#st. Rocco
newyorkthegoldenage · 1 month
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The annual feast and parade of St. Rocco was held in Little Italy on August 16, 1926. The parade started at St. Joachim's Church, 26 Roosevelt St., and proceeded through the main streets of the Lower East Side. Thousands of dollars were attached to the statue of the saints, after which the feasts and reception were held back in the church.
Photo: Bettmann Archive/Getty Images/Fine Art America
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cvbarroso · 1 year
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Hodie XVI augusti… Sancti Rochi, confessoris, trium ordinum S.P.N. Francisci.
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About St Joan of Arc
About St Roch
Post-Schism Bracket Round 1
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closetcellist · 4 months
Tag yourself, St Rocco edition
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twobrothersatwork · 3 months
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German School Saint Roch ( late 15th Century)
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graphicpolicy · 1 year
Diamond Select Toys Coming in 2024: Marvel, Star Wars, The Walking Dead and More!
Diamond Select Toys Coming in 2024: Marvel, Star Wars, The Walking Dead and More! #tmnt #starwarwas #walkingdead #lotr
It’s almost September, which means it’s time for new pre-orders from Diamond Select Toys and Gentle Giant LTD! While the new issue of Previews is still a few days away from stores, you can pre-order new Spring 2024 items from Marvel, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, The Walking Dead and TMNT right now! Lord of the Rings Gallery Gandalf Deluxe PVC Diorama A Diamond Select Toys release! You shall…
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frangipanilove · 5 months
Daryl’s Green(e) Jasper Revisited; A “Roch” In The Road
“Pilgrims Under The Field Of Stars” (part 2) (part 1)
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The “Roch” in the headline is not a typo, it’s a reference to St. Roch, patron saint of dogs and dog lovers, also known for healing people suffering from plague and infectious disease, and that’s why it’s super interesting that Daryl finds the little green(e) rock as they’re quite literally out searching for antibiotics to combat the prison flu, or shall we say prison plague?
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St. Roch, Rocco in Italian, in English sometimes called "Rock", was a pilgrim who was known for tending to, and healing victims of the plague. He became known as a protector against plague and infectious disease, and at one point he contracted the bubonic plague himself. He was healed when a dog came up to him and licked his wounds. He’s since been depicted in iconography always with a dog by his side and wounds caused by bubonic plague exposed on his leg.
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He had “triumphed over the disease in his own flesh”.
To me, this reads like an obvious historical parallel to the Wildfire virus in TWDU. For someone who has been talking about dogs and their Sirius (reunion/resurrection/rebirth) symbolism for close to a decade now, it is quite interesting to see that St. Roch was healed from the bubonic plague by a dog. This lines up with the Sirius symbolism in TWDU in a really compelling way.
My hypothesis is that the Sirius symbolism on the show comes from both the story of Sirius the Dog Star, the returning star, as well as the resurrection symbolism associated with St.Roch, patron saint of dogs and dog lovers, who was famous for protecting against the plague and infectious disease. And in the context of Daryl's green(e) jasper, Daryl's "Roch" in the road, we see all of that on full display.
St. Roch's body currently rests in Chiesa di San Rocco in Venice, Italy, one of many "plague churches" built to protect the city from the numerous waves of plague that affected it through histoey. In fact, the word "quarantine" originally derives from Italian, and it specifically comes from Venice:
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St. Roch, in addition to being patron saint for dogs and dog lovers, as well a known protector against plague, is the patron saint of Venice, along with San Marco. Venice, a major trading hub during the middle ages, suffered multiple plagues due to the extensive foreign trade, hence the invention of quarantine arrangements.
Why the history lesson, you may ask. Well, it's to demonstrate that St.Roch is not some random saint in the context of the green(e) jasper from 4x4 Indifference. His legacy is directly connected to the circumstances around Daryl finding the jasper, or the "Roch" in the road", if you will. Daryl specifically found the jasper for a woman who had been on her way into quarantine in A-block as they were leaving, and their entire mission revolved around finding antibiotics, or a "cure" against the "plague".
And, St. Roch, a pilgrim himself, is specifically tied into the pilgrim symbolism I talked about in part 1 the other day.
In TWD 4x4 Indifference, the prison flu/plague was at its height. People were dying, Glenn and Sasha were ill, and their only option was to go to a veterinary college Herschel knew about to scavenge what they could find of antibiotics. The theme here, as Daryl finds the green(e) rock in the road, is healing people from the flu/plague. My hypothesis is that the green(e) rock, a reference to St.Roch, protector against plague and known for miraculously healing plague victims, foreshadows the antibiotics they later will find, or basically the cure against the plague.
Keep this in mind, I’ll return to a “cure against plague” shortly.
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There have been many interesting, well researched attempts at deciphering the symbolism around the green jasper over the years, and as we know, symbolism in TWDU is always multi-layered, it can have more than one meaning.
For me, the most obvious thing is that it’s green(e), it seems like an no-brainer reference to Beth Greene. Remember, this was before Beth and Daryl escaped from the prison together. Considering what we now know was to come for them, it seems plausible that the green(e) jasper would function as some kind of foreshadow of that.
