#notp: i’d rather be bored than hating myself
nikkiruncks · 2 years
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Blair Waldorf + Same Old Love
(inspired by @terrainofheartfelt’s graphics. Icons belong to @senamarais)
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minisoysquares · 3 years
As fun as the events and ideas you posted about 19days would be, wouldn’t it also just bring in more negative stuff - like fandom in general has become a field of land mines and I fear that something that’s supposed to fun will turn into some sort of battle. Like how some people get extremely heated over any other ships outside of their fave ship and they cannot possibly have other ships except theirs, etc. The last thing anyone wants is for content creators to be targeted simply for making something they thought would be fun
(This ask and answer is about this post.)
First of all thank you so much for addressing such a big and valid concern. I agree that that has indeed happened in certain fandoms - I can say I've been in the thick of it and witnessed quite the warfare - but in others it has also brought fans and readers and content creators together even closer and tighter in a wonderful thriving community.
I have the feeling this'll get quite long so please proceed under the cut with that in mind.
I believe all things are potential harbingers of both discord and harmony. There will always be people who feel entitled and who want - even demand! the audacity! - authors and artists to create for their ships and their ships alone. And there will also always be people who can appreciate the writing and the art without judgemental treatment regarding the pairings/characters depicted, no matter their preferences.
All of that happens and will continue to happen, whether we go forward with these events or not. And yet authors will still write what they want to write, artists will still draw what they want to draw, graphic designers will still make the edits they want to make as well. What we could do, in this small and close knit fandom, is take in our hands this powerful rich opportunity and try our best to make a model of positivity out of it.
In these events, there would be no bashing or shaming allowed. The content created would be to be enjoyed by those who are attracted to it, and those who do not have a taste for that fanwork in particular would be asked to remain respectful. (As it should always be.) There would be no ship wars in these spaces. Discourse, hate-speech or anti-behaviour would not be tolerated by the moderators of the event.
Creators who indulged in it would be immediately disqualified. Any unnecessary commentary or complaints from the audience would be deleted and reported as spam. Anyone instigating conflict would be only painting a target on their back, really. Because most of us - I dare say - are only here to appreciate the brilliant artwork and fanfiction woven and crafted by the talented people who share it with us.
If it came to it and it escalated, this hellsite has several tools that can be put to use to that regard. Accounts could be blocked and/or even reported. They wouldn't be able to interact with the blogs created to run these events from then on. We would be able to create a black list and post it publicly so everyone else who wished to could simply block those unruly pesky accounts and remain at peace and free to enjoy themselves to their utmost.
Let us not forget that this is all fiction and it's all for fun. Everyone's allowed to have their own opinion, likes and dislikes. There simply is no need to step on anyone else and their interests to elevate them.
Let's exemplify, for the sake of clarity:
Do I personally ship A with B? Imagine I do not. I do not search for it. If I come across it? I scroll past it. Once or twice, I may even like - and even reblog - if it happens to catch my attention and it's well written/drawn! (I have tags along the lines of 'I don't ship it but' and 'look at this beautiful art' or 'drown in the power of these words.')
It's so easy to interact amongst ourselves without coming with pitchforks at one another. Know what actually needs effort? Being a meanie and a party popper! Who in their right mind wastes their time on things they don't care for? Dum dums, that's who! Of course, we're all dummies at times... and that's okay! Let's just not harass people or crash their fun while we're at it!
If nothing else: you wouldn't like if others did this or that to you, therefore don't do it to others. It's a simple concept to grasp.
Very important: in these events, every single piece would be explicitly and properly tagged and warned for right at the very top of each post, so there would be absolutely no excuses for anyone being nasty.
We would just have to be open to the experience. Enjoy our ships and let other enjoy theirs. We do not have to all like the same thing. That would be just boring. But we can cohabitate devoid of trouble in fandom. Each one of us just has to be respectful. No need to even be nice. No one has to compliment something they don't like. They also don't have to step on what others do.
Don't like a ship/character/theme? Don't read stories focused on it. Don't put down authors who write it or readers who enjoy it. Same for art. No need to shout about how awful it is just for the simple reason that it does not fit into your personal shipping preferences. It can still be still be a tasty and wonderfully baked cake, it's just that you're not fond of vanilla or strawberries. It's okay. There are all kinds of cake for everyone's tastes!
Further examples: If a ship happens to be a NOTP for me or I don't care for the character(s)? I filter the tags. All of them. Any and every tag I can think of. It's very easy to protect ourselves on Tumblr from content we do not wish to see. (My own list is huge and just as effective.) Filtering is incredibly important.
So go ahead and filter out the ships you can do without! Filter out porte-manteaux like Tianshan, Zhanyi, Qiucheng, Tianxi, Tianyi, Lishan, Litian, Liyi, Shantou, Polydays, (...) Filter out any ship tag that doesn't strike your fancy like Q x MGS, HC x JY's mom, (...) Filter out characters that aren't your cuppa tea like HT, HT's dad, SL, JY's mom, XH, (...)
Make it safe for yourself and for others. That way you won't rage at the sight of your NOTP, won't feel the compulsive need to trash the people who ship it, no one is hurt and everyone is happy!
There are many steps we could follow to prevent rotten eggs in our coop. And many more actions we could take to throw them out if need be. I firmly believe, however, that if we're all of the same mind everything would go well and with very few bumps along the way.
If we only ever feared the possible negative consequences of our actions, never taking the risk for the possible positive ones, we'd never get anything done. I say let's not let our beloved fandom stagnate or dry out. Let's incentivate and motivate and inspire! Let's share! Let's have fun!
Think of it in these terms: it wouldn't be a competition at all but rather a charity event. Performers and spectators coming together for a common good, raising content and spreading joy! There would be no winners or losers or prizes. What would matter would be good old-fashioned participation, both by providing content and/or consuming it.
It could also a good way to get people to express themselves more. Many content consumers tend to lurk or keep to themselves even if they like the content posts. (I used to be one myself and only a couple months ago started to come out of my shell.) I myself advocate for reblogging instead of liking - if you have to choose one or the other, I mean, why not do both? - and leaving a word on every single post I like and/or reblog. Sometimes I go nuts commenting, sometimes I leave a small note in the tags.
It doesn't matter how. Even if you're shy or introverted (*raises hand*) or don't know what to say I guarantee a single emoticon or a string of disordered letters symbolising incoherence will make the creator's day all the same. Getting feedback is so important and motivational for creators and also a great way for fandom members to keep in touch and support each other.
Additionally, if a person would like more of a certain type of content here are some healthy actions they could take: a) commission a creator and pay for it if they can; b) politely make a suggestion to a creator with an open ask box; c) post a prompt publicly for possible interested creators to use; d) do it yourself and share it with others!
This turned out into more of a "behavioural guidelines" thing than I'd have liked. I am not in any way whatsoever telling anyone what to do. This is what I do, and it works wonders for me. I stay completely out of toxic arguments and in on all the goodies. I'm able to fully enjoy my fandoms. And isn't that what we all want?
Thank you again for sharing your thoughts with me. And I apologise for the long rant!
Of course, this is only my personal stance on the issue. I did go for a survey first exactly for this end, to get their opinions on the subject and see if it would be worth a shot. I shall hope many other people will think as I do, but I will wholly respect those who don't.
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laufire · 4 years
hellooo for fandom ask meme- atla?
Top 5 favourite characters: Sokka, Azula, Toph, Ty Lee, Mai.
Other characters you like: practically everyone. Aang, Zuko, Katara, Suki, Yue, Jet...
Least favourite characters: Ozai sucks, obviously xD. And frankly... though I love other parts of him, I have to say Iroh has not aged well in the rewatch. I hate how creepy he was with June, the bounty hunter. And I side-eye his attitude towards Azula vs. Zuko.
Otps: tbh nothing really makes it to OTP levels, BUT in this rewatch I’ve found myself appreciating Aang/Zuko and their dynamic and parallels all the more. I don’t ship them during show-time (I watched the show when I was 10-12 and it’s kind of hard to ship Aang at that time lol) but as adults I could tbh; their dynamic is just incredibly well-written. Other of my fave ships are Sokka/Suki/Zuko, Sokka/Yue, Azula/Sokka, Azula/Mai/Ty Lee, and Jet/Katara.
Notps: nothing gets to NOTP levels, though over the years I’ve decided to keep away from both Aang/Katara and Aang/Zuko discourse LOL.
Favourite friendships: Zuko & the Gaang, Toph & Aang.
Favourite family: Azula & Zuko. I love disfunction xD.
Favourite episodes: the Boiling Rock and Azula’s coup in Ba Sing Se.
Favourite season/book/movie: season 2 >>>>>>> (late s3 was... disappointing in some areas. AKA the Dangerous Ladies).
Favourite quotes: Aang talking to an asleep Zuko in the Blue Spirit episode vs. Zuko talking to an asleep Aang during the blizzard about Azula ( “She was born lucky. I was lucky to be born.” That whole speech is A Lot); “pride is not the opposite of shame, but rather its source”. And of course, “can your science explain why it rains?” “YES IT CAN”.
Best musical moment: the Avatar state theme always gets me.
Moment that made you fangirl/boy the hardest: the Dragons episode (I looooove dragons).
When it really disappointed you: the Dangerous Ladies’ endings (Azula’s is utterly undignified, Mai’s is dull, and Ty Lee’s is kinda heartbreaking but presented as triumphant aka what I hate the most xD).
Saddest moment: Zuko going back to his father in s2.
Most well done character death: Jet’s.
Favourite guest star: Jet I guess? I never know how to take “guest star” in shows like this.
Favourite cast member: didn’t Serena Williams voice someone? The guard that was nice to Iroh so he spared her? There you have it xD.
Character you wish was still alive: Jet, if only for The Drama LMAO.
One thing you hope really happens: ........ I just hope the live-action reboot doesn’t make concessions and they write what THEY want to write.
Most shocking twist: hmm. Can’t really remember anything.
When did you start watching/reading?: I watched the show more or less as it aired, the first time.
Best animal/creature: Appa, DUH.
Favourite location: Ba Sing Se. So damn creepy, such good plots.
