#pisces monthly
sportbarcelona · 1 year
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alyjojo · 3 months
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February 🌠 2024 Monthly - Pisces
Preshuffle: Something from the past is on your mind, could be the way something has gone, it’s not how you wish it could’ve gone, you’re left dissatisfied and unhappy. Because of this restlessness & discontent, you’re ending whatever is connected to this and starting over in another direction.
Meditation: You were a fish, swimming erratically in front of me. Left, right, up, down, circles, never in a pattern, never making much sense. You then had a Dory moment 😆 where you turned around, looked me dead in the eye and said STOP FOLLOWING ME! Then it all made sense, but my intentions were harmless. I thought you knew. There could be a miscommunication with something that makes you feel defensive (or watched?).
Main energy: 9 Swords
This is a card of rumination, intense stress and worry, which is something that can happen as a trauma response, 5 Pentacles & The Tower clarify, and 10 Swords is the first card out. Trauma. Everyone has fears & worries, and then there’s this level of fear, it’s beyond normal levels of anxiety. Where you are on the scale of “it’s some stress I have to deal with” or “I’m fucking traumatized” will differ for all of you. Some of you may start taking action towards counseling, learning about & prioritizing your own mental health, and things that are or have affected you negatively. You may have dealt with a sudden loss, betrayal, 10 Swords in the back, and what’s left is…anxiety, fear, abandonment issues - which I hate that phrase because “issues” sounds so demoralizing. You’re either replaying painful situations in your mind over and over again - a trauma response, or you’re terrified something is going to happen (again?) that puts you into this place. You can’t trust yourself or others around you, 5 Wands at the bottom shows conflict, competition, you feel like others are out to get you, along with inner conflict. STOP FOLLOWING ME! It’s possible someone has lost a job unexpectedly, or some financial disaster has occurred, and all of this is regarding finances, debt, struggling to pull it together, to pay bills, or whatever this is, it was unexpected and you’re panicking. Some of you are having problems sleeping, because of the song that came on as I started this. If not sleep, mental rest. Calm. Peace. It’s hard to come by.
What’s going on in February:
10 Swords:
A very painful ending, often in betrayal, if this guy saw it coming then the swords would be in his chest, but they’re not. King of Swords could be someone that’s done this you, possibly an air sign, or he can be an ex of any sign - just emotionally disconnected. The High Priestess in this case seems to be communication that’s gone silent, silent treatment, making plans or taking actions behind your back maybe, in regards to 10 Pentacles, which is your solid foundation no matter which it is - work or love. You feel this is built out of bricks, on solid ground, you’re safe, but it turns out it was sand and everything has given way. Swords in the back, the end. It could be a boss, someone you work/ed with, someone in your family, or someone you built a family with. Some of you may be this King, needing to separate yourselves emotionally from someone or something that’s caused you pain, and the act of having to do that at all is also painful, like why can’t people just fucking act right? 💜
Knight of Cups:
Pisces energy, this feels like you. Knight of Cups is soft, kind, a little naive and in love with love, he takes action towards the things he cares about, sees the best sides of everyone and the glass as half full, because he fills it up himself, to offer someone else. Over idealistic, yes, but refreshing nonetheless. 4 Cups clarifies, which is the energy from the preshuffle. Something has taken forever, you’ve invested who knows how long into something or someone, over and over again, chance after chance after chance. King of Cups at the bottom could show years, you’ve grown a lot. Or this is a situation that will push you towards growth, seeing what’s been unconscious because *idealism*. Some of you may have been holding back feelings for years, like biting your tongue. Say Uncle Howard is a fkn racist and you just put your head down and have waited for him to shut up, but you just can’t do it anymore. Or you’ve worked for a company for years and they decide to lay off the whole department. Could be love too, being Cups. You’re disappointed in yourself, how much you gave & how little was received from whatever this was.
7 Pentacles:
This card is literally putting in effort, in farming terms you’ve worked an entire field for months, planted all of your seeds, and now it’s just time to wait…will it grow? This is regarding a connection, 2 Cups is romantic love, or it can be a deep connection with someone. Family. If this is someone at work, you felt like you had something solid with them, they were “your guy”, trust was established. Maybe they held back though, and you didn’t see it or feel it, because there’s an energy of you kicking yourself, “I should have known”. There’s definitely a severing of ties, releasing yourself from something that isn’t giving you what you’re giving. Some of you are waiting or have waited to see which road you’re going down. Is there 2 Cups here? Or is it time to go? Either way I saw a new beginning for you.
