ganseybois · 2 years
pynch moments from the dreamer trilogy that turned me into an insane person
to go with my very long raven cycle quote list here
Adam. Adam Parrish was the destination of this road trip. Is there any version of you that could come with me to Cambridge? 
Adam. Ronan missed him like a lung.
He could feel his pulse thudding in his jaw. He could hear it in his ears. It sounded like everyone else’s heartbeat, he thought. Just like Adam’s heart when it was resting on his chest. 
Ronan’s attention stuck on his hands. Lovely boyish hands with prominent knuckles, gaunt and long like his unfamiliar face. “Who’s that?” Gansey had asked, and Ronan hadn’t answered, just kept hanging out the window. As they passed, Adam’s expression was all contradictions: intense and wary, resigned and resilient, defeated and defiant. Ronan hadn't known anything about who Adam was then, and, if possible, he’d known even less about who he himself was, but as they drove away from the boy with the bicycle, this was how it had begun: Ronan leaning back against his seat and closing his eyes and sending up a simple, inexplicable, desperate prayer to God: please. 
And now Ronan had followed Adam to Harvard.
“This is fucking weird,” Ronan said, and Adam laughed in a haggard, relieved way. They hugged, hard. This was as Ronan remembered it. Adam’s ribs fit against his ribs just as they had before. His arms wrapped aroun Adam’s narrow frame the same way they had before. His hand still pressed against the back of Ronan’s skull the way it always did when they hugged. His voice was missing his accent, but now it sounded properly like him as he murmured into Ronan’s skin: “You smell like home.” Home. Ronan felt even steadier. It was going to be all right. He was with Adam, and Adam still loved him, and this was going to work. 
Beneath the table, Adam’s shoe was pressed hard up against Ronan’s.
Beneath the table, Adam pressed the rest of his leg up against Ronan’s, his expression unchanging as he did. 
Leaning in close, he added, “Don’t kill anyone.” The words were only an excuse to breathe in Ronan’s ear; it made a marvel of his nerve endings. 
Adam reached between them to take Ronan’s hand. They climbed the stairs; Ronan disentangled their fingers and instead put his arm round Adam so they climbed hip-to-hip. They stepped into Adam’s room; they made it no farther. In the dark, they tangled in each other for several minutes, and finally broke off when stubble had made lips sore. “I missed you,” Adam said, voice muffled, face pressed agianst Ronan’s neck. 
The bed was right there; Adam felt warm and familiar; he longed for him even while holding him. 
“What’s the face for?” “I want it too much,” Adam said. 
Adam wiped one tear from  Ronan’s right eye. 
“Tell me to go to school closer to you and I will,” Adam said in a rush, the words piled together. “Just say it.” Ronan pressed the heel of his hand against his eye, checking for nightwash, but it wasn’t bad yet. “I’m not that big of an asshole.” “Oh, you are,” Adam said, trying for humor. Failing. “Just not about that.”
Ronan dreamt of summer, of Adam. 
“Tamquam,” said Adam. “Wait,” said Ronan. “Tamquam,” he said again, gently. “Aler idem,” Ronan said. 
Dreamt of you.
“I saved you because I love you.”
His mind stored away the first half for safekeeping, to take out and look at again on a rotten day. 
It was possible that no two students at Agliony had ever come away with such a thorough understanding of Latin (or, possibly, of each other).
They hugged, hard. It was shocking to hold him. The truth of him was right there beneath Ronan’s hands, and it still seemed impossible. He smelled like the leather of the thrift store jacket and the woodsmoke he’d ridden through to get here. Things had been the same for so long, and now everything was different, and it was harder to keep up than Ronan had thought. 
The idea of Adam Parrish on a motorcycle was more than enough birthday present for Ronan; he was senselessly turned on.
They hugged again, merrily, waltzing messily in the kitchen, and kissed, merrily, waltzing more. 
“Parrish, that was fucked up,” Rona said. He laid a palm on Adam’s pale cheek. It, too, was frigid. Adam turned his face into Ronan’s eyes, his eyes shuttered.
And then Ronan was through and swiping away the tears before Adam joined him by the shoulder, emerging from the dark with the bright dreamt light cupped in his hands. “Break will be here in just a few days,” Adam said. He kissed Ronan’s cheek, lightly, and then his mouth. “I’ coming back. Be here for me.”
