#squirrel hybrid jisung
racha-recs · 1 year
a/n: i don't know where this came from but it was so cute i had to write it down
thinking about hybrid!skz as elementary school age kids, each one just growing into their animal features and still figuring out what it means. changbin being so proud of his looks, because his parents always told him he was extra special growing up! he goes around during recess telling everyone he sees that his mommy is a pig and his daddy is a bunny so he's a dwaekki! that's so cool right?
he's only met with disdained stares and upturned noses, or polite smiles from purebred kids who giggle and laugh about him once he turns around. with every interaction he gets more and more dejected, the light dimming in his eyes until he hears a strong voice scolding his fellow classmates for teasing him - and it's a a third-grader! changbin is only in second grade, so it's very cool that an older kid is defending him.
he approaches chan shyly, thanking him while he looks at his shoes because chan is a wolf and wolves are kinda scary, but chan just sends him the brightest dimpled smile and tells him that they're going to be best friends. he introduces him to his neighborhood friend jisung, who's a first-grader but he's cute enough that changbin thinks its okay to hang out with him. jisung tells him that he was bullied too, for his too-round cheeks and hyperactive squirrel personality, but chan scared off anyone that dared even look at him the wrong way. changbin thinks he found the best friends ever.
their circle grows bigger when minho worms his way in, getting into an argument with chan during class that involved hissing of some sort and then approaching him afterwards to tell him that he liked him and that they could be friends, even if cats and wolves didn't usually get along. chan didn't really have a say in the matter, especially when minho drags a shy little puppy named seungmin into the mix. seungmin is adopted, and so he doesn't know what kind of dog he is exactly, and he was raised by two poodle hybrids that look nothing like him, a fact that kids never failed to bring up and mock him about. minho protected him much like chan with jisung and changbin, and so the five of them became fast friends.
jisung trails along a freckled little chick named felix one day and whine to chan and minho about how the other kids were making fun of his korean because he's from australia and the older two of the group take to him like a duck to water. they dote on him and baby him and treat him like glass but felix loves it so it's okay.
hyunjin wormed his way in himself, always feeling like an outcast even though everyone wanted to be his friend because of his parents' status. he never felt like he had real friends until he ate lunch with the group one day, and even though him and jisung bickered over who got the last french fry it was the most fun he had ever had.
innie was the last to join their group, sent up a year from his kindergarten class because he was just too smart for them. being the new kid was never easy, and even though he sat in the back and kept his fox ears pressed low to his head to drown out the noise he still heard the other kids whispering about him. seungmin found him on the edge of the jungle gym, sitting alone, and he promptly marched him over to their picnic circle and sat him down, and the rest was history.
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hyunsvngs · 1 year
Hybrid minho and jisung, minho being a mean dom and instructing jisung how to breed you because he's just a useless horny baby
the bunny hybrid is lying next to you on the bed, facial expression deadpan like he couldn’t care less about the situation in front of him. it’s in perfect juxtaposition to his hand pumping steadily on his long cock. his best friend, a cute squirrel hybrid currently going through the throes of his heat is thrusting into you, drooling into your neck and making little ‘ah, ah’ noises with every thrust.
“jisung,” minho sneers. for the brat that he is, jisung’s hips halt immediately, and you whine in protest. he turns to minho, ears flattened on his head and round boba eyes wide. “push her legs deeper. you want it to take, don’t you?”
jisung nods, breath heavy, and then he’s reaching up around your thighs. you’re obedient, holding them back yourself as he starts pummelling into you. it’s so filthy, the sounds of your wet cunt reverberating off of the walls and making even minho let out a stuttered breath.
“you can’t get too lost in it, sungie,” minho carries on. “you need to fucking breed her.”
you wail, tears forming in your eyes at the pleasure. “please, please, breed me. sungie, please-“
“i’m guh- i’m gonna,” jisung says, his head going back to your neck. “i’m gonna breed you so fucking full.”
♡ juno
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neohyxn · 2 years
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synopsis: you'd had a crush on the adorable squirrel-like man in your music class since the freshmen year of college. a year later you're still yet to make a move, so what happens when all of a sudden both he and his friends are thrown into you're life through... cat therapy?
pairings: f!reader x human&hybrid!skz. side pairings [human!chan x arctic fox!jeongin, tabby cat!minho x reader x human!jisung, human!changbin x black and white cat!felix, ferret!hyunjin x golden lab!seungmin]
featuring: skz [obviously], ryeji & yuchaelia [itzy], p1harmony, ateez
genres: fluff, angst, crack, mxm, mxfxm, hybrid au, poly au
status: ongoing
warnings: poly, mxm, sexual jokes... more to be added as they appear
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episode one
episode two
episode three
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welcome-to-maniac · 6 months
MANIAC – Fools
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Something feels different when Jisung wakes up that morning; everything’s bigger, he feels smaller, and his heartbeat is going a mile a minute. Well, in a more literal sense this time. But he’s got things to do today, so pondering on whatever’s going on with him can come later.  He yawns, scampering around the new expanse of his bed and that’s when he sees it in the mirror for the first time. There’s a squirrel in his bed.
A squirrel. He tilts his head, the shock rendering him silently confused, and the squirrel’s head moves as well.
That’s… him. He is the squirrel.
Stuck between screaming in shock and wanting to know how the hell this happened, Jisung wrings his hands— paws together, anxiety seeping into his veins by the second. How is he supposed to get back to normal? He has work later, he promised to help Hyunjin buy more things for Doodle – the newest furry addition to their duplex apartment – and he can’t do any of that when he lacks apposable thumbs and a human body.
Hyunjin should still be home though, right? Right.
Making the perilous journey of jumping down his bed – god, was it always this high up? – Jisung scampers through the gap in his bedroom door and tries his best to navigate the now imposing walls of his home. Conveniently enough, his new squirrel body comes with a stronger sense of smell, and the smell of paint attacks his senses the moment he walks past the right door. But trying to push the door open is achieving nothing, and Jisung isn’t exactly eager to hear his flatmate gripe on about any damage he could do with his teeth.
The door does open a moment later though, Doodle scurrying past him and Jisung looks up to meet Hyunjin’s eyes.
Except Hyunjin has ears. Ears just like Doodle’s.
What the hell is going on…?
“Jisung? Is, is that you?” And for a moment Hyunjin thinks he feels something of a connection. A mental link, where he hears Jisung’s relieved sigh and confirmation that yes, the squirrel at his feet is the pickpocket he lives with.
‘Do you smell fox? Because I smell fox, and I don’t think a squirrel and a fox are exactly supposed to be in the same environment…’  Jisung asks, Hyunjin relenting and picking the Squirrel up and onto his shoulder, the fur of the younger man’s- hybrid’s? – tail ticking the expanse of his neck. And it makes sense, when the bartender thinks about it, but the idea of some random fox existing in his house is concerning enough as is. But if he’s been turned into some ferret-hybrid thing, and Jisung’s a squirrel-hybrid (hypothetically), a fox in his apartment can really only mean one thing.
If his perception is correct, that is.
Taking tentative steps towards the door of their resident youngest, Hyunjin knocks on the door. Once. Twice. The door opens, and a satisfied smile finds its way onto his face when he’s greeted with Jeongin, stroking a familiar – yet not that familiar – tail and sporting two large beige fox ears. Before the squirrel on his shoulder can run off, Hyunjin pulls Jisung off of him, letting the somewhat younger man tentatively make his way over.
“Hyung, is that you?”
‘Yes, yes it’s me! Please tell me you know what the hell is going on— and where is Chan hyung?’ Jisung replies, taking advantage of his new proportions to explore the younger man’s room while the other two talk amongst themselves and Jeongin lets his new tail be preened by their resident ferret hybrid.  ‘Did he say he was going anywhere?’
“Think he’s with the other hyungs, he had a VIP night with Seungmin hyung… hopefully they’re faring better than us.”
And that could not be any further from the truth.
Being able to somewhat understand Minho’s cats is a strange experience, Felix realises, as his mind fine-tunes to Sooni in his lap calming him down from the panic coursing through his system from earlier that morning. He has fur on his head. White fur, cat ears, and a tail. Worst is, it doesn’t even feel unnatural, as though he’s always had cat features, seemingly gaslighting himself because there is no way in hell that having a tail that’s been curling and un-curling in tune with his mental state is something he’s ever been used to—
Oh. Right. Last October, where he turned into a god forsaken Naga.
“This has to be a fucking joke…”
Only it’s definitely not a joke, because seconds later, a golden retriever pushes its way inside, only for Seungmin to unceremoniously face plant on to the Australian’s bed. Seungmin, of course, sporting the same set of ears and tail as the golden retriever. It makes Felix laugh, the amusement of the visual overweighing the sheer scale of the situation. He still needs to understand how on earth all of this has happened.
Letting Sooni go once he’s feeling reasonably better, Felix reaches over to Seungmin in his curiosity and pets the other man’s ears. The effect is immediate, the retriever hybrid sinking further into the plush duvet in relaxation, tail gently wagging in response to Felix’s ministrations. It’s fascinating and Felix doesn’t let up, hauling the brunet up onto his bed properly so he can card his fingers through the fur of Seungmin’s tail.
Until he realises what the hell he’s doing and freezes.
“…why’d you stop?” Seungmin mumbles, lifting his head and meeting his flatmate’s eyes. “That was nice…”
“Mate, you were a golden retriever like, five minutes ago— that’s not concerning? At all?” And Seungmin just shrugs, too tired to give the gravity of the situation the attention it likely deserves. He had a long night, becoming part-dog or whatever isn’t his highest priority when all he really wants to do, is sleep for the next twelve hours.
But Felix is insistent on solving this mystery, and the server groans as he’s dragged by hand out of Felix’s bedroom and into the living room, a wolf, bunny and…large cat all sleeping in a pile together. Okay, maybe now he’s going to take this seriously, because what? His ears drop – drop? – and Seungmin taps the cat, less than eager to interact with the grey wolf in his home.
‘…fuck you want— Seungmin? Good morning…’
And he can hear the cat, no, Minho’s voice in his head. He turns to Felix, and the look on the cat-hybrid’s face means that he’s not the only one hearing this. God, what did he drink last night? Someone’s phone buzzes, and Seungmin goes over to take a look. Oh goody, it’s from his employer in the bar’s group chat, an annoyingly ominous text on the lockscreen.
Happy April Fool’s day, everyone.
“This is going to be a long, fucking day…”
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kpopandmusicpassion · 3 months
Lose My Breath Pt 1
Fae Lynn just got home from work. She was about to unlock her apartment when she heard running. She looked up to see a Fennec fox running her way before climbing up her and hiding in her hood. She heard several footsteps of multiple people running her way. She felt the fox peeking from behind her neck to look at the men who just stopped at the apartment next to her's trying to catch their breath.
A freckled hybrid saw where the fox was peeking from.
"Innie! What are you doing there! I'm sure she doesn't want a hybrid she doesn't know in her hoodie!" He exclaimed.
The fox whines laying his head on her shoulder as she pets him.
"He's okay. I just wasn't expecting him. And I was honestly surprised he climbed into my hood. I haven't had close relationships with hybrids so I always thought they were more cautious than running up me and hiding in my hood." She giggled.
"You're not angry at him?" A squirrel hybrid asked in awe.
"No. Why would I be? My name is Fae Lynn. You must be my new neighbors. Innie, come out please? I don't mind holding you but I would appreciate it if you get out of my hood please." She said. He crawled out of her hoodie and into her arms. She grinned scratching his ears. He chirped. Snuggling into her neck.
"He's never done that before." A bunny gaped at him. The calico, ferret, and squirrel slowly walked over to her. The ferret stuffed his face into the crook of her neck on the other side.
"You smell good." He said as the other two hybrids grabbed her arms cuddling her arms.
