petri808 · 5 years
Gruvia ficlet Starsobafictober day 4 costume prompt. @thewritingstar
She thought it was an absolutely adorable play on their first meeting. Juvia managed to talk Gray into dressing up for FairyTail’s Halloween couples contest. She didn’t really care about winning, as long as they were in it together. Of course she wanted to go all out dressing him up, but had to compromise with just a shirt and slacks.
Gajeel was the first to break out laughing as soon as they walked into the hall. He didn’t mean to tease, but seeing Juvia dressed like her old Phantom Lord days was a blast from their past!
“Do you like Juvia’s costume?” She giggles at her old friend. She’d spent a whole day working on the prop, an umbrella with fake rain droplets hanging down and a dark cloud poised above it.
“Gihi! It’s like a flashback!” He points at Gray who just stood there awkwardly in his bright yellow slacks, yellow t-shirt, with the outline of a sun on the front. “But what’s with his outfit?”
Juvia weaves her arm through the crook of Gray’s elbow. “Gray is Juvia’s sun who chases the clouds away!” She leans in closer against his shoulder with a bright smile to rival the shirt. “Just like he did the day Juvia and he met.”
Mira screams from across the room. “That is so cute!!!”
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kaychawrites · 5 years
Inuyasha  x Kagome
I’m writing this for @thewritingstar and @sobatsu Fictober prompt, Day one: Candy.
Rating: Teen
Kagome hummed happily as she twisted a chocolate from its wrapper and popped it into her mouth. The sweet taste and creamy texture made her smile.
“What is that?” Inuyasha asked from his position on the other side of their campfire.
“Candy,” Kagome replied as she searched through her bag for another one.
Inuyasha’s ears twitch with curiosity as he watched the young woman pull out two more of the strangely wrapped things. “What in the world is candy?” he scoffed.
“Just little pieces of heaven,” Kagome replied as she unwrapped another candy and ate it.
“If it is so great than why don’t you share?” he growled.
“No way, you already went through my bag and ate most of my food!” Kagome pointed a finger at him with a scowl. “I’m gonna enjoy these.” She unwrapped the last candy.
Inuyasha jumped over the fire and landed beside her. “That isn’t fair! Come on hand it over!” He held out a clawed hand.
“Nope!” Kagome leaned away as she popped the last chocolate in her mouth. “Besides, chocolate is bad for dogs!” she said closing her eyes with a smirk.
With a growl Inuyasha lunged forward and grabbed the back of Kagome’s head. Before she even realized what happened his mouth was on hers. Her eyes flew open as she gasped in surprise and his tongue slipped into her mouth and moved along her own. His fangs pricked against her lips and caused her to moan and close her eyes again. She had just started working her tongue against his when he pulled away.
“W-wait… why?” Kagome started to say as her eyes fluttered open. All she saw was a smirking demon sitting in front of her triumphantly with her candy between his teeth. Her fist clenched as he closed his mouth and slowly chewed his trophy.
“Your brain must be busted. This tastes alright but I wouldn’t call it heaven,” Inuyasha scoffed as he swallowed the candy. He looked over to see a livid Kagome glaring at him. “What?”
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thewritingstar · 5 years
StarSoba Fictober Day 3
Prompt: Blood Moon and a au that i dont know what to call it
Pairing: Nalu 
Enjoy this little ficlet :)
He marveled at her power. It was like an electric current running through her, taming everything before her to her own command. 
He knew of her through the talks in the town and the whispers that would leave the lips of brave ones who dared to speak her name. 
Her power was like none had ever seen. She could call through the realms of time and space and ask for the guidance of spirits and sometimes, gods. But on the rare occasions like tonight, her abilities were unmatched. 
The tint of red upon the moon, the alignment of the planets, that’s when she was the strongest. It only happened for one night and each time it came, he had to be there. 
“My lady.” He whispered as he was transported to her hidden tower. 
Her hands were up, facing the open stone window and she turned quickly. 
“Natsu.” She spoke and tears brimmed her eyes. “My love.” She ran to his arms.
He grabbed her and hugged her tight, desperate to remember her voice for when the night ends, he would be sent back to his chambers. Locked under the curse of the blood moon, he can only see her when it occurs. 
“I’m trying to get the council to reconsider...again. Maybe full moons, or eclipses, but they won’t budge.” She cried. 
“Shh its alright Lucy. At least we have tonight and right now I’m thankful for it.” 
She nodded and kissed him with passion. “I love you.” 
“I love you too.”
And when she awoke the next morning, he was gone. The red tint of the moon had vanished and she was left alone waiting for the next shimmer of red to free her lover. 
Hope you liked it!!
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faewildscalling · 5 years
Fictober Prompt Day 5: Ghost (Edwin)
Here is my prompt for Starsoba's fictober day 5. I went with Edwin. Also I'd like to give a shout out to my love @geekygruvialover01 for helping me come up with names for their kids. Thank you Dear. Hope you enjoy the story.
Edward POV:
It was October and I was watching my son Dominic jump into piles of leaves laughing and enjoying the crisp weather. All of sudden that was interrupted by a shrill scream. "Daddy!!!!! Wahhh!!!" My daughter Sarah runs into my arms sobbing. I scoop her into my lap and soothe her. When her tears subside I finally talk to her. "What's wrong Sweetie?" Winry comes out to also see what the problem was. "I-i saw a ghost Daddy. She said she knew you. Then she turned into a scawy monster and I ran away." She starts crying again. I calm her again. I wonder who my daughter could have seen or if this was just a overactive imagination. Winry and I exchange concerned glances. Sarah hasn't ever lied so maybe she really did see something.
