#abandoned fanfic
onlyzizi · 8 months
with the way i be begging my favorite fanfic writer to update their stories, you would think i have a humiliation kink.
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dracyoola · 2 months
MinSungLix Werewolf/Vampires Fic
"Something feels off," Jisung said softly, looking up at Minho, from his spot laying down on the couch with his head on the older boy's lap, while said boy stroked his hair softly.
Minho hummed, brows furrowed. "You feel it too, huh?"
"Yeah," Jisung replied, biting his bottom lip a little. "Something's weird. It doesn't feel like the usual weird feeling, you know?"
Minho nodded, knowing exactly what he meant. Ever since they realized they were mates, all those years ago, they both felt an empty space within themselves, like some part of them was missing. They'd often wondered if maybe there was another person they were meant to be with as well, someone they just haven't found yet. It wasn't unheard of for people to have multiple mates, though it was fairly rare.
"How about we go for a walk?" Minho suggested, booping the tip of Jisung's nose with his finger playfully, earning a smile from the boy.
"That sounds like a good idea," Jisung agreed, sitting up. "Some fresh air would be nice."
"Sung, we literally live in a cabin. In the middle of the woods. What more fresh air could you ask for?" Minho teased, raising an eyebrow.
Jisung blushed a little. "I know, Min. But you also know what I meant."
Minho smiled and stood up, taking one of Jisung's hands in his own. "I'm just teasing, love. Come on, let's go get that fresh air you so crave."
"Oh ha ha," Jisung laughed, nudging Minho with his elbow. "You're so funny."
"I know, I try," Minho grinned, stepping out into the cool night air with him. They were immediately hit with the smell of blood.
"Well, maybe there's our answer to why something feels off," Minho said softly.
"Should we investigate?" Jisung asked.
"Hmmm… it couldn't hurt," Minho agreed, still holding onto Jisung's hand, linking their fingers.
They walked along side by side, their footsteps silent, following the smell of blood in the air. It smelled human at first, but the closer they got, they more the smell seemed like it was changing. It started to smell more like a werewolf.
"Does it smell like it's changing to you?" Minho asked softly, glancing to Jisung, who nodded.
"It does. It's weird. I've never come across that before."
The scent of blood was getting stronger and stronger now. Minho's sharp eyes caught a flash of light blonde in the dark of the forest floor. He crept closer, Jisung right behind him. They both gasped at what they saw.
It hit Minho and Jisung like a ton of bricks. This boy, who was lying on the forest floor, unconscious and with a vicious looking animal bite on his leg, was their mate. Both Minho and Jisung looked to each other as they felt that empty feeling within themselves starting to close up. It was like they could feel it happening.
Jisung whimpered softly, tears springing to his eyes. "H-He's our mate, Min."
Minho was stunned. When he came to his senses, he put a gentle hand on Jisung's cheek. "Baby, it's okay. We're going to help him. I promise. I'm going to pick him up and we're going to get him home and take care of him."
Jisung nodded, seemingly in a daze. Minho acted quickly, scooping the boy up into his arms. He nodded at Jisung, both of them running home as fast as their vampire speed would allow. What would've been a fifteen minute walk, turned into two. Jisung opened the front door, holding it open as Minho carried their mate inside. He shut the door behind them, following Minho upstairs and to the bedroom. Minho laid the boy down on their bed, before instructing Jisung to get their medical supplies.
Minho turned the bedside lamp on, the soft light illuminating the boy's face. He was gorgeous. His light blonde hair cast a halo around his head in the light. He had the cutest nose, freckles dusted across it, as well as his cheeks. He was wearing jean shorts and a black t-shirt and a pair of black converse sneakers, which Minho gently took off his feet, so he'd be a little more comfortable.
Jisung came back with the medical supplies, looking worried. He handed them to Minho, before looking over the boy's features. "Wow, he's beautiful."
Minho couldn't help but smile. "He really is. And he's our mate. I can't believe it. After all this time…" Minho trailed off. Jisung smiled and hugged him.
"Better late than never, right?"
"Yeah," Minho agreed, returning his smile. "Okay, let's get his leg bandaged up. Then I'll go into town and get some food, since we don't have any here. You can stay here with him in case he wakes up."
Felix woke up slowly, feeling the soft bed underneath his body. He felt so comfortable and warm, that he doesn't even want to move. He turned over onto his left side, snuggling into the plush pillow beneath his head, letting out a content sigh.
Wait a minute. Soft bed? Plush pillow? He was supposed to be on a camping trip with his friends. He should be sleeping in a sleeping bag, on the hard ground of a tent. Not a soft bed.
Felix opened his eyes, before sitting up and looking around in confusion. He was in what looked like a log cabin, in a bedroom, which was decorated to be very homey and cozy. The bed he was sitting on was big, probably king sized and it was so soft and plush.
He blinked in confusion for a moment, noticing how all of his senses seemed to be working in high definition. His eyesight was crisp, even his peripheral vision was good. He could hear someone else in the house, moving around in another room. He could even smell better than ever before, new and weird smells assaulting his nose.
What had happened? He was walking along the trail, looking for firewood when…
He was attacked. By probably the biggest wolf he'd ever seen before. It jumped at him and he took off running. He got a few feet away before it lunged, snapping it's jaws around his leg and biting down. It took him to the ground, where Felix hit his head and blacked out. He didn't remember anything after that.
Looking down at his leg, he was surprised to see that it was bandaged up. Moving it a little, he found that it didn't hurt much, which was honestly surprising. Felix snapped his head to the door when he heard the doorknob turn and the door slowly opening.
A boy stepped into the room, with black hair, large eyes with red irises and adorable cheeks that Felix found himself wanting to pinch.
Felix blinked. Mate? What was that supposed to mean? And why did he suddenly feel an overwhelming amount of affection for the boy that stood before him, staring at him with those red eyes and a kind smile on his face? Felix felt like he wanted to wrap the boy in a hug and never let him go, and honestly, that scared him. What was wrong with him?
"You're awake!" the boy smiled, walking over to the bed and sitting on the edge of it gently. "How do you feel?"
"I… I feel fine," Felix replied, looking to the boy before him curiously. "Where am I?"
