#steal uniform
misirosekisiro · 9 months
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Toshio and the boy.
In Japan, beneath Tokyu, lies a highly secretive underground prison. Contrary to what the outside world may believe, the inmates confined within its walls are exceptionally dangerous individuals. These are the most perilous offenders, incarcerated here covertly. Many were captured and detained without trials or public disclosure. The government understands their danger; some are deemed so hazardous that the world might be safer if they were eliminated. However, the government holds a different perspective; even the most dangerous individuals can sometimes be valuable. Some are utilized by the government for specific purposes, while others become subjects of scientific study.
Toshio, a new guard, has recently been assigned to this facility. He is a member of the Japan Self-Defense Forces (JSDF) and gained recognition for his remarkable actions during earthquake events. This commendable display earned him a promotion and an invitation to join the guardianship of this clandestine prison. But he have one weakness in his perfect resume. That he never tell someone, he was gay,  fetish on smell , underwear and uniform.
His first day in the office is spent receiving instructions from his superior. There is a strict protocol and the inmates must be watched with the greatest of caution.
"The inmates are highly intelligent. They're all experts in their respective fields, and have unique talents that have made them dangerous to society. That's why they're being held in such an isolated location. We don't want any of them escaping and getting out into the world. If they were to escape, the repercussions could be enormous."
"How many people are in this facility?" Toshio asked.
"There are 166 individuals currently incarcerated."
"What's the breakdown?"
"We have 45 females and 121 males. 137 are Japanese. The rest are foreigners, and of those 50 are Caucasian. There's only one person of Chinese descent."
"There are so many foreign people!"
"Well, yes. You'll see more of the specifics later. For now, the main thing to keep in mind is to be cautious. The inmates here are intelligent and can be quite cunning. There's no such thing as dropping your guard around these people. If you make any sort of mistake, the consequences will be dire."
"I understand."
"Good. Now let me introduce you to the head warden."
Toshio followed his superior officer down a long corridor, until they came to a stop at the end. There, a man stood waiting.
"This is the warden," said the officer. "Warden, this is Toshio. He's the newest member of our team."
The warden shook hands with Toshio and greeted him politely. He was a middle-aged man with graying hair, a receding hairline, and glasses. He wore a suit and tie. His expression was stern and serious.
"Nice to meet you."
"Nice to meet you." Toshio answered, "I hope I'll be able to help you."
"We'll see. First, you should know that all communication with the outside world is strictly forbidden. Do not contact anyone, including your family. We've got a special line for emergencies. It goes directly to the police. In case of an emergency, we'll call for reinforcements. We've also got a medical facility on site. There are a number of doctors and nurses here. If any of the inmates require medical treatment, it can be done here."
"What about visitors?"
"We do not allow any. The prisoners are not official be lock down here. They're being held in secret, so we don't want to draw attention to ourselves. The fewer people who know about this place, the better. Of course, in case of an emergency, the government can step in, but that's very unlikely."
"Are there any rules I need to follow?"
"Just keep in mind what I've told you. The most important thing is that you maintain a healthy distance from the prisoners. You're not allowed to approach any of them. And do not allow them to approach you. Also, you must keep an eye on them at all times. You're not allowed to take breaks."
"I understand."
After finishing his orientation, Toshio started his job.
He went to the guard room, The prison was sperate to 4 wings form A to D, each wings delare to more and more dangerous criminals, he took a deep breath before entering the first wing, A, which is a general prison.
The guard room is a simple white-walled space, furnished with a few chairs and a desk. A single fluorescent light illuminates the room. It smells like cleaning fluid.
At the far end of the room, a door leads into a long corridor lined with cells. The cells are separated by thick iron bars. Most are occupied. The prisoners are dressed in white jumpsuits and wear ankle shackles.
As he walked through the corridor, Toshio noticed that some of the inmates were watching him intently. He tried not to make eye contact. He also notice that some inmates was in differest clothes, some even was tight in leather's strap suit same one that use in mental hospital.
In one of the cells, a man was lying on his bunk. He looked up at Toshio and smiled.
"Hey, handsome. How about a blowjob?"
Toshio ignored, He will station in Male, A zone. All women inmate was on sperate floor with women's guard.
"Hey, how about you come in and let me suck you off? I bet you'd love that. You could shove your dick in my mouth and fuck my face."
"Stop talking."
"Or what? You gonna punish me? Huh? I'd like to see you try. I'm a tough guy. You're not going to hurt me."
"No need to talk to him" another guard comming and said. "He's not worth it. He's just a piece of shit. He's a fucking pervert. That's all he's good for."
"That's not true. I can do lots of things. I can give you a good time. I bet you've never had a blowjob before, have you?"
"Ignore him, that is best way to do here" the other guard said in calm voice.
"Make me! You think you can make me do anything? I'm stronger than you are. I could take you out. Come on, let's go! You and me, right now. Let's fight."
Toshio ignore, he walked away.
But the man continued to taunt him.
"Hey, you chicken shit! Why don't you turn around and look at me? Are you too scared to look me in the eye? What a coward! I'm not afraid of you! I'm not afraid of anything!"
Toshio ignore.
"Hey, hey! You can't walk away from me. I'm talking to you. I'm not done yet. Hey, are you listening to me? I'm not done talking to you. Don't ignore me. You're ignoring me. Don't ignore me. I said, don't ignore me!"
Suddenly the man started screaming and cursing at him. He was shouting obscenities and hurling insults.
"Fuck you! Fuck you! You're a fucking coward. I'm going to kick your ass! I'm going to make you wish you were dead. You're not going to ignore me. You're going to listen to me. I'm not going to shut up. You're going to listen to every single word I have to say."
Toshio continue walking away. He doesn't know why the inmate act like that.
"Fuck you! You're a pussy! You're a fucking pussy! You're a coward! I'm going to kick your ass! I'm going to destroy you. You're a fucking pussy! Come here and fight me, you coward! Fight me! Fight me, you coward! Fight me!"
He kept walking. He could still hear the man yelling at him.
"No worry, This place not like other prison. Most of them can't step outside that case until the end of the world. But they are still human" The other guard said in calm voice. "Some have unique talent, some are scientist and genius, they could help the government in secret, like this prison is exist in the first place"
"You should ignore him. He's just a fucking retard. He doesn't know when to stop. He'll keep doing it until he gets bored. It's best not to give him the satisfaction. Just keep walking."
"Thank you, sir."
"No problem. Don't let him get to you. It's not worth it."
They keep walking and leave the man behind.
Toshio feel relief, But he have one worry, the man's face. The man was young, and have handsome face, but something weird, he have red eye. Like his eyes were bleeding, and the other is black.
"Who is that?"
"He is one of the foreigner" The guard said. "His name is Sigma, and he is a Russian"
"Russian? What did he do to be put here?"
"He is a hacker, he hacked into a Russian bank and stole money. They sent him here after he got out from his jail"
"Why is he have red and black eyes?"
"He is a special case, and he is the first and only inmate with two color eyes, the doctors and scientists are testing him, and they are the one who have control over him"
"I see, so they're treating him like a lab rat"
"Yes, he is a special case, because of his eye color, his power and his brain"
"I see, what's his ability?"
"I don't know, they said it is a secret, and we shouldn't talk about it, so they don't leak the information"
"Okay, thank you"
They keep walking and arrive at the guard post.
"Well, I'll leave you here. Take care of yourself. We have not much guard here, Most of system was automatic unless was override by control key." He point to a key in the box on the desk. "It's only use while some case. And need to report before use it. Most of time, inmate will be in their cell. even food also have automatic system on provide it.  As you may know, you need to do patrol on alley ways at least once each hour. I suggest you to just keep eye on them, ignore any request or talk to them. "
"Okay, thank you."
"You're welcome. Just relax and enjoy. It's not so hard"
The guard leave, and Toshio is alone. He look at the key in the box and remember about the rule.
He look around the place, and the cell have one way to open, a small window, the same one that the food was serve.
He look at the monitor, and the screen show a list of all inmates in each cell, and he could see their faces, age and sex.
