#stan level 101 achieved
keef-a-corn · 2 years
Dat’s right, People, it’s time for ‘Keef watches TFP and you just get the notes!’
This is for season 1, episode 17: Crisscross.
I write down the timestamps, but I watch Transformers Prime on Stan (an Australian streaming service) so they may be slightly off.
ALSO! I try my best to note points for every character, but tend to get a little caught up by Bee (although I think I do a pretty good job with the notes regardless) so do be warned.
00:16 - Oh dear.. already quite bored
00:41 - One thing to note is that Silas is a mix of Megatron and Optimus. He’s on the field alongside his workers regardless of why they’re there, but he also does not care who he hurts.
01:07 - Airachnid’s always gotta have a cool reveal. Theoretically. In practice it is not achieved.
01:57 - Average day in Australia.
02:37 - OH GAWD. This again??
02:58 - had to take a solid minute to collect myself. They don’t refer to themselves as ‘transformers’ so Airachnid saying that made so much sense, but the actual word sounded so foreign.
03:03 - honestly just hate Airachnid and Arcee’s rivalry so much. There’s no respect in it and it’s not clear (to me at least) how it happened. We get back story for the situation, but it clears up even less. Why is Airachnid specifically going after Arcee?? Why does Arcee take it so personally?.
03:13 - E X C U S E M E
03:28 - let us be clear… rn Jack’s mum is hawt.
03:46 - in Speed Metal this was proven true.
03:58 - Does Jack seriously not have any other friends? The humans are so dependent on the bots it’s frustrating.
04:26 - honestly, June’s a good mum. She’s very clear and firm, but she doesn’t yell.
04:49 - uh.. that’s honestly a weird line and feels really inappropriate.
05:06 - wait, so Arcee stays the night at Jack’s place?? But she works at night too!
05:42 - that car has the same numberplate as Jack’s mum RPI • 437 if it was a background car it wouldn’t matter, but we can see the plate clear as day.
05:55 - WOO! Beeeee
06:00 - the extended part of this scene is a luxury- oh wait… oh.. oh no… it’s a filler. This is a filler episode. That’s why Bee’s there and no one else is. If Ratchet, Optimus and/or Bulkhead don’t talk during this episode, it will confirm it.
06:08 - Hehe, the contrast. Also June listens to elevator music on her drive home.
06:34 - honestly, a little surprised they hadn’t gone with the ‘Doesn’t check the room’ trope.
06:46 - ooooh The light is a ground bridge! Thought they decided to randomly add the idea that when Arcee transforms it’s a Winx like transformation.
06:54 - gaslighting 101.
07:00 - June in denial that her son’s a frickin looser and has no friends.
07:16 - Rest in pieces Jack.
08:03 - I mean- KiNdA
08:08 - Didn’t June get off work early to cook Jack dinner?
08:40 - kinda vibing with Silas and Arcee’s dynamic rn
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08:47 - WTF- seriously tho, wtf?.
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09:37 - Mech is a really weird name for a group that doesn’t like transformers.
09:45 - ‘In my bed. I slept with your mother, Jack. Call me… Papa Silas.’ Would’ve made the episode 100x better.
10:10 - Wait… so the communicator scrambles the signal, so Arcee can’t reach the autobots, but as far as they are aware she’s supposed to be at Jack’s house. If her signal randomly went out, wouldn’t they notice and go looking for her?
10:25 - they had this ability the whole time but only NOW choose to use it?? If they had it set up throughout the town, they would be able to find any bot lickity split, especially if it causes them that much pain.
10:40 - Does anyone else despise the ‘they just want me 🥺’ trope?
10:51 - Arcee’s number plate is 396571.
11:26 - Oh my gaaaaawd! When will Arcee learn that she has to maintain level headed when fighting Airachnid otherwise she’s wasting her strength.
11:34 - the way Arcee’s optics tilted backwards and got big in fear, panic and desperation is a sweet choice. But how has she not realised that with Silas standing there, putting both Jack and June’s lives at risk, that he doesn’t care about them??
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11:43 - bicthless behaviour.
13:09 - Calling her ‘Spider-bot’ rather than her name is both disrespectful in not using her name, but respectful in recognising who she is.
13:21 - The worker calls Arcee ‘it’ - entirely disrespectful and objectifies Arcee.
13:28 - considering how long it took them to simply open Breakdown’s chest plate and remove his eye, it’s safe to assume Arcee’s got plenty of time.
15:33 - what’d I say?
15:38 - he rhymed.
16:01 - what does that mean?.
16:30 - continuity.
16:35 - Awesome shot, which also captures their power imbalance.
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16:40 - significantly higher. Arcee’s strong, yes. But not nearly as strong as Breakdown + Breakdown had assistance from another bot.
17:48 - why wouldn’t they have done the concrete as soon as Airachnid fell? She would’ve been less likely to have woken up.
18:31 - Agent Fowler! Proving to be useful Y E T A G A I N !
18:54 - how did he go so long without noticing that missing??
19:04 - THANK YOU! Responsible man right here!
19:07 - No. that would’ve been a good call because Airachnid’s very dangerous and Arcee cannot handle her on her own.
19:24 - that was very funny. The line was delivered so mildly, but made so much sense as well.
19:46 - They did obtain some information, so I guess Silas got what he wanted.
21:07 - Look at hiiiim
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21:11 - Ratchet turns around like an old man.
21:17 - so jealous of June rn.
21:25 - Another cover poster + Optimus looked slightly offended in the moments before the shot I got a photo of.
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21:28 - Not a word from Bulkhead, Ratchet and Optimus. I wonder w h y .
So that was Crisscross!
Incase it wasn’t apparent, I’m not a fan of the obvious filler episodes. I’m not a fan of Arcee and Airachnid’s dynamic either, so it made the episode worse.
One thing I will give it credit for is that it addressed the fact that June would’ve started to get suspicious.
Crisscross is better than Predatory, but I don’t like either episode.
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valadhxfndr · 5 years
Odin: ‘All hail the rightful Lord of Asgard. The Savior of the Realms. All hail Allfather Thor.’
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wellthatwasaletdown · 2 years
I don't mind stans saying he's the greatest, that is what stans do & he has a lot so, of course he's successful but when people in the industry put him in a higher league, I just want to claw my eyes & ears out. I was just listening to a reaction of "Let's go crazy" by Prince & thought to myself, how did we get here where H can be considered a musician or an icon or a "breaker" of gender norms when there was Prince? WTF! He's a pop singer, full stop (pun intended) & a good one, just not great.
This is an example of them using word association to make people believe he is on the same level as actual music legends. Marketing 101--and another example of Harry and his team taking the easy way instead of actually putting the work in to achieve the success.