"Ahhhh! Mommy! Daddy!" Dominic screams and flings himself into Winry's arms. He looks shaken and scared. "A scary ghost was right over there!" He points a shaking finger toward the yard where he was playing. "Sweetie, there is nothing over there. Your safe, Dear." Winry soothes. She smoothes his hair back and looks over at me worried. "What did the ghost look like to you Sarah?" I asked my daughter. She sniffles and wipes her eyes and thinks back for a minute before answering me.
"She looked about my age with brown bwaids and blue eyes and then she looked like some kind of scawy dog monster. She told me her name was Nina."  As soon as she said that my heart stopped for a moment and my eyes widen. Nina Tucker? What could she possibly doing around here? We had at one point considered naming Sarah after her but Winry wanted to name our daughter after her mother and I wanted her to be happy so I agreed. The guilt I felt at not being able to save her wells up all over again.
I'm snapped out if it by my wife's comforting  hand on my shoulder. I smile weakly up at her. "Dominic, was your ghost the same girl?" I asked him. He nods a yes. I wonder why Nina is here and why now? Why not before? "Well, I guess I should tell you both about Nina then. I was really hoping to wait till you were older." I sigh resigned. I tell them of when their Uncle Al and I met Nina and spent time with her and the rest of the Tucker family. We were all crying at the end of the story. I wiped my eyes and told them that it was best to remember the good times and not the sad ones and that I would always protect them from people like Shao Tucker.
Suddenly My wife lets out a gasp. I look up and my eyes widen. Nina is standing there though she's kinda transparent. "N-nina?" I stutter and tear up. She smiles sadly at me. "Don't worry Big Brother. I don't blame you for what happened. I know you would have saved me. I just wanted to thank you for caring for me and stop feeling guilty about what happened to me. Be happy and remember me. I love you."  She disappears after speaking those words to me. I start sobbing, it still hurts that I couldn't save her. I feel  two pairs of small arms hugging me. I look down and my children are hugging me."Don't cwy Daddy!" My daughter says trying to cheer me up. Winry hugs me from behind and kisses my cheek. "She wants you to be happy Dear." She tells me softly.
I wipe my tears and we take the kids inside and spend the evening telling funny stories of our adventures till they go to bed. After we tuck them in we go to our room. Windy wraps her arms around me and makes me look at her. "Are you alright, Ed?" she asks me.  "I'm fine. It was just a shock to my system" I tell her.  I sigh and try to snap out of it. She makes me look at her. "I'm so proud of you and so are the kids. Don't worry, you did the right thing." She leans in and kisses me. I close my eyes and enjoy the kiss. I never believed in ghost till that day but all ghosts aren't a bad thing. Sometimes they can bring you closure from the past.
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pixiescribbles · 5 years
Kirito’s Birthday Celebration 2019
This is such a cute idea! 
For the first fic I decided to give it a little Halloween twist and combine it with StarSoba’s Fictober! 
Summary of the fic 
Asuna had begged Kirito for a Halloween girlsnight in their new home. After he reluctantly agreed, he found a way to make the evening more interesting for himself.
AO3                       FF.NET
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petri808 · 5 years
Nalu ficlet. Starsobafictober Day 1 prompt candy
As Lucy sat on her front porch handing out candy to all the trick or treating children, she wondered what was taking her boyfriend Natsu so long to get there. He’d promised to keep her company tonight, she’d even dressed up in a cute, but sexy, little witches costume just for him. ‘Figures,’ she sighes, yet smiles at all the eager and grabby little hands.
Most of the trick or treater’s were young with a mix of teens and maybe older as the night wore on, coming by for free hand outs of candy. She and her friends used to do the same, but now she was just too lazy to walk around when she could just buy what she wanted. Eventually the crowds thin, a good thing, she yawns, ready to strip off this costume and jump in the shower. If Natsu wasn’t gonna show up, Lucy’ll just turn it in for the evening since she worked the next morning.
“Trick or treat!”
She looks at the tall man in front of her. “Aren’t you a little old to be doing this?” Lucy questions. Looking him up and down, this guy was no teen, but obviously an adult and dressed in a ridiculous... She palms her face, “Natsu, really? This is why you didn’t show up tonight?!”
“Aww!” He peels off the Charizard mask, “but it’s free candy Luce! I can’t pass up free!” Natsu pouts for effect.
“Why do I even bother,” she mutters.
“I’ll share,” he turns on the puppy eyes, holding his pumpkin shaped bucket up to her.
Lucy groans, too much of a sap to not fall for her boyfriends silly charms. “Get in here,” she opens her front door and prompts him inside. “But I expect more than candy to make up for your tardiness...”
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petri808 · 5 years
Inukag ficlet Starsobafictober prompt blood/full moon @thewritingstar
It was a rare occurrence, and one that Inuyasha had hoped to never encounter in his life time. But it had been inevitable that a blood moon would come to pass now that he had reached a certain maturity. Truth be told he really didn’t know what to expect. The one person who might have been able to explain it had long since left this world.
Miyoga made it sound like he’d turn into some kind of raging beast, unable to control his mind during the duration of the blood moons passing. Though the flea yokai also admitted that was just a guess. Inuyasha wanted to squish the pesky old flea just for making him panic. He had responsibilities now, as a husband and protector. He couldn’t be going around and destroying things!
