#anti javajunkie
nikkiruncks · 6 months
What are five unpopular opinions you have about Gilmore Girls? I assume that the fact we both think Rory/Logan is the best ship on the show is one of them :)
Oh definitely :)
Putting under read more.
1. I really hate Emily and Richard. The way they’re so disrespectful to Lorelai pisses me off, yet somehow SHE’S the bad guy??? They’re both rude, judgmental, unempathetic. And the way Emily blames Lorelai for every goddamn thing. Also don’t even get me started on Richard. It’s like Steven Hyde all over again where he gets a free pass from the fandom to be a jackass.
2. I don’t think Dean is abusive to Rory, but definitely to Lindsey. Or at least is a douchebag to her. The way he legit YELLED at her after she made this lovely home cooked meal for her. AND AFTER HE HAD SEX WITH HIS EX GIRLFRIEND??? FUCK ALL THE WAY OFF
3. Logan is not to blame for Rory’s actions in the later seasons and Jess is not some “cure”. Rory is a grown woman capable of making her own goddamn decisions. Not to mention she kissed Jess while dating Dean, fucked a MARRIED Dean?? And this was all before Logan came into the picture. She was the one who dropped out of Yale. She was the one who wanted to steal a boat. It’s all on her.
4. Rory is not a bad friend to Paris. They’ve both made mistakes. Plus Paris canonically admits to treating Rory like shit.
5. I can’t stand Javajunkie. I was into it in the beginning but Luke’s reaction to Lorelai being engaged really stuck out to me. Especially compared to how supportive Chris was of it. (Not a Chris/Lorelai apologist but this is an observation.)
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endiness · 1 year
it grosses me out so much that people praise luke for punching christopher in s7.
luke is the one who ruined his and lorelai's relationship in the first place. lorelai gave luke an ultimatum that either they get married or that was the end of their relationship. luke chose the latter, effectively ending their relationship. it's incredibly fucked up that luke would then go and punch christopher after finding out that lorelai chose to sleep with him when they were not together anymore.
if ANY other man on the show pulled the same kind of toxic, violent, possessive crap that luke did, the fandom would literally never shut up about how problematic and irredeemable they are. but luke does it and because the fandom hates christopher, too, that makes it totally cool and worthy of praise and celebration?
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Salty Ask List (Gilmore Girls +) 10, 12 & 23
10. Most disliked arc? Why?
These are all hard questions!! Rory's arc in the AYITL isn't great. She should've gotten together with Logan and not have cheated on her boyfriend. Still, I actually love Rogan in the revival and think Rory's arc had some positives. Perhaps Rory and Logan's breakup in the last episode? Do you know I've never actually watched the last two or so episodes because I didn't want to see the breakup? It's been so long I'd forgotten I hadn't watched them lmao.
This is hard! I think anything involving Luke and Lorelai? Like their relationship in seasons 5 and 7 in particular. Also, Lorelai and Max. I hated them. Their relationship was terrible and annoyed me so much. Lorelai decided dating her daughter's teacher was, for some reason, okay, and he was garbage too. I can't even remember why I hated them but I did.
With Gilmore Girls, there aren't a lot of actual arcs to dislike. It's more like certain relationships, scenes, episodes, character moments... It's hard to think of an actual arc, sorry.
12. Is there an unpopular arc that you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why?
I love Logan and Logan and Rory unlike a big portion of this fandom, so... Like I said above, I like their relationship in AYITL a lot. I like how domestic and mature they are despite the cheating, and their last scene together is incredibly touching.
In that same vein, I liked Rory's arc in season 6. It was realistic and relatable to me, and I probably like Rory and Logan's relationship the most in that season.
