miutonium · 8 months
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Ok i swear one last selfship art before I resume my commission works again :3 I want to change her hair up a bit and make her look just as smart as Utonium and oh my god Utonium in a black turtle neck is so 😳😳😳
Also timelapse undercut, this time I did press start during sketching process
People who just wing the color on the go during render instead of doing color blocking is actually crazy like how do you guys even know what color to put?? I need a crumb of your skill plssss 😭😭😭
Im just so excited thinking about painting my commission now hsjdhalaosjsk painting is always so fun for me :3
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ashpkat · 2 months
fine i drew tamara... shes in her cute little dress from the third book except she looks twenty
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starea anului 2023
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kiwikipedia · 1 year
It’s very important to me that people know, that aside from his named children, Chiron sired an uncountable amount of nymph daughters with his wife known as the Pelionides. They aided Chiron and Chariclo in the rearing of numerous heroes and even the other Centaurs on Pelion depending on which myths you follow
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nicolae · 1 month
Starea inseparată maximal absolut în știința informației cuantice
Starea inseparată maximal absolut (Absolutely maximally entangled state, AME) este un concept în știința informației cuantice, care are multe aplicații în codul de corectare a erorilor cuantice, corespondența AdS/CFT discretă, corespondență AdS/CMT, și multe altele. Este generalizarea multipartită a stării bipartite maximal inseparate. Starea inseparată bipartită maximal |ψ⟩AB este cea pentru…
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ciochinaflorin · 3 months
169 I 2024. PRIN RUGĂCIUNE SE SCHIMBĂ VIAȚA ÎN BINE [Luca 9.28-32 I Psalmul 34.5] 17 Iunie 2024
169 I 2024. PRIN RUGĂCIUNE SE SCHIMBĂ VIAȚA ÎN BINE I Podcast I Pasaje Biblice : Luca 9 : 28 – 32 I Psalmul 34 : 5 I Meditaţii din Cuvânt I Cezareea I Reşiţa I 17 Iunie 2024 I Prin rugăciune se schimbă viața în bine ! Atât înfățișarea feței dar și starea sufletească a unui om. Acest fel de experiențe sunt reale pentru oamenii rugăciunii ! Continue reading 169 I 2024. PRIN RUGĂCIUNE SE SCHIMBĂ…
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alexsavescu · 6 months
Cum va fi vremea în următoarele două săptămâni
Administrația Națională de Meteorologie a emis o estimare a evoluției valorilor termice și a precipitațiilor în regiunea Moldova pentru intervalul 8 – 21 aprilie 2024. Până în data de 15 aprilie, vremea se va menține relativ constantă din punct de vedere termic, cu medii ale temperaturilor maxime între 22 și 26 de grade Celsius, iar ale temperaturilor minime între 6 și 10 grade Celsius. Această…
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cristinaboncea · 1 year
Despre "doar fii tu însuți!" și "trăiește în prezent!"
Cu siguranță aceste sfaturi sunt oferite adesea celor care își fac griji în privința interacțiunilor cu ceilalți – poate cu o persoană de care se simt atrași sau pur și simplu într-un mediu social nou. Nu am văzut însă vorbindu-se despre cât de greu este să fii autentic atunci când percepția asupra sinelui tău (sense of self) nu a fost suficient dezvoltată și nu ai nicio idee cum să trăiești în…
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othercrossee · 1 year
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Look at this idiot
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bropunzeling · 7 months
for the ask game! matthew/leon 15 or 22 if you feel like it <3
things you said after it was over
Leon's never been sure what the protocol is for how to act around someone he used to sleep with in secret.
He knows how to deal with former teammates, or exes; understands the boundaries of what he can say and what he can’t. There are guidelines. Old friends, he can say he misses, make an effort to hang around in the hall to catch up. Exes, he doesn't text anymore; when they come up in conversation, he can insist his friends talk about something else.
More to the point, everyone else knows the rules, too. Leon doesn't have to explain himself at all.
Nobody knows the rules when it comes to Matthew, though. Least of all Leon.
It's not that it was a bad breakup. Breakup isn't even the right word, anyway. They slept together for a while, and then they didn't. Leon didn't ask to come over in Florida, and Matthew didn't offer. How Leon felt about Matthew on the ice cooled, time and distance and fewer games helping him forget how fucking annoying Matthew could be. How Leon felt about Matthew off the ice --
Well, maybe he can admit now that Matthew isn't so bad, out of uniform. In Florida he's in his element. Leon watches from his booth as Matthew goes from group to group, grinning and clapping hands on shoulders and passing out beers like party favors. Checking in with people, asking how their weekend is going. Helps, probably, that the All-Star Weekend is somewhere warm for once. Less resentful about missing vacation.
