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Super Street Fighter 4 promo art by Hiroaki.
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bison2winquote · 1 year
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Gouken, Super Street Fighter IV (Capcom)
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jyoungbloodvo · 2 months
Got the next meme vid cooking up. Y'all like Street Fighter?
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pitagain · 1 year
#365DaysOfVGM Day 158:
Fei Long Stage (Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers; “Super Street Fighter IV” Theme of Fei Long ~SSFIV Arrange~ version [2010])
I liked the heroic melody of the original, but it lasted too short, and felt like the Electric Guitar was getting in the way of it. With this version, the Electric Guitar is put further into the background, and only takes up the majority of attention around the looping part, allowing the other instruments to truly shine, especially in the context of a remaster with more sounds available. That calm section in the middle where it's almost a solo is my favorite part of this whole track! With all that in mind, I believe the extra long wait for Fei Long’s theme to get a followup after not having his own theme in the initial Street Fighter IV console release, was well worth it!
(Length before loop: 1.5+ minutes)
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ipposleepo · 1 year
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▶︎ SSF4 Makoto's Theme : Footwork Remix
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fganniversaries · 1 year
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12 years ago today, Super Street Fighter IV: 3D Edition was released on the Nintendo 3DS at NA as a system launch title for the region. It was developed by Dimps/Capcom and published by Capcom.
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shin-hero-buster · 1 year
i’m glad Street Fighter 6 is good. 5 was not.
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dangan-kagura · 8 months
Games I No Longer Play Due to Bad Fanbases
So this is a short list (yet long blog) of games that I used to like but no longer play or have any interest in due to issues like bad fanbases. Let me just say that, knowing about just how toxic the Danganronpa fandom can be sometimes, I don’t want to lose my love for that series knowing that some people in the fandom can be untrustworthy or just have different opinions from my own. I’m gonna try my best and explain why I stopped playing these games that I’ll mention.
UPDATE: So a lot of stuff mentioned here isn't really about toxicity in these fandoms, it's more like expression my opinions about these games since I've always had a minority opinion about them, and the fact that no one ever understood how I felt is what caused me to lose interest in them. I hope I didn't confuse anyone.
Devil May Cry and Resident Evil
So the reason I’m mentioning two games first is because this actually regards Capcom. Out of the two games mentioned, one of them is a game that doesn’t really have a bad fanbase, and that’s Devil May Cry. Resident Evil on the other hand has some issues, things like the live-action film series, Resident Evil 6, and a bunch of spinoffs.
The only games in that series I ever did enjoy looking back on them are Resident Evil 4 & 5. However, I stopped playing them since I’ve become fed up with the series popularity and the fact that people were oblivious to things like the badness of the live-action film series. I actually stopped playing Resident Evil right around the time I learned about Resident Evil 6 when it was still being made and could tell just from the trailer that the game didn’t look that good. I’ve been told that there is a lot of hate surrounding that game, but I still don’t have a clear picture as to what it is people hate about it. I just hate it because I remember reading somewhere that Resident Evil 5 was gonna be the series finale and was perfectly fine with it and found it pointless for Capcom to make Resident Evil 6.
Devil May Cry on the other hand, was the series that got me into the beat ‘em up/hack ‘n slash genres in gaming. Despite the very few titles, I still tried to enjoy it while ignoring the toxicity from some of Capcom’s other games. But unfortunately, that toxicity became worse when I started to suspect that Capcom was selling out. It’s hard to try and look back on it, but basically in the last decade, I didn’t like any of the new games Capcom was releasing, and I was becoming fed up with some of the crossover games they were releasing. Examples include:
The crossover with Tekken and Street Fighter
Mega Man’s appearance in Super Smash Bros.