As a precaution Inuyasha warned Kagome to be on alert just in case.
“If I seem in any way out the ordinary, stop me, purify me, whatever you have to do.”
Kagome didn’t really believe him, or at least didn’t react as if it worried her. “I’ve dealt with you when you went full yokai. I think I can handle anything you throw at me.”
She was probably right. But as he huddled in their hut watching the dying embers of the day shifting into an inky darkness, Inuyasha couldn’t help but worry. His wife went about a normal routine, preparing them dinner, completely unawares of his rising anxieties.
Something felt off alright.
The red glow filtering in through the un-thatched window sent a chill through Inuyasha’s whole body. Similar and yet wildly different than on his New Moon night. He held out his hands, draping them though the light. Nothing physically was transforming... his mind was still very much intact... but a sweeping new urge licked at a deeper, primal, area of his soul.
Inuyasha glances over to Kagome who had changed from her miko day-attire to a sleeping yukata. It was loosely draped to expose her shoulders to the warm early autumn humidity. While her back was turned to him, he could already picture in his minds eye the low cut V it probably created in the front, exposing the tops of her supple bosoms or guided valley to an ever better destination. He cranes his neck towards the ceiling, taking in the scent of her. It was over powering tonight! Of all the nights for her hit peak ovulation.
Not good! He clenches his fists and jaw tightens along with other areas of his loins. Blood panged urges swirl through his body, not for destruction but another kind of wanton carnage. Inuyasha’s demon wanted to devour Kagome inside and out, marking her, re-staking his claim in such a manner that no one would dare look at her with desire again; except him. Plant the seed! It demanded of him.
Kamisama! If he didn’t get ahold of himself, his poor wife would pay the price of not walking for a week! Inuyasha closes his eyes, trying desperately to focus inward and gain control of the mounting desire. To shuttle his yokai back into remission. But it was all in vain. The blood moons magnifying effects were too strong.
His feet take swift action in carrying him towards her. “Kagome...” and in a deep, rumbling voice hovering just above her ear, his hands reach around to undo the belt of her robe. “I hope you can handle this...”
She smirks. Blood red...
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petri808 · 5 years
Kyoru ficlet for @kyoruweek19 & Starsobafictober @thewritingstar prompts Stay & Haunted House 👻
“I-I don’t know Kyo,” Tohru looked at the creepily decorated structure looming before them. Their old high school had done a great job turning one of the buildings into a haunted house. So well in fact, she barely recognized it. This holiday was a growing fad in Japan, and this school was reaping the benefits of catering to the craze.
“It’ll be fine,” Kyo takes her hand, raising it to place a chaste kiss on its back along the knuckles. “I’ll be here to protect you from all the monsters.”
“Promise,” her bright eyes begging that he better stay right by her side.”
Kyo chuckles, lifting their still joined hands over his heart, “forever and ever, I promise.”
“Oh-Kay,” she beams.
He leads her through, keeping to his promise by placing his arm around her shoulders and his other hand in his pocket, just in case. It would be bad if he ended up decking a kid by accident. Even knowing the purpose is to scare, fight or flight instincts were highly ingrained in his psyche.
So to make it easier on himself, Kyo focuses on the still slightly trembling woman beside him. It made him chuckle. Tohru was so scared and yet absolutely excited every time some creepy ghoul or trumped up vampire or half rotting zombie jumped out to scare them. Hell, he had to admit many of the costumes were spot on! The amount of work these kids had done was nothing short of amazing!
Smoky dim hallways and strobe lighting effects, strange sounds or eerie silence till the screams began again, brought a sense of the macabre. They loved all the scenarios that were set up. From graveyards to old mansion-like rooms, even a dilapidated hospital morgue. Kyo thought that one was the most creepy. Just the idea of a place of healing being turned into a ward of death gave him the shivers.
“How are you doing Tohru?” Kyo checks on his wife as they walk out of the exit. “Still have all your fingers and toes?” He chuckles. “No vampires bit ya?”
“Ha ha,” she jests, but it’s clear by the big smile on her face she was totally fine. “It wasn’t so bad since I had a protector the whole way.”
Kyo leans down and kisses her. “I’d take a zombie bite for you,” he grins, “but then I’d probably bite you after so you can’t leave me.”
“I’d never leave your side,” she hums with a sense of pride.
“I know.” He kisses her again. “Shall we get dinner before heading home?”
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petri808 · 5 years
Hakyona ficlet. Starsobafictober day 5 prompt ghosts @thewritingstar
You’d think Yona would be excited for the following day, and she was, of course she was excited to finally marry Hak. It could have been as a Princess or peasant and she would gladly vow to be his wife. Then why were her nerves betraying her like this? Maybe because it could never be like a traditional ceremony, with her father and mother there to bless the union, and welcome her chosen husband.
Deep down she was sure her mother would have approved and speculation was her father already intend it to be. But still, just to have them there, physically, to share in her joys and happy tears would have meant so much to her.
She sits down on her patio walk, just looking out over the small garden of blossoms. The moon’s light gave the whiter flowers a gorgeous glow. So, fragile, yet magnificent to behold. Hak sometimes likened her to a flower. Delicate, beautiful, and strongest while in full bloom. Yona thought it was amusing, but sweet nonetheless.
