#starlit warren
composeregg · 1 year
Steel and raspberry
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LETS KILL GOD TOGETHER!!!!!!!!! and also I will write fic lol
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kicktwine · 10 months
i have been rotating your ffxiv specbio in my head for several days so if you don't mind my asking, would you be willing to elaborate on some of the specbio for miqo'te and lalafell, if you've not done so already?
OF COURSE im gonna focus a bit more on miqo since the main points of lalas were in that doodle 
first of all: miqote would be lesser cats — unable to roar, but able to hiss and purr and chirp and yowl! and they do, do this, often. baby miqo are constantly mewling and chirping and crying, and that’s where a communal child rearing culture comes in handy, because you would not make one parent deal with a very needy (and blind for a month) baby alone. Adult miqo use vocalization for emphasis, along with gesture and expression. They very often express two emotions at once while in conversation with their words/expressions and body language, which makes understanding others’ intentions harder for them. Ex: sad tail, angry ears = upset, happy tail, angry face = teasing, angry tail, angry hands = furious. They might get confused if there’s no tail to denote teasing. Tails are used for balance And emotion, ears are used for listening and emotion, etc, sometimes more so than facial expression, which can sometimes look inexpressive to those who haven’t taught themselves how to emote communicatively among other races.
They are fuzzy all over! like my friend izutsumi. Sun cats are usually less furry, having only translucent-to-tip colored fuzz but some moon keepers can get VERY furry, like Maine coons. It tends to be longest on the forearms, ankles, back (like a cheetah ruff, some miqo have a line of long fur going down to their tail. Whole body Mohawk), and stomach trail, and shortest on the face, most having only peach fuzz up there. Fur length can vary no matter the miqo, and fur pattern also varies - unlike cats, stripes or spots will sometimes color the skin as well. Prominent fur patterns are pretty rare. Please do not shave your miqo’te, it was a bit more popular a few years ago and it turns out it can lead to very patchy or ingrown coats that require shaving for the rest of ever. They have rough tongues and they have brushes and combs, they can take care of their fur, and sometimes other miqos’ fur. Grooming, though, is either for baby or for people you’re close with. Babies are scrungly.
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My friend Izutsumi vv
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Miqo can digest raw meat, but it’s really more of a you can eat tree bark if you’re lost in the woods situation. The correct thing to do is bring the hunt back home, so everyone can cook and eat. They are not obligate carnivores, but their systems need more meat than a hyur would. They have non-retractable claws, and every miqo has fangs, though sun seekers tend to have bigger chunkier fangs and moon keepers thinner and longer canines. It has to do with the size/type of their prey. 
They also have slightly looser skin like a cat. This doesn’t really mean they have wrinkles all over, it means they’re a bit stretchy? They can wriggle their naturally lithe bodies into weird positions to climb and run, and if you give a miqo a mochi kiss it will look like a cartoon. Older male cats (mostly, but it can happen to anyone) will often develop tomcat jowls as they age, and it’s basically balding for a cat in the societal sense, because miqo don’t bald with age. Their fur gets scraggly (but there are hairless cats out there). It’s often considered attractive! Some families consider it a sign that the cat is getting too old. 
Miqo’te can see in the dark, and have a reflective layer in their eyes. moon keepers are very adept at darkvision, having near perfect vision at night, and have a little trouble in bright desert sun, while sun seekers have to deal with vastly reduced color perception at night and have pupils that can go very thin to block out sun. Their cheetah face marks help with this!
Lalafell, too, have a difference in eye biology across their species. Only dunesfolk have a thin third eyelid, to repel sand while keeping their eyes open, while plainsfolk have eyes that work similar to a sun seeker. No layered eyelid, just a vertical pupil. All of them have tapetum lucidum. 