Akuma’s appearance in Tekken 7
The crossover with Ace Attorney and Professor Layton
The appearance of Street Fighter’s Ryu in Super Smash Bros. became the final straw for me as I was dissatisfied with Street Fighter 4 and thought that it was a piece of shit game. Looking back on it, I still didn’t get what the hype was about Street Fighter and thought that compared to my favorite fighting games like Tekken, KOF, and Soul Calibur, everything about Street Fighter 4, from gameplay to opening theme song, just didn’t make me think it was a game worth obsessing, and the upcoming releases for the updated versions (i.e. SSF4 and UST4) just didn’t feel right for me. Basically, since Ryu’s appearance in Smash Bros, I decided to stop playing Devil May Cry because it didn’t feel right to still enjoy it if I wasn’t going to like the other Capcom games the majority was obsessing over, and to this day, I still haven’t played Tekken 7 because I knew that the appearance of Akuma was gonna ruin it for me.
Getting back to Resident Evil, there’s a lot of hate surrounding the film series and although the series is over, it’s unfortunate that the Resident Evil movies don’t have Razzie nominees. I’m of course talking about the Golden Raspberry Awards, that award ceremony that gives awards to the worst movies of the year, pretty much the opposite of the Academy Awards. More to the point, the Resident Evil movies don’t have Razzie nominees, not even for worst sequel. The badness of that film series is somewhere in between the badness of Uwe Boll and Michael Bay movies, and at least their movies get Razzies nominees. So at the time, I found it unfair that Hollywood kept making more Resident Evil movies and the Razzies were more interested in nominating mixed-received movies for categories like worst picture.
Likewise, the popularity and toxicity for Capcom games like Street Fighter and Resident Evil was just too obnoxious for me to handle and it was enough to make me lose interest in Devil May Cry, as well as not play games that have Capcom characters as guest characters (e.g. Tekken 7, Super Smash Bros.). In fact, there’s times where I’m annoyed by the toxicity of memes related to Ace Attorney and the Capcom Vs series. Knowing that my opinion about Street Fighter is negative, these memes are just pretty stupid, because my opinion about Street Fighter 4 is bound to come back to mind.
Guilty Gear
So Guilty Gear used to be one of my favorite anime games and one of my favorite fighting games. There are two big reasons as to why I stopped playing it, one of them has to do with the popularity of some of Arc System Works’ other games, while the other does kinda have to do with the series’ fanbase.
First off, it was bothering me that there were times that Guilty Gear was being treated as underrated compared to not only Blazblue, but also compared to other kinds of popular anime games like Danganronpa. I’m gonna admit that I’m in the minority that prefers Guilty Gear over Blazblue, and it was bothering me that Blazblue was getting all the things games like Danganronpa were getting but Guilty Gear wasn’t, an obvious example is an anime adaptation. Danganronpa aside, other great anime games like Senran Kagura, Neptunia, Persona 5, and Disgaea all have anime adaptations, but Guilty Gear doesn’t and yet Blazblue got one. Let me just say that I didn’t think Blazblue was as cool looking or as interesting compared to Guilty Gear, and it was bothering me that things like Guilty Gear having a lack of an anime adaptation made me think that people saw Guilty Gear as underrated even though it came out before Blazblue.
Here’s something else that makes Guilty Gear look underrated. There’s a Round 1 arcade at a mall I like to go to that has a lineup of 2D Japanese fighting games. Out of the games they have, they have all the Blazblue games, but they don’t have the Guilty Gear Xrd games. In fact, compared to how the arcade also came with games like KOF, Street Fighter, and Persona 4 Arena, I found it unfair that they included Blazblue but they didn’t include Guilty Gear. It almost made me feel sorry for Guilty Gear.
Moreover, the popularity of Granblue Fantasy only made it worse for me. That game also made Guilty Gear look underrated and it too got an anime adaptation, and the fact that it’s an RPG/gacha game and not a fighting game only made it worse for me to hate the game. In truth, I didn’t see anything special about that game and not only thought it was uninteresting, but the title didn’t sound original enough to convince me. Literally, it felt like they put no effort into coming up with a good or original title, Granblue Fantasy fell flat for me. Of course, I stopped playing Guilty Gear years before Granblue Fantasy came out, so I was more upset about Guilty Gear being underrated compared to Blazblue, and the popularity for Granblue Fantasy was enough to actually make me feel sorry for Guilty Gear.
