#squishy makeover
jsstuff2 · 6 months
Christmas squishy makeover to be sold on Etsy.
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lusciakoushiro · 1 year
With the year coming to a close I knew I wasn't going to get everything I wanted to finish or even try done, but I still had things I could do of course.
Drawing is the easiest as I can do that anywhere. Both of the ones I did this month took from 15-20hrs start to finish. But something was going to get in my way...
At the beginning of the month I was hit by a car on my walk home from work. I managed to walk home and at the insistence of my husband went to the ER to make sure nothing was broken. Thankfully nothing was, but healing is and will take time. That said I couldn't craft because sitting normally at the table hurt my knee a lot. Even sitting at my desk at the office killed me.
Thanks to a coworker who found a step stool I could elevate my leg with a little bit, I was able at least return to drawing some.
After doing the redo of Luscia in the lake (inspired from a screenshot from LUNAR 2 Eternal Blue) I wanted to reimagine it slightly.
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And this is what I came up with. Lus had just stepped into the water before turning her gaze to the moon and this is what Dem sees. I am very proud of this one, especially the scales. That took A LOT of patience.
I have been resting my leg since the accident and I finally deemed it well enough to try and sit at the table for some crafts. I will say sitting with my knee bent for two hours isn't ideal as it became very sore and super stiff. So, if I was gonna craft, I was gonna need to take breaks and the squishy I started was the best way to force breaks since I needed to wait for the paint to dry between layers.
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If you guessed I was making Keith's wolf, Kosmo, than you wete correct! I have mad respect for those who do these on the regular, this was not easy. But, for my first try ever I think he came out great and super cute!
And as the year got closer to the end I wanted to draw at least one more pic.
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I made a glamour inspired by Bayonetta and just had to draw it. Originally I hated it, things just looked weird, but then I doodled a chibi version (no pic to post. I haven't scanned it) and went back to it and I actually really like it now. I might change a couple shadows, but yeah, I love it.
And as of 11:30pm est, I finished my friend's FFXIV figurine I started a year ago with Nerdecrafter's Not Another Crap Kit.
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I had the whole idea of making it look like he was in the middle of the lotus from Scortch. The petals are a little skewed, but I made it work with what I had. The method I had watched didn't work as the tape that the wire was attached to completely cured with the resin instead of being able to be peeled off. When it didn't work after three attempts I decided to freehand a mold and that worked more or less, I still cant quite get them to hold the bendy shape, but for my first attempt I think I did okay.
I'm so proud of myself for actually completing my New Year's resolution. It was fun and I learned a lot. Just because I don't finish something right then on the day I started doesn't mean I never will. Sometimes things just won't work and require more research or an alternative to see it through.
Here's to more art in 2023, whether it be a big project or small, stay creative! 🖤❤
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muff1nqwq · 2 years
Catty and rosie Cherry as a squishy
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This is my first time painting a squishy, credits to catty and rosie and Moriah Elizabeth for the idea! (finally im finished painting this squishy lol)
ft. Cherry (from catty and rosie on youtube)
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riant-draws · 3 months
lots of pebbs art with rot on his puppet looks simplified or cutesy (not that anything's wrong with that), so I tried the opposite
(tw for trypophobia/slight body horror, maybe)
art under the cut!
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listening to the magnus archives for the second time, does it show
sorry about the low res, did this on a tiny canvas in about a half hour and didn't expect to like it lol
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“Sanity is relative“
-Moriah Elizabeth
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lemoneychicken · 7 months
i had like two fnaf inspired dreams last night with people being brutally murdered by animatronics (not all freddy gang) and the secod one was nightmareish with one lady that got killed having her body get used by them to kill the rest of the people there (myself included) but i wasnt all that scared in the dreeam like i was freaked out but part of me was like 'aw damn it sucks that person died. this is just like fnaf' while this robot possesed lady whips around to chase and kill me
when i woke up i wasnt really that phazed either ii was like well i want to go back to sleep but id rather not go back into THAT dream and be violently attacked. im goiong to change the video
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adelarsims · 7 months
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finally made a lucas for my wolfgang
because gosh my old makeover was painful to look at from 2023
and also it only worked with my old wolfgang: i purposely make lucas from wg's face, just more squishy and round, less bitchy and sleep deprived, so their makeovers only make sense together.
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crissiebaby · 5 months
Sissy's First Date: Chapter 3
DISCLAIMER: This POV story contains diaper usage, forced crossdressing, public humiliation, masturbation/diaper sex, and other ABDL themes. I hope you enjoy!
