#steaki speaks
milksteaki · 8 months
I love your Brickubbles hc! How different did Brick treat Bubbles before their relationship? And did he ever get jealous when he noticed a lot of people would fall in love with Bubbles also?
DHLAHFLKSHG THANK YOU! Very interesting questions. I'm gonna talk more about how Brick treated Bubbles before he caught feelings. You know that meme where someone is like "Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, you're cool, and fuck you." That would be Brick to everyone and then he tells Bubbles that she's the cool one. But in the respect that she is the least bad of the Powerpuff girls (in his eyes) and not that he actually likes her. Brick tries to stick with his hatred of the Powerpuff Girls the longest, so he still tries to diss and taunt the girls every chance he gets. It's just that Bubbles always just pretends she doesn't get them. "Well if it isn't little Bubbles. >:)" "I think we're both pretty small" "..." and his brothers are laughing at him in the background. But outside of fighting scenarios, Bubbles's eccentric personality piques his interest quite often. Like she'll say something a little quirky and Brick just plays along to see how it plays out. Honestly, you'll need to wait 5 business days if you want a clearer picture of how that works. There are a lot of things that Bubbles just has that are also conversation starters, like pins on her bookbag and quirky earrings. Brick takes the fucking bait, asks about it, and Bubbles takes advantage of that to plant these seeds of friendship. And all of a sudden, Brick the leader of the Rowdyruffs is friends with Bubbles. And Bubbles is totally the type of person who is like, "omg like can you believe we're friends now? That's so crazy, like I didn't expect that at all. Omg what were your first impressions of me." and Brick is like "I mean,,, my first impression of you wasn't exactly a secret." And the jealousy thing, one hundred percent yes. And they all piss him off so much because he finds them annoying for "no apparent reason". But also he probably sees a lot of these suitors as pesky lil' flies that are nothing compared to him. But when these bitches start one-upping him when it comes to romantic gestures, cue Brick humble era. Anyways, i die
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selchwife · 1 year
Emetwol Week Day Six: Stolen Moments
The Scions have made plans to meet in the Ocular, which is nothing unusual. Pfeil, Keeper of the Moon that he is, wonders why they could not have done it later in the day; most other peoples in the world are strictly diurnal, true, but he is a little insulted that his family so readily forgets he is not, and requests of him a functioning brain so few bells after dawn. He paces the halls of the Pendants with a hot mug of coffee and tries to shake away sleep for a good bell or so, and then, tired and depleted of coffee, he decides he may as well fetch a pastry at the markets and find his way to the Ocular, although he will be a little early.
At least the morning sun is pretty. It streams down in gently blushing hues onto the still-waking Crystarium, as if placing a tender kiss on the forehead of a lover who is still asleep. The metaphor, springing unbidden to his mind, makes him wish he was the sleeping lover. He resolves to purchase himself a second, very strong cup of coffee with his morning pastry, and makes his way to the Musica Universalis. This morning his bad leg aches, and he is favoring the good one more than usual; the limp slows him a little, but he is in no hurry. It is still a touch chilly, and the air is dewy and fresh, even in the city. The coffee will be a nice way to warm up, he thinks. His stomach growls.
Before he can reach the stalls, a broad, leather-clad hand grips his shoulder. Adrenaline floods him and kicks the bottom of his stomach out until he turns around to see that it is Emet-Selch, who is a dumb asshole and apparently cannot be bothered to say "hey, please turn around, won't you, hero?" to get his attention.
"Menphina's tits, what's your problem?" He tries to will the fur on his tail to lay flat again and gives Emet-Selch a curt look.
The old bastard does look a little chastened. "I didn't mean to startle you," he protests, which Pfeil takes to be an apology in whatever roundabout language Emet-Selch speaks.
"What do you want?" He's being too snappish, so he reels it back a little. "Sorry. It's too godsdamned early…"
Emet-Selch laughs at him a little. "I don't suppose you might be convinced to abandon your post for the day?"
"You're asking me to play hooky?" Certainly Pfeil would happily oblige, but he hardly wants him to think it will be easy. "Wow…you're such a bad influence on your young, impressionable partner."
Emet-Selch looks as though he has eaten a lemon when he is reminded of the disparity in their ages. "Never say that again."
Pfeil laughs and rubs some sleep from his eyes as Emet-Selch regains his composure. He's amusing to get a rise out of, at least, although it usually isn't nearly so simple.
Emet-selch clears his throat. "I would like to show you something," he says sternly, "if you are amenable, and will behave yourself —"
"Is it your dick?"
Pfeil should not have said that.
Several moments of horribly protracted silence pass between them. "I think the first thing I will show you is a cup of coffee," says Emet-Selch.
He is taken to a little tavern in Sullen, and Pfeil is surprised Emet-Selch of all people should even know the place, humble as it is. Emet-Selch gets him breakfast — coffee with cream and sugar, pancakes with maple tapped from Lakeland's violet trees, popotoes diced with garlic and wild onions dug from the purplish soil, little strips of fatty, steaky fish pan-seared alongside the popotoes. It is all insanely delicious, and Pfeil is hardly surprised to find that Emet-Selch eats as much of it as he does. The waitress seems quite used to Emet-Selch's abrasive attitude, and smiles a little sympathetically at Pfeil when she passes the table.
"Are you a regular here?" asks Pfeil, more than a bit amused at the idea.
"It is quaint, and the food is good enough," says Emet-Selch. It is not an answer to the question, but Pfeil is used to this.
He takes another bite of the pancakes, which are wonderfully fluffy and sticky-sweet. "You know," he says, gesturing to the waitress with his fork, "I used to be a barmaid."
"I don't believe it."
Pfeil nods and swallows. "Mmhm. I worked the Carline Canopy for two years. Everyone loved me." He spears a few popotoes with his fork.
"How old were you?"
"Started when I was ten," says Pfeil around his cheekful of popotoes. "Mother Miounne made a fortune off me, I was so godsdamned cute."
Emet-Selch laughs almost too loudly, as though he is trying to picture world-weary Pfeil, broad and battle-scarred, in a little pink pinafore. "I'm sure she did," he says. "Although I imagine it must have been a challenge for you, laboring to see the patrons over the table."
"Shut up!" Pfeil reaches across the table and smacks his arm, and Emet-Selch grins smugly at him because he knows he is right.
They pass a few moments in comfortable silence. Pfeil takes a sip of the coffee. It will not do much, he thinks; the meal is large and heavy enough, and the hour early enough, that he will struggle to stay awake anyway. It's worth it, though, and it's better than meeting to discuss what he already knows — "no, we have not found any trace of the next Lightwarden, yes, we will remain vigilant, let us meet again in two days — hello again, no, we have not found any trace of the next Lightwarden," ad infinitum.
Emet-Selch seems to know what he's thinking, because he drums his fingers on the table to get Pfeil's attention. "I did have something to show you, remember," he says.
"I thought you were just showing me breakfast," Pfeil admits.
Emet-Selch laughs and shakes his head. "No, no," he says, digging through his breast-pocket. "If you're quite finished, come outside with me, hm?" He stands, ruffles Pfeil's hair, leaves a little gratuity on the table, and leaves through the front door.
There is not much left on the plate, but Pfeil eats it anyway, a little hurriedly — he does not like the idea of it going to waste. He wipes his mouth with a napkin and follows Emet-Selch.
The sun has come up in earnest now, and it is a little uncomfortably bright when he journeys outdoors, the glare momentarily compromising his vision. When his eyes focus again, he sees Emet-Selch a good number of yalms away, sitting under a tree by the shore of the lake. He looks thoughtful like this, thinks Pfeil, and for a moment he is content to look. But Emet-Selch wants to show him something, so he approaches him and settles close to his side beneath the shade of the tree.
Pfeil isn't sure where he's been hiding it, but Emet-Selch wordlessly hands him something heavy and rectangular, a present wrapped in brown paper and twine. Equally as taciturn, Pfeil rips the paper away from the package. He draws a soft, awed breath as the paper falls to the ground and the contents are revealed.
