#starting to get a bit too ambitious with the second tbh but it's coming along and I can't wait to share it I love you ze fandom hooray
mortellanarts · 1 year
So the other week I had a weird burst of inspiration and just made a lot of very loose lined sketches while listening to music that turned out so expressive I want to show them but idk there's no connective theme a lot of them are OCs there's some vent some weird kh speculating and some Akane Kurashiki blorbo brain like uhmmm I mostly feel bad I haven't finished any full piece worth posting since I started going to college in-person again honestly
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dinosaurtsukki · 4 years
BSD x university au hc’s | pt. 2
part 2 of the university au hc’s !! i am obviously a slut for chuuya and fyodor so don’t mind me. i hope you guys like this !!
check out pt. 1 here
Akutagawa Ryuunosuke:
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i love akutagawa ryuunosuke my angst child but i’m just like ‘hmmmmmmm’ when it comes to what his course would probably be
after extensive research aka reading his character page on wiki i feel like maybe he’d be a history major because,,,, he likes antiques?
well his clothes do seem very dark academia-esque and i can see him liking something as cool as history
akutagawa’s probably into something like war history but he’s not weird about it he just finds it really cool how different strategies work or analyzing what exactly makes the winners win
he absolutely HATES the fact that he keeps having to read the Iliad for class
he’s also that classmate who INTENSIVELY DEFENDS achilles for being a bit of a little bitch (but he fully agrees that patroclus and achilles were gay af ok this was random moving on)
akutagawa has practically no social life. he doesn’t go to parties, he doesn’t talk to his roommate, he doesn’t even like to eat in the dining hall
BUT he absolutely loves being in debate team because WINNING
he’s such a nightmare to work with though but he just delivers so well when it’s time for him to speak. like, if he’s on a negative and it’s time to hash out rebuttals, just prepare to get MURDERED
other debaters: “esteemed scholars and adjudicators...”
akutagawa: “you, sir, have no idea how wrong you are.”
that is until dazai decided to randomly show up at a debate tournament all ‘la di da da’ like and completely crushed akutagawa along with his ego
from then on he started stalking dazai and just SOMEHOW managed to end up in his circle of friends
even though he’s antisocial in real life, akutagawa 100% runs a dark academia aesthetic blog on tumblr i’m right and i don’t accept criticism
it’s actually really good he has a ton of followers and even does requests for moodboards if someone asks nicely
atsushi was the one who actually found out about it but he’s nice so he didn’t tell akutagawa about it
kunikida probably follows that blog
Chuuya Nakahara:
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if this part sounds like i’m just thirsting for chuuya then you’re absolutely right i love wine man
he’s just always had such a good eye for fashion and he’s veryyy meticulous when it comes to snipping and putting together clothes
chuuya also carries a sketchbook full of designs and his drawings look amazing and he isn’t afraid to just show them off
that said he doesn’t dress like a tired uni student at all, like he just always looks so on-point and unbothered by his five million deadlines
dazai: chuuya, i said this was a CASUAL LUNCH
chuuya, dressed in what looks like silk pajamas: THIS IS CASUAL
tbh if he just wore a white t-shirt and jeans i would die maybe he’s actually saving us from this ordeal
he has so much talent though as a designer he’s probably had several internships with design companies all throughout his years at uni
i feel like chuuya’s also really active in extracurriculars and has been in leadership positions in some of them (he probably runs the student org for fashion design)
chuuya in a student band though oh my gosh i can’t breathe i can’t breathe him as a VOCALIST?? and wearing torn jeans and eyeliner and that same hat in concerts ican’t brEATHE
okay in all honesty he would thrive being in a band chuuya loves the attention and the creativity of being able to design their whole look and write songs
tbh i don’t know if he’d have a roommate chuuya’s probably the type who’d rather have one of those single rooms or just rent a flat for him to stay in even after graduation
because his social life is super vibrant, he does have a lot of friends and he does make an effort to get to know all of them individually 
but he’s more open around those who he’s been friends with for a really long time and as much as he’d like to say dazai isn’t one of them, he is
also chuuya is definitely the type to party hard during the weekends and has more than once crashed in someone’s house after drinking too much (dazai drew on his face on more than one occasion)
Oda Sakunosuke:
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i love this man SO MUCH you guys have no idea i would literally die for him
100% this guy majors in creative writing because this is supported by FACTS and not just me wanting to be coursemates with him in this fictional world
super serious and diligent with his work especially since he’s passionate about writing. he loves to read in his spare time and is such a fan of classic novels about social realism or philosophy
oda spends 99% of his time in second-hand bookshops that the owner probably knows him by name at this point
he’s super old school when it comes to writing though, like he still keeps and writes in a notebook before typing it up on a laptop and no matter how many times dazai tells him its impractical, oda just keeps doing it
lmao whenever workshops come around he’s super nice with his critique. i bet a lot of his fellow classmates like sending their writing drafts to him
he draws smiley faces and always adds ‘nice work’ on people’s drafts omg i love odasaku
he’s such an old soul, he probably doesn’t do a whole lot of partying but he likes more quiet, private social events like drinking with close friends or just hanging out and talking at other people’s houses
he and dazai probably met when dazai decided to take an intro to creative writing class and wrote a long poem about double suicide on his first day that kind of put off everyone in the class from wanting to sit with him
odasaku was the only one who wasn’t exactly bothered but he did give dazai some comments to help him with his poetry and dazai instantly wanted to be his friend
in terms of extracurricular life, i can definitely see odasaku joining a writing organization and even the campus newspaper. he does find joy in interviewing students for newspaper articles
he’s also pretty into photography and uses a really old, second-hand camera that he bought at an antique store and fixed himself. at one point he won a prize in a contest
odasaku would be the best roommate. he’s super sensitive to when you have a bad day and will invite you to sit on his bed and hug his pillow and talk about your problems
scratch that, everyone talks to odasaku about their problems and now your room is like a therapist’s office
Edgar Allan Poe:
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i swear this was the only gif i could find other than actual edgar allan poe
well actually i feel like since he’s super ambitious and already has a fixed idea on the stuff he likes to write, he’d probably double major in something like forensic science because he’d use it to write his mystery novels
omg that’s where he meets ranpo and now pretty much every main character poe writes is slightly based on on ranpo
it’s a problem. his professor brings it up more than once during his classes but it’s poe’s Thing now
he also has such an unending passion for gothic literature and he wears those white, long-sleeved blouses and waistcoats on a REGULAR BASIS
chuuya probably saw him once and was like ‘hmm, i could pull that off’
poe’s daily route is just going to the library and to class and then go home and that’s about it
he ended up working as a student assistant at the library because he’s just super familiar with the book collections and it’s a job that’s peaceful and quiet 
more than once though, he’d just be really in-deep with his writing to the point that he doesn’t even notice that the library has closed or that he hasn’t eaten the entire day
that’s alright though because ranpo always passes by the library at night to check on his friend and (reluctantly) give him some snacks
also since poe’s pretty much a recluse, he doesn’t go to any social event UNLESS it’s a halloween-themed one
he loves going all out with his costumes because he’s a Drama Queen like that but the problem is he keeps dressing up as gothic novel characters and nobody gets it
dazai, trying to guess his costume: umm,, Two-Face from Batman?
there was this one time when poe took it upon himself to host the halloween party and it was EPIC
he basically designed it as a murder mystery night wherein everyone who came pretended to be guests at a house and then a murder happened
the only problem was that ranpo was conspiring with poe and it was pretty much unfair
except for the fact that ranpo was frustrated at how bad everyone was at deducing that he ended up solving the mystery for them
Fyodor Dostoevsky:
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one of my favorite scenes of him in s3 was of fyodor playing the cello because god damn that is beautiful and therefore i am hc-ing him as a music major and you can’t tell me otherwise
fyodor is an absolute music genius and he was definitely scouted by the university’s music program and then he was granted a scholarship (because in this ideal university, the arts are valued)
he purposely decided to go to a university rather than a music conservatory because he’s also interested in learning a bunch of other things
aside from his music classes, he ventures into comparative literature and philosophy, even a bit of computer science at some point
people always assume that since he’s a music major he probably wouldn’t do well in other subjects but SURPRISE BITCH
anyway, fyodor’s a genius because god clearly has favorites
aside from attending class, he’s even part of an official orchestra and has even landed a few solos 
that said, he’s quite busy and very preoccupied in his own work to actually have a social life either
you’ll often find him rehearsing by himself in an empty classroom for hours and hours on end (someone pls bring him food he’s also the type to forget to eat or even drink water)
if you are able to catch him perform at an orchestra or just practice by himself, it’s quite a mesmerizing sight. his eyes are often closed so he could focus on the sound alone and his fingers move so elegantly along the neck of the cello
(sorry i just love people who play any form of stringed instrument)
fyodor also takes such good care of his cello. also he would probably kill you on the spot if you touched his bow
he has a fairly small group of friends and they like playing chess together (even though fyodor is better than all of them) and just talk about um,, idk philosophy and stuff (whatever it is smart people do idk i’m not one of them)
i have a feeling he actually follows akutagawa’s dark academia blog and loves his content, even to the point of requesting ‘cello player moodboards’
also because he’s a cello player he needs to take care of his fingers so he wears gloves a lot (idk why i find this hot)
taglist (check out my post for details on being part of my taglist): @waitforitillwritemywayout @tpwkatsumu @laure-chan
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astrologysvt · 4 years
I have a vibe too that it is possible that seungcheol is gonna settle down first in svt lol. But idk i think wonwoo or seungkwan is next? I mean its just my opinion. What do u think? Lol
it’s really hard to say without birth times i promise if i had all of their birth times thE READINGS I WOULD BE DOING RN wowowowowow they’d be wild. tbh i think the both of them have certain makings that would make them want marriage, tho i’d be tentative to say they’re next for a few reasons. 
like i think wonwoo’s cancer sun/leo placements could make him very attached to someone once he developed feelings and would certainly want to like, seal the deal and make it offish in concept. but i think his cancer sun makes him rather shy so hes not really out there scoping the place out for potential suitors wherever he goes. it’d take some time, the right circumstances, and the right person for him to get to that point. then i think even once he starts dating that his gemini venus and mars run the risk of him being afraid of the symbol of marriage as a very restrictive thing. like loves the idea of marriage as a concept but once the reality of a relationship and the possibility of marriage comes up he may get nervous. 
then with seungkwan i think he really wants the domestics and stability of a marriage thanks to his cap placements and virgo moon. tho he’s also a very work focused, ambitious person and takes commitments like relationships and marriage very very seriously. i don’t think he’d be comfortable getting into a relationship unless he was positive he could commit and give them the time they needed. he may even think a relationship would be stressful if he’s more focused on work at the time. then his aqua mars comes in and independence is a huge thing for him. i’ve also noticed with aqua mars’ that they can be rather cold and objective about romance unless they’re compleeeteeeeeely in deep. so again, it’d take the right person at the right time with him.
tbh i think jeonghan with his strong libra influence and scorpio mars could be a close second. the thing is, his aqua moon makes him hard to pin down and very discerning, where his libra can make him a hopeless romantic. he’d either be one of the first to date/marry or the LAST to date/marry. it’s hard, cuz libra placements are also rather impulsive and easily swayed. he may get into relationships easily but i think in terms of his aqua moon/scorpio mars, he’s going to know deep down if it’s going to last. it’s really all about breaking that aqua moon’s barrier. his scorpio mars is such an intense placement and having it squared his aqua moon is rough. i imagine the idea of letting his scorpio mars go out and get attached to someone stresses his aqua moon/air dom chart, and so he can be rather guarded. but if the right person comes along and forces him to forget logic then it’s oveeeeeeer
maybe mingyu, too! between all of his aries and all-giving pisces i think once he found the right person there would be very very little hesitation and he’d be completely stuck on them. he’d just go for it, and if it felt right i think his virgo/taurus placements crave domesticity enough to make him want to get married. his aries has an independence streak and may give him a bit of fomo, but at the end of the day i think between all that earth & pisces it’ll activate the part of aries that is very loyal and possessive. 