Knight of Swords:
Someone is speaking some truths that cut right to the heart of the matter, cutting though bs, I’m not sure who exactly, but there is an apology coming in about confusion surrounding real potential, a lack of money, a lack of a job or equal effort. There are a lot of options, but it’s hard to cut through the smoke & mirrors and figure out which opportunity is real and what’s just fancy bullshit with spray paint 🎨 There are so many scams nowadays, especially if job hunting is included in this story. You may get a severance package but you’re not sure if it’s enough to live on, again you’re freaking out about this. If a relationship, because of 10 Swords, you may have been with/working with someone who entertained all sorts of people with nonsense and left you wondering about their motives, feelings, and plans, in which case you’re this Knight of Swords cutting through their bs. It’s possible that a contract is being broken, and having to pay a good deal of money with that is an issue.
8 Pentacles rev:
Not working on a relationship, a literal job, there’s no progress, and there could be a lack of effort too - if that’s the case then you’re being called out for it, or the one calling out, some of you are unable to move forward until something happens. An interview or opportunity. Someone gets their shit out of your house. Being able to pay something off because right now you can’t. Filing for unemployment. If it’s possible to make things progress, you need to try, don’t just give up. Some won’t have a choice but to deal with delays, unable to move forward until something comes in. The Magician rev & The Devil at the bottom, you could feel like you’ve been literally tricked by The Devil, or in someone’s case, you could be fooling yourself into staying stuck to something that’s toxic. But with no progress there’s no healing, you just stay stuck, ruminating, worrying, obsessively thinking - 9 Swords. Once you’re in this Fool energy, moving into something new, this won’t be the same anymore. Divine timing is very important here, but things are working out how they’re supposed to. You’re in the thick of battling The Devil, but it leads to a new beginning, have faith you will know what you need when you need it, and not before, there’s also a lack of control being shown - that’s The Devil. Some things are out of your hands, you can only do what you can, just focus on that.
As I was putting away cards, like they do sometimes, I got a final message that when change happens, it’s going to be fast. Probably not this month, and divine timing is at play, but *something* is at play. You’ll be inspired in some way, and things move fast.
Signs you may be dealing with:
Heavy Gemini & Virgo, Scorpio, Taurus & Cancer
Oracle: ✨
30 Divine Timing ⏱
How often do you feel that you want things in your life to change NOW? Not two years from not, not even two months, but: Right. This. Instant! Seldom do we see the whole picture of why our lives are unfolding the way they are. We don’t need to. What we need to do is surrender to the way things are right now. This doesn’t mean to not take action when a situation is untenable. What it means is to let your life unfold before you so that you have access to all the information, all the lessons, and all the people you will need to go where you are headed. Divine timing is at work in this situation. Try not to fight it. Instead go within during meditation and ask the questions you want answers to: “why not now?” “how can I best prepare myself?” “what lessons do I need to learn prior to the change I want to see?” You will get answers.
We enter into February as:
Gold Coins 💰
“I only seek to give you what you ask for.”
Gold Coins gently asks you to look at your relationship with money. Money doesn’t care where it goes. It naturally goes toward appreciation and gratitude. What we do with our own abundance makes the difference. Are you blaming something on money? Are you running from it? Be wary of using your financial situation as an excuse to avoid doing something you love to do. Are you questioning a relationship or career that is hitting a rocky time? It may be time to look for the good in it. Remember there are two sides to every coin. What you desire may currently be manifesting. Great riches are waiting for you to use them. You can ask the universe for riches or poverty, the universe doesn’t care, only you can change your inner experience. “Things” only hold value when we think they do. If there were no money, it didn’t exist, what else would you do? What else would you focus on?
What is to be learned in February:
She Shaman 🧝🏾‍♀️
“I will guide you to your muse.”
She Shaman whispers to you “Do not be like the old birch and wait for anyone else to tell you of your muse. Connect with it!” This is your destiny calling. The path you have chosen is an artistic one. The universe is waiting for you to begin your dance and express your love in a tangible art form. The time is now, the moment has arrived, it is a time for decisions to be made. Dance! Rejoice! Do not seek council outside of yourself to confirm what you know to be true inside. Do not wait for permission to act. You must trust your instinct and act from the voice within. Let go of any need for approval, your answers are within. You will not be alone, Spirit is with you.
