#star is the mastermind i am but a vessel in which to write
james-p-sullivan · 1 year
Rebound AU part 1
Gimmie! Gimmie! Gimmie! (A Man After Midnight) - Part 1 of @blackstarchanx3new’s Rebound AU
Rating: Explicit (18+)
Words: 17,194
Pairings: Vio/Green, Vio/Shadow (past), Blue/Red
Summary: Vio struggles with everything that he's done, but luckily Green is there to lend a helping hand.
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howlingday · 10 months
My idea for a potential DEATH BATTLE! #7
2023, Nov 28, 29, Dec 1, 2
Darth Sidious vs Master Xehanort (Star Wars vs Kingdom Hearts)
Which evil wizard of darkness behind the curtain will prevail?
FIGHTER 1: Darth Sidious, the sadistic and mean megalomaniacal mastermind behind the Galactic Empire.
FIGHTER 2: Master Xehanort, the darkness-seeking body-snatching chess master of Kingdom Hearts.
Wiz: The evil mastermind. The malevolent entity behind the curtain. One of the greatest evil is the one that presents itself as a friend. It leads to the demise of many heroes.
*CLIPS: Evil mastermind: James Moriarity. The malevolent entity behind the curtain: MHA's All For One. Evil fakes being friendly: the ego Death scene from Guy Ritchie's Revolver (Watch that movie, it's cool).*
Boomstick: These two may be geriatric, but they've put their wits to use and have formulated an entire chess plan to carry out their dreams and designs and are just as strong to boot. He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick.
Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win... a Death Battle.
PREFACE (What to know): I am fully aware of how popular this MU is, with its 2021 DBX and its high-ranking position in 2023's Champion Poll, so I wanted to get this out before it becomes an actual episode. I wanted this MU since I played KH: Birth By Sleep in April and May 2020 since the lockdown had started and I had a collection of KH games to play. There is a large collection of Star Wars media and there is the old Legends content to consider alongside the vast history of Kingdom Hearts, so I will try to be careful with how I treat these characters, but as usual, my efforts will go into the "fight" more than anything else. If I am to consider them at their max, then we have Palpatine at the end of the Skywalker Saga and Xehanort with the χ-Blade. I WILL BE TREATING THIS AS A SEASON FINALE because of how much there is to go over for both characters and because it would serve as a beautiful contrast to Yoda vs. King Mickey: one season starts with the light and another ends in darkness. Also, I wanted this to be my 13th suggestion, but I should get this out before DB! beats me to it.
Connections (What do they have in common):
1. Both are the main antagonists of the first saga of their series, The Skywalker Saga and the Dark Seeker Saga. (As of me writing this, the main series of SW and KH is those two sagas).
2. Both have concocted master plans in which they would spread their influence insidiously across reality, namely through manipulation and subordinates while maintaining a guise of reliability. Darth Sidious trained Darth Maul, turned Anakin into Darth Vader by manipulating his fear, and used his identity as Chancellor Palpatine to further his political career and deceive his way into accomplishing his goal of orchestrating the fall of the Galactic Republic and the Jedi Order through the Clone Wars, and then established his reign over the galaxy while Master Xehanort manipulated Terra who trusted him as a teacher into killing Eraqus as well as Ventus through Vanitas to create an ultimate weapon and Riku by exploiting his wishes to explore the outside worlds and even Maleficent. He also created Organization XIII to prolong his life.
3. Both are known for how they cheat death. Palpatine had his clones and attempted to possess Rey's body whereas Xehanort body-snatched Terra, had his Nobody, Heartless, and Organization XIII as his vessels, and even had a time-traveling younger self.
4. Both have dabbled in scientific or science-like research. Palpatine is mostly known for his experiments in Sith Alchemy and Xehanort is mostly known for the creation of the Nobodies and the mass release of Heartless. These are not their only contributions, but I am not listing all of them.
5. Their goal was to have ultimate power in some form. Palpatine wanted supreme control over every being in the galaxy and Xehanort wanted to conquer Kingdom Hearts to obtain ultimate power/knowledge and recreate the worlds the way he saw fit.
6. Both are among the most dangerous warriors trained in their respective ancient ways (Sith ways + the Dark Side of the Force, and Keyblade mastery + Darkness), if not, they are flat-out the most dangerous. Despite that, their greatest attribute arguably is not their strength or their tenacity to see their dreams come true, but their manipulation of others.