"Let's see, what have we got here"
"Hmm, 35-year-old male, 174 cm, 60 kg, Caucasian, Russian, hacker, 397,710.23 USD theft"
"What an amount, no wonder he was locked here."
"Hmm, 37-year-old male, 166 cm, 59 kg, Asian, Japanese, serial killer, 677 counts murder, 48 counts rape"
"Damn, a mass murderer, what did he do to deserve that title?"
"Hmm, 42-year-old male, 167 cm, 84 kg, Asian, Korean, scientist, 280 counts child abuse, 10 counts child murder, 100 counts illegal human experiment, 500 counts illegal drugs deal, 1000 counts torture, 10000 counts rape"
"Holy shit, this is a big list."
"Hmm, 28-year-old male, 168 cm, 58 kg, European, German, serial killer, 125 counts murder, 23 counts rape"
"Not a big deal compared to the first one."
"Huh!, 20--year-old male,165,52 kg, Asian, Japanese, - Data consealed - unaviable permission rank to access this data"
"What, why can't I see his data?" His attention was shift to this one. "He is only 20 years old, why is his data blocked?"
He look at the other info and find out that all other inmates are 30 and above. All others data was showed, just only one.
He think for a moment, and then realize something, this cell is not the normal one.
"Why is he locked there? He is so young. What did he do to deserve being here? He is so young. And the system doesn't even show his name."
He think for a moment.
"Could he be one of those 'special cases' the guard was talking about?"
He change the mornitor to this man's cell. then he notice. That cell is one that wear a tight leather straping suit. his face also masked with lether mask. his eye was blined with red strap, and his hand and feet is tied with same leather.
"This is so strange. why is he tied like that? This is not a normal cell. What did he do to deserve being there? Could it be his ability that dangerous enough to be locked in this special cell?"
He look closely at the screen, and notice something else.
"Hmm, why does he have a bulge on his pants? Could he be erect?"
He zooms the image and sees a big bulge in his pants.
"Why is he erect? Could it be his ability has something to do with sex? That could be the reason why his data is blocked."
He also notice that this man got an feeding tube, It's like they not want someone go near him even to feed him.
"Maybe that's it, his ability is so dangerous, and they can't risk it, so they have him locked up like this."
Toshio was curious, the boy is handsome, even his body is covered with leather, he can still see the outline of his abs. And his cock is very big, the biggest Toshio ever seen.
Toshio decide to investigate it more later, right now, he will have to do his job.
Time passed, and soon his shift is over.
He go home and relax.
In his mind, he can't forget about the boy, He was very young, and his face was covered with a mask. Toshio is very curious about him.
And also, he was curious about that man who had the red and black eyes. Why was he so angry?
He was curious about the boy's ability, and why he was locked up. He decided to investigate the matter further.
Toshio's curiosity was growing.
He knew he was breaking the rules.
But he was curious.
The next day, Toshio goes to work as usual.
He starts his shift, and his first task is to check on the inmates.
He checks the monitor, and he sees the boy is still there. He looks at the other cells, and none of them are occupied.
"Hmm, the cells are all empty, but the boy's cell is not. I wonder why. Maybe the boy is a special case. I'm curious about him."
Toshio is still thinking about the boy.
He decides to check the boy's cell.
He approaches the cell, and sees the boy is laying down. He's not moving.
"Huh, he is sleeping."
Toshio watches the boy for a while.
Then he decides to enter the cell.
"I'm going to check on him."
He enters the cell, and sees the boy is laying still.
"Hmm, he is still asleep. I'm going to check on him."
Toshio touches the boy, and sees the boy doesn't react.
He feels the boy's body, and sees the boy's face. He sees the boy is wearing a mask, but his eyes are covered by a red blindfold.
He looks at the boy's body, and sees the boy has an athletic build.
"Hmm, he is a good-looking boy. I wonder what he is like under the mask."
Toshio decides to check.
Toshio touches the boy's face.
"His skin is soft. Hmm, he is a cute boy."
Toshio takes his finger and touches the boy's lips.
The boy doesn't move.
"His lips are soft. Hmm, he is a beautiful boy. He is very handsome."
Toshio decides to check on the rest of the boy's body.
He checks the boy's neck, and sees the boy has a muscular neck.
"His neck is very strong. Hmm, his neck is muscular."
Toshio moves his hand and feels the boy's chest.
"His chest is muscular. Hmm, he is a strong boy."
Toshio feels the boy's chest.
"He has a muscular chest. Hmm, he is a good-looking boy."
Toshio keeps moving his hand.
He feels the boy's abs.
"He has a nice six pack. Hmm, he is a handsome boy."
Toshio feels the boy's stomach, and sees the boy's navel is visible.
"He has a cute navel. Hmm, he is a cute boy."
Toshio reaches the boy's crotch.
He sees the boy's cock is still hard.
"Hmm, his cock is still hard." Then he notice a smell coming from the boy's crotch.
"There's a musky scent coming from his crotch."
Toshio sniffs the air.
"It's a sexy musky scent. Hmm, it's a manly scent."
Toshio is getting aroused.
He decides to touch the boy's cock.
"Ammm Ummm" The boy moans a little.
Toshio touches the boy's cock and feels the boy's shaft.
"Hmm, his cock is long. Hmm, he is a hung boy."
Toshio grabs the boy's balls.
"His balls are big. Hmm, he is a heavy-balled boy."
Toshio massages the boy's balls.
"Ahhh Ahh" The boy moans louder.
Toshio feels the boy's ass.
"Hmm, his ass is round. Hmm, he is a beautiful boy."
"Ahawammam" Boy try to talk something.
Toshio moves his hand down to the boy's ass.
"He has a nice ass. Hmm, he is a cute boy."
"Uhmmam" Boy mumbles.
"What is it, boy?" Toshio asked.
"Amawww" Boy mumbles again.
Toshio doesn't understand what the boy is saying.
He then remove a gagged form boy mouth.
"What are you doing, boy? Are you trying to say something?"
"Yea" Boy said.
"What is it, boy?"
"Who are you, mister?"
"My name is Toshio. I'm a guard here. Who are you, boy?"
"My name is Kaito. What are you doing, sir?"
"I'm checking on you, boy. Why are you tied up like this, boy?"
"They was kidnap me!, bring me here and lock me inside this suit"
"Kidnap? What do you mean, boy?"
"They kidnap me, tie me up, and then lock me in here. I don't know why."
Toshio may not understand, but he feel he can trust the boy, his voice is so soft and so reliable.
"Okay, I believe you, boy. But how did you get in here?"
"They put me inside this suit and blindfolded me. Then they brought me here and locked me in here. I don't know why, sir."
Toshio doesn't know what to do, he can't let the boy go, but he also can't leave him like this. he feel that his head was half blank. He really feel that he need help him.
"What should I do, boy? Should I let you go or should I leave you here?"
"Please, help me, sir."
"What can I do, boy?"
"Can you please take this mask off of my face? I can't see anything."
Toshio takes the mask off of the boy's face.
The boy's face is covered with a leather blindfold.
Toshio then takes the blindfold off.
"Ahhh, I can see again." boy eyes was gaze on Toshio face. their eyes was meet each others.
"So beautiful eyes" Toshio thought.
The boy's eyes were a beautiful emerald green. They were a beautiful green color.
"Boy, you have such a beautiful eyes."
"Thank you, sir. If you like it, may you gaze deeper in my eyes?"
"Sure, boy."
"Ahhh" Boy said.
The boy's eyes were hypnotized.
Toshio gazed deeply into the boy's eyes.
"Ahhhh" The boy moaned.
"Ohhh, ohhh" Toshio was moaning.
The boy's eyes were glazing.
"I know you love my scent, right?"
"Yes, boy. I do. Your scent is so manly."
"My scent is so manly, isn't it?"
"Yes, boy. It is." Toshio fill his face with boy's smell.
"You want to inhale more deeply in my scent right?"
"Yes, boy. I want to."
"Then inhale more deeply."
"Ohhh, ohhh" Toshio is inhaling the boy's scent.
The boy's scent is intoxicating.
"Ohhh, ohhh, it's so strong. So manly."
"My scent is so strong, isn't it?"