The pangs of jitters were only surpassed by the nagging emptiness her parents absence created. Yona wraps her arms around her body, resting her chin on her knees. She really missed them. So very, very much. With her eyes closed, Yona wished for something, anything to tell her it was going to be okay. Maybe she should go find Hak, he always made her feel better.
A slight breeze passes through the garden, rustling the leaves and causing Yona to pull her shawl closer. A light scent accompanies the wind. Odd. Sandalwood? That was only used in high-order ceremonies. And... Chicken porridge?? Yona’s eyes pop open, she swore she could smell her favorite comfort food!
In that moment, a gentle weight falls upon her shoulder, instantly calming her of all the anxieties that plagued her. This warmth swept through her entire body until no more fears were left. Unbeholdened tears trickle down her cheeks, and she wipes them away with a smile. She got the message loud and clear.
“Thank you father...” Yona whispers to the wind. “Say hi to mom for me.” Everything would be okay now.
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petri808 · 5 years
A Child’s Imagination
@fortheloveoffandomevents Treats not Tricks/ Firsts @kyoruweek19 / Witches & Wizards Starsobafictober @thewritingstar so many prompts lists so I combined it lol.
Kyoru family drabble.
It was going to be Hajime’s very first Halloween to dress up for. His preschool was having a fun day for the holiday and asked parents to send their little ones in costume along with treats to share with the class. Tohru asked her son what he wanted to be and he picked a wizard after the recent Harry Potter movie he’d seen on tv.
“But which wizard do you want to be Hajime?” Kyo asks the young boy. “Do you want to be Harry, or maybe Ron?”
Tohru chuckles and looks over to her husband, “you’re in charge of finding his costume and I’ll take care of the treats for his classmates.”
“Deal,” Kyo laughs. He takes his sons hand, “shall we see what the stores have?” The child nods emphatically. Kyo laughs again. “Okay Hajime. Tohru, we’ll be back before dinner.”
Tohru waves them off, then sets about heading to the grocery store for her own supplies, thinking up what kind of cute treats she could make for the kids. She’s seen ideas on tv for Halloween themes that look interesting. Maybe cookie-shaped fingers, cake pop eyeballs, or brownies decorated with icing ghosts. Any of those could be made with simple ingredients.
By the time father and son arrive home, Tohru had returned with her own supplies and was busily working on dinner for the family. In the end she’d chosen to make brownies when she’d lucked upon large metal, wizard hat shaped cookie cut outs. It was perfect to go with his costume! A sweeter treat than cookies, and she picked a few icings to decorate with along with individual bags to seal the pieces into.
“Show me your costume,” she smiles when her son runs up toting a bag larger than himself.
The young boy pulls the outfit from the bag and holds it up against his body. “We’s found one that fits me!”
“I see,” she chuckles. It might require a few minor adjustments but nothing much. “Tell you what, after dinner you can try it on for mommy to see okay?”
Hajime beams and rushes off to his room to put it away and wash up for dinner.
Kyo walks up and kisses his wife on the cheek. “He was so excited to find that thing,” he laughs. “You need help with anything?”
“Could you set up the table? Dinners almost finished.”
“Of course.” He kisses her again and sets to his tasks.
That evening once dishes were put away, Hajime brought his costume to the living room where Tohru helped her son to put it on. Sure enough, the skinny child would require some minor costume adjustments, mainly taking in the waist of the pants and hemming the length of the wizards robe, but over all it looked good. With fake glasses and a faux wizards wand he looked like a orange-haired Harry Potter. It brought tears brimming in her eyes to see her son so happy.
“You’re first costume,” Tohru smiles with eyes crinkling at the corners. “Such an adorable son we have!” She bundles him into her arms, hugging tightly, unable to contain her delight.
“Aww mom!” Hajime fidgets in her grasp. “Your crushing it!”
“Sorry, sorry,” she giggles and releases him. “Okay up to bed now. Leave it on the dresser for me to work on tomorrow okay.”
“Okay mommy,” Hajime hugs and kisses his mom on the cheek. “Good night mommy! Good night daddy!”
“Good night Hajime,” they give their son hugs and kisses before the boy rushes off to bed to dream of wizards and magical worlds.
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petri808 · 5 years
Starsobafictober Trick or treat & Not Your Typical Halloween Parties prompts @thewritingstar @fortheloveoffandomevents my first Yukimachi story, I hope I wrote them okay 😊 I tried lol
Yukimachi family drabble
Since many of the former zodiacs had families now, and with Akito opening up under Shigure’s influence, the Sohma compound became a new haven of family gatherings for the holiday’s. Halloween was becoming popular not just with adults but with kids. Not surprising because what kid would pass up the chance for sweets or dressing up as their favorite characters.
But there was one person who wasn’t as excited, simply because being around such a large group of people still made her nervous. Yuki had helped his wife Machi to overcome most of those insecurities, but even still, parties sometimes drained her. That being said, she knew how much her son Mutsuki was looking forward to hanging out with his cousins. So, she put on a brave face as they headed out to the compound.
Many of the families around the inside and outside compound prepared sweets for the kids to go around trick or treating in a safe environment. The older children, Hajime and Mutsuki watched out for the younger ones as they walked around gathering treats while the adults hung out in the old banquet room. Everyone was there that year.
Yuki held his wife’s hand giving it a quick squeeze before opening the door. His own past left him somewhat torn about being there, but when everyone rushed up to say hi, those fears were pushed to the back where they belonged.
