#starter call Devon
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Devon Strong (Bio)
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roscgarden · 1 month
i am so excited for wholesome, cozy seasonal threads !! i just remembered fall is just around the corner & got giddy
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purplerakath · 2 months
Cobra Kai S6 - Devon and Kenny
This is the one part of S6 where I just find it... weird, my guess is it's a matter of doing something with the characters, but it still just feels like an overall off call for the narrative.
Right, anyway, Spoilers and all that.
Johnny Lawrence's Little Girl
For starters, love the father-daughter thing the two have going on. Devon being the only student who is completely Johnny's makes her important to him, and his full faith in her is very heartwarming. This isn't really important to the overall analysis.
I just think it's neat.
So Devon was introduced as raw talent and attitude. Willing to learn, quick witted, and absolutely down for all of the mad gremlin training Johnny had for the Eagle Fangs. Tie her arm to her body, she's good. Fight blindfolded, no problem. She's loud, and brash, and fully ready to kick ass.
So where the hell was that girl!? Devon "I've been training for three months, wait till they see me next year" Lee should not be this insecure about her abilities. Maybe she could be insecure about the scales being rigged.
If her concern was that the game wasn't fair, I could maybe buy what she did. Or if she believed that was what's going on. They could have leaned into Danny pushing for Anthony a bit more, having that be what concerned her. But if the goal was to just win, Devon was introduced on confidence.
However we needed her to be on the team, and Kenny to not be on the team. So here we are.
Cobra Karate Cult
Kenny is walking the same path as Hawk, more or less. And the season has still been leaning into Kenny's insecurity and need to win. I loved his brother talking sense into him, and I enjoy he isn't fully out of the Cobra Kai mindset.
Which is why I also firmly believe he's the sixth man on team Cobra Kai. (That and fighting Kenny will be much better drama than fighting another random miniboss.)
I'm not sure what the endgame is for his plot, he doesn't have the same amount of time Hawk did to work through his crap. And I don't know how it'll tie into Devon's little stunt on him.
Especially with that stunt of Devon's not making any sense for her, I don't know how you make it make sense for a resolution for either of them. But Kenny needs to work through his anger, in a better way than what Terry had him doing.
So Overall...
I love these characters and wish they got better to work with.
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healbellls · 2 months
Starters call liked! 1/3 - MUTUALS ONLY -> @the-wandering-rock-collector
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"Aye lad, can we have a talk?"
Due to Drake's ignorance for many things, as a result of his illiteracy, his peers constantly look down upon him and quickly come up with their own assumptions about him. They also underestimate how sharp the old man's observing skills, truly are. This image isn't helped with how drunk, he often turns up in most League meetings.
Despite all the odds, the Dragon master seemed to have been the only one to pick up on the overall fatigued (at least it seemed to be the best term to describe it) air, Steven carried with himself. However, it didn't seem to be the usual kind of tiredness, he has seen Steven carry with himself.
Devon wouldn't let it down, if anything in the slightest bit bad, ever happened to his son. Considering how he hasn't heard anything involving Steven, from his friend. It left him wondering.
He took a drag off his smoking pipe, before he approached the younger man. "Ye aren't leaving right now, are ye?"
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duketibbitswaifu · 12 days
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💗 🌸 I would say I support Duke's rights and his wrongs, but I believe all of his actions are justified. ^-^ 💗 ✨
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💕 - Kidnapped and tried to kill Chase? - 💕
🌺 Well for starters, he might have already started to succumb to the hysteria?? 🍰 HELLO??? 🍰 Plus, he's trying to solve this massive problem the way he's always been told. 🚬 He's been seeing the tulpa around town, so ofc he's gonna try to rid of him~!!1 🌺 He even had the mercy to question him first. 🥰
💕 - Disabled Arturo's card and attacked Devon - 💕
🌸 He was clearly just pissed as all hell, and I would be too!! He said it himself!! ❣️ They really came to just piss with the "methheads" and the whole tragedy of the place~!! >:((( 🌺 ✨
💕- Associating with Brian for so long. - 💕
🪷 He was USING BRIANNNN. ❣️ 🍰 You can tell he hated his fucking guts and used him only to maintain power. 💗 ✨ He's a giant ass bear. That's a huge asset. 🌺 💞 Plus, after he found out what he did in Arches, you could tell Duke went go pump some lead in his head. 🍦 🚬
💕 - Calling Chase a queer. - 💕
I would too. Have you seen him? 🙄
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refills · 1 month
best   friends   :   what   is   life   without   people   to   enjoy   it   with?   without   people   to   bitch   and   moan   with?   friendships   only   make   your   life   richer   and   marilyn   and   these   people   are   bonded   for   it.   they've   been   there   for   each   other   through   everything,   new   jobs,   new   partners,   breakups,   deaths   -   everything.   marilyn   doesn't   know   what   they'd   do   without   them   and   them,   her.