"It's hardly a replacement for your bird in the Source, I should think," says Emet-Selch, "but I know you are something of a reader."
The volume he has presented to Pfeil is beautiful and rare. It is an illustrated history of chocobo husbandry and the roles the birds have held in societies stretching back to the dawn of the Allagan empire. Pfeil has never told Emet-Selch this, but it is a volume he had always privately wished was in his parents' library in the hazy days of his sullen childhood, and to see it now in his hands is overwhelming. His eyes grow misty, and he is afraid his voice will come out badly, so he sets the book in Emet-Selch's lap and hugs him close.
Emet-Selch gives him a little squeeze in turn. "You are going to read it, aren't you?"
"Of course," says Pfeil. He takes the book again and settles into Emet-Selch's lap in its place. Emet-Selch does not complain, and adjusts his back against the tree so Pfeil might rest his head comfortably in the space between his neck and shoulder, cheek cushioned by the fur on his collar. Light reflects in strange translucent patterns from the surface of the lake onto their arms, and Pfeil opens the volume.
He resolves to read aloud to Emet-Selch, and for a space he does very well at this. Eventually he notices his voice has become a little slow, his eyelids a little heavy; the words begin to swim on the page like the light dancing against his hands, and he relies on the use of his pointer finger to trace his place in the book.
He is jolted awake by Shtola's voice — "Pfeil Nehwa, there you are!" — and he does not know when he fell asleep. He is still cradled in Emet-Selch's arms; Shtola is blind, but he knows enough of her aethersight to know she is well aware of the compromising position in which she has found the pair.
Pfeil coughs twice, unconvincingly. "Oh, Shtola, I'm sorry," he says. "I'm very sick. I can't make it —"
"Come to the Ocular now," she insists. Her expression softens a little. "It's hardly any of my concern if you play hooky for a day, but Thancred is —"
"Oh, shit, Thancred!" He springs to his feet from his place on Emet-Selch's lap, suddenly aware of the magnitude of his mistake. "I'll be right there."
He hurries off as Emet-Selch stands. "Such a difficult boy," he hears Emet-Selch tut in mock sympathy to Shtola, and it is enough to make him laugh as he makes the jog back to the Crystarium.
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shallowseeker · 2 years
What's your fave thing you're writing?
This, I think. At least for right now:
The smell of flesh as Jack slowly comes apart is the same: nauseating and sweet, putrid and steaky, or something like leather being tanned over a flame. It’s the same scent that had lingered on Cas when he’d come back from Hell, and Dean had instantly clocked it as an afterglow of smite. That coppery, metallic odor meant he’d probably burned Jack’s body beyond recognition, and though Dean hadn’t even been able to speak Jack's name at the time, he’d been so irrationally angry. No matter that Dean had tried to shoot him just days before.
For your crimes against the most high, chapter 3
When Dean begs Chuck to bring Castiel back, Chuck loses his temper and insists Cas was just a shallow self-insert. During his tirade, Sam realizes that Chuck’s focus on familial sacrifice may be more than an obsession: it may be where he gets his divine power. In his rage, Chuck sends a forty-day flood. Sam, Dean, and Jack are left floundering and hopeless, with only the archangel Michael as ally. But despite Dean's faith, Sam isn't sure they can trust him...not with what they're uncovering about the true nature of angels.
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icemintfreeze · 6 years
Mist on the Plane (Part 5)
AAAAA before I go off to study some more, here’s the next part for the collab me and the lovely Yummycrummy are doing! Enjoy!
“Listen to your heart! Listen to the rain! Listen to the voices in your brain!”
She leaped onto the table, and raised her pencil in joy.
“Come on guys, let’s GET CREATIVE!”
She began to spin happily as the three students began to work on their crafts and creations. She grinned as she began to dance with the happy, jubilant music that was playing with her song.
But the yellow boy didn’t seem to move...he simply stared at her, his eyes staring into hers. She slowly came to a halt, before she cleared her throat.
“I-I said, let’s get creative!” Her smile began to falter.
The red fellow and the bird began to work more as they muttered their favorite colors, their muttering becoming louder and louder. But the yellow boy did not react. He simply sat, lifelessly. His eyes, still fixated on her.
She began to walk towards him, before the yellow boy slowly raised his arm and pointed his finger directly towards her. She froze, as she could no longer hear the colorful music that was playing; not the voices of the other two students. She looked back, and saw that they were pointing directly at her too. And they looked, awful.
The duck, had a hospital gown, which exposed his chest and innards. His intestine was hanging out from his stomach as his heart slowly thumped, blood squirting and oozing down his gown.
The red man, had pieces of confetti entangled in his yarned hair. His neck oozed out a combination of blood and glitter, and he now had a coat, which was disheveled and stained with blood and glitter.
“What...What are you..-“ her voice was becoming faint with fear, as she began to scuttle away from the students.
But, as she looked down from the table she stood, there was nothing. Simply a dark, dark abyss, that seemed to be never ending.
She looked up in fear, and to her horror, discovered that the students eyes were now black, and crying tears of..Ink..?She felt her heart race as she saw the yellow boy’s mouth open at a alarming size, still pointing directly at her. He then let out a horrifying, demented scream that made her cover her ears in pain. The other two students joined along, as they began screaming and pointing, even using their free hand to claw at their faces in agony. A sharp wail escaped her lips as she tried to stay as far as possible, but they slowly floated closer, their screams becoming more ear piercing than before.
“STOP IT! J-JUST STOP!” She yelled, feeling her ears oozing with ink. She curled herself into a ball and hugged herself, screaming, crying, trying to do anything to block the sound of screams of agony besides hers.She was so focused on her screaming that she didn’t even notice that....
It was silent.She looked up, and looked down at her inked hands. She held her head dizzily as she sat up and looked around. She was back in the house...
The sun was still bright, and the faucet was still dripping, as usual. But no one was home. She carefully stood up, and took a shaky breath. It was just her imagination. She closed her eyes, and laid flat on the table. That...wasn’t how her lesson was supposed to go...What the hell happened back there..? Shes probably gonna get-
A substance dropped into her cheek, and she flinched.What the- She opened her eyes and rubbed her cheek, looking down at the substance.
It was ink.
Before she even knew it, the yellow boy let out a loud scream before hurling himself towards her, his mouth demented and his eyes, emotionless and dark.
Sketch screamed as she jerked upwards, her arms flailing around in fear. Colored pencils went flying everywhere as she tried to shield herself with her arms.
“I’M SORRY! I’M SORRY!” She weeped out, her small body trembling in her seat. Shrignold quickly moved closer to her and tried to grab her arms, which were shaking widely.
“Sketch-SKETCH! Hey! Dear, look at me!” His voice grew with concern. The amount of noise quickly earned a few glances of curiousity, and soon, Tony came rushing towards her side.
“PLEASE D-DON’T! I DIDN’T MEAN TO! PLEASE!” She screamed out, tears spilling down her page. Tony carefully grabbed her arms and lowered them from her face, her eyes still shut with fear and screams still escaping her lips.
“Sketch. Look at me.” Tony’s voice was soothing and calm, as he tried to hide the concern that was growing in his chest.
“Sketch, please....” Shrignold put a hand on her shoulder, as he looked at her, worry painted in his glossy eyes. Sketch’s eyes slowly opened to reveal both Tony and Shrignold beside her, Tony with a hand on her shoulder, and Shrignold holding her other hand. She took a breath, and looked at Tony.
“S-Sorry..” her voice was quiet and raspy. He shook his head gently and looked at Shrignold.
“How long was she out?”
“Uh...I suppose, an hour or so.”
Tony looked down at Sketch’s notebook, and he quickly scanned the page. Doodles of landscapes, abstracts and objects filled the page, as well as...Tony’s eyes dimmed as he looked away.
“Shrignold. Take care of her, I will return once I finish helping the others.” His voice was quiet as he looked over at Sketch.
“I’ll talk with you soon.”
He gave her shoulder a gentle squeeze, before getting back up and waking off. As Shrignold began to comfort her, the notebook sat on the tray table, opened to the same page.
On it, was a picture of the yellow boy, scratched out with black, oozing ink.
