#sros lords
dailycharacteroption · 2 months
Conversion Corner: Starbound Species part 2
The Glitch
While yesterday the species in question blended two themes that went well together (plant people and tribal culture), today’s subject is an exercise in anachronistic duality.
Originally created by some forgotten culture, possibly the Ancients, the automatons that would come to be known as the Glitch were created as part of an advanced civilization simulation, with individual units meant to represent individuals in the simulation. However, due to a coding error in their programming, their development stopped at the medieval period, leaving the majority of them to act out a life of feudal pastoral farming. Even those that break away from their programming into full self-actualization still do often favor those aesthetics even when they wield more advanced arms and armor.
Despite being incredibly sophisticated sapient machines, the outer casing of most of these automatons is simplistic, clunky, even primitive, often evoking retro science fiction aesthetics (Some even have a fake synthetic “brain” in a glass dome), all of which clashes with their medieval attire and tools. Additionally, they do not farm for no reason, for they do eat, albeit to extract the methane as fuel from the digestive process rather than any nutritional value. Additionally, while they do not reproduce in the organic sense, a bonded pair of Glitches can enter a trance-like state and assemble a new member of their kind with factory-like speed and efficiency. Perhaps most perplexingly, their programming requires them to also harvest and prepare “medicine”, which seems effective when applied despite all logic indicating that it should not work. Perhaps to even awakened glitches, this placebo effect activates reserves of repairing nanites within themselves?
The personalities of these robots can vary a lot just like any other sapient, however, most are stuck in a medieval way of viewing things. What’s more, their mechanical voices and visages can make articulating emotion difficult. As such, they tend to preface their sentences with a word indicating their tone, similar to Mass Effects Elcor, or perhaps more of a direct reference to the character HK-47 from Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic.
I wasn’t able to glean if there is a unifying government among the glitch, but we do know that they have an agrarian medieval society, complete with serfs, barons, lords, and the like, and most are content to act out those roles. However, those that have evolved beyond that programming often leave to travel the stars to find purpose, though they are met with pity by their kin, who view this erratic behavior as a disruption to the careful cycle of their lives and society as a whole. Even still, such outcasts often gather in like-minded groups, possibly forming into approximations of knightly orders, for good or ill, though chivalry and honor are commonly valued traits across the entire glitch people.
Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Str, +2 Wis, -2 Int
HP: 4
Size and Type: Glitches are Medium Constructs of the Glitch subtype. Unlike other constructs, they do have a Constitution score.
Archaic Arms: Glitches know how best to apply weapons of their limited tech level to gain maximum results. They gain a +1 to attack and damage rolls with analog weapons. Additionally, they do not take the damage penalty of weapons with the archaic property as long as they are proficient with the weapon.
Curiously Robotic: Glitches are immune to bleed, disease, death effects, poison, nonlethal damage, and sleep effects unless those effects specify they affect constructs. Glitches can be affected by effects or spells that normally target only humanoids, but receive a +4 racial bonus to saving throws against such effects. SROs must eat and drink and they must recharge their internal batteries by entering an off-line mode that is similar to sleep for 8 hours every day. SROs do not breathe or suffer the normal environmental effects of being in a vacuum.
Hardcoded Honor: A glitch gains a +2 bonus to Will saves against effects that would compel them to perform an action inimical to their beliefs.
Healing Circuit: In addition to being constructs and thus able to benefit from spells like make whole, Glitches count as living creatures for the purposes of magic healing effects that work on living creatures, though the number of Hit Points restored in such cases is halved. A character can use the Engineering skill to perform the tasks of the Medicine skill on Glitches, but they can also benefit from Medicine checks and medicinals. Glitches also heal naturally over time as living creatures do, and can benefit from magic or technology that can bring constructs back from the dead, as well as effects that normally can’t (such as raise dead).
That should do for today, but tomorrow we’ll look at something a little more… piscine.
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jumerccadelina · 2 years
On Confession
     Some friends have commented on a previous post on Confession or the Sacrament of Reconciliation as a cure for the deep wounds of the soul. Most of the comments were encouraging.  But some, sent privately very valid questions. I wish to tackle these questions here.
     There were essentially two sets of questions. The first is, “Where is that in the Bible? Does the Bible specifically say that we must confess to a priest? Can’t I confess directly to God in prayer?”
     The other set came from Catholic friends who asked, “ What if I am not comfortable with our priest? I know some things about him, and believe me, he is not in a position to forgive my sins.”  Another said, “Can I trust the priests? These are my deepest, darkest secrets we are talking about here.” 
     To the first question: Is Confession in the bible, the answer is Yes. We just have to dig deeper because the answer comes in three stages.
     Stage one: Can Jesus forgive sins? Those of us today might answer this with, “Duh. It is a no-brainer. Of course he can forgive sins. He is Lord.” But I tell you, this concept was so foreign to his contemporaries that it turned their world upside down. Consider this scene described in 3 of the 4 Gospels. A group of four friends dug a hole through the roof to lower a fifth friend who was a paralytic. Jesus was preaching to a Standing Room Only (SRO) crowd and they could not go through the door. This is what Jesus said:
    “Seeing their faith, Jesus said to the paralytic, ‘My child, your sins are forgiven.’ Now some scribes were sitting there, and they thought to themselves, ‘How can this man talk like that? He is blaspheming. Who can forgive sins but God?’ (Mark 2:5-7)
     It was clear to the scribes at the time, that in only two instances can a sin be forgiven. One is when the person who is wronged faces the offender and says, “I forgive you.” Another is when God, who is the Father and Creator of all says to the sinner, “Your sins are forgiven.” Even the High Priest could not forgive sins. He could only offer sacrifices. Jesus claimed to have this divine power: the forgiveness of sins.  And to prove it, he went on to heal the man physically too. The outer, physical healing was a sign of the inner, invisible healing of the soul.
     Stage two: Did this power to forgive remain with Jesus alone, or did he pass it on, or delegate it to others? Consider these two verses:
     Addressing his disciples (like he did to Peter previously in Matthew 16:19 using the same words ‘loosing and binding’), he said, “I tell you solemnly, whatever you bind on earth shall be considered bound in heaven; whatever you loose on earth shall be considered loosed in heaven.” (Matthew 18;18)
     When Jesus rose from the dead, he appeared before his disciples even if the doors were locked and he said:
     “’As the Father sent me, so I am sending you.’  After saying this he breathed on them and said, ‘Receive the Holy Spirit. For those whose sins you forgive, they are forgiven; for those whose sins you retain, they are retained.’
     Question: How would they know which sins to forgive and which sins to retain, which ones to bind and which ones to loose? Those sins must be stated aloud or denounced publicly, right?
     Stage three: Did this authority to bind and loose, to retain or forgive, remain with the disciples only, or were they also passed on to the followers in the succeeding centuries?
     The answer can be seen from the Letter of James. The last section contains exhortations for the elders of the Church, those who succeeded the disciples. These elders were called presbuterous in Greek. The later terms Presbyters or priests came from this Greek word. This is what he says.
     “Is any among you sick? Let him call for the elders (presbuterous) of the Church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord; and the prayer of faith will save the sick man, and the Lord will raise him up; and if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven. Therefore, confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed.” (James 5:14-16)
     James does not say, “Confess your sins to Jesus alone.” or “Confess your sins silently, in your heart.” We can do these of course. Many other biblical passages describe people praying to God directly and expressing remorse for their sins. But if we are to truly follow the word of God, forgiveness of sins comes when we “confess our sins to one another” or more specifically, to a presbyter or priest. It is a gift, freely given by God. A way to seek and receive mercy and healing. 
     Which brings us to the second set of questions.
    A short answer to the concerns about the merits of the priests is the Latin phrase: Ex opere operato. The efficacy of the sacraments (in this discussion, the Sacrament of Penance or Reconciliation) is not derived from the merits of the priest but from the sacrament itself.
     A good analogy is to look at the field of Medicine. Not all doctors are the same. Some are more knowledgeable, more compassionate, more up to date than others. The same goes for surgeons. Some consider each operation to be a masterpiece, and would go to great lengths to make the surgery as well performed as possible. Some are more haphazard, going for speed and are happy if the basic steps are taken. But an antibiotic whether prescribed by a very knowledgeable doctor  or a  less skilled physician will have the same effect  on a patient who receives it. The removal of an inflamed appendix, whether done beautifully by a skillful consultant or haphazardly by a resident in training will have the same effect: a cure from appendicitis.
      Not all priests are the same too. It is of course, best to look for one you are comfortable with to make regular confessions to. But because the Sacrament is a gift instituted by God, it will work even if the priest is imperfect.
     May these clarifications help all of us to take a good look at this often neglected gift that is available to us all.
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riverdamien · 1 year
Seek the Road that Makes Life a Fulfillment
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"Seek the Road That Makes Death A Fulfillment!"
Gospel Lk 7:1-10
When Jesus had finished all his words to the people, he entered Capernaum. A centurion there had a slave who was ill and about to die, and he was valuable to him. When he heard about Jesus, he sent elders of the Jews to him, asking him to come and save the life of his slave. They approached Jesus and strongly urged him to come, saying, "He deserves to have you do this for him, for he loves our nation and he built the synagogue for us." And Jesus went with them, but when he was only a short distance from the house, the centurion sent friends to tell him, "Lord, do not trouble yourself, for I am not worthy to have you enter under my roof. Therefore, I did not consider myself worthy to come to you; but say the word and let my servant be healed. For I too am a person subject to authority, with soldiers subject to me. And I say to one, Go, and he goes; and to another, Come here, and he comes; and to my slave, Do this, and he does it." When Jesus heard this he was amazed at him and, turning, said to the crowd following him, "I tell you, not even in Israel have I found such faith." When the messengers returned to the house, they found the slave in good health.
Dag Hammarskjold once said: "Do not seek death. Death will find you. But seek the road which makes death a fulfillment."
The road which makes death a fulfillment is service to others and in the words of Marie Von Eberiteschergbach: "There is only one proof of service:action."   .
Yesterday afternoon I received a phone call from a young man, living in an SRO on Mason Street. He had just moved in, and felt it was "haunted by demons," and wanted me to conduct "A Service of Exorcism."
And, so for the third time in my ministry, I did just that. And I initiated a relationship in which he could call me if his issues, of hearing "evil spirits" continued.