“Machi!” Tohru hugs her old friend. “I’m so glad you came!”
“H-Hey Tohru,” the woman smiles, “I’m glad to see you here too.”
“Come,” Tohru pulls the woman to sit by her around the table. “Yuki, you too, come sit down with us.”
The food was bountiful and the air in the room lively. Soon enough, Machi relaxed as Tohru chattered away about the boys or the dojo, or anything else going on. Machi had always been amazed at how easily Tohru could make her feel that way. No surprise after she’d learned the whole story of the Sohma’s, the curse, and Tohru’s seeming intervention in breaking it.
“How is Hajime doing in school?” Yuki joins the conversation. “Mutsuki is always telling us stories and,” he chuckles, “it sounds like he’s nothing like his father was back then.”
“No,” Tohru giggles too, “I’m told he’s more like a combination of both of us.”
“Tch,” Kyo plops down next to his wife. “I hear that Mutsuki is a chip off the old block,” he quips back. “Smooth talker. I bet that boy is gonna be a ladies man come high school with a the girls fawning over him.”
“I hear Hajime’s already got the girls fighting over him,” Yuki jests back.
“Boys...” Tohru chimes in to break them up.
Machi chuckles at Tohru effectively cutting them off with just one word. “Tohru is right, I’m sure both boys will turn out just fine.”
More family members join in and the conversation continues. Momiji about his fathers company or how Rin & Haru were holding up raising twins. Hatori’s lack of a life according to Shigure, for which he wanted smack his old friend. They asked how Shiki’s health was doing or about Akito’s.
“Is Hajime excited to start middle school next year?” Machi asks Tohru. “Mutsuki seems a little sad he’ll have to wait a year to join him.”
Tohru smiles and nods, “seems to be. He hasn’t decided if he’d like to join a sports team yet, but his father will surely keep him in martial arts as long as he’s willing.”
“He strikes me as more of an academic child.”
“Yes he is!” Tohru laughs, “though he definitely didn’t get that from me. I have a feeling he’ll end up in student government, and that means Mutsuki is sure to be too.”
Machi laughs too, “your probably right. It’s nice they are close,” chuckling more, “unlike their fathers.”
Sigh, “one day,” Tohru looks at the two men who were currently bickering quietly. “But at least they aren’t as bad as when I first met them.”
Soon enough the kids start funneling in. The middle kids who were fine on their own, followed by the youngest ones being chaperoned by Hajime and Mutsuki. Each parent made sure to get ahold of the candy buckets before the kids started diving in and going into sugar comas.
“A lot of treats?” Yuki asks his son.
“Pretty good score,” the child replies, “but I’m starving for some real food.”
“There’s lots to eat,” Machi responds, “make a plate before its all gone.”
“Yes, mom,” Mutsuki kisses her cheek. “Oh, mom,” he stops before heading over to the buffet table, “someone was handing out your favorite chocolates, they’re in the bucket, you can have them.”
“Thank you Mutsuki,” she beams at her son.
“Aww! He’s such a sweet kid!” Tohru coos, causing Machi to blush. “Do you ever think of having another?”
Machi’s blush darkens, “we haven’t really thought about it.”
“Ah,” Tohru waves her hand with a smile, “doesn’t matter, their a blessing nonetheless whether one or two or three.”
Yuki scoots closer and takes his wife’s hand. “They really are.” He smiles, gaining her attention, “and I feel blessed that we got to experience it for ourselves.”
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thewritingstar · 5 years
StarSoba Fictober Day 2
Prompt: Pumpkins
Pairing: KiriBaku
Sorry it’s a bit late in the night but ya girl was busy with class so she whipped this up quick and now wants to sleep forever :)
“We’re here!” Kirishima jumped up from the bus seat. Bakugou couldn’t help but let out a chuckle as he watched his boyfriend practically squeal as they got out of the bus and walked towards the pumpkin patch.
“Oh my god this is awesome babe!” Kirishima continued and he couldn’t take his eyes off of the vast sea of orange before him.
He turned towards Bakugou who had an smirk on his face. Bakugou would never admit to it but seeing his boyfriend all giddy and excited made him happy and mushy, he thanked the gods that it was only them who came and decided to ditch the self proclaimed Bakusquad.
“Alright so we are gonna choose the manliest pumpkins and then carve them and put candles in them and I’m so fucking excited bro!” Kirishima clamied as he could barely contain his excitement.
“Babe.” Bakugou corrected him as he grabbed his boyfriends hand and they walked down the vast rows of orange, white and yellow.
“E, we have been here for an hour and you still haven’t picked one!” Bakugou grumbled and he watched as Kirishima was lining up five pumpkins of different sizes to chose from.
“I know but they are all so good!”
“They look the same!”
“No they don’t.”
“Just narrows it down or we are going to miss coffee with Ochako and Tsyu. And you know how they get when we are late.”
“Fine! Okay these two!” Kirishima scooped up a round and firm one and a slightly taller one.
Bakugou shrugged and picked up his medium sized one that he was going to carve All Might into, no surprise.
After paying for their pumpkins and making their way to their weekly gay couple coffee date with the girls, Bakugou and Kirishima were sitting on the floor of Kirishimas dorm room with tools and buckets full of pumpkin guts.
“Oh babe that looks awesome! All Might is gonna love that!” Kirishima pointed to the perfectly carved pumpkin.
“Fuck yeah he will.”
