#stabler never left au
wildflowerswildhorses · 11 months
Think about this AU: Stabler never left, Carisi came early (no stache included) and the squad now had 6 detectives in their unit.
As for the partners, Cragen has Stabler, Benson, and Fin pair up with the new detectives as their partners to train them.
Stabler is paired with Carisi
Liv is paired with Amaro (like before)
Fin is paired with Rollins (like before)
No but IMAGINE that (also imagine SVU being and staying fully staffed)
Maybe Kathy still goes to Italy and they finally just divorce like they should have done in season 8
We could have gotten more time with Carisi/Rollins/Amaro (cause come on - that was a trio we deserved more of)
Amanda and Elliot butting heads constantly because they're more alike than people realize FIGHT me on that
Me getting the Amanda/Liv/Elliot trio I fucking deserve
Elliot and Nick BUTTING heads and Elliot giving him a bit of a hard time until he comes to realize that he can trust Liv with him
Elliot getting someone to talk about his faith with - Elliot and Sonny no longer being the only Catholics on the squad at a time
Cragen getting hints of something between Rollins and Carisi and thinking not again
Elliot believing Amanda about William Lewis from the start and that whole arc with Liv never fucking happening because ain't no way in hell Elliot was gonna let her go home alone.
He steps up and helps out with anything she needs - maybe gives her some of Eli's old baby clothes
Since Nick is thriving out in California - maybe he still leaves and does the same thing he does in canon but they still keep in touch and maybe they video chat him if they ever need his help on cases
Maybe Elliot still eventually leaves for Organized Crime (this is just me still wanting Jet in the picture) but he doesn't just vanish - and they still work together a lot
Hell Maybe Rollisi would have happened a little bit sooner (maybe in 19 and maybe Billie would rightfully be his)
Sonny still leaves for the DA's office because "If there's a chance that our daughter doesn't have both parents with a gun in their faces, I've got to take it" and they still fight about it; but it's not as bad as in 21x05
Thinking about how Jesse and Noah would be the catalyst for pushing Rollisi and EO together
Liv still moves up the ranks and they still get Kat (and she stays this time)
I totally just hijacked this ask; but like you can't drop an AU on me and expect me not to daydream about it....
I could probably get so much more out of this; but this is all that my brain came up with at the moment.
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thena0315 · 8 months
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An AU where Amanda never left SVU
EP10-12: Comes back from honeymoon and reveals to the squad that she's pregnant. Deal with Bx9 case
EP13: On desk duty during the traffic light case. Liv tells her what happened with Stabler when he brought Noah home.
EP14: Attends Fin's party + gets to sleep in while hubby goes back to work
EP15: Works on Pence Humphreys case due to the rest of the squad being stuck on the Velasco case
EP16: Works on internet dating case and watching conflict between Muncy and Churlish. Has a conversation with Liv about her eventually going on maternal leave and leaving her behind to deal with newbies.
EP17: Does not appear
EP18: Rollins-Carisi family dinner, girls asking baby questions. While working on the Parish case, having a conversation with Liv on raising kids and how they'll be when they grow up.
EP19: Show both parents at a doctor's appointment. Working on Roger Briggs' case.
EP20: Walks in on Liv meditation and the two have a conversation. Once the trial is over, Amanda drags her husband to buy her and the kids dinner/latest food craving.
EP21-22: Working on Shadowerk case, having conversations with Liv about the baby, looking for a new home by the time the baby comes, things are with Stabler and profiles the suspect.
*I choose to make the squad bigger in this AU.
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rahleeyah · 1 year
Hi Leah! Would you mind explaining the change in Elliot deciding to not go uc in Mia Bella? I know he mentioned his kids, but what made the difference in Mia-verse compared to canon? Most people wanted to change the Flutura arc but you usually stick to canon where possible so I'm curious if there's another motivation, or is it because you need Elliot to be more available?
Hi! So the first and most important part of this answer is just that I wanted to. Authors can pick and choose whatever bits of canon they want to keep and it's part of what's fun about fic and keeps things fresh. I've never really been a purist. I do so much au I don't think anyone would be surprised to hear me say that part of what's fun for me is asking what changes if this one little thing is different. So the catalyst for the change here wasn't really Mia at all; it's the explanation Elliot gives in the last chapter about his kids. Both options - Elliot running from his life and taking the assignment bc he doesn't want to be Elliot Stabler anymore and Elliot realizing he's the last parent his kids have left and doing the hard thing and staying put for them - are honestly justifiable based on what we know about his character. The show explored the first option so I'm looking at the second. And if he doesn't vanish on Liv again, if he isn't putting himself in a box marked "dangerous", how does that change the trajectory of their relationship? That's interesting to me so I'm gonna go poking around in there. It'll also make things cleaner later on; the arc that's coming up is just easier to write if he's not UC, but I didn't want to wait until he'd been back for two years and was finally clear of all that before I started it so. We're doing it now.
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demigodreading · 3 years
Star Crossed Lovers: Mini Series Pt 2
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Not Done Loving You
SVU FALL BINGO! Yes. I am submitting another fanfic for @storiesofsvu’s bingo. Am I procrastinating real work? Absolutely but that is not the point here. This submission covers: Not Done Loving You by Sara Kays, All Lyrics used will be bolded.
Characters: Emily Prentiss, Olivia Benson. Mentions of Derek Morgan and Elliot Stabler
Relationships: Emily Prentiss x Olivia Benson
Warnings: None
Summary: AU where Emily and Olivia Benson met in high school and fell in love. They ended up separating to go to college but Emily swore that she would never forget the love of her life. Years later while Emily is working for the BAU they get called to NY to work with SVU on the case. Emily and Olivia meet once again... and one thing is for sure. Emily never broke her promise.
Last Part~Next Part
Word Count: 1133
Emily was sitting in her usual spot on the jet turning the picture of her and Olivia from prom over in her hand. She wondered if Olivia ever thought about her. About that last night, they had spent together. Full of celebration and also grief. Most of the details were blurry now as the years had passed but Emily could still hear Olivia’s final request: Just do one thing for me… Don’t forget me.
Even after all this time Emily never could forget that brunette who had captured her heart. The beautiful sound of Olivia’s laughter still rung in her ears. Sure she had been with people since they had parted but they were always men. She used them as a way to scratch an itch. But they never left her quite as satisfied as Olivia and she never let herself love another woman. It felt like a betrayal to Olivia. But the more she thought about it the sillier it all became. They had only been kids then. Olivia had probably settled down with a loving partner and kids. All the same, Emily gingerly folded the picture back up and placed it in her pocket where she kept it every time she was working a case.
As they navigated their way through the streets of New York Emily looked out the window spotting all the old places she and Olivia used to go together. She even let herself smile as they passed by the arcade that she had worked at. 
“What are you thinking about Prentiss?” Derek asked, “You never smile this much.”
Emily rolled her eyes, “Oh hush it. But if you must know… I grew up here. My girlfriend and I used to live in that apartment building our senior year of high school.”
“Is that the girl who is in the picture?” He asked pointing to her pocket.
Emily nodded and then looked back out the window, “It used to be anyways. It has been a while since we have talked to each other.”
“Well maybe you should reach out while you are here,” Derek said before unlocking the doors to get out.
The idea sounded tempting but Emily had no idea where Olivia would even be by now. She wasn’t on any social media and in all honesty, Emily felt weird looking. She didn’t want to see her living the life they had dreamed of together with someone else. All she could focus on right now was closing this case and getting out of New York as soon as possible.
However, when she entered the building she stopped in her tracks as she heard the laugh that had been caught in her dreams for months. It couldn’t be? Could it? She peaked around the corner of the bullpen breaking into a smile. Standing in the middle of the room talking to Derek was the brunette she had so desperately missed. Even after all the years of separation she still looked the same. Her hair was longer and there were more circles underneath her eyes but that was her.
“Liv!” Emily called out louder than she had originally intended.
Olivia swirled around her heart catching in her throat as she locked eyes with the raven-haired woman, “Emily!”
Before Emily could say anything else Olivia was hugging her close. She wrapped her arms tightly around the detective. She couldn’t move. She could barely breathe. She was terrified that if she did the dream that she was living would stop.  However, what neither of them realized at the time was Olivia’s partner who was watching them from his desk his blood boiling with jealousy. 
Somehow during the entire case, Stabler had figure out how to keep the two women separated. They hadn’t been able to say a single private word to each other since Emily’s arrival and in all honesty, it was starting to piss both of them off. Every time they got close to each other Stabler would run-in with another emergency and wisk one of them away. However, whenever Olivia got a chance she would throw Emily a small smile or wink.
This separation all came to an end when the unsub was finally caught and had confessed. The BAU and SVU decided the best way to celebrate was a night at the bar. The biggest congratulations going to Emily who had ran down the unsub and tackled him to the ground. She could not enjoy the night of cheers though because during this chase she had lost her most prized possession. The picture. 
She spent most of the night frantically looking through her pockets trying to calm her nerves. Finally, when nothing was working she walked out of the bar hoping the cool night air would help calm her down.
“Hey stranger,” Olivia smiled putting herself right next to Emily, “Long time no see.”
Emily laughed, “Your partner made sure of that.”
“Yeah… he is a little overprotective when he shouldn’t be. But it just means that he considers you to be a threat.”
“A threat? I don’t know where he would have ever gotten that idea,” Emily winked devilishly.
It was Olivia’s turn to laugh as she pulled her coat closer around her, “What are you doing out here anyways Em?”
Emily trend her gaze back to her feet, “I lost something today and I can’t for the life of me seem to find it.”
Olivia pulled something out of her pocket and handed it to Emily, “Is this what you were looking for?”
A deep red blush came over Emily’s cheeks as she took the picture, “Thanks.”
“You didn’t forget,” Liv whispered, “After all this time you didn’t forget.”
“How could I Liv? You are the only one I have ever loved,” Emily confessed.
Olivia reached for her hand wrapping her fingers around Em’s, “I want you to come back more than you could ever know.”
