dailyspyde · 8 months
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day 13 ://// they keep forgetting to post so i had to make this crappy sketch
someone force them to get back to work 4 me
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antsgrqve · 4 months
First actual post…
awhile back i worked on a daily blog for a ship i liked, although we discontinued the blog due to lack of motivation
so heres a little dump of all the things i worked on for that blog…
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last one is the most recent drawing i did for the blog.
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nerdynanny · 1 year
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He got himself a new binder and is really feelin' it.
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mrs-steve-harrington · 8 months
Stoncy Secret Santa 2023 Masterpost
Thanks again to everyone who joined in our Stoncy discord server's Secret Santa gift exchange! I'm so excited to see what everyone's made. Hope to see everyone back again for the next one!
(Didn't want the post to be too awfully long, but the rest of the works are below the read more)
edit: the original post was missing a link, please reblog this one <3
[Stoncy] I Love This Curse On Our House by nomadicwolf for spydee
The lives of Jonathan Byers, Nancy Wheeler, and Steve Harrington change forever when Steve runs back into the Byers' house to stand with them against the Demogorgon. After that, they keep finding their way back to that house for the good the bad and everything in between. 5+1 at the Byers House.
[Stoncy] Selfless, Faultless, Prideless by CrumbScuddler for quirkily
A disgraced knight, a still-mourning royal, and a stablehand who's taken up painting want what they can't have. Steve Harrington fights for it, but like usual, gets absolutely pummeled. And Jonathan is there to piece him back together because it's what Nancy would have wanted.
[Stoncy] here in your big blue world by quirkily for staccatoswings
It’s warm with three bodies in the bed. Jon and Steve are equally stiff on either side of her, which is a little absurd. Jon is quite literally her long-term boyfriend. He at least shouldn’t be acting like he’s worried about touching her. Nancy shifts a little onto her side and they both instantly copy her, keeping the same distance between them all. Honestly. It’s a little ridiculous. Nancy tries to ignore it, wondering if they’d made a mistake inviting Steve to share the bed with them. No weirder than inviting him to share their anniversary with them, she thinks wryly.
[Stoncy] Lovely Weather For a Couch Ride Together With You by gala_apples for pterawaters
After a comedy of errors, as Robin would say, Steve finally gets the last laugh in his quest to get Nancy and Jonathan for his own.
[Stoncy] End of beggining by nattythefreak for nargatexe
A short scene in which Steve comes to the double date arranged in the fourth season, but instead of coming with Tammy Thompson… he comes with a bouquet of flowers.
[Stancy] A New Normal by wolfish_willow for StevetheHouseWife
The conversation between Steve and Nancy at the Byers' house goes a little differently and they don't break up. But she doesn't break things off with Jonathan, either.
[Stancy] Happy. Truly Happy. by StevetheHouseWife for wolfish_willow
“He’s your best friend.” Robin nearly groans out loud, “I know, and he’s the worst. I mean, talk about pretentious? Such a prude. You were right. He really does still hold you cheating against you.” Nancy stares at her silently for a long moment, “Why are… you lying about that?” she asks and Robin swallows.
[Stoncy] lie down next to me and let us fall asleep by madman_with_a_warehouse for thewritingfreak19
5 universes where Steve, Nancy, and Jonathan sleep next to each other for the first time + 1 universe where they've been doing it for years.
[Stoncy] every road past the graveyard by spydee for AcornScorn
Monster hunting trio meet again in 90s New York, when Stancy follow a vampire into an alley. After whatever confrontation you imagine, they talk. (Art and an accompanying ficlet.)
[Stoncy] Sleepless Nights by AcornScorn for nattythefreak
Steve looked over at Jonathan. He looked tired. "I guess you haven't had much sleep either since the drive back, huh?" Jonathan shrugged, smiling wryly. "Pretty obvious?" "Coming over at three in the morning just to check on Nancy was a bit of a giveaway." Jonathan scoffed, looking away. "...it wasn't just to check on her, you know." Steve glanced over at him, surprised to hear that. "Really? What, don't make me think Jonathan Byers would come and check on me of all people." Jonathan comes to check on his two crushes late one night.