regulars   :   devon   works   as   a   bartender,   but   i   wouldn't   call   where   she   works   at   a   bar.   it's   more   so   a   lounge   -   sophisticated   and   sexy   and   the   customers   that   are   there   reflect   that.   we're   talking   ceo's,   doctors,   those   that   want   a   little   exclusivity   with   their   bourbons   and   pinot   noirs.   your   muse   would   be   someone   who   frequents,   whether   it's   after   a   bad   day   at   work   or   when   they   want   to   go   out.
exes,   situationships,   fwbs,   etc.   :   after   years   of   being   in   the   new   york   it's   only   natural   that   devon   get   with   others   and   not   everyone   you   meet?   is   going   to   be   "the   one."   give   me   people   she's   dated   in   the   past,   people   she's   only   fucked   (   or   is   still   fucking..   )   people   she's   currently   with   because   they   both   just   like   their   time   together,   give   me   all   of   it!   they're   a   person   in   their   20's yk?
neighbours   :   they   live   in   brooklyn   and   if   your   muse   does   too   they   can   be   neighbours!   i   want   awkward   run   in's,   bangs   against   the   walls   when   someone's   making   too   much   noise,   and   maybe   even   some   sweet   cute   community   stuff   too.
these   are   just   some   starter   ideas   and   this   will   probably   be   added   to.   i   love   to   plot   so   if   you   want   to   brainstorm   or   add   anything to   these   ideas to make it our own let   me   know.
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aura-acolyte · 1 year
📝 - A private record ( Ex. Criminal, Medical, etc… )
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Accessing file #384, Marie Birch codename Dragon's Child
Name: Marie Birch
Codename: Dragon's Child
Known Aliases: Mare, Chosen of Rayquaza, Hero of Hoenn
Age: 17
Gender: F
Height: 4'0''
Weight: 82 lb
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Gray
Nationality: Johtonese
Current Home Region: Hoenn
Threat Level: Indeterminate
Known Pokemon
Kaen (Blaziken) - Registered Okami (Mightyena) - Registered Kyoshi (Lucario) - Registered Kusanagi no Tsuru (Doublade) - Registered Henka (Eevee) - Registered Kama (Raticate (Kantonese)) - Registered (kept in Snag Ball, Original Trainer unknown) Kaleo (Sandslash (Alolan, Shadow)) - Registered Latias - Unregistered Rayquaza - Unregistered
Notable Associates (For a Full List of Known Associates Click Here) Norman Normansson - Step-Father, Petalburg Gym Leader Professor [Redacted] Birch - Uncle, Provided Starter Pokemon Zinnia - Partner, Draconid Lorekeeper Steven Stone - Friend, Hoenn League Champion Archibald Aquarius - Honorary Father, Ex-Leader of Team Aqua, Current Co-Leader of Aqua-Magma Conservatory Maximillian Magmaria - Honorary Father, Ex-Leader of Team Magma, Current Co-Leader of Aqua-Magma Conservatory Quintessa Talib-Canadensis - Honorary Sister, Pokemon Researcher Jainitar - Friend, Owner of Sharkie's Magikarp Sanctuary Jax Deluth - Honorary Brother, Ex-Team Aqua Grunt, Berry Farmer Sidon - Honorary Nephew Simon [Redacted] - Friend, Devon Corp Glitch Pokemon Researcher, Former Silph Co. Employee Victoria Gonzap - Relationship Indeterminate, Wanted Terrorist, Leader of Team Neo-Snagem Derek Alloy - Relationship Indeterminate, Possible Member of Team Neo-Snagem Harmony - Acquaintence, Former Leader of Team Unity
Description: Marie Birch, or as she prefers to be called, Mare has been involved with multiple incidents in the past five years including the unleashing of the Legendary Pokemon Primal Groudon and Primal Kyogre by Team Magma and Team Aqua, the destruction of a meteor housing Deoxys on a collision course with earth, the Shadow Sky caused by Victoria Gonzap, and the recent Nihilego Incident in Alola. She is observed to have Aura Levels far exceeding that of any living being observed in recent history and is the Chosen of Rayquaza, capable of channeling godlike power. Her abilities include utilizing the movesets of Lucario and Rayquaza, speaking to and understanding Pokemon, superhuman speed and strength, and highly trained martial arts skills (for a full list of abilities see Here).