"Oh, you're at mine and my mate's house," the boy replied, smiling. "My name is Jisung. We found you out in the woods. You were unconscious and your leg was injured, so we brought you back here to patch your leg up."
Felix felt himself blushing a little, though he wasn't sure why. "T-Thank you. My name is Felix."
Jisung tilted his head a little, regarding him with curiosity in his eyes. "Felix? That's not a very Korean name," Jisung smiled.
"My Korean name is Yongbok," Felix cringed a little, not really liking that name so much. "I usually just go by Felix. It's the name my parents gave me when I was born."
"Where are you from?" Jisung asked, looking curious.
Felix knew he shouldn't give him too much information, being as he was a stranger, but he felt oddly comfortable around this boy. He felt like he could trust him with his life. "Australia. I… um… moved here a couple years ago. With my foster family."
Jisung smiled. "So you know English?" he asked, speaking in English himself. He had a bit of a British accent, which made Felix smile.
"I do speak English," Felix replied, also in English, unable to help but giggle as Jisung's smile widened. It was impossble to not like him. He radiated kindess and Felix felt comfortable around him almost immediately.
"Your accent is so cute," Jisung smiled at him. "I lived in Malaysia for a while when I was little. I learned English there."
Felix nodded, before speaking again. "So… this might be a weird question but… your eyes are red? Are they contacts?" Felix asked. He assumed they were contacts but he had to know.
Jisung blushed a little. "Er, no. They're my real eye color. I'm um… a vampire."
Felix blinked for a minute. A vampire. Really? Great, was he being helped by crazy people?
"I know you think I'm crazy!" Jisung continued, and Felix was surprised by the honesty in his voice. "But I am. A vampire, I mean. And you… you're a werewolf."
Felix couldn't help but snort. Him. A werewolf. Right.
"I'm sorry, but I think I'd know if I was a werewolf, right?" Felix laughed a little, but Jisung looked serious. "Oh shit… you're serious?"
Jisung bit his bottom lip, nodding. "Yes. I am. That wolf that attacked you… it was a werewolf. We could smell him on you, on your clothes. His bite… it changed you into a werewolf also. If you don't believe me, take your bandages off. I'll bet you that your wound is completely healed."
Felix raised an eyebrow, but relented and peeled off the gauze tape from one side of the bandage, pulling it back. True to what Jisung said, his leg was perfectly fine. Not a single scratch on it. The bandage, however, was covered in blood. As if there had indeed been a bad bite on his leg, that was now, magically gone.
"What the fuck…" Felix muttered, in English, touching his leg gently, where the bite should be, but wasn't.
"See?" Jisung said softly. "What color are your eyes?"
Felix blinked. "Huh?"
"Your eyes. What color are they?"
"Brown," Felix replied, unsure what that had to do with anything. Jisung smiled softly, shaking his head.
"They're gold now. Werewolves have gold eyes."
Felix blinked. "You're lying."
Jisung chuckled a little. "I'm not. Want to come into the bathroom and see for yourself?"
Felix didn't answer, but he stood up and followed Jisung through the upstairs, pausing when they got to the bathroom. Felix took a step inside, turning the light on and looking into the mirror. He nearly fell over. His eyes were gold, just like Jisung said they were.
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emberfaye · 6 months
You know what?
I love you, fics that take months to update. I click on the newest chapter and have no memory of this place and get to go back some chapters and rediscover how much i love everything about this story.
I love you, fics that take years to update. I think of you fondly, and know your names, go search for you and see an update from this year and scream, diving in uncaring of any missed details (i will finish the update and read you in reverse because this is a treat you have bestowed)
I love you, fics that probably will never update again. Thank you for being a roman empire for my mind, thank you for teaching me about the ephemeral fandom experience, for inspiring a thousand million what if-s, for being a comfort read and a nostalgia read and a reread.
I love you fic writers, who jump into projects and stories with enthusiasm. I love you when you succeed in pumping out those chapters and that love doesn't go away when you stop.
I love you fic writers who post and then get in your own head and never feel confident enough to update, whether it's at all or whether it's just that one story.
I love you fic writers, who have a fandom or media hurt you to the point of abandoning or having a hard time with their WIPs.
I love you fic writers, who lose interest or have life changes or illness or bad memory. Thank you for being part of the fandom, a core part of the fandom. Thank you for the time spent in the fandom.
I love you, fic writers who try out something new and then stop. You're so valid.
I love you, WIP fics that may or may not ever get finished. Thank you for brightening my day in the way only you could have.
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just-french-me-up · 1 year
this is a PSA for fic writers who haven't updated in a while :
there are fics out there I'm subscribed to that have gone double digit months without updating.
rest assured the moment those babies catapult an AO3 email my way i'm dropping from the face of the earth to sink my teeth into them
i'll wait, and so will your readers
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starry-bi-sky · 2 months
Unpleasant Revelations - DPxDC Ficlet Idea for the Stillborn Au
"Have you met my youngest, Damian, Mr. Masters?"
Its only from twenty years of long, hard experience and practice that Vlad doesn't increase the room temperature from 'borderline uncomfortably cool' to 'unbearably hot' the moment Bruce Wayne pulls his youngest and "only" biological son out in front of him.
He puts only in quotations because twelve year old Damian Wayne looks scarily, uncannily like one Daniel Brown. Jack and Maddie's foster son, second victim of their foolishness, and only other halfa in existence. Second only to him.
It's nauseating how similar they look. From the scowl and terrible glare on the young boy's face, to his brown skin -- which was only a few shades lighter than Daniel's, the shape of his nose, and even the strange winged edge of his eyebrow. Something that Vlad has long since come to find endearing on the child he considered a son of his own. The only difference was that Damian had dark, sharp green eyes.
Daniel's eyes were blue. The same glacier shade as his father's, who stood behind Damian with a proud, oafish smile on his visage.
It was infuriating how similar they look. Vlad might not have rapidly swung the room temperature from one extreme to the other, but he can't stop himself from letting the fury burning within his core from slipping out and raising the temperature up a few degrees.
Because it really only meant one thing.
Damian Wayne and Daniel Brown were related.
Damian Wayne and Daniel Brown were brothers.
Standing in front of him, it was clear as day. He can already picture a phantom image of Daniel standing beside Damian, the same scowl written on his face, the same glare carved into his eyes. The only difference being the dark, exhausted circles beneath them that seemed to be permanently painted onto his skin. The only thing missing being the permanent loneliness and vigilance permeating his being like a scar.