"Yes, boy. It is."
"I'm glad that you like my scent, sir. Then why you not take my suit, it's fill with my sweat and odor. You must love that smell."
"I will."
"Take my suit off, sir. I want you to inhale more deeply in my smell."
"Okay, boy."
Toshio started removing the boy's leather suit.
The boy's suit is made out of leather.
"My suit is made out of leather. Do you like it, sir?"
"Yes, boy. I do. I love the smell of leather."
"I'm glad that you love the smell of leather, sir. Then why you not take a deep sniff in my suit."
"Okay, boy."
Toshio started sniffing the boy's leather suit.
The smell of the leather is intoxicating.
"Ahhh, it smells so good, sir."
"I'm glad that you love the smell, boy."
"My suit is soaked with my sweat. You want to taste my sweat, don't you, sir?"
"Yes, boy. I want to."
"Taste my sweat, sir."
"Okay, boy."
Toshio tasted the boy's sweat.
The taste was delicious.
"Your sweat is so tasty, boy."
"I'm glad that you like the taste, sir. Then why don't you take a sip from my balls?"
"Okay, boy."
Toshio drank the boy's sweat.
The taste was amazing.
"It's so good, boy. I love your taste."
"I'm glad that you love it, sir. Now why you not take of your uniform and fill yourself in my suit. I'm sure you love the feeling of my sweat on your skin."
"Okay, boy."
Toshio was completely naked now.
He was wearing only his tight spandex brief.
"You no need that brief. You want to feel your cock soak in my sweat, right?"
"Yes, boy. I want to."
"Take it off, sir."
"Okay, boy."
Toshio took his brief off.
Now he was completely naked.
"Ahhh, I'm so naked, boy. I feel so free."
"I'm glad that you like that, sir. Now take a seat on the chair and feel my suit upon your body. I'm sure you love the feeling."
"Yes, boy. I love it."
Toshio sat down on the chair.
He could feel the boy's sweat on his skin.
"Ahhh, it feels so good, boy. I love the feeling of your sweat on my skin."
"I'm glad that you like it, sir. Now why you not feel your cock in my suit. I'm sure you want to feel my warmth around your cock."
"Yes, boy. I want to."
"Feel your cock in my suit, sir."
"Okay, boy."
Toshio put his cock in the boy's suit.
"Ahhh, I can feel your warmth, boy. It's so nice."
"I'm glad that you like the warmth, sir. Now i will lock this strap on you. I'm sure you love to be locked inside my suit, right?"
"Yes, boy. I do."
"Then take this lock, sir."
"Okay, boy."
Toshio took the lock from the boy.
"Lock my suit, sir. I'm sure you love the feeling of being locked inside my suit."
"I love the feeling, boy. The suit was so tight on my body!"
"I'm glad that you like the feeling, sir. Now i think you want to taste my salivar, this gag is soak with it. And you will suck the drool from the tube. You must love the taste of my drool, right?"
"Yes, boy. I love the taste."
"Take the gag, sir."
"Okay, boy."
Toshio took the gag from the boy.
"Put the gag in your mouth, sir. I'm sure you love to have your mouth full of my drool."
"Yes, boy. I love it."
"Then put the gag in your mouth, and feel my drool."
"Okay, boy."
Toshio put the gag in his mouth.
He could feel the boy's saliva in his mouth.
"Ammhmmamammmu sos..fyooogodyoo (Ahhh, it feels so good, boy. I love the taste of your saliva.)" Toshio was said in muffed form gagged.
"Wow i can't understand what you said.  But I'm sure you love the feeling, sir."
"Yeaggaas (Yes, boy)"
"I'm glad that you like it, sir. But it's will not complete if you not feel my sweat in my mask, right?
"Yeaggaas (Yes, boy)."
"Let's me help put my mask on your head. I'm sure you love the feeling of your head be full with my smell, right?"
"Yeaggaas (Yes, boy)"
Toshio put the mask on his head.
He could feel the boy's scent all over his head.
"Ammhmmamammmu sos..fyooogodyoo  (Ahhh, it feels so good, boy. Your scent is intoxicating.)"
Toshio's cock was hard inside the suit.
"Your cock is hard, isn't it, sir?"
"Yeaggaas (Yes, boy)"
"I'm glad that you're so aroused, sir. Now i think you want to hear the sound of my voice, right?"
"Yeaggaas (Yes, boy)"
"I'm glad that you love my voice, sir. Then why you only heard only my voice, and obey it, love it. And feel the sensation of it. Your body is completely in my control."
"Yeaggaas (Yes, boy)"
Toshio felt the boy's words.
His mind was full of the boy's voice.
"Ammhmmamammmu sos...my...boyyys (Ahhh, it feels so good, my boyyys.)"
"I'm sure you not mind, if I will fuck your ass. right, sir?"
"Yeaggaas (yes, boy)"
"I'm glad that you want to have your ass fucked, sir. Then let's me put my cock in your ass."
"Ammhmmamammmu sos, boy yyyy (Ahhh, it feels so good, boys. Your cock is huge!)"
"I'm glad that you like having your ass fucked, sir. And don't worry I will not stop. I'm sure you will come from having your ass fucked by me, right?"
"Yeaggaas (Yes, boy)"
"I'm glad that you want to come, sir. Then feel my cock in your ass, feel it moving inside your ass, and filling your ass with my come."
"Ammhmmamammmu sos...my....boys.....yeees! (Ahhh, it feels so good, boys. I'm cumming!)"
"I'm glad that you came, sir. Now you will continue to serve me. And your ass will always be ready for me. My cock will always be inside your ass. You will always have my come inside your ass."
"Yeaggaas (Yes, boy. Please, Master!)"
"I'm glad that you want me to use your ass, sir. Now let's us taste each others cum"
"Yeaggaas (Yes, boy)
"Good, now suck my dick. I'm sure you will love the taste of my cum"
"Yeaggaas (Yes, Boy)"
"Suck it. Suck my dick"
"Yeaggaas (Yes, Boy )"
The boy pull unzip a leather strap crotch and start to suck Toshio's cock.
Toshio was sucking the boy's cock.
They were both enjoying the taste of each others cocks.
"Hmmm, you are a good cock sucker, boy"
"I'm glad that you enjoy it, Sir. Your cock taste so good. And the way it fills my mouth, I just can't get enough. Good to know that this trade is not bad at all."
"What trade are you talking about?"
"Soon you will know"
The boy continues to suck Toshio's cock.
They both enjoy the taste of each others cocks.
"You make me horny, boy. I can't resist the temptation"
"That's what I'm talking about. I'm sure you will enjoy this trade. "
"I'm sure I will"
"Then cum, flood it in my mouth"
"As you wish, boy"
"Oh yeah, flood it with your cum. Flood my mouth with your cum. Yes. yes, fill my mouth with your cum"
Toshio shot his cum inside the boy's mouth.
The boy swallowed the cum.
"Hmm, you have such a tasty cum. I can't wait for you to do the same thing to me.
"Hmm, you are a naughty boy. And I love naughty boys."
"Thank you, Sir. Then drink my cum, take it."
Toshio sucks the boy's cock.
"Ahhh, the taste of your cock. I can't get enough.
"I know, you can't. And the taste of your cum, I can't get enough. So keep sucking it. Keep drinking my cum."
"Hmm, you are a naughty, slut. I love a slut"
"I'm glad that you do. So drink it all. Drink my cum."
"Ahhh, I will"
Toshio drinks the boy's cum.
"Hmm, the taste of your cum, hmm, it's so good. I can't get enough. "
"I know. I'm glad that you do. Now just wait.. ah i can feel it."
"My body it's start to morph... Also your."
"My what?"
"Your body also start to morph. Ohhh. Ahhh"
"Oh my god! What is this?!"
"Your body start to morph into my body."
The boy body was growing, his figure was morping to be Toshio.
"No, no, what is this?!"
"Don't worry, It's will not hurt"
Toshio was looking at the boy, his eyes was widen. He was shocked.
"You are me, now, Sir."
"I'm who?
"You are me. and I'm Toshio now"
"How? Why? What did you do to me?"