Personal reasons (Why I want this battle/like this MU): Back in March and April 2020, I played KH II, BBS, and 0.2 A Fragmentary Passage, and then I played DDD and watched Back Cover. Needless to say, I noticed similarities between KH and SW, namely comparing the plots of BBS & Revenge of the Sith, Terra & Anakin, Xehanort & Palpatine, and the plans of the antagonists. Shortly after, I watched this video, this video, and this video and then looked up more stuff online and found this beauty by Naitsabes89:
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Since then, I tried to get a very good friend of mine who's into Star Wars to play KH, crowned Grand Master Yoda vs. King Mickey as my favorite DB!, and listened to BY's "Destined for Darkness", "Birth By Exile", "This Heartless Empire", and Skye T.'s "Insidiosa Tenebrae", none in that specific order. There was also an old article that mentioned how Nomura was wearing his love for Star Wars on his sleeve and how both had a giant conflict that wiped out the ancient wizard knights, namely the 100-Year Darkness and Keyblade War, but I can no longer find it. I also really want to add to DB!'s collection of great SW episodes of the 2020s: 2020's Obi-Wan, 2021's Yoda, 2022's Boba Fett (I wouldn't call it great, but I did enjoy it a lot), and 2023's Darth Vader.
Also, I want their personalities to play off each other: the cunning masterminds trying to coax and manipulate the other to fall into a trap while showing off merciless power.
More than anything, this is my most wanted matchup.
Art and animation: Easy; make it 3D like the DBX and all Star Wars episodes since 2020. 2D may be easier, but the grandiosity of the characters and the matchup demands something of great animation. I do not mean to disrespect the 2D/sprite team considering the phenomenal work from just 2023 alone, but 3D models can allow for more fluid movement and better blade-to-blade combat. If possible, get DevilArtemis again and take inspiration from The Clone Wars' lightsaber duels and high-tier KH III combos (I will do my damndest to do the same).
Possible setup: Cue the Death Star, floating in space, with ominous music and equally ominous vocals. We see the two combatants playing chess like Eraqus and Xehanort in KHIII, both doing their iconic smirks/evil grins; shenanigans are afoot.
"I am disappointed you declined my offer to rule the galaxy with me. Your power and wits would make for an excellent emperor." Palpatine hates how that sounds, but he doesn't stop the smirk; he has a plan, but he does respect the power and wits of his adversary. After all, he foresaw Vader's power surpassing his and even congratulated Maul for surviving his wounds and for his attempt to take over Mandolor. The title of emperor was his and his alone, but he needs to be careful; he can sense the darkness of his foe and he has wits to match. He moves a black pawn, removing a white pawn from the board. We see Stormtroopers and droids aiming and shooting at a giant mass of Heartless, Nobodies, and Unversed, beating them back a bit.
"I am not interested in your galaxy or your army. I do not have any interest in your dark magics or sciences." Xehanort moves a white pawn and removes a black pawn. The forces of Darkness start to overrun the forces of the Empire. "I wish to know of the Force and its Dark Side, and conquer it."
"You think you can match the Dark Side? Your feeble skills are no match for its power."
"Your arrogance and power blind you. They are your weakness." After a few more moves, the black pawns are off the board, but there are a few white pawns left. The forces of Darkness across the Galaxy have killed the Imperial Troops.
"Your faith in your pawns is yours." He does his iconic evil chuckle and moves a black rook. Darth Maul draws his Lightsaber and starts to fend off the dark mass with his wrath, weapon, and the Force, but then Vanitas swoops in and the two engage. Xehanort had moved a white rook, but all the pawns started to disappear off the board in a few short moves; Palpatine had moved his forces. Palpatine moves his second rook. Kylo Ren fights Young Xehanort. Xehanort then moves a knight. The Nobodies of Organization XIII engage the Inquisitorius. Palpatine moves a bishop. Asajj Ventress confronts Ansem SOD. Xehanort moves his white bishop. Xemans duels with Tyranus. Both move their queens. Terranort and Vader clash weapons. Then, we cut to the board: only the kings stood, and they knew what that meant.
Xehanort draws his keyblade, No Name. Palpatine draws his lightsaber, but even its evil red glow does not compare to the wickedness in Palpatine's voice.
"You will experience the full power of the Dark Side."
"The Darkness will end you."
