#stage watanuki
koushirouizumi · 6 months
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completeoveranalysis · 8 months
Of Yūko's customers, which ones you find most memorable?
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Most memorable customers, you say?
I hope you don't mind me using this as an excuse to make an arbitrary list by way of answer. (Arbitrary lists, my beloved...)
Yuuko's Customers In Order Of How Well I Remember Them
(Though I will exclude all the bigger characters for fairness. So, Syaoran, Watanuki, Lava Lamp, Fai, Kurogane, Doumeki, Himawari, Seishirou, Ashura, Tomoyo, etc, etc. Regular xxxHolic customers only!)
10. Birdcage Customer
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What was this about? Was he even a customer? We just don't know!
But the thing most memorable about this whole situation is the most pressing question: WHY DO YOU HAVE EVIL WOLVERINE'S SYMBOL ALL OVER YOUR HOME? It's even on his front sign!
9. The Liar
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Mostly at the bottom because I can't resist the irony. She's the first big customer we see - but what do we really know about her? Absolutely nothing, because she lied every step of the way!
What can we really remember about someone who never actually told us anything about herself?
Though I guess you could say her ending causes quite an impact.
8. Monkey's Paw Customer
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Did I forget this had happened? Perhaps!
She's one of those cases where the cause and effect are so clear that the rest of the cast might as well not even be there - and I think most of her story IS told through scenes entirely from her perspective.
I think the most memorable thing about her is the Sheer Audacity of hunting down a monkey's paw and being convinced that, actually, she already knows what it does so it can't possibly go wrong. Love that for her. Would kill for this confidence.
(Not literally - but she kind of did that also)
7. Ame Warashi
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Her impeccable style. Her winning charm. She's an icon.
I had just completely forgotten that she was also a customer at one point.
She makes up for it for being absolutely great in every scene she was in, but what are you going to do in a list based purely on how well I remember the customer part? Woops! My bad!
6. Karasu Tengu
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They get huge points for this being a Central Event in the narrative, but also I completely forgot they were in this as customers. The entire plot scenario? Incredible! Character defining! Et cetera!
The actual Karasu Tengu themselves? Woops! I forgot they were there. My fault though!
5. The Computer Addict
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I love this one. She's so ahead of the curve that she was addicted to the internet back when you had to be on the pc to use it. Honestly, relatable. I also went through a phase like this as a young teen, so the struggle was real.
Little did we all know that in the present day the accessibility of the internet would be so rampant that she literally wouldn't even need that pc to indulge her habits anymore. Oops!
But that aside Yuuko is peak during this arc and I love everything about it. Especially the fact that Yuuko just hangs out on message boards in her free time? Wonderful information. I can do so much with this.
4. Oops! All Ghosts
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Another incredible storyline. The twists are preserved by some sneaky panels from Watanuki's perspective and Yuuko's morally grey approach to the whole situation is wonderful. What if you wanted to get rid of the ghost in your home, only to find out that YOU were the ghost all along? It has the DISTRESS. It has the CONFLICT. It has the TRAGEDY. 10/10
3. Haunted Photo
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Another customer with Peak Audacity. Trying to wish away the consequences of your own actions? Committing something awful but being unable to actually look at the proof yourself? The ultimate wish being an anxiety inducing curse that is sure to fail? Love it.
It's also one of those juicy situations where the morality of the situation basically drives itself. The customer causes her own problems and can't actually be saved - and doesn't deserve it either.
And honestly I think CLAMP should get a lot of credit for having the haunting effects of a photograph slowly turning around in a purely static medium. They really pulled that off.
I still love the evil smile in the photograph the last time we see it. PURE memorable.
2. The Twin
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Being consistently cut off and run down and overwritten and slowly clawing your way out of the situation through the sheer desire to be your own person?
And then the answer is a haircut?
It's another glimpse into the side of Yuuko that really does try cut people a good bargain. The wish could have been taken in any number of ways, but Yuuko went for the easiest and most affordable way that would genuinely help the customer actually fix her life on her own. She didn't specifically need supernatural help for this, but it was the route that presented itself, and it was the one that got her the help she needed when she needed it. Very hitsuzen, very relatable, very identifiable storyline that sticks with you.
Just like the final entry!
1. Kohane
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Listen do I even need to explain this one.
Kohane is like THE storyline. It's THE example of what it's all about. It's not entirely supernatural in nature but completely heart wrenching. It has Watanuki playing a central role in fixing the problem, setting up for his future (or at least, what I assume it will be). It ties xxxHolic to Tsubasa and hints at a secret tool that will help with someone later.