But another thing that got me to stop playing Guilty Gear has to do with fan favorite characters. Not Dizzy, but that cross-dressing nun Bridget. Not only is Bridget overrated, but his popularity just feels really toxic. It was like, whenever I tried searching for Guilty Gear stuff in the fandom, Bridget was a character fans would reference for the majority. It felt like there were times where Bridget fans would ruin the things that Guilty Gear is really all about, things like awesome rock music, awesome stage designs, references to classic rock music, and some of the other more interesting character designs. To me, it felt like Bridget fans were trying to get people to think that he’s what Guilty Gear is all about, and it was just so annoying because not only did I find Bridget uninteresting, but it was more like everyone was obsessing him all because of the fact that he’s a fucking cross-dresser.
You’re free to call me a hypocrite for saying that about Bridget. I will admit that I do like the Danganronpa character Chihiro Fujisaki. I’d rather not admit that I fell for his trap since I found Chihiro to be cute, especially when he blushes, but at the time I got into Danganronpa, I did my best to avoid Chihiro out of concern that he had the same kind of obnoxious fans as Bridget due to being a cross-dressing male. But unlike Bridget, I’m actually over the whole Chihiro gender debate. His reason for dressing like a girl is more emotional since bullying is involved, compared to Bridget’s reason which is more idiotic, not to mention that Chihiro isn’t as overrated compared to characters like Nagito, Ibuki, and Kokichi who have some toxic fans that are almost as toxic as Bridget fans. In fact, Bridget’s popularity is more on par with Astolfo from the Fate series and his fans are equally as annoying.
A minor thing, but it was also bothering me that when it came to seeing Guilty Gear Xrd content, everyone was playing the game in Japanese. No one ever bothered to play the game with the English dub. It bothered me because it gave me the impression that people could think the game doesn’t have an English dub or the game does have an English dub but with terrible voice actors. I will admit that at the time Xrd SIGN came out, I did play the game in Japanese out of concern that the game’s English dub didn’t include professional voice actors, like the ones in Danganronpa. At the time, what came to mind was the spinoff KOF game, KOF: Maximum Impact. That game has a really bad English dub to the point that no one would be familiar with their names. Let me just say that there is some positive reception to that game, but the game's bad English dub and the lack of an option to use the Japanese dub (especially in the PS2 version) makes it almost impossible to play (the Xbox version fixes this by including the option to use the Japanese dub). If I remember right, in IGN’s review of the game, they thought that the game’s English dub was “piss poor”. When I realized that the English dub for Guilty Gear Xrd has professional voice actors, I did try to take more notice of it, but felt left out because everyone played the game in Japanese almost as if they thought the game had a bad English dub.
So to summarize, these are the reasons why I stopped playing Guilty Gear. I thought that Bridget had toxic fans, there were times where Guilty Gear felt underrated compared to Blazblue, and no one played the Xrd games in English. There are actually times where I do miss playing this series, especially with how even more underrated Granblue Fantasy made it, making me feel almost sorry for Guilty Gear. The only thing about Guilty Gear I can’t let go of is it’s awesome music. I think out of the character themes from the Xrd games, the themes for Sol, Millia, and Poketim (I forget how to spell his name) are my favorites and still like to rock out to them. But the other issues here make it impossible for me to try and go back and play the series.
Super Smash Bros.
I have some little info from people who’ve admitted that the Smash Bros fandom is toxic, but let me tell you what got me to stop playing this series. Plain simple, I got fed up with having to see third-party characters take the spotlight. Not only the official ones, but the memes for the unofficial ones made it more annoying for me to handle. The fact that the latest Smash Bros games are focussing more on third-party and not first-party characters felt toxic for me for two reasons. One, they were characters from games I didn’t enjoy, and two, it felt like Smash Bros wasn’t what it used to be back when the series was exclusive to Nintendo only games.
