistent cat; A skilled fisher
Herring - “A silvery fish that is most abundant in coastal waters.” A silver cat; A cat who is most active at night; A social cat
Hickory - “A tree of the walnut family that bears edible nuts.” A brown cat; A sturdy cat; A tall cat; A stubborn cat
Hidden - “Kept out of sight; concealed.” A secretive cat; An introverted cat; An aloof cat
Hill - “A naturally raised area of land, not as high or craggy as a mountain.” A skilled climber; A calm cat; A swift cat; A tall cat; A thoughtful cat
Hive - “The place where bees, hornets, etc. live.” An intimidating cat; An aggressive cat; A protective cat; A loyal cat; A social cat
Hollow - “A hole or depression in something.” A secretive cat; An introverted cat; A curious cat
Holly - “A widely distributed shrub, typically having prickly dark green leaves, small white flowers, and red berries.” A white cat; A red cat; An orange cat; A dark-furred cat; An attractive cat; An intimidating cat; A spiky-furred cat; A temperamental cat
Honey - “A sweet, sticky yellowish-brown fluid made by bees from nectar collected from flowers.” A golden cat; A yellow cat; A golden-brown cat; A sweet cat; A gentle cat; A friendly cat; A loyal cat; A clingy cat
Hop (1) - “A hopping movement.” An eager cat; An energetic cat; An adventurous cat; A curious cat; An optimistic cat Hop (2) - "A Eurasian and North American twining plant whose flowers are used chiefly to flavor malt liquors." A pale-furred cat; A tabby cat; A clingy cat
Hope - “A feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen.” An optimistic cat; A faithful cat
Horizon - “The line at which the earth's surface and the sky appear to meet ; The limit of a person's mental perception, experience, or interest.” A large cat; A down to earth cat; A daydreamer; A cat prone to wandering; A reliable cat; A sturdy cat
Hornet - “A large stinging wasp that typically nests in hollow trees.” A yellow cat; A black cat; A pale cat with dark stripes; A tabby cat; An easily provoked cat; An aggressive cat
Hound - “A dog of a breed used for hunting, especially one able to track by scent.” A large cat; An aggressive cat; An intimidating cat; A skilled tracker; A social cat
Hush - “A silence.” A quiet / stealthy cat; An introverted cat
Hyacinth - “A bulbous plant of the lily family, with straplike leaves and a compact spike of bell-shaped fragrant flowers.” A white cat; A grey cat; A red cat; A blue cat; A black cat; A yellow cat; An orange cat; A lanky cat; A spiky-furred cat; A flexible cat; A gentle cat
Hyssop - “A small bushy aromatic plant of the mint family, the bitter minty leaves of which are used in cooking and herbal medicine.” A blue cat; A black cat; A kind cat; A friendly cat
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ketorecipepost · 2 years
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askwhatsforlunch · 3 months
Poisson d'Avril!
In France, we call April's Fool Poisson d'Avril (April's Fish), for some reason! And this is with that exclamation we reveal the joke or trick. And as I'm back home and Mum has cooked a beautiful dish of monkfish for Easter Monday, I am inspired to share a few delicious fish --but not fishy!!-- and seafood recipes, suitable for a Spring weather, whether the sun is shining brightly and warmly in a cloudless blue sky, or rain is pouring ceaselessly!
Creamy Smoked Haddock Pasta 
Mafaldine alle Piè d'Asino 
Apple Herring Potato Salad
Spicy Prawn Sandwich 
Ray with Herb Caper Butter Sauce 
Smoked Salmon and Pickled Cucumber Sandwich 
Risotto al Salmone e Calamari 
Lingonberry and Whisky Sea Bass Carpaccio 
Lime and Lemon Conger 
Lax Potatissallad (Salmon Potato Salad) 
Café Anatole’s Salmon in Aspic 
Salade Niçoise 
Prawn and Octopus Pasta Salad 
Anchovy and Mackerel Salad 
Strömming Burgare (Smoked Herring Sandwiches) 
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quoteoftheweekblog · 1 year
First sentence:
‘Jenny Spring was an orphan.’ (Clark, 1943, p.1).