And it has Kohane! You can't go wrong.
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tomoyoo · 1 year
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4 stages of a watanuki
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kakusu-shipping · 5 months
Sorry to say that I am once again coming to bug you about the Swatchlings specifically jgufhgjgk
The mental image of them parading you around is just sooooo cute to me and I must know more about your dynamic!! Whatever you’ve got on them!!
Also you should share about Watanuki and Doumeki, if that’s not too much!!
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First of all I just found this term yesterday but it's perfect so; All the Swatchlings are Butler Caregivers.
They like to take care of a little like they're nobility. Bring them fancy desserts and finger clean foods and teas on silver platters. Button their shirts and tie their shoes just so. Follow them around exactly two paces behind, hands off unless absolutely necessary or directly asked for.
They like to use names like "Young Master/Mistress" or royal variations if requested, and play up the act of the cool collected butler who diligently watches over the house's perfect little bundle of joy.
They do tend to be. Pretty excitable though.
If their young master is looking particularly cute that day they can't help but squee over them. Cooing the sleepiest babies, or repeatedly pouring compliments over a little's hand chosen outfit that they put on all by themselves.
They're also all big Commit to the Bit types. Give them a role in playing pretend and they will play it as straight as Shakespeare, as serious as the most committed stage hand. This is their life now. Should they be the biggest bad in all the seven kingdoms or just a humble guest to a tea party, they are committed, and they are dramatic.
Their favorite activity is painting with their little, though will have a moment of panic if the baby, or surrounding area, gets too filthy. Their least favorite is Hide-and-Seek, just because they're all very quick to assume they've lost the child forever and will never find them again. Also if one of them looks in a hiding spot and sees a Maus then everything goes to chaos.
Each Swatchling is a little different of course, and I just tend to break them into the 6 colors to talk about so for specifics
Red is overly romantic, they love a story to read bedtime stories about princes who save princesses from dragons, or better to act at the princess being saved by their heroic knight. They're the best cook of the six but get depressed if they're missing baby time because they're in the kitchen making all the tiny food, so they tend to shove their responsibilities off on the other Swatchlings. They get lonely easy and tend to be just a bit clingy compared to the other 6, they need more hugs, kisses, and gifts than the others by quiet a bit.
Orange is a perfectionist who loves to pick out his little's perfect outfit, button their shirt, and tie their shoes just so every morning. He'll also brush and style their hair with little ribbons and bows if he's allowed. They're the first to go hands off when a little gets too messy for them, opting to go find a change of clothes for someone else to put them in to, that they'll then adjust as needed after they're all cleaned up. The most he'll do is gently wipe his little's face with a napkin while they're eating, but even that they may have to change gloves afterwards
Yellow is a lot more about the stuffie parties, especially ones he made. Serving over tea parties with all his little's stuffies, setting up movies and placing every guest so they can see the screen. He enjoys a good pillow fort with soft blankets and hot tea and quiet sleepy nights. What she hates is being the one who has to clean it up because she's the Caretaker so it's up to her to put everything back where it goes when blue eventually comes in and carries the baby back to their big plush bed. He just wants to go to bed but he's gotta take all these pillows back to their original rooms...
Green loves to be outside with a little. She wants to set up an easle and a canvas and watch her young master sit peacefully in the rose garden weaving flowers together to make wreaths and bracelets and crowns. She enjoys the babble of the brook and the rustle of leaves in the wind and the warmth of the sun. All idealized versions of the outside she adores. Heavy forbid though her little prefer to dig in the dirt, or stomp in puddles, or run and be loud and messy. She's more of a nice calm picnic in the sun outside type, not so much tag and red light green light red rover play outside type.
Blue's a music lover, they love to sing to their little or play the piano for them, write them little songs about how great they are or how fun it is to do basic chores like brush your teeth or eat breakfast. They're more of a bedtime caregiver, they love a sleepy little to listen to their lullabies, to rock gently and tuck comfortably into bed. They're the shortest of the six Swatchlings and just a little touchy about it, so little things like not being the first choice for carrying the little or struggling to place dangerous things out of a baby's reach would get to them. They're also the only Swatchling to place and uphold rules like Bedtime, Clean up, and Time Outs (if need be). They're the leader when Swatch isn't around.