Psychological Profile: From the get go its clear that Marie Birch feels emotions very strongly. She has a hair-trigger temper and can switch between angry and cheerful on a whim. She often treats things that are commonly considered odd, unusual, or even downright dangerous as normal parts of life that everyone expreiences. Officially she has been diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder.
Unofficially, Marie has been noted to have a "Savior Complex", placing all of her self-worth on her ability to save as many people and Pokemon as possible. Her self-esteem is incredibly low, with her turning down or deflecting any compliment directed at her (on the opposite end of the spectrum she also gets angry when insulted). Furthermore she believes that crying implies that you've done something wrong and as such refuses to cry. All of this seems to be the result of an abusive upbringing as well as trauma from the Rayquaza Incident.
Marie has a strong sense of justice, desiring to right wrongs and prevent injustices. She is a big believer in second chances, offering them to any who might accept, and treats even her enemies with some amount of respect.
Perhaps her most dangerous quality is her refusal to give up. Even when pushed to her limits she continues on. No matter how injured she is or how close to death's door she pushes on. She would quite literally rather die than give up.
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epicspheal · 2 years
Cactusverse Hoenn Timeline: Delta Emerald Part 1
Alright so it's time to talk about Hoenn in Cactusverse. I like to call Cactusverse Hoenn Delta Emerald because the main plot follows Emerald but Cactusverse is a mega-timeline AU so we're going to see Zinnia and her shenanigans.
So, the events of Hoenn take place a few months later than the Kanto events with Norman finally getting a job as the Petalburg City gym leader and moving his wife and young son Brendan to Hoenn. Brendan like many children is very interested in receiving his first Pokemon but he's not quite sure he wants to do the gyms just yet.
Honestly, Brendan is a little upset with his father at the moment because he's rarely around and so much of the past two years in Johto have been about Norman trying to pass a gym leader's test to the point that Brendan couldn't even get a starter Pokemon from Professor Elm (he really wanted a Cyndaquil).
After Brendan and his mom move into Littleroot town (with no help from Norman because he's too busy doing interviews) Brendan decides to explore his new home for a bit when he hears someone screaming on the route just above. He quickly runs out there to find one Professor Birch, covered in scratches being chased by a Zigzagoon. Professor Birch begs Brendan to help him out and Brendan quickly runs to the bag Birch dropped to fetch a Pokemon, Brendan immediately chooses Treecko and quickly defeats the Zigzagoon. He goes to check on Professor Birch who thanks him-
Only to be attacked by a girl his age! It's May Birch who was a little farther up the route doing fieldwork for her father and heard him cry out. She had mistakenly thought Brendan had stolen one of her father's Pokemon and proceeded to beat him up with it. May immediately challenges Brendan to a Pokemon battle where she rather soundly defeats Brendan with her Torchic before Birch could catch his bearings and clear up the misunderstanding. Once May hears the truth, she gets a bit embarrassed and backs down.
The next day Brendan ends up going to Birch's lab where Birch asks if Brendan wants to keep the Treecko which Brendan says he does. Birch mentions that May wanted to make up for what happened the day before and asked to meet Brendan on Route 103. With that, Brendan officially sets out on his journey. He ends up going to Route 103 where May apologizes for the misunderstanding and asks for a proper battle. This time Brendan comes out victorious. 
It's then that May proposes a challenge: see if they can complete the Hoenn gym challenge in 90 days (to mimic how Galar's gym challenge occurs over 90 days). Brendan accepts the challenge and the two go their separate ways. Brendan heads on to Petalburg while May finishes up some fieldwork for her father.
Brendan rushes to Petalburg and tries to challenge his father, who declines saying he's too inexperienced and needs at least four badges before challenging him. This hurts Brendan’s but he takes his father's suggestion to go to Rustboro and runs out before Norman can tell him that there's a young boy that he wanted Brendan to meet...