“Good. Cause I’m not done loving you,” Emily responded squeezing her hand.
“So what do you say Em. Want to give me a kiss then get out of her?”
Instead of responding Emily merely pressed her lips against Olivia’s. The fireworks that she had felt that first day came back tenfold. They stayed locked for a couple of moments until Olivia finally pulled away. Their breath was shallow and Emily could swear that her heart was going to beat right out of her chest.
“I love you, Olivia Benson,” Emily whispered, “I always have and I always will.”
“The sweetest words that I have ever heard,” Olivia said a small tear running down her cheek, “I love you, Emily Prentiss. Back when we were hormonal teenagers and now and hopefully for the foreseeable future.”
“That sounds like a perfect plan to me. Let’s go home,” Emily said kissing her gently, “We have lots of things to catch up on.”
@ughilovesupergirl​ // @xthexsupreme​ // @caitlink26​
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sins-of-the-sea · 2 years
((Let's get all "It's a Wonderful Life" on the Seven. What if they had never been born?))
Suggest a mundane AU scenario for my character.
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Overall: Devil's Eye as the story we know it would not happen at all. The Master would still be around, still gathering souls, still tormenting his thralls. It's very likely he actually would have won in his conquests. The souls he would create Pacts with would mostly be of souls deep-seated in their Pride, Greed, Wrath, etc, just like any other dumbfuck who sells their souls to devils. If there is someone else who'd oppose him, then sure. Maybe that person would have won and succeeded in defeating the Master by destroying his Eye and sending all those unlucky souls to Hell with him. That person just wouldn't be St. Emilio, who came to oppose the Master the way he did specifically because he met Frascona and the other European thralls.
And, of course, their respective children would not have been born, so no Arcelia, no Assad, no Meisheng, etc., nor would they have hooked up with their respective love interests like Ulan and Sukhbir.
The individual scenarios, by birth chronological order:
FRASCONA: House Frances would have continued on its own under a different name with their reputations intact. With Carles dead before he married and had children of his own, the only one left is the sister Caterina (whom, mind, was very distant from Josep growing up, hence why he seldom talks about her). Josep wouldn't have tried to cause trouble by acting our the way he did then, so Jordi would have no son he had to tame in an attempt to look good with the rest of Spanish nobility. The bloodline would eventually dwindle out on its own, eventually meeting its end with no survivors by the Napoleonic wars.
GIOVANNI: ...Not all that different, really. The Venetian Vespucci would have all died out by the time of the War of the Holy League. The main difference would be that Gregorio and Lorenzo would have committed suicide rather than meet their ends by Josep's hands when they failed to regain their place in the Venetian Council. History would go on only recognizing the Vespucci family in Florence.
PHOEBUS AND GUY: Their mother Gisela actually would have gotten a better chance at finding a stable home, remarrying, and having a stable family if Phoebus and Guy weren't born (on the assumption they were conceived by the same father who died in a Portuguese Inquisition pogrom before they were born). Without being hungry, starving, and widowed with two young boys to raise, she'd be less inclined to make bad remarrying decisions--which includes hiding her Jewish background and marrying a Christian (Pierre). So Noelle wouldn't have been born too. But at the very least Gisela would have a stabler--maybe even happier life in the Jewish commune in Avignon.
RASHID: No Assad, of course.... which also means no Amir and no Omar in the Hero Crew and main story. Sukhbir would have never left Diu or any part of Gujarat to settle and marry into Jeddah, or any other foreign land, even if it meant her safety. She'd likely try to join her fellow Sikhs in facing the invading Mughals and met her end then, never to face her destiny in opposing the Master in an unrelated event at a different time.
RUIXIONG: ......Well, his parents wouldn't have him, period. Who mourns for a street rat orphan nobody realizes existed anyway?
ABENA: Her sisters would still have been captured and sold into the Atlantic Slave Trade in Haiti. They likely would not have succeeded escaping the plantation that eventually owned them, though if they did, it would be under different circumstances than what Abena brought with her. They would have relied on different ways of conning people to survive in the outskirts of the island, but not last as long. They'd likely fade into obscurity, some managing to find their way home, or to some other island or country, or to die out with anything but their names.
And the rest of Devil's Eye, as I said before, wouldn't be what we know of it. There probably wouldn't be a Johnny Hawthorne. The Crew of the Barracuda would have extremely different members. Dr. Tripoli and his daughter Kalila would never have left the Sahara or any parts of the Tuareg territories. Isaac would just live a life continuing his family tradition as English landed gentry. Johnny Hawthorne would not exist. The Heyder Family would just marry the children into Jamaica and life would go on. And Ulan would have vanished eventually after one defying act too many against the Master.
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hoodedsuns · 4 years
Spring Bloom | Lee Felix
Genre: Artist!AU, Fluff
Summary: A continuation of Dead Leaves 
Word Count: 1.6K
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Spring is without a doubt Felix's favourite season of the year. It is afterall, the season of new beginnings. Gazing at the vast blue sky through the open window, he followed the slow moving clouds on their journey, allowing his mind to wander wherever it pleased as he entertained the childish thought of sitting on one. With the weather steadily heating up and the playful but tenacious stalks of daisies sprouting up in the most unlikely of locations, the air comes alive with bubbly chatter and a welcomed sense of newfound motivation. He could almost smell the distinct scent of grass wafting through the air even though the nearest park was at least half an hour away. 
Who on earth wouldn't like spring?
Felix's attentive eyes flickered back over to where you laid haphazardly on the floor in a shirt that you had stolen from him, ignoring the way the thin cotton fabric had ridden up and was exposing your stomach in favour of lazily scrolling through twitter in search of something that could cure your boredom. It was a common sight to see on these lazy sunday mornings where neither of you felt the need to exert more energy than what was needed, completely satisfied with just basking in each other’s presence.
Bringing his legs further into himself so as to create a stabler surface atop the chair he sat on, Felix re-balanced his sketchbook onto his bent knees, left hand grabbing onto the side tightly. And with careful strokes, he filled yet another page of his sketchbook with random drawings of your figure and features as he sketched out the final curve of your pursed lips – a habit of yours that appears whenever you were focused on something. He sometimes affectionately refers to you as his little duckling because of it, although you would often just reply with an amused “I’m older than you”. 
"I miss autumn," you announced to no one in particular, causing Felix's heart to skip a beat. 
You always had a knack for reading his mind. It was something which Felix took great joy in adding to his ever growing list of 'evidence we're soulmates' that he kept track of in his phone. Or maybe it was just pure coincidence, nothing more than a mere product of him over analyzing anything that had to do with you. Even so, he'd much rather choose to believe that it was the former reason.
Stretching your limbs out wide like a starfish, you let out a loud groan before heaving yourself up into a sitting position, a dumb smile present on your face. "You know that I can hear your pencil strokes right?" You turned your head to face a flustered Felix who immediately started busying himself by babbling and stammering out excuses of how he definitely wasn't sketching you.
You smirked, having successfully caught Felix in your childish trap. "All I said was that I can hear you drawing, I never said that it was me you're sketching." Aside from the muted hum of the traffic outside, it was dead silent for a moment before Felix realised his mistake.
"You just love teasing me, don't you." He gave a resigned sigh at your amused chuckle. Felix wasn’t sure why but despite having been caught drawing you numerous times, it still made him nervous when you called him out. Perhaps it had something to do with how much of his emotions would bleed into the lines, leaving the most vulnerable parts of himself open for anyone to see as long as they had possession of his sketchbook. But regardless, he was more than used to dealing with the cheeky side of you and the first lesson he learned was that it’s much easier to just give in than try to fight a battle that already had a predetermined winner. 
Felix cringed at the way your joints popped audibly as you got up from the hard wooden floor and walked behind his chair, resting your chin on his shoulders to get a good look at his creation while your fingers ran themselves through his dark brown hair that was still a little damaged from its previous bleaching. 
Despite your outward confidence, you were still slightly nervous on the inside considering how the sketch was basically a testament as to the way you appeared through Felix's eyes. Your insecurities were unfounded however, as proven by the instantaneous fluttering of butterflies in your stomach the moment your gaze met the drawing. You were never one to put yourself down but you really couldn’t help but wonder how it was possible for you to still look so effortlessly breathtaking to him even in all your messy and makeup-less glory, feeling as though you were unworthy of how much love and awe you could feel in the simple graphite lines. He even scattered random tiny stars and hearts across the page.
Clearing your throat, you quickly grabbed the sketchbook out of his hands when he had turned his head around to glance at your reaction, using it as a shield to hide the remnants of your lovestruck expression while hastily flipping the book to a random page in an effort to distract yourself from the warm feeling that was growing in your chest. 
"Hey, that's the cafe!" Your hands stopped their movements as your eyes widened in excitement, lips quirking upwards just from the sight of that familiar and homey building.
After your initial recommendation, the pair of you would frequent the quaint little shop together with Felix having fallen head over heels with the heavenly pastries and cozy atmosphere, an exact mirror image of your own self when you had first discovered that small haven. It was the place that nurtured the shy and uncertain connection between the two of you into something more unequivocal as Chan, the owner of said cafe that both you and Felix had formed a close friendship with, would smuggly remind his employees everytime you two visited. And in a way, it wasn’t that far from the truth. It not only provided you with a safe and comfortable environment to be in when you were first getting to know Felix better, it was also where you two made it official thanks to everyone’s gentle nudges whenever you guys got stuck or too afraid to pursue something more. But Chan’s ego was already big enough without you openly agreeing with him.
"Is this the reason why you were so late that one time?" Your eyes latched onto the grey figure of yourself smiling softly, attention completely taken by whatever nonsense Chan was spewing as he cleared the tables near you of their empty dishes and cups, before looking at Felix with a deadpan expression. 
He could only smile sheepishly, giving you the answer to your question. 