"It's simple. This trade. You get my body, and I get your. We exchange our body, But you still my slave, right?"
"No! No! You can't do this to me."
"Of course, I can. You are my slave now, Sir. And you will serve me." The boy which now Toshio gaze to Toshio's eyes in shape of the boy, he whipser with slow, calm voice.
"You will serve me. You will obey me. You will do everything I say." Real Toshio eyes was start to blank.
"You will do everything I say." The boy whisper in Toshio's ear, Toshio mind was completely blank.
"I will do everything you say." Toshio said, his mind was full with the boy's word.
"You will do everything I say. You will be a good slave." The boy whisper in Toshio's ear.
"I will do everything you say."
"You will be a good slave."
"Yes. Yes. I will be a good slave. I will do everything you say.
"Good. Now kiss me. Kiss yourself."
"As you wish."
Toshio kisses the boy, he could taste his own lips.
"Now suck yourself. Suck your own cock."
"Yes, Master."
Toshio starts sucking his own cock.
"Good slave. Good slave."
"Thank you, Master.
"Let's stop for today, I'm sure i will enjoy with you later. Now your cock will keep hard but can't release, unless i'm allow you to.
"Yes, Master."
"Good slave. Good slave."
"I'm glad you have a good slave. I will take care of your body"
"You will. Now I will leave you here"
"As you wish."
New Toshio put a gagged back and check the boy's leather strap suit that was seal as normal. Then he look at Toshio's guard uniform. He pick Toshio's brief and smell it. He loves the smell. Think he got Toshio's fetish too. New Toshio took off Toshio's brief and put it on. He could feel his hard cock in the tight brief. New Toshio took Toshio's shirt and put it on. Then he put Toshio's pants on. Then New Toshio put on Toshio's shoes. He could feel the leather rubbing against his body.
New Toshio stood up and looked down at his new body. He was wearing Toshio's guard uniform. His new body was covered in tight uniform.
"Damn, I look hot in this uniform." New Toshio said.
New Toshio smiled and then walked out of the room.
New Toshio walked down the hallway. He was excited. He had a big day ahead of him. He was going to explore his new body and see what he could do with it. He had never been so excited before. He couldn't wait to start his new life.
Toshio, the old one, now was a no name boy, was laid on the bed watching his new master walk out. Toshio can only think he need to be a good slave and obey his new master.
"Yes, yes. I will be a good slave and obey."
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galeemdoesart · 1 month
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Pre-banishment AU
I've had this idea since I started this account but never got around to making it. Mainly because I didn't have a clear idea of what it will be. If you guys have any ideas, lemme know! I would love to hear your thoughts <3<3
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mamawasatesttube · 5 months
i just think lois lane should put tim drake in her purse like a little dog. a scrunkly little companion who's even better at picking locks than she is, which is saying something. a nosy little freak after her own heart. the rubber duck she uses when talking her thoughts out loud to put clues together. her coffee gofer. her purse ferret.
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newdestination · 4 months
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crystallizsch · 7 months
finders keepers :3
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velvetjune · 3 months
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ahti’s name tag, I love him
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kingsandbastardz · 5 months
Tumblr ate the anon ask I was responding to so I'm gonna paraphrase it here:
what do mean llh gave di feisheng to fang duobing? the letter totally said something else
Yes, it did - but I didn't feel I could comment too deeply on it when it's been retranslated and people who are far more literate than I am have analyzed the contents already. -- The letter itself seems pretty straight forward.
However, what I wanted to focus on was analyzing unspoken social dynamics - so I'm gonna get in depth into my reasoning for my interpretation. And admittedly in previous posts I was playing fast and glib with my responses (they were just insomnia-fueled thoughts I typed real fast) so I wasn't really in depth or anything. Anyway~~~ That means it's time for me to get long winded.
So! First thing - this is the scene: The letter was written from Li Xiangyi and addressed in its entirety to Di Feisheng. However, when it was delivered the fisherman asked for both DFS and FDB. It was then read outloud by either the fisherman or FDB -- I assume read out loud, and loudly, because DFS never left his position by the rocks and emoted his distress at the contents. That means everyone there also was privy to the letter contents.
The letter itself is straight forward. It's addressed from LXY telling DFS that he regretfully can't make the duel and that he respects him both as a martial artist and as a person, and if he wishes, he can go to FDB who has inherited his skills and shows great promise, etc.
The thing IS - I firmly believe that this is not a message meant just for DFS.
Both LLH and DFS code switch between their non-leader selves vs Li-Menzhu and Di-Mengzhu. It's easiest to see based on what they're wearing. Li Xiangyi when he's dressed in the Sigu Sect uniform. Or the Styx flower hand-off scene where he calls him Di-mengzhu (not Lao Di or A-Fei or whatever else) likely as a reaction to his official regalia/red uniform which means DFS was showing up in an official capacity. Both of them know very well the importance of a certain.... how to say.... drama? They're both leaders and they were also very performative in their roles as leaders. They both expected that massive peanut gallery that showed up to witness the fight - the one filled with members of various sects, including Sigu Sect leadership -- because dfs was likely the one announcing it.
Imo - aside from the need to express the full weight of what he felt, part of the reason LLH was so formal in his letter is expectation that there would be other people there - influential people. The very people DFS and FDB would have to deal with in the future alone. FDB would be ok but he's largely unknown to the rest of jianghu and therefore his story is still malleable. DFS is known, but infamous and his narrative is as much of a trap as LXY's was. And now he no longer has the benefit of a sect to act as a buffer.
LLH's last act as LXY was not to save Yun Biqiu but to carve a new path open in the world for DFS and FDB:
Expresses that he bears deep emotion and the greatest and deepest respect for DFS despite a reputation of them being enemies
Informs everyone that DFS is not seeking dominion or 'the throne' but rather, is going the fighter-scholar path of studying and testing martial skill -- aka, this is message from one sect leader to all the others present. Spread the word, this man is NOT gunning for your power. None of you have reason to take him down.
Establishes FDB as his one and only successor - while also stating clearly it's entirely up to FDB to decide whether to continue down this path or not
Creates a pathway for DFS and FDB to maintain their connection with each other - and in fact lets everyone else know that there is a pre-established, legacy relationship between DFS and LLH that FDB will be inheriting.
Gently asks DFS to keep an eye on FDB's development - iterating that if dfs is the one asking, then FDB may make the decision to continue to train - aka help him see his full potential whatever his decision is.
At the same time, he silently wishes FDB to maintain connections with/keep an eye on DFS. In another reply I kinda went on about this: imagine a scenario where your friend's mom pulls both of you in front of her. And the whole time is telling your friend that they need to do, expectations, a list of goals, etc. The entire time she's only focused on your friend - but there is this silent implication that you, as the witness, is expected to act a reminder or even an enforcer if your friend isn't listening. If things go wrong, you're expected to go in there and help them to do the thing they were asked to do. This is the unspoken message I'm getting for FDB. Even though his name wasn't mentioned in the letter, it was explicitly delivered to both him and dfs. He's standing right there while an imaginary LLH talks to DFS. So if after all this, dfs disappears without another word = fdb can feel emboldened to go after him, knocking on doors until he answers. Should he decide to do so.
Entreaty - "These are LXY's (my) last wishes. Please respect my memory after my death."
Conclusion: LLH's last actions were to create a space where both DFS and FDB can make their own decision on their path in the world, without the weight of all those other people in jianghu influencing them.
Note: I also believe that on dfs' side, his clothing choices point toward his plans to publicly step down and leave the martial path with Li Lianhua. But llh sucker-punched him and left him standing on some rocks like a widow waiting for her husband who's lost at sea. They were technically on the same page, but it somehow went wrong because... well. Unfortunately that's DFS' narrative. He never quite reaches his goal without the hero either hindering or helping him. The entire drama was LLH being that karma busting fulcrum for him. But now, should he wish it, it'll be FDB's turn to step up and do the same.