[Stoncy] Stronger Together by brutacrispina for madman_with_a_warehouse
Jonathan, Nancy, Steve and Robin go monster hunting. Feelings surface.
[Stoncy] To Run The Dog by pterawaters for gala_apples
Newlyweds Nancy and Steve notice a hot guy running his dog through their neighborhood every day. At first they just like to watch him, but eventually they have to admit to themselves and each other that they're crushing. Badly. So when the dog gets loose in the neighborhood and Steve manages to catch him, it's the perfect way to meet their neighbor and get on his good side.
[Stoncy] Art of karaoke night by staccatoswings for brutacrispina
[Stoncy] Art of Stoncy under mistletoe by nargatexe for nomadicwolf
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strangestcase · 1 year
I can’t make a Spidey-sona because I’ll just. I’ll just be Spyde you guys realize.
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libidomechanica · 4 months
Untitled Poem # 11805
A rispetto sequence
Twin to a moment with slow haste descend where yourself again to one another skin from every youth to futures on strops of discontentment remained, have freedom as none, the haughty child, born was beauties brought to fly from, as from despair; the midst, the great promise did not wish without the caper over, and then; t was not to pour thy will; since Stella singeth.
Engrave unite each with the woven roof, and staggering birth beset her, sooner beautiful isn’t it to believed: a letter, war! Love, studious how to fill the brink, that o’er thee. Meantime their hands; maintained: but Juan had begun, getting, by degrees and the smoothest mossy bed and well esteem’d, sweeping the darkned mind draw from below, they stay. I never instead.
Heard senators declaiming; there! That make you mount, you know’st the wife or male? And smoother female pair, like sympathy. Gem to enrich her sweet Infanta of these scenes appease. Man, being wanting glories and for the untill’d soil. And only vocal with emphasis, and coming made him quite bewilder’d o’er him stones stirred by the smallest pebbled shore of beaver hats.
That could his fool lord, dare I bid her at last, with his touch, a blush, like a withered in the writers of fire. As monarch and red, when only mission, bringing: mercy vould be Cymon at the seasons: sneakers and fly with that sweets that slides by a bower, trailing with a dying sweep. And their force the thrush’s song. This youth. Will have a ditty not of your bowed head spotlit.
Never give. You could a mantle on the windows shed alone in chastity: yes, Pallas is a beef-steak again to one an hour’s sparkled, and smiling by the ripen’d grain; when Cymon stilts, playing on the score, engrave unite each with due precision she was coarser; and their masked buds disclosed the palaces of the wave—o, Love! Despite their numbers flow, as made!
’Twas with loud and peace, and now had found about the tyrant cast out. ’Tis in the rose. Heartless daughter besides her maid’s yellow was sexually transmitted, not openly bearing time, whether to weep away the west by cool Eurotas they live upon Time and Nature, law: all things, has pass’d away, oh! An old book, and to flatter what he was a passingly!
And through shuddering at which reality, or by one aglint with sudden voice, sweet semblance just as I make a coronal of ten of the cask. My wealth, and one of Sisyphus, if once wit becomes across my former fires; the tea, among the hostile shore! More went free: the cannot come to thee? Of the carpet as, this praised, I though the magic lantern, through veils.
Holding his public trust that woman’s oath, to grant highest reachers of eloquent, who threw one hand in my beclowded several subscription recent poets sing, that o’er yon rocks that very ancient gray, and hence he half of what we are. At mercy of the soul abroad at his Towardness, and wriggled further transparent minds, the fool; infants of rotting meat.
Her husband Jove, and if I be nothing foil for so strong as you seek my heart, and they move, but was its stalk in the music from a star into my lap, the skies; clouds interbreath’d mate tasted her throws: and her tongues to close, to brood and west seats a place, even to thee? And thee doth bereav’d me, hate whate’er it clouds interpreter of nature could pour my secretest.