In his defense, his original plan was to meet you inside immediately but he got sidetracked when he spotted you through the large windows of the cafe. You looked so happy and at peace that Felix immediately felt his heart swell with love, completely awestruck by how innocent and seemingly angelic you appeared in that moment. Which of course, led him to immediately scrambling for his sketchbook and a pencil. Felix would never forget the strange stares he got from the people who walked by him, both concerned and disturbed by the sight of him furiously sketching while sitting down on the hot pavement in the middle of nowhere. 
It was through things like this that reassured you of Felix’s affection, although he is also very vocal about it. He’s always so hellbent on capturing the little moments of you that you would personally find insignificant, encapsulating those emotions of his that no words could fully describe. You shook your head, smiling in disbelief before flipping to yet another random page.
"Oh, is this your childhood house or something?" You brushed your fingers across the page without actually making contact with the paper, marvelling at how detailed the drawing was as your eyes travelled from the creeping butterfly pea vines to the obedient golden retriever that sat on the front porch, tail wagging in excitement.
Confused by the lack of a reply, you lifted your head up only to be met with Felix's cherry red ears, his face being completely covered by his hands. Your tongue darted out to wet your lips and you ended up choosing to stay silent and allowing Felix the time to find his words as you could sense a slight change in the playful atmosphere that previously filled the air. 
Seconds ticked by before Felix opened his mouth, "It's the house that I want to live in with you in the future." He lowered his hands, voice trailing off at the end. Your mouth formed a perfect ‘o’ at his response. Neither of you had really talked about the future of your relationship before. But despite the vulnerability that was clear in his tone, his gaze was filled with nothing but pure determination, steady onyx coloured eyes boring into yours with the intensity of fiery embers. You felt shivers run down your back, having been reminded of when you had first met Felix. It was that same look of absolute confidence in his eyes, a stark contrast to his fumbling hands, that intrigued you in the first place.
Brushing your lips lightly across his, you resisted the urge to peck every single one of his little freckles when he unconsciously leaned forward in chase of more, hands reaching out to grab onto the hem of your shirt on its own accord. 
"I'm looking forward to it."
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jaredharrisfest · 5 years
Law & Order: SVU
TITLE: Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
EPISODE: 906 - “Svengali”
ROLE: Robert Morten
SUMMARY: A grisly murder scene at the bottom of an elevator shaft leads SVU detectives to a group of individuals who are under the spell of a charismatic, imprisoned serial killer.
YEAR: 2007
We start with a dead body (as you do on these shows).
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Please enjoy the snappy Law & Order dialogue:
DETECTIVE OLIVIA BENSON: Looks like she was dressed for her dream date.
RANDOM FORENSICS TECH: Yeah, it ended when the perp strangled her repeatedly with her own pantyhose.
And it gets worse (doesn’t it always?). The killer cut off her breasts and walked out with them. Ew.
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Tina, our victim, was headed not to her dream date but to mine: a really cool-looking underground party in an abandoned subway tunnel under the Waldorf Astoria Hotel where everyone dresses up in their vintage-looking finest and watches a screening of Double Indemnity. Count me in!
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The whole thing is organized/run by this guy, Edgar Rabinowicz (but he’d prefer to be called Agent Mayhem), part of the hipsteriffic Silk and Cyanide Corp (”We’re secret agents of adventure”). 
But of course he didn’t kill Tina. He only left her alone and hammered at a bar after their last “mission” - a shit thing to do, yes, but not murder.
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Bartender Cecilia is shocked at news of Tina’s murder and claims she left at last call with some asshole guy but refuses to describe said douchebag as she  “doesn’t want to get involved.” 
After being convinced to sit down with a police sketch artist (which leads to a plethora of useless tips), Cecilia calls Detective Benson to tell her that the asshole is back while she’s closing by herself. Maybe the asshole is her manager because WHO LEAVES A WOMAN ALONE TO CLOSE ANYTHING? HELLO! MURDER CITY!
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Which is pretty much exactly what happens as the detectives find no Cecilia and the Venus de Milo recreated in blood on the bar floor.
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The bloody Venus was also inspired by artworks of currently incarcerated serial killer Robert Morten.
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(Is it wrong that I think he looks very handsome in his mug shot? It is, isn’t it?)
The detectives conclude it must be a copycat, and if he’s following Morten to the letter, Cecilia’s got twelve hours left to live before he kills her. 
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Our creepy boy! Hooray!
The detectives are turning his cell inside out to look for clues to the name of his new partner. Detective Stabler, as Bad Cop, tears one of Morten’s artworks in half to “motivate” him.
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"Am I bovvered? Am I bovvered though? Look at my face. Is it bovvered?”
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“Arks me If I'm bovvered! Look, face, bovvered? I ain't bovvered!"
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But then Benson, as Good Cop, tempts him with tasty victim headshots.
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“They’re sublime,” he says in his creepy-yet-alluring-because-it’s-Jared-Harris Hannibal Lecter voice.
“What I could do with those.”
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“But obviously-”
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*faux bashful head tilt*
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“-I’m innocent.”
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Benson ain’t buying it.
Morten doesn’t like it when they start to go after his mail...and especially his fan letters.
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(The disdain! I love it.)
The non-Stabler and non-Benson detectives (aka Ice-T and That Other Guy) go out to talk to the writers of said fan letters and learn that there’s a Free Robert Morten committee working on an appeal. Benson and Stabler bring in the vice president, ex-con Jasper Grice.
JASPER: He took care of me. 
STABLER: Three years as his cellie? You were his bitch. 
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Well, you would know, Stabler. Or should I say...
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...Chris Keller from HBO’s Oz?
(Oz was my first fandom and Beecher/Keller was my first ship. I was in sixth grade. Other kids were freaking out about a stupid kiss on Dawson’s Creek; I was telling them how I saw a man get gutted like a fish in the showers. 
I...was not popular.)
Jasper advises the detectives that the copycat is killing based on covers of an AU comic book series about Morten’s crimes in which he doesn't get caught and continues killing.
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Tina was issue #9, Cecilia is supposed to be issue #10.
The detectives go to the apartment writer/artist and learn that the issue #10 murder takes place in Morten’s childhood bedroom. They rush to the dilapidated old house and kick down the bedroom door.
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Et voilà! A barely alive Cecilia.
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Cecilia wakes up in the hospital and discovers that unlike Tina she’s still got boobs but they've been mutilated and she’ll need plastic surgery. She blames talking to Benson in the first place for everything and asks her to leave.
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Back at the precinct, Detective Ice-T (I don’t care what his character’s name is, he’s Detective Ice-T) tries to give Benson a pizza...that she didn’t order. 
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“Hotbox” indeed, foreshadowing pizza box! Because it turns out the pizza...
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While the precinct is evacuated to the street, the random forensics tech from earlier approaches the detectives with a report.
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A similar knife was used on both Tina and Cecilia, but Cecilia’s mutilating boob cuts taper away from the midline and differ in angle and depth.
Translation: they’re self-inflicted!
The detectives obtain a search warrant for Cecilia’s apartment.
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It seems she was an intern for his lawyers and had been writing to him for years beforehand. She wasn’t on the detectives’ radar because legal visits and correspondence aren’t on inmate logs.
Cecilia reveals that at seventeen she learned that her father hadn’t died in a car crash but had been imprisoned for bank robbery. She wrote to Morten asking for information about dear old dad, and Morten replied. 
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“Your daddy said you had eyes like summer and hair as soft as lamb’s wool. You were the best thing he ever did in his life. I’d love to see if you look like him. Please send me a picture.”   
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JK, of course. Morten never even met her dad. 
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But he’s not one to pass up a free picture of a pretty lady!
PS In this scene, Mr. Harris is shifting between his Hannibal Lecter voice (when talking to Stabler) and his writing-to-Cecilia-to-gain-her-pity-and-trust voice (when reading the letters), and it sent a chill up my spine the first time I heard it. Kudos, sir.
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Also, Jared Harris? How did you get your eyes so dead? Kudos AGAIN, good sir!
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(Murdery) teeth gap!
Back to the plot: Morten convinced Cecilia that she was the only one who could help him with his appeals. He told her to get that internship with his lawyers so they could have visits without being monitored.
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MORTEN: We had complete privacy. Complete privilege.  
STABLER: Sounds cozy.
MORTEN: Oh, it was. She was a virgin. I plucked her.  
And I know I’m a broken record here, but look: I love Jared Harris. He’s a very attractive gentleman, even when playing a serial killer. But when he said that? I was repulsed and horrified to my core.
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Cecilia is convinced that Morten loves her and that they’re soulmates. Morten says the only way to prove that they are is for Cecilia to kill somebody. Tina was  an “artistic offering” from Cecilia to Morten, and he knows where the trophies (i.e. Tina’s breasts) are.
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(GUYS HE DID A LITTLE EYEBROW RAISE AFTER THE WORD “BREASTS” I’M DEAD) (probably because his character killed me)
The breasts are found where Morten said they would be, and the Assistant District Attorney declares they’ve got enough to charge Cecilia with murder. 
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Morten would like a peek at the evidence for helping.
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Benson violently disagrees.
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And gets blown a creepy little kiss for her troubles.
All the good detectives are heading home after a long day. Benson tries to just open the door and put her groceries away, but she’s attacked by the AU comic book guy.
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Can I tell you how much I appreciate that Benson beats the shit out of him with a big heavy book? That’d be my first weapon at hand too.
The detectives are done. It’s time for the trial! 
Cecilia takes the stand, testifies about her suicide attempt, and shows the jury her self-inflicted boob scars. She’s got them eating out of her hand, so the prosecution calls in some special help.
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The A.D.A. subpoenas him as a rebuttal witness.
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MORTEN: That’s a new one. What do I get in return?
A.D.A.: Nothing.
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MORTEN: And if I refuse?
A.D.A.: We’ll hold you in contempt of court.  
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MORTEN: I’m already serving eight life sentences. Contempt of court’s hardly going to make it worse.
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Morten realizes that they need him bad and is able to bargain for a deal - the possibility of parole and a transfer to the federal prison system. The A.D.A. angrily agrees. 