I also actually liked Rory's arc in season 4. The cheating with Dean was well-done - the build-up to it, I mean. I liked seeing Rory lost and unsure of herself for the first time, because college is hard, and I liked her fallout with Lorelai. Lorelai was not a perfect mother at all and I hate that the show never acknowledged how she forced Rory to be her best friend except when she wanted Rory to obey her - then she pulled the mom card. Rory gave more than she took, and Lorelai could shrug off the responsibility of being a mother since she was "self-sufficient". Anyway, I understood why Rory turned to Dean, and I understood Dean too. What I didn't like was how quickly they ditched Dean, and how they wrote him. Of course, I didn't expect Dean and Rory to be endgame, but Dean was initially so smart and cool. He only became a cavemen so Rory would switch to Jess. He was sweet again in season 4, but the writers didn't want the golden child with a prospectless nobody like Dean - he was dumbed down so much...
An even more unpopular opinion might be that I like Chris and Lorelai a lot more than Lorelai and Luke and was rooting for them in season 7. I wish Chris and Lorelai had made it. I liked them in season 7, especially with Gigi.
23. Unpopular character you love?
I'm fond of Dean because he was so young and the writers screwed him over. I like Chris too. Oh, and I like Zack. I like him and Lane. Their wedding episode was so cool - that's another unpopular arc I liked, I guess. Is it unpopular to love Lane's mother? Because I love her. Mrs. Kim grew so much for the sake of her daughter. Their relationship was heart-warming and by far the best mother-daughter relationship in the series - one of the best relationships in general.
That's it! Thanks for the ask! I've forgotten so much about the show, so it's hard to explain myself properly haha.
Send me a salty ask!!
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mqrianos · 1 year
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LOOK AT THEM!!!! their smiles that they reserve only for each other....
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liesmultixxx · 1 year
LOGAN immediately being there for rory when richard was in the hospital is PROOF that he is NOT her christopher… christopher couldn’t be bothered to come and be there for lorelai whereas LUKE didn’t hesitate for one second to be there for her… much to think about
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emmeriex · 2 years
just found out there are luke danes antis in the world? i’m gonna need 5-7 business days to recover from this
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elisabeth-forbes · 2 years
’I did everything right I did what the book said’ - you put that line in your show and expect me to be like oh this is soooo romantic. Ah yes I followed the instruction manual and now I should be your boyfriend and I’m not even going to trust you when you say you don’t have feelings for someone else and I’m going to keep yelling at you because of reasons and somehow this makes you like me??? 
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missroller15 · 2 years
I know you said you probably won't want to watch Season 7 again, but what are your overall thoughts about the season so far? What is it that you don't like about it in general? (It's not a favorite of mine either, but I'm curious!) Is there anything you HAVE liked about it so far?
Hmmmm, I think I'll state what I wasn't a big fan of first and then what I did end up liking to end off on a good note.
Warning, my memory sucks so this will probaby be a bit inaccurate or off when I'm recounting these but I'll try my best!
Let's do this Rory Gilmore style ;)
I'll state off the bat, no Jess. Automatically, not a big fan but I can work with it so it's not the biggest thing that sorta made me like this season so much less. (Still made me kinda sad but I get it, it's fine I guess.)
Rogan. Yup, I said it. There was something so sugary, so artificial that wasn't really there to me before that frustrated me and honestly, I found certain aspects of them so strange. And I think one day I'll get fully in depth about it in a post but to sum it up: The rocket was an interesting gift but it wasn't very romantic to me at all, the whole 'Logan has great hair' thing was also.. um, that? The "Hi." "Hi." in the episode where Logan visits SH set me off too. And I'm 100% biased when I say all this as it felt like they almost ripped off Literati with that and the hair thing. There I said it, I'm sorry.
Rory's character was particularly strange too because I've noticed before that I always found her love for Logan frankly strange/obsessive but s7 had a really big goal to make her life pretty much revolve around him. I mean, I'm pretty sure at one of the Friday Night Dinners, Emily actually asked her what her summer plans are and she responded that Logan was gone so.. Yeah, I dunno. As well as her jealousy over that woman that worked with Logan at that dinner (Which was another part that I didn't really like b/c Logan pulled the same thing he did back in s5!)
CHRISTOPHER AND LORELAI, WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT- I can't even wrap my head around how much that ticked me off. I just couldn't believe it too.
Anna Nardini. Need I say more? :|
Marty just disappointed me so much as well. So much for that friendship Rory had.
