#nalu oneshot
tobethefairybest · 9 months
@theguildawards organised a Secret Santa on Discord and I was @genavere 's Secret Santa! 🤶🏻 I wrote a NaLu fic as a gift 😊
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xanvasofxords · 7 months
“If anything, you’re the biggest pervert here!”
“Me?!” Natsu snaps, smashing his forehead against Gray’s. “How am I a pervert when you’re the one getting naked all the damn time?!” The ice mage tackles him backwards with double force. The temperature around them simultaneously rising and falling because of the polar opposite magics clashing together.
Lucy assumes it’ll take her thousand years more to get used to them. Just when she thinks ignoring them is the ultimate solution, not even a feet away, a chair crashes into the floor so loudly that she drops her book with a yelp. A vein pops on her head.
“Cut it you two!”
The blonde complains, picking the book up and closing it to glare at them. There’s absolutely no way she can finish the novel like this. She hasn’t had the chance to read it in peace at home- thanks to Natsu and Happy messing around with her all morning. And now the two of them are trying to kill her!
Unfortunately, the boys don’t even spare a look at her as they continue with their fight.
“Oh yeah? Better than looking up a girl’s skirt,” Gray shouts while giving sideways glance to Lucy. “Or shoving a hand down her cleavage!” Both Natsu and Lucy turn their heads at the remark and for the first time in his life, the pinkette doesn’t seem to have any proper response to the raven haired mage’s insult.
Gray takes it as a sign of his victory and takes off his underwear with a shrug, standing completely naked. But nobody complains because the other two people are too embarassed to speak. There’s a long pause before Lucy clears her throat. Gray smirks at the pair.
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ellssbellss · 3 months
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day 1
prompt: cuddling/nightmares
- @allaboutnalu - @thenaluarchive -
-> word count: 3.5k
-> summary: after a long solo mission, natsu collapses onto his hammock, ready for the day to be over. but his body won't let him rest, his mind instinctively drifting to a certain blonde mage. of course, he knew spending the night apart from her would stir up some longing in him, and that it would ignite his insomia into full flames.
but did he really want her with him so much that he conjured her into his living room?
natsu is always sneaking into lucy's bedroom, but what happens when the roles are reversed?
Before he even opened his eyes, Natsu was awake. 
Which sucked, because considering he could hear the soft snores of his little buddy in the hammock next to his, he wasn’t supposed to be. Happy had always been the early riser between the two of them, knowing that the best time for fishing was when the sun was just barely dragging over the horizon. 
Still, he couldn’t help it. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t shake the feeling of sudden alertness that had taken over his body. Slitting his eyes open, he stayed in the comfort of his hammock, ratty and worn and his. Having been sleeping on his side, he kept his arms around the pillow he was cuddling while surveying his environment. 
Growing up in the forests of who-knows-where ever since he was little blessed him with the instincts he carries with him today. He knows what it’s like to feel danger when it’s drawing near; a buzzing, hardening rock in the bottom of his stomach. 
This wasn’t that feeling. 
It was more of an excited awareness that had buzzed up to his brainstem. His gut told him something was coming, but he didn’t have to worry. He just needed to be awake when it arrived. Or, if it was already inside this hut he called a home, he needed to notice it. 
Sleepy emerald irises pondered over the rickety, cozy space he had previously labeled his safe haven. The dragon slayer could make out his clothes strewn over the couch and his dining chairs– well, chair– or the charred-over pieces of floorboard that peeked out under a rug that Lucy had picked out for him, saying that it would brighten the place up a bit. Some might disagree with him, considering the shoes on top of his kitchen counter and the pile of dry goods in his closet, but nothing seemed out of place. Not to him, anyway, because he knew where everything was. 
Huffing a breath of smoke, Natsu shrugged. Maybe it was his insomnia, rearing its ugly bed head for the fourth time this past week. It was a battle he never truly won. Being an energetic, sparking fire wizard who practically embodied the concept of carpe diem, sleep wasn’t something that came easy to him. Now, as the war of Alvarez ended with him questioning his own sense of identity and new nightmarish images of a certain celestial mage, it was practically nonexistent. 
The only way he got a goodnight sleep was when he was at Lucy’s apartment. 
Not only was her bed expensive, big, and soft as hell, but it usually came with a sleeping, safe key holder by his side. One that he could bring close to his chest when she was unaware, hearing her heart drum steadily in her chest under the moonlight that cascaded through her french window. Her scent drifted off of her in constant, jasmine waves; twisted with all kinds of perfumes and soaps, of course, but it was still her. 
Even just the thought of her sent his mind into a drowsy, dream-like state, and he stuffed his face into the pillow in his arms, already regretting his rash decision to not walk the rest of the way to her apartment. 
The mission he had gone on was long, sore, and without the blonde Heartfilia. So when he realized that the walk back would take him right to his own little hut that he had abandoned for an apartment building on Strawberry Street, his heavy legs brought him through his own front door. Placing the fur ball that was snoring on his head into well-worn blankets, Natsu took little time to kick off his shoes and fall into the bed of rope string, out like a light as soon as he hit the pillow. 
He, like always, would see Lucy in the morning. 
Closing his eyes, Natsu willed himself to relax. He had slept in this hammock many times, and it had been comfortable to him. Before he met Lucy, he was proud of the way the woven, coarse fabric dug into his skin, even if it itched throughout the night. Now, it simply didn’t feel right. 
He scoffed at the thought, shifting again over the rough strands. Right, before he met Lucy. Because everything about his life had changed after. 
Images of golden blonde raced into his mind, and he flipped onto his back, letting the sway of the hammock rock him back into his dreamless sleep, before that sense of alertness came back full force. 
And it brought a scent with it. 
Opening his eyes with a new surge of what the fuck?, he sniffed the air again, inhaling the faint trails of vanilla, morning dew, and jasmine that swirled into his home. Mavis, had he really been thinking about Lucy so much that he was imagining her smell, too? Had he hit his head too hard during his mission yesterday? 
He made a note to see Wendy tomorrow, see if she could find anything screwed up in his brain. Granted, that wasn’t already there. 
But then he heard a branch crack outside his window. Sensitive ears picked up crunching leaves and rustling dirt, and suddenly he wasn’t scared that he was crazy. 
Watching out of the corner of his eye as his front door creaked open gently, he wondered if Lucy was the crazy one. 
Clearly, she was trying to sneak in. His partner tip-toed in, highly aware of the rotting condition of his home’s structure. A sliver of moonlight followed her tense shoulders as she squirmed her way in, and he swallowed his laugh at the way she winced as the door shut behind her with a soft click. 
Immediately, her wide, doe eyes shot to him, lying on his back with a pillow under his head and arm, and he stayed incredibly still. When she saw he didn’t move, she relaxed against the doorframe, and he realized that she didn’t want to be caught. 
Lucy Heartfilia, proud provider of a Lucy Kick! whenever he so much as thought about sneaking through her window, was inching across his floorboards, her bunny slippers catching on the splintering wood. 
Oh, this was gonna be so good. 
He evened out his breathing, barely fluttering his eyelids so that he could see the shadows of her movement in the darkness. To her, he probably looked serene, totally unaware of the way she avoided the spots in his floor that were weak, practically hopping around in her loose sweatpants and small tank top. 
But little did she know that he was just waiting for the perfect moment. 
He couldn’t wait to see her face when he jumped at her, screaming something like “Gotcha!”...or “Fooled ya!”...or something. Whatever, he’d figure it out in the moment. Point is, it would knock her off her ass, and he’d have teasing material for days. 
The silhouette of the celestial mage continues her hopscotch across his living room, getting closer and closer to the hammock strung in one of the corners. She was coming over to him? Even better! Now he’d be able to see her up close when he pulled his joke. 
But he waited patiently, watching as she made her way over here. Gently hopping over a dip in the wood, she seemed to slip on one of his vests, and the smallest squeal left her lips as she nearly crashed to the ground. 
“Shit.” She breathed, her arms flailing as her body teetered. With incredible balance, she swayed on one foot until she was stable again. Hands over her mouth, she looked at Natsu first, finding he hadn’t moved an inch. Then, her eyes fell on Happy, who truly was out for the count. Nothing but a fish hand delivered by Carla could wake the exhausted Exceed before he chose to be. 
Natsu watched as her shoulders relaxed, long blonde strands brushing against the exposed skin as she made her way to him. He switched his positions casually, going back to laying on his side so that he could see her better, and relished in the mini heart attack it gave her before he settled in. 
Another relieved breath left her lungs, and she whispered into the darkness. “How does he do this every night?” She mumbled, swallowing nervously as she took one big step over a large pot with questionable liquid inside. “And didn’t I just clean this place up?”
The blonde mage uttered angrily once more, and Natsu resisted his smirk as his name was half-heartedly insulted under her breath. Her words meant nothing when she was literally sneaking into his house to be near him. 
Or to tell him something. Or to yell at him? The dragon slayer swallowed softly, resisting a confused glance at his partner when he realized he didn’t know why she was here. 
He had been so excited to see her, and to mess with her, he failed to question it. 
Was she angry at him? No, did she find the underwear that he had accidentally singed in his and Happy’s recent game of ‘Panty Ball’? He thought he hid it well, stuffed between the wall and her dresser where no one could see. It was her fault for coming back so late, leaving him with nothing to do. 
Internally, he groaned, noticing her form was just inches away now. Well, at least he’d have one moment of glory before he was banned from her apartment for life. 
Finally, her slippered feet made their way to the edge of his hammock, and his ears perked up at her sigh of relief. His barely open eyes watched as she ran her fingers gently over the fabric of his bed, so close to his skin but never touching it. 
She did it with so much tenderness that his plan to jump out at her was delayed, his curiosity taking over his chaotic urges. 
Moonlight cascaded through the window, giving a spotlight to her form as she looked down at him, or he assumed, as he could only see her legs from this angle. Was she just gonna stare at him all night? She was so weird. 
Then, she unknowingly answered his question as she carefully knelt beside him. 
Under her weight, the floors detested softly, and her neck came into view through his slitted lens. And his stomach launched into his throat as her hand gently, nervously, placed her delicate fingers over his heart. 
Her touch was soft but sure, and she made sure to only touch her fingertips to his sculpted skin, right where his pulse was the strongest. He watched as his best friend’s throat bobbed with a swallow, her attention on him as she watched his chest rise with each breath. 
Everything about her was so hesitant, so quiet and contained that he felt that alertness again, but this time it wasn’t a peaceful nudge into consciousness. It was a feeling of worry and slight panic. 
Then, through blurry focus, he saw her bottom lip quiver gently as the smell of salt filled the little air between them, and the feeling grew tenfold. 
Silently, Lucy was crying. 
All plans to prank her were thrown to the wind that blew lamely through the air. After a sharp intake of breath, Natsu grabbed her hand that was against his chest, the one that held her guild mark, and opened his eyes wide, sitting up with a jerk. 
“Lucy…” He hissed, crushed at the wetness in her eyes. “What’s wrong?”
Her brown eyes were blown wide, and she ripped her hand from his grasp as she fell back onto her butt, a loud ‘KYAA’ echoing into the forest. 
“Natsu! You scared me!” Following the silence of the midnight air, her voice fell into a hushed nag, and he cocked an eyebrow at her. Her voice started shrill, but then she lowered it as Natsu put a quick finger to his mouth, gesturing to the sleeping cat a few feet away. 
“Really? You sneak into my house, and start accusin’ me?” He lowers his finger, as well as his tone. “Why’re you cryin’, Luce?”
She swallowed wetly, scurrying back onto her feet as she hastily wiped at her eyes. “I’m not! And I didn’t sneak in, the door was unlocked, so…”
“Lucy.” The longer he looked at her, pale skin bathed in moonlight and shadows, the more he saw the redness of the corners of her eyes and the tips of her nose. He hears her hitched breaths, or how she sniffles wetly while tucking a hair behind her ear. It’s not that she’s crying now.
She had been. For who knows how long. 
“Please, I won’t even ask why you’re here. I swear.” He looks up to her as he leans on his elbow. “Just tell me why you’re cryin’.”
Lucy’s weight shifted, her left foot behind her and the other one forward, as if she was ready to run away at any moment. She fidgeted with her hands, looking into his eyes for a moment before blinking away her tears and shaking her head. “I…wow, I shouldn’t have come here.” 
Her shoulders shake with her pity laugh, and she runs her fingers through her yellow locks. “I’m sorry for waking you Natsu, I didn’t…I mean, I don’t know why I thought this was a good idea.” 
Before she turns on her heel, Natsu’s hand shoots out, stopping her in her tracks. She doesn’t turn around to look at him, but he still sends her a pleading pout anyway. He throws off his blanket, sitting properly on the swinging hammock underneath him. 