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@ne-nene-ne said,
[1/2] Hi~ May I pls have a matchup? I'm a ♏, ISFP, 5'0 fem w/ medium length dark hair & eyes. I like wearing sweaters/sweatpants a lot! I love to draw & sing especially! I'd sing softly to my s/o if we're close & alone together. I often take endless pics of the sunset bc it's so pretty! Tbh I'm a loner. I'm shy, quiet, awkward and I like my alone time. I'm friendly and good-willing towards others nonetheless! I've been told I have a positive aura. I'm more chill, silly & playful w/ family!
[2/2] I can joke around w/ them! I have a short temper but I forgive just as quickly. I can be hard on myself bc I feel it's necessary to improve. I'm an appreciative person so I'll say "thank you" like 1000 times lol! I highly value family & honesty! My ideal s/o is someone family-oriented, devoted, and genuine. Bonus points if they're funny too! I'd like someone who I can slowdance to soft, jazz music w/. My love language is Acts of Service! Tysm! Take your time, stay healthy & stay safe! ❤
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✧ Thank you so much for requesting a matchup love. Tumblr is not letting me tag you so hopefully you’ll see this. 😔 I wish you well during this challenging time. Hope you keep safe as well! 😷
I’d match you with: . . .
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➜ HOW YOU TWO FIRST MET ; Juza Hyodo is that typical cold guy in school that everyone is lowkey scared of. That’s how he seems from outside anyway. You were asked by your biology teacher to borrow the books for the class’s current lesson from the library on the spot so you took a beeline for the shelves as fast as you could. But for god’s sake all the books were placed at the topmost part of the science shelves. You stood there for a good minute while glaring at the books overhead. You knew you were damned for good since there were no chairs nearby that were available and the librarian was nowhere to be seen. You stomped you feet in annoyance until you felt a looming presence behind you. A tall one. When you turned around, you saw Juza grabbing the books at ease and handing it to you. You thanked him quietly which surprised him because you actually didn’t quiver with fear or panic in his presence??? and you genuinely thanked him?? It was not usual for him to hear someone express their gratitude towards him. Even the cashiers from sweet shops he’d like to visit secretly we’re scared of him for heaven’s sake. After murmuring a little “‘S nothing.” he walked away. And that was the end of it. Or so you thought. The second time you met the purple haired boy was in a cafe. You were patiently waiting in the line for this so called Peanut Butter Pound Cake S'mores. According to your friends, it was one of the best desserts the cafe ever had. To test that theory, you decided to check the dessert yourself. Everything was perfectly normal until a young teenage boy of average height with fluffy pink hair and light blue eyes bumped into you, spilling a little of his drink on you. Yes, I’m talking about Muku. Baby boy was so scared and flustered, he apologized to you multiple times like crazy. Luckily it wasn’t anything hot so you didn’t burn yourself. Giving the boy a soft smile, you said it was fine and he shouldn’t worry about it. But he is a kind-hearted and modest boy with the motto "doing one good deed each day" so of course he offered you to give some of the Chocolate-Caramel Sandwich Cookies he had ordered before to apologize properly. Normally you would’ve reject the offer but with the way he was looking at you, you couldn’t find the heart to do so. While waiting for your order together, you learned what the boy’s name was and that he came here with his cousin. When you heard that the first image that popped into your mind was a soft looking person just like him you. After you got your order, the two of you made your way towards their table. And with that, your previous thought was thrown out of the window just like that. There he was, one and only Juza Hyodo, the person who helped you in the library, was sitting in a chair, quietly munching on one of the many sweets in front of him. When Muku announced that he was back, his eyes shot up to him and then shifted towards you. Yeah, it was awkward. Nevertheless, you tried to offer the tall boy a smile, which he just nodded his head, cheeks tilted pink to get his sweet tooth exposed to someone from school. After you sat down, Muku began to explain how he accidentally bumped into you and spilled some of his drink on you. Juza got the picture and said nothing. Though, gradually he started to become more comfortable. Before you knew it, you befriend the young teenage boy with fluffy hair. You told Muku how you two first met, which he only exclaimed how cool his cousin was and how the scene was just like from a shoujo manga. So yeah, your friendship with Juza started that day and slowly but steadily developed into something more. You would see him at school and chat with him, give him snacks to eat together on the rooftop etc.
➜ PERSONALITY COMPATIBILITY ; Let me just start of by saying that you two are really similar in terms of personality. A loner who is shy, quiet, awkward, likes alone time yet still friendly and good-willing towards others? Yeah, you get to point. When you're dating someone who has almost identical personality traits as you, reading them becomes easier. Juza is honest and critical of himself but is more than willing to work hard on it to improve himself and so are you. You two motive each other become better versions of yourselves, constantly pushing forward hand in hand ad I think that’s a beautiful thing in a relationship. You two have the same values. He deeply values his comrades and family so he would love it whenever he saw you getting along with Muku or Kumon. He’s very protective of those he holds dear, so watching you interact with them and care for them as if they were your own family would make him fall for you even more. The same goes for him as well. He’ d try his utmost best to get along with your family. Physical affection is OUT the window in the first start of your guys' relationship though. And when you guys DO start attempting physical contact, he'd be so stiff. Baby boy really hasn’t had a lot of experience in regards to how to treat others with affection outside of his family. 🥺 but deep down, Juza has a soft side. He’s a bit shy with showing his affections, but he tries his utmost best to convey his love to you― one of them being if you ever needed him support with ANYTHING honestly, he’ll always make it known to you that you have his full support and that he’s always right beside you through everything.
➜ SHARED ACTIVITIES ; With an delinquent-like appearance that often gives people a "scary" impression of him, I feel like Juza would rather spend time inside rather than outside. For those with a serious sweet tooth, baking, especially with a lover has a double benefit: It engages the two of you in an activity you probably don't do often, and you get to enjoy something delicious afterward. You two make an especially decadent dessert when you're feeling ambitious, or simply break out a boxed mix if you're short on time — or baking skills. At first times, there is a lot of trial and error and you guys end up getting covered in flour and such, a cheeky smile present on your face. These are usually the times where you get to hear Juza’s rare laughs as he joined in your joy. Feeling too lazy to bake something? Have a candy tasting. Satisfying your sweet tooth is a foolproof way to survive. Stock up on different colors of Starbursts, Gummi Bears or Worms, Sour Straws, Hi-Chews, and whatever else you are craving— and then eat your way through the rainbow together. Bonus points if you’re lounging off your sugar coma with a movie on the couch afterwards, he doesn’t particularly mind what kind so it’s totally up to you which genre you want to watch. This one is technically not a date but sometimes you, Juza, Muku and Kumon play board games. Depending on how competitive you are, this idea can be a little dangerous. (looking at you monopoly.) But it’s always a blast to spend time with people you love and cherish.
➜ ZODIAC COMPATIBILITY ; Juza’s birthday is on September 27, which makes him a Libra. When Libra and Scorpio come together in a love match, they tend to make a very emotionally connected and mutually satisfying union. Though Scorpio is a brooder who can get lost in the confusing welter of their own emotions, Libra’s proclivity for balance and harmony helps keep Scorpio even. Scorpio can return the favor to Libra with their characteristic powers of focus, a trait that Libra usually lacks. These two are very compatible due to their similar needs in a love relationship: Libra is the Sign of Partnership, and Libra is happiest when in a well-balanced and intimate relationship, while Scorpio thrives on emotional and sexual intimacy with their mate. These two Signs can make a very loyal, close and satisfying partnership. What’s the best aspect of the Libra-Scorpio relationship? The power they find in unity. They can accomplish a lot, whether they come together for a cause in the business or romantic sphere. They are both winners and they won’t give up, making theirs a relationship that takes care of business.
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madiiko12 · 4 years
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new york’s very own madison ‘madi’ ko was spotted on broadway street in chanel sneakers . your resemblance to kim chungha is unreal . according to tmz , you just had your twenty-first birthday bash . while living in nyc , you’ve been labeled as being obsessive , but also ambitious . i guess being a virgo explains that . 3 things that would paint a better picture of you would be glittery eyes, dangling earrings, & chanel draped in pearls.  ( cisfemale & she/her) + ( kale, 20 , she/her , est. )
hi honeybuns !! im back and with child. there is a brief mention of an ed under the cut but i block it off with a tw start & end.    if you’d like to plot pls leave a like and i can dm you or hit you up on discord !! my discord is kale#3079  
haneul madison ko was born september 18, 1999 to two immigrant parents from S.K. her birth name is haneul, but she went by the name madison since it was easier to pronounce + madi began to almost detest her culture??
it was just that growing up she would sometimes get bullied for looking different at her school, for the way her packed lunches smelled/looked, the way people would stare if she spoke korean to her parents, how other kids would make fun of her english since she didn’t pick up on vocab/grammar as quickly since she didn’t practice at home with her parents. she just became SO insecure about it that she rejected her culture. she wouldn’t bring her mom’s food to school, if her mom ever forced her to take it she’d throw it away  and choose to starve instead. she wouldn’t speak korean back to her parents in public, barely even in private (which reeaaallly upset her parents). this also REALLY destroyed her korean language skills. she can understand still, but she can barely hold a basic conversation anymore.
as she grew up, and continued this sense of distancing herself from her culture, she ultimately distanced herself from her family. which left her feeling -  - alone often, even though it was all due to her own choices. in this loneliness, she found her escape in music. she would wear headphones constantly through the halls, in car rides, in her room when her parents yelled at her to turn the music down. she just loved music. she saved up the money her parents gave her whenever she worked at the nail salon (her parents owned it!!) to thrift an old keyboard. she became self-taught by trying to copy melodies of songs she’d listen to, thrifting piano lesson books, staying after school with the music teacher learning to play. sometimes she’d even skip lunch to sit in the chorus room with her choir director and play.
it’s not that she had a LACK of friends growing up, maybe just that she lacked a best friend. she had a lot of friends, but no one that she felt so connected to in the way she felt connected to music. perhaps, she was addicted to her loneliness.
she spent a lot of time playing the piano and dabbling in writing music that her grades started to fall (not that she was ever the BEST student) and her parents literally took away her piano. they said it was a waste of time because they wanted her to focus on doing well, so she could get into a good university, and then live a good life. music was just a distraction
but that didnt work
she would sneak out into the city to go to concerts and poetry readings. she’d sneak out and go to indie songwriters scenes while her parents thought she was at the library with one of her school friends
This underground scene had her full heart!! she was surrounded by likeminded people who just lived for music. she was hearing all of these incredible people who were all looking for their start. maybe not looking for anything at than just to sing their songs. tbh i think this was the point she was happiest. she was completely enveloped in music, just for the sake of music. There wasn’t any pressure, just music. Just the songs. she was wide eyed looking at this whole underground scene of artists. So maybe some plots from these underground charas?!
she’d perform some songs at karaoke nights and the indie sessions, and a producer took a keen interest in one of her songs. basically im kind of stealing halsey’s career start, but she posted a song Came in Close on SoundCloud and just blew up overnight. in the morning, she woke up to a record label asking her to fly to LA for a meeting.
and thus, Madison Ko began a career as Madi Ko where she’d release her debut album, Honey, a few months later. (DISCOGRAPHY HERE). her music is very 80s synth inspired!
new album that is most definitely CRJ’S EMOTION is coming soon...
right off the bat, madi is an absolute firecracker!! she’s loud, bursting with personality, has a lack of inhibitions that CHAOTICALLY mixes with her spontaneity
part of this is projecting her insecurities. she felt lonely as a child but doesn’t want to be seen as that to the world. it’s not so much a persona but an exaggeration of who she was. 
she likes to show off her glam bc it, once again, hides her insecurities. 