1. Palpatine launches himself like in Episode III, but Xehanort only blocks it and parries. They start to duel as Sidious did against Windu. Sidious may be channeling the Dark Side, but in typical Palpatine fashion, he's going to play with his food for a bit. With his sadistic smile, he duels like in the cut fight between himself and the Jedi Council/Mace Windu from Episode III. Xehanort keeps up, playing more on the defensive. He dodges and counters, but Sidious parries and also counters.
2. Channeling a bit more of the Dark Side, Sidious outmaneuvers Xehanort, strikes him hard, and attempts to impale him, but Xehanort teleports away. Sidious chuckles. "Not confident in your skills? Feeling slow?" "I've kept pace with quick opponents before. You're no different." They engage again, like how Sidous dueled Savage Oppress and Maul, only for Xehanort to summon orbs of dark energy, forcing Palpatine to parry and dodge, but Xehanort gets in his Continuous Attack, slashing fast and teleporting. Sidious blocks a strike, kicks Xehanort away, and draws a second lightsaber, rushing Xehanort, and even though Xehanort can successfully parry a lot of the attacks, Sidious is in his element. He is channeling the Dark Side, flipping around and moving dexterously, dodging Xehanort's orbs of darkness and Fire spells. The two engage in a blade-lock, their golden eyes staring the other down. Xehanort is overpowering him a bit despite using two lightsabers, so Sidious pushes him away with the Force.
3. Xehanort is pushed against the wall but uses his telekineses to launch projectiles. Sidious then moves his own, but Xehanort redirects all of them and then uses a lot more objects to form his Blade Tornado. Sidious then uses the Force to stop and rip apart the projectiles. He then uses his iconic Force Lightning only for Xehanort to teleport away, who then casts Thundaga. Palpatine raises his two lightsabers to block the lightning and then leaps at Xehanort again, but he then uses Rising Ground, raising the ground in front of Palpatine, but Palpatine slices it and pushes it like Obi-Wan did to Kakashi's Earth justu and throws it with telekinesis.
4. Xehanort teleports behind the Sith, but the Sith blocks him and they start to duel with blades again, but Sidious channels Force Lightning again. Xehanort struggles a bit, but he uses Firaga to keep his distance. Seeing an opening, Xehanort disarms Sidious, grabs Sidious, pushes him down, and then hits him with cold air, attempting an Ultima Freeze. Sidious uses Force Lightning like he tried to on Darth Vader like in Episode VI, but Xehanort does not stop, so he uses the Force to draw in a lightsaber.
5. Xehanort dodges the attack but is caught off guard by the second lightsaber drawn to Palpatine and is hit, and Palpatine then starts to use Force Drain, recovering a large amount of health, bringing Xehanort to his knees. "You old fool. Now you see the folly of your ways. I have UNLIMITED POWER!" Sidious follows this up with more Force Lightning. Xehanort, struggling in pain, summons the almighty χ-blade. Xehanort then uses Call Calamity, throwing the χ-blade. Sidious uses the Force to throw the χ-blade back, but the χ-blade is cooling the air, smashing 3 fireballs together, and dropping three lightning strikes on them. Palpatine narrowly dodges, and then parries several dark shots, even using the Force to redirect attacks again.
6. Xehanort then uses XIII Combo, attacking using his avatars and several light rays, but Sidious simply "kills" the avatars (I don't think this is possible, but it looks cool in my head) and parries the light rays. Sensing his foe near, he blocks Xehanort's attack, χ-blade having become a double blade. The χ-blade then turns into a pair of chakrams, but Sidious keeps being agile and evasive, but he does not get far as Xehanort then turns the χ-blade into a whip and draws Sidious close. This does not deter the Sith lord, however, as the then uses the momentum to slash Xehanort. Xehanort then turns the χ-blade into its normal form and then, there's another blade clash. Xehanort wins and destroys the lightsabers. (If it was only one lightsaber, he draws in the second one, he destroys it.)
7. Xehanort then summons Kingdom Hearts and attempts to drain whatever light he can from Sidious, but he is unsuccessful. Sidious senses this and laughs. "You fool... You do not understand; I AM the Dark Side! You will be destroyed!" Using Force Lightning again, he shocks the Keyblade master and pushes him away.