Fridge had his eyes closed, and his fists balled up. He had never seen his husband act in such a ridiculous manner. He was treating Spinach poorly; why couldn’t he understand that?!
His eyes were soon opened when he felt a slight tap on his shoulder from the isle. It was Tony. And beside him, was Colin. Fridge pasted a fake smile on his face as he saw the two.
“Hello Tony, hello Colin.” He greeted.
“Is there anything you need?”
Tony glanced over at Colin, before clearing his throat.
“Actually, yes. We just wanted to make sure that you and..Steak Guy were alright.”
“We heard arguing not too long ago..and Bread Boy was getting concerned..” Colin exclaimed. Fridge’s eyes darkened as he clenched his fist even more.
“Ah. Bread Boy.”
Colin gently grabbed Tony’s hand out of fear, and Tony gave him a reassuring squeeze.
“Did you hear that Steaky? Bread Boy! Isn’t he sooooooo important to you?” He sneered, his smile slowly fading more and more.
“Now look what you’ve done; you made him CRY. I suggest we get your little BABYSITTER to take care of him! Oh SPINACH!” He called out, turning his head a bit.
Spinach’s eyes snapped open when she heard Fridge’s voice. She sighed and looked up at him, shrugging her shoulders as if she were to reply with, ‘what?’. Tony quickly waved his hand towards her direction.
“Everything’s fine, Spinach Can! We’re just trying to talk with your fathers, that’s all!” He grinned nervously.
Spinach looked at him, before rolling her eyes and laying down against Larry once again. What was that about?...Meh. Who cares. She didn’t matter to her dads anyways. Tony sighed with frustration and looked at Fridge.
“Listen; I don’t know what’s going on, but you two need to fix it. We’re going on vacation, we’re trying to relax and get away from the disaster we call home, and from the “special events” that took place there!”
“Well it wasn’t MY fault those three ROTTED ALIVE!” Steak Guy turned, his face painted with rage. Tony flinched a bit, and gritted his teeth.
“Well it wasn’t MY fault you killed off one student and forced the other to eat his REMAINS.”
Colin quickly grabbed Tony and pulled him aside. “O-Okay then! I think that’s enough! How about we all just settle down, and-“ “No! How about you two stay out of our business?!” Steak Guy snapped.
“Don’t you DARE speak to Colin that way.” Tony’s eyes were filled with anger as he pulled Colin closer to him.
“Aw, look Steaky! He loves him! How about you, huh? Who do you, “love”?! Surely it’s BREAD BOY, right?! it’s ALWAYS Bread Boy! Never for Spinach, right?!” Spinach, overhearing the dispute, sat up. Larry looked over at her, and looked towards the four ahead of them in concern.
“Bread Boy, Bread Boy, BREAD BOY. Always about BREAD BOY. And who’s in charge of him? Why, obviously the babysitter! SPINACH!” He laughed.
“GOOD-FOR-NOTHING SPINACH! She can’t ever do anything right! All she does is mess up! What a disgrace. Like in our lesson! HA!”
Spinach’s eyes were widened in both rage, and pain, as she heard the words erupt from Fridge.
Larry took her hand and rubbed it entry, before muttering,
“Spinach, don’t listen to them, they’re just saying nonsense-“
Tony grabbed Colin and began to scuttle back.
“Colin, go back to your seat, he’s about to-“
A loud slap could be heard echoing through out the cabin.
Tony gasped; Colin covered his mouth in pure shock.
Fridge held his cheek as he looked downwards, his eyes widened and his cheek turning a bright shade of red from the slap.
Spinach gripped the seat handle hard, as hot tears poured down her face.
She was right.
Meanwhile, Steak Guy held his hand from the impact, before muttering,
“I don’t want to hear anything from any of you. Anymore on this trip.”
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untaemedqueen · 6 years
Secret Journey > k.th
Chapter 7. (Mature Content)
Warnings: Pregnant sex, cock warming, body worship
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I sit in silence as Yuna sits next to me on Skype with Bang PD. Her nodding head and her constant swallowing indicated her nervousness. "We will release it tomorrow." Bang PD says finally making me smirk. "It was written very nicely, but you should let us do our job Taehyung." "It should come from me. Not only that, I gave you almost a month already." I say staring into his eyes. "We were working on something." Yuna mutters to me and I put my hand on her thigh. "Should we release it tomorrow though? While we aren't in Korea? Seems a bit cowardly." Yuna says tilting her head. "I want it out there as fast as possible." I say holding my hand up. "We have to release something, we are getting a lot of speculation and complaints. I can't promise the backlash won't take a toll on you two." Bang PD says taking off his glasses and putting his fingers to the bridge of his nose. "Thank you for always taking care of me." Yuna says quietly and I rub her thigh. "I promised I would, Taehyungie is right. He should be able to be happy. You as well, it's not up to us to dictate how you should come out about your marriage." Bang PD whispers and my heart swells as the hotel door opens. My 6 brothers filing in without a word. They sit down at the table behind the laptop and stay silent as Bang PD continues to speak. "I honestly hope, you all support Taehyung like you say you do. He will need all the strength in the world after tomorrow." Namjoon gives a quick nod before speaking up, "We support him! You know we do." Yuna smiles back at them, "You might lose fans. Are you prepared for that?" Bang PD asks loudly, "If fans leave us because Taehyung is happy, I don't want them as ARMY's." Yoongi hyung says loudly and Yuna smirks. "I was thinking that but didn't want to say it." Yuna says with a giggle. "We came to that realization a little while ago." Namjoon says rubbing his neck. "Honestly, we have millions of fans. Losing some won't do us any harm." Jin says and Yuna raises an eyebrow at his cockiness. Jin looks around before folding his arms. "What? Am I wrong? Or am I being honest. I think I'm being pretty fucking honest." He says and Hoseok covers his mouth hiding his laughter. As the guys continue to speak Yuna sits quietly with a tilted head. I look over at her and tilt my head as well. "What's wrong baby? You feel sick or something?" I ask quietly. Yuna furrows her eyebrows and looks down at her stomach before gasping slightly. "Baby?" I whisper putting my hand on her arm. She looks at me wide eyed before smiling. "What? What?!" I ask starting to smile. "He moved. I felt him move!" She squeals rubbing her stomach. I give a big box smile before putting my hand on her stomach. "You did?! I want to feel him move!" I cheer starting to tear up. "He's moving a lot! Can you feel it? Oh my God!" She says with a laugh as the boys run over. 7 hands splayed out on her engorged stomach before I pout. "I can't feel anything." I whisper sadly, "How can you not feel that?!" She says in awe. She leans back and we all sit quietly. Hopefully waiting for some movement. Even Bang PD stays silent.