On food as verbal expression:
‘ “Talk sense, for the love of a Dover sole!” ‘ (Clark, 1943, p.20).
‘ “You’re a gooseberry fool, without you’re a rum omelette.” ‘ (Clark, 1943, p.21).
‘ “Cheese it!″ ‘ (Clark, 1943, p.21).
‘ “But haddocks ... “ ‘ (Clark, 1943, p.24).
‘ “Give over now and don’t be a pigeon pie ... “ ‘ (Clark, 1943, p.25).
‘ “ ... you’re a couple of rum omelettes ... “ ‘ (Clark, 1943, p.26).
‘ “Bless my pig’s trotters!” ‘ (Clark, 1943, p.164).
‘ “Cod steaks, child!” ‘ (Clark, 1943, p.165).
‘ “Bless yours chops, yes.” ... ‘ (Clark, 1943, p.171).
‘ “Fish and chips, no!” ‘ (Clark, 1943, p.172).
‘ “Buttered toast!” “ (Clark, 1943, p.173).
‘ “Bless your jam rolly, yes,” ... ‘ (Clark, 1943, p.177).
‘ “Never you mind, my kidney bean ... “ ‘ (Clark, 1943, p.180).
‘ “ ... I’ll bet my best banana!” ‘ (Clark, 1943, p.180).
‘ “Stewed eels!” ‘ (Clark, 1943, p.186).
‘ “Well, good-bye, my pigeon pie.” ‘ (Clark, 1943, p.186).
‘ “Bless my treacle tart ... “ ‘ (Clark, 1943, p.253).
‘ “You’re a roast goose!” ‘ (Clark, 1943, p.253).
‘ “Baron of beef!” ‘ (Clark, 1943, p.254).
On making custard:
‘Making custard was an anxious business.” ‘ (Clark, 1943, p.106).
“ “I’d rather plough an acre than make a custard,” she said.’ (Clark, 1943, p.106).
On spring:
‘ ... a blackbird began to sing in the cedar above them. It sang a full, clear, continuous song, as if spring had come again.‘ (Clark, 1943, p.258).
Clark, R. (1943 [1942] ) ‘Jenny Spring’. London: Dent.
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flyredthing-blog · 1 year
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#REPOST Cuz this may help someone that is #KetoCurious: KETO BASICS • Eggs • Meats: ZERO CARBS • Beef- Ground beef, Steak, Ribs, and Roasts • Pork- Chops, Ribs, BACON, Loins, sausage • Chicken/ Turkey- Thighs w/ skin or wings are the best because breasts are high in protein. However, you CAN eat breasts, just have to eat more fat to compensate. • Fish- Tuna, Salmon, Cod, Haddock, etc. • Shrimp/ Lobster- Go crazy, use lots of butter! • Pepperoni -Cheese: MOST are no carb, almost all are low carb • Mozerella & Cheddar- Buy in bulk, they freeze well and are insanely versatile! • Colby jack, pepper jack, monterrey jack • Taco style, Mexican style • Parmesan, Asiago • Ricotta- Freezes well, very versatile • Cottage cheese- Good to throw in your lunch with berries, usually around 4-8g of Carbs per serving • Cream Cheese- Freezes very well, this is one of the things that I always glance at whenever I go to the store, and always buy a bunch of if it's under 75 cents per 8oz. - Vegetables: No potatoes! Get your carbs from above ground veggies!!! • Leafy greens- Spinach, Spring mix, Kale, Romaine • Zucchini- Great for a noodle substitute! • Avacado- Awesome source of natural fat! • Eggplant • Brussels sprouts • Tomato • Spaghetti Squash- Versatile, makes a great spaghetti substitute and is even great for making hash browns!! • Cucumber • Peppers- Jalepeño, banana, green/ red/ yellow/ orange bell • Broccoli- Great with cheese, steamed or just raw! • Asparagus- Awesome roasted or sautéed with bacon and garlic! • Cauliflower- AWESOME potato substitute!! • Celery- Great with cream cheese or all natural peanut butter! • Cabbage • Pickles (Read nutrition labels, watch for sugar and carbs) • Olives • Green beans- Awesome sautéed in bacon grease with garlic, (watch portion size, though). • Onions- Red, yellow: use somewhat sparingly, to taste - Fruits: Most are a no-no, especially bananas, oranges and grapes. • Strawberries • Blueberries • Raspberries • Blackberries • Lemon/ Limes- Adds great flavor! - Nuts (grams of Carbs per 100 grams, or 3.5 oz) • Pecans/ Brazil (4g) • Macadamia (5g) • Hazelnut/ Walnut/ Peanut (7g) • Pine (9g) • Almond (10g) • Pistachio (18g) • Cashew (27g) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnAdpTWPkuPoasSutE66g8gsoVOG7XTHkXu_8A0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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iplantsman · 2 years