8. Darth Sidious wins by using the Dark Side. He pins Xehanort to the wall, immobilizing him so can't even use the χ-blade. He then uses Force Drain again, severely weakening Xehanort. We then see the rest of Organization XIII being defeated; Xehanort can sense it and Sidious knows. "Only now in the end do you understand. You were no match for the Dark Side. You have paid the price for your lack of vision. Now, you will die." Using Force Lightning for a final time, Sidious ends the old master, proving the Dark Side, nay, himself to be the ultimate power.
9. Master Xehanort winds by using his magic and the χ-blade. Pushing through the Force, Xehanort uses Stopza, leaving Palpatine frozen in time. Xehanort ends the fight by using a beam of Darkness like at the end of KH III's final fight. We can then see Organization XIII overcoming the Empire and Sith. “Checkmate. And so, darkness prevails.”
11. KO!
Strengths and weaknesses:
Darth Sidious:
+ Has options for an instant kill.
+ Much more agile in physical combat.
+ Much more ruthless.
+ Precognition.
+ Could likely use Force Persuasion or Possession.
+ Force Heal and Force Drain allow for healing.
+ Drain Knowledge could allow for psychological damage.
≥ Likely the better manipulator.
= Likely equally skilled as both have had extensive training.
- His sadism and wanting to play with his opponent could give Xehanort a chance to attack him.
- As far as I can tell, he does not resist cold air or freezing.
Master Xehanort:
+ If scaled to King Mickey, then he's physically faster, stronger, and more durable.
+ Greater versatility and ranged options with the χ-blade's transformations and his magic, so it is highly likely that he can overwhelm his opponent and keep himself at a distance.
+ His two armor sets allow for greater defense. The first one extends his offensive versatility and even gives him the ability to turn his Keyblade into a defensive wall. The second one even comes from him powering up.
+ Considering his versatility in magic, it is very likely that he has access to Cure.
+ Greater mobility with teleportation and Corridors of Darkness.
+ Stopza allows for instant kill setups.
+ Could likely transfer his heart to Palpatine with complete ease due to the darkness in Palpatine's heart.
= Likely equally skilled due to training and experience.
- It is fair to assume that he has a limited magic pool like Sora and King Mickey, so if he runs out, he would be more vulnerable while it recharges.
- He is very likely to end up winded and tired like in his solo fight against Terra in BBs.
Ending puns:
"Palpatine Sidiously had it coming."
"Xehanort did not have the heart to win it."
Name: "Imperial Chessmasters"
The name refers to the Galactic Empire and the characters' complex multi-generational plans that involve the manipulation of others for domination and power.
Foreground: Xehanort's chess piece but the head is the emblem of the Galactic Empire with lightning emerging from the center to the left and darkness emerging from the center to the right.
Background: on the left, it's the Death Star; on the right, it's Kingdom Hearts succumbing to Darkness.
Sound: DUEL OF THE FATES + KH III FINAL BOSS THEME (FRAGMENTS OF SORROW, BUT GRAND), BABY! Slow, dramatic building with slight vocals and piano, and a pinch of drums. It doesn't play during the chess scene, starting when we see that only the kings are left sounding like the introductory strings of the KH III final boss theme. There are strings when they first clash blades. Then the vocals, piano, and strings just keep going from there. It is tense, dramatic, and of course, there are sorrowful moments, changing pace along with the fight: dramatic and fast with the deeper strings and choir or slow and tearful with lighter vocals and higher note strings. Therewolf Media is the ideal pick as he has done Hearts of Light which also beautifully mixes the orchestral sounds of SW and KH. If you want a good idea of what this song could sound like, check out these beauties and gems...
1. Duel of Sorrow ( KH style Mash up Duel of Fates/Fragments of Sorrow)
2. Kingdom Hearts 3 - Duel of the Fates (Battle Theme)
Or I could leave it to the imagination. Seriously, I can imagine it in my head and it is beautiful. Listen to the themes I referred to the original themes you'll hear something great when you try to mix them in your head.
1. Duel of the Fates
2. KH III Final Boss Theme
(strikethrough: I think it'd be something so great that John Williams and Yoko Shimomura would acknowledge it. I wanted to add another element to this mix, but I'll save it.)
I know how weird it would be to have Maul, Ventress, and Kylo Ren as part of Sidious' army, but I did not know who else to use, and I didn't put this in the preface because I wanted the chess army to be a surprise.