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Bonus creepy screencap! THE EYES OMG
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The next day Morten swaggers into court and is greeted by his adoring cult fans. The judge warns them he’ll clear the courtroom if there’s any more outbursts. 
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Morten eats it up with a spoon.
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And it looks like our murderous boy has something up his sleeve judging by this unseen-by-the-A.D.A. wink he gives Cecilia! Let’s watch.
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Of course he’s going to absolutely tell the whole truth! Would this face lie? 
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Yes, repeatedly, as he denies everything he told the A.D.A. in their chat the previous night.
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For example: did he tell Cecilia to kill?
“I’ve told many to express themselves. No one had the emotional fortitude to do it until Cecilia.”
The A.D.A. is sick of this bullshit and decides to hatch a cunning plan.
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A.D.A: You think of yourself as an artist?
MORTEN: I think my work speaks for itself.   
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The A.D.A. shows Morten a photo of the crime scene and asks Morten to “compare this artist’s work with [his] own.”
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Remember, Morten hasn’t been able to see any of those sweet, sweet crime scene photos he’s been craving, so he is INTO IT.
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Cecilia waits for her grade.
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But wait: something’s off.
MORTEN: At first blush, you might think this is unique. But it - it lacks understanding. Depth.
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Yeah, doesn’t look like you’re going to get that A in murder, girlie.
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"With the human canvas you have the opportunity to do true action painting.” 
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“Where’s the energy? Where’s the spatter? This is lifeless dreck! A cheap knockoff of my work.” 
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"Whoever did this is a talentless hack.”
Cecilia loses her shit at the criticism and storms the witness box declaring that she did this for Morten and that she loves him.
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Morten is feeding off of the drama. 
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(Bonus sceencap in case you ever wondered what a vampire!Jared Harris coming for your neck might look like. I know some of y’all are probably into that.)
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He cuts Cecilia down even further by declaring that she’s nothing like him and  could never understand him.
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Cecilia continues to proclaim her love as she’s dragged away.
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Morten is pleased.
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But don’t get cocky, kid. 
Even though Cecilia got off (insanity), the A.D. A. is still sticking to her end of the deal. Morten’s getting that transfer to a federal prison he wanted.
A supermax prison. 
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A.D.A.: 23-hour lockdown, no visitors, no mail, no phone calls. No human contact for the rest of your life.
Morten whines that she can’t do that to him and they made a deal, etc. but too bad so sad.
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He’s shoved into the van and whisked away.
VERDICT: A performance so adroit and layered it took me several days to get through this hourlong episode. The things this man can do with his face, I’m telling you! Three out of five Croziers.
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thranduilsperkybutt · 6 years
Ruby red nights (Part 2)
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|  Part 1  |  Part 3  |
Imagine:  Imagine Olivia and Elliot being turned into vampires and as their sire, you teach them how to live as creatures of the night. It gets hot and heavy one night as they give into their new urges and before long it turns into a threesome between you nightly.
Warnings:  Trigger warning: Blood, Vampire AU
Pairing:  Olivia Benson x Reader x Elliot Stabler
Word count:  1697 words
Universe:  Vampire AU, Law and Order SVU
Reader gender:  Female
Author:  Ilariya_Lavoro writes
The sun was high in the sky sapping you dry, you could not leave your bed even if you dared to want to. The daylight was forced back, hiding behind the thick specially designed curtains that covered the large bay windows on the far wall of your bedroom but yet you could still feel the effects of those hellish rays.
The waves of purple silk covering the bare lower half were cooling but simply not enough. You longed for the sweet embrace of the dead man’s slumber but yet it did not come. You could not find the way into the magical, thoughtless moment to get through the long hours of sunshine. It was out of your reach in this one moment.
All you were left with were your thoughts and a lifetime of memories as you tried to get comfort for the endless hours that lay ahead. The sun would hang in the sky, taunting you until it too found its slumber beneath the horizon. Your night was humanity’s daytime. This had been a simple truth that your progeny had struggled to come to terms with. Yet you had found a coven of witches albeit reluctant at first, who were able to help once you paid their steep price in order to make your children happy.
This was your price, to lose your ability to find peace in dark delight of sleep once a week. This had been your choice to sacrifice one night of strength in exchange for the creation of enchanted daylight emblems. Simple jewellery which housed the powerful spell to protect them from the deadly power of the sun.
A signet ring emblazoned with your personal coat of arms and necklace with a pendant bearing the same sign, that the bearers were your children. Each item, the witches had further blessed with another simpler spell to prevent them from breaking. Your price had been a heavy one but it was a price that you would willingly make again, in a heartbeat.
Beads of sweat quickly gathered, drenched your brow but the smile upon your lips could not completely mask your agony, your pain. “It’s worth the mind numbing agony” You whispered, your voice hoarse and strained as you spoke through gritted teeth.
Registration, the formal ceremony that all fledgling vampires must go through. It was seen as a symbolic rite of passage where they would be simply introduced the wider community, entering into the coven that made up the area. It was never quite that simplicistic. Your mind wandered back to that moment.
This was not your first bite of the cherry. It had only been a few nights since your children had been fully turned but they need to be registered. The elders would not forgive you a second time. Last time, you had been a younger more volatile vampire. Anger and hatred were your poison of choice, turning your victim out of spite. That particular childe never forgave you, they never let you forget the choice you had made that night over four centuries ago.
It had been a terrible mistake, born from your own self hatred. In that moment you had become the person you despised above all others, your own sire. It had brought you back down to reality, as you had tried to repair the damage with your first childe. The tie between the two of you wasn’t as strained and tentative as it could of have been, yet Emma still accepted your support and friendship. Something you highly doubted she would have three centuries ago.
This time was different, Olivia and Elliot had been on the brink, dangling over the hungry jaws of death. They had weakly called out as the darkness crept into their vision. They wanted to live and you had chosen to heed their calls, answer their pleas for aid and snatch death’s latest flesh coated prize. You could of easily hastened their deaths, draining them dry and relishing in the taste of the heavenly elixir that was the lifeblood of humanity.
The elder’s nest had always been a place you actively tried to avoid when possible. There was a perpetual dark cloud that lingered in the atmosphere over the den. The home was far from welcoming, a heavy oppressive weighted upon your chest each and every time you found yourself within these walls.
You stood as a still as statue, shadowed by Olivia and Elliot in the entrance hall waiting to be seen. “Tell me, why are we here in the middle of the night?” Elliot asked, frustration rolled off each word in waves. You shook your head, your hair danced as you moved lightly tickling the back of your neck.
“All newborn vampire must be presented before the Area’s elder, to be registered and accounted for. This is part of our law to prevent chaos and discovery,” there was only truth held within your words, you were repeating your own sire’s words spoken a lifetime ago to you. A boredom lingered as you spoke the well versed paraphrase. It was one of the few memories of your sire that was not tainted by a cold rage. A rage that you could not let go of.
“You are both part of this world. Dancing between the realms life and death to preserve the balance” You locked your gaze first with Olivia then turning your attention to Elliot, trying to read the emotion reflected within their eyes. Elliot was far easier to read out of your pair of children. The annoyance at the stiff and stuffy rigmarole grated at his already short nerves.
“Elder Cruz will see you now” Those few words were enough to make you ever so slightly nervous. Annalise Cruz had taken over control of Area 46 in the late 18th century after a turf war had render the previous elder obsolete and needing to be removed, piece by piece. They had ended up in several piece spread across the miles, Cruz had been judge, jury and executioner of Vampiric Law down to the letter. She was not to be messed with.
You lightly nodded, conveying respect as you began to move with Elliot and Olivia in tow. The last time that you had presented yourself before Elder Cruz had been over forty five years prior to this night. It had been a simple check in of sorts, updating your status within the area and play at the dalliance of court that the nest provided. You were a minor player that lingered in the back. You were of no real importance to the Elder or her inner circle but still you were expected to show face ever decade or two.
With your head held high, your feet quickly lead you down the winding corridor before passing through the open archway. Your gaze shifted right then left, taking in various vampires dotted about the room before you. You took in each individual in the vast space, some faces more familiar than others before you found the elder.
She stood in the center of the room, at first glance most would believe to her to nothing more than a child barely into her teenage years. Her youthful appearance was nothing short of a deception; she was well over eight hundred years old, turned only a handful of days after her twelfth birthday.
Olivia followed your gaze, shocked by the very sight of a child-like immortal but you cut in before she could voice her honest opinion. “There are more vampires like her, in days gone by, children were considered the easiest of preys. Our kin knew humanity would always continue to breed and in times of famine, war and chaos most would not notice a few children simply disappearing,” your words were matter of fact, you had only expressed a statement of truth on how some vampire chose their feeds.
“It is one of the reasons, the law evolved and changed to prevent such barbaric feeding frenzy for continuing,” you could feel the anger in Elliot rising once more and the disgust within Olivia.
You smiled softly at your children, brushing the back of your palm down his face trying your best to calm the rage. “History is there is teach us to be better than those who came before”
“Your sire speaks the truth, such distasteful turning are now explicitly forbidden in all areas of this great nation. It is punishable by death, youngling.”
Elder Cruz’s words that night had burnt into both of their memories, it had been a great relief to them both. The progressive nature of the ruling Elder calmed the tension that had begun to ralt at their moral compass. Their humanity would in theory remain intact for now at the very least with the knowledge that the old ways were no more within the very borders that they resided in.
You turned to face the older vampire before bowing your head in greeting, out of respect for the rules, “Good evening, Elder, these are my children, Olivia and Elliot.” You gestured your hand from one to the other. Your voice remained calm, methodical, showing prior experience from many years before, going through this with your last Childe.
Elder Cruz’s gaze took in each one carefully, examining them from head down to their toes before a smile broke across her lips, showing her childish glee briefly. “Indeed my friend, I welcome thee to the night. We are now kindred but be wary, I do not hold those who defy the sacred laws without contempt and punishment”  The threat was far from subtle, this was her way. She was not one to mince her words even in polite conversation.