“Who would be attracted to you as a love match? Has he got crushingly low self-esteem? Is he one of those soft boys who hide in the firm pecs of their scary partners? Is he a witch? Did he say a spell wrong and you appeared and now you’re bound for life?” “Yeah,” Ronan said. “That one.”
A photograph of two young men as the lock screen. One was Ronan, laughing explosively. The other was a rather self-contained-looking fellow, striking in an unusual sort of way, smirking a bit at whatever he’d just said. 
It was about Adam’s gloves here, but it was also Adam’s jacket tossed on a dining room chair, his soda can forgotten on the foyer table, him somewhere tossed with equal comfort in the Barns, his presence commonplace enough that he was not having to perform or engage with Ronan at all times. He was not dating Ronan; he was living in Ronan’s life with him. Shoes kicked off by the door, gloves off. A future. A good future. One Ronan had always liked thinking about. 
Rona nthought about Adam’s gloves set upon his shoes in the mudroom. He thought about wanting to feel like he had been made for something more than dying.
Adam Parrish, who loved Ronan.
Adam Parrish was the person Ronan cared about more than anyone else in the world. 
Elation overtook Ronan. Even before he put a name to the face, he was overwhelmed with a single thought: It is going to be okay. The second voice belonged to Adam Parrish. 
He’d dreamt that watch for Adam when he left for Harvard. It was the closest he could come to a love letter; the language of affection had never felt right to Ronan. [...] But the watch, the watch told the time for whatever time zone Ronan was in, and it said exactly what Ronan meant to say. Think of where I am, it said. Think of me.
Adam suddenly leaned in very close to Ronan’s slumped body. His lips were right on Ronan’s ear. In this close space, even a whisper was audible to Declan, but his words were just for Ronan. “Post tenebras lux,” he whispered. Light follows darkness. Adam added, “Tamquam...” Alter idem, Ronan thought. 
Both of them seemed more settled after this. Adam repositioned himself more comfortably, leaning his back between the framing on the opposite wall. His legs mingled with Ronan’s long legs, a chaos of young men. Then he sighed and leaned his head back against the wall, eyes closed. Yes, thought Ronan. Stay.
“There’s a real version of me that stayed with you.”
“You were, like, the place I stored all the reality in.”
This was his old accent, his Virgina accent, as warming to Ronan as the sun. 
“I just missed--” He knocked his shoe against Ronan’s. Me too. 
Adam had come for him. All this way. He had not given up. He had risked everything. 
Yet when Adam’s consciousness touched his, Ronan recognized him. It was Adam’s footsteps on the stairs. His surprised whoop as he catapulted into the pond they’d dug. The irritation in his voice; the impatience in his kiss; his ruthless, dry sense of humor; his brittle pride; his ferocious loyalty. 
Tamquam, said Ronan, and Adam said, Alter idem. 
They were happy and sad, angry and forgiven, they were wanted, they were wanted, they were wanted. 
“Adam. My Adam. Adam!” 
Standing, she saw Ronan kneel next to Adam’s limp body to whisper something in his ear, too. Adam did not wake, but Ronan didn’t seem to expect him to. When Ronan lifted his head, she thought his face would be miserable, but it just looked furious. 
He failed every time he saw Ronan again. He was in love with Ronan, and he was in love with this lonesome green valley.
There was a time when it would have made Hennessy feel bad to see how gratefully Ronan’s face was pressed into Adam’s neck. To see how Adam’s face just wore a raw relief, a peace, as he held on to Ronan, his eyes open and gazing up into the blue sky. To see Ronan finally say something into his ear and Adam close his eyes and sigh.  
“You want one of these?” Gansey asked. He gestured with his chin to indicate it. The all of it. The wedding. “Yeah,” said Ronan. “I think so.” “Well, that’s a relief,” Gansey said. “How do you figure?” “I asked Adam and he said the same thing.”
Without taking his eyes off the sky, Ronan reached out his hand to Adam to offer him something. It was a ring. Without taking his eyes off the sky, Adam took it and put it on. They sighed. The stars moved overhead. The world felt enormous, both past and future, with their slender present hovering in the middle. 
It was all very good. 
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Saber: Do you want some tea? Zak and Kit: Yeah, sure. Saber: Huh, my diabolical plan is working better than expected.