she just kind of is dramatic anymore
like everything about her
her persona as Madi Ko, upcoming popstar underdog, is like DUNKED in glitter, over the top stages and sets, draped in couture. basically her stages/outfits/dances/mvs are like Chungha’s but with Pale Waves and Carly Rae Jepsen VC. ex: 1, 2, 3, 4
also bc im obsessed with chungha’s famous diamond wink, IT’S GONNA BE MADI’S THING TOO. so basically madi has trended on twt a few times bc of her signature diamond wink bc she effing glues rhinestones and glitter under her eyes for performances !! she said fuck corneas !! ex: 1, 2, 3      ....god chungha is magical
so while madi is like a brand hypebeast n never shuts up, she can also get,,, easily annoyed. and heavily perceives ppl on first impressions despite that being the reason she felt misunderstood a lot growing up. 
definitely argumentative!!! will blow up arguments for no reason n then later questions why she made it such a big deal but cant own up to her mistakes
when she decides she doesnt like you, SHE DOESNT LIKE YOU. it’s done. bridge is burned, she’s not keen on second chances
fame has definitely given her a bit of an ego problem --- she’s a bit more aggressive, self-obsessed while intrinsically insecure, is too busy flaunting her material possessions and trendy life that she can...lose touch of reality. basically most of her high school friends cant stand her. HC that her high school bf broke up with her bc she was no longer was the madison ko he knew!!! so if anyone wants to be that ex lmk !!! she’s written songs about them!!!
definitely the type of girl who is so hype at a party, dancing in fallen confetti, standing on the fireplace mantle, but then midway realizes she’s lonely. sad at a party. 
she kind of always had body image issues growing up, but it was very off and on, but once she got signed and being by surrounded by cameras became normal she formed a full fledged ED. she’s passed out at concerts a few times bc of her ED, but they always brush it off as “not enough rest” or “she wasnt feeling well that day but pushed to perform anyway as to not disappoint the fans”
so feel free for ur muses to point it out !! she’ll get really defensive like “i eat i just work out a lot” and yeah it’s true she works out a lot but she...doesn’t really eat
it’s also one of the causes of her irritability ...
idk why this is so long
always up for mischief! 
does love a good prank. asks weird hypotheticals 
is not scared of an ouija board
will get wasted off a few shots and drunk madi is UNSTOPPABLE 
one time drunk madi cried bc her siamese cat (MOCHI !!!) wouldn’t ever get to go to school and would never know chemistry..... the dramatics.....
she is sensitive and despises it. she does everything she can to not come across as sensitive
however, she’s so obsessive. so deep in feeling. when she feels something she FEELS it. when she is mad it boils through her. when she is in love it is all she knows. when she is sad it covers her like sweaters and blankets on rainy days. she doesn’t know how to half-feel. everything she feels stops her in her tracks.
HOWEVER she’s the most obsessive with her own insecurities — so in relationships she’s kind of known for tapping out early. she just gets scared and the fleetingness of her career and that she’s at her very core, lonely and disappointed in herself, makes her want to run away thinking that letting down her walls and being vulnerable could only be disappointing for her SO. so maybe she ghosted ur chara or gave some lame excuse
Kind of obsessed with how she’s perceived
terrified that at any moment her career could be thrown away, her deemed irrelevant, and she goes back to being Madison Ko, daughter of nail techs in Koreatown. and then her parents would have been right all along, music was a waste of time.
she’s just my little fallen angel who flew to the sun (fame) and it constantly eats away at her girlhood, at her heart.
anyways this is all i got rn <3 come love me sorry i kind of didn’t shut up this is long
an ex from before she was famous who broke up with her because of how she changed!! PLEASE i have ideas for this. plus,,, you get a lot of songs about ur chara!!! could be from high school, maybe someone in the music scene she frequented before she was signed, anything!!
anothr ex/fwb/undefined relationship i’d love is one when she was first famous who just introduced her to everything. something like a whirlwind that was exciting and magical. she’s written songs about this person.
exes in general. 
romantic plots. pls i have songs who need meaning. friends to lovers, one sided (either way), slowburn, ANYTHING. love cruel summer plots, anything lover by tswift
PR relationships -- would LOVE one where she falls in love with the other despite how clearly defined they made their relationship
love triangles in general just get me going
best friend!!!! the one’s who know how the other feels just by looking at each other. they have countless sleepovers. tell each other everything. cry together on bathroom floors. pregame together. 
ex friends. for whatever reason -- maybe madi did smth shitty, maybe they did. maybe there was backstabbing, maybe madi sacrificed friendship for a career, maybe she made moves on their romantic partner/interest despite being fully aware. idk. gimme
People she knew from the underground/indie scene before they were famous!! they’d have bonded over their love for music, little indie dreams kind of vibe. just imagine a group of dreamers !! Would love if they made some kind of pact!!!
party friends
collabs !!
pranks. mischief. gimme
enemies. gotta cook up some drama, yknow
GIRL GANG. god i just want this so bad like make a girls dream come true
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bearpillowmonster · 4 years
Resident Evil 2 Remake Review
I've bought Resi 4 on Steam, after the first level of playing it, I realized that it wasn't for me, all the enemies looked the same and it looked repetitive, zombies kept spawning and there was no way to get rid of them all, I ran out of ammo, it was a mess. I knew that the genre did that, I know that that’s the point, but I didn’t like it. Plus, I couldn't even really get the gunplay to work right. I heard that it was at its best on the Gamecube but I haven't given it another shot since then. However I saw that Resi2 got a demo, so I played it when it released and I kind of liked it, I was sold on the game and asked for it for Christmas (or maybe even my birthday, so yeah it’s been a long time but I was busy with other games) Now, the RE3 remake is already out...wow, time to play RE2 then, huh? So, you can consider this my "first" RE game.
Right out of the gate, visuals are stunning, almost needless to say and the level of accuracy is immense. I mean I didn't expect there to be a gas station at the beginning but it even had the lighters and beef jerky towards the front and stuff, they really went all out. 
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I can't imagine seeing this game when the original came out with PS1 graphics, it's ambitious, this is clearly the way it belongs. I thought a bug flew on screen but then I realized it was in-game, it's immersive, I don't normally read all the little tidbits and notes and stuff but it was generally interesting to read on the lore along with the VHS tapes and get some clues as to what to do next. I tried to play through it as if it were 1998 so I didn't look much up, I usually tried to do it myself with a few small exceptions. I felt accomplished by the end of each session like "Wow, I did that. I'm smart." It's rewarding. Now I played through each campaign so both Leon and Claire (starting with Leon) Claire on the other hand I was more lenient with, I looked up a decent amount because I was already in the station doing the same puzzles as Leon. It makes me wonder how they got the same items story-wise though, I mean we see Leon leaving her notes but you can't blow up the same wall twice in reality, that's nitpicking the game a little bit though. I will say that I felt like it was a wild goose chase when I did look it up because every thing I looked up was giving me different information "The portable safe is in this room." "No it's in this room." "This is the combination for the unicorn statue" "No it isn't, this is." Because it varies when you're playing on standard vs hardcore and whether it's your first or second run. So, I got my punishments for looking it up I guess.
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But with that said, I know some of these types of older games have a tendency to make it really confusing and difficult without a guide so I was kind of worried about not knowing what to do or where to go. While I will say I had had to look a few things up, it became cut and dry once I figured out the pattern, most of the things I looked up were things I was going to do anyway but wanted to make sure before I somehow unleashed a hoard of zombies that I certainly didn't want. Same goes for story too, I knew close to nothing about it. But you basically just have to make it to the next area, think of it as that Chowder episode where he loses his hat and Chestnut has it so he has to go around doing odd jobs one by one in order to progress. The overall goal is to get out of the police station and kind of just find a way to survive but you have to focus on the smaller goals / getting to the next room. I looked pretty thoroughly through everything and managed to find everything I needed without even trying or knowing what it was for half the time like "Well this should come in handy later." *puts it in storage chest*  Speaking of, I like how each chest is like an Ender Chest and is interchangeable as if it was the same one chest in every location, that makes things much easier rather than some hardcore game of "where did I put my keys?" that I'm not into. But you learn to find your destination a lot easier than I thought. That was always something I hated about Resident Evil games while watching them, that there was a lot of backtracking but actually playing the game hits differently, it's not what I expected, it's actually kind of fun, like I mentioned saying "I know where that is!"
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Maybe it's just the setting of a police station that did that for me or maybe seeing speedrunners doing it with the old games and paying no mind made me scared or maybe the fixed camera angle of the old games (so that each side of the room had the clip as if it were just a picture) along with the idea that the originals are dated rather than PS4 but regardless, it's just surprisingly not annoying like I thought.
Games can easily stress me out but I actually found myself cruising and feeling good about it despite all these zombies...then I met Mr. X. He chases you EVERYWHERE throughout the game. Thing of nightmares. I will probably hear footsteps in my sleep now. I knew he was coming but I didn't know his presence wasn't always scripted, it's just a game of cat and mouse...and he's the cat! It gets me paranoid because I'll stop and hear footsteps then stand still for a good 5 minutes and he's still tromping around. I walk down a hall. BOOM! Crashes through the wall, making ME screech. There's no way to get rid of him and it kind of ruins the atmosphere to be honest, I know it's trying to be scary but it's more annoying than scary because every time I move I'm like "Ok stop" and I'll stand around for a minute, checking the map, to check the fastest route to where I need to go, just to make sure and then continue... only to turn the next corner and then repeat. I couldn't even move comfortably anymore, it's space invading. The tension is high because he can come into the main hall which I liked to use to save but alas, I had to memorize where all the other save points were or check the map again.
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So, you get to play as Claire, which I like, but with Leon's story it's kind of just like "Well I'm going to do my own thing and if she survives, she survives." I understand each step is essential to progressing and getting closer but for all he knows, she's just out in the rain, waiting for him to unlock the door. And I also know that she said that she can handle herself (before Leon had to point out the zombie behind her! lmao) and he has survival on the forefront of his mind too but still. They flirt every time they're on screen together but the thing is that I love it, I ship it, it's cheesy but I don't care, that’s half of what I’m even here for.
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As for the rest of the story, you're telling me that they made not just one movie but a SERIES of movies and it wasn't this?! This is great, this is a master-craft in its work. I'm not a big fan of zombie movies, I'm sure there's one out there that I like but I can't think of any off the top of my head but this? This is it! (Jennifer Lawrence would make a good Claire tbh) Let alone the horror genre in general, I'm not even frightened all that easily, I just think a lot of the plots and decisions are stupid in horror, this goes against all that. Speaking of spooky, I know making the screen brightness balanced is normal for games but I don't think it's mattered more than here, brighten that baby up because sometimes it's pitch black, immersive but still hard to see.
Boss fights are something I didn't think a whole lot about until I actually got to it. Doing the first boss fight with G was really memorable for me because I could cower away all I wanted in that gridded pit of a machine room and just launch grenades at him but it wasn't until the bosses in the sewer that I really started to like it. First was that Crash Bandicoot type running sequence, then we had G-2. I had actually ran out of ammo at that point, I used it all on the sewage monsters (I didn't get the flamethrower, I didn't know how, as I said, I did this more or less blind) so I just kept running, and clicked X every time the option came up, hoping to pick up something good. All I got was a combat knife and a flash grenade, then I started messing with the buttons on the control panel, in hopes of cheesing it and just going to the next section but then I realized what I was actually doing. I was using those buttons to move a crate and using that crate to slam G into a pit. I love the classic boss style, I haven't played a boss like that in a long time. One where it doesn't matter how much ammo you have, but just using the environment to your advantage without it explicitly telling you (except the death screen giving you hints). That was until the later boss fights, you basically just keep unloading your belt until they die, kinda lame but whatever.
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This actually made me rethink the genre and also about giving one of the other games a shot (PLEASE REMAKE CODE VERONICA, I BEG!) it might be right time, right place (PS4 with modern graphics and modern gunplay) that made me actually interested. The “true ending” is unlocked by playing through one of the two’s campaign and then playing through the other, which is basically the same game but with different cutscenes and context (some new areas too) so it’s definitely worth it, you could even just speedrun the second run if you’d like, you even unlock a secret boss and for those who have already seen the true ending, know that I liked it based off of what I said earlier, no spoilers.