In leaving I ran into three other individuals that I have known,  hanging on Polk Street in their youth, now living in an SRO. One was expressing his anger at the City for not providing medical services for  him as he became crippled.
I was so over come with tiredness, a bone tiredness. All along the street as I walked, there was one after another in tents, many doing drugs, one pregnant lady.
The words of Helen Keller rippled through my thoughts: "Although the world is full of suffering; it is also full of overcoming it."
A warm feeling flowed through my heart and the words of Julian of Norwich were heard: "All will be well!" as I continue the road that makes death a fulfillment!" Deo Gratias! Thanks be to God!
Fr. River Damien Sims, sfw, D.Min., D.S.T.
P.O. Box 642656
San Francisco, CA 94164
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monsterhugger · 3 years
hoo boy i'm gonna miss my daycare kids a lot but i'm not going to miss being paid barely above minimum wage and having every adult in the school that i didn't directly work with look at me like i'm some kind of predator
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wordsinpashto · 4 years
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• Sparley // پسرلی
Pasarley •
m. Spring 
ربه! ربه! زما ربه!
ليونے شوم په فکرونو
څنګه خور قھر و عضب کړم
په سپرلي او سرو ګلونو-
دوزخ – غني خان 
Rabba! Rabba! Zama Rabba!
Lewanay shum pa fikruno
Sanga khud qahar o azab kram
Pa sparley o sro guloono.
Dozakh – Ghani Khan
Lord! Lord! My Lord!
I'm maddened by thoughtfulness and reflections
How can I curse and tyrannize
The spring and red flowers?
Hell – Ghani Khan
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ucflibrary · 4 years
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Each December, the UCF Libraries’ Featured Bookshelf celebrates the favorite books of employees of the UCF Libraries. And you know a major thing about librarians and library staff? They love talking about their favorite books. The books listed below are some of the favorite books we read in 2020.
Click on the link below to see the full list, descriptions, and catalog links for our favorite 2020 titles. These 20 books plus favorites from previous years are also on display in the 4th floor Reading Room of the John C. Hitt Library.
And if you find someone has checked the one you’re interested in out before you had a chance, did you know you can place an interlibrary loan and have another copy sent here for you? Click here for instructions on placing an interlibrary loan.
 A Furious Sky: the five-hundred-year history of America's hurricanes by Eric Jay Dolin From the moment European colonists laid violent claim to this land, hurricanes have had a profound and visceral impact on American history-yet, no one has attempted to write the definitive account of America's entanglement with these meteorological behemoths. Eric Jay Dolin presents the five-hundred-year story of American hurricanes, from the nameless storms that threatened Columbus' New World voyages, to the devastation wrought by Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico and the escalation of hurricane season as a result of global warming. Populating his narrative with unlikely heroes such as Benito Vines, the nineteenth-century Jesuit priest whose revelatory methods for predicting hurricanes saved countless lives, and journalist Dan Rather, whose coverage of a 1961 hurricane would change broadcasting history, Dolin uncovers the often surprising ways we respond to natural crises. Suggested by Megan Haught, Student Learning & Engagement/Research & Information Services
 Children of the Land by Marcelo Hernandez Castillo With beauty, grace, and honesty, Castillo recounts his and his family’s encounters with a system that treats them as criminals for seeking safe, ordinary lives. He writes of the Sunday afternoon when he opened the door to an ICE officer who had one hand on his holster, of the hours he spent making a fake social security card so that he could work to support his family, of his father’s deportation and the decade that he spent waiting to return to his wife and children only to be denied reentry Suggested by Sara Duff, Acquisitions & Collections
 Dark Matter: a novel by Blake Crouch A mind-bending, relentlessly paced science-fiction thriller, in which an ordinary man is kidnapped, knocked unconscious--and awakens in a world inexplicably different from the reality he thought he knew. "Are you happy with your life?" Those are the last words Jason Dessen hears before the masked abductor knocks him unconscious. He awakens to find himself strapped to a gurney, surrounded by strangers in hazmat suits. Before him, a man Jason's never met smiles down at him and says, "Welcome back, my friend." In this world he's woken up to, Jason's life is not the one he knows. His wife is not his wife. His son was never born. And Jason is not an ordinary college physics professor but a celebrated genius who has achieved something remarkable. Something impossible. Suggested by Katy Miller, Student Learning & Engagement
 Do Nothing: how to break away from overworking, overdoing, and underliving by Celeste Headlee We work feverishly to make ourselves happy. So why are we so miserable? Despite our constant search for new ways to "hack" our bodies and minds for peak performance, human beings are working more instead of less, living harder not smarter, and becoming more lonely and anxious. This manifesto helps us break free of our unhealthy devotion to efficiency and shows us how to reclaim our time and humanity with a little more leisure Suggested by Katy Miller, Student Learning & Engagement
 Eleanor Roosevelt by Blanche Wiesen Cook A study of the complex and political figure of Eleanor Roosevelt begins with her harrowing childhood, describes the difficulties of her marriage, and explains how she persuaded Franklin to make the reforms that would make him famous. Suggested by Richard Harrison, Research & Information Services
 From Here to Eternity: traveling the world to find the good death by Caitlin Doughty Fascinated by our pervasive fear of dead bodies, mortician Caitlin Doughty set out to discover how other cultures care for the dead. In rural Indonesia, she watches a man clean and dress his grandfather's mummified body, which has resided in the family home for two years. In La Paz, she meets Bolivian natitas (cigarette-smoking, wish-granting human skulls), and in Tokyo she encounters the Japanese kotsuage ceremony, in which relatives use chopsticks to pluck their loved-ones' bones from cremation ashes. She introduces deathcare innovators researching body composting and green burial, and examines how varied traditions, from Mexico's Dias de los Muertos to Zoroastrian sky burial help us see our own death customs in a new light. She argues that our expensive, impersonal system fosters a corrosive fear of death that hinders our ability to cope and mourn. By comparing customs, she demonstrates that mourners everywhere respond best when they help care for the deceased and have space to participate in the process.  Suggested by Katy Miller, Student Learning & Engagement
 Indelicacy by Amina Cain A cleaning woman at a museum of art nurtures aspirations to do more than simply dust the paintings around her. She dreams of having the liberty to explore them in writing, and so must find a way to win herself the time and security to use her mind. She escapes her lot by marrying a rich man, but having gained a husband, a house, high society, and a maid, she finds that her new life of privilege is no less constrained. Not only has she taken up different forms of time-consuming labor - social and erotic - but she is now, however passively, forcing other women to clean up after her. Perhaps another and more drastic solution is necessary Suggested by Sara Duff, Acquisitions & Collections
 Interior Chinatown by Charles Yu Every day Willis Wu leaves his tiny room in a Chinatown SRO and enters the Golden Palace restaurant, where Black and White, a procedural cop show, is in perpetual production. He's a bit player here too, but he dreams of being Kung Fu Guy-- and he sees his life as a script. After stumbling into the spotlight, Willis finds himself launched into a wider world than he has ever known, discovering not only the secret history of Chinatown, but the buried legacy of his own family, and what that means for him in today's America. Suggested by Sara Duff, Acquisitions & Collections
 Outlander by Diana Gabaldon Scottish Highlands, 1945. Claire Randall, a former British combat nurse, is just back from the war and reunited with her husband on a second honeymoon when she walks through a standing stone in one of the ancient circles that dot the British Isles. Suddenly she is a Sassenach—an “outlander”—in a Scotland torn by war and raiding clans in the year of Our Lord . . . 1743. Claire is catapulted into the intrigues of a world that threatens her life, and may shatter her heart. Marooned amid danger, passion, and violence, Claire learns her only chance of safety lies in Jamie Fraser, a gallant young Scots warrior. What begins in compulsion becomes urgent need, and Claire finds herself torn between two very different men, in two irreconcilable lives. Suggested by Katie Kirwan, Acquisitions & Collections
 Paradise Lost: a life of F. Scott Fitzgerald by David S. Brown In this comprehensive biography, Brown reexamines Fitzgerald’s childhood, first loves, and difficult marriage to Zelda Sayre. He looks at Fitzgerald’s friendship with Hemingway, the golden years that culminated with Gatsby, and his increasing alcohol abuse and declining fortunes which coincided with Zelda’s institutionalization and the nation’s economic collapse. Suggested by Andrew Hackler, Circulation
 Recursion by Blake Crouch Reality is broken. At first, it looks like a disease. An epidemic that spreads through no known means, driving its victims mad with memories of a life they never lived. But the force that’s sweeping the world is no pathogen. It’s just the first shock wave, unleashed by a stunning discovery—and what’s in jeopardy is not our minds but the very fabric of time itself. Suggested by Mary Rubin, Special Collections & University Archives
 Solutions and Other Problems by Allie Brosh Brosh’s second book includes humorous stories from her childhood; the adventures of her very bad animals; merciless dissection of her own character flaws; incisive essays on grief, loneliness, and powerlessness; as well as reflections on the absurdity of modern life. Suggested by Sara Duff, Acquisitions & Collections
 Spillover: animal infections and the next human pandemic by David Quammen This work examines the emergence and causes of new diseases all over the world, describing a process called "spillover" where illness originates in wild animals before being passed to humans and discusses the potential for the next huge pandemic. The emergence of strange new diseases is a frightening problem that seems to be getting worse. In this age of speedy travel, it threatens a worldwide pandemic. We hear news reports of Ebola, SARS, AIDS, and something called Hendra killing horses and people in Australia; but those reports miss the big truth that such phenomena are part of a single pattern. The bugs that transmit these diseases share one thing: they originate in wild animals and pass to humans by a process called spillover. As globalization spreads and as we destroy the ancient ecosystems, penetrating ever deeper into the furthest reaches of the planet, we encounter strange and dangerous infections that originate in animals but can be transmitted to humans. The author tracks this subject around the world. He recounts adventures in the field, netting bats in China, trapping monkeys in Bangladesh, stalking gorillas in the Congo, with the world's leading disease scientists. He takes the reader along on this quest to learn how, where from, and why these diseases emerge, and he asks the terrifying question: What might the next big one be? Suggested by Megan Haught, Student Learning & Engagement/Research & Information Services