I don't know if this will surpass my suggestions of Azula vs. Cinder or Trunks vs. Luminary, but I don't care. I LOVE this MU, and I already said that this is my all-time most wanted. I had fun imagining the choreography and especially the music. I am the least bit worried about the MUSIC because there is so much to take inspiration from whereas the fight itself will need a combination of character interactions, swordplay, and ranged attacks. If it ever becomes an actual episode, I'll temper my expectations because the battle is most certainly not going to be like this idea of mine.
This is my last MU idea for the year.
Kings: Darth Sidious vs. Master Xehanort
Queens: Darth Vader vs. Terra-Xehanort
Bishops: Darth Tyranus and Asajj Ventress vs. Xemnas, and Ansem, Seeker of Darkness
Knights: Inquisitorious vs. the Nobodies of Organization XIII
Rooks: Darth Maul and Kylo Ren vs Vanitas and Young Xehanort
Once again, I am impressed with your presentation. I've seen quite a bit of Star Wars, but I always forget Palpatine has a lightsaber. Also, Xehanort's fight in KHIII forever sticks out in my brain as one of the most frustrating final bosses of the game.
And as for what you've shown, I like it. The poster at the top was hilarious and thinking on it, KH could include Star Wars due to a mutual benefactor (Disney). The videos you have linked well in here are also a neat watch.
And while I absolutely LOVE that opening to the fight, my only criticism is the name of the soundtrack. For me, while clever, it doesn't really invoke anything... I dunno, flashy? Maybe something more along the lines of...
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Happy holidays and thank you for your fine creations.
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yournextflame · 2 years
i think people assume greter will is evil because after radagon defeat the elden ring desapear from radagon elden beast surge from the black mist inside him and made he the sword, the impression is the beast is the literal thing inside radagon and he is but a tool and for some reason the beast want to fight the player. and you know in bloodborne everything for the fandom is blamed on oedon or moon presence. is easy to blame something that the players consider inhuman to be the mastermind all along
It's not like I am against idea of the Greater Will being evil, I don't like that this view is based on mistranslation rather than proper analyses. So far the most evil deed of the Greater Will is banishment of Nox, but even then I wonder what exactly lead to the banishment? They killed a god (assuming that Fingerslayer Blade has the same origin as Sacred Relic Sword) but we killed a god too, burned Erdtree, the Elden Ring was shattered, but the Greater Will is kinda like “okay.jpg”
The Greater Will did like 2 confirmed things in entire timeline, sent golden star with Elden Beast on the Lands Between (and there is a lot of evidence that it was origin of life, considering Hyetta’s dialogue and golden star-golden amber-primordial matter-primordial life chain of transformations) and punished Nox for some reason. The Elden Beast is Elden Ring and... I don’t know, how anyone could look at this jelly and say that it was a major political actor, who played the strings behind the scene?
Ahh, Great Runes are the stuff of demigods; the children of the goddess, Queen Marika. She who is vessel of the Elden Ring.Tainted by the strength of their runes, her children warred, but none could become Elden Lord
Maybe influence of the Elden Ring exists (it’s a bunch of runes after all), but it’s like, you know, more subtle thing than Elden Beast ordering Marika what dress to wear today. Think about One Ring from Tolkien works (Numen/Numenor, the Lands Between, maddening rings, anyone?), it’s not exactly mind-controlling, but it corrupts a person over the course of time and we know how much Miyazaki loves this trope. Perhaps description of scar/sorseals hints something like this:
These seals represent the lifelong duty of those chosen by the gods.Solemn duty weighs upon the one beholden; not unlike a gnawing curse from which there is no deliverance
(so, what kind of influence Nox tinfoil helmets were blocking then?)
I have a strong disdain towards Marika/Radagon are sockpuppets of hallucigenia theories, it basically erasures them as characters (I can give a pass for Radagon’s bossfight and bossfight only simply because of how remembrances are working). Speaking of Radagon, was he even turned into Sacred Relic by the Elden Beast intentionally? It takes the sword and swims from us like it’s about to break world record. It’s scared. I’m surprised that people don’t talk more about Seluvius and Preceptor Miriam wearing Mask of Confidence (when Radagon married Rennala, he ordered the Carian magic preceptors to don these masks. To make it clear that all of their matters were to be kept strictly private). Where exactly Seluvius learned about Fingerslayer Blade and why is there Red Wolf of Radagon near Siofra River?