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wishfuledarchive · 5 years
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[ sofia carson. cisfemale. demisexual.] wearable art and a fresh manicure always remind me of sojourner ‘georgie’ avara, who happens to be a twenty four year old art history + restoration student. they are known for being alluring and selfish which probably explains why they are into impact play & service submission. 
this is long just so y’all know before you even start, if you make it through this whole thing you deserve all the good things in the universe. smash that heart & i’ll slide in your dms for plots. this applies for all of the intros that will be posted following this one. before liking please make sure you’ve read my intros and have some idea of where you’d like the plots to go before liking, if you need ideas there are a bunch listed at the end of their intros ! ♡ 
           Sojourner Avara was born to Amelia and Javier Avara. He was an investment banker and financial advisor to some of the most powerful people in the city. She was a journalist from America who moved abroad to work at La Paris Journal, she thought she’d be doing hard hitting ground breaking journalist but has spent most of her career writing puff pieces. Just as Amelia was ready to cut her losses and move back home she met Javi. He was sweet, charming, funny and instantly she fell for him. They were married after a year of dating and a few months later they found out they were expecting their first and only child, any dreams Amelia had of leaving the city were banished with the first kick of her baby. From the moment she was born Javier was certain that Georgie would do great things. Without a second thought to the jump in he moved their family from their rundown apartment in the heart of the city to a multi bedroom palace in the suburban paradise to give her a chance to blend in with those from High Society. He started her training young, enrolling her in the same preschools as them, using the same nannies, tutors even maids as them.
           Growing up Georgie loved her life, they went to events, luncheons and even Christmas parties by some of the oldest families in the city. Everytime she had to meet a new person her father would lavish her in new dresses, shoes and hairbows it made her feel like a princess. She loved going to their homes that seemed like castles, she’d always find time to slip away and wall down the grand halls of their homes in awe of their family portraits some dating back to the start of the city. She knew that that’s what she wanted, to leave behind a legacy for her family. Something they could be proud of, passed down from generation to generation so that even a hundred years from now someone like her would be standing in the position she was, staring up at a portrait of her. She was a child then, she didn’t understand that to be apart of this club, she had to be born in. 
          At age thirteen the real world came crashing into Georgie’s life for the first time. She’d gotten an A on an essay that she and her father had stayed up all night working on, he’d read and reread it so many times that he could say it outloud to her by heart. Instead of going home she begged her driver to take her to her father’s office instead. The guards all smiled when she arrived, walking with her to the elevator and buzzing her onto her father’s floor she waved to everyone in the office as if she was a princess in a parade as she made her way down the hall. It didn’t seem strange to her that his secretary wasn’t out front until she barged into his office and found her pinned against a wall while her father was hastily unbuttoning her shirt. She froze, so did he. They both just stared at the other for a moment before his secretary broke away and hastily fixed her shirt as she scurried out the door. How could he do something like this? To her, to her mother? She wanted to push him out of the window and see if he’d survive the twenty story fall. He forced Georgie to promise to keep what she saw to herself, that mama would be very mad at her if she said anything. Wanting to keep the peace, to keep her family in tact. She stayed silent. Though her relationship with her father was never the same. 
          Two years later things went from bad to worse. There were rumors floating around about Javier, how clients were coming in to talk about their portfolios and him not having anything to show them, being unable to take out money they’d invested that he said had turned a profit and then one day, like smoke. He was gone. Before he could be arrested he’d disappeared into the night with over five million dollars. Leaving Amelia to raise Georgie with no money and a tarnished reputation. All of the connections she’d made with those in high society were gone, many of her friends parents had invested money with her father and now as a result, wanted nothing to do with her. It was a harsh reality that switched a light in the young girl. She could remember having conversations with her father where he told her that money was the only thing that mattered, and he was right. The instant their money was gone, so was her life. 
          Amelia was forced to take Georgie out of her private school, sell their house and move back the city. She didn’t want to make it harder for her mother so she didn’t say anything, she didn’t complain as her dresses began to fade, she didn’t ask for new clothes, she swallowed the food that tasted like dust and she locked her ball of rage in a box and tucked it deep within herself. Deciding instead to control as much of her life as she could. Refusing to allow herself to wind up in an another chaotic situation. Her mother quickly remarried and almost overnight the life Georgie knew was back, to a degree. They moved from Paris to her mother’s hometown in Austin, Texas. She didn’t have to worry about food, or shelter. She got to buy whatever she wanted and even go back to private school.
         It’s been over ten years since her father disappeared. She doesn’t think about him anymore but he’s had more influence over her life than she’d like to admit. His desire to be financially stable, to be successful, to be the best of the best is embedded so deeply into her subconscious that it rules her every move. 
Is very bossy, thinks they know everything, is naturally a leader but can be a bit overbearing and forceful however she’s mad ambitious, she has big plans for herself and her career and she won’t stop until she’s at the top
Understands that the key to success is to NETWORK so social relationships are very important to her, she goes through a lot of hoops to make sure that her image is always up to par 
Constantly stalking social media, all of which is perfectly curated btw 
Honestly she doesn’t like conflict, she’s not the type of girl who will start a fight with someone or put someone down purposely. She wants peace and harmony for everyone. 
She’s a wee bit sensitive, like yell at her and she will probably not act like it bothers her but then go to the bathroom and cry. She’s especially sensitive to criticism!! 
While she is very emotional, her emotions take precedence over everything else. If she feels something she has to get it off her chest right away so she can move on with the rest of her day without being upset.  
She’s got v expensive tastes, she’s always been drawn to beauty and the finer things in life - it’s why she fell in love with art at a young age 
Though she is ambitious she’s not aggressive in the way she goes about it, she’s more of the charm the pants off of anyone and everyone around her so of course she gets the opportunity you wanted
Very responsible, organized, trustworthy (at times), she’ll rarely jump to conclusions or take uneducated risks 
Might not always show it but she’s very loyal to the people she cares about
She’s naturally trustworthy, and doesn’t have much patience for those who don't show respect for others, who take foolish risks, and who lead disorganized lives.
Suffers from inner tension and negative, self-destructive behavior - when things are going well, she constantly fears that something will come along to change that (naturally this becomes a self fulfilling prophecy)
She puts a lot of pressure on herself when it comes to her endeavors and because of this tends to feel immensely dissatisfied with herself and her accomplishments, she’s honestly never satisfied when it comes to anything she does there’s always something she could have done better. 
She doesn’t feel like she can show her real self to anyone, and tbh she doesn’t even know who her “real” self is anymore - maybe she never did in the first place 
Has an extreme fear of losing control, as such, she can be intensely fearful of, or threatened by, change. 
She's most comfortable with the darker side of her nature than the lighter aspects. 
Super impatient, she lives life in the moment and waiting for something to happen is like waiting for death. 
She’s very much so in her head, at times she’ll intellectualize her emotions instead of feeling them. She doesn’t do anything without planning it out so she hella doesn’t get people who’ve committed crimes of passion or excessively emotional 
She'll rarely sulk or play any drawn-out games of manipulation, you can pretty much know what she'll want at any given time.
She is a sexual person but she needs to have an emotional connection to feel sexually fulfilled - her intellectual nature allows her to have casual sexual connections which she often uses to advance her career
Venus in Pisces people project themselves as dreamy, soft-hearted partners. Everything about the way they flirt promises a lovely time. Theirs is an elusive charm -- they are sweetly playful, a little moody, and perhaps a little irregular. They appreciate romance and poetry, and they prefer to "feel out" both you and the relationship you share, so don't expect too much planning ahead.
wanted connections 
enemies / rivals 
friends turned enemies 
friends who only like georgie bc she’s the queen bee 
friends who want to overthrow her 
forced friends (i.e their parents are bffs so we have to hang out but idk if i actually like you)
lab partner 
drinking / partying buddies bonus points if they only get along while fucked up - this could also be romantic tbh
dance team members bonus points if your chara needs help w/ dance and georgie is just determined to make them good 
dance partner 
someone who knows about georgie’s dad and is blackmailing her (no one at ulysses knows abt her dad but this muse)
the reckless muse who drags perfect lil georgie into mess 24/7
the muse who just wants to know georgie and she’s keeping them 10 ft away at all times bc NO YOU CANT KNOW ABOUT MY PAST SO STAWP ASKING 
georgie thinks your muse hates them, or vice versa and they share a cigarette/drink/cab late at night and find out that’s not true 
someone who has a crush on georgie & she takes advantage of that (makes them help her w/ homework, buy her coffee, carry her books etc but does noTHING for them)
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pennypuddifoots · 6 years
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❝ I do not like divided hearts; and if I give mine, I give it whole. ❞ Penelope Puddifoot, Willa Holland, Sixteen, Incoming Sixth Year, Hufflepuff, Cis female, Halfblood, She/her
right so penelope’s the youngest daughter of three and has a whole bunch of cousins, almost resembling the wotters in size tbh but they’re a lot more spread out in age so at this point penelope’s one of the only ones still attending hogwarts
her mother’s side of the family are the puddifoots and her father took on her surname after they married because that’s kind of been the tradition for her mother’s side of the family for a while now. he helps run madam puddifoot’s together with some of penelope’s other relatives, while her mother is a famous author and advice columnist focusing mostly on relationship advice
her oldest sister prue is a squib and was homeschooled, though both penelope and her other sister parker showed signs of magic at a pretty early age. despite not having gone to school together then, they are all incredibly close with each other.
romance is a pretty big thing in her family??? i mean one look inside madam puddifoot's would make that pretty clear lmao, but both that and her mother’s profession has influenced her a lot so there wasn’t really a surprise to anyone how in love with love she ended up becoming. guaranteed to ship basically all the characters here with someone, sorry not sorry, though she does try to not be too forceful about it and leave people alone
doesn’t actually date herself though??? super here for casual hookups, but she’s just interested in finding that True Love™ that she thinks her parents and aunts and uncles have, not really interested in anything that doesn’t live up to it and doesn’t think she’ll find it in hogwarts so she just doesn’t date or try to find anyone for herself
likes to believe she has pretty high standards when it comes to romance but honestly it might just border on snobbish and slightly judgemental even if unintentional yikes
idk how she actually plans on finding that True Love™ if she doesn’t actually date or put herself out there but that’s her attitude toward it all so you know best of luck i guess 
that said she’s like half in love with all her friends lmao. probs has made out with quite a few of them while drunk if they were willing?? she’s very affectionate sorry not sorry. she loves kissing and hooking up and friends so she’s like!! perfect combo!! rip
she just loves cheerleading So Much okay, it’s one of the most important things to her and she definitely values it over her education dgahsgdj. flyer and co-captain ( along with molly weasley, shoutout to the best cheerleading captain duo ) of both the hufflepuff team and the hogwarts team. she just !!! burns for cheerleading okay she’s wanted to be on the team since before she started hogwarts. made it on the hufflepuff team in her second year, the school team in her third, and became co-captain of both in her fifth year. absolutely not a fighter but if someone tried to claim that cheerleading is not a real sport that’d do it (ง'̀-'́)ง
she’s a generally friendly and an incredibly social person, and a hufflepuff through and through - really values kindness and loyalty and patience. won’t lose her temper or become all that impatient often - she’s just here to have a good time tbh
does not really embody the whole hard-working thing that hufflepuff encourages ( like. at all ) — there’s just so many more interesting things to do than study, and she rarely finds the motivation to actually focus, but she knows she has to keep up decent grades in order to stay on the cheerleading teams. honestly unless she has someone there to study with she won’t really do it tbh, or she’ll try and get frustrated just a short while into it bc she never really knows where to start or how to pull all the information into a coherent essay etc., so she procrastinates more and does something else. if she has a study partner who can help keep her motivated it goes a bit better tho but you know. she’s far from the ideal student tho she tries more now than she did when she was younger
no clue what she wants to do with her life after hogwarts, and isn’t really keen on figuring it out yet either. completely fails at long-term planning and keeps procrastinating so atm that is just not happening anytime soon
she’s been helping out at madam puddifoot’s during holidays though and she knows that’s where she’ll work once she graduates at least in the beginning so she can’t bring herself to actually worry about the future. she’s very much the type of person to live in the moment and not make many plans jhdgajd
honestly both of her sisters are more practical and ambitious so they’re a bit... concerned lmao but they know she’s just a teen so they keep it to themselves. also her mum definitely resonates in everything she’s going through because she wasn’t exactly a model student either and it took a long time for her to figure out what she wanted out of life too so tbh though her parents wishes she would try to apply herself a bit more they’re still very supportive and knows that it can take time before you figure out what you wanna do. they’re very lenient tbh 
family and romance are pretty much everything to penelope, so she’s really lucky that she can sneak down to hogsmeade and visit some of them when she feels like it. as much as she enjoys a good party, her dream evening is spent playing board games with her family at madam puddifoot’s with an endless supply of ice cream and sweets
penelope cannot lie. at all. whatsoever. secrets??? don’t know them. she gets it from her mother lmao. she’s really nice but most of her older friends and family members have likely learnt at this point not to trust her with the important stuff rip
she really does mean well tho she just likes starting up conversations with others and things slip out
tends to be pretty irresponsible in some ways, mostly with her studies — kind of goes along with her living in the moment thing and inability to properly plan for things. beats herself up for it all the time because cheerleading means the world to her and it's important but like..... studying, yikes
a bit too naive and trusting at times — she just wants to give people a chance, but that isn’t always the best idea
her pinterest board can be found here — please ignore the fact that the surname is different dajhdsaj her main verse is charmed whoops 
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aerislei · 6 years
MHA - Post Season 1 Wrap Up
Season one covered a lot of ground and introduced a huge number of characters.  It’s, ah, pretty ambitious tbh. That’s a big cast to keep track of and keep everyone interested in. And while it looks like they aren’t staying restricted to 13 episode seasons (thank goodness) there is still really limited screentime to work with when you consider we’ve got... Baku, Deku, Momo, Todoroki, ... ... Ochaco, that’s her name. And also... Kirishima, Mina, All Might, Aizawa...Jiru... I could go on and on, at this point.