Commissioned By: Anon
Pushing out my lower lip, I closed my eyes and waited for the dampness of Becca’s lipstick to grace the delicate edges of my mouth. An electric shiver ran down my spine as the soft, chalky texture made contact. I was forced to hold back a gasp, not wanting to disrupt Becca’s work with a momentary oral spasm. Why did this all feel so good?!
The answer, of course, was sitting right in front of me doing my makeup. I gingerly opened my eyelids, my heart throbbing as I took notice of Becca’s expert focus. Her gaze was so intense that it made me feel almost inanimate as if she were applying makeup to a doll. And yet, the expression behind her eyes was simultaneously warm and inviting, breathing life into my young, sissy soul. It was a startling dichotomy of being that left me as little more than putty in her soft, well-manicured hands.
“Oh, yes. This is definitely your color,” remarked Becca, her toothy smile growing as she rounded the left corner of my lips, ensuring no speck of my natural lip color was showing. Her words filled me with exhilaration, feeding my desire to see my reflection now that Becca’s handiwork was involved.
When Becca pulled the lipstick away from my mouth, though, she didn’t reach for her phone to show me my painted lips. Instead, her hands returned to her purse, digging around the faux leather bag as she pulled out several more makeup items. Some of them I knew from my sister’s party, such as the eyeliner and blush palette, but it became abundantly clear that I knew relatively little about what went into being a girl as the list of things I didn’t recognize continued to grow. My makeover was far from over.
“Sorry but now that your lips are done, I can’t leave the rest of your face unattended,” said Becca, using the word “sorry” rather liberally considering the cheeky grin she was sporting was anything but. Placing three fingers on my left breast, she shoved me backward until my spine was pressed up against the seat cushion, causing our Ferris Wheel carriage to sway ever so slightly as she crawled over my lap to get a better angle at my face.
In doing so, Becca positioned her water-logged diaper over mine, smushing our squishy padding together as she settled into place. I found myself failing to suppress the gasp that echoed out of my throat, earning a devious chuckle from my frisky partner. “Aww, does that feel good, baby?” she said, wiggling her butt into my padded crotch and triggering an immediate growth spurt. My facial muscles twitched and contorted, pleasure baked into each lewd expression that my face produced.
For Becca, this was unacceptable. She placed a firm hand on my chin, a playfully stern air suddenly surrounding her. “Hey now, I expect my canvas to remain perfectly still while I finish my work…” she said, flexing her rear atwop my diaper-clad stiffy, “...or else, there will be grave consequences.”
I gulped hard, using every ounce of resistance housed within my body to keep my lips from quivering. How was I supposed to remain calm enough for her to put makeup on me while in such a compromising position? It was clear that Becca was setting me up for failure. My dick hardened further as my mind raced with punishment possibilities. What would she do to me if I couldn’t keep it together? Did I even want to keep it together?
Those questions lingered in my head as Becca uncapped the goopy, black eyeliner and returned to painting my face. “Look up and relax your eyelids, baby,” she said, her instructions precise and direct. To my surprise, this request was more challenging than expected. As someone who’d only worn makeup once by force, I’d never really contemplated what an unstressed expression was for me. Up to this point, it was something that happened naturally. So to be told to hold my eyes in a relaxed way was an oddly foreign request that had me struggling to find a neutral position, something Becca had no qualms commenting on, “Cherry, darling, as much as I love seeing what your face looks like when you make pushies, I did ask you to relax.”
No amount of makeup in the world could cover the amount of red that was coating my cheeks. My eyes darted away from Becca, an unintentional pout forming while the dominant woman across from me was, once again, more than happy to take advantage of my embarrassed and frustrated mental state. “Hehe, well, at least you’re saving me the time of applying blush,” she snickered before placing a comforting hand along the side of my face with her middle finger hovering just below my ear lobe, “Hey, just look at me. Nothing else matters.”
Staring into Becca’s eyes, my fears melted on contact as if I’d been placed into a trance. Her bright blue corneas were like an endless ocean that I wanted nothing more than to get lost in. It was only the first date but I swore in that moment, I fell head over heels for her. If I had been standing, one of my legs would’ve kicked into the air as a strong sense of euphoria radiated all around me. “Much better,” she said, her gentle smile returning as she raised her pointer finger to my nose and booped me tenderly.