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baeksongkaebsong · 5 years
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Sooooo I started stanning Wanna One after they disbanded because I was watching Guanlin’s drama and I found out he was in Produce 101. I decided to watch it and I immediately loved Lai Guanlin even more and got attached to some of the other trainees too. Fast forward, I fell in love with the boys’ hard work, their commitments, their bromance, their jokes, their laughs and their tears. I loved their music and their dances and their humour. Honestly I just love how much the boys appreciate each other and their fans because they know that Wanna One won’t last forever as they will eventually go their separate ways. I was honestly so shattered when I found out that they already disbanded when I started to stan them. Gois this is literally another level of heartbreak. As someone who just entered the fandom, seeing them promote with their other groups or individually makes me so proud of them but also sad at the same time. For those who are promoting individually, they probably feel lonely at times. And that’s what makes me so sad because I literally just watched a video of them together mucking around and roasting each other. Tbh even though I love them I cant even watch their music videos cause thats how sad I’ll get. I remember Guanlin said he couldn’t listen to Wanna One songs because he said he would feel sad and wow honestly, I felt that. I’m just sad that I came into the fandom late. But you know, as Dr. Suess says, don’t cry because its over, smile because it happened. I am so proud of those 11 boys for being brave enough to chase after their dreams. They deserved everything they achieved and for them to even debut and have their own activities after Wanna One makes me even more proud of them! I know they try to meet up every year of their anniversary and I really hope they continue to do that because just the thought of them seeing each other and keeping in touch puts me at ease. Phew! Alsooo I cant watch and listen to Spring Breeze without crying cause the video ans lyrics just hits the feels.
Credit to the right owner of this picture!!
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this has been the most wild fuckin year so let’s do a Year in Review shall we
in terms of internet and fandom life, that is. my real life has been atrociously boring but who cares about real life amirite folx
january probably the only calm month of the year.  i spent the first day of the month watching the brazilian inauguration in burgos, spain with one headphone in, while ordering for my family in a restaurant where nobody spoke english (my sister speaks decent spanish, but my whole family has like 8194814 food restrictions so it kind of went past her level of ability). translating between spanish and english with portuguese in one year was kind of awesome. i watched bodyguard and it was amazing!  what else...in january i briefly owned the issue of spanish GQ with Luka on the cover which i then forgot about until november. other than that...? nada.  the calm before the storm. (fav music)
february was so long ago that i keep forgetting how insane its 28 days were.  probably the wildest month of the year really. i got involved in an absolutely batshit and exclusive group chat with a famous person’s family member (which must remain confidential). it was all sunshine and rainbows for a week and a half and it then devolved into the most absolutely insane Lord of the Flies situation ever--it turned into 1 main chat and then 1 chat that was less puritanical than the main chat, and that chat spawned another chat that didn’t trust the previous chat, and then that chat had a massive argument and a like 6-person bitchy chat modded by a gay guy who does voodoo (shoutout to ALCIDES) spawned from that one.  i made it into every level of group chat and was asked by the tiny bitchy chat to spy on the other bitchy chat (i did not lol). i was a member of the tiny bitchy chat until i got a new phone and was logged out of whatsapp for like a month.  these words can’t even convey what this chat was like--oh and did i mention it was all conducted in only my 3rd-best language? it’s no wonder my weird ass survived middle school almost entirely unscathed.  as this was winding down, on the very last day of the month, I found out about Justin’s involvement in the SNC-Lavalin scandal and decided to go public about my years-long boner for him; Lavscam definitely changed the course of the rest year ~ Oh, also i began helping to repair a friendship that had had some Drama go down so that was p cool ~ (fav music)
march was a Time. The insanity of lavscam helped me finally finish the macdeau I started writing the previous December when a bunch of tungelr people called me disgusting for writing it.  i wrote my first straight-up serious explicit porn in years which has wound up being the third-longest thing i’ve ever published on ao3. Also, Hozier released Wasteland, Baby! which made a huge impact on me as well.  i spent like half of march staying up till 3:30 am writing said Long Fic, and i was firmly in the closet about stanning manu. also justin almost got a vote of no confidence or something and he got busted for eating a chocolate bar during a parliamentary all-nighter.  (fav music)
in april i wrote a ton of fanfic thanks to declining mental health(tm).  i think this is when i started my emmanuyell insta account and became really into making weird edits (which i still love doing just...don’t anymore.)  i started meeting some cool people thanks to macdeau.  what else happened in april? i feel like it wasn’t actually too eventful other than writing a lot of fanfic and being Annoyed about manu.  feel free to jog my memory lol.  oh i think i wrote “Okay so who from the French national team are we gonna ship Manu with” on twitter after seeing photos of manu + antoine griezmann at the World Cup but nothing came of that...at that time... (fav music)
may saw me having to deal with my shit mental health and up my meds but that seems to have had a good effect because i seem to not be too depressed to write in the winter/fall anymore! it was the 2nd anniversary of manu’s election and at the Christchurch Call in paris, macdeau took that amazing fairytale princess photo together that was completely unrivalled in Gay Shippy Feels moments until ivan went out of his way to kiss luka during the el clásico gameplay last wednesday. someone wrote ao3′s first griezmanu drabble and at the end manu gets down on his knees in front of antoine, takes off his shoes for him, and sucks his dick, and i achieved another state of being entirely.  my sister graduated from grad school and when we went down to DC for the weekend i went to eat at this restaurant manu famously ate at while there and ordered the same stuff he did and i have no idea how he consumed all that grease.  i learned about the song O Come, O Come, Emmanuel *snort*. i feel like other things happened in may too?  OH YES--i got the idea for my magnum opus, Trophy Boyfriend, and started to write it. the first scene i wrote was justin blowing manu in the hallway. then the same day i wrote the scene at the airport (which was the ending for a solid month and half till i realized it shouldn’t be), and the saddest scene in the fic--but we’ll stop to open presents.  oh! and i stumbled across the macronists discord chat which is such a delightful little community *weepy sniffles* (fav music)
june was Eventful.  a french neonazi on tumblr told me to go let manu fuck me in the ass because i was a fucking degenerate.  what a start!  then came the ceremony in which manu awarded everyone on the french national team the legion of honor medal and the way he and antoine looked at each other was truly...Wait it was the 3rd Gay Shippy Feels moment of the year.  as soon as the ceremony was over i wrote a fic about it and haven’t looked back.  between this + watching almost every 2018 World Cup game and the women’s world cup (during which I cried during argentina’s last game because of that miraculous penalty) i finally achieved my years-long goal of getting into Futbol(TM).  Antoine dropped his spotify playlist and my crush on him turned into Intense Love (TM) and also he introduced me to some legit awesome artists.  which led to (fav music)