Purple is the odd one out of the Swatchlings. She LOVES a chaotic baby, she loves a mess, splatter paint and mud and food fights. She loves bath time with an entire bottle of sudsy soap and lavender lotion. She loves toys all over the floor and snacks on every surface and open but not yet finished juice boxes. She comes across a lot more like an older sibling CG than a butler. She tends to get scolded a lot by Blue and is usually more on clean up than play supervision, however she's the only Swatchling willing to deal with a messy baby meaning she eventually has to be the one to step in and change her little's clothes, help them wipe up a spill, or get them ready for bathtime. She's the oldest of the six and the most mellow (but she still can't handle Maus)
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shiranuieditorial · 2 years
Alrighty, a question! Don't exactly even need to know, but I'm curious. Which japanese names are used gender neutral? I have heard of a few, like Tsubaki, Akira, Minato and so on, but a list would be nice. On another note, Erika is a japanese name as well as german, right? Like Yuka is both an Inuit and japanese name x3 I do find it funny that complete different ends of the world could have such small things in common.
gender expressions & impressions of jp given names depend on: (1) the precise characters it comprises of, (2) the reading it uses, (3) societal trends and sentiments, and (4) each individual’s personal perception (and experience) of gender and the name. therefore, sooooo many names out there can be considered unisex and/or gender-neutral! there are hundreds of thousands of possible character combinations you can use to create given names, and what’s more to love is that unisex and gender-neutral names are pretty sought-after, especially in the modern day and the foreseeable future. we love our unisex names and we’re very proud of them!
if there’s any specific theme of names you’d like to see, you can send in an ask with your criterias and i’ll compile you a list. besides my gdoc of rare and unusual jp given names i shared in my previous post, i also have this gdoc of generic/basic/average jp given names you can sort through if you’d like.
indeed, erika and yuka are names that can exist in the jp language. maybe this tip will help with remembering and identification? you can make given names out of almost any set of syllables from the japanese syllabary, as long as it’s within reason (e.g. sounds good as a name, seems logical or plausible, 1–5 syllables in one name, etc.).
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(apologies for the deep-fried quality haha—this is the only kana-to-romaji chart i have ever saved, because i prefer linguistic charts to be as plain-colored, plain-fonted, and plain-formatted as possible.)
for clan/family names however, the rules aren’t as lax because most of them follow kanji and the most standard readings for said kanji. a small % of family names have a mix of kanji + kana in them, which still follow the standard readings of the kanji + of course the unchangeable readings of the kana. only very few (native, non-transcribed) family names out there are entirely written in kana (a real-life example of this is つわぶき峻 Tsuwabuki Toshi, the stage actor who played sakusa in the haikyuu stageplay). oh, and, because we can never have too many exceptions, jp culture also has this very unique occurrence where sometimes, some certain family names get to be as lax as given names in terms of the grapheme-to-phoneme relation, and some people have decided use this opportunity to be very punny wordplayers. these are very few in number, however, and they have history behind them! so i wouldn’t recommend the average writer/artist/fictionist to come up with some on their own. examples of this last one:
一 Ninomae | 一 means “one” | “ninomae” sounds like you’re saying 二の前, “before two”
小鳥遊 Takanashi | 小鳥遊 means “small birds play” | “takanashi” sounds like you’re saying 鷹無し, “there are no hawks/eagles” | ergo, small birds play outside because there’s no hawk preying around.
四月朔日/四月一日/四月朔/四月朔月 Watanuki | 四月朔日/四月一日 means “first of april” | “watanuki” refers to this word 綿抜き, “cotton-stripping; to take out the cotton [padding]” | there’s an old tradition of changing winter-wear cotton-lined warming robes and kimono into lighter summer-wear garments in the 1st day of the 4th lunar month, which is said to prevent children from suffering diseases and potentially dying. i’m a bit confused at what the big deal is with this tradition, because it just seems like common sense to me? seasons change and so do your clothes. that’s normal.
月見里 Yamanashi | 月見里 means “moon-viewing village” | “yamanashi” sounds like you’re saying 山無し, “there are no mountains” | ergo, you can see the moon and do some stargazing if your view isn’t obstructed by mountains. although, i have to point out the fallacy in this logic, as someone who lives surrounded by 3 whole mountain ranges, i know fully well that mountains only obscure a very small % to none at all of your ground view of the night sky. “starless” nights are all the clouds and pollution’s fault! so really, this name should’ve been called Kumonashi (from 雲無し, “cloudless”) instead.
i could’ve sworn i knew more than 4 of these punny family names...