This, if revealed, would be enough to ruin Bruce Wayne's reputation. Or, at the very least, darken it quite a bit. The great philanthropist Bruce Wayne with another secret blood child? One related to his youngest? One that had been put into foster care? Seemingly thrown away?
It would be a firestorm.
One that Vlad is not keen on starting.
It would ruin Bruce Wayne's reputation, yes. But it would hurt Daniel in the process -- the harassment he would face alone might just be enough to break that fragile child completely. That was just not something he could allow. Or, even worse, bring him into his biological father's care and custody -- something Vlad was even less willing to allow.
It's not out of kindness to Wayne that Vlad will keep mum about this.
His grip on his champagne flute tightens, just a bit. He's still aware enough of the world around him to not let it shatter in his hands. His plastered, pleasant smile tightens around the corners, and he forces his focus to slide from Damian to Wayne.
"The resemblance is uncanny, Mister Wayne." He says, slanting his smile to the side slyly. Although he's not talking about the resemblance between Wayne and his son. Rage simmers beneath his skin, burning coal and embers in the core of his chest, nestled between his lungs, as he meets the man's eyes.
Wayne swaggles his head proudly, his ditzy smile widening as he squeezes his son's shoulder affectionately. Bastard, Vlad wants to spit.
He breathes in through his nose, and exhales out through his mouth. The champagne in his hand cools, and stops its unusual bubbling.
The Damian boy scoffs under his breath, his mouth still coiled upward into a scowl. With the revelation of his blood relation to Daniel evident, Vlad's not sure if he should find it endearing or not.
He is not Daniel, so he decides that it's just simply irritating. He decides to ignore it.
"And you said he was your only biological son?" He asks, voice lilting and head tilting. He knows its a suspicious question at worst, insulting at best. But considering Wayne's past proclivities, he can hardly call it an unexpected question.
Damian puffs in great offense, face twisting angrily. It reminds him of Daniel when Vlad insisted that he was wrong about something or other, and for a moment his heart swells, fond.
But this is not his child, and so the feeling quickly crashes and burns, simmering back into rage. This was not Daniel -- this was his replacement. A replacement that Wayne was free to keep.
Wayne chuckles, idiotically, as if he'd said some funny joke. Vlad's other hand, the one gripping his cane -- something he's required ever since he was dispatched from the hospital all those lonely years ago -- tightens instead. He grinds his teeth -- him and Jack Fenton would get along like a house on fire, he hates it.
"I can understand why you'd ask that, Mister Masters," Wayne says, squeezing Damian's shoulder again, "but yes, Damian is my only biological son. Although that doesn't mean I don't love my other children any less."
For all his posturing and flouncing about caring for his city and his children, Vlad never would have thought the Prince of Gotham capable of abandoning one of them.
But, well.
They all have their dark secrets.
And what one man throws away, another man picks up. If Bruce Wayne didn't want the treasure child that was Daniel Brown, then Vlad Masters was more than happy to take him instead.
"I see."
#dpxdc#danny fenton is not the ghost king#dp x dc#dpxdc crossover#dp x dc crossover#dpxdc au#danyal al ghul au#dpxdc ficlet#dpxdc fanfic#i was hit with this idea two hours ago and was hit with the intrinsic need to write it down#parental vlad masters#protective vlad masters#vlad is currently going 'OH? OH YOU ABANDON AND REPLACE **MY** SON??? MURDER. DEATH. BEES UPON YOUR FAMILY'#but he's also still like. evil. much less of a creep! but evil. so he comes off a bit possessive. which was intentional.#vlad's reaction is kinda valid if it was accurate and bruce DID willingly and knowingly abandon danny. except he didn't. he has no idea#danny is even alive. vlad doesn't know that tho. we all love a good reasonable misunderstanding :]#hc that vlad needs a cane as a human because the ecto-acne that killed him fucked his nerves up a bit as a result and now he's got a bad le#and is also immunocompromised. which had a slight hand in his 20 year isolation thing.#stillborn? no still born au#stillborn danny au#stillborn danny#vlad masters#this may or may not be canon to the au im still thinking about it#vlad acknowledges that danny is formiddable but he's also not wrong that a media shitstorm like that would hurt him considerably.#diamonds are the toughest known material to man and yet it still shatters like glass when put under pressure. vlad's right he's fragile#ummm anyways yeah Vlad finds out first and promptly decides to go 'oh okay so fuck you personally actually. keep your replacement child'#he has No Plans on telling Danny what he learned mostly for the obvious selfish reasons and also bc yeah. this is gonna hurt danny#ITS NOT FUN IF IT ISNT A LITTLE TOXIIIIC#i absolutely know that vlad only swears in deserts which is why its important that i have him call bruce wayne a bastard directly.
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abbyshands · 6 months
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fix you by coldplay makes me think about ex gf!abby anderson criminally speeding down a highway. it’s raining, it’s freezing, and she shouldn’t be doing this, but she is. you were seconds away from saving what you had with her, but too late, it was over, she didn’t want you. then she went home, approached her door, and she saw you. saw the times she picked you up in her muscular arms, kissed you like you’d fade if she didn’t as she dragged you inside. she saw you on her couch when she got into her living room, sprawled across her lap as you rambled to her. tried to sleep it off in her bed, but she didn’t see you this time, she felt you, cuddled up in her arms as she kissed you to sleep. and then she cried, she bawled, because she had lost you. she had been an idiot, because how could she have let you go? then she left the house, got into her car, and fucking sped. rain falling down all around her, battling to get to you as fast as she could. like someone, someone wiser, who would never let you go, would get to you before she could. and she couldn’t allow it, she wouldn’t. you didn’t open the door at first when you heard her knock. you were numb, exhausted, sick. you couldn’t speak to a soul, not when you were like this. not when you had lost the only person who could make you feel what you did for abby. and who could even be here at this hour? but her knocking is deafening, goddamn incessant, and you can’t ignore it. you get up from bed, walk to the door, and your heart drops. it’s her. and your eyes are red. your heart is frigid, vacant. you can’t feel a thing but the cold, rainy wind on your cheeks as soon as you open the door. and abby’s there. blonde braid soaked, face red. she’s been out here for a while, obviously. but she couldn’t leave, not when you were at stake. “abby?” you’d mumble, and she wouldn’t even answer. she cups your face in her hands, pulls you close, kisses you. and when she pulls back? “baby,” she whispers, and it’s sweet, and it’s endearing, and it’s sorrowful, but it’s home. her kiss says sorry. what she calls you only yells it. and when she pulls you into her arms, embracing you like she’ll never let you go again, because she won’t? she doesn’t need words to explain it. “i promise you i will learn from my mistakes.” because she would never make the same one again.
and just to add in this lyric: “tears stream down your face, when you lose something you cannot replace” abby anderson could never replace what was irreplaceable. you were everything to her. you were perfect. all that she wanted. all that she craved, come hell or high water, no matter what happened. and she’d be damned if she ever let you slip from her fingers again.