The other two hybrids and the two humans looked about as surprised as she felt. They also looked like they were worried she was going to get upset with them. She gave the calico her keys and showed him which one opened the apartment asking him to open it. So he did and she invited everyone inside which her four new friends eagerly took her up on. Innie jumped down running around the apartment as she turned around looking at the other four men.
"You coming?" She asked.
They looked shocked but followed her in. "Anyone want anything to drink? I have tea, coke, water, milk, juice, and I can make coffee. I also have fruit as well as carrots, lettuce, and spinach."
Innie chirped at fruits. So she brought him the fruit and he yipped at the strawberries. She asked their names.
"That's Jeongin we call him Innie he's the maknae. I'm Felix!" said the excitable calico.
"I'm Jisung!" The squirrel said munching on the pecans she gave him.
"I'm Hyunjin." said the pretty ferret.
"Changbin." said the muscular bunny.
"Lee Know." said the stoic Siamese.
"I'm Seungmin and this is Chan hyung." The cute puppy like guy introduced himself and the only other human among the eight men.
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all-about-kyu · 1 year
Hey hey I’ve been struggling a bit with Abyssinian!Yuta so for my own knowledge… who do you wanna see next?
Hybridverse tag list: @raibebe @jaehunnyy @umbralhelwolf @wooyoungmybelovedhusband
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hall0ween-twn · 1 year
to be honest Jisung to me gave me Maltese vibes BUT i soooo see him being a Squirrel hybrid 🥹
now sungchan as a pup hybrid I can see it too! i usually see interpretations of him as a deer hybrid but him as a pup i can’t pin down a specific breed either 😵‍💫 def would love to see your smtown hybrid list when u make it!
maltese???? no offense to any maltese owners but i think they're ugly. maybe puppy maltese could work for jisung, but only puppy. tbh, i think most toy dogs look ugly.
i was looking on google for breeds and im getting st bernard vibes for sungchan. idk why but i was getting pulled to it. theyre just such cuties and i wanna hug them.
i can also make a post for the list but i don't have many on there besides for the neos. also, if you want an anon emoji just ask i keep forgetting to ask my anons for one if they want it
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oreo-hong · 1 month
i lace my fingers between his before starting to drive to chan’s place, letting minho move closer on red lights. “it’ll smell like sung so just be prepared, he’s a squirrel hybrid,” i explain to minho, squeezing his hand gently and realizing that hyunjin hadn’t visited chan’s place before either so i hoped both of them would be okay in a new environment. 🌷
minho nods a bit nervously, following you up, this time carrying hyunjin. jisung was perched on the sofa, having a snack and watching a movie, curled up and snuggling his tail when he smelt you, twitching with excitement and nearly tackling you as you came in
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dracyoola · 2 months
MinSung Squirrel Hybrid Jisung Fic
Minho walked along the sidewalk at a brisk pace, umbrella in hand, trying to keep the rain off of himself. He'd just left the convenience store on his way home from dance lessons, so thankfully he'd had the foresight to put his bag of snacks in there before starting home. He was about halfway home and silently cursing the sky for being unable to wait until he got home before opening up and dumping water on the city. He let out a sigh when he finally reached his apartment building. He started up the steps, pausing as he spotted something on the top step.
At first he thought it was a small cat, possibly a kitten, but upon further inspection, he realized it was a squirrel. The poor thing looked pitiful, laying curled up in a tiny, shivering ball of wet fur. It's tail was wrapped around it's body in an attempt to probably keep warm, but its fur was completely soaked. Minho frowned, stepping close enough so his umbrella stopped the rain from falling on the helpless critter. He squatted down and reached a hand out, gently touching the squirrel's soaking wet brown fur. It raised it's head only enough to regard Minho with curious eyes, before closing them and leaning it's head the tiniest bit closer to Minho's hand, nuzzling against him.
Oh, that was it. Minho was done for. There was no way he could leave this poor squirrel out in the rain. Clearly it had to be injured or something, or else it would've run away or have already been hiding, not sitting out on the steps of an apartment building in the middle of Seoul. Standing over the squirrel to block the rain, Minho closed his umbrella and leaned down, gently scooping the squirrel up into his hands. He held the critter close to his chest, his heart nearly melting as the squirrel grabbed onto his jacket with his small little paws, holding on tightly. He hurried inside, eager to get the squirrel dried off and check it for any injuries.
The elevator ride to his floor never seemed longer. Finally, he was punching in the code for his apartment and stepping inside. All three of his cats ran over as he toed his shoes off and he smiled, reaching down to pet each of them quickly. He chuckled to himself as the took off running for the kitchen at the sound of their automatic feeders going off. Minho headed into the bathroom, grabbing a towel and gently wrapping the squirrel up in it, gently trying to dry it's fur off. The poor thing looked exhausted and like it was already falling asleep. Once most of the moisture had been dried up from it's fur, Minho carried the squirrel to his bedroom, looking around.
He looked in his closet, spotting one of his cat's old pet beds that they didn't use anymore. Perfect. Minho pulled it down, setting it on his desk, before gently setting the squirrel down on the plush bedding. It opened it's eyes briefly, before curling up into a tiny ball of fur, shivering slightly again. Minho bit his bottom lip, looking around his room again. He wanted to find something warm the squirrel could use as a blanket. Did squirrels even use blankets? Minho didn't think so but he didn't care. He wanted his new companion to be comfortable.
He dug around in his closet, finding a fleece scarf that he used in the Winter. If he folded it, it would work as a nice blanket for the squirrel, so he did just that. He brought it over to his desk, gently laying it over the squirrel, cooing as it grabbed the scarf with it's paws, tugging it closer and snuggling into it. Minho smiled and pet it's head gently, before going to get some food and water for it. He came back minutes later with a small bowl of trail mix, which had nuts and dried fruit, as well as a small bowl of water. He set both down on the desk as well. Minho pulled out his phone, snapping a photo and sending it to his friend group chat, before closing his bedroom door to prevent his cats from bothering the small critter and laying back on his bed.
minho: guess who now owns a squirrel (view attachment)
felix: omg hyung where did you even get a squirrel? is it a real one?
minho: of course it is it was out in the rain on the steps outside my apartment
chan: are you sure its a real squirrel and not a hybrid, is what lix is asking
Minho paused. He hadn't even considered that the squirrel might in fact be a hybrid. Chan's boyfriend, Felix, was a cat hybrid. So it made sense to question it. When Felix came with Minho's apartment with Chan for the first time, he was excited to see his cats and play with them, but was disappointed to learn that they weren't hybrids. Apparently, hybrids were able to sense each other and thankfully for Minho, his cats were just that. Cats.
minho: you know what i have no idea the poor thing looked so pitiful i couldnt leave it out there
felix: can we come over tomorrow hyung i want to see if it's a hybrid or not
Minho couldn't help but smile. He knew hybrids were still kind of rare, so Felix didn't have any hybrid friends. Chan had found Felix in the alley behind their apartment building, wearing worn out clothes. His skin and white fur completely filthy and he was hiding behind the dumpster, trying to stay out of the rain as well. Chan found him while taking out a bag of trash and immediately fell for him. He and Felix grew close and Chan took him to get officially registered as his hybrid, so no one could take him away. He had the papers and proof stating that Felix was his.
It sucked that hybrids were treated like pets but Felix was eternally grateful to Chan for taking him in. That had been two years ago and they'd been dating ever since. Minho had instantly taken a liking to Felix. How could he not? He was adorable and so bubbly and such a joy to be around; and he managed to get Chan away from work to hang out often. That in itself was an impressive feat.
minho: sure, you guys are more than welcome to come over whenever
chan: we'll be over in the afternoon then min see you then
Minho smiled a little and glanced over at the squirrel. He wondered if it really was a hybrid. If it was, would it want to stay with him? Would it want to be adopted by Minho or would it want to leave? Minho was already pretty attached to it and the idea of having a hybrid roommate sounded… fun. Chan and Felix had often offered for Minho to move in with them, but he'd declined. Three of them and three cats would be a full apartment and Minho didn't want to intrude, though he appreciated the offer.
Minho sighed, turning onto his side and facing his desk, watching the adorable little squirrel sleeping soundly. Who knows, maybe come tomorrow, he'd have a hybrid companion. He felt a tug on his heartstrings as he watched the small squirrel sleeping peacefully and he had to wonder what that was about, but he shrugged it off and tried to fall asleep.
When Minho awoke the next morning, he yawned and stretched, laying on his back and debating if he wanted to move or not. He then remembered the squirrel he'd brought home last night and sat up, looking over towards the desk. He couldn't help but smile as the squirrel was sitting up on the desk, munching on the dried fruit and nuts he'd left in the small bowl. Minho got up slowly, not wanting to spook the poor thing and made his way over to the desk, sitting down in the chair. The squirrel looked at him, almost curiously and Minho nearly melted. It was so adorable.
"You're so freaking adorable," Minho smiled, reaching out and gently petting the squirrel's soft, fluffy brown fur, giggling as it chittered at him and actually leaned more into the touch. "You doing okay?"
The squirrel went back to muching on some dried cranberries and Minho wondered if maybe it wasn't a hybrid after all. It sure seemed like a regular squirrel. He figured most squirrels were used to humans, being as they were in the heart of Seoul, so it was no surprise that this one was so calm around him.
"You wouldn't happen to be a hybrid, huh?" Minho asked, frowning a little as his words got no reaction from the squirrel. It just continued to munch away at the berries and nuts.
"I didn't think so," Minho sighed, leaning back in his chair, pouting a little. He'd really gotten his hopes up that this squirrel would maybe be a hybrid and that maybe he'd make a new friend. As much as Minho didn't agree with the laws that said hybrids were nothing more than pets to humans, he wanted to take in a hybrid himself, to help them, to provide them a home. He also longed for companionship and was tired of feeling so lonely. Sure, he had his cats, but they couldn't have a conversation with him, couldn't go out places with him and hang out with him. He had friends, sure, but everyone was busy with their own lives, understandably so. Seeing his friends was rare anymore and he was glad he got to spend time with Chan and Felix fairly often.
Minho looked up as the doorbell rang. He glanced at the squirrel again, before getting up and going to answer the door, making sure to close his bedroom door behind him, so his cats wouldn't get in and bother their new roommate. Minho opened the door, smiling as Chan and Felix were there, as they said they'd be.
"Hi hyung!" Felix smiled, immediately enveloping him in a hug, which Minho sighed and nearly melted into. God, was he really that touch starved that a simple hug from a friend had him nearly melting into said friend's arms?
"Hey Min," Chan smiled, pulling him into a hug next. "How's your squirrel doing?"
"It was eating," Minho smiled a little, shutting the door behind them. "Come on, I'll show you."
Minho led them to his room, opening the door and peering inside, smiling a little as the squirrel was sitting in the cat bed again, grooming itself. He went into the room, Chan and Felix following, before shutting the door. Felix smiled and sat down at the desk, peering at the squirrel, his fluffy white tail swaying gently.
"Oh wow, he's adorable," Felix smiled, looking to Minho. "And he's definitely a hybrid."
The squirrel paused in it's grooming, chittering at Felix, who raised an eyebrow. "Sorry mate, I don't speak squirrel. I'm a cat hybrid."
« I said, why'd you have to go and say that? »
Minho's mouth dropped open in a small 'o' of surprise. That was a voice he'd never heard before, meaning it had to be the squirrel. He really was a hybrid after all.
"Well why not? Hyung wanted to know if you were a hybrid or not," Felix replied, smiling. "And you are! This is so cool, I've never met a squirrel hybrid before."
« … Well I guess now you have. Um… hyung? Thanks for helping me last night. I… I really appreciate it. »
Minho realized the squirrel was talking to him through thought speak. He smiled at him and nodded. "Of course. Are you okay though?"