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@theseafoodshackullapool @Seafood_shack1 was a well-deserved popular draw tonight. Selling out fast, we had Spicy Fish Soup, Langostines in thyme butter, Haddock Wrap, Smoked Trout & Potato Salad and Mackerel & Spring Onion Pate with Oatcakes. Lots of #salad. TOP local #fish eaten with maximum prejudice! So good. Loved every bite! Thoroughly recommend if you find yourself in #Ullapool. Oooh eeee, that was some good grub! (at The Seafood Shack) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cf4kmjuKjC5/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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cuzcharters · 3 years
Sunset Cruise Plymouth MA
Boat cruises have become popular in recent times and they are a great way to explore and enjoy the open water without much activity. Taking a sunset cruise is a good time to bond with friends and enjoy a nice time over the sun going down. You could also enjoy this solo over a nice drink in a relaxing and calm environment. There are many agencies in Plymouth MA that are specialized zed in organizing these kinds of cruises for interested parties.
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waitinginthecorner · 2 years
Wanna go fishing so fucking bad that I'm considering eating rando stream fish
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Feeding the Sea Phytoplankton are among the smallest organisms in the ocean. Yet when they “bloom,” these tiny ocean drifters can cover thousands of square kilometers, which means these primary producers are often visible from space. Known as the “grass of the sea,” they are the first link in the ocean food chain. As we move around this global map of chlorophyll, we explore the diversity of phytoplankton in the oceans, and discover why these plant-like organisms play such a crucial role in life on Earth. North Sea Phytoplankton are abundant here when spring melting and runoff freshen the salt water and add nutrients, just as sunlight is increasing. The milky blue waters are probably filled with coccolithophores. Greener areas may be diatoms. Both provide food for marine life. Baltic Sea These green blooms likely contain cyanobacteria (blue-green algae). The proliferation of algae in the Baltic Sea has led to occasional oxygen-depleted “dead zones” in the basin. Barents Sea Two major blooms occur here each year. Diatoms peak in May and June, then give way to coccolithophores as certain nutrients run out. Iceland Phytoplankton support Iceland’s productive fisheries. Volcanic ash can fertilize ocean waters with iron, though the North Atlantic usually has enough nutrients to sustain blooms even without the ash. Greenland Disko Bay has been important to the local economy for at least 1,000 years because of its rich marine resources. Phytoplankton blooms feed the copepods and other plankton and fish that become food for the bay’s shrimp, seals, whales, and walruses. Newfoundland Underwater plateaus off Newfoundland help create circulation patterns that can enrich the waters with nutrients. The waters near the Grand Banks are incredibly productive, supporting catches of swordfish, haddock, lobster, cod, and scallops. Gulf of Alaska Nutrient-rich water provides fertile conditions for phytoplankton blooms in the Gulf of Alaska. Most nutrients come from upwelling from the depths or river runoff. But dust storms also play a role in supplying iron to the Gulf of Alaska. Hokkaido Fueled by the Oyashio current, the waters off northeastern Japan support a bounty of phytoplankton and fish. Arabian Sea Abundant blooms of Noctiluca scintillans have been depleting the oxygen and crowding out other species. They are too large to be eaten by copepods; instead they are feeding a surge of jellyfish and salps. Australia Storms can stir up the seafloor and bring nutrients to