july, in which i wrote “ça c’est ma dope” which is definitely the best thing i’ve written since i wrote “modernity towering in front of the sky” almost exactly 10 years before. got embroiled in Soccer Transfer Drama and learned its pain for the first time (unfortunately, since i wound up attaching my heart-wagon to barça’s Suddenly Least Favorite Player, the transfer drama pain has...never ended) became a full-fledged culé, O the joy O the honor.  i wanted to ship antoine with someone on the team, which in their current chemistry-less season is a real challenge, but after seeing a few photos i decided it would be fun to casually ship antoine + ivan rakitic (partially because, ever since i went from Enemies to Lovers with the croatia NT during the World Cup, he was one of the only players i knew anything about other than messi, suárez, and piqué lmao). while looking on ao3 to see what kind of headcanons people had about him--and the fic is definitely in general better than what’s out there about antoine, which is perplexing because antoine is much easier to write than ivan--i found That Amazing Rakidric Fic and thought “oh wait that ship makes a lot of sense” and started also shipping ivan and luka with the fire of a thousand suns.  oh and my air conditioner was broken for like 3 weeks. i worked on more fics, seriously outlining the path of Trophy Boyfriend, and my music taste was killer. (fav music)
in august i finished Trophy Boyfriend in my neighborhood Starbucks after writing the scene that was giving me the most trouble (the scene at the beginning where they’re organizing their book collection). the fic has made multiple people cry and people disagree on whether justin’s choice at the end was the right one and god i’m so proud of it.  Instantly went on to write ‘i might not mind,’ a lively lighthearted Friends to Lovers ivantoine~ romp which was definitely going to be a one-off and i was definitely not going to get an extra celeb crush out of it,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, (fav music)
in september ivantoine became A Thing in my mind and it’s a whole ongoing slow-burn character-arcy series that has taken a very different turn than i had expected. i’m not saying it’s like, the most deep writing of all time, but it’s gone to some interesting places emotionally. honestly, ships and boners aside, the concept of a person who made some really stupid homophobia 101 comments many years ago slowly realizing over and over again that they have gay feelings for a man who seems rather comfortable with gayness is a fascinating one and one that’s really cool to explore in writing.  Or at least, i think so.  in many ways ivan is my most unreliable narrator because of the many layers of Discomfort, Emotion and Repression at play in the fic while he’s interacting with this pretty cheery and uncomplicated seeming-dude who’s still perceptive enough to sort of know what’s going on (and that’s not even adding in the star player/falling from grace former rockstar dynamic!!!)  i know in the current climate it’s Not Allowed to write about someone who said a bad, but luckily i’m too old to give a Fuck. ivantoine is hard to write but it’s my bff’s favorite ship of mine and has a few other excited fans on ao3 which tbh is kind of an accomplishment considering i made it up out of thin air and it’s not something you’d ever think would be a thing. instantly also developed ‘getting called out about ivan by a child on the internet’ as a goal.  and...i achieved my dream of leading high holiday services!!! (fav music)
october had more high holiday services and i worked a lot on certain fics (including d*janfic which would be fun to finish). i came up with the idea of a Very Long Rakidric Fic based on the translation of a gorgeous croatian folk song i sang in college (Janko fell asleep under the poplar/My dear and beloved/My beautiful dark eyes/Look at me/Under the poplar's golden branch/My dear and beloved/My beautiful dark eyes/Look at me/I tore off the golden branch/My dear and beloved/My beautiful dark eyes/Look at me--in which the golden branch is a reference to a way to get into the underworld). decided to start quarter-assedly learning croatian for fun.  Fun...ha.  other than fangirling a lot and watching the croatian NT play, october was pretty uneventful? i think? Justin got reelected and mauricio didn’t ;( (fav music)
in november i finally achieved my dream of having a literal child on the internet call me out about being attracted to a homophobe.  (they were a madridista even!) accidentally started writing some more rakidric and now i’m seriously hooked.  also accidentally came out of the closet about the secret crush i’d been harboring on luka modric and then one fateful day in the ihop on 14th st i realized i’d had this crush already and repressed it from my memory. Don’t do that kids! now it’s Hurting Really Bad. Ivan dropped the most pathetic and candid interview like...ever and i hope “¿Cómo puede disfrutar uno? Jugando al fútbol. ¿Cómo se siente mi hija pequeña cuando le quitan un juguete? Triste. Yo me siento igual. Me han quitado la pelota, me siento triste” goes down in the history of most epic futbol quotes of all time.  (still haven’t actually been able to watch this because no one has uploaded it anywhere)  What else...............Am i forgetting anything? i celebrated my birthday with @tender-vittles in epic fashion after two years of Not doing that, and turned 32 going on 15.  enjoyed my first-ever “x reader” fic (zlatko dalic x reader LOL) and finished “drive your plow over the bones of the dead” which was real fucking good. i saw hozier live and it was a religious experience and i unexpectedly cried during nina cried power and then called myself “Luka B” when ordering at the classy taco bell across the street after getting a glimpse of alexxx ryan in the flesh. (fav music)
now it’s december and my seasonal depression is a little worse than it’s been the past few years but i’m managing.  still shipping and writing and i just got called out about ivan again last week.  i’m 2 for 2 here!  el clásico was boring but also it was gay and my heart my heart my heart ! Anything could happen in the last 10 days of this year and honestly...I’m pretty sure I’m ready.
Most importantly this year, despite it being not that great in a lot of ways, I developed a lot more self confidence, made many important realizations, and became a lot more peaceful (despite how this post makes me sound) and wiser and less bitter and pessimistic.  And i became outspoken enough about antisemitism on the left to lose friends over it...3 for 3.  i can’t say i’m displeased with these developments.
Hasta 2020! <3
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lashydsdomain · 6 years
1-154. you wont
bet i will
1: Full name
lashy. das all you get
2: Age
3: 3 Fears
stairs, glass breaking, not being able to get ahold of someone
4: 3 things I love
my ocs uwu, my friends, my fucking tablet goddamn
5: 4 turns on
not comfy sharing on tumblr
6: 4 turns off
ill say ill come back to this one then leave this in the post
7: My best friend
rn i would say it’s probably blitztrolls
8: Sexual orientation
pan uwu
9: My best first date
ahh.... i havent had an in person first date still ;u;
10: How tall am I
11: What do I miss
not being stressed eue;;;
12: What time were I born
13: Favourite color
pale blu
14: Do I have a crush
ye u//w//u
15: Favourite quote
you know these things are asked and my mind goes blank
16: Favourite place
the woods just after it’s rained
17: Favourite food
im a basic bitch and just gonna say mac n cheese
18: Do I use sarcasm
no absolutely not. nope.
19: What am I listening to right now
ambles playlist- it’s on ocean eyes by billie elish rn
20: First thing I notice in new person
prooooobably like. their face? typing style if it’s online
21: Shoe size
uhhhhhh i think like a womens 10?
22: Eye color
23: Hair color
dark brown
24: Favourite style of clothing
loose and baggy because if i cant be comfortable what’s the point
25: Ever done a prank call?
27: Meaning behind my URL
lashyd was one of my first fantrolls and i liked the way it sounded
28: Favourite movie
mmmmm either labyrinth, princess mononoke or annihilation
29: Favourite song
no clue my friend im bad at picking
30: Favourite band
same as above sweats
31: How I feel right now
excited but tired
32: Someone I love
passivetrolls u//w//u/
33: My current relationship status
in a relationship!