(edit: i found more!)
飛鳥 Asuka | 飛鳥 means “flying bird” | “asuka” refers to the place name 明日香 (“tomorrow fragrance”) | basically, what happened here is that the word 飛鳥 (hichou), coming from the phrase 飛ぶ鳥の (tobu tori no, “flying bird of...”), became a pillow word for the place known as Asuka. both spellings were historically interchangeable.
春日 Haruma, Kasuga, Kasuka | 春日 means “spring sun; spring day” | the word 春日 (shunjitsu/haruhi) was used as a pillow word to introduce the place name Kasuga (which presumably had no kanji writing prior to this?). existing logical readings for 春日 include Haruhi and Haruka.
漢 Hata | 漢 means “han chinese”, the worldwide major ethnic group originating in china | “hata” sounds like you’re saying はた/端, “nearby; besides”
日向 Higa, Higano, Hina, Hinada, Hinata, Hiuga (Fiuga), Hyuga, Hyuuga | 日向 means “in the sun; [facing] towards the sun” | (1) for the Hinata reading; this name is composed of 日 (hi, “sun”) +‎ な (na, old japanese possessive particle, equivalent to modern の) +‎ た (ta, “direction; side”, archaic equivalent of 方). (2) for the Fiuga, Hiuga, and Hyuuga readings; dialectal differences shifted old japanese reading “Pimuka” into “Fimuka” → “Fiuga” → “Hiuga”. southern dialects and languages tend to have this fi- sound that’s nonexistent up in the north. (3) Hiruga may be explained as 「昼日」 (hiru + ka, “daytime sun”) with a rendaku 日 (turning the “-ka” into “-ga”, which is unnecessary, because rendaku doesn’t commonly happen to 日, but everything is full of exceptions today, so... 🤷). existing logical readings of 日向 include Hikou, Himuka, Himukai, Himuki, and Nikkou.
陽向 Hizashi | 陽向 means “in the sun; [facing] towards the sun” | “hizashi” sounds like you’re saying 日差し (may also be written 陽差し、日射し、陽射し、日ざし、陽ざし、日差、or 陽射), “sunlight; sunshine; sun rays”
五十嵐 Igarashi | 五十嵐 means “fifty storms/tempests” | “igarashi” sounds like you’re saying 伊賀嵐, “iga [city] storm” | i believe this may be a reference to the huge storm in 1612 which destroyed the famous iga-ueno castle.
五月雨 Samidare | 五月雨 means “fifth [lunar] month rain”, referring to the heavy rains that occur around early summer | “samidare” sounds like you’re saying 早水垂れ, “early rain fall” | this is a word (for the seasonal occurrence), a place name, and a destroyer name; not family name. i just thought it was cool enough to mention here!
時雨 Shigure | 時雨 means “timely rain; winter rainfall” (originally referred to rainshowers in late autumn to early winter, occasionally late summer and all of autumn too, but today, shigure only refers to a winter rainshower) | “shigure” sounds like you’re saying the classical/literary verb 時雨れる, “to rain a shower” | the history is a bit blurry on this one. 時雨, as a word, was an orthographic borrowing from chinese. it happened a hefty long time ago, and was incorporated into old japanese as the classical verb 時雨る (shiguru), which was later given the modern rendering 時雨れる (shigureru), which then presumably became the clan name Shigure.
日本 Yamatono | 日本 means “base/foundation/origin of the sun” and is the modern name for japan | “yamatono” sounds like you’re saying 大和の, “of the yamato people’s” | 大和 (yamato) was the ancient name for japan before it was changed to 日本 (nihon/nippon), and also the name of an ancient province, the name of the current dynasty (and consequently, the imperial family as well), the name of an old battleship, and is sometimes still used to refer to japanese people in a historic way. it’s worth noting that the reading of “yamato” itself isn’t grammatically logical for the kanji 大和. my best theories as to how 大和 became yamato are: (1) homophone of 山都 (“mountain metropolis”), (2) homophone of 山門 (“mountain gateway”), and (3) homophone of 山人 (“mountain people”); but i haven’t seen any proper, in-depth linguistic study done on this, so i can’t guarantee anything. the kanji 倭 [yamato, shitaga.u | wa, i] was likely based on 大和 after it got its “yamato” reading, so 倭 isn’t an important factor in this discussion (as of right now, at least).
hope this answers your curiosity!
