#stardew valley haley x farmer
bicarbonate-blues · 3 months
Stardew Valley- Haley x Farmer
Summary: Haley makes a selfish choice and has to deal with the fallout from her frustrated partner. Some angst but all resolved with fluff <3. 
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You hadn’t meant to slam the door, being all too aware of it’s squeaky hinges and questionable stability, but there was nothing that could keep your temper down as you searched for your significant other. It wasn’t like you to be angry but your blood was rushing quick through your veins meanwhile there was a vice grip on your heart, panic spreading the longer you had to think about what you had discovered.
“Haley!” You seethed, teeth grinding together as you rounded every corner in the farmhouse. You knew she wasn’t fond of you tracking mud through the house but you couldn’t find it in you to care as you trekked through your bedroom, the cellar, your living room, in any and all attempts to find her. In town you had stopped by the fountain she so often found herself in front of the first couple of years you had lived in Pelican Town. She was still fond of the spot you knew, but less now that the community center was remodeled and foot traffic increased. 
Where was she?
Letting out a frustrated scream, you tripped over your own boots as you exited the way you came in, not even bothering to close the door this time. You had other priorities. Heading towards the stable, you found Haley sitting beside the sunflower field you had grown especially for her. She looked at peace, her full lips quirking up at the edges as she mused over something on her hand. You couldn’t quite make it out but it was shimmering, delicate, expensive. 
“Haley”, you uttered again, this time the wind was knocked out of you. Seeing her with that gentle smile on her face offset the boiling of your blood but not enough to derail you from the hurt and anxiety you were currently feeling. 
Her blue eyes locked onto yours and the second they did, her full lips pointed downward. “Y/N? What’s wro-”
“I couldn’t buy crops today.” 
It was the first day of spring in the fourth year of your residence in Pelican Town. The snow had finally left the valley after a cruel winter. The cold had persisted longer than the last year and you were met with several damages to your fences, barn, and sheds because of the warring weather. Repairs had nearly drained your account dry. Haley had held you all winter, warming your numb fingers in her hands after long days of work. She had listened when you spoke of your fears, of not having the funds to get the animals hay or the bus ticket to Calico Desert where you could find some work in the skull caverns. She knew, and you thought that meant everything would be fine. 
Bugs beginning to buzz around the tulip pot you had set up on the porch just yesterday afternoon. You had woken up this morning with a game plan, and excitement in your bones. You knew exactly what crops you’d be getting from Pierre and in what way you would organize them. You knew what needed to be tended to in the greenhouse and what you would plant out front with the sprinklers. Everything had been meticulously calculated to give you a strong start to the beginning of the year. 
This was the year you were going to breathe, the year you weren’t going to go to the ocean and fish sun up to sun down just so you could sell some sardines to Willy to get through the week. This was supposed to be it. 
“Oh! Darling I’m sorry, was Pierre out?” 
Your heart gave a painful tug. Even now, she was in her own world, pretty eyes concerned but fingers still toying with whatever she had bought this time. The frustration was gnawing at you and left you feeling restless as you stood and stared at Haley. How was she so unaware of the situation after you’d spent the entire winter physically and emotionally exhausted? 
In a fit of desperation you kicked at the ground, nearly slipping when you hit a softer patch, mud spraying out beneath your boot. You were too busy trying to right your balance that you nearly missed the sharp intake of breath from your beloved. 
“Y/N! What the hell?” Was her shocked reaction to the mud that now stained her silken pink skirt. You’d seen that expression a thousand times before you two had even thought about dating. Her eyebrows were knit together and her lips pressed together in a thin line. 
“I don’t know what’s got you in such a rotten mood! You woke up just fine. Don’t make it my problem because Pierre isn’t working today.” 
You wanted to kiss those lips but you also wanted to scream.
“I should be asking you that! What the hell have you been buying? I got to Pierre’s today and he had the pleasure of watching me open our empty wallet! So, Haley, I think I get to ask you: What. The. Hell?” 
Despite your desire, your voice wasn’t much more than a whisper. Her flushed cheeks, now from anger and not the sun that had been bathing her and the flowers earlier, drained of all color. 
“I- You see.... Empty?” 