“Luce, stop.” His plea gets a turn of her head, a shudder of breath from his teammate. “C’mon. You know I won’t be able to sleep now, not after seeing you like this.” 
Her brown eyes finally meet his green ones, the hue catching onto the shine of the moon so perfectly because of her tears. There is so much yearning in her gaze that she can’t seem to put into words, so he makes it so she doesn’t have too. 
Pulling on her wrist, he brings her closer, and she doesn’t resist. Trudging towards the small hanging, woven canvas, Natsu helps her sit next to him, her feet dangling off the side. 
“Can we just…sit here for a second?” She asks quietly, looking straight ahead. 
He doesn’t take his eyes off her. “‘Course we can.” 
They fall back then, letting the hammock catch their backs, the force swaying the rope back and forth in a gentle motion. But when he goes to pull his hand away from her wrist, she grabs it. She brings his hand closer to her, her fingers wrapping around his wrist, and her thumb pressing into his pulse point. 
His own touch finds her other hand that’s curled into her side, and they sit there, looking up at the haphazard, but stable, roof overhead. 
Natsu counts about seventeen beats of his pulse against her skin before she takes a breath. 
“You didn’t come over tonight.” She says, barely above a whisper. 
“I got back from a job that kinda wrecked me, and this house was closest on the way back.” He explained, his own voice gravelly from sleep. “Figured I’d spend the night here and find you in the morning.” 
“Sorry I woke you then. Sounds like you need your sleep.” 
“Don’t be.” Natsu shook his head, squeezing her hand. “I couldn’t sleep anyways.” 
He felt her nod sympathetically, her thumb pressing deeper into his wrist. “Me either.” 
The dragon slayer looked back at her, watching as her eyes flitted over the dust particles flying across the moonbeams above. His eyes traced over her cheeks as she worried the inside of them, clearly debating whether or not to say more. 
So he decided to give her a push. “Why not?”
Her head rocked from side to side. “It’s stupid.” 
“Probably,” She shot him a glare only to see his crooked smile. “But give it a try anyway.” 
A long breath blew past her lips, and she looked down at their conjoined hands, watching as Natsu’s thumb absentmindedly ran over the pink symbol tattooed on her skin. 
“I,” She laughed wearily into the night air, seeming to already beat herself up for even saying this out loud. “I had a bad dream, so I didn’t want to be alone.” Lucy’s eyes rolled in their sockets, annoyed. “Like a child.” 
The fire dragon slayer hums next to her, facing the front. He knew what bad dreams were, what they meant to the wizards of his guild. They meant being surrounded by grief and loss; by scary amounts of blood that you just couldn’t stop, no matter how hard you tried. Especially after the war, he walked into the otherwise lively guild hall to see more and more tired faces, his family trying to process the emotional toll that his brother’s actions had taken. 
His jaw coiled as Lucy sniffed wetly. Natsu never wanted Lucy to go through that. If he had the choice, he would take every ounce of her hurt, every iota of fear and suffering so that she wouldn’t have to carry more pain then she already did. 
But he’d accepted long ago that she was a warrior who fought in the same battle he did, on his side no less. Without her, he wouldn’t be alive. He wouldn’t be able to hold her hand like this, swinging in the hammock of his makeshift home, surrounded by her constant irritated glances and unconditional love. Natsu roars through human lungs because of her; he loves through a beating, bloody heart because of what she did for him.  
So, if she had nightmares, or any other obstacle she couldn’t face alone, it didn’t matter what he wanted. He would give her what she needed. A dragonslayer by her side, ready to fight whenever she called. 
Her soft voice brought him out of his thoughts, and he squeezed her hand to let her know he was listening. “But I couldn’t help it. I saw you…you…” 
Lucy breathed a shuddering breath, and Natsu knew there would be tears in her eyes if he looked her way. So he didn’t. “You were gone, and I couldn’t bring you back.” 
“So, I had to come here, to see you and make sure that it wasn’t real. That your heart was beating and you didn’t leave me again.” Her voice dropped off at the end there, and his teeth almost broke with the crack in her voice. 
They swung there for a moment before the fire mage spoke again, his eyes tracing the brick of his roof. 
“You’re right,” The rasp in his tone was more pronounced, rumbling in his chest. “That’s pretty stupid.” 
Before Lucy could whip her head to him so hard her neck would crack, he broke his hand out of her grasp and placed it on her head. He pulled her into his chest, making sure her ear was right over his heart so that his partner could hear how loudly it drummed. 
The pink-haired boy heard her gasp, and he felt the cold of her tears dripping onto his skin, which evaporated almost immediately after. His other arm came around her shoulders, and he leaned back. Natsu adjusted them so they laid long ways in the hammock, pulling his blanket over them as he settled the celestial mage on his chest. 
“I told ya, Luce,” He reminded her, placing his chin on her hair. “We’re gonna be together from now on. So no one’s leavin’, alright?” 
Lucy froze in his hold before melting slightly, kicking off her bunny slippers as she molded herself to her partner’s torso. “Yeah, alright.” 
She snuggled into him more, clearly not in the mood to fight, or yell, or whatever weird thing she did when he brought her this close. Her skin was cold from her trek into the forest, so he pulled her closer, making sure the cheap quilt reached over her shoulders. 
Lucy fit into him with ease, like the shining, perfect key in his tarnished lock. 
His pillow that he was holding earlier in the night also fell to the ground, being replaced with an exhausted star spirit wizard, and he mentally slapped himself in the face for picking his ratty old apartment over the beauty and comfort in his arms. Slowly, they swung, until Natsu chuckled into the darkness. 
“We really gotta work on your sneakin’ skills, Luce.”
She slapped his chest, her voice slurred. “Shut up. Your floor is too crowded, there’s nowhere to step. You live in a pigsty.”
“You gotta be stealthy. Like a ninja.” 
She pulled on his scarf, and his cackle bounced off the poorly-constructed walls. “Shut up and go to sleep, Natsu.” 
Despite her tone, she snuggled into him more, her nose tickling the crook of his neck. “You’re such a pain.” 
He just laughed, letting one of his legs drop out of the hammock, making room as he pulled her even closer. 
When Happy woke up the next morning, with sunkissed colors of pink and gold streaming through the windows, he put his hands over his mouth at the sight, an evil laugh whizzing by his whiskers. 
hope you loved it as much as I love them lol, stay tuned tomorrow!
day two
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kaleidoscope77 · 1 year
Make Me (NaLu One Shot)
Summary: Fed up with his antics, Lucy plans to get Natsu to apologize. One way or another.
Rating: T
Word Count: 1057
A/N: This was originally meant to be posted on NaLu day but then my power with out. :) yay for me!
Lucy took a deep breath as she closed her apartment door behind her. As much as she loved being a guild wizard, sometimes the work could get exhausting. She could really go for a warm, soothing bath and a day off.
As she made a beeline for her dresser so she could get her coziest pajamas ready, the sound of her bedside window opening almost went unnoticed.
Almost, had it not been for the noise of surprise she heard from the pink-haired intruder sliding in.
Lucy's eyes locked with Natsu's, and the blonde knew that scolding him would be futile at this point.
"Sure, Natsu, come on in. Thanks for asking politely and using the front door," She chirped sarcastically as she continued searching through her dresser, "You always impress me with your manners."
Natsu stretched nonchalantly as he settled on her bed, "Didn't know you were here already."
"What, so you planned to just break in while I was away?"
"Yeah, pretty much."
Lucy puffed out her cheeks and glared at him, to which a grin spread its way across his face. He couldn't help but to mess with her when she gave him cute reactions like that.
"You should really start locking your window," Kicking off his sandals, Natsu reclined on the bed and folded his arms behind his head, "'Might help."
"If I did that, you'd probably just end up breaking it open anyways," Lucy smiled to herself when she finally found the silk pajama set she'd been looking for, and turned to give him a pointed look, "Where's Happy? You normally commit your crimes with him with you."
"I think the job really wore him out. I didn't wanna wake him, but I'll be back at my place before he's up."
With an understanding hum, Lucy sat on the side of the bed and nodded, "Yeah, I'm tired too. I could imagine the toll it took on the little guy," She started to yawn, but choked halfway through when a thought struck her, "Wait, so you came to be alone with me..?"
Natsu's eyes widened, and he looked away. The color in his cheeks was a good indication of whatever was on his mind.
"You wanted to be alone? Together?" Lucy reiterated, shifting to face him and feigning innocence in the way her fingers grazed the side of his hip.
It looked like he had no intention of saying anything, but when Natsu's eyes flitted back to hers for a split second, he caved, "Obviously…"
Lucy could help the small laugh that escaped her. It was always so fascinating when he got like this, suddenly so coy. She never would have thought he could be so cute, and she definitely planned to milk this.
"Maybe I can forgive you for climbing through my window, then," Her hand came up to rest on his cheek, rendering him unable to look away. She glided her thumb along his lower lip, causing him to lean closer, his tongue poking out to swipe along where their skin met. The way her hand moved to grasp his jaw had him letting out a surprised whine. "Maybe. If you say you're sorry."
It took a second for Natsu to remember what she'd been talking about, and he glared at her, "What?"
"Apologize for breaking in unannounced! Then I will forgive you," Lucy smiled triumphantly as his frown depended, slowly caressing his jaw until he grabbed her by the wrist.
"No? Are you sure?" Ignoring his grip on her, Lucy squeezed his cheeks in her hand, giving him the cutest looking pout, "You're not gonna like it when I don't forgive you."
"Lushi," With his face smushed, Natsu's words came out slurred, "Lemme go."
Her grasp tightened, but Natsu held his ground, "Make me."
Admittedly, Lucy was impressed by his ability to remain competitive in a position like this. It was to be expected, though.
She shifted so that she hovered over him, using her hold on his face to shove him down against her pillow. He had that surprised look on his face again, yet he made no move to overpower her. Perhaps this was what he wanted.
Planting her knee between his thighs and ducking her head so their noses were only centimeters apart, Lucy tried not to let the blush on her own face lower her resolve. "Last chance. Apologize."
Natsu's eyes flashed with something serious, like he wanted to challenge her. But with one look down at her lips, his eyebrows furrowed and he tried to turn his head away. "Okay, okay. Sorry."
Surprised that she actually got him to do as she said, Lucy slackened immediately and abruptly sat back in his lap, earning a strained hiss as she realized what she sat on a bit too late.
He looked positively annoyed, but was blushing brilliantly, and Lucy couldn't stop herself from leaning down and giving him a peck on his nose. "See? That wasn't so hard. I forgive you. This time," She winked, and squeaked in surprise when he grabbed her by the hips to lift her slightly off of him.
She bit her lip at the way his forehead creased as he slowly exhaled, and now it was her turn to avoid eye contact.
"I, um, was planning to take a bath…" She glanced at him for a second before turning to look at the wall, "Do you wanna… join me?"
"Yes," Suddenly, Natsu sat up, almost making her fall had it not been for his hold on her hips. He let go of her for long enough to slip his scarf off and hastily undo the first few buttons of his coat, earning a breathless laugh from the woman on top of him.
Lucy helped him with his buttons, and as she reached the last few, he grabbed onto one of her hands to get her to look at him.
Their eyes met in a silent stare-off, Natsu's eyes softening as they filled with desire. He raised an eyebrow, being clear enough about what he wanted for Lucy to be able to catch on.
With a humored roll of her eyes, she closed the distance between them to plant a kiss on his lips, his other hand at the base of her neck stopping her from pulling away too soon.
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Fairy Tail Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Natsu Dragneel/Lucy Heartfilia Characters: Natsu Dragneel, Lucy Heartfilia Additional Tags: Fluff, Fate, Red String of Fate, Love, Love Confessions, Falling In Love, True Love, Soul Bond, Soulmates, Idiots in Love, Sweet, Pre-Fairy Tail: 100 Year Quest Chapter 01, Natsu Dragneel/Lucy Heartfilia Fluff, Lucy - Freeform Summary:
Lucy realizes that fate encompasses more than she thinks. Even though fate has a negative connotation in her head, sometimes it's not all so bad. When the universe pushes someone into your life, it might be because they’re meant to be there. Maybe fate can be a good thing, maybe fate is amazing.
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lonleyhumanbeing · 10 months
Breaking & Entering
Rated: General
Words: 2.5k, Oneshot
Natsu constantly breaking into Lucy's apartment is irritating, until she stops letting it bother her. Maybe it isn't so bad.
Told scene by scene, Lucy opens her house and heart up little by little.
This is my second-ever fic, and I'm excited about it. Nalu was the first pair I ever shipped, all the way back in the 4th grade, and they still hold strong today. I hope I did them justice.