"Hey. Drai." By the tone of his voice, this isn't the first time Connor’s said something. "You want another drink?"
"Uh," Leon says, tearing his eyes away from Matthew and back to Connor. Connor, who's looking at him like he does know what the rules might be for how to behave about a guy you used to casually fuck around with, and is finding Leon wanting. "Sure."
Connor nods and raps the table with his knuckles, heading for the bar. Leon scans the room again, unable to help it. Wondering where Matthew got up to.
"Hey," someone says.
And there Matthew is. Sliding into the seat across from Leon, pink-cheeked and half-smirking. Smiling? It’s hard to tell. Sincerity was always so difficult for Leon to gauge on Matthew’s face.
"Hey," Leon says.
There's a pause. Matthew looks at him; Leon starea right back. He doesn't know what to say next. They're not exes, and he isn't even mad at Matthew, and yet he's immediately, viscerally, uncomfortably aware that Matthew knows what he looks like naked and hard. That Matthew has seen him come more than anyone else in this room. A loaded gun only the two of them know Matthew has.
"Having a good time?" Matthew asks.
That, at least, seems real enough. Leon nods. "Can't complain," he says. "Pretty nice place to be in February." Adds, after a second, "You picked a good place to land."
Was that too far? Too strange? Before he can second-guess himself further, though, Matthew’s grinning. "Yeah, I did, didn't I?" One of his arms is resting on the tabletop. His hand is centimeters away from where Leon is toying with an empty rocks glass. If either of them moved, they would be touching.
"Have plans for the rest of the weekend?" Matthew asks.
Leon shrugs. "Besides all this?"
Matthew nods. One of his fingertips traces the condensation on the table, breaking apart the rings of water. Coming closer and closer to the back of Leon’s hand.
Leon shrugs again. Flexes his hand. "No plans, really." Adds, for no reason, "I'll be here for a few days. Any recommendations?"
Matthew’s fingertips are touching Leon’s hand. Or maybe Leon’s hand is touching Matthew’s fingers. Either way, Leon feels that touch jolting up his arm, kicking his heart into high gear. Watches Matthew look at him, and wonders if Matthew doesn’t know the rules either.
"I might have a few," Matthew says.
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arhitectul · 2 months
sunt în starea de-a mă plimba câteva ore cu mașina, ținându-mi mâna pe piciorul tău.
unde mergem?
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fatafaravise · 1 year
Un simplu mesaj de la tine mi-a schimbat starea...
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ciochinaflorin · 1 year
151 I 2023. DUHUL SFÂNT NE FACE CONȘTIENȚI DE STAREA NOASTRĂ SPIRITUALĂ [1 Ioan 5.7 I Ioan 16.8 I Faptele Apostolilor 2.37–41]
151 I 2023. DUHUL SFÂNT NE FACE CONȘTIENȚI DE STAREA NOASTRĂ SPIRITUALĂ I Podcast I Pasaje Biblice : I Ioan 5 : 7 I Ioan 16 : 8 I Faptele Apostolilor 2 : 37 – 41 I Meditaţii din Cuvânt I Cezareea I Reşiţa I 31 Mai 2023 I A convinge înseamnă : „A face pe cineva să adopte o părere pe bază de dovezi și argumente, a-l face să recunoască ceva ca adevărat. ♦ A-și da seama, a recunoaște că ceva este…
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alexsavescu · 8 months
Cum va fi vremea la începutul lunii februarie
Administraţia Naţională de Meteorologie a anunţat estimările evoluţiei valorilor termice şi a precipitaţiilor pentru prima parte a lunii februarie (11 februarie). În regiunea Moldovei, tempereaturile vor porni de la medii în jurul a 1 grad, iar maximele vor crește treptat până spre 8 grade în primele două zile din februarie, apoi încălzirea va fi semnificativă până la 12 grade, valoare ce va fi…
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albalbastru · 2 months
"Nu poţi suporta lumea decât în stare de ebrietate. Cu condiţia ca starea aceasta să dureze douăzeci şi patru de ore pe zi. "
Emil Cioran
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Spoilers for The Amazing Digital Circus!
I love how Pomni was immediately like “wtf” when she got there
Pomni, Gangle and Bubble have my whole heart
Zooble is always so pissed I love them
I really like how Ragatha makes these awkward little laughs in between sentences, her voice acting just feels very real in general
Jax is such a piece of shit /pos
Hmm, there were others that got turned into eldritch weirdcore monsters? Also I think everyone knew that Kaufmo was going to be there for like 10 seconds
I find it really cute how Pomni just kinda starea when she sees how she looks here. Probably going to be a traumatic thing down the line but still
And screenshots
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