It just so happens that by the time the young boy, Wally, came by the gym to get his first Pokemon, May had just arrived at the gym also looking for a badge. Norman asks May to help Wally catch a Pokemon since he realized that May was Birch's daughter. Wally and May head out to catch Wally's Ralts and return to Petalburg. May then attempts to challenge Norman to a battle and is also declined due to her lack of experience.
While May was helping Wally, Brendan had made it to the Petalburg Woods. He ran into a Devon Corp scientist being harassed by a Team Aqua grunt. Brendan protects the Devon Corp scientist and is thanked profusely before exiting while being watched by a red-eyed Team Magma grunt who had been watching the confrontation while hidden from the trees.
Brendan rushes to Rustboro. Still feeling a bit bitter about his father declining his challenge, Brendan decides to not let it get to him too much. He decides to slow down a bit and brush up on his basics at the school in Rustboro. This allows for time for May to catch up to Brendan in Rustboro. They both soon challenge Roxanne and earn their first badges. After claiming the badge they witness a Team Aqua grunt running out of Devon Corp with the poor scientist begging the two children to help. Along the way the children run into Mr. Briney who says his dear Peeko has been kidnapped as well. The kids end up following the grunts into Rusturf Tunnel and defeating the grunts, getting the parts and Peeko back. Mr. Briney and the scientist are very thankful for May and Brendan saving the day with the scientist asking the two children to come meet Mr. Stone himself. Mr. Briney tells the two that any time they need to travel between Petalburg, Dewford and Slateport he’s willing to take them. The two kids meet the CEO of Devon Corp who asks them for yet another favor, to send a letter to his son, Steven. May decides to take the letter as Brendan is in a bit of a rush to get the next gym badge. May and Brendan set sail on Mr. Briney’s ship to Dewford town where May goes off to Granite Cave to find Steven while Brendan sets off to challenge Brawly. Brendan defeats Brawly in short order and then asks Mr. Briney to take him to Slateport. Before Brendan can even make it out of Slateport he is scouted by Lisia to participate in one of Hoenn’s contests. At first Brendan protests but he ends up competing and winning his first contest ribbon. During the competition Brendan finds that he not only has a knack for contests but that he enjoyed it a lot. A lot more than his past two matches with Roxanne and Brawly… Back in Granite Cave, May runs into a bit of a trouble due to it being too dark to see. She realizes she’ll need the HM Flash to navigate so she doubles back out of the cave to challenge Brawly and she wins her second badge. Now that she has the second badge and the ability to use Flash, it’s a lot easier for her to navigate Granite Cave and she eventually ends up finding Steven Stone who is looking at a massive mural in the cave. She introduces herself as the daughter of Professor Birch and hands Steven Stone the letter.  After delivering the letter, May decides to catch up to Brendan by heading to Slateport. However, before she can catch up to him…she really wanted to go check out the Slateport museum. But when she gets there she realizes the museum had been overrun by Team Aqua members. Determined to just enjoy the museum May decides to rush in to get rid of Team Aqua. She eventually runs into Archie (his ORAS version) and he calls for a retreat while warning May to not interfere further as he may not be so lenient afterwards. May gets a chance to enjoy the museum before heading up to Mauville City.
As she heads for Mauville City she runs into Brendan who seems to be in contemplation. The two children battle with May coming out victorious. Brendan reveals that he had participated in the Slateport Contest and how much he enjoyed it. So much so that’s he’s wondering if he should quit the 90-day challenge and focus on contests instead. May suggest he try some more contests in Verdanturf and Fallarbor Town and that they can adjust the rules so that its whoever gets 5 contest ribbons or 8 gym badges fist wins. May also admits to having similar feelings. In that she’s been really enjoying battling at gyms to the point she really hasn’t been keeping up with doing fieldwork for her dad. Brendan and May head out to Mauville City where they run into Wally!
Brendan and Wally finally get to meet as May introduces them to each other. However things become a bit tense as Wally’s uncle seems to be a bit reluctant to give the okay for Wally to go on a journey due to his asthma. In a bid to prove himself Wally challenges both May and Brendan to a battle…and loses spectacularly. However his determination gets through to his uncle and he relents on bit on being so overprotective.