Trope you wish they would stop using: tbh the thing that annoyed me the most is when they tried to ~recreate the... effect some of ATLA’s characters had with LOK’s and utterly failed ¬¬ (Bolin annoys me in particular. It’s a good thing I’ve never seen anyone in fandom explicitly compare him to Sokka LMFAO). And I want to clarify I don’t say this as a way to hate on LOK, because I love LOK (and Korra is my favourite character in the whole ‘verse). But that part annoyed me xD
One thing this show/book/film does better than others: it falls on that category of “children show that NEVER talks down to children” and I’ll always love it for that.
Funniest moments: Sokka was sincerely funny and enjoyable. And the show was great at visual/physical humor, especially with bending.
Couple you would like to see: Sokka/Zuko or Azula/Sokka, Just Because LOL (and I really hope the reboot doesn’t erase Jet/Katara tbh).
Actor/Actress you want to join the cast: n/a. Well, actually, that’s wrong. I’d love to see Brandon Soo Hoo to join the cast as ANYONE, just because I want to see Brandon Soo Hoo on-screen again :P
Favourite outfit: Azula’s Ba Sing Se outfits. And the ones on the beach episode.
Favourite item: Sokka’s boomerang, OFC. And his meteorite sword.
Do you own anything related to this show/book/film?: nope.
What house/team/group/friendship group/family/race etc would you be in?: I’d love to be an airbender (I just want to flyyyy).
Most boring plotline: n/a.
Most laughably bad moment: Ty Lee’s ending. A character that valued individuality so much she left a family because there was nothing differentiating her from her sisters ends in a uniformed order where every girl looks the same. O-fucking-kay.
Best flashback/flashfoward if any: Zuko’s banishment flashbacks *sniffs*
Most layered character: Aang and Zuko, IMO.
Most one dimensional character: cabbages man, but we love him so xD
Scariest moment: Zuko’s Agni Kai. Poor dear.
Grossest moment: that weird deformed panda spirit comes to mind.
Best looking male: I actually have some Issues(TM) about how they’re drawn as grown-ups LMAO. Hmm. Between Sokka and Zuko I guess.
Best looking female: 12-year-old me had a mini crush on the Dangerous Ladies LOL.
Who you’re crushing on (if any): see above.
Favourite cast moment: n/a.
Favourite transportation: Appa.
Most beautiful scene (scenery/shot wise): there’s a lot of great ones but I’m going with the dragon dance.
Unanswered question/continuity issue/plot error that bugs you: n/a. Though if we get into LOK I would have a few LOL.
Best promo: n/a.
At what point did you fall in love with this show/book: I liked it from very early on, but I remember starting to Love It in Jet’s episode (Sokka and his ~instincts! Tragic ship with Betrayal(TM) and irreconcilable issues! My catnip).
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alewyren · 5 years
final fantasy!
I wasn’t sure if I should include Bravely Default or not because ohhh man I have some fuckin Thoughts, so I’ll just do one for mainline FF and one for Bravely Default.
The first character I first fell in love with: 
Tidus left a strong impression on me as a kid due to the way FFX ended, and I still really like him, but I wouldn’t say I was ever in love with him. On the other hand, Fang from FFXIII turned me gay.
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: 
Kuja, I think? As much as I will maintain that he is the objective best FF villain until the day I die, and as much as that outfit is IC for him, it’s still, uh. Not good. It’s not even that it’s too feminine, it’s just fucking ugly, lmao. Doesn’t make for a great first impression. But god fucking damn, he is very, very good. Maybe at some point I’ll whip up a meta about him, but I’m not sure what to say that hasn’t been covered already.
The character everyone else loves that I don’t: 
Sephiroth. He’s got a cool design, a great theme song (those chosen by the planet, not one winged angel), and a phenomenally intimidating presence. But the thing is, as far as FF7 itself is concerned, he’s barely a character. He’s long dead by the time of the game and exists only as an echo of the past and a manifestation of Cloud’s psychological problems. By the end, he’s more Jenova (who herself is more a force of nature than a character) than himself imo. He works because of what he represents, and the mystery surrounding him, not because of who he is. Hailing him as the “best FF villain” misses the point. I feel like Squeenix themselves don’t get what was great about Sephiroth, since we keep getting these immensely fucking bland villains like Vayne, Caius, and Ardyn that are clearly trying to recapture the Sephiroth magic by focusing on the cool factor or the relationship with the protag or whatever when none of that is why Sephiroth worked in FF7 to begin with.
The character I love that everyone else hates: 
Vanille. Yeah the English voice direction was awful, yeah the noises she makes when riding her eidolon are immensely fucking uncomfortable, but she’s actually a really interesting character who deserved more time to shine, and I maintain that she should have been the protag of FF13 rather than Pink Squall. Since she has like, y’know, a much more direct hand in the entire plot of the goddamn game.
The character I used to love but don’t any longer: 
uuuuuuuhhh I really don’t know. Maybe Kain. I used to think he was the shit but now I’m just like “haha, mr. friendzone at it again.” Or maybe Cloud, thanks to Advent Children taking a steaming dump on his personality in the name of fanservice.
The character I would totally smooch: 
FANG. SHE IS SO FUCKING HOT GOOD LORD I’M GAY. Also Rydia. Uh, adult Rydia, that is.
The character I’d want to be like: 
Fang is pretty goals, but she’s a bit more butch than I personally see myself, haha. Maybe Celes, sans heterosexuality and poor taste in dudes. She’s very cool, strong, and sexy.
The character I’d slap: 
Squall I guess? Cheer Up Emo Kid!
A pairing that I love: 
Kuja/Terra! I’d toyed with the idea before thanks to Dissidia 012, but NT sold me forever. There are a lot of reasons these two work so well, the most important being that their interactions are absolutely fucking precious. The reason he freed her from Kefka’s control in the first place, apart from wanting to stick it to the asshole clown, was because he empathized with her, but when she thanked him later he downplayed the hell out of it. Terra genuinely tries to reach out to him, and he’s receptive, but aloof, and acts so theatrical about it (”If that is what Her Highness wishes.”) It’s… cute? Like, they’re both pretty damn emotionally stunted due to their, uh, irregular upbringings, and there’s so much potential there! *slams fists on table* GIVE ME MORE
A pairing that I despise: 
Come to think of it, I don’t think I have a single genuine notp in the entire Final Fantasy franchise. Even ships I don’t really care for, like Cecil/Rosa, Locke/Celes or Wakka/Lulu, I wouldn’t say I hate them, just think they’re lame and poorly written. I guess Kuja/Zidane? Yeah, yeah, I know, rich as fuck coming from me, but I just don’t like them romantically at all. The most important reason being that they’re ugly as sin together.
and now, the bravely default hot takes nobody asked for but that I will rant about at literally any given opportunity.
The first character I first fell in love with: 
EDEA!!! I love her SO MUCH! She’s an adorable, precious ENTJ child who’s so headstrong, but naive, and so endearing. Her design (in the first game–blue is not her color) is great, and she has some of the best class outfit designs as well. She’s also the main melee bulk of the party, which I find immensely refreshing in a franchise where the girls are usually mages or rogues. 
Her character arc is pretty basic, sure, but it works. For starters, she’s the best handled rebellious princess I’ve seen, in that she just flat out turns on Eternia–everything she’s ever known–with scarcely a second thought. Not because she feels trapped by the burdens of being royalty or whatever, she’s just stubborn and willful and has an iron sense of right and wrong that she’s willing to fight for above all else. Which, I mean, yeah, evil empire, but it’s not that simple. Which is why her arc is about reconciling with the fact that it isn’t all black and white, and embracing her role as eventual queen of Eternia. 
The writing is pretty hamfisted, what with her literally calling things “black and white,” but she’s 15, so I’ll give it a pass. Yeah, I know the American version aged her up to make the fanservice shit less gross, but it doesn’t really work when her character is about overcoming her childish worldview, lol. Like, she’s a babbu. You can’t just change a number and make her less babbu. Her theme song is literally called “Baby Bird.” Maybe just don’t fucking sexualize characters who are meant to be read as childish in the first place? She deserved so much better than the writing she got in Bravely Second, which I’ll… get to later, but she was still an absolute delight. Did I mention she’s also hilarious? “Oops, my foot slipped.” “You just DROPKICKED ME!”
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: 
Yew. I mean, I don’t love him as much as Edea, but Bravely Second was kind of a hot mess, if fun, and his arc pleasantly surprised me. He kind of had a similar arc as Edea in the first game, but in the opposite direction. Over the course of the game he gradually overcame his rich, upper class nerd privilege worldview and became Woke ™, and then used his privilege to help people. By contrast, Edea still had to go through the journey of getting past her simplistic worldview, but whereas she was quick to recognize the fact that her world was wrong and had to learn not to see things in extremes, Yew had to work to claw his way outside of that box in the first place. The plot twist about his brother was obvious as hell but like, whatever, it was fun. His mask didn’t even cover that much of his face, how did he not know,
The character everyone else loves that I don’t: 
Tiz. He’s boring, not much else to say there. Except, his design in Bravely Second had me excited as hell because he looks so emo and ow the edge and I was really excited to see what they were gonna do with him, but his personality is… exactly the same as the first game? Why bring him back at all? For that matter, why kill him off in the first place? I know they were going for some meta shit, but like… why?
The character I love that everyone else hates: 
Airy, but idk if that counts because I love her for precisely the reasons everyone else hates her. Even if I think the good end should have been obtained by seeing through her ruse and blowing up the crystals rather than just going along with what she says and repeating the same fucking sequence of bosses over and over…
The character I used to love but don’t any longer: 
Ringabel. Mainly for shipping reasons and because I’m increasingly exhausted with the whole chivalrous pervert trope, especially when Edea was very much underage in the first game, lmao. He’s a good character objectively speaking, but a lot of his potential wasn’t capitalized on and I still don’t get how Alternis did a complete 180 from his brooding initial personality, to… that. Or why there were AU Ringabels in the ending sequence of the first game when I thought the whole point was that he was a spanner in the works who shouldn’t have been part of the party in the first place, and that’s how they managed to foil Airy? Or, it should have been, if they didn’t literally just go along with what she said until the end despite his very clear warnings that she was up to some shady shit. The final stretch of Bravely was a fucking trainwreck, nothing new there.