Your wife struggled for words, eyes blown wide but confusion marring them. And then, guilt. Her hands unfolded, presenting an aquamarine pendant. Haley gulped heavily. 
“On my way back from taking some photos, I stopped at the traveling cart. It was so beautiful I couldn’t resist!” 
“Please think of someone but yourself for once!” 
The words were ugly but were leaving your mouth before you could soften them. You didn’t regret them, but you hadn’t meant to cut her with the sharpness of your tone. You loved Haley, of course you did, she was your wife and world. However, she was also selfish. You had known this from day one and it was something you had grown to almost find endearing about her. Your princess. And that she was. A total princess. 
Her mouth was gaping, eyes growing watery. It was a sight you hated to see more than any other. You’d let a thousand rock crabs cut you before you’d sit and watch her cry. Letting out a deep breath you tried to ground yourself. 
“I thought you knew what we were up against this year,” You choked up, eyes also beginning to fill with tears. “I don’t know how many times I confided in you princess, this last season nearly took the farm from us. I almost had to sell the pigs because they were just more mouths to feed and you know they can’t provide for us in the winter...” 
Haley chewed on her lips, the pendant forgotten in the grass below her now. You couldn’t help but feel another pang. Something she had to have without a second thought of anything, of you, was now laying in the dirt and forgotten. You understood that wasn’t what she was saying as she offered you all of her undivided attention but you were feeling sore, bitter, scared. 
“I’ll go and sell it right now!” She cried out, scrambling to the ground to pick it up. It really was a gorgeous piece of jewelry, delicate silver work encased the gem and it was the exact shade of Haley’s luminous eyes. “Clint will give a fair price! And....and I can help you plant today!”
It was a kind effort with how deeply she disliked the dirt. Even now her eyes scanned over her skirt even if she didn’t realize the micro expressions she had between apologies. 
“I didn’t think Y/N... I can’t even find any excuses. I knew how bad it was, but it alway seemed so far away. You’ve just taken such good care of me that I didn’t feel like we were in need. I always have everything, I didn’t think you might be going without, even when times were tough.” 
It was so brutally honest that your anger was melting into a sad acceptance. Haley was selfish, but she also had a good heart. And you had tried for years to give everything to that heart, to fill it full and never leave it empty. She loved pretty things, you gave them to her. You could remember that for her birthday your first year in town you had held onto a diamond from the mines. You had known that it would be much better to sell it and set yourself up a bit more comfortably but you’d had no regrets once you’d seen her utter joy at her present. It had been what had gotten her to warm up to you, however minute that warming up was, in the beginning. 
“I never want you to feel like you aren’t being cared for but this was huge for me Haley... I don’t want to make you get rid of the pendant because you love it but I need to feel like you are with me for the farm and the lifestyle and the struggles, not just with me for what I can provide you. I want you adorned in jewels and fine clothes and I want only smiles on your face-”
“But what’s the point if we can’t both have those things.” She finished your thought before you’d even had it fully formed. Tears had spilled from her pretty eyes, leaving her cheeks damp and pale. Her hands shook as she reached for you, a new understanding dawning on her. 
“Y/N, I am so sorry.” Every word was stressed with so much emotion you had no problem believing her. She hiccuped with distress once, twice, then continued, “When we said our vows I was promising to be in this with you but I see now I’ve been spoiled this whole time. Will you forgive me? I promise I will fix this.”
Drawing her closer into your arms, emotions finally settling in your chest, you pressed a kiss to the crown of her head. You loved her and you knew without a doubt she loved you. Your frustrations weren’t gone, and you two would need a serious talk after this, but for now daylight was passing you by and you two had come to an understanding. 
“I’ll walk you to Clint’s and then we can work on the farm together,” 
Haley gave you a tight squeeze, lips pressing heavily against yours, thankful you had forgiven her. After all, you always would.  
