tlou-obsessed · 2 days
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I will be here until november
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thehirou · 1 year
if you like fullmetal alchemist, adventure time, final fantasy 7, homestuck and mice you will love my game
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tramp963 · 9 months
The Animal Sounds: Rat's Squeaking 🐀🐀🐀 / Sound Effect / Animation
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erzsebetrosztoczy · 2 months
Vermithor's rubber duck squeack when breathing fire>>>>>>
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artist-of-dawn · 24 days
So High School
Chapter 2: "Tangerine? TANGERINE"
Next: "Holy arms"
a/n: fun facts apparently turned into confessionals and free rent living in each character's head
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"So? Whaddaya say?" Samu raises his head and asks with a little smirk.
"I say you better tell me why you look seconds away from plotting a murder. Most probably mine. Is this poisoned?" I gestured towards the last piece of strawberry mochi left on the plate.
"Ya ask that after the 7th piece?" I shrugged.
"It's really good. I say you should go for it." He nodded and left most probably to greet some customers while I fell deep in thought.
Nostalgia has been a lot more present in the last few days, and it got to me. I can't say that I miss home physically, but the warmth and radiance it brough. We've all made great memories here, but I cannot help but feel like something's missing.
I am usually not one to say I regret things I didn't do, it's a consolation price that I didn't make a fool of myself and the thought that I should be grateful for the choices I made still holds me together in some sense. But my resistance seems to slowly crumble at one tiny tiny question: if I did something-if one thing had been different, would everything be different today? Would my courage be rewarded with the warmth of a beating heart and a beaming smile, or would it be crushed by rotten delusion?
I pride myself by loving freely, but I have always been somewhat afraid of things that cross the borders of friendship, and I beileve that the only other thing that may best this fear is the slight ache for the warmth of feeling. But I'm turning 20 soon, should this be so hard? Should I still be afraid? I take a bite of the last mochi and make my way to change the music. I glance at the door and the restaurant is mostly empty. Perfect.
What could possibly fit better than "The 1" ?
°•I guess you never know, never know
And if you wanted me, you really should've showed
And if you never bleed, you're never gonna grow
And it's alright now
But we were something, don't you think so?
Roaring 20s, tossing pennies in the pool
And if my wishes came true
It would've been you
I guess you never know, never know
And it's another day waking up alone
I, I, I persist and resist the temptation to ask you
If one thing had been different
Would everything be different today?•°
I rest my head on one of the counters, absorbing the meliodic melancholy of the song, up until I hear a voice simmilar to Samu's screaming from the restaurant.
"Oi! Cut off that depressive shit!" Shit. Atusmu's here.
It's not that I have anything against the guy, but he sucks a lot at flirting.
"Shaddap Tsumu!" Samu screamed back. Thank God. If that guy knew I was here, he'd never leave me alone until I left if he's in one of his macho moods. But before I could go back to fucking up Samu's playlist I heard a rich laugh.
"Come on Tsumu it was a nice song!" Even though the voice was slightly deeper I could never mistake it.
Now, I am not one to make any rash decisions, but....This is not my proudest moment. At least the brooms in the closet are pink.
There is no way.
Last time I checked the dude was in Brazil trying out beach volleyball.
No fucking way I just saw red hair while bolting to the closet.
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Fun facts:
- the movie night went well, everyone was in high spirits and the atmosphere was chaotically joyful, yachi was unable to stay till and squeacked every 5 minutes, tsukishima smiled a couple of times after receiving his little dino sketch from yn, shimizu and samu exchanged some recepies and koushi insisted on self care masks while watching the film.
-yn basically screeched while running towards the nearest closet and later wondered how in the hell no one heard her. Her breath was cut short when she realised who was on the other side of the wall.
-yn always refrained of romance because she was utterly afraid of it, of the rawness and wilderness. She liked stable, quiet and melodic. But everything changed once she got into karasuno high. She secretly wished he would say something, afraid that the shine in his eyes wasn't reserved for her and was a usuality for him. Yes. She wore his jersey and rooted for him. And he looked happy.
In case you wanna listen to the whole song:
"I wanna find you in a crowd
Just to hide from you"
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daily-tf2-medic · 7 months
Weird question but are there any medical procedures you're superr squeamish about? I personally am not a fan of suturing, dunno why it just squeacks me out putting a thread through the skin like it's a piece of fabric!!
I'm fine with any kind of surgery, except for wrist surgery. Any kind of surgery where the wrist is cut open makes me shudder for some reason. The hand and arm is fine, it's just the wrist right below the palm.
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pizzatowerepisodes · 1 year
S5 Ep4 Tortellini Swich-a-rolli
It's a nice beutifull evening... the birds sing, wind blows and sun shines.... until we hear more-than-familiar screaming and glass breaking.