Maroon/Wine may be a lucky color ❤️💜
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isiscelestia · 5 months
Neptune Direct in Pisces
December 6, 2023 - March 30, 2025
Neptune is going direct in its home sign, Pisces! This is a great time for the creatives who felt like they haven’t been inspired or imaginative enough. Get ready for new inspiration for your projects, a better burst of innovation! This is also a great time for spiritualists or people who practice spirituality/occultism. You will be feeling more connected to your intuition and/or feel it getting stronger. Your dreams may be more prophetic too. Emotional sensitivity and compassion will be heightened, but be aware of becoming too passive.
What did you learn during Neptune retrograde? Retrograde is a scary word to many people but this transit was not a scary thing at all. Many of you have received reality checks and were forced to take off the rose-colored glasses. Now that Neptune isn’t retrograde anymore, you will be tested. Did you really learn your lessons? Will you work hard enough to not regress? Neptune is going to make it very hard for the people who refuse to learn and move forward from not being honest with others and themselves. Addiction and substance abuse issues will be at the forefront again but please remember this: addiction is not just drugs. You can be addicted to food, social media, self sabotage, etc. Your harmful habits may be harder to see or easier to push aside during this transit so make sure that you and the ones around you are careful. Deception is real, and you can risk deceiving yourself and others.
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turningwheeltarot · 1 year
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rossy-tv · 4 months
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Pluto in Aquarius Horoscope
On March 23, 2023, Pluto enters Aquarius. This is a major shift, as the outer planet last switched signs in 2008, when it entered Capricorn. And even more major: Pluto last transited Aquarius in the late 18th Century, bringing about the French and American Revolutions, the Abolitionist Movement, AND the Industrial Revolution. So...yeah, it's a lot.
Of course, Pluto onlly moves through Aquarius for a little while in 2023, before re-entering and staying there from 2024 through 2044. Here's a brief overview of what your sign can expect from this major planetary transit:
Your Pluto in Aquarius Horoscope
Aries: This transit could bring sudden changes to your social circle, but don't be afraid to embrace new connections and ways of thinking.
Taurus: You may feel a desire to break free from old routines and habits. Embrace innovation and don't be afraid to experiment.
Gemini: Pluto in Aquarius may challenge your beliefs and broaden your worldview. Embrace new perspectives and stay open-minded.
Cancer: You could experience changes in your career or public image. Don't be afraid to take risks and embrace your true passion.
Leo: This transit could bring changes to your relationships, but it's a chance to deepen connections and embrace new experiences together.
Virgo: Pluto in Aquarius could bring changes to your health and well-being, but it's a chance to embrace new wellness practices and self-care.
Libra: You may feel a desire to break free from old routines and ways of thinking. Embrace your independence and don't be afraid to be different.
Scorpio: This transit could bring changes to your home and family life, but it's a chance to deepen connections and build a strong foundation for the future.
Sagittarius: You may feel a desire to explore new places and try new things. Embrace your wanderlust and don't be afraid to take risks.
Capricorn: Pluto in Aquarius could bring changes to your finances, but it's a chance to embrace new opportunities and take charge of your financial future.
Aquarius: This transit marks a major turning point for you. Embrace your inner transformation and step into your true power.
Pisces: Pluto in Aquarius could bring changes to your spiritual life and inner world. Embrace new practices and seek deeper understanding.
For more on Pluto in Aquarius, visit my website:
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angelicsaggie · 1 year
New Moon in Pisces
Say goodbye to the last days of Piscean winter
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Everyone present has subconsciously volunteered to join the new world, however it is time to upgrade your host. Its system is outdated and your potential is ready to blossom.
This chapter is set for you to dig into your spiritual self and accept the powerful being that you are. Everything you need, desire, and want to know is already within you.
Since Pisces is the last sign, she knows a thing or two about life. She has traveled and experienced every sign of the zodiac which makes her heart overfill with compassion similar to her neighbor Mr. Water Bearer.
This Aries season will force you to recreate your image rather physical, mental, or spiritual. 
Change is your best friend
Listen to your intuition
Start a new lifestyle
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Welcome to the New World
Moon Horoscope Master List
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lunaleetarot · 2 years
May 2022 Tarot Readings- Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces
Career- Two of Swords
There is a big promotion looming in the distance. Stay calm and self-assured. Your ship will come in, but you have to remain composed. Don’t fight for advancement, it will come to you naturally. In money matters, the best action is inaction. You have two financial opportunities at your feet. Don’t jump to conclusions or make a choice because you feel pressured. You have plenty of time to decide. Leo also got this card so you may be dealing with someone of this sign. 
Fall into it! Surrender to your heart. Hop on the roller coaster ride of love with giddy abandon. 