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6ix-dragons · 1 year
Lustful Night at the Drive-In
Series: Fairy Tail Pairing: Gray/Juvia Rating: 18+ Word Count: ~4,460 words
EXPLICIT CONTENT ADVISORY: The following story contains graphic sexual descriptions, and strong language. Reader’s discretion is strongly advised!
The deafening roar of a winged dragon pierced the fragile air, as it soared through the clear skies. This colossal beast immediately swept down towards its intended targets, below: An army of mages already prepared to defend their homeland. Just as it reached its destination, however, said creature had suddenly opened its mouth wide, and expelled a great burst of orangey-red flames towards its opponents.
The explosive display of fire blasted through the speakers that flanked three sides of a wide and tall-standing screen situated outdoors, while the entire scene was projected onto it.
More than a dozen vehicles were parked on the paved lot of the drive-in theatre that was less than half an hour away from metropolis. Underneath the starry skies, some of the theatre's patrons took part in watching one of the latest summer blockbusters from the comfort of their cars.
Among them, in the back row, there was a pink-haired male who was seated on the hood of his sports car, alongside his blonde companion. He noisily munched on a bucket of popcorn, much to the blonde female's dismay.
"Natsu," she chided him, "can you not eat so loud? Some of us are trying to enjoy the movie, here."
The gruff voice of another male added to her complaint, coming from a couple of parking spots to the left of them. "She's got a point, Salamander," the stocky, dark-haired male called out from across, sitting atop the hood of his pickup truck, with his short, blue-haired female companion in tow. "We can also hear you eating, from here."
Parked in between those two, was another couple who arrived at the theatre with them. A cobalt-haired male sat onto the hood of his two-door coupe, with a redheaded woman right by his side. Their attention was mainly focused on the movie itself, both of them watching quietly, in awe.
His mouth full with popcorn, the pink-haired male turned to them with his eyebrows raised. "What? I'm also enjoying the movie too!" Swallowing down the popped kernels, Natsu took a breath, before he gestured. "I just wish Gray was here with us, instead of a few spaces down that way."
The blonde nodded accordingly. "Now that you mention it," Lucy murmured, before turning her head to the left, looking closely at the vehicles that were parked down that direction, "I wonder what Gray and Juvia are up to…"
Just three occupied spaces past them, there was a full-size sports utility vehicle stationed in the center of the back row, its windows tinted. The large, slate-toned four-wheeler began to shake around lightly, bouncing onto each of its four corners, while muffled noises threatened to spill out from the inside.
Heavy breaths and moans filled the vehicle's spacious interior, where a pile of clothes were draped, and strewn over the driver and passenger seats. The high-pitched giggle of a young female cut into the air, as a pair of denim trousers was flung onto the pile over the driver's seat, adding to it.
Both of the vehicle's occupants took up its back, with all of its rear seats folded down to make extra space for them. A raven-haired male sat upright, on top of a soft mat of light fur that lined the back's flooring. His arms were wrapped around the curvaceous body of an azure-haired female who straddled his hips, sitting on her knees, and over his lap.
Her arms were around the back of his neck, as they slanted their lips intensely over each other's. They could feel the warmth of one another's skin, while the two of them shared their lip-lock with much fervor.
A muffled moan blurted out from the blunette, in the midst of their kiss. "Mmn…Gray…sama…"
Her raven-haired lover responded with a low groan of his own, running his hands softly over her back. "Juvia…"
Pulling their mouths away, the two of them caught their breaths, as they held each other closely.
Juvia could only stifle a quiet giggle to herself, causing her lover to raise his eyebrows curiously at her. "What?"
She narrowed her eyes to a partly-lidded gaze, her cheeks flush with a tinge of red. "This feels all too sudden for Juvia."
Gray held a curved eyebrow at her, smirking slightly. "Too sudden for you?"
"Well," she began with a coy-like smile, momentarily casting her eyes away from him, "both Juvia and Gray-sama were supposed to watch the movie together." The blunette then turned her gaze back towards her raven-haired lover, partly-narrowing her eyes. "And, then, Juvia believes that it was Gray-sama who started it, first."
He held back an amused chuckle, in response, before his lips cracked open into a teasing grin. "That's only because your hand was all over my lap, when we began watching."
The blunette hummed elatedly at that remark. "Juvia doesn't care, at this point." She narrowed her eyes even more at him. "She just wants Gray-sama now."
Not before long, the two of them seized the lips of one another. Their tongues were pushed into each other's mouths, swirling and clashing around. In the midst of all this, Gray sneaked his fingers towards the back of her strapless bra, reaching its clasp.
Juvia could feel him unbuckle it, freeing her burgeoned chest from its confines. Fluttering her eyes open, she saw her lover just having tossed the bra behind him, where it ended up onto the pile over the seats.
Leaning in quickly, Gray pressed his lips aggressively over the top of her round, enormous breasts.
The blunette mewled out, while she brought her hands around the back of his head, with her lithe fingers gripping his locks over there. "A-ah! Yes…that's it, Gray-sama…ah!"
Delighted murmurs escaped under his breath, as he left deep kisses all over her mounds, before he moved down to her buds. Juvia's moans and panting heightened, when he closed his mouth around her pebbled nipple, and swirled the tip of his tongue around it. He then switched over to her other nipple, performing those same teasing touches with his lips.
In his mind, he was thankful that the sounds of the movie happening outside were drowning out the sounds they made, inside the vehicle they were in.
Elsewhere, all the others watching the movie by themselves were in complete awe at the action that they witnessed.
Sitting beside Gajeel, Levy let out her thoughts into the open. "Unbelievable!"
Across from their right, Erza shared the same sentiment with her, likewise. "I've never seen anything like it!"
Natsu nearly lost his hold onto the bucket of popcorn, his mouth opening up into a wide gape. "Wow! So cool!" The pink-haired male then turned his head away from the screen, for an instant, before he grunted. "I wish the ice princess was here to see this…he's totally missing out on it!"
His attention was turned back to the screen, right away, as an explosion happening in the movie had ripped through the theatre's speakers. It had amazed everyone watching, including him.
A pair of dark-coloured boxer briefs joined the pile of clothes on the seats—only for a pair of high-cut panties to end up on top of it, not more than a second afterward.
Breathy moans left the blunette, as she found herself on top of her lover, facing his fully-erect phallus below. "Mmh…Gray-sama…"
Said raven-haired male gave a low groan, when he felt her fingers wrapped around his shaft, and ran them up and down all over it. His sights were focused on her heavily-dampened entrance, leaking with clear fluid that trickled down her inner thighs.
Juvia squealed, when she felt the warm blade of his tongue press against her outer folds, as it swiped across them.
His fingers latching onto the supple skin of her thick thighs, Gray could feel her body tense, and shift around, while he repeatedly swiped the tip of his tongue against her cleft. Satisfied hums muffled out from him, as he dipped his tongue into her inner folds, earning him a squeaky squeal from his blunette lover. His satisfied hums shortly cut into quiet groans, when he felt the familiar, wetly-warm sensation of her mouth against him.
Suckling against the tip of his shaft, Juvia pulled back a bit, only to sweep her tongue up the side of it. She could hear her lover's moans of approval from behind her, underneath, spurring her to keep it up. Gray gasped, and hissed out, when he felt her mouth take in more of him, forcing his trembling grip on her thighs to loosen slightly.
The blunette hummed delightfully, feeling every twitch and pulse of his cock, as she bobbed her head up and down. Suddenly, she could feel his tongue all over her clit, again, forcing out a muffled cry from her.
Stifling out a chuckle, Gray pushed more of his tongue inside her clit, sliding it around her inner walls. Pulling away from his phallus, Juvia released another cry of pleasure, having felt a surge of energy rush through her body. "G-Gray-sama!"
Low, teasing hums left the raven-haired Fullbuster, while he continued his oral ministrations on her. He then groaned lowly, when he felt her lips brush against the side of his shaft. Softly moaning, Juvia swept her tongue along the length of it, and gathered the pre-cum that seeped from its tip. She relished its musky scent, and its mixed taste of salty-bitterness, before taking him into her oral cavern again.
Retracting his mouth away from her entrance, Gray panted rather briefly, before he called out her name. "Juvia…I want to put it in, now…"
Taking her mouth out from his phallus, the blunette steadied her breaths momentarily. "Yes…"
Lucy looked around, for an instant, before turning to her pink-haired boyfriend. "Hey, Natsu," she asked, "I'm heading out to the washroom, right now. Is there anything you want me to get, over at the concession stand?"
His lips broke into his usual grin. "Could you get me a large soda, please? All this popcorn is making my mouth dry."
Pouting at her pink-haired boyfriend for a brief moment, Lucy sighed, before she brought herself off from the hood of their car. As she began making her way towards the washrooms, however, she directed her sights at the vehicle where Gray and Juvia were, for an instance. She then turned away from it, before continuing her way.
Their hushed moans and panting grew louder, cutting through the heavy air around them.
Juvia whimpered, as she felt the tip of his shaft rub repeatedly against her cleft.
Hovering above her, Gray held his cock with one hand, guiding it towards her entrance. The raven-haired male held back a strained grunt, slipping the head of his phallus in.
"A—ahh!" A breathy cry left the blunette's gape, with the sudden intrusion forcing her back to arch. She threw her head back, lengthy strands of wavy blue hair spilling and fanning outward, as the rigid sensation of his shaft reached deeper through her love canal. "G—Gray-sama!"
Almost immediately, his low, delighted groan followed. Gray relished the wetly-warm and silky sensation of her inner walls that welcomed and surrounded him, sending a shiver through his spine.
The young, dark-haired Fullbuster steadily drew his hips back, before thrusting them forward rather quickly—forcing moan-like grunts from both lovers, nearly at the same time. He repeated those very movements of his hips, building up the pace of his thrusts, as he leaned in closer towards her.
Juvia wrapped her arms instinctively around his neck, along with her legs around his lower waist, having felt his lower torso press against hers. Her lilting moans came out in heavy huffs, barely keeping her eyes locked towards his, while she felt the warmth of his breath against her skin. Her eyes fluttered to a close of her own volition, upon feeling his lips passionately seize over hers.
Their tongues swirled and clashed, with their gasps and groans pouring out into muffles. "Mmm…Gray-sama…Gray-saamm—a-ah…"
"Mhm…Juvia," her lover murmured into their kiss, driving his hips back and forth against hers. "Juvia…"
Said blunette could feel every flex of his lower muscles, as her shapely legs rode over his hips. Bringing her arms under his, she pressed the tips of her fingers against his rigid upper back, digging her nails against his skin.
Gray grunted and nearly growled out, upon feeling those very nails being dragged down his upper posterior. It was a signal from his lover underneath for him to pick up the pace even more.
Their mouths broke away from one another, as soon as he began buckling his hips roughly against her. Juvia cried out, throwing her head back again, while she let her arms fall away from him, and rest outward on either side of her head.
She pressed the back of her head against the fur of the mat below, with her tongue sticking out from her gape. "G—Gray-sama," she squealed out, having felt his hips rock right against her. "O—oh, y-yes!"
"Mmngh!" His light, guttural growl came out through gritted teeth. With his bent arms propping him up, Gray angled his hips more against hers. He plunged his hips in and out, reaching deeper into her love canal, while he ran his hands all over and through her thick, but silky strands of hair at the sides of her head. "Ah…fuck…"
The blunette below him responded with another squeal-like cry, her mind swirling and having been dominated with such pleasure. "Juveeen!"
Stepping out of the washroom, Lucy began making her way towards the concessions stand. As she did, however, she slowed to a stop, having turned her attention to the silvery sports utility vehicle again.
There was a wide stare in her eyes, having spotted said parked vehicle shaking around a lot. She blinked a few times, before her cheeks were filled with such rosiness.
'Is it just me,' she thought in her mind, 'or, did I…?'
Shaking her head around, the blonde silently recomposed herself. Turning her eyes away from that vehicle, Lucy continued towards the concessions stand, on her way back to her boyfriend's car.
"Aah—ah! Ah!" Squeaky, delighted cries escaped Juvia's gape, as she tightly bunched the fur around her fingers, with her bent knees digging against it. "Gray-sama!"
Her lover groaned loudly in response, from behind. His hands gripped around her waist firmly, while he rocked his hips back and forth. "Fuck," he hissed out. "You feel so damn good…"
The sounds of bare skin slapping against bare skin reverberated throughout the vehicle's interior, as Gray kept up the same highly-passionate pace of his thrusts. His dangling necklace swung around, with each drive of his hips, while he leaned forward over her.
At almost the same time, her heaving, enormous breasts swayed back and forth from every thrust he made. "Y-yes," she panted out at his remark, in between her moans. "Gray-sama…ah…also feels so good…hah…inside of…Juvia-a—ahh!"