Most characters are a name, a power, and a big question mark. I’m not going to even try to cover the whole cast, just going to pull a few I have something to say about, but below are a few characters and my current thoughts/theories. I do a more general wrap up at the end as well with what I’m thinking as we go forward.
I’m 13 episodes in, with more than 60 total. I’ve got some work to go yet.
This is the part where I mention (possibly reiterate) that I really don’t mind spoilers (because I am of the mind that it’s not necessarily the bit of information but how we get to it/learn about it/etc that makes the story what it is) and because of that I am somewhat steeped in information about MHA that was not necessarily available when season one was originally released. This is not a blind watching of the anime, and so some of my theorizing is based on information that I know comes into play, but don’t know how. I don’t really go seeking spoilers and I have been slightly more cautious since I started watching, but yeah, some things are inevitable. 
I still think he’s compensating for something. He is settling into class better, after the combat practice episode. But there’s something... hm. He’s not got a good base, and I’m still suspecting some sort of rough place in his history with his quirk bringing positive attention that he craved. ... Or negative attention, even. Anything is better than being ignored right? This is speculation, but that’s where I am with him right now. I was very proud of his actions during the Villain attack, but... his personality remains all sharp edges. Still not sure I like him exactly, but here we are. He’s not a bad character, just a complicated one.
... I really which I knew why Deku keeps calling him -chan tho bc that’s generally a term of endearment and hell if they don’t seem to really not like each other. Like were they actually friendly once? Because all the flashbacks have the friendliness as very... very one sided. On the other hand, it may just be that he calls him -chan because that’s the sort of person Deku is. Hrm.
Ahhhhhh. I’m actually excited to see where the rivalry drives them, I didn’t expect to say that. But the two of them are in a position to push each other very... very far. I still want to see him develop more as a friend of Kirishima tho. He could use actual friends it seems.
It took me a second to remember his quirk, right, hardening. Okay. So! He’s had a combined total of like 5 minutes of screentime, curse of a cast this large. He is intriguing to me. He has a very hero-like attitude, is the best way I can describe it. And by that I mean his general outlook on ... for example, he and Bakugo going after warpgate, he recognized that they got in the way, and it may have been partially their fault that Thirteen wasn’t able to stop things before they were all scattered. He wanted to fix that.
He works really well with Bakugo in a way I’m not sure how to describe. I do hope to see them becoming friends, to an extent because I get the sense that maybe both of them could use a friend. I have a slight guess that he may feel drawn to Bakugo because they’re similar in some ways - but I haven’t quite figured out how because they have very different outlooks, externally.
I kind of ship Kiribaku, despite aforementioned combined total of maybe 5 minutes. Don’t judge me too harshly.
I really wanna know more about this guy, I think that’s all.
Literally a name a power and a question mark. We know he got in on recommendation - of course we don’t know who’s, but I’m not sure it’s important. What’s interesting though, and Midoriya brought it up in the monologue during um, Hero Notebook, I think, and I realized he’s right. We’ve never seen him use the heat portion of his quirk except to release his classmates that he froze in the combat practice episode. He relies almost solely on the ice portion. Now, this could be because freezing people in place is super effective and he hasn’t needed anything more but it’s still... interesting.
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Especially when coupled with the burn on the side of his face, around his eye. That scar reminds me of Zuko, ofc (seriously look at that picture. I’m not convinced the imagery was accidental). Don’t know how he got it yet, but I literally cannot imagine that that burn isn’t extremely important - it’s very prominent and honestly I’d be surprised they bothered with something like that on a character that’s already extremely identifiable by his hair alone if it wasn’t important to his character somehow. And I also suspect it’s highly likely that it relates to why he doesn’t use the heat portion of his powers. 
This is partially helped along by listening to ‘Sparks Rise’ and ‘Burn’. Neither of which give any particular details but *shrug*. I’ll leave anyone who hasn’t heard them to consider their additions to what little we see in season 1, because he has more than Kirishima’s screen time but not by much.
So, with that in mind. Ice Zuko Todoroki here, due to comparisons in my own head with Zuko, I’m predicting some kind of family issues. Indeterminate type. And I’m hedging a bet on, he’s either becoming a hero bc his family is pushing him to, or because he wants to get back at a family member for something. Perhaps the burn?
I’m looking forward to seeing if we get to see him use his fire seriously at some point. And, of course, learning more about what made him the way he is.
Okay so our main protagonist, and to be honest the one we know the most about. ... I have questions, of course, like where is his father and do we ever find out? But for the most part, we know he grew up watching heroes and that’s why he’s doing what he’s doing. His ultimate idol All Might is grooming him as a successor and that’s... I mean awesome for him. Dreams come true and all.
Easily arguable as one of the weaker combatants because he can’t use his quirk without half killing himself. But he’s got that, um, ... I think i’m going to go with inspiring personality (one of my friends @that-one-gundam-guy called him a Labrador in human form at one point and tbh that is so accurate). He’s very we can do it, happy go lucky, but he’s also very determined and he is taking this seriously. Even if he is extremely nervous outside of serious situations.
Anyway, he’s got a really good head in a fight. Probably second only to ... Momo and Todoroki, he is extremely good at analyzing a situation and the strengths/potential weaknesses of an enemy. His habit of collecting and analyzing everything about Heroes he can find will definitely serve him well in the field because he can recognize how a quirk can be used and how best to get around it. .... Mind he generally won’t have the tools to get around it himself. Currently, at least.
Aside from the fact that he’s not yet mastered his quirk there’s the fact that he tends to freeze up in certain situations. But there’s time to get around that yet. ... Though I hope at some point he starts to get a style that’s... his instead of just him copying All Might. Like, given the way One For All works, it’s gotta be possible to do... other stuff with it? Stuff that might suit his... much... smaller form better? I mean, yes it’s a close range quirk and he’s going to have to get into close combat, but punches can’t possibly be the only option. Some variation would be good.
All in all...
There’s still a lot of ground to cover and I’ve got a lot of hope for the series. Lots of room for everyone to grow and maybe for some reveals that will expand on some of our characters so they’re more than a power and a name. But there are... like 20 episodes in next season, so there should be more screen time to do all of that in.
Somewhere out there we have Kurogiri and Tomura (see I do know Warpgate and Hands’ names... lol)... and whoever is actually commanding them. But they’re still out there, and that means that they are going to pull their forces together and try to come after All Might again at some point. ... And Tomura certainly took notice of Deku. That’s not going to end well.
Or no, it will. But not before it hurts like heck all, I’m sure. Not sure it’ll be this next season though? Depends on how far they want to drag that plotpoint out for, I suppose. ... And how many times Tomura and Kurogiri strike before they hit gold, so to speak.
I was thinking though, the person they were speaking to when they first got back to their hideout took some serious interest when Tomura mentioned ‘the kid’. Does one of our bad guys know about One for All’s ability to be transferred between holders? Because that could spell trouble for Izuku “I’m-still-breaking-bones-constantly" Midoriya.
Anyway, season one was good, and I’m looking forward to season 2!
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thezodiaczone · 7 years
March Forecast for Pisces
You’re back! The Sun is in Pisces until March 20, meaning it’s birthday season for you. Your annual solar return should rev up your energy and personal passions—and you’ll be glad to have this extra fuel to get through what promises to be another busy month. Like January, March is bookended by TWO full moons, both in the committed-partnership zones of your chart. This could bring potent turning points to your relationships. And two planets, Mercury and Jupiter, will slow down into retrograde motion, which could churn up chaos and send out mixed signals.
If you’ve been reeling from the eclipses on January 31 and February 15, March can help you start to make sense of it all. This year has sent most of us off to the races. And with these eclipses activating your houses of work, health and spirituality, you’ve probably got a lot of irons in the fire. There haven’t been many quiet moments to work through all the energy that’s gotten stirred up. You KNOW it’s time for a change…but what, how, when and where?
Fortunately, March should provide some windows to reflect and integrate. And no need to do it alone! On March 1, a full moon in Virgo illuminates your seventh house of one-on-one partnerships. A dynamic duo that’s been heating up over the past six months could become official. Or, since full moons can also signify endings, you might decide to amicably part ways. From colleagues to S.O.s to best friends, this is a perfect moment to take inventory of your most important ties and get back in sync with each other.
A high-flying idea could get called in by air traffic control between March 10 and July 8, when expansive Jupiter turns retrograde in your visionary ninth house of travel, risk-taking and entrepreneurship. Jupiter has been in Scorpio since October 10, 2017, which kicked off an adventurous 13-month cycle that inspired you to throw caution to the wind. After a tough couple of years, it’s been awesome to feel so optimistic and open-hearted again. The ninth house is all about the big picture, and with Jupiter right at home here, you might have a world-changing idea or project that you’re feeling extra excited about.
But have you bitten off more than you can chew? If you’ve scattered your energy a little TOO far and wide, even in the name of fun, Jupiter’s backspin gives you a chance to pull back a little. Give some of your starry-eyed ideas a reality check, putting them into timelines and budgets. Or work on them in phases—better to scale down and test a project out first, which will give you a chance to tweak and perfect your formula.
If you’ve been traveling a lot, you might touch down at home base a bit more often. This is also a productive time for writers and students to finish a manuscript, complete coursework or brush up on technical skills. Don’t worry—there’s plenty more adventure ahead. Jupiter will stick around in Scorpio until November 8, so you can launch into the stratosphere again, and this time with a more realistic plan of action.
The March 17 Pisces new moon marks your personal new year, a day to set powerful intentions that you can manifest over the coming six months. This same day, energizer Mars leaves Sagittarius and your career sector, where it’s been heating up the action but also piling on the pressure. Some work-related burdens could lift, clearing the way for some exciting collaborations when Mars enters Capricorn and your teamwork sector from March 17 until May 16. The eleventh house rules technology, which could make you a social media superstar or a viral vlogging sensation.
You’ll be ready to roll up your sleeves and get productive on March 20, the day the Sun starts a monthlong trek through Aries and your second house of work, money and security. Some of the wild-hearted ideas you had during Pisces season might be worth building out now. Or maybe you’re just ready to get back into a grounded groove with routines, especially as spring arrives. Painting, planting, seasonal cleaning and decluttering: There’s a lot to take care of, and you’ve got the gusto to do it. You could become preoccupied with a major work or life improvement project. Plan, prioritize and break big tasks down into small steps. Less is more during this sensible solar cycle.