Friends-Seven of Wands
This month you will be dealing with a great friendship, This is a great friend or your best friend. If you're wondering if you should go on a trip with them or something of that sort the answer is yes. There’s no time like the present if you have the means to do so. Slow and steady growth with new people is also possible. Be open to new friendships and possibilities. Aries and Leo also got this card so you may be dealing with both of these signs. 
Family-The Emperor
The upright Emperor is all about father figures. It’s time for the dad in your life to embrace the role of fatherhood, and perhaps re-evaluate his role in the family. 
Self-Ace of Wands
This is the time to take positive action and go where no man (or woman) has gone before. Explore new territories. Take initiative. Be fearless. Reach out to obtain your goals, Life is full of unknowns, but they don’t have to hold you back from striving to achieve more.
Career-The Magician
This is the card of willpower, so it isn’t a bad one to receive for a career reading, Aquarius. Many people lack the commitment it takes to expand their business or career. This month, you will have the ability to achieve your professional goals. If you're thinking of collaborating with someone on a project, take this warning that this person isn’t who they appear to be. You should be careful with your decision to work with this month. 
Love-The Lovers
Expect to meet a mate who will treat you as an equal. Your existing relationships will be rekindled. Growth, harmony, and understanding is promised in partnerships. Do not be too impulsive, and keep your libido in check. 
Justice points to the truth that we are all connected – we are all part of the huge mass called life, and to think otherwise is folly. Your culture may tell you that the best people are mavericks who get things done all on their own and the rest of us just follow along like lemmings. But the truth is that even the most avant-garde thinker is still working on or with or through things that other people, and/or society, initially developed or provided long before they started looking at it. The appearance of this card also suggests that you must be scrupulously careful about being fair and dealing equally with your friends, because if you are not, the unfairness will be pointed out to you in a less than pleasant way.
Family-The Hanged Man
This month it will seem like some things just aren’t working out, but that doesn’t mean you have to scrap the whole plan. Take a break from the issue and focus on the family ideals you’ve aimed for in the first place. 
Self-The Moon
This month you may be feeling confused and are being swayed by others when you really should be doing what you know in your heart is right. On the positive side, you have a strong intuition this month. You need to do some honest soul searching. Dive deep into your emotional waters to find stability. Don’t be confused by what the outside world is doing. Instead, follow your own instincts and make your dreams come true. The time to make that happen is now. Ask yourself, “How can I gain clarity of mind and focus?”  With a whole reading of major arcana, you're bound to have a dynamic month.
Career-The Sun
May will be your time to shine professionally. Your hard work will pay off, and can now bask in your success. If you don’t see this happening right away, remain optimistic. Your time is coming, Pisces. If you sell products online you may have more customers overseas or in another country.
Love-Two of Wands
This month you may be faced with the reality that you or a loved one need to move on. For some of you, this could mean a job offer in a new town, or maybe one of you needs to move out of the relationship. It’s not an easy choice, but it has to be made. Perhaps you need a new love this month, Pisces. 
Friends-Ten of Wands
This may be a challenging month for your friendships. You may feel like there's a lot going on and it all feels like too much for you. Whether the burden you carry is all yours or whether it’s partly someone else's, the Ten of Wands is telling you that you need to lighten your load. Be honest with your friends if you need help. 
Family-Ace of Pentacles
For friends and family it would indicate that this is a period of stability. If relationships have been somewhat strained recently it would indicate that everything is about to settle down and get back to normal for you and yours.
As well as indicating a period of stability it can also be seen as a comment on the relationships that you have insomuch that it is saying that they are stable, sensible, and prosperous. Prosperous in this sense does not equate to money but rather to the richness of the relationship itself.
Self-Four of Swords
The Four of Swords is the card of stillness. This card predicts a time in your life when you feel as though everything has paused.
You will feel as though everything in your life has come to a complete stop. The plans which you have made previously will not come to fruition. Projects will not get finished and work will not be done. You will not want to spend time with other people during this time; you will choose to or will be forced into isolation.
 Time spent recovering is another common interpretation of the Four of Swords. You will go through a time of rest. Stop taking care of yourself and your emotional needs during this time. You must practice self-care and put yourself first.
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astrologiaxo · 2 years
🧡 PISCES: There's A Lot of Positivity Surrounding You! - Spiritual Reading August 2022 🧡
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tabileaks · 23 hours
Weekly Health Horoscope: Your Zodiac's Wellness Forecast
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horoscopeguidance · 3 days
PISCES: MAY 2024 Someone in your personal life may be behaving in a way that is judgy or preachy. Even if it is out of character for that person, Pisces, it is probably irritating nonetheless. Try not to take it personally.