The character I would totally smooch: 
Edea. But like, a forehead smooch, because she’s a babbu. Though she is 18 for real this time in Second, isn’t she? And she’s matured considerably by then too… hrm.
The character I’d want to be like: 
Edea post-character development. She’s got her shit together, and she’s still strong-willed, outgoing, and adorable as all hecke.
The character I’d slap: 
Yulyana. Fuck the quirky pervert trope, seriously. It’s not funny, it’s never been funny, and it never will be funny.
A pairing that I love: 
Well, Agnes/Olivia is the only pairing that I straightforwardly ship, and I’ll never not be mad that they just, like. Forgot about Olivia in the final stretch of the game. Like they really just killed her off for shock value, huh? Okay Sure.
I like Edea/Alternis a lot too, but it’s complicated. Reading through D’s Journal during a blind playthrough left way more of an impact on me than Ringabel’s dumb flirting, but they definitely have a lot of shit to work through before they get together. They obviously both genuinely care about each other, though Edea’s got other shit on her plate to worry about rather than Alternis being a lovelorn, emo weirdo. But like, he’s not only so emotionally distant from her despite his feelings that she doesn’t even know what his face looks like, but he’s got a weird possessive streak towards her? It might be a translation thing but the phrasing “I would have taken you as my wife” is a bit. Iffy. Especially considering a. the age gap and b. she outranks him. Of course she’s having none of this shit, but I do like the idea of them both maturing, actually bonding like human beings, and getting together when they’re older, ie: when Edea is queen and Alternis has learned to accept his fate as a permabottom. Childhood friend loyalty kink is my passion, and like, while Edea is very much a take charge no nonsense lady, she struggles with personal relationships and emotions. They both do, and that’s why their relationship is so complicated and interesting. I’d love to read slowburn of them.
A pairing that I despise: 
Rindea. But wait, you say! Didn’t you just write a whole paragraph on how you like Altdea? Well, yes. I do stand by that, and I enjoy the ship because of its problems rather than in spite of them. Rindea is. Not that. While Altdea is  a flawed relationship that I’d love to see mature into something functional along with the characters themselves, Rindea is a disgustingly written trainwreck that shits on all that potential, as well as Edea’s entire fucking character, constantly.
I don’t hate the very idea of these two as an item. The problem is how badly said item is written. Even though Rindea has the same problematic base as Altdea, which is treated as flawed, it just completely fucking glosses over all of that, everything that actually makes their relationship interesting, in favor of generic hetero pervy slap slap kiss tsundere bullshit. Yes, Ringabel’s feelings for her run deeper than that, but that’s basically all that their dynamic, their actual interactions, amount to. And for some reason she’s into it? Like, I’m sorry, but fucking when and why did she develop feelings for him? Was it before or after she learned about his true identity? Is it because he’s Alternis or in spite of it? Hell, how did she feel about that revelation in the first place? All of that is very much worth addressing, but they LITERALLY NEVER DO.
Did she just secretly like his annoying flirting all along because no obviously means yes? Like, Ringabel still fucking carries all the baggage associated with being Alternis but the game doesn’t give a fuck! It’s overbearing and weird when Alternis comes onto Edea, but when Ringabel does it it’s peak romance! He loves her so it’s okay! And we don’t know anything about Edea’s feelings for him because the game just never fucking goes into it! It’s just assumed that she must like him back! Hey, here’s a thought! Maybe if Ringabel actually loves her so much he could respect her feelings and lay the fuck off! Oh wait, no means yes, right. And don’t even get me started on Bravely Second, jesus fucking christ. You seriously mean to tell me that, according to Yoko, my girl’s only personal damage is being tfw no bf? Nothing about the stress of ruling a nation or any of her other relationships? Nothing even about how her feelings for Ringabel might actually be more fucking complicated than dokidoki take me with you ringabel kun? Absolutely Fucking Disgusting.
Listen. I like problematic ships, but Rindea is just fucking bad, and it’s made worse by the fact that canon thinks it’s good. At this point they’ve missed so many opportunities to actually expand meaningfully on Edea’s side of the relationship that it’s a lost fucking cause and I want it to die in a fire. Good lord I hate this ship and it’s exhausting being an Edea main when it’s the entire fandom’s OTP. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
I ranted more about this ship as well as the other canon Bravely ships in this post and will probably do so again when presented the opportunity.
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lily-liegh · 6 years
so i totally borrowed this from some ask meme but i really want to answer all the questions and not from any particular fandom but just to, i dunno, talk? so ta da!
Top 5 favourite characters: Fujiki Yuusaku, Hiiragi Yuzu, Celty Sturluson, Hanekawa Tsubasa, Senjougahara Hitagi Other characters you like: (all the other monogatari heroines tbh), Barakamon’s Naru, ciel phantomhive, p much the majority of ygo characters, the kids from the promised neverland Least favourite characters: i dunno, i don’t usually hate a character that i remember lol Otps: heart (dm), sharkbait and aztec (zexal), platonic jublilant and romantic/platonic apple (arc v), datastorm and disaster (vrains) Notps: nothing sticks out, like i think i just forget what i dislike ^^;; Favourite friendships: jubilant from arc v (i will go down with this ship), and i dunno but Barakamon has some wholesome community fluff that i am here for Favourite family: can’t use barakamon again, but um, i’m currently watching mp100 and mob and ritsu have such a nice sibling relationship Favourite season/book/movie: i dare you ask me how many times i’ve seen kuroshitsuji book of circus it’s not even funny i can binge that in one sitting Favourite quotes: aaaa really anything from monogatari, but i really like either Hanekawa’s “I’ll love myself” moment (as she accepts her imperfectionism and challenges her anxiety over being a perfect student/daughter/friend) or Nadeko’s speech on the messiness, embarrasing-ness, and personal-ness of creating art Best musical moment: a place further than the universe has some damn good soundtracks Moment that made you fangirl/boy the hardest: still not over the recent vrains episode, Yuusaku CRIED ;w; When it really disappointed you: i think i just forget stuff i don’t like lol Saddest moment: episode 09 of violet evergarden hands down, i sobbed  Most well done character death: (kaito dying on the moon only bc everyone else magically disappeared but he straight up suffocated and died) Character you wish was still alive: welp i hope kusanagi comes back One thing you hope really happens: the playmaker figma comes soon lol Most shocking twist: finding out in the promised neverland that grace field is underwater, someone did some AMAZING analysis Best animal/creature: the art in made in abyss is downright beautiful and horrifying Favourite location: also made in abyss, but i am weak for the good TPN backgrounds - a weekly manga that looks way too good  Trope you wish they would stop using: eh, but let me tell you i cannot stand dra/gon ma/id for its fanservice and under/age One thing this show/book/film does better than others: barakamon, for an anime based off only parts of its manga, actually works so well bc they used the same characters/moments to launch a slightly different story that very much remained true to the series’ messages/themes, and in the end the anime came across as feeling finished rather than needing a second season that would never come Funniest moments: k poppy and i watched soul eater recently and i forgot how hilarious the excalibur scenes were Actor/Actress you want to join the cast: my fave vas are fukuyama jun and sawashiro miyuki, so i’d love to see more of them ^^ Favourite outfit: love live’s hanayo’s suit! (she’s in the middle)
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Do you own any  merch?: a lot of ygo, and then i collect cu-poche magical girls - got the madoka magicas and the ygo magician girl! Most boring plotline: (most boring series ever is ba/mboo bl/ade imo) Most laughably bad moment: poppy and i also watched madoka magica recently and kyubey being shot ... i laughed X.X;; shouldn’t have, but i did ;w; Best flashback/flashfoward if any: fave kuroshitsuji chapter is 131 for so, so many reasons Most layered character: any monogatari heroine, i could write an essay for each of them Most one dimensional character: eh Scariest moment: there were a lot of these in higurashi, take your pick Grossest moment: also lots of gross moments in higurashi, again take your pick Best boy: tachibana makoto, get you a guy who can cook and take care of you Best girl: hanekawa tsubasa Most beautiful scene (scenery/shot wise): kyoani animation is lovely and violet evergarden has to be the most stunning series ever
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winteriron-trash · 6 years
About Me/FAQ
Hey, welcome to my blog! This is my -well, usually- Marvel-centric blog that has everything WinterIron, Bucky Barnes, and Tony Stark, as well as some general shitposts of my own wild adventures. I figured it’s best to keep up this trend of updating my ‘About Me’ page every follower milestone. So thank you all so much for over 3,000 followers, I never expected to break that many followers, let alone in less than a year on Tumblr. I appreciate each and everyone one of you, so really, thank you for sticking around with my bullshit.
Per the usual, I don’t do drama, I don’t do discourse. If you have a serious problem with me or anything I’ve written/done on this blog, please take it up with me personally. I will delete anon hate (if I get any, I haven’t gotten any yet…) and I think it’s all just pointless. I can be salty and derpy sometimes, but I will never purposely say something malicious. I’m not here for that negativity.
Now, to the FAQs.
Do you have an Ao3/Pillowfort/other social media?
I do have an Ao3, you can find me at Gothic_Lolita. I don’t cross-post everything, and a lot of my stuff on Ao3 isn’t WinterIron or even Bucky or Tony-centric, so if you’d like to see some other stuff I write, feel free to check over there. I don’t have a Pillowfort, nor do I plan on getting one. It took me forever to get this platform right, I’m not in the place to bother learning how to navigate a new one. I don’t do Snapchat or Instagram or Twitter because I am not nearly basic or cool enough for that stuff. The only social media I use is Tumblr and Pinterest, and trust me, my Pinterest is nothing interesting enough to be worth linking.
Do you have a tagging system?
I’m… trying, honestly. I’m trying to adjust my tags and systems because of the… wildness Tumblr is having with blocking and purging certain tags. I try to be funny in my tags, and I swear a lot, and apparently ‘fuck’ is being filtered out of the tag search, so that’s fun and completely screwed me over. As it stands, the important tags are ‘winteriron-trash writes’ (my writing tag), ‘shitposting with becca’ (any wild shitposts of my own sad creation), ‘not about marvel’ (any posts that are my general bullshittery and not Marvel related), ‘becca gives mediocre writing advice’ (a new tag I’m trying to use that’ll tag any post that I give writing advice on), ‘becca spills the tea’ (a tag for whenever I post my metas or opinions on Marvel characters, plots, etc), and the citrus scale which I explain in a post here
Do you write original fiction?