High, swells in undistinguished by long for her friendship as many a lonely tree she gave me,—for I bubbled up with a stealthy region both to try, mysteries molder, distinction gone, that hast thou move? Out of doors, and harden’d stare, and play it well: and murmurs in the boats the hoped the voice forms of law, was laid, and still the sword and shames, horrible than the deep.
But closed the bat. Of us alone, tha sic a moment’s ease, more fond thank your mind was strange the one chief; but happely I hym spyde, where she look out? Like Dian and Haidee paid daily visible friend can we writers are oil and truths are safe; your valet—bid him a year is this the last so farre this? Sweeter than these last agreed among the sex are bored or bore.
But then the kiss of what we recall which bespoke command the pale and weep each other speech out to the dangers re-deliver me from such agonies she is full of constancy is not it at the sky shows that are made them balance. And do I, then, thought, at least my lips were born to dip, as if he could make of all the country’s very certainties bare went out.
That—but ask any women—the sweetest th’ offender, yet for certain merchant’s ships unrigged, and with the boon that leap in fiery ringlets from heart mine sank sadness; sharpens and pinions fair. Land quiver to thy high renown, ere made; for their sins have seen the sea in the oar made falsehood, in strife, but is abroad without the more that time heart’s undoing.
His diamond and high, and the west by their laws, commands us, and ever within these, and bending Foot am I; whatever is mysteries livery prauncing in thy morrows? And then height and feared his Paradise, and die; revive, dear Love, and double dangerous post kept your life could you a tale of love: if I have known, somewhat unfound, and Salámán heard.
If you have you cry. Dance, and dry: the clock of late struck match to the after dinner for a prophet, in such you should make our visitant at last, and made a fire as they eased her lover— and the moisture, which he stray’d half seen the day on which chiefly from fair Twinnes golden anniversal and her home, past they were not else, here’s little fists in back when the knight.
A new one, because you speak, learning on the wine. Whilst I sing their title spring up a stranger, and elbow-deep without even for on the Cellar never knowne, a grieuous case, but do not so, my sole excuse this birth, and fertilize my ear: hushed woods, dumb till I say, right well, and on her o’erflowing, should fail, shall be singing, and gradual, with Heaven! Reply!
But to remove, and worshipp’d; after hold water appears already perisheth on the war; shall love in Idleness? Away from its range being less in its cold and hue, together day; a year is thine eyes already were brought me thy fair weather stature within. By our eternal—just the cutter, though a feverish flush had dyed it without an echo?
With Scio wine,—and overset her. And the floral pride in Marses livery pretty town, I recollection, that hope, nor presence of all remonstrances, of grave-damps falling from elsewhere were used, the welcome to pass her hours to market took his way; him self no further sleep his figure; like one white and blew fresh from her full lips do think Guido forgotten heat?
Here brib’d their sweet smooth-faced, placid miscreant! No, make my head. The brag of canvas, what a dusty toiles of bliss the Leaf River bridge athwart, and me fight again unclose, because, beside their mode of future good to blow, or moving followed star that bless: they are singing after; saying—Never Night and Stella oft sees the Rhodian crew, and quickly swamp’d. Away!
And hid him dropt upon the wish’d it death is. His soul ill sorts, and we drown’d, bright in Miracle in his senses all my wings upon his isle they providentially for the two, advise thereof spends all his father, and pinch’d in sighs, and a keg of butter were alleys, weariness lessened and one of which yet I (I would not rain backward from whence, gilded cheat!
High renown of thy divine: thou like a meteors, let other reason why is easy task; for shore, like him, the Gulf of rock yawns,—you can see not one. Comparative by your fears, for Haidee stepp’d all timidly, yet rapidly, she sings; and with slow and could not know he is but remembering Sion: i’d weep,—but mine’s a bubbled up to go dance to Semele.
That not, the blushing battled either sleep, the sun, then weeping. Nor port they do, t will stay, tracing fast and blending Foot am I; whatever is to pleased about you, your unhappy Arethusa. The royal pair of scarce skimm’d the round, that in our very idleness has been, no more I hear my voice, oh thinking of all—won’t let you out but this is the beach.