"Please move for Daddy!" I whine down to Yuna's stomach. She rests back on her hands to give us more room. And then, as if in a dream. It happens, quickly like the kiss of a butterfly and then a big one. A round of kicks for at least 5 seconds. "OH MY GOD!" I yell before starting to cry. "He did it! I felt him!" Jungkook cheers happily. Jin and Yoongi start crying as they rub her stomach. "You felt them?!" Bang PD asks happily. "Yes." I wail putting my wet cheek on Yuna's shoulder. She sniffles and I look up at her realizing she's crying. She looks at me and starts to cry hysterically. "Oh my baby." I sob before leaning in and kissing her. She kisses back and I sob into the kiss. The baby moves slightly and I rub her stomach some more. "My nephew is so active!" Jimin cries loudly. Yuna giggles and wipes her face before smiling at Bang PD. "Baby Bangtan is now active." She says giving him a thumbs up. He chuckles and pats at his cheeks signifying he too began to cry. "My Goodness. What a special miracle we have coming into our lives." He says clapping. "Tomorrow is a good day to give the news, he must be excited!" Jin says wiping his tears and snot. I nod happily and feel the baby stop kicking. "I have been feeling some stuff for a week but I didn't think it was him, I thought my stomach was gurgling." Yuna says with a laugh. I chuckle before Yuna grabs the hotel house phone. "What are you doing?" Jimin asks with a laugh, "I'm hungry." Yuna mutters before smiling at Bang PD. "Make sure you feed our Baby Bangtan a lot, he'll grow and be big and strong." Bang PD says putting his hand under his chin, "He'll be a rapper. Like his uncle. He'll have swag." Yoongi says poking Yuna's belly. "No, he'll be a singer. I'm going to vocally train him since day one." Jungkook says with a bunny smile. "I have a meeting about tomorrow, will you all be okay for now?" Bang PD asks as Yuna puts the phone to her ear. "Of course! We'll talk to you tomorrow!" She says happily before starting to speak in English. "Can I get a Rib Eye steak please, medium rare with garlic mashed potatoes?" She asks happily and I snort. "Steakie~" Hoseok hyung starts rapping. Yuna laughs, "One moment. Do you guys want anything?" She asks sweetly, "7 more steaks." Namjoon says with a laugh. "Steakie." I mutter as Bang PD waves goodbye to us. "Bye!" Yuna says quickly with a smile. "Can I make that 8 steaks with the mashed potatoes and fries too please. Also, 8 Cokes." Yuna says laying back on the bed. "Thank you!" She giggles before setting down the phone. "Food is being prepared! I hope it's good." "The Chef would have high hopes." Jimin says finally wiping his face, "Especially a pregnant Chef." Yoongi says going to sit back down. "We're totally screwed tomorrow, you guys do know that right?" Yuna asks lifting her head. "We know, noona." Jungkook says with a heavy sigh. "I'm sorry you guys have to deal with it. I feel incredibly guilty." She mutters under her breath. "Don't say that, you can't help how you feel. You have nothing to be sorry about it." Namjoon says shaking his hand. She pouts and puts her hand on her stomach again before laughing. "Wah. Really. Now that I know what it is, he really doesn't stop." She says with a laugh. "Taekwon-ah." I say with a laugh and she looks up at me quickly. "Taekwon?" She asks confused. I swallow and smile embarrassed. "That's what I wanted to name my first child." I whisper, feeling the heat of my brothers eyes on me. "His name is Seokjin." Jin yells loudly and Yuna rolls her eyes at him. "I like Taekwon honestly. It sounds masculine and handsome." Yuna whispers biting her lip thinking. "Taekwon-ah." She mutters to herself. I look at her with hopeful eyes, I know it's something we should have discussed. The name just rolled off my tongue so easily. I've thought about this name for so long that it just felt natural to me to say it out loud. "I-Is that okay? Is Taekwon, okay?" I ask nervously, Yuna sits up and looks at me with a smile. "I think it's great! A dad should get to pick out their sons name." Yuna says rubbing my back. I smile widely and kiss her nose. "How did I get such a perfect girl?" I whisper putting my head on her shoulder. "Good question. I too wonder that sometimes." Yoongi hyung says looking down at his phone. Yuna snorts before closing the laptop. "Don't be so evil, Agust D." Yuna whispers before laying down and closing her eyes.
The food arrived only minutes ago and Yuna was already done. Forks stand still in front of our mouths as we watch her hungrily finish off her mashed potatoes. "Wah. Daebak!" She cheers before taking a sip of water. "Jesus Christ." Jin mutters before continuing to eat. "Did you even taste it? Or did you swallow it whole? How could you savor it if you swallowed it whole?" Hoseok asks laughing. Yuna looks up and raises an eyebrow. "It was good." She says simply before putting the dish over on the wheeling rack the plates came on. "Damn, not even pleased with the food and she ate it all." Jimin mutters in amusement raising his glass to his lips. "Yuna, we're going to drink later so we'll be in Hoseok and Jimin's room." Jin says looking down at his plate. "Okay. Just don't act like fools." Yuna says rubbing her stomach. "We won't we'll just be drinking and talking. Like usual." Yoongi say with a smile. "Can we go shopping tomorrow? We are in New York after all." Hoseok hyung says excitedly. Yuna tilts her head and looks up at the ceiling, "Tomorrow? Yeah! We can go tomorrow!" "Maybe we can finally go out and buy baby stuff!" Jimin cheers. She giggles and nods, "I'd like that." She whispers to herself and I kiss her cheek before eating some of my steak. "Hopefully not to many people notice us." Namjoon says running his fingers over the rim of the dish. "Me too. Tomorrow will be a frenzy if people see us after the news." Yuna whispers, and I sigh loudly. "Let's stop thinking about the negatives. Only the positives! We love each other and will be together in the public, everyone can put up with it or get out." I say annoyed before putting my tongue to my cheek. If anyone has anything to say about my marriage, I don't even care anymore.
"I'm so nervous!" Yuna whines laying next to me, I mute the movie we were watching and sigh as she stares at her phone. "It comes out in 30 minutes!" She says pointing at her phone. "Yuna, you need to relax. What's done is done." I say taking my arm from under my head. I look over at Yuna as she bites at the skin around her fingers. "Stop. Stop." I say taking her fingers away from her mouth. My eyes rake over her body before I smirk. I stand up and stretch before walking over to my suitcase. I shuffle around the items in my bag before grabbing the cocoa butter lotion in my bag. "I'll give my wife a massage, hmm? Wouldn't that be good? To calm you down?" I ask showing her the bottle. "My breasts are leaking a lot today, I shouldn't get naked." She says shaking her head looking back down at her phone. "Yuna." I whine walking over with the lotion. "Stop thinking about it so much." I say sitting in front of her cross legged. She pouts and puts her phone down as our eyes meet. Her hazel eyes darting around my face nervously and I tsk. "Move up on the bed and I'll give you a massage babe." I say patting her bare thigh. Her feet hit my calf as she squirms downwards in silence. I shift up the bed feeling the sheets ripple underneath me as I place myself behind her. Her phone begins to buzz and she reaches over quickly to grab it before I knock it off the bed with my foot. "Tae!" Yuna whines as I press my chest to her back, my hand dropping the lotion bottle. I place my hands on her belly and feel as the baby kicks. "Relax, ma'am. I'm here to make sure you feel good and comfy. Hmm?" I whisper kissing down her neck. She shuffles slightly and mutters to herself. "Stop and just enjoy it, please." I mutter into her milky skin. She shivers as I finger at the fabric of her tank top. "Will you rub my thighs too. So I don't get more stretch marks?" Yuna asks quietly and I smile. "Of course I will baby." I grasp the tank top and lift it up before taking it off her. "Aigo." I whisper to myself as my hands graze over her pregnant naked belly. "You're so beautiful baby. Thank you for carrying my son." The baby kicks and I chuckle looking over Yuna's shoulder. "Yes, Taekwon-ah, Daddy is taking about you." I say rubbing her belly. Yuna giggles and puts her head back on my shoulder. I grab the lotion bottle and kiss her cheek before moving back. "Pull your bra straps down if you don't want to take it off." I say sweetly as I open the bottle cap. "I'll just start leaking if I take it off." Yuna whispers pulling the straps over her shoulders. "You can leak. I'll clean it. I think it tastes good." I say before wiggling my eyebrows. "You're so gross, I should have never let you try it." She says swatting at my chest. "I have to make sure all the food for our baby is safe to eat." "You're so gross, honestly." Yuna says fixing her attention to the t.v. I squeeze out some lotion before Yuna takes off her bra. "It's fine, I guess." I kiss her now bare shoulder before rubbing her back, my fingers massaging into her muscles. Her muscles were taught and knotted and I frown as my fingers leave pink imprints on her milky skin. "My sweet girl." I whisper as she mewls at my touch. My fingers rubbing away her troubles and I catch out of the corner of my eye her thigh beginning to press together. My legs mimic hers as I stretch them out moving my body closer to hers. She sighs content and I smirk as I begin to massage her neck. "I hate how tense you are." I whisper, intentionally letting her feel my hot breath on her neck. Yuna looks down a bit and I see her cheeks flush pink. What is this woman thinking? So dirty.