“Mine aren’t are great as it’s all about the fun!” He stated as he turn the front of it around and showed a jagged but clear craving of none of than Crimson Riot.
“Nah it’s still good. What about the other one?”
A blush spread over the redheads face as he grabbed the stem and turn it towards the blond. Craved gently and smoothly was “K and E’s first Halloween.” And a small heart underneath.
“I know it’s dumb but it’s a first for us.” He rubbed his neck and Bakugou felt the heat in his cheeks rush.
The blond reached into his pocket and pulled out a small pumpkin, one that fit inside his hand. Craved gently was a heart with a K and an E in it.
“It’s, it’s not dumb.” Bakugou looked away but soon his back was to the floor and his face was being smothered in kisses.
“It’s perfect babe!” Kirishima practically cried and Bakugou just laughed before placing a light kiss on his cheek.
Hope you all enjoyed!!!
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petri808 · 5 years
@thewritingstar “I’m not scared, are you”. Starsobafictober
Inukag ficlet
“Keh! Of course, I’m not scared, are you?”
Sure, not scared, uh-huh. Kagome rolls her eyes at the hanyo currently clinging to her arm. This big, bad, strong, half dog yokai who no one dared to challenge at school. The same guy who constantly fought with his rival Kouga or any other man who sought her love. The man whose ears were curled down and if he had a tail, would be tucked between his legs... was gripping his claws into the fabric of her sleeves so tightly, she was sure there’d be holes in it. Real demons were perfectly fine for him, even supernatural entities, but fake ones had him freaking out??!!
“It’s just a haunted house, Inuyasha. Have you never gone to one before?”
“No, why the hell would I pay for people to scare me?!”
“Maybe this is a bad idea,” Kagome shakes her head, muttering to herself. Now that she was really thinking about it, Inuyasha in confined spaces, people in costumes jumping out at them... Images of him freaking out and lunging at innocent actors to fight, pop in her mind. This might be a recipe for disaster. “Come on, let’s go,” she starts to pull him away from the entrance.
“But I thought you wanted to go?”
“I’ve changed my mind.”
Well she didn’t have to say it twice. “Good idea,” he remarks with a bit of relief washing through his tone. He happily drags her away from the god-forsaken, albeit it fake, house of horrors. “Why don’t we go see a movie or something instead?”
“The remake of House on Haunted Hill is playing at the cineplex,” she smirks up at him.
“You ain’t funny wench!”
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petri808 · 5 years
Kiribaku ficlet Starsobafictober day 2 pumpkin prompt @thewritingstar
Katsuki saunters through the pumpkin patch with his thumbs jammed into his pockets just watching all his goof ball classmates making fools of themselves. They were just supposed to pick a few pumpkins to decorate the dorms with, but no, look at them, he sneers. They’re playing like a bunch of elementary-aged kids in a sandbox. How hard is it to pick pumpkins!
And those saps, he snickers at the guys that were catering to the girls, helping them carry pumpkins because they feigned it was too heavy. Seriously? Uraraka could make them float! So pathetic! He’d never be one of those guys.
He turns to the voice and sees Kirishima waving at him.
“Hey, Bakugou!”
The man waves again, signaling him to come closer. Tch, what was he a dog? Sorry, this guy doesn’t just heel when called. Till he sees the pouty, puppy dog expression on the red-heads face, sending his stomach into flutters, and heart skipping as all the blood rushes to tint his cheeks. Fucking damn it!
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faewildscalling · 5 years
Fictober Prompt: Screams
This is a Laxui one shot for Starsoba's fictober. Hope you all enjoy!
Hisui POV:
I'm woken from my sleep abruptly and snuck out of the castle by Arcadios. "What's going on?" I asked for what felt like the hundredth time. He didn't shush me this time and sighed. He looked reluctant to tell me, which made me on high alert. "I'm taking you to Fairy Tail." He said finally.
"Why are you taking me back to the guild? I thought the mission was paused?" I asked. On one hand I'm happy, I'll get to see my friends and Laxus again. On the other hand I'm confused, Father called me back to help with things here. As I'm thinking all this we are taken to a spot in the wood away from the palace grounds. We stop in a clearing a ways away. Finally, Arcadios faces me and looks down sadly. My gut clenches in panic.
"There is an attempt on your life. They already tried to kill the king. He was stabbed earlier." I gasped and started crying. "Woah, He's fine Princess Hisui. Please don't cry." He is alarmed at the sight of my tears but I'm able to calm down hearing my father was alright. "They got his leg but nothing life threatening. He will be alright. He is being taken into hiding elsewhere" Arcadios assures me. I wipe my tears.
"You'll be placed in a room in the guildhall and one member will stay with you while other will be guarding the entrances and the hall at night. You will be protected well there. I've already spoken with Makarov." He explains. Suddenly, someone appears in the clearing. He waves at me and approaches. When he gets closer I was able to identify him in the moonlight. It's Mest! I haven't seen him since the mission was postponed. I waved back with a tiny smile on my face.
In the distance, Shouts were heard. Suddenly, the clearing was flooded with bandits. "Hand over the princess and we will spare you." A rough looking man shouts. They all have weapons but it doesn't look like any of them are mages. Arcadios whistles and more palace guards appear. They all fight the men trying to get to me. One bandit grabs me and roughly pulls me against him, covering my mouth to muffle my screams. I struggle against him. "Aw, look at what a beauty you are Princess. Too bad we gotta kill you. Maybe I'll have some fun with you first." He whispers in my ear. He licks my cheek and I feel disgusted. Suddenly, he's kicked away from me and Mest carries me from the fight.