May decides to go ahead and challenge Wattson for the badge while Brendan decides to follow Wally to Verdanturf to challenge the next contest, getting a chance to bond with him. Both Brendan and May are successful in getting their next ribbon and badge respectively. May heads onto Lavaridge town to face Flannery and gets dragged hard in that battle, earning her first defeat against a gym leader. Meanwhile after a second successful contest, Brendan is sure that he wants to be a coordinator…now all he has to do is tell his dad…
Which is easier said than done from Brendan’s point of view. It’s not that Norman has anything against Contests (that Brendan knows of) but with Norman never being around and only seeming interested in battling, Brendan is concerned that this will further strain their bond. But that’s something he’ll have to worry about later. For now it’s onto Fallarbor town where Brendan loses his first contest
Brendan and May meet up again in Meteor Falls where they tag team against Team Magma who had stolen the meteorite from Professor Cozmo. However Team Magma escapes with the meteorite. This failure to stop Team Magma, coupled by personal defeats has both Brendan and May feeling a little defeated. Both kids resolve to train harder and they retry the Fallarbor Town Contest and Lavaridge Gym respectively. This time they both come out victorious.
While all this is happening Wally has decided to officially start his gym challenge. He decides to head to Littleroot Town to see if perhaps he could get a Pokedex from Professor Birch as well. When he arrives he mentions May and Brendan and comments on how strong both of them are, to Professor Birch’s delight. Professor Birch decides to not only give Wally a Pokedex, but the final starter…a little Mudkip. Feeling even more confident than ever Wally sets his sights on Rustboro’s gym to catch up Brendan and May
All the while, May and Brendan are circling back to Petalburg and Littleroot to tell their fathers about their change in paths. Despite not having 4 badges like Norman asked, Brendan is still determined to battle his father to prove he’s a capable trainer even while being more into contests. May is a little nervous to tell her dad she has only barely filled out her Pokedex but she’s been blazing through the gyms.
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felteverywhere · 1 year
okay i’m gonna go do some other things for a little bit but i leave you with a short starter call. loving some muses more than others right now so they’ll be listed below. like and i’ll come to you for who! 
christine ‘chris’ buckley, 19, bisexual, she/her, grace van patten fc.
dakota collier, 26, straight, he/him, rory culkin fc.
dove velazquez, 19, bisexual, she/her, jenna ortega fc.
edward ‘dawson’ dawson ii, 22, bisexual, he/him, spencer house fc.
nico jones, 24, straight, he/him, mason gooding fc.
alex mendez, 35, lesbian, she/they, roberta colindrez fc.
clark french, 25, bisexual, he/him, drew starkey fc.
dizzy underwood, 24, lesbian, she/her, zendaya fc.
lindsey lowe, 23, lesbian, she/her, devon hales fc.
yvonne pinewood, 23, lesbian, she/her, jasmin savoy brown fc.
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pridepoisoned · 1 year
@skillswapping (for Faba!!) - [starter call/writing warm-up / accepting.]
Following closely behind her host-turned-impromptu tour guide, ERIS EVANS allows an exhilarated gasp to leave her lips as she takes her first steps into Aether Paradise. The central atrium mimics a scenic Alolan meadow, but the Devon representative's sharp eyes can still spot futuristic machinery and monitoring equipment concealed behind the well-kept foliage. Pokemon and other tourists are spellbound by the natural beauty of the innovative space, oblivious to its little deceptions.
Eris smiles. She feels comfortable here.
Compared to Aether's placid surroundings, the person leading her is anything but peaceful, a figure wracked with an erratic pace and mumbled muttering under his breath. Noisy. Eris can't help but wrinkle her nose at the lead scientist's turned back, but when Faba finally turns to face his guest in tow, Devon's best face is quick to change masks, wearing her most charming smile.
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"You seem a bit bothered...I certainly don't intend to trouble you, Mr. Sauvageau. I, on behalf of the Devon Corporation, am honored to receive a one-on-one tour of this breathtaking facility," Eris offers with a respectful little bow and an airy wave of her hand. "You set the rules, and I'll try my best to follow your capable lead today, yes?"
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tombstone-ghost · 10 months
Maybe I should’ve made a little introduction a while ago WHEN I MADE THIS ACCOUNT but its whatever, better late than never 🤷‍♀️
STARTERS OFF IG, i’m Devon but you can call me Del or Dev, either one works. I’m a MINORRRRRRR…also a girl from Northern Ireland. I’m Bigender, he/him is mostly preferred but she/her works just fine too; i’m also Bisexual and Demiromantic.
