nikkiruncks · 1 year
Blair Waldorf, Dan Humphrey and Serena for that pinned character meme :)
Blair Waldorf
1. Do you love/hate/don't feel strongly about this character? Problematic fave
2. What's your favorite trait of this character? Her ambition and strength. She’s also very fashionable and driven.
3. What's your favorite moment/even involving this character? “Haven’t you heard, I’m the crazy bitch around.” And her telling Chuck off in season 5.
4. If you could have one power/attribute/etc. of this character, what would it be? Her fantastic grades. Maybe I’d actually have a better chance at getting into UCLA lol.
5. Have you ever pictured this character naked? TMI
6. When did you fall in love/hate with this character? After a few clips.
7. Who's your OTP for this character? Dan and Serena <3. I also ship her with V and just happiness in general.
Dan Humphrey
1. Do you love/hate/don't feel strongly about this character? My baby
2. What's your favorite trait of this character? He’s just so kind and has a strong moral code (mostly lol)
3. What's your favorite moment/even involving this character? Every time he punches Chuck.
4. If you could have one power/attribute/etc. of this character, what would it be? His everything (except for being nice to chuck lol)
5. Have you ever pictured this character naked? Tmi
6. When did you fall in love/hate with this character? Loved him from the first episode, even after learning about him being gg (which I don’t buy).
7. Who's your OTP for this character? Dair
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sulietsexual · 1 year
Another make you choose for my fellow Scream IV fan if you’re not sick of me yet! Tara or Sam? Ethan or Quinn? Tara/Chad or Sam/Danny? Have fun!
Thanks for the ask!
Tara or Sam? Sam, I have loved her since Scream 2022
Ethan or Quinn? Quinn, Ethan made almost no impression on me
Tara/Chad or Sam/Danny? Tara/Chad, although Sam/Danny really grew on me
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userlaylivia · 1 year
tagged by @stars-hollow-to-scranton
rules: five unpopular opinions from five fandoms.
the vampire diaries: I know most hated elena but I didn't I think she was an incredible character especially as a main character!! she was strong, brave, could be fierce and most judged her and hated her because of who she chose romantically and that wasn't fair!! I loved elena when she was with stefan even though I don't ship stelena but ugh it just annoys me tbh lol another uo is I hate klaroline but that's another story lol
legacies: landon kirby is an amazing character who deserved better!! I know a lot started hating him (mostly h*sie shippers!!) but he was such a great character that didn't deserve any of the stuff that happened to him, also handon was such a beautiful love story!!
the flash: I wish snowbarry happened, at least for a short time because they had so much chemistry together and in s1 there were moment I thought they'd happen!! I ship westallen too but snowbarry is my otp!!
gilmore girls: I hateeeee logan and rogan like he's an entitled and possessive POS and rory never would've done half the things she did with him before she was with him, I loved rory but when she got with him she became a different person altogether ugh
charmed: the fact some hated piper completely baffles me like how??? she was such a smart amazing character and I didn't even know ppl hated her like????
tagging: @misty-quigley, @laylakeating, @userjackietaylorckie, @stars-hollow-to-scranton (so you see this lol), @fresleys, @ninzen, @madscline, @faithinthefuturedeluxe, @simon-eriksson and anyone else who wants to do it <3
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losttrans-lation · 5 years
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”Do one thing everyday that scares you.” - Eleanor Roosevelt
Today was spontaneous. Which is something I’ve never truly been great at, but today I accomplished a goal. I went to the San Genero Festival and I didn’t have a full blown break down.
For my new followers who don’t know me, I suffer from CPTSD, which normally makes crowds really challenging for me. I never really enjoy attending large format events because I get overwhelmed, claustrophobic, anxiety ridden, and I can have panic attack’s.
It was the first time, in a very long time, that I actually enjoyed something so crowded. Don’t get me wrong, it wasn’t free of disarray, but it could of been much worse that it was.