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sakuraswordly · 1 year
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Maya: Mr Purple Rose…Masumi-san falls in love with me and gives me encouragement in subtle ways. I fall in love with him because of that…but I know what it’s like to long for someone you can’t have. I know what being in love but not being able to be together means. I know the pain of seeing her loved one in the hands of someone else. This is forbidden love.....
Hikaru: Maya chan....
Sakura Kinomoto: You lost your real mother, your teacher and now this?!….This is so sad….It hurt so much….
Hikaru: Kinomoto-chan's right. Lantis falls in love with me, which I reciprocate. Even we came from other worlds. We can love even if he is not there right?
Mokona: This is true love…so you can love him despite the age difference so much.
Syaoran: Maya…do you think that you can't love someone when this person is still alive right now?
Chester: Syaoran........
Maya: Syaoran-san.....
Syaoran: You and he can't love but your true feeling never disappear so please don't give up. I also lost my father and my mother and….
Kamui: I lost my half-human feeling but that doesn't mean you should drown them away. The future can change. You make your own decision.
Maya: Everyone thank you so much….
Chester: Don't give up on your dream Maya. I too will not give to find who am I too.
Maya: I will Chester-san.
Watanuki: That was a nice one Kamui. I thought the only thing you cared about was Subaru, and being totally indifferent towards Syaoran and the others.
Kamui: It did slowly come to light that I care deeply towards Kotori and Fuma.
Watanuki: And Sorata?
Chester: I will help you to recover your memories, Chester-san. So please looking forward to my actress with Barbie-san!
C.C.: (Chester did say he had a little sister right? Is that how he acts to his little sister like Maya?)
Source Character:
Barbie, a fashion doll manufactured by American toy and entertainment company Mattel, has been featured in an eponymous media franchise since the late 1980s. This franchise encompasses a CGI/computer-animated film series that later expanded to other productions and media formats.
Glass Mask (Japanese: ガラスの仮面, Hepburn: Garasu no Kamen) is a Japanese shōjomanga series written and illustrated by Suzue Miuchi, serialized in Hana to Yume from January 1976, and collected in 49 tankōbon volumes as of October 2012. The story has also been adapted into anime and a live-action television series. As of 2006, the collected volumes had sold 50 million copies in Japan, making it the second best-selling shōjo manga ever. The title refers poetically to the mask of faces that actors wear - while expressing emotions that are not their own, the mask they wear (their acting) is as fragile as glass. If the actors are distracted, their masks will "break" and show on stage the actors' true feelings.
Explanation 6(Analysis)
Continue from Analysis L Change the World, how similar and different Maya and L are in their genius talent. L can read people's hearts that is his genius talent. Maya as well. To be able to wear each mask of her talent. Maya needs to understand their characters feeling and hearts. Even Normal people still can't understand their hearts even their people even their lovers. So that's why I call charisma talent. Maya is a hard person for normal people to figure out that Maya is a genius because Maya can live with normal people and friends with normal people and even fall in love. Unlike L, he is not good at being friendly with social. People said L is half autistic. But for me, I do not see him as autistic much.
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This is not just acting but also understanding the character's heart.
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For someone who knows Marcy Wu from Amphibia. Marcy was insanely clumsy and very oblivious. This causes her to be heavily reliant on her friends—Anne and even Sasha constantly feel the need to look out for her, and she relies on Sasha to make decisions for her. In Amphibia, she has learned to manage herself better and make independent decisions on her own without any influence from other people, although she is still fairly clumsy and sometimes dependent on Anne. Maya is the same as Marcy. She still needs her friends to help her. She's clumsy like Marcy too. The only difference was Marcy has always received straight A's in school and was an avid fan of retro video games. Maya's interest in both movies and acting is very addictive. Marcy is a hard person for normal people to figure out that Marcy is a genius too. Because Marcy also can live with normal people and be friends with normal people. They only care about what they like and stick to it in their own imaginary world, but they like to learn new things. I wouldn't say it's autistic. So why is it so hard for ordinary people to see them as geniuses? They will see it as being smart rather than genius. (Prove that Anne is good friends with Marcy. even called her a genius.)