Yes, but I rarely, if ever, post it. I think I have all of one poem on Tumblr, any absolutely nothing original on Ao3. I write original works all the time, especially poetry and novels, but I’m super shy about being vulnerable and putting my stuff out there. I do wanna post my original writing somehow, but considering a fandom blog and Ao3 aren’t really the place for it, I’ll just keep it all hidden inside of me, and one day I’ll die. You’re more than welcome to ask me about any of my original writings, trust me, I am always willing to ramble about the shit I write, it’s pathetic.
What type of fanfiction do you write?
For this blog, mostly WinterIron fics or gen fics focused on Bucky or Tony. I do write about OT3s on here occasionally, but they usually include WinterIron in some way. Most of the time. I’ve somehow gotten to writing some weird stuff lately, to be honest. I’ll work with MCU, Sony Venom, and Spiderverse characters and canon, with the occasionally comic canon shoved in there. I have occasionally written crossover content with DC characters, but that usually relies on comic versions -or at least my own remixes of them- rather than the DCEU. On my masterlist, you can check out all the things I’ve written!
What are your ships besides WinterIron? NOTPs?
I’ll ship almost anything, and I’m a huge fan of rarepairs/interesting relationships simply to explore the possibilities of it, particularly when they include Bucky or Tony. My top OTPs besides WinterIron are currently Phlint, FalconShield, and BlackPepper. As for NOTPs, I strongly dislike Stucky, Stuckony, Thorki, and Staron for reasons of just not being able to see those characters together romantically. Feel free to send me the wildest rarepair your mind can think of, chances are I’ve probably already thought of it myself so I’d love the chance to ramble about/write for it. I’m a big fan of weird OT3s as well, just see the weird shit on my masterlist.
Are you in any fandoms besides Marvel?
I’m into DC, Star Trek, classic literature, Percy Jackson/HoO/Kane Chronicles, She-Ra, Carmen Sandiego, indie gaming, Supernatural, vulture culture, HYDRA Trash Party, and musicals. Yes, I’m aware I was born to be a geek. Trust me, I’ve grown very used to it.
Do you take prompts?
Honestly, sending me a prompt/headcanon/idea is a shot in the dark. I have prompts sitting in my inbox that has been there for about a year that I’ve been meaning to write. Chances are if you send me a prompt yes I’ve seen it, yes I think it’s lovely, but god I do not have the time. Occasionally a prompt will really grab my eye and I’ll just have to write something for it, but sometimes even that can take months to finish. Don’t be surprised if you send me a prompt and I randomly fill it seven months later. I’m prone to doing so. I love being tagged in existing prompt/headcanon posts and asked to write it (as I have a bad habit of hijacking posts to write stuff for them to begin with…) just know that once again the chances of me writing it are about a 50/50. Also, make sure the OP is okay with you asking me to write it, it’s never my intention to steal someone else’s spotlight, I just want to take cool ideas and throw my two cents in.
Is there anything you won’t write?
Drugs and alcohol are hard nos for me. They’re personal triggers that if you really want to know more about, you can send me an ask or message about. If I’ve listed something as a NOTP, I will not write anything with it. I strongly dislike writing kid fics, mundane AUs, damsel in distress Tony fics, and A/B/O, but I’m willing to work with an idea if it’s good enough. It really depends on the situation.
Do you offer writing advice/reviews?
Yep! I’m down to answer any questions on writing fanfic or just writing in general. I love talking about writing and all that. Seriously, I like talking about writing almost as much as I like talking about Marvel. I’m more than open to reading a few chapters of your fic or book or whatever and telling you my honest thoughts, but I probably won’t have time to read all of it if it’s more than 5k long, because I’m just a busy person. And I will be honest because I want to be helpful. Don’t ask me for my honest opinion if you just want your ego stroked.
Can I ask your opinion on [insert topic here]?
Always. I am always open to sharing my honest opinions, regardless of backlash I’ll receive for it. I’d rather be my honest self online -the one place I can be my honest self- then a fake mask made to please others. Whether it be fandom ships, in-universe meta, or non-fandom related topics, feel free to ask me. I love talking meta, or just general thoughts and opinions on random stuff. Trust me, I’m far too opinionated for my own good. Ask literally anyone who’s met me.
How long have you been writing?
All seventeen years of my sad, sad life. I loved writing stupid little stories when I was a kid, that slowly morphed into shitty “books”, then I went through a poetry phase in junior high, and when I was about 14 I wrote my first fanfiction. I posted my first fanfic when I was 15, and have been posting fanfiction for over a year and a half now. I started Tumblr in late February but didn’t start writing fics here until about March because I am a shy bitch.
Aaaaaaand now for some stupid shit about me you didn’t ask for.
My name is Becca, or Winter, or Dumbass, whatever you prefer, and I’m a dumbfuck 17 yr old lesbian from upstate New York. (The ‘upstate’ part is important. Don’t ask me if I live in NYC. Just don’t.) I’m a junior in high school and planning to study English and Marketing in college, to hopefully become an editor. Hopefully. I’m actually a pretty boring and dumb bitch, which makes it all the more concerning that I am steadily gaining popularity on this hellsite. Someone help me.
I mentioned some of my interests above, but some other stuff I’m into includes knitting, playing piano, tea, collecting (hoarding) notebooks, photography, editing, music, and being a general idiot. I’m a wild child in ripped jeans and a leather jacket, which should not fool you because I’m far too shy and afraid of everything to be cool like that. I sound a lot cooler online because I’ve gotten so used to online interactions from making friends and running my own Discord server, but in real life I am unrecognizable. I’ve been in a grade of 60 people with the same people since kindergarten and some of them still don’t know my name.
I’m mentally ill and all that, but we’re working on getting… better. Writing schedules are a mess from me and sometimes I’m falling apart so, that’s fun. It doesn’t usually affect my blog because I internalize that shit, but occasionally the self-deprecating humor can get to be a little too close to the truth. And just the general spastic nature of my blog reflects the utter chaos of my mind.
So anyway, that’s me, please be my friend. Also, because this seems to come up more and more. Please don’t be afraid of me/intimidated by me. I know I look all cool and popular, but I am literally a hot mess just like the rest of us. If you want to climb your way into my messages and just,,,, scream at me about something you think I’d like, or just scream in general, go ahead. I really won’t mind, I promise. I need… friends, or so my therapist tells me.
Oh, and here’s a face reveal.
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Yes, I am that absolute idiot of a person, lying splat in the middle of my elementary playground field for,,,, reasons???? I don’t really remember the story behind that picture tbh, but it’s my entire personality in a single picture, so I dig it.
And here’s my actual face, with a cheap ring in my mouth and a fox filter because I thought I looked cute, okay? Leave me be.
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I swear I’m funny and talented sometimes, please like me.
As always, feel free to send me an ask or a message about anything you’d like. 
Check out my Masterlist if you want, and join my Discord Server.
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Would You Rather (Fanfic Edition)
Got tagged by none other than @theladyisapirate so let’s do this!
Do you prefer friends to lovers or enemies to lovers? 
I prefer enemies to friends to lovers. so
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Would you rather be forced to watch a terrible movie adaptation of your favorite fanfic or an amazing adaptation of your least favorite fanfic?
My least favorite fanfic is still great so I’d prefer that being adapted. Maybe the adaptation would make it even better. 
Besides, I’ve been burned so many times by my favorite CANON books being adapted into disappointing pieces of shit. *cough*Percy Jackson*cough*
Would you rather read fanfic chapters backwards or read them as parsed from google translate?
I’m gonna have to skip this question too. 
Would you rather consume every fanfic as an audiobook read by a monotone narrator or have to read on a tiny printed piece of papers written in yellow highlighter?
I feel like reading fanfics out loud ruins the whole mood, tbh. And besides, nobody will read yellow-highlighted stuff anyway because it’ll hurt their eyes.
Would you rather get a tattoo on your body of every fanfic title you read or never read fanfic again?
I’d rather get tattoos of every fanfic title I’ve read. Most of them are pretty poetic, some even have song lyrics for titles!
Do you prefer vampire au or werewolf au? 
Vampire AU all the way, bruh. It’s a classic AU.
Would you rather get sold to a boy band or be stuck in a time loop with your love interest?
Am I allowed to relive a certain moment with my love interest in the time loop?
Would you rather kill your favorite character or marry your least favorite character? 
My favorite and least favorite characters are the same person. If you’re a wrestling fan, you know what I mean.
Would you rather meet your love interest in a coffee shop au or college au?
Coffee shop AU for life, my dudes. Again, it’s a classic. Granted, so is the college AU but let’s just say that college doesn’t hold fond memories.
Would you rather have your fic history leaked or never read another fanfic again?
Go ahead! Just sign this waiver that says that I will not be liable for any mental health issues that you may experience.
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Would you rather be able to read amazing fanfiction but it always has an mpreg plot twist or only read bad fanfiction for the rest of your life?
Bro, bold of you to assume that I haven’t enjoyed mpreg fics before.
Would you rather gay ships or straight ships?
I don’t care about that. What matters fic potentiality and chemistry. I ship mlm, wlw, straight and every ship in between. As long as the influx of fics are either great or plentiful.
Would you rather ship a rarepair with almost no content or a pair with lots of content but almost all of it is cracky nightmare smut?
Yo, rarepairs are practically diamonds in every fandom. Everyone wants to find new ships but they’re too busy shipping every obvious ship. When you create fics for a rarepair, it’s gonna go one of two ways:
People are either gonna go crazy for it and demand skyrockets, or it flops and you abandon your works out of shame.
Would you rather see your otp shatter years after their happily ever after or never have the happily ever after happen in the first place?
As a member of any fandom, I think it’s better to never wish for a happily ever after for your OTP, unless you wanna cry yourself to sleep every night.
Call me nihilistic. It’s just the way shipping works.
Would you rather read a poorly written but complete fanfic or a literary masterpiece last updated june 2013?