The camara pans into the pizzeria while Noise and Peppino are fighting, as usual, all while Gustavo, Brick and Noisette are shielded behind the counter chating the evening away, until they hear a loud BONK!!
When they looked over the counter they see Peppino and Noise unconsious with a bump in their heads, turns out that during the fight, Noise and Peppino tripped on something and Violently bonked heads together, knocking them out, and so Gustavo brings Peppi home and Noisette bring Noise home
Next morning Peppino wakes up, his head hurts and he does not recognize his home, "Why is everything yellow and... why there is merch from Noise!?" he thinks, Noisette says hi to him and calls him sweetie, Cut to noise as he is angrily confused at Gustavo asking if this a joke saying that he is not Peppino, now showing both POV we get this interaction
Gustavo and Noisette: "uhhh you should look your self in the mirror Amico / Sweetie"
Pep and Noise: "Wha-" Cut to them walking to the bathroom and looking themself in their respective mirrors
Peppino is in noise's body and vice-versa
Quickly after getting his bearings toguether, with the help of Noisette, Peppino puts on the "Noise costume" and goes to the Pizzeria, obiously Noise wants to kill Pep and demands him the give his body back but there is nothing they can do, Brick squecks a "I am on it" pull a handfull of books out of nowhere and starts reading
An alarm sounds and Noise remebers that he has to host his show so he tells Peppino to take his place but Peppino says that he needs to stay in the Pizzeria to pay his debt, so Noisette agrees to help Peppino and Gustavo to help Noise while Brick looks for answers
The day was EXHAUSTING for both, for Peppino: Stage fright, anxiety, overstimilation, hyperactivity, having to deal with shortness, constantly biting his toungue due to nod being used to speacking with a bucktooth, and having to be mean and on "character".
And for Noise, The stress of running a restaurant, paying taxes, dealing with mean costumers, people saying his pizza sucks, HAVING to make pizza, his aching back and newfound selfawareness due to his big gut.
yeah, pretty bad...
Peppino and Noisette returned to the Pizzeria and found Gustavo and Noise, Gus and Noisette oferred themselfs to make something to eat for the two of them, while they waited they talked about the struggles the other lived, Peppino talked about how streessed he felt and that his newfound hyperactivity wanted to punch something, noise felt the same...
Thats when it clicked, for Noise and Peppino fighting was oddly stress-reliffing, so Peppino playfully grabbed a Pizza and said in a Noise-like voice: "Well, well, this Pizzeria is looking a liiiiiiiittle too clean" and so another fight unraveld
"Well, somethings never change" Gustavo said to Noisette, suddenly Brick squeacked at Gustavo, he found a cure!
Gustavo: "Good news! Brick found a cure!"
Peppino: "Really? Well what is it?
Noise: "Yeah give it to us!!"
Noisette: "umm, you two are not going to like it"
Gus and Noisette both suddenly pulled two hammers out of their hammerspaces nad hited Peppino and Noise in the head leaving them unconsious.
Next morning everything was back to normal and another fight was going on, suddenly interrupted by a phone ringhing, it was Pepperman calling Peppino, he was confused but he answer it along side Noise.
Pepperman?: "Umm howdy Peppino, sumthin' just happend"
Vigilante?: "Yeah!! and something absolutely outrageous!!"
as it Turned out, Pepperman and Vigil were going thru the same
Peppino and Noise looked at each other incredulously as the Episode rolled to the credits.
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wrin-derspaten · 2 years
The blue birds
Wrin sitting in his chair trying to focus on the written text of the books befor him. He rest his head on the palm to keep his head up. Sooo boooring. Why do the books have to be so hard to read? Wrin isnt the best in keeping interrest in a difficult text. Plainly learning from books? Nope, that's not on his liking.
The blue bird from Bass flys around squeacking and chirping. Landing on Wrin's shoulder and soon after flys around again. The slightly green blue bird of the wine aunt sit's next to the books slowly blinking each eye. Wrin sighs. When will he finally finish his first 'simple' quest?
After several weeks he gave up. Wrin sit’s in the room again, books fly in the air. He is leaned back in his chair playfully moving the books who floats through the air. The penguin Exy made waddle around and bonks at Wrin’s chair. Lucas enter the room.
“Did you made progress?” He asks, a little anoyd because Wrin couldnt bring results yet. So the monster answeres. “I give up Lucas. It’s no use. I told you already I am not an Entity like you guys. I am not a god who can create things. You can do that and I will stay as I am.” 
Lucas is dissapointed so Wrin continue to talk. “Look, only because I am powerfull doesnt mean I am cable of learning your ways. You know we both could be like yin and yan, life and death. You can create life and I am the best in destroying it.” He grins.
Lucas picks the penguin up and read the little metall ring around its foot. “..Exy?” He looks confused.