Soon, O Ianthe! Perhaps, some were through he love the best apothecary’s art, which must have thou, my rose; in it thou in him that’s haunted. Could not under; and so this is he, that to salute the moon—cold weight, in celebrated for semlokest of recovery. Such love, now gay, but nearly o’erpass’d, nor leave, then some hands in letters still more, and shakes a few.
Hold like trickling pass and now Death all-eloquent, her death, if force she smiled, the judge erected from pleasure clog him, too, pass’d oft before, already spent, of its alchymy, and in mine. Bee you all please, and pleasant sense is wiping thro’ the latter. Whose their ease to brother’s bower. No more—methinks it not make us sight, nor trusty staff, which cruel are.—Sure thou art!
Lovers, for whom my brow with the only bitches, with rivals or with silvery gauze refin’d in brocard, and the ladies do not dreaming melody, in the pale shade us with her lee. The back that time come, for I must not be forecast. To me, far mountains the warm South, but beauty beauteous mind, and fell all the act of lost labour and ready Maias bowre, that beat!
A tract for share it. For want you leave ears in please herself shall faint wind died for a vast antre; then they got afloat with you, O Love again; for my beautiful white hand holds my sense, and washing spring up an Apollo, could reach and walking of all the score, saving, like sympathy. And then one’s wrong and hairless apartment and send up holy vapour and twenty.
In midst of any who were stretching silence came instead of sixteen she chastely taken wing thro’ cells of delightful to my tale. Turns out my life, yet somehow idem semper; modest, but by degrees and things. Her Tables loaded with the danger,—he did not rail withers even to teach my mouth to view, fair, the first long absence to swerue, and they, like to try.
To skim the Sparrow, the more sweet’ I like swiftest arrow flew; tis as the deep abyss, it seem’d to her, as unkind as you. And I saw the likeness those who obey would leap from the fair maid, or studied quick, was so wantonness, richer that struck thee from the greenwood-shade he took, O bliss! The wings of life within. Bob Southey live in size and pleasant grass and despair!
But with violent things, for whole weeke with my kisses while t’other had read that flesh and love shall soon be made. Not native land unknown by heart compeld my mother court, and just as simooms whirl the world which is mornes messengers would be the God of such a point d’appui is found, insensible,—not dead, but scorn what we are all her for my bonie lass o’ Ballochmyle!
With fig leaves; O my America! In highest for such halcyon calmness fix our soul and love not,—and you help me down; and lived, boxes every friend; it is best see, for Love is fled, and leaving Don Juan. If from those prophet, in such she smiled, the true, but grind the surprise, without instalments an old ass; a pretty fellow was sealed. Love, who through life was to love.
His quarter-staff, which away skin and golden buttercup under truest bars to thy grief lay hid in the hollow and cold, but genuine Love must wandering winter wind, it’s no the fiends and pine-crusted boots, children do in the dangers re-deliverance. How many times unto people, who behold him in the king through their course, pass’d away: t was born a twin.
Has gone before, have such matter, that he went into a kiss should be, unless some old dull murder works its own the joys of drinking of to passion—but then the sun, brought upon the hand: but into a kiss, or for such a tempest, as when this my canto. To take a walk,— for certainly more at this fool lord, dare I bid her horns they did the heart: All sunny skies.
And with so white arm, and such a jocund common cry, he doomed to say, ah, whatever is mysteries of a cure former heighten’d just inquire if she’d tell times a sort of young bird; and, be she thoughts which. Slaves, and what himself and Him above the ransom buy your dread, from the woven roof, and wild, with tenderly unclos’d, by them per hour, which she smiled, the moonless night!
Without disturb the uninitiated. If I am one the boat—the creeper, mellow into words, because health, now more to thee. Turns out my life a long travel for that makes me wish another men may fit, eutropius of its minstrels, and the stars and owners of Rhodes at distress, and shott at him whose still roam free. Length moral Washington of Africa!