I kiss her neck letting my tongue glide over the now cocoa tasting skin. "Tae." Yuna moans out embarrassed, we haven't had any sexual interaction in weeks. I didn't know how sexually frustrated I was until this very moment. My hands rubbing at her neck a bit rougher making her whine in pleasure. "Feel good, babe?" I ask sweetly, trying to ignore the stirring of my pants. She hums in agreement as my fingers dance down the muscles around her spine, kneading and working them as I go down. "One minute." She whispers before leaning over and grabbing some tissues. "Leaking?" I ask peaking over her shoulder, sure enough she was and my eyes get foggy with lust. "Oh." I whisper, my voice heavy and low. Her darkened nipples make my pants twitch once more as my eyes dance over her breasts. They were so much larger now that Yuna was pregnant, and still they were perky and perfectly round. I bite my lip before mentally shaking my head and continuing her massage. The smell of cocoa wafting into my nose turning me on even more as I feel her smooth skin. I fix my pants letting the head of my erect dick peak out. "If your fingers hurt, you can stop." Yuna whispers as she cleans her breasts. "Oh, I'm fine." I watch raising my chest so I can peak over her shoulder. Her hands milking her breasts as she places tissues to collect it and I bite my lip before feeling my cock twitch. "Damn." I mutter under my breast before moving to sit in front of Yuna. She eyes me wearily and I smile as I grab the lotion bottle. "Continue." I say watching her and her eyes immediately divert to the head of my cock peeking out. I watch as her thighs close tighter and she licks her lips. She must be feeling horny these days, sexual appetite during pregnancy is very common. "I'll rub your thighs too." I say ignoring her heated gaze and my ever present boner. "O-Okay." She whispers and I pull her thighs apart to rub them. She swallows and the smell of her arousal hits my nose. My eyes roll back into my head at the delicious smell. Oh fuck, this woman will be the death of me. My fingers splayed over her thick thighs. My finger tips brushing her soft skin as I work in the sweet smelling lotion. The smell of her arousal calls out to me once more and I lick my lips. I look up at Yuna as she bites her lip before her eyes dart to her stomach. She giggles and rubs her belly before looking over at me again. "I could blow a load just looking at you, baby." I whisper darkly and she swallows. My eyes raking over her naked glory. She giggles slightly as I rub her thighs harder. She bites her lip and relaxes more putting her body back against the cushioned headboard. "Lift your leg a bit." I mutter to my wife. She raises her leg and I massage the underside of her thigh before running over the curve of her ass. Yuna grabs her phone and starts playing music through our speaker. I hum in approval as Chet Baker begins to play, I kiss Yuna's knee before kneading her thighs. I look down at her purple panties and see the fabric darkening. I swallow slightly and tilt my head. "Does it feel good baby?" I ask with a bit of humor to my voice. Yuna gives a nod before her body shivers. I chuckle slightly at what I do to her.
I move on to her other leg as she places her hand on her belly. "You look so beautiful holding your belly." I comment making her smile widely. My fingers deftly moving over her thighs, small circles are made by my thumbs making her squirm slightly. "Baby." She whispers, her voice deeper than usual, her voice was laced with lust. I lick my lips and smile at her. "Wah, has there ever been a more gorgeous woman? Seriously." I whisper kissing up her thigh. My nose brushes against her inner thigh and I can hear her begin to pant. "Tae." Yuna mutters with warning. "I can't worship my wife? Come on now." I say with a chuckle, my eyes drift over her panties once more and they were soaked. "Shit." I hiss out before licking Yuna's inner thigh. "Tae!" Yuna gasps, "What?" I ask feigning confusion. "You're harder than a rock and I know what you're trying to do. Stop that!" She says smacking my shoulder. I lean forward and kiss the sodden fabric. "Kim Taehyung!" The smell of her arousal makes me groan loudly and I spread her legs a bit more. "I can't control myself when you smell this good." I whisper moving my hands up to her panties. She knocks my hand away quickly and pulls her knees to her chest. I pout and look up at her with sad eyes, "What's wrong baby? You don't want me to make you feel good?" I ask kissing her calf. "I-I.... I don't want to do that." She whispers looking past me and I tilt my head. "What's wrong, beautiful?" I ask stroking her calf. "I don't feel confident in my body." She grumbles and I smirk before hooking my hands behind her calves and pulling her down roughly. She puts her hands over her face and I huff out. "Why don't you feel confident baby? You should be super confident, you have my son inside you." "Exactly! I have a baby inside me and I'm fat. I don't feel sexy or anything like that." She whispers into her hands. I frown and sit back up running my fingers over her inner thighs, "I think you're the most beautiful woman in the entire world. I think you look so sexy with my son inside you. I think your body deserves to be worshipped." I say as her legs twitch. "I'm fat." She whines looking up at me. "You're beautiful, Yuna." I say sternly before bending down and placing chaste, sweet kisses all over her thighs. She sighs gently and I start to leave little hot licks over her skin. My finger reach out and stroke up and down the fabric of her panties making a soft moan fall from her lips. "Let me treat you like a Queen tonight. A Queen that carries my child." I hook my fingers into the sides of her underwear and pull them down slowly. Yuna wriggles in excitement and I put my tongue to my cheek as I chuckle. "That's right, baby. Enjoy this." My eyes rake over her already swollen pussy and I groan loudly at the sight. She glistens with arousal and I bite my lip. "Fuck." I mutter throwing her underwear behind me. "Can you take off your t-shirt?" Yuna asks with a small voice. Our eyes meet and I smile taking my top off. She bites her lip looking at my body and I laugh. "My sweet girl." I whisper dipping my head towards her. "You know you can't blow on it right?" She asks quickly and I lick my lips. "I know, it might be bad for the baby." I whisper before kissing her swollen lips earning a small moan. "Oh shit." Yuna moans before I pull her body down to get comfortable. Her head hits the pillow with a thump and she sighs content. I run a flat lick over her pussy, tasting her juices and I moan at the taste. She always tastes so sweet. "Oh fuck." She mutters squeezing her eyes shut. I suckle on her engorged clit and she squeals a bit at the feeling. "Good girl." I murmur watching her start to seep out onto the sheets. Just one lick and she gushes for me. Fuck, what a good girl I have. "Tae!" Yuna moans putting her hands into my hair. I give kitten licks to her clit, changing to flat licks as my fingers approach her. I hum in approval as my fingers run over her soaked opening. I slide a finger in slowly, feeling her pregnant cunt already tightening. I sigh happily before lifting my head. "You're always so tight and wet for me, baby." I raise my head over her baby bump and smirk at her, she giggles slightly as my left hand rubs her belly. The baby kicks slightly and I bend back down. My tongue continues to love on her clit as I slowly drag my long finger in and out of my wife. "Don't tease me please!" Yuna cries gripping at my hair. I hum in agreement before pushing in another finger. "Oh my God." Yuna moans as I close my fingers a bit pressing her g-spot. Loud moans spew from her throat and I feel my cock twitch in my shorts. "Oh fuck. Fuck!" Yuna mumbles incoherently moving her head to watch me give her head. My tongue expertly circling and licking at her clit. "Yes. Yes. Like that!" She moans throwing her body back. I thrust my fingers a bit quicker, licking faster. My hand dances over her belly and I can't help but feel precum gather at the tip of my cock. The room air making it cold and I shiver. "Fuck." I mutter against her clit as I grip gently at her belly. My fingers continuously pushing against her g-spot. Her words turn into garbled moans as her pussy tightens quickly. "Good girl." I whisper against her clit and she moans my name loudly. "I'm going to c-" Her words become moans and I suckle at her clit, pressing her g-spot quickly. "Tae!" Yuna moans pressing my head against her harshly. As I enter a third finger she cums around me screaming my name. I ease off her clit and continue to pump my fingers in her watching her ride out her high. Her face contorted into pure bliss, her mouth open wide and her eyes screwed shut. "Good girl, baby." I whisper feeling her pussy contract around my fingers. "Oh my God!" She sobs out putting her hand on her mouth. I pull my fingers out and suck on them before moaning. "You taste so fucking good." I whine pulling down my shorts and starting to stroke my furiously hard cock. She peaks over her belly and lets out a giggle, her face flushed pink with