the surface, promoting blooms of phytoplankton. That’s likely what happened here after tropical cyclone Veronica made landfall. An important player in the ocean nitrogen cycle, Trichodesmium makes seasonal appearances off the northeast coast of Australia. Patagonia At the Brazil-Malvinas confluence, blooms are stimulated by the ocean’s complex circulation patterns and abundant fronts. The continental shelf off Patagonia is biologically rich due to dust blowing out from the land and nutrients stirred up from the ocean. It is the site of one of the world’s best fisheries. South Africa The Benguela current mixes water masses from the Atlantic and Indian oceans as they meet off the capes of South Africa. This dynamic wind and water action causes the ocean to teem with life, form plankton to fish to whales. Beyond serving as a primary food source for other ocean life, phytoplankton are critical to the global carbon cycle and key producers of the oxygen that makes the planet livable. The remarkable organisms are also quite beautiful. NASA Earth Observatory images by Joshua Stevens, Lauren Dauphin, Jesse Allen, and Jeff Schmaltz, using MODIS data from NASA EOSDIS LANCE and GIBS/Worldview and Landsat data from the U.S. Geological Survey. Images also by Norman Kuring/NASA's Ocean Color Web. Video by Kathryn Hansen. Music (“Ocean Waves”) by Lotus_Sound.
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jhoudiey · 4 years
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Crowley and Yoru are on vacation, and as expected Crow Dad has come equipped with the best fish puns he can muster.
Full story under the cut: word count- 1990. pun count- 14
“Yoru! It is time to get up! We’re leaving right away!” Crowley had burst into Yoru’s room wearing the most hideous shirt she had ever seen,  bright yellow with what seemed to be apples and crows on it. 
“Dad… it is SO early. Don’t you have to see the rest of the students off before we leave anyway? Go do that and then I’ll get up, it is WAY too early” Yoru groaned from the mess of her bed, putting her pillow over her head to try and fall back asleep.
“Hmm. I suppose 6am was too early.. If you aren’t ready by the time everyone is gone I’m leaving without you!” She waved from beneath the covers, Crowley nearly skipping as he left her room. Yoru was pretty sure she heard him singing “vacation, vacation, going on vacation” under his breath to himself. 
They arrived at the Southern Seas around noon, the sun was high in the sky, a gentle breeze rolling off the water. 
“Ahhh! This is just what I needed after all my hard work on campus!” Crowley spun in circles on the beach, arms spread wide with a childish grin on his face. 
“Look Yoru! It’s sun and sand, as far as the eye can… sea!” He grinned at her
“Oh no. Please tell me you don’t plan on doing this the whole trip” She groaned, almost regretting her decision to come along. 
“Ahhhh cheer up , my sweet daughter! This trip is going to be… fintastic!” He bounded off, headed towards the hotel to drop off their bags and check in. 
“Euuugggghhhhhhhhhhhh” She begrudgingly followed, knowing there was going to be an onslaught of puns she didn’t plan for at every turn. 
“Today we will be diving and exploring the seafloor. I expect that everyone here is a confident swimmer, and has read the pamphlet on what to do in an emergency?”
“Yes Sir!” The group answered, Yoru shuffled nervously
“Psst, Dad...DAD… I can barely swim, why did you sign us up for this?” She’d gotten herself a pair of neon green flippers to help her get through the water, but hadn’t practiced with them much and she was not nearly as confident as the Diving Instructor wanted everyone to be.
“Yoru, my sweet child! I would never let anything happen to you, of course I accounted for you not swimming well! Here!” He handed her a small button that said “You betta believe you can do it!” with a picture of a betta fish giving a fishy thumbs up. 