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Source Below: kennikitty.wordpress.com
So, my prediction is, Maya “wins” with her interpretation of the Crimson Goddess and they key to that is Masumi. Those two share an insepperable bond and have truly found their “one true love” in eath other, they just haven’t had the chance to live their love. Their relationship was complicated from the very beginning, when Maya was still obviously much too young to be Masumis lover and it was all about a taltented actress. Fate has been very cruel to them resulting in a very tragic love, even after they both are very aware of eath other’s feeling. Actually, I think the realization that they’re deeply in a mutual love, made it even worse, because of their difficulties being together. Maya’s extreme hardships in her relationship to Masumi will make her come out as the true Crimson Goddess and I’m sure when she’s on stage acting her part, she won’t do it for herself, or her Sensei or anyone for that matter, besides Masumi. She wants to act for him and she wants to show him her perfect Crimson Goddess and I’m pretty sure he will be moved to tears, because he’ll be the only one who’ll truly understand her acting.
In Tsofph Season 1
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Barbie wanted to create a doll that would inspire little girls to use their huge imaginations and big dreams about their futures. While others told her it wasn't possible, Barbie proved them all wrong by creating the most famous doll ever. Barbie and Ken made a lot of movies. And these two became famous ballet actresses too. They have successfully made a film that connects with ballet. Barbie of Swan Lake. The story is told by Barbie to her little sister who is feeling uneasy about being at overnight camp for the first time. Odette is a young woman who lives in a small village with her father and sister and works in the family bakery. Odette is a talented dancer but is shy and timid about it. During the time Barbie was looking for a story to show the beauty of the swan lake. She met Maya mourning for her teacher who has recently passed away. Barbie received her as part of her family. Maya still studies the lead role in the legendary stage play "The Crimson Goddess" and she still wants to act this to continue her teacher dream. Barbie and Ken adore Maya so much and act like her real daughter. Maya is also happy with her new family and plays with Barbie's little sister. Barbie and Ken agree with Maya to help her with her role in the legendary stage play "The Crimson Goddess".
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From xxxHOLiC Chapter 56
Watanuki and Kohane take Syaoran and Chester go to the place where they found the spirit of a woman. But they thought she was already gone but she wasn't. She appears and takes them to Maya and will reveal that she is "The Crimson Goddess". She can make the flowers of life bloom.
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From Glass no Kamen (2005) Episode 49
Master Ichiren did meet her long ago. Because of that Ichiren created the story of "The Crimson Goddess". Barbie and Maya go adventure with the Syaoran group in a short time to help Maya with what she really wants with this role. For her teacher or herself.
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Hayami: I'm back Maya.
Maya: Welcome back….Mr. Purple Rose…
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kraniumet · 3 years
growing up means learning to accept that xxxholic has a good ending
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ca-3 · 3 years
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Servamp Stage Play redraw 🌸☀ The photos the actors post are so cute!
and I totally didn’t forget I drew this last month lol 
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xthunderbolt · 3 years
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I lived to see Kuro dance, now I can die in peace.
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watanukiproductions · 4 years
Here is the link to our YouTube Channel. We will also provide links to our YouTube Videos as Well. 
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demytasse · 3 years
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A stageplay adaptation of xxxHolic was announced on Watanuki's birthday (April 1st) and I could not be anymore delighted by it than I am! ♡
Yuko — Motohiro Ōta | Watanuki — Shōgo Sakamoto
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koushirouizumi · 6 months
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{H.O.L.I.C S.T.A.G.E} ~ A.J.I.S.A.I
{Cap by Me} {DO NOT RE POST} (Please ASK to Use)
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completeoveranalysis · 11 months
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Oh oh oh the visual balance of THIS is incredible too! Both Mokona and Yuuko, eyes closed in a visual mirror of each other, wings unfurling in their drastically different styles. 
I have to admit, the other times we’ve seen Yuuko’s wings I think I assumed it was an aspect of her true form showing in the world of dreams, or in the weird inbetween version of the world that she inhabits, or something similar, but I’m not sure if we’ve seen them in Tsubasa before? Perhaps we have and I've forgotten but either way I LOVE that she literally just has these - how Yuuko's butterfly wings symbolise change, because she IS change. She serves as an access point to the ability to change for everyone she meets, either through wishes or through long term growth (like Watanuki). She serves as The concept of change for the wider universe, and everyone powerful enough knows how to find her for this purpose. (In hindsight I’m sad we never found out HOW this is. I’d love to see how Fai learned about Yuuko, or Tomoyo, but that’s a whole different thing)
On the other hand, as a butterfly, she implies the final stage of growth. She herself is already a full butterfly and cannot change any further even if she wanted to. She is trapped in this role (perhaps willingly, perhaps not, I don't know) and can’t help anyone unless it is paid for. She has an upcoming purpose that, once fulfilled, will no longer require her to be around anymore, which presumably leaves her role open for Watanuki. 