Also, last point for fun, lalafell stay the same size from 8 years old to 100 years old, and before then they’re about the size of a small hedgehog (baby) to about the size of a kinda small Lala (3-8). A point of annoyance for elezen, who stay the size of a child until they’re 20 or so and then have the worst growing pains in history at a point where complaining about it is less acceptable than getting mad as a kid because your legs hurt. The reason you don’t see very many baby lala is the same reason you don’t see many baby pigeons. You either do and don’t realize it, or they’re VERY SMALL and bundled in blankets or sitting at home and not in the city. A good way to tell if you’re talking to a ten year old or a thirty year old Lala (aside from their intelligence and mannerisms) is by looking at their ears. The tips will darken with age — young lalafell will have light colored ears, sometimes with white fuzz, mature lalafell will have dark ear tips. Good to know for bartenders. 
Baby lalafell also have sharp needle teeth. Much like baby miqo, roe, and au ra. Unlike those three, the sharp teeth go away. They’re helpless pink beans when they’re newborns, they will not hesitate to bite you if you bother them too much. 
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rosie-kairi · 1 year
marluxia or lauriam in "cruel and thin" for the palette ask?
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One Lauriam, coming right up!
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versegm · 1 year
The bones of the yellow king for the WIP title thing?
Oh yeah that one's an original story! Without going into too much detail, the base premise is "wouldn't isekais fucking suck from the perspective of the people you've left behind?"
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Word Find Tag
I was tagged by @i-can-even-burn-salad... weeks ago :')
My words are: threat, trust, tie, time
Your words are: risk, rage, remember, relief
And I am tagging (if you want to, as always!) @littleperilstories, @sincaerity​, @nanashi23 and you, if you want to.
Just find the words (or thesaurus your way through it) in anything WIP or published, whatever.
Finally started going through Shattered Dreams for my dev edits, so that's what you're getting :)
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The jinn stopped as Darian approached him, pushing thin black braids banded in silver over his shoulder. Darian noted how wary his coal black eyes were as they swept over his leather-clad form, skipping over the serrated dagger strapped to his left thigh, the hilt of the sword strapped to his back, and the water enchanted short sword he currently held in his right hand.
Those were his visible weapons.
“How are we doing today, Dyami?” he asked the jinn, keeping his short sword lowered and trying to appear non-threatening.
“Please, don’t give up now. Now that I’m gaining some control over my empathy, Warren will want to put that to use.”
He closed his eyes at the name, but she wouldn’t allow the withdrawal.
She shook him until he looked at her again. “I have a plan. Do you trust me?”
With a weary sigh and eyes full of shadows, Serin nodded. “You know I do.” The corner of his mouth twitched up as another thought occurred to him. “It’s not like I have anything to lose, I guess.”
Warren crossed his legs and leaned back in his chair, steepling his fingers and touching them to his lips. “Serin tells me you can project now. Show me.”
Immediately, she obeyed, dipping into her Source to forge a different kind of channel. Her eyes glowed softly, yellow light spilling over the table as she focused. She thought of the terror she had felt tied to that pole in her village, the fear she had felt before her first punishment, the dread she felt every time Warren walked down into this cellar.
Warren steepled his fingers again, nodding. “It’s time.”
So many questions, and each one would cost her. She would need to choose carefully. “How do you plan to explain my presence, or hide the glowing eyes and my aura?” Three fingers flashed, and she clenched her jaw.
Seven. This would not be a good visit.
“Nice try.” Warren chuckled. “I bet you thought that would be one. Hmm.” He stared at her eyes, although the glow had faded as soon as she had closed the channel. “I suppose I could just pluck your eyes from your head, that would certainly stop the glow from being noticed.”
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void-kissed · 1 year
For some reason I kind of find it fitting that it's my Kingdom Hearts self-insert who has the most different appearances, out of all of the self-inserts I have
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secret-engima · 1 year
hello! a question about your "everything ends (begins again)" au -- i just finished reading through the tag and then the fic, and i know you said there was one time traveler that was a secret/spoilers. is it cid? or am i guessing wrong?
Hi! That is a very clever guess, but not correct :).