For the next five minutes, Becca cycled through the half-dozen products she’d picked out for me. Unlike with Sarah, there was an efficiency and lack of perfectionism that created a more easy-going experience. Unfortunately, there was one aspect that remained unchanged and that was how itchy it was to have makeup applied. Even the abundance of horniness stemming from my diaper couldn’t keep my mind off the way her fingers and various brushes danced around my skin. Every fiber of my being wanted to scratch the entirety of my face but I knew doing so would only wreck Becca’s diligent work. Moreover, I couldn’t help but be curious as to what the final result of the makeover would be. Would I be as unrecognizable as I was when Sarah did my face? Or would it…still be me? The anticipation was somehow worse than the itching.
“Aaaaaaand, there. I think that should do it,” said Becca, blotting the final touches of my eye shadow before sitting back on my lap and capping the lid of the cosmetic container, “Ya know, for not having your exact foundation color, I think I did a pretty bang-up job. Though, since you’re already a total cutie, most of the work was already done for me.”
Becca’s compliment inspired the butterflies in my tummy to flutter about. Terms like cute and pretty certainly weren’t the kind of descriptors I was used to. A pleasant heat spread throughout my chest. I never wanted her to stop making me feel this special…this feminine…this loved.
That being said, there was still that nagging thought lingering in my mind. “Um…c-can you, uh, show me?” I asked, my fingers subconsciously weaving together while the nails of my thumbs clicked together.
“Hehehe! Of course! You must be super excited to see how pretty you look,” giggled Becca, inching herself off my lap and scooting in close so that our diapered butts were side by side. Tapping on her phone, she promptly flipped the camera around to its front-facing view and snuggled in close to ensure we’d both be in the frame.
In the time it took for Becca’s camera display to appear, I toiled over whether it was genuine eagerness or terrifying anxiety that was spiking my heart rate. That’s why, when I was finally allowed to see my reflection, I couldn’t have been happier with how my mouth instinctually curled upward. There was no denying that I was experiencing the unadulterated joy of a femboy sissy seeing themself dolled up like a princess. Whatever anxious tension that still remained within me disappeared long before Becca snapped our first couple’s photo together.
There were undeniably elements of my face where my inherent masculinity shined through like my square jawline and bushy eyebrows. Becca was good but she wasn’t a certified pro like Sarah was. However, those elements were largely overshadowed by naturally girly aspects that Becca strategically brought out. “I’m so jealous of your cheekbones, by the way. I know girls who would kill for those,” she said, allowing me to watch in real-time as her complement imbued my oh-so-feminine cheekbones with a rose-colored tint, “Well, baby girl, is there anything you’d like to say to me? Perhaps something that starts with a T and ends with a -hank you.” She chuckled lightly at her own joke, her infectious laughter compelling me to giggle along with her.
“Th-thank you, Becca,” I said, unable to stop myself from stuttering at the start of my sentence. How could I not with the way Becca was looking at me? In all my life, I can’t recall a time when someone looked at me with such intense desire. It was all I could do to requite her passionate glances, rendering both of us silent. No words were needed to express how each of us was feeling.
Sadly, our Ferris Wheel ride wasn’t designed to last forever. Our eyes remained locked as the passenger car came to a complete stop, neither of us bothered by the metal cart’s fierce rattling. Nor did we notice the death glare that the Ferris Wheel operator was shooting us. “Ahem!” said the fair employee, their annoyance multiplying for every second it took us to disembark from the ride.
“We’re moving! Hold your damn horses,” said Becca, unafraid to return the employee’s brash bitterness. With her arm around mine, she pulled us away from the ride, saying in a not-so-quiet manner, “What a total douchebag.”
Normally, I would’ve had no issue making a similar remark, especially considering what an ass the fair employee had been. However, for some reason, my nerves shot through the roof as if the verbal confrontation would somehow result in the entire fairground population discovering my true identity. It was a vulnerability that I wasn’t used to and one that left me wishing for the power to turn invisible. My only solace came from the fact that Becca was pulling us away from the source of conflict, allowing the tension in my chest to subside with each step. I let out a haggard breath once the Ferris Wheel and its prickly operator were out of sight.
“Jeez…sorry about that,” said Becca, letting out an equally stressed exhale. I could tell how agitated she was, even if she was desperately trying to hide it. Craving comfort as well as the intense desire to console my date, I instinctively moved toward Becca and wrapped my arms around her. I barely knew what was happening until I found my head nuzzled into the crux of her shoulder.
My affection was reciprocated almost immediately, with Becca applying a great amount of pressure to my back as she squeezed me with all her might. A small squeak escaped my freshly painted lips, piling more blush onto my exposed face. I could feel the sense of invincibility that Becca’s presence filled me with returning in full.