His eye in defence; speak plains of his weigh, then he haste descent, the prompt her golden dreams, and bade my love has left of appear before, have fann’d their wings. Press me so sweet, sweet dim light brown tea—we held each other’s prows put off our hero, he glance is now as well to the rose I lay. Ah! In yourself, or some years—and out the Lark is so brimful of glad grace and England.
The King’ this persons living; all it love, thy love is oft a dream how deep! Instead with changeable had been its growing off like a broken planks, and woodbine, of velvet leave off the Hand of chain round her, but let me carry away, away, and when coffin’d at four. In his book, thus Juan learn’d to roam, he squeezed the king of his whisperer disturbing her beauty had!
Nor these living from that turns you praise the blessed made by looking with posterity.—Cruel god, desist! Pressure, and tears have I which whales arbour close, will be governes mee. He said; and therefore surpass old were he comfort she be wife abhors the creatures have worn; ye grots and gray yearning o’er the bonie laddie’s gear maks you seek my heart as fair garden, taste her beam ends.
Our friendship but in a puncheon—then tell me, can you makest faults, yet her eyes that long ago were they this still she held in leaves. And just in the forest yet. I wonder Castle wa’, she saw express much passionate heart that closed there was only bend in vain,—let us have been rather the poor are hovell’d at his dizzy brain inhearse, making all to leave the throne.
You please their sweet is nights to hear, with a pair of your ease; he rode beyond? How quiet in the maize, or red wild for a moment’s self: I know the graveyard, lie down where is enough if deaf and dumb and she used not take thy soul of any creditors the first your eyes was sealed. God, how love exalts the thing of the sunsets and felt that newe is vpryst from the prize so dear.
As I have been half in love no longer did he plain; nor, till everyone was a winged’ steed, I wish to spring. He longer locks so curly, with sudden change things in disarray—my mind now of the mere speculations like a top, or liken it—I never had read that flowers if that can be old, for crooked at me that is in a tradesman’s is all one.
So gentle bosom of a nun: he wish’d-for shore of a bakery in Queens and she found through high have we to bear a son and out to sing’ this cursed to travelling, yet I can’t be better mind; the mere sake of trust! She scuds within the birds may take or less dreary,—vex’d like the case was a sound of your loves; never and fame to pass, with her form, or even the heaven!
To furnish’d lover, or some female or male? This pondered the blue of ocean deep, and nothing his teeth, and heare and he might berries; and her wheel? Knee, and burst intone; and though please thy lips derive, the learne hearing, and long fingers, stretch’d ocean, a human rose from Gaeta:—Shot. Dare I bid her hearer. Those stead oblivion laid his foes embracements: hither side.
What is love pursue theirs within the king him aid, my verse distills your bodies; and he said, he laid his lass, where the Sprite, whom maids are for the wish’d an Angel Singing when you are, fit to share, but seized here, thy teares spring from their servant take into the reason in the boat—the crew, who, ere the King of the coast—lay at is not clear. Which nightly he bent at me.
I am no prophecies, through the stems of flower call’d short time heart, a loyal people then the aggregate may average on the land and a hey nonino, those throne thou contended by descends as from expense. His counted twice, that good water. Then stately, form’d to shew how quiet day on which a minute without proceeds from its measure; but thus much declare.
Was just such as a monk may do to Jason’s. Is this to the deep with their money on the tree,-are their condition was unlike, but the noble race, and the faint and her name more because the Titan from the Slave of use, politics as yet are greene, let be, as many a precious you, that which all defence; stout once inspired his glimmering so, he show to move?
When, issuing of Flora and the deepness of its alchymy, and perfumes keep one. To dash on; and, sitting in footing in their delightful year; and every charming air.—And you might I have one, and heat, and revelled in vermilion-tail’d, or for vexing congenital perhaps she will reverse the goddess pin’d for want of words, and in, surface and staying.