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sendryl · 2 months
One of the Batman’s first cases is rough.
His first case involving a child – a baby.
The newborn is in a dumpster, and Bruce almost doesn’t hear him crying.
Who would do this? Who could ever abandon their baby like this?
What does he do now?
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the-random-phan · 4 months
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Sides of a Coin
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notfeelingthyaster · 3 months
a weird part of the fandom tries to make louis the victim of both armand and lestat, as if they aren't all mutually toxic and louis didn't spend years playing hot and cold in both of his relationships
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phoebepheebsphibs · 6 months
I mentioned in a reblog thing that I'd wanted to make a Rise comic series called "ROTTMNT: UNPAUSED" and I hinted to one of the finale episodes being called "Mikey's Birthday Bash"
Well I'm gonna infodump about that now...
So basically the episode started off with Mikey waking everyone up for a special breakfast to celebrate his bday, only to discover that not only did his brothers forget his bday, they all made plans of their own. To quickly make up for it, the guys take him into the Hidden City for a quick shopping spree before they all have to leave for their engagements. While Mikey is looking for something to buy, he overhears his brothers conversing about how in the next year, Raph won't be a TEENAGE mutant ninja turtle anymore (he is 17 currently). Donnie adds that he is already looking for colleges to join and hopes for an early admission. Leo also admits he has been planning for the future. Mikey realizes that his brothers are all planning to leave and grow up, which he is not ready for. He runs away crying, and meets a strange old hag who sells him a "special" birthday candle, which she promises will grant his biggest birthday wish.
Mikey finds his bros again and uses the candle on a meager cupcake they got for him. As soon as he blows the candle out, the four are transported into a version of the Battle Nexus, trapped there along with every other character from the show (and my comics) by the hag who sold Mikey the candle. She reveals that Mikey's wish was for "everyone to spend my birthday together", and the only way for them to escape is for the turtles to win the tournament! The bros are furious at Mikey for making the wish, and Mikey promises to get through the games as quickly as possible so they can get back to their plans and leave.
The hag states that the turtles will be pitted against their previous enemies, and with each round they win they'll will receive more allies. Anyone KO’d will be eliminated from the round and sent to watch in the audience, and upon the ending of the game all contestants will be returned to their last location. The enemies will get progressively more challenging until they defeat all of their opponents.
Round 1, April is with the guys, and they are up against Baxter Stockboy, Albearto, and the Purple Dragons.
Round 2, the Casey Joneses join the fight against the Foot Clan.
Round 3, Draxum, Splinter, Big Mama, and the two missing siblings hinted at by the writers join against the evil league of mutants and the Mud Dogs. April is KO’d after getting slammed into a wall and knocked unconscious by Heinous Green. Cass is KO’d by Hypno after he hypnotizes her to knock herself unconscious as well. Draxum is KO’d by Meat Sweats after he steals his power.
Round 4, Several characters (such as Agent Bishop and Mona Lisa) join to fight against the Triceratons (which were introduced in my series). During this round, everyone is K.O.'d except the turtles. However, Mikey sees that he didn’t finish the battles in time and his brothers have missed their appointments. He feels guilty, and his brothers are admittedly irritated.
Round 5, the final boss battle. They are pitted against the Shredder and the Kraang. Before the fight begins, Mikey has a blowout with his brothers and finally admits that he was angry they were gonna leave because he was scared of growing up, as he is not ready to be an adult yet and he doesn’t want to be alone. The Kraang interrupts stating “I can help you with that” and captures Mikey. However, the Turtles get one last team member… Karai. The Shredder -- having been defeated and Oroku Saki redeemed -- turns against the Kraang and sides with the Turtles and his daughter. The boys defeat the Kraang using the special formula from the movie, but not before the Shredder and Karai are K.O.'D by the Kraang. The Kraang are defeated with the last of the mixture, but to the boys' horror they see that Mikey was kraangified, and now have to fight against him as their last opponent. They try, but are unable to defeat him due to his increased strength AND his ninpo. Leo refuses to admit defeat, saying “Mikey never gave up on me… I can’t give up on him.” He tries one last attack, grappling with Mikey and holding him down...
I happened to make sketches of what came next...
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The game finished, everyone is returned home. Mikey apologizes for everything, but Raph admits that he isn’t ready to grow up yet either, and he never wants to leave Mikey alone. He found out the hard way what that felt like, and the brothers agree to wait a little longer to grow up and enjoy being the teenage mutant ninja turtles while they can. Back at the lair, everyone bursts in to make sure Mikey is okay. They spend the rest of the day with him, enjoying his birthday...
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So yeh that's that
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mithrilhearts · 1 year
Fanfic is supposed to be fun first and foremost.
The amount of disrespect I have seen lately regarding creators is both shocking and disgusting, especially when coming from other creators, and I honestly can't stay quiet about it any longer.
Maybe I'm looking at a lot of this very closely considering I've recently taken an indefinite break from one part of creating I once really enjoyed due to such disregard for my time and effort (rip gif making), but to see such careless comments and treatment for fic authors too??? BY OTHER FIC AUTHORS???
Isn't the world already cruel enough? We should be inviting in positivity and appreciation for the works of others. To celebrate the victories and accomplishments around something that is already nerve wrecking enough as it is. We should not be cultivating a circle where tearing authors apart is acceptable, regardless of if you liked a story or not.
Would you want it done to your works???