She could barely feel his arms suddenly wrapping around right below her chest—before they pulled her body up towards his, without warning. The azure-haired female cried out in surprise at this, as her hands left the mat, while her back was pressed flush against his solid chest.
With both lovers remaining on their knees, Gray continued to thrust roughly and deeply into her, while his hands roamed all over her ample mounds. Simultaneously, he buried his face against the crook of her neck, nuzzling against it, before leaving deep kisses against the side of her neck. "Hah…Juvia…mmn…Juvia…"
All his touches and kisses, combined with the sensation of his solid phallus in her, had added further to her pleasure. "Oh, yes," she panted out lowly, feeling his breath fanned over the shell of her ear—right before his lips pressed against the side of it. "A-ah! Gray-sama…yes…more…"
She brought her hand over the side of his head, while he kept running his fingers around, and grasped all over her breasts.
That moment didn't last long, however, as Juvia felt him pull her back down to the mat, without warning. Another squeal tore from her, with both lovers having fallen onto it, together.
Returning to her boyfriend's car, with a large cup of soda in her hand, Lucy seated herself onto the hood of it, beside Natsu. "Hey," she greeted him with a soft smile, before handing him the cup. "I got you your soda."
"Thanks," he returned with a grin, taking a sip from it, before he raised his eyebrows at her. "Uh…have you seen Gray or Juvia over there, by any chance?"
The rosy blush returned on Lucy's face, upon hearing their names. Putting those thoughts about them aside, the blonde did her best to answer that. "N—no," she initially stumbled, shaking her head—only being able to feign earnestness in the tone of her voice, afterward. "No, Natsu," she nonchalantly replied. "I haven't seen them there."
He kept his eyebrows raised at her, above his stare. "…Huh." He then shrugged his shoulders, before turning his attention back to the movie.
Lucy quietly sighed to herself, with a hand over her chest. She then turned her head away from her boyfriend, casting aside her eyes, deep in thought.
"Oh, yes!" Her squeal-like moans pierced the air. "Oh, yeees! Gray-sama…more!"
Her raven-haired lover underneath her complied with a deep grunt, as he picked up the pace of his thrusts even more, buckling his hips roughly against hers.
With his entire back against the mat, Gray had let the blunette lay over him. His hands lifted her bent knees upward, and spread apart, from underneath her thick thighs.
Juvia continued to cry out her lover's name in between her gasps and moans, feeling his heavy breath fan out over her skin from behind her, to her left. "Yes...Juvia wants more!"
A low grunt came from the dark-haired male under her, as he felt the tingling sensations gather at the base of his spine, where they started to intensify. He could tell that the pressure in the piths of his core was about to snap.
"F—fuck," he hissed out through gritted teeth, rocking his hips wildly against her. "Juvia…I'm...I'm gonna—!"
The cries of his azure-haired lover above him grew louder, as she writhed about against his torso from underneath. "Oh, yes! Oh, yeees!"
With a final rough, jarring buckle of their hips together, both lovers immediately reached the peaks of their shared pleasure.
A prolonged, but strained cry left Juvia's widened gape, her tongue sticking out of it, while her eyes rolled back. While throwing her head back, she arched her posterior more, with her body held in place. For the entire moment, there was a sheer amount of pleasure that coursed through her nerves, overwhelming her mind, as she felt an extraordinary burst of energy deep in her lower core—before its incredible warmth eventually radiated outward, and pooled around.
At the same time, her lover underneath had let his immense pleasure be known, with primal grunts, groans, and growls through gritted teeth. His jaw clenched tightly, as he held onto her thighs, feeling the burn of every muscle tensing in his body. Much like what the blunette experienced above him, Gray had also felt such incredible warmth surrounding him closely—along with the feel of liquescent heat pulsing out through his tip, in spurts.
With the final waves of their pleasure having fully cresting over, and subsiding, both lovers sunk back down on top of each other for a moment. Their chests heaving, the two of them began catching their breaths, feeling the built-up sweat on the skins of one another.
Her panting coming out in huffs, Juvia brought her hand over her lower belly, where she felt the warmth that still emanated from there. She held back a light giggle, before turning her head over to face his eyes. "Gray-sama…"
He returned her gaze with a suave grin under his loving stare. "Juvia…"
They then slanted their lips over each other's, sharing a slow, simmering kiss, before they pulled away from one another.
Sitting up, Gray leaned against the rear of the front seats, as he brought a hand over the side of his lover's face. "That felt really good."
The blunette responded with an airy giggle, resting her hands over his torso. "Juvia thinks the same way, as well." She then squeaked, when she began shifting her hips around, feeling their fluids leaking out from underneath her. "It seems like Gray-sama came inside Juvia a lot."
"A lot?" Gray raised his eyebrows above his widened eyes, as the sudden realization had finally reached his mind. He then brought his hand over his forehead. "Ah, shit…"
"Eh? Gray-sama?" Juvia raised her brows curiously at him. "What's wrong?"
The raven-haired male sighed. "I just realized we didn't bring any protection with us," he explained, frowning. "I didn't even bring a condom with me."
Juvia blinked at her dark-haired lover for a moment, before her eyes softened towards him. "That's alright," she smiled at him, reassuringly. "Juvia remembered to take her birth control, before this."
He cocked an eyebrow at her. "You did?"
She nodded at him. "Even if Juvia didn't," she answered, "it would still be considered a 'safe day' for her, since Juvia did check the calendar, very recently."
Gray had stared at her for a moment, blinking, before he gave a quieted sigh of relief, relaxing against the rear of the seat. His attention was then diverted back to the movie playing outside, as his ears picked up the soundtrack blaring through the speakers.
Sitting up higher, and turning his head around, for a moment, he was able to make out the screen through the windshield. "Huh," he noted, "the movie's already over." Another wave of realization then hit him like a ton of bricks. "Oh, shit! I just realized, we have to meet up with the others—"
Hearing her giggle, the dark-haired male turned to his cobalt-haired lover, as she wrapped her hand around his shaft. "J—Juvia?!" His eyes widened incredulously at her, before he let out a soft groan, having felt her fingers squeeze lightly around the base of it. "W—what are you—?"
Without a word, the blunette swept her tongue along the sides of his phallus, collecting the remnants of their mixed fluids that gathered there. She could feel his body twitch, and could hear his moans coming out in huffs, as she took him into her mouth again.
Moving her head up and down a few times, Juvia finally pulled her mouth away from it. "Sorry," she panted quietly, with a cheeky grin at him. "Juvia just wanted to clean up Gray-sama, before we head out."
She then gasped, as she peered back down at his phallus, which had now been re-erected at full-mast. The sight of it aroused her even further than it should, forcing her to lean in towards it.
Gray choked out a gasp, when he felt her wrap her breasts around him. "Wait—wait a minute!" He grunted at the sheer supple softness of her cleavage firmly surrounding his cock. "I thought you wanted to clean me up!"
Juvia giggled naughtily, as she rubbed her mounds all over his shaft. "Well…Juvia lied about that," she whispered, before leaning in, with her lips suckling around its head. "Juvia just wants to pleasure Gray-sama, one more time."
With one eye closed, Gray could barely keep the other open at her, as his fingers dug into the mat below. He leaned up against the rear of the seats, letting himself fall to the incredible sensation she was giving. 'This woman…!'
"Hey, ice-prick!" Natsu glared at the raven-haired male in front of him, his hands akimbo to his sides. "Where have you and Juvia been?!"
The two of them, fully-dressed in their casual attire—before the movie started—stood together, directly across from the pink-haired male and his blonde girlfriend.
Gray glared back at him, with an annoyed expression on his face. "What do you think, flame-brain? Juvia and I were watching the movie inside my car!"
Along with Lucy, only Gajeel, Levy, and Jellal watched the increasingly-awkward exchange between the two, staring blankly at them.
"Gray, Natsu," Erza chided them, as she stepped in between them. "That's enough—both of you!"
Right away, the two had backed off at the sight of her scowling expression that signaled her annoyance at both men.
The redhead then turned to the pink-haired male. "Natsu," she began. "Gray's allowed to watch the movie, the way he wants to…do you understand?"
Natsu fully acknowledged her with a firm nod of his head, the sheepish expression remaining on his face.
She then turned to the dark-haired Fullbuster. "But, Gray…you have to let all of us know ahead of time, if the both of you aren't going to watch the movie right beside us—is that clear?"
Gray nodded his head at her, with slight chagrin. "Yes, Erza."
Levy sighed at the situation between the two having yet been resolved by the redhead, subtly shaking her head. "Anyway," she remarked, "I actually did find the movie to be quite engaging."
"Yeah," Gajeel agreed beside her, "I liked how those action scenes came out."
The pink-haired male raised his arms in an energetic manner. "That was awesome! I liked that part where they fought that dragon, near the end!"
Lucy gave a small chuckle at his reaction. "I actually did think the dialogue wasn't well-written," she added in. "But, for a summer blockbuster…I thought it was alright."
Jellal simply nodded at that. "So," he concluded, "I think we all agree that this was worth the general admission."
"Indeed," Erza nodded beside him, with a slight smile. "And, I suppose we'll all meet up next time for the next movie that all of us would want to watch?"
Everyone else agreed with her, with a few laughs and smiles around. "Yeah!"
After bidding their farewells and 'good nights' to each other, all of the pairs parted ways to return to their vehicles. As Gray and Juvia returned to his car, their hands linked together, Gray could feel her suddenly snuggle up right against his side.
The blunette giggled at him. "Juvia couldn't wait to go watch another movie with Gray-sama, again."
Gray grinned at her, as they stopped by his four-wheeler. "Well, if we do," he teased, "are you going to behave, when we start watching?"
Juvia winked at him. "That depends on what Juvia really wants with Gray-sama."
The raven-haired male smiled and laughed, with her also giggling, before he leaned in to press his lips affectionately against her cheek.
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fairytaillover5 · 2 years
Fairy Tail
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Here i’ll be posting Fairy Tail fanfic or one shot stories.
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One Shot/ Falling Stars NaLu Oneshot
Fanfic/ Fairy Tail Mermaid AU
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yvlin-art · 3 months
NaLu Week
Day 5: Drunk
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A redraw from a panel in the latest ft oneshot!
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stardresstaurus · 14 days
Recovery Time - A NaLu OneShot
Summary: after a rough battle and the absence of Wendy, Lucy finds it difficult to recover on her own. (also posted on my Wattpad)
This is the first NaLu fic I’ve written since pre-pandemic!
There's a haze among the guild. It's hot, it feels like it's never been warmer. To Lucy, the world has a bit of a shake to it, like the heat is causing the floor and air to boil. She knows that's not the case, however it doesn't keep her from groaning and resting her forehead on the warm, rough surface of the wooden table. She looks down at her thighs and counts the colorful bruises one at a time, the team had returned from a mission the other day but Wendy had been called on to help a group of Magnolia citizens after an attack on the harbor, meaning the group was left to defend for themselves when it came to healing.
She felt some weight place itself next to her at the table. "You okay Lucy," Erza asked her. Erza had managed to be dressed down that day, wearing a t shirt and shorts as she mended her armor.
"Hmm? Yeah, I think so."
"You seem really out of it," Erza stated. She watched Lucy's shoulders slowly rise and fall as her fingers traced a scab on her knee. "I think maybe you should see Porlyusica, something might be wrong." The attention Erza was giving her had been noticed by both Gray and Natsu, who had halted their bickering in order to see what the issue was. When questioned, she simply stated that Lucy was in a daze.
"She's probably just hot," Gray stated, "it is kinda warm out today." Natsu chuckled, hearing Cana make a quip about how the ice boy could actually feel heat, then turning to Juvia saying, "maybe he'll notice the heat you have for him too." Erza placed a hand onto Lucy's shoulder and it was not until the moment when Lucy's body wavered and she had to prop herself up with one of her arms that the rest of the team took the situation seriously.
Natsu took her arm and wrapped it up behind his shoulders, he lifted her as she got to her feet. "C'mon Luce," he said simply. He took her by the arm and helped pull her up onto his back. Lucy didn't have the energy to argue just nodded and said her good-byes to the guild, everyone wishing her well. Happy flew up beside her, concern painted lightly across his face.
"I'm fine, don't worry about me."
"But you're not acting like yourself. Are you hurt that badly?"
"I don't think so," Lucy replied. She thought about it though, maybe she was. But she was so used to getting hurt that the pain was never as bad as it used to be, and she was so used to being healed after a battle that she rarely had to go through a recovery process anymore. Maybe that was the issue, her body wasn't able to recover quickly on its own anymore. "Where are we going?" She asked. Her question had Natsu stop in his tracks.
"I have no idea."
"What do you mean you have no idea?"
"I kinda just assumed we'd end up somewhere."