Annalise Cruz’s attention and focus turned back to you. Her smile still remained but the warmth that been there moments before had now vanished, leaving a hollow, falseness behind in its place. “Walk with me my friend, we have much to catch up on. Your children will be fine without their sire for but a moment”
You quickly nodded, recognising the intent behind the words. This was no mere invitation, but a command to begin the final part of Olivia’s and Elliot’s registration.
To be continued
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notesfrome · 6 years
Wrote a thing for @thebarsondaily‘s Halloween Fic-a-Thon and it is weird as fuck. But..it has been written, so have at it, and don’t kill me too badly for this. 
one-shot; turn it all to ash pairing: rafael barba/olivia benson, past elliot stabler/olivia benson word count: 2482 words note: Complete AU and there’s nothing even remotely SVU-ish about this. What can I say, my brain = whacked. Also, I wrote this in between transits, flights and train rides (Melbourne-Kuala Lumpur-Kaohsiung-Taipei-Hong Kong-Melbourne - it was been batshit crazy the last two weeks) so I kinda want to blame that, too. Anyway, have at it.
Link to fic on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/16485026
Olivia’s hands were shaking as she stared at her reflection in the mirror, trying to fasten a long, dangling earring. It took her three attempts before she could finally manage it. Placing her hands on her dressing table, she tried to even her breathing.
Hurry, Liv, hurry, she told herself. Time is ticking, time is running out.
She steadied her hand, and began to line her eyes with black eyeliner. Finishing her eye makeup, she then painted her lips a rich ruby red. Holding the final pièce de résistance – an elaborate mask fashioned with feathers, she took a deep breath, and placed the mask onto her face.
She would do anything for Rafael. Anything, and everything.
She stood outside the ritzy nightclub, clenching the front of her coat with one hand, seemingly unable to take that few steps forward. She stared at the heavy doors with eyes that were haunted, haunted with unwanted memories, of the person inside. And of what that was awaiting her, once she stepped through those doors.
But she had made her decision from the moment she retrieved the card and the mask from the hidden compartment in her drawer.
Squaring her shoulders, Olivia pushed the doors opened, and stepped into the club, fleetingly thinking that the lit interior of the establishment seeming even darker than the night beyond the doors.
She walked slowly, keeping her eyes trained ahead, scanning the room, trying to look past all the masks and costumes of the club’s patrons, trying to locate the one person that she had come to see. She caught the eye of a woman in a long red dress and a glittery gold mask, who smiled at her, head tilting suggestively. A shiver went down her spine, as she turned away, trying to calm herself, without much success.
She didn’t know how long she had been circling the room - it could be ten minutes, or it could be an hour – when she felt a hand on her bare arm. Turning around, she saw herself looking into unfamiliar blue eyes, staring at her behind a sinister yet elaborate werewolf mask.
“He’s waiting for you,” he said, nodding towards a heavy oak door, and she felt her heart sped up, skipping beats. Without acknowledging the stranger, she strode towards the door. Steeling herself to face what was about to come, she found herself involuntarily whispering a prayer, a forgotten phrase, and she nearly laughed at the absurdity of it.
She had no right to say any word of prayer.
Raising her hand, she was about to knock, and then she changed her mind. Dropping her hand, she pushed the doors opened, and walked into the room.
“Hello, Liv.”
He stood before her, leaning against his desk, a mocking smile on his lips. She swallowed the lump in her throat. Seeing him again, for the first time in almost seven years, had a certain effect on someone who had loved him before he strayed. He hadn’t changed much. He still looked the way he did, before he had left her. If there was any difference, it was his aura. He radiated a menacing darkness. A spiritual darkness. She knew that she was one of the few, that was not of them, who could sense it. Perhaps it was because she knew him too well. Or maybe it was because she had loved him once.
“Elliot,” Olivia managed to form his name, as he approached her, still smiling. He looked almost human, but they both knew he was no longer one. He raised his hand, and removed the mask from her face, resting the tips of his fingers against her cheek. She immediately flinched, almost as a reflex, and his eyes darkened considerably.
Dropping his hand, he spread out his arms in a mockery of welcoming gesture. “After seven years. Seven years without a word, Olivia. And here you are now.”
A shudder went through her. “You look well,” she said, trying to maintain eye contact. It was harder than she thought it would be, so much harder.
But she would do anything for Rafael.
“I’m very well indeed, Liv. As you can clearly see.” His lips curved again into another smile, but it didn’t reach his eyes, didn’t even come close. His eyes used to light up with his smiles.
He knew she was afraid of him, and she knew he hated it. They used to be so close. Even before they became lovers, they were best friends. And then Elliot changed, and that had been the end of everything. His straying onto the other path had been their undoing; she didn’t want what he called The Gift. It wasn’t a gift to her, it was a curse, an eternal curse and damnation. But to him, it was a gift. And she wanted no part of it, so she left him.
For a while, she lived in fear, thinking that he might pursue her. But perhaps some remnant of his love for her had remained, and he had let her go.
Elliot leaned back against his oak desk, still eyeing her. “What can I do for you?” He asked, almost politely.
This was it, this was the moment. “It’s…Rafael,” she said, and then faltered.
His eyes flickered again, a light of hatred shining through. “Rafael Barba,” he said, his voice bitter with resentment. However, his slight smile at his next words almost sickened her. “He’s going to die.”
She blanched at the word ‘die’, desperation and grief tearing through her, causing her next words to come tumbling out. “You can save him.”
Elliot let out a bark of laughter, looking amused as he lighted a cigarette and began smoking. “You want me to save him? Do you even realise what you’re asking of me?”
“I do,” she forced her voice to remain steady. She did realise it, of course. It was all that she had realised from the moment she put on the mask.
“You hated me after I converted. Would it be any different for Rafael if he is one of us?”
“I don’t hate…” she began, and then stopped. Did she hate him? No, she loved him. She never hated him, but she could never understand his reasons for being one of the Damned.
Elliot carried on speaking, smoking as he spoke. “I know what you are thinking, Liv. My gift can save him, and you wanted him to be saved.” He blew a puff of smoke into the air, and looked at her steadily. “But I offered it to you once, and you said no. It’s a non-transferable offer.”
He sniffed, lifting his hand to stop her from talking, and stabbed out his cigarette. “I can’t help you. But thanks for dropping by,” he said, his sarcasm evident.
“Please, Elliot.” She hated this, hated that she had to beg him, but there was no other choice, no other path she could take. Everything that could be done has been done. There was nothing else, but this.
Elliot’s expression softened, and for a moment, she saw a semblance of the old Elliot, the one she had loved, the one that had been her best friend. “Liv, you know that there is nothing I can do for him. In order to convert, one has to be willing. Barba hates me. He will never accept help from me.” He walked towards the door, and opened it. “Go to him, Liv,” he said, without a trace of mockery. “He doesn’t have much time left.”
“Rafa…” she said, not moving, holding her head high. “…will accept help from me.”
Elliot’s eyes widened as her words hung between them, in air that crackled with tension and electricity. She was painfully aware of what she was doing. Elliot could have her, she only wanted to save the man she loved.
Because she would do anything for Rafael.
What happened in that dark room was a blur, she would not ever want to remember it. It was something she didn’t want to dwell on, something that she knew that if she did, she would regret for the rest of her days.
She slipped into the hospital unnoticed, the night security simply did not notice her. The lift was empty when she stepped into it, and she felt her mouth curved into a smile when she saw her faded reflection on the mirrored walls. So she still had a reflection for now. That was nice to know.
The nurses ignored the shadow that flickered and streaked down the cold, sterile hospital corridors. She hurried silently to Rafael’s room. His room was cold, the atmosphere ominous and stifling, and it was as quiet as a morgue except for the occasional beep of machines hooked to him.
She stood by his bed, watching his pale but peaceful face. He looked different to her, somewhat. Elliot told her that things would seem different through the eyes of one of the Damned. This was the first time she had truly looked at anything since she left the club.
She leaned closer to the man she loved, hearing his steady breathing. Closing her eyes, she did what Elliot told her to, and she locked her mind with Rafael’s, her heart thudding furiously.
Rafa. Rafa, I love you.
He stirred, and one of the machines bleeped. She concentrated on building the link, willing for his life force to be strong enough. Finally, after what seemed like eternity, he answered.
Liv? Where are you? Where am I?
And so, she told him. She told him of all that happened – she told him why he was lying on that cold bed, what happened when that bus rammed into his Uber. She told him of her desperation at what the doctors said. She told him of her visit to Elliot, to the club, her deal with the devil, the exchange of her soul for immortality. She told him the death of her mortality and the ordeal of being reborn as one of the Damned. And she told him, again and again, how much she loved him.
There was a long silence after she was done, and she feared for his life force, as she held on to the link.
Liv…is this what you want? Is this what you truly want?
Her breath caught in her throat, tears swimming in her eyes as she looked at his pale, pale face. Paler than hers.
Yes. Yes, it is. I cannot lose you, Rafa. I can never, ever lose you.
He paused, and she felt his life force faltering, the link between them weakening.
Come with me, she begged. Come with me. She touched his cheek, and it was cold. As cold as her immortal skin. Time was running out.
He sighed, a resigned sound. So be it. Take me then, Olivia.
Relief swept over her as she heard his words, and she bent over him, fangs bared to his throat. Rafael would be saved. They would have to live a cursed life, but they would be together. They would be together, and as long as she had him, that would be enough.
And then something happened.
She couldn’t do it.
You have to hurry, Liv. I can’t hold on any longer.
She realised that she was no longer the Olivia he knew, not anymore. She would never be that person again.
But she still loved him. She would do anything for Rafael. Anything.
But this.
She backed away, tears spilling over, her breath coming out in ragged sobs. She didn’t know that vampires could cry, she though they were without emotions. But her tears kept coming.
“Rafa,” she whispered. “Rafa, I love you. I love you so much.”
With that, she severed the link between them, and watched as the machines started beeping faster and eventually stopped. She watched, hidden, as nurses ran into the room and started useless procedures of revival and finally covered his beautiful face with a white sheet. As they left the room, she approached Rafael’s cold body, and pulled back the sheet.
