#squid game spoilers
tsundere-freak · 5 months
Yo, that picnic “gotcha!” was so disrespectful. Hiding it behind a reward? Like… people have talked it into the ground way better than me. this whole “squid game in real life” was already pretty scummy, but this first half of the season makes me hope that the producers get seriously injured.
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animentality · 1 year
Those two girls from squid game had so much fucking chemistry.
They literally couldn't save each other but I wanted them to fucking live and go to Jeju island together.
Kill me.
They had more of a romance than like, shows with 8 seasons of queerbait.
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tampire · 2 years
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Trust No One
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call-me-remi · 1 year
Watching Squid Game really makes me want to buy an S&W model 10 and 19.
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butterflykisses86 · 2 years
Netflix really doubling down on not having their audience trust with individuals named 001…
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weberina · 6 months
You know what Season 2 of Squid Game should be?
That old guy having told all his gazillionaire friends "How Fun" it was to play and all his buddies signing up for it in the next game.
Then someone lets slip that the old shitheads are amongst them and the other players gang up to eliminate them by any means necessary.
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I’m actually not opposed to the rumored/proposed American version of “Squid Game”. Apart from a straight-up remake (which I’d be disappointed in), an interesting direction they could take the show is if they use the American version to illustrate just how big the conspiracy is. We saw that the VIPs come from other countries, so there’s a chance that other countries have hosted similar games.
So, what we end up with is a sort of loosely-connected universe where the characters don’t necessarily meet, but are dealing with the same Illuminati-esque group that’s running these battle royale games. And both the American and Korean versions can highlight societal issues that are specific to either country, but all share the same root of capitalism.
Plus, it’d be in line with the show’s parody of reality game shows. If a game show is popular in one country (for example, The Circle), chances are that another country will make their own version. Also, the entire “Survivor” franchise features different countries each season. I guess what I’m saying is, I wouldn’t like a full-on remake, but I’d be down for a loosely-connected spin-off.
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proseinborderland · 1 year
✨ This is so hilarious! ✨
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credit to: moviemenfes on twitter
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qwainte · 7 months
Reading comments from people who hated the ending of Squid Game is so funny because all of their proposed rewrites are just 100x worse
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RIP to those guys but I would have just walked across the bridge rails like a balance beam, I don't remember them saying anything about that in the rules
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zhongxia246 · 2 years
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Squid Game and Hide by Kiersten White
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susie-dreemurr · 2 years
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animentality · 1 year
I just finished Squid Game and while I understand that some people didn't like the ending, I really think it was great and those people are wrong.
And I don't mean the beautiful narrative of Sang Woo killing himself in the end so Gi Hun could have the money or how he killed Sae-byeok because he knew she and Gi Hun would stop the games as the majority.
That was great.
The old man's death and explanation were also great. The capitalism critique was fun, if not terribly deep.
I specifically mean the ending where he chooses to not see his daughter in America.
I get that people wanted him to not abandon her, but think of it like this, right?
His daughter had a father and a mother who cared about her and would make sure she lived a great life in America.
Gi Hun loved his daughter, but he needed her. Not the other way around. She was the only thing he cared about before the games.
But that was selfish, because she didn't need his money or his meager gifts. He needed her love and attention and love because he had nothing else. He needed HER.
He also lived off his mother at the time, so it was kind of a statement about him as a person, where he relies on his family and has no goals of his own.
And also, it was a little pitiful, how this grown man can't take care of himself but he needs his mother and daughter and even the husband of the woman he divorced to potentially pay for his dying mother's surgery.
But that's the whole point.
That's why the end of his arc was so satisfying to me because the reason that he decides to go after the squid games is not because he was being selfish.
He's actually standing up for people like himself.
Like the drunk man on the street, who he bet would be helped.
He realized someone had to do that for people like him. He didn't use the money because he was still one of them, and never one of the rich careless people who left others to die.
This was even foreshadowed as far back as him explaining that he went on strike at his old job when he was let go.
He is a man of the people.
It might seem silly and it might seem callous to not visit his daughter.
But I think it was fitting. Cheesy, maybe, but criticizing it because you wanted him to reunite with his daughter...well.
I loved his daughter too, but I understand that Gi Hun, even when pushed to his absolute limits, was still a good man, despite everything that happened.
He had the opportunity to kill Sang Woo, but he didn't.
He had the opportunity to live in America and forget about the poverty and the games and the cruelty that he escaped.
But he chooses to stay.
He chooses to stop being selfish. To continue being good, outside, where the games are just as real as the squid games.
And I honestly like that ending.
His arc was deserved. It was fitting.
And it was beautiful.
Someone had to make a difference. Someone had to stand up and help others, even if it didn't advance one's own goals.