Also, since in this wider connected universe (thinking specifically of it's connection with CCS) visible wings like this are usually seen on magical beings (Mokona, Keroberos, Yue, and perhaps even more relevantly Spinel Sun and Ruby Moon) Yuuko's wings kind of blur the category of character she belongs to. IS she just an ultra powerful person, like the other independent magic users we’ve seen in the series? Or is she somewhat of a magical construct, like the magical beings we’ve seen with wings? Is she neither, or a little of both? Is it actually just her dream-like nature bleeding into reality, or has her existence been altered by the same person who had a hand in the creation of all the other magical beings with wings? (Clow)
We just don't know!
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the-musical-cc · 3 years
This one bit in the Fortune-Telling chapter:
Rambling ahead, be warned.
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First of all, this is maybe the first translation I see that words it that way. I recall the other ones I read phrasing it more like ‘You’re worried about your social interactions’ or something more towards the aspect of him not being very good at socializing. Checking the anime dialogue, she’s saying something like “いまは人間関係で 悩みれる” if my ears don’t deceive me. All in all, I’m coinciding with the ‘You’re having troubles with a relationship’ translation as it’s the one I come up with as well (I’m not an expert by any means, just as thorough as I can with my references. I do feel like other translators may have wanted to keep it more ambiguous to keep readers from misinterpreting ‘Relationship’ as something romantic, despite the word not necessarily implying that.) which has settled some confusion I’d had along the years over this:
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Why is he looking at Yuuko? She’s yet to start teasing him about things like valentine’s chocolate or in general not being popular (If I recall the first time is during the ‘100 ghost stories’ chapters, prompted by him telling her about Doumeki’s popularity among girls.) so I didn’t really get why that comment earns her a look, but as with most things about CLAMP I’m confused about, simply moved on hoping I’d get it eventually.
Now, the other translations don’t vary much with Watanuki’s response, but the current translation about the former part made me initially think perhaps he was thinking about Yuuko’s comments on Himawari not being his ‘Lady luck’ (Let’s remember Doumeki hasn’t even been introduced in the manga at this point, and as I recall he hasn’t even been mentioned, his first mention will be by the Fortune Teller later in this same chapter)
Except that doesn’t really add up either when you put it together with the following part, but I’ll get to that in a moment. There’s also Yuuko’s little annotation ( “ なに お” = ‘What?’ as in ‘What's up?’ So ‘What’s that look for?’ is a pretty good adaptation.) which other translations never touched on, so I kind of assumed it was just her smirking at him all mocking.
Instead, it seems she’s reacting to him giving her a look in response to the fraud lady’s question- lady tells him he’s having a difficult relationship and he immediately thinks of Yuuko. Which check’s out, at this stage she’s very much the only one he’s hanging out with on the regular and he’s not enjoying it- but the interesting part is he doesn’t think of it as ‘I have this pest on me’ or ‘I’m stuck with her’ anymore, but as a relationship with room and intention for improvement, even if he feels he doesn’t know how to go about it and it’s frustrating for him. I often pinpoint this chapter as the first time he genuinely sees Yuuko as a somewhat positive force in his life, but this is making me think that despite himself, his opinion on her at this point wasn’t really that bad anymore.
Moreover, he’s letting her know. In his way, because Watanuki wouldn’t be Watanuki if he didn’t chide her. Yuuko wouldn’t be Yuuko if she didn’t receive it with an attitude, so that’s exactly what she does.
And then:
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Alternate translations differ very little here as well, it seems to be mostly variations based on style and fluidity. They usually have Watanuki say something to the beat of ‘Sincerity? Are you sure about that?’ and some don’t even translate Yuuko’s little smug annotation, but the character’s expressions are very eloquent. This is where my theory on it being about Himawari fell apart, because if someone told Watanuki at this stage ‘Just do things from the heart and Himawari will understand’ he’d probably not only eagerly take the advice but become a blushy, grinning mess. Instead, he makes that face and expresses his skepticism.
Because this is about Yuuko. 
(It does catch my eye that the fraud lady says this here, because as we are later revealed, she doesn’t really have any magical capacity, she’s simply somewhat gifted at reading into people’s words and body language. She saw something between them that made her think saying ‘Act in earnest and you’ll be understood.’ was an appropriate answer...and seeing how this wasn’t what sold Watanuki off that she wasn’t the real thing, she must have hit the nail on the head.)