“I…. dad….. Why. Why are you like this?” She stared at him, not for the first time wondering how she’d survived this long with a dad like Crowley.
“Oh, I forgot to mention, I put a spell on the button, it’ll help. Lets go!” He charged off into the water, wearing a pair of yellow flippers and a completely pointless matching snorkel. The diving instructor had given everyone a potion to be able to breathe underwater for an hour, so Yoru assumed the snorkel was just because Crowley was excited to complete the “swimmer” look. 
She sighed and followed him into the water, wishing that both walking in sand and walking with flippers was easier. She wasn’t sure how this button was supposed to work, but she figured if she could fight a giant squid underwater, she’d be fine looking at corals and anemones. Either the button was actually useful, or swimming in the sea was easier than she expected, as she was able to propel herself easily and spent a while just floating through the water. She could spend the whole vacation like this, the sea was really serene after all. She’d definitely have to ask Azul if she could visit the Coral Sea with them in the spring, though she suspected they’d all make fun of her for the need for flippers. 
“YORU HELLLPPP!!” Crowley was swimming frantically towards her, a sea turtle close behind, furiously snapping its beak. “It’s going to eat me!” 
“That looks like a personal problem” Yoru laughed, poking and prodding the various plants on the reefs, laughing when they shriveled at her touch. Between the sea creatures and her dad having a run in with seemingly every animal under water that could bite him, it was an excellent day. 
“I’m never going into the sea ever again” Crowley whined over dinner, cradling his bitten arms. “From now on, I’m staying in a haddock on the beach, drinking as much Coconut juice as I can get!” He grinned at her, sipping on a drink with a giant slice of pineapple sticking out of the side.
“.....” Yoru stared back, wishing that the turtle had just swallowed him whole “You can’t bait me into responding to that”
“Can’t I?” He grinned at her
“What?…. I…. no….” She realized her mistake far too late, she’d unconsciously answered his pun with a worse pun. “UUUUUUGGGGGHHHHHH I’m going to bed!” She stomped away from the table leaving him alone.
“I am just so funny” Crowley chuckled to himself, far too pleased with himself for a man that got himself bitten half a dozen times by a sea turtle. 
The following days were similar to the first, Crowley spent his time napping in hammocks around the island, and Yoru spent her time at the bottom of the sea poking things. She’d looked up if any plants in these waters would be helpful for potion making, and had a list of things to try and find. The potion the diving instructor could provide only lasted an hour, but she was able to make one that kept her breathing until she rose to the surface. 
“Wow, I didn’t realize I’d get so wrinkly being in water all the time” She said, looking down at her pruned hands “Is this normal?” 
“Dolphinately normal, I read about it, in a book!” Crowley grinned at her, laughing to himself
“.........I think I’m going to drown myself now. Excuse me” she turned and headed back to the water
“Yoru! Hey! You shouldn’t joke about krilling yourself like that, you’ll make me worry!” He howled with laughter, rocking back and forth in the hammock. “I am just so so funny, I keep kraken myself up!” 
“UUGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH” Yoru groaned, slowly sinking into the sea. 
Journal Entry- Vacation Day 1
We were at the beach for all of 4 seconds before dad started making puns. He must have looked up fish jokes before we came because no way his arsenal is this diverse. I was worried the sun was going to cause some problems with my legs but so far so good.
Day 2
All I want for Christmas is an end to these puns. Where is he finding all of them anyway? Someone help me. This is worse than when I ripped my wings off. 
Day 4
I think the food here is bad for me, I haven’t had an appetite for a while now. Dad says dinner every night is de”fish”ous, but I can’t seem to taste anything. Again. Fuck.
Day 7
I took a day off from swimming to try and find souvenirs. Finding things for Idia and Ortho was easy, but what do you get for merfolk when you’re visiting the sea? I wonder if they’d believe I just… forgot. I figured out what was causing my taste buds to not work and was able to fix it. Sleep a few more hours of the day now, but I have to admit, the food here is defishous. 