Lucy groaned, "let's just go to my apartment." The walk there Happy hovered above, continuously asking Lucy questions about how she was doing. She responded as best as she could, but a part of her wanted him to just be quiet, even for a few minutes. She hoped Natsu would say something, but if he said anything it was a question that followed up Happy's. He did fall silent, however, along the river. Lucy rested her cheek against his back and watch the rays of sunlight flicker off the miniature waves of water. Magnolia was quiet this afternoon. Over the sounds of the water flowing against the stone boundaries, she listened to the wooden wheels of carts creek to and from the market. The peacefulness of it all, had Lucy yearning for sleep, despite Natsu's grip on her, keeping her from falling off. On his back, his hands were clenched onto her thighs. If she hadn't been as tired as she was in that moment, she may have tried to shout at him to move his hands. But in this moment, she was happy for the moment of intimacy. It was always easier to be close to him when no one was around.
Not necessarily sexual, no. Really just the feeling of having someone so close, that you cared so much for and who cared so much for you, being able to show that care in more than just words. Words can be faked, but there was some truth in the physical acts. She turned her head so her face was directly on his back. With her eyes closed, she could smell him. He smelled burnt, but not like faded campfire or grilled barbecue like he normally did. It reminded her of a cologne her dad used to wear when her mother was still alive, like sage and bergamot. But there was a spice to him, because of course there was, it was Natsu.
Without much thought she turned her face from the river view into his hair, which felt soft against her skin. She took in a deep breath, cinnamon. With her eyes closed, she nuzzled against him. An act that, if she were in better shape, she would have been embarrassed to do. Normally, she was  determined to hide her affections. Today however was different. Let me have this, she thought. "Lucy?" 
"Hm?" She perked up, resting her chin on his shoulder.
"Can I have your key?"
As she dug her key out of her pocket she tried to get off his back, but Natsu tightened his grip. It was a silent disagreement. He carried her up to her apartment, not letting her down until they were inside. Once her feet were on the ground, she trudged to her bathroom, forcing down any feeling of anxiety or embarrassment she had. A bath would help, she told herself.
The boy and the cat had settled themselves on her living room floor, Happy sighed gratefully as he plugged in the fan and it was brought to a monotonous life. She could hear the two mumble at each other like a pair of birds on a railing as she turned on her faucet. The somewhat warm water invigorated the soap and bubbles began to build across the surface. Taking off the clothes that stuck to her skin like glue from the sweat, she slowly let herself slip into the tub, the calm of the water enveloped her like a blanket fresh out of the dryer. Resting on her side, she hummed a soft tune to herself, purely out of comfort, and watched her bathroom door. 
As she tried to focus on anything else, her anxieties came back tenfold. He's your friend, a teammate, you can't have these kinds of feelings. Of course, she had no idea that Natsu was sitting outside, thinking about how it felt to have his partner's lips pressed against him through the collar of his jacket. Of course, neither of them were on the same page. Lucy tried to focus again on the door as she tried to remember the lyrics to a song. You're holding me and holding back, I don't really care for that, just you. She had noticed for the first time the paint around the frame was beginning to chip. Her eyes began to hood themselves as she soaked, all the comfort in that moment could only bring her so much energy.
When she opened her eyes again, however, she was shivering. Her immediate thought was to get out of the bath but as she took in her surroundings, she realized she was already in her bed. In one of her spare nightgowns her duvet was sprawled across her, with an extra blanket on top. As her body continued to shake she pulled the blanket up to her chin and curled her legs up to her chest.
"You fell asleep in the tub," a voice from the kitchen said. Natsu leaned out so she could see him.
The events began to process in Lucy's mind. "You saw me naked? You dressed me?"
"You ask that like it's never happened before." He had gone back into the kitchen, she could hear water boiling in her kettle. Why did he have to be so nonchalant about it, every time. 
"Don't blow up my kitchen!"
"I know how to make tea!" He said, replicating the energy she had in her concern. He reappeared with two mugs of tea, holding both by the rim rather than the handle. He handed one to Lucy who took it with many thanks. She sat up, resting against her headboard and pillow as Natsu sat at the edge of the bed. With her mug brought up to her lips, she kept her gaze on him, watching his movements. He seemed focused on something. Not really staring at anything in particular, his gaze was steady as his eyes glazed over. 
"Where'd Happy go?" Lucy asked after taking a long sip of her tea. He seemed to be brought back to reality at the sound of her voice. 
"Huh? Oh, He went to see Wendy and Carla. He wanted to see if she could help you." Lucy couldn't tell, but Natsu had been especially worried. Ever since Tartaros, he had become aware of sensitive he was to Lucy's well being. She was strong, a terrific fighter and a great friend. But once he realized it was possible to loose her forever, every battle and every hit felt almost like a step closer to an end. He took the time to try to be closer and more attentive to her well being. 
To be perfectly honest, he was even happy just being in her apartment. When he first started barging in, it was purely because he wanted to be with his friend and her apartment was always a clean, welcoming space. Now it felt like a seclusion, a comfort in a world that willing to erase anything and everything. It was a space that had become synonymous with safety to him. He almost indulged the soft, sweet, floral scent of the apartment and the golden light that fell through the bare wooden framed windows. 
He felt a tug on the blanket he was sitting on and turning his gaze towards Lucy he noticed her moving closer to the edge of her bed and lifting up the corner of her duvet, she was making room for him. He moved up the bed and sat next to her as she flipped the corner over his lap. 
"Thank you for taking care of me today," she said, "I know it's probably not how you wanted to spend your afternoon." 
"Don't worry about it, it's probably for the best anyway." He said, taking a sip from his mug. Immediately embarrassed, and gradually becoming annoyed, Lucy looked into the depths of her mug. 
"You're welcome to leave, if Happy shows up here again I'll let him know you left." She expected him to say, in a minute, or to take the opportunity to go back to the guild. Anything but what he did. He slid his right arm under and around her left, the rough canvas of the bandages rubbed against her soft skin. He leaned his head to the side, resting it against her. In that moment, they were simply two tired teammates allowing themselves to rest against each other. 
Natsu wondered how small she was. Not that she was tiny, but compared to him she was like a china doll. Porcelain limbs and shinning glass eyes, a woman who should have been kept on a pedestal rather than thrown into a battlefield. But, then again, Lucy had personally jumped from that pedestal. Personally thrown herself in the most dangerous situations, often for the people she cared so deeply for. And after everything, the cracks in the glass would heal and the eyes would widen again. She would always be the stronger than he ever knew, and he knew she could do anything. 
He would never admit it, but he was worried this time. When all was said and done after the job, he couldn't find Lucy at the end. In recent months she would always be there at the end, offering him a hand or support. She wasn't this time. He had found her in the woods, propped up against a hollowing tree, gazing at him and smiled. The words, you're okay, I'm so glad! came out as a whisper, he hardly heard her. She had fallen asleep against him as he carried her back to meet with the rest of the team. The whole trip home, she only said a few words to him. He hoped she would've been better today. But she was still only a faded version of her usual self. 
Lucy moved her hand towards his, running her thumb back and forth across his palm. Things can go back to normal later. For now she was at peace enjoying his company, and he was at peace knowing she was there. 
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fairydares · 3 months
Princes to Dragons
[Putting this up here now while I have a spare moment! Nalu oneshot for Nalu Week. Day 1 Prompt: Cuddling/Nightmare. Rated G.
[Summary: Day 1 of Nalu Week 2024! Prompt: “Cuddling/Nightmare.” A scene you’d expect, given the prompt: the first time Natsu sneaks into Lucy’s bed after Porlyusica made Lucy cuddle with him in order to save him from hypothermia. Takes place just after Alvarez. Lucy’s perspective.
[Here's the AO3 Link. If you like it, consider giving it a hit/kudo or something over there, plus keeping your eye out for when I post the other prompts 😅]
"Gajeel and Levy have gotten closer. I kind of get jealous when I see them." - Fairy Tail Chapter 545: “Friends You Can’t Do Without”, Lucy’s internal monologue (pg. 9, scan)
"I’ve been following developments between Gray and Juvia, but…there are other pairings to take an interest in, too!" - Fairy Tail Chapter 545: “Friends You Can’t Do Without”, Lucy’s internal monologue (pg. 14, scan)
When Lucy’s eyes opened in the middle of the night and found the full moon glowing between her breeze-stirred curtains, she knew exactly what she’d find in her bed, and it made her heart leap in a completely different way than it ever had.
Why? Well…at that point, she still wasn’t thinking about it, thank you very much!
(It was all starting to leak out of a box she’d once been only dimly aware of, and she had no clue what to do.)
Her overconditioned Home Invader Instincts (“That’s called ‘paranoia,’ Lucy,” Happy had once quipped, earning a loud “Shut it, Cat!”) once again proved tragically sharp; before she was even fully awake or could really articulate why she knew to start looking, she began squirming and rooting groggily through her pink sheets and blankets. The bleariness finally wore off enough for her to sit up and yank back the blankets, revealing an obscenely toned bare back and an unmistakable head of wild pink hair on a drool-stained pillow.
“Those jerks! After all the times I’ve told them to quit breaking in here! They’re unbelievable! Wait…where’s Happy?” Her grip loosened and her eyes went wide and blinked in the dark.
Digging through the blankets—and no, she was not being gentle about it. Why should she be when digging around an intruder? Also, her heart was not “fluttering” like the romantically-inclined writer in her was trying to insist; it was pounding. And even if it had been “fluttering,” it was not because an entire year lay between this and the last time she’d found the pyro in her bed—it was because of anger!
(Her hands shook in the moonlight even as she grabbed and tugged at bunches of quilt. Her cheeks felt molten. Her stomach was a storm of butterflies, the feeling as panic-inducing as it was thrilling. Worse, she couldn’t understand why she was feeling this way…it never used to be this bad! Seriously, what was wrong with her lately?)
Anyways, digging through the blankets did not reveal Natsu’s abidingly present partner, confirming the improbable:
Happy wasn’t there.
“H-he didn’t even bring the cat?!” Lucy whisper-screeched, clutching at blankets like pearls. Oh, now she really couldn’t believe him! Not only had the creep broken into her apartment and snuck into her bed, he hadn’t even brought Happy so it wasn’t just her and him in the bed...alone.
And he’d…he’d taken his shirt off! She knew he was still injured from the battle against Zeref and Acnologia, more injured even than most of them, and that he’d probably shed the garment to let his bandages breathe. After all, he’d been whining about it plenty around the guild. But still! There went what little propriety (and with their nosy, raunchy guild, what little plausible deniability) he’d ever given her to begin with. With how thick he was, she doubted he’d have any notion of the difference, and she’d be the one left to to splutter explanations no one would believe. Mavis knew that was all Lucy needed. For reasons unknown, Levy, Mira, and Cana’s teasing had gotten worse than ever lately, to the point that they were hard enough to handle without this ammo.
With her fluster pitching to outrage—
(More slowly than usual, her heart seeming to stagger into it as she turned her focus to him. Much to her dismay, she needed a moment to hold her hand over her chest and try to calm the organ galloping within.)
—Lucy reached for the tanned skin glowing in the moonlight over more dips and swells of muscle than she’d quite gotten used to, shrieking, “Natsu!”
The choked cry caused her hand to freeze above his back, all the anger startled right out of her. Despite how loud she’d been and the fact she’d said his name, the groggy quality to his answer along with the out-of-place fear and desperation told her instincts that he was still fast asleep. Her expression of anger shifted to one of shock, and then concern in the moonlit dark, eyes widening even as her brow furrowed and the corners of her lips tugged down.
“…Natsu? Hey, are you alright?” Much softer this time, but it still did no good. Leaning over to examine him more closely only confirmed her suspicions, and deepened her worried frown. Sweat beaded over his skin. His face was contorted into an expression of fear—and agony that seemed to clench her heart in a fist stronger even than Erza’s. The Dragon Slayer grew visibly more agitated by the second, fists clenching at her pillow hard enough that she was sure it would rip. That, or his hurt hand would wake him up.
In this strange and unusual moment, though, neither of those possibilities really registered as a concern to Lucy.
That helpless, almost childlike expression…she wasn’t used to seeing Natsu like this. From the very beginning, he’d been her rock. Protecting her from crazy situations as surely as he dragged her into them, lending her strength when she was out, and giving her hope when she was sure there was none left. The almost childlike, terrified, grief-stricken expression he wore scared her a lot more than she wanted to admit.
(She never wanted to see this look on his face again, but also wanted to be the one person he shared all his hidden sides with…even his fears. Wasn’t that strange?)
“Natsu…” she mumbled again, desperate to help him the way he always helped her, but unsure how. Should she wake him up, or would that just embarrass both of them?