Fandom spaces should be fun. Fanfic is a free thing, typically done in what little free time we writers have, and shared with other people for the sake of having FUN. We are not professionals. This is not our full time job. We are not paid for it. Yet to treat fanfic like a professional literary circle is just...wrong. Criticism (constructive only, and when asked for it) is fine, and if you want to shit talk in your DMs to someone else, go for it, but to outright tear someone apart for their FREE fanfic that they wrote to HAVE FUN and ENJOY the fandom with other people in a public space for all eyes (including the author themselves) to see?
We are all from different walks of life, and have different experiences that impact why we may or may not go about fic a certain way. Some of us don't speak English as our first language, and some don't go about having a beta reader, or are on a time crunch for an event, etc. You don't know someone's life, and have zero right to talk down another creator because they don't meet your small narrow-minded criteria of what is “good”. What's “bad” and “tear apart” worthy to you, may be a gem of a story to someone else.
There is no room for “if you hated xyz's work, come talk about it with us!”, and if this is something you feel is welcome in any community, fandom, social setting....DO BETTER.
 And do not interact with me.
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dracyoola · 2 months
MinSung Squirrel Hybrid Jisung Fic
Minho walked along the sidewalk at a brisk pace, umbrella in hand, trying to keep the rain off of himself. He'd just left the convenience store on his way home from dance lessons, so thankfully he'd had the foresight to put his bag of snacks in there before starting home. He was about halfway home and silently cursing the sky for being unable to wait until he got home before opening up and dumping water on the city. He let out a sigh when he finally reached his apartment building. He started up the steps, pausing as he spotted something on the top step.
At first he thought it was a small cat, possibly a kitten, but upon further inspection, he realized it was a squirrel. The poor thing looked pitiful, laying curled up in a tiny, shivering ball of wet fur. It's tail was wrapped around it's body in an attempt to probably keep warm, but its fur was completely soaked. Minho frowned, stepping close enough so his umbrella stopped the rain from falling on the helpless critter. He squatted down and reached a hand out, gently touching the squirrel's soaking wet brown fur. It raised it's head only enough to regard Minho with curious eyes, before closing them and leaning it's head the tiniest bit closer to Minho's hand, nuzzling against him.
Oh, that was it. Minho was done for. There was no way he could leave this poor squirrel out in the rain. Clearly it had to be injured or something, or else it would've run away or have already been hiding, not sitting out on the steps of an apartment building in the middle of Seoul. Standing over the squirrel to block the rain, Minho closed his umbrella and leaned down, gently scooping the squirrel up into his hands. He held the critter close to his chest, his heart nearly melting as the squirrel grabbed onto his jacket with his small little paws, holding on tightly. He hurried inside, eager to get the squirrel dried off and check it for any injuries.
The elevator ride to his floor never seemed longer. Finally, he was punching in the code for his apartment and stepping inside. All three of his cats ran over as he toed his shoes off and he smiled, reaching down to pet each of them quickly. He chuckled to himself as the took off running for the kitchen at the sound of their automatic feeders going off. Minho headed into the bathroom, grabbing a towel and gently wrapping the squirrel up in it, gently trying to dry it's fur off. The poor thing looked exhausted and like it was already falling asleep. Once most of the moisture had been dried up from it's fur, Minho carried the squirrel to his bedroom, looking around.
He looked in his closet, spotting one of his cat's old pet beds that they didn't use anymore. Perfect. Minho pulled it down, setting it on his desk, before gently setting the squirrel down on the plush bedding. It opened it's eyes briefly, before curling up into a tiny ball of fur, shivering slightly again. Minho bit his bottom lip, looking around his room again. He wanted to find something warm the squirrel could use as a blanket. Did squirrels even use blankets? Minho didn't think so but he didn't care. He wanted his new companion to be comfortable.
He dug around in his closet, finding a fleece scarf that he used in the Winter. If he folded it, it would work as a nice blanket for the squirrel, so he did just that. He brought it over to his desk, gently laying it over the squirrel, cooing as it grabbed the scarf with it's paws, tugging it closer and snuggling into it. Minho smiled and pet it's head gently, before going to get some food and water for it. He came back minutes later with a small bowl of trail mix, which had nuts and dried fruit, as well as a small bowl of water. He set both down on the desk as well. Minho pulled out his phone, snapping a photo and sending it to his friend group chat, before closing his bedroom door to prevent his cats from bothering the small critter and laying back on his bed.
minho: guess who now owns a squirrel (view attachment)
felix: omg hyung where did you even get a squirrel? is it a real one?
minho: of course it is it was out in the rain on the steps outside my apartment
chan: are you sure its a real squirrel and not a hybrid, is what lix is asking
Minho paused. He hadn't even considered that the squirrel might in fact be a hybrid. Chan's boyfriend, Felix, was a cat hybrid. So it made sense to question it. When Felix came with Minho's apartment with Chan for the first time, he was excited to see his cats and play with them, but was disappointed to learn that they weren't hybrids. Apparently, hybrids were able to sense each other and thankfully for Minho, his cats were just that. Cats.
minho: you know what i have no idea the poor thing looked so pitiful i couldnt leave it out there
felix: can we come over tomorrow hyung i want to see if it's a hybrid or not
Minho couldn't help but smile. He knew hybrids were still kind of rare, so Felix didn't have any hybrid friends. Chan had found Felix in the alley behind their apartment building, wearing worn out clothes. His skin and white fur completely filthy and he was hiding behind the dumpster, trying to stay out of the rain as well. Chan found him while taking out a bag of trash and immediately fell for him. He and Felix grew close and Chan took him to get officially registered as his hybrid, so no one could take him away. He had the papers and proof stating that Felix was his.
It sucked that hybrids were treated like pets but Felix was eternally grateful to Chan for taking him in. That had been two years ago and they'd been dating ever since. Minho had instantly taken a liking to Felix. How could he not? He was adorable and so bubbly and such a joy to be around; and he managed to get Chan away from work to hang out often. That in itself was an impressive feat.
minho: sure, you guys are more than welcome to come over whenever
chan: we'll be over in the afternoon then min see you then
Minho smiled a little and glanced over at the squirrel. He wondered if it really was a hybrid. If it was, would it want to stay with him? Would it want to be adopted by Minho or would it want to leave? Minho was already pretty attached to it and the idea of having a hybrid roommate sounded… fun. Chan and Felix had often offered for Minho to move in with them, but he'd declined. Three of them and three cats would be a full apartment and Minho didn't want to intrude, though he appreciated the offer.