34: My relationship with my parents
love my dad, kinda dislike my mom
35: Favourite holiday
christ mass
36: Tattoos and piercing i have
none, im so scared of needles ;u;
37: Tattoos and piercing i want
mmmmmaybe something stupid and simple on like my ankle?? i dunno what tho sweats
38: The reason I joined Tumblr
another fandom and i got bored with homeschooling lmao
39: Do I and my last ex hate each other?
i dislike them but they have tried to contact me a few times before i blocked them
40: Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts?
not usually
41: Have I ever kissed the last person you texted?
i dont text so ill go w discord and no i have not the last person i messaged was you shenk gdi
42: When did I last hold hands?
the 2nd ;u;
43: How long does it take me to get ready in the morning?
7ish minutes
44: Have You shaved your legs in the past three days?
hellllllllllll no
45: Where am I right now?
46: If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me?
prooooobably my bf or my dad. hate alcohol tho
47: Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level?
loud but only w speakers
48: Do I live with my Mom and Dad?
only da
49: Am I excited for anything?
absolutely motherfucker im making new friends left and right
50: Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to?
i got two uwu
51: How often do I wear a fake smile?
:))))))) irl most of the time tbh
52: When was the last time I hugged someone?
last night
53: What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me?
i would probably cry ugnfldkjfgslfdjg the last person i kissed was my bf wheezes
54: Is there anyone I trust even though I should not?
i mean probably.
55: What is something I disliked about today?
ehhhh nothing bad has really happened today
56: If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?
probably my friend from serbia uwu
57: What do I think about most?
ocs probably sweats
58: What’s my strangest talent?
burping on command? i dunno
59: Do I have any strange phobias?
glass shattering ouo;;;
60: Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?
beh ind
61: What was the last lie I told?
calling myself a basic bitch lmao
62: Do I perfer talking on the phone or video chatting online?
phone probably? video calls make me nervous
63: Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens?
hell yeah to both
64: Do I believe in magic?
hell yeah i yell tossing salt on all my rocks
65: Do I believe in luck?
66: What’s the weather like right now?
uhhh clear i think
67: What was the last book I’ve read?
Shibuya Goldfish
68: Do I like the smell of gasoline?
69: Do I have any nicknames?
lash, lashy, gremlin and then stupid relationship nicknames gldsfgjfgs
70: What was the worst injury I’ve ever had?
prooobably almost falling down some stairs at a con and chipping my shin and probably partly pulling my shoulder out of the socket
71: Do I spend money or save it?
i try to save but end up spending it ouo;;;;
72: Can I touch my nose with a tounge?
73: Is there anything pink in 10 feets from me?
there are some half customized MH dolls so i guess yeah
74: Favourite animal?
cat uwu
75: What was I doing last night at 12 AM?
drawing ambles trollcall pick
76: What do I think is Satan’s last name is?
satan stan obviously
77: What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it?
Here - Ancient Magus' Bride OP
78: How can you win my heart?
art of my ocs ngl
79: What would I want to be written on my tombstone?
fuck if i knew
80: What is my favorite word?
probably fuck if you would ask my phone lmao
81: My top 5 blogs on tumblr
82: If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say?
hey fuckers lets rumble
83: Do I have any relatives in jail?
not that i know of
84: I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power?
teleportation ngl
85: What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on?
probably 87
86: What is my current desktop picture?
Tumblr media
87: Had sex?
sweats how about we move on
88: Bought condoms?
89: Gotten pregnant?
hell no
90: Failed a class?
i think yeah
91: Kissed a boy?
92: Kissed a girl?
93: Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain?
does it count if we were indoors
94: Had job?
not yet wheezes
95: Left the house without my wallet?
96: Bullied someone on the internet?
i dont think so i mgiht have when i was younger
97: Had sex in public?
n o
98: Played on a sports team?
99: Smoked weed?
100: Did drugs?
only weedles
101: Smoked cigarettes?
102: Drank alcohol?
yes and i hated it
103: Am I a vegetarian/vegan?
104: Been overweight?
105: Been underweight?
106: Been to a wedding?
107: Been on the computer for 5 hours straight?
 every day p much
108: Watched TV for 5 hours straight?
109: Been outside my home country?
110: Gotten my heart broken?
;;;; yeah
111: Been to a professional sports game?
112: Broken a bone?
113: Cut myself?
if this is on accident then ya
114: Been to prom?
prom is a waste of time ngl just go to arbys
115: Been in airplane?
116: Fly by helicopter?
n o
117: What concerts have I been to?
blueman group and the 4th of july ones that play around here
118: Had a crush on someone of the same sex?
119: Learned another language?
bits and pieces
120: Wore make up?
121: Lost my virginity before I was 18?
122: Had oral sex?
lets just skip the sex questions
123: Dyed my hair?
124: Voted in a presidential election?
125: Rode in an ambulance?
126: Had a surgery?
127: Met someone famous?
128: Stalked someone on a social network?
god no
129: Peed outside?
this question is weird
130: Been fishing?
hell the fuck yeah
131: Helped with charity?
132: Been rejected by a crush?
yeah ;u;
133: Broken a mirror?
i dont think so
134: What do I want for birthday?
135: How many kids do I want and what will be their names?
136: Was I named after anyone?
i was named after two people uwu
137: Do I like my handwriting?
i can barely read it lmao i hate it
138: What was my favourite toy as a child?
my stuffed tigger uwu
139: Favourite Tv Show?
fuck i dunno probably cyberchase or fetch i dont watch tv anymore lmao
140: Where do I want to live when older?
somewhere quiet but convenient
141: Play any musical instrument?
flute and violin
142: One of my scars, how did I get it?
i have a scar on my knuckle from making garlic bread ;u; wasnt even good
143: Favourite pizza toping?
banana peppers
144: Am I afraid of the dark?
145: Am I afraid of heights?
mmmm at times
146: Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad?
yeah >w>;;;
147: Have I ever tried my hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end?
all the mc fuckin time
148: What I’m really bad at
telling people when im not up for something
149: What my greatest achievments are
being alive you fuckers cant beat me i won over hundreds of other fuckers and im here
150: The meanest thing somebody has ever said to me
Lets Not, Kids
151: What I’d do if I won in a lottery
buy so much cosplay shit and helping friends get what they need
152: What do I like about myself
im getting better uwu
153: My closest Tumblr friend
passivetrolls or blitztrolls wheezes
154: Something I fantasize about
being able to help my friends out of the places they are right now QuQ
155: Any question you’d like?
more questions for amble and my other girls!
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bananban-feature · 4 years
Why Do I Like BTS
I wrote this on my other blog before I decided to make this special feature blog where I would put all of my interests. 
On 31st October 2020:
It’s been exactly one month since I became a BTS fan. And my obsession has just become crazy recently, despite deliberately trying to avoid thinking about them. So I wanted to dig deep on why this group had this much effect on me, despite being an unlikely music choice against my taste.
I absolutely did not expect for this post to be so long! I guess I just had a lot to say, and I have to let it all out. That’s why I’m going crazy. Hope my brain gets better after writing.
How I Got Interested
I will never forget this video because this is the one that got me really interested in BTS (and Kpop after): Live performance of Dynamite - Bedroom Remix (https://youtu.be/liyn48Amjdw). I was just so impressed by a few things in this that I watched it so many times!