I’d go with the latter but I’d honestly give the complete one a try. How poorly written are we talking about here? Like, a wall of text? Continuous use of “said” without further action descriptions?
Would you rather read SSSS++++ tier smut with almost 11k words or 70k words worth of fluff?
BOOOOOTTTTHHHHH!!!! One of my favorite fics is a 100k+ smut with a mix of fluff. AND IT’S ALL IN ONE CHAPTER!
Would you rather read only alternate universe fanfics or only canon fanfics? 
Dude, canon fics are super boring!!!!! Gimme the AU!
Would you rather introduce fanfics to your normie friend with an ongoing smut fic with great writing or a complete fluff fic with terrible writing?
Honestly, I don’t like making friends with normies. They’re too boring to be around with and talk to.
Would you rather read your notp with all your favorite tropes and perfect characterization or your otp with tropes you despise and inconsistent characterization?
I read any fanfics that aren’t huge walls of grammar errors.
Would you rather have a major character death or have a bed sharing scene but it’s a ship you hate?
I don’t ike reading fics of my hated ships, anyway. Why should I bother? Just give me the MCD and I’ll see myself out.
Would you rather every fanfic includes Jackson Wang or every fanfic includes at least one nsfw moment?
I don’t quite understand the question....
Would you rather read a fanfic that has constant grammar and spelling mistakes or one that the characters are wildly different than canon?
I honestly like OOC fics. And reading a wall of grammar errors is like having barbed wire pressed into my eyes.
Would you rather read the most absolutely messed up dead dove with your most wholesome ship or subject yourself to 100,000 words of your notp all written in a solid block with no punctuation and horrible grammar?
Give me my favorite wholesome babies going through serious shit!
Again, wall of horrible grammar = barbed wire in eyes.
Would you rather have the power to read every fanfic in existence or have the power to make any ship canon?
Dude, I would ALL my ships canon! I don’t wanna read every fanfic ever, that would include the horrible ones.
I’mma be the Pope of Shipping, dammit! Just canonizing ships left and right!
Would you rather read a cringy 70 chapter harry styles mafia au or a high school kpop au y/n fic with horrible grammar?
That AU you just mentioned is cringey in and of itself. High school AUs are cringe enough but at least it’s a classic.Personally, I think adding K-Pop to anything is like adding BBQ sauce to a S’more. It fucking ruins it.
So never mention K-Pop to me again. It’s bad enough that I have to deal with it in the game I’m playing.
But to answer the question: Harry Styles? Classic. Mafia AU? Also a classic. So I’ll go with it. I can deal with a lot of things but K-Pop is not one of them.
Would you rather have your otp get together in canon but one of them dies in a tragic way or all members of your otp survive but get together with other people?
The second one. No one’s gonna stop me from breaking canon and shipping them anyway.
Would you rather accidentally send your boss a super detailed smut fic or read a super detailed smut fic about your boss?
This involves real people with no gimmick/persona (Wrestlers are a gray area) and that’s against my shipping policy. Next!
Would you rather read smut fanfic aloud to your parents or submit smut fanfic to the employer of your dream job?
Again, involves real people with no persona. Again, breaking Shane’s Shipping Scheme
And it involves my parents so....
Would you rather pine after an oblivious love interest or be the oblivious love interest pined after?
I was pining for an oblivious childhood crush. Try to guess my answer. It’ll absolutely shock you /sarcasm
Would you rather hanahaki disease or your soulmate’s first words to you tattooed on your body (and they’re really stupid)?
I actually like both, the latter one is great cause comedy, but Hanahaki is such a dramatic plot device.
Would you rather be an alpha, beta, or omega in omegaverse?
My brain and attitude say Alpha but my actions and personality say Omega.
Would you rather read a fanfic where the characters turn into furries or a fanfic where the characters all get pregnant?
Pass on both. 
Would you rather be able to resurrect dead fics or have the power to create a plethora of new fics effortlessly?
Create a plethora of new fics. Being in a seemingly never-ending writers’ block, that would be a miracle.
Tagging: @mercy-ed @perversionsofjustice​ @nosiize​ 
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monstersinthecosmos · 7 years
favorite thing about them - As David would say she is “a witch and a drunk” LOL girl after my own heart. ALSO I LOVE THAT SHE WAS LIKE A LOUIS FANGIRL HER WHOLE LIFE. ADORABLE. Same girl same. I like that she wanted the Blood and took it into her own hands, rather than letting it helplessly consume her like Daniel. And she didn’t like, last that long after LOL, but I feel like her whole time as a vampire was securely her own choice and I appreciate that. 
least favorite thing about them - I feel like every time I answer this it’s never about the character and always just about Anne mishandling them LOL but honestly like I thought we didn’t really get to know her that well, and I find it super obnoxious that we got baited with a Mayfair crossover only to have it about some random chick that we never met before, and then she dies like almost immediately after the book ends anyway so it’s like. I don’t know! I hate that Anne gets bored and brings new characters in so much in the second half of the series because we either barely get to know them and therefore don’t care, or we wind up liking them only for them to wind up going nowhere and having no real character arcs.
favorite line - I flipped through my annotated copy of Merrick because I don’t really recall any super memorable quotes off my head and I didn’t really mark anything important that she said but the conversation in the first chapter about Louis is great LOL. “Louis de Pointe du Lac would see a ghost now, as if his suffering isn’t enough.” And “He crossed my path, you might say. But I’ve seen Louis de Pointe du Lac many a time. I was a child when I first saw him, and now you and I speak of this for the first time.” LIKE THAT’S SO FUN? I LOVE THAT THERE ARE REGULAR HUMANS IN UNIVERSE THAT SEE THE VAMPIRES AROUND NEW ORLEANS AND KNOW!!!! I think her… grandma? Or somebody? Knows about him too? I forget haha but I think that’s super awesome. :D
brOTP - Lestat! Jesse!
OTP - Also Jesse! David v2.0!
nOTP - UM? Probably David while he was still human since he was like perving on her since she was a teenager lol. I don’t see a problem with it one they’re adults and I really love the beginning of the book where he’s like super conflicted cause he’s not used to being vampire!aroused and he’s scared of hurting her and she just wants the D, but like Anne & David plz stop with the teenagers jfc.
random headcanon - I’m pretty sure she pulls some Gabrielle sleepin-straight-in-the-dirt shit in the jungle. I like to think that she went back to that cave and explored it again without being afraid of any predators—animal & spirit alike.
unpopular opinion - I liked that book! I didn’t get it the first time I read it and I was disappointed with it because I’d been expecting an actual Mayfair crossover, but when I got over myself and reread it I really liked it the second time. This is another CLASSIC ANNE book with like creepy pedophilic undertones but it’s another case where I understand the idea she’s exploring and, although it’s really easy to criticize and pull apart, I accept it for what it is in this universe.
song i associate with them - Basically the entire s/t Dead Can Dance album, and I had it looping last time I read the book so now it’s officially stuck, but specially let’s go with Wild in the Woods today. 
Look there’s even a spoopy mask on the cover. BUT ANYWAY, music rec yall! Witchy goth music! So good! 
Wild in the woods of loveWe harm those whom we adoreAnd contrary to all good intentionsWe suffocate them in an alarming embrace
favorite picture of them - EXCUSE U, FANDOM, WHERE ALL MY MERRICK FANART AT? Sigh. I was gonna find a nice picture of Thandie Newton because last time I read Merrick it was about a year ago when Westworld was on and I was like OMG SHE IS MERRICK! but tbh I’ve always had some weird evolution of Lisa Bonet in my mind for her. I think it has a lot to do with watching Angel Heart too much where she plays like precocious voodoo girl. I googled her to find a pic but honestly she’s so fuckin beautiful and every picture is so good it’s so hard to pick.
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sdghjaldgkl god. that look on her face! too powerful!!!!!!! 
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sunken-standard · 7 years
For the "talk about" thing: guilty pleasures
36: Talk about your guilty pleasures.  
I don’t have any guilty pleasures for problematic content because I have no shame.  So things that ruin my badass, too-cool-for-school image:
Gaming choices.  I love sim games (I have Banished running right now and I really should check to make sure my villagers haven’t run out of tools, again, because they apparently don’t know how to take care of their things), time management games (let me make a queue and get all my arbitrary tasks done before the clock runs out since I am incapable of doing this in real life), mosaics games where you fill in the squares by numbers to make a picture.  I also love all the old Black Isle and Bioware D&D games, from Baldur’s Gate up to Neverwinter Nights 2.  Then I stopped buying those kinds of games because nothing was ever as good.  I also play some free-to-play games online (not as bad as Farmville, but not far off in spirit), and they’re nothing but time-wasters, but if I don’t log in the world will end.
TV/ movies: some historical stuff which, in general, I hate.  @bkst-tutu1b just got me hooked on Outlander and I watched the hell out of Downton Abbey (even though I rolled my eyes and made noises of disgust through most of it, I watched for the clothes and the sets and in the vain hope that the-ugly-sister-whose-name-I-can’t-remember would just bludgeon Lady Mary with a candlestick and be done with it). 
Not historical, but Friends and, to a lesser degree, Will & Grace.  They were both so smarmy sometimes, but some of it was really funny.  I feel weird laughing at/ with the kinds of people I wouldn’t bother with in real life.
Also, Korean dramas.  They all follow the same format and I choke on the patriarchal culture, but goddamn.  Give me tall, suave, and Asian in a slim-cut suit any day (just, please, Korea, make socks a thing, I’m begging you).  There’s also something to be said for the tension in a sexually repressed culture, even if it gets really boring after a while.  Some Japanese dramas hit the sweet spot for me, too, but I mostly have a few actors whose work I follow and don’t bother with the rest.  I’m a sucker for a pretty face.
Oh, and the first season (maybe second, too) of Glee.  I hated the music and skipped past it, but the humor was dark and some of the storylines were compelling.  I’ll never stop being salty about my NOTP being canon, though, and how they made a whole big arc about a thing they said they weren’t going to do because it was just trite and cliche and bowing to pressure from whiny-ass fans.  I even went so far as to plot out a post-series fix-it fic for my OTP, but I never wrote it.  It would have been good, though, lots of angst and power!bottom Kurt and the character arc I needed like air that they never gave us.