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anguis-sapphire · 1 year
hello hello! do you have any thoughts or words to share for me on this fine day?
Hello hello, please take an assortment compiled from today’s events, if desired!
I have spent most of today setting my laptop back up after resetting it completely over the course of last night. It’s now updated to the latest version which is a relief. However I forgot how much of a process this would be (but I’m getting there?)
I downloaded a new Skyrim modpack (or, collection, as Nexus calls them), but it seems to have gotten stuck halfway through installing. This is very not ideal. But I did manage to get SKSE installed without it trying to install the original game edition again (since I play on the special edition now), so that’ll save me some space compared to before! But it’d be nice to play Skyrim again. Serana my beloved
I have a lot of sparkles that need attending to on my other blog and not a lot of facts coming to mind to answer them with but I’ll try. They may be silly facts but they’ll be facts nonetheless
am I mirroring the way my friends talk again?
Turns out the medication I’ve been on for the past five and a half years is no longer safe for me to take because I’ve had migraines while on it and those are a total contraindication if they have auras (which mine tend to). Even though I’ve had.. I think six, but definitely less than ten, migraines in two years. So that was also not ideal to find out (especially since this is the first time I’ve been asked if I’ve ever had a migraine since having one, and the first time I had one was December 2020). Thankfully I already have a prescription for replacement medication, which I can hopefully pick up on Saturday, but the doctor wasn’t actually sure if it’ll work for why I was taking the previous stuff, which is not a fun prospect
I needed to wash my hair so I had a nice bath ^-^ it was very nice and warm and
For words, please take the current lyrics going around my head - they are from Wicked, a song by Crusher-P using Eleanor Forte: “If, after all this time, you find I’m all but timid / bear in mind that turning tides can leave an ocean winded / My heart will only grow, with me, who owes to mend it / and as seasons come and go, living on becomes the ending”
one of my old school friends is coming over tomorrow!! so that’s exciting. we will play many games, I imagine
I hope that these assorted thoughts and words were alright!
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fell-court · 11 months
Sunflower and cherry blossom for tsutsuji and/or Lorenza (I hope I'm remembering those names right)?
You are, don't worry! Thank you very much for sending these, friend!~ Sorry that these questions took me so long to get to; I had forgotten I'd saved them in my drafts .w.
(question source: "OC Interview Questions - Nature" by marnie-mixs-meteors)
🌸 [CHERRY BLOSSOM] Does your OC (+ self-insert) believe in legends/myths? - I would say that Tsutsuji probably doesn’t believe in most of what she hears, but at the same time would be fine about being proven wrong if there was sufficient evidence; she’s sort of the opposite of Clio in that regard, because Clio assumes things to be true unless proven otherwise whereas Tsutsuji assumes things to be false unless proven otherwise. She also doesn't really dismiss things purely because she thinks they aren't true if she also thinks they sound interesting enough - she isn't going to think there's actually some horrifying monster in that cave (or whatever the given legend is), but she is going to raise her eyebrows and storm in anyway, just out of curiosity as to what actually resulted in that legend becoming a thing. I hope that that makes sense!
As for Lorenza, I think she might also find it difficult to believe a lot of legends or myths that she hears, but for the reason that - being relatively unfamiliar with the Source - she doesn't always have a decent sphere of reference that would enable her to envision what's being talked about, and not being able to do this makes it more difficult to think of what she hears as true. She is also naturally somewhat more on the sceptical/not-innately-trusting-of-others side, which might also contribute to her not automatically taking myths and legends at face value.
🌻 [SUNFLOWER] Where would your OC (+ self-insert) get lost in the moment/beauty of the place? - It’s very difficult to catch Tsutsuji being awe-struck by something, as she keeps a very close grip on her composure (not that she often comes across as being composed in the typical serious or stiff way, though). For her to actually be lost for words would really take an astonishing sight, but I think something like the Great Gubal Library might do it - though not perhaps for reasons of conventional aesthetic beauty. So much potential for all sorts of incredible secrets and knowledge that hasn’t been accessed for ages.. She’d have a whale of a time thinking of ways to make use of everything that’s written in there!
