#squishies :3
hotcat37 · 2 months
Lore accurate Bokris size difference
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plushiehamuko · 11 months
sometimes you will spend 30 minutes thinking about a character and you will expect to have something coherent to say by the end of that time but the best you can come up with is "they are sooooooo shaped they are so silly i love my blorbo"
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badasserywomen · 9 months
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I love my two murder tanks
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smilenetwork · 3 months
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Another doodle dump but I actually experiment this time 0)-(
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peachsayshi · 6 months
imagine peeking into the living room and finding satoru on the couch with his four year old on his lap. the two of them are both staring with the same blue eyes at the television, watching an animated movie. satoru's chin is resting on his child's head, and you can see their small hands gripping their father's forearms.
it's a touching scene that's playing out on the screen, you can tell by the moving dialogue and music in the background. but you can't help but hide a smile watching your lover and child mirror the same expression.
teary, wide eyes; bottom lip tucked between their teeth; cheeks tinted in pink as they both breathe in sync.
when your baby sniffles you notice satoru squeeze them a little tighter; and it's enough to make your heart burst on the spot.
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poorwillednightjar · 8 months
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happy fat boy fall, yall
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critter-covenant · 3 months
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tiny doodles before i eep eep
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pudgybun · 3 months
It's easter... feed a Bunny today!! 🐰
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nekromeowncer · 5 months
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THE girl
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wrylu · 5 months
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velvetures · 11 months
Simon is def the type of boyfriend/ husband to adopt a big dog for your anniversary present (even though it's so self serving, he just wants you to have extra protection). He even puts a little bow on the pups collar when he's presenting you with the new edition to the family. (I can see him with a Belgian/ German shepherd, doberman or even a pit mix breed)
Good Boy
Oh my god, there is no way Simon isn't insisting his S/O doesn't have a dog once you've become an established couple.
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I think the only difference I have from your HC is that he'd already have the pup trained and nearly at full size when he brings it home for the first time.
Naturally, he's got plenty of experience after having Riley for years. And spent a lot of time sneaking some of your dirty clothes out of the house to put in the dog's kennel while it's being trained. Accustomating it with your scent and connecting your smell with something that isn't used in training unless it's a drill relating your scent to an object needing protection.
Simon isn't particularly attached to the dog emotionally in the way you're going to be. But he's adamant that other than himself, you're the only other person who will know how to command the dog. It's a safety measure that you're going to be a little resistant to at first, but once he explains that it's so you're always safe -even when he's away- you understand that it's for the best. Simon wants a loyal protector for you, and he's not risking you for anything.
In addition to that, Simon really understands and employs "scary dog privilege" tactics often. Even using himself as the warden who follows you around in public and keeps too many eyes from lingering. The dog he brings home is most certainly intimidating, yet impossibly patient and gentle with you. It's designed that way though. Simon trained the pup to think of you as mom essentially, and his only role is to always protect mom.
When he brought your cane corso home, Simon had nothing but pride for the stoic and well-trained guard dog.
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The only problem with this is, you're too damn loving for your own good.
Where Simon won't let the dog on the couch, you put your foot down and demand it gets to sleep at the foot of the bed where you can tuck your feet under it to keep warm. He refuses to feed it anything other than its regimental diet, where you love making lick-mats and trialing a bunch of different dog-safe foods almost like your own little cooking show. Simon refuses to pet the dog all the time, but it's almost given he's going to come home and find you curled up with the massive beast on the couch. You -dead asleep- and the guard dog looming over your curled-up form and giving a low, malicious, growl.
Until it realizes Daddy has come home.
Then the big bastard won't leave Simon alone long enough to take his boots off without getting covered in drool and enough hair to make a fur coat.
These are the kinds of pictures you send Simon, utterly destroying his own mental image of the terrifying dog charged with keeping you safe. You're quite amused when he demands you stop making the dog look so pathetic.
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raintides · 8 months
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making bg3 charms!! hopefully in time for anyc
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squidthesquidd · 6 months
maybeee 👉👈 squishy baby megatron? specifically tfp megs?
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tfp megatron is what got me INTO transformers. i saw this shark bucket looking fuvker and was IMMEDIATELY ATTACHED. hes so diseased I LOVE HIM
yeah ive never mentioned the mental illness i have about megatron, but if you saw my secret reblogging blog where i reblog thibgs i like? youd understand. its 90% megatron. i think abt him every day.
i need to maul bite shake him around like a dog toy i want to put him in a little box and feed him apples i want to grip him squeeze him i need to im goinh insane !!! t. ebshgrvgegegbebeBSBSBEBBDVEH we have four fuckinh fictive introjects of megatron, two of which are currently watching me type this and judging me profusely
okay im normal now :] (lying)
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molly-yasha · 6 months
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Wyll, you’re in range of both [explosions] so I need you to make two dexterity saving throws.