And what was he dreaming about that made him look so awful, anyway? With the war they’d just fought, she could think of plenty. Her dreams hadn’t exactly been all cake and peaches, either, but—
“…Eyes?”—he whimpered, a fat tear running down the cheek facing her—“Why aren’t you…moving? Lucy!”
Lucy’s eyes went wide.
If that’s what’ll make you happy, then I don’t need these eyes, you scum!
You little witch! When I’m done with you…no one will even be able to tell who you were!
Sorry about before. I don’t remember much, but…I guess I got carried away. See, I thought Lucy was dead, so…
Realization, with all the horrible memories attached, hit the Celestial Mage hard enough to knock all the breath, lines, and in-betweens out of her, if only for a moment.
Her breath was what she got back first.
“Oh, Natsu…” she mumbled feelingly, understanding fully what was going on right away. How could she not? She’d been having flashbacks, too. Sometimes during the day, catching her off-guard and leaving her very shaken, requiring her to step away from everyone for a moment. But more often they happened at night, just like this. Others had mentioned it, too, but Natsu hadn’t said a word about having the same problems…obviously, he’d been keeping it to himself. Trying to be everyone’s strength, to look forward with a smile just like always. Empathy wrung at her, drawing her to clamber over him before she really realized she was doing it. The blankets and sheets rustled as she effectively straddled him, not that she was thinking of it that way. Brown eyes fretted over his miserable-looking face in the dark.
“L-Lucy…” he whimpered.
What she did next was pure instinct, something she’d done on the one and only real job Team Natsu had taken after the war, mostly to keep Erza from battering him into unconsciousness on the train to Peonia. Crawling over him as quietly and carefully as she could to get a good angle, she lowered trembling fingers towards his hair.
She stopped just above the soft curve of the highest pink spike, finally wondering what on earth she was doing. Even if he had been having nightmares, that was no excuse for breaking and entering! She should have been throwing him out, not encouraging him! Although now that she knew what it was like when he never snuck into her bed, she grudgingly admitted it was worse than the alternative.
(How many nights had she ached to wake up and find him and Happy in her bed? Or, on hotter nights—she flushed—just him. For the first time under these circumstances, the thought of a Lucy kick or her usual method of screaming made her falter. This wasn’t like her, not at all...)
She grimaced. Had another whimper not escaped him, and his palms not started smoking against her pillow, she might not have followed through. But alarm drove her over that last, scary edge. And before she knew it, her fingers were moving through his hair.
“Natsu, it’s okay,” Lucy murmured in her most soothing voice, stroking at the surprisingly soft spikes. “Everything’s okay, now…I’m okay. We’re okay.”
(In that moment, she was jealous of his lack of awareness. How desperately she wanted not to know full well she was speaking to both of them.)
Slowly, the smoke dissipated from sight, leaving only its scent hanging in the air along with the slightly cloying scent of burnt fabric, which Lucy subconsciously decided to deal with later. As she continued to run her fingers tenderly through the salmon strands, from scalp to ends, the distraught Dragon Slayer’s expression eased, a flush rising against his cheeks. Slowly, the tension ebbed from muscles he’d left her to build. By the time the moon brushed the top of the window’s frame, he was practically purring under her attention, still asleep. Gravelly, happy noises emanated into Lucy’s pillow, making her bite the inside of her cheek against a giggle.
At first, all she could do was hold her breath. But before long, her eyes narrowed, growing dark and sparkly in affection as she studied his much more peaceful looking form. A soft smile tugged at her lips.
(The protectiveness—tender as it was fierce, glowed right there in her chest, strong enough to scare the everliving crap right out of her all over again.)
If there was a time to gather her blankets and a pillow and head to the couch, it was then. Natsu looked much calmer now. Her attempts at soothing him had clearly worked, all signs of nightmare gone. She could walk away, yell at him in the morning, ask where Happy was (feigning obliviousness to the reason she now knew exactly what might have drawn her over), and let things go back to normal.
(If there was a time to rebury it all, now was it.)
(But as she let her eyes devour his bliss, it was like she became entranced. The simple fact that she had such an effect on him was mesmerizing, and made her much happier than she wanted to admit. A small giggle escaped despite her best efforts, all the adoration bubbling up inside her and spilling out without her permission, fueling her to drop her lips to his ear.)
(“Quit making people worry about you,” she whispered the same thing she’d said to him when they’d reunited back then, adding a warm, “dummy.”)
“Lucy,” he groaned just as she’d started to move carefully away from him, the urgency in his rough voice making it seem like he knew—on some level—that she was leaving. She gasped as a large, warm hand encircled her wrist in a strong grip and began tugging.
“N-Natsu!” It took all the strength she could muster at this time of night to keep the stammer down to a hiss, the sound tipping into a gasp and then a squeak as she found herself drawn against him in a preternaturally strong embrace. He’d subconsciously rolled to his side, almost his back. He had both arms wrapped around her, one around her upper back and the other around her lower, even their legs tangled together. Her entire face exploded in heat as his large, taut, warm inner thigh (He’d taken off his pants, too?! That jerk!) slid up the outside of hers, an equally strong calf curving around the back of hers to further entrap her.
(Another, embarrassing gasp fled her lungs. Her entire body gave one, strong shudder, erupting in goosebumps.)
Once she got her bearings, she struggled to get free. She really did. But there was no fighting the Dragon Slayer’s constant oozing into her space under the best of circumstances, and these were not them. Not only was she tired, she was desperate not to wake him up. In fact, if he woke up now, she was sure she’d die of embarrassment. She had absolutely no clue how she’d explain their current situation to the fiery, dense, ever-wicked idiot. Already, she could hear Happy’s teasing after Natsu told him what had transpired here tonight, and the thought had her forcibly relaxing every muscle in her body and biting her lip.
After giving herself time to calm down, she finally looked up at him again.
(Within moments of studying the smile he now wore, so starkly different from his earlier fear, she was no longer pouting and glaring.)
Defeated, Lucy—slow, halting, and hesitant—nestled closer to him. For the very first time, she followed the pull of whatever he’d unknowingly rooted in her. As the blankets rustled with her uncharacteristically careful, gentle movement and settling, she was unable to help how she blushed at the way their bodies seemed to fit together so tenderly, how her breath hitched at the way her chest melted to shape against his firm one, how the safety she found in his arms filled her with warmth.
(She’d changed. She could feel it. It was too late to prevent a thing, and the thought terrified her.)
This was Natsu, after all. Her best friend. He was always protecting her…now it was her turn to protect him, too. Even just in her own small way.
She squeezed her eyes shut.
(Mama…she thought, then stopped, unable to force herself to tell her mother how she felt even in thought, let alone ink. She felt so lost. The Prince Charming she’d always imagined herself ending up with was turning into a dragon—no, he had turned into one. And not only had she realized it at the same time she actually started to feel ready for that part of her life after the trauma of almost being married off by her father, but when Natsu leaving forced her to learn that the one thing she could never bear to do was risk losing him. She had no clue what to do.)
Natsu moved—sluggishly, in a still-asleep way. Regardless, it was abrupt (and weird) enough that she still squeaked and struggled against the urge to either flail or scream at him for being CREEPY when he turned his nose into her hair and breathed deeply.
After sniffing her (again, creepy!) Natsu sighed.
“Luce…” he mumbled one last time, light as air. The sound—her name, that one word—was so full of relief and contentment that she couldn’t help but peek up at him slowly one last time. And once again, as she let her eyes take in the adorable sight of his sleepy, smiling face, there was just no helping the balm that wormed its way into her soul and heart, none at all.
She buried her face into his warm, solid chest.
It will be fine like this...won’t it? she thought, eyes drifting shut as his warmth filled her. As long as I have him, as long as I can stay by his side...that’s all I need. It’ll be fine.
(It has to be.)
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dootznbootz · 3 months
Little Lost Kitten: Nalu Oneshot
It's old but I'm still proud of this lil shit :D I did this when I was 17 so... yeah :D
Summary: Natsu leaves a sleeping, drunk Lucy for one moment and she disappears. Worried sick, he frantically looks for her through the inn.
Words: 2800+
"Natshu~!" Lucy whined and poked the pinkette's face, the alcohol thick on her breath. "Scatch under my chin!" She was tucked under Natsu's arm while his other shoveled food into his mouth.
"N-no! Sthay sthill! I'm eating!" Natsu said, grabbing her hand that was poking his red food-filled cheeks and placed it gently back on her lap. Anything to distract himself from her.
She pouted cutely, her bottom lip protruding out. "Fine, then I'll just have to feed you myself!" She grabbed a fork that was nearby and stabbed a small chunk of the roast beast that the workers of the bathhouse had brought in for them and leaned into his face.
"Now, open up~" She purred and shoved the morsel into his agaped mouth.
"Luc-!" He nearly choked on the bite for she had shoved the utensil much too far. He coughed a bit and chewed slowly. Although Lucy feeding him was something he's daydreamed about, this is not what he imagined it to be like. She and the girls had gotten into the booze again while he and the other men of the guild had been in the sauna, the alcohol turning her into a "Cuddly kitty". She always got weird when she was drunk. Well, weirder. She would latch herself onto his arm, or any appendage for that matter, and would start purring and behaving like a cat.
Although he had to admit that it wasn't that he didn't like the experience. In fact, it was quite the opposite, he enjoyed any and every moment he had with her like always, it's just that… He wasn't used to Luce acting like this. Usually, he was the more direct, cuddly one and she'd just either brush him off or accept his actions, not her being this… this flirting cutie. He didn't know what to expect or how to act.
"Here comes another one~," She cooed, a fork with another chunk of meat nearing his mouth in her little hand. She had situated herself in his lap kneeling in front of him while he sat criss-cross. Her dark brown eyes were half-lidded as she looked back up at him dreamily, her dark eyelashes fluttering. Her soft, peachy lips pursed into a soothing smile. Her cheeks were rosy either from her actions or her drunken state. The light blue bathrobe was now sliding ever so slightly off her shoulder showing a delightful amount of creamy skin…
Mavis, she's gonna be the death of me, He thought.
"Say ah~" She said waiting for him to swallow the first bite she had given him, slightly impatient. He had been so awestruck by her that he has forgotten to finish chewing. He gulped dumbly and opened his mouth and closed his lips around the food hesitantly. She leaned back slightly and hummed, satisfied with his cooperation. His cheeks flushed even more so. Mavis, she is just too cute.
"Good kitty-kitty..." She praised. She threw the fork aside and wrapped her arms around his neck and patted his pink head, slow and gentle. She slowly began to put even more of her weight on him as she fell asleep and slumped heavily on his chest.
He immediately relaxed when he was sure that she was asleep as he heard her slow breathing. "Finally…" He whispered softly, he didn't know how much longer he would have lasted with her behaving like that. It would be the end of him for all he knew.
He sighed. "C'mere you." He scooped her up in his arms and laid back against the pillows that were piled behind them. The blond's slow warm breath blew past his neck where she was nestled, sending a shiver down his spine. He turned his head over and noticed Happy was passed out on a plush violet pillow beside him and chuckled. He gently picked up the exceed and placed him on Lucy's back.
A slow rumbling that he had been suppressing for the past half hour had started to vibrate in his chest. He chuckled, the sound coming out in chuffs from his purring. This is what the blond had been wanting the whole time. All dragons purr, same with their dragon slayer counterparts, each purr different depending on the individual. Natsu, in his case, tried to keep this from happening as much as he could. It was quite embarrassing. Imagine if any of the other guild members found out. Lucy, Happy, and any other dragon slayer are the only ones who knew about purring as far as he knew, and he and the others wanted to keep it that way. But with the celestial mage that he was so enamored with around, who made him so happy, it became even harder to suppress...
Just as he was about to settle himself to sleep, he noticed an important detail.
I have to pee! Fuck!
He groaned in frustration for realizing so late. Who knew when he was going to get a moment like this with her again! And yet, his bladder was screaming for him to get up, especially with Lucy laying on him. Muttering some curses, he maneuvered the blond beauty and the blue exceed off him so that they were curled up on the pile of pillows comfortably.
Lucy laid there, Happy cradled in her arms as she cuddled him. She looked so beautiful. He smiled softly as a lock on golden hair fell across her face as she shifted. A large, warm and calloused hand moving to remove it before he could even stop himself. He reached forward and tucked the lock behind her ear and let his hand remain there a bit longer, marveling at how soft her cheeks and hair were. How could someone be so soft? He laughed at her dreamy expression, drool was falling from her lips.
Sadly, his bladder couldn't remain as it was and he really needed to go. Clearing his throat, he retracted his hand away from her face and stood up. He sighed and quickly dashed towards the door, locking it behind him to make sure that no one disturbed his two precious treasures.