As for Lorenza, I actually think a lot of areas would have this effect on her, simply because they’re so different to the world she knew before reaching the Source. Somewhere like the crystalline terrain of Mor Dhona for how uniquely its environment stands out, or a quiet and foggy afternoon in Ul’dah where there are people on the streets but it’s not super bustling and busy, and everyone has their objectives but they’re at peace and not rushing about or stressed by everything that was once going on. Those are the kinds of moments she could find herself really appreciating and taking in much moreso than she would ever have expected to.
I hope that these answers are alright!! Sorry again that they took me so long to actually post ;w;
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color-palettes · 7 months
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Sea-eyed Sailor - Submtted by Starlit Warren
#64B6AC #B24C63 #EDBFC6 #140001 #080705
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lunarlegend · 7 months
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@starlit-warren thank you, this made my heart happy 💜
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digitalgate02 · 1 year
@starlit-warren replied to your post “can i ask please, talk to me normally? talk to me?...”:
do you have any thoughts on some of the less-popular armor digimon, such as kangarumon, swanmon, mothmon or depthmon?
​All armor digimon is beautiful and pretty.
My favorite ones are Sagittarimon, Kangarumon, Gargolyemon, GoldV-dramon, Sethmon, Shadramon, Coatlmon, Opossummon, Sheepmon, Honeybeemon, Flybeemon, Flamewizardmon, Moosemon, Pipismon, Prairiemon, Rhinomon, Toucanmon, Bitmon, Butterflymon, Manbomon, Pteranomon, Togemogumon, Owlmon, Maildramon, Thunderbirdmon, Rinkmon and Swanmon (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)
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Hi Starlit, happy Blorbo Blursday!! ✨️
If you had to assign at least one OC of yours to each of the seven deadly sins, who would be which one and why?
Sending you good vibes 🩵 ~ @poetinprose
Oh geez. Hmm. Lemme go look up what the seven deadly sins are real quick (I remembered like, 3 of them, off the top of my head lol)
Gluttony - I... don't really have anyone that fits this in the traditional sense.
Pride - Hey Malachiah, you wanna take this one, you bitch? :') (I mean, she is a goddess, but whatevs)
Sloth - I'll give this to Kadin, although he could easily fill lust as well. My boy is not a fan of hard work; he just wants to relax and have fun. In a lustful way LOL
Lust - I give up. Kadin. 😂
Envy - Suppose I'll give this one to Alaia. She wants *so badly* to just be normal. Sorry girl, you're anything but. She doesn't really embrace the bad qualities that go along with this sin though; really, she goes in the opposite way in day to day practice. Sometimes overly so.
Wrath - Well, this is definitely going to Carr. She's filled with so much rage early on, although it has definitely improved since she met Resh.
Greed - Gonna go with Warren for this. His greed is for more power over material goods, but still counts, I think.
Warren, Malachiah, Kadin, and Alaia are from Shattered Dreams.
Carr is from Hidden Depths.
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daveg65 · 2 years
219 - Apple Event Predictions and Highly Rated Apple Car - With Guests Michael DJ Eisenberg, Patrice Brend’amour, and Ben Roethig
The latest In Touch With iOS with Dave he is joined by guests Michael DJ Eisenberg, Patrice Brend’amour, and Ben Roethig.The Apple Event is less than 1week away what would we like to see? Does the Apple brand really make an Apple Car attractive? 26% think so. Space-X and T-Mobile to launch cellular coverage in space to reach millions of people in rural areas without any coverage. Plus more. 