Minho sighed, turning onto his side and facing his desk, watching the adorable little squirrel sleeping soundly. Who knows, maybe come tomorrow, he'd have a hybrid companion. He felt a tug on his heartstrings as he watched the small squirrel sleeping peacefully and he had to wonder what that was about, but he shrugged it off and tried to fall asleep.
When Minho awoke the next morning, he yawned and stretched, laying on his back and debating if he wanted to move or not. He then remembered the squirrel he'd brought home last night and sat up, looking over towards the desk. He couldn't help but smile as the squirrel was sitting up on the desk, munching on the dried fruit and nuts he'd left in the small bowl. Minho got up slowly, not wanting to spook the poor thing and made his way over to the desk, sitting down in the chair. The squirrel looked at him, almost curiously and Minho nearly melted. It was so adorable.
"You're so freaking adorable," Minho smiled, reaching out and gently petting the squirrel's soft, fluffy brown fur, giggling as it chittered at him and actually leaned more into the touch. "You doing okay?"
The squirrel went back to muching on some dried cranberries and Minho wondered if maybe it wasn't a hybrid after all. It sure seemed like a regular squirrel. He figured most squirrels were used to humans, being as they were in the heart of Seoul, so it was no surprise that this one was so calm around him.
"You wouldn't happen to be a hybrid, huh?" Minho asked, frowning a little as his words got no reaction from the squirrel. It just continued to munch away at the berries and nuts.
"I didn't think so," Minho sighed, leaning back in his chair, pouting a little. He'd really gotten his hopes up that this squirrel would maybe be a hybrid and that maybe he'd make a new friend. As much as Minho didn't agree with the laws that said hybrids were nothing more than pets to humans, he wanted to take in a hybrid himself, to help them, to provide them a home. He also longed for companionship and was tired of feeling so lonely. Sure, he had his cats, but they couldn't have a conversation with him, couldn't go out places with him and hang out with him. He had friends, sure, but everyone was busy with their own lives, understandably so. Seeing his friends was rare anymore and he was glad he got to spend time with Chan and Felix fairly often.
Minho looked up as the doorbell rang. He glanced at the squirrel again, before getting up and going to answer the door, making sure to close his bedroom door behind him, so his cats wouldn't get in and bother their new roommate. Minho opened the door, smiling as Chan and Felix were there, as they said they'd be.
"Hi hyung!" Felix smiled, immediately enveloping him in a hug, which Minho sighed and nearly melted into. God, was he really that touch starved that a simple hug from a friend had him nearly melting into said friend's arms?
"Hey Min," Chan smiled, pulling him into a hug next. "How's your squirrel doing?"
"It was eating," Minho smiled a little, shutting the door behind them. "Come on, I'll show you."
Minho led them to his room, opening the door and peering inside, smiling a little as the squirrel was sitting in the cat bed again, grooming itself. He went into the room, Chan and Felix following, before shutting the door. Felix smiled and sat down at the desk, peering at the squirrel, his fluffy white tail swaying gently.
"Oh wow, he's adorable," Felix smiled, looking to Minho. "And he's definitely a hybrid."
The squirrel paused in it's grooming, chittering at Felix, who raised an eyebrow. "Sorry mate, I don't speak squirrel. I'm a cat hybrid."
« I said, why'd you have to go and say that? »
Minho's mouth dropped open in a small 'o' of surprise. That was a voice he'd never heard before, meaning it had to be the squirrel. He really was a hybrid after all.
"Well why not? Hyung wanted to know if you were a hybrid or not," Felix replied, smiling. "And you are! This is so cool, I've never met a squirrel hybrid before."
« … Well I guess now you have. Um… hyung? Thanks for helping me last night. I… I really appreciate it. »
Minho realized the squirrel was talking to him through thought speak. He smiled at him and nodded. "Of course. Are you okay though?"
« Never better, » the squirrel replied. « Um… if you wanna open the window, I'll get out of your hair. »
"You can stay if you want," Minho offered, honestly surprising himself at how much he didn't want the squirrel hybrid to leave. He felt devastated at the idea of the hybrid leaving and it honestly scared him. He didn't even know him, yet here he was, feeling like his heart would break in two if he left. What was wrong with him?
"Yeah, stay and hang out for a while?" Felix asked, smiling. "I don't have any other hybrids to hang out with. Maybe we could be friends."
« You really want me to stay? » the squirrel asked, sounding unsure but hopeful.
"Yes," Minho and Felix replied at the same time, Minho sounding a lot more desperate than Felix did.
"I live alone and I have the extra room. If you need a place to stay, you could stay here," Minho offered, ready to get on his knees and beg. And that honestly scared him. Where were these feelings even coming from?
« … Only if you're sure. »
"Yay, then it's settled," Felix smiled, clapping his hands. "Minho gets a new roommate and we all get a new friend!"
Chan watched them quietly, keeping his gaze on Minho. He'd never seen his oldest friend act in such a way. The desperation he seemed to exhibit, wanting this hybrid to just move in with him so suddenly, when they didn't even know him… it was weird. And very unlike Minho. Minho had sounded almost heartbroken at the idea of the squirrel hybrid leaving and that alarmed Chan a little. The only thing Chan could think of, was that this squirrel hybrid was Minho's soulmate.
Not everyone had a soulmate; only a lucky few people actually did. From what Chan understood about soulmates, when you found yours, your body would know it. You'd never want to be apart from them. You'd long for them, to be in their presence. With the way Minho was acting right now, it made sense.
"Min, can I talk to you for a minute?" Chan asked, glancing between Minho and the squirrel hybrid, who was sitting on the desk, talking to Felix, still in his squirrel form.
Minho looked over to Chan, before glancing almost longingly at the squirrel hybrid, who's name they didn't even know yet. He nodded, biting his bottom lip as he followed Chan out of the room. He felt a sense of anxiety prickling under his skin, urging him to go back into his bedroom, to be with the squirrel hybrid. He tried his best to ignore it, growing worried.