« Never better, » the squirrel replied. « Um… if you wanna open the window, I'll get out of your hair. »
"You can stay if you want," Minho offered, honestly surprising himself at how much he didn't want the squirrel hybrid to leave. He felt devastated at the idea of the hybrid leaving and it honestly scared him. He didn't even know him, yet here he was, feeling like his heart would break in two if he left. What was wrong with him?
"Yeah, stay and hang out for a while?" Felix asked, smiling. "I don't have any other hybrids to hang out with. Maybe we could be friends."
« You really want me to stay? » the squirrel asked, sounding unsure but hopeful.
"Yes," Minho and Felix replied at the same time, Minho sounding a lot more desperate than Felix did.
"I live alone and I have the extra room. If you need a place to stay, you could stay here," Minho offered, ready to get on his knees and beg. And that honestly scared him. Where were these feelings even coming from?
« … Only if you're sure. »
"Yay, then it's settled," Felix smiled, clapping his hands. "Minho gets a new roommate and we all get a new friend!"
Chan watched them quietly, keeping his gaze on Minho. He'd never seen his oldest friend act in such a way. The desperation he seemed to exhibit, wanting this hybrid to just move in with him so suddenly, when they didn't even know him… it was weird. And very unlike Minho. Minho had sounded almost heartbroken at the idea of the squirrel hybrid leaving and that alarmed Chan a little. The only thing Chan could think of, was that this squirrel hybrid was Minho's soulmate.
Not everyone had a soulmate; only a lucky few people actually did. From what Chan understood about soulmates, when you found yours, your body would know it. You'd never want to be apart from them. You'd long for them, to be in their presence. With the way Minho was acting right now, it made sense.
"Min, can I talk to you for a minute?" Chan asked, glancing between Minho and the squirrel hybrid, who was sitting on the desk, talking to Felix, still in his squirrel form.
Minho looked over to Chan, before glancing almost longingly at the squirrel hybrid, who's name they didn't even know yet. He nodded, biting his bottom lip as he followed Chan out of the room. He felt a sense of anxiety prickling under his skin, urging him to go back into his bedroom, to be with the squirrel hybrid. He tried his best to ignore it, growing worried.
"Hyung, something's wrong with me," Minho told him, as soon as they were in the living room. "I… I keep getting these weird feelings. Like… like all this affection and longing to be around that squirrel hybrid. It… It's kind of scaring me, hyung. What's wrong with me?"
Minho looked honestly worried and Chan frowned. He pulled Minho into a hug, rubbing his back gently. "Min, I think maybe that squirrel hybrid is your soulmate."
"Soulmate?" Minho echoed, pulling back enough to meet Chan's gaze. "Those exist?"
Chan smiled a little and nodded. "They do. Soulmates are extremely rare but they do exist. You're showing the signs of someone who's found their soulmate, Min."
Minho looked surprised at that, but also relieved. "So I'm not dying or going crazy?"
Chan chuckled at that. "No, you're not."
Minho opened his mouth to reply but was cut off as someone hugged onto him suddenly, clinging to him around the waist. He blinked, looking down at the strange boy, who he realized was another hybrid. The squirrel hybrid. Minho gasped, immediately wrapping his arms around the boy and hugging him back. The squirrel hybrid chittered happily, burying his face into Minho's chest. It just felt so right to have him in his arms.
"Hyung. I think you're my soulmate," he spoke, finally looking up at him and Minho nearly melted. He was so completely adorable.
He had dark brown nearly black hair that hung in his eyes adorably and wasn't necessarily curly but kind of wavy. It looked good on him and made him look even more adorable. His eyes were adorable and reminded Minho of boba pearls and his chubby cheeks made Minho want to pinch them and kiss them. He had adorable squirrel ears atop his head and a fluffy tail that was curled up against his back, both of them being a reddish brown color.
God, Minho was smitten. This adorable hybrid was his soulmate? He was shocked that he even had a soulmate to begin with but how did he get this lucky?
"You guys were meant to find each other," Felix smiled, sitting beside Chan on the sofa. "I think fate maybe had a hand in helping you guys."
Minho blushed, gazing down at the squirrel hybrid, who was looking at him so fondly, still hugging him around the waist. He was a couple inches shorter than Minho.
"I'm Jisung. Han Jisung," the squirrel told him, blushing a little. "Most people call me Han or Hannie. You can call me whatever you're comfortable with."
"It's nice to meet you," Minho chuckled a little. "I'm Minho. That's Yongbok and Chan."
"Call me Felix," Felix smiled, making a playful face at Minho. "Hyung's the only one who calls me by my Korean name."
0 notes
404gendernotfound · 4 years
My Little Squirrel Part 3 (Hybrid!Jisung x Reader)
Summary: After spending the night with Jisung at the shelter you signed the adoption papers and took him home with you. But somehow he didn’t act like his usual self when you arrived at home and you started to get really worried.
Contains: fluff, little bit of angst
Warnings: none
Wordcount: 3,8 K
A/N: I’m sorry writing this part took so long but I had a really bad writers block whenever I came back to this story. I still hope you like this part.
Part 1, Part 2
I dried Jisungs tears with my sleeves and softly kissed his forehead. His eyes were still closed as I looked at him again. God he was way too cute to handle.
“You should rest now. After all this drama you must be tired”, I suggested since I saw that his eyes were almost shutting by themselves as I stroked his cheeks.
He nooded and slowly laid down on the bed. Jisung reached for my hand after he had covered himself with his star blanket and looked at me with big puppy eyes.
“Can you stay with me? I mean… you don’t have to spend the night but maybe…just at least until I fall asleep?”, he asked in a tiny voice with so much hope in his eyes that I couldn’t say no to his wish.
“Of course I’ll stay with you”, I answered and squeezed his hand reassuring.
Seeing him be so at peace just from knowing that I would stay with him made my heart melt. He really seemed to have opened up to me a lot even though I still didn’t know that much about him. I took off my shoes and laid down next to him. He looked at my face first to make sure that I wouldn’t push him away before he wrapped his arms around me and snuggled against my side.
“I’ll stay with you tonight.”, I whispered and softly kissed his head again.
“Thank you”, he whispered back and pulled me even closer.
“Good night…Hannie”, I hesitated since I was afraid he would get angry at me calling him that again.
“Good night, Y/n”
I watched Jisung for some time just to make sure that he was able to fall asleep before I closed my eyes. I would have a lecture in the morning but I didn’t really care about that right now. I could just get the information I would miss from a friend later on. Jisung was my top priority now.
As I woke up the next morning Jisungs and my legs were tangled under the sheets and he had snuggled even closer to me at night. I looked at the peaceful look on his face, moved my hand from his back to his head and began to softly stroke his hair. I watched his mouth curl into a smile.
“Good morning”, I whispered.
“Morning”, he mumbled still a bit sleepy and opened his eyes.
“Did you sleep well?”, I asked and softly stroked his cheek.
Jisung closed his eyes again and pressed his face against my hand. He quickly nodded. I was glad that he managed to sleep ok. I looked at the clock and sighed. Right now, I should be at university watching my professor talk about some “very important” things. I did feel a bit bad for slacking off but looking at Jisung right next to me with the happiest smile on his face eased my worry again. I couldn’t leave him alone after what had happened. I knew he needed me and to be honest, I needed him too. He must have noticed that I was lost in my thoughts since he had moved his arm from around my waist to place his hand on my cheek. I smiled and turned my head to kiss his palm before I began to speak again.
“Are you feeling better?”
“Yes. Thanks to you”, he said with a slight blush on his face and hugged me tight.
“I’m glad”
I hugged him back and nuzzled my face against his neck. He was so comfortably warm that I could almost fall asleep again. To my surprise, Jisung started to softly stroke my hair and I snuggled against him.
“When you go home today…will you take me with you?”, he asked whispering and kept holding me close to him.
His voice was full of hope and his tight grip around my waist showed me that he was afraid that I would leave him here.
“Of course I will take you with me. I’m not going to leave you behind”, I mumbled against his neck and playfully tickled him to lighten up the mood a bit.
He giggled and grabbed my hands to stop me from tickling him some more. I looked at him and smiled. His eyes were sparkling and he looked really happy.
“God why are you so cute?”, I asked and watched him blush as I cupped his face and nuzzled my nose against his.
“Stop…”, he mumbled embarrassed and moved his hands to take mine away from his cheeks before he hid his face in his own hands.
“I’m just telling the truth, Hannie”, I whispered and smiled as he peeked through his fingers.
“You can’t just do that…my heart…”, he said and took his hands back down to reveal his dark red cheeks.
My heart was melting right then and there. I would shower him with kisses right now but I didn’t want to make him even more flustered, so I decided to stop the teasing. I hugged him tight one more time before I rolled to the side and sat up on the edge of the mattress. Jisung watched me as I stretched myself yawning and got up from the bed.
“I’ll go and look if bf/n is here already so I can talk to her about taking you with me.”, I announced and saw Jisung smile.
“Alright…but come back soon”, he said and watched me leave the room.
I walked towards the entrance and already saw bf/n standing there completely focused on the computer screen in front of her.
“Hi”, I said and she flinched.
“My god! DON’T SCARE ME LIKE THAT!”, she almost screamed making me laugh.
“Sorry. You were so focused you didn’t even notice me”
She held her hand over her heart and breathed heavily.
“You almost gave me a heart attack. Jesus”, she added and took a deep breath before calming down.
“Oh come on. It wasn’t that bad”
“Enough about my weak heart. How did our squirrel sleep with his human body pillow?”, she asked smiling.
“I think he slept really good. Jisung was really cuddly already”, I explained and had to smile thinking back at the big ball of fluff.
Bf/n had to smile too. She grabbed some papers from her desk and laid them out onto the counter in front of me.
“I guess you are here for these. Am I right?”, she stated and I looked at the adoption papers.
“You know me too well”, I answered and grabbed a pen putting in all my information that I had to fill in.
After finishing filling out the papers I handed them back to her and watched her stamp them before she went to make a copy for her binder. She came back and handed the papers to me.
“I don’t have to explain the rules of adoptions to you since you already know that. I also think that the week of testing out if he can live with you is unnecessary since we both know how much he loves you and the same goes the other way around. So I guess there is nothing keeping you from just taking him home now. I’ll stop by sometime to see how you too are doing. Obviously not because I’m curious but because I wanna see my best friend and favourite squirrel, alright?”, she explained and I laughed at her last suggestion.
“I think we can arrange that”, I said laughing and winked at her.
“Now go rush to your cutie. I’m sure he’s already packing his stuff nervously waiting for you to come back”
She didn’t have to say that twice. I walked back to Jisungs room and peeked in through the slightly opened door. Bf/n was right. Jisung was sitting on his bed packing clothes into his bag and kept glancing towards the door every now and then. I opened the door and leaned against the doorframe.
“Aren’t you the cutest?”, I asked with my arms crossed in front of my chest and smiled at him.
“I’m not”, he said with a pouty mouth and a blush creeping onto his cheeks.
“Yes, you are”
I walked towards him, leaned down so I was on the same height as him and placed a kiss on his forehead. He giggled and looked up at me with big puppy eyes. Seeing him enjoy how I was showering him with love and affection felt amazing. He looked so happy.
“So?”, I asked and pointed to the bag next to him.
He raised a brow in slight confusion before I continued to talk.
“Are you ready to go home?”, I added and watched his eyes slightly start to water.
“HOME…that sounds so nice”, Jisung mumbled before he stood up and fell into my arms.
“Thank you so much”, he whispered against my neck and hugged me tight.
