#sri asih
lucaonthropy · 1 year
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kaipanzero · 1 year
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Sri Asih (2022)
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pega-chan · 2 years
First Impressions: Sri Asih (2022)
i have waited 2 years for this movie and it did NOT disappoint. quick thoughts after i watched it yesterday:
i understand it is the movie so they have to pack everything in, but some of the exposition feels clunky. this also leads to some of the dialogue being unnatural
the pacing in the beginning of the movie was a little too fast
there are some scenes that i wish would've lasted longer or had more purpose, like the charity ball. yes it was fun to see Al and Kala dress up but ultimately nothing happened there and the real showdown happened in Adinegara's office
some scenes didn't have a smooth enough transition but i can overlook it
i do wish they would've given more exposition for Alana's age and career/life in the movie. i'm sure she's an adult, otherwise she wouldn't have all that free time. but is she a full time professional fighter? why did her mother decide to have her be one? at the end it's revealed Al's adoptive mom knew she was the next Sri Asih and decided to take her in because of it, but why mold her into a professional fighter and not some other athlete that gives her similar capabilities to fight, like a silat athlete? with silat, Al could've had actual practice using a selendang in battle bc a selendang is a silat weapon
so is Alana's mom part of Jagabumi or something? Kala never explained his connection to her
how did Al adapt to her new powers so quickly? she wasn't even briefed on what they are. her experience as a fighter gives her a leg up, but Eyang Maryani just did not explain that she can fly, use the selendang, have enhanced srength and durability, or multiply, at any point during the movie
she didn't even use all of her comic canon powers, like growing to giant size or purifying dark spirit energy were not utilized at all. they gave her super speed i guess, which is a new power
i am glad romance just does not exist in this movie. Alana is an aroace icon driven by rage and bloodlust just like i've always hoped she'd be <3
no mentions of Ganis :'''''''''''' like okay Ganis and Al are one timeline but i just want my Sundanese homegirl acknowledged
i'm not a big fan of Al being the next Sri Asih by virtue of being directly descended from Nani Wijaya. i don't think superheroes should be chosen by blood relation, they should be determined randomly based on if they're capable or not, bc anyone can be a hero if Dewi Asih decided they are one
casting Najwa Shihab as Nani was GENIUS btw. Nani was a journalist so it makes absolute sense to cast an actual journalist as her!
you know what would be cool though? they could have referenced the 1954 Sri Asih movie by finding someone that looked like Mimi Mariani and referencing the plot of the movie too. if only the movie wasn't lost media :'(
i will say Nani's costume looks absolutely nothing like in the comics and i'm disappointed by it, but hey, you gotta connect Alana's cameo in Gundala to this movie somehow. my advice is they could've made it similar to Nani's costume by adding her batik and then having Al choose not to wear the batik when she suits up to help Gundala
let's talk fashion! Al has a very practical and utilitarian wardrobe in muted colours. its mostly sporty with many sleeveless shirts which she tends to wear bc she sweats while fighting so often. it reflects her priorities as a professional fighter, and she has some high-end/more expensive pieces (like the combat boots and a significantly less utilitarian backpack) that screams of her wealthy background. i'm disappointed none of her clothes seem to have any wear or tear pre-battle, bc you would think some would look pretty ratty if Al has a habit of getting into scuffles, but that can perhaps be chalked up to her having a rich parent that can replace worn out clothes easily. i don't mind the amount of crop tops in her wardrobe, bc Pev Pearce absolutely deserves to show off those abs. the leather jacket was my fave fit.
not a fan of the multiple braids. bro that's cultural appropriation
i love love love her friendships in this movie. with her fellow pro fighters Gilang and that high school kid, Tangguh, and even Kala
i love that Gilang and the high schooler are like, not fair skinned and not with conventionally attractive features. there's a lot of diversity in this movie and i love it
what happened to all her pro fighter friends, anyway? they just up and disappeared after the hospital blew up. i get Al has bigger things to worry about, but the fighter's ring is her mom's work and those and her friends who are threatened by Adinegara. Gilang and co. are just replaced by Tangguh and Kala
Pev did a phenomenal job embodying Alana's character, but i can't understand why they would cast a half-white actor. i'm not being ethnocentric /gen, but i think Sri Asih should be represented by the ordinary class that doesn't have white privilege. biracial Sri Asih is an interesting concept to explore, but i wish they would've cast someone fully indonesian or even a minority. a chindo sri asih would be so cool
Tangguh is MY poor little meow meow. he's doing his best, truly! just a wimp of a man who tries to get context but fails every time. i support him going feral and tasing that guard.