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valley-of-headcanons · 3 months
Can you write a fic or hcs about Haley with a female farmer who is autistic?? Thank you! 💗💐⚖️
haley with an autistic! farmer || headcanons
haley finds your differences alluring, not off-putting.
warnings: nothing really? talking of fidgeting might trigger tics but nothing that i can see. read with caution if needed
requested by: anon! hiyaa, thank you so much for the request! sorry if everything is not 100% totally accurate, i know a good bit about the topic but there's always room for human error! feel free to kindly educate me if i need it :) anyway! hope you enjoy! :)
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• When Haley found out that you were autistic, she didn't mind. She may have seen the signs or she may not have, depending on how much you masked it. She wasn't really familiar with it, or anything neurodivergent really. She knew her sister was diagnosed with something somewhere down the line, but she didn't think too much of it. But, she’d learn. For you, she'd do a lot of things that weren't usually her style.
• During your relationship, you slowly begin to unmask around her. Finding yourself more comfortable with her, you open this side of yourself up to her. She can't help but find some beauty in it. Seeing you, the true you, find solace in her? It puts a smile on her face. Whether your autism is high or low functioning, she finds your soul just as beautiful. So much different from her’s.
• If you have a tendency to fidget or tic, Haley wouldn't really know how to react at first. She'd ask what's going on, probably with an odd tone, but once after it's explained to her she understands. If you two are out in public and you need to fidget with something, she'd offer you her hand. Her fingers are always adorned with many rings, so it's no surprise that there's something to fidget with. If you two are alone, she’d also let you fidget with her hair while she lays in your lap.
• If your autism causes your emotions to be on the extremely subtle side, Haley would try her best to communicate with you. She's not perfect at the whole communication thing and would get a bit frustrated, but she’s trying. She's never tried this hard with anyone before. However, if your autism causes your emotions to be extremely heightened, things would be a little bit different. Haley could read your expressions like a book, and knew exactly what you meant without even having to ask. Of course, this leads to a little bit of miscommunication, but things happen. She’s trying her hardest.
• Haley would listen to you ramble on about your hyperfixations while doing menial tasks. Painting her nails? She’s listening to you ramble on about a certain aspect of your interest. Doing her makeup? Asking you questions about your interest, happy to hear you talk so much about it. Picking out an outfit for the day? Listening to you talk in-between outfit options. She always has an ear open for you, but she's not the best at reciprocating conversation. Haley has learned that she likes being more of a listener, not a talker. She loves hearing your voice instead of her own, these days.
• Despite your differences, you two were set on making this work. Haley cares more about you than anyone she’s ever met, and she wouldn't dare mess things up. The things that are different about you complete her, and she wouldn't change a single aspect about you. You’re her sun, moon, and all of the stars in the sky.
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honey-crypt · 3 months
Hello! I saw you disability prompts post for Stardew, would you be able to do headcanons about Haley helping a farmer with PTSD and/or anxiety? Thank you so much! 😊
a/n: request #4 for my write-a-thon! enjoy!
warnings: ptsd flashbacks, anxiety attacks
★ red alert - haley x farmer ★
★ haley could be an ass but she never was one when it came to helping people in need
★ home girl will criticize your boots, not your mental disabilities
★ the first time she witnesses you have an anxiety attack, she kinda freaks out with you because she doesn't know what to do
★ when haley realizes it's an anxiety attack, she redirects you to a safe and quiet space (i.e., you're having an anxiety attack at the saloon, she takes you to her house) and stays with you until you can calm yourself down
★ after that, haley looks into ways to support you when these attacks happen and employs a variety of techniques, such as keeping a fidget on her for you to use or helping you ground yourself
★ she tries to use the same techniques on you when you have a flashback after gus brandishes a kitchen knife a bit too close to your face but finds them to be useless when you run out of the saloon, screaming
★ haley catches up to you and finds you on your farmhouse's porch, scratching your arm up with your nails and muttering something that she couldn't quite understand
★ when she gets closer to you, she hears that you're saying "don't hurt me, don't hurt me, don't hurt me"
★ haley sits next to you and tells you that she's here with you, that the two of you are sitting outside your farmhouse in stardew valley, and what day/time it is
★ she continues to give you details of your surroundings until you calm down to a point where she can hold you
★ haley lets you cry in her arms and strokes your hair lovingly, as she listens to you talk about your flashback
★ after that incident, haley acts like an angel on your shoulder, giving you friendly reminders to take your mental health medications and attend your therapy sessions, as well as take breaks when need be
★ haley might seem like your typical mean girl but when push comes to shove, she will always support those she loves the most
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kaikonn · 3 months
POV: You got 8 hearts with all the bachelors/bachelorettes, so everyone kinda flirts with you
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jurassicass · 5 months
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Haley x Ridley wip
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yitiaok01 · 5 months
Haley farmer brainrot real ahh
Sketched em
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Anyway, toe wiggle 🥹💖💖💖 this caught me off guard, SHES SO CUTE
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aitadraws · 5 months
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Good luck, babe!