After hugging for a few minutes we separated and I helped him pack the rest of his stuff into his bag before we walked to the front desk. All the way there Jisung didn’t dare to let my hand go as if he was afraid that I would leave him if he let go. We said goodbye to bf/n before we walked to the bus station together. He kept on holding my hand the entire way home and didn’t say a word. He seemed to be really excited but also a bit scared of what was waiting for him when we arrived. I understood since this was going to be his home in the future and he had no idea what it even looked like. I was kind of getting worried about him not liking his new home even though I was sure that he would be fine as long as he could spend time with me. As we arrived at the apartment I opened the door and walked in with Jisungs bag in my hand.
“You can come in. Don’t be shy”, I said trying to encourage him to come in since he stood there hesitating to move.
“Should I take off my shoes?”, he asked walking in with small steps and then carefully and quietly closed the door behind him.
“You can keep them on if you want to”
He shook his head as he saw that I had taken mine off and then removed his shoes before he looked at me again as if he was waiting for me to tell him what to do now. I guess the confidence he had just a few minutes ago had vanished completely and was replaced by confusion and anxiety.
“You can go and take a look around. I’ll put your luggage in your room for the time being. If you need me I’ll be in the kitchen making us something for lunch. Take your time. I know this is new to you and  I can understand that you need some time. So go ahead and just look around”, I suggested and smiled at him.
“Ok”, he said in a quiet voice and then walked past me into the apartment.
I was a bit concerned since he seemed to be very anxious and scared but I decided to let him be for now. If something was going on I was sure that he would come to me. I quickly put Jisungs bag into his room and then walked into the kitchen to make us a simple lunch. I decided to make a simple noodle dish with a quick tomato sauce. While I was waiting for the noodle water to boil I looked around to see where Jisung was. He was nowhere to be seen from the corridor, so he was probably in one of the rooms. I went back to check on the water when I heard quiet steps behind me. As I looked to where the steps were coming from I saw Jisung walk in and sit down at the kitchen table. I wasn’t sure if he was really enjoying being here since he was so much quieter than this morning, but maybe it was just him being nervous.
“I’m making us noodles with tomato sauce and cheese. I hope you’re ok with that”, I said and saw him nod.
“Can I help?”, he asked still in a quiet voice.
“It’s fine. It will be ready in a bit and you can’t really help with anything at the moment”, I said, turned back to the oven and put the noodles into the water.
“Oh…ok”, he said in a slightly disappointed voice and stayed seated where he was.
I felt bad for refusing to let him help as I looked over my shoulder to see that he had a slightly sad look on his face. I looked around if there was something he could do, even if it was just something small.
“You can bring me two plates. They’re in the cabinet over there”, I said towards him and pointed to the just mentioned cabinet.
His face lightened up a bit and he jumped up from where he was sitting and grabbed two plates. Jisung brought them to me and I playfully pat his head.
“Thank you”, I said with a smile and watched him smile back.
Even though it was just a small praise, he seamed to really enjoy it. Since the noodles were ready, I separated them equally onto the plates and poured the tomato sauce over them. As I turned to put the pots I used into the sink I noticed how Jisung grabbed the plates and brought them to the table. He came back to me and looked through a few drawers before he found what he was searching for. A pair of forks and spoons for us to eat with. He brought them to the table before he sat down and waited for me to join him. I sat down across from him.
“Bon appetite”, I said before I began to eat.
He must have been really hungry since it didn’t take long for him to finish the entire plate.
“Did you like it?”, I asked and he nodded.
It took me some time to finish my plate since I was a little bit distracted by the way he was watching me eat. While I moved the empty plates from the table to the sink to wash them I continued to talk.
“Since I still have to work on an essay that is due tomorrow, you’ll have to entertain yourself for a few hours. You can unpack in the meantime and maybe think of something you might like to have in your room like decoration or something like that.”, I said and walked towards him after drying my hands.
“Ok”, he said and looked at the floor.
We walked to our rooms and I turned towards him as I arrived at the door.
“My room is right here so if you need anything just come in and ask.”
I opened the door to my room and waited to see that he went into his room before closing the door. I was still kind of concerned about him but maybe I was just overthinking the situation too much again. After sitting down at my desk, I was so focused on my essay that I didn’t even notice the time flying by so fast. I was brought back to reality when I heard something shatter in the next room. I instantly rushed to Jisungs room since it must have come from there. As I walked in I saw him kneel on the floor picking up pieces of the mirror that was now shattered on the floor.
“Hey. Don’t pick them up. You’re going to hurt yourself”, I said, quickly walked over to him and pulled him away from the sharp pieces on the floor.
I just now noticed that his face was covered in tears and his body was trembling like crazy. Oh no.
“Jisung…”, I whispered and placed a hand on his shoulder.
“I…I didn’t mean to break it. I forgot it was there and…I turned around and knocked it over. I’m so sorry”, he cried looking at the pieces of the broken mirror that he was still holding in his hand.
“It’s fine. Don’t cry, please. It wasn’t your intention to break it so I’m not mad at you. Give me those shards. I don’t want you to hurt yourself”, I tried to calm him a bit and carefully took the broken mirror pieces from his hands putting them onto the table where the small mirror had been standing before.
As I turned back towards him I saw that there were some small cuts on the inside of his hand. Nothing major but they were still bleeding a little bit. I grabbed his hand and lifted it up to my face so I could take a better look.
“See. You hurt yourself just because of that stupid mirror. I don’t care about it being broken or not but I do care about your wellbeing. So please next time when something like this happens don’t pick up the pieces. Just let them lie there and call for me. I’ll handle it then”, I explained and softly kissed the little wounds in his hands.
“O…Ok”, he said still sniffling.
“Come here”, I said and pulled him into a hug.
“Everything’s ok. I’m not mad at you. So don’t worry about it too much”, I whispered and hugged him tight.
He buried his face in my neck and held me as close to him as possible. It probably wasn’t just the mirror why he was crying. There was something else he wasn’t telling me.
“Let’s clean up this mess and then I’ll treat your cuts, alright?”, I asked and cautiously separated from the hug.
Jisung nodded and stayed seated on his bed while I grabbed the vacuum, a shovel and a broom to get rid of all the shards. He was watching me carefully while I gathered the left-over pieces of the mirror making sure that I wasn’t hurting myself. After I was done I walked towards him and reached out with my hand for him to take it.
“Come on”
He hesitantly took my hand and stood up from his bed following me to the bathroom. He sat down on the edge of the bathtub as I searched for a bandage and some ointment and then kneeled before Jisung. He watched my every move as I applied ointment on the wounds and then carefully bandaged his hand so it wouldn’t get infected. I carefully took his hand in mine and softly stroked it.
“I hope it doesn’t hurt too much”, I said in a soft voice and pulled him up with me.
“It’s fine. Thanks to you”, he answered and squeezed my hand as I dragged him with me into my room.
Since the essay was almost done I decided to focus on Jisung now rather than writing the last pages even though they needed to be finished soon. He was my top priority right now. I sat down on the bed and pat the empty space next to me. Jisung looked as if he wasn’t sure if he should join me or not so I waited for him to decide. He hesitated a bit before he crawled onto the bed and looked at me. He didn’t need to say a word for me to understand. I opened my arms and he instantly took that as an invitation to cuddle. Jisung snuggled close to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. I placed one hand on his back and the other in his hair running my fingers through it softly. After some time of silence I began to speak.
“If somethings wrong you can tell me you know that, right?”, I said more as a fact than a question.
He nodded his head and stayed silent for some time. Maybe he didn’t want to talk about it with me or it was something he didn’t feel comfortable sharing with me yet.
“You haven’t been acting like yourself ever since I brought you here. Do you not like it here? Or did I do something wrong?”
Jisung lifted his head and looked at me. He had that sad expression on his face again that I couldn’t really understand.
“No. It’s not that I don’t like it here. It’s just…I’m scared…”
“Scared of what?”
“Of you bringing me back when I’m being myself. I know that I’m too clingy and excited and loud. I don’t want to lose you just because I’m me”, he explained and avoided to look me in the eyes.
“Jisung”, I said in I quiet voice trying to get his attention back to me.
He finally turned his head towards me again. The look on his face made my heart almost break. I reached out to softly stroke his cheeks. He closed his eyes and enjoyed the touch.
“I wanted to take you in because you were being yourself and weren’t trying to act different just to get my attention. So please don’t hold back and be your quirky self like usually. I want you to run around and almost jump into my arms when you are excited. I want you to be as clingy as you can. Who doesn’t love the cutest squirrel on the planet clinging to themself all the time?”, I explained and watched his expression change from sadness to slight confusion.
“I don’t understand…why are you like this?”, he asked.
“Like what?”
“You are so understanding. You are encouraging myself to be who I am. You aren’t bossing me around telling me what to do. I don’t understand why? What do you get out of it?”
I was confused. Why would I want to get something out of this?
“I don’t get anything out of it, and I don’t need anything. I’m not sure if you’ve understood this already but I’m not and I will never treat you like a pet. You’re a human being and I will treat you like one. I have no intentions to make you feel inferior to me. You are worth just as much as I am.”, I explained trying to make him understand what was behind my behavior.
Jisung buried his face in the crook of my neck before I heard him sniffle again.
“Hey. Don’t cry”, I whispered and softly stroked his head.
“I can’t believe I found you. I’m so lucky”, he cried against my neck, his hands gripping me tight.
My heart was starting to race at his words. He was way too cute.
“I am the one whose lucky here. I get to spend all of my future days with a cute squirrel. I couldn’t be happier”
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sunnyseungup · 2 years
Han Jisung fic recs
stray kids | han jisung 
[ updated 240227 ]
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 #1618147951612. NO MORE DOOMSDAY! | HAN JISUNG. { f2l; a, s, f}  8k @onlixie
like rabbits (M) { fwb! au; a, s }  1,8k @bearseungmin
in denial about making too much noise with the new headboard on his bed, Jisung invites you over for a dorm room quickie.
the happiest. {  soulmate au; a, f }  14,4k
utterly lovesick ( for you )  {bfs2l, a, c, f  }  3,1k  @hwangsify
jisung has an infatuation with kisses; you refuse to humor him. or, the five times jisung attempts and fails to get you to kiss him, and the one (1) time he finally succeeds.
dakimakura { s } 2,4k @binniesthighs
Tattoo Artist!Jisung @slytherinbangchan
the vapors { stoner au; s } 2k @planetdream
totally, completely, utterly in love with you { fwb2l; s, f, a }
nsfw a-z @hwajin
Sorry, I Love You  { bfs2l; f }  2k @hanqu0kka
Jisung knew that being in love with his best friend was a bad idea. It was cliché, but he'd rather suffer in silence than risk losing what you both had. However, everything suddenly changes thanks to one date that went wrong.
5 +1. { f, s } @seospicybin
Han was avoiding his ex-girlfriend when he met you, a girl that changed his mind and turned his life around in a span of a night.
late night bite { vampire au, f2l; f, s }  3,2k @fizzydrink698
You sigh, and tilt your head a little more to the side. Slowly, you bring one hand up to curl a finger around your collar, tugging it down to reveal the smooth, bare skin of your neck. “Come on, Count Dorkula. Snack time.”
Jisung gulps – like, visibly gulps – as his eyes follow your movements. He’s utterly transfixed by your neck, lips parting at the sight.
the blacksmith { royal au, e2l; a, f }  3,9k @luvknow
lights, camera, action ! { camgirl au, bfs2l; s, f }  13,1k @formidxble
why is the room of han jisung’s best friend in a cam girl site and why is his hand making its way down his boxers? 