“Yoru! It’s time to wake up! Salmon said that there is going to be a live band at the marina tonight to ring in the new year!” Crowley said, shaking her leg to try and get her out of bed
“Just a few more minutes” she groaned, trying to bury herself into the covers
“Nope! That’s what you said two hours ago! It’s time! There’s still sole many things to see and do before tonight!” 
“Fine fine, stop carping me, I’m getting up” She rolled off the side of the bed and fell to the floor, accepting her fate. 
As it turned out, the day's activities were exploring a nearby ruin that she hadn’t realized was there. It was rumored to be haunted, and Crowley wanted to go see if he could talk to the ghosts or see if there was anything worth “borrowing” to bring back to Night Raven College.
“This is cool” she said poking around in an abandoned tomb in the ruins “Why didn’t you tell me about this?”
“Hmmmm? I did! 4 days ago, I do suspect that you may be… tuna-ing me out when I talk” he looked at her, his eyes full of mock sadness. 
“Gee I wonder why that is” she rolled her eyes. “We’re not even near the water today though, shouldn’t you be making rock puns or something?”
“..there was no book on rock puns” he muttered under his breath, hoping she wouldn’t hear him. 
They left the ruins at sundown, pockets a little more full than they had been when they entered. 
“I think I’ve got to turn in, I’m really tired all of a sudden. I can’t seem to keep my eyes open” Yoru said, rubbing her eyes to try and wake herself up. 
“You are looking a little pale, maybe if you’re that tired you should just head back home, there’s not much left to do here and you look like you could use the rest” He said it without looking at her, in fact, he looked everywhere BUT at her
“...You just want me to bring the things we just stole back to NRC before anyone realizes we took them, don’t you” she looked at him flatly, he refused to return her gaze.
“Well...that wouldn’t be the worst idea.. To be honest, I don’t know what most of these things do and they might be too dangerous to keep in the hotel” He smiled and put his hands on her shoulders “So it would be very helpful for you to bring them to my office before going to bed!” She laughed and nodded. 
She’d always thought that NRC was nicer at night, there was no one in the halls so she could go where she pleased. She took her time walking through the empty hallways looking at the portraits on the walls, she felt like a ghost. It was only her and her pocket full of stolen artifacts they’d have to get Professor Yule to examine when he got back, no one else. She was hit with a wave of dizziness as she was placing the last artifact onto Crowley's desk and quickly withdrew her hand. She wasn’t sure if it was because of some unknown curse or just that she hadn’t eaten all day. The cafeteria wouldn’t be open, it was almost 10pm on New Years Eve, but she’d hoped that Mostro Lounge would be. Surely Azul stayed open to serve the other unfortunate souls who stayed on campus over break. 
She meandered slowly towards the lounge, fighting the dizziness that would not abate despite her stopping and trying to center herself every few meters. She felt like it had taken her an hour to finally arrive at the doors to Mostro Lounge, but it had hardly been 15 minutes. 
“Why.. won’t the door open?” She muttered to herself, leaning against it “is it a pull? It must be” She dragged her hands over the glassy doors searching for a way to open it.
“What? Where’s the handle? I can hear people inside, so it’s gotta be open..” She pushed on the door again, leaning her head against the stained glass to stop it from spinning. “Azul I think your door is broken” she muttered under her breath trying to steady herself. Her knees buckled from beneath her, she didn’t feel herself hit the floor.
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ketorecipepost · 2 years
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lookitcookit · 3 years
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One picture - one fish
My previous post about fish featured fresh mackerel from a fishmonger called Corney, in a N London area called Temple Fortune.
Yesterday I cooked for dinner two thick pieces of smoked haddock. Usually you only see them dyed bright yellow, in packets in the supermarket.These were pale and very mildly smoked, with an exquisite flavour. When cooked the fillets flake easily. They need to be lightly poached in milk. I do this in the microwave - just 3 or 4 tbsps milk to come halfway up the fillets. After 2-3 minutes, depending on how many pieces you have, they will be opaque and ready to eat.