Embarrassingly, in the midst of our hug, my somersaulting tummy decided it was the perfect opportunity to sound off. I didn’t even realize I was hungry until the stomach-churning noise impacted my ears. “Hehe, sounds like it’s feeding time, baby girl,” she whispered into my ear while still pressing her body to mine, “Does baby want big girl food or are you just too tiny for solids?”
The way her breath tickled my ear was more delicious than any meal I could think of. That being said, the image of being legitimately bottle-fed while in public was too much to bear, at least if that’s what Becca’s intentions were behind the “too tiny for solids” line. Not wanting to wind up letting Becca decide for me, I quickly responded, “Big girl food is fine,” only realizing a split-second later that I referred to myself as a big girl without even so much as a passing thought.
“Hehehe! Alright, my BIG GIRL!” said Becca, refusing to let such a juicy quote go by unacknowledged. At this point, I feared my face would be permanently red by the end of this date, “Let’s head back to the vendor hall. There’s bound to be tons of big girl food options there.” Her hand planted itself on my head, patting my hair lightly so as not to mess up my delicate appearance. I smiled back at her, never wanting this date to end.
SubscribeStar: subscribestar.adult/crissiebaby pixivFANBOX: crissiebaby.fanbox.cc All CB Links: linktr.ee/crissiebaby
Edited by AllySmolShork
Special Thanks to Our CrissBaby Diaper Company Investors: BeelzeDerBock BlossomBitchDolly BlushyBen DD Exminister Gun1242 LittlePissy PrincessKittenLizzi Strawberry Sweetsamantharebecca & One Anonymous Investor
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rosy-meggle-moth · 1 year
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I'm so bad at posting on here, but I made squishy sad Ed and he got a makeover today 💅
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jsstuff2 · 6 months
Not talking about my squishy makeovers
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raspberrybunnies · 1 year
What I watch while regressed
-fidget toy,toy,craft kit reviews
-craft (mostly clay and resin) videos
LADB restoration
-asmr restoration videos the put me to sleep almost instantly
Old jacksepticeye
-gaming Channel but I bet you knew that
-undertale,fnaf,bully,and skate 3 play throughs
Moriah Elizabeth
-another craft channel but uses mostly pastels
-known for fixing squishies to make them cuter
-also does baking,painting,and thrift store makeovers
-makes only sims content but she’s absolutely adorable
-another gaming channel (more kiddo friendly than Jack I think)
I also like to watch random Korean minimalist inspired room makeover videos
Tv shows
Courage the cowardly dog (4 seasons)
-little dog saves his family from spooky things every episode
The 13 ghost of scooby doo (1 seasons)
-scooby doo,shaggy,daphne,scrappy,and flim flam hunt down 13 ghosts
Max and ruby (7 seasons)
- sister and brother rabbit living life
Adventure time (10 seasons)
-12 year old boy and his dog going on adventures
Gravity falls (2 seasons
-2 twins dealing with a mysterious town while they live with their grunkle Stan
Teen Titans (5 seasons)
-group of teens with superpowers (minus the leader) save the world
The misadventures of flapjack (3 seasons)
-flapjack and knuckles hunt for candy island with bubby the whale
Scooby doo meets courage the cowardly dog
-scooby doo and courage go on an adventure
-very smart little girl finds out she has powers
The littlest vampire (live action)
-human little boy helps saves his vampire friends life
Scary godmother (both 1 and 2)
-little girl makes friends with people from a spookier universe
All Alice in wonderland adaptions
-Alice chases the white rabbit and ends up in a strange world
I’ll probs update this when I find other things
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hiraethhh-h · 2 years
susie (the legion) with a fem!s/o who’s the same age as her (HCs)
Anonymous asked: Could I get a susie with a fem survivor gf? But she is also Susie's age? And she just rlly cares for susie and is very cuddly with her? And she will stand up for her?
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susie may be shy and quiet, but she won’t hesitate to step up for you or herself if that’s needed
and she’s glad you’d do the same for her (and yourself)
cuddles with susie are amazing/10
half the time, she does end up being the little spoon, but susie doesn’t mind big spooning if you ask
handsdown, susie has a stuffed animal/plushie collection
you two will spend hours together coming up with the most ridiculous names for them
her personal favorite is squishy mcsquishington the fifth :)
you two frequently give each other makeovers to pass the time
and more often times than not, you help susie dye her hair <3
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yolkcheeks · 1 month
As the band of adventurers, mercenaries, and company men broke into loose clusters or peeled off to scavenge what they could before the miasma grew too thick again, I saw her again, smiling slightly as she dug through her pack. With the dust the mechs had kicked up settled (and a few fewer charr who didn't believe in water-based-bathing tromping around) the faint greenery scent that seems to accompany all sylvari resolved into something more specific.