 Squeeze Me by Carl Hiaasen It's the height of the Palm Beach charity ball season: for every disease or cause, there's a reason for the local luminaries to eat (minimally), drink (maximally), and be seen. But when a prominent high-society dowager suddenly vanishes during a swank gala, and is later found dead in a concrete grave, panic and chaos erupt. Kiki Pew was notable not just for her wealth and her jewels--she was an ardent fan of the Winter White House resident just down the road, and a founding member of the POTUSSIES, a group of women dedicated to supporting their President. Never one to miss an opportunity to play to his base, the President immediately declares that Kiki was the victim of rampaging immigrant hordes. This, it turns out, is far from the truth. Suggested by Richard Harrison, Research & Information Services
 The Lady's Guide to Petticoats and Piracy by Mackenzi Lee A year after a whirlwind grand tour with her brother Monty, Felicity Montague has returned to England with two goals in mind: avoid the marriage proposal of a lovestruck suitor from Edinburgh and enroll in medical school. But the administrators see men as the sole guardians of science. When a doctor she idolizes marries a friend of hers in Germany, Felicity believes he could change her future. A mysterious young woman will pay Felicity's way, if Felicity will let her travel along-- as her maid. Soon they're on a perilous quest that leads them across the promenades of Zurich to secrets lurking beneath the Atlantic. Suggested by Megan Haught, Student Learning & Engagement/Research & Information Services
 The Power of Now: a guide to spiritual enlightenment by Eckhart Tolle Much more than simple principles and platitudes, this book takes readers on an inspiring spiritual journey to find their true and deepest self and reach the ultimate in personal growth and spirituality: the discovery of truth and light. In the first chapter, Tolle introduces readers to enlightenment and its natural enemy, the mind. He awakens readers to their role as a creator of pain and shows them how to have a pain-free identity by living fully in the present. The journey is thrilling, and along the way, the author shows how to connect to the indestructible essence of our Being. Suggested by Sandy Avila, Research & Information Services
 The Scarlet Sisters: sex, suffrage, and scandal in the gilded age by Myra MacPherson A fresh look at the life and times of Victoria Woodhull and Tennie Claflin, two sisters whose radical views on sex, love, politics, and business threatened the white male power structure of the nineteenth century and shocked the world. Here award-winning author Myra MacPherson deconstructs and lays bare the manners and mores of Victorian America, remarkably illuminating the struggle for equality that women are still fighting today. Suggested by Dawn Tripp, Research & Information Services
 The Shifting Realities of Philip K. Dick: selected literary and philosophical writings by Philip K. Dick Philip K. Dick has established himself as a major figure in American literature. The landscape of his imagination features a wealth of concepts and fictional worlds: Nazi-rule in a postwar nightmare; androids and the unification of man and machine; and an existence that no longer follows the logic of reality. This first-time collection assembles his nonfiction writings essays, journals, speeches, and interviews. In these writings he explores issues ranging from the merging of physics and metaphysics to the potential influences of "virtual" reality and its consequences to a plot-scenario for a potential episode of "Mission: Impossible," to the challenge that fundamental "human" values face in the age of technology and spiritual decline.". Suggested by Sandy Avila, Research & Information Services
 The Wild Heart of Florida: Florida writers on Florida's wildlands selected and edited by Jeff Ripple and Susan Cerulean Coming from a variety of backgrounds--fiction, journalism, poetry, and environmental writing--the writers turn their talent to one thing they have in common--a love for Florida’s natural beauty and a commitment to preserve it. Their essays--some old favorites, most appearing here for the first time--are both a celebration and a pointed reminder of what we stand to lose. Suggested by Rebecca Hawk, Circulation
 There Will Come a Darkness by Katy Rose Pool The Age of Darkness approaches. Who will stop it... or unleash it? For generations, the Seven Prophets guided humanity. Using their visions of the future, they ended wars and united nations-- until they disappeared a hundred years ago. All they left behind was one final prophecy, foretelling an Age of Darkness and the birth of a new Prophet who could be the world's salvation-- or the cause of its destruction. Will it be a prince exiled from his kingdom? A ruthless killer known as the Pale Hand? A once-faithful leader torn between his duty and his heart? A reckless gambler with the power to find anything or anyone? Or a dying girl on the verge of giving up? Suggested by Pam Jaggernauth, Curriculum Materials Center
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thijihiguri · 4 years
The Emperor’s Ascension - Part 2: The Diamond Prophecy
Disclaimer: it is highly recommended that you read up on the previous chapters prior to reaching this point, or you will find yourself lost in the narrative.  They are posted below for your convenience.
Introduction: https://www.facebook.com/notes/2304709552987721/
Part 1a: https://www.facebook.com/notes/280199693228168/
Part 1b: https://www.facebook.com/notes/811622582740697
The capital of Hyoga was tranquil this time of year.  Everyone waited out these remaining few weeks before the first snow.  Winter was the most active time of the year for the Land of Glaciers, and the first snowfall heralded the changing of the seasons.
On the western portion of the capital, in the residential districts, there stood a lovely mansion which could easily be spotted from anywhere in the district.  Other than the architecture heavily contrasting that of Hyogan make, it was teal.  From chimney to foundation, every brick and shingle was the same color.  Within this monocolor abode was a theater, which was empty save for one woman, who was enjoying a pleasant dessert beverage over a movie, seemingly about a special girl who could harness the powers of the rainbow.  Her hair was wrapped in a towel and wore a bathrobe – all of which was teal.  She sighed with content as she watched, almost as if she was reminiscing over days long past.
Just as the movie was seeming to get interesting, the picture was beginning to distort.  The woman ceased the enjoyment of her beverage and stood up, watching as the screen was beginning to shift into an image of a white-haired maid in blue-and-white, who greeted her with a smile.  Knowing her as Sakuya, the woman robed in teal sat back down and put her drink aside…
Sakuya: Madam Shuji.  Sorry to have interrupted that grand movie; it was getting to the best part.
Nora: It’s no problem, Queen Mikazuki!  If you’re here, then somethin’ big must be goin’ down!
Sakuya: Have you been made aware of your pupil’s recent excursions?
Nora: Who, Thiji?  I heard somethin’ about him fightin’ a bunch of ice people lately.  Why, may I ask?
Sakuya: Is your estate empty?
Nora: Yup!  All my appointments and meetings have been taken care of for the day!
Ripples began forming on the screen as the Eternal Human then walked through it as if it were a portal, appearing before Nora in person as the movie resumed behind her.
Sakuya: Then I can speak to you about this personally.  But first, let’s finish this film, yes?
Nora nodded in agreement, and the two ladies watched the rest of the movie to its end, conversing and laughing all the while.  They regaled each other over the days when Thiji, Koyuki, and the others were yet young and full of creative energy.  Once the movie ended, they relocated to Nora’s office (take a guess at what color it was).  Nora shut the blinders and Sakuya closed the door to maintain privacy, during which time she would give her pitch to the Teal Quaintrelle…
Nora: Wait a minute… He’s doin’ what?!  How was I, Elementa’s #1 socialite, not made aware of this?!
Sakuya: That’s partially my fault, Madam Shuji.
Nora: Please, Your Majesty!  Just “Nora” will do for you!
Sakuya: I’ve only been sharing this information with the Handmaidens of Peace so far, but Thiji has accelerated through the Trials much faster tha new anticipated, which can only mean that he is as anxious to become a God as are my sisters.  But if you can get the word out on this, it would mean a lot to me.  Not to mention it could bring untold amounts of publicity to Shuji Studios.
Nora: As temptin’ as that already sounds, I’d have done this without such delicious bait!  To think that the boy I tutored so long ago became an Emperor of an entire continent, and now he’s gonna become a bona-fide God of Winter!  You don’t need to ask twice, My Queen – I’ll happily tell the world!  And it’s gonna go down here, before the First Snow!  They’ll be callin’ it the “Winds o’ Destiny” once this whole thing blows over!
Sakuya, chuckling: I’m glad you saw things my way, Nora.  Just a reminder that you cannot disclose the full details of this event until the moment it starts.  If too much information gets out, it’d spark a lot of undue tension throughout Elementa.
Nora: As if I need to be reminded o’ that!  Gimme a week and the Borealis Stadium will be so filled to capacity that there won’t even be room for SRO!  Let this be known as Shuji’s Finest Hour!
Sakuya: Thank you again, Nora.  I’ll be looking forward to your report.
Nora: Oh, one more thing!  I’m gonna need footage o’ Thiji kickin’ ass across the multiverse!  I know you have some holo-footage lyin’ around somewhere!
Sakuya: Anything you need to get the word out, Nora.  I got you covered.  I must attend to our Eternal-to-be.
Nora: Then you’ve got yourself a signal-boostin’ deal!
After they shook hands, Sakuya’s form began to fade out of the material plane, leaving behind a small orb in the palm of Nora’s hand.  This was no doubt the recorded footage of Thiji’s recent accomplishments.
Nora searched for her hyperdimensional purse and whistled a special tune.  Out from within jumped a fully-equipped stage crew, complete with cameramen, stylists, clothiers, and every other possible accoutrement.  They all seemed eager and raring to go, for they have not been called by their mistress in what felt like ages.
“Ladies and gentlemen, it’s been one hell of a ride with y’all so far,” Nora told them, “but we’ve got the biggest scoop to have ever graced Elementa, and we’ve only got a week to get the word out, so let’s get to work, because once this is all over, even unborn children will know of the Shuji name!”
https://youtu.be/EuKGNGZjUJI?t=11437 (3:10:36 - 3:16:14)
Everyone cheered and scrambled throughout the estate, setting themselves up for the biggest report ever.  Meanwhile, within the Spiral of Time, Thiji had just returned from his final leg of the Trials of Winter.  He had contended with other god-like beings that commanded a great deal of winter’s might, and has learned (and re-learned) just about everything there is to know about ice and its many facets.  The sheer amount of knowledge he had unearthed intrigued him, and that alone motivated him to learn all he could about winter so that he would be that much better off for his ascent.
With his final battle in the Trial thus settled, the Proofs all gathered, circling around Thiji as the latent energies reacted with his body, instilling their knowledge and memories into him.  All he could do from that point was heave a great sigh of relief and fell backwards, landing on his back.
After a few long moments of rest, he rose to a sitting position and noticed a familiar figure walking out of a portal, greeting him with applause.
“Congratulations, Thiji,” spoke Sakuya, “the Trials of Winter have been conquered, and you are now one step closer to achieving your destiny.  How do you feel?”