Then there’s the fact that Daryl specifically got it for someone who needed it for her husband’s grave marker. In that respect, it’s tied to resurrection symbolism. Symbols on grave markers often include crosses, of course depending on the religious beliefs of the deceased, but I don’t think it’s far fetched to interpret the jasper as synonymous with a cross. And of course, crosses are resurrection symbolism, they’re tied to Beth in all kinds of ways.
Then there's Michonne's nod to the Sirius symbolism, when she made a joke about how the color brings out Daryl’s eyes:
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It’s a potential reference to the one-eyed dog from 4x13 Alone, and also a potential reference to the “the heavenly beast with a star in its eye" as Robert Frost said in the poem “One More Brevity “.
"It's a good color". It's (Beth) green(e).
"It brings out your eyes". It's Sirius symbolism and a reference to the one-eyed dog from 4x13 Alone.
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Also, don’t forget that Beth’s been connected to issues regarding eyes and eyesight since 4x12 Still:
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It's Sirius symbolism, which is tied to St. Roch because he is the patron saint of dogs and dog lovers, and was always depicted with a dog by his side in iconography. And Sirius symbolism is resurrection/rebirth symbolism. St. Roch, patron saint of dogs and dog lovers, miraculously survived the plague himself, as well as being known for healing people from plague and infectious disease.
We see how the Sirius/dog symbolism becomes intertwined with symbolism pertaining to the plague, healing, and a "cure".
Remember Daryl got the green jasper for Mrs. Richards, she was going into “A-block” as they left. “A-block” was where they kept the people sick with flu in quarantine.
Mrs. Richards’ name is likely a reference to “Roch”. The names aren’t etymologically linked in any way that I’m aware of, but come on, you can hear it, right? Richards and Roch? They're not completely different. At the very least, they’re close enough to earn a substantial side eye from me…
The jasper stone, the "Roch" in the road", is associated with the flu. Or should we say “plague”….? And it's associated with being cured, healed, resurrected, reborn...
Remember TWD episode 7x9 Rock In The Road? TF went to The Kingdom to secure Ezekiel's support in the war against the Saviors. Ezekiel was reluctant, and Rick had to resort to storytelling and parabels to convince him. Rick’s story was one about the girl who was bringing her carriage to the market, but there was a rock in the road that broke her carriage and caused her to lose an entire cask of beer.
Beer = ethanol = cure. I’ve talked about the connection between ethanol/alcohol and a cure/pharmakon in many posts such as here and here.
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And remember when I said above that the jasper represented the antibiotics they would later find?
And how in Rick’s story about the “rock in the road”, the girl lost a whole case of beer?
That came into play in FTWD 6x3 Alaska.
Dwight and Althea were out scavenging, when they came across a community in a high-rise building. This storyline tied into the CRM in that Althea was there searching for her mysterious love interest Isabel, who was A CRM pilot. Isabel’s helicopter was scheduled to land on the top of the high-rise, but Althea warned her that the property was infested with rats carrying the bacteria Yersenia Pestis, better known as bubonic plague- This is the bacteria that caused the Black Death during the Middle Ages, killing off half of Europe’s population. St. Roch was known for tending to victims of the bubonic plague, he was known for performing miracles, and he contracted the plague himself, but still survived.
In Alaska, Dwight caught the plague:
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Without antibiotics, Dwight faces an almost certain death.
Althea, on the rooftop and in communication with CRM-Isabel, is told about beer in the supply crates:
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As we've learned by now, "beer" in TWDU is directly associated with some form of "cure". Beer is "cure" symbolism.
And lo and behold! Next to the beer, she finds...
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Ciprofloxacin, the exact antibiotic she needs to cure Dwight’s bubonic plague.
We saw in FTWD 6x3 Alaska how TPTB basically equaled ethanol/beer with antibiotics, essentially confirming the connection between "alcohol/ethanol" and a "cure". We've since seen this very theme multiple times.
In TWDDD 1x3 Paris Sera Toujours Paris, Fallou made a reference to the bubonic plague as they were moving through the catacombs. The catacombs are, according to urban legends, lined floor to ceiling with the skulls of the victims of the bubonic plague (I think historians would like to correct a few misconceptions on that, but regardless, that’s a version of history that’s well established in the popular mind):
“Here, we survived many apocalypses. We will survive this one too”. Plagues were common in medieval Europe…
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Like I mentioned in part 1, the themes around pilgrimage came back in TWDDD season 1, when Losang namedropped Camino de Santiago to Santiago de Compostela. I also explained how the symbolism associated with St. Christopher is intertwined with the type of resurrection symbolism we see around Beth.
Beth, like St.Roch, is heavily associated with dog symbolism as well as resurrection symbolism.
Beth is the one in TWDU that’s tied up with dog symbolism the most. She IS dog symbolism.
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And so is St. Roch, patron saint for dogs and dog lovers...