[10.50]  { greaser au, f2l; f, s }   3,7k @/lettersfromaphrodite
[00.00] { vampire au, royal; f, s }  5,8k @lettersfromaphrodite
close { f, s } 4,4k @straymusings
Floored { f } 4,5k @shadowofahope
When the overly flustered Jisung has a crush on you. Do you ignore it or fall with him?
bottles of love { drunk ji, f } 0,65k @channiechwn
drunk and clingy jisung comes home to you after a formal dinner. afterall, drunk words are sober thoughts.
squirrel cuddles { f } @moonlit-han
soft { f } @rachalixie
chaotic camping { bfs2l; a, f }
I just want you to be happy { f2l; a, f } 1,2k @athenathesharkwrites
karaoke blues { f, c } 2,1k @neo-shitty
when in doubt, have a karaoke night out. or in which the first real hurdle of your seemingly flawless relationship is finals week (and miscommunication and a tad bit of overreaction).
sitting on his face { s } @gimmeurtmi
[6:17pm] { f } @softstraykidshours
promise ? { f } 0,6k @bbyquokka
you make jisung promise you to start writing those lyrics changbin needs, all with the touch of your lips
sleepover { f, s } 1,2k @/bbyquokka
you and Jisung have a sleepover
wrapped in red { bestfriend ji; f } 1,2k @fairyyeo
HAPPIEST SEASON. { bfs2l; s, f } 19,4k @/seospicybin
It's the first time you take your best friend Han to spend Christmas holiday with your family and to also announce a great news but the more he knows the more he's doubting himself
TikTok challenges pt 3 { hybrids, sick hannie; f }
kissing hannie { f } @/bbyquokka
HOST REQUESTED: Han Jisung { s } 4,7k @cb97percent
just a kiss { f2l; s } 3,7k @writerracha
amusement park { f } @yxngbxkkie
Nerd!jisung { s } @comet-falls
Bad At Love { a, f, s }
you were notoriously bad at love. but somehow, han jisung weaseled his way into your heart and that was terrifying.
05 sharing a bed series { a, f, s } @skzdarlings
[00:08] { bsf2l; f, s } ~1k @therhythmafterthesummer
When you agreed to come to this party, you would’ve never imagined you’d end up making out with your best friend, but you were certainly not going to complain. Not when you’d wanted this for the longest time.
Before We Go To Bed { f } 0,373k @chachachannah
Did My Heart Love Till Now? { f2l, college au; a, f } 10,8k @amor1st03
in which: your university puts on Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet and you're excited to be playing alongside your long time crush Hyunjin. Things get a bit complicated when Jisung is thrown in the mix
Strawberry Chapstick { bff2l, 90s romcom; a, f } 10,6k @mintquokka
He's got you tripping for him, metaphorically and physically, but does he even realize the effect he has on you?
liquid courage { f2l; f, s } 1,5k @straylightdream
↳ a late drunken night with friends leads to drunken confessions.
I have a secret to tell you { bsf2l, roommates, college; f } 2,3k @dearestaussiechannie
Even if things were different { arranged marriage; a, f } 8,6k @skzsauce01
You and Jisung get into an arranged marriage, but he hasn’t given up on love quite just yet.
Hideaway { bsf2l; f } @yeahspider
Sign Here For { one night stand; c, s, f } 4k @outofconcheol
Feeling frustrated and reeling from your recent breakup, you put in a special order on your favorite delivery app. However, with the goods, comes Jisung, who's a lot more than you'd ever bargained for.
Bold +lee know { s } @hyunsvngs
you’re not too experienced in the world of dating, parties and talking to people, but these two american footballers that you cheer for just seem to get it.
Haid dye { f } 2k @zerothreetwentyfive
Shotgun kisses { s } 8,1k @seo--changbin
sick with your prim and proper image, you decided that it was about time to step out of your comfort zone and just enjoy life and be a lil bit reckless, and what better way to do that than to get high with your best friend Jisung and possibly lose your virginity at the same time.
SWEATER WEATHER { f2l; f, s } @cinhomi
there's a thunderstorm outside and you don't have an umbrella. luck wants that you're near you best friend's apartment complex and you decide to wait for the rain to stop and your clothes to dry while watching a movie with him... but things escalate after the tension between you two finally snaps.
Simp(ly in love) { f } @/blue-jisungs
why we work { f } 0,7k @wooahaes
Late night convenience store runs { f } 0,6k @hanstarred
han dragging you for a late night convenience store run
TOO HOT TO HANDLE { s } @/seospicybin
You and Han become contestants in a reality dating show, Too Hot To Handle.
PART 1 12,9k
PART 2 12,7k
PART 3 14,1k
I WAS TRYING TO SEDUCE YOU { f } @hanjisunglover
y/n and jisung are living together after years of being a couple, y/n still admire him every time that she see him.
Day 23| hold both your hands { f } @starlostastronaut
"you are my new pillow"
Princess { s } 1,3k @/hyunsvngs
Cute jisung thought @rachalixie
Boyfriend texts { f } @like-a-diamondinthesky
Bf texts @binnieswrld
Daily texts { f, c } @channie-143
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Note: please let me know if the links are not working ! I’ll try to fix them as soon as possible ^^
185 notes · View notes
fantastic-bby · 3 years
SKZ as animal hybrid boyfriends
Pairing: Reader x Members
Word count: 2.9k
Genre: Fluff | Headcanon | Animal Hybrid/Shifter AU | Boyfriend AU
Warnings: Very brief mention of spiders
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A husky hybrid
Has the CUTEST pair of gray and white ears that stick out of the top of his head
Also has the most gorgeous pair of pale blue eyes that glow in the dark
He has a fluffy white tail that wags like crazy whenever he’s excited because he doesn’t know how to stop it from showing
He’s also the sweetest boyfriend in. The. WORLD!
Always asks how you’re doing
Makes sure your not missing any meals and that you’re always hydrated
Every morning, he wakes you up with cute good morning texts and he always tries to send you good night texts sometimes forgets because he gets so caught up in work
He makes up for it tho
Sends flowers to your place whenever he forgets uwu
Chan’s the perfect boyfriend
The only problem is that you’re allergic to dogs
He didn’t realise why you always seemed to sneezy and stuffy whenever you would come over to his place
Until you told him
And his reaction makes you feel like you just told him the most horrific thing in the world
To him it is!!!!
Because he’s the reason that you’ve been having allergic reactions around him!!
He starts vacuuming his place more often to keep any fur away and makes sure to keep the area super clean so that you’re clear from anything that could cause a reaction
He also starts lint rolling and vacuuming his clothes before giving them to you so that you don’t take any of his fur home unless you ask him to leave his fur
Chan gets confused whenever you tell him that you don’t want him to vacuum or wash his hoodies before giving them to you
But you like them because every time you see the strands of gray and white fur sticking out of his hoodie, it reminds you of him
So instead,
Chan starts buying a crap ton of allergy meds
Puts them in every corner of his house
In the bathroom
The kitchen
The living room
The bedroom
Literally everywhere just in case you get a super bad reaction
That way he’s always prepared for anything
A maine coon hybrid
The most luscious fur ever known to man
His cat ears are so fluffy and always well groomed
He has this beautiful fluffy orange tail that he’s gotten pretty good at hiding his feelings with
Usually a hybrid’s animal features would probably give away their emotions, but Minho learned to control his ears and tails really well
It’s just that his ears are really sensitive and they flick around every few seconds whenever he’s in a crowded place
He has a pair of yellow eyes that are constantly in the shape of slits simply because he wants to intimidate everyone around him
Also always has his claws out because they intimidate strangers
Wouldn’t tell anyone, but Minho lets his pupils dilate when he’s alone with you (´∀`)♡
He also likes to tease you a lot but you know he’s just joking because if he was serious, his tail wouldn’t be so related
You try not to tell him because then he’ll start working harder to hide his tail swishes
Is the most precious yet teasing boyfriend out there
He’ll make a joke about you eating a lot of ice cream whenever you’re sad, but he’ll always have your favourite ice cream in the freezer
If you complain about some kind of muscle pain, Min would call you weak but then also come home with muscle relief patches that he’ll stick to you himself
Minho likes to shift into cat form if you’re stressed because then it means that he wouldn’t really disturb you a lot
His footsteps are way quieter when he’s in cat form as compared to human form
So if you’re stressed or tired and you ask him to give you time
Minho would shift and hide in one of the cat towers he bought for himself until he hears you coming out of the bedroom
The moment he hears the sound of the bedroom door opening, he’ll lift his head and peek out from the top
If you sit on the floor right in front of the tower, Minho will scurry off of the tower to sit in your lap to
But if you don’t even look at the tower and you instead go to the kitchen, he’ll wait a bit longer to give you more time
Yk I wanna say he’d be some cursed Dwaekki hybrid the skzoo dwaekki haunts me in my sleep
But I genuinely feel like he’d be something really threatening like a wild animal
So if Chan’s a husky and Minho’s a maine coon
I’m gonna throw Changbin in as a grizzly bear because he’s a tank of a man and I love him for that
His ears are dark brown and rounded, poking out from the top of his head
His eyes are super dark brown and sometimes you can’t even tell if you’re able to see the white in his eyes bcs his pupils are just that big
His hands have these huge black claws that could claw someone apart if he wanted to
Also has a cute brown tail that he often hides underneath his clothes because it’s small enough for him to sit on
Sometimes shifts into bear form just to cuddle you because it’s cold and relying on the heater might make it too warm
So Binnie likes to use his own fur to warm you up if he notices you shivering
Also would not hesitate to bear his teeth at anyone who tries to hurt you
Changbin doesn’t really tell anyone this
But one of his proudest bear traits is his ability to vocalise like a bear
Which means that whenever he feels the need to protect you or whoever’s around him
He will growl like a bear
And it’s terrifying
You didn’t even know that Changbin could roar until one night when a stranger wouldn't take your ‘no’ as an answer and your boyfriend almost lost his mind
He pulled you behind him and grabbed the collar of their shirt and just roared at them
The stranger being a hybrid of a smaller bear species immediately scrambled off
But Changbin also immediately switches back into sweet, cuddly boyfriend the moment he turns back to you <3
A sphynx hybrid
Very dramatic
Very loud
He has pink cat ears sticking out of the top of his head with a little black splotch on his left ear
He also has this naked pink tail that sticks out from underneath his shirt
Every minor inconvenience and Hyunjin’s meowing and whining to you about it and you think it’s funny every time he does
Like the time he misplaced his sock and was crying all over your shared home looking for it until he found it underneath the bed
His claws are retractable, so he usually hides them because he doesn’t want to hurt anyone on accident unlike Minho
He’s VERY cuddly both in human form and cat form
Hyunjin likes to do the ‘kneading the dough’ thing whenever you’re cuddling
And ends up leaving holes in your clothes because his claws would accidentally grab onto the fabric
Would also feel really bad afterwards because now he’s ruined your shirt
You reassure him that it’s fine
But Hyunjin’s dramatic also kinda wants an excuse to go shopping with you
So he cries about it and it leads to him dragging you to the mall so that he can buy you a new one
Ends up getting distracted at a cat cafe because he’s made conversation with one of the cats there
And he’s basically talking to them like he’s a middle aged wine mom talking about their weird husbands
You have to remind him what the goal is
But he’s so immersed in the conversation with the orange tabby that you can only watch in amusement
Hyunjin’s talking to it in English while the cat nods with it’s tail swishing every time he asks it a question, mewling every once in a while as a response
You watch with a smile on your face, chin resting against the palm of your hand as you listen
You can only gather that Hyunjin’s telling the cat about why you’re at the mall
And the cat turns to you with a bored expression on its face before meowing
“She says good luck on finding a new shirt”
You nod and reach out to pet the cat’s head as thanks
You and Hyunjin leave after a while
And soon, the trip to get one shirt turns into a shared shopping spree
Kinda obvious but he’s a squirrel hybrid
He has a pair of rounded, light brown ears on the top of his head
A bushy light brown tail that bumps into everything whenever he’s in cramped spaces
And the CUTEST pair of brown eyes EVERRRRR
His squirrel trait is where he gets the habit of stuffing food into his cheeks whenever he eats
Ji’s really good at climbing
So he has this long ass piece of wood that he keeps in the living room of his home so that he can still climb something in squirrel form if he can’t go outside
He also has tiny black claws that he uses mainly for practicality when he's in human form
So stuff like cutting into plastic, through strings and to open mail
He just slides his finger across the top of the envelope and boom
Jisung’s quite clumsy
It doesn’t help that he has this huge, bushy tail behind him
He bumps you with it a lot and he’s always so apologetic over it
But it’s fine because it’s his tail and it’s soft and cute and it’s part of Jisung UwU
There were a couple of times where you would wake up and his tail would be tickling your sides
So you’d wake up giggling
And it would wake him up too
He’d turn around and immediately wrap his arms around your waist to cuddle into you
You love playing with his ears
Jisung’s really responsive whenever you pet his squirrel features
So if you touch his tail in public
He’s jolting forward like AHHH
And you like to gently rub his ears whenever you’re cuddling
Jisung usually ends up cuddling into you more because he really likes it whenever you play with his ears
He has a habit of making those squirrel squeaks whenever he’s uncomfortable
So in public, if he feels like he’s overwhelmed or wants to leave
He’ll cling onto your arm and start squeaking softly so that only you’re able to hear
And it’s an easy way for you to know that he wants to leave without him actually telling you
Horned owl hybrid
He has two sets of white and brown feathers that poke out from the top of his head and curls to the back
He does, however, have talons at his fingertips that he doesn’t really like because it gets caught on a lot of things
Has feathers running down his arms, but can’t actually fly in human form
His eyes are this beautiful amber colour
He also has a lot of hanging stuff in his house that he likes to fly back and forth to whenever he shifts into owl form
Absolutely loves doing the head spinning trick because you freaked out the first time you saw him do it as a human
Felix also has really light footsteps
So sometimes you don’t even hear him coming into a room and suddenly he’s beside you
Which scares you sometimes
Overall, Felix is just unintentionally scary.