“As if a two-ton weight was placed upon my shoulders…” Thiji groaned as he struggled to stand, the adrenaline in his body finally giving way to massive fatigue.
“You worked tirelessly to make it this far, and it shows,” Sakuya stated.  “Now it is time for you to rest; your final Trial is near.  Within one week’s time, when the first snows fall upon Hyoga, your penultimate task will begin.  Until then, you may find solace in my domain, and recuperate unperturbed.  Remember your training; trust your instincts, and ready yourself in mind, body, and soul.  This last trial will undoubtedly be your most daunting.”
The Eternal Human waved her hand and placed her nephew in a stasis field, rendering his body motionless.  The Emperor wasted no time in surrendering to the sweet embrace of slumber, his body drifting through the limitless expanse that was the Spiral of Time.  Meanwhile, Nora was already hard at work getting everything set up for the big broadcast.  She spent the entire week signal boosting and utilizing her various media techniques to inform not only Elementa, but to their allies from other realms as well.  When it came to the power of media, Nora Chelsea-Izumi Shuji could command the attention of even Gods!  Her face was seen on every poster and every television; her voice was heard on every radio and podcast.  There was nothing stopping Shuji Studios from seizing the radio waves.
“Goood mornin’, Elementa and beyond!  This is Nora Shuji here live in the Borealis Tundra to give you what is perhaps the most special report ever!  If you’ve been livin’ under a rock, in a cave, or under the sea all your life, then fear not!  I’m here to enlighten ya!  Our lovable Emperor of Hyoga, Lord Thiji Higuri, has been undergoin’ some grueling trainin’ recently to be bestowed the rarest of honors: ascension to godhood!  He’s been goin’ across the mysterious multiverse and kickin’ the cans of all the guys, gals, and creatures that consider themselves to be masters of winter!  But he’s beaten every single one of ‘em, and now the time has come for him to face his final test against an unknown adversary!  Is it a person from Thiji’s past?  Or a long-lost rival lookin’ to settle a score?  The only way you’ll find out for sure is if you head on over to Hyoga yourself to witness this monumental event!  Tickets are on sale now, and you’ve got only one week before showtime!  But even if you can’t make it, Shuji Studios has you covered: we’ll be takin’ control of the radio waves so that everyone in Elementa can watch the spectacle from the comfort of their own homes!  Are you lookin’ to see what a real battle of ice and snow looks like?  Then you’d better tune in, because this is a once-in-a-hundred-lifetimes chance!  The Borealis Stadium is expected to be filled to capacity, so you’d better act fast and start makin’ your travel arrangements!  This has been Nora Shuji reportin’ to you from the icy bosom of the Land of Glaciers, and remember: If It Ain’t Shuji, It Ain’t Worth Jack!”
From the subaquatic city of Arazsha, to the capitals of all thirteen continents and even the Soramori, news of Thiji’s ascension spread like wildfire.  People from all around the globe began to flock towards the Land of Glaciers, where the greatest moment in Elementa’s history would unfold.
A week’s time had passed, and it was a peaceful, sunny morning in Hyoga.  Atop the glistening walls of Yukiga-To’s outer gates, the leader of the Brides of Winter, Confessor Sylla, sat upon the parapet.  Two more individuals approached her, meeting her gaze toward the horizon.  They were Celuwen, the Virtuemother and Shijima Yukino, the Voice of Winter, and together with the First Bride, they were the highest-ranking individuals of the Handmaidens of Peace.  They watched as the Hyogan skies were dotted by airships and various flying creatures eager to witness the spectacle – one of which was a large airship bearing the image of a multicolored, exploding star upon its sails.  This was the War Star, the airship belonging to the Battle Vixens guild, with the entire crew on deck with their warrior elite: Lupi Flametress, the hot-blooded Knight; Aege Stonemantle, the steadfast Whitesmith; Elua Windgaze, the free-spirited Sniper, and Heal-Do, the calm yet fierce Assassin Cross.
Approaching the Frozen Shore were seafaring vessels and seaborne fauna who have befriended the people of Hyoga – the most important of whom being the Glacierfin Naga, led by Queen Mizu and her council.  Accompanying her was the Mist Queen, Shiro Reina, Mizu’s old friend and former master.
“I knew that man was something else,” Shiro stated, “but never in my life did I imagine him joining Elementa’s pantheon… I’d like a few words with him when this is over before he parts.”
“To ssee a sshorewalker grace the very heavenss would be a sssight for any Naga to behold,” commented Z’hira.  “Let uss make hasste to the sstadium!”
It was truly a sight to behold from the city proper: people from all corners of Elementa and beyond, flocking to one singular location, the stadium slowly filling in its seats.  The Borealis Stadium itself was impressive, to say the least, easily accommodating at least half a million people, including exclusive club seating, skyboxes, and luxury suites – one of which housed the Eternals themselves, and even Nora.  The Teal Quaintrelle wasted no expense in having as many people filling the stadium as possible, and to attract such a crowd could only be possible for a media mogul like her.
And on the far side of the fields stood a solitary ice block, the man of the hour himself within.  Thiji awaited the coming battle, taking this time in solitude to gather himself and focus his power.  It appeared to have been under control - no paling skin or abnormal protrusions from his body.
“Looks like it’ll be a full house, sisters!” Raiko excitedly pointed out.  “This stadium is freakin’ huge!  It should be a landmark!”
“It is,” Homura and Sakuya said simultaneously.
“Where the heck’s Mizore?  She should be watching her son’s finest hour!” the Eternal Succubus asked as she took a big gulp of her drink.
“She’s got her reasons for being tardy,” Sakuya calmly replied.  “For now, let’s get comfy.  Thiji’s battle will be approaching soon.”
In the premium club seats were Princess Seraphina and her entourage: her cousins Kasui & Kasho, along with the Generals of the Tundra Force.  She was excited to see her father’s final performance, along with Queen Shiro and the others – everyone of Hyoga’s Finest had arrived to bear witness to this occasion.  Turning to her immediate left, she would find herself being greeted by a beautiful silver-white fox with nine tails, swinging them eagerly.
“I know he’ll succeed – I will see him in the heavens!” she thought aloud.  This was Da Ji, Purity’s Envoy, and Guardian deity of Amatsu.  A close friend of Thiji’s, she was more eager than anyone to watch Thiji’s performance.
With everyone in place, the time had come to commence the event.  A large teal dirigible flew over the stadium, and titantrons began activating along the outer edges of the stadium, allowing comfortable viewing access from any and all angles.  The Glacierfin Council “seated” beside Shiro and Mizu gazed in awe at the enlarged visage of Nora, and the technology she boasted.
“Thiss woman iss… eccentric,” Zhira commented, “but her pressentation iss not wanting!  Thiss is the marvel of sshorewalker technology!”
“And she’s a fierce fighter besides,” Shiro commented.  “In fact, she taught Thiji martial arts, among other things.”
“PEOPLE OF ELEMENTA AND BEYOND!  ARE YOU READY?!” cried Nora from the airship.  The crowd let out a jubilant uproar of cheers and applause in response.  “To all tunin’ in today, you’re in for the more delectable treat in Elementa’s history: the hour of Thiji’s ascension!  The Emperor of Hyoga himself, Thiji Higuri, has been rampagin’ all over the multiverse to beat all contenders who would get in his way of bein’ Lord of Winter, and now he’s back in the world of Elementa to face his final trial – and you’re all invited to witness it!  Any moment now, his final opponent will make their appearance, and the most epic battle of your lives will commence!  Now let’s hear it for our lovable ice man, the Emperor himself: Thiji Sorin Higuri!”
The ice block shattered and the man of the hour rose to his feet, gazing upon the countless masses applauding him.  He could make out familiar voices cheering him on: his daughter; his niece; Da Ji, and even Shiro.  He couldn’t help but smile at all the people whose lives he touched and changed motivating him one last time as a mortal.  Because after today, he would become a God.
As the hour of judgment drew closer, the Handmaidens’ leadership began to make their way towards the stadium.  However, they would only be able to take a few steps before Confessor Sylla felt a wave of dread wash over her.  She frowned as she laid a hand upon her heart, giving her sisters cause for concern.
https://youtu.be/EuKGNGZjUJI?t=6329 (1:45:29 - 1:47:37)
“Confessor?” spoke Celuwen.
“This pang upon my breast…” she whispered.  “Is this truly Winter’s will…?”
“What did you see?” Shijima inquired.  Sylla remained silent, only pointing towards the heavens above the Borealis Stadium.  The clouds were beginning to part as a single pillar of amethyst-colored light shone through – it was finally time.  Thiji readied himself as a lotus flower fell from above.  Its descent was blindingly swift, and as it touched down, a storm of petals danced throughout the stadium, wowing the audience.  The flower itself grew in size until it was tall enough to fit an adult male, and once the petals parted to reveal its passenger… the world stopped.
Everyone – from the spectators in the stadium, to the people watching from all corners of the realm, to even Thiji himself – was utterly frozen.  Not a single breeze blew through the arctic.  All was still; all was silent.
“Psst.  Hey, Sakuya,” Raiko whispered.  “I know this is for dramatic effect and all, but we kinda need time to move again.”
“This isn’t me, sister,” the Eternal Human defended.  “Even the families of Heaven of Hell are aware of this moment; all of Elementa is still.”
Out from the flower strode a maiden in a violet qipao, her hair and skin flawless.  Angel wings were seen protruding from her back and in front of her ears.  In her right hand she gripped a decorative jian, an oriental broadsword, and flowers began to blossom through the snow upon which she stood.  Her face was tense – not with anger, but with determination, as she glared daggers at Thiji.
Once the perception of time went back to normal, Thiji’s focus shattered.  He beheld his final opponent, his penultimate obstacle standing in the way of his rightful ascension:
The Snow Flower herself, Koyuki Kazahana, was his final opponent.
“Hello, my lord,” Koyuki greeted firmly.  “It is finally time for you to embrace your destiny.”
“The High Empress…?!” gasped Celuwen and Shijima.
“That I did not foresee this until now…What is Winter plotting…?” Sylla asked herself aloud.
“I am certain we will find the answers we seek once we make it to the stadium.  Come, sisters!” Celuwen ordered, and with a strum of her oud, she brought the winds of the north to heel as they swirled around herself and the others, carrying them to the Borealis Stadium.
“My mother… She was an Angel all this time?” Seraphina inquired.