First of all, it was my first time listening to this song as a whole. First time listening to it live, too. It’s a very catchy song! This is my jam.
Jungkook’s whole intro - 1) His stable voice while doing the moonwalk and all that dancing. I knew Kpop artists can sing, I knew Kpop artists can dance, but to do both at the same time that well? It was very obvious that this was live singing, and yet his voice was so clean while dancing, and easy to listen to. (Tbh, I wasn’t all that impressed by the vocal line’s singing aside from him and Jimin, and surprisingly - Jhope, who is actually not part of the vocal line.) And 2) His stage presence. I really enjoyed watching him go through his whole part because it really seemed like he was having SO MUCH FUN!!! It just changed my view of kpop idols that screamed they are manufactured and they are stressed. Jungkook just really seemed to genuinely enjoy performing. Maybe his smile, as a handsome person, was also a slight factor, but I really think it was the energy he gave off. Tbh, this goes for all of them!
Subsequently after that, the members stood up one by one. RM impressed me with a rap that’s well done, particularly the way he said “this beat chaching like money” with a wink. (He’s was charismatic!) I don’t know, it could be just the song writing. Or it could be him. Again, the fun energy!
J-hope was next, and I was impressed by the way he delivered his part, especially the high pitch in “I’m diamond” and the riff in “you know I glow up.” I thought, wow, they’re all doing their parts so well, I did not expect this. (Also, RM’s “hey, so let’s go!” idk it’s so good.)
In fact, as the video progressed, you can see that it was not just Jungkook who was enjoying but all of them. All of the members did (except for SUGA and his constant poker face, even though I’m now a big SUGA stan). The way the members looked at whoever was performing was a look of great delight. And they supported each other’s lines with nice adlibs. It’s such a very positive fun, friendly, and brotherly energy.
Jimin’s solemn part came and it was just simply angelic. I have another note on this - Jimin. He was the only BTS member I knew of before this! I know him because I once saw a video on a guy spending thousands of dollars to look like him, saying he had the most perfect face of all. I was like, “Huh? He’s not even that handsome!” I also know him because he was mentioned in a TwoSet violin reaction video (me as an absolute TwoSet fan). Eddie is a Jimin fan! Anyway, Jimin’s part was absolutely angelic, and I didn’t expect it. I used to dislike the idea of being a fan of Jimin, cause he was being idolized for his visuals when he actually wasn’t the best in it (this was me before becoming a BTS fan), but I suddenly understood when I saw him perform. He was ADORABLE. It’s hard to hate him. Plus, his cute dance at the end.
The video just kept getting better with Jungkook’s high note. (I gotta say, Dynamite was really JK era.)
Anyway, I was so impressed by this performance. The caption of the friend who posted this was about “Taehyung” and I wanted to know what part of the video she was talking about. Who is Taehyung? On top of that, I wanted to know what Jungkook’s name was (and they look incredibly alike if you don’t know them), cause he was obviously my favorite in this video, so I tried to know all their names!
I googled all of them and Jin and V’s visuals were making me blush!!! That’s when I started to really try to get to know them by reading “BTS 101″ articles and watching more performances/music videos. SUGA’s part in the article was interesting, seeing how he went through financial struggles, and how he’s very vocal about society’s issues and his mental illnesses. It struck a chord in my heart.
I also looked out for their dance moves (in true kpop fashion) in their performances, and I was just blown away by the fact that it’s so well choreographed and well-performed, and they’re singing live on top of that. “ON” in Grand Central Terminal? Crazy! I personally liked Mic Drop too because it was my favorite from Sunny Funny Fitness’s Zumba (even though I didn’t know who BTS was). Also knew Boy With Luv from Zumba, so it wasn’t hard to listen to the song. And Spring Day was just familiar (probably from TwoSet violin).
Oh, I forgot, I’ve already seen their Carpool Karaoke with James Corden (as a carpool karaoke fan) a few times way before I knew them. I watched it more than once cause they’re so funny and it’s just interesting to see a kpop group in there.
Now that I’m looking back, I’m surprised to know I still remember this much detail about that fateful hour that got me into BTS mode.
It’s crazy cause now, I’m less focused on their performances, but on videos that show their personality and relationships.
Having Biases
My bias keeps changing: Jungkook (a charismatic performer) > V (as a good-looking cool kid, who apparently is an actual baby) > Jin (the good-looking, loving/kind, and crazy hyung who is also a fake maknae) > Maknae line (crackheads, fun and talented/aesthetically-pleasing bunch, including Jin) > Jungkook (idk he’s just cute, and considered golden maknae) > Suga (cool rap lines, wonderful opennes, hard work, talent, wisdom, etc) > RM (genius and best leader of kpop) > Rap Line (the OG writers that give depth to BTS songs), OT7 (they are all special in their own way), etc
Overall, I personally relate the most to Suga and Jungkook. Suga in his openness about mental issues and being a tired old man. Jungkook in having many interests and hobbies, also shyness. I am also not sure why but I definitely resonate with Jin’s personality too (definitely not the looks though, I’m not that gorgeous.)
The Effect
I want to talk about the effect of BTS on me, healthy and unhealthy:
The good thing they’ve brought me is my interest in exercise the week I became a fan. Suddenly, exercise became fun because it was dancing to their songs (Zumba) and listening to their songs while jogging.
Me comparing myself to them, but with a more positive effect - Seeing how they’ve achieved so much despite being young, I keep telling myself, I want to achieve more, too, and work hard like them. The truth is, I also think that if BTS meets me and sees my situation as a bum who just keeps watching videos all day long, it sounds really pathetic.
I am so inspired by their personality and friendship. Everybody appreciates and genuinely loves the others, with no competition. They’re all very humble, very honest, and very caring. It makes me want to be kind and love other people like that too.
I just keep watching their clips and Youtube videos about them. As I said, I love watching things showing their character and relationships. It’s a waste of time, really, but I can’t help it. I want to watch all of Run BTS, but now I’m trying not to. There came a point where I can’t work if I’m not also watching their clips in the background.
The obsession - I have been thinking about them a lot these days, especially Jungkook. It’s very weird. “What would Jungkook like?” It’s a very weird situation in my head. I started thinking what kind of girl he and the rest of BTS would like, and would like to ship them with the best and most talented girls in the world, if not me lol.
The negative side of comparing myself to them is wanting to be as talented as them or noticed by them, and focusing my thoughts around that, I guess. This includes wanting to live in a first world country like Korea, where life seems better and easier.
The Unlikely Music Choice
I’m not a Hip Hop fan! Anyone can tell, my vibe is mostly on the acoustic side. I am very much impressed by Suga’s rap and I love him for that, but the truth is, I don’t exactly know what good rap sounds like, because I barely heard any rap. The sound of BTS songs (both old and new) isn’t exactly the type that I would intentionally listen to (aside from the non-hiphop sounding ones). In fact, I only began to like Hip hop because of BTS.