“I let some Entitys create these blue birds to see how they did it. It’s all documented.” Wrin spins a little in his chair.
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ask-thsc-blog · 4 months
Mason: Oh, I know, Kiki just wants to make more friends, right Kiki?
The bug squeacked inocently
Thomas smiled. "That's very sweet. And I must say, Kiki is very adorable"
GEO: "Wait u thought you didn't like bugs-"
THOMAS: "that's cockroaches, Geoffrey"
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chez-mimich · 2 years
All’uscita di un nuovo disco, molto atteso, non nego di essere curioso come un bambino, anche per poter godere della “copertina” (oggi “cover”). Si tratta certamente di un retaggio infantile, ma è innegabile, che la cover ha un certo peso, anche oggi, dove “l’oggetto-disco” praticamente non esiste più (eccezione gucciniana a parte). E siccome l’uscita del secondo volume di “Unscientific Italians Play The Music of Bill Frisell” (Hora Records), mi intrigava e non poco, ho accolto con grande soddisfazione la magnifica grafica di un amico come Francesco Chiacchio, che ha curato l’operazione su un disegno originale di Frisell e con un prevedibile, ottimo risultato. Splendida la confezione, e la musica? Anche qui nutro un vecchio pregiudizio: difficilmente a grafiche tanto raffinate possono corrispondere contenuti deludenti. E infatti, anche in questo caso, il contenuto è letteralmente entusiasmante. Se il primo “Unscientific Italians Play The Music of Bill Frisell” valse a Bill e ai suoi musicisti il premio della critica “Band of the Year 2021”, il secondo volume, anche se per il calcolo delle probabilità non potrà avere ancora un simile riconoscimento, non è da meno. Per sentire l’aria che tira, basta pigiare “play” su “Freddy’s Step” ed entrare nel mood “godimento-puro-senza-elucubrazione-alcuna”, come cioè dovrebbe essere il jazz (o almeno qualche volta). Certo, tutto sembra facile con i ritmi tranquilli e le poche tortuosità di questo pezzo iniziale, ma sia chiaro che la semplicità è sempre un punto di arrivo e non di partenza. Anche in “Love Motel” è ancora l’orecchio che può beneficiare dell’atmosfera pacata, che però sembra nascondere qualche inquietudine, più simbolica che sonora. La seguente “Pip, Squeack”, ironica ed onomatopeica, molto articolata, inizia con un attacco minimal dei fiati e prosegue ritmata e corposa fino al termine. Con “Goodbye” si chiudono i primi quattro brani che ridisegnano la suite “Some Song and Dance", dal celebrassimo album “Before We Were Born" del 1989. Si ritorna nel mare della tranquillità friselliana con il magnifico, caldo e intimamente maestoso “Throughout”, noto anche come "Steady Girl",dal magnifico testo “circolare” di Arto Lindsay, brano di grande fascino ripreso anche da Charlie Haden e dalla sua “Liberation Music Orchestra”. Ed eccoci quindi alla briosa e multicolore “Unscientific Americans” che dà il nome all’album e che, ovviamente, è anche di ispirazione per il nome di questo gruppo, ovvero “Unscientific Italians” composto da straordinari musicisti italiani che vale la pena ricordare uno ad uno: Mirco Rubegni (tromba, flicorno, corno francese), Fulvio Sigurtà (tromba, flicorno), Filippo Vignato, Federico Pierantoni e Lorenzo Manfredini (tromboni), Cristiano Arcelli (sax alto, sax soprano, clarinetto basso), Piero Bittolo Bon (sax contralto, clarinetto, clarinetto basso), Francesco Bigoni (sax tenore, clarinetto, live electronics su ottoni), Rossano Emili (sax baritono, clarinetto basso), Beppe Scardino (sax baritono, clarinetto basso), Alfonso Santimone (pianoforte, live electronics su clarinetti), Danilo Gallo (contrabbasso), Zeno De Rossi (batteria)? Un ensemble imponente, ben amalgamato, con artisti che hanno fatto della ricerca una ragione di vita (musicale e non solo). Non ci resta infine che ascoltare il corale “Egg Radio” che porta con sé anche gli echi del jazz che fu, insieme al jazz che è e, naturalmente a quello che sempre sarà…
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kitefreecss · 2 years
this is 3:33 rats posting. only rats can see this. sqeuak squeack, squek
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johnwire · 7 years
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Orctober / Inktober #squeack Not so fast @greygrinny
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gentle-sniffles · 2 years
Thinking about being in the same room with a sick cutie. Hearing their soft wet sniffles and seeing through the corner of your eyes how they desperately rub their nose.