“Always has been, Princess Seraphina,” Shiro replied.  “In fact, she is a Seraph, an Angel raised and trained for battle.  Note the two pairs of wings.”
“Just like my name!  It makes so much sense now!” the Princess giggled.
“That she is a Seraph can only mean that she went to the Dawn Academy at some point... which implies that our Empress is a lot older than she seems!” Hira deducted.
“Preposterous!” scoffed Chui, General of the Wavemenders.  “That’d mean she’d be half a century old at the least!”
“Normally you’d be correct, Wavecaller,” coolly spoke Galetracker Yori Honshou, General of the Hailvolleys, “but if there’s one thing I know about the Kazahana Clan, it’s that they hold a lot of skeletons in their closet - the Pure Branch, especially!”
“You’re not just saying that because your bow was blessed by them, are you...?” the Spring Elf Arasil questioned, rolling her eyes.
“He has a point, though,” Hira followed.  “The Kazahana Clan are the most powerful and prominent family in Elementa for a reason.  Some even say that their capabilities border on the unnatural.”
The others shrugged off the notion and fell silent, refocusing on center field.
“Koyuki, my flower, what are you doing…?” Thiji questioned.  He took a step forward, but would be met with only a blade pointed toward him.  He looked upon his wife and immediately took notice of her demeanor: she wasn’t the cheerful and demure lady by which she was so known and loved.  No, this Koyuki was far different – eyes burning with fervent determination, a fury quelled by the serenity her very presence brings.  He had surmised that she has awakened the Kazahana blood within her, turning the Snow Flower into a weapon of war.
“Doing what must be done, my lord,” she replied.  “You have completed the Trials of Winter, and now your final test is upon you.  Did you think you were the only one training, my Emperor?  I, too, have been honing my skills, preparing myself for this fateful day where we would meet each other – as opponents.  And as many are wont to say: the more beautiful the flower, the deadlier its thorns, and I have been touted as the most beautiful in all of Elementa.”
“But I’ve sworn an oath to defend and uphold your purity!” Thiji interjected, taking a stance.  “Laying a hand on you in aggression is sacrilege of the highest order; the Kazahana Clan is the most powerful in all of Elementa, and drawing their blood is original sin – especially the blood of a Pure Branch member – most of all its head!”
“You’re right: you are still oathbound to protect me, my lord,” Koyuki pondered, “which is why I declare upon this day that you, Thiji Sorin Higuri, shall protect me no longer.  I deem you freed from the manacles by which this oath has bound you, sworn no longer to safeguard my purity!”
The entire stadium gasped; some of the Handmaidens were so taken aback that they began fainting on the spot.  As for Thiji, he was crushed by this so that he collapsed, falling to his knees.  The Eternals watched silently from their box with anticipation, counting on the Snow Flower to carry out their mission.  Thiji wanted to feel utter sorrow, but his heart was not as affected by this as he had thought.  In fact, he was not even brought to tears.  But the same sadness lingered as he rose his head to the heavens, wondering what cruel hand fate had dealt him to come to this occasion.  After loving, serving, and protect his beloved Snow Flower – his destined, star-crossed wife – she casts his oath aside like an old toy.
His head felt heavy now.  The weight became too much to bear that he would once again lower it to the ground, seemingly losing all energy to move.  He was still, as the first snow had finally begun to fall upon Hyoga.  Thiji had shut his eyes, hoping that it was all a nightmare.  But a voice broke through the silence.
“Thiji.  Draw your sword.  If you are to claim your destiny, then you must strike me down.”
https://youtu.be/EuKGNGZjUJI?t=11775 (3:16:14 - 3:19:26)
These words came from Koyuki’s lips.  But it only hurt him further.  Again, the emotional blow was softened by some unknown force.  No response from the Emperor of Hyoga.  Koyuki pressed the matter once more.
“Raise your head, Thiji.  Draw your sword and meet me in battle.”
“What madnesss is thiss?!” Z’hira gasped.
“What corruption has befouled the High Empress?!” Deshir followed.
“Koyuki is incorruptible,” Queen Mizu said telepathically.  “She’s plotting something, but it involves battle.  I know Lady Shiro and Lady Koyuki well; they wouldn’t do things without some ultimate goal in mind.”
Seraphina only watched on in silence, unable to say a single word from the sheer emotion wrought by this moment.  Thiji, again, did not speak or budge.  Thus did Koyuki resort to more direct measures.  With a beat of her wings, she took the the skies, grasping her blade as gravity gave way.
As she descended, memories of Thiji’s past surged through his mind – all of which involved Koyuki.  His most cherished moment, when they were mere children, replaying over and over in his mind.  How tenderly he held her that cold day… how icy wet his face was from the tears he shed for her… and the words he spoke to her:
“Please, Koyuki… don’t go.  I need you.”
He kept that memory closest to his heart all his life, and now it seemed to have been for naught.  Of all the opponents he could have faced, he never once dreamed of raising a blade against Koyuki.  But just like the other assaults upon his heart, yet again, the blow was mitigated.  Why did not feel so crushed as he originally anticipated?  Was his warrior’s spirit taking over?  Whatever the cause may be, he found the strength to rise back to his feet, conjuring a katana of ice just in time to clash blades with Koyuki, a loud ring heard throughout the stadium.  The resulting force sent the falling snow blowing in all directions, pelting the crowd in a flurry of frost and angel down.
“Good, my lord,” she congratulated as she stared her husband down, that same determination in her eyes.  His eyes, however, were filled with something else – cold yet raging.  He did not question why he acted in such a way, only that it felt right.  “For the glory of Hyoga, unleash your soul and face me!”
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And thus the battle had begun.
“Game on, sisters…” Sakuya declared, reclining in her seat.  The two concluded their deadlock and forced each other back to opposite ends of the arena.  Thiji made the first move and sent blades of ice toward the Snow Flower, who answered with graceful dodges to the left and right.  She performed another wingbeat, sending flower petals forward and strewing them about the arena.
Thiji rose his katana and charged, watching the petals explode in a small radius as he came close.  She had set a floral minefield to deter Thiji.  Stepping directly atop a petal, he was sent flying upwards, throwing him off balance.  Koyuki took the skies to meet him, ready to greet Thiji with a series of blade attacks.  He was able to recover from the explosion he triggered to meet Koyuki in a clash of blades once more, parrying her blows with his katana.  Seeing an opening, Koyuki performed a lunge with her sword, aimed at Thiji’s chest.  The Emperor was able to spin in midair to avoid it, sheathing his blade for a brief moment before unleashing stored energy to perform a blinding iai slash at the Empress’ midsection.  The attack hit its mark, but Koyuki’s form vanished into flower petals.
“A flower clone…” he thought to himself.  He made a quick 180-degree turn as soon as he felt Koyuki’s presence, though try as he did to react, the Snow Flower had already grabbed him by the arm, whirled him around, and threw him straight downward.
Utilizing his newfound strength, Thiji turned to face the ground, clenching his free hand into a fist and slammed the ground with all his might, upheaving the floral minefield and detonating all the petals in a beautiful display of flower and snow.  The audience could not help but cheer at the spectacle, scattered cheering for either side to win.  Everyone was beginning to get into the fighting spirit, it seemed.
“You’re gettin’ all this, right, boys?!” Nora shouted to her crew, who all gave a thumbs-up.  “Good!  Ain’t nobody’s takin’ this moment away from us!”
“Thiji... One way or another, I will help make you see,” Koyuki thought as she looked down at Thiji.  She began her descent, seeking to meet Thiji head-on once more.  As they clashed blades once more, she stared once more into his icy-cold eyes.  “Dance with me, my lord,” she invited aloud.  “Bring me the beauty and grace of battle that only you can provide me!”  Her husband pushed her away, and she performed a somersault before sticking the landing, sliding several meters back along the snow.
“Then I shall lead…” he coolly replied before wreathing his katana in frost energy.  She did the same for her blade, enveloping it in a violet aura of floral energy, and their dance began: a graceful and frenetic flurry of steel, as gusts of snow and flowers whirled around the stadium.  The crowd cheered them on as their dance went on, with either side showing little sign of letting up.  For Seraphina, however, the residual energies they were giving off reacted with her own body – so much so that it was beginning to feel as though they had counted on this to happen.
The Alabaster Rose hugged herself, unsure of what was going on with her body…
“Cousin!  Are you well?!” Kasui said as she hurried to her side.  She would then be pushed back as the halo which levitated behind her illuminated, and focused her energies into the heavens, drastically altering the scenery.  Kasho caught Kasui, after which they would look up to notice that the clouds had parted, revealing a sunless sky, with the glorious light of Tsukuyomi illuminating the area.  Once this atmospheric phenomenon occurred, all jubilation ceased, and only silence followed.  All were entranced by the dazzling display.
“What… What is this…?” General Hiro gasped.
“In all my battles, I’ve seen nothing like this before…” Snowmistress Hira stated.
“C’est magnifique…”
Everyone turned toward the source of the voice: the newly-ordained Duchess of Yukiga-To, Masao Inkina Muyo.  “A rarity unlike any other: a joining only made possible through the Higuri Clan and the Kazahana Pure Branch; a vibrant and mystical dance of twirling petals and snowy zephyrs beneath the silvery gaze of the moon: the Beauty of the Four Seasons: the Setsugekka no Utsukushi-sa.”
“How do you know of this, Duchess?” inquired Mikomi Toushou, Nomad of Hope, who sat right beside Su Da Ji.
“I’ve served the Royal Family long enough to learn of the unique bond shared between the Higuri Clan and the Kazahana Pure Branch,” she explained.  “With Great Empress Kaiyuki’s blessing, I was the one who oversaw a young Lord Thiji’s rise to Prime Minister of Yukiga-To before his 15th birthday.  The Higuri have always been the most loyal retainers to them, and of the many bonds that form between Clans, theirs is the most graceful and beautiful in all of Elementa.  The Great Empress told me this secret, and I’ve kept it well-guarded until the time was right.  Their very powers alter the world around them: Lord Thiji, of the snow; Lady Koyuki, of the flower… and Princess Seraphina, of the moon.  Together, they complete this rarest of dances…”
A singular tear fell from her face, compared to the countless others who also shed tears from the serene beauty of the sight – even the Glacierfin Naga cried, never witnessing a more beautiful spectacle since the coming of their Queen.  And up above, Nora and her crew were practically bawling.