On her part (“だからなに お”= Like I said, what?) she reacts to his expression again. I’ve talked about how Watanuki thinks she’s not really listening to what he says at all when she actually is, so it reads to me like she’s just unhappy with his insinuation that it’s pointless to be open and sincere with her (either from an ‘I’m trying to help you, you little shit’ point of view or just a general ‘No one likes when someone talks ill of them’ point of view.) as well as ‘Say it to my face or zip it’ because Yuuko.
The funny part? The fraud lady was technically right, as with most the things she tells him. Watanuki does start to open up more to Yuuko later on and it does improve their relationship. Then again, as Yuuko herself says later, acting with sincerity to improve your relationship with others is just common sense.
(Which leads me to the thought that Watanuki not realizing this probably comes from his own personal normality of having to hide himself and ahaha, the pain.)
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kanasmusings · 4 years
SERVAMP Stage Additional Cast Announcement
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THEY FINALLY ANNOUNCED MORE CAST~! And now, they’re finally complete~! I can’t wait for the visuals already XD Cast list under the cut, enjoy!
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Takenaka Ryohei (竹中 凌平) as Shirota Mahiru
Chida Kyouhei (千田京平) as Kuro
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Kiyama Ryuu (輝山立) as Alicein Misono
Tominaga Yuuya (富永勇也) as Snow Lily
Hotta Reo (堀田怜央) as Alicein Mikuni
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Katou Ken (加藤健)  as Sendagaya Tetsu
Okui Nagato (奥井那我人) as Hugh the Dark Algernon III
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Kishimoto Yuuta (岸本勇太) as Licht Jekylland Todoroki
Osumi Yuuta ( 大隅勇太) as Lawless/Hyde
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Ukai Mondo (鵜飼主水) as Higan
Matsuda Masaki (松田将希) as Watanuki Sakuya
Washio Shuuto (鷲尾修斗) as Belkia
Katono Taiko (上遠野太洸) as Tsubaki
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nanakah · 3 years
producing fancontent is truly a bizarre endeavor
i'd been at least a good 3 years since i last seriously drew or wrote something other than my oc stuff (and i don't usually publish my stuff, last time I did it was probably my Watanuki illustration for his birthday like two years ago on twitter)
but somehow it's like, once you start your mind derails into several wips??? I had like 3 ishimiko fics in the works but now before actually getting the guts to publish any of those I got like a VISION for what I want their dance to be like and it suddenly overtook everything else in priority because like. I HAVE A MIGHTY NEED TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENED LKAJSLKAJFS
i promise that if i do publish anything, that one will be the first. The others I'm still kinda "eh" about since the next few chapters could make or break the assumptions I made (one is white day-themed, another is kabedon themed LOL), but at least for the dance it's a nice departure point to involve my interpretations and my headcanons. And since we could either never see the flashback OR get something else entirely...it's my chance to run wild with it before the reality ends up influencing my take on it
but i'll say. While I'll die on the hill that unfortunately the Ishimiko story arc is too complex and could have benefitted from being its own manga or changing some pacing issues (*mumble mumble* having Ishigami get over Tsubame as early as xmas and make the entire bad girl storyline happen earlier *mumble mumble*), the dance is like. THE MOMENT for a fix it doujin or something if ever needed.
and i'll say, it's the perfect opportunity to have a poignant thing with Ishi and Miko looking back on their history since middle school with the three dance moments kaguya establishes
1 - your first dance is for someone special (midddle school flashback, a more stiff dance as they're shy and full of regrets about the memories)
2 - it doesn't matter if you dance with other people halfway (e.g. make them dance with prez/chika and maki to symbolize the things they have gone through and their journey to eventually consider being together again)
3- your last dance is for someone special (they decide on their own to dance together again, and it's less stiff than the first dance. because instead of having kaguya gently push them, they seek it for themselves)
and also, it's the perfect starting point for them to have feelings for each other openly.
a confession would be too early, so would be dating. but it would be the PERFECT starting point for ishigami to stop being a thick headed dummy and start using his observational skills to finally think "holy crap, Iino might be into me", and then they go from there
his style is not to make it a huge game or take too long like prez (he has said before in his opinion love and confessions are a matter of speed and being there first, so if he falls in love he believes you should confess the sooner possible), but again, this opinion is also just because i have a mighty need to have them in a flirty/UST stage before moving things along
aaaaaaaaaaaa. i'm such a sap. being a Welcome to the Ballroom fan definitely helps.
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