I am also not a typical Kpop and dance fan. As I said, I’m more of an acoustic gal. I don’t value dancing skills as much as other people. I would put kpop in the lower part of my “upbeat songs” folder, which I would listen to for jogging. Again, I would never have intentionally listened to songs like Black Swan, Fire, and BST. Not my jam. But look at me now, impressed with them and I just don’t know why.
I said all these gaps in my interest, but now I started to genuinely enjoy the hip hop and kpop genre. I’ve even explored other groups.
Vocals - I am saying I don’t give a lot of value to dance, so I look at singing. But even in singing, they aren’t the best either. I don’t like Jin and V’s voices to be honest, I really mistook them for visuals who were just forced to sing. (It’s true for Jin. Hearing V’s opera voice changed this view, but I still don’t like his ordinary singing voice cause it sounds so muffled.) Jungkook is a great singer, but there are also guys better than him or at the same level as him in other groups, also good-looking, also good in dance. (Not sure about the dance part, cause I haven’t really seen other people’s performances, but I’m sure there are a lot more power vocals out there, like Exo guys or something.)
Talent (Instruments) - I’m totally an instruments person! I am always most impressed by singers/performers who are multi-talented, and play their own instruments - like Henry Lau (talent genius, I love him), and I know there are a lot more who aren’t noticed. But none of BTS are really all that great in instruments, though they’re starting to learn. Suga plays the piano, but he never really uses it in performances, so it is yet to truly impress me.
In terms of friendship, I haven’t seen other groups, but I heard they’re also close. IDK.
So why do I like them?
The Possible Reasons
I guess it’s that they are my first serious exposure to excellent dance performances in kpop. (I know now there are also other groups with synchronized and difficult dances, but back then, kpop groups’ dances that I know of did not make my jaw drop). Seriously, ON was so good. I guess it’s also the type of music they have that accentuates their incredible choreography and intense performance.
Their relationships with each other - Their brotherly love for each other is just so cute. From friendly banters, crackhead crazy moments, supporting each other (physically, mentally and emotionally) and even showing all their affection physically and verbally - it’s all very heartwarming. They truly love and appreciate one another and their togetherness.
They are crackheads and they all are genuinely nice people. I just love their stupid antics, Jin’s dad jokes, Jungkook’s banter, Maknae line’s mischief, and all their BTS craziness even from the hyung rap line.
On top of this, as it manifests in their relationships, they are really good-hearted men. They care about others, and are humble enough to talk issues through. Their synergy is really cool, seeing how they are all different people, but they work so well together, and I personally believe it’s because of their character.
Songwriting - I am a fan of actual artists - performers who make their own music, write and produce their own songs. Suga and RM’s (especially RM) writing makes BTS songs deep and speak volumes to people. The others have learned to create music too, so that’s nice. Honestly, I didn’t realize this until I heard people talk about this in the many comments I read. I didn’t know their songs had a lot of meaning. And I didn’t know they had that much involvement in their outputs. I just appreciate the idea that it has a lot of meaning, especially that they apparently speak about social issues that other kpop groups won’t talk about.
They’re good at other things too, like sports. Jungkook is just so fit. Suga is good in basketball. Jin is good in cooking. RM has a high IQ.
I guess they’re just so charismatic! Both on stage and off-stage!
Other people’s good word. A lot of promotions. Their personalities are also easily accessible. IDK.
Thinking about this and considering the possibility (and the fact) that there are many kpop groups and other musicians that are more handsome than them, more talented than them, and are also friendly with each other, I don’t know why I’m just that interested in checking them out. I guess I’ve filled my cup with a stan. Or maybe BTS has become too familiar, that they’ve become my comfort. Maybe getting to know other groups seems like another wave of extreme efforts, especially after seeing the effect it has on me.
I am a natural fan girl and addict. But I don’t think many musicians have impacted me like BTS did. (Even CN Blue, who fits the talent checklist in terms of instrument and songwriting, didn’t make me this obsessed.)
Oh well. It must be the promo being done by Big Hit. (I still like Bang PD for being a great CEO, giving the artists musical freedom and having more loose conditions for the idols than other companies.)
I sincerely hope writing all this quiets down my brain.
Nov Update: I’ve began to realize that the power of ARMYs are that strong because they are so effective in building a deep emotional connection to them. They have shown a lot of themselves in their different reality shows, and even in the way they are interviewed. Bighit really knows how to highlight one strong point about them - their great personalities. Getting to know them is both like becoming closer to friends and getting inspiration and learnings from icons. You get to have access to their inner thoughts and creative space. The way they speak and the message they put out also touches the hearts of many. On top of this, because they now work on a big budget, all their performances and productions are next level! Our jaw just drop because of the stage set ups and all that.
Additional observation: Upon watching other groups’ clips, I feel like BTS has a different kind of relationship with each other compared to them. While other groups obviously have fun and are very close, BTS are like family. They also have fun, but they are very expressive of their affection towards each other, not just verbally but also physically. They hug and touch each other randomly all the time, but I haven’t exactly seen other groups do that. So I guess there’s that.
Seven members is a good number - there is enough variety in personalities, but not too many that you don’t get to know each one enough/deeper. I feel like BTS members are a perfect fit for each other, each person has their own type of appeal. Other groups tend to have members that have similar vibes. But in BTS, there’s no duplicate, each one is so unique. RM is the charismatic, intelligent, socially-relevant leader, well-respected by everyone. Suga is the cool swag rapper with tsundere vibes, who also acts like a tired old man. Jhope is the fashionable dancer knows all the latest trends, who also brings a different flavor of rap. Jimin is the petite, “effeminate”, loving, angelic character with intense performance duality. V is the 4D personality who acts like a baby but gives a high fashion smize on stage/photo shoots. Jin is the super handsome and incredibly funny guy, but also acts like a mom to them. Jungkook is the youngest who beats his hyungs physically and is good at everything. There’s no duplicate! And what can I say, they really have the visuals!
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spicyfishcakes · 7 years
honest thoughts on wanna one (part 1)
so yes, like any other produce 101 fan, i stayed up late to watch the final episode. i had my own desired list of top 11 but i suddenly grew to really like ot20 so accepting the final line-up was easy for me. however, i really do agree that some of the trainees who didn’t make it still had so much potential and it hurts my heart to see them not debut ;;
1. Kang Daniel: he really did deserve this position by showcasing his talents. i also want to acknowledge his adaptibility in fulfilling the different positions and roles he took up/was given during evaluations. im happy for him and am glad that he was able to make it this far!
2. Park Jihoon: i never really knew what the hype was about him other than being ‘wink boy’ on their very first nayana stage. he didn’t exactly grab my attention but i have to admit he will be a good addition to wanna one as the visual. i guess he did have, along with a strong fanbase, a clean and innocent image which definitely made his journey to top 2 more achievable.
3. Lee Dae Hwi: as a brand new music (bnm) stan this produce 101, im absolutely elated to witness his rise in position after quite some time. i think he is a very strong and independent boy who was able to handle the stress during evaluations despite being just 16 (international age)
4. Kim Jae Hwan: yes!!! i always liked the colour of his voice and wished that more people would actually recognise that. he has been the main vocal since group battle all the way till now and being ranked 13th last week, i was exceptionally worried. however, he finally made it (and even further up) and im just thankful people realise how much he can actually contribute to wanna one vocally.