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al4thea · 3 months
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In my head Haley will never have a decent photo as long as she's near the farmer
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anothergiselle · 6 months
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Me and the bad bitch I pulled by pulling daffodils out of the ground
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sporkteeth · 22 days
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farmer/haley art from the past 5 months or so (ford's face changes every time i draw them LOLL)
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minteehell · 8 months
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Thank you to @pbbsl for commissioning me! I honestly had fun drawing all of them, even in the middle of all my exams lol.
Im planning to put my commission info later, when I have time. So stay tuned!
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valley-of-headcanons · 3 months
can you do hcs for haley + chronically ill (pots) fem farmer :’)
haley with a chronically ill! farmer || headcanons
haley's turned into quite the caring girlfriend <3
warnings: description of pots symptoms (fainting/lightheadedness, brain fog, fatigue, and bad "spells") she's your caregiver :)
requested by: anon! hi, thank you so much for the request! i love writing for haley, it's pretty fun 🙏 however, i do not have pots! i have suspicions and i have some symptoms but i have nothing medically diagnosed, and i am not an expert. if i did something wrong, please educate me! :) anyway, hope you enjoy!
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• Haley has developed into a very understanding person, so when you reveal that you have a disability, she tries her hardest to understand it as much as she can. She lets you explain everything, and if you ask her to do research, she'll try her hardest. She loves you, and she doesn't mind that you're a little different. It makes you more unique and interesting.
• She tries her hardest to keep an eye on you, because of your lightheaded spells. She doesn't want you to hurt yourself, regardless of if you actually faint or not. While you're working, she sits on the porch and watches over the farm. She'll always make sure she's listening, just in case you call for her. She'll usually just be painting her nails or reading a magazine. She needs the sunlight, duh.
• “Please be safe, dear! I don't want to have to drag you back into the house! ... if you get to feeling bad, come back in! If you overwork yourself, you will not hear the end of it! ... I love you!” she'd call out from the porch, giving you a (not so) friendly reminder.
• When dealing with your brain fog, she doesn't mind! She gets a little frustrated of course, as many people would, but she wouldn't take it out on you. She just doesn't know how to get you to remember. Haley does develop a habit of leaving little notes around the house for you on bright pink sticky notes. It's just a bunch of little reminders with hearts all over them. It puts a smile on your face, knowing she cares so much!
• “Hey, did you remember to pick up some sugar from the store? ... eh, it's okay, I forgot to leave a note this time around. Don't worry about it, I won't chew you out. I have changed my ways! ... hey, that's mean! Maybe I will chew you out! ... just kidding,” she'd say with a giggle, not meaning it whatsoever.
• She understands your fatigue pretty well. Haley tries her hardest to be helpful, cooking you energizing meals and making sure you get enough sleep. Even if it doesn't necessarily work, she still wants to show that she cares and that she wants to help. She's your caretaker. She doesn't have to be, and she knows that, but she wants to. She does it because she loves you, in sickness and in health.
• If you're having a really bad spell one day, Haley is there for you. She will set you up on the couch, making sure that your top half is raised. She'll then hand you some compression socks and something to drink. Haley will be sitting right by your side, asking if you need anything before sitting down and finishing up her magazine. You don't bother her one bit. If anything, she feels happy to be relied on. It's sweet. She feels like she's finally needed. But she needs you just as much.
• Haley is an incredibly sweet partner to you, despite your illness. She keeps you safe and loved, and she wouldn't dare leave your side. She adores her farmer, and she adores being your caregiver as well. She feels like she belongs here, like this is where she was meant to be all along. You wouldn't trade her for the world.
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honey-crypt · 2 months
I’ve been thinking about your disability write-a-thon and I’ve been eating it up!