i lowkey want more female characters in this movie. like if you compare it with the amount of guys (that play a significant role) it's just disproportionate, and doesn't make sense for there to be such an imbalance in a girl power film
Kala. has little personality. he's a tool that helps Al take down the bad guys and we only start to see a glimpse of his character when he interacts with Tangguh. official sources describe him as "charismatic", "kalem", and "mysterious". the REAL mystery is his personality babes.
speaking of, while Al is aroace for sure. the tension and chemistry between Kala and Tangguh has more romantic weight than anything they have going on with Al
Eyang Maryani is also just there as a tool. it's her job as a mentor, sure. but i wish she embodied the mentor part more
how did they get Al's mom out of the hospital in the first place??
it's also unrealistic how quickly Al decides to trust Kala tbh. "i know your mom" does he have proof?? girl he could be lying
this film has a lot going on, and there are some threads i wish they would've tied up more neatly. who murdered Mateo? are we supposed to assume Jatmiko did? how did Jatmiko get his hands on the Roh Setan necklace? what was Adinegara doing with HIS necklace, and what was it for? what about the businessmen working with Adinegara who were in on the plot to sacrifice a thousand souls? why are they concerned with Dewi Api and want to bring forth her army? did they know Jatmiko was behind the mask? did they know the necklace Adinegara had wasn't the real one? who are they in the grand scheme of things other than scummy rich men stepping all over the poor?
also Giselle. what happened to her and what was she hiding about Mateo's murder?
is Adinegara even stopped in his tracks?
i honestly wanted Tangguh to be placed in more imminent danger. if he already has a target on his back for being too intrusive, then maybe have Adinegara send goonies after him. this could connect him more solidly to Al, who is also being hunted down by Adinegara. it would work out better than randomly meeting each other in the rusun.
Tangguh does end up helping Al by having the motive to help out his neighbours and the working class in the rusun, who are being mistreated by the rich. but considering his whole gig was as a journalist, he should've had a mission about documenting the whole story and could've introduced Al to the public after she saved them
the ACAB plotline could've been done better. Jatmiko was the villain disguised as a grey character but he's not grey enough imo bc he didn't have a solid intention for playing both sides
the action scenes were spectacular btw, i usually get bored at action scenes if they go on for too long but this movie did not make me sleepy
that's all i have currently. i'll be watching the movie again next week, so i'll be adding onto this after a rewatch as i think of more stuff. overall the movie was a 9/10! totally worth the wait
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geekiary · 1 year
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Tags: Bullying. Bombing. Violence. Minor character death.
Sri Asih is the second movie in Bumilangit Cinematic Universe and I'm happy that this superheroes universe of Tanah Air finally started to take root.
The timeline is slightly before Gundala takes place I think, because near the end of the movie they did explain about Sri Asih's appearance in Gundala.
Our main character, Alana (Pevita Pearce) is an orphan after her parents died during her birth -- she was born at the same time when Merapi Mount errupted, how badass is that. Since little, Alana already had this sense of justice but at the same time anger issues as well. She was being adopted by a lady who ran a gym and boxing ring, and Alana grew up became a ring fighter herself. Everything went well for Alana, aside from her anger issues, until one day a rich tug called Mateo looking for trouble with her and everything went downhill from there. Alana is told that she is actually Dewi Asih's incarnation and she must stop the evil from destroying the world.
As usual, the fighting choreo is great despite the story itself feels dull in some places. Sri Asih definitely can use some jokes to lighten up the mood and not to let the plot feels flat.
Reza Rahardian as Jatmiko is as usual giving his best performance. The twist regarding his character is also interesting despite being pretty easy to guess.
And I definitely love Awang's appearance again! He's now Godam and I'm looking forward to his movie with Tira.
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aitho · 2 years
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fanart "Sri Asih" one of Indonesia's female superheroes
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reytenstiel · 2 years
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gosulsel · 2 years
Ratusan Mitra Pengemudi Grab di Makassar Nonton Bareng Sri Asih - Gosulsel
MAKASSAR, GOSULSEL.COM -- Grab Indonesia menggelar kegiatan “Nobar Warga Grab” pertama secara serentak di 16 kota yang diikuti oleh lebih dari 4.000 Mitra Pengemudi beserta anggota keluarganya, Sabtu (19/11/2022). Di Makassar, ada lebih dari 250 Mitra Pengemudi bersama keluarganya yang mengikuti se...
#GrabMakassar #NobarWargaGrab #SriAsih
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rahdiwae · 2 years
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shintoburis · 2 years
Sri Asih Damn Good!!!!