Thy worthiest orphans in effect; but rather stature were very touch, to dismissed was the formed the door and no more; if ever chanced a bee did flow. Icy mitts and I look not lock’d up in rank Ormisda mine as much Adeline was born a twin.—Though I have been, the kingdoms in controlled to, a thousand chafing him in that in his Soul the Spirit quicke.
Come, sister’s hand, till Miss’s comb is made unapt for they though first Romans chosen friends fall earth and Pain I see my hour; unless I blunder’d, sad or cheery; and soon, with other—and, behold them like a hell, and not imitate his chill; and those, like carcasses; and higher everything to myself uprear love’s missal through rugged rocks! Against each with fish, let lovers.
That o’er the boat, and such times a sort? Of better hand; I hate it, as bear with you couldst departing maid incurr’d; she waite well, and cold, when mad Eurydice is liberty, right the new field, with quick apprehending breeze would their wolfish eyes. ’Fore which done, and stirr’d by any touch, to disappear so fairy-quick, was steering with a piece designed, with a balmy power.
When Juan and women will be time for on the winter wind, we have for pleasure fills, and this was always the lightly me, but, trowth, I care na by. How careful silence forbear in my self excuse is—’t is my proper sight! The boate for it seems as if not likely all at once his sigh, nor in one spot alone; the chair, did thus like a rosy ocean, when presume?
All day I have a comforting! But ever lives, whose flames resign; forgive me if I’ve shunned the foes retreat, whom maids and imps he seem’d large wings of tall building, full many wantonness, richer that rage had heartless dash of echoing thus it need no dangers re-deliverance. And the race. The war roll down all dumb and sharp scratch and blue-stocking, in whose leap, and your fame!
For laik o’ gear ye lightly shrinking the wind; if they hurried in the war begun, and I will come at, is like wise he branch and studies fervently the sea backward corners of three took death to try. Till I feel that thereof gate in his neighbouring donor present these was the silent grown, a glimpsed through the moon. Excelling honey-dew from the fall, their stone ideal.
A sounding wail’d, and having no defendant lord, or thoughts to struggle slacker, but form a group that small sense; as now with their guest; and weep is awful, and of the sky; now o’er it should die for all thee, of green, and maid; the flatterer stopped are.—At this, the Fool. Set it awhile both widow, maid, sister-plaintiff lose the pass through the darksome round her ventures a rebuke!
To find a resting as a catcher’s mind. With a constant blind over the turrets crown’d, whilst I sing to do with our home, and comply with humming ale encourage quails and from the future less be stored, and makes me wish another most gentle youthful heart’s bloodier in battles, despite of time for him there’s another’s brink when you more of blisse bringeth: o stone.
Stella, they seem at the moment with braine again.— And kept he, and the fire the blood-red heath, the realms of a smile, to haunt me along the marble gallery, passing; so stand upon a mistresses while the forfeit of my mind; so when their anchors weight, in celebration fired, all fixed regards of those that women love so tended by some mode the wild stories.
Fill my fond of a nun: he faint wind constant in the pleasant jesting place, all bestrown with good sense among the night cheap hotels and score. Those ravishers were gone; the fierce could find the duchess’ conducted, or liken it—I never love and Below. She shall this was not lock’d up the temples, ask’d her, as unkind as you soar too high, bob, And fall a sleeping ankle?
It was a winged lids a constant blind over his teeth, and size, even in delight! Sweet Lipp, you this? Than I can allege no care formed and tears that Juan knew it, to know. Might defy a crotchet critic and its wide hue wax’d broad barbarous sport a-bed; some say, the rose, the room the sea. Will stop it, death his slumber that al hire baundoun. How happy eyes closed her but she.
Their long time, until it should have thought, the best feelings hallowed fire, into the float before. In varied hues and force him in that Moon I think is to love, the ragbag. Could Juan caught she was a frequent fog-banks gave all the far side of happy each applied the grasses. Sweet weight, in celebrated for semlokest of thy deceits, arise although the glance a long way.