Those are just what I immediately thought of off the top of my head. I promise, I did enjoy certain parts too!
Luke in Dad mode. Look, I understand completely how much the April storyline could bug people and to be honest, it bugged me too since it was so clearly used to split up Lorelai and Luke but I actually don't hate April as a character. I think she's pretty good and her interactions with Luke were rather cute.
Lorelai's letter to help Luke was EVERYTHING. I genuinely enjoyed it, and the way the scene was shot as well where it was read out loud then it panned to Chris reading it as well with Lorelai's voice. Ah, just so good.
The final episode was done wonderfully, regardless of what the writers may have done, they did know how to tie the show up nicely.
(Just because I'm a bitter emo person, the moment Rory and Logan split was also kinda relieving BUT it's not something I'd officially add to the pros b/c the other side of me really did not care. Christopher and Lorelai could be added to that category as well.)
There's probably more that I add to this but yeah, these are my thoughts. I totally entered rant mode, sorry but yeah my general thoughts! Thank you so much for the ask, it was nice to actually get these thoughts and feelings out.
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love-geeky-fangirl · 3 years
Is AYITL trying to make me believe that Luke wouldn't want to have anything to do with Lorelai's family? And that he would want to keep Lorelai from his? Luke that drove her to the hospital when Richard had a heart attack and waited there for her even before they were together? Luke that brought food into the hospital and checked if she was okay the second time Richard had a heart attack after they were broken up? Luke that went to a Friday Night Dinner with her even though they started dating just very recently? That Luke?
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missbrunettebarbie · 3 years
Steal me with a kiss
This makes me think of something involving cheating which is....not my cup od tea, most of the time. However, I could accept it in some cases: like the Luke-Lorelai-Christopher triangle. I am all for Chris seducing and stealing Lorelai away from Luke. I don't even ship LC, but this must be a better plotline than anything the show did with LL so far. Not to mention, I hate-hate-hate Luke's insecurities about him not being ~good ebough for Lorelai (he isn't, but not for the reasons he thinks) and want to show him how he's actively his own worst enemy.
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nikkiruncks · 4 months
Assumption: You think Rory/Logan have a generally happy and underrated relationship while Luke/Lorelai have a terrible and very OVERrated relationship. Oh, wait, that's me - I'm probably projecting ;)
You are right tho tbh!
Rogan are my babies and I absolutely adore them together. Never forgiving the revival for fucking them up, but I’ll admit the shipper part of me is happy that the baby was Logan’s. I’d like to think that both of them got their shit together and are married and raising their child together.
Javajunkie is just not my thing. at. all. I much prefer independent!Lorelai or her with Max or Jason (tho Jason probably deserved better lol). I do appreciate Lorelai with Chris, but obviously they’re not perfect. But honestly, call me crazy, but I’d take them over Javajunkie any day of the week. I do think Luke was Rory’s real dad tho and way better at it than Chris but that opinion might change the more I watch.
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endiness · 1 year
that the fandom is so ridiculously harsh on all of lorelai's love interests. except for when it comes to luke. despite how he is negative about everything all of the time. and actually has a violent, explosive temper. and intrudes on lorelai's love life as if that's any of his business. and their first kiss happens after luke yells at her and acts like a nice guyTM who's entitled to her just because he read a self-help book and did what it said. (also that he watched lorelai's stand-offish body language with jason and yet somehow interpreted that as them still dating and not lorelai wanting jason to leave her alone. because it's always a great sign when men can't read a woman's uncomfortable body language at all.) and broke up with lorelai because of her mother's scheming even though lorelai told him what things could be like and he said he was all in. and spent an entire episode assaulting his customers and making everyone afraid of him when HE'S the one who broke up with lorelai in the first place. and started a fight with lorelai in front of company and made everyone uncomfortable. and kept his daughter a secret from lorelai. and punched christopher after lorelai slept with him which everyone praises him for despite it being incredibly fucked up for a man to punch another man because he slept with his EX-GIRLFRIEND WHO HE IS NOT ENTITLED TO.
like, seriously, can this fandom be for fucking real. if any of the other love interests on the show behaved even a tenth of the way luke did, the fandom would never stop going on about how horrible and toxic and problematic they are. it's such fucking bullshit that luke is not only held to no standards by this fandom, but if anything, is praised for his toxic behavior. and it’s especially egregious because the fandom will then turn around and bash every other love interest who either didn’t even behave as problematically as luke or if they did, at least the narrative held them accountable for their actions anyway. which a lot of times can’t be said for luke.