I agree that it’s easy to blame some abstract thing, especially when not one, but two waifus are presumably antagonistic towards it. People are writing 10 paragraphs long theories explaining how Ranni “I did it all” never really participated in Night of Black Knives (the most recent gem I’ve seen recently was theory that Godwyn wanted to be killed) because it’s really hard to accept for some fans that she isn’t pure and meek doll.
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magnetar1 · 7 years
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The naked page holds, even though my body & mind have long ago deteriorated.  Earth bubbling with remorse of new life.  The last time I’d project my human sympathies onto her otherworldly demon realm.
Incinerated at the end of a poem.  Chains come off without deliberation. Whatever thought had come before, among strings of thoughts ranging through dead space.  A molecular courier that is little more than a ghost once relieved from the burden of carrying itself around . . .
I did not carry myself far, or for long.  Mostly I sat, staring ahead.  The world went about its business, destroying & maiming itself.  I knew the outcome in my exposed nerves, even as I remained in this room alone.
Nature has endeared me with her rules regarding deviating sands.
This was a desert once & it would be again.  The moment she hardens & protocols of chaos are fixed.  Secretly, plates move under us, but we are jostled just the same,  dragged away from what is known . . .
Now I know next to nothing & this is like starting over.  Of all visions I’ve had, waking or not, this is the one that sticks.  The elemental form I’ve seen all my life; coming out of a fog of dull temptations, into the even more desolate channels of Alchibany.
- - -
In a series of poems unwrit there is the story of a demon.  Obscured by the northern sun with the gleaming hope it’ll be seen – Asleep in Egyn’s chamber, under Saturn’s sign.  Worlds behind its dozing eyes; riddles, hypotheses, domains.  
It was ridiculous to consider I’d gain access, but that’s exactly how it is. In all the days of toiling over the naked page; scratching in dark only to prolong my grievous intent . . .
The demon gives me strength, but not without a price.  The first time he came into my purview, on the suicidal edge of vacant remission. Stripped clean of earthly contrivances, I became afraid to look Outside.  
All I wanted was a quiet exit.  My corpse in some wilderness discovered years from now.  I’ll have dug my own grave in hopes the rains would fill it in.  
Staring at the naked page . . . I want it so much.  I want this all go to away.
Cutting myself open to see how it feels.  When I am a young man I do this this all the time.  I’ll bleed for my words, realizing very quickly this is a damn cliche!  
For years hating that fact I need to create.  A lowly creature I’ve become, nature’s artifice, soaking blood into an ornamental carpet of poor man’s decadence –  Other worlds did not accept me like I accepted them.  Nor did I accept the world I was currently living in.
- - -
Isolating contusion.  I’d become internally ruptured.  Hemorrhaging spirit, relegated to the stasis of self-martyrdom.  Another damn cliche! To escape the masterminding sickness, that which holds ALL races behind.  The idea our birth means anything where the status of nature is concerned.  
In moments of chaos, feeling violent or afraid, I am able to see more clearly that which comprises space.  Aetheric density of survivor planets tumbling through still waters of an ever expanding horizon. Beyond the debris of those aborted vessels that sank to the bottom of the sea. Effulgence of stars leading their way, past the shipyard where malformed constellations speak of a different path.
- - -
It is how demons are born.  Rekindling a memory that has been reduced out of all nostalgia or emotion – Trading one vessel for another is never enough.  Prolonged anguish reincarnates into another destroyed world.
I tear up the naked page.  What I never started.  A void in the universe that invited him in.  For decades sitting here indifferent to music transmitting out of colder regions.  Sea becomes an ocean pregnant with trenches.  Down there, where Saturn’s restive memory becomes my own.
It is too much to handle at first.  I give up poetry for murder.  In between murders I gaze at the sky & hum its tune.  Wandering hills behind my apartment where the room I occupied sits empty & quiet.  
Tormented by restlessness.  I cannot go home, anyway, because they will arrest me & I will sink into another depression.  Surely I would kill myself in prison, where no star is seen or music heard.  All sacrifices I’ve committed to restore its trust in a single man would become effaced.
- - -  
Back to the ages, contemplation & sleep.  Allowing me to enter his realm, the demon is roused to multiply.  Once soft, then coarse; lulling, discordant.  He beats me down & brings me back . . .
World is bright when I open my eyes.   Sky is close enough to touch. Rising, I shake pine needles from my clothes.  Mud clinging to my shoes . . .  