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squash1 · 8 months
is there a squash2 to your squash1
yes but not quite - they wish to keep themselves a secret 🤫
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clotpolesonly · 1 year
Tag 9 people you want to get to know better
tagged by @wellhalesbells!!!
Three ships? - Pynch, Jordeclan, and mmm still Sterek probably, even if i haven't been reading for it lately. i'm burned out on TW and rolling around in TRC/TDT for the time being, lol.
First ever ship? - i'm honestly not sure?? potentially Harry/Hermione, potentially something like Kim Possible/Ron Stoppable or Casey/Derek from that Living Live With Derek show with the step siblings afldkhj
Last song? - i've had Alone by Heart stuck in my head since last night, alternating with a song i'm doing in choir which i don't remember the name of but it's really pretty 😅
Last movie? - ummm Spirited, maybe? the Ryan Reynolds/Will Farrell christmas movie musical. it was actually a banger, i enjoyed that one a lot
Currently reading? - just finished rereading Mister Impossible, second in the Dreamer Trilogy. i'm holding off starting the last one until my friend finishes reading it the first time so i can commentate in her direction as i go through it and we can yell together, cuz i had to flail alone when i read it first cuz i didn't wanna spoil her 😂😂😂
Currently watching? - just finished rewatching Leverage and gonna start the sequel series/reboot thing tonight!!
Currently consuming? - nothing at the moment, but had tropical smoothie for lunch uwu
Currently craving? - the macaroni and cheeeeese i'm gonna have when i get home
tagging: @declansboobs @werewolffeelings @gingersnapwolves @halebaccari @alloverthegaf @dollopheadsandclotpoles @squash1 @alisonhales @whispering-sumire755
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Ty @squash1 for the tag ily
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Please understand that I am an of monsters and men stan first and a person second 😌
ps please rec songs in the tags I’m in dire need of new music to dance to (my main style is contemporary and all of my songs are too soft)
tags: @definintely-not-loki @allforthe-gayz @kentucky-fried-thea @nofreakingmourners and anyone else who vibes with my music taste
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glendover · 1 year
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thanks for tagging me @notjulianfromme
would have loved to mark more but it felt wrong to check off some of the artists I only know two or three songs of
anyways this was fun!!
I tag @squash1 @archivalsapphic @jitteryhands @t4tbluesey @fellshish @unknowablecore @r4venking @neil-puppy-josten @lazy-toad (only if you want to ofc)
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gangseysallhere · 1 year
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I posted 683 times in 2022
That's 236 more posts than 2021!
110 posts created (16%)
573 posts reblogged (84%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 676 of my posts in 2022
Only 1% of my posts had no tags
#trc - 561 posts
#the raven cycle - 488 posts
#ronan lynch - 382 posts
#adam parrish - 264 posts
#maggie stiefvater - 257 posts
#the raven boys - 194 posts
#the dreamer trilogy - 182 posts
#richard campbell gansey iii - 146 posts
#greywaren - 117 posts
#blue sargent - 113 posts
Longest Tag: 94 characters
#listen i still don't love the introduction of henry as part of the gangsey but i do love henry
My Top Posts in 2022:
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516 notes - Posted June 2, 2022
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See the full post
553 notes - Posted January 20, 2022
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I'm really having a cry week and this didn't help
685 notes - Posted March 4, 2022
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751 notes - Posted August 26, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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See the full post
826 notes - Posted June 13, 2022
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annabethvicit · 1 year
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I posted 1,105 times in 2022
That's 943 more posts than 2021!
42 posts created (4%)
1,063 posts reblogged (96%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 164 of my posts in 2022
#greywaren spoilers - 21 posts
#trc - 20 posts
#tdt - 17 posts
#ronan lynch - 15 posts
#gansey - 15 posts
#the raven cycle - 13 posts
#richard campbell gansey iii - 12 posts
#here's how gansey girls can still win - 11 posts
#declan lynch - 10 posts
#greywaren - 8 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#im just surprised that if adam and his brothers are viewed as tethers to the 'real world' that gansey wouldn't be considered that as well
My Top Posts in 2022:
its just the way that the aglibony boy adam saw at the store wasn’t ronan, but he remembers him as ronan, turning him into a symbol of everything he wanted in life, the chance to be something more, the personification of his deepest desires and driving factors and likewise, ronan, in one of the most difficult periods of his life, saw adam for the first time and sent a prayer up to heaven because to him, adam was also everything he wanted, a symbol of one of his deepest desires, and for a moment, the chance to be more even when everything else was falling down around him. 