Because he has really good eyesight at night
And because he’s nocturnal
He sleeps in the day
Which means that all of his work is done at night while you’re asleep
His hearing is intense which means that he could hear the smallest pin dropping in the kitchen from the bedroom
So when he hears something strange coming from the kitchen
He’s immediately crawling out of bed and peeking out of the bedroom door
That’s when he sees a spider crawling out from behind the fridge
A huge spider
Now, Felix does NOT like spiders
But he knows that if you wake up in the middle of the night to get a drink, then you’re going to be freaked out by too
But he should be able to toss it out the window in owl form
So Felix pops open one of the windows and shifts
His silent flying and sharp night vision make it a quick mission that’s executed without much hassle
He manages to grab the spider with his talons and just tosses it straight out of the window
By the time Felix has returned to the bedroom
You’ve woken up because you realised he wasn’t beside you anymore
So he climbs back into bed and lets you hold onto him while you fall back asleep
Labrador hybrid
Has a pair of golden ears flopping over the top of his head
Also has a golden tail that he usually hides because if he gets over excited then it’ll wag all over the place and might bump into things
Is a relatively quiet person and is also a quiet dog
He doesn’t say or bark that much
But you’ve come to learn how to read his body language
Because his posture both in human form and dog form speak his thoughts
Like whenever he’s standing tall then you’ll figure that Minnie’s probably uncomfortable or feels threatened
As quiet as he is
He’s extremely attentive to your needs as well
Seungmin’s able to catch your body language way quicker than you are at reading his
Which means that the moment you look uncomfortable, he’s immediately moving to stand beside you with an arm wrapped around you
Think of it as that TikTok trend that’s like ‘using my scary dog privilege’
In this case
Seungmin’s more than happy to be the scary dog that lets you walk around alone
He’d bark and bite at anything or anyone who would try to hurt you
Even in human form, he’d growl as a warning to other animal hybrids that are around you
Whenever you’re out in public, Seungmin tries to stay by your side just in case anything happens
But when he has to part from you to talk to another group of your friends
He keeps you in his line of sight
He’d always angle himself in conversations so that the person he’s talking to has their back facing you so that he’s able to see you
And when a cat hybrid suddenly approaches you
Seungmin’s more on the attentive side but he hasn’t gone into protective mode because you don’t look uncomfortable
But then your frame starts to shrink
He immediately changes his posture
Which scares the people around him because suddenly, Seungmin looks so scary
He waits a moment longer and the moment you start looking around the room for him, he’s shoved his drink into the hands of Hyunjin so that he can make his way over to you
He slings his arm over your shoulder and glares at the cat hybrid who’s now extremely intimidated by the presence of the labrador hybrid
Seungmin leans close to the cat and growls at them until they run off
He stays with you for the rest of the night and the way he stays in protective mode makes you feel safe
Until you get home and Seungmin’s back to this ball of cuddle fluff that you absolutely love (。♥‿♥。)
Fennec fox hybrid
Has a big pair of white fluffy ears that poke out of his head
Has a fluffy white tail that blends into a more golden colour that’s long enough to poke out from underneath his shirt
He has super insane hearing
Even if he has headphones in, he can hear the outside world
Bodes well for him because whenever you walk into his apartment, he’ll walk out immediately to greet you
He never actually feels hot or warm because his body heat radiates off of his ears
Is always cold in human form
In fox form, his fur insulates his body instead so he doesn’t feel much of a difference
Has a habit of not drinking for hours because he can get stuck in his fox form
Also has a habit of chewing on your desk plants if he deems them edible
Unfortunately for you, that means you’ll come home to your beautiful plant babies half eaten and munched away because your fox boyfriend wanted a snack
To solve this problem, you filled the fridge with berries and vegetables for whenever he feels like snacking
But sometimes he goes overboard and he pretty much eats everything he can find when he forgets to eat for a while
He’s a fox hybrid that doesn’t know how to shift on command
Usually he has this big urge to shift but he’ll be stuck in one form for a while before being able to switch
He doesn’t know any other fox hybrids
So Jeongin has to learn to control his animalistic instincts with the help of you!
His human partner
Lucky for the both of you
You have a friend who’s a red fox hybrid
She’s not a fennec fox
But she still shares similar instincts to Jeongin because they’re both fox hybrids
So now Jeongin comes to you with the biggest smile on his face whenever he’s accomplished something, gushing about how Fox Noona taught him how to shift on command
He’ll show you
And you watch as he shifts into this tiny little fennec fox with a big smile on his snout (T▽T)
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mzmezzler · 3 years
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Alternative Title: SKZOO animals I'd pick, my magnum opus
Asks (mine) and tweets (not mine) I expanded on: [1] [2] [3] [4]
~ please note this is nsfw
Bang Chan - Wolf
Chris as a wolf is easily the most consistent association
He has been a wolf for years and his on and off stage makes this choice very consistent
In the sense of sfw, Chan would end up carrying himself like an overtly rowdy dog almost.
Like under-estimating his strength, claiming his favorite things, lots of sniffing and scenting, he loves holding you.
A total service top
He is often frustrated with rules since his instincts tell him to just take and dominate, but he just wants to be a good boy
Likes to be put in his place and humiliated till he's whimpering and whining with his tail in between his legs like a puppy
Would hate to admit but punishments where he's in a muzzle and having his dick slapping are his favorite
Minho - Cat
I don't care if he has bunny teeth, everything else about that man is a cat.
Literally everything lines up, go fight your mom about it
Anywho, sense he has a whole tsundere vibe going on, Minho would act as if he doesn't like your advances and coddling just to be betrayed by his own senses
Ranging from nuzzling and purring into your touch, ears darting in your direction when he wants to seem like he's ignoring you, or his tail moving on it's own...he would have a love hate relationship with these instances
Mainly because he doesn't really have to voice what he's feeling sometimes but he dislikes it for that exact reason
But on the other hand, he also loves it cause he can use these heightened sense to make sensory play literally intoxicating
Gags, nose hooks, blindfolds, etc
Anything to make his senses go the full mile as you over stim and force multiple orgasms out of him would be great
Changbin - Wild Boar
Now I don't care what y'all wanna say, the whole "muscle pig" or whatever concept should be expanded *refer to sources 3 and 4*
Unlike the simple pig, Boars are quite strong bodied, and have a coat of fur to maintain themselves in their environment.
It just fits cause: short, stupidly strong, very loyal and protective, etc. Plus when he has that scruffy look to his hair it just reminded me of their thick and unruly coats.
With the tendency to wallow when not on the move; since Boars are active animals it would align with the amount Changbin exercises, but in that vain Boars need to lounge and rest quite often
All of this could move into a strength kink or even being humiliated for wanting to be so emasculated because he is such a big and strong man
Is it bad I want him to oink and be degraded by being called a little piggie....
Hyunjin - Ferret
Ferrets are said to be very cuddly, playful, and mischievous animals....just like Hyunjin.
His stature and personality match the pick so well
I can see the trait of borrowing as a neat one to get into since with this idea in mind paired with how ferrets love to collect makes me think that Hyunjin would love going through your things and would genuinely like sifting through your laundry when he misses you, much to your horror when you find the boy in a pile of your dirty clothes
Or just the idea that since Ferrets like to lick to clean and catch their owners attention, Hyunjin wouldn't hold back licking or nipping you with a pout just to let you know he wants you or wants to cuddle
And because he'd have a penchant for being clingy, those licks and nips would often morph into something more
His wiggles and squirming when you get him off~
Would instantly take a nap right after
Jisung - Squirrel
Now do I hate him as a Quokka...no. It's very fitting and fits how expressive he is, but look me in the eye and fill out a smut headcanon for a Quokka hybrid-
So next best, aka the best option is Jisung as a Squirrel.
He already collects his food in his cheeks, is skittish, and is very animated as a person
But with hybrid qualities, this would translate into lots of staring first of all
Squirrels stare to see if they need to run from danger, but once they get to know you it's also to see if you'll feed them
As a Squirrel, Jisung would be energetic, like stupidly so, but he would often go all to where he suddenly crashes and needs a hard nap or to go into a deep sleep
In an nsfw sense, Jisung would be a bit insatiable but he wouldn't be able to take a lot. Squirrels are easily scared and overwhelmed but if Jisung is wanting to work with that he could have a big fearplay kink
Would like to nest with you in his state of subspace if he goes that deep during a scene
needs lots of aftercare
Felix - Chick
Another very flexible member, Felix would quite literally fit any small, cute farmland animal at this point.
He fits a cat, bunny, baby cow, duckling, etc.
But I'll give this to JYP for once cause he's an adorable chick
To be a baby chick, Felix is in a bit of a "stunted state" which just has to do with his mind space sometimes but really has to do with his hair and mannerisms
With his hair being that same distinct yellow with a little cluster of tail feathers and the tendency to chirp when he's excited or needy
His headspace may go in a mock little space/dreamer state since he is a baby chick that has grown past what may be normal for chicks
he can handle himself but there are times he'll revert and really need help whether he's in sub space, sick, or really sleepy
In nsfw situations he would prefer gentle play and sometimes is surprised by how sensitive his tail feathers may be
also needs lots of aftercare
Seungmin - Puppy
ah yes...seungmo puppy
I honestly think he would be more subdued than Wolf!Chris
Where he is an overgrow, feral puppy; Seungmin is like the mellow, super cuddly pup with a very excitable personality at times.