I went early afternoon with @l.a.sjogren and her mother, and hunted out a restaurant for lunch. Then we walked around for a bit, and the crowd got really thick all of a sudden, which instantly started to make me insanely anxious. It passed quickly and we escaped the heavier crowd, then we did some light shopping. The anxiety passed as the day went on...
However we had left before I got to get some Italian sweets, and I had my mind set on buying these gold oak earrings I was eyeing earlier that day. I went uptown, to see if some friends would join me, but no one was free tonight. So I made a decision, to push through and go alone to the festival again. Something I never do, because I’m always too scared, I’m gonna have a problems with someone or myself.
I nervously headed back downtown as the sun set, with the earrings as my mission, and turned up the Spice Girls blaring in my ears. As I began walking up the subway stairs, I was stunned. The crowds were much worse at dusk, and upon arrival, I felt the middle of my chest start to throb relentlessly. I was starting to have a panic attack, and I felt utterly hopeless that I’d come all this way to have to go home.
I stopped, brought myself over to the side, and focused on trying to stay calm. I counted down from 100 by three, and tried to remind myself how much I wanted those earrings, rather then send myself into a panic. I started to relax, then I pushed myself into the crowd. Bobbing and weaving through the masses. My temples and cheeks began to become soaked wet with sweat, as I maneuvered through the people. Passing by strollers, wooden barricades, and even some tattooed white police officers.
The festival was alive at night, a beast in its own authentic right, but I tried to concentrate on the goal. The smells of the food, the loud brazen conversations, and rattling music created a haze clouding my mind. I started seeing the little lights down the blocks, bead up and then star out with gleam. I was becoming overwhelmed...
And then, I came across something, that struck the very core of my soul. In the corner of my eye, across the street... Candied grapes. Little red orbs on skewers, all poking out of round foam bowls, with the other candied fruit. These were something I truly loved, as a child in NEPA, and not something that’s findable everyday for sale. They sold them at the Italian Festival in Scranton, Pa - every late summer.
I couldn’t help but think of the sweet memories my mind began to conjure. Times when my family wasn’t arguing, times when I just got to be a child, and times when I was happy. Too often happiness was something I used force myself to be, when I wasn’t really happy at all... but today, it cleared the thick haze in my mind, from blinding me of finding joy in the festival at all.
I admired the candied grapes, like a dog eyeing a chunk of fresh beef, savoring the very moment it would touch my lips. I waited at the counter, asked for the treat, exchanged cash with the old Italian man, and grasped one straight off the skewer before I could even snap a photo.
It crunched in my mouth, as the grape bursted open, flooding my tastebuds with tart juice. The now hollow sticky sweet strawberry flavored shell, cracking with each snap of my jaw. Oh what heaven! What sweet solitude! I teared up a little, and thought about how something so utterly simple, could bring me back to a place of such joy.
I stepped between two booths, and thought to myself, how I wouldn’t of even remembered that, if I didn’t come back to the festival on my own. I took some deep breathes, pulled out my phone, and changed the music to Cher. Her voice began to echo between my ears, and I started breathing a little easier. Time to find the earrings...
Along the walk to the earring booth, I rattled through a grilled corn on the cob, a pink lemonade, one oversized chicken spedi kebab, and some homemade zepolis. Belly at max capacity! And while my face was covered in powdered sugar, I saw the booth shining across the street. Finally, I had reached my destination, and I was still somewhat in one piece.
The booth owner, who’s curly grey hair was now tied up, instantly remembered me. I had joked with her while admirering her wares. She greeted me with a warm open smile, grabbed my hand, and asked me if I had enjoyed the festival today. I smiled and nodded, then expressed my interest in the gold oak earrings. She wrapped them up, and as I passed her the cash, she made note to tell me “she’d knew I’d be back.”
I kindly thanked her, then continued further into the crowds, heading towards the exit end of the festival. As I reached the end, with earrings and even an extra grape skewer, wrapped up in my freshly bought bag. I wondered how much of my life I’ve missed because of fear... and how much I’d given up, because of it.
Something that might not be fixed overnight, but something that I’ll keep working on changing for the rest of my life.