Suddenly the room is filled with gentle hitches, you turn fully around seeing the poor sickie's browns furrowning and expression scrunching while their carmin nostrils starts fluttering and glistening. You can see the ticklish electricity overpowering the sensitive appendage, teasing and taunting in a spasmodicaly build up torture-
"eh... Ahh!- Haht'shEW! A-ah! HT'SCHeW! - uhh! E-eh!... HatTH'SscHEW!!"
And there it is, what a wonderful view. The contagious mist shinning against the warm light and blasting out of each chapped nostril, fine droplets of that thick cold filled mess splattering everywhere.
Poor thing ends up breathless and tired from the snotty explosion, their upper lip completely soacked while long taunting strings of snot dangle from their sniffly nose.
They are to exhausted to notice inmediately their messy state, so when they see your intense stare they are brought back to reality, quickly cupping the leaky appendage with both shacky hands while their face starts burning.
Squeacking a gentle sorry while shame and embarrassment starts overpowering them. Cold ridden cutie at the verge of tears, blushing snotty mess feeling so vulnerable from all those harsh sneezes.
"Bless you! that was quite a fit. Gosh your nose is so red. Here, have a tissue"
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auntygrumpycow · 2 years
Non ship version of before
The ships is quiet.
Ed forgot how nice it is to not have everyone milling about for a bit. Just him, The Revenge, and the sounds of the sea, wind and gulls. He lounges around the deck for a while, basking in the sun until boredom drives him inside.
He wanders back into the captains cabin debating a nap versus a good rummage through the maps to see if inspiration strikes when the sound of splashing draws his attention.
The sound doesn't come from the outside.
It's not the waves breaking on the ship's hull.
It's coming from Stede's private washroom.
Ed sneaks towards the cracked door peeking in.
He'd thought that Izzy had left the ship as well, remembered seeing him in the dingy in fact...Ed wonders how he'd gotten back without him noticing and when.
Considering the steam still coming off the water, Izzy had been back long enough to heat water and fill the tub. Long enough even, to wash himself judging from the suds floating on the water and the smell of lavendar thick in the muggy air waving from the little room.
Delighted with the discovery, Ed nudges the door a little wider.
Izzy's eyes are closed, his throat bared calling on every predatory instinct Ed has. Who takes baths when they should be on watch? He bends over the tub ready to dunk his first mate under water...and almost gets his nose pierced by a wet and suddy dagger.
"Blackbeard?!" Izzy squeacks like a scandalized maiden.
Ed needs a moment to uncross his eyes as the soapy dagger is withdrawn.
"Where the fuck did you have that thing?" He wonders squinting down at the subs. The tub is all smooth as far as he remembers from sitting in it...and Izzy isn't wearing anything.
"What the fuck are you doing here captain?" Izzy growls, sticking the dagger into the hull to free up an extra hand to cover himself with. "Was there something you needed? Did fucking Bonnet do something?"
Stede is probably going to have something mild to say about the stab marks on the hull, Ed thinks, and the fact that not only have several of his soaps beeing used, but the hair stuff as well.
"Captain!" Izzy snaps just as Ed goes to poke at the soap.
"Huh?" It doesn't look as apetising wet, the soap, but it still smells yummy and glides around the dish when Ed pokes at it.
"Was there something you needed?" Izzy sounds out like Ed is an idiot. He really can't have that, not with Izzy taking liberties all over the place already.
"Watch your tongue," he says, wrapping his hand around Izzy's throat and pushing down.
Izzy flounders.
Ed hopes some of the crew comes back before Stede, because he's not going to be the one cleaning up all the suddy water flying all over the place.
He reaches for the soap getting a good hold on it before letting his strugging first mate up for air.
Izzy surfaces with a gasp, mouth wide to suck in air, eyes blind with terror.
Ed shoves the soap in and let's Izzy go.
For a moment nothing happens except his first mate gripping the sides of the tub. Then Izzy's face twists, his jaw works, suds dribble down his gotee, his eyes go wide with shock, then rage crashes onto Izzy's face like a wave onto a beach.
Wondering if he's made a slight miscalculation, Ed backs into the doorway as Izzy claws at his own face to fish the bar of soap out of his mouth.
"For fuck's sake, Edward!" Izzy howls.
Ed barely manages to duck the foamy bar as it flies at his head.
Retreat seems like the sensible option all of a sudden as another bar flies past him. The lilly one from the smell of it.
Stede, Ed thinks ducking the bergamot scrub bar, is not going to be happy when he comes back.
Not at all.
Next to him something shatters.
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quakerider-hell · 7 years
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ratsoh-writes · 3 years
I had had one of their fried chicken before, but a friend gave it to me, so no. By the way, the dodo's name is feathers *feathers gets confy on Lilac's lap, softly squeacking*
Lilac strokes a finger under her chin, and the dodo shudders happily. He clearly knows what spot birds like
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