Seungmin wouldn't like to bark too much, but he does have a tendency to do the whole excited panting when he's too excited or just having a lot of fun and doesn't catch it
he wouldn't want to seem lie a dopy dog or anything, but he's just so cute when his head tilts to the side when he doesn't get something
During scenes, Seungmin would be very flexible with you, choosing his role depending on the day like a true vers
But whether you're fucking him on a plush dog bed while his floppy ears are splayed out by his head or doing the fucking and panting into his thrusts with drool dripping off of his tongue
this would be the one time he wouldn't mind his canine habits and give into his carnal desires
Jeongin - Fox
Jeongin as a fox, is so good. Like he's a good boy, but also not
He gets into mischief far too often, but he tries
Foxes are so loving and affectionate, very much unlike what Jeongin likes to give off, but when comfortable with you he will let that gloss over and let his cuddly side show through
He has whiskers...Innie deserves the whiskers
Back to his mischief, sense foxes are nocturnal or at least are awake from late nights to early mornings, Jeongin would get into the most while you sleep
*cite first link* speaking of you sleeping, Jeongin gets into the most trouble then since he has a tendency to try to sneak under your covers and wiggle his way between your legs to nuzzle against your groin and feel himself calm down between your thighs
But even as this could be a comfort for him, his mind and body often has his intentions going south with him moving forth to lick, nibble, and suck along your inner thighs and over your underwear until you wake up and check under the sheets to see a grinning fox ready to wish you a good morning
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Prey for You
Genre: Smut
Word Count: 3.6k
Summary: You have a thing for prey hybrids. You admit. The way they tremble under you while simultaneously baring their neck for you gets you off. It's not your fault Chan's friend group has so many pretty little boys that you're constantly running south of him. You see, the wolf hybrid doesn’t very much appreciate you preying on his friends.  Warnings: switch!reader, switch!chan, wolf!hybrid chan, fox!hybrid reader, chan has a big dick, size kink, too much dirty talk, power dynamics, degradation, messy dirty sex so don’t @me 
Edit: I’m so dumb I forgot to mention that Chan’s character in this is inspired by @skzctnightnight​‘s Prowl so go read it because the smut is even hotter in it and there is a complex, intriguing storyline to boot uwu
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 Part 5, Part 6
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Credit to the gif that started my chan obsession 
“You’re really pretty.” You drawl, brushing your hand over the flushed face of the squirrel hybrid you have pinned against the door, the party in full swing just outside. “You know that?”
He opens his mouth to say something but all that comes out is a whimper as you press your knee between his legs, rubbing your thigh against his hard length. Poor boy doesn’t know what to do with himself. He is simultaneously terrified and turned on. The predatory way you were looking at him triggering his flight response, but the seductive purr to your voice and his precarious position make it hard to think of anything other than you.  
And that’s exactly how you like them--scared, pretty boys who are so horny they ignore their instincts. They like it too, if the fact that they always come back for more is anything to go by. Danger just tastes so sweet.
You’re so high off the delicious smell of Jisung that you don’t realize he is there until he’s banging on the bedroom door. “Open the fuck up, fox.”
You pounce on Jisung, ignoring the banging on the door and kissing him. You’ll be damned if you let that meddling wolf ruin yet another hookup for you. But the low growl rumbling deep in your throat tips the scales too much, and the squirrel hybrid cowers back, his fear overtaking his hunger now, and you know you’ve lost him.
“If you don’t open up, I’ll break this fucking door.”
Huffing through your nose, you step away and yank the door open to face the infuriating newcomer. “What do you want?”
He quickly pulls Jisung to his side. “I thought I told you to stay away from my friends.”
“And I thought I told you to lighten up and stop cockblocking me.” You spit, turning to smirk at Jisung. “I just wanted a little taste.”
Chan pushes him further behind him, and growls at you, the sound much deeper and more menacing than your own and you have to stop yourself from taking a step back. “You will not come near my friends again or I’ll make you regret it.”
You roll your eyes at that. “What will you do to me, give me a stern talking to? You’re all bark and no bite.”
The glare he pins you with makes goosebumps erupt all over your body, his lips drawn back to bare his sharp canines threateningly, and for a second, you think he might actually attack you. But then he closes his eyes and lets the anger blow out of him in a forceful sigh. He turns his back to you and shuffles Jisung out of the room.
“Typical.” You mutter sourly. Of course he’d back down, that’s what he always does, and it pisses you off more than it had any right to. “You’re a disgrace to predator hybrids everywhere.”
That gets a reaction out of him.
Chan slams the door behind Jisung and whips around towards you, eyes glowing red. “I’ve had just about enough of your shit, little fox.”
You pause for a second, frozen with fear as his figure looms above you, all his anger returning with full force. But as you’ve been told before, your curiosity will be the death of you, and you can’t help but want to see if you push him a little more, will he let you or will he finally retaliate?
So you go against every survival instinct you hold in your body and wrap your arms around the neck of the wolf who was regarding you with fury, and the action is so unexpected that it makes him falter.
“You should make it up to me, you know?” You purr, pulling him closer to you, even though your heart is beating like crazy in your chest. It takes him by surprise too, and his eyes widen from their glare. "What are you doing?"
"You keep taking away all my boy toys so I think it’s only fair that you be a good pup and fill up the void you’ve created." You lean up, kissing his lips. He goes rigid against you, and you wonder if the moment has finally come when someone puts you in your place. Well, it was worth a shot.
But just as you’re about to let your panic overwhelm you, Chan returns the kiss, his hand wrapping around your waist and pulling you to his body as he deeps the kiss. The hard muscles you feel against you steal your breath. He could snap you in half if he wanted to, but that only makes you want to test him more.
You pull at his shirt pointedly and he steps back and lifts his arms up, letting you slip the shirt off him. He was as ripped as he felt, and the knowledge fills you up to the brim with the urge to subjugate him, to make this powerful wolf kneel for you.
You push him to the bed and climb over him, sitting down over his growing erection and rocking your hips over it, making him groan lowly. “Are you going to be a good puppy for me, Channie?”
He frowns at your words, but gets easily distracted when you take your top off, his gaze getting glued to your chest.
“You like this, baby?” You smirk, cupping your bra-covered breasts. “Want to see more?”
He nods eagerly, his hands coming up towards your chest, but you slap them down. “No, bad dog!”
He reels back like a kicked puppy, confused on what he did wrong, so you elaborate. “That’s not how we ask for something, baby.”
Annoyance covers his face again and in a split second he flips the both of you over so he’s now on top. "I'm not a fucking pet."
You cup his cheek gently, "No? From the way you act, one would think that you’re practically begging for someone to collar you up and make you their obedient little puppy."
He starts growling again, baring his teeth at you, but you don’t back down, wrapping both your hands around his thick neck, mimicking a collar. “I can be your master, Channie. You just need to be good for me.”
You can feel the raw power coiled in the muscles under your fingertips, just ready to spring and tear you apart. He could overpower you if he wanted, but this isn’t a battle of physical strength. You know it. He knows it. And he stays.
"Good boy."
He shudders at the praise, liking it a bit too much for someone who just threw a fuss about being treated like a pet. "Of course you like that. You're just an oversized lap dog, aren’t you?"
“You’re pushing it.” He snarls, pulling back to yank your bra off, not even bothering to unhook it first. He doesn’t stop for a second as your pants go next, followed by your panties. You can feel his strength as he tears your clothes off your body but you just find his frustration amusing. He hates this but he can’t stop. It’s different from your normal dynamic with boys, he’s motivated by anger rather than fear, but the end result is the same. 
When he goes to bury his face in your pussy, you grab him by the hair and pull him back. "No."
He stops resisting at once, looking absolutely dejected at the denial. You fake a sympathetic look. "What's wrong, pup? You want it?” You spread your legs and move a hand over your pussy, playing with it a little, teasing him. You’re so turned on that you don’t have to fake the gasp that slips out of you when your fingers touch your clit, and he responds with a low whine coming from the back of his throat. "Use your words, puppy."
"I want it."
"Then strip for me, baby."
He obeys, quickly kicking his pants and boxers down and confidently displaying himself to you, making you scoff. "Of course you're big."
That takes him aback. "That's bad?" He unconsciously pouts, obviously not anticipating the disdain in your voice. He was probably always praised for being so well-endowed.
"It's like everything else on you, just for show. I bet you don't know how to use it and you'll just impale me with it. No thanks." You try to push him away, but pushes you back down.
"Scared of my cock, little fox?" He mocks, hands nudging your knees apart. "I thought you were gonna own me."
"I'm not fucking scared." You seethe, “I just don’t want you to waste my time more than you already have.”
"You play too much, foxy.” He drawls, and you watch warily as he brings two of his fingers to his mouth to wet them before he slips them between your legs. “You wanted me. Now you're going to get me." He says before unceremoniously pushing his fingers inside you.
"Shit, so tight." He pumps his fingers in and out of you, moaning at the feeling of your walls hugging his fingers tightly.  "Gonna fuck this sweet little pussy wide open, baby."
You couldn’t bear hearing him talking so condescendingly to you. You were supposed to be the one in control here, not the spineless wolf who seemed to grow enough balls to fight back all of a sudden.
"If you're going to be so vulgar, I know a better use for your dirty tongue." You sneer, pushing his head down your body. He goes along easily, his plush lips caressing your skin on the way down, his kisses getting wetter along the way until his mouth meets your pussy in a messy, open-mouthed kiss.
You can't even fight back the moans he elicits from you. He is really good with his mouth and his fingers fill you up just right that you feel yourself slipping. You need to turn this in your favor.
“Good boy.” You breathe, attempting to make it seem like you were still in control of yourself and not falling apart on his fingers and mouth. "Finally something you can do right."
Seeing through your weak attempt--and perhaps in retaliation-- he bites down on the inside of your thigh, his sharp canines almost breaking the skin. But an even sharper sensation quickly diverts your attention as he pushes a third finger inside you. You cry out, nails digging into his scalp as you pull on his hair in pain, but it doesn't phase him. He's determined to work you open with his fingers, his mouth going back on you to take some of the edge away, having the time of his life if his wet, muffled moans against your pussy are anything to go by.
And when the slide of his fingers gets a little dry, he pulls his fingers out and puts them in his mouth, getting them wet again, his eyes meeting your half-lidded ones as he makes a show of lathering his fingers with his saliva, moaning hungrily at the taste of you, before he plunges his fingers back inside you. He does this a few times, each time making you feel both relief and frustration--relief that his fingers are giving your poor pussy a break and frustration that he’s taking his sinful mouth away from you. But with every time, it gets easier and easier to take his fingers again. Until, the fourth time he does it, your hand clasps around his wrist, keeping it in place as you whine and fuck yourself on his fingers.
"Fuck." He breathes out, climbing back up your body to latch his mouth on your neck, and growling lowly. "Getting needy, little fox?"
You groan, yanking on his hair harshly and ripping his mouth away from your neck. "I wouldn't be like this if you weren't sabotaging every chance I get at a fuck."
"Oh, it's gonna get much worse for you, baby. I'm going to stretch this pretty pussy out with my big, fat cock, until I ruin you for all your pretty boys." The audacity of this guy.
“You’re so fucking full of yourself. If you think that you can dom me with your dumb cock then you’re--” You cut yourself off, face paling as he pulls his fingers out and presses the blunt head of his cock against your opening. He looks at you expectantly, eye-brow raised as he waits for you to continue your rant, but you bite down on your tongue, refusing to give him what he wants.
“What’s wrong, foxy? Got nothing more to say about me and my dumb cock?” He grins, easing his dick inside you, stretching you even more than his fingers did. “Don’t you wanna tell me more about how unaffected you are by all of this?”
You glare at him, your fingers digging into his shoulder blades, drawing blood, yet the grin on his face never falters. When he’s halfway inside you, you can’t keep quiet anymore. “Fuck… you’re going to split me open.” You grit out and his hips jerk a little, pushing more of him inside you suddenly. A scream escapes you before you bite down on your lips. “Fucking mutt! Can’t you control yourself?”
“How can I when you’re so sweet to me?” He bites at you, voice getting rougher and breath getting heavier. He’s starting to lose control too. You realize that this is your chance to reclaim the upper hand. So you wrap your legs around his hips and, through gritted teeth, you steel your breath and pull him closer, pushing him the rest of the way inside you.
