hxttrick-archived · 1 year
[ “ perhaps i don’t say it enough, but… i’d like you to know that i’m always here, if you ever wanted to talk. ” / ((because Riley stans one (1) Shaolin Monk in her life and man does she miss him 💗✨)) ]
emotionally intense prompts.
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The words seemed to have came out spontaneously. The Shaolin monk wasn't expecting to hear something like that so suddenly that he was almost at a loss for words. Regardless, his lips would soon shift into a light smile whilst giving a small nod. "Thanks Riley. Same goes to you."
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spxnglr · 1 year
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☎️ 𝙶𝙷𝙾𝚂𝚃𝙱𝚄𝚂𝚃𝙴𝚁𝚂, 𝚆𝙷𝙰𝚃 𝙳𝙾 𝚈𝙾𝚄 𝚆𝙰𝙽𝚃? || [ ((Unintentionally late to the party but Riles and I wanted to let you know that ★★★★★★★. Also, ★★★★★★★★★★★★★. — oh, and furthermore, ★★★★★! 💗)) ] || @st-riley-the-brave
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OMG thank u sm, we haven't written together yet but I'm absolutely determined to change that xoxo
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mxgicshxrd · 2 years
[ ((Who was your first OC? Also, HAAAYYYYY 💗)) ]
Questions for the mun||Accepting!!
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I am still rping my first OC!!! I thought for sure that I'd have a few more under my belt, but nope, just the two Lizzies!!!
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zoophagist · 6 months
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what serving dracula does to a man...
make your muse pilfered from; @elisethetraveller tagging; @a-bloody-dowry (for all 3 brides), @corvidamned, @mxldito, @polarean (for lucy or lestat), @professor-of-predators, @st-riley-the-brave, @vyrulent (for jack), @wcstenra
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beardedmrbean · 10 months
Stood shoulder-to-shoulder in a crowd of 100,000 people in central London, a helicopter hovering above St James’s Park could be heard over the hushed crowd.
The hum was only a little louder than the rustling of winter coats and rhythm of feet along the pavement past old Fleet Street watering holes, less a march than a shuffle.
No flares were launched, no masks were worn. No vehicles were damaged and police acted as helpful hi-vis markers of the route, unburdened by the threat of violence. 
The dozens of riot vans brought in from across the South East sat unused.
The 1,000 police on duty had an easy day’s overtime compared to the demonstrations of recent weeks. 
“No, nothing at all. It’s been very calm,” one female officer told a protester who asked how her day was going.
One helped a bedraggled wayward jogger find his way out of the crowd and towards a less congested route. 
More marshal than law enforcement
Another gave a child on his father’s shoulders a high-five, before getting a pat on the back and a thanks from a Jewish man wearing a Kippah.
Their role felt more marshal than law enforcement, with only two arrests made. 
The biggest furore of the day was when Tommy Robinson appeared.
He was forced to leave by police, unwanted by the Jewish organisers of the event.
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Boris Johnson, pictured above, received a much better reception, prompting cheers that broke the quiet when he arrived with wife Carrie and five-month-old Frank, chatting to demonstrators surrounding him.
David Baddiel, Judge Rob Rinder, Rev Richard Coles and Rachel Riley were all spotted in the hordes who had turned up to march against anti-Semitism along with the Chief Rabbi.
”Since Oct 7, on the streets of London, we have heard chants for jihad, for intifada and from River to the Sea,” said Sir Ephraim Mirvis. 
“But today we stand on the same streets of London and say with regard to our precious hostages: Bring Them Home.”
He headed up the mass of people moving through the Strand and towards Parliament Square.
 There was an awkwardness to the crowd’s chants. Many, on their first march, preferred to keep quiet than to join in the singing, with tunes dying out in moments.
‘It’s a bit tame! What do we chant?’
Some picked up last-minute Israeli flags on wooden sticks for £5 from outside Tube stations while others braved the drizzle wearing theirs like capes.
“It’s a bit tame, isn’t it? What do we chant?” wondered Olivia, a Jewish woman in her late 20s, there with her boyfriend and their friend.
Elsewhere, a mother pushing her baby in the pram walked her golden cocker spaniel puppy alongside.
Only when calls of “bring them home” began echoing around the streets did the heft of tens of thousands of people in mourning become apparent.
Three twenty-something men using a small megaphone led a rendition of Am Yisrael Chai. As hundreds join in, one jokes that he “does weddings too”.
They carried a banner stating “Failure to condemn Hamas is anti-Semitic”.  
Another sign saying “Give me antipasti, not anti-Semitism” became a prop for protesters to pose with, while a child was heard reading another out loud “Spread hummus, not hate”.
Jews were supported by non-Jews. Six-year-old Claudia held her mother Antonia’s hand as the family joined the rally because they were “appalled that anti-Semitism has returned to Britain’s streets”.
Mark Elliott-Smith, a  priest at Our Lady of the Assumption Warwick Street, said: “I thought I had to be here and show solidarity. I’ve been on a few of the demonstrations. When I wrote something about it [anti-Semitism], I was called ‘a Nazi priest’.”
‘I’d feel safer in Israel than in Britain’
Rev Coles, bringing up the rear of the protest, said he had joined because many of his Jewish friends now feel frightened to walk down the street. “I find that intolerable,” he said.
Rueben and Natalie, a young, Jewish, married couple with family in Israel came out to march. 
Natalie said that she would “feel safer in Israel, even as the bombs are falling, than in Britain”, her husband nodding wearily. His three brothers live there already.
“At least in Israel you feel like the state is looking after us, that the police are there to protect you, that the whole nation is with you,” he said. “It doesn’t feel like that here.”
The protest culminated with speeches from political and religious leaders. 
Anti-Semitism ‘a stain on our country’
The crowd’s reception to the speakers was muted at first, but immigration minister Robert Jenrick won over the crowd in Parliament Square, telling the thousands packed around Parliament that anti-Semitism “is a stain on our country”.
“Your government will not rest until each and every one of [the hostages] is back in the loving embrace of their families. We stand with Israel,” he went on.
Peter Kyle, there as member of the shadow cabinet and vice chairman of Labour Friends of Israel, spoke after Mr Jenrick warmed the crowds up.
“After the most shameful period in my party’s history, I am enormously proud of the leadership Keir Starmer has shown in combating anti-Semitism and standing up for the British Jewish community,” he said.
It was this that drew the biggest cheer of the afternoon, before the crowd went quiet again as they began their journey home. 
Gideon Falter, the chief executive of Campaign against Antisemitism which organised the march, said: “The voice of decency has been heard today.”
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league-of-sam · 1 year
As Grim as the Reaper | Simon 'GHOST' Riley PREQUEL
Ghost x Reader, Graves x Reader
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Phillip Graves x AFAB!Reader!OC 18+ MINORS DNI! t.w // angst, mental health, language, violence, death, sexual themes/SMUT, military inaccuracies, language inaccuracies (google translate).
As Grim as the Reaper: Masterlist
Graves barely left your side through your recovery.
He stayed in the ward with you every single night, whether that was in the bed with you, or on the chair, pulled up close enough for him to grip your hand tightly. You'd insisted he go and rest at home, but he was adamant.
Thankfully, you'd always been a fast healer, so after a few days you were able to leave the confines of the medical ward.
The bullet graze on your shoulder was doing well, only requiring few stitches. But, you'd taken significant damage to your side, as the bullet hit you in the same place as your old wound from Afghanistan.
Trauma on trauma was not a nice combination, but you put on a brave face.
Not that that stopped people fussing over you, doing anything and everything you needed doing.
Emily was there whenever you needed anything. She helped you to shower, get dressed, walk around the base. She did everything Graves would when he wasn't there, and it made your bond with her stronger. 
And Graves, he did everything you wanted.
No exceptions.
It had almost become strange to see you without him around base, and many caught onto the fact that maybe, there was a little something more there than you and the commander were letting on.
It was a needed distraction, to be honest. 
Laswell had cut contact with you completely after you were taken off the mission. You couldn't speak to Alex, or Farah, or John, or even Gaz. Any update you got, you got from her, in random phone calls.
The last you heard, John had gone to St. Petersburg with Gaz, and managed to intercept the Butcher at a meeting, executing him. They managed to find out about Barkov's lab in Georgia, and Laswell had to hand Hadir over to the Russian army after finding him in Moldova. 
The last you heard, there were plans to meet with Alex and Farah to apprehend Barkov and destroy the lab.
And that was a week ago.
It had been radio silence since, and frankly, you were more than just a little on edge.
"Knew I'd find you here, doll."
Turning your head from the window, you found Graves leaning against the doorway of the break room, eyes on you with his arms crossed over his chest.
You smiled, before turning back to the window.
He pushed off the wood, moving over to you and taking the seat next to you, "Shouldn't wander off on your own, not in your state."
"I was shot, Phillip, I'm not dying." You laughed.
"It was bad though, you could'a."
You sighed, shrugging, "Yeah, nothin' I haven't experienced before. I'm alright, until Em has to come and help me in and out of the shower or into bed."
Graves laughed, leaning a little closer, "Y'know, I could help, I am stronger after all."
Your small laughs brought a wide smile to his face.
He knew how much you'd struggled being cut off from everyone, not having Laswell to keep you in the loop, and he'd tried his best to distract you from it, to keep you safe and healing well.
"Really though, are ya doin' okay?" He spoke once more, scooting closer to place a warm hand on your leg.
"Yeah, m'okay. Starting not to hurt so much anymore."
"Good, s'good." He smiled.
The two of you continued to sit in silence, watching the base go by outside. 
The sun shined brightly, casting a flattering glow over your features. And while you watched the world, chin resting on your hand, Graves watched you.
The way your eyelashes fluttered as you blinked made the butterflies in his stomach go wild. Even after almost two years of knowing you, you still had such a hold on him.
Because you were so god-damn beautiful.
Sweeter than honey.
"Commander Graves, Sergeant Price," A voice came from behind, making the two of you turn. "You're needed in the conference room, order of General Shepherd."
You looked to each other confused, but shrugged, and followed the soldier out of the room slowly, Graves with an arm around you to support you.
As you entered the conference room, every person in there offered you some type of smile. Some were happy to see you, others were glad to see you upright, and then the select few...well their eyes went straight to your would, currently bound in layers of bandaging, your hand resting protectively over it.
They were quick to look away once Graves clocked on, throwing them a scowl as he helped you to a better spot.
Whatever this meeting was about was serious, because there wasn't a single spare chair, people lining up around the sides of the room.
"I'll be right behind ya, alright?" Graves whispered in your ear as he found the two of you an open space.
"I promise, darlin'."
To prove it, he stood behind you, slightly to the side, his front pressing against you and a hand resting softly on the small of your back. You leaned back into his touch, and he stiffened himself to support your weight.
The second Laswell entered the room with General Shepherd in tow, the room fell silent. 
You wanted to jump up, run to her, hug her. But the look on her face made your brows furrow. The way she avoided meeting your gaze made your heart beat faster.
What was going on?
"Good Afternoon." Shepherd started, "You have all been gathered here, because in one way or another, you have had some involvement in the mission concerning the chemical gas and General Barkov's connections with Al-Qatala."
Murmurs of confirmation sounded around the room, many nodding at the files being handed around.
"We have gathered you here today to inform you all that this mission has now been successfully completed. General Barkov has been eliminated, and the Russian federation denounced him. While the AQ still poses a threat, they are not a concern, for now."
Laswell stepped forward, then, raising her head, "Please...before you celebrate, before you believe this was a succes...it wasn't. Good men were lost, more injured. Our own Sergeant Price almost lost her life on this mission."
She gestured to you, and finally offered you a saddened smile. Eyes turned to you, and you nodded slightly, suddenly feeling anxious of the attention on you.
"But now, and I could not be more sorry to do this in this way, but we lost one of our own on this." Laswell finished,  but her eyes did not leave yours.
Almost as though she was speaking directly to you.
She wasn't.
Your expression dropped quickly, and you craned your neck to gaze up at Graves, who looked back at you with the same confusion on his face.
"I am hurt and saddened to inform you all, that in the apprehension of General Barkov and the destruction of the laboratory in Georgia...Sergeant Alex Keller, callsign Echo 3-1, is currently missing in action, presumed KIA."
The wind was knocked from you.
You couldn't breathe.
You couldn't move.
You couldn't think.
You opened and closed your mouth, but no sound would come out. 
Gasps had sounded around the room, the mutters of others talking in disbelief or sorrow, but you could barely hear it over the ringing in your ears.
Laswell approached you, but you moved back, shoving Graves from you, hand tight over your bandage.
"Don't, Kate." You shook your head, tears welling in your eyes, "Don't...you're a liar. You're lying."
She reached out for you, taking your free hand, "I'm sorry, honey, I'm not. We can't...he's gone, (Y/N)-"
"No!" You yelled, yanking away from her, doubling over as pain shot through you.
"Everyone, out. Now." Graves commanded, ushering people out of the room quickly before coming back to your side. "Seriously, Laswell? Is that true?"
"I'm afraid so."
That was it.
The words that pushed the tears over the edge, and they fell freely as you started to sob. It was weakening, and you stumbled as you tried to get onto a chair. Graves rushed from his position to grab you, lowering you down gently. 
"Kate, please..." You whimpered, "Please say it's not true. He's my best friend, please..."
It took everything in Laswell to not let her own tears fall as she crouched in front of you, "I'm so sorry honey. I just can't. We don't- we can't find a body, but John...there's no way he got out."
"W-why couldn't you tell me before?" You sniffed, "Why did you have to tell me like this? In front of everyone?"
Laswell lowered her head, shameful, "I didn't have authorisation to. No one was allowed to speak of it until Shepherd was updated."
"What happened?" You asked, deadpan.
"They got to the lab. The plan was to blow it up with a remote detonator, but it got damaged in the fight. Alex volunteered to stay behind and set the bombs manually instead of Farah."
"Of course he did." You laughed bitterly, the taste of salt on your tongue, "He was always a sucker for fighting for the right cause."
Laswell leant forward, collecting you into her arms, holding you tightly as you sobbed, screaming through your pain and grief.
"I'm so sorry," She soothed, hand running through your hair.
"He's MIA though, right? He could be okay-"
"No, sweetie. I saw the footage, I spoke to John and Farah...he couldn't have made it out of there. I'm sorry."
Her words did not comfort, they did make things clearer. 
They did not help.
Your best friend was gone, and he wasn't coming back.
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seaglassandeelgrass · 2 years
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Songs of the Batallón de San Patricio.
Cover is a painting of the 1847 Battle of Churubusco by James Walker.
John Riley- Tim O'Brien
Na San Patricios- Charlie O'Brien
The Sands of Mexico- The Chieftains & Ry Cooder
Saint Patrick's Battalion- The Elders
The San Patricios- The Fenians
St. Patrick's Brave Brigade- Damien Dempsey
San Patricio Brigade- Black 47
March to Battle (Across the Rio Grande)- The Chieftains, Banda de Gaita de Batallón
St. Patrick's Battalion- Seth Staton Watkins
The Men That God Made Mad- Niamh Parsons & Graham Dunne
10 tracks; 48 mins. [Spotify]
[my other playlists]
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wrongarmofthelaw · 1 year
music game
rules: shuffle your “on repeat” playlist from spotify the music service of your choice and post the first 10 tracks
tagged by: @lettherebemonsters (thanks) 
(From my slasher playlist since this blog was tagged XD)
Hush by Kula Shaker 
Child’s Play -End Titles by Joe Renzetti
The Leprechaun’s Bride by Jonathan Elias
It Was Always You, Helen by Phillip Glass, Michael Riesman, The Western Wind
Riders on the Storm by The Doors
Desperate to Survive by Obsession
What’s On Your Neighbors BBQ by Nekromantix
Into the Fire by Dokken
Hello Mary Lou (Goodbye Heart) by Ricky Nelson
    10. XIII by Crazy Lixx
tagging : @eternivex, @st-riley-the-brave, @the-galaxy-savers, @darkvitas @aaaaagaronia, @mehrere-musen, @shedontsmelltoogooddarious, @mxgicshxrd  @fromgallowsandgraves (and whoever wants to do this!)       ✨
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kattra · 1 year
What I’m Reading
BOOKS OF APRIL A Long Stretch of Bad Days by Mindy McGinnis ** Love After the End: An Anthology of Two-Spirit and Indigiqueer Speculative Fiction edited by Joshua Whitehead (SS) A Psalm for the Wild-Built by Becky Chambers ** VenCo by Cherie Dimaline **  Really Good, Actually by Monica Heisey (about a divorce)  Abandoned Alberta by Joe Chowaniec (NF) ** Bravely by Maggie Stiefvater **  Dark Stars: New Tales of Darkest Horror edited by John F.D. Taff (SS) Don’t Fear the Reaper by Stephen Graham Jones **  Final Girls by Riley Sager **  Jonny Appleseed by Joshua Whitehead Tatouine by Jean-Christophe Réhel  Come Closer and Listen by Charles Simic (P)
Graphic Novels: Kaguya-sama: Love Is War Vol.4-6 by Aka Akasaka  My Dress-Up Darling Vol.7-8 by Shinichi Fukuda **
(61 books read / 125 books goal)
currently reading:  The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran (P)  Greedy: Notes From a Bisexual Who Wants Too Much by Jen Winston (NF) Mouthful of Birds by Samanta Schweblin (SS)  A Touch of Darkness by Scarlett St. Clair When We Were Birds by Ayanna Lloyd Banwo  Only A Monster by Vanessa Len 
* - re-read // ** - 4+ star-rating (recommended) GN - graphic novel // NF - non-fiction // P - poetry SS - short story collection // AB - audiobook 
TBR: Black Light by Kimberly King Parsons (SS) The Music Shop by Rachel Joyce  Making Love With the Land by Joshua Whitehead (NF)  The Renunciations by Donna Kelly (P) Himawari House by Harmony Becker (GN) Graveneye by Sloane Leong & Anna Bowles (GN)
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jxrm · 12 days
book log - 2016
[the year my danny was born]
what to expect when you're expected by david javerbaum
seconds by bryan lee o'malley
choose your own autobiography by neil patrick harris
the beast within by serena valentino
the secret life of marilyn monroe by j. randy taraborrelli
brave new world by aldous huxley
fantastic beasts and where to find them by j.k. rowling
harry potter: the prequel by j.k. rowling
start here by scarlett macdougal
the lake house by kate morton
84, charing cross road by helene hanff
she went all the way by meg cabot
too late by colleen hoover
november 9 by colleen hoover
confess by colleen hoover
the motion of puppets by keith donohue
the regulars by georgia clark
life of pi by yann martel
mr. penumbra's 24-hour bookstore by robin sloan
all the missing girls by megan miranda
the singles game by lauren weisberger
emails from an asshole by john lindsay
dark lover by j.r. ward
the nest by cynthia d'aprix sweeney
queen of babble by meg cabot
harry potter and the cursed child by john tiffany
after dark by haruki murakami
one hundred names by cecelia ahern
they left us everything by plum johnson
what is not yours is not yours by helen oyeyemi
boo by neil smith
the royal we by heather cocks
made you up by francesca zappia
the magic strings of frankie presto by mitch albom
the book of awesome by neil pasricha
furiously happy by jenny lawson
the miseducation of cameron post by emily m. danforth
fresh off the boat by eddia huang
everything, everything by nicola yoon
why not me? by mindy kaling
humans of new york: stories by brandon stanton
the heart goes last by margaret atwood
devil may care by sebastian faulks
the book of you by claire kendall
dirty rush by taylor bell
if i was here by gayle forman
yaqui delgado wants to kick your ass by meg medina
let's pretend this never happened by jenny lawson
people i want to punch in the throat by jen mann
something real by heather demetrios
words and their meanings by kate bassett
don't look back by jennifer l. armentrout
reality boy by a.s. king
station eleven by emily st. john mandel
revival by stephen king
please look after mom by shin kyung-sook
please ignore vera dietz by a.s. king
the yorkshire pudding club by milly johnson
52 reasons to hate my father by jessica brody
i wrote this for you by pleasefindthis
what you wish for by kerry reichs
necessary lies by diane chamberlain
the girl with all the gifts by m.r. carey
china rich girlfriend by kevin kwan
the universe verus alex woods by gavin extence
half broke horses by jeannette walls
the book of bunny suicides by andy riley
godmother: the secret cinderella story by carolyn turgeon
harry potter and the philosopher's stone by j.k. rowling
lord of the flies by william golding
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hxttrick-archived · 11 months
[ Smash or Pass + Riley / ((she threatened to kick my butt if I didn't do this for her 😑)) ]
Smash or Pass!
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"A pretty lady like yourself? I'd like to say smash but we'll see what the future brings."
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novumtimes · 4 months
Police officer among 3 killed in Minneapolis shooting; suspect also dead officials say
Police officer, 2 others killed in Minneapolis mass shooting; suspected shooter also dead Police officer, 2 others killed in Minneapolis mass shooting; suspected shooter also dead 14:29 MINNEAPOLIS — Three people were killed, including a police officer, in a shooting Thursday evening in Minneapolis, according to city officials. The suspect is also dead, authorities said. A second police officer was also critically wounded, CBS Minnesota learned. In a press conference, Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey identified 28-year-old Jamal Mitchell as the officer killed in the shooting. The second officer is expected to recover, officials said. According to a news release from the city of Minneapolis, the incident began around 5:30 p.m. when officers responded to a shots fired call at an apartment complex in the 2200 block of Blaisdell Avenue South, in the Whittier neighborhood. Upon arrival, officers were immediately met with gunfire, the Minneapolis Police Department said. About two blocks away from the original call’s area, Mitchell had been attempting to provide medical assistance to two men who had been injured when he was “ambushed,” Drew Evans with the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension said. One of the original victims died on the scene and another suffered grave injuries. A person believed to be an innocent bystander was also shot while officers were responding. They are in critical condition. Additionally, a firefighter suffered injuries that were not considered life-threatening. Mitchell received recognition for his work with the Minneapolis Police Department in February 2023 after rescuing an elderly couple from a burning home. It was Mitchell’s third day on the job, according to Minneapolis Police Chief Brian O’Hara. “He was courageous in every action that he did,” said Katie Blackwell, Assistant Chief of Operations at the Minneapolis Police Department. “He was a wonderful human being. He had only been at our department about a year and a half and he was exceptional in every way.” WCCO Witnesses described hearing the gunshots ring out when the incident unfolded. “Me and my girlfriend, we heard really loud banging at first,” Reuben Molina, who lives nearby, said. “Then we heard it again and again and again in rapid succession. And me and her were like, ‘Oh that’s gunshots.'” In addition to Minneapolis police, the Minnesota State Patrol and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms also responded to the incident. Authorities were asking people to avoid the area. “The State of Minnesota stands ready to provide any resources necessary. Praying for all the first responders on the ground working to keep the community safe,” Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz said in a tweet. Officers with the St. Paul Police Department were helping with patrols in Minneapolis on Thursday night, according to St. Paul Mayor Melvin Carter. “We are deeply saddened by the tragic shooting in Minneapolis tonight,” Carter said. “We are praying for our colleagues and the entire Minneapolis community.” A flood of responses from Minnesota leaders and agencies have been issued following the mass shooting that killed one Minneapolis police officer and two others. “Once again, a police officer bravely faced danger and tragically lost his life protecting the community,” Minneapolis Police and Peace Officers Association executive director Brian Peters said in a statement.  The Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension is investigating the incident. More from CBS News Riley Moser Riley Moser is a digital producer who covers breaking news and feature stories for CBS Minnesota. Riley started her career at CBS Minnesota in June 2022 and earned an honorable mention for sports writing from the Iowa College Media Association the same year. Source link via The Novum Times
0 notes
mxgicshxrd · 1 year
BOLD what your muse can do. Italicize what they can do to some extent. Strikeout what they can't at all.
REPOST, don’t reblog.
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bake a cake from scratch | ride a horse | drive a submarine | speak a second language | dance | catch a fish | play an instrument | throw a punch | build a deck | ice skate | roller skate | unclog a drain | program a computer | change a flat tire | fire a gun | sew | juggle | play poker | paint | fly a kite | sculpt | write poetry | change a diaper | sing | shoot a bow and arrow | ride a bike | swim | sail a boat | do a back flip | play chess | give cpr | pitch a tent | flirt | stitch a wound | read palms | use chopsticks | write in cursive | use an electrical drill | braid hair | make a campfire | make a mixed drink | do sudoku puzzles | wrap a gift | give a good massage | jump start a car | roll their tongue | magic tricks | do yoga | tie a tie | skip a rock | shuffle a deck of cards | read morse code | pick a lock
Tagged by: @lunarruled thanks girlie!!
Tagging: @spxnglr, @greyhoundgxrl, @wrongarmofthelaw(any muse!!), @diicktective, @fayofavalon, @st-riley-the-brave, @halliwellauto, and YOU!!!
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zoophagist · 6 months
How do you need to be touched?
your teeth are bared, as they have been, your jaw aching for so long as growls slip free. you always have to defend yourself. you lash out in fear. you need someone who does not shrink back… a hand falling slowly to your shoulder, however briefly, in a reminder that you do not have to lunge. there is no danger here, now.
Tagged by; @elisethetraveller (thanks!) Tagging; @polarean (for jaja), @reastless, @scrivellc, @st-riley-the-brave
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ironsaladcrusade · 2 years
Phillies carry loads of ability into matchup with Braves
The Braves and Phillies will satisfy in just the NLDS immediately after a mildly unforeseen Philadelphia gain more than St. Louis within just the Wild Card Spherical. Those 2 golf equipment comprehend each individual other nicely following locking horns 19 moments in the course of the every month year, nonetheless as we realize, the playoffs deliver upon a alternative layout of sport. Let dig into the Phillies lineup.Braves heritage vs. Philadelphia inside 2022: 11-8Phillies lineup scores:BA:.253 (8th)OBP:.317 (11th)SLG:.422 (6th)wRC+: 106 (10th)HR: 205 (6th)SB: 105 (5th)K%: 22.4 (14th)BB%: 7.9 (17th)vs. LHP: 115 wRC+ (6th)vs. RHP: 102 wRC+ (12th)Lineup at a look:We understand the Phillies Really nicely, with Atlanta having 5 of the remaining 7 game titles in just September. Their lineup is headlined via a handful of sluggers within the supreme 4 areas https://www.shoptheatlanta.com/Tyler_Flowers_Jersey-62, with Kyle Schwarber top off, adopted as a result of some mixture of Rhys Hoskins, Bryce Harper, and J.T. Realmuto. All 4 of people avid gamers can and will inflict punishment if on your own create a slip-up.Nick Castellanos, even with a brutal 1st period within Philadelphia (hey, just 4 many years and $80 million in the direction of move) typically assumes the 5th destination inside of the invest in. Alec Bohm discovered his stride a little bit within the instant 50 % (103 wRC+) and is made up of been a pest. Brandon Marsh was a fantastic addition at the exchange deadline (114 wRC+) and Jean Segura is made up of by no means designed an out towards the Braves. Wel view if that vogue proceeds this 7 days. Newbie shortstop Bryson Stott is made up of superior the infield protection, though his video game is further more glove than bat at this position.X Issue: Bryce HarperIt Very straightforward. Harper, who returned in the direction of the lineup August 26, consists of decidedly not been incredibly Great considering that breaking his thumb inside June. He strike particularly.227/.325/.352 (83 wRC+) more than 151 plate appearances and is naturally not 100 %. Harper did homer within just Saturday video game in opposition to St. Louis. If he contains a huge collection in opposition to Atlanta, the Philliesprospects move up considerably. If the Braves hold him below wraps, it might be a uncomplicated sequence.Remaining Queries:Even with a terrible end in the direction of the time the Phillies almost choked a playoff place absent as the lineup went frigid within late September there are some legitimate components right here. Incorporate a highly effective https://www.shoptheatlanta.com/Matt_Olson_Jersey-79, veteran lineup with final-tier setting up pitching and a number of of tough-throwing relievers inside of the late innings, and this need to be a pleasurable collection in between 2 NL East foes who comprehend each and every other Really properly.
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unyieldingvalxr · 3 years
[ 🔥 for Wakefield? Pretty please with extra hugs and kisses for her favorite Redcoat? ]
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The black uniform tricorn hat is swept off his hands and held humbly in front of his chest. Fidgeting fingers make absent-minded trails along the edges. Thoughtfulness appears keenly in the fathoms of is far too kind eye. Lips shakily depart with a grin. "She's certainly beautiful." She had a way of occupying this soldier's thoughts, often.
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