But careful how much you pile on your plate, Pisces. From March 22 to April 15, Mercury, the planet of communication, technology and travel, will be retrograde, wreaking havoc in all of these areas. Be vigilant with your budgeting and bills, as errors are more likely than usual. You could lock horns with a client or coworker, or just feel totally misunderstood at every turn. This retrograde can also shake your confidence, and old insecurities might creep up. Do your best to stick to habits and practices that help you feel grounded, even if you can only devote a few minutes each day to them.
March 31 brings a moment of intensity to polish off the month. The Libra full moon beams into your eighth house of intimacy, joint ventures, sex and power. Whew! Some deeply buried emotions might come rushing out today. La luna could drop your guard and inspired you to get vulnerable with one special person. Can they handle the truth—and can YOU deal with being so transparent? Jealousy, trust issues and an all-around sense of intrigue could permeate the air under these penetrating moonbeams.
A simmering, soulmate-level attraction could consummate. This full moon could be a shedding of metaphorical skins, a moment of transformation when you release any energies that are holding you back. But you may crave privacy now as you go into the cocoon—it could take until next month’s full moon, at the end of April, before you fully emerge a butterfly.
Love & Romance
March dangles a pair of delicious carrots, since the month is bookended with two full moons—illuminating your two relationship houses! On March 1, the lunar light powers up your seventh house of committed partnership. If you’ve been wondering “where is this going?” you could get a VERY clear answer in the coming two weeks. Of course, you don’t have to sit around passively waiting for a clue. Take the bull by the horns and initiate a talk—not with tears or ultimatums, but with a warm heart and a soft demeanor that encourage candid conversation.
Also on March 1, affectionate Venus in your sign glides into a harmonious angle with your co-ruler, magnanimous Jupiter, in fellow water sign Scorpio and your ninth house. If you’re unattached, you could meet someone when you’re a bit off the beaten path—or perhaps a person who themselves is from someplace far, far away. Or just get outdoors and do something active, like a trail hike or spring bike ride, where other interesting people might stop for small talk. Couples might take (or at least plan) a romantic vacation—half the fun is the fantasizing about it. The ninth house is a place of candor, so if there are some things that need to come out from under the carpet, grab a broom and make a clean sweep.
Venus stays in Pisces for the first six days of the month, churning up the warm-fuzzies. You’ll be magnetic and irresistible and TBH you’ll enjoy the attention. Then, from March 6 to 31, the love planet will sail through Aries and your grounded, productive second house. And since Mars is jetting through Sagittarius and your long-term plans zone until March 17, you could feel inspired to talk about a future together, or to set some lofty visions with your S.O.
You may feel the pull between stability and adventure on March 11, when Mars forms a supportive angle with wild-card Uranus in hot-blooded fire signs. But rather than impulsively do something you might regret—or not take ANY action—try to find a happy medium. Could you, for instance, have some flirty fun without crossing a line? Look at your own motivation, Pisces: That might help you stay in control of your behavior. (And definitely watch the drinking. Nothing makes a slope slipperier than alcohol.) Under this edgy energy, a work attraction could heat up. Pursue with caution, and make sure you can recite company policy chapter and verse before you go there.
The second full moon—in romantic Libra—lands in your erotic and seductive eighth house on March 31. This could bring big changes, including a turning point in a relationship. Lusty thoughts may crowd out reason, so before you get moonstruck, make sure you know what your heart truly desires!
Key Dates
March 13: Venus-Saturn Square It’s time to slip on the noise-reducing headphones and tune out what those so-called friends are saying. Isn’t this YOUR love life, Pisces? And where is it written that your entire crew and your love interest have to mesh? They just have to get along with YOU.
Money & Career
To the top! Go-getter Mars is in Sagittarius and your ambitious tenth house of career, success and professional acclaim until March 17. Since the red planet only visits every two years (it’s been here since January 26), you’ll want to lean all the way in during the first three weeks of March. A day that you’re totally on fire arrives March 11, when Mars forms an opportune trine to innovator Uranus in Aries and your second house of work and money. An out-of-the-box idea could be a surprising winner—and you may get the backing of a heavy-hitting decision maker today.
If you’re wondering “Should I share this out loud?” the answer is a resounding yes! While you might surprise a few of the stuffier types, even they might be impressed by your trailblazing ideas. But prepare in advance by having a solid plan, facts and figures to back it all up. While you may never need to whip out that Powerpoint pitch deck, it’s better to be safe. Searching for new income sources? Look beyond the familiar, Pisces. Opportunity could arrive out of left field, AND when you least expect it. Uranus rules technology, and one of your online connections could lead to a hot new client or business offer.
Look no further than your personal network from March 17 to May 16, when Mars blazes into Capricorn and your eleventh house of groups, friends and technology. Collaborations heat up, and your social media game is on-point. Word-of-mouth marketing could help spread your message and offerings like wildfire. Ask your people to tell their people, and be generous with your own reposts, giving props to online influencers YOU admire. No shame in being a fan—or reaching out with a well-crafted email or DM. But the best strategy is to do it the LinkedIn-style way, having mutual friends introduce you with a glowing testimonial.
Be proactive earlier in the month and back up your data, contacts and important work. Mercury, the ruler of technology, communication and travel, will turn retrograde in Aries and your work sector from March 22 to April 15. If you’re looking into a new laptop, printer or home office equipment, hold off until the second half of April—or purchase that extended warranty. Thanks to Mercury retrograde, that “refurbished iPhone” could turn out to be a lemon. With the quicksilver planet in your budgeting zone, this is a good time to pay off lingering bills, organize your finances and get your spending and saving plans in tiptop shape.
Key Dates
March 2: Mercury-Jupiter Trine Voice your truth! Take the filters off and speak from the heart. You’ll inspire people with your big ideas and grand vision.
Love Days: 25, 1 Money Days: 9, 19 Luck Days: 6, 17 Off Days: 27, 31
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explode-a-pult · 6 years
All the Hogwarts Mystery asks 🤗
1. Did you use your real Last Name in the game or not? Why?
yeah, well–i used jay, but I used my real last name lol 
2. Which house did you take and why? (Any back stories why you took it?)
I chose Ravenclaw!~ I mainly chose it because I am a Ravenclaw in like…every quiz I’ve ever taken? thats a lie I’ve gotten slytherin before a couple times
3. Opinion on Rowan?
they’re just a pure lil ravenclaw like they were made for ravenclaw idk why they didn’t keep them in ravenclaw but anywho~ i adore them–i mean, they’re a lil nerd and a bit lame in what they think is ‘cool’ but i still love em
4. Favourite character so far and why?
hmmm idk i mean, everyone is in love with penny or bill but i’m just meh on it all…i love good ol’ minnie the most, probably lol (I can’t spell her name I’m dumb I know shhhhh)
5. Who did you take with you on the first adventure to discover what’s behind the door and why? (Did you take Penny or Ben. And if you haven’t come that far, who do you plan to take along with?)
I took Ben because I didn’t have enough friendship for Penny UnU
6. Which character are you most excited to meet in the game? (This can be characters that haven’t appeared in your friend list, for example Charlie Weasley)
Tonks, probably~ Or even the twins, who are supposed to come in your seventh year
7. Have you heard any theories about the game? If so, which one?
8. Opinion on Merula?
uUuuuuuuUUUuuggggh just malfoy as a girl tbh like so in love with my character but so repressed… she’s pretty annoying tho too, sometimes like gurl just leave me alone and let me solve this mystery–OR help me solve it since you want to figure it out so bad like bruv chill… also, that hair? what is it? why do you have one streak? 
9. Favourite teacher?
I love McG the mostest even if i can’t spell her name flitwick is a close second tho
10. What do you think about your Prefect?
fucking annoying ass chester that motherfucker i fucking hate him omfg i wanna sock him in the face always fucking ‘didn’t lose more house points did you?’ ‘you haven’t gotten in trouble recently, i’m impressed’ like bITCH get on my level i’ve got the house up 60 points over the second place house BY MYSELF like brooooo i’ve earned over 200 points this year alone and i’m only half way through second year bUT NO, I LOSE 40 POINTS ONCE AND NOW I’M A TROUBLE MAKER, fuck you chester you lil shit. cursing slytherins when they’re not paying attention ass, not doing shit for the house ass, always on my ass ass… also, making me feel bad for not being able to volunteer for that slytherin altercation side quest, fuck yooooouuuu 
so yeah. that’s what i feel for my male prefect. never met my female one yet.
edit: I was being nice. I got us 93 points ahead of the second place gryffindors.
11. Do you care about your brother Jacob? Why?
idk I guess I do? I just think ‘what if it were renee/ray/my other siblings’ and i’m like i would be surprised they did this bec they’re all fuckin introverts and not really ambitious enough to try find something enough to break rules? so it’s like…eeeehhhhhh i try to care but I’m more interested in like, being at hogwarts tbh
12. Are you more interested about Vaults or what happened to your brother?
probably what happened to my brother, because like…it drove him mad? what did it? watch, the vaults are just gonna be some stupid thing like the philosophers stone or s.t that’ll get moved at the end and that’s why the cursed vaults were never brought up in the books xD
13. Hogwarts Mystery or The Cursed Child? Best story so far?
I never read the cursed child bec fuck that. i’m not reading about a kid named albus severus like lmaooo
14. Any ideas what can have happened to your brother?
nope! merula says she knows but she’s not telling like the lil bitch she is. says he hasn’t got much time now so like??????????? is he dying?????
15. What do you hope you will get to do in the game?
uh romance people and actually fly around and duel more and actually get to befriend people without having to do stupid side quests like bruv
16. There is a lot negative about the energy bar, can you give something else about the game that you think is really positive? Can be anything!
you get to go to hogwarts, what’s the big issue? stop complaining about shit yo like have you tried other energy based games? shits ridiculous, especially in the money grubbing ones like kim k’s or even in the idol ones or those otome games like goddamn they’re expensive once you start hitting higher levels because you’ll end up needing gems and shit to refill your energy, meanwhile this one is every hour 50 you get a full bar again 
17. Some stuff have appeared in the game that they never had in the movies, what are you happy have appeared in the game?
peeves is cool. you get an energy from tapping on him. also, depending on which house you choose, you get to see what they look like…also also you get to go to different areas that weren’t in the movie like filch’s office and shit, also hogsmeade is available in third year so i’m excited for that
oh, also! spells! like spongify seems like i’d use it all the time bec squish
18. Can you think of a song that suit to the story?
do you believe in magic
lol jokes idk not off the top of my head
19. How has the game affect your life? (is it hard to play because you’re at school/job? Has it affect your sleep schedule? Affect your phone?)
it really hasn’t affected me in any way other than having a new game on my phones? idk i guess it does take some time outta my life but i usually stick to 1 hour missions because that usually depletes my energy for two hours but i get like 40 attribute points or 1000 coins because i force reset the app when i get rewards so it takes maybe 20 minutes a mission? 