"Hyung, something's wrong with me," Minho told him, as soon as they were in the living room. "I… I keep getting these weird feelings. Like… like all this affection and longing to be around that squirrel hybrid. It… It's kind of scaring me, hyung. What's wrong with me?"
Minho looked honestly worried and Chan frowned. He pulled Minho into a hug, rubbing his back gently. "Min, I think maybe that squirrel hybrid is your soulmate."
"Soulmate?" Minho echoed, pulling back enough to meet Chan's gaze. "Those exist?"
Chan smiled a little and nodded. "They do. Soulmates are extremely rare but they do exist. You're showing the signs of someone who's found their soulmate, Min."
Minho looked surprised at that, but also relieved. "So I'm not dying or going crazy?"
Chan chuckled at that. "No, you're not."
Minho opened his mouth to reply but was cut off as someone hugged onto him suddenly, clinging to him around the waist. He blinked, looking down at the strange boy, who he realized was another hybrid. The squirrel hybrid. Minho gasped, immediately wrapping his arms around the boy and hugging him back. The squirrel hybrid chittered happily, burying his face into Minho's chest. It just felt so right to have him in his arms.
"Hyung. I think you're my soulmate," he spoke, finally looking up at him and Minho nearly melted. He was so completely adorable.
He had dark brown nearly black hair that hung in his eyes adorably and wasn't necessarily curly but kind of wavy. It looked good on him and made him look even more adorable. His eyes were adorable and reminded Minho of boba pearls and his chubby cheeks made Minho want to pinch them and kiss them. He had adorable squirrel ears atop his head and a fluffy tail that was curled up against his back, both of them being a reddish brown color.
God, Minho was smitten. This adorable hybrid was his soulmate? He was shocked that he even had a soulmate to begin with but how did he get this lucky?
"You guys were meant to find each other," Felix smiled, sitting beside Chan on the sofa. "I think fate maybe had a hand in helping you guys."
Minho blushed, gazing down at the squirrel hybrid, who was looking at him so fondly, still hugging him around the waist. He was a couple inches shorter than Minho.
"I'm Jisung. Han Jisung," the squirrel told him, blushing a little. "Most people call me Han or Hannie. You can call me whatever you're comfortable with."
"It's nice to meet you," Minho chuckled a little. "I'm Minho. That's Yongbok and Chan."
"Call me Felix," Felix smiled, making a playful face at Minho. "Hyung's the only one who calls me by my Korean name."
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Left Behind and Bleeding
Summary: you’ve been feeling forgotten all week when your period shows up you just want to curl up and hide. Will your girlfriends look after you this time?
TW: Angst, periods, being forgotten, anxiety, feeling left out, abandonment issues, self-doubt, mentions of drug use, teasing
Words: 1.2K
A/n: it’s that time of the month when I hit you with another period fic lol. Sorry it’s a bit short. Also … I may be projecting again … maybe hehe.
It had been a bad few days to say the least. To start off you had plans to hang out with Natasha, but she got given a last-minute mission, so you had to postpone. Which would have been fine on its own, but it seemed yo have sparked a pattern.
All week people had been cancelling on you, having some reason or another that seemed valid at the time but looking back made you overthink.
Wanda had some people she needed to visit, and you understood. But everyone seemed to be prioritising other things. Even your mother wasn’t answering your calls. Leading you to believe she was either dead or ignoring you.
On the fourth day of having nobody to hang out with in the usually very busy tower, you were getting fed up.
Your mind had been trying to spin a story that everyone simply didn’t like you. That they would rather hang out with other people and that you really didn’t have anyone in your corner.
Of course, you had been fighting the notion for days now, but it was getting harder to ignore as people continued to have bigger, better things to do without you.
Nat had gotten back from her mission and had immediately gone to do some training and after you caught her watching a movie with Clint. You had moped around your room all afternoon, feeling like you were a B-list avenger at best.
Your mind had convinced you that nobody cared and so you had spent the afternoon crying alone in your room.
When dinner came, it seemed everyone had returned. Something you had not been counting on, so your eyes were still red and puffy when Jarvis announced dinner.
In a panic you threw on some sunglasses in an attempt to keep the others from finding out.
Yet it had simply orchestrated a point of teasing for the whole meal. Everyone wanted to know why you were wearing them, but you kept your head down and tried to seem cheerful.
Sam was trying to convince people that you must have been high, while wanda could practically hear your loud thoughts from the other end of the table. Her and Nat exchanged expressions when you got up from the meal not even halfway through.
Feeling awful you almost cried when you got back to your room to discover your period had started.
Life seemed to be throwing more than a few curveballs at you, it was throwing the full field.
You stuck in a pad and threw on some warm pjs before crawling under the covers and letting a few tears fall while your breathing evened out.
Wanda had finished her dinner around the same time as Natasha had so, they had met up in the kitchen while washing their dishes.
“Wanda?” Nat asked from where she was drying her plate off.
“Yeah?” Wanda asked, her hands covered in suds.
Nat chewed her lip for a second before carefully selecting her words. “Was there … anyone off with Y/n these last few days?” Nat asked.
“I don’t know why?” Wanda said and Nat frowned.
“What do you mean ‘I don’t know’ werent you here?” Nat said.
“No? I told you I was visiting friends for a few days.” Wanda said.
“Oh my god.” Nat said feeling bad. “Did we both ditch her for a week?”
“No? I mean surely, she had the others to hang out with. Right?” Wanda said.
“Jarvis?” Nat called to the ceiling.
“Yes, Ms Romanoff what can I do for you?” The AI responded.
“Who in the past week has cancelled plans with Y/n?” Nat asked.
“In the past week I believe each of the avengers have been either ‘too busy’ or had ‘other plans’ to spend time with Ms L/n.” Jarvis said.
“Oh god.” Wanda said. “Jarvis? What has Y/n been doing this past week?”
“Ms L/n has spent most of her time in her room. Either sleeping or crying. She also has been avoiding everyone for the last half of the week.” Jarvis said and Wanda and Natasha’s hearts broke.
“We are the worst girlfriends ever.” Wanda said feeling awful.
“We should go check on her.” Nat agreed and the two of them headed for the lift.
When they stood outside your bedroom door Natasha hesitated for a second.
“What if she doesn’t want to see us?” Nat asked.