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jeevanjali · 6 days
Meen Masik Rashifal May 2024: मीन राशि वालों के लिए कैसा रहेगा मई का महीना, पढ़ें मासिक राशिफलMeen Masik Rashifal May 2024: मीन राशि के जातकों के लिए यह महीना उतार-चढ़ाव से भरा रहने वाला है, इसलिए महीने की शुरुआत से ही आपको अपना ख्याल रखना होगा।
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alyjojo · 2 months
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March 🌞 2024 Monthly - Pisces
Preshuffle: You need more sleep 😴, that message was repeated several times, and you need a nice quiet space where you can go to meditate & relax. It will help with confusion, you’re getting spiritual messages, but may be in a noisy area or otherwise distracted, so you’re unable to really pay attention to them & it just leaves you feeling confused.
Meditation: A bright Sun light was above your door (identical to the career reading), but it wasn’t nearly as bright. It was just a light, like one you plug in and hang on the wall. When I tried to open your door, it was locked, you said “I’m tired, go away.” and flipped The Sun light off.
Main energy: The Hermit rev
You seem to be withdrawing from other people, like in the meditation, but that doesn’t mean they’ll actually leave you alone. Could just be a mood. You’re going back and forth on certain individuals and whether you can remain cordial with them, with 3 Cups rev I keep hearing “they’re not my friend”, and Flirtation is here. A friend with a crush? If so, you don’t seem very interested, could be what’s has them coming back for more. Maybe if they try harder, if they appeal to your adventurous side, someone doesn’t want to be without you, even though you’re pulling away. Some of you are just really busy this month and won’t have time for friends, fun, or love. Work and sleep, whatever daily things need to get done. You could schedule this better, that’s the advice you keep getting, or what you’re trying to do either/or.
What’s going on in March:
The Fool rev:
Either you have had some flirty connection on the side that you regret, or the person you’re with has. The what exactly isn’t mentioned, Ace of Cups and Ace of Wands, passion was ignited and emotions for something were there, it’s a mutual exchange between two people. There is deep sadness and regret over foolish behavior, because now someone is alone - The Hermit. Or they’re about to be. Whatever it is, for someone I don’t see it going far, that’s why this person is trying to come back in and give you everything. Pay more attention. They’re sorry. Do you care? Idk. If they had 10 Cups and left even emotionally for an Ace, you could be like “let them have you”. Someone may have actually left a whole family dynamic, got with someone else, and is now trying to come back to you. And for some that could be you, foolish actions are what’s highlighted, and the consequences of them. It’s possible you’ve just rushed into something new after the natural ending of a connection - like a rebound, and regret that now.
5 Cups:
This is a deep sadness and focus on what’s been lost, which seems like a waste of time with 7 Pentacles rev. Waiting for someone to take romantic action towards you, value you appropriately like you deserve, be romantic and loving, show emotion maybe. If you’ve gone several rounds with this person, you’re losing hope for this to work out, it’s like you’ve already tried. Several times. You’re not a revolving door people can just walk in and out of, fk that. Because of this deep sadness, if someone’s waiting on you to come back around, they may be waiting a long time. Or that’s where you’re at emotionally, you feel like it’s pointless to even try. Could be someone you were dating and developing feelings for that never really gave back, or abandoned you, now they’re coming back? You’re like keep moving. If not love, then just kindness with people, could be friends, you’re nice, and they’ve wasted enough of your time, they don’t reciprocate. Judgement looks at things from a lifetime perspective not just one day. Being nice could be pointless, it’s just a done deal.
The Star:
This is healing after a major upheaval, Wheel of Fortune clarifies showing either time or karma, could be both. You or another person is apologizing for what happened, could be a long time ago. Time has passed, whether a month or years. Someone wants to come in acting brand new, or you do, they’ve healed now and can offer love. They have feelings…Page feelings. There’s a fish in that cup 🐟 and they left you on read or left you for other options before, you don’t know if you want anything to do with this. Well, you’re leaning no anyway. Do you do the noble thing and forgive someone that’s hurt you (how many times?) because sometimes you do? Or was it too much, too many, you’re done? The Star can be you having healed from it, so they waited for you to heal to come back around? “This is not my friend.” I mean, you’re aware of it at least. Idk what they’re trying to be though, some are trying to offer love, flirt, do something adventurous maybe (or reckless to you, maybe that’s what you expect).