At the time SSB4 came out on the 3DS and Wii U, I did in fact play the game on the 3DS but only for like a week. I stopped due to suspicion that Capcom character Mega Man suddenly became the overrated fan favorite. Let me just say that Mega Man is a Capcom series I’m not into, and out of the SSB4 newcomers when the game came out in 2014, I was more hype about Pac-Man being playable, especially knowing that Namco had some involvement with the game’s development, so I wanted to believe that Pac-Man would make a great guest character. The fact that Capcom games like Street Fighter, Resident Evil, and Ace Attorney have toxic fanbases didn’t really give me any hype or interest for Mega Man, and the announcement of Street Fighter’s Ryu as a DLC character only made me want to hate Capcom for selling ou. Worst of all, the announcement of that Cloud guy from Final Fantasy was the last thing I needed to throw my copy of SSB4 in the trash and flame the game. Not only did I not enjoy Final Fantasy 7, but it didn’t feel right for Smash Bros to include that game partly because it came out on the PlayStation, so I’m on the side that believes that Smash Bros should only be limited to characters from games that have an importance to Nintendo’s history. Final Fantasy 7 had no importance with Nintendo’s history, and frankly, I failed to see what made the game so great, and the games popularity especially in online journalism made it so annoying for me to try to ignore it. Seriously, journalists never shut up about that game and the Final Fantasy series in general. I’ve played better.
Even with the release of Super Smash Bros on the Switch, the third-party characters from that game were enough to convince me to delete my save data for the other games in the series because these characters and their fans have destroyed Super Smash Bros for me. Some of them actually are characters from games that I thought were good choices because I admit that I actually like those games better. I would’ve loved to play Super Smash Bros as characters from Castlevania, heck, I wouldn’t mind at all playing Smash Bros with Terry Bogard from KOF. But having to deal with characters from games that I don’t enjoy such as Mega Man, Street Fighter, Final Fantasy, and Dragon Quest is enough to convince me to not play the game at all. And unfortunately, I’ve never met anyone who’s admitted that they’ve done the same thing as me, that they’ve stopped playing Super Smash Bros all because they didn’t like the choice of third-party characters and their popularity in both the fandom and the memes.
Assassin’s Creed
It’s not really the Assassin’s Creed fandom that got me to stop playing this, but it’s the Assassin’s Creed series in general. I’m on the side that says the Assassin’s Creed series just isn’t the same as it was ever since AC Unity came out and yet everyone still enjoys the series. It’s like this, Assassin’s Creed games after Unity just don’t feel like they’re gonna bring back certain things from the Desmond Miles saga. There’s obviously a lot of things about Assassin’s Creed from things like story and gameplay that get me thinking that it’s not the best series to introduce to someone who loves gaming.
It’s hard to put into words really. There’s lots of things about Assassin’s Creed that don’t make it perfect, things like broken gameplay and unexplained story stuff. Yet, everyone loves the series and are just oblivious to all the big flaws. One thing that has been bothering me about this series is that to this day, Ubisoft has yet to announce a game entitled “Assassin’s Creed 5”. The fact that games since Unity don’t have numbers in the title and the lack of references to characters from the Desmond Miles saga gives me the impression that they aren’t official games but are more like spinoffs. I know that the series does have some spinoffs, it just bothers me that Ubisoft isn’t gonna make a game called “Assassin’s Creed 5”.
And don’t even get me started on the Assassin’s Creed movie. I knew just from the trailer that it was gonna be a bad movie and the fact that the film is rated PG-13, as opposed to the series being rated M, only made it worse. Just because Assassin’s Creed has things like open-world gameplay, historical figures as supporting characters, and is a game where you kill people doesn’t mean it’s the best game series. There’s lots of things about this series I feel like people often overlook such as the ancient human race and its moments of broken gameplay. I don’t think the movie mentioned anything about the ancient humans, almost as if they were unimportant.