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It smelled like lotus, unsurprisingly, but more of a hothouse lotus than one from the palace gardens- it smelled humid, somehow- with aloe, oak bark and... something musky. Like the floor of the jungle under a rotting log. I could feel my blood run cold.
I knew that smell.
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I knew that smile.
My memories may have dissolved into little more than a fever dream, and the Delve is known for playing tricks on the senses, but that scent was absolutely the same.
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Just some fun with small-time adventurer Cosmos Polidor. I wanted to play around with the makeover kit and think about how she might have looked in the jungle. Her backstory is squishy, but I liked the idea of a former nightmare court who did some legitimately terrible things during HoT but now is like, a pretty fluffy angel salad uwu
Under the cut is just a bunch more reference images and some rambling about her Whole Deal.
I wanted to see if I could make a pale sylvari that delivered both cute and menacing, so her armor leaned into some FEAR NOT type angel vibes. Same thinking on her physical design- I gave her pale 'skin', golden eyes, neutral on her hair flowers... with a very strong green glow, so she could look noxious & eerie.
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So still her armor, but I think her past look would have had different hair, and this one looks to me the most like it could be a similar sort of leaf/grows in a similar pattern.
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& lights out
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you need to understand: her face is very flat. in many ways her design is also in opposition to Daturea.
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so scruffy & amoral~
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Comparing looks some more- I just really love that at first glance she looks glowy like angel but then you realize it's more of a warning coloration.
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Old hair with new fit, for fun.
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anyhow she started as an excuse to use the EoD Sailor Moon sylvari hair.
I had been thinking about about Sailor Cosmos, and Cosmos is a flower, so there's my in on a stealth pun name.
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And there's this whole thing in the manga where Cosmos is like "I was a coward, this is what happened in the bad future" and in the fandom a few folks have played with the idea of Galaxia grabbing OG Queen Serenity's crystal & making her a villain, and there's that thing with Princess Sailor Moon in PGSM so... A courtly nightmare court who was so offended by the brutishness of the mordrem she somehow fell ass-backwards into a heel turn.
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Buzz buzz buzz... head empty. Is Polidor her rank or an aspiration? Who knows- certainly not I!
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pandorkful-dolls · 1 year
It'd be kinda fun to steal Moriah Elizabeth's "Squishy Makeover" format, but I'd be Rescuing Needlefelted Mistakes instead.
Every time I see someone despair/laugh at themselves for whiffing a needlefelting kit and ending up with a monstrosity, the thing they end up with is rarely felted to the point it can't be fixed.
If it ain't rock hard, you can still add on to it. And even rock hard isn't a complete write-off, if you have thin enough needles.
(idk about accepting packages tho, even with a po box that's opening a can of worms...)
My main advice for people starting out with a kit, btw, is this: don't get locked in to the instructions. Looking at the finished example item and making adjustments based on what you see is probably going to be more useful than trying to follow the step-by-step guide word-for-word. Develop your artistic eye, because you're going to be drawing from the same mental place as if you were doing a study sketch or painting a mastercopy.
Wool is wild and full of unpredictable variables, and tbh I find the idea of needlefelting kits a bit disingenuous. Of all the fiber arts, needlefelting is the least replicatable via instruction--each and every piece is truly going to be one of a kind and there's no way around that.
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expirisims · 11 months
Instant Karma
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Sheree is on maternity leave so it was off to the park to enjoy the beautiful winter morning!
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What is this!!?? Harold and Adriana are at the park together!!??
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Gosh! It looks like half the town is there! Jaime wound up showing up with Ariana and Harold despite the three of them HATING each other, and uh oh!  Looks like Reggie is there in the background. Ugh...I still hate that he and Briana broke up AGAIN!
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It started to snow just as Sheree got home. Perfect weather for some hot chocolate.
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And a cozy fire :)
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Dmitri arrived as glitched as ever so it was time to cheat him out of that broken moodlet.
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Aaaand imediately the house caught on fire! You see! This is why I don’t interfere! I have maybe only once EVER had a fireplace catch on fire in the game! Guess it’s a good thing I put up that smoke detector as a precaution!
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More squishy poof  pictures :)
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And the household got invited to Clark and Jess’s new digs! I took the opportunity to get some good pictures of their faces since I was so busy all week just trying to unglitch Dmitri, I didn’t get any pics of their makeovers!
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It was a full moon and both my sims were so tired they headed home just as Clark made a full pot of mac and cheese.
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Off to bed for everyone! It’s been a busy season for them all.
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