pleasure. She eyes me as I stroke myself in front of her. "Shall I help you?" She asks with a shy smile. "Anything you want, tonight is your night." I whisper pulling my fingers from my mouth. "Please fuck me." She says quickly and I smile. "How do you want me to fuck you?" I ask rubbing her thigh. She bites her lip looking up at me. "Like this. I want to see you." She says with a smile. "I want to see you too." I say settling between her legs. I bend down and place a kiss on her belly before rubbing the head of my cock over her sodden cunt. "O-Oh." She moans at the feeling and I bite my lip. "Fuck, your always so ready for me to fuck this pregnant pussy, hmm?" I whisper rubbing my precum over her overly sensitive clit. She whines in agreement as she places her hands on her stomach. This is the most intimate type of sex. Making love to the mother of your child, I take so much pleasure in seeing her engorged with my child. Her womb safely keeping Taekwon safe. I press the head of my cock to her opening and she moans in excitement. "Yeah, you're excited to feel this cock, baby?" I ask furring my eyebrows. I thrust in slowly and moans lowly at the feeling of her hot cunt. Her wetness gliding me in easily. "Oh fuck." I groan almost falling over at the feeling of how tight she is. "Oh, Yuna. Fucking shit. You're always so damn tight." I whisper letting her cunt adjust to my size. "Please move! I want to feel you move." She whispers running her hands over my chest and stomach. I thrust in slowly watching how her pussy engulfs me to the hilt and my head lulls back. "Tae." Yuna moans as I thrust in slowly, knowing full well that my full size hits her cervix and we have to be careful. "You're so big." Yuna moans thrusting her hips up to meet mine. "Relax, baby. Let me do the work." I whisper pushing her knees up slightly. My thrusts slow and loving earning moans from both of us. "Oh my God!" Yuna moans putting her head back, "You're so beautiful." I moan out as my hands grab at her full breasts. She whines in pleasure as I start to thrust a bit faster, my mind washing out of anything having to do with safety. "Fuck me harder!" Yuna cries out and I groan loudly letting my hips thrust in faster. Her moans turn into screams as my thumbs finger over her hardening nipples. "Oh fuck." I moan looking down at my beautiful wife. I pull out before panting hard. I lay down behind her and enter her from behind pulling her leg over mine. The angle perfect to her g-spot with every rough thrust. Her moans become cries of pleasure as my hand rub her swollen stomach. "Tae!" She moans moving her head to kiss me. Our tongues sliding over each others and I groan into her mouth as I relentlessly fuck her pregnant cunt. I bite her bottom lip as I drill into her. She pulls away from me, her lips swollen and red from our kisses and I press my face into her neck. "Rub your clit baby." I whisper as my hand makes circles around her belly. She does as instructed and I groan feeling her cunt clutch around me. "Oh my fucking God. You're so gorgeous." I moan biting at her neck. "I'm going to cum!" She moans putting her hand over mine on her belly. "Good girl, cum for me baby." I whisper kissing under her ear, I could feel my back starting to get a sheen of sweat over it and I moan as she orgasms. Her cunt trying to milk me for everything I had. "Oh. Yuna!" I moan as my thrusts get sloppier as I feel myself on edge. "Cum for me baby. Cum in this pregnant pussy." She whispers and I moan loudly, my eyebrws knitting together as I cum inside her. My cum painting the walls of her pussy. "Baby!" I moan throwing my head back on to the pillow. I sigh loudly at the relief and lick my lips. My cock stirring and getting soft inside her. I rub her stomach closing my eyes as I try to even out my breathing. Yuna groans slightly and turns her head to kiss my cheek. "Thank you." She giggles and I smirk. "No, thank you." The baby kicks under my hand and I sigh content. "Taekwon-ah, go to bed." I call to him making Yuna laugh. "Aren't you going to pull out?" Yuna asks quietly, "I like the feeling, it's so warm." I whisper kissing her shoulder. She laughs and closes her eyes, "We should take a bath." She says looking down at our still connected bodies. "I just rubbed all that lotion on you, now you wanna wash it off?" I ask her, she smiles and shrugs. "Let's get you two a bath then." I whisper pulling out of her. I frown at the loss of heat and watch as my cum spills out of Yuna. "I'll let you cock warm later. Okay?" She asks with a giggle. I nod happily and she rolls her eyes with a laugh.
"It's out." She whispers as she sits between my legs in the warm water looking at the clock in the bathroom. "Good. Let people know you're my wife and you can't be messed with." I say rubbing conditioner into my hair.  She looks back at me and kisses me. "What's done is done. I love you forever and always." I whisper against her lips. No matter what the repercussions are tomorrow, this is my wife expecting my son. Nothing is more perfect or will compare. Nothing can pull me down from this cloud.
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angelsangels · 6 years
Tumblr media
NICKNAMES: Angel. Steaky, Whut ZODIAC:  Capricorn HEIGHT:   5′2 TIME:   11:24 PM FAVOURITE BAND / ARTIST:    Hmm ... Glass Animals or IDKHBTFM SONG STUCK IN MY HEAD:  Pretty Boy Swag, Breathin LAST MOVIE I SAW:   Sing LAST THING I GOOGLED:   ‘Jon Garfield’ shut up OTHER BLOGS:   @hiiighlylethal​ He-Lectrix blog ---- im barely on there KSKS WHY DID I CHOOSE THIS USERNAME:  I used to draw anime babies from bases and my mom said “you should make this a series and call it Angel’s angels” jfjklcnx FOLLOWING:  73 !! AVERAGE AMOUNT OF SLEEP:   2-5 hours (DON’T YELL AT ME) DREAM JOB:    Something in the art business DREAM TRIP:   Uhhh idk somewhere NOT in my state FAVOURITE FOOD:   MAC AND CHEESE PLAY ANY INSTRUMENTS:   I can play two keys on the piano that go to the tune of DHMIS 2 EYE COLOUR:  Green/Green-brown HAIR COLOUR:   Brown LANGUAGES YOU SPEAK:  English, like 8% Spanish, 0.5% of French MOST ICONIC SONG:  UH idk chief  RANDOM FACT:   I really like it when people get jokingly angry at me and something I do which is why I have to shamefully-not shamefully announce a new muse like ‘ooo i have no self control’ DESCRIBE YOURSELF AS AESTHETIC THINGS: Fuckin uhh anything by Joana Ceddia shut up she’s an aesthetic
tagged  by: No one lmao
tagging:  anYONE
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quaxorascal · 6 years
2, 13, 19, for the dnd meme!
Thank you lovely!! (from here)
2. Your favorite character that someone else has played.
Noooo I can’t choose, I love them all for different reasons
I love Aracelli for how there’s clearly stuff going on in her head even when she isn’t saying anything and for how resourceful she is, and I love Agatha for how eager she is to be silly and the fact that you laugh a lot while playing her
I love Belasco’s stubborn refusal to acknowledge that he sees his teammates as friends even though it’s obvious, I love Yml for the distinct lack of fucks she gives, and I love Minnow for the wild shit that comes out of her mouth, namely “Sasparilla is worth more than all of your lives” @bimercenary
I love Ezekiel for the way he can speak Celestial because he’s a nerd and the way he knows how to make his own black powder, and I admittedly don’t remember a whole lot about Rylter but I’m so excited to meet him again on Saturday because I love him too @theraveninhisstudy
I love how hard Stellio tries to make friends and to solve problems because he believes it’s the right thing to do, and I can’t wait to properly meet Gakur @samusthedude
I love how Callista lets the gang get away with so much because even when we (but especially Fyf and Ven) wear her patience thin, we’re still her family
I love how Morris is the unluckiest goddamned halfling I have ever heard of, and yet he doesn’t let that get him down
I love how confident Rhys is in herself, and I love how much Valerian loves her sister (and the fact that she’s literally a deals warlock) @actuallyaltaria
I love every single DnD character I’ve ever come across, and if I didn’t mention yours here it’s just because I don’t know them well enough to gush
13. Introduce your current party.
I have a handful of parties and y’all are gonna hear the shittiest descriptions I have for All Of Them
First we have the two doses of Disappointment Child (Aracelli and Taber) and the 16-year-old that they allow to tell lies for them (Belasco
Then there’s the old lady (Agatha), her 19-year-old unwilling body guard (Ezekiel), The Shortie Squad (Minnow and Wilver), and The Shortie Squad’s moose (Sasparilla)
Then we have an undead edgelord (Yml), sunshine personified (Niamh), the only normal one (Rylter), and we’re about to pick up a pissed-off gnome with a weapon bigger than he is (Gakur)
And in the near future there’ll be the two chatty elves of opposing alignments (Tilia and Shuvermhel) who drag their new friends – a steaky-stab lizard (Leonidas) and a hacky-slash dude (Desert Wanderer) – together into a group because damnit, their alignments may be opposite but elves have to stick together!