288 notes - Posted May 19, 2022
ronan committed guerilla ecoterrorism because his boyfriend didn’t text him back. he’s just like me fr.  
823 notes - Posted June 23, 2022
you know what? we may have been deprived of gansey for this series, but she brought him in at the last minute to do what he does best — micromanage. the bitch had like four lines and managed to somehow propose to ronan and adam for each other??? his level of nosiness and meddling is honestly impressive. if they weren’t planning the wedding, HE WAS. i bet he has a pinterest board going already. 
839 notes - Posted October 18, 2022
gansey, ronan, and adam were NOT bonded by their search for glendower. they were bonded by their bitchy and judgemental personalities. 
2,244 notes - Posted June 23, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
i don’t think i’ll ever be over “it was possible that there were two gods in this church” and “a fortuitous combination that focused most of the objects of ronan’s worship into one downtown block” because she was sick for that she wrote them like a fucking hozier song prose and all how is any other literary couple supposed to compare 
2,435 notes - Posted May 19, 2022
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fuck it i love getting my data packaged neatly into fun little graphics it's the best part of social media
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theravenkin · 1 year
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I posted 3,886 times in 2022
That's 1,789 more posts than 2021!
90 posts created (2%)
3,796 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 823 of my posts in 2022
#aftg - 119 posts
#andrew minyard - 114 posts
#all for the game - 110 posts
#neil josten - 109 posts
#andreil - 91 posts
#the foxhole court - 53 posts
#the raven cycle - 48 posts
#kevin day - 47 posts
#trc - 43 posts
#pynch - 34 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#(im not very good at it but i love when my mutuals who are all so smart make posts about it and then i can reblog it and say sooooo true <3
My Top Posts in 2022:
ok i'm back from my disappearance. here's some more "aftg as shit my team has said" as an offering
neil: wow, aaron's actually kinda feisty.
andrew: sure, but not feisty enough to get out of a headlock.
aaron and andrew: *intense sibling rivalry stare*
kevin: we are /not/ losing to that team. they're wearing /green/. if we lose to a team wearing green, i swear to god-
dan: okay guys, big game today! Please show up with a good attitude even if you're on your period or can’t breathe!
neil: yeah, they may think they're the shit, but look at the scoreboard. scoreboard doesn't lie, bitch!
kevin: ...neil...we're losing.
neil: well, yeah, but only by a little bit.
neil: *getting a little too intense while watching the game from the bench*
wymack: neil, have you ever- this is a genuine question, coming from a place of genuine concern- have you ever considered just...trying to calm down? have you ever tried that? i really need you to calm the fuck down.
473 notes - Posted May 9, 2022
cant get over the idea of remus taking regulus under his wing. remus seeing through reg's arrogant ice prince facade and seeing a scared little baby gay underneath. remus slowly getting reg to open up to him, to show his blushy awkward teenager self for once. regulus spilling all his insecurities, his secret crushes, his embarrassing interactions with remus. remus hyping reg up when he likes somebody, encouraging him to be himself, teaching him how to flirt. remus teasing him about being "slytherin's resident heartbreaker" and regulus going bright red every time ("ugh, lupin, shut up."). reg having One (1) interaction with the person he likes and SPRINTING to tell remus immediately ("we touched hands, remus" "oh, you minx!" "shut the fuck up"). remus and reg being able to share a Look and immediately breaking out into giggles. sirius HATING IT. (james finding it kind of adorable.)
sirius: what the fuck are you two on about now??
reg and remus: NOTHING. god. don't worry about it. so nosy. *suspicious giggling*
just. remus being like the "fun aunt" to reg. god i'm so obsessed with this someone help.
605 notes - Posted September 28, 2022
not only does andrew read books; he annotates books but only by underlining every other sentence and writing "gay" in the margins
636 notes - Posted June 22, 2022
hc that kevin has a really hard time remembering to knock instead of just walking into a room because there was no privacy in the Nest and he has no concept of boundaries due to the way he was raised there.
do with that what you will.