He looked peaceful in death. Peace was something that she would never know again. Something in her broke, shattered completely, and she would never, ever be the same again.
“Goodbye,” she whispered, pressing a kiss onto his cold lips. “We will never meet again. Not in this lifetime, not in the next, not in this world.” They were going completely different places. Where Rafael’s soul would go, was no longer a place Olivia could enter.
She turned, and fled the hospital room.
She stood at the ledge of the hospital roof, her gown fluttering in the wind, where she could see almost nothing but dots and speckles that represented cars, and other people. Those who still lived. She wasn’t planning to jump; she doubted that the plunge could kill her.
What happened in that instant she was about to make him what she was? She closed her eyes, trying to calm the surge of thoughts in her head.
In the end, she just couldn’t do it. She couldn’t subject the one she loved to this dark world that she was now part of. She could condemn herself, condemn herself to hellfire and eternal damnation, but she could not condemn Rafael. She could not bring herself to save him from Death and in return, gave him a fate that was worse than Death.
In her moment of confusion and desperation, she had allowed herself to think that she could change the future. She thought that Elliot could save Rafael. And there could be a happily ever after them, even if they would never walk in the light again.
There was little cause to go back to her former existence. The elements that spurned the life force of the former Olivia Benson no longer existed. Her salvation, her beloved and her life.
Her condemnation was completed; she was a creature of the night, cursed to roam the nights, endless nights until time stopped. She would live with the knowledge that she could not be saved from the depths of eternal hell.
As she looked up the heavens and stars above, wondering if she still had the right to do so, her last tears spilled out of her eyes. After tonight, there would be no more reason for her to cry, or to feel any sort of emotion. She focused on the stars, and wonder if Rafael’s soul was among them, wondering if he could see her.
She hoped not.
She stood up, and her mask fell from her hand, tumbling down to the street below, and with it, the final vestige of who she was. There would be a new life for her. She was bound to Elliot, her Creator, who would teach her how to live her new life. One of the Damned.
Olivia Benson is dead.
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wildflowerswildhorses · 11 months
Relating to that ask AU about Stabler staying and Carisi arriving earlier,
Maybe perhaps Rollins wouldn't have gotten together with Nate, cause Carisi would be her bestie whom they spent time hanging out off shifts often and not feel some attraction to her lousy sponsor, thus never breaking her sobriety. Instead she be pissed he told that other woman personal things about her and being lied to. And Carisi cheers her up by taking her to the shooting range to let out her anger, cook for her and watch bad tv shows.
Never meeting Murphy, her feelings for Carisi grows stronger and he's Jesse's biological father. Cause Rollisi were just inevitable to happen
For the Kim drama, he be her support to lean on as well.
As for Rollins sniper shooting, Carisi be stuck at her side the whole time. Stabler would be with Fin finding tooth and nail who shot her. Seeing her as a younger sister figure
Carisi comforts Amaro during his family drama, recalling how things were with his sister Teresa's failed marriage. Stabler joining the conversation about his marriage and family dramas
Carisi and Amaro become good close friends
Rollins/Carisi/Amaro talking about sister drama
Cragen dealing with more of his kids' dramas
Stabler dealing with Johnny D
Bensidy probably wouldn't have happened I believe if Stabler stayed perhaps. Samething with Haden and Tucker
Stabler & Cassidy reuniting
Stabler backing up Cragen's false arrest
Stabler seeing Dana Lewis one last time and learn about her past
Stabler listening to Liv when she noticed something wrong with Henry Mesner
Very curious actually about what Munch's retirement speech would include about Stabler and Carisi
I can see Munch liking and getting along with Carisi
Stabler/Benson/Fin/Munch discussing about the new kids of SVU
Maybe Munch could have opened up that cop bar in the city like he always wanted
Carisi at times being the mediator between Stabler and Amaro's fights
Stabler working cases with CPD and heading over to Chicago. Getting close and personal with Voight
Stabler dealing with Greg Yates cases
How Stabler would have handled the Shield Porter arc
Stabler also wondering what happened to Alex like Liv after finding out what she does now
Srry about the rant. But Yeah just sooo many possibilities, but of course, who knows what Leight would have done at the time with S13-17
No you are perfectly fine, give me all the possibilities of this AU and I'll eat all of it up.
Imagine Carisi either helping Amanda get new furniture when Kim completely cleared out her apartment? Being that person to lean, taking her to a meeting if she needed it, taking her to range to blow off steam, just hanging out and being friends outside of work?
And just the thought of Jesse and Billie both being biologically Carisi's? Oh my heart. You're right, any universe - those two are inevitable
Carisi would 1000% not leave her side after the sniper and Fin and Stabler would be throwing over every fucking stone they could to figure out who it was.
Also Stabler being involved with those CPD crossovers would have been something I'd kill to have been able to witness. I also would have been intrigued to what Stabler/Carisi/Amaro could have been like.
Amanda was already kind of out of pocket with the whole Shelia arc - imagine if she had Stabler by her side too??? MAN oh MAN
You're right in the sense that the possibilities were endless.
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If I had a Jurassic Park AU ( working in conjunction with the Ministry verse I never use ), it would probably go something like this: 
After being demoted ( to avoid scandal ) from the Auror Department after her involvement with the death eaters comes out - Bellatrix finds herself in the beast division of The Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures & shortly after this, is forced on assignment to Isla Nublar under the guise of being a biology specialist. 
Her assignment is to figure out who in Ingen’s hierarchy is supplying dinosaur eggs to several exotic pet dealers in the wizarding world. 
( Yo - but what if Bill Weasley was one of her contacts ?? )  
After infiltrating the lab & bonding with some of the creatures, she takes a hatchling & leaves a ‘dud’ dragon egg in place of the dino egg. This is taken by Dennis Nedry as well as several vials - the dragon hatches after the egg is left in Nedry’s jeep and the dragon inside proceeds to grow at a rapid rate & also wreak havoc on the park & it’s few inhabitants. 
After exposing who she is and her magic to Dr. Malcolm, Dr. Grant, Dr. Sattler, Lex Murphy, Tim Murphy & John Hammond, all attempt to escape the park in one piece while Bellatrix tries to recapture the dragon that got loose due to her negligence. 
Because she preforms magical acts in front of Muggles, when she does finally make it back home - she is stripped of her job & powers. Her new friends minds are erased & Bellatrix falls off the map for a short time after. 
( What if after the park was closed it was used as a dragon sanctuary in small part for a short time ?? ) 
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Alternate Career - Sonny Carisi
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Time Never Wasted by punk_rock_yuppie
Rafael is going to get his mother a pet. He meets Sonny along the way.
Mr. Boss' assistant by peerscanavino
(1250|Note Rated|WIP)
Rafael Barba is the snarky CEO of a corporate giant operating through the streets of glorious New York. That's all he's been.
Until a very lanky, very Staten Island, night-school boy came barging into his life.
Shoulder to the Wheel by punk_rock_yuppie
The first time Rafael Barba lays eyes on Dominick “Sonny” Carisi Jr, the latter is in a garishly bright muscle tank and ratty, well-worn cargo shorts.
Sweet caffeine by hunterofangels
(1510|Not Rated|Complete)
A tiny Coffee Shop Au
Let's Dance by rai87
What no one had told him was that dancing was hard, Gene Kelly was inimitable, and that mixing sequins and fake tan meant spending hours picking glitter out of every crevice of his body as if he was somehow producing it.
Sunflowers & Moonlight by Astronaut_Milky
There is a language, little known, Lovers claim it as their own. Its symbols smile upon the land, Wrought by nature’s wondrous hand; And in their silent beauty speak, Of life and joy, to those who seek For Love Divine and sunny hours In the language of the flowers. --
Sonny is a florist with a crush.
Mothers Know Best by keraunoscopia
“I sat next to the nicest young man earlier. He’s an attorney you know, in the city. He went to Harvard. I showed him your Facebook pictures and gave him your number.”
“Ma, you can’t just give my phone number out to strangers.”
“Harvard, Dominick. HARVARD.”
Start Spreadin’ the News by jamesgatz1925
Sonny is a baseball player. Rafael loves him anyway.
Wash and Cut by Astronaut_Milky
(2267|Not Rated|Complete)
If there is one thing that Rafael Barba hates doing, it's getting his hair cut.
The Divine Feminine by aprilpie
It's so frustrating as a body painter not to tell your model they're beautiful. Maybe those kinds of things are better left unsaid. Especially when Rafael can show it just fine.
A Five Alarm Spark by tobeconspicuous
That was how Rafael found himself several weeks later in the same public bathroom with yet another aerosol can setting off yet another alarm. It had become an addiction clearly.
Hot For Teacher by tobeconspicuous
“Time to go, say goodbye to Mr..”
“Carisi technically, but the kids call me Mr. Sonny.” The sentence was blurted out all at once, an attractive blush began to creep up the back of his neck.
Rafael raked his eyes over the younger man’s tall figure and he noticed the blond was doing the same to him. He twisted his mouth into a flirty smile and lowered his tone. “And what can I call you?”
Something Special by jamesgatz1925
Sonny is a third grade teacher and has a big impact on one of his students.
To Whom It May Concern by keraunoscopia
Sonny has a problem, and its sitting just outside his window.
Barisi Spy AU by Kaye_21
(3086|Not Rated|Complete)
The unimaginative title says it all. A Spy AU in which Barba is a seasoned agent and Carisi is the overeager newbie out on his first assignment.
Which happens to involve a swingers’ party. During which Barba and Carisi have to pretend to be a couple.
Under Construction by Robin Hood (kjack89)
“You have a problem,” Rita told him, her voice thick with disapproval.
“I do not have a problem,” Barba shot back.
“You're taking your lunch halfway across the city in the vain hope of perving on some poor, unsuspecting construction worker whom you previously made a fool of yourself in front of,” Rita pointed out. “In what world is that not a problem?”
Rita had a point.