19. Do you or your party have any dice superstitions?
God I passed my own dice superstitions onto Callista and Stellio’s players and it’s the funniest thing I’ve ever done
We Eversong people all have our own dice hoards of various sizes, as well as our own superstitions, like prerolling the d20s before we play and preferring our Borealis dice for high rolls. I reserve a specific colour out of the character’s palette for certain skills, or use certain dice because they’re relevant to the situation. That worked super fucking well for me a couple of weeks back btw so I stand by that superstition ;0
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milksteaki · 9 months
Your HC on Brick and Bubbles? <3 what is their relationship like? And most especially why do you ship them ?
RAAAAAAAAH!!!! omg, I've been waiting for an ask like a lil puppy!!!! OMG I LOVE THIS QUESTIONNNNNNN! Okay, headcanons on the Puppy Love ship, let's go!!!
this one's a long one
So first, a rundown on my headcanons for Brick and Bubbles:
Bubbles first. I think Bubbles has a much more mature outlook on good and bad than her sisters do. Don't let her ditzy attitude fool you. Bubbles sometimes she is less smart than she actually is just for jokes. "Okay, but why did I think that bush was actually the Professor but in drag". But really, she understands the moral grey that the world actually is. Life isn't just Good vs. Bad, and Bubbles knows that and lets that insight inform all of her superhero fights.
She never stops being sensitive, and instead of going with the "this hardens her later in life route", I went with the "she is actually more frustrated with her inability to harden" route. She wants to be tough and unfeeling often, especially because the emotions she feels continue to be strong and intense and absolutely devastating. Unfortunately, she just can't stop the intensity. Maybe it's because when she feels happy, she feels that joy so intensely, that it's like, why would she want to harden? Like such intense happiness that she looks back at the sadness cringing. As if she can't imagine being that sad. But of course, the sadness always comes back. I never really liked it when people took away her joy as she got older and acted like that was just a normal part of life. Like as an adult myself, sure I'm not as carefree and as hyper as I was when I was a kid, but I would still be considered a bubbly person now even though my life isn't that great. And don't think shitty things just never happened to me either.
Brick, on the other hand, is a hard cynic who hates everything except maybe himself. He is mostly stupid, but he thinks he's the smartest guy in the room. And he hates when people point out when he's wrong (which is why he hates most people, except for his yes-man Butch). I say mostly because the bitch can't spell and he just be spewing bullshit sometimes. But smart in other ways; he is resourceful, keeps up with the news, is somehow in the know for a lot of things, is quick-witted, and is great at improvising whether it's with fighting or in day-to-day life. These skills often save him from ever going to jail.
Also, I HC that Brick essentially emancipates himself AND his brothers from their dads without really asking his bros. His thought was that his dads are just- way too much. And because of his personality, he just hates having to report to an authority above him, like get off my back old man! He essentially raises his brothers, including influencing their humor, music, and values. Part of his relationship with his brothers is an ego thing. He loves being the leader and using his brothers to make himself look better. But another part of it is that he genuinely loves his brothers. And he realizes this way too late (realized when his bros were moving on from needing him). And it fucks him up. And that pushes him to be a better person actually.
I FUCKING LOVE THEIR ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIP MAN. Like listen, as much as I love to shit on Brick, he is still a suave dude. Like the dude knows how to flirt and he's super quick with it, just great timing with shit. Sometimes it genuinely creates butterflies in Bubbles' stomach, other times she lets it completely go over her head. One, because it's funny, and two, because she kinda wants to be unassuming sometimes:
"So do you just jump around often, or are you just happy to see me"
"Oh I'm just giddy because Fruits Basket is FINALLY rebooting after like a million years, but it's nice seeing you to Brick :)."
"Oh... Fruits Basket."
Bubbles isn't a master of flirting, but people fall in love with her constantly. Like Bubbles so so SO effortlessly gets people to love her and she doesn't need to be perfect like Blossom or a badass like Buttercup. She is just so endearing and fun to be around that she attracts people with ease. Brick is just another guy who likes her basically. So he needs to work to prove to her that he is the one, and not those other nobodies.
And because of his cynical nature, he expects that the longer he knows her, he's going to uncover just the underlying sinister nature behind her bubbly persona, but he never does. Bubbles is through and through a good person who is mostly consistent in her philosophies and is just a genuinely sincere person. And she works hard to be good and she sticks by it. Brick respects the consistency and standing up for her shit. Bubbles is one of the few people who convinces Brick's stubborn mind. And it's not because of her feminine wiles, but rather because Bubbles' consistency to be good and the merit to her nuanced arguments are what gets through to him. Bubbles is also a great person to concede to because she will NEVER make you feel bad for losing an argument to her. She makes him feel heard and understood before she disagrees. So when they fight, they often deescalate it before it escalates much. Really the issue for them is how fucking long it takes for Brick to finally be ready for being in a relationship with Bubbles. But when they do, it is really nice.
I see them as huuuuge tumblr-fandom nerds. They both have had homestuck phases that they try to forget. Brick will interpret characters in veeery particular ways and gets pretty peeved about different interpretations. Bubbles is that super open-minded person who is so kind and carefree that honestly you don't mind that some of their interpretations are absolutely heinous. Bubbles (pre-relationship) would also constantly compare him and her with other characters with culpable romantic tension and that imports thoughts into Brick's head.
Once Bubbles likes someone, she is like suuuuper romantic. Doodling hearts next to Brick's name. Doodling his face everywhere. Capturing a unique beauty in odd profiles of Brick's. And like just imagine Brick sees them. These aren't idealizing him or making him look like a model, but rather capture the flaws and make them beautiful in an artistic and vulnerable way. Maybe at first Brick is like caught back, like smug, like haha ur drawing me so u liiiike me, but then he's like hold on, these are like, really good. See I am also a sucker for Brick enjoying art. The portraits would evoke something in him, he'd feel the intimacy of being drawn in such a loving way. (or maybe I'm just being self indulgent haha).
Brick and Bubbles go out a lot. Brick always takes her to secret spots, and somehow he always knows where the best Italian or the best Chinese food is, and they're always these underground spots. They are also both social butterflies and will often make conversation with strangers. They meet people who are complete characters and it makes for great stories. Entertainment for Brick and new friends for Bubbles! Another thing, Bubbles and Brick are just pretty funny together. Like Bubbles is so fucking silly and Brick is silly but in a very different way. Sometimes Brick is Bubbles' straightman and other times Bubbles is his.
Running on fumes,,, why I ship it:
Because I ship Blossutch and Boomercup,,,jk kinda. Honestly, I blame the Bubble Boy episode. From how Bubbles was able to decieve them so long, only to blow her cover by doing something so hardcore that even Boomer wouldn't do it? That earned Brick's respect for sure. AND THE FACT BUTCH THREW UP??? SCAB BOY???? Yeah, that surely got her brownie points. So from this, I created the headcanon that Brick holds some respect for her and genuinely refuses to underestimate her because shit was fucking metal. And Bubbles is CONSTANTLY underestimated by everybody else (see the fucking Hardcore episode) and she faces this obstacle all the time especially because of my body headcanons (short and a lil chubby). So when a guy like Brick actually sees her as a fucking threat, it feels nice. And they're funny together. Big plus.