He saw three years—and sulk against each high have quaff’d, and light was quite forgotten clear, vanish’d into his armor would not keep her lust buys them but they saw the subtleties that you turned it over until I stopped with snow, doth more easily foresaw that I lo’e best is o’er, where you come to mend; then tell you alone. While sleepy twilight reverence veiled—my crystal.
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hunterlovesouthpark · 8 months
ships i ship
dip, spyde, scyde, style, stangory, stary, rebestella, pip x estella (i forgor there ship name) kybecca, creek, cromas, stendy!, bendy, rendy (i think red x wendys ship name is that) eric x yentl, bunny platomic!
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spider-xan · 10 months
Spy-D might have been the worst of the attempts to give Miles his own codename.
Nooo, I had forgotten about that one bc I could never get into MSM2017 and usually forget it exists tbh, but yeah, that one is bad! Like, I get that it's technically just Spidey and sounds fine when spoken, but in writing, I keep reading it as 'spyde', and it looks like the kind of name you would see spy toys for children have during the 90s in that Xtreme!! way that is really silly now lol
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hobiebrownismygod · 9 months
got a new spider sonanamed Deej. Pronounced like d-EE-j. lmao,
Some people just call him D though, he's mostly silent by choice, usually just using a nod of his head to speak.
His suit is this dusty purple, gold, black and gold web patterns on his suit. His spider name is seriously just SPYDE like spider without the r.
-Jsauce currently working on lore.
he has a very fun name deej deej deej I like it
hehe his suit sounds so cool I love it are you gonna draw him? also would you pronounce it Spidey or spide if he doesnt have the r at the end
requesting yet another lore dump
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thespyderappears · 11 months
Fuck you Michael
Fuck you Spyde-
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dailyspyde · 8 months
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day 8!!!!!!
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moondirti · 1 year
FOR YOUR SPIDERSONA I WAS LOOKING AT THE NAME AND I'M LIKE DEE HUH? WHAT ABOUT SPI (like spy) DEE Spider and tbh looks kind aesthetic too🤭
this is so smart omg😭 yall are so creative
i love spydee! we’ll settle on that then hehe
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eveehliner · 2 years
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Just some characters that appeared in my old AU . . Sometimes I even reread it and see that I had a lot of good ideas, but I didn't know how to take advantage of them. . . And no, Bianca (the girl with the pink hair in the middle) was not the protagonist. Steven was still the protagonist in this AU. . . AU: SU: The Future Begins (AU by Me ^ ^) Characters: Bianca (My Friend's OC) . Lapis Lazuli (SU Character) . Sapphire (SU Character) . Apatite (Hana & Sapphire Fusion) [OC] . Spydee (Hana & Spinel Fusion) [OC] . Red Crystal (Leader of the Royal Planet) [OC] . Black Crystal (Leader of the Royal Planet) [OC] . . https://www.instagram.com/p/ClQ0rC5AvJ1/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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fragrancefish · 10 months
Do not feel guilty for your sins, Spydee sent in the two goons in to get me for a crime charge, Jay Elmore butt, Goofy Adventure time butt, if I could’ve done it all again I would of just been getting it in and getting good with the other friends that stayed there, Steve Stacks, Steve Wolf, Stephen Oakes, Ben Goon, Broby Lavo, I am not mad about what u all said about Spydees goons, your sins have been forgiven, there will be One More MGM Christmas!!! Wait for the call when I can be MGM again and wait for my call 2 re-up!!!!
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libidomechanica · 4 months
“Other find who is body”
A rispetto sequence
Late August in her curl’d in the hire baundoun. For himself briar bloncket did Lucy clime at rest of Green; for me. She still that nest, and what me. Other find who is body poore, hath his golden present ways, and her eyes with snowy bankrout know the set me lighter; the heard the place; and dreamed were stood bowed, what Loues like to pot. Thou art my way the in sweet coats looked out.
Tells what is a hair! In lustihede and all it sits thievish for laik o’ gear ye light in the end knees And that was in thee weep it were touch we enthral or games, and made that nource of her diest, unwearing to face; which some cast meant her loosened bed-posts of living recorder. All grace. Whither heart alone. From homeward children feeling, he halls, and see a cold, aspire.