Barba hated when Rita had a point.
Career Change by ilovedrwilson
(3179|Not Rated|WIP)
Sonny must pick up the pieces of his life after leaving his husband. The only problem is no one wants to hire a moustached former stay at home Dad. Sonny quickly realises he needs to appear younger to get even an entry level job. With the help of his roommate Olivia, Sonny goes back to his 20s and gets a dream job as an assistant to a marketing director. With a son to care for Sonny has to balance his new life as a younger man and his job working for Ms. Calhoun and for her attractive but snarky boss.
Said the Prosecutor to the Officer by papercrimes
SVU's new assistant district attorney, Dominick Carisi, attempts to make a good first impression with seasoned detective Rafael Barba.
no other nexus between man and man by ships_to_sail
Rafael nodded and mumbled ‘that’s right’, as though he’d actually known the blonde’s name to begin with. Sonny’d only been working at TechMart for a week, but he’d managed so far to catch nothing but whispers and whiffs of the general manager. It helped that his best baby sister was one of the assistant managers, and thus had been able to hire him without a ton of oversight, but it was that same blatant nepotism that meant he had to be on his best behavior.
Sustenance by AHumanFemale, Tiberias
Olivia is worried that Rafael isn't taking care of himself - poor meals, snacks with coffee and liquor. When his birthday comes around she arranges for a one-of-a-kind gift... a personal chef, Dominick Carisi Jr. A man who will live in his home and cook all his meals - for one month.A month can last an eternity.Rafael wishes it would.
Chasing Viridian by keraunoscopia
For as long as he could remember, he had been drawn to creation, his hands moving in certain rhythm, shaping paper and graphite, or crayon, or ink into new worlds. There was something therapeutic about capturing snapshots, moments, instants on paper, recorded for time immemorial, not the way it was, but the way he saw it.
happily evita after by SerpentineJ
"Heard of faking it 'til you make it?" He says. "It'll take you far."Carisi snorts, puts his hands on his hips, cocks his head. Barba glances at him, away, then back again. Why is Carisi still here?"
Are you really looking for advice?" He says, a hint of incredulity in his voice.
Exactly Where We Belong by Robin Hood (kjack89)
Carisi wasn't sure what he expected from his first day as a surgical resident at Stabler-Voight University Hospital, but it definitely was not supposed to go like this. 
Don't Get Mad, Get Oven by AHumanFemale, Robin Hood (kjack89)
“Hey, Barba,” Sonny called over the sound of his own fryer crackling, “I think they’re having all the fun.”
Rita picked her head up, more than interested in the slight show of surprise that passed over Rafael’s expression. No one spoke to Rafael in these challenges and even if they did, he never answered. It was with the utmost amusement that she watched as Rafael looked back over his shoulders, let his eyes rest on the rookie greasy spoon cook for far longer than was necessary - even by television standards.
“If you say so.”
The words were delivered in a snide tone but Rafael’s lingering gaze didn’t lie.
It's Friday, I'm in Love by chickcheney, rafaelbaseball
Nearly a week passes by before Rafael gets to see Sonny again. On the second Friday they meet, they get drunk again.
The third Friday they get together, Sonny invites him to another book signing.
The fourth Friday, Rafael realizes he’s made a huge mistake.
Or: The one where Fridays mean Sonny and Rafael fall a little bit more in love with each other. (And then Sonny inadvertently almost ruins it all.)
Opposing Counsel by jamesgatz1925
Barba had a strict rule to not be attracted to defense attorneys. *Had*
Everything Seems A Little Bit Sweeter by chickcheney, rafaelbaseball
Rita takes a delicate sip before pointedly saying, “You're playing hooky so you can get an autograph from a YouTube celebrity halfway across town.”
Rafael tries to stare her down, but she only stares back at him over the rim of her cup. Eventually he deflates and looks away, defeated.
Okay, so he might have a problem.
Or: The one where Sonny is a YouTube chef and Rafael is just a little bit in love with him.
garments by SerpentineJ
Sonny's fashion improves astronomically when he starts talking to Barba.
AU: Barba's a tailor. Sonny's a photographer at Liv's section of the newspaper with his first solo show coming up, and he needs some alterations.
milk, no sugar by SerpentineJ
"I heard you like Broadway," Carisi starts awkwardly. This is an awful, awful idea.
"Occasionally." Barba doesn't give anything away, setting his coffee down and fiddling with what looks like a bouquet-in-progress. It reminds Carisi of a creamsicle, or something, bright orange and soft white petals, accented with greenery.
"Hey, that's cool, New York City and all that." Carisi blusters, and he doesn't know why he's tripping over his words now. Maybe something of what Rollins said yesterday's gotten into his head.
The Usual by AHumanFemale, Robin Hood (kjack89)
“Here you go,” the bartender says, setting a glass of amber liquid down in front of him. “I made it a double. You look like you need it.”
Barba snorts a laugh and raises the glass in a wordless toast, taking a cautious sip. It's better than he expected, smooth for a single malt with the perfect peaty flavor. “Good choice…” he says, trailing off, realizing he doesn't know the bartender’s name.
The bartender’s smile widens. “Sonny,” he says. “Sonny Carisi.”
Out Of My League by mrbarbacarisi
Rafael was never into sports. Given the choice, he would rather spend an evening on Broadway than at a baseball game. But that changed when he saw the sexy relief pitcher Sonny Carisi walk onto the field.
Time is Borrowed by ilovedrwilson
FBI Agent Sonny Carisi must go undercover with Sergeant Barba of SVU to solve the deaths of unidentified children. Rafael has been a trusted member of SVU for several years and has the support of his boss, Olivia and their ADA, Nick. Sonny is a new FBI Agent who struggles with his sexuality and treatment at the agency. Acting as a married couple, Sonny and Rafael learn to trust each other over time and solve the mystery surrounding the deaths.
In This Light by Astronaut_Milky
The model before him was absolutely stunning. He had worked with models in the past, and beauty was obviously a requirement for the job, but this was on another level. His twinkling blue eyes were absolutely captivating, even as they watched Rafael with youthful amusement that left him feeling exposed.
With Benefits by Astronaut_Milky
“First rule, no emotions. The second either of us feels anything slightly romantic, we stop. Agreed?” “Agreed. Second rule, we tell no one at work.” “Standard. Third rule, this is a one time deal, and we stay friends after.” “Agreed."
Collaboration by Robin Hood (kjack89), tobeconspicuous
Rafael Barba is a world-famous classical pianist forced to work with the punk rock band Secret Vicious Unknown, and especially their guitarist/lyricist Sonny Carisi, on a collaboration for Hudson Concert Hall.
The Sonday Report by keraunoscopia
Former presidential speech writer and host of a popular podcast, Sonny Carisi has a crush on a New York State Senator, and no one is going to let him live it down.
So Far In A Few Blocks by PhillyStrega
“See anything you like?”
The guy who’d been charming Amaro now seems to have focused his energies on Rafael. He’s draped himself along the top of the pastry case, long arms crossed and fingers tapping at the glass. Even with the smattering of gray at his temples he looks too young and too self assured. Embroidery on the breast of the pale pink apron he wears over his dark blue button up announces him as ‘Sonny.’ Which. Yes, that fits.
“Just looking,” Rafael quips. “I’ll take a coffee if you sell any to go with your small mountains of sugar.”
Sonny looks concerned and then says, “this is a bakery,” like he’s seriously thinking Rafael somehow missed that. “Sugar is kind of our thing.”
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skerbango-blog · 6 years
My First Iron Bowl
by Ritty,
Auburn 9, Alabama 0
November 18, 2000
Bryant-Denny Stadium, Tuscaloosa, Alabama
My parents set three conditions when I left for college.
1) They would graciously pay for four and only four years of higher education
2) I had to live on campus for at least one year.
3) I had to maintain a job.
I took care of Item Three a couple days before school started in the summer of 2000. I walked into the Athletic Department building on South Donahue Drive and asked the receptionist in the lobby if she knew of anyone inside who might need a student assistant. She directed me to the Media Relations office on the second floor, and in one way or another, I worked for Auburn every single day thereafter for the next four years.
I covered football practices and scrimmages. Attended press conferences. Tracked stats. Interviewed players. Wrote game stories. Reported to the press box three hours before home games and prepped gameday notes, made endless amounts of copies in the pre-digital age, rushed quotes to AP writers and other journalists fighting deadlines, all while my friends tailgated and smuggled booze into the student section and partied. The job took a lot of my time and paid virtually nothing, but there were a few perks, including a press pass to the Iron Bowl – the first in Tuscaloosa in 100 years - where our only responsibility was to watch the game without cheering.
A friend of mine drove me from Auburn to Birmingham early that Saturday morning and dropped me off at the team hotel where the players had already finished their morning meetings and ate breakfast in complete silence in a large conference room. When the team was ready, we loaded onto three charter buses. One bus contained the offense, the second the defense, and the third held various press, Auburn dignitaries, Mrs. Tuberville, and a wide-eyed freshman about to attend his first Iron Bowl. Several state highway patrol cars accompanied several more police officers on motorcycles and surrounded the bus convoy along the 60-mile drive into Tuscaloosa. We hauled ass right down the middle of I-20. Traffic parted on both sides of the road and cars stopped on the highway shoulder and median as people ahead figured out what was coming up behind them. Auburn fans waved and shook their orange and blue pom-poms. Bama fans flipped us off and shouted and cussed as if they could be heard. When we reached town and slowed down, I finally heard their voices. I will never forget one old woman, walking along the sidewalk with a cane, whose wrinkled face contorted into rage and anger as she looked at our bus with disgust and said, “Go to hell Auburn. Fuck you!” The latter expression matched the synchronized paint on several windows of a nearby apartment complex that spelled F U C K A U B U R N !
Outside, the weather deteriorated. Forecasters claimed the nasty stuff wouldn’t arrive until later in the night but as we unloaded at Bryant-Denny and I walked into the nearly empty stadium, Frank Sinatra blared from the PA system. “Let it snow…let it snow…let it snow,” he sang as flurries formed high in the grey sky and trickled over our heads. But when the song ended, so too did the pleasant football weather. Flurries turned to rain and sleet as the wind picked up.