Our journey does not define us, but reminds us, of who we truly are. Don’t let fear taint your existence.
#writer #writersofinstagram #transexperience #m2f #trans #transgender #cptsd #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealth #onedayatatime #lessfearmorefun #creatingchange #vunerability #growth #survivor #myjourney #transtumblr #blog
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indianarrative1 · 4 years
Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the US will witness unconventional conventions this week with the Democrats anointing Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as their candidates for the November election without a live audience and the made-for-television show.
This convention and the Republican one the following week will be mostly virtual with even the principals addressing them remotely.
The two-hour sessions each convention day are to be telecast by TV networks and be available on the internet.
Most of the 2,359 Republican Party delegates and 3,973 Democratic Party delegates elected through the intra-party elections known as primaries and caucuses will not be on the convention floor but participate remotely.
There are no challengers – even symbolically – to Biden and President Donald Trump for the nominations by their parties, making any dramatic debate or bargaining on framing on the party manifestos redundant.
But Trump plans to create drama outside the Democratic Convention.
The Democratic Convention, originally scheduled for July 13 to 16, in Milwaukee will run from Monday to Thursday, the day Biden is to make his presidential nomination acceptance speech from his hometown on Delaware with Harris at his side making history as the first non-White person and the third woman to be nominated for the vice presidency by a major party.
Harris will make her own acceptance speech on Wednesday.
Trump will try to play the spoiler by holding a campaign rally in Wisconsin State in OshKosh, about 100 km from Milwaukee on Monday, hoping to show a contrast between the hollowed-out Democratic Party event and his meeting.
Keeping up his political stunt, Trump is planning another rally just outside Biden’s birthplace of Scranton in Pennsylvania on Thursday, hours before Biden’s crowning moment of his acceptance speech.
On that day, Vice President Mike Pence will hold another rally in Darien, Wisconsin.
Trump himself will not be at the Republican Convention that is being held as originally scheduled from August 24 to 27 in Charlotte, North Carolina.
He is to give his acceptance speech from the White House, although he floated the idea of delivering it from Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, at the place where Abraham Lincoln gave the historic address affirming the equality of all in 1863 during the Civil War.
The Republicans had threatened to move their convention from Charlotte to Jacksonville, Florida, when local authorities would not permit a full-scale meeting because of the Covid-19 crisis.
As the pandemic flared up in Florida and elsewhere, the party scrapped the Florida plan and agreed to a barebones convention in Charlotte. It is to be backed by several events held remotely around the country.
One of the features of conventions has been the drama of losing candidates making a show of their strength at the convention and using it to influence the manifestos.
But this time there is no place for such displays this time as both Trump and Biden are the unanimous choices already.
Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, the self-styled socialist, who put up a stiff fight in the primaries and got 1,110 delegates to Biden’s 2,739, has endorsed his rival and they have already come up with a statement of common points.
In 2016, Sanders and his supporters had held out till the last moment, putting on a colourful show on the convention floor to press their agenda.
And the President has no opposition in his party: Former Massachusetts Governor Bill Weld who ran against Trump got one delegate to Trump’s 2,358.
When the first formal session of the Democratic Party Convention on the theme, ‘Uniting America’ opens on Monday, former First Lady Michelle Obama is to be the starred speaker.
Biden’s wife, Jill, will have the starring role on the Tuesday session along with former President Bill Clinton.
Former President Barack Obama will speak on Wednesday, according to a schedule released by the party.
The schedule does not list any Indian-American politicians as featured speakers at the main convention events.
House of Representatives member Amir Bera and party leader Neera Tandon, who are of Indian origin, and Tulsi Gabbard, a Hindu American member of the House, were featured speakers at the 2016 Democratic Convention.
Since the Democrats had their first convention in 1832 and the Republicans in 1856, the two parties have held their conventions even through World War II with delegates and the nominees in attendance, but this will be the first time they won’t all be there.
The internet, though, will make their full participation possible.