9 Pentacles rev:
You’ll talk to them, and you’ll be completely honest too, Ace of Swords cuts through any flirtatious energy and fluff. 8 Wands & 10 Swords, this person hurt you and you’re not mincing your words. They want to apologize and everything is fine, you’re more “the hell it is”, they crushed you and you’re very defensive about even giving them space to speak much less another chance. Do you want to be without them either, no, it seems they made that decision, but you have to do what’s right for you. Or switch it, you could come under fire for some reckless thing you did and you don’t want this person to go but they might. Whoever is speaking their defensive feelings is cutting straight to the point, it could hurt whoever is on the receiving end. That’s probably the point right?
Queen of Cups:
This is you loving yourself, nurturing, caring, forgiving yourself - because fk this person, you’re still upset. King of Cups clarifies so…could be your person is a dumbass (Fool rev) but they’re still your person. Or you were, could be switched. There is a lot of love here, both of you deeply love the other person, and not speaking is a heavy burden on (I assume them) to carry. You won’t speak to them, so how can they fix this? You feel it’s pointless and a waste of time. Just go away, you’re tired. 8 Swords shows them as helpless, they can’t change your mind or do anything to get to you. But they can try? I see you hearing them out, and with The Hermit rev I see you considering what they have to say. That’s about as far as it goes this month. Venus Sagittarius can be a loverboy/girl that’s as into you as the next person, and the next and the next. You may care deeply for them, but you won’t rush into anything, and wonder if they’re really even “for you” anymore. Awakening is here with Withdrawal, but is what they’re saying actually true? Or just the words of a charming flirt? Time will tell.
Signs you may be dealing with:
Scorpio, Virgo, Pisces, Sagittarius, Aquarius & Gemini
Oracles: ✨
38 Growth 🪴
This situation or time is one of rapid growth. The seeds that have been planted have germinated and taken root. Go with the flow of this growing time. You may find people and situations falling away from your life, as now they do not serve who and what you are becoming. It may be that your vibration no longer resonates with theirs. It’s okay, wish them well, be grateful for what they brought to you and you to them, and send them on their way. Room has now been made for new experiences, people, and situations to help you to your next level. If you are not feeling this shift right now, be prepared because it will soon come to pass.
Adventure 🏔️
Explorer - Passion - Travel
Withdrawal 🚬
Guilt - Awakening - Rejection
Flirtation - Venus Sagittarius
We enter into March as:
Sage 🧙🏼‍♂️
“Wisdom...is knowing the difference between risk, and stupidity.”
It is time to listen to what others are telling you. Is there some wise counsel that you have sought, only to ignore it? Are you trying to do things all by yourself? A solution to your problems may come from those more experienced than yourself. Trust that whomever you think to ask will be the right person. Sage can also indicate a time of surrendering what you have no control over. Wisdom only comes from experience, and we all have challenges because we need the lessons they provide. Remember to stay in today, no jumping ahead. This is an opportunity to start over and clean out the old, it’s the perfect time to do it. Rejoice! You are walking a path of Great Spirits 🍃
What is to be learned in March:
Wolf of White Light 🌙
“There is a guide inside of us.”
Wolf of White Light comes to remind you that you must use your instinct, for it is what protects you. You are more aware of this than you realize. Your instinct is finely tuned and accurate, so why doubt it? He reminds us that focusing on past injustices will not prepare us for the present. Wolf of White Light warns that time spent in the past also leaves you defenseless in the future. Letting go of the old is signified, for if you do not, you may miss the opportunities that Spirit has planned for you. Wolf is the spirit guide that comes to lead you up the mountain you are about to climb. He only appears to those seeking a guide. Allow him to guide you, and follow your instincts. Remember that when the Wolf appears, it’s time to move on. He is a reminder that your journey is guided. With your eyes focused forward, the Wolf is waiting in the distance for you. Now is the time.
White may be a lucky color 🤍
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isiscelestia · 2 months
Pisces New Moon (20°)
March 10, 2024
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New moon in Pisces today! What do you want solidified in your life? What are your long term plans/goals? What shift in life do you want for yourself? Take the time out to ground yourself during this lunation and have a heart to heart. This is the time to be honest with yourself but also dream about the future you crave. Don’t be afraid about the process taking to long or being too hard, because if you want it that badly you know you will do it. Remember, those long term goals take serious work and dedication💜
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mswild1 · 18 days
Get excited answering $20 question live join now
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unlockarcana · 4 months
January 2024 General Tarot Reading and Monthly Horoscope
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