20. How many have you told about the game?
i saw the tweet about it and went BOI, screenshot it and sent it to my sibs group chat and was all ‘fi you think i didn’t download this immediately’ and then showed my neph tex it when he asked what i was playing and he downloaded it and apparently my bro-in-law has it but idgaf about that but anyway yeah…
21. Who do you think Barnaby Lee is and what do you think he has purpose in the game?
i think he’s bae tbh 
lol fuck watch it being my brother using polyjuice to try find the vaults again aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh 
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artlessictoan · 8 years
Also, Smoke Into The Sand w/ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15! OoO As a side-note I haven't read this yet (SHAME ON ME BC I WANNA) and i'm SUPER interested in it!
asdfjskdjskdjfsk this is gonna get long fukc
What inspired you to write the fic this way?
my main goal with sits was to make it read like an old myth or storybook, an old tale that would be passed down for generations, the majority of the fic is written in that style exactly, but the overall story definitely is (and it does come through a bit more in how the backstory is told and some of the more important scenes)
that said, the main narrative is written much more slice-of-life-y, one of my biggest inspirations for this fic is the manga monogatari (bride’s story), it’s a really nice series that explores the daily life of people in various areas along the silk road, it has that simple, everyday life feel that i love and really wanted to write into sits! that’s where the random details about desert living and the tribe’s lifestyle come in (warning for anyone who might want to check out mono though: it does have an arranged marriage between a 20 yr old woman and a 12 yr old boy, it’s being played as a more platonic/familial relationship thus far but i can totally understand why it would put people off, so just a heads-up before anyone jumps in)
What scene did you first put down?
the first scene i actually started writing was the very first scene! but the very first scene, the one that spawned this entire fic i haven’t actually gotten to yet, it’s gonna be v near the end and i’m dying to finally reveal it because it’s gonna be Big.. but i shalln’t spoil it here, just something for my readers to look forwards to
What’s your favorite line of narration?
ok so like i said i’m shit at remembering any of what i write and it’s a bit more than just a line but fuck it:
Gaara froze, in fact, everything did. The soft whistling ofthe wind cut off into eerie silence, the constantly shifting sand stopped witha suddenness that was entirely unnatural, Naruto glanced away for a second andsaw that some grains were being held in the air, perfectly still. He turned hisgaze back to the spirit before him, his expression hadn’t changed at all, hewas still glaring, but his eyes were unfocussed, like they weren’t reallylooking at him.
Naruto was too scared to move, to speak; hecould only stare and pray that he hadn’t just sealed his own death warrant.
What’s your favorite line of dialogue?
again, not a line, but i really love this exchange between nart and ameno so effing much:
“So mature… You’re growing up too fast, how am I ever goingto keep up?” she asked, mostly to herself judging from the distant look on herface.
He slowly drew his hand back once her face wasdry and gave her a confused look. “You won’t have to; I’ll just carry you withme.
What part was hardest to write?
well i might just be saying this cause it’s the most recent struggle i faced (among many) but the chapter six reALLY killed me. trying to find the right way to describe the exhaustion and constant fear took many, many weeks and i’m still not sure i really nailed it (hopefully something i’ll be able to fix in the next chap)
What makes this fic special or different from all your other fics?
other than being the first multi-chap fic i’ve ever written, this is actually one of my oldest fic ideas ever, seriously it’s been kicking around in my head for a good five years or so now so there’s that
it also happens to contain basically All of my Special Interests; naruto, deserts, nomadic culture, boring minutia, swords.... honestly the only thing it’s missing is cats (though i’m sure i can find some way to work them in too..)
and, honestly, this is kinda my magnum opus? or at least that’s how i’ve always thought of it, i had actually planned to not start writing it until i’d already done a few other fics because i wanted to make sure my writing skill was at its best before starting such an ambitious fic.. yeah that didn’t happen, but i think that’s actually worked out alright, jumping in with a harder fic right at the start of my writing ‘career’ has been a bit of a crash-course and taught me a heck of a lot, i still think it’s gonna be one of the best things i ever write though. it just has a very special place in my heart
Where did the title come from?
well tbh i’m kinda shit at titles, so i usually just hunt through the first chap looking for any particularly poetic-sounding line that would work (though in this case it does have a nice little easter egg, since in arab folklore jinn are made of smoke!)
Did any real people or events inspire any part of it?
hmm not really? the whole thing is meant to be very fantastical and unreal (despite all the slice-of-life stuff), the only real-world insp comes from my research into bedouin lifestyle and such
What do you like best about this fic?
gaara! i mean ofc i like him in anything but this version of gaa - silent, detached, barely human, incredibly complex - is one of my faves and he’s really fun to write, we’ll be finding out more about him as the fic goes on and when we do it’ll make his actions before now both more understandable and less at the same time (he’s quite the paradox)
What do you like least about this fic?
the inconsistency. i feel like i must’ve gone through about ten different writing styles throughout the course of it and it bothers me that i haven’t quite got that storybook feel i was always aiming for, i’ll probably do a rewrite when i’ve got more experience under my belt and try to make the whole thing a bit more cohesive
What music did you listen to, if any, to get in the mood for writing this story? Or if you didn’t listen to anything, what do you think readers should listen to to accompany us while reading?
as with btc, i mostly listen to soundtracks, since songs with lyrics really distract me when writing, since i like to try and match the music i listen to to the setting/tone of what i’m writing i try to listen to classical middle-eastern music (though i’ve had a hard time finding many albums of just instrumental stuff, if anyone has any recs i’d love you forever!)
in addition to that there’s the soundtracks of Journey, Bastion, Dreamfall Chapters and the Prince of Persia games and for instrumental artists i really like Break of Reality and Tina Guo for sits insp!
Is there anything you wanted readers to learn from reading this fic?What did you learn from writing this fic?
hmm, well i’d love it if people learned a bit more about the cultures i’m writing about (and i’d like to learn more of that too tbh, i’m still finding out new things that i actually got wrong earlier on in the fic), maybe even get interested enough to go looking for more info themselves, because there’s a lot of stuff that i simply won’t be able to go into much detail about
as for myself, well ^that and also it’s just been a rEALLY good experience in so many small ways - writing longer fics, writing in general, character interaction, introspection, action, plotting, description, suspense, mystery..... i could go on but yeah, basically it’s helped me grow as an author in Every Single Way and i’m sure it’ll help ever more before it’s done!
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deliriousscenarios · 8 years
Got7 Hogwarts Houses
After much procrastinating on my part, I've finally gotten around to getting this done. Honestly, I needed a distraction and this helped immensely. To the anon who asked for this so long ago, if you're still here and waiting, I'm sorry it's taken me forever to get around to it. I hope it isn't just a huge disappointment, and obviously, this is just my opinion. It's all subjective, and if anyone feels differently, I'd be interested in knowing what houses anyone would've put them in instead ^^ Here goes nothing...
Mr Bravado - SLYTHERIN - I'm gonna be honest, Leader was actually a really hard one for me to house. As much as my brain has been screaming Slytherin, it's also been side eyeing Gryffindor too. Still, he just has so many Slytherin traits it's hard not to place him here. Our Leader is known for his sharp tongue, his pride and his confidence, as well as his cunning. As Jinyoung has said before, you can't get anything past him. I would like to add, as confident as Jaebum can be, he still has his shy and clumsy moments, as do most Slytherins. We're far from as suave as we'd like the world to believe we are, I can assure you. Our leader is very ambitious, and has a sense of determination not just to be the best he can possibly be for himself but also for Got7, he is proud to be their leader and assertive in his role. They are his family and mean a lot to him, and family is definitely a huge deal to most Slytherins. On the flip side, Jaebum is a sore loser, and somewhat an ungracious winner. He can be a little intimidating sometimes, and can come across cold and standoffish when he wants. He is about respect and seems to take hierarchy incredibly seriously. Respect means a lot to him, and is something he wants to both give and receive, and will not be afraid to put his little brothers in their place if they don't respect him. Discipline, love, determination, ambition, and a strong sense of brotherhood are what make Jaebum a Slytherin to me, along with his sharp wit and even sharper tongue. Leader, in my opinion, is just a take no prisoners kind of guy (unless your name is either Jackson Wang or Choi Youngjae, wtf?!)
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Silence is Golden - RAVENCLAW (but also maybe Gryffindor) - Why was Tuan so goddamn hard for me to house?! Honestly, I've struggled with him and Yugyeom the most, wtf? Due to Mark's incredibly playful and teasing side, a big part of me wanted to put him in Gryffindor, and I'm finding it a little difficult to explain why exactly it is I settled on Ravenclaw instead. Okay, so we all know Mark is a pretty quiet guy, right? And though I do think Mark is shy to an extent, I don't think that's why Mark doesn't talk often. I wish I could find it to reference it now, but anyway, I remember reading something once a while back, where someone asked him why he doesn't speak a lot, and Tuan basically said it's because he doesn't wanna be misunderstood and with so many people watching or listening, he's worried that will happen easily. Mark strikes me as someone who is quite wise and actually a deep thinker. I also think it's difficult for him to get a word in edge ways sometimes, and I think most of the time, Tuan is happy to either go with the flow of everyone else, or simply be on his own. Now, that right there is the main reason I haven't put Mark in Gryffindor. Gryff's are big peoples people, they like spending time with others, and many likely prefer it. As much as I believe Mark loves the guys, I also believe Mark likes time to himself and being away from them too. This isn't a bad thing at all, I think Mark just finds it all a bit much sometimes (or I could be completely wrong, wtf do I know?) but this doesn't strike me as Gryffindor trait. I dunno, I really can't decide with Mark, so overall, I'm gonna say Ravenclaw with Gryffindor tendencies ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Extreme Bluff - HUFFLEPUFF or GRYFFINDOR - I've gotta admit I find it quite hard to pick for Jackson too. A big part of me wants to say a Puff but than there are some traits of his that make me steer towards Gryff. The Hufflepuff in Jackson is optimistic in times of trial, caring and unafraid to show it, lives to express himself and expects others to do the same, loyal to a fault, open minded and accepting of all others. The Gryff in him is competitive to a fault, full of showmanship, wants to please everyone and prove himself to the world. With Jackson, what you see is what you get, he wears his heart on his sleeve and he isn't afraid to tell you how he feels. He can put his foot in his mouth sometimes, but with Wang the intention is always pure, no harm is ever truly meant. Jackson possesses all the upbeat positive traits of the Hufflepuff House, along with many of Gryffindors. All in all Jackson Wang is a great guy and his heart is made of pure gold. Also, I reckon Jackson is one of those students who would end up just telling the Shorting Hat exactly where he wanted to go anyway.
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The Real JYP - SLYTHERIN - Okay, I did hesitate over Ravenclaw for a second, and then I was like, "really, Sea? Really?" Good lord above, we all adore him for it, but my god is this guy a catty bitch when he wants to be. Jinyoung is never afraid to put anyone in their place no matter who they are. I mean, how much do we bet that after his first two debut hairstyles, Jinyoung decided enough was enough and put a kibosh on that! I mean, come on, the dude has reclaimed his name from JYP. I'd say that's a very self assured, take what I want when I want it, I'm the boss of me, Slytherin attitude to have. Slytherins are not advocates of playing fair, nor do they run from confrontation. They're not gonna apologise for it either, and that just strikes me as so Jinyoung. With Jinyoung it's all playful, he just likes teasing his little brothers but when push comes to shove Jinyoung is all for his brotherhood, he'll just do it with a flare of sass to liven things up a bit. After all, screen time is very important to him, important enough to drench his teammate with a water gun, and ruin his hair in the process. (Can I just say now, I fucking love Jinyoung for that. Mark did not see that coming. Poor Tuan. But of course, he took it like a champ.)
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Mini Bravado - HUFFLEPUFF - Honestly, how could I put this little muffin anywhere else? I think Youngjae is too pure for even Hufflepuff tbh, but it's the purest house in many ways in my opinion and it's probably the only one I can see Youngjae in. Youngjae is the literal embodiment of innocence, and sunshine, and honestly, him and Hobi are a blessing on this earth I could gush over all day! Youngjae has his sassy moments yes, but what Puff doesn't? Our otter also strikes me as being someone who likes the comfort of home, though that won't stop him from going on adventures. It's just home is where the heart is, and I think Youngjae's heart is with his family, Got7 and Ahgases. Honestly, I read on this Hogwarts House trait thing that Hufflepuffs are a lot like Hobbits, and I kind of really agree with that. They like food, family, home and peace, but the odd few don't mind throwing in a little adventure every now and then. At least that's the sort of Hufflepuff Hobbit I think Youngjae is. The work hard for what you want in life, always be loyal, and always be the best you that you can be Hufflepuff.