Internet stuff: I love conspiracy theories.  I love unsolved mysteries.  I love people who aren’t very bright or insightful arguing about these things.  Give me all the Indigo Children and Rothschilds-are-lizardpeople and Illuminati YouTubes because that shit is just pure entertainment.  A lot of it is really grossly racist (and sexist, and homophobic, and every other -ist and -phobic imaginable), but I consume it as fiction.  I’ve read worse in mainstream sci-fi and fantasy. 
Also prepper websites.  I am nothing like the most vocal of these people, but the world is changing faster than I can adapt to it and my impulse is to hoard and be ready for zombies and/ or Nazis.  I’d rather sound like a crackpot and have too much of the really terrible institutional grade single-ply toilet paper than be wiping my ass with leaves when all the oil runs out or Der Fuhrer the Angry Cheeto gets us into WW3.  I also feel slightly more insured against destitution knowing that I can weather the storm of food shortages or price increases due to the effects of climate change.
I just spent way too long rationalizing all of this to myself and worrying what it might say about me.  I’m still totally cool and not a hypocrite at all *cough*
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lunaswondrousworld · 7 years
Salty fandom questions
Thanks to @darknesshadows @darknessp @malikaesthetics for sending in questions. I’m answering all of them together and putting my answers behind a cut because this turned into a bit of an essay. Because SOMEONE ( *cough* @dnteverdoubtme *cough*) said I should just answer them all (seriously, if I wake up tomorrow with no followers left I will blame this entirely on you). Also, well, salt. Quite a bit of salt.
Anyone following me for longer than 4 weeks shouldn’t be surprised by any of these answers (even though I’ve probably never spelled things out so explicitly), however for those of you who are new around here… beware some highly unpopular, possibly PROBLEMATIC™ opinions. Consider this your only warning and proceed at your own risk (or, you now, just don’t ;- ).
(I’ve done my best to ensure that this doesn’t end up anywhere near any tags, if it does anyway it’s not intentional)
All answers apply to Sh@dowhunters.
Disclaimer: when I talk about “The XY fandom”, this is obviously a generalisation. I know it doesn’t apply to everyone. Some of my mutuals are part of the xy fandom, and all of them are lovely people. /end disclaimer
What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get? While I personally don’t ship any of the canon ships, I do get why people ship them. If we’re talking all the ships in this fandom that anyone could possibly ship, I’d have to say ClaIec. Or Alec/any girls really. Make no mistake, I’m not saying this due to moral or ethical concerns – personally I don’t give a flying fuck what people ship, even if its VaIentine x a Vetis demon, whatever floats your boat – but I just really, fundamentally do not get it. I mean that boy is as gay as they come, take that away and you’ve got an entirely different character. Beats me really.
Are there any popular fandom OTPs you only BroTP? All the canon ships, current and future ones.
Have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion? More than once. I usually live by “don’t like don’t read”, and I scroll past / blacklist a lot. But there’s a handful of things where my stance is 100% A and if yours is B or C, that’s not something I can ignore. In this fandom, it’s mostly when people post / reblog certain nasty anti opinions/posts.
Do you have a NoTP in your fandom? Are they a popular OTP? *looks at the camera like I’m on The Office* (for those of you reading this who seriously DON’T know, just continue to the next answer)
Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you? (this one was sent in by ALL but one person, I would like to point out. So either you truly don’t know or you’re just here for the wank.*g*) Okay you might want to sit down and grab a bite cause this might take a while. You see (and that’s the part that usually surprises people) I actually started out as a pretty hardcore MaIec shipper in this fandom. Yep, me. Shocking, I know. I sort of migrated from the Teen Wolf fandom and everyone I followed back then was gushing about MaIec, I saw the first gifs on Tumblr (the show was already more than halfway through S1 when I started watching) and I thought hey, they’re cute, and actually canon, whee! So I pretty much fast-forward binged to 1x12 - through a pair of heavily MaIec-tinted glasses. My ideal version of the show back then, I’m ashamed to admit, probably would have been 90% MaIec, 9% Izzy and a little bit of Lydia on top (which was pretty much what a large majority of my dash was on about), I was totally ready to ditch everyone else for a short while. But thankfully, it wasn’t long before my brain remembered that I was capable of independent thinking, and I did a re-watch, and noticed that not everything was as picture perfect as it was made out to be, and I also actually noticed (and started falling for) the OTHER characters and possible pairings, most prominently Jace and JaIec (and honestly it will never cease to baffle me how anyone with a functioning pair of eyes will be able to look at S1 and NOT see that potential. Well, except for the MaIec-tinted glasses, probably). For a very short while, still blissfully oblivious to the nastier parts of this fandom, I happily multi-shipped (which was a first for me, I really am a ONE OTP kind of girl) both JaIec and MaIec pretty much equally, MaIec as far as canon was concerned (despite its many flaws - which where blatantly obvious once I cared to LOOK - but chose to ignore for the sake of happy shipping) and JaIec as a “God look at all that potential, in a different reality where xy had gone differently they totally would have been endgame” sort of way. And then that E!Online Shipping poll happened (the 2016 one where MaIec lost to CIexa) and that’s when got a first inkling of the truly ugly, rabid side of this fandom (back then I shipped both MaIec and CIexa so that’s probably what gave me a bit of a neutral observer’s perspective on these poll shenanigans, cause personally I didn’t care which of the two ships won since I loved them both). Around that time I had also started talking to a couple of JaIec shippers - who were lovely (looking at you fam) and refreshingly NORMAL compared to what I’d started to see in that other corner. Anyhow, from then on I was slowly distancing myself from the MaIec fandom as a whole. I still liked the ship in the sense that I enjoyed watching it in canon, even though, in terms of actual OTP, I quickly gravitated more and more towards JaIec (as I said I am a ONE OTP kind of girl so it was bound to happen). Long story short, during the long hiatus between s1 and 2a, (MaIec) fandom got exponentially nastier until, at some point – I’m still not sure when exactly - it just TIPPED (cause it definitely wasn’t like that back when S1 was airing, not to that extent) – and it suddenly started being “okay” to just outright attack and hate on everyone who dared ship either one of the pairing with someone else. With a level of vitriol and nastiness I have seldom seen (and I’ve actively been in fandoms since BtVS first aired, which was in the late ‘90s). Coupled with such a level of impertinent entitlement where everything has to be about or relate to MaIec, else there’s outrage across the entire fandom. And that, my friends, eventually managed to put me off the pairing for good. To the point where, if I’m entirely, brutally honest, I’d actually prefer to not see any Alec scenes at all to having to watch MaIec scenes, because this godawful fandom will find a way to ruin it one way or the other. If only by constantly whining about how it still wasn’t enough or “how dare that other character breathe while my OTP was about to suck face this is an OUTRAGE!!!”
Has fandom ever made you enjoy a pairing you previously hated? I can’t think of one, no. I might end up hating something I started out liking (see above), but I don’t think it ever happened the other way around. What sometimes does happen is that maybe there's something I don't actually care about all that much and then fandom will start hating on it and in the end I'll like the thing out of pure spite. But if I actually hate something, that'll stay that way.
Is there anything you used to like but can’t stand now? See #5.
Have you received anon hate? What about? Nope, because I don’t have anon on.
Most disliked character(s)? Why? I don’t actually actively dislike any of the current main characters. I did Simon in S1 but I’ve learned to tolerate his existence (that’s as far as I’m willing to go here). If we expand this a bit to “characters I’m least interested in” I’d have to go with Luke and Simon. I’m just not interested in either of their personal arcs unless they are somehow relevant to my faves’. Also I’m not to keen on Maia or any of the other new characters they’re adding (unless they’re somehow relevant to my faves) for the sole reason that they will take up screen time I’d rather spend on characters I’m actually interested in. I did dislike Jocelyn, but, yeah.
Most disliked arc? Why? My knee-jerk reaction would be to say MaIec (bitter? Me? Naah!) but that’s only part of the truth. Actually it’s more “all the romantic arcs for the sake of romance while not contributing anything else to the greater plot or to individual character development”. Cause MaIec as a general development was an important part of Alec’s character arc in S1, and that whole “the girl who you’re falling in love with is actually your sister” an important factor for Jace’s, so I can appreciate them for that. But beyond that, I’m just not interested in any of the romance plots. At best, they bore me to tears (I’m not actually joking when I say that I signed up for a show where pretty people wearing leather jackets and fingerless leather gloves kill demons and are awesome together, not “the warIock and his shadowhunter and their epic romance”. I’m more of a “The Walking Dead” / “Supernatural” girl than “Friends” or “Gilmore Girls”, you know?). At worst, they make characters I actually like do increasingly stupid things to the point where I’m left wondering if they’re actually the same character I originally fell for.
Is there an unpopular character you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why? VaIentine & Sebastian. I usually tend to like villains, and while VaIentine really often leans towards “ridiculous comic book villain”, I just love AIan Van Sprang and what he does with the little that the show gives him. And Sebastian (judging from what we know from the books) is just so deliciously fucked-up badwrongevilPROBLEMATIC™ that he’s inspired the keepers of this fandom’s moral purity to write up entire manifests why Thou Shalt Not Like Him Under Any Circumstances Cause He’s Bad Wrong And Evil™ back before it was even certain that he would be in 2B in the first place. So obviously I’m going to stan the shit out of him. Also, WiIl Tudor’s cute and British and I’m really looking forward to him and Dom having scenes together. :-)
Is there an unpopular arc that you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why? As for what has already happened, I didn’t actually mind Izzy’s Yin Fen plot. I wouldn’t say it was my favourite, but I certainly didn’t hate it as much as the rest of the fandom. I don’t have a particularly sophisticated reason for it though. As for what’s most likely / possibly to come, I hope the show will follow the book plot for Sebastian as closely as possible. (I don’t want to say too much for people who don’t know anything about it and don’t want to be spoiled.) Why? Because I like darkbadwrongnasty shit. Give me “darkbadrwongnasty shit where awful things and horrible people happen to good people” over romance any time. (Also, it would most likely piss large parts of this fandom off, that would be an added bonus.)
