stevenstarfas · 2 months
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Somewhere In The Avenues: February 6, 2024 | 001 Polaroid b&w i-Type
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zephsthings · 5 months
intro post !!!
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hi! i'm zeph (a.k.a. zephie//zephania star), i'm 19 and a brit (unfortunately my irish heritage is not strong enough to count as fully irish lol :< UPDATE TURNS OUT I AM ACTUALLY HALF IRISH!!!)
my pronouns are she/they/them, and now also star/astra/starfae !!! i'm a genderfluid/demigirl, (i vibe with both those labels) and a panromantic demisexual :3
these are the fandoms i most like to dip in and out of:
waterparks (the band)
the dragon prince
the mentalist
bones (tv)
probably some others i cannot think of atm (will add later haha)
i love to draw, write, read, (i'm an english nerd, sue me - literally studying english lit & creative writing hahaha) and i cannot survive a single day without listening to music :D
more info under the cut ->
i also really really really love space. please send me space stuff. it is my main special interest at the moment - yes, i am autistic !!! there are many other Things Wrong With Me (OCD, ADD, tRaUmA & cPTSD, insomnia, etc... yippee jackpot) chronically ill and disabled girlies rise !!! <3
feel free to send me asks or just chat to me! i'm very friendly :3 ask me about space, about my interests, music, OR MY BLORBOS !!! i am also always happy to talk about writing, whether that be yours or mine !!! i write both original stuff and fanfic ;)
i don't really have a DNI but if you piss me off best believe i will be using that block button :))) obviously this works both ways ;)))
i do vent a lot. sometimes in writing (poems, stories) sometimes in drawings, sometimes more explicitly. i am in recovery. i go to therapy. i have support, so PLEASE don't worry about me, i am FINE i am just DRAMATIC (it's the tortured poet within me) -- if this is not something u want to see, block me !!! it's okay, no hard feelings - your mental health is important <3
so yeah, that's all for now! have fun on my blog and stay safe online babies love u <3
am i the (gloom) boy you dreamed of?
(( my ramblings are always tagged "zeph just stfu", and friend tags are "[name] shenanigans" <3 ))
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bembwashere · 2 years
The Prince
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Lucas Andrew Brighton, the Prince of the Starfae kingdom. A timid but kind man who lit the Subcon village up with a bright and warm happiness every time he stepped foot on the orange brick pathways. He was extremely loyal to his Princess... But was a little too trusting for his own good.
Not a big piece today but I really wanted to draw Prince AHIT because i noticed i've never really posted any stuff of him on my tumblr. (and I wanted to make a colour palette for him in Photoshop fgdfds)
Also there just should be more Prince content in general anyways
Hope you guys enjoy my take on AHIT's Prince!
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ravendraculina · 2 years
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Doll Design I'm working on a doll line. StarFae is a doll line made for adult collectors inspired by Y2K fashion and toys during the time with a modern twist. Each doll has a character and personality inspired by the solar system, such as moons, stars, and planets. Selene Essence is inspired by the moon <3
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kynvillingur · 1 year
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444names · 1 year
list of ancient roman ruins + list of elden ring locations
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a bit vague but okay. just fyi, it's better if you learn a lil' bit about how markov chains work due to the blog being based on the same principle of generation, @northome
Aacha Aataco Academis Acadering Aftering Ailicall Aintop Alburbo Allus Altarsus Altusa Anctum Antic Anticle Apame Apamedica Aphrodius Aphrone Apollower Apollus Aporoling Aquellat Aquering Arted Artemples Assum Assummon Atargely Atinauric Atine Ation Auring Awated Azularge Baalbekaa Bacchur Bakhleh Baption Baroqueen Barrane Basemble Basemuir Basians Basianus Bathriye Beehin Beehiver Behin Belfrings Beneta Bested Bestill Blace Bomost Boufice Boufich Brida Brithin Buildinat Burbo Bustrewn Caeliefs Capiter Cariaco Cariyah Carria Carrow Castend Cavat Cavate Cavator Caveyard Celti Centurn Chayer Chbana Chelica Chelios Chelough Circulumn Clauding Claudium Clift Cloistor Coast Colche Colos Colum Columbled Communis Completer Conque Conserved Constreet Coring Courthage Covenia Coveside Crated Crystater Cybelem Cybeles Dakout Damastusa Deawat Deawated Deaway Dectuary Deeproba Derintop Derior Destargo Dester Dismall Divia Domin Dominular Dorsakes Dough Dragment Dumane Dumayn Dunerary Dunese Durifiedd Edden Ellus Elphaeum Endering Epher Ephere Ephest Espast Espastu Especial Estill Eteringe Evernal Exter Famon Faouq Finer Flamed Flaminot Fored Forlorne Forset Fortial Founds Fount Foura Fragona Frand Frenne Fries