“Im sure she will, it’s Y/n. She may be sad but her hearts still twenty-four carat.” Wanda said and Nat nodded and knocked.
When no response came, she gently opened the door. Making out a Y/n shaped lump in the bed she entered and quietly walked over to your side.
Wanda took note of the chocolate wrappers on your bedside table and the hot water bottle you had cuddled up to.
You had seemingly used your powers to heat up the water-bottle and your brow was creased in pain.
“Nat?” Wanda said and Natasha nodded.
“I see.” She said.
Wanda sighed and slipped into bed behind you. Gently playing with your hair as Nat went to search for some pain medicine for you, knowing that you wouldn’t have taken any yet.
Wanda rubbed slow circles on your back and brushed a hand onto your cheek.
“Y/n baby, can you open your eyes for me my love?” Wanda asked softy. You let out a small whimper and Wanda’s heart melted.
“Wands?” You asked in a small voice.
“Yes, baby its me.” She said pressing a featherlight kiss to your cheekbone.
“Hurts.” You said softly and she nodded.
“Natty’s gone to get you some medicine.” Wanda said just as Natasha walked back in with some pills and a glass of water.
“Here you go my sweet girl.” Nat said as wanda helped sit you up, leaning into her side.
Nat passed you the medicine and you took it without protest, telling both girls just how bad you were really feeling.
“I’m sorry we weren’t here my love.” Nat said brushing a curl from your cheek.
“That’s ok. You had important things to do.” You mumbled into Wanda’s chest where you had buried your face.
“Baby girl, nothings more important than you.” Wanda said stroking your hair.
“Why don’t we put on a movie, and you can try and get some sleep ok?” Nat said gently and you nodded, shuffling over to make room for her on the bed.
Wanda used her magic to open the small mini fridge in the room and floated a pint of your favourite icecream and three spoons over.
“I got this for you before I left my love.” Wanda said with a smile passing you a spoon.
Natasha slipped in beside you and Wanda, passing you the remote you put on an episode of Parks and Recreation as you began to eat some icecream and cuddle.
After a few spoonfuls Nat stole the container, Afterall you have been making a mess. There was even icecream on your nose which wanda softly kissed away, making you giggle as you begun doze in the presence of your two amazing girlfriends.
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undercover-grisha · 25 days
Kaz: “They other day my son had something called a.. ‘panic’ ‘attack’.”
Kaz: “It was very concerning, I had to sit on the floor with him for twenty minutes.”
Kaz: “I’ve been thinking about it a lot today.”
Wylan: “Aw, Kaz. You’re finally learning empathy. At the young age of 45. Good for you.”
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Mystery Spot. Sam is on day 244. He's seen Dean die 243 times. He's chewing drywall, as it were. He can't deal with Dean's face anymore. His voice. His gestures. He hasn't slept in 143 nights. He hasn't had a minute without Dean. Leaves him out of his sight, he dies – new day, new rise and shine, shitty rock song and oh, he wants out, at least a break. Can't, though, can he. He's tried to keep Dean safe throughout the day. Tried that 243 times and failed every single day, same day, new day, same day, everyday.
So on day 244, something gives.
He's still got the sensory echo of Dean being fucking electrocuted on all channels of his brain when he's ripped out of non-existent sleep, same as always, and he boils over. Dean is tying his stupid fucking laces while singing and Sam throws his knife at him, hits the jugular and windpipe and Dean doesn't even have time to turn around before he's choking on his own blood. It shouldn't, really shouldn't, but it feels good for a second. Sam's actions have impact, even if it doesn't get them out; he feels like he's got steady ground under his feet for the first time in months.
Day 245, 246, same thing. 247 and he's lunging over onto Dean's bed in one big step, topples him flat onto his back and guts him navel to sternum, drops his head against his shoulder and almost laughs before he wakes up again.
Back at it on day 248 and they fight it out, in the few seconds before Dean notices the knife it almost feels like they're kids again, sparring first thing in the morning, and then Sam slices his femoral artery. He's going for the liver the following day, soft and squelching, and the next heat of the moment iteration has him sticking sharp metal into the left side of Dean's neck and out the right.
He goes a little crazy with it when he finds out how easy he can hold Dean in a headlock, chokes him into unconsciousness and it's quiet for the first time in a long, long time, and when Dean's eyes start to flutter open after half a minute, he makes it quick and painless. He trails the knife over his stomach the next time before sliding it in, for the feeling of deliberately doing something just for the sake of doing it, the illusion of control.
At one point he holds him for a while with his back flush to his chest and feels a hammering heart through the back of his ribs, shushes into his hair before ending it. They repeat that one, because Sam likes the sensory overload it throws them in; he can still feel his own heart jumping in his chest every time before they start again. Sam's pressing soothing kisses to Dean's head, and they just land a little lower with each passing day until he's got a racing hot pulse between his teeth and quick breath against his cheek. Dean doesn't even notice Sam pulling the knife the last few times until it's in him to the hilt.
On day 280-something Sam wakes up and notices Dean's off-tune singing doesn't make his blood boil anymore and the idea of having big green eyes pinned to him in a mix of anger and pleading kind of turns his stomach as it should. So he nods, greets Dean's rise and shine, Sammy with a sleep-scratchy hell yeah and makes a new plan for keeping him alive till Wednesday.
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redrobin-detective · 1 year
Something I think is very funny is that Ice King, Marcy and Bubblegum have been in each other's orbit for centuries before the main series. Early Marcy, hurt and isolated, I don't think would talk to or about Ice King all that much. I think she just straight up avoided him as much as she could. But she did date Bubbleum pre-series for a while and probably was at least a little emotionally vulnerable.
So I think she mentioned Simon, off handedly, like he wasn't once the most important person in her life. So imagine you're Bubblegum and your notoriously free wheeling, punk rock gf starts talking about this Simon dude. How he saved her from the wasteland, raised her, loved her as a dad and then left without explanation. This... doesn't sound like a real thing that happened. Bubblegum definitely files all Simon stories under "Things Marcy For Sure Made Up."
Now a couple of centuries pass and you learn, all in quite a rush, that not only was Marcy's "Simon" actually real but he's alive, here right now and has been the annoying Ice Wizard that has been kidnapping you for hundreds of years. I think I might lose my mind a little.
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