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We travel
to Rosewood, to the Upside Down, to Stars Hollow, to visit a fictional paper company in Scranton. To District Twelve, Forks, Hogwarts, Camp Half-Blood, to anywhere
As long as it’s not where we are
Whether it’s a literary world or one that’s broadcasted on television, a collapsing planet or a magical one
We escape.
We were not made for this meticulous reality. Sleep. School. Homework. Sleep. School. Homework.
Yes, we have brains for learning, but we also have eyes for seeing the stars, ears for hearing the crashing waves, hands for scaling the aspens – we have bodies crafted for discovery. We have hearts big enough to save the wizarding world, or Panem, or wherever we’ll go or wherever we’ve been because we feel.
But now we feel trapped.
And fiction is where we escape to.
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thepoppunkdays · 6 years
Slam Dunk Festival Announce More Bands 2019
Hot off the last mind-blowing announcement, Slam Dunk Festival are showing no signs in slowing down, revealing another 10 names for the UK’s favourite alternative all-dayer.
Making their debut Slam Dunk Festival performance this year, Plain White T’s are set to make an appearance at Leeds and Hatfield over the bank holiday weekend. Armed with an undeniably successful selection of indie-rock anthems, the American quintet saw astronomical acclaim with quadruple platinum hit ‘Hey There Delilah’ and the guitar-driven, ‘Our Time Now’. The band return to UK shores with latest album, the energetic Parallel Universe.
After bursting onto the alternative scene with the release of their critically acclaimed debut album, Zombies! Aliens! Vampires! Dinosaurs, which featured sweeping indie-synth-pop delights such as ‘Here (In Your Arms)’ and ‘Baby It’s Fact’, Hellogoodbye became a mainstay of US indie-rock. Three anthemic albums later, Forrest Kleine and the gang are set to return to Slam Dunk Festival bringing their newly-developed sultry pop rock for a highly-anticipated performance, decorated with both new hits and emo classics.
As influential as they are inimitable, Touche Amore’s signature mix of perfectly discordant post-hardcore and intelligently raw screamo has earned the Los Angeles group legions of devoted fans. The quintet’s ability to balance sincerity and disorder on a knife edge is as captivating live as it is on record, making their riotous performance at Slam Dunk Festival not one to be missed this summer.
Canadian alt-pop sensation Lights will also make her debut Slam Dunk Festival performance this year. One of the fastest rising stars of the decade, Lights has amassed millions of fans worldwide with her one-of-a-kind blend of magical pop melodies. Her latest album, the ethereal ‘Skin & Bone’, won JUNO’s 2018 Pop Album of the Year award.
Proving that there’s more to Scranton, Pennsylvania than a fictional paper company, Tigers Jaw deliver emotionally-driven anthems time and time again. The duo responsible for impassioned tracks such as ‘Plane vs. Tank vs. Submarine’, ‘Guardians’ and ‘Never Saw It Coming’ have earned a loyal fanbase who they’re set to delight at this year’s Slam Dunk Festival.
Atlanta-based rockers Microwave join the impressive line up, promising a vibrant performance at Slam Dunk Festival. Expect their trademark heartfelt lyricism mixed with rushing guitars and rock sensibilities on tracks from their debut ‘Stovall’ and most recent release, ‘Much Love’.
Continuing the heavy, Employed To Serve and Our Hollow Our Home will represent the very best in the UK metal at Slam Dunk Festival, set for a brutal face-melting display across the weekender. After the huge success of Slam Dunk’s move to Hatfield House last year, the festival has also announced plans for a new site for Slam Dunk North, moving to Leeds’ Temple Newsam Estate so even more pop-punk fanatics can make their way to the definitive date of the alternative diary. Reaching across two stunning greenfield sites in Leeds and Hatfield on Saturday 25th and Sunday 26th May 2019 – Slam Dunk 2019 is the next evolution for that go-to destination of rock.
Slam Dunk Festival Announce More Bands 2019 was originally published on The Pop Punk Days
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nikkiruncks · 1 year
For the giving your opinion on it ship meme - Donna/Eric (I think they were my first ship!), Luke/Lorelai, Chuck/Blair and Jackie/Kelso since I know we both prefer Dair and Jackie/Hyde!