My blog is for everyone of all ages just please don’t be weird or anything lmao
I’ll post just about anything here but mostly Creature Feature cause thats what started this whole tumblr thing ☝️
Pls interact if you’re a CF fan pls pls pls my blog is made for you 🙏 and everybody gets to interact cause i’m a saint
Blah blah blah thats the end, i would’ve put my carrd but i don’t remember my password to my account and I DONT HAVE THE LINK.
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stcrryhaze · 2 years
— muse: devon gevinson. musician and photographer. cool gal with trust and commitment issues. constantly trying to prove herself. isn't afraid to call out bullsh*t. actually a sweetheart and the most loyal friend you'll find. — open to: m/f/nb. — based on: this. — please don't like this starter.
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One single look was enough to let her know what had been going on. She could tell they had just left, by their surprised expression and lack of most clothes. Devon mocked, leaving her bag on the couch as she made her way to the kitchen. "Safe to assume you didn't miss me..." she greeted, after being out of the city for a few days, a last minute shoot that had required her presence. "Is it the same person or you're back to your old ways?" she asked, trying to seem indifferent, yet she was aware of how much she cared. Pretty sure they were aware, too. Once in the kitchen, she started her coffee routine, getting two mugs from the counter. "Coffee?"
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unraveledgem · 1 year
hi this is a pinned post
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hi my name's nami, i'm 21, and i'm here with a very self indulgent researcher oc from pokemon who is INVESTED in researching the phenomena known as "living crystals" after an interaction in area zero. he was an ex-researcher in the area zero research division alongside the professor of paldea. before he was let off with the rest of them, he had an "interaction" with what lied below that would impact him forever.
for now this blog will be iconless until i get the braincells to draw him. bio + rules below cut.
- lets keep this simple, basic etiquette applies, on godmodding or metagaming unless we've discussed it and it's viable according to your character.
- reblog karma!! please don't reblog directly from me unless you send in a meme or wait a lil while to reblog it thank u
- MUTUALS ONLY, please i beg if i don't follow you back from picavecalyx, don't like my starter/plotting/inbox or ANY kind of calls.
- this blog's lore is interconnected to all of my blog's lore and helps to go into more depth on the concept of living crystals(i.e., eldritch cosmic horror funny rocks). feel free to send questions about worldbuilding or ANYTHING related to it!!! i love talking about it and so does ruri.
- have fun!! sometimes lore doesn't align and we're not quite sure how they fit together, that's fine, we can figure it out >:) your character's stuff does not have to align with mine, they can still prob interact if we try hard enough.
- this is a very self indulgent blog, it's mostly for documentation, but threads will obviously be apart of it.
full name. ruri moreau
age. 32
gender. male
region. born in hoenn, researched in paldea, presently traveling wherever his research takes him
occupation. field researcher in crystallography, geology, and astronomy.
partners. cradily[azure], lileep[topaz], anorith[sapphire]
hair colour. pink
eye colour. yellow
characteristics. skinny with some strong legs, average height at 5'8", waving hair often tied in a rat tail, wears a lot of sweaters and often has a big backpack that carries lots of research documents, he is surprisingly strong but only because he carries around a 100 pound backpack everywhere.
history. ruri was a researcher working with devon corporation, then later with the professor of paldea in area zero. before the staff was discharged, he had an interaction near the depths with the indigo disk that caused him to go into a to have a seizure. this lead to him being the first one to be discharged, and then later the rest of the staff would be as well. after that, ruri would be sent back to hoenn, though with a newfound want to research what he found...and find phenomena similar. to which he dubbed the 'living mineral phenomena.' later he simply calls them living gems or living crystals. he has currently published hypothesis, and is working on papers to release after proper documentation that confirms the existence of these 'living minerals.'
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lovepctions · 2 years
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muse: danny harte (they/them) primary face claim: devon bostick age range: 28-32 sexuality/gender: polyamorous nonbinary open to: platonic/romantic/negative connections for all genders.  occupation: freelance photographer / marijuana grower & seller important information: when danny was 17, they stole someone’s identity and has lived their life as them ever since. they do odd jobs and sell pot around the small town they live in. learn more below
this is a permanent starter call for danny!
Alexander Perry was born in Seattle, WA to two loving parents who would have devoted their whole lives to them. When they were five years old, they passed in the hospital following a fateful car crash. They didn't have any relatives in the US, so they were left to the foster care system. The homes they were placed in weren't perfect, but they were at least kind and giving to them. Still, they held residual anger and disappointment that this was where life had taken them. 