Little did he know that the handle of the door slammed as he locked it, it rattled the room. A glass of water tipped over on the blond who snorted as she woke. "Wha…?"
She sat up, Happy still asleep in her arms as she searched the room, looking for any sign of the pink-haired dragon slayer.
"Natshu…? Where'd you go?" She whimpered, alcohol still in her system although she had passed out. She lost her balance a bit as she stood but regained it as she leaned on the mural of cranes in a field with mountains in the back of the wall next to her. Holding the sleeping exceed in one hand, her other opened the door and wandered out. Her petite frame disappearing through the candlelit hallway searching for her "kitty".
Natsu splashed water on his face from the sink to cool himself. Steam came off his heated body and fogged the mirror in front of him. He sighed, tilted his pink head back and closed his eyes. Even this far away from her she still affected him so. He just could never get her out of his head. The whole time he was with her, he had to restrain himself. Whenever she would go close to his face he had to hold himself back from kissing her. She was so close. He could've kissed her like he always wanted. But he could never do something like that to her, he loved her too much. She was drunk for Mavis's sake! 
He needed to think of something else. He needed to distract himself. The scented candles that were burning his nose were driving him crazy, so he swallowed their flames just because. He was also still hungry… He flushed, maybe Lucy would feed him again if she woke up...
Speaking of which he needed to back to the celestial mage.
He pushed the door and walked out and through the halls to the room where they were staying-
Wait… Why was the door open?
"Shit! Lucy!" Panic coursed through him as he bolted into the room. He scrambled around the room, flinging pillows left and right in case she had burrowed into them. He frantically called her name but he could find no sign of her and flew out the door in search. He sniffed the air, she couldn't be far. "Lucy! Lucy, where are you?!"
"Geez," Natsu muttered, his fingers again weaving through his tousled pink locks. "I'm gone for five minutes to go to the bathroom and she wanders off!" He sprinted throughout the hallways of the bathhouse, nearly flying as he slipped on rugs, searching for any sign of the tipsy blonde.
He sighed and shook his head to clear his thoughts on how rosy her soft cheeks were or how her chocolate eyes looked so dreamlike...He had to find her, who knows what she could've gotten into! He honestly shouldn't have left her alone in the first place! As strong and powerful as she was, she was vulnerable right now. Oh Mavis, what if anyone else found her like this?!
A woman in a simple white uniform walked past him with a cart filled with towels. He skidded to a stop, "Ma'am, have you seen a pretty blond girl come through?! She has big brown eyes and is about this tall?!" He held his hand where she stood approximately, near the exact middle of his ribs.
"O-oh, uh," The woman started, she was caught off guard by the man who looked like he may have had a heart attack or may be going through one at the moment, she wasn't sure. Hope began to fill him for a moment "I'm not sure, sir, but I will let you know if I find her-."
"If you do find her, just keep her in one place!" Natsu interrupted, already nearing to the corner as he sprinted. "Make sure she won't wander off again!"
He turned and saw steam rise from a room across his way. Of course! She's probably in the steam room! She loves being warm!
Not realizing that he had walked into the girl's steam room.
"Lucy?! Lucy, you in here?!" He called as he burst into the hot place. Women started shrieking and running away. He blushed darkly and covered his eyes. Luckily they all had towels wrapped around them, he didn't want to see them naked. He just wanted to find his Luce. "Hey have any of you ladies seen a pretty blond come around?! Her name is Lucy Heartfilia! I'm looking for her, it's really important!"
"Hell no, creep!" A girl on his left shrieked. He heard something whizz past his head and ducked. Why were they so mad? He didn't see anything and it wasn't like he came in here to peek on them.
"So, I'm taking that you haven't seen her?"
"Get the fuck out of here, asshole!"
"Alright, sorry for coming in! If you see her, tell me!" And he dashed back out the room. Okay, so she wasn't in there, where else could she possibly be-
His blood ran cold, yet the air around him filled with blistering heat. He clenched his fist, his knuckles turning white.
Oh, Mavis.
She could have wandered into the men's room.
"Those motherfuckers! I'll fucking cremate them!" he roared so loudly that it was heard throughout the whole entire bath house, enraged with everything.
He could just see it. She'd be wandering around when some perverted piece of shit would just take her. He's seen and heard what all the bastards would talk about in the bathhouse. Just imagining her in the arms of someone else filled him with blinding hot fury. She's not in the right mind to defend herself and kick their ass like she usually does whenever a pervert catcalls or even tries something on the streets! And he's not there to make sure she's alright! He's so fucking dumb! He unknowingly left burnt footprints in his wake, most caught on fire completely.
He kicked the men's door off its hinges, sending it flying to who knows where. "Which one of you fuckers have her?!" His robe nearly burning off of him. He was breathing heavily from all the stress and tension in him. He glared at every single one of the men in the room and if looks could kill, they would've been murdered one hundred times over. The few men he recognized was Max, Warren, Nab, Jet, and Droy, all the men had jumped out of the boiling water and huddled together and shook with fear as temperature raised higher and higher.
When Natsu didn't get an answer he advanced forward. "Well?!"
The first one to speak was Max. "Well, uh, who exactly are you looking for?" he said in a quiet and trembling voice.
"What do you mean 'who'?! It's Lucy! Where is she?!"
"Natshu? Ish that you?"
Time seemed to freeze. He turned around, the temperature of the room dropping almost immediately as he saw she was just standing the burnt doorway. She held Happy who was sleeping in her arms like a dolly. Her gorgeous brown eyes gazed back up at him as if she was dreaming. Her robe was starting to fall off her shoulder, Happy probably was the only thing that held her robe up. She had heard him while he was on his rampage and followed his voice.
He couldn't possibly describe how relieved he was.
"Oh Mavis, Lucy!" He went up and wrapped his arms his around her tightly while securing the knot of her robe and resetting it to cover her. He didn't want them seeing her. He was surprised that the little exceed has not woken up, Natsu was probably crushing him in their bear-hug.
"Why'd you leave the room?" He asked gently. While he still had his arms around her, one hand cupped her cheek tilted it up to look him in the eye, thumb idly rubbing the spot just underneath her eye. He checked her over for any possible injuries. His look of absolute worry surprising the other men who were still in shock of their near-death experience.
Lucy yawned and rubbed her eyes cutely like a child. "I was trying to find you. Where were you?"
Natsu smiled softly at her, a warmth that he could only get around her swelling within him. She was looking for him, she wanted to find him. "I was just going to the bathroom, weirdo. I was going to come back."
Lucy only hummed in reply and leaned on Natsu, who couldn't be happier to do so.
"C'mon, let's go back to the room."
"Carry me?" She mumbled as she leaned on him for support, she was so tired. She raised her arms and opened and closed her little hands in a 'Gimme' sort of fashion.
This again, he thought as he could only smile. "Alright, just make sure you hold on to me, okay?" He lowered himself so that he scooped her up under her knees and around her back. She hummed softly and tried to even snuggle closer to him. He laughed at her antics.
Dude, you're so fucking whipped.
A voice echoed in his head, his face turning a rosy hue as he nearly out the door. He turned around to see Warren giving him a thumbs up and while the other guildmates made kissy faces and posed way too dramatically. Embarrassed beyond words he only mouthed "Fuck you" back at them, as to not wake Lucy, and rushed out the door. He couldn't deal with them now.
He started to retrace his steps back to where the room was, which was pretty easy considering that he left a trail of burnt footprints. Now that he wasn't in his "Gotta-find-Lucy" Frenzy, he noticed that the spa was truly quite fancy. And to think that it was Gramps, who was always worried about money, was who paid for the trip for all the guildmates. They were even staying the Night! He heard a giggle from his arms and looked to see Lucy smiling back up at him with a victorious yet sleepy smile.
"You're purring~" She whispered, poking his chest with one hand as the other was still holding Happy. Sure enough, the low rumble was reverberating through him. He had not even noticed, he was trying to remember which room was theirs until he finally pushed opened the door then kicked it closed. He walked to the middle of the room and placed her gently upon the pillows.
He smiled, "Yeah… I guess I am."
She giggled again and pulled him down beside her. She hugged him tightly, petting his head sweetly.
"You're my kitty, Natshu…" she whispered softly and with one final pat on his head, she curled up against him.
Hearing the statement made his heart soar. He almost wanted to jump up and shout at the top of his lungs and do a happy dance, the only thing that kept him from doing so was the celestial mage in his arms.
"And you're my Luce, Luce." He whispered as he too curled up to sleep for the night.
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ellssbellss · 3 months
wip wednesday - nalu week
here is a sneak peak to an upcoming one shot for nalu week 2024!
day 1 - restless
prompt: cuddling/nightmare
...Closing his eyes, Natsu willed himself to relax. He had slept in this hammock many times, and it had been comfortable to him. Before he met Lucy, he was proud of the way the woven, coarse fabric dug into his skin, even if it itched throughout the night. Now, it simply didn’t feel right. 
He scoffed at the thought, shifting again over the rough strands. Right, before he met Lucy. Because everything about his life had changed after. 
Images of golden blonde raced into his mind, and he flipped onto his back, letting the sway of the hammock rock him back into his dreamless sleep, before that sense of alertness came back full force. 
And it brought a scent with it. 
Opening his eyes with a new surge of what the fuck?, he sniffed the air again, inhaling the faint trails of vanilla, morning dew, and jasmine that swirled into his home. Mavis, had he really been thinking about Lucy so much that he was imagining her smell, too? Had he hit his head too hard during his mission yesterday? 
He made a note to see Wendy tomorrow, see if she could find anything screwed up in his brain. Granted, that wasn’t already there. 
But then he heard a branch crack outside his window. Sensitive ears picked up crunching leaves and rustling dirt, and suddenly he wasn’t scared that he was crazy. 
Watching out of the corner of his eye as his front door creaked open gently, he wondered if Lucy was the crazy one...
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theguildawards · 1 year
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Hey everyone!
The Nomination Period is now closed! Below the cut you will find a complete list of all the nominations received for The Guild Awards this term! The mobile-friendly version can be found in a Google Doc here!
If you do not see your nomination, or you find issues with the links, please reach out to us as soon as possible!
We are going to give you 2 weeks time to enjoy all of the pieces nominated for this term! We strongly encourage that when you view a work of art or read a fanfiction, please reblog or leave a review to let the creators know how much their work and talent is appreciated!
The voting period will begin April 15th and end April 29th midnight PST!
In order to be able to vote, you will need to login. We will be posting the link to the voting form on the first day of the voting session.
Got a question? Check out our FAQ or send us an ask!
Message one of the mods directly: @sassybratt9791 @phoenix-before-the-flame @kiliinstinct​ @ratretro  @phoneboxfairy
Thank you to everyone who nominated for making this term absolutely wonderful and happy voting!
[please reblog to help spread the love of these amazing creators!]