“D-Don’t stop filmin’ this, gentlemen – no matter how w-watery your eyes get…!” Nora ordered, choking back tears with little success.  The Eternals, too, were moved by this sight, though Homura was trying her hardest not to show her tears.
“Man… I oughta slap the white off of Mizore for not witnessing her own flesh and blood doing this!” Homura grumbled.
On the eastern section of the stadium, the Handmaidens leadership arrived just in time to witness the show with Nisou and the others.  The Handmaidens either fainted from the overwhelming beauty or were praying in reverence to Winter; Sylla felt utter bliss, hurrying to her nieces’ side to watch with them; Celuwen and Shijima were simply stunned.
The length of their dance was reaching its end; the Borealis Stadium and surrounding area darkening as a sign, until the moonlight was focused only on the circumference of the arena.  The two warriors disengaged to focus all their respective energy into their weapons again, before zooming towards center field to meet one another in one final clash beneath the lunar spotlight.  The ground then began to shake as the residual energies focused onto a singular area – the stadium itself.  A raging blizzard of snow and blossom petals filled the area, contained in a transparent veil of moonlight which protected the audience.  The storm rose to the very heavens, until the barrier would finally break from the resulting explosion, releasing a flash of light which temporarily blinded all who gazed upon it.
Once the light had faded and the skies returned to normal, the crowd beheld the last vestiges of the dancing iceflowers, as both contestants laid on the ground.
“Did… Did he win…?  Is it over…?” Da Ji asked hopefully.  Thiji and Koyuki slowly rose to their feet after recovering from the shock of the explosion, barely a scratch on them, save for a small cut on their cheek.
“Well done, Thiji…” Koyuki said in her mind.  “All under Heaven and above the Underworld will remember this day.  And with this dance concluded, you’re one step closer… But still you must see.  You must further be catalyzed.  Only then will the truth be revealed.  Jenivieve… Liliana… Dr. Rieleigh… everyone… after all we’ve done for him… I pray that you can find it in your hearts to forgive me.”
Grasping her blade, she took to a piercing stance, wings outstretched.  Taking this moment in her hands, she charged at Thiji with all her might, her blade aiming straight for his heart.
“MY LORD, TAKE CARE!!” shouted Da Ji, reaching out to the man she loves.  Try as he could, he was unable to react, his body feeling… cold.  Rigid, even.  He only watched as his beloved wife came toward him at full speed, bracing himself for the inevitable blow…
… But destiny had other plans.
A loud clang resounded throughout the stadium, which such force that the wind generated from it blew everyone off of their seats (figuratively, of course).  Thiji slowly opened his eyes, gasping at what he beheld: his heart was untouched, a strange barrier holding Koyuki’s blade a meter from it!  He rose his head to meet Koyuki’s gaze, who shut her own eyes in response.  And in the midst of it all, Thiji could not help but think that Koyuki felt… relieved by this.
Setting the notion aside, he released his pent-up energy in a radial wave of force which knocked the Snow Flower back towards her end of the arena.  Koyuki caught herself, getting to her knees as she watched Thiji’s body… changing.
“It’s done…” Koyuki quietly cheered under her breath.  The Emperor’s eyes shut as he winced in pain, clutching his chest as he saw his body crystallizing!
“She did it!” Sakuya cheered with a fist pump.  “It’s all on her now.”
“I-Is this a result of the dance, Duchess Muyo?!” Mikomi asked.
“Non,” she answered.  “This is something entirely different; a first-time occurrence for us all.”
As Thiji fought his hardest to stop this process, he dropped to his knees, clutching his chest desperately to stem the pain.  It was then that he heard a voice in his head:
“Thiji… do not fight it.”
His eyes opened, scanning the area for the source, but he saw only Koyuki, and the masses who gathered today to watch him.  The voice called to him again:
“Give in to it.  This is your destiny.  Your time has finally come.”
“I know that voice…” he whispered…
“Come to me… and all will be made clear.”
A protective dome of permafrost formed around Thiji, leaving everyone stupefied.
“The plot glaciates…!” Nora exclaimed.
Thiji reopened his eyes and found himself in a different realm – far from the Borealis Stadium – far from Hyoga – and far from Elementa.  A vast forest blessed by eternal winter; trees turned white and blue by snow and frost; arctic fauna both normal and magical roaming the land.  Light snowfall persisted no matter where one went in the forest, and the wind was calm and serene.  Thiji was beyond awestruck at the stark beauty of this land.  His reverence would be cut short, however, as a snowy owl landed before him, staring at him expectantly.  It lifted a wing and pointed it to the path behind it, gesturing him to follow.
Thiji threw caution to the wind and proceeded down the path, until he would eventually come to a glade of pristine snow and ice.  Waiting for him in the center sat a lone woman robe in an ornate white-and-blue kimono.  Her waist-length hair and skin were as white as the very snow, and icicles decorated her form – from hair ties with red ribbons to lining her obi in a manner akin to strings of charms.
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The owl perched itself on a nearby nest, alerting the woman to Thiji’s presence – though she already knew he had come.  She rose from her seat and turned slowly to gaze at Thiji, greeting him with a smile warm enough to melt the snow around her.
“My son – my sweet Yukinko…” she greeted with the most gentle of voices.
“Mother…” Thiji replied under his breath.  He broke into a sprint towards his beloved parent, and memories flashed back in both their minds, to a time when Thiji was a mere child.  This mother of the Emperor of Hyoga was none other than Mizore, the Eternal Yuki-Onna of Ice, and by proxy, Empress Dowager of Hyoga.  He embraced his mother tenderly, for he had missed her so, just as she missed him.  “Where am I, Mother…?  What is going on?”
“Be still, sweetest son,” she replied.  “I will explain.  Firstly, this is my – and soon to be, your – domain: the Antarctic Glade.  I summoned you here personally to help you on your final step towards your ascension.  First, I would ask of you to create a reflection.”
“Yes, Mother,” he immediately acknowledged.   Mizore then used her powers to conjure a large slab of ice before them, while Thiji utilized the powers of the Glacial Guardian to project his memories onto the ice, replaying them as though it were a television.
“Thiji,” Mizore began, “do you recall a certain crucial moment in time where you changed drastically in demeanor?  I will give you a hint: it was during your burgeoning adult years.”
Thiji thought for a moment, which caused the ice to react.  The reflections began replaying a younger Thiji with Koyuki, whom he was on the verge of proposing to, and the actual wedding.  Then it replayed a moment in time with Thiji and Koyuki again, a few years older, but with a third familiar face: flowing, platinum-blonde hair; stunning violet eyes…
These particular moments kept playing over and over as Mizore continued her explanation…
“Your destiny was delayed due the love you shared with the Snow Flower and the Dragon Empress.  Though they may have given you power through love, they had, unbeknownst to them, been holding you back.  This was not your fault, nor theirs, for your love was star-crossed.  However, you have learned all you could, and now you are at the crux of your power; the zenith of your potential.”
“So Koyuki and Liliana… them changing my heart affected me so?” Thiji asked.  Mizore responded with a nod.
“Love is powerful, Thiji,” she said.  “so powerful that it can soften one’s resolve.  Elementa is in need of new protectors, and it is unanimous that none are a better candidate than you to ascend to godhood.  But in order for this to occur, you had to undergo the Trials of Winter – they served as a means of reminding you of your roots as a child born of Winter.  You bear it in all forms: its savagery; its ferocity; its serenity; its beauty.  Your heart needed to be re-hardened, and you have done just that in record time.  To ascend to godhood, you needed to become the undisputed mortal ruler over all things cold and frigid.  This… is the Diamond Prophecy.  You passed yourself off as the Diamond Emperor, but now you can truly be the Diamond Emperor.  This will be your first – and final – transformation.”
“That is why my body was crystallizing!” Thiji realized.  “It was a diamond cocoon!”
“Precisely!” his mother affirmed.  “Koyuki knew of this, and now she stands between you and your ascension.  Though you are among the incredibly rare few to have multiple true loves, you must learn to let them go.  Koyuki wanted you to see that; in time, I am sure Liliana will understand as well.  We are living forces of nature; the limits of our strength far surpass even that which love can bring.  So I ask you, Thiji: will you strike down the Snow Flower – your greatest love – to ascend?”
“I will,” he immediately stated, his expression turning cold.  “I must.”  Mizore took note of this, smiling in approval – not a single bit of doubt or remorse present on his face.
“Then I have done my duty.  Now I’ll just need to give you a little jump-start!”
She lifted her index finger, and condensed the glade’s latent glacial energy into a small orb, resting on its tip.  As it drew closer to his heart, Mizore gave her parting words to her son:
“When next I see you, Thiji, you will be a God.  For now, I think it’s time you left; you have one last show to put on!”
As soon as she touched his heart, the energy discharged and quickly enveloped his body, consuming him in a white light that transported him out of the glade and back to Hyoga.  Everyone watched with bated breath over the glacial dome that has now been hardened into diamond.
“What could be goin’ on inside that dome?!” Nora shouted.  “If you’re still holdin’ your breath, then you’ve got the lung capacity of an Olympic gold medalist!”
“Think she did it?” Homura asked Sakuya.
“For sure.  Look at the dome,” she replied.  The dragoness looked back, noticing that cracks were forming along the dome.  The crowd gasped as the cracks began splitting, growing in length and width.  Light broke through the fractures, which made everyone grow concerned.
“That dome’s about to burst!  Watch out, everyone!!” Nora warned.  The crowd did not have much time to react until the dome burst, sending shards of diamond out in all directions.  The audience and Nora and her crew did their best to shield themselves from horrible lacerations and puncture wounds, only to find that the shards have been trapped in stasis before it would strike anyone.  They looked around and beheld nothing but a glistening stadium of diamond, as Thiji emerged from his cocoon, completely transformed: his normal garb has been replaced with regal clothing; it along with his hair took on an ice blue-to-white gradient; his skin, pallid and pure white, like the snow.  Upon his head was a crown made of pure diamonds, with the shards of the selfsame mineral dancing about him.  Koyuki smiled at the sight of her lord – remade whole once more – his former self, restored.
“Is… Is that Lord Thiji?!” Nora gasped.  “Ladies and gentlemen and everybody tuned in: the unthinkable has happened!  In the heat of battle, the master of ice himself has undergone a PHENOMENAL change, and has stilled the power of winter itself with a mere glare!  This can only mean one thing: we’re witnessin’ the first – and last – transformation of Thiji Higuri, the Diamond Emperor!!”