5. Ong Seong Woo: his humour and variety skills has led me to root for him as i see him as one of the mood makers in wanna one. i can’t wait to see him and the other members on weekly idol or something of that sort because it would be so entertaining. i also admire how consistent his rankings were since it wasn’t easy considering how much it has fluctuated for others every week.
6. Park Woo Jin: MY FIXED PICK MY BIAS MY FAVOURITE MEMBER :“) IM SO HAPPY HE MADE IT FROM 72ND IN EP 1 TO THIS. despite getting shingles and all, he literally braved through the entire show doing his ultimate best. not only did he gain recognition slowly, he also started to be more cute and confident during filming and i just ;-; so precious!!! must protect!!!!
7. Lai Guan Lin: he flew all the way up and im just beyond speechless because he did it! being a foreigner was definitely hard enough for him, let alone competing with 100 other boys for a chance to debut. he must have wanted to express much of his gratitude but couldn’t because of the language barrier but i for sure have to say, he is one tough kid.
8. Yoon Ji Sung: i was extremely surprised he made it because of how much his ranking could change everytime. im expecting him to be the leader now since many of the boys also said that he was very dependable and had a motherly figure! i also think he would be one of the mood makers and meme of wanna one.
9. Hwang Min Hyun: im definitely happy for him but im sure he felt apologetic yet thankful yet guilty yet lonely. knowing that he was the only one from nuest that was able to make the cut, he probably felt too sad and sorry to even be happy. i hope, however, he will still make the best out of it and do well. i rooted for him as well and im relieved that at least he made it.
10. Bae Jin Young: i didn’t expect him to be in top 11 at first and that’s also because of how much his rankings have changed over the weeks. his fanbase seemed really strong as well so he managed to secure a spot. i think he has improved a lot since the start and im anticipating more of his improvement in skill level as well as confidence!
11. Ha Sung Woon: i was actually skeptical when he climbed up to 3rd the last episode because some fans may think his sudden existence will threaten their bias’ ranks. he made it still after almost an hour filled with suspense. another strong vocal and im definitely not complaining!
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p-arkwoojin · 7 years
i made something similar for the wanna one’s final lineup but this one is for my faves that didn’t get in:
Jung Sewoon: i really wanted it to be you. up until the last second i was praying that you’ll be the one to get in. you’ve caught me since the first episode and i can’t be more proud to say that i’ve supported you since the beginning. i believe that you are made for greater things and i can’t wait for you to achieve your dreams.
Takada Kenta: to my all time fave, thank you for being the bubbly cry baby that you are. i look up to you so much. you who is so friendly towards everyone, you who is always sincere, you who always tries and does his best. i have fallen for you so many times that i lost count. i can’t say this enough but, thank you for all of your hard work. i love you.
Kim Yongguk: your vocals were truly a hidden jewel and i admit that you’re definitely one of p101’s dark horses. i hope you don’t feel that you weren’t worthy to be in the top 20 because you most definitely were!! i’m very glad to see you making friends, it warms my heart so much to see you smile and laugh. i hope to see you debut and succeed in this industry.
Woo Jinyoung: thank you for the most iconic line this show has ever seen. you are both so cute and so fierce. i’m not gonna lie you were my favourite rapper out of all the other trainees and i was so sad to see you get eliminated. but i’ll look at this in a positive way, now i’ll be waiting for you to debut along with the hf boys. i will be here to support you, always.
Lee Junwoo: to our precious tatata trainee, watching countdown 101 and your kiss kiss performance was the moment you caught my attention. i hope you know that you’re much more than your level class. i’m happy to say that i stan someone as talented and as full of potential as you. i will always be proud of you and i will always support you.
Lee Taemin: it was sad that you had to drop out for health reasons and i hope you stop apologizing for it. i’m happy that you put yourself first. thank you for all the laughter you have given and thank you for your sincerity. i hope to see you continue to pursue your dream.
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pandannoart · 8 years
Fancy knowing anything about me?
1: Full name Danny Mourre 2: Age 24 3: 3 Fears Dying alone, enclosed places, crowds 4: 3 things I love Art, my dogs, music 5: 4 turns on Intelligence, kindness, confidence, artistic 6: 4 turns off Dirty, judgmental, narcissistic, entitled 7: My best friend Dylan, Lizz, Rachael 8: Sexual orientation Straight 9: My best first date All of my first dates have gone bad 10: How tall am I 5,5 11: What do I miss Being happy and feeling loved 12: What time were I born 8:26 PM 13: Favourite color Green 14: Do I have a crush --- 15: Favourite quote "It can't rain all the time" 16: Favourite place NYC 17: Favourite food Peking Duck 18: Do I use sarcasm Yes 19: What am I listening to right now The ceiling fan 20: First thing I notice in new person Eyes 21: Shoe size 11-12 depends on the shoe style 22: Eye color Brown 23: Hair color Brown 24: Favourite style of clothing Not sure the style's name but I like clothing from H&M and Topman 25: Ever done a prank call? Yeah 27: Meaning behind my URL My "brand" name 28: Favourite movie The Fifth Element 29: Favourite song Something About You - Daft Punk 30: Favourite band Paramore 31: How I feel right now Great and like shit, happy, sad, mad and everything in between 32: Someone I love --- 33: My current relationship status Single 34: My relationship with my parents Mother:great, Father:ok 35: Favourite holiday Halloween 36: Tattoos and piercing i have 7 Tattoos and no more piercings, need to get them re done 37: Tattoos and piercing i want I want at least one arm done by the end of this year, piercings I want my earlobes stretched to 2g, I want an industrial piercing on my right ear, maybe labret and both nipples pierced 38: The reason I joined Tumblr Art 39: Do I and my last ex hate each other? Idk I haven't spoken to her since 40: Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts? No 41: Have I ever kissed the last person you texted? No 42: When did I last hold hands? I don't remember 43: How long does it take me to get ready in the morning? 20-30 minutes 44: Have You shaved your legs in the past three days? I don't shave my legs 45: Where am I right now? Bed 46: If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me? Lizz, Rachael, Brian 47: Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level? Depends on my mood 48: Do I live with my Mom and Dad? Yes 49: Am I excited for anything? Can't tell 50: Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to? Lizz and Rachael haha 51: How often do I wear a fake smile? Almost everyday 52: When was the last time I hugged someone? Monday 53: What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me? I wouldn't care 54: Is there anyone I trust even though I should not? Yes 55: What is something I disliked about today? I had a panic attack 56: If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? Alive? Stan Lee, Dead? My Grandpa 57: What do I think about most? Everything 58: What’s my strangest talent? Not sure if I have a strange talent 59: Do I have any strange phobias? No 60: Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? Behind 61: What was the last lie I told? I'm ok, I have nothing going on 62: Do I perfer talking on the phone or video chatting online? Phone 63: Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens? Yes 64: Do I believe in magic? No 65: Do I believe in luck? No 66: What's the weather