I served them with some steamed basmati rice, mixed with a few petits pois and slivered pistachio nuts. The fish tastes really good on its own, but I added an old-fashioned parsley sauce (bechamel made with butter, a little flour and some of the milk from the fish, cooked in the microwave till it thickened.) Chopped fresh parsley was added at the last minute.The spring  onion in the picture was added because I also spooned some chopped spring onion and cucumber into a pot of plain yogurt as an alternative ‘sauce’.  Both the cold and the hot were excellent, but it was the fish that was the star of the show.
If you live anywhere near NW London click here to find out about deliveries from this amazing specialist fishmonger.
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zenzenzence · 3 years
What are the fanfics you keep going back to again and again when looking for something comforting and familiar to read?
Hi Anon! Thank you for this ask!! :D I’m not usually one to re-read fics, but these are a few memorable fanfics that I have read that have definitely stuck with me and that I think about often, very fondly. Some I discovered a few months ago, others I read years ago. They’re for a wide range of fandoms.
There are more that I think about often, but I didn’t want this post to get too long. Please feel free to ask me for more though!! :D
Kimi No Na Wa. (Mitsuha/Taki):
“Deep Tie Knot” by NRGburst - Rated T, Happy Ending, Reunion, Crossing Timelines, One-Shot, Complete. Because some bonds are soul deep.
“Self-Medication” by anjumstar - Rated T, Depression, Anxiety, Medication, Misdiagnosis, One-Shot, Complete. Mitsuha doesn’t think that she has depression. After all, how could she be depressed when a simple cheesecake is enough to fix any problem? But her friends are concerned for her. And what’s their suggestion? Therapy.
Mario & Luigi RPG (Luigi/Peasley):
“The Rose” by LadyKeane - Rated T, Love Triangles, Love Confessions, Pining, Politics, Music, Canon-Divergent, Multi-Chapter, Complete. A romantic fairy tale centering on a green-thumbed minstrel, a prince who learns how to love, lose and reawaken, a brave and selfless princess, and a glowing golden rose.
“Need” by Zarla - Rated G, Romance, Adventure, Fluff, Canon-Divergent, One-Shot, Complete. Prince Peasley is bored, so he invites Luigi to stay at his castle for a while. The problem arises when Luigi has to go home.
Dear Evan Hansen (Evan/Connor):
“Nine Dollar Tip” by howboutinotdothis - Rated G, Alternate Universe, Nobody Dies/Everybody Lives AU, One-Shot, Complete. It all starts in the spring of his junior year. Evan’s puttering around the kitchen, laptop opened on the counter, checking the cabinets and the refrigerator for what must be the third time in the hopes that food will magically appear and he’ll be able to avoid ordering anything. Sadly, the only thing resembling sustenance is a package of freeze burned fish sticks and eating those would be a one-way ticket to Dr. Sherman’s office. Or the emergency room. Preferably the emergency room.
HTTYD / ROTG Crossover (Hiccup/Jack Frost):
“Youth” by Guardian of Heart - Rated T, Crossover, Modern AU, Childhood Friends AU, Multi-Chapter, Incomplete. Jack lives next door to the Haddock family who recently moved in. He meets their only son, Henrik, who he nicknames Hiccup and befriends. They surpass a great deal of hardships, and over the years, their friendship blossoms and flourishes into something more.
Naruto (Boruto & Himawari):
“Expectations” by Alabaster Ink - Rated T, Post-Epilogue, Multi-Chapter, Incomplete. Boruto and Himawari were expected to be great. What wasn't expected was how they went about doing it.
Gravity Falls (Stanley-centric):
“Pet Humans” by thesnadger - Rated G, Canon-Divergent, Complete. Many people have heard that black dogs are harbingers of death. Stan hasn't. And if you call his new best friend a harbinger of anything, he'll knock your teeth out.
If you decide to read any of these, let me know if you liked it! I love getting asks. ;v;
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