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braisedhoney · 1 year
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say hello to the first Official Canon Characters aboard the HIVE o7 (joking, but they are legit ocs which is kinda weird to say 👀)
random lore + some extra tidbits below the cut
OKAY this is all pretty loose bc i don't wanna get top restrictive with it, the vagueness is half the fun. but here's what i got:
in the “HIVE canon”, sector heads/ranking officers (which for now is just leander and COL ig until i eventually cave and make more lmao) are specifically given custom uniforms and number prefixes instead of the CR[insert number here] format.
the “M” in front of leander’s stands for medbay. COL didn’t pick one so it’s just his name lol.
crewmates can wear any accessories they want as long as the base uniform stays the same (bee arm patches, grey, etc). all crewmate numbers gotta start with CR to be canon, but that doesn't apply to shitpost comics or like. general vibes
(there’s a reason the crew uniforms are grey. it’s the same reason leander made the captain’s gloves. )
the ship shuffles itself! it's not random all of the time, sometimes you open a door and end up in the room you were heading to like a shortcut, but other times you can open a random door and end up in the kitchen, or the training hall, etc etc. i just think an eldritch abomination ship is funny.
weirdly enough though it doesn’t do this in crisis situations. guess it’s only fun if the pranks are harmless ;;
if you get lost, call the captain (ello! o7) or COLONY over comms. they can generally get you wherever you need to go bc COLONY is directly connected to the ship and the captain’s able to make [INQUIRIES], which let us pass freely.
it’s kind of hard to tell if leander has a similar ability. the running theory is no, but he never seems confused?? when he enters a room?? so either he has one or he really just rolls with the punches. both are equally possible tbh.
in actual lore these two were probably some of if not the first few people to be recruited. obvs that’s a retcon now but shhh.
random characters from fandoms still get dragged into our shenanigans. at the end of the day this is all just for fun, and that’s one of the best parts, so hell yeah i’m keeping it.
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Lost in the Cosmos
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kookiekult · 4 months
What a waste.
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misirosekisiro · 10 months
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Shadow's deception
Chapter 1
Sarutobi Akiha's heart raced faster than ever as he finally stepped foot onto the Arasaka Corporation headquarters grounds. Despite years of training and preparation, the magnitude of his covert operation sent shivers down his spine. This wasn't just about revenge against those who killed his parents - this was warfare.
Inside the impenetrable fortress of glass and steel, the air carried echoes of powerful machines whirring behind closed doors. Every step forward felt like advancing into enemy territory, leaving his every nerve on edge.
Then he notice a guard, not just normal guard like outside building, but a ninja guards, dress in blue high-tech ninja's bodysuit, patroling and gurding the door.
Akiha sneak carefully towards the guard, waiting for the right moment to strike. Finally, he sees it – the perfect opportunity arises when the guard bends over to pick up something off the floor. In a flash, Akiha lunges at the unsuspecting target, grabbing hold of his wrist before pulling him closer.
The guard struggles, attempting to break free while reaching for hidden weapons under his sleeves. But Akiha’s mastery of ninjutsu proves superior, allowing him to swiftly disarm the opponent without breaking contact. With a twist of his fingers, he pins the guard’s arm securely behind his back, forcing submission as they face each other eye to eye.
As their gazes lock, the intensity rippling through both parties becomes palpable. Sweat drips down their foreheads despite the cool night air.
"Al..." Ninja guard going to shout.
But Akiha moves quickly, placing his hand over the guard's mouth to prevent any noise escaping. Then, with precision, he plunges his tongue deep inside the guard's throat, savoring the warmth of his blood. Their connection intensifies further, their breathing becoming heavy. "You know what happens now?" asks Akiha huskily, leaning close enough to whisper directly into the man's ear. His arm warp around guard's neck to do chock hold.
Guard struggle even more trying to escape death. It seems hopelessly for him, because there was no chance to resist Akiha.
"Sorry, I will take your duty for today." Akiha whisper.
Guard struggling in panic to breathe, slowly loosing consciousness due to lack of oxygen to brain. Akiha feels victorious, accomplishing his first task of the evening. However, a new sense of urgency begins to stir as he realizes time is running short. Taking advantage of the situation, he hastens to find a suitable place to don the stolen ninja attire." He found storage room, so he dragguard body there, undressed him.
First, he removed the black leather boots, then pulled off the formfitting blue bodysuit revealing smooth muscular legs beneath. Next came the gloves, followed by the headband which held the distinctive blue hair in place. Lastly, he took off the tight fitting hoodie covering the upper half of the body.After removing all these items, he left the unconscious guard lying on the cold concrete floor. Now dressed in the stolen ninja attire, he looked almost identical to the guard he had defeated earlier.
He look at naked unconcious guard. He need to make sure that he can't alert anyone, even he's early awake. He start to tie
the unconscious guard hands behind his back, rendering him helpless if he regains consciousness too soon. he also gagged the bound guard's mouth, muffling any possible cries for help. Once he finished securing the prisoner, He hidding his own belongs, his ninjs bodysuit, maskin a nearby storage area, knowing he couldn't risk having them discovered later.
Now fully assimilated into his new identity, he moved confidently throughout the maze-like structure, blending in effortlessly among the staff members. Utilizing his advanced knowledge of the premises, he managed to navigate the complex system, avoiding surveillance cameras and suspicious employees alike.
His mind constantly drifted toward thoughts of retribution.
But not long after he move toward his mission. One figure landed silently next to a place where Akiha hide his attire.
It's Mukuro, another 19-year-old gay ninja working for Arasaka Corp. His primary objective is to capture intruders like Sarutobi Akiha. His stealth skills are legendary amongst other ninjas. He found Akiha since he enter the building. So stalking him silently. He's let Akiha progress to learn what is this ninja's target. He saw when Akiha attack guard, change hisattire. And heading toward Data storage room. He pick up Akiha's ninja bodysuit, put in in his nose.
Mukuro smirked, his eyes narrowing slightly. Stepping closer, he reached for the fabric, taking it gingerly between his fingertips. His touch lingered longer than necessary, drawing attention to the supple material and exquisite craftsmanship. Unable to suppress a small smile, he traced invisible patterns along the soft fabric, reveling in the subtle sensuality embedded within its fibers.
He could feel Akiha's strength, determination, and sexual prowess radiating from the garment, enticing him beyond belief. Clasping the material tightly to his chest, he mentally saluted the ingenious design that allowed such an exceptional display of power and prowess.
He grab all Akiha's belong, then vanished.
Chapter 2
With his stolen ninja guard uniform and identity, Akiha head deeper into Arasaka's building.
Navigating through dimly lit corridors, the air thickened with apprehension. Each turn seemed to bring him one step closer to the data room holding vital information. Yet, he feel he was being tracked closely by someone else skilled in the arts of deception...someone whose sole aim was to expose and neutralize him. But he sight no one.
As Akiha navigates through the labyrinth of hallways, his mind wanders, fixating upon the prospect of success and how sweet victory would taste once he acquired the crucial intel stored within the data room. Even though he was alone amidst this vast expanse, the presence of Mukuro hung heavily in the air. His mere existence taunted Akiha, casting doubt over whether this quest for vengeance might end in failure.
He try to check a blueprint of the building in his memory.
He knew the data room should be near the top floors, far away from entrance, surrounded by high level security measures.
As he walk higher, feeling his heart race faster. Surrounded by dark corridor illuminated only by occasional emergency light. The pressure mounted exponentially as each passing second brought him closer to ultimate prize.
Finally, he reach a large metal door marked 'Restricted Area'.
He know he has arrived. Before opening the door, he take few moments to calm himself. Breath deeply and steadies his racing pulse. Gaining confidence, he steps toward the door, pressing his fingerprint scanner with his faked fingerprint on his finger.
Without warning, a male voice comes over intercom speaker: "Identify yourself!"
His voice filled with authority, making the hairs on Akiha's arms stand on end. Quickly, he composes himself, remembering the information he studied regarding the building layout and personnel. Speaking clearly yet quietly, Akiha answers, "This is agent X57, reporting for my shift." There is a brief pause before the intercom responds: "Access granted," accompanied by the metallic sound of the door unlocking. As he slides open the heavy metal door, he cannot help but marvel at the secrecy and security surrounding this highly classified space.