Someone had to say I shall be the one who reaches out, even if no one else reaches back.
Gi Hun deserved his ending and he made the right choice.
I just hope they don't go too silly and have him John wicking his way through season 2.
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Some people hate on Sangwoo for not wanting women in his tug of war team because a) men tend to be physically stronger on average and b) be real, was there a single woman there who looked like she actually lifts or could take on the bulky men there who lift ? All of them were skinny little things at a huge size disadvantage.
If you, even as a girl, were in his situation would you really want to risk death by joining a team that has THOSE dainty girls on it ? Come on. Anyone with a sane bone in their body would prioritise survival over hollow goody - goody rhetoric. That old man's strategy worked out, but what's the guarantee that it would in real life ?
Fake feminists like to pretend that Hollywood - thin women without real training and without a good amount of muscle can actually take on thugs or men who work out when it comes to raw physical activities, but that's the height of delusion.
Such basic stuff isn't misogyny. It would be if there were clearly muscular, physically very capable women among the participants and people still refused to take them. But even the ones who WERE fit (eg Sae Byeok) were at a considerable size and weight disadvantage.
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my humble and for legal reasons sarcastic opinion of the characterization i’ve seen:
the prevailing sangihun dynamic is FALSE. uwu-ified choccy milk babygirl gihun with a moral line he’ll never cross ✨ DOES NOT EXIST. cold-blooded olympic athlete at black friday sales sangwoo with 2 alternating expressions (1.fuck, 2.off) DOES NOT EXIST.
mind that i project needlessly onto my favorite characters, and therefore may understand a fraction of the thoughts running through sangwoo’s head as my mans was slowly rotting alive in his own bathroom. which is to SAY the gifted kid’s fall from grace and the crushing pressure to meet expectations or greet your lifelong friend: Guilt hits a little bit close to home. in this Very critical essay, i’ll share what that’s like. please be warned that it’s heavy stuff (wait, this was supposed to be sarcasm-)
firstly, some screw-ups like us DO end up resorting to extremes to keep up with expectations. the logic is simple: even if it’s a lie, it’s just our weight to bear, isn’t it? often it’s these honor roll kids that are good at cheating, fibbing, and workarounds that carefully maintain the high standard imposed on them since childhood. do we feel AWFUL about it? does it wreak havoc on our mental health and in the long term pose some dangerous self esteem and integrity issues that cause us to spiral even more and damage our relationships…? WELL LEMME TELL YA, I SURE AS HECJK HOPE NOT but sangwoo’s clearly jumped from point A to point Z in that alphabet. he’s VERY much at a stage of misery that would take years to undo by the time of the show.
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point is… you’ll notice (especially if you’re One Of Us) that we don’t do this because we stopped caring. often it’s the opposite, that we care a whole stupid lot. a divide starts between the you that deserves love and good things and the you that’s fallen so behind that any harm to them at the expense of loved ones’ pride and the community’s respect is an inconsequential and near masochist price to pay. (self-care also tends to decline, but south korean society is big on the importance of the physical face, so a businessman like sangwoo is understandably well kempt for other reasons.)
to me, pathological liar cho sangwoo hides agony and self-hatred. after every instance in which he’s chosen self-preservation, he ends up choosing his mother’s health and happiness over his own life. his mindset of wiping his worthless self from the equation so something better will replace him is DAMN FOLLY, I SAY!!!! sangwoo doesn’t redeem himself in the finale, he shatters. he thought it was the right choice to rob a mother of her son. what does life have to do to someone to think that? why does it scare me a lot that i’m starting to get an idea…?
what i’m SAYING is that the extremes sangwoo takes in the games are easily a continuity of lying about his residence in america, of siphoning the wealth of others to toss up and lose six billion and somehow never think to try something else. he’s a sick fuck with an attitude, but the Prodigy Turned Asswipe At Rock Bottom trajectory follows REALLY REALLY WELL here. therefore it’s my idea of how he ended up as the guy we see in S1. and you know what that asswipe needs??
A HUG!!!! REAL THERAPY!! and for GIHUN, seemingly the only person he trusts to accept him when he’s completely lost face, to PROVIDE love and support. to let him be weak and tender and NOT. NOT. NOT the callous bastard that came this 🤏 close to total desensitization to violence. imo THIS is the true sangihun dynamic!! one that doesn’t have any coping mechanism attached to it whatsoever!! this version sparks JOY!!! the possessive, domineering, and enigmatic stone face act that fandom interpretations give to a long-term depressed and isolated man doesn’t appeal to me tbh. he shows signs and hints of the altruistic and almost gentle person he can really be (with proper guidance…!)
his name means “helping each other” and while it was chosen to emphasize his contradictions.. maybe it could be a sign? i’ll take more of that sweet sangwoo please <3 my shriveled grinch heart needs it <3 <3 but that’s all i’ll say about that!! to each their own!!!