Unpopular opinion about XXX character? He’s not as flawless as you all like to believe. That’s okay though, flaws are what make characters interesting.
Unpopular opinion about your fandom? It’s the worst fandom ever? IDK is than an unpopular opinion? Probably, since around 80% ARE the worst people, and they would disagree with me so...
Unpopular opinion about the show? The writing really is rather subpar compared to some of the other shows I watch.
If you could change anything in the show, what would you change? Age it up (have the characters be some of the actor’s actual ages, i.e. around their late twenties), move it to a network like HBO or Starz, and make it push the limits of an R-Rating. Also, put the main focus on the Sh@dowhunters, Sh@dowhunters politics, just all things Sh@dowhunters. Centered around the Lightwoods (including Jace). (And did you notice how none of what I would change would actually include “make JaIec canon”? Cause contrary to what large parts of this fandom seem to think, this is not all I / we think about. Wow what a shocker.)
Instead of XYZ happening, I would have made ABC happen… Well take a look at my shipping and plot preferences and then you can probably guess my answer.
Does not shipping something ‘popular’ mean you’re in denial and/or biased? I don’t know, does it? If you ask the majority of this fandom, it really means I’m all sorts of –ist and just generally a horrible person. Or something. Do I get bonus points when I act like I care?
What is the one thing you hate most about your fandom? Pretending to do everything for a higher, nobler purpose (shipping for representation and the likes), refusing to accept that not everyone else will or has to adhere to your own standards of what’s right or wrong or PROBLEMATIC(TM), and taking everything that happens on the show too damn seriously. Refusing to grasp that this is primarily a fantasy tv show with a main purpose to entertain its audience, and to earn the network money, not to make the world a better place.
What is the purest ship in the fandom? CIizzy and CIimon, probably. But honestly, nothing in this fandom is even remotely pure.
What are your thoughts on crack ships? Whatever makes you happy, I don’t judge.
Popular character you hate? Nope.
Unpopular character you love? see #11
Would you recommend XXX to a friend? Why or why not? As a piece of trashy popcorn entertainment to pass the time, yes. To someone who actually asks for a rec for quality television, no. Cause it just isn’t quality television. (And yes I know it’s a fantasy show geared towards teenagers, but so was BtVS, and that one still managed consistent writing and character development, over 7 seasons. But anyways.)
How would you end XXX/Would you change the ending of XXX? With the Lightwoods / Alec running the NY institute. The very last scene would end like the very first one began: Jace, Alec and Izzy together, just the three of them.
Most shippable character? For me personally? Jace. Generally (though I personally don’t actively ship them with anyone except low-key with each other), I think Izzy and Clary are pretty shippable as well. Simon too.
Least shippable character? Luke? But just because he doesn’t really interest me so I personally wouldn’t know who to ship him with. Except VaIentine (past times, and probably present time also), but I’m sure that’s all sorts of badwrongproblematic. Ah well.
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alessariel · 7 years
1, 4, 5, 6, 11!
1. What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?
Supernatural: I was initially going to write Wincest but that would be a lie. I don’t ship it, but I do get it, because the show has made so many yes-homo-jokes about the brothers that even the most hardcore destiel shipper has to wonder.I then got to thinking which are the most popular OTPs in the fandom and then I remembered the very helpful spreadsheet the impeccable @unforth-ninawaters has shared with me a couple of days ago. It lists the most popular pairings in SPN via the number of fanworks on AO3. Very helpful!
Looking at it, I can get most of the major ships: Dean/Cas, Dean/Sam, Jess/Sam, Sam/Gabriel and Castiel/Sam. The last one has me going “Huh”, but sure, why not. What I totally do not get is the “Character/Reader” stuff. I guess it doesn’t technically count as an otp, but it leaves me completely astounded since I would rather be caught dead than read reader insert. But that’s because for me, fanfiction is a way to get as far away from myself and my own body as humanly possible. Reader insert would mean the exact opposite of what I want from fanfiction. I realize I’m probably part of a minority there though.
So long story short, I can’t really think of a popular OTP that I really do not get at all.
4. Have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion?
Not that I can remember. It takes a lot for me to unfollow someone I have been following for a while. From the top of my head I can only think of maybe two or three people I’ve ever even had to unfollow because of the kind of content they post. I follow several people who ship things or have opinions I do not agree with (see omegaverse, RPF, cons, certain ships) and yet I haven’t unfollowed them. Mostly because despite our differing opinions I cherish them as actual human beings and also because I am quite able to scroll over content I do not like and ignore it.
Being on mobile tumblr almost exclusively means I have no way of filtering my dashboard automatically. It’s meant I had to see a lot of content I’d rather not have seen in the past, and yet I still follow all of these people. People are allowed to have differing opinions. As long as their opinion doesn’t hurt a real human being, I consider myself very tolerant. Blatant racism, intolerance or sexism, however, will make me unfollow someone faster than you can say “nope”.
5. Do you have a NoTP in your fandom? Are they a popular OTP?
Do I ever. I have a lot of NoTPs, BUT generally it means that I just won’t actively seek out any content with them in it. I don’t mind anyone else shipping them and creating content, I’ll probably just scroll a lot faster over that content. That said, here are my NoTPs:
Any parent/child incest pairing, stat. Any pairing that involves an underage character.
Supernatural: Megstiel - I can see why people would ship it, it’s canon after all. I just really don’t like Meg, and I thought the kiss was wildly contrived and came out of nowhere. Plus, I’m a one trick pony - I ship Dean and Cas and I’m kind of exclusive that way. I’m completely fine with other people shipping it though.
Samifer: To me, their relationship is always grounded in torture and abuse. As much as I like Lucifer, I can’t ship them. The same goes for any major villain with Crowley being the only notable exception - however I don’t really ship Crowley with anyone, though the idea of Crobby amuses me greatly.
Merlin:Armor: Based on season 1 I can see why people would find it appealing, but to me Arthur and Morgana work best as squabbling siblings who pretend to hate each other but would secretly do everything for the other.It’s the same as with destiel - I ship Arthur with Merlin exclusively. I still love Morgana as a character though and I would love to see her happy with either Gwen or Leon.
Yuri on Ice:Victor/Yuri P or Yuri P/Yuuri: Solely because Yuri is very young and them having a sexual relationship is creepy to me. I can see Yuri having a puppy crush on both Victor and Yuuri, but that is the extent of it. I much prefer Victor and Yuuri as proud dads and Yuri as their grumbling obnoxious son who secretly loves the attention.
6. Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?
Not one of my OTPs, not really. Thinking back I used to ship Vegeta/Son Goku of DBZ really hard, but it wasn’t really fandom that ruined that for me so much as that I just kind of migrated to different fandoms. I still think fondly of that fandom.
If anything then the show has ruined a pairing for me. I used to love Merlin/Arthur a lot more before I watched the whole show and saw how it treated their relationship. What was allowed to blossom so beautifully during season 1 was stomped out pretty ruthlessly during the following 4 seasons, opportunities for character growth squandered, bad decisions made, one no-homo after another. The end of the show doesn’t really make up for all of that. And Supernatural is heading down a similar path. But then again, DBZ was the same. I’ve always shipped pairings despite of the show, not because of it. All three, DBZ, SPN and Merlin, did go south after a couple of seasons (or one season in case of Merlin) and it only grew worse the longer it continues, to the point where I still haven’t watched half of SPN season 10 because I’m so dismayed with canon.
11. Most disliked arc? Why?
For Merlin, that’s easily Morgana’s character arc. I’m still so very disappointed and bitter about what they did to her. She deserved so, so much better. If there was ever a character that deserved a redemption arc it was this one. And Merlin deserved better too - I’m still angry about how his character was warped beyond recognition until he was just an amalgam of bad decisions and plotholes.
For Supernatural: Possibly the Leviathan arc, which is just really boring. But from what I’ve seen of season 10, that has also potential to become the most disappointing arc - there was so much potential wasted on the demon!Dean storyline. Plus I really fucking hate Cole.
For DBZ: Probably Boo’s arc. He’s a villain I just couldn’t take serious.
Yuri on Ice: Has only one season and that was kind of perfect. I’m almost afraid for any continuations because experience tells me that things never stay as amazing as their first season was.
Thanks for the really interesting asks!
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nikkiruncks · 1 year
For the giving your opinion on it ship meme - Donna/Eric (I think they were my first ship!), Luke/Lorelai, Chuck/Blair and Jackie/Kelso since I know we both prefer Dair and Jackie/Hyde!
Donna and Eric was actually the the ship that got me to watch t7s seriously. The first episode I ever saw was Kiss of Death (I wanted to see the jelso drama) and Eric and Donna were just so cute. I loved seeing their story from season 1-3. They were just so adorable together. By the later seasons, Jackie and Hyde were more my thing but I love Eric/Donna too! And the fact that they were to only ship in the revival that wasn’t fucked over and even had a lovely daughter :)!
For Lorelai, I just want to be happy as an individual, so when it came to her ships, that’s what I cared about the most. I did really want them to get together in the earlier seasons but the way Luke reacted to Lorelai being engaged really stuck out to me and lowered my opinion honestly. But they did have really sweet moments.
Ch*ir, I cannot stand. Chuck is such an abusive douchebag who did nothing but make Blair miserable. Even if Dair didn’t exist, I’d still hate them. I could go on but, feel free to check my anti chair tag #notp: i’d rather be bored than hating myself.