I'm sobbing into his chest. I was scared and grossed out.  What could these men possibly want? The crown! My family won't allow that. I just hope my Father and Brother are safe. Arcadios shouts from the fight behind us. "Go now Man. Get the princess to safety." He keeps fighting but I can tell he is injured. This is all my fault. I feel a odd sensation as we arrive in the guildhall. I'm still a sobbing mess. Cana approaches us and hugs me. She glares at her boyfriend. "Did you make her cry, Mest?" He backs away shaking his head. "No! The bandits came after her. We had to teleport away." He says scared of Cana's wrath.
The other girls that have gotten close with me come up and join our hug. Evergreen, Mira, Steyla, and even Lucy rush up to us first. Then Levy, Nilima, Juvia, and Erza.
They check me for injuries and see some bruises from that man. Nilima heals them quickly and smiles at me reassuringly. I feel slightly better now. We all break our hug as Master Makarov approaches us.
He takes me up to my room. It's on the second floor next to the infirmary. He explains that Laxus will guard me from the room. The thunder legion and their significant others will guard the guildhall at night. Team natsu and the other S-class mages will guard the outside. I nod and thank him while crying once more. He pats my back and calms me down. Mira comes in and brings me some clothes. I look down and realize my own clothing was muddy and torn from the scuffle earlier. Master leaves me to change.
I lay on my bed and sob once more. I am terrified. What if someone else gets hurt because of me? I don't know if my family or guards are alright. Im going crazy with worry and scared of what will happen if they find me. I shudder remember the guy that touched me. Ugh! It was disgusting. It wasn't like when Laxus touched me. That was full of love. That guy was full of lust and greed. It haunts me when I close my eyes.
The door slams open and I flinch and jump back with fearful eyes. I relax seeing Laxus. He looks guilty probably from my reaction. "Sorry Small one. I didn't mean to scare you! I just could hear your sobbing and got pissed. Now who the hell made my girl cry?" He asks sternly. I launch myself into his arms sobbing and holding on to him for dear life.
He holds me and kisses my forehead. I finally stop crying. He wipes my tears away and kisses me gently. I melt into the kiss feeling safe and loved in his arms. "You're safe now, My princess. I'm with you and the guild will protect you!" Laxus whispers in my ear. I nod and snuggle closer to him. "When we escaped a man tried to take me. Laxus, he wanted to do lewd things me. I was so scared." I said in a shakey voice. He growled and tightened his grip on me. "You're mine! They can't have you." I smile up at him and kiss his cheek. "I love you, Laxus!" I say. "I love you too, Small one!" He replies
I suddenly feel exhausted. I lay down and pull him down with me. He holds me as I drift off to sleep. It was anything but peaceful though. I kept seeing those men and others hurting the ones I love. I scream and fight the men in my dream. "Hisui, Stop it's me. Please wake up!" I hear Laxus. I open my eyes with a gasp. Half the guild was in the room. "Why is everyone in here?" I asked confused.
"Well Small one, You were screaming bloody murder and fighting in your sleep. You gave Freed a bloody nose." Laxus tells me concerned. I see a bloody Freed being healed by Wendy. "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry Freed!" He just waved it off. I feel horrible. Nilima approached and offered to heal the PTSD. I allow her to do so. It takes the edge off. Everyone leaves us alone after that.
"I'm so scared everyone is gonna get hurt or those men will get to me." I shiver again. Warm arms encircle me and he kisses me lovingly. I melt and feel better as we kiss for a bit. Maybe I just needed my dragon slayer. I lean against him.
"We are capable of protecting you. Your safe and I'm not letting anyone take you from me or hurt you. Now get some rest. I'll be here. "
Laxus lays down with me again. This time no screams or nightmares plagued me. I felt safe and warm in the arms of my lightning dragon slayer.
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faewildscalling · 5 years
The Cursed Girl (Mescana)
This is an AU type one shot for @thewritingstar and @sobatsu 's fictober free day.
Cana POV:
I sigh and look out the window of my tower. My animal friends bring me more booze. I thank them and drink the boredom away. I've been locked this tower for years. I used to be a successful mage. Now I'm just the depressed drunk girl. Most people wouldn't mess with me.
One day, I refused to marry this Sorcerer that approached me. He thought I was beautiful but I wasn't interested.  As punishment for refusing him, he cursed me to be a monster during the day. I'm normal at nighttime. He also locked me up and left me here to rot. I've tried to break the spell but my power seems not to work. What the hell did he do to me? I'm not sure but I hate it. I'm no longer myself.
I look out the window once more. What else could I do? I start feeling the booze.  At least when I'm drunk its not as bad. I see a figure approaching the tower. I hide away in the shadows. It's still daytime. I don't want anyone to see me like this. 
I watch from the shadows as a rough looking man comes in. He has a scar on his cheek and his hair looks a bit wild. What is he doing here? He explores the area. I backup and accidentally knock over a bottle of booze. His head whips around to my hiding spot. We both freeze with wide eyes. I'm internally panicking.
"Who are you?" He asked curiously. "Just go ahead and leave. I'm bad luck, man." I say fearfully. He squints trying to see me. "Come on out. Please, I'm not gonna harm you." He says. "No! I don't want anyone to see me. Isn't that obvious?" I snap at him. He then walks over to me. I back away till my back hits the wall. Shit! He looks at me now that he's closer. "What are you?" He looks more curious than anything else.