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jade-lop · 2 years
Sri Asih in the comic wore kebaya.
I wished they could have incoporated the design to her live action outfit.
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kabarbanyuwangi · 22 days
MTsN 8 Banyuwangi: Sediakan Program Akselerasi, Buka Rintisan ICP
Radarbanyuwangi.id – Sebanyak 300 siswa MTsN 8 Banyuwangi yang beralamat di Desa Setail, Kecamatan Genteng ini, ikut memeriahkan pawai budaya dalam rangka HUT ke-79 RI yang Pemerintah Kecamatan Genteng, Rabu (28/8). Dalam acara ini, mereka mengusung tema Ndaru Deso, Bumi Asih Lestari. Kepala MTsN 8 Banyuwangi Hj Sri Endah Zulaikhatul Kharimah mengatakan, sekolahnya menyajikan berbagai penampilan,…
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pega-chan · 1 year
sometimes the live action adaptation being completely different than the comics is good (am talking about the sri asih webtoon vs the movie)
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ulkaralakbarova · 2 months
Sri Asih
Alana discover the truth about her origin: she’s not an ordinary human being. She may be the gift for humanity and become its protector as Sri Asih. Or a destruction, if she can’t control her anger. Credits: TheMovieDb.
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waspadadotid · 6 months
Semarakkan Bulan Suci Ramadhan SWF Bagikan Tali Asih
MEDAN (Waspada): Dalam rangka memeriahkan Bulan Suci Ramadhan 1445 H, Sri Wahyuni Foundation (SWF) memberikan tali asih untuk Sahabat SWF dari perempuan single parent. Pemberian tali asih ramadhan berlangsung di Centre Point Medan belum lama ini, bersamaan digelarnya Medan Raya Fashion Week yang menjadi ajang pagelaran hasil karya para desainer dan penggiat kuliner di Kota Medan. Dalam…
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kalamhs · 8 months
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HERO DAY with Outecomes
Gatotkaca, a revered figure in Javanese and Indonesian mythology, possesses remarkable powers such as immense strength, invulnerability, and the ability to fly with wings. His flying prowess sets him apart on the battlefield, making him a unique and powerful character. Beyond his superhuman abilities, Gatotkaca is admired for his loyalty, bravery, and strategic intelligence, making him a formidable warrior in the Mahabharata epic. Overall, Gatotkaca is a likable character embodying strength, bravery, and unwavering loyalty to family and allies.
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Nama Hero : Kitty Pryde
Kekuatan : Melewati ruang dan waktu secara bebas!!!
Alasan : KEREN BANGET SOALNYA dia bisa teleportasi secara gak langsung dan bisa pergi antarwaktu juga, selain itu karena dia bisa buka dan nutup ruang dia bisa misahin musuhnya kalau banyak :D
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Nama Hero: Shark boy
Kekuatan Hero: Memiliki insang dan kekuatan seperti hiu setelah dibesarkan oleh hiu putih besar.
Alasan memilih Hero: film favorite waktu masih kecil (rela rewatch 5000x di tv) zaman itu udah keren banget liatnya langsung kepengen punya kekuatan.
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Nama hero: Wiro Sableng
Kekuatan: memiliki keterampilan bela diri yang tinggi dan mampu menggunakan berbagai ilmu bela diri tradisional
Alasan memilih hero: superhero unik dari Indonesia yang punya senjata utama ikonik bernama kapak 212
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Nama hero: Sri Asih
Kekuatan: Api
Alasan memilih hero: Karena ya cantik, aku demen yang cantik. Lalu, tadinya hanya manusia biasa setelah itu menjadi superhero. Dia bisa menjadi kebaikan untuk kehidupan atau menjadi kehancuran bila ia tidak dapat mengendalikan amarahnya
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Nama Hero: Doctor Strange
Kekuatan Hero: Manipulasi realitas, kemampuan sihir, dan kemampuan untuk melihat dan meramalkan masa depan.
Alasan memilih Hero: Perannya krusial dan karakternya kompleks serta memiliki kekuatan sihir dan berinteraksi dengan dimensi lain yang unik.
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cherries-bunny · 8 months
Name : LavaGirl
Power & Abilities :
Lava Manipulation
Geothermal Kinesis
Light Generation
The reason why i choose LavaGirl, because LavaGirl brings the heat 🔥 and adds an exciting and fiery element to any event! plus, who can resist her aura? 😎
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Sharkboy, Spiderman, Sri Asih, Green Lanterns, Rara Murni
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