Donna and Eric was actually the the ship that got me to watch t7s seriously. The first episode I ever saw was Kiss of Death (I wanted to see the jelso drama) and Eric and Donna were just so cute. I loved seeing their story from season 1-3. They were just so adorable together. By the later seasons, Jackie and Hyde were more my thing but I love Eric/Donna too! And the fact that they were to only ship in the revival that wasn’t fucked over and even had a lovely daughter :)!
For Lorelai, I just want to be happy as an individual, so when it came to her ships, that’s what I cared about the most. I did really want them to get together in the earlier seasons but the way Luke reacted to Lorelai being engaged really stuck out to me and lowered my opinion honestly. But they did have really sweet moments.
Ch*ir, I cannot stand. Chuck is such an abusive douchebag who did nothing but make Blair miserable. Even if Dair didn’t exist, I’d still hate them. I could go on but, feel free to check my anti chair tag #notp: i’d rather be bored than hating myself.
J*lso is just ugh. I remembered back in the day they were so popular and I was like ‘why?’ I mean, Kelso cheated on Jackie several times with no remorse, pressured her into sex, and just acted like an entitled ass towards her in general. And Jackie would always boss him around and shit. They were both the worst versions of themselves with each. The fact that Kelso said that Jackie makes him feel bad about himself should say something. Context wise, it is shitty because there is no excuse for anyone to cheat (unless if have an abusive s/o, which Jackie was not). I honestly preferred Kelso with Brooke and Fez. He actually seemed to be growing as a person with Brooke and wanted to be a good dad. Fez is self explanatory (they’re basically married, let’s face it)
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nikkiruncks · 1 year
Five favorite Jackie/Hyde scenes?!
1. Hyde telling Jackie in season 2 that she can do better than Kelso. And after that, marrying her and having twins together.
2. Their first kiss in season three. They both obviously felt something but were too scared to explore it.
3. Hyde shaving his beard to cheer up Jackie. It just encompasses one of the many things I love that ship, actions speak louder than words.
4. Every interaction with them in the Christmas episode. Hyde being super whipped for Jackie, their kisses, them at the dance, and Jackie dancing in the cheerleading outfit.
5. Jackie telling Hyde she loves him for the first time. The way she confidently says it and how Hyde obviously feels the same way but isn’t one to verbally express those kinds of sentiments.
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nikkiruncks · 1 year
Eric, Donna, Jackie and Hyde for that character meme!
Eric Forman
1. Do you love/hate/don't feel strongly about this character? Darling!
2. What's your favorite trait of this character? His sass and good heart.
3. What's your favorite moment/even involving this character? “Instant carnation bitch” was funny asf.
4. If you could have one power/attribute/etc. of this character, what would it be? His patience
5. Have you ever pictured this character naked? TMI
6. When did you fall in love/hate with this character? Loved him from the start.
7. Who's your OTP for this character? Donna
Donna Pinciotti
1. Do you love/hate/don't feel strongly about this character? It’s complicated
2. What's your favorite trait of this character? Her determination.
3. What's your favorite moment/even involving this character? Idk, prob when she and Eric revealed they put chocolate super lax in the brownies to the gang.
4. If you could have one power/attribute/etc. of this character, what would it be? Prob her red hair. Gorgeous 🔥
5. Have you ever pictured this character naked? TMI
6. When did you fall in love/hate with this character? Loved her from the start. Annoyed the fuck out of me in s4.
7. Who's your OTP for this character? Eric
Jackie Burkhart
1. Do you love/hate/don't feel strongly about this character? Loml
2. What's your favorite trait of this character? Everything!
3. What's your favorite moment/even involving this character? Her telling Donna that she thinks when having deep conversations with Hyde. (My Zenmasters heart!)