"I'm a monster obviously or are you blind?" I reply. "Then why do you have a human voice and human eyes?" He says. I frown and decide to tell him the truth. "I'm human but only at night. I've been cursed to be this monster by day. Now go on and run away!" I reply bitterly. "How about I try to help you break the curse?" He asked. "I can't break it on my own. The guy who put it on me must be a powerful sorcerer. How could you possibly help me if I can't do a damn thing about it myself?" I ask. "I'm a mage and know of a place full of other mages. I could teleport us there and maybe someone can break the curse or tell us how to break it. I'm sure someone has to know." He smiles.
He looks trustworthy when he smiles instead of his serious face. I down some more booze. "Sure, can we go at night though? I don't like people seeing me like this. I'd rather not be chased by an angry mob." I say as I gesture to my beast like appearance. I swear it's like a reverse version of being a werewolf. "Sure at nightfall we can teleport there." He replied. "T-teleport? I don't know to teleport!" I blurt out. He chuckles at my surprised face.
"Just hold on to me and I'll do all the work." He says. "By the way my name is Mest Gryder. You?" He raises an eyebrow. "The name is Cana Alberona. Nice to meet ya." I reply. I then take another drink. Nightfall will be soon. Then I'll be back to normal.
**time skip**
The sun sets and finally I feel my body returning to normal. A glow surrounds my body and I become my normal self. I'm a brunette with long wavy hair and purple eyes. Mest looks up with a surprised expression and turns away with a slight blush. I'm wearing a bikini top and a skirt.
"Yo Mest, Nice to meet you in my natural state." I say smirking. I grab a bottle of booze and down the whole thing. "Ready to go to Fairy Tail?" He asked. I raise a brow. "What exactly is Fairy Tail? You didn't explain earlier." I say suspiciously. It's a mage guild were people get work and make alliance or teams." You can probably find someone who can help lift the curse." He replies.
I nod and he grabs my arm. I feel my stomach lurch then we are in a different place. I look around to see what looks like a large tavern with an upstairs and a job board. This place is so much better than my tower. I head straight to the bar and order a drink from the pretty bartender with long white hair. Mest just sighs and goes to a small old man and a short blue haired girl. After speaking they walk over and introduce themselves.
"Welcome to Fairy tail. My name is Makarov. I'm the master here. Mest said you need our help breaking a curse?" He asked. "Yeah. During the day I'm cursed to be a werewolf like monster. At night I'm what you see here. Some creep cursed me cause I refused to marry him. Never going near that jerk again. If I ever do seem him...well, let's just say he's getting a major ass kicking." I huffed and gulped down the drink the barmaid named Mira set down for me.
The master nodded and the blue haired girl who said her name was Levy looked deep in thought. Then her eyes lit up and she ran off to I'm guessing a library. I shrug and ask for a barrel. Mira hands it to me and I happily chug some of it. Mest pulls me away from the bar. I started protesting.
"Let's help Levy. Don't you want to break the curse?" He asked seriously. I sigh and pout but agree. We walk into a massive library. Levy looks up with these red glasses on. "I found it. Basically it's a cliche curse." She says. "And what does that mean, Little blue?" I asked.
"So it says a kiss from your soul mate will break it. I call them cliche curses cause it's like a fairy tale curse almost." she states. "So I gotta find love and kiss the guy? How the hell am I supposed to find my soulmate?" I asked. Levy shrugged. Mest looks up. "I guess you need to hang out and find someone who accepts both parts of you like I did. It's not impossible." He shrugs. I slightly blush. Now that I think of it, he is the first one to accept me. I wonder what the rest of this guild will think tomorrow.
Mest offers to let me stay at his place. I accept and we go there. "Thank you for all your help. I really appreciate it. I still think you're strange." I tell him on the way. "I don't mind helping. No one deserves to be cursed. " He says. I wonder where he got his scar. He must have gone through his share of hard times. I lay down on the couch and fall asleep.
I wake in the morning as a beast. I sigh and grab some booze. Mest walks in and greets me like I'm a normal person. I tell him how I don't wanna go anywhere as a beast. So he decides to stay with me at the house. We talk as I drink. I get the urge to mess with his hair. I run my fingers through his hair gently and unconsciously trace his scar. He blushes and leans away. I noticed what I was doing. "S-sorry. Alcohol."  I quickly blame it on that.
I feel at ease with him and I've never had that before. I wouldn't mind him being my soulmate even if he is a but weird. I saw him eat a flower cause he wanted to know how it tasted....like that's just odd. We hang out till I turn into my normal self. I challenge him to a drinking contest. I win obviously but then I'm distracted by him  playing with my hair. I blush and push him away. He falls over and laughs then comes up to me looking more sober.
"Your gorgeous Cana. Even as a beast and I mean it." He looks sober and serious. I look up at him and he pulls me into a kiss. My eyes widen in surprise before I wrap my arms around him bury my fingers into his hair and deepening the kiss. He had a hand on my lower back and the back on my head, buried into my hair.  A glow surrounds us and we look outside to see we stayed up all night drinking and hanging out. Its sunrise but I'm not transforming. The curse is broken. I look at Mest and smile. "Look it's broken. The sappy shit was true. Guess you're my soulmate, ya weirdo." He kisses me again and we head over to the guild to tell them the good news.
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