Leaving wilderness behind.  For years I searched.  Nature’s fornicator, digging my hands in the guts of strangers, scrying for new visions. Sometimes the results were messy & left me mentally challenged.
In times like this I missed the naked page & the idea I was a poet.
Nothing could be further from the truth, though.  Any romantic ideal I may have had in my youth was completely shattered – Revealing the astral seed, or that which had arrived before my brutally mortal birth:
Bathing in my mother’s blood, frightened to come out.  I could still see borderlands coalescing in my vision.  Still, I’d soon forget those crystallizing forms, in the murky shallows of my consciousness, abandoning me to this foreign outpost.
- - -
The poet in me would like to die now.  He’s faked it long enough.  The murderer, too, who is no longer able to live in solitude.  Perhaps I should have killed myself when I was first edged out of sleep.  Now I feel like I could sleep for fucking ever.
A tad dramatic, though.  A bit of the young poet coming back.  Instead, I’m an old man in hiding.  Demon sleeps while I am it’s dreaming vessel. Nature conceals me when she can, but even that is costly . . .
The age I walk in is corruptive & self-effacing.  Any martyr-hood it turned its back on is merely performance art.  Dirty poets, all, feigning religiosity! Only a few stood out on the burning plane.  Succumbing to pestilence of the brain, they did not make it very long.
Riddled maps, tested against floods & fates; repeated verses, chants to a silent, endless cosmos.  Though the vessel itself is holder of the key, it must be violently extracted & retooled.  
Demon sowers, harvesting oceans, acclimating to pressures of the deeps . . .
The best thing to do now is look away.  Even though I have tested the fates in my own way.  To know that it was there all along, buried under my tattered skin.  
If only I had detected it earlier.  Gross malediction of an untended garden. Vines, wasted away, drag it down; rotted bells, dangling from their broken necks.  My body, abused by addiction & idleness; existence, a work in progress, breaks down.
- - -
I am lost.  Aborted out of the naked page, where lurkers have set my testimonies on fire.  Pain resolved in nothingness, all communication shuts down.  Now, I am an even older man, who does not know the way. Never the murderer they took me for, but a far weaker specimen . . .
I did not love the vessels around me the way they loved me.  Traits, although distinctly human, bore the mark of a demon’s lash.  
I’ve learned to hold my tongue when I look at them, but I still feel the elongated touch that gradually drew me away.  Salvaging my ruminations for the naked page, I become inspired by cold distances.  
He is in me, still, abstracted out of the red night.  I roam the streets, alone. Silent killer in me, yet to act, accorded to another paradigm. Horizons I sought, bleeding over from tumorous oceans: out the dark glint of Saturn’s blade . . .               
The words are rolling, now, & don’t seem so made up.  When it flows there is no stopping it.  No longer masking my presence in the world so I could recede with nature’s ghost.  Guts alive with burning gall, my deadened form revives.  
Necromancy forms another world.  Mother bows to astral dominance. Seering ruptures across cloven divides  – Too much to hold in.  I need to let it go.
- - -
A hallowed mess.  Edges snap, relieves the dam.   Pregnant no more, swaddling my creation in my emptied guts.  Gazing up at me with his eyes, I am reduced to nothing & am forced to snap its neck.
Sirens in the distance – Music of the stars.  Eclipsing any mounting reverence for what came before.  
How I ever ended up here I will never know.  Discharge of a transferrant star, aborted ideal of wandering tempests.  Even as my breathing slows & air becomes latticed with the filigree of shadows . . .
They are coming for my corpse.  Can I talk about this now?  Is it too dramatic to mention death when it’s actually happening – The naked page is not so naked anymore, blindly staring from its shallow grave.
I might of lived like them, without recall or solvency.  I might of loved those who loved me, unrestrained by cosmic forbearance.  Dissipating from the moment I open my eyes, haze of firelight in reservoirs of numbing cold.
- - -
He is there, behind the curtain, where they come to gather my clay. Naked as the day I came into this world, I go there now.  Following strains of a song I heard before, when the sky did not brood so much. Where I left my bones in a deserted field,  under the sagging tree of my heart, a seed gently rotting.
Fumbling with my leaking parts as leaves of my final work soak up what’s left . . .
I’ll be dramatic if I want to!  I don’t care anymore!  To fill the shoes of poets who lost their minds, but only at the end.  I am ready to write the great work, now!  I am ready to wail into the void until my lungs collapse!  