Daryl has proved to be a quite a dog lover:
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And because St.Roch was also famous for healing plague victims, as well as miraculously recovering from the plague himself, we see here another way in which the Sirius/dog symbolism ties into themes of resurrection and rebirth, and themes of a “cure”.
St. Roch was a pilgrim, he’s deeply tied into the symbolism around pilgrimage, which became relevant again by Losang mentioning Santiago de Compostela. Remember, as I explained the other day, the pilgrim symbolism was quietly, yet unmistakably, introduced with Morgan immediately after Beth had been "killed" in 5x8 Coda.
As some sort of pilgrim, we watched him reach Father Gabriel's church, and it was almost as though he had reached his desired end point, the final destination of his pilgrimage. He "resurrected" the overturned cross, as though he metaphorically "ressurected" Beth. I likened Morgan to St. Christopher, patron saint of travelers, but St. Roch was also a pilgrim.
The green(e) jasper?
It foreshadowed the antibiotics they were able to find at the veterinary college in 4x4 Indifference, it foreshadowed the “cure”. The green(e) jasper is a metaphor for the cure. It was green(e)., and therefore potentially associated with Beth. And it is closely associated with dogs and dog symbolism, through St. Roch. The green(e) jasper is Sirius symbolism.
The other day I wrote about the Way of St James, or Camino de Santiago to Santiago de Compostela. I had seen hints of a theme of travelers and pilgrimage ever since Morgan showed up after Beth’s death in 5x8 coda. We’ve recently seen Losang bring it up in TWD Daryl Dixon. As we know, the working title of TWDDD was Pilgrim, so I think it’s fair to say that the pilgrim theme has been canonically confirmed.
In part 1 I mentioned how the symbolism around St. Christopher, patron saint of travelers (including motorists, hello car/trunk symbolism) was first subtly alluded to immediately after Beth’s death, then became canonically confirmed in FTWD 6x2 Welcome To The Club. We saw Daniel, a character who had survived a gunshot to the head, carry a St. Christopher medallion.
We later saw Madison, queen of death fake-outs in TWDU, survive getting shot point blank, in a Ford Mustang:
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The St. Christopher medallion quite literally stopped the bullet and saved Madison's life. This is the type of resurrection symbolism St. Christopher provides to Beth. And it happened in a blue Ford Mustang.
St. Christopher is the patron saint of travellers, including motorists, and I would have to assume that includes kidnapped girls in trunks of cars. And the Ford Mustang symbolism is something we'we seen a lot. Most recently in TWDDD 1x6 Coming Home, when Carol drove a blue Ford Mustang and happened to lock some poor unsuspecting fellow (joking, he had it coming) into the trunk of said blue Ford Mustang...
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Read more on Ford Mustangs and why they're resurrection symbolism here and here.
The symbolism around pilgrims was for a long time merely subtle clues, and I was entirely prepared to admit I was reading too much into something that existed mostly in my own head. However, with Losang explicitly mentioning Santiago de Compostela in TWDDD 1x6 Comimg Home, the symbolism of St. James Way, or Camino de Santiago became canon. Just like the symbolism around St. Christopher became canon in FTWD 6x2.
I started researching the symbolism pertaining to St. Roch around the same time, and I think it's just a matter of time before he will become explicitly mentioned too, canonically confirming the symbolism, just like St. Christopher and Santiago de Compostela. I believe we will hear about him soon.
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lonestarflight · 1 year
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Rollout Ceremony for the third operational orbiter, Discovery (OV-103) at Palmdale, California. On the stage is the Don Beall of Rockwell (at lectern), Dr. Rocco A. Petrone, the president of the company and the crew of her first first flight STS-41-D.
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She is named for several different ships:
"The name Discovery was chosen to carry on a tradition based on ships of exploration, primarily HMS Discovery, one of the ships commanded by Captain James Cook during his third and final major voyage from 1776 to 1779, and Henry Hudson's Discovery, which was used in 1610–1611 to explore Hudson Bay and search for a Northwest Passage. Other ships bearing the name have included HMS Discovery of the 1875–1876 British Arctic Expedition to the North Pole, and RRS Discovery, which carried the 1901–1904 Discovery Expedition to Antarctica, led by Captain Scott."
-information from Wikipedia: link
At the beginning of her career, Discovery weighed roughly 3,600 kg (7,900 lb) less than Columbia due to lessons learned during the construction and testing of Enterprise, Columbia and Challenger. She weighs 6 pounds (2.7 kg) heavier than Atlantis and 363 pounds (165 kg) heavier than Endeavour. Part of this was due to the greater use of quilted AFRSI blankets rather than the white LRSI tiles on the fuselage, and the use of graphite epoxy instead of aluminum for the payload bay doors and some of the wing spars and beams.
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"During her construction, Discovery was fitted with several black tiles near the middle starboard window where there should have been white tiles. It is unknown if this was the result of a harmless manufacturing mishap or done intentionally to give a distinctive look to the shuttle. This feature has been called 'teardrop' and allowed Discovery to be easily identified.