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milksteaki · 9 months
*rattles a cup w like 2 coins in it* spare Boomercup hcs for the deprived??? Individual or as a ship work if you have it <33
Okay lowkey ironic that I was like "omg ask me stuff!!" and then just fucked off for a bit but I blame executive dysfunction. Anyways! Here's some headcanons of my second favorite couple that sometimes rivals my first favorite, hehe.
Gonna start off with individual peeps first:
So I actually headcanon her as the youngest due to the order of their names. Y'know like Huey, Dewey, and Louie are also the same as their age order: from oldest to youngest. And Buttercup is at the end too. So she's the youngest to me, but she treats Bubbles the youngest because of Bubbles' interests and for how sensitive she is. Also about the names, Buttercup feels like an afterthought sometimes and that stems from when the Professor just named her Buttercup because it also starts with a B. Bubbles gets a lot of attention because she's so bubbly and extroverted and constantly putting herself out there. Blossom gets a lot of attention and praise because of her achievements and is constantly going above and beyond. Buttercup has this insecurity that she never will stick out compared to her sisters and that makes her highly individualistic. This aspect of her personality makes it so that when people reduce her to just "a girl", it makes her want to metaphorically rip this label off of her and tear it to shreds. She is constantly trying to prove that she is more, that she is not "just a girl" but someone who happens to be a girl." This can teeter into "not like other girls" territory, but I think there is a nuance to be explored for a story where she never intended to hurt other girls but still has to unpack her underlying misogyny but also remains the same in her gender expression (as in stay more masc than fem). Additionally, she very much wants things of her own. Like her friend group, that's hers and only hers. Her style is hers. Her space is hers. She is a little possessive and territorial and she will fight to protect these things. That money episode that everyone hates is actually why I headcanon her as a young part-time barista at an obnoxious chain cafe just so she can make her own money the right way. (Also constantly pushes her to the limit)
I see Buttercup as having a very close and intimate relationship with music. Music helps her relax when a meltdown nears. It also gives an outlet for her anger, her hurt, and her sensitivity. She uses music to shut out the world first, then uses it to connect to others when words fail her (and they fail often) This is why I ended up envisioning her as a rockstar when she grows up. Every other career option felt too tame for her and I wasn't going to go with police officer for political reasons. This career option gives her a healthy outlet for her anger and temper (which often push people away) and also lets her keep her edge. See Buttercup might be a little bit more obsessed with her image than her sisters because she would HATE for anyone to see her as soft. She NEEDS to keep her edge. She somewhat romanticizes the gritty, grim, and grunge things in life because it is so much more authentic than other things. That's another thing she values: authenticity. She hates sugar-coated bullshit and would rather embrace the cold brutal truth, but she often mistakes brutality as always truthful and kindness as fake.
While things often and very quickly trigger Buttercup's temper, Boomer sort of lacks a temper. His desire for destruction comes from how he finds enjoyment in malice. See he loves mean-spirited jokes, but it can still get to you when you are almost always the punching bag of the group. But also, Boomer is sort of the best person to be the punching bag of the group. He does stupid things very often, he barely holds grudges, and it is very hard to get things to bother Boomer. He just doesn't give a fuck about anything, or anyone. He rarely ever thinks anything through, and things often bite him in the ass because of that. He's a chill guy, but people often mistake that with him being a good guy. But Boomer has no interest in being a good guy, but honestly, he barely has an interest in doing much at all. I see sloth consuming Boomer, often sleeping until 2:00 pm and even after that he will still take naps. Executive function has a greater grip on Boomer than it does on me frankly. I also see him as more individualistic than his brothers. Brick has the strongest personality of course, but a lot of his identity is still connected to the Rowdyruff Boys. That is not the case for Boomer. Boomer speaks up against Brick the most because again Boomer doesn't exactly think before he speaks and also doesn't give a single fuck. He spots Brick's mistakes and will either point them out in a question or just straight make fun of Brick. This in turn makes Brick pick on Boomer more and also become closer to Butch (who sees more eye to eye with Brick). Boomer feels that and ends up doing things by himself more often. He needs alone time often, taking walks and wreaking havoc along the way. Out of his family, he ends up growing up and moving on the fastest, moving out at fifteen to figure out life on his own.
Boomer also has a very close relationship to music. You rarely find him without his headphones (which reminds me... why do I never draw him with them...) Music stimulates him, and everyday life is so boring. I like to think he first gets into music for comedic songs, like the Lonely Island or Bo Burnham. (So yes he loves musicals, but he would hate for you to find out) Then he finds his real love for rock music, the more underground the better. Music has been his friend when he had none, and he has a true talent for rhythm and beats. I see him more as a drums guy, no thoughts just ba tsss. It's one of a few things he feels passionately about. Second only to his love for pissing people off, and god does he get a kick out of it. That's what makes people hate him. And he's not exactly the type to apologize or stop pissing bitches off. He'll keep going, maybe keep it up for days or months. Truly, Boomer is a little shit, constantly wearing a shit-eating grin.
Buttercup, at first sees Boomer as an idiot. Then she sees him as a fake "pretty boy" who gets things easily handed to him because he's blonde, a boy, and is very pretty. She is not attracted to him at all because he wasn't exactly her type. To her, he lacked grit and edge, and frankly she just doesn't like blondes. The same could not be said about Boomer. She was totally his type: has a pulse and could kick his ass. In a way Boomercup starts with a comedic premise, Boomer is too stupid to see his impending doom when he tests Buttercup's patience by flirting with her. But then I think we would find out that Boomer wasn't being stupid, he wasn't scared because he does genuinely like her. She's pretty, smart, funny, and on top of all that she's a fucking badass. He loves how edgy she is and he sees 0 issue in pursuing her (part of it is because of his lack of attachment to the whole Rowdyruff Boy thing). Boomer gets on Buttercup's nerves constantly, but they soon find they have quite a bit in common. Skateboarding, rock music, and the same food orders are just a small list of what they have in common. And when I say they bond with music, I mean they really bond with music. Boomer likes classic rock to hardcore rock. Buttercup likes heavy metal music to grunge rock music, but of course, she appreciates the iconic classics. They especially bond over indie music, becoming concert buddies and buying band merch for each other as gifts. However, before any of this can happen, Buttercup establishes that he needs to stop messing with her, and she refuses to believe that Boomer genuinely romantically likes her. And as Boomer starts to get to know her more and starts to care about her, he agrees. He tries to let go of his crush to become her friend instead. Their normal fighting turns into light playfighting, as Boomer still gets on her nerves but in a friendlier way. As Buttercup spends more time with him, she starts to develop feelings for him. She starts to see him as a pretty cool guy. So weird right? Just a minute ago she saw him as an idiot. And when she starts to like him, she starts playfully hit him more, laughs harder at his jokes, and especially spends more and more of her time with him. Yet Boomer is completely oblivious because not once is she directly stating her interest in him. If anything, her words sound like she has no interest in him, as she sort of teases him more. But for Buttercup, that is flirting. Complimenting people...being affectionate before dating... These make her quite uncomfortable. So she insults and fights him instead, and Boomer finds it hilarious. It's different when Buttercup does it because Boomer can at least tell that she values him and sees him as an equal (unlike Brick).
As a couple, they end up becoming the most well-adjusted couple. Buttercup pushes Boomer to be more ambitious with how hard she works to achieve her goals. Boomer actually gives Buttercup more patience, because she is so much happier with him that all the things that used to make her angry seem so small and pointless. And seeing how little things bother him, inspires her to get to that level of unbothered. They are most people's favorite couple to be around because they rarely fight, they don't do PDA, and they are just really fun to be around. They are a very chill couple and they appreciate each other's honesty. Besides Buttercup's romantic feelings, Boomer appreciates how much he doesn't have to guess with her. And Boomer keeps it real with Buttercup. They play video games together, and when Buttercup doesn't have a show then they sleep in or at least have a very lazy day. Boomer will help her out sometimes if she needs drums, but knows Buttercup would shine brighter if he wasn't in the band. Anyways I'm sleepy. Gonna eat breakfast and then nap lol.
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milksteaki · 9 months
I accidentally shuffled my queue... whoopsie. expect posts to be out of order,,,
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