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sleepis4theweak · 16 days
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Testing how squishy I could make Mikey... results are inconclusive...
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stevethehairington · 1 year
Steve loves Eddie's tummy.
It is one of the absolute best parts of Eddie — the softness of his hips, the little pudge of his belly, the squish of his abdomen. It's Steve's favorite place to nuzzle into, to kiss, to touch, to bite.
Most evenings end with the two of them curled together on the couch, watching whatever movie or television show catches their interest that night. They usually start out side by side on the cushions, but over the course of that first hour they slowly but surely shift around so that Steve ends up with his head in Eddie's lap. Eddie's fingers always find a home in Steve's hair, absentmindedly carding through the soft strands.
It's cozy, it's comfortable, and at some point, Steve will sigh softly and turn to bury his face into Eddie's stomach. Whatever's on tv becomes nothing more than background noise as he rubs his cheek against Eddie's tummy, as he nuzzles into the softness, arms loosely wound around Eddie's waist to hold him there. He'll leave a sweet kiss over Eddie's t-shirt, then squish his nose against his belly button and just lie there, face pressed into Eddie's stomach, just breathing.
Just enjoying the closeness.
Eddie will laugh softly and tell Steve that he's missing the movie, and Steve will just shake his head briefly and mumble back that he doesn't care. (It makes Eddie laugh again and squirm a little, because Steve's so close that the movement of his head, of his mouth — it tickles a little.)
But Eddie won't question it again, will just let Steve nuzzle against him and continue to pet his hair until he eventually falls asleep like that.
Steve also loves to shower Eddie's tummy with all the attention when they're in the bedroom (or wherever they make it to before they get too carried away) and are getting hot and heavy.
He loves to press Eddie back into the mattress, bare chested and breathing harder already. Steve will kiss him deeply, once, twice, three times, before he starts his descent. It starts with a kiss to the corner of his mouth, to the scar along his cheek, to the sharp of his jaw. Then Steve will press soft, sweet kisses to the hollow of Eddie's throat, the edge of his collar, one over his heart and another over the scar tissue where his left nipple would be. He'll trail those kisses down Eddie's ribcage, taking his time with it, showing each patch of scarred skin the love and attention it deserves. He'll leave a kiss right above his belly button, will sometimes dip his tongue in if he wants to make Eddie laugh.
And when he finally makes it to the soft pouch of Eddie's tummy, he'll kiss it. Gently, affectionately, tenderly. And then — he'll bare his teeth and he'll bite. Nothing too hard (unless Eddie asks for it), but he'll sink his teeth into the pudge, he'll nibble at the softness, he'll start to suck bruises into the skin until Eddie's squirming below him and straining in his boxers. Sometimes Steve will tease a little more, will kiss the parts of his tummy that are close to the waistband, his nose or cheek brushing over where Eddie wants him to touch the most. Other times he'll show Eddie some mercy, will leave one last kiss to his stomach before turning his attention even lower.
But he never forgets to show Eddie just how sexy he finds his tummy.
The touching isn't always sexual, though. There's something comforting to Steve about just touching for the sake of touch. And Eddie's tummy is one of his favorite places to do just that. He'll take any and every opportunity he gets to get his hands all over the softness of his stomach.
When Eddie's in the kitchen, standing at the stove to cook their breakfast Steve will sleepily trudge up to him and drape himself over his back. He'll tuck his chin over Eddie's shoulder, and he'll curl his arms around Eddie's middle, hugging onto him. Steve's hands will sneak their way beneath the hem of Eddie's shirt (or, his shirt, because Eddie has a habit of stealing Steve's clothes, especially in the mornings), and he'll just press the flat of his whole palm to Eddie's belly. Just to cover the warm skin. Just to touch.
Or whenever they're in a crowded room together — whether it be the bustling kitchen of the Hopper-Byers clan on Thanksgiving, or the middle of the thriving dancefloor of their favorite club in Indy, or squished together in the audience at a show, Steve will always find a way to touch Eddie there.
He'll hold onto Eddie's hips, curling his fingers around the love handles. Using his touch to shift Eddie out of the way when Mike barrels through with the kitchen without warning, hoisting the pie above his head. Staking his claim with his grip and the reassuring thumb he sweeps across the soft skin, dipping beneath the waistband of Eddie's jeans when he's feeling cheeky as a promise for more later. Squeezing gently when the crowd surges and jostles them both to say "hey, it's just me, I'm right here".
Steve just loves Eddie's lil tum, and he'll do anything and everything in his power to show him that. To shower him and his soft stomach with all the love in the world.
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