First Term 2023 Nominations
Best Action/Adventure
“yuánfèn” by tiddiejoon (AO3) “The Curse of the Dragon Slayer” by FiveCentsFanFics (AO3) “Day of Parting” by Heartofroses112 (AO3)
Best AU/AR
“Satan Soul” by ButterflyDragon (AO3) “The Girl in Blue” by smilingskyy (AO3) “Deadly Decisions” by Auburry (AO3) “Keep Me Safe” by Rosicamarica (AO3)
Best Canon
“Schtum” by RougeCrimson (AO3) “Former Arrangements” by @genavere
Best Angst
“A Debt Paid for a Date Made” by @nalu-gifs / AubieSquire (AO3) “Losing What You Never Had” by @pencilofawesomeness “if you asked me i would lose it all” by ObsessiveExplosion (AO3) “The Ghost lingering in your eyes (they haunt me everyday)” by MarcoThePigeon (AO3) “Let’s Play the Quiet Game - Recovery” by Rook2020 (AO3) “Stained Blades” by @xhusu / Husu (AO3)
Best Dark
“Dead Stars” by @genavere “The Last of Us” by @classysassy9791 “The Nobodies” by RedDoorBlack (FFN)
Best Drama
“Monster” by MsKtK (AO3) “Bring Back What Once Was Mine” by Winged_Capybara (AO3) “Amber Sin” by Winterlogy (AO3)
Best Humor/Parody
“Family Dinner” by butterflyzilla (AO3) “A Weapon of Mass Love” by Eveegirly (AO3) “I’m Married” by Auburry (AO3) “The Jam Problem” by @acacia-may
Best Oneshot
“God, she loves him” by @bumblebeehug “Winter” by @bumblebeehug “Part of the Family” by Leo_Wolf (AO3) “Silly and intimate moments” by @jemmahazelnut “Headspace” by Amajjzy (AO3) “Prove It” by Grace Buckley (FFN)
Best Character Portrayal
“properly” (Gray Fullbuster) by Kikapea (AO3) “Monster” (Gajeel Redfox) by MsKtK (AO3) “Fairy Tail Twin Dragons” (Natsu Dragneel) by LokaMuse (AO3)
Best Romance
“Pizza Date” by @zal-eska “don’t touch what’s not yours” by @tokkias “taking the hint” by @tokkias “Beautiful” by TheLorax (AO3) “Letters from a Future Lover” by ReeseBee (AO3)
Best LGBTQ+ Romance
“no place i’d rather be” by @gray–dragneel / lastoneleft (AO3) “There is Love” by @sandwitchstories
Best Serial
“Let’s Play the Quiet Game” by Rook2020 (AO3) “The Beast of Fairy Tail” by @xfangheartx “Bull in a Crystal Shop” by buniibebe (FFN) “Tra'viin Tome'mir” by GemmaRose (AO3)
Best Ficlet
“ugly” by iiwaiizumii (AO3) “The Short-Lived Adventure of Fairy Man, Fairy Woman, and Fairy Boy” by Purplefern (AO3) “Just Try To Get Rid of Me” by tiny_writes_stuff (AO3)
Best Antagonist Portrayal
“Fairy Tales Grimm” (Jose Porla) by DarkUnderworld (AO3) “Rewrite” (Zeref Dragneel) by @thehylianidiot
Best Completed
“Sleeping Beauty” by moeruhoshi (AO3) “Fairy Tales Grimm” by DarkUnderworld (AO3) “Yer a Wizard, Gajeel” by LinaBean15 (FFN)
Best Action/Adventure
“Erza Scarlet” by @thearcanearts “Archer Rogue” by @celestialrayna
Best AU/AR
“Happy New Year” by @karmelyon “Happy Early Valentine’s Day” by @hollie-arts “She’s not pleased - Fighter AU 5/?” by @moxiepoxart “Band AU things and the what not” by @heartonxions “How Chapter 125 Should’ve Ended” by @lei-z-fan
Best Canon
“Fairy Tail” by @pencilequipped “Summertime Fun Series” by @pinchepeachyxo “Let’s Dance, Lucy!” by @tsushi-talks “job hunting woes” by @kaicean
Best Angst
“Untitled” by @juv-ans “Untitled” by @4stralfairy
Best Dark
“RAGE” by @crowind1 “It’s Freed Day” by @moxiepoxart “It’s Been a Long Time Since I’ve Been Me” by @phoenix-before-the-flame
Best Humor/Parody
“Wanna Make Out Now?” by @selfawarecobalt “The three genders are literally princess, slut, loser” by @annluvazzel “Wendy & Lucy” by TheGoldenSmurf (TW) “stupid blurbs” by @friedmeatbuns
Best Kiss
“Happy Natsu Day” by @frogrockband “Can They Hurry Up and Kiss?” by @nalunalu “LAXUS X MYSTOGAN“ by @bluessom1 “I’ll take some sneak shots of the little lovers in me” by skytooo726 (TW) “Kiss Part 2” by 1C_Cherry (TW) “kiss(es)” by @junryou
Best Romance
”The Last Dance“ by @u1tear ”Untitled“ by @dravendraws ”Nalu“ by @gymjunkie412 “Fiction” by @jmoart214 “taking the hint” by @kaicean​ “Gruvia Week 2021″ by @goodnightlover
Best LGBTQ+ Romance
”Dirty Dancing AU“ by @bluessom1 ”Forget Nalu vs Nali They’re Obviously Girlfriends“ by @sporkteeth ”Like I always am, and I’ll always be“ by @oryu404 ”October Commission #9“ by @annluvazzel “Protective gfs” by @ace-of-fairytail
Best Character
”Cana Alberona“ by @kat-ran ”Flex“ by @jmoart214 ”The melody of my heart“ by @jerzaworms “Juvia” by @jesmeraki
Best Duo/Pairing
”Graylu“ by @b00nyb00bles ”Untitled“ by @4stralfairy ”Family Guides One Another“ by @jerzaworms ”Untitled“ by @hollie-arts
Best Group Depiction
”Fairy Tail’s Strongest“ by @rosavatar ”The Drunk, the Flirt, and the Nudist“ by @lleecoji ”The future is uncertain, but that can be a good thing“ by @silken-sails ”This brotp“ by @acnologias-ass ”Team Thunderstorm Naptime“ by @pencilofawesomeness “Bio-child Happy revisit!” by @imnothereokuwu
Best Manga Coloring
”Eileen Belserion“ by @nohemyjackson ”You must get your fill of that fleeting freedom of yours“ by @watcher-ofthe-sky “Untitled” by @wesluvr “Bread” by @fairy-edits
Best Redraw
”Lucy and Aquarius“ by @acnologiaheart “Lucy and Juvia” by @windmaedchen-fairytail ”Juvia“ by @watcher-ofthe-sky “Battle of Dragon Slayers” by @celestialrayna “lil gajevy redraw” by @zai-doodles
Best Overall
”Flame’s Desire, amiright?“ by @phoenix-before-the-flame “Untitled” by @a-lyosha ”Acnologia“ by @crowind1 ”Erza Scarlet“ by @pencilequipped
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"Someone once asked me what it felt like to love you. They might as well have asked me to describe the taste of water." -JL
Natsu sat mesmerized at the girl resting underneath his shoulder. Lucy’s golden hair splayed across his arm and tentatively, with his free hand, reached over and grabbed a piece of it. He gently rubbed his fingers against the soft strands and let out a breath he didn’t even know he was holding. 
Twirling it around his fingers he softly muttered, “It should be impossible to love someone this much.”
Lucy nuzzled deeper into his neck and let out a small chuckle. Natsu, unaware that she was awake, abruptly stiffened, blushed, and let go of the strand of hair he was holding.
“I- uh- sorry, did I wake you?”
Lucy laughed and started rubbing her hand up and down Natsu’s chest, in her feeble attempt to soothe him. “Relax, I was only resting my eyes. I’ve been awake this whole time.”
“Oh,” he said awkwardly, the blush still present on his face.
She tilted her head up to look at the dragon slayer and softly smiled when she watched his face get redder under her stare. “Natsu,” she paused to see if he would look down at her and continued when his eyes still wouldn’t meet her own, “What are you so embarrassed about?”
He huffed, still not looking her way, “Nothing. I just thought you were asleep.”
“You didn’t want me to hear what you said. You’re embarrassed,” she teased.
Natsu finally looked down with a pout. “Am not,” he said defiantly.
He looked away again and muttered under his breath, “It’s just that I wouldn’t have said that if I knew you were awake. Don’t want to freak you out or anything.”
Lucy leaned up and turned to face him. Her hands came up to turn his face towards her. She didn’t remove her hands from his cheeks once he was looking down at her, instead opting to rub her thumbs gently back and forth against his jaw.
“Oh, sweet boy,” she cooed, “you could never scare me away. Especially, never by talking about how much you love me.”
She softly smiled, still gazing deeply into his eyes. “If it brings you any comfort, I think it should be impossible to love you as much as I do too.”
He grinned and gently tilted his face down to lay a soft kiss upon the palm caressing his jaw. “I take it back,” placing one of his hands on top of the one she kept on his right cheek and the other on top of her knee, “It must be possible, because I feel it for you, an impossible love.”
She giggled, “That doesn’t really make sense, Natsu.”
He groaned, “Luce come on, I’m tryna be romantic and shit, could you just work with me.”
Lucy belched out a full laugh while he smiled down at her. “Okay, okay,” she spoke as she settled down. She looked back up at him, staring so deeply into his eyes like she could see his soul, and she smiled so bright, he swore he thought that the night had already faded into the day.
“I love you too, impossibly.”
He grinned, “Impossibly possible, I hope.”
Rolling her eyes, she giggled and repeated, “Impossibly possible.”
He paused. Eyebrows scrunching while she tilted her head in confusion.
“I’m not going to lie this impossible, possible, whatever stuff is kinda messing with my head now. Low-key, I don’t know what I’m saying anymore.”
“Natsu!” She removed her hands from his face and glared up at him. “Now, you just ruined the moment!”
He cackled and grabbed her hands, placing a kiss on the back of each hand before pulling them to his chest, right next to his heart. 
“I’m sorry pretty girl, it doesn’t matter though. I love you, simple enough.”
Her glare softened as her cheeks dusted in pink. “I love you too.”
Her eyes flickered with a mischievous glint, and before Natsu could point it out, she pounced on him, straddling his hips and pushing him back into the couch and began to pepper kisses all over his face. 
“Luce,” he chuckled, “what is this for?”
“Just because,” she said in between her kisses.
Once she was satisfied and she covered the entirety of his face with splotches of sparkly pink lipgloss, she placed one last kiss to his lips before leaning her forehead against his.
“What I feel for you transcends time and space. The word ‘love’ is not enough to encapsulate what I feel for you.”
Natsu tilted his head back against the couch and let out a groan. “Jeez, this is what I was trying to say. God, why are you so much better with words than I am.”
She laughed, “It’s okay angel. I can feel it.”
He smiled, bringing his head back up to look back at her. He lifted one hand to tuck a fallen strand of hair behind her ear before leaning up further to gently press his lips to her temple. He  let his lips rest there for a moment before removing them in favor of smiling and looking into her eyes once more.
“I can feel it too.”
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lunarwhisperer · 14 days
HOW MANY WORKS DO YOU HAVE ON AO3? 41, but there are many more fanfics to come, so that number will for sure go up!
WHAT FANDOMS DO YOU WRITE FOR? South Park is my main one, but I do plan on expanding into other fandoms in the near future. That includes Fairy Tail, My Hero Academia, Total Drama series, Élite, Rebelde MX, Gossip Girl etc.
Chasing the Temptations (Total Drama series)
Kiss the Frustrations Away (South Park)
Mended Hearts (South Park)
Yours Truly (South Park)
A Mouthful of Creek (South Park)
DO YOU RESPOND TO COMMENTS? I always make sure to reply to each and every comment, unless I find them to be incredibly stupid, unrelated to the fanfic or just straight up spam.
WHAT IS THE FIC YOU WROTE WITH THE ANGSTIEST ENDING? Angsty and sad story endings aren't really my thing, since I'm more into happy and incredibly sappy endings.
WHAT'S THE FIC YOU WROTE WITH THE HAPPIEST ENDING? I'm pretty sure almost all of my fics have a happy ending!
DO YOU GET HATE ON FICS? No, because I have zero tolerance for any hate comments underneath my fics.
DO YOU WRITE SMUT? Oh hell yes, and I'm not ashamed to admit it!
CRAZIEST CROSSOVER? I'm yet to do a crossover.
HAVE YOU EVER HAD A FIC STOLEN? Thankfully, not yet, and I certainly hope it stays that way!
HAVE YOU EVER HAD A FIC TRANSLATED? Nope, but I would be more than happy if someone's willing to do it.
HAVE YOU EVER CO-WRITTEN A FIC BEFORE? No, but I would be more than happy to do it!
ALL TIME FAVORITE SHIP? Nalu from Fairy Tail. I still haven't written any fics for them, which is a huge shocker given just how much I love them and obsess over them, lmao.
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WHAT'S A WIP YOU WANT TO FINISH BUT DOUBT YOU EVER WILL? I doubt I won't finish any of my current WIPs, since most of them are oneshots and much easier to complete than a 6-7k word chapter of a multi-chaptered fic that requires much more of my time and attention.
WHAT ARE YOUR WRITING STRENGTHS? I think I'm pretty good with describing things (sometimes a bit too much) and writing fluffy and romantic scenarios, as well as writing smut.
WHAT ARE YOUR WRITING WEAKNESSES? I sometimes struggle with writing a good dialogue.
THOUGHTS ON DIALOGUE IN ANOTHER LANGUAGE? I don't really mind it. Hell, I sometimes read fanfics in Spanish because it's my favorite language and it's sooo beautiful.
FIRST FANDOM YOU WROTE IN? Unofficially it's Winx Club, but since I deleted all my previous fanfics before joining FFN again in 2019 and AO3 in 2020, then I would say South Park is officially the very first fandom I wrote in.
FAVORITE FIC YOU'VE WRITTEN? Mended Hearts definitely!
It's the second ever multi-chaptered South Park fanfic that I wrote, and I poured just so much of my heart and soul into it that it would be a travesty if I don't say it's my favorite fic ever! It also encompasses so many of my favorite fiction tropes (slow burn, reunited love, exes-to-lovers etc.), so it's really near and dear to my heart.
I've actually started working on my third multi-chaptered South Park fanfic (Serendipity), which has been in the works for more than four years and currently has about sixty pages of notes, dialogue prompts and whatever, so I'm excited to see whether it will become my favorite fic in the future or not?
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