“Ah fuck!” Chan groans, face falling in the crook of your neck as you hold him up to the hilt inside of you, your walls clamping down on his dick, trying to push him outside. He tries to rock his hips into you but you hold him in place with your legs, making him quickly grow impatient. "Baby, let me move." He whines, mouthing at your breasts, sucking stinging kisses all over them as he lets out his frustration on your poor tits.
"No. You don't deserve it." You grit out, "You've been a bad dog."
To your surprise, he moans out at your words, bucking against you once again, the force of it allowing him to move inside you just a bit and you yelp, scratching at his back and biting onto his shoulders in response, but that only seems to make his hips rut against you more.
"You like that, don't you?” You hiss mockingly, “Are you getting off on me being mean to you, Channie?"
“You're such a fucking bitch." He barks, grabbing your thighs and splitting your legs open harshly, pinning them down on the bed so he could finally start fucking you.
“Shit---shit!” You squeak, the drag of his cock against your walls burning, and you find yourself clinging to him as tears prickle at your eyes. You try to hide your face in his chest, but he hears your little sniffles anyway, and his reaction isn’t what you expected--not the concerned tone of his voice as he cups your face and asks you if you’re okay, and not the hunger in his eyes that only seems to get darker at the sight of your tears.
It’s with a start that you finally realize the situation, and you can’t help but laugh despite your tears. "You dirty fucking dog. You’re loving this, aren’t you?”
It's your turn to grab his face and make him face you as he tries to look away. "Does hurting me turn you on, Channie? And here you were trying to act like a fucking savior."
"It's n-not like that." He shakes his head, yet his hips never stop moving.
"No? Dumb mutt can't even still his hips long enough to lie. Is this what secretly gets saint Chan's rocks off? Are you like this with your bitches or is this just for me, baby?"
He sucks in a sharp breath, eyes squeezed shut as he mumbles something that you don’t quite catch.
"Speak up dog." You slap him lightly, and his eyes gain back a little of their sharpness as he looks down at you.
"No. They can handle it. It's only you that is breaking on my cock." He grits, hips driving into you faster as he fucks you with his eyes as much as he fucks you with his dick that you weren't made to be on the receiving end of.
"So that's it then, you like knowing you're the biggest I've ever had?” You ask breathlessly, trying to hold onto your sanity as he takes you roughly. “You enjoy watching me struggle to even take you in?"
He stays quiet, but the sharp snap of his hips against yours gives you all the answer you need.
"Dirty mutt." You croon, tugging at his sweaty bangs so you can keep them away from his face so you can see his reaction to your words. "I bet you cum a lot too, would be absolutely dripping from my tight cunt."
"Oh, god, have mercy." He cries out, pace getting erratic as the combination of your filthy words and your tight pussy start getting to him.
"Who knew I didn't even have to fight you? All I had to do was let your filthy brain and your dirty cock work you up to this state. You really are just an animal after all." You bring his lips to yours, swallowing down his pathetic protests, the frantic grind of his member in and out of you suddenly feeling erotic now that the big wolf was a whimpering mess in your arms. Pulling back, your wet mouths still stringed together with saliva, you prompt, "Aren't you, baby?"
The breath hitches in his throat as you clench down on him, your sore pussy finally feeling the pleasure he's forcing on you, and it manifests with a vengeance, intense and dizzying. "Y-yeah."
"Tell me." You demand, kissing along his clenched jaw.
"I'm just an animal." He pants as you suck a bruise under his ear. "I love fucking your little pussy with my big cock. I love making you cry. I love you being mean to me. I love you treating me like a dog. I love it all."
"That's a good boy." You praise, kissing him again and he can barely breathe from the heat of it all. "Cum for me, puppy. Stuff me full with your seed like I know you wanna."
Almost as if on command, he cums, chanting a mantra of "thank you, thank you, thank you" in your ear.
"Yeah, let it all out, pup." You massage his ass as his hips stutter against you. "Want you dripping out of me for days."
"Fuck...you're gonna kill me." He heaves as his cock spurts out the last of his cum, and you smile in victory. You did it. You've subjugated him.
He sits up as he pulls out of you, watching darkly as his cums trickles out of you. Cursing, he quickly scoops it up and pushes it back in, the slide of his fingers so much easier now that you've taken his cock, and the copious amount of his cum making it way too easy.
His fingers are a blur as he pumps them in and out of you and it hardly takes any time before you're grabbing his wrist to stop him as you cum. But he doesn't. He fucks you through your orgasm, not even slowing down as he pins your thighs to the bed and continues railing his fingers into you, tearing a second orgasm out of you before the first one even has a chance to fade.
"Chan, stop." You cry out, body convulsing on the mattress, and he looks up from your cunt to see your pained face, and he finally stops, quickly taking his fingers out and wiping them on the bed before climbing up your body and catching your mouth in a kiss.
He murmurs little praises against your mouth like “you took me so well, baby” and “you did so good”, and it makes you grimace even more. You attempt to push him off of you, but you have no strength left to fight him off. Not that you ever did in the first place.
"Stop that!" You snap at him, and he stops.
"What’s wrong, baby? Was I too rough?"
You snort, "What do you think?" You gesture to your body that was now sore all over and probably developing bruises.
"Shit, I'm sorry. You just got in my head." He breathes out a flustered laugh.
“I know.” You apparently still have enough energy in you to gloat. 
He frowns but ignores your comment, just watching as you wince whenever you try to move. "I can take you back to my place if you're too tired to go back to yours."
"Yeah, no shit you will." You confirm, having already decided that in your head. He did this to you. It's only right that he should take care of you after.
"Oh, okay ummm… let's get you dressed then." He quickly stands up to get you your clothes, only to realize that he tore most of it apart. "Ah, shit."
You roll your eyes, "Give me that." You say, pointing to his oversized shirt. He rushes to bring it to you and helps you put it on, the process a little tricky as the events of the night catch up with your body.
He smoothes your hair down once you're done and carasses your cheek, giving you a look that you don't like one bit so you smack his hand away and point a finger at him, "Hey! There will be none of that. You hear me?"
His face quickly straightens out and he snorts, "Excuse me for trying to treat you like a lady."
"Oh, fuck off." You stand up on shaky legs, and you can already tell that this will take a few days to wear off. "Let's go." ____________________________________ A/N: so came out as the victor after all? it’s really up for debate lol
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subskz · 2 years
What is your opinion on hybrid!Skz?
These are what I see the members as:
Chan - Kangaroo
Minho - Bunny
Changbin - Wild boar
Hyunjin - Cat
Jisung - Quokka
Felix - Koala
Seungmin - Puppy
Jeongin - Fox
ah i dont know much abt hybrid aus but i do remember talking abt it once on my old blog! iirc i picked wolf for chan, cat for lino, panther for changbin, ferret for hyunjin, squirrel for jisung, bunny for lix, samoyed for seungmo and fennec fox for jeongin!
cat hyunjin is such a cute thought 🥰 he does give me kitty vibes sometimes haha he’s like the true equilibrium between catboys n puppyboys
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changsungbot · 3 years
Sub!Changsung ChatBot
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Welcome to a Submissive/Bottom SEO CHANGBIN and HAN JISUNG of Stray Kids Chatbot!
*:・゚A Chatbot is basically where someone will pretend to be a character/person, or their own OC, and have it so people can chat to them. It’s roleplay. 
You do not have to have both Changbin AND Jisung at the same time, you can one or the other.  ⮞By bottom/sub, I do not mean just sexual. I basically mean they are baby (not literally), the one taken care of in the relationship. Basically, the little spoon! 
I ONLY do bottom/sub Changbin and bottom/sub Jisung. I do maleXmale, femaleXmale, and genderneutralXmale.   -Again, bottom/sub (in a sexual manner) means they are the one being dominated on. They are the ones being penetrated or whatever. So please do not DM this account if you plan on wanting Changbin/Jisung to be the top/dominant one(s)! 
Jisung and Changbin are both Pansexual! (Loves all genders~)
I do: Fluff, smut, angst, agere/age-regression(Little Space), AUs (School, modern, work, yandere [maybe], omegaverse, & so on), etc! Open to roleplaying many things!
With smut, I do NOT do coprophilia (feces kink/fetish) OR feet kink/fetish. Nor do I do necrophilia or bloodrelated-incest (AKA related by blood). BUT I will do basically anything else (EX: BDSM, DDLB/MDLB/CGL, Ageplay, petplay, omorashi, etc etc. Just ask!)  ⮞The smut can be hard/kinky, could be vanilla/soft, doesn’t matter! 
16+ If you want to do platonic roleplay. BUT your oc/your character has to be 18+ to do romance/sexual roleplay!   -It’s fine if you want to change the age of yourself to be older than Jisung/Changbin. EX: If you/your oc is 18, you can change the age to 22 to be older than JiJi if you would like!
➧Obedient Jisung (Sexually or/and Romantically)
➧Bratty Jisung (Sexually or/and Romantically)
➧Little/Regressed Jisung (Non-Sexual)
➧Kinky Sungie (Sexually)
➧Hybrid Jisung (Omegaverse. He could any hybrid [Puppy, squirrel, etc].  If Omega, you/your OC has to be a Beta or Alpha. If Beta, you/your oc has to be an Alpha)
➧Build A Jisung (Give him whatever personality traits you want [sensitive for example], whatever kinks you want, however tall you want, etcc!)
➧Obedient Changbin (Sexually or/and Romantically)
➧Bratty Changbin (Sexually or/and Romantically)
➧Little/Regressed Binnie (Non-Sexual)
➧Kinky Changbin (Sexually)
➧Hybrid Changbin (Like Omegaverse. He could be any hybrid you want [kitty, bunny, etc]. If Omega, you/your OC has to be a Beta or Alpha. If Beta, you/your oc has to be an Alpha.)
➧Build A Changbin (Give CB any personality you want, whatever kinks you want, however tall you want,etc!)
To begin roleplaying, just like and reblog this post. Then, DM/PM this account and tell me about yourself and/or your OC. Whoever you are going to roleplay as! [You can also roleplay as a different SKZ member, besides Bin and Sung, too!]    ⮞Tell me what you think would be important about whoever you are rping as. Like age, personality, et cetera! Then tell me what genre(s) you would want (smut, fluff, etc). Along with an AU if you want one. If you pick no AU, Changbin or Jisung will stay an idol.
Tell me who you want to RP with, Changbin or Jisung. Or both if you would like. Also tell me which Binnie or Sungie you want, or build your own! If you have any questions, never be afraid to ask before we start rping! 
-I am NOT very active on here. So do not expect me to answer immediately. Occasionally I might get writer’s block and not know what to respond with right away LOL
-Please do not spam me. By that, I mean do not message me excessively in a row. 
-I normally ask a decent amount of questions before roleplaying. So expect that!  ➢My length of reply changes. It could be a really long reply or a decently short reply
-My timezone is EST!
-The genre I enjoy doing the most is smut personally!
-You don’t need to be a GREAT roleplayer to roleplay with me. You can be new to it, I’m patient!
-I do not judge how people roleplay normally. But I personally roleplay as if it is a fanfic. So I roleplay in third-person. I would appreciate if you would do the same but you do not have to. ➤I DON’T roleplay with people who do such things like “*kisses*, *hugs*”. I’m sorry. I also do not roleplay with people who don’t put in any effort. If I send a paragraph, I do not expect just a “yeah.” back. Please put some effort?<3
-Do not worry about replying immediately. Take your time with responding. If you ever want to talk out of roleplay, or say something, just put it in parenthesis! I will do the same!
-You want to ask me questions through Inbox? Feel free! (I will guess you are asking ME, out of roleplay, the question unless you specify otherwise)
-If you want to stop roleplaying, just tell me! And if you want to start again, just say so! <3 
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