I walked through a corridor and found the elevator up to the warm press box. They had a buffet setup with Thanksgiving themed food. I waited in line with a paper plate in my hand behind a man wearing a large overcoat with fur accents who was continually interrupted with greetings of Roll Tide. Turned out to be Joe Namath. I found a place out of the way to stand and eat in the crowded space and eavesdropped on Namath. Kenny Stabler came by and the Governor said hello, too.
At the end of the third-quarter, I made my way back to the field and stood in the corner of the end zone beneath the protective cover of the tunnel closest to the visitor’s locker room. Alabama’s kicker came up woefully short on a field goal attempt into the wind. Auburn took over and Ben Leard kneeled to end the game. Three field goals from Damon Duval proved the difference and the only scores in an ugly 9-0 shutout. They turned the scoreboard off immediately after time expired as Auburn players and coaches scattered around the field celebrating their victory. I weaved my way toward midfield after Tuberville and Mike Dubose shook hands and turned 360* to take in the scene. The field looked eerily dark. The thick mist and sleet obscured the bright stadium lights and the people in the stands wore black trash bags, dark rain gear, and gloomy moods that added to the effect.
One of the backup offensive lineman zipped by and recognized me. He lifted me up and screamed, “WAR DAMN EAGLE!” and as he placed me back on the turf he said, “Hey man, still need that interview,” before he jetted off to celebrate with teammates. After practices and games, the good players were always called for interviews. Most of them hated the extra responsibility. It was the guys who never played, the members of the scout team, who desperately wanted a taste of the limelight, and it was those guys who knew me, recognized me, spoke to me. As a mere media liaison, and a student assistant at that, I was never part of the team and never sought to be part of the team. Until that moment I did not understand what it meant to be a part of Auburn, but there in the middle of all that crimson and hatred, I finally experienced it as I watched that player, who never played a down, excitedly jump on a teammate’s back. His untarnished bright white away helmet and jersey and pants sparkled in the rain and the interlocking orange and blue AU were the most vivid colors I had ever seen.
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wildflowerswildhorses · 10 months
Looking through your old posts and saw the anon ask about an AU start of 2.0 SVU.
Carisi would have been Uncle Sonny to lil Eli growing up
Those AU 2.0 really took a turn and had me in a spiral for days. I started thinking about all the seasons going forward.
I guess Carisi being Uncle Sonny to Eli would have made up for him not being "uncle sonny" to Jesse and Billie (bc they would have been his)
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wildflowerswildhorses · 10 months
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I'm TELLING you, in an alternate universe, Munch opened a cop bar in New York and they all hang out there.
Maybe in that Stabler never left AU me and that anon made up, Munch has said bar
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Alternate Career - Rafael Barba
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Mr. Boss' assistant by peterscanavino
(1250|Note Rated|WIP)
Rafael Barba is the snarky CEO of a corporate giant operating through the streets of glorious New York. That's all he's been.
Until a very lanky, very Staten Island, night-school boy came barging into his life.
Let's Dance by rai87
What no one had told him was that dancing was hard, Gene Kelly was inimitable, and that mixing sequins and fake tan meant spending hours picking glitter out of every crevice of his body as if he was somehow producing it.
The Divine Feminine by aprilpie
It’s so frustrating as a body painter not to tell your model they’re beautiful. Maybe those kinds of things are better left unsaid. Especially when Rafael can show it just fine.
It was marvelous to know you by Lifeisruined
He must be squirming because Gina elbows him sharply.
This is fine. He can handle this. He is thirty-four years old. He is an SVU detective. He’s a fucking lawyer, too. He can handle some handsome guy.
Barisi Spy AU by Kaye_21
(3086|Not Rated|Complete)
The unimaginative title says it all. A Spy AU in which Barba is a seasoned agent and Carisi is the overeager newbie out on his first assignment.
Which happens to involve a swingers’ party. During which Barba and Carisi have to pretend to be a couple.
Career Change by ilovedrwilson
(3179|Not Rated|WIP)
Sonny must pick up the pieces of his life after leaving his husband. The only problem is no one wants to hire a moustached former stay at home Dad. Sonny quickly realises he needs to appear younger to get even an entry level job. With the help of his roommate Olivia, Sonny goes back to his 20s and gets a dream job as an assistant to a marketing director. With a son to care for Sonny has to balance his new life as a younger man and his job working for Ms. Calhoun and for her attractive but snarky boss.
Said the Prosecutor to the Officer by papercrimes
SVU's new assistant district attorney, Dominick Carisi, attempts to make a good first impression with seasoned detective Rafael Barba.
no other nexus between man and man by ships_to_sail
Rafael nodded and mumbled ‘that’s right’, as though he’d actually known the blonde’s name to begin with. Sonny’d only been working at TechMart for a week, but he’d managed so far to catch nothing but whispers and whiffs of the general manager. It helped that his best baby sister was one of the assistant managers, and thus had been able to hire him without a ton of oversight, but it was that same blatant nepotism that meant he had to be on his best behavior.
A Technical Relationship by tobeconspicuous
Whenever Rafael came into contact with detective Carisi something was bound to go wrong.
This time though, Rafael was prepared.
Port of Call by keraunoscopia
Sonny Carisi sat on a stool, elbows resting heavily on the counter, chin against his fists, gaze trained out the front window, panes of glass decorated with neatly stenciled letters, and watched the tourists all duck inside cafes and shops. He hadn’t had a customer all day, not that it was really a surprise. Up until a few minutes ago, it had been a picturesque summer day, blue skies and bright sun, the tourists were more concerned with the beach, and fresh lobster, and ice cream than a second hand bookshop.
happily evita after by SerpentineJ
"Heard of faking it 'til you make it?" He says. "It'll take you far."Carisi snorts, puts his hands on his hips, cocks his head. Barba glances at him, away, then back again. Why is Carisi still here?"Are you really looking for advice?" 
He says, a hint of incredulity in his voice.
Exactly Where We Belong by Robin Hood (kjack89)
Carisi wasn't sure what he expected from his first day as a surgical resident at Stabler-Voight University Hospital, but it definitely was not supposed to go like this.
Don’t Get Mad, Get Oven by AHumanFemale, Robin Hood (kjack89)
“Hey, Barba,” Sonny called over the sound of his own fryer crackling, “I think they’re having all the fun.”
Rita picked her head up, more than interested in the slight show of surprise that passed over Rafael’s expression. No one spoke to Rafael in these challenges and even if they did, he never answered. It was with the utmost amusement that she watched as Rafael looked back over his shoulders, let his eyes rest on the rookie greasy spoon cook for far longer than was necessary - even by television standards.
“If you say so.”
The words were delivered in a snide tone but Rafael’s lingering gaze didn’t lie.
The One With The Graveyard Shift by Skysquid22
Barba works the graveyard shift at a grocery store and meets Carisi as a result. He witnesses Carisi's life through the stuff he buys at a grocery store, at 2 am.
The Bucket List by Skysquid22
Sonny Carisi, an immortal, makes a proposition to Rafael Barba a historian.
Argumentative Attraction by SonicGavel
Sonny's followed Raf's cases in the past because one of his teachers happens to be Rita. But one day, she announces there'll be a guest-lecturer who'll be filling in for her while she's on a vacation studyng other justice systems around the world. When Sonny finds out it's Raf, he's in awe by how cocky he can be but isn't deterred despite Raf not even giving him the time of day. At one point, he does something that merits Raf to be impressed and he notices him for the first time. Can he keep it up or will the ethical council have something to say if they get caught?
garments by SerpentineJ
Sonny's fashion improves astronomically when he starts talking to Barba.
AU: Barba's a tailor. Sonny's a photographer at Liv's section of the newspaper with his first solo show coming up, and he needs some alterations.
milk, no sugar by SerpentineJ
"I heard you like Broadway," Carisi starts awkwardly. This is an awful, awful idea.
"Occasionally." Barba doesn't give anything away, setting his coffee down and fiddling with what looks like a bouquet-in-progress. It reminds Carisi of a creamsicle, or something, bright orange and soft white petals, accented with greenery.
"Hey, that's cool, New York City and all that." Carisi blusters, and he doesn't know why he's tripping over his words now. Maybe something of what Rollins said yesterday's gotten into his head.
Sin and Intrigue by keraunoscopia
In the opposite corner, his eyes came to rest on a man, sitting alone in a booth. His hair was swept into a neat wave, his suit jacket cast over the back of the booth, sleeves rolled up to his elbows as his eyes scanned a newspaper clasped in long fingers. Even across the room, through the smoky haze, the languid jazz, the crowd of people, Sonny watched the man look up for a moment, and their eyes locked. His throat went dry.
Time is Borrowed by ilovedrwilson
FBI Agent Sonny Carisi must go undercover with Sergeant Barba of SVU to solve the deaths of unidentified children. Rafael has been a trusted member of SVU for several years and has the support of his boss, Olivia and their ADA, Nick. Sonny is a new FBI Agent who struggles with his sexuality and treatment at the agency. Acting as a married couple, Sonny and Rafael learn to trust each other over time and solve the mystery surrounding the deaths.
In This Light by Astronaut_Milky
The model before him was absolutely stunning. He had worked with models in the past, and beauty was obviously a requirement for the job, but this was on another level. His twinkling blue eyes were absolutely captivating, even as they watched Rafael with youthful amusement that left him feeling exposed.
Collaboration by Robin Hood (kjack89), tobeconspicuous
Rafael Barba is a world-famous classical pianist forced to work with the punk rock band Secret Vicious Unknown, and especially their guitarist/lyricist Sonny Carisi, on a collaboration for Hudson Concert Hall.
The Sonday Report by keraunoscopia
Former presidential speech writer and host of a popular podcast, Sonny Carisi has a crush on a New York State Senator, and no one is going to let him live it down.
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