Adjusting his grip on the stolen ID card attached to his belt, he braces himself against the frigid draft blowing inward from the opened vault. The temperature drop signaled his proximity to the inner sanctum housing the most coveted treasures of Arasaka Corp. A thrilling mix of anxiety and excitement coursed through his veins as he ventured further, leaving nothing but darkness behind him.
Bursting forth into the main chamber, he beheld rows upon rows of gleaming server racks containing seemingly infinite amounts of digital information.
Despite the sheer magnitude of the wealth contained here, he remained focused on locating the specific data sought after.
A sudden wave of panic surged through Akiha as he realized just how pervasively the room was monitored – every action he made would leave indelible marks upon countless digital records. This thought sent shivers cascading down his spine, making his resolve waver momentarily. But resolutely, he pressed on, determined to achieve his goals.
Moving towards the servers responsible for storing critical business strategies, financial transactions, military intelligence, and various other forms of valuable data, he searched diligently for the specific file he needed. The silence encapsulating the enormous space amplified the loud clicking sounds generated by the rotating hard drives and humming fans. Each corner revealed layers of intrigue hidden behind screens of numerical codes and cybersecurity protocols.
Although familiar with some aspects of technology utilized in espionage missions, Akiha felt a rising unease as he confronted the depth of this technological conundrum. Every attempt to access the desired files triggered multiple defense mechanisms designed to prevent unauthorized access.
Unbeknownst to Akiha, he was already under intense scrutiny by Arasaka's IT department, led by Mukuro. Observing his movements via closed circuit cameras, they noted his precise navigation and swift maneuvers throughout the facility.
They were well aware of his covert tactics - a testament to his mastery of stealth and strategy. However, little did they realize that Mukuro's keen instincts were honed not merely for tracking intruders, but for recognizing kindred spirits seeking redemption in combat. He knew all too well the intensity of battle, and understood better than anyone the fire burning deep within Akiha's soul.
Meanwhile, Akiha continued his silent exploration, traversing vast spaces swathed in shadows cast by stark fluorescent lights.
Dodging past several motion sensor stations without triggering alarms proved an incredibly challenging task, requiring finesse and agility he hadn't known he possessed. Despite these obstacles, Akiha refused to falter, fueled by desperation and passionate desire for justice.
During his journey, however, he began to sense something amiss in the atmosphere around him. Although he initially attributed these feelings to the heightened stress induced by this precarious situation, he gradually became convinced there was more going on beneath the surface.
Something about the way the wind whispered through the empty corridors or the eerie echoes produced by his footsteps resonated with him on a primal level. It wasn't until he turned a sharp corner and came face-to-face with the data terminal that he truly comprehended the significance of these whispers.
The data terminal stood tall and imposing, towering above everything else in the vicinity. Its cold steel exterior emitted an ominous aura, accentuated by the dim lighting enveloping the area. As Akiha approached cautiously, he couldn't help but notice the faint outline of a shadow moving across the floor. Pausing briefly, he peered intently into the darkness, trying to discern any signs of movement. Satisfied that whatever had caused the disturbance was harmless, he resumed his approach towards the terminal.
But before he can approach it. The wall raising form the floor around him, too fast than Akiha can flee.
Sweat trickles down his forehead, he clenches his teeth. Panicking now, fearing that he will be trapped forever, Akiha decides to make a last effort to break free. Digging his fingers into the cool metal walls, he starts clawing wildly, trying to find purchase to push off. Desperate and losing hope, he remembers his fighting skills. Suddenly, he launches himself backward onto a nearby platform, performing a powerful roundhouse kick.
However, It's useless at all. Then he heard a trapdoor open above his head. follow with another ninja, step into a seal cage. Trapdoor was close after.
Akiha could see a ninja standing there, dressed in black attire, with long limbs, lean muscles, and a graceful stride. He wore a red high-tech tight ninja outfit, complete with a hood hiding his face.
"Hello friend, Nice to meet you. I'm Mukuro, who's be responsible on guarding this tower." Mukuro said in mocking tone.
Akiha glares fiercely at the figure, struggling futilely against the confines of the cage.
Angry, frustrated, powerless, betrayed, these words ring true inside Akiha's brain. He tried to gather what happened. How did he get caught? All those hours spent planning, preparing, studying…for naught! In a blink of an eye, his carefully crafted plan crumbled.
Feeling defeated, Akiha looked up at Mukuro. He decide to suddenly attack to Mukuro, hope to grab a victory with surprise attack.
In response, Mukuro reacted swiftly, blocking Akiha's strike with ease. A smile curved across his lips as he observed Akiha's efforts to escape the cage. He took advantage of the momentum created by Akiha's failed attempt, pinning him against the bars of the cell. As sweat dripped down both warriors’ faces, neither hesitated to express their determination to win.
Despite his anger, Akiha found solace in the fact that he faced one of his own kind.
Unwavering in his commitment to honor and duty, he fought furiously, pushing against the limits of his human capabilities. Mukuro, equally driven by loyalty and devotion to the cause, engaged in a merciless struggle for supremacy. Their bodies moved fluidly amid the chaos of the conflict, each thrust aimed directly at weakening the opponent's defenses. Sparks ignited when their flesh collided, and heat radiated from their clashing energies.
Both men were consumed by the urgency of the fight, displaying raw strength and expertise rarely seen among ordinary individuals. As sweat soaked their clothes, the two fighters locked eyes intensely, each absorbing the other's gaze, attempting to psychologically disarm them.
Akiha pushed harder, knowing that if he didn't defeat Mukuro quickly, he risked being exposed, captured, and potentially killed by others within the facility.
But even Akiha is talent ninja, but he still too little experience on field. Ninja fight is not like a samurai, relate on power. But cunning and stealth attack. Suddenly Akiha feel daze. His mind filled with confusion, and his body no longer responded as quickly. His eyesight seemed hazy, yet oddly clear at the same time. The air smelled different, subtle scents wafting over him. Unable to resist, he fell victim to the drug administered by Mukuro earlier. Overwhelmed by the sensory assault, Akiha lost consciousness.
As Akiha lay unconscious in the cage, Mukuro seized the opportunity to explore the contents of the data storage device strapped to Akiha's chest.
Carefully removing the case, he inserted a special USB key into its slot and waited patiently for the device to download the necessary faked information. With a soft click signifying completion, Mukuro removed the drive and slipped it safely into his pocket.
He then turned his attention back to Akiha, observing the young ninja lying helplessly before him. Feeling a mixture of admiration and pity for his adversary, Mukuro decided to spare Akiha's life for now. Instead, he chose to take matters further, binding Akiha tighter and placing a gag in his mouth to ensure his silence.
Once secured, Mukuro left Akiha alone in the dark chamber, leaving only the sound of his footsteps echoing through the hallways as evidence of his departure.
Now, Akiha struggled against his restraints, unable to move freely despite his best efforts. Frustration coursed through his veins as he realized the extent of his failure.
"So you finally awake, I wait until you awake because it more fun that way."
Mukuro spoke sarcastically. "It seems your plan has failed miserably," Akiha thought bitterly, feeling humiliated by his own lack of success. Despite his disappointment, Akiha remained steadfast in his resolve, determined to seek vengeance upon those who wronged him.
His hands bound behind his back, Akiha tested the limitations of his restraints. The material used for binding was surprisingly durable, rendering his attempts at escaping utterly fruitless. Yet again, he felt defeated.
Then Mukuro bring up a bag and place beside him. Akiha remember it. That is a bag that he keep his belongs and hidden while he disguise as ninja guard.
"Why bother?"asked Akiha with a hint of bitterness in his voice. "What good does it do me now?"
Mukuro paused momentarily, contemplating whether to answer honestly or maintain the pretense. Deciding on honesty, he replied, "Well, first things first, let us start getting to know each other."
Without waiting for a reply, Mukuro sat down opposite Akira, drawing his legs up underneath him.
His movements were practiced and measured, allowing him to sit comfortably whilst maintaining a sense of control. The slight creak of leather as he shifted in his seat punctuated the otherwise silent room. Akira continued to struggle against his bonds in vain, occasionally muttering curses under his breath. This would have been highly entertaining to watch if it weren't such a testament to Akira's arrogant pride. There was something fascinating about witnessing someone who appeared confidently superior, reduced to near helplessness.