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You disliking Luke and Lorelai gives me life! I watched Gilmore Girls for the first time during the pandemic and hated almost every character but was especially stunned by Luke and Lorelai because for years I'd heard about what an incredible 'best ever' ship they were and it turns out they are terrible in almost every single way. Once they got together, what little chemistry they had seemed to disappear, but the problems run so much deeper than that. Once they went from friends to dating, they literally don't even seem to like each other, they are always deeply annoyed by each other, they have LESS than nothing in common, they constantly lie to each other or at least 'omit the truth', they are completely incompatible, they seemingly can't connect or even have an actual conversation about ANYTHING. And maybe this has to do with the actors supposedly not getting along but the characters just never seemed to click or make each other happy once they got together. As much as I am not a Rosschel fan for all the reasons you named (and love Rachel/Joey, which I will always believe should have been endgame!), Rosschel's below average communication skills seem practically stellar compared to Luke and Lorelai's unwillingness to have any sort of real conversation at all outside of Lorelai blathering about nothing like a flailing, attention-desperate standup comedienne and Luke grumbling about how much he hates every aspect of life. I love Friends despite its problems and despite wishing Ross and Rachel hadn't been a thing past season 2, but even thinking about Gilmore Girls annoys me, lol. I see why people love it, but for me the "ugh" outweighs the good :) Thank you for letting us vent!
I agree with everything, haha! I got so angry and frustrated with those two as well. They don't get any better in A Year in the Life (spoiler alert). They're honestly terrible apart too. Between Luke's anger issues and Lorelai's selfishness they were a match made in hell.
Gilmore Girls is definitely very frustrating. I understand! I sometimes think about rewatching it because I love Logan, Paris, Lane, Emily, Rory, and Rory/Logan - despite these characters' flaws (not Lane's, she's perfect) - but it's so hard to watch the show... So, I understand, though I used to love it! I was a bit less frustrated by Friends too, but a lot more indifferent. I loved the GG universe despite everything. Just thinking about the characters and relationships makes me want to rewatch. They're so familiar and comforting to me though I don't know the show as well as I do other old favorites.
What did you think about the other characters and pairings? Where do you stand on the Logan/Jess/Dean debacle lmao?
You're welcome to vent anytime! Thanks for the ask!!
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karenjacksons · 5 years
Jane The Virgin,Gossip Girl,Gilmore Girls
favorite female: Jane or Petra can’t choose
favorite male: Michael!
favorite season: 1-4.
favorite cast member: Brett Dier tbh (I mean,he plays my favorite character and I also watch his current sitcom Schooled so)
favorite ship: Villadero!
character I’d die defending: Michael
character I just can’t sympathize with: Rose 
character I grew to love: Luisa
my anti otp: Rose/luisa
gossip girl 
favorite female: Serena
favorite male: Nate
favorite season: 1
favorite cast member: Blake Lively and Penn Badgley
favorite ship: Serenate
character id die defending: Serena and Vanessa  
character I just can’t sympathize with: Chuck and Dan
character I grew to love: none lol
my anti otp: Chuck/blair
Gilmore girls
favorite female: paris
favorite male: jess 
favorite season: 2
favorite cast member: Milo Ventimiglia 
favorite ship: Javajunkie
character id die defending: Jess? ive never seen anyone hate him though
character I just can’t sympathize with: rory oops
character I grew to love: paris and lorelai 
my anti otp: rory/logan
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justmegoing · 7 years
I seem to get lots of hate for my christopher/anti javajunkie confessions but IM A CHRISTOPHER FAN AND I DONT CARE WHO KNOWS IT
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