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YA’LL. THIS MAN……………..
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A LITERAL WALKING RED FLAG??? how did so many shippers miss it COMPLETELY??
ignoring my additional lengthy history with deadbeat dads with an addiction (well, except for the extent to which it colors my opinions here, if you will 🥸) … gihun’s an alright dude at first glance. but the rift between his personality and the violence he encounters is just…. astounding? and deeply troubling, seeing as he’s joking about military ranks like this is a discord RP server after the first round. ahem. the exceedingly ruthless and gruesome first round?? the only other characters we see enjoying themselves to this extent are deok su and his pack - but there’s gang violence history there, so it tracks. but GI HUN??? (funny that his name means “high ranking”)
and not to mention the raging hot topic that was the very last scene. turns his back on the airplane terminal a few STEPS from boarding and JUST AFTER calling his daughter…. for the sake of revenge? for some righteous cause that borders on delusions of grandeur??
well. actually… i think my sangihun agenda can explain that one. which is where my idea of their dynamic from gihun’s POV takes form. (still keeping in mind that these are all opinions! thank you kindly)
gihun’s had experience with the almost primal violence in the lights-out section of the games. he tells ilnam about the protest that happened when he and his coworkers were laid off, where he watched a friend die. when this repeats with allies like saebyeok and most critically with sangwoo, he pretty visibly shuts down. a whole year passes before ilnam’s fucky wucky doctrine and the sight of salesmen recruiting new players shakes him out of it. so there’s already two reasons to be roused to Battinson levels of vengeance, but…? enough to leave gayeong?
enter: the darker implications of gihun coming to a stop just before winning the games. turning back and reaching for sangwoo’s hand. what choices is he making here, and how are they layered? he’s choosing survival, you’d say - he values life over monetary gain, and that’s noble. but… what about his mother’s life? her treatment?
in his last moments, sangwoo’s ultimate motivation is reparations. his purpose for competing was to right his wrongs, namely the years he’s spent deceiving his mother. he feels I’m Human Garbage tier remorse, and this was discussed earlier - in no way does jamming a knife into his neck help the woman he cares about the most! … but it doesn’t negate that his last act was, in his mind, selfless. gihun’s appears to be, too. UNTIL you read it as effectively putting sangwoo’s life above his own mother’s, his own daughter’s love for him, and even his ex-wife’s lack of financial independence.
in the last moments of the game, he chooses sangwoo. his safety is his only motivation - there’s a broken man laying at his feet, wishing they were kids again, and you can see the sorrow and pity in gihun taking over. when that choice gets turned on its head in a few fatal seconds, you can also see his radicalization finish as early as That Scene.
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here’s what i mean.
he’s constantly putting sangwoo on a pedestal. i don’t even have to explain - we’ve seen the memes. i’ve become the meme just to annoy my friends. Did you hear? HUH? You don’t know about the SNU genius??!! … it was adorable and all too sobering to watch. but the answer. Is. Right. There!!! he’s a gambling addict doing irregular small jobs, debt-ridden and divorced, on the brink of losing everything else - of course cho sangwoo, the best of the best, the shining example of discipline and achievement, would give him hope? of course it isn’t possible for life to screw over someone so deserving of the most it has to offer? of course sangwoo’s going to be okay, and at least he’ll have him to lean on?
WROMG, SIR. he watches in real time as the system they’ve both become trapped in grinds up the last of sangwoo’s will to go on. he sees the fate of someone who really, truly had it all going for him, and when you’re witness to a death like that - the “long line of Buddhists” in your family may as well end right there. and i saw exactly that in gihun.
which is to say….. S2 gihun, at least to me, sounds like a scary mf. god knows about that hair but, thinking of where he’s coming from, i see a flipped sangihun dynamic (in life or in death, take your pick) as the True Gospel. intensely protective gihun who won’t let sangwoo go off the deep end again, who does everything in his power to get him help and bring his walls down, or in worse cases, avenge the heck out of him. sangwoo smoothing the furious edge in gihun so he doesn’t go off doing a Stupid when his family is perfectly intact and needs him. sangwoo being quicker to embrace normalcy and showing him what to be grateful for. this is just the park i’m in!
i see gihun as the rowdy, bloody-nosed fight-picking kid in their youth. i see sangwoo as the occasional extra pair of fists, but mostly the quiet, nose-in-books boy who was terrible at making friends and content with just the one. and they’re currently my everything :))))))
pls ❤️ ask me for sangihun thoughts if you want to, i will dust off my bible. xoxox
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deme-real-life · 2 years
finished squid game a little bit ago. was talking about it with my boyfriend
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