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The crowd cheered loudly once more, chanting “Diamond!  Emperor!  Diamond!  Emperor!”  Regaining her composure, Koyuki picked up her blade and assumed her best fighting stance.
“Are you prepared, my lord…?” Koyuki called out.  He rose his head and slowly opened his eyes, revealing cold orbs of ice blue to match his emotionless countenance.
“Time to find out…” he answered lowly.
With a few slashes of her jian, she called forth miniature petals which gleamed in the light, as though they were tiny blades in disguise.  She sent them forth to assail Thiji, who responded with a mere tilt of his head, forming a barricade from the diamond shards.  The sound of numerous tiny blades clashing against rock was heard as Koyuki’s attack was nullified.
This, however, was merely a distraction.  Koyuki flew forward at full speeds, drifting around the barricade and kicking up snow as she did to strike at Thiji’s blindside, using her deceptive combat style to find a hole in his defenses.  Fortunately, he was very focused on the battle, effortlessly deflecting her attacks with his katana, now made from diamond.  Koyuki then wheeled around and swung her blade in a clockwise arc, but Thiji easily no selled her attack by planting his blade in the ground.  With his free hand, he made a swiping motion with his index and middle finger, shaving off some of the barricade to send a cloud of diamond towards Koyuki, who had to fly to evade. 
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen this side of Father before,” an awestruck Seraphina mused. 
“He was... a different man back then, Princess,” Shiro followed.  “He was far more cold and calculating in his ways before he was reunited with your mother.  Thiji was well on his way to becoming one of - if not, the most - powerful practitioner of ice in Elementa.  But now, it looks like he’s done just that.”
“How poetic - Elementa’s progenitor of winter, he must first rule it as a mortal,” Sylla thought aloud.  “A pity we will only see this once in our lifetime.”
Thiji then retrieved his sword and slashed it behind him, sending a wave of frost in an arc towards the Snow Flower, who barely rose a floral shield to fend it off, an ice shard or two cutting her face.  Koyuki then planted more lotus flowers on the ground, sprouting into man-sized plants into which she would enter.  As she did, that flower shrunk into the ground, effectively teleporting her to another one nearby, utilizing this tactic to get the element of surprise on Thiji.  Again, it seemed to provide little effect, as he reacted quickly to where she would appear, clashing swords with and forcing her away as she fell into flower after flower to repeat the same tactic.  Another clash, and Thiji pushed Koyuki high into the air with his newfound might, using this time to disable her means of teleportation by shredding each and every flower with his diamond shards.
Running thin on options, Koyuki called upon the heavenly host to fill her with light, swooping down to meet Thiji once more in a deadlock, the resulting force causing another shockwave of ice and flowers to spread, though they were contained by the diamonds which formed a barrier around the arena.  Thiji slid his blade toward the guard of her sword, using his leverage to pull her down to the earth in a kneeling position.  She gazed into Thiji’s eyes as their blades remained deadlocked, and she felt her very soul running cold.  They were devoid of feeling – empty save for the unforgiving chill that his very presence brought.
The Snow Flower stilled the quickness of her heart, keeping her gaze fixed on the only man she ever loved.  She was completely helpless; if she lost this deadlock, this battle was his.  But she saw no point in reasoning with him now, for she had already gone too far – which is what she had wanted all along.  She braced herself for what was to follow.
“I’m ready, Thiji…” she said in her mind.  Everyone watching stood up from their seats, some even on the verge of falling over the arena.  Seraphina couldn’t bear to watch and shielded her eyes.  Mizu and the other ladies covered their mouths in shock at what was going to happen.
“Sh-Should we keep filming, ma’am?” asked the cameraman.
“YES!  No matter what!” Nora immediately replied.  Thiji sent the diamond cloud into the blade, fusing with and hardening its surface, thus increasing its strength.  So much so that he applied just a bit more pressure, causing her sword to split in two… The memories of their teary farewell surged into her mind.  She remembered it all: the words he said to her; the way he held her; the countless tears he wept for her…
… Then, time stood still once more, as the only sound that followed… was steel piercing flesh.
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sroslords · 4 years
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Sros Lords On Bandcamp!!! .. A Remove Records Release!!!!! Fucking share everywhere!!! Get Fucking Wild...Get fucking crazzzzy!! .. Shit yeah!!! #removerecords #garagerock #garagerocknroll #punkrockmusiclives #punks #detroitmusic #detroitmusicscene #michigan #michiganmusic #marvel #marvelcomics #starwars #nintendo #marijuana #metallica #devo #80s #blacksabbath https://www.instagram.com/p/B_rAGM2jvvy/?igshid=difhswy1sely
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deardarkness1-blog · 8 years
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Come and see us in person!! 
1/20 @ The Painted Lady with feeble.curses and Ex American 1/28 @ The Loving Touch with Queen Kwong, Siamese, and Kaleido 2/11 @ Trixie's with Sros Lords and Jimmy Ohio
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bloojayoolie · 5 years
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Click, Gg, and Text: Subreddit of the day: r/softwaregore & r/technope Merch: https://ift.tt/2NZvhoU Discord Server: https://ift.tt/2XZYVds MEER WEERGEVEN SORTEREN OP 359 reacties odere div ideentents class=style-scoee dteestion-ende dceonetsbe renderer class='style-scop xco oderer id-comment' class-'style-scge entthread-rendere sommentsyle=ypkoowo>
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adjoay · 5 years
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Thank you for all love ❤️ you showed me, if something happens to me, say tomorrow I just want you to know that I love you ❤️. Yes!! Use me Lord! I am a living testimony of His greatness. How ironic that I almost passed out 😵 at the Crenshaw station 🚉 on the exposition line yesterday, due to a low iron count and loss of blood. I was treated for Near-syncope. I radioed for help and they asked me what race I was just before I started to see ☁️, then I called Uber and they didn’t want to pick me up, instead asked me to walk to a better neighborhood, 😂 I cannot believe “the girl who cried wolf” is happening to me. #actorslife #pateintrole #serioulsly #dramatic #prayerchangesthings #wonthedoit #uber #handsupdontshoot #blackpeoplearehuman #respect #dignity #nipseyhussle #blessedandhighlyfavored #blacklivesmatter #amokay #dontworrybehappy😊 #wellness #takecareofyourself #worklifebalance #sro #aplusaudiences #castingconnections #surkus #sagaftra #oncameraaudiences #stanleykaplan #johncasablancasmodeling #badboyrecords #geffenrecords #interscoperecords💿💿 (at Cedars-Sinai) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxBVFmfH5k3/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=zis6epuvnthl
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l0serz · 7 years
Spring/summer angry, love, sex, and friendship songs for 2k17 summer
1. FUCK ME Most beautiful love song on this entire universe.i am so in awe and fall in love with it every single time. I will marry anyone and everyone who holds my hand in the car listening to this while driving down a dusty road - https://youtu.be/nH7bjV0Q_44
2. https://youtu.be/FrogoSmiAqU - road rage song
3. https://youtu.be/haEc8KhTD7Q - summer sex song
4. Idk who hurt lorde but I’m glad something relatable came out - https://youtu.be/86s_1hpX4Yc
5. I want to sniff cocaine out of someone’s ass crack to this - https://youtu.be/ImANYYEBH-U
6. https://youtu.be/FRn8Sl6-sRo jam out to this or make out to this who cares it’s a head rock
7. https://youtu.be/QA_fuEeCRRQ 1 - san cisco can turn any shitty relationship song into a classic summer upbeat bop and I respect them for it
8. https://youtu.be/3rIs2S2WH7M - throwback scream in the car for us baby jack
9. https://youtu.be/EbBGkqll8lI - this was hardcore for Disney and I can dig during July or something wilde
10. https://youtu.be/bqpA5Acc8-c - more throwback Disney by my queens who didn’t deserve it but the song that came out of it was 10/10
11. Ashley Tisdale can Fuck me up with this cover of an iconic modern mainstream love song - https://youtu.be/HMsF78jESfs
12. https://youtu.be/YkRsdD_uw10 - want to kiss to this song like a thousand times by the end of the summer
13. https://youtu.be/n95eekfFZZg - fucking iconic i will destroy the patriarchy with this song
14. https://youtu.be/4eWOxxkHHyM - Jam this out at 3 am while sneaking out to go pet a dog or something
15. https://youtu.be/dU9hrd35Dsg I’ll sing this out until my lungs can’t breath https://youtu.be/Of3jUuQzH2o - I want to hold hands and kiss knuckles while dancing to this song
16. https://youtu.be/sBzrzS1Ag_g - sex song of the summer
17. https://youtu.be/EfYf6RIxZ3Y - san cisco can LITERALLY write about any shit relationship and make it relatable even if it isn’t ??
18. https://youtu.be/DiEwJTOderQ - always a summer bop
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riverdamien · 4 years
Is the Pandemic: A Sign of the Modern Tower of Babel?
Is the Pandemidic A Sign of A Modern Tower of Babel?
Genesis 11:1-9
King James Version
11 And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech.
2 And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar; and they dwelt there.
3 And they said one to another, Go to, let us make brick, and burn them thoroughly. And they had brick for stone, and slime had they for morter.
4 And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.
5 And the Lord came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men builded.
6 And the Lord said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.
7 Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another's speech.
8 So the Lord scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth: and they left off to build the city.
9 Therefore is the name of it called Babel; because the Lord did there confound the language of all the earth: and from thence did the Lord scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth.
    Yesterday I received one of the only three calls that have been received in weeks--everything else has been insanely by texting and snap chat.
    The person had a request: "Please use only photos of the "beautiful youth" on the street? Frankly began  LOL, (Laughing out Loud). Even the young adults that sometimes I call friends, dressed in all their refinery are not "beautiful," I am not "beautiful" in fact I know no one who is "beautiful" but  Christ.
    One of the Scriptures that is not found in the lectionary readings is that of the Tower of Babel. Human beings spoke the same language and in the ability to do so they were able to conjure up evil aplenty. In their own way, these early forebears created their own Pandemic.
    The Pandemic has been created by our humanity of mass populations, cruelty in the care of animals for food, lack of trust between people, and the struggle of people for power and money. We live in a modern Babel.