 When when Alexander was 17, four blocks away from the high school laid a body. Due to their natural curiosity, they approached the person only to discover he was dead. He couldn't have been more than a few years older than Alex. Looking over their shoulder, once, twice, three times, they into the corpse's pocket and steal the man's wallet and phone. $86, 3 credit cards and an ID in the wallet. Daniel Harte. Danny. 
And after going through Daniel's contacts, he only had two people listed. After further inspection, it looked like the boy was unemployed and wasn't going to be missed by anyone. It was then that Alex decided to run. Run where? Anywhere. Using their newfound resources, they manipulated the ID so it had Alex’s face instead of 'Danny's', anything to make the transition into this new life seamless. Anything to get themselves out of the life they were in. A week after finding Danny, Alex headed to a train station and chose a spot on the map took on this new persona. Embracing it.
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mapdrawn · 1 year
starter call : specific muse edition ! ( muses under the read more. please like and i’ll come to you for which muse(s) you’d like a starter from ! )
briar reynolds ( 23-28, ol.ivia sc.ott wel.ch fc, nurse, bi )
cheyenne dohling ( 32-37, ril.ey keo.ugh fc, songwriter, bi )
sandra murphy ( 20-25, abi.gail co.wen fc, voice actor, bi )
velma korta ( 25-30, isab.ella go.mez fc, musician & radio host, homosexual )
grady petsch ( 28-34, j.oe ke.ery fc, handyman, heterosexual )
faye poole ( 35-39, debo.rah a.nn wo.ll fc, actress, bi )
viola swift ( 28-34, van.essa mo.rgan fc, pianist, bi )
devon swift ( 26-31, mas.on goo.ding fc, actor, bi )
sage yates ( 26-31, nat.alia dy.er fc, tech analyst, bi )
sasha yates ( 26-31, hal.ey lu rich.ardson fc, singer, homosexual )
jude jiang ( 23-31, jes.se m.ei li fc, aquarium employee, bi )
billie kasey ( 22-28, do.ve cam.eron fc, con artist, bi )
zion almedia ( 29-36, alf.ie en.och fc, writer, heterosexual )
ciera lewis ( 23-28, ali.sha b.oe fc, student, pan )
milo olsson ( 27-34, fre.ddy car.ter fc, computer tech, heterosexual )
morgana kersh ( 32-27, hal.ston sa.ge fc, hotel manager, bi )
griffin kersh ( 27-34, gre.gg sulkin fc, personal trainer / single father, heterosexual )
daisy reynolds ( 23-28, oli.via ho.lt fc, theater student, bi )
drew reynolds, ( 23-28, ru.dy pan.kow fc, waiter, heterosexual )
calliope kersh ( 25-31, madi.son iseman fc, middle school art teach, pan )
jolie dohling ( 28-34, el.la pur.nell fc, hs math teacher, track coach & small business owner, bi )
renee reynolds ( 28-35, wil.la fitz.gerald fc, journalist, bi )
jovi hewett, ( 30-35, dy.lan o’br.ien fc, history prof, heterosexual )
alaric kersh ( 33-40, sky.lar ast.in, horror novelist, bi )
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dearyvicious · 1 year
never had been adept at placing the creed in maxims, although the years in prison served to make him a devotee of chaos theory, imprisoned in all the 'what ifs', although, more than that, cloistered in the female effigy sculpted in his mind, after all, the girl had never been to see him in prison, nor had she answered his calls. devon had been involved in shit, deep shit that would have been worth the effort of getting his ass out there, however, this had not been the case, a frame-up, false accusations and someone with a lot of money to make sure they kept him there for a lot of years, but not long enough. he had won his freedom and arrangements would be made, starting with the girl that used to belong to him. it only takes a few phone calls for him to get an address and a car, heading for the residence. the years have accentuated the devilish features on his face, a seductive and sadistic devil when it comes to business. his fist meets the door three times, then he leans against the doorframe, hovering over the entrance with his bloody golden curls drooping over his dark syrupy eyes, although he was graced with this apollonian aura, he was more like a god of the underworld. and when the door opens and he glimpses the woman, still the owner of a small, curvaceous silhouette and exquisite features, he smiles. a laugh contrary to the amist, icy and soaked in scorn. " it wasn't too hard to track your beautiful ass down here. you owe me some explanations and i think it's good you have them. "
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muse: devon holzknecht, mid twenties. not good but not the worst either. based on: 6th bullet. to my beloved one > @mndstom | closed starter.
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