I’m gonna admit that I actually think that Far Cry is the better series. One other thing about Assassin’s Creed that bothers me is that Ubisoft tries to sell it as if it were a stealth-action game. Compared to the stealth gameplay in Far Cry, as well as Metal Gear Solid, or even Sly Cooper, the stealth gameplay in Assassin’s Creed is sometimes unfair, especially when you’re doing a mission that requires you to not get caught or it’s game over. At least Far Cry makes things fair by letting you play the game as a regular first-person shooter, so stealth is totally optional. Not to mention, Far Cry sequels stay true by including numbers in the titles. I wouldn’t be surprised if I found out that they’re gonna make Far Cry 7, just as I wouldn't be surprised that they're not gonna make Assassin's Creed 5.
Overall, the fact that I accepted Far Cry as being better than Assassin’s Creed was the last thing I needed to say to myself that Assassin’s Creed is not the best series ever and is not as good as it used to be. Even if I played the latest installment, I’ll probably think that it’s not as good as the Ezio trilogy, which I’ve already lost interest in. It just bothers me to go online and see sites promoting the next installment in Assassin’s Creed even though I’m gonna be thinking that AC is not the best game series and the new games aren’t gonna be that good and I have no reason to play them. And did I mention that Assassin’s Creed sometimes feels like a broken mess?
In Conclusion
So to go over almost everything:
I stopped playing Devil May Cry because I was fed up with the popularity of Capcom’s other games that I didn’t like
I stopped playing Guilty Gear because people were treating it as underrated, everyone loves Bridget, and people barely played the games in English
I stopped playing Super Smash Bros because third-party characters and their memes ruined the series
I stopped playing Assassin’s Creed because the new games don’t look good to me, I prefer Far Cry, and no one else feels the same as i do
There are times where I’ll admit that I do miss playing them, but because of all of these flaws they have, there’s no point in going back to play them. As a Danganronpa fan, I honestly don’t want something similar to happen with my love for it, even after getting a better understanding just how toxic the fandom can be sometimes. Maybe I’ll blog about what got me into Danganronpa some other time.
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luperpla · 2 months
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so, i really like fighting games. always have. i'm not exactly the best at them but i do have a lot of fun playing them with buddies!~
this stick was originally a SSF4 XB360 Chun-Li TES but I've replaced the home panel PCB with JasenCustom's MadCatz TE EZ Mod to keep the home panel functional (except the TURBO button is changed to TouchPad click functionality), swapped to a Brook P5+ board, got printed plexi with commissioned digital art of my Tekken 8 main in my preferred 2P colors for her (art was done by Carlos Martinez, who was a total joy to work with btw). I also changed the panel from a Viewlix layout to a Namco Noir layout, and finally got a new Qanba JOV8S lever and Gravity KS buttons for it. The modwork itself was time consuming but not overly difficult.
I still need to finalize some stuff (test the SJ2 cut, test inputs) AND I have more plans for her in the future (K-levers and potentially leverless panels, and if i wanna be REALLY silly I've been eyeballing installing the Brook retro fight board in it), but for now, I'm really happy with it! Can't wait to host another fightnight once I'm done with it.
I have a second TE that I was going to mod as well but honestly after finishing this one I'd rather just build a Panzer FS4 instead of rehabbing another TE. The Azucena TE is a special one to me with it's clear blue body and numbered release, but the other TE is just a standard RD2 one.
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gaiden-gamer · 2 years
Kid me seeing Larxene in Chain of Memories was absolutely ruined. Juri Han being announced for SSF4 like a few years after didn't help either
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warboytroy · 4 years
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God I love Snapchat filters on my art
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lunadarkbloom · 5 years
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Juri Han SSF4 Cosplay by VampBeauty on Deviantart <3
You can view all my Deviantart favourites here: https://www.deviantart.com/luna-darkbloom/favourites/
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idealmori · 7 years
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i had a huge lesbian crush on juri han a few years ago and i cant believe i never drew her--
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exmakina · 3 years
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Day 30 - Makoto (Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike)
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berylb337 · 7 years
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city-tickles · 2 years
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Juri is a devious ler Source: https://www.deviantart.com/bad-pierrot/art/SSF4-Madnesss-208527621
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