4. If you could have one power/attribute/etc. of this character, what would it be? Almost everything tbh, but her looks and character growth (s8 doesn’t exist)
5. Have you ever pictured this character naked? TMI
6. When did you fall in love/hate with this character? Season 2. She had her moments in season 1 but her relationship with Kelso just brought out the worst in her.
7. Who's your OTP for this character? Hyde
Steven Hyde
1. Do you love/hate/don't feel strongly about this character? My love
2. What's your favorite trait of this character? His strength. The fact that he went through so much shit yet got up and even had his happily ever after (he and Jackie are married and pregnant shut up)
3. What's your favorite moment/even involving this character? The way he stood up for Jackie when it came to her reaction to Donna’s offer. Hyde showed a great amount of respect and empathy for his chick and it’s just so heartwarming.
4. If you could have one power/attribute/etc. of this character, what would it be? His kindness and appreciation for the finer things in life.
5. Have you ever pictured this character naked? TMI
6. When did you fall in love/hate with this character? Always loved him.
7. Who's your OTP for this character? Jackie
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sulietsexual · 1 year
Random ask but what would you name as 7-10 ships that weren't endgame but you wish had been?!
Bellamy/Clarke (The 100)
Cheryl/Veronica (Riverdale)
Fred/Gunn (Angel)
Emma/Neal or Emma/August (OUAT)
Laurel/Oliver (Arrow)
Andie/Pacey (Dawson's Creek)
Dan/Blair (Gossip Girl)
Thanks for the ask!
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sulietsexual · 1 year
Hi Rachel! A make you choose if you feel like answering: Piper or Phoebe? Blair or Serena? Willow/Oz or Willow/Tara? Nate Archibald or Dan Humphrey? Scream 2020 or Scream VI?
Thanks for the ask!
Piper or Phoebe? Piper
Blair or Serena? Blair
Willow/Oz or Willow/Tara? Wiilow/Oz
Nate Archibald or Dan Humphrey? Neither really, but I guess Nate if push came to shove
Scream 2020 or Scream VI? Scream VI
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nikkiruncks · 1 year
This is probably a dumb ask so don't feel you have to answer! (Also, I accidentally unfollowed you while trying to send this ask because I'm an idiot but re-followed right away!) Ok, so I was curious what your very favorite season was for your top 5-7 canon ships. So for instance my top season for Jackie/Hyde was S5, for Dair it was S5 (hmm, maybe a pattern here!), for Eric/Donna it was S2 (or maybe S1?!), Serenate it was of course S3, Literati it was S2 (or S6?!), etc. I'm excited to see which ships you pick and your favorite seasons for each!
Dw about it! And this ask isn’t dumb at all!
For Zenmasters, just like you, my fave was season 5. They were so unexpected yet planned (idk how to say it). I love how Hyde was slowly letting his guard down and how Jackie was learning to be more mature. Plus their ‘I love yous’ 🥰🥰🥰. (Wish Hyde said them more often. I’d like to think he’d say them in private.)
Dair is actually S4 for me. Seeing them beginning to work as a team, bonding over common interests, their secret friendship, and we got their first kiss!!!
Bamon, it’s season 6, no contest. Them bonding in the prison world, Damon doing whatever it takes to save her, etc. I still think they had sex in the prison world.
Faberry, it’s season three! There’s just a lot of good content for them there. Rachel trying to convince Quinn to come back, talking her out of ratting out Shelby, Quinn’s reaction to the engagement, he coming anyways, Rachel feeling guilty about what happened to her, Quinn making her prom queen, and just them wanting the best for one another.
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nikkiruncks · 1 year
Serena Van Der Woodsen
Tagging: @stars-hollow-to-scranton
1. Do you love/hate/don't feel strongly about this character? It’s complicated
2. What's your favorite trait of this character? The way she tries so hard to better herself. I’m like ‘girl same’
3. What's your favorite moment/even involving this character? Idk
4. If you could have one power/attribute/etc. of this character, what would it be? Her charm.
5. Have you ever pictured this character naked? TMI
6. When did you fall in love/hate with this character? I was a goner from the pilot
7. Who's your OTP for this character? Vanderbaizen
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