like right now? Rainy 67: What was the last book I've read? Ready Player One 68: Do I like the smell of gasoline? Yes 69: Do I have any nicknames? Panda 70: What was the worst injury I've ever had? Almost hyper extended my knee 71: Do I spend money or save it? Spend 72: Can I touch my nose with a tounge? No 73: Is there anything pink in 10 feets from me? My walls to my dismay 74: Favourite animal? Panda 75: What was I doing last night at 12 AM? Overthinking 76: What do I think is Satan’s last name is? Rickert 77: What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it? September - Earth, Wind and Fire 78: How can you win my heart? Be there for me, let me know everything will be ok. 79: What would I want to be written on my tombstone? "Here lies a free man, born as a king, who died as a slave" 80: What is my favorite word? Fuck 81: My top 5 blogs on tumblr Idk 82: If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say? Fuck off 83: Do I have any relatives in jail? Yes 84: I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power? Teleportation 85: What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on? What's on your mind? 86: What is my current desktop picture? Moon Knight 87: Had sex? Yeah 88: Bought condoms? Yeah 89: Gotten pregnant? I physically can't 90: Failed a class? Yea 91: Kissed a boy? No 92: Kissed a girl? Yea 93: Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain? No 94: Had job? Have job, yes. Hand job? Yes, I can't tell if it's a typo 95: Left the house without my wallet? Multiple times 96: Bullied someone on the internet? No 97: Had sex in public? Not yet 98: Played on a sports team? Yes 99: Smoked weed? Yeah 100: Did drugs? No 101: Smoked cigarettes? Just quit 102: Drank alcohol? Hell yea 103: Am I a vegetarian/vegan? No 104: Been overweight? Am 105: Been underweight? No 106: Been to a wedding? Never 107: Been on the computer for 5 hours straight? Child's play 108: Watched TV for 5 hours straight? Child's play 109: Been outside my home country? Yes 110: Gotten my heart broken? No many times to count 111: Been to a professional sports game? Yea 112: Broken a bone? Never 113: Cut myself? No 114: Been to prom? Yeah 115: Been in airplane? Yeah 116: Fly by helicopter? No 117: What concerts have I been to? Paramore and Courage My Love 118: Had a crush on someone of the same sex? No 119: Learned another language? I'm bilingual and I took French in high school 120: Wore make up? No 121: Lost my virginity before I was 18? When I was 122: Had oral sex? Yeah 123: Dyed my hair? Yeah 124: Voted in a presidential election? No 125: Rode in an ambulance? Yeah 126: Had a surgery? Nope 127: Met someone famous? A couple 128: Stalked someone on a social network? Who hasn't at this point 129: Peed outside? Yeah 130: Been fishing? Never 131: Helped with charity? Yeah 132: Been rejected by a crush? More time than I can count 133: Broken a mirror? No 134: What do I want for birthday? How about not being single for another year 135: How many kids do I want and what will be their names? I really don't want kinda anymore 136: Was I named after anyone? No 137: Do I like my handwriting? It's ok 138: What was my favourite toy as a child? Quickstrike from Beast Wars 139: Favourite Tv Show? Rick And Morty 140: Where do I want to live when older? NYC 141: Play any musical instrument? I wish 142: One of my scars, how did I get it? Punching lockers, right knuckle 143: Favourite pizza toping? Extra cheese 144: Am I afraid of the dark? No 145: Am I afraid of heights? Not anymore 146: Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad? Nope 147: Have I ever tried my hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end? Yes 148: What I'm really bad at Talking about my feelings to those who it's about 149: What my greatest achievments are Graduating high school, and getting a leadership position at work 150: The meanest thing somebody has ever said to me No one will ever love you and you're gonna die alone 151: What I'd do if I won in a lottery Get a place in NYC and still work, save money so I can live comfortably 152: What do I like about myself My calves 153: My closest Tumblr friend Lizz and Rachael 154: Something I fantasise about Finally finding love, finally being happy 155: Any question you'd like? Idk
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p-arkwoojin · 7 years
i wrote these during the live stream yesterday but i got upset about all the hate going on so i kinda just left it in my drafts. but here i am tryna share some positivity so have some short messages to the final wanna one line up:
Kang Daniel: more like king daniel amirite?? you’ve been nothing but a blessing to us and the show. thank you for sharing your love for cats, for all the thigh caressing, and for all the squishy faced smiles and laughter. i will support you, always.
Park Jihoon: congratulations babe! i still remember watching countdown 101 and instantly getting interested in you. you truly deserve to be here and even though mnet barely ever showed us your hardwork and talent, i still believe in you. in these last moments, thank you and i’m proud of you for showing us that you aren’t just a pretty face.
Lee Daehwi: thank you for not giving up, even tho you’ve been called names and have received a lot of hate. i’m happy that you stayed strong throughout everything. i will always be here, believing in you and your talents and supporting you no matter what. i hope you only have good days from now on. keep smiling, my love.
Kim Jaehwan: to our vocal god, the moment you sang adele i was instantly hooked. i’m proud to say that i’ve supported you since day 1. and i’m happy that you made it to the final lineup. your strong vocals will clearly be a great asset to the team. congrats!
Ong Seongwoo: thank you for the many laughs you’ve given. you are truly a talented man, an all rounder even. i supported you from the very beginning and you were even my sister’s top pick for the latter half of the season. i am so proud to see you achieve the debut you’ve always wanted.
Park Woojin: i know that i didn’t stan you until the level a nayana center evaluation but i wanna say thank you for always persevering through everything. i am thankful of all your hardwork and i’m very proud to call myself park woojin biased. from rapping to choreographing, you’ve done really well. keep working hard, keep smiling, keep growing. i love you.
Lai Guanlin: to our chick ½, even tho i believe that you still aren’t ready to debut yet, i am happy to see that you were able to bring your ranks back up. going up 13 places isn’t an easy thing to do and props to you for making it that far. i’m looking forward to more improvements. congratulations!
Yoon Jisung: thank you for proving to us that you weren’t just a meme, that you had talents worthy of your place. you have come so far and i am so proud of you. i hope you always remember that age is just a number and its never too late to chase after your dreams and be who you want to be.
Hwang Minhyun: even though i never really wanted any of the pledis trainees to be in the final 11, i have accepted that i won’t get my 100% of my ideal 11. you are worthy of this place and i am happy that you’re able to come this far. i can’t really speak for your team, but i believe that they are just as and maybe even more proud than we are. congratulations!
Bae Jinyoung: although you weren’t part of my top picks, i rooted for you. from the boy who always held his head down to the man who smiles brightly and shows us his potential on stage, you’ve come a long way. it made me happy too see you grow and come out of your shell. i hope to see you keep on improving. congrats!
Ha Sungwoon: although i barely paid attention to you (and other debuted trainees) i acknowledge the talent that you have. to be able to go up 22 places in the 3rd elimination is such a huge feat. you are another strong vocal i’m glad to have on the final lineup. i hope to see you continue to keep surpassing our expectations and wow-ing us. congratulations!
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