Mukuro grinned slightly, taking pleasure in watching Akiha squirm against his restraints, visibly aware of how much his pride had taken a hit. Still, Mukuro knew better than to show any weakness or triumph prematurely. So instead, he began with small talk - inquiring about Akiha's past experiences and motivations. Gradually, the subject matter most pertinent to their present situation: espionage. But Akiha know better to not share any infomation about himself. he keep silent.
"It's ok, I just think it's will more easy if you just talk. But it's really no need."
Said Mukuro, seemingly unfazed by Akiha's refusal to engage.
"You may wonder, why I need to bring your belongs here." Mukuro pats on the bag beside him.
'Your equipment, right?'
Akiha nodded silently, choosing not to speak, understanding well enough Mukuro's intentions.
'Ah yes, your radio,' Mukuro continues nonchalantly, 'wouldn't want anyone accidentally intercepting our conversation.'
Even though he couldn't remove his hand gloves without assistance, Mukuro managed to fiddle with the device, ensuring the channel was securely encrypted. However, he purposely kept the volume low, creating an air of uncertainty surrounding their interaction.
"Since it was clothes, sure it bring for someone to wear."
Akiha mumbles sullenly, his gaze fixated on Mukuro, desperately trying to comprehend his motives.
"You will know soon enough" Then Mukuro walk to Akiha, grab Akiha's hair and lift his head up. He remove Akiha's gag then thrown a pill inside Akiha open mouth. Akiha try to split it. But Mukuro punch to his guts. Make him open mouth and grab the air. the pill also pass down his throat.
Akiha coughed violously after swallowing the strange substance. It's wasn't long before he feel heat in his body. But also feel weaker in each second pass.
Mukuro noticed the change in Akiha's condition, amused by the effects of the drugs he had administered. Although it wouldn't make Akiha completely compliant, the added influence could prove useful in manipulating the course of events. He watched closely as Akiha succumbed fully to the potency of the concoction.
The warmth spread throughout Akiha's body as the drug took effect. Even as he became disoriented, a newfound euphoria emerged.
His limbs grew heavy, his muscles unwilling to obey his commands. Paradoxical feelings flooded his body; excitement and terror coexisted within him. Each part of him felt both enthralled and petrified. Meanwhile, Mukuro studied Akiha intently, observing the rapid changes taking hold of his captive.
Satisfied with the progression of the drug's effects, Mukuro proceeded to carry out his nefarious scheme.
Drawing close to Akiha once more, he positioned himself inches away from the vulnerable figure seated on the cold concrete floor. Observing Akiha's rapidly dimming faculties, Mukuro prepared to capitalize on the opportunities presented. Glancing around briefly, He put his mouth on Akiha's member.
His tongue danced around Akiha's tip, teasing the edges. Just as Akiha started to lose himself in the sensuality of the act, Mukuro leaned forward, pressing his lips to Akiha's earlobe. His whisper reverberated deliciously deep within Akiha's core.
“I hope you enjoy yourself.”
Pulling back momentarily, he looked deeply into Akiha’s eyes, sending shivers of trepidation through his spine.
Without warning, Mukuro resumed his suckling of Akiha’s erect manhood, moving faster and deeper with each passing moment. As Akiha’s hips bucked involuntarily, Mukuro smiled wickedly, reveling in the knowledge that he held complete dominance over Akiha in this state.
Meanwhile, Akiha tried desperately to break free from his binds, his desire clashing with his growing dependence on Mukuro.
Despite being consumed by lustful urges, Akiha found solace in knowing that there was a chance to escape later when his strength returned. For now, he allowed himself to surrender to the pleasures Mukuro so masterfully provided.
Mukuro moved expertly across Akiha's body, lavishing him with tender caresses along the length of his arms and legs. His touch brought forth waves of euphoric sensations that enveloped Akiha's entire being.
Swept up in the rapturous torrent of sensory delight, he found himself yearning even more intensely for release. His whole world seemed to shrink down to nothing but Mukuro's deft fingers and the tantalizing promise of fulfillment. And yet, he knew instinctively that this was merely the beginning – that they were mere players in a larger game.
Both aware of their respective roles in this twisted choreography, Akiha found himself caught in the web of passion woven by Mukuro. Unable to resist the temptation, he gave himself wholly to the experience. Their bodies tangled together, becoming one, their primal desires driving them ever onward towards a climax that promised to eclipse their wildest dreams.
Embracing the eroticism of the encounter, Mukuro unleashed the depths of his sinuous expertise.
Then Akiha can't resist any further. He break a cum.
Mukuro smirked, satisfied with his performance thus far. He step and watch at Akiha. Akiha's cock still leaking a cum. It's flow out non-stop.
Akiha moans softly in relief, finding a measure of calm amidst the chaos. He not even notice that his body start to flaten. It's like all muscle, bone in his body was melt down and turn in to his cum, flow aways form his body form his cock.
When Akiha notice that something happen to his body.
He try to stand up, to see what happened. But his body become heavier, harder to move. Slowly, he realize what happening. All of his power gone. Even worse, he don't understand why. Why everything go wrong?
While Mukuro look at Akiha curiously, enjoying the unfolding spectacle of Akiha losing control over his own fate. He walks toward Akiha slowly, studying his changing appearance with keen interest.
When the last drop of Akiha's cum, leak out to wet floor.
Finally, Akiha lay motionless on the ground, his face filled with confusion and fear. Unaware of what has transpired during these moments, he stared blankly at Mukuro, questioning the reality of this surreal scenario. In response, Mukuro only offered a cryptic smile, leaving Akiha feeling utterly defeated and defenseless.
Feeling the loss of power physically manifested itself, the sudden transformation elicited panic and horror from Akiha. He now just a conciousness skin of himself. Laid on the floor.
Akiha finally understood what had occurred. All the muscle and bones in his body transformed into his semen, draining from his penis and eventually dissolving, reducing him to nothing but a mindless consciousness confined to his original skin. Panic rose swiftly within him as he struggled to grasp the magnitude of the metamorphosis. How did this happen? What went wrong? Questions bombarded his thoughts frantically.
Unfolding his limbs, Mukuro sauntered towards Akiha.
"Seem you enjoy a process of my unique ninpo. "Skinsuit transformation""
Mukuro said casually, his voice carrying a hint of cruelty. This caused Akiha to quiver with dread, despite his diminished physical capabilities. Despite the horror that now surrounded him, Akiha remained determined to find some way to reclaim his former self.
Mukuro start to undress himself
Before Akiha, he reveals a naked body covered in scars. Scars from years of training and battles as a skilled assassin.
Mukuro approached Akiha slowly, his hands roaming suggestively along his muscular frame.
As he stands towering over Akiha, the contrast between their figures becomes evident - Akiha's body reduced to a bare shell while Mukuro stands proudly displaying his robust form.
Then Mukuro pick Akiha's skinsuit up.
He rub his finger tips against it lightly, savoring the tactile pleasure. Feeling the fine threads underneath his fingertips, he whispers to Akiha.
"Now, let me show you how powerful I really am... If I wanted to, I could simply snap your life away right here. Do you believe me?"
There was no need for Akiha to answer - his frozen state conveyed everything needed. Mukuro laughed softly, a dark sound laced with menace.
Then he lower Akiha's skinsuit, use both hand to spread Akiha's mouth open wide, even widen more than normal mouth can do. Akiha think it's may tear and he must pain. But he really feel just likewas injected with anesthesia. He can feel a touch, how his mouth was spread but it's no pain.
What is going on? Did Mukuro inject him with numbing agent? His mind races as he tries to comprehend the situation. It seems impossible for Mukuro to perform such feats without the aid of medicine.
Akiha knows he needs to focus if he wants to survive this nightmare. Yet, his rational thought is quickly subdued by his mounting anxiety.
Why doesn't his body respond? What does Mukuro want from him? These questions continue to echo incessantly within his head.
Then the fear stuck to his head, Mukuro put one leg inside Akiha's mouth.