Upon her delivery to the Kennedy Space Center in 1983, Discovery was modified alongside Challenger to accommodate the liquid-fueled Centaur-G booster, which had been planned for use beginning in 1986 but was cancelled in the wake of the Challenger disaster."
She was originally intended to be the dedicated US Air Force shuttle and launch DoD payloads from SLC-6 at Vandenberg AFB but these plans were cancelled in aftermath of the Challenger disaster.
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Commemorative stamp from Rockwell International (source)
Construction milestones:
1979 January 29: contract award to Rockwell International's Space Transportation Systems Division in Downey, California
1979 August 1: start long lead fabrication of upper forward-fuselage, Downey
1979 August 27: start long lead fabrication of Crew Module, Downey
1980 March 3: start fabrication aft-fuselage, Downey
1980 June 20: start fabrication lower forward-fuselage, Downey
1980 September 29: start assembly of Crew Module, Downey
1980 October 1: start fabrication/assembly of mid-fuselage, San Diego
1980 November 10: start assembly of aft-fuselage
1980 December 8: start initial system installation aft fuselage
1981 March 2: start fabrication/assembly of payload bay doors, Tulsa
1981 June 1: start fabrication of vertical stabilizer, Fairchild-Republic
1981 October 19: start fabrication/assembly of body flap, Downey
1981 October 26: start initial system installation, crew module, Downey
1982 January 4: start initial system installation upper forward fuselage, Downey
1982 March 16: mid-fuselage on dock, Palmdale
1982 March 30: Elevons on dock, Palmdale
1982 April 30: Wings on dock, Palmdale
1982 April 30: lower forward-fuselage on dock, Palmdale
1982 July 16: upper forward-fuselage on dock, Palmdale
1982 August 5: vertical stabilizer on dock, Palmdale
1982 September 3: start of final assembly
1982 October 15: body flap on dock, Palmdale
1982 December 28: crew module on dock, Palmdale
1983 January 11: aft-fuselage on dock, Palmdale
1983 February 25: forward RCS module on dock, Palmdale
1983 February 25: complete final assembly and closeout installation, Palmdale
1983 February 28: start initial subsystems test, power-on, Palmdale
1983 May 13: complete initial subsystems testing
1983 July 26: complete subsystems testing
1983 August 12: completed final acceptance
1983 October 16: Rollout from Palmdale
1983 October 28: SSME on dock, KSC
1983 November 5: overland delivery to Edwards AFB
1983 November 6: ferry flight to Vandenberg AFB
1983 November 8: ferry flight to Carswell AFB
1983 November 9: ferry flight to KSC
1983 November 15: transport to OPF and start modifications, KSC
1983 December 9: transfer to VAB for storage, KSC
1983 December 22: SSME on dock, KSC
1984 January 3: transfer to OPF, KSC
1984 January 5: SSME on dock, KSC
1984 May 12: transfer to VAB, KSC
1984 June 2: flight readiness firing of SSME, LC-39A
1984 June 25: Conduct STS-41-D, first flight, launch KSC, launch scrubbed at T-9 minutes due to general-purpose computer No. 5 disparity with primary set of general-purpose computers.
1984 June 26: Conduct STS-41-D, first flight, launch KSC, launch postponed indefinitely due to shutdown of SSMEs 3 and 2 at T-4 seconds due to slow opening of SSME 3 main fuel valve, SSME I never received a start command.
1984 July 14: rollback from Launch Complex 39-A to VAB, KSC, for remanifest of payloads
1984 July 17: transfer to OPF for reconfiguration of payload bay and for remanifest of payloads
1984 August 2: transfer to VAB and remate with SRB and ET
1984 August 9: rollout to LC-39A
1984 August 28: remanifest 41 D mission launch for Aug. 29, postponed for 24 hours for software verification
1984 August 30: launch of STS-41-D
Date: October 16, 1983
NASA ID: S84-30898
source, source, source, source, source, source
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bullet-prooflove · 7 months
Exs: Jeff Clarke x Reader
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Tagging: @kmc1989 @witches-unruly-heart @telepathay @iworldlywriter @caffeinatedwoman @winchesterszvonecek @whateversomethingbruh @burningpeachpuppy @upsteadlogic @skyesthebomb @neapolitantoebeans @olymosity @stxrryswvrld @courtney-elizabeth93 @stelacole @kabloswrld
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It isn’t often you drop into the fire station. Sometimes there’s a crossover, Jeff ends up at Chicago Med or you have to drop something off but you don’t generally stray onto each other’s territory. You’re both professionals after all.
Unfortunately it’s been a hectic morning. Rocco had swallowed one of Jeff’s socks, which meant a visit to the vet. Jeff had had to bring him to work because he had to be supervised for the next twenty four hours and there was an overlap in your schedules.
It’s when you pull onto the street outside the firehouse that you see Jeff and Lisa out on the courtyard. They’ve been divorced over a year now, separated for another before that. He’d told you the story, he’d been back barely a month before she’d walked out on him. He was falling apart after his last tour and instead of supporting him, she’d packed her stuff and left. It’s only afterwards that he’d discovered she’d been seeing another man.
You can tell he’s livid from his stance. His back is ramrod straight, his muscles tense and rigid. He clasps his hands behind his back, one hand gripping his wrist as if he’s terrified he’s going to take a swing at her. There’s a moment of indecision on your part because this conversation it looks private but you can tell that Jeff’s about five seconds from losing his temper. You’ve seen it happen once before when a guy laid hands on you in the Emergency Room, and the signs are there now as you approach the two of them.
“Let’s just spend some time together.” You hear Lisa say and it riles something deep inside of you.
You aren’t a possessive by nature but you are protective and Lisa, she has no idea of the damage she did to Jeff’s psyche, how he shut down completely after she left, how he couldn’t trust, how he isolated himself because he felt worthless, broken.
It’s only being here at the firehouse that changed those things, finding people who accepted him, who cared about him. He started to open up again after that, adjust to life as a civilian.
“I would rather eat glass.” He tells her, his tone fierce as he speaks. “You destroyed me Lisa, you don’t get to come back now because you’re feeling lonely.”
It’s then that he sees you, your hands tucked in your pockets as you step towards him. His eyes are a furious shade of blue, wild and torrent like the sea in a storm. He doesn’t want you to see this, to him like this. Being around Lisa flicks a switch in his brain, it makes him angry, dark, vengeful.
Lisa follows his gaze, her eyes coming to rest on you. You see the moment of realisation, she looks between you and Jeff before she crosses her arms over her chest.
“He’ll never love you.” Lisa tells you as she begins to walk away. “He isn’t capable of it.”
Jeff flinches at the words, they strike like bullets, searing through his chest. He wants to tell you it’s not true, that he cares deeply for the people in his life but the words they just won’t leave his lips because Lisa has this way of getting in his head, of messing with him.
“Your ex is a piece of work.” You tell him as the two of you watch Lisa climb into her car, slamming the door shut behind her.
“Yea.” He says with a sigh, rubbing his palm over the back of his neck. “I don’t like what she brings out in me.”
“I have an ex like that too.” You find yourself telling him. “Back in St Louis. It’s was like a needle in my brain everytime he opened his mouth. I hated the person I was when I was around him.”
Jeff tilts his head towards you, his eyebrows furrowing. It’s the first time you’ve mentioned the reason you left Missouri, he’d assumed it was the position at Med but now he can tell there’s more to the story.
“Tell me about it?” He asks you, because he thinks you might just be the only person in the world who actually understands the rawness that Lisa brings out of him.  
You link your arm through his, guiding him gently back towards the firehouse. The scent of your perfume floods his senses and already he feels the fight ebbing out of him. He doesn’t understand how you do this, how your presence has the ability to sooth him, calm him.
“His name was Elliot,” You begin as you walk slowly towards the firehouse. “And he was an idiot…”
Love Jeff? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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About St Augustine
About St Roch
Losers' Bracket Round 1
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cillivnz · 2 years
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cherry [murphy macmanus]
WARNINGS — smoker!reader, cat-calling, mentions of threesome (we love connor boy), semi-public sex, cunnilingus, tongue-fucking, fingering.
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You worked night shifts at McGinty's when cash was tight. Though, Doc would lose his wits, cursing and screaming, "Fuck," when you'd escape your shift to fool around with customers, the old man appreciated your help.
Friday night was rowdy, but nothing you hadn't dealt with before. Except, it was St. Patrick's week, and the Irish were in the mood to party like apocalypse was upon them. Entering the pub a while before "Happy Hour" you made your way towards the bar and hung your coat on an idle rack nearby.
You breathed a breath of relief once the damned cloth clinging to your body was removed. Your black shirt had a considerably low-cut, and you could see sweat forming in the v-neck.
You ached to let loose before, possibly, your longest shift of the week, but to no avail, Doc wouldn't hear anything of it. He "confiscated" your pack of cigarettes like the father figure he became for you, and reminded you of your job.
Sighing, you began placing liquor on the glass table, until hearty laughs and rowdy cheers distracted you.
"They're early," you thought, paying no further heed.
You turned your back towards the entrance and began shuffling through the bottles of alcohol displayed. You heard ruffling behind you, shortly. People getting comfortable in their seats, you assumed.
Turning around, your eyes met with a pair you hadn't seen before.
Blue hues drowned your own in tidal waves that exuded out of him. He met your gaze and held it — amusingly anticipating your reactions.
"Where the fuck's your drinks? Don't tell me youse two are goin' sober?" 'Rocco' as you heard another man call him a few times, broke your enchantment and you began taking orders.
"Whiskey, neat— no, make that Guinness." The man beside your enchanter spoke. You noticed their resemblance; he was attractive, that was beyond doubt, but no one compared to the stranger in front of you.
"Comin' up." You began pouring drinks while the men chattered among themselves.
Everything was going smooth; even your urge to leave had subsided. Something about tonight made you never want to take breaks between shifts again, if it meant you could have him around to serve.
Everything was going smooth until a certain request.
"Could we get any cherries in here?" You hear a call towards your side. Turning around, you snickered at the request. "I'm being serious, love." He pleaded, "Ye can't blame a lad for wanting something sweet in his mouth, yeah?" He smirked, his last few words deeply amused the men beside him.
You sigh and begin looking around; Doc placed them at the bottom of the shelf. You groaned as you bend down to grab them. Your black jeans, stretched, seemed to have attracted the attention of the men behind you.
It seems the thing that piqued their interest the most tonight was you, down low. You chuckled at the whistles— you didn't mind it, but you did grow conscious as the man you admired was directly behind you.
"Finally." You groan as you pull them out and turned to him. "Uh-uh," he stopped you before you placed them down. He moved closer to where the cherries swung in the air, which you subconsciously did to prove your victory in finding them in the oddest of places. He leaned over the table and reached for the fruit. Your breath hitched when he wet his pink lips before they came in contact with a plump, deliciously crimson one.
His eyes stared right into yours as the world seemed to slow down. His teeth closed in on it and bit it off the stem. You whimpered softly. That was, singularly, the sexiest thing you had ever seen. He winked shamelessly, before moaning, "Delicious" under his breath, soft enough only for you to hear.
Saving you from embarrassment, Doc walked over to your side and inquired how the hell did you manage to suppress the urge to leave your shift? Interrupting him, your new favourite voice began, "Forgive me, Doc. But I'll be needing your gorgeous bartender to myself for a while." He looked at him and winked.
You felt a blush creep in.
"Of-fucking-course you fucking need her. She can't fucking finish her shift without fucking breaks." He stammered out, but let you leave, anyway.
The Irish Devil then whispered something to the man beside him; who you were admiring a few minutes ago, was smirking at you while fidgeting with the inked skin on his hand. "Save me some," was all you could make out from the conversation, which was followed by him receiving a playful blow on the shoulder by the man who needed you.
"C'mon, cherry." He looked up at you and gestured for you to follow him.
"My name's Murphy." He told you as you walked towards the bathroom. "I'm—" "Cherry." He put a finger on your lips, both of you had your eyes fixated on it. "You're my cherry tonight," His finger caressed across your upper lip. "Aren't you my cherry?" He finally inquired, his thumb was now playing with your lower lip.
"Y-yes." You managed to whisper as he backed you against a bathroom stall. "Good girl." He praised before bringing his lips to yours and kissing you passionately. You fervently kissed him back, his tongue licked across your bottom lip, begging for entrance you gladly granted. He moaned as soon as your tongues came in contact with one another and moved rhythmically. The taste of cherries and Guinness on his tongue mixed with the aftertaste of a cigarette you smoked a while before was utterly delicious to you.
You tugged at his shirt, making your impatience aware. This caused him to chuckle deeply, and you felt like your knees were going to give up any minute. He grabbed you by the hem of your shirt and took it off of you. "I've been wanting to do that since the minute I laid eyes on you," He groaned, reaching for your jeans, next. Leaving you in your lingerie, he began undressing.
You were having the time of your life just staring at this man. Each and every move he made was so graceful, you could watch him simply move his hands around and feel aroused at the mere sight. When he finished, you were welcomed by the sight of him only in his boxers. God, you couldn't believe your eyes. Was this real? You often thought while he was thinking the same.
Murphy hadn't come across a girl as beautiful as you. He'd seen you a couple times before while drinking with Connor, but you never stuck around for him to truly get a glimpse of just how incredibly gorgeous you are. St. Patty's really is his lucky day.
He grabbed you by the arm and turned you around, swiftly, your face pressed against the door of the stall. You could feel his fingertips grazing your back, your hips, and now your breasts. He unhooked your bra, and turned you as you were previously.
If it was any other man, you would've remained confident and taken the lead, but with Murphy MacManus? No, you were flushed with your state.
Noticing your embarrassment, Murphy stopped you from hiding your breasts, "Don't be shy, now, love." "You're fucking beautiful, cherry." He caressed your cheek. "May I?" He asked, bending lower — just above your chest. You nodded eagerly, earning not a smirk, but a smile from Murphy.
He hovered above your bud, and just as his lips grazed it, he looked up at you while opening his mouth. The world slowed, yet again, as Murphy MacManus began kissing and sucking on your breast leisurely, while kneading the other with care. You moaned, his clothed cock throbbed at the sound. Switching the treatment on the breasts, he finally let go of you when he was satisfied with the lovebites he left on your skin. He grabbed your face towards him and kissed you passionately.
You could die a happy woman drowning in the oceans of Murphy MacManus. Whatever it is that you felt for him; lust, pure lust, turned out to be the strongest emotion you've ever felt. He pulled away from you and reached for your lace panties, ripping them away. Cold air hit you instantly and in your vulnerable state, you inhaled sharply at the feeling.
Murphy groaned at the sight of your pussy. He immediately brought his face closer to your heat, and like a man starved, began lapping at your wetness. He relished in the taste of you, and began devouring your clit. His tongue wrapped around your swollen bud before he began sucking on it wholly. "Fucking hell, Murphy." You moaned out.
He smirked against your slit before pulling his face away. You whimpered at the loss of contact but were rewarded by him soon enough. When he brought his digits to where your mouth was, you understood just what was about to happen. Biting your lip before allowing him entrance, you began sucking diligently on his fingers, giving him a vivid idea of what that pretty mouth of yours could do.
His mouth agape, he wanted nothing more in this moment than to shove you down and have you take his cock down your throat, but no. You deserved pleasure before him, he thought to himself, constraining the urge to be selfish.
His fingers left your mouth with a 'pop' sound, and traced every voluptuous curve on your body, until he finally reached your slit and gave you what you so desperately needed the minute you saw him.
His fingers separated your lips, and he eased his middle finger in, inserting it completely to the hilt. He looked up at you, and the look on your face; one of pure ecstasy, urged him to continue.
He pulled his finger out, and shoved back in repeatedly, until you were ready to take another. Murphy took no time in inserting his middle and ring finger inside you, smirking at your lewd state. His mouth latched onto your clit which lead to him licking and sucking on it. He'd occasionally kiss your swollen bud which throbbed with sensitivity.
Your state amused him incredibly. The confident and sexy bartender at McGinty's was under Murphy MacManus, squirming in pleasure with her plump lips wet, furrowed brows, and radiant eyes shut tightly.
"You're a work of art, Cherry." He whispered against your thighs, looking directly in your soul.
Murphy heard your breath hitch, and knew you were close. He pumped his fingers faster and sucked on your clit with all his might. You cursed, trembled and shivered against him. Mewling, you begged him to keep going. He fingered you at an inhuman speed; your eyes rolled back, your back arched and your breasts bounced with the increasing speed pumping inside of you.
You didn't have time to comprehend let alone tell Murphy you're cuming, before you squirted all over him. He let out a hearty chuckle, flushed with embarrassment, you turned to look away but Murphy grabbed you by the chin and forced you to look down, at him. "Eyes on me, Cherry." He ordered, and you followed. Once again, his fingers impaled you, while his tattooed hand placed on your inner thigh firmly prevented you from moving too much. It seemed your squirming disturbed him from enjoying you in your most vulnerable state; so lewd, so beautiful.
He began nibbling on your clit, and you screamed his name loud enough for the whole neighbourhood to hear. You weren't sure how, but it seemed you were already close to your high, again. Just when you thought you were gonna drown in your own wetness once again, yelling and grunting interrupted your session.
Murphy knew what was going on, and that his brother needed him, but he just couldn't pull away from you. Instead, he picked up the pace, of both his fingers and his tongue that lapped at your clit.
You let out a string of curses as a moan, and screamed as you released for the second time tonight. Murphy pulled out his fingers and slipped his tongue in between your orgasm, which sent you over the edge. He tongue-fucked you through your climax and licked your juices clean.
After eating you out to both of your satisfactions, he kissed you fervently one last time. He left a series of love-bites on your neck and the valley of your breasts, making his way up to your ear between wet kisses and whispering, "Consider this something to remember me by."
When he was finished dressing, he kissed your forehead, and made his way out of the bathroom.
"We aren't finished, you and I." He turned to say to you. "You know I'll be waiting for you." You winked.
"Ah, my Cherry, I'll come soon."
"There's no way I can stay away from a pretty face like yours that long."
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pt. II. main masterlist. more of ‘the boondock saints’.
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aimeedaisies · 7 months
List of attendees to the service of Thanksgiving to the late King Constantine of Greece on 27th February 2024.
🇬🇧 Queen Camilla
🇬🇧 Princess Anne
🇬🇧 Sir Tim Laurence
🇬🇧 Princess Beatrice
🇬🇧 Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi
🇬🇧 Zara Tindall
🇬🇧 Mike Tindall
🇬🇧 Lady Sarah Chatto
🇬🇧 Daniel Chatto
🇬🇧 Prince Richard, The Duke of Gloucester
🇬🇧 Birgitte, The Duchess of Gloucester
🇬🇧 Prince Edward, The Duke of Kent
🇬🇧 George, The Earl of St. Andrews
🇬🇧 Sylvana, The Countess of St. Andrews
🇬🇧 Lady Helen Taylor
🇬🇧 Prince Michael of Kent
🇬🇧 Princess Michael of Kent
🇬🇧 Princess Alexandra of Kent
🇬🇧 James Ogilvy
🇬🇧 Julia Ogilvy
🇬🇧 Marina Ogilvy
🇬🇧 George, The Marquess of Milford Haven
🇬🇧 Clare, The Marchioness of Milford Haven
🇬🇧 Penny, The Countess Mountbatten of Burma
🇬🇧 Lady Alexandra Hooper
🇬🇧 Thomas Hooper
🇬🇧 India Hicks
🇬🇧 David Flint Wood
🇬🇧 Amory Wood-Hicks
🇬🇧 Prince Andrew, The Duke of York
🇬🇧 Sarah Ferguson
🇬🇷 Queen Anne-Marie
🇬🇷 Crown Prince Pavlos
🇬🇷 Crown Princess Marie-Chantal
🇬🇷 Prince Achileas-Andreas
🇬🇷 Prince Odysseas-Kimon
🇬🇷 Prince Aristides-Stavros
🇬🇷 Princess Maria-Olympia
🇬🇷 Prince Nikolaos
🇬🇷 Princess Tatiana
🇬🇷 Prince Philippos
🇬🇷 Princess Nina
🇬🇷 Princess Theodora
🇬🇷 Matthew Kumar
🇬🇷 Princess Alexia
🇬🇷 Carlos Morales
🇬🇷 Princess Irene
🇪🇸 King Juan Carlos
🇪🇸 Queen Sofia
🇪🇸 King Felipe
🇪🇸 Queen Letizia
🇪🇸 Infanta Elena
🇪🇸 Infanta Cristina
🇪🇸 Juan Urdangarian
🇩🇰 Princess Benedikte
🇩🇰 Prince Gustav
🇩🇰 Princess Carina of Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg
🇩🇰 Princess Alexandra of Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg, Countess Ahlefeldt-Laurvig-Bille
🇩🇰 Count Michael Ahlefeldt-Laurvig-Bille
🇯🇴 Queen Noor of Jordan
🇯🇴 Prince Hassan
🇯🇴 Princess Sarvath of Jordan
🇧🇬 Prince Kyril of Bulgaria
🇷🇸 Crown Prince Alexander of Serbia
🇷🇸 Crown Princess Katherine of Serbia
🇩🇪 Bernhard, Margrave of Baden
🇩🇪 Stephanie, Margravine of Baden
🇩🇪 Landgrave Donatus of Hesse
🇩🇪 Hereditary Prince Ernst August of Hanover
🇩🇪 Princess Saskia of Hohenlohe-Langeburg
Other notable attendees
Nicholas Soames (Conservative politician)
Rocco Forte (British Hotelier)
Hugh Cavendish, Baron Cavendish of Furness (Former member of the House of Lords)
Grania Mary Caulfield (wife of Baron Cavendish of Furness)
John Kerry (United States Special Presidential Envoy for Climate
Lady Susan Hussey (Lady-in-Waiting)
Sir Jackie Stewart (Racecar Driver and good family friend)
Alexandra von Fürstenberg (American Socialite)
Dax Miller (Alexandra von Fürstenbergs husband)
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itsallmadonnasfault · 9 months
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Lourdes Leon took a leaf out of her mother Madonna's racy style book with her own jaw-dropping ensemble as the family kicked off 2024 with a trip to St Barts.
Lourdes was joined by her legendary mother, 65, and her brother Rocco Ritchie, 23, as they kicked off their New Year's celebrations.
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lola-leon · 8 months
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December 31: Rocco Ritchie and Lola Leon in St Barts
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graphicpolicy · 2 years
Diamond Select Toys Coming this Fall: Blade, Aragorn, Han Solo and More!
Diamond Select Toys Coming this Fall: Blade, Aragorn, Han Solo and More! #tmnt #starwars #pacificrim #blade #marvel #lotr
It’s almost April, which means it’s almost time for a new Previews catalog from Diamond Comic Distributors! And in those pages, there are a ton of great new items from Diamond Select Toys and Gentle Giant LTD, scheduled for release this fall. Whether your thing is Green Hornet, Lord of the Rings, Marvel, Pacific Rim, Star Wars, TMNT, or the Nightmare Before Christmas, there’s something for…
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tinyshe · 4 months
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Efficacious Novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
“O my Jesus, you have said: “Truly I say to you, ask and it will be given you, seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened to you.” Behold I knock, I seek and ask for the grace of [insert your intention.] Our Father*…Hail Mary**…Glory be to the Father***…Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in you.”
“O my Jesus, you have said: “Truly I say to you, if you ask any thing of the Father in my name, He will give it to you.” Behold, in your name, I ask the Father for the grace of [insert your intention.] Our Father*…Hail Mary**…Glory be to the Father***…Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in you.”
“O my Jesus, you have said: “Truly I say to you, heaven and earth will pass away but my words will not pass away.” Encouraged by your infallible words I now ask for the grace of [insert your intention.] Our Father*…Hail Mary**…Glory be to the Father***…Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in you.”
O Sacred Heart of Jesus, for whom it is impossible not to have compassion on the afflicted, have pity on us miserable sinners and grant us the grace which we ask of you, through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, your tender mother and ours.
Hail, Holy Queen, Mother of Mercy, our life, our sweetness and our hope! To thee do we cry, poor banished children of Eve. To thee do we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this valley of tears! Turn, then, O most gracious Advocate, thine eyes of mercy toward us, and after this, our exile, show unto us the blessed fruit of thy womb, Jesus. O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary.”
St. Joseph, foster father of Jesus, pray for us.
Saint Pio and Saint Rocco, pray for us.
Saint Pio and Saint Rocco, intercede for us
*Our Father, Who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy name; Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.
**Hail Mary, Full of Grace, The Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now, and at the hour of our death. Amen.
***Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end.
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