But it does not matter now & I don’t believe it ever did.  We are all revenant strangers, brokenly adhering to the shore.  Trembling hands about its dim candlelight in the shadow of a storm.  Writ in a hurried manner, histories pile up in the moment, but are never the episodes we imagine them to be.  
Reality adorns its fools with temporary sanity.  A fated concordance that only suffices to remedy the artifice: crystal clear evidence at the end of my struggle.  When the womb shattered, delivering me from my own fates.  All the time put in staring at the naked page.  Telling his story in living verse, permeates my dying breath.  
Artwork By  Zdzisław Beksiński
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brockmckinnon-blog · 6 years
Manuals On Black Egypt You Must Read And Acquire!
Just recently I composed an extensive short blancafitblog.info article on the essential tenets from Sun-Pluto connects with. Thereby, the near-term growth of the marketplace for solar power applications relies in big part on the availability and magnitude of authorities aids as well as economical motivations, as our team will definitely see more in this write-up. This was actually even further complicated due to the fact that John could possibly observe that Jesus carried out certainly not appear like Joseph in any way, which Joseph was simply certainly not the kid's father, although he also needed to acknowledge that Jesus carried out not look like Zacharias either, due to the fact that Jesus' skin was actually a little warped, which is actually why he term his hair long, to cover that up. But John never ever took his mama Elizabeth's testimony that Mary had actually entered her property already impregnated with Jesus, which is actually why his mom claimed that John had actually entered her womb, when Mary pointed out and went into the home hello". The really early pre-Inca individuals (and also minority still extant Aimara tribes of the Andes) thought that 5 million years ago, a blue-skinned, highborn amphibian lady coming from the earth Venus boiled down to The planet, landed in her gold vessel on the Isle of the Sunshine in the middle of the Lake, as well as procreated with a prehistoric creature, either a huge ape or an anteater-pig (!), giving birth to the primary animal-man, which will later become the first contemporary guy, as well as remember her on a really deep-seated ancestral degree, typically in their aspirations as well as their psychedelic experiences, and bottom religions on this siren off the ocean. The legal representative, who told HuffPost he carries out not individually understand McLaren, cited McLaren's duty in Charlottesville and also his engagement in an Oct anti-refugee rally in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, organized due to the white supremacist group Identification Evropa. Don't forget exactly how a rainbow forms: several small droplets from water disperse sunshine into its shades and also reflect back again toward the onlooker. His greatest God is actually the Initial Force; a nonphysical facility which resides past the stars, as well as indifferent to lifestyle on earth, merely spends his opportunity dealing with thinking. Thanks for clearing up that, as constantly I relate to your detailed explanation Jeremy đź ‚ I would simply include that each of my parents had their share from energy struggles with me - I'm reckoning given that my moon remains in the tenth residence which stands for the various other moms and dad and considering that the moon itself is actually connencted to the 4th residence via its symbolism, everything accumulates. And I possess a pluto moon adversary naturally đź ‚ I'm definitely happy I discovered astrology in my lifestyle, it really clarifies why a person has had a lifestyle that he had đź ‚ I am actually still a first-timer however, so I have a lot to learn. Unless you listen to in a different way, straight from him, he's perhaps as satisfied as an agile carrier from the gods may be listed here m the planet, doing whatever it is you possess him using his nimble thoughts to. If there is actually a workplace pool from any kind of kind, you may find your Leos, Aries as well as Sagittarius people carrying out bunches of flashy wagering, but you can easily wager your outdated Brooklyn Dodgers button hat it was actually perhaps masterminded by among those touches )f lightning you hire who was actually born in June. If you come upon a smooth-talking used vehicle salesman who was endured in June, and also he informs you the blue Studebaker had only one former owner-a little bit of old lady that steered that simply to church every Sunday morning-you will be important to talk to the label from the congregation as well as check along with the little old woman (unless she's a Gemini, too). When Byron composed that "Guy's affection is of male's live a thing apart;'t is actually female's whole life," he forgot about j & the Aries girl. For the life of him, he can't observe why folks judge him so unfairly. Thence came Love and Union, and six of the components were unified right into one person; for Love is actually the quality of Concern or even Grace. Flooding the bed room in one more flat; she gets to the outlet just in time to buy the last honey condensation watermelon in the rack; and she finds a brand new set of stockings in the fridge when she's torn her only set as well as does not possess a cent left till next Tuesday.
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