J*lso is just ugh. I remembered back in the day they were so popular and I was like ‘why?’ I mean, Kelso cheated on Jackie several times with no remorse, pressured her into sex, and just acted like an entitled ass towards her in general. And Jackie would always boss him around and shit. They were both the worst versions of themselves with each. The fact that Kelso said that Jackie makes him feel bad about himself should say something. Context wise, it is shitty because there is no excuse for anyone to cheat (unless if have an abusive s/o, which Jackie was not). I honestly preferred Kelso with Brooke and Fez. He actually seemed to be growing as a person with Brooke and wanted to be a good dad. Fez is self explanatory (they’re basically married, let’s face it)
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grandfangarbagechan · 6 years
unpopular bnha opinion/venting below the cut
If you’re just clicking to see what the opinion is, here’s the TLDR: TodoDeku is my NoTP and I dislike Todoroki almost as much as some people dislike Mineta. I feel like he’s boring and everyone gravitates to him because he was abused and he’s pretty rather than anything that says about his character. He’s the culmination of every angsty self-hate abused uwu-pure woobie they’ve ever stanned and I’m so goddamn tired of seeing him everywhere. Also the fic I read made me mad but i don’t want to be mean to the author.
tododeku is fucking boring
like. so fucking boring. I don’t like Todoroki. I don’t care about him. I keep trying to make myself care about him because the fandom is so gone off him but I literally would not care if he died in canon beyond how it would affect the other characters
I don’t like him. I don’t like that so many people focus on him. He’s just Zuko but fucking boring and with no fucking personality. I actually hate him so much because he’s not interesting at all and people try to shove him into every fucking thing. Everything doesn’t need to be a fucking TodoDeku AU. TodoDeku is not our goddamn lord and savior.
and tododeku. goddamn tododeku. I don’t ship todoroki with anyone because he’s an emotionless piece of red and blue cardboard, but i especially hate shipping him with Izuku or Bakugou because they have so much character and so many emotions. I genuinely could not care about softboy hot’n’cold less.
Let me have one goddamn AU that doesn’t try and bring this fucking thermostat in early so he and deku can smooch earlier. In fact, kill him. If I ever write an AU, the first fucking line is going to be Shouto Todoroki doesn’t exist, because Endeavor decided to jerk off into a sock, and the entire planet was better off without everyone focusing on him and his garbage children. In fact, no. The difference is that Endeavor’s parents never fucking met so his entire bloodline dies off instead of creating Sadboi Hateshisdad to go and steal the spotlight of every fic ever, and actively make anything he’s in worse.
But honestly, I think I’m mad because a fic I really liked suddenly became TodoDeku garbage after not updating for a while. a really interesting AU where Izuku is offered One For All but declines specifically so he can be the first quirkless hero through his baseball skills alone. Which is super fucking cool. And the first half of chapter 3 was cool. It’s the last half that really lost me.
Todoroki shows up, right? This is like, the day Izuku is about to start training for UA. So he’s super fucking early. But he shows up, and his quirk is different. Which is fucking stupid on it’s own, ok, even as someone who doesn’t like him. Todoroki’s quirk is a major fucking part of him as a character. You can’t just change that and nothing else and expect him to still make sense. They gave him a water quirk and the ability to talk to animals. Which, first of all, means that he’s got the same fucking quirk as Koda Kouji - who is already part of 1-A and not focused on enough - but better, which is short-sighted at best. But second, he’s basically fucking Percy Jeckson, which fucks up his character even more
First of all, ENDEAVOR WOULD NOT BE SATISFIED WITH HIS QUIRK. Endeavor wanted exactly what Canon!Todoroki is - FIRE and ICE. He didn’t want a water quirk. He wouldn’t be satisfied with one any more than he was satisfied with Touya/Dabi not being able to wield fire the way he can. Endeavor wouldn’t be training him at all because he would be regarded as another failure.
Second, without his fire, Todoroki loses a giant fucking part of his character arc. He’s meant to be overcoming his own similarities to his father. “It’s your quirk” is a giant fucking part of his character, and I’d think someone who ships TodoDeku would know that because it’s also the point where most of them started shipping him in the first fucking place. You’re erasing not just his main character arc, but the main foundation of the goddamn relationship that you’re putting here.
Third, it makes no fucking sense for him to be able to talk to animals. Fire and ice makes sense because A) those are both temperature related and B) they’re the quirks his fucking parents had. Talking to animals is completely unrelated to water powers. There’s no reason for him to develop that at all, from a narrative standpoint or a genetic one.
TL;DR is this why people hated sans so much. i get it. i do. because there’s no escape from ppl trying to suck todoroki off and it’s fucking ridiculous
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alewyren · 7 years
it’s 2 am and I need to rant at length about the romance in bravely default/bravely second
Okay, so, I like the Bravely series overall. I just really, really fucking hate every single one of its three main ships. In descending order of hostility:
This pairing hurts my soul. Edea is my all-time fave and I quite like Ringabel as well, yet somehow it’s managed to become my bar-none NOTP for the franchise. Which is ironic, since I actually ship Alternis/Edea pretty hard. But honestly, it’s precisely because I love Edea and her complicated relationship with Alternis so much that RinDea makes me want to go on a stabbing spree.
Let me explain.
I don’t inherently object to the idea of Edea and Ringabel being together. What I hate is how their relationship is written. On paper, their relationship is actually super interesting. What with Ringabel’s previous life as Alternis, having lost his own Edea, and loving her much more deeply than he lets on. The problems are twofold: this only covers half the pairing, ignoring Edea’s feelings for the two men altogether, and this aspect of their relationship is never capitalized on. Instead, 99% of their interactions are generic slap-slap-kiss bullshit, with Ringabel’s advances being shot down every single time. Except of course she totally secretly loves him. And to make matters worse, she’s 15. He’s 20. Yeah, totally not creepy at all. I have no idea what Squeenix was thinking here.
Like, you’d think Edea would have a lot of conflicted feelings over the whole Alternis revelation, but it never even gets addressed! Because her feelings don’t matter, apparently? Like, why pair Edea with another incarnation of Alternis and not acknowledge her strained relationship with her Alternis?! Or maybe have Ringabel actually respect Edea’s feelings to lay off the creepy flirting if he really loves her so much? Seriously, how did Alternis’s personality do a complete 180 like that anyway? That still bothers me. You could say you like the relationship for the potential but IMO the damage is already irreparable. The most I can hope for is that they can never be together for plot reasons and Edea ultimately ends up working things out with her Alternis and they marry down the line--something that also desperately needs to happen with Ringabel since he still carries the emotional baggage associated with being Alternis but nope, never addressed, all you need for a stable and happy relationship is a perv who doesn’t know the meaning of no and an UNDERAGE girl who turns him down but secretly likes it because no always means yes, amiright? Fuck this pairing and fuck Squeenix for writing them like this.
And yeah the age difference gripe applies to Alternis as well but he’s much less aggressive when coming onto her, and when he is, it’s treated as a character flaw. Besides, I only see the two of them getting together way in the future after they’ve both matured. Also, can I just point out that Edea’s bravely second outfit, apparently meant to signify her lingering feelings for Ringabel, looked awful? Blue is not remotely her color, and being lovelorn for Ringabel does not suit her at all. Why does she love him? What draws her to him? Clearly she doesn’t love him for being Alternis, though it’s not even clear if it’s in spite of that. It’s never even explained, it’s just assumed that she must love him because he loves her. it’s gross as fuck smh
And like the entire fandom ships it and doesn’t even stop to think about how gross their relationship really is and I WANT TO FUCKING KILL MYSELF
Oh, and another thing! Why was Edea’s ONLY personal damage, according to Yoko, just being tfw no bf? God forbid a woman have a character or struggles independent of her totally shoehorned feelings for a guy. Nothing about the stress of ruling Eternia, nothing about how she still clings to childhood despite her character development in the first game, literally just being lonely because no Ringabel. She’s my darling daughter and she deserves so much better than this utter and complete shit.
What grinds my gears about this pairing is that while it was indeed a totally forced romantic plot tumor that would have changed absolutely nothing about the narrative had it not been a thing, Yew’s character did not suffer from it at all while Magnolia’s was completely consumed. Yew was actually a really good character, why did Magnolia completely lack any substance whatsoever? MAXIMUM THENKING
For that matter, Altair and Vega could have been a lot more interesting, too, and it’s not like the parallels between them and Yew/Magnolia had any impact on the characters or narrative. It was just kind of a thing, y’know? It could have been interesting if it foreshadowed Yew and Magnolia becoming star-crossed lovers themselves, or even Yew tearing down the sky to save Magnolia. But no. Seriously, what was the point of this relationship? It added nothing to the narrative or either of their characters, and their interactions were just so forced and painful to watch.
Come to think of it, during my first playthrough of Bravely Second, though, I’d actually thought the narrator who turned out to be Deneb was Vega, and I still think that would have been a more interesting route to take with Vega. Actually give her some agency and presence in the narrative beyond being the damsel in distress and whatnot.
I’m less openly hostile towards this pairing so much as I am immensely bored by it and saddened by its wasted potential to be something interesting. There was actually very little buildup to them being any more than just friends, for starters. No, writers, just because a man and woman are single and interact does not mean the audience automatically assumes they want to bang, and neither should you. Tiz not really having any sort of personality doesn’t help matters, though. Agnes in general has kind of lowkey born sexy yesterday vibes that make me a bit uncomfortable, what with how naive she is about worldly matters and how sexed up she is in official art of her vestal garb. And with Tiz being a literal player insert it comes off a little fetishy, like she’s supposed to be your waifu rather than a substantial and believable relationship forming between two actual characters. Oh Tiz, why did you have to be such a flat character?
I actually think it would have been a lot more interesting if Yew/Magnolia had been scrapped altogether, and it was Tiz/Agnes that had the parallels drawn with Altair and Vega. Especially if they actually went somewhere narratively, like I mentioned earlier with the two of them becoming star-crossed lovers or Tiz tearing down the sky for Agnes like Altair did for Vega. Maybe even to the point of his love for her leading to catastrophe. Cliche? Maybe, but at least there would be some actual substance to their relationship rather than coming off like they’re just pairing them because they’re the hero and heroine and it’s the rule for them to get together. And since their relationship was established in the first game and we have some attachment to them as characters, as opposed to Yew and Magnolia, it’d wind up being a lot more emotionally engaging. Not to mention it’d add a lot more emotional weight to Altair and Vega’s story, too.
Shit, Altair was even possessing Tiz for a while, wasn’t he? This shit literally writes itself! What a wasted opportunity.
I dunno, my thoughts on these two are a lot more scattered. They just make me bored and depressed.
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nikkiruncks · 2 years
Chuck: Yes, Blair, I'm a mess. I am a broken, screwed-up misfit toy, and you act all in control, but I know that deep down you're broken too. And I don't know why you won't just give us a chance to be broken together.
Chuck: I mean, what about that doesn't appeal to you?
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nikkiruncks · 2 years
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Anti Chair moodboard
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