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Kunpimook Bhuwakul - SLYTHERIN - Of all the members I can honestly say, BamBam was the easiest for me to house (then Jinyoung). Bam is a Slytherin to the core, and as much as I love him to my core, it ain't necessarily our best traits that Bam embodies. Now, if you know me, you know I see no problem with vanity, so when I say Bam is as vain as they come, please know I don't mean it as an insult. Bam just has a level of self confidence I think we all should aspire too, but sometimes it can come across a little arrogant, and that's when BamBam's inner Slytherin rears its styled within an inch to perfection head. Remember that interview they did with The Show during the If You Do era, and the interviewer asked BamBam to give examples of how well Bam can brag and one of the things Bam said when the guys were teasing him about how someone was paying for all the luxuries behind the scenes, was "no, I earned this myself!" Or something along those lines, and Jackson pointed out how Bam had just neglected to include Got7 in that and taken the credit himself? It was clearly a joke and they were only teasing him, but it's little things like that, that show BamBam as a Slytherin to me. He works hard, and he ain't afraid to get the credit he deserves, even if that means accidentally overlooking his teammates sometimes. I'd just like to stress, I do not mean any of this in a bad way whatsoever, not only am I a Slytherin myself, I also adore BamBam and I don't think Bam is ever doing anything with negative or horrible intentions. He just can't help being a little up his own ass sometimes, but I mean, can we really blame him? BamBam is amazing.
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Giant Maknae - HUFFLEPUFF - I honestly think that out of all of them, Gyeom could've slipped easily into any of the houses. The main reason I would place him in Hufflepuff though, is because of how important Got7 is to Yugyeom. Whenever there's the first signs of conflict in their group, Gyeom immediately starts to panic about their future. That's what's most important to him, and though Puffs aren't afraid of conflict, they will throw their pride aside if it means protecting their family unit. This is something Yugyeom never hesitates to do. He might stand up for himself at first, but as soon as things turn sour for the family, Gyeom will take the blame and try to fix it. This is a huge Hufflepuff trait. They are also hardworking and loyal, which we all know Yugyeom is. You don't get that amazing at dancing without practicing your arse off day in and day out. Though Puffs aren't universally known for being big risk takers, they will play with chance every now and again, and I think both Yugyeom and Youngjae embody that characteristic well. Though I think that's only to an extent. For instance, and I don't mean this in a bad way, but I don't think either of them would've willingly put their names in the Goblet of Fire. Not to say their awesome arses wouldn't've been chosen if say, someone did, I just think that like Harry, they wouldn't've been happy about it.
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LAVELA: =She's excited to see Jareth, it's been years and they used to be so close. Hearing from him like this was so sudden though. Also he's changed which is to be expected she's changed too.-
LAVELA: =Still it made her feel a little on edge. Her goggles in her jacket pocket along with the knife strapped to the small of her back beneathe a simple blouse. Just looking around, peering with bad eyes through corrective lenses=
JARETH: - She's not the only one on edge. It's the first time he's truly been out in public in a while, and it's hard not to think that passerbies are noticing him, looking at him funny, although he knows logically he's just another citizen in the shuffle of the city every so often he can't help but freeze, his heart racing with fear of being pointed out or recognized. Eventually he makes his way to the park, and he feels better there among the foilage and less hustle and bustle. He waits for her on a park bench. And she might be a little bit shocked at his appearance, the dark circles under his eyes, the way his clothes hang off his body....but he's here.-
LAVELA: =Walking through while glancing around she finally sees him and... honestly? It doesn't make her feel that much better. She's glad to see him of course but he's not in the best shape. Lavela frowns and approaches him looking rather impecable.=
LAVELA: What the heckerd00dle happened t0 y0u? >8(
JARETH: -He smiles briefly upon seeing her, although it's immediately accompanied by a flinch, and the smile quickly turn an into an uncomfortable grimace...and then disappears. His hands go self conciously to his arms, worrying at the skin there for a moment before replying.- It's a bit of a shock, I know.
JARETH: I think. We have a lot to talk about? -Hesitates for a second and then pats the bench.-
LAVELA: =She's blunt... she can't turn that off.... but just.. frowns at him and goes to sit down= Yeah we d0. =But... she'll let him talk=
JARETH: I don't really. Know where to start.
JARETH: Honestly.
LAVELA: THE BEGINNING MAYBE.... but. I mean... =Alright just... understanding, slow... patient... all things she isn't=
LAVELA: The first few years m8ybe?
JARETH: -Big ears angle. He's relieved that they're taking it slow. He's fragile....but he knows how she is too. He wishes he could tell her she doesn't have to handle him with kid gloves but he's too preccupied by the information dump he's trying to process.-
JARETH: Ok. That's. Tactical.
JARETH: -Nervous laugh.-
JARETH: School. Just. Lots of school. I suppose that is. Truly when I fell out of touch. With all of you. I just...
JARETH: I never felt like. I fit in here. And I was excited for a chance. To start over?  I was ambitious. I wanted to finish everything. As soon as possible. Make the best grades. Get an internship.
JARETH:... I hear. You're an actress?
LAVELA: Yeah. It's what I wanted... m0re 0r less.
LAVELA: =furrows eyebrows= Th0ugh h0w was sch001? Is sch001? If y0u're still d0ing the educ8ti0n thing??
JARETH: -He makes another attempt at a smile.- We could have. Run into eachother. I went into. Costume design. And set design.
JARETH: No. That's been over. For a while. Like I said. I wanted to finish as fast. As I could. And break into the industry.
JARETH: And. Well. I did.
JARETH: At first it was just. Grunt work. But I kept submitting my designs. Again and again. And eventually. They got picked up.
LAVELA: Well.....!!!!! That's g00d!
LAVELA: =But she also knows how vicious the entertainment industry can be and how soft Jareth is...= Picked up by wh0?
JARETH: I can't say. The name. Or I might end up. In a black van. With a bag over my head. -He's joking but also kind of not.-
JARETH: But it was. A young adult. Fantasy film franchise.
JARETH: Obviously. I was through the roof.
JARETH: -He's starting to withdraw a little bit now, because they're getting closer to the stuff that's difficlt to talk about.-
LAVELA: =Focused cat eyes= N0t if we bag them first.
LAVELA: =But she prods more= WELL? THEN WHAT?
JARETH: I met someone. They were also in. Costume and set design. More...more experienced. And they helped me get the position.
JARETH: They helped me. A lot. Taught me things. Helped me. Push my talent. Because. My portfolio was a mess.
JARETH: Well. Eventually. We became involved. -He's def. not looking at her now.-
LAVELA: ...... =She feels like there's a BUT coming but just nods.= 0kay.....
JARETH: -Ears pulled way way back.-
JARETH: Sorry. I. Don't mean to. Um.
JARETH: Dick you around.
JARETH: I just haven't. Talked about this with.
JARETH: Anyone. Actually.
LAVELA: =Furrows eyebrows= I WANT y0u to talk t0 me ab0ut it because it seems hecking imp0rtant!
LAVELA: I want y0u t0 talk t0 ANY0NE ab0ut it but especially me. What, happened?
JARETH: -Looks at her, feeling like he's going to turn inside out with all the squirming his insides are doing. But...he has to do this. She's the oldest friend he has. If he can't do it with her then he really can't do it at all. -
JARETH: Like I said. They helped me a lot. I couldn't have... Probably done anything without them. My designs were good. But they never would have been. Looked at? Because. I sucked at. Communicating. Being confident.
JARETH: They helped me with that. But they also had.
JARETH: These expectations.
JARETH: A lot of expectations. And... rules. And suggestions. And critiques.
JARETH: -He’s talking faster now, nearly babbling.-
JARETH: And at the same time. The project was a franchise. My first real gig. It was. Too much.
JARETH: -He starts to tear up a little bit.- I couldn't handle it. I was fooling myself. And. They were upset with me. And that made it worse.
JARETH: I couldn't sleep. Or eat.
LAVELA: =She's trying to keep level.... it hurts to know that Jareth was going through this all on his own. That he was suffering like this and being taken advantage of it seemed? Still he's tearing up and that just.. hurts her chest. Lavela takes a moment then just. Scoots closer and touches shoulders with him. Putting one hand over his like how they used to but in those times sitting in the woods their conversations were dreamier=
LAVELA: Y0u're safe n0w.
LAVELA: I'm n0t g0ing t0 let anything happen t0 y0u.... I'm. S0rry Jareth...
JARETH: -His face just crumples as soon as she touches him. And he starts crying in earnest, his free hand coming up reflextvley to rub at his eyes.-
JARETH: I just. Got sadder. And weaker. And they tried. To help. Convince me. To start eating again. To go see a doctor. But the more the more they wanted me to. The less I wanted to. And. We started having bad fights.
JARETH: After...A big confrontation...I just ran away. Left my contract. Left my room mate. Left them. Without saying anything. And I'm.
JARETH: -He just wheezes and lets the thread of the tangent go.-
LAVELA: Y0u're d0ing what's best f0r Y0U  and I'm glad that y0u are but n0w that y0u're here y0u're g0ing t0 get help and y0u sh001d really n8me dr0p that piece 0f d00kie please because that can als0 be t8ken care 0f but Y0U'RE PRI0RITY! =LEANS ON... she will hug if need be=
JARETH: - He didn't realize how much he'd been craving physical affection. At least this non threatening kind of physical affection, with no caveats. He's just pushing her face into her shoulder now and shivering, she can feel his antlers bumping up against her. He's dimly aware that it's broad daylight and he might be making a scene, but now he's worked himself into hysterics and he can't stop himself.-
JARETH: I'm. So. Sorry. I left you all. Behind. For nothing.
JARETH: Like it wasn't. Worth anything.
JARETH: But I'm really. The one. Who's not.
LAVELA: =She'll shoot anyone that stares, goes to hold his face= F8LSE. Y0u're w0rth s0 much d0n't let s0me Stankbutt McFartnugget tell y0u 0therwise!
JARETH: -Can't help but snort at Stankbutt McFartnugget through his tears. O Lavela...-
JARETH: -He's gross don't look at him.-
JARETH: -He can't handle the eye contact, so he's closing his eyes, but at least there's a smile squirming up at the ridiculousness of the situation and her face. And eventually he laughs. It still sounds hysterical and weepy, but it's something.-
LAVELA: =He smiles and laughs but it's broken by tears.... still. She smiles a little bit then hugs him tighter= (D0rk.)
LAVELA: (I missed y0u.)
JARETH: -Now that he's calming down a little bit, he hugs her  tighter- I. Missed you. Too.
LAVELA: =She holds him tight for a little longer then pulls back some and wipes at his face with her hand= W8y t0 be gr0ss. =But she's teasing=
LAVELA: C0me 0n. Let's g0 let y0u buy me s0me f00d. 8P
JARETH: Generous. Of you :>... -He nods.- But. Hold your hoofbeasts. -He uncaptchas a bag and starts reapplying the make up that got smeared-.
LAVELA: =SNRKS= Pretty b0y.
JARETH: -Gives a little shrug- Some things. Don't change.
LAVELA: 0f c0urse they d0n't, I'm glad y0u're still cute! We w00ld've had t0 put a p8per bag 0n y0ur head if n0t! 8P
JARETH: Actually. That sound. Appealing. Do you have one. On you?
JARETH: A brown one specifically.
JARETH: Mm. Muffins...
JARETH: How does all day breakfast sound?
LAVELA: It m8kes me w0nder why we're still at a l8me park!
LAVELA: =Stands up and offers him a hand gonna haul, obviously... or at least loop arms. She's loud and pushy but an affectionate cat=
JARETH: -claps compact mirror closed right as he finishes, he lets himself be hauled. He's made of twigs that are haphazdly glued together and put in loose flowing  pastel clothing.-
JARETH: -Noodles a bit-.
JARETH: Your patience. Has drastically improved. From the last time I saw you. ;> -It's only HALF sarcasm because tbh 3 years ago Lavela would have not waited for him to finish his make up.-
JARETH: Let's go.
LAVELA: =She honestly wouldn't have... if anything she would've run them while he tried to apply it=
LAVELA: Even perfect creatures can m8ke small min0r, teeny tiny impr0vements! ~ 8P =Sing-songs and shimmers, gotta haul them all the way to this sweet breakfast joint=
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