Fring Fringlead Froneta Funerva Funes Gadden Gaelid Gallona Gallonal Garria Gatefron Gater Gatine Gation Geneta Giana Giantle Golands Graveyar Groundere Grounta Grountain Grove Guart Guarthage Haded Hademi Hadria Halley Hallo Hamoused Harchapel Harrise Heightly Helid Hered Heretusa Hermes Hermith Hidde Hidea Highron Hight Hilineath Hiling Holder Holis Holissum Horner Horvated Humayn Hypsis Hypsists Impalazzo Impalmyra Impel Inseluvis Insules Inthin Isias Jania Janicus Kanatori Kfarottom Khird Konal Laied Laken Laskyard Lataco Lated Latill Lebane Lennels Limgrand Liter Litor Liurn Liurnic Liurnt Liurnus Livine Locally Locata Locateau Lonal Londone Lookoue Lordian Lucarria Maide Maint Maissa Marburnia Marcery March Marchapel Marsus Marth Mascum Megist Melic Merch Mersei Minula Minus Miragon Monwat Mornia Mound Mounds Mouseum Mtargater Muchedral Muchelid Multor Mused Mushad Méridge Namea Neighroad Nighront Nights Nighway Nokront Nokronter Nothe Nowfied Nowfield Nymphael Octagona Olden Oring Orior Orium Overn Oveside Parthbore Pasted Pastu Pering Philictor Plagues Plated Pollona Porolder Potainium Potains Prest Prestus Proba Probable Probabled Proot Proserva Punice Purics Puring Qouqa Rakhosn Realm Reastly Reciali Recipice Remaide Renturg Renzied Renzy Repost Restill Retus Reuse Revenus Revertemi Rison Rivery Romer Romercula Roserpina Rotto Rottom Rottombs Round Rounded Ruinsulis Sanawater Sanaway Sance Sancyra Scotlan Seconvery Seger Segeture Segetus Sella Serpina Serva Served Sevenia Sevenus Sfirst Shamid Shring Shrings Shunne Shunni Siofrage Siter Sitest Siturnice Situry Situs Smold Solate Sosians Sourch Sourt Spainside Stantiali Stants Starfa Stenhous Stial Stialight Stinal Stinean Stormcal Storren Strapost Stree Stroyed Structed Struction Substarge Substated Substater Subter Sugga Sules Surviver Suway Targo Templete Templeter Theast Thercula Thern Thero Thian Thindmill Thraeum Titury Toresenat Toring Torior Tormfoot Tormgated Toweretic Tunice Tunion Tunne Tunni Turkwat Tychelios Undtabled Unsiden Unusuallo Uppering Usements Useum Vallona Veral Vespecial Volcanon Volchesus Warmascus Weeprose Whichaped Whichayer Witchbib Writh Yantaint Yantinula Yelona Zaghous Zamorne Zebanor Zeusemuir Zeuseum
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hudlaeknastodin · 1 year
Húðsjúkdómar eru einnig flóknir og misjafnir, eins og margir aðrir sjúkdómar. Þeir geta haft áhrif á lífsgæði fólks á óteljandi vegu, hvort sem er á sambands- eða sálfræðilegum plani. Þess vegna er mikilvægt að hafa aðgang að sérhæfðri þjónustu sem getur veitt rétta meðferð og ráðgjöf. Hudlaeknastodin.is er ein slík síða, sem býður upp á sérhæfða húðsjúkdómaþjónustu í gegnum netið. Með faglegu fólki sem veitir áreiðanlega og nækvæma upplýsingu, gerir vefsíðan það einfalt og þægilegt að sækja sér faglega aðstoð.
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kubbur · 1 year
Mötuneytið á Vitatorgi verður að losa sig við rudda, sem sýna gestum rudda og dónaskap. Þetta eru yfirleitt heimskir strákar seme eiga als ekki að vera í svona stöðu. Þeir ættu að starfa á svínabúi ef einhver vildi nota þá en als ekki að koma fram við almenning á veitinga stöðum. Vonandi verður almenningur laus við svona heimska rudda.
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studywithjazz · 6 years
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London pride 2018
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scorpvo · 6 years
butterfly and fairy! 💐💖
butterfly: favorite ice cream flavor?i love birthday cake ice cream, but also chocolate and vanilla twist is good, too!
fairy: what type of museum is your favorite?i love art museums so much, but i also love history museums!
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astragalomancer · 7 years
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@starfaes ‘s reblog reminded me to post these strawberries I got in Japan 💗🍓
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stevenstarfas · 2 months
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Somewhere In The Avenues: June 7, 2024 Polaroid B&W i-Type 
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darling-wishbone · 7 years
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@starfaes I am loving this look we share
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galacticjerk · 8 years
If you can’t handle me at my worst then you can’t handle me because I am The Worst™
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yuribeam · 8 years
passion fruit and guava ♡
passion fruit: how would you describe your style?
romantic/cute pastel vintage housewife 
guava: dark & dramatic makeup or natural makeup?
dark and dramatic!! i don’t tend to go super vampy but i pretty much always do big winged eyeliner and pink and brown eyeshadow. though i really love the dewy fresh korean cosmetics look, i wish i could pull it off! 
thank you! ♡
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waytoocatty · 6 years
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@starfaesart ‘s witch Sophie because Im in love with her
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