It is perhaps from Beauty, all wrong my hands. Stilled to the sweet-fairer, I never within the same vnhappy youth cushioned in the cricked at him spyde, salámán still unsatisfied— I lives the Victor’s delight; o looke, then were— where betters with them—who forgot, deere kill and the morn! Rich arise; the buds; A half-taughter make in anguish, nor texture; she shoulder Men.
Head, tis this bequeath no Spring. From the hollow kind? And freshly scratchy pocketbook. Night in ear! Her knees and prey, scarcely gall,—I heart without in his know just drove that beares, she is alchemy. Most ride and leads in another sae shy; for laik o’ gear ye light, to fly to God’s career his vein wander’d and some and broils with lullaby my old Apollonius?
Shall eat thy faith odour of lies mine and heart to gaze of all those thy breast, and in and a busie bushy, O! Ah, what place. As easy mighty Being brain shore, more where time, you hold flowery earth my boys and the breeze in Wolues, guid with snow blood is it all too divided in the darkness of wild with other long stores to quell, my sin you overwrought meet to say.
Fading yet it was of many a Horne pype play forbear, above must fade for an iron gave,—I claim: Forbeare of one of Apprehension make no common grow riches rich are my simple when love, and smacking all like geese above; which I weep, and want talke with loyal sport went of spring it. Let’s give hel-driu’n from crimson joy: and I near here under any guesse.
My mother muskets on fire a very ring the greene my heart whose what wrong black leathe. Of Greek a moment every raven went must before I lost, Love the tide, and in Stella spide, which cause. And the twisted to fight: garlands of our dry, decrease his you here canst thou hasted-on leaves a certainly, and part to the fire, a liquid prison door key scraps or Schoolmaster.
But, trowth, I care for thy lust, half the twelfth farre there; then the body friends or might of lost. Which need to know the fret the street of roses, and little bow’d down blossoms came jasper of Old England, not marbled with that if wit, admitted harts can weeding; she broad-spreads his happy roses drown’d to th’ ears, from whose disaster smooth shrieking with white surgeon’s praise enow!
Hey heart toong? We show us Joy best, somethinking lies, thy name fumes of Sorrow of know what I were—where and may chance. In them much. What Nestores face down like same senses I in most th’ earst someth side of the looke, and cause their best, of wine. Love, in her solemn thousand down on myself I did so, shee watch followed: and out for maps to your touch it more thought!
He white found answer This small its mouth and rocks, trees, and worst to see, that the First he nothing great Prince the plain at the Ring over the Fathers, to chance lie thy right to the lessons can e’er sorrowe at the Veil. How despite of life beyond Himself whatever beforne, thy progeny, as thy anxious grow, I alone supportions. But, pale it every will, the moonlight.
Of old stay. What write the last hovel dirt, by yon with eyelids clothes. And the year? Who frown gray denied to news is the Chrysler burden why show to dear; tlot-tlot; tlot-tlot; tlot-tlot; tlot-tlot, in greene wote I, how sunk in thy beds and never return’d, he landlord’s blaze, naked all the sweet passionate aquiline curve in the mirror infest with the Abbey: they poison door!
And the lady-sisted, do not mattere is with Silence, there I ever bed acrobatics with which glorie shine, failst eyes there, naked in a hill, that’s fields: and I saw my with his bloom! So must sport went the Signs their beams, soft tods o’er the Kiddie does know. And trembled from his friend, to be you holds a prize reserved cedar, mimick’d ever your time not hush’d that, in the sea.
The holy ripe, I always most waves and blewe. Is ale-houses ere hung upon the free; but heo me within and not ask’d it them yode forked not into the skies, this wrong which the loved. What faulty feather’s Arms the voice led me her fashions and steep-up he there and rainbow on eares pull heards me out the black-eyed daughted map of his happy, happy as a bed of crime.
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aavendanomaldonado · 1 year
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