The show notes are at InTouchwithiOS.com

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Dave Ginsburg is an IT professional supporting Mac, iOS and Windows users and shares his wealth of knowledge of iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, Apple TV and related technologies. Visit the YouTube channel https://youtube.com/intouchwithios follow him on Twitter @daveg65.and the show @intouchwithios
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Michael D.J. Eisenberg is a Washington, DC based attorney.  He helps Veterans with their disability benefits appeals before the Department of Veterans Affairs, Military Members with their Medical/Physical Evaluation Boards, and Federal Employees with their Federal Employment matters.  Michael has taken his 40 year love of computers into a blog helping his fellow attorneys at The Tech Savvy Lawyer.Page  where he also hosts a biweekly podcast, The Tech Savvy Lawyer.Page Podcast.  On his podcast, he interviews judges, attorneys and others in the legal arena where they talk about how computers, software and hardware enhance their practice of law and their services to their clients.
Patrice Brend’amour loves to create podcasts, automations or software. She also enjoys working with diverse sets of people, leading them to success and making a tiny difference in the world. Which she does as VP of Development at a Healthcare Software provider. She can be found at https://the-patrice.com and her podcast Foodie Flashback at https://foodieflashback.com
Ben Roethig Former Associate Editor of GeekBeat.TV and host of the Tech Hangout and Deconstruct with Patrice  Mac user since the mid 90s. Tech support specialist. Twitter @benroethg
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Jeff Gamet is a podcaster, technology blogger, artist, and author. Previously, he was The Mac Observer’s managing editor, and Smile’s TextExpander Evangelist. You can find him on Twitter and Instagram as @jgamet and YouTube https://youtube.com/jgamet
Warren Sklar @Wsklar is an IT Consultant and moderator of the Mac To The Future FaceBook Group with over 4000 members talking about all things Apple. 
  Here is our latest Episode!
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babblish · 3 years
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Under the Sun — Part One: The White Rabbit AN OTTOBIOGRAPHY
Fandom: Tales of Arcadia (Cartoons)   Rating: Mature   Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Major Character Death Relationships/Characters: Otto Scaarbach/Original Character(s), Otto Scaarbach & Original Character(s) Theme: Historical Drama, Espionage, Assassination, The Janus Order is a Cult, Character Study Regarding Cognitive Dissonance and Self Policing
Chapter 34; Momento Amori
Kozlóv and Scaarbach escape the vampire den with the Heart of Janus, and emerge to face a starlit sky. They lick their wounds and talk about their goals in life, and Kozlóv tells Scaarbach a secret or three that changes how he views changelings forever.
Somehow the last few steps to the surface were the hardest. With the Heart of Janus in tow and their pockets stuffed with as many jewels and trinkets they could carry, the mission could have been considered a resounding success. But both were exhausted to their stone, and Kozlóv had been injured in the tunnels before there was space for him to change. They dragged themselves up the secret entryway to the vampire warrens that lay hidden beneath the castle ruins and pulled themselves up on to the rubble that remained on the surface.
The air was clean. The sky was awash with deep purples and vermilions, the last remains of the sun casting brilliant echoes of colour onto the clouds that lazily passed them by.
Wordlessly they trudged through the ruins and made their way to the carriage that had been turned aside in their absence. Scaarbach lit a fire, needing only three attempts in the summer air, and the two settled by their makeshift campsite uneasily, uncertain if they were truly safe. Kozlóv lay on his back on a bloody bedroll and under the light of the fire, Scaarbach could see how truly hurt he was.
— Life in the Janus Order isn’t easy, but becoming its Grand Commandant is even harder
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you-arelove · 4 years
tagged by @existangential !! thank you ollie <3
favorite color: all of them are pretty dope ngl. this is just code for I'm Indecisive
top 3 ships: warren x ember (characters from an rpg), anne shirley cuthbert x gilbert blythe (awae), lucy fuji x graham ramos (gourmet hound)
lipstick or chapstick: lipstick
last song: one of these days by the jungle giants
what words/phrases do you overuse: godbless, valid, nerd, man, dude, "i", like, scream
tagging @starry-bi-sky @starlit-chaos @fandom-queenliness @knoxursoxoffpenwriter69 bc i care Y'all 💚💚 !
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