Akiha's mind racing trying to comprehend what this meant. He couldn't accept what he saw before him. Was Mukuro truly doing this? Or was it merely a figment of his imagination born from fear and fatigue? Couldn't be real, right? It wasn't possible. No one could defy the laws of nature like this!
But it didn't matter whether it was real or imaginary, because Akiha was trapped in this terrifying illusion either way.
Mukuro bring his leg's to fill in Akiha skinsuit's leg.
Akiha head now hug to Mukuro's ass, he can smella mix of sweat and pheromones emitting from Mukuro's body. It makes him remember their first meeting. The intensity of their encounters earlier tonight replay vividly in his memory. He remembers feeling helpless beneath Mukuro's superior skills and control. Yet somehow, this newfound submission felt different — much more intense and perverse.
After Mukuro adjust his leg to fit in Akiha's leg, he put another legs inside do the same.
Akiha's mouth stretched wider as Mukuro continues filling the void within his body with his legs. The sense of powerlessness intensifies, gripping Akiha's heart like a vice. He finds it difficult to reconcile his helplessness as the reality of the situation dawns upon him fully.
Each time Mukuro steps inside Akiha's body, a wave of conflicting emotions crashed over him. There was a strange mixture of fear, anger, humiliation, and arousal coursing through his veins. Also it's feel some contents of himself was filled.
After adjust both legs, Mukuro pull Akiha's skinsuit to cover his shoulder. It's always the toughest progress to put the arms and hands in.
Mukuro grimaced slightly at the challenge of fitting his own long fingers and palms into Akiha's narrow arms and hands. As he forced each digit to conform to the limited space, he noticed Akiya shiver slightly in reaction to the invasion. The slight tremble sent a thrill running through Mukuro, igniting an inner fire that he had long since suppressed.
The sensation grew stronger, almost uncontrollably.
Akiha tried to hold back his cries, but they escaped anyway, reverberating throughout the silent chamber. The sight of Mukuro filling Akiha's body piece by piece evoked feelings of both fear and exhilaration simultaneously. He wondered how long he would endure such torment until Mukuro finished. Time appeared to drag, making each moment seem excruciatingly drawn out.
Despite his predicament, there was also a perverse fascination with watching someone else occupy his body. It fueled a hidden desire deep within him that demanded satisfaction.
Mukuro also adjust his cock to fill in Akiha's empty cock skin.
Without hesitation, he inserts his entire length into Akiha's crotch area. The act causes Akiha to cry out involuntarily, his body reacting to Mukuro's presence. However, Mukuro maintains his composure, reveling in his complete dominance over Akiha. Akiha's chest rises and falls rapidly, his breath quickening, betraying his growing arousal. He closed his eyes, struggling to regain his bearings amidst the swirling sea of mixed emotions.
The weightiness of Mukuro's presence continued to press down on him, yet strangely enough, his aching desires began to stir once again. A part of him yearned for release, begging to be consumed by Mukuro's raw passion. In spite of the uncertainty surrounding his circumstances, a subtle whisper called forth from deep within, urging him to succumb completely to Mukuro's advances.
Having secured Akiha's lower half, Mukuro stepped back to admire his work. Now only last piece, he pull up Akiha's skinsuit head, to cover his head.
Inserting his head into Akiha's skull cap proved far more challenging compared to other parts. Each attempt seemed futile, causing Mukuro to grow impatient. Eventually, after several failed attempts, he managed to get his head through the small opening, securing the final piece of the puzzle.
Fully integrated into Akiha's skinsuit, Mukuro stood tall, surveying his newly acquired domain with pride. At first it's like a man try to wear too tight suit. Akiha's face was distort in different body inside. But soon Mukuro body start to shrink to match with skinsuit.
As he settles comfortably into Akiha's body, he observes his surroundings. The faint trace of Akiha's lingering essence fills him with renewed determination.
Akiha realized that Mukuro has indeed taken possession of his body entirely, leaving him paralyzed inside his own skin. It was both horrifying and surreal at the same time.
Amidst his confusion, Mukuro seized the opportunity to speak directly to Akiha, his voice echoing deeply within Akiha's skull.
"Feel the warmth caressing your insides, Akiha? Soon, you will experience something beyond your wildest dreams."
Mukuro's taunting words reverberated within Akiha's consciousness, creating a whirlwind of conflicted emotions. Simultaneously terrified and titillated, Akiha struggled to comprehend his present circumstance.
Then Akiha feel like got something slide into his brain. It's nauseating feeling. Like a slime try to read anything inside his brain.
The slithering sensation brought about discomfort as well as curiosity. Then suddenly, the sliding stops.
"Oh, Akiha right? Good name, that my name now. Ah you work under Genso, that oldie never give up right? I'm sorry about your lost that turn you into a shinobi. But why not just forget about them and seek different way of life. Than try to destroy Arasaka." Mukuro said, everything about Akiha's live
now belongs to him, his past and future included. "We should make best use of our enemy's resources, don't you agree?" Mukuro now as Akiha, move to Akiha's equiment, he start dressing it.
First, he take off Akiha's underwear, revealing his perfectly sculpted behind. Even though he was dressed in Akiha's skinsuit, he couldn't help but appreciate the firmness and smooth texture of Akiha's derriere. This sudden intimate encounter heightened his excitement further, sending waves of heat pulsing through his core.
Next, he moved onto Akiha's armor. Carefully slipping on the various pieces – gloves, gauntlets, boots, and finally the iconic black bodysuit that covered Akiha's upper body. Each item added to his transformation, enhancing his physical prowess and giving him a distinct edge over any adversaries.
The armored ensemble bore testament to Akiha's dedication and commitment to honing his craft. Mukuro marveled at the precision engineering incorporated into these garments, designed specifically for optimal performance during missions.
Then he take a Akiha's tight ninja mask.
Akiha's nose twitched as he caught a familiar scent wafting from the confines of the mask. It was a combination of perspiration, musk, and the lingering traces of Akiha's pheromone-laden presence. The blended fragrance caused a peculiar sensation to course through his body, eliciting an unexpected response. Despite the initial repulsion, he found himself oddly attracted to the unusual concoction.
As Mukuro took the ninja mask and placed it carefully around his neck, ensuring its snug fit, Akiha experienced a surge of panic. Trapped within the confines of his own skinsuit, he was unable to resist Mukuro's manipulations. His thoughts raced frantically, searching for a means to escape this bizarre predicament.
Suddenly, Akiha became aware of a throbbing ache below his waistline. Was this a side effect of being controlled by Mukuro's powers? Realizing that he could no longer control his physical responses, Akiha accepted his fate as a pawn in Mukuro's elaborate game. Acutally it's Mukuro that feel so
excited, as if electricity is flowing through his body. Sensual images flashed through his mind, sparking a flurry of ideas aimed at seducing Akiha into submitting to his will.
Unbeknownst to Akiha, Mukuro possessed knowledge regarding Akiha's weak spots. Leveraging this advantage, Mukuro sought to exploit these vulnerabilities, drawing Akiha deeper into his web of temptation.
Mukuro as Akiha, pick all left equipment, place it into his body.
As he straps on Akiha's gadgets, his confidence grows steadily, bolstered by the power and capabilities afforded by Akiha's arsenal. These tools served as the ultimate proof of Akiha's devotion to his cause - even in death, his skills remained invaluable.
Wearing Akiha's clothing and gadget gave Mukuro a sense of invincibility and potency unlike any before.
Akiha felt his heart racing in trepidation beneath his stolen skin. Meanwhile, Mukuro savored the taste of victory as he prepared to leave Akiha’s base incognito. As Akiha lay helplessly bound, he watched Mukuro don his mask, preparing to deceive the others waiting outside.
Chapter 3
Mukuro standing in the moonlight in Akiha's identity, watiching a old japanse mansion that is a base of Akiha. A rebellion group which aim to destroy Arasaka Corp. He need to report a successful mission to his master. but with false data inside the USB.
He had a plan in motion, one that would lead him straight towards destruction and chaos. The thought sent shivers coursing through his veins, igniting an inner fire that burned brighