#starkpark requests
stark-park · 2 years
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Ace Five + bloodied uniform Icons
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burglarhobbit · 6 years
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@starkparker requested: edit + carol danvers for my celebration
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otgw · 6 years
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(creativity challenge) graphic request from @starkparker: tony stark!
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allthetonyships · 6 years
hey!! can i request a stevetony au, tony meet steve at an art gallery and they bond immediately, tony gets steve’s number and as a first date he invites him at the premiere of a documentary about steve’s favorite artist + all the fluff and soft kisses!! can you dedicated it to @starkparker as a gift?
@starkparker your wife wants you to have this fic and i love both of you. uuhh i’m not sure this is exactly what you had in mind but it’s what wouldn’t leave me alone so here it is
Tonyreally doesn’t mean to be there, at that place and that time. He’s been forcedto go the museum by Pepper, who wants him to get an interest in art, no matterhow small. Probably, she’s just as aware as Tony that it’s never going tohappen, but she made him go nonetheless.
Hestares at the painting, hanging there. It’s a pond, a bridge over some waterfull of lilies. It’s not particularly carefully painted, he can see that, andhe doesn’t know why anyone would, anyway. The painting isn’t useful, it’s kindof messy, really, hastily painted. Tony doesn’t know why he should spend timewatching this if the painter didn’t even want to waste a lot of time paintingit.
‘’Beautiful,right?’’ a guy says, coming to stand next to him. He has a dreamy look on hisface, but damn, Tony would rather stare at this man than the art before him.
He’s ahead taller than Tony, with messy, dark blond hair and a jaw that leaves himstaring. He’s wearing a navy blue shirt that’s a bit too tight for him, and itdoesn’t leave a lot of his broad shoulders and flat stomach to the imagination.
As faras Tony is concerned, this man is the real art, and the painting that hangsbefore them is just a replaceable piece of canvas.
‘’Gorgeous,’’he says, not even turning to look back at it.
The mansmiles at him softly. ‘’Monet is one of my favourite painters,’’ he says.‘’I’ve always thought the Water Lily Pond was one of his best works. What drewyou to it?’’
Boredom,mainly. ‘’I don’t know,’’ he says. ‘’I don’t know a lot about art. I was forcedto come here by a friend who thought I should learn, but to be honest, I don’tknow what I’m supposed to be learning.’’
‘’Well,I could tell you some stuff about impressionism,’’ the man says. ‘’I came bymyself, anyway, but I prefer to talk about art with someone else.’’
‘’Idon’t have a lot to say about it,’’ Tony confesses.
The mantilts his head, regarding him. ‘’That’s the thing about art, though. You canhave all the facts and background information and knowledge about artmovements, but that’s not all there is about it. Art makes statements, it givesfeelings, and knowledge helps, but it’s not necessary. The most important thingabout art is what it tells you; it conveys a personal truth, if you will. Oftenby teaching us a more general truth. You just have to say what it makes youthink about.’’
‘’Youseem really passionate about this stuff,’’ Tony says. ‘’Are you an artist?’’
The manlaughs. ‘’Sometimes,’’ he answers. ‘’I’m an art student, though. I know, Iknow, I look too old to still be studying. I spent some time – well, abroad. Myname is Steve.’’
Tonysmiles back at Steve, and takes the hand the man offers. ‘’I’m Tony. Don’tworry, we’re never too old to be learning. I’m not an artist, though, nor anart student, so you’ll have to tell me all about it.’’
Steve’seyes are a beautiful colour, he sees; blue, with a hint of green. It only makesthem all the more perfect, and Tony realizes he may be staring just a tad toolate.
Stevedoesn’t seem to mind, as he offers Tony another kind smile, and tells him aboutMonet.
Itdoesn’t take them long to become friends. Steve leads Tony through the gallery,and doesn’t take offense when Tony seems to think some pieces don’t make senseor are ugly. In fact, he laughs at Tony’s expressions when he shows him somepostmodern pieces.
Tonydares take Steve’s hand one hour in, and Steve just tightens his hold on it,and they don’t say anything about it.
Twohours in, far longer than Tony has ever been in any kind of museum, he offersto buy the both of them some sandwiches. Steve agrees, and they eat in themuseum’s café. Steve wipes some breadcrumbs away from the corner of Tony’smouth, and they don’t say anything about that either.
It’snear closing time when the two of them are ushered outside of the museum, andTony and Steve laugh together as he guard looks at them suspiciously. They’restill holding hands, even as they are out on the street, and Tony is loath tolet go.
‘’I’vehad a lot of fun,’’ Steve says, a shy smile playing around his lips. Tony can’tbelieve he’s only known this man for a few hours, now; he’s never had such aconnection with anyone. It’s taken him less than a day to feel his heart bouncewith excitement at the thought of Steve, and he doesn’t want to lose this.
‘’Metoo,’’ Tony says. ‘’Look, Steve, I know we only met today, and I promise I’mnot usually this forward. You told me that there was a film about Monetpremiering in a few days, so can I take you to see it? I promise I’ll try notto fall asleep, and maybe we can get some dinner after, and maybe, if youwanted to, we could see each other again after?’’
Stevestops walking, and takes Tony’s other hand, too. It feels oddly intimate. Thesun is setting, and here Tony is, standing still in the streets of New Yorkwith a blue-eyed stranger that has the vision of an artist viewing him likehe’s the most prized painting that has ever been made. ‘’I said that art holdsa personal truth, right, when you look at it?’’ Steve says. ‘’It’s true. It’swhy I love art so much – one piece of painting, and it can make you feel somuch, but when someone else sees it, they may think of something else entirely.When I look at you, I feel the same way.’’
‘’You’resaying I’m art?’’ Tony asks, trying to understand.
Stevelaughs, a small bright sound echoing through the street. ‘’In a way, I guess.What I mean to say, I know we have known each other for barely a day, but Ifeel like I know you. I feel that, when I look at you, there’s something Idon’t feel looking at any other person. Maybe I sound too much like an artistfor you – but Tony, I don’t think I ever want to stop watching you, because Ican keep learning truths from you.’’
‘’Idon’t know about that,’’ Tony says, ‘’but I know that I’d really like to kissyou right now.’’
Steveanswers by pressing his lips against Tony’s.
‘’That’sa yes to the date?’’ Tony asks, as they break apart. Steve’s smile isinfectious, and bright, and they’re still holding hands.
‘’I thoughtI answered that already,’’ Steve says playfully. ‘’I could kiss you again, ifthat would more clearly answer your question?’’
‘’Itwould,’’ Tony says. ‘’I’m a slow student. You may have to give me a lot ofanswers.’’
Stevelaughs out loud. ‘’Gladly,’’ he answers. ‘’Can’t have you falling behind, canwe?’’
Tonyjust kisses him, and never stops.
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gentledroid · 6 years
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after reviving this fucking ancient blog from the ashes, we’ve made it ! i just want to thank y’all for making the experience of getting back in the marvel fandom so worthwhile. 💘 to celebrate and also cause i wanna interact w/ more folks on here, i’m gonna be doing some blogrates, blog compliments, and graphic requests !! 
RULES .      
mbf me 
reblog this post, likes will only count as bookmarks 
send 🌟 + your favorite fictional character for a blograte
send 🍓 + your favorite film for a blog compliment 
send 🌈 + your request for a graphic ( it could be a character, *ship, film, etc. + a certain style/quote ; ex. pastel thorbruce. *for ships pls don’t request anything inappropriate like s/t that involves inc*st, p*dophilia, etc ) 
optional: check out my graphics
be sure to blacklist #bubscelebrates if you don’t want these posts on your dash ! and because i’m rlly scared this’ll flop i’m gonna tag some lovely mutuals : @thefalconsam , @arcaneth , @asianstark , @buckaholic , @sebby , @ttaikas , @starkparker , @stuckygrief , @thnaos
blograte format under the cut !
URL: 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | PETER PARKER 
ICON: 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | VALKYRIE
POSTS: 5 | 6  | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | OKOYE 
MOBILE THEME: 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | SHURI UDAKU
DESKTOP THEME: 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | SAM WILSON
OVERALL: 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | BUCKY BARNES
FOLLOWING ? not yet, but ily | i am now ! | uhm ofc !!!!!
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stark-park · 2 years
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Matt & Sylvie
requested by @fezfanatic
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stark-park · 2 years
Hey! Can you make a ace flag icon for number five but with this pic ? I loved the ones u did i just rlly like this pic of him :)))
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You can find the post here
Hope you like them ☺️
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stark-park · 3 years
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Subtle? Pride Icons - Bill Skarsgard
requested by @nerdicesbro
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stark-park · 2 years
hey can you make an icon of jefferson from ouat with the bi flag please?
I can 👍 Click here to see the post. I hope you like them ☺️
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stark-park · 4 years
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Don’t you ever tame your demon
Always keep ‘em on a leash
- Arsonists lullaby by Hozier
For @joanofarkansass who requested “anything by Hozier”
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stark-park · 4 years
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Love of mine
Someday you will die
But I'll be close behind
I'll follow you into the dark
- I Will Follow You Into The Dark by Death Cab For Cutie
Requested by @rhubarbdreams thanks for the song suggestion!
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stark-park · 4 years
Aromantic Lykon Icons
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As requested by @cactusdragon517 👍
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