773 notes - Posted May 20, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
something i just really like to think about is neil starting to show his actual personality to the rest of the foxes post-canon and them being shocked.
before they knew about everything, he had to keep up the shy, quiet, ordinary, unsuspecting neil josten act. but post-canon, i like to think that he lets loose a little, allows his real personality to show. he actually lets them see ruthless, blunt, hot-tempered neil josten.
i believe in neil having a very specific "im about to raise hell" expression where he does his scary smile and his eyes go absolutely feral, and the others learn that if they see that expression, they need to step aside. also, i think the others might underestimate how good of a liar neil is. he'll have them convinced that he's innocent but andrew will insist that he's lying; the others, at first, think andrew's being mean and bitter, neil's too sweet to be faking this time, why would he lie about something small like this? ...and then neil's expression completely changes from "innocent child" to "chaos demon" frighteningly quickly. it's absolutely terrifying. andrew sees the horror on the other's faces and just goes, see? gullible morons.
what makes this even better: i like to think that once andrew sees that neil won't be pushed around anymore, and also that neil won't let his people be pushed around either, that andrew feels like he can let down his guard a little bit. like...he feels like there is someone who is willing to and capable of protecting him for once. so andrew might actually relax a little bit...while neil gets more unhinged. i just love this trope and all the possibilities.
like, imagine neil does or says something shocking to the upperclassmen, and they turn to andrew and are like "??? are you gonna control him??" because they're used to andrew being controlling over his people. but andrew doesn't feel the need to control neil when he's like this (tbh he's not fully sure that he could). so he just shrugs nonchalantly and stares blankly (and, if you look closely, admiringly) at neil while he wreaks havoc.
it's just like...wait til the upperclassmen realize that neil is far more willing to fuck shit up than andrew ever was. wait until they realize that andrew just wants to drink hot chocolate and talk shit with his therapist while neil crosses people off his hit list. you know?
2,388 notes - Posted February 24, 2022
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ganseybois · 2 years
you can usually tell a lot about a person by the type of music they listen to…
put your favourite playlist on shuffle and list the first ten songs then tag ten people! no skipping!
Almost Easy by Avenged Sevenfold
God is a Woman by Ariana Grande
Homecoming by Green Day
Bed of Roses by Bon Jovi
A Whole New World by Disney’s Aladdin 
From Heads Unworthy by Rise Against 
Lie by Halsey feat. Quavo
Medication by Yungblud
It’s My Life by Bon Jovi 
So Far Away by Avenged Sevenfold
tagged by @squash1 ty!! and tagging @olivejuice96 and @smart-as-paint who i wanna get to know a little more!
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showsandshowtunes · 1 year
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I posted 137 times in 2022
That's 67 more posts than 2021!
46 posts created (34%)
91 posts reblogged (66%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 133 of my posts in 2022
Only 3% of my posts had no tags
#hadestown - 19 posts
#the raven cycle - 16 posts
#greywaren - 16 posts
#trc - 16 posts
#stranger things - 10 posts
#the dreamer trilogy - 9 posts
#percy jackson - 7 posts
#tdt - 7 posts
#greywaren spoilers - 6 posts
#heartstopper netflix - 5 posts
Longest Tag: 84 characters
#anais mitchell has made too many absolute bangers for you to just ignore any of them
My Top Posts in 2022:
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is this heartstopper?