Could you do something with a farmer that has POTs and Ehlers Danlos? (..Maybe a dash of ADHD too..). I have many SDV loves, this can be romantic, platonic, or a bit about the community being supportive as a whole. For characters Sam, Elliot, and Haley are my usual top three for friendships. I also love the idea of George realizing he’s not alone and maybe a disability isn’t so bad:) I have such a soft spot for him.
Any length or type will do, I would love to read anything that you would come up with<3
a/n: omg i get to write about medical complexity!!! i’m medical complex so this ask makes me go :D enjoy!!!
warning: medical crisis
★ elliott, haley, and sam with a medically complex!farmer ★
★ he wasn’t aware of how much of a toll having multiple conditions was on a person until he saw you have a fainting episode and dislocate your shoulder in the same breath
★ gets him #educated on the ways to support someone with pots, eds, AND adhd; enlists harvey’s help to get the doctor side of it and reaches out to the medically complex community to get the personal side of it
★ when he writes his next book, he makes sure to include some characters that either have pots, eds, or adhd because 1) there needs to be more disabled rep in literature and 2) he wants you to be seen
★ thinks you’re just joking about your conditions (she’s a bit insensitive at first) but immediately changes her mind when she sees you leaving the clinic with a big bump on your forehead and a sling around your arm from an episode
★ gives you tough love when it comes to managing your conditions, saying stuff like “you need to drink your water today!” or “hey, no party tricks! that’s how you fucked up your wrist last time!”
★ she works with emily to make you fashionable compression socks and sleeves for your pots, you deserve to rock in style
★ dude has adhd so he gets that part but he’s a little confused and kinda uneducated about pots & eds
★ keeps helpful aids like fidget toys (he always had one on hand before meeting you), electrolyte powder, and topical pain relief cream
★ tries his best to be mindful of how tight he hugs you or when he skateboards near you because he doesn’t want to cause a dislocation or any form of hurt
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kaikonn · 2 months
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A dumb lil sequel to this post lmao
I just love drawing Farmer Jo as an accidental bisexual icon 👁️
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Haley teaches you to touch yourself
Content warnings: obviously nsfw, minors I am not responsible for your media consumption but pls do not interact with this one, fem farmer, they’re lesbians your honour, masturbation, praise
She masturbates pretty regularly, so when you guys get into the more sexual aspect of your relationship and she learns you’ve never masturbated simply because you could never quite get it right boy if she determined to help
She’s got the mood set, lights are dimmed, some music playing in the background on low volume (I cannot be convinced she doesn’t listen to Chappell roan), sweet scented candles lit
Has you sit across from her, your both naked, she’ll start trailing her hands over her body telling you to copy her movements on yourself
Gently running her hands over her thighs and stomach, cupping her tits and watching as you shyly follow along, showing you how to pinch your nipples and delighted in the breathy whimper it elicits from you
She’ll spread her legs and instruct you to watch her closely, spreading her pussy lips apart and showing you how sticky she is “you’ve been such a good girl for me, following along perfectly baby” she praises in a low soft tone, “now keep being good for me and I’ll reward you” she teases lightly
She watches intently as you follow her movements, your hands exploring your own body slowly and sensually as you begin to feel your slick gathering, your thighs becoming sticky
Your fingers gently dipping to finally pay attention to your neglected clit, a moan leaving your mouth as the pleasure begins to build, Haley’s all but abandoned her own pleasure in favour of watching you more closely
“That’s it sweet girl, you can take two fingers can’t you?” She coo’s at you as she watches you dip your fingers into your cunt, savouring the way your face scrunches in pleasure as your high begins to build
When you let her know your gonna cum she’s over beside you pulling you into the sloppiest kiss, swallowing your moans as you ride out your high with her, panting into her mouth
“What a good girl I have, did so good for me” she praises, pulling you into her arms to help you calm down after such an intense orgasm “how about we draw a nice hot bath, and then later when your up for it I’ll reward you for your good behaviour?” And reward you she does
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yitiaok01 · 6 months
Stardew Valley 1.6 YIPPEE 🌻🌻🌻
Chibis + roomies hanging out at the beach.
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It's so relaxing to draw them while listening to Winona 🥹
Update: I sketched my farmer :D in more detail.
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