    A couple of days ago there was an emergency message ringing on my phone from the Mayor and physician in charge of the emergency, a message sounding like messages during World War II in Great Britain when an air raid was taking place. It was scary; we are depending on leaders, on the government to feed our poor, house our homeless, and protect us. They are doing the best that they can, but are failing.
    We are being insulated from reality, while millions suffer. There are three quotes from Dorothy Day that personally I believe speak to us today, so here is an invitation to  meditate on them throughout this week:
"We must talk about poverty because people insulated by their own comfort lose sight of it.
"The greatest challenge of the day is how to bring about a revolution of the  heart, a revolution which has to start with each one of us."
"Love casts out fear, but we have to get over the fear in order to get close enough to love them."
"The older I get, the more I meet people, the more convinced I am that we must only work on ourselves, to grow in grace. The only thing we can do about people is to love them."
    Today I think of a Catholic Worker Community in the area who since March has gone to the sites where the homeless and undocumented immigrants live to feed and clothe; prepared breakfast for people in need every morning; have given of their love. Every community member and some of their families have been stricken with the coronavirus. They have shown the way out of the Pandemic and the Tower of Babel, they have lived out the words of Dorothy Day. Personally, their witness shames me that I have not done more.
    There are thousands on our streets suffering; senior citizens and the extreme poor living in our SRO hotels; our friends home alone needing a phone call, to be shown love; and politicians who in their own wealth, comfort, and power are shut away from the suffering of the masses, and need to be "afflicted", in order to provide--there is something for each of us as one person to do, and in doing so evolve into a community of love. Deo Gratias! Thanks be to God!
Fr. River Damien Sims, sfw, D.Min.,D.S.W.
P.O. Box 642656
San Francisco, CA 94164
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aibeelicious · 4 years
Thank you Lord 🙏 for the safe trip from Ilocos-Manila, Manila-Riyadh, Riyadh-Dammam✈️ na umabot ng 3 araw na biyahe. Kakapagod, kakaantok, kakagutom. 😴 Pero nakayanan dahil anjan kayo Lord. Salamat sa mga prayers ng karamihan. 🙏🙏 Nailapag din sa kama ang pagod kong katawan at nakatulog ng 9hrs. Enough na rin na mabawi ang puyat at pagod sa 3 araw na biyahe. 😉 Sa pamilya ko, miss ko na kayo. Parang ang hirap ulit kasi mejo matagal ang pagsasama natin sa panahong ito. Kakaiba sa mga nagdaan kong bakasyon. Ingat kayo lagi. Mahal na mahal ko kayo. ♥️ God bless us.🙏🙏🙏 Salamat SRO at Saudia sa special flight for Nurses. 🙏🙏 Im accepting food donors during my home quarantine. Hehe😉😅😀 #day1homequarantine #backtohomebased #aibeelicious (at Aibeelicious) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCVjRmbndLCiZrLMuM9xNYV2DamBylnDBEU-gg0/?igshid=i161o00xq3hv
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Possibly the biggest title in rally racing, Subaru has actually made a reputation for developing lasting, fun to drive autos. A few from those next can simply run you $4,000.00 - years of lease settlements on some cars and trucks. All the stuff that sounds like this's coming over a phone pipe was recorded through a center mic and after that processed & eq would certainly later to sound as though it ended the phone, except the random unknown people Brian is calling in his editorial segment. The substitute (the NSMIA) preserves the arrangement (the capital, competition and also performance development foreign language) demanding expense advantage evaluation in SEC rulemaking, which our company believe is essential due to the boosted Legislative task mandated for SEC as well as SRO regulations under the Business Regulatory Enforcement Act from 1996. Our experts centered our discussion on essential tenets off the Pro-Truth Pledge, as well as highlighted exactly how post-truth national politics will very likely bring about corruption and authoritarianism. If you liked this article and you also would like to receive more info relating to Click In this article kindly visit our own site. Cigarette tax obligations possess the greatest capacity to slash cigarette smoking fees, baseding on Reality Initiative ® researchers which assessed 40 research studies that use simulation styles to assess the existing and also potential efficiency from tobacco control plans. Boosting the instance for using Area 5 in these scenarios is that both ITCs as well as information sharing cases broken under the broad formula from incipient injuries. Baseding upon Australia's Car, BMW is going to grow its own entry-level utility auto schedule-- BMW calls all of them SAVs-- in early 2018 and also the best edge of the brand's SAV lineup through late 2018. There's no need for the common to duplicate the protection as well as efficiency exams that the brand producer actually performed. For questions, your finest possibility is actually Bentley Davis, some of the lead writers of the pledge that chairs the Pro-Truth Earnest Central Coordinating Board (CCC). That was instead a reassertion of the aged Czech custom of Christianity; it was not a renewal of living Christianity since mere religious beliefs may not establish a criminal free from wrong; this is actually infecund to offer real world. Mr. Gilad, you are endure and also possess outstanding taste in vehicles. Not just performed the FCC fail to study the marketplace to understand just how much competitors there is between local disc jockeys, cable, and also internet video clip, however, atop that, the FCC applied this old duopoly policy to JSAs without considering their perks.
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More exclusively, while Part 337 should be actually deliberately tweaked to earn this an even more effective tool against foreign theft of U.S. IP rights, this should concurrently be changed to ensure that it could certainly not be applied in a protectionist method to curb legitimate as well as energetic competition off abroad. Always remember former FTC Chairman Mike Pertschuck saying that Segment 5 can probably be actually used to apply conformity along with preferable electricity policies or environmental demands, or even to strike activities that, in the opinion from the FTC a large number, stopped desirable employment systems or even were inconsistent along with the nation's autonomous, political as well as social excellents." Both speeches he delivered on this subject in 1977 were actually the beginning from completion for improved Segment 5 administration during that era, given that essentially every person which listened to or read all of them said: Whoa! To inform young people about the exploitation from specific populaces and urge them to take action, this year reality and also its own team from trip cyclists are on the roadway once more for the 18th consecutive summer season. The Challenger GT is at a lowest a total second slower (despite AWD) compared to the Mustang GT as well as possesses all the taking care of adeptness of an expectant Yak refining a tummy filled to exploding along with Everclear.
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Our experts at TTAC have openly questioned the future of Successor, though latest purchases efficiency of brand-new products appeared to have actually placed the youth-oriented label on the ideal track. When he asks Sarah Compunction to look at his back and also observe a photo of the residing incarnate God, she does certainly not pinpoint the art work of the design as a photo of Christ. Yet taking care of competition in those markets doesn't indicate you simply neglect the world outside those markets. Our experts could count on that The lord's job from redemption will be presented as documentation from His forgiveness, or even His compassion, however the Holy bible uses these acts of redemption as documentations, primarily, for The lord's power.
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sammy3095270-blog · 7 years
Affection This
The lord's training, while rich in its own midsts for theologians, is actually outstanding in its simpleness for common males. The previous paterfamilias of Volkswagen AG, Ferdinand Piech, is trying to pour his stake from Porsche Automobil Holding SE as well as cut his staying connections to VW. Piech's portions would stay within the Porsche-Piech loved ones -- enabling them to maintain command from Volkswagen Group -- yet Ferdinand would certainly be out of the activity as a majority stakeholder. The alternative (the NSMIA) keeps the regulation (the resources, effectiveness and also competition buildup foreign language) needing expense perk study in SEC rulemaking, which our experts assume is actually vital taking into account the improved Congressional duty mandated for SEC as well as SRO guidelines under the Small company Regulatory Enforcement Act of 1996. In 1964, the Commission started using its injustice energy to prohibit organisation process that this established hurt public policy." Inspired through obscure Supreme Court rule off Sperry & Hutchinson matching up the company to a court from equity," the Commission set after a series from rulemakings and also administration activities thus capturing that the Washington Article called the company the National Baby-sitter" The FTC's activities inevitably caused Our lawmakers to briefly closed down the agency to reinforce the aspect that it had actually not intended the agency to run along with such widespread authorization. Because the loss from social assets and also the important duty private investments have actually taken on in this field, one could contend that greater amounts of debt consolidation in the market might lead to much higher success (at the expense of farmers) without automatically leading to quick results on food items rates, as the cultivating sector is actually owned by atomistic competitors in most markets, and also as a result farmers will not possess the capacity to hand down, at the very least in the short-term, the resulting overcharges to the final individuals. This is actually certainly not to say that Section 5 situations will disallow inquiry right into performances, but somewhat that the Commission would certainly must present that any sort of declared effectiveness were so petty or even experimental as compared to the clear affordable dangers that the perform was actually comparable thus to cost taking care of, market department, or even offer equipment.
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As Geoff mentions, there is actually proof that a couple of brand name producers have actually taken part in bad-faith rejections to deliver examples utilizing the reason from REMS or even restricted distribution programs to (1) refuse ask for examples, (2) stop generic manufacturers from acquiring samples from resellers, as well as (3) refute generics who medicines have succeeded confirmation access to the RAPID EYE MOVEMENT body that is required for generics to distribute their medications.
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The antitrust media reports that the Percentage has actually shown indicators of rate of interest for the overview from a brand new concept from danger: the Notable Impediment to Sector Development (SIII") idea, which would certainly entitle the remediation of mergings on the main ground that a deal dramatically restrains advancement motivations at the market level. If you have any issues concerning where and how to use you can find out more, you can speak to us at our internet site. We have actually been actually covering the stand-in access situation, find listed here, listed here, as well as listed here, where the DC Circuit rescinded an SEC guideline for breakdown to fulfill its need under the National Securities Markets Enhancement Act of 1996 to think about the effect from the policy on competitors, efficiency, and resources buildup besides its historical mandate to consider entrepreneur protection. The International Facility for Legislation & Economics lately released a term paper allowed, The Ball-Rexam Merger: The Instance for an Affordable May Market The white paper offers an extensive analysis of the economics of the beverage packaging field; the location from the Ball-Rexam merger within this incredibly intricate, worldwide market; and also the very likely reasonable impacts of the offer. Inning accordance with a source which spoke with TTAC under the condition from anonymity, Volkswagen suppliers are still able to offer an impacted diesel-powered auto must it comply with particular conditions: that this certainly not be actually a licensed pre-owned" (CPO) or even brand-new lorry, and also the buyer indicators a please note specifying they recognize the auto being actually bought pollutes greater than federal government compliance tests originally signified.
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