49 notes - Posted May 27, 2022
chloe gong is a great writer solely for the fact that she can make me read about insects (at length) and still love the book
108 notes - Posted September 30, 2022
hadestown really has it all. the romance, the revolution, the climate change, the three part harmonies, the repeating cyclical never ending storyline, the anti-capitalism, the trombone, the disillusionment,
126 notes - Posted November 23, 2022
not me vicariously living out my sapphic, academic rivals to lovers fantasy through chloe green
166 notes - Posted May 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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this is the funniest thing i've seen in a while
451 notes - Posted September 16, 2022
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acatgirl-uwu · 2 years
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nkdhiman · 2 years
recipe roasted pumpkin soup jamie oliver
recipe roasted pumpkin soup jamie oliver
recipe roasted pumpkin soup jamie oliver This soup is simple and delicious. Basic ingredients for recipe roasted pumpkin soup jamie oliver 2 cups chopped red squash1 tablespoon chopped garlic1 medium onion, finely choppedSalt to TasteCrushed black peppercorns to Taste1 tablespoon olive oil2-3 fresh herbs1 1/2 cups vegetable broth1 tablespoon of fresh cream How to make recipe roasted pumpkin…
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squash1 · 2 years
i don’t even follow you or know who you are but your url is absolutely god tier i salute you
this made my night. thank uuuuu 💞💞💞
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akozuheiwa · 4 years
left turn ask: everyone is gay
I can’t believe you think they aren’t already
I’ll talk RM for once because I can’t remember if you’ve seen ToA or not and anyway I never write any of those characters straight, Parallax can’t get much gayer, and Valkyrie doesn’t have much romance tbh
If I wanted to make RM even gayer, we’d definitely be dealing with a Keira/Leslie and Tyler/Rev endgame, which literally just swaps the twins out but fight me they’d be cute together. Leslie’s... Leslieness would inevitably clash with Keira’s Keiraness, which is to say that Keira goes into a fight hoping not even the bad guys get so much as a papercut and Leslie goes in ready to murder, which is already an interesting dynamic but I think could be even more interesting if they were dating. Some later RM stuff would also be really neat if they were a thing. Tyler and Rev would go absolutely great together, they’re both incredible nerds but Tyler’s a self-sacrifical idiot and Rev will kill a bitch and that btich might be Tyler if he doesn’t knock it off with the self-sacrifice thing. Rev would be in a decent position to expose Tyler to sea nymph stuff early on, so that would be really fun to kick-start that mess.
but dude seriously i have a few token cishets usually and often they’re bad guys and that’s like it
Left Turn Asks
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spierfics · 6 years
Since Si and Bram are gonna be at Haverford/Columbia, can you do one with them trying to cope with Northern winters? Like, maybe they're snowed in, or one of them gets the sniffles, or something like that?
& @LoveBlue on ao3 prompted: Can you write Simon and Bram cuddling while it’s snowing outside, pleaseeee?? :)
Hold Me Tight - Spierfeld Fic
It had been snowing for over six hours now, and Simon was grateful he’d gotten to Bram’s dorm just before it started. 
The two of them had arranged their class schedules to end on Thursdays so that they could have long weekends together.
Simon had luckily chosen to come a day early, having been sick the entire previous week. He had just gotten over the effects of a minor cold, all that remained now was the occasional sniffle and sneeze.
It worked out really well, they got an extra day together and weren’t complaining. Although they would usually spend Friday as a lazy day in, today they had no choice, the snowfall seemed as though it put the entire world at a standstill.
Their first proper winter in the East Coast, the two of them had called each other before the first snowflake hit the ground. It was an incredible experience.
The second time they’d seen snowfall was when Bram was visiting Simon. They did all the cheesy activities, having a snowball fight, making snow angels and drinking warm hot chocolate together.  
This was their first snowstorm, one that actually caused them to stay indoors just to be safe.
The two boys were huddled close together, bundled up in each other’s college hoodies and lay on the couch watching a film on Bram’s laptop. Simon lay most of his weight on Bram’s chest, and Bram’s arm was draped casually across Simon’s chest.
At one point Bram lost interest in the film they were watching, some low-budget horror movie that Simon could not stop making fun of. That was one of their favorite hobbies.
However, Simon always ended up getting too invested in the half-assed plot and would take it seriously. Bram would take that opportunity to place kisses across the side of Simon’s neck and run his fingers along the ridges of Simon’s knuckles.
“No! Why would you not shoot him twice he’s obviously going to come back!” Simon yelled at the character on-screen as though she could hear him.
“I don’t think you were loud enough, Si” Bram commented.
“Shoot him again!” Simon said a little louder and with a hiccupy laugh.
Bram laughed softly at his boyfriend’s silliness. Perhaps it was the grin on Simon’s face, the redness of his cheeks and nose, the imperceptible intake of after a small giggle, or a combination of it all but Bram couldn’t help himself.
“I don’t think you have any idea how much I love you,” Bram said dreamily.
Simon tilted his head to get a better angle between him and Bram and allowed Bram to continue.
“I mean, you’re here getting over a cold, we’re both in our pajamas, snowed in and watching terrible movies and I can’t see myself wanting to be anywhere else. I could do this every day if it were with you,”
Simon leaned in, giving Bram a sweet kiss.
Bram couldn’t help but smile into it, pulling Simon closer by wrapping his arms around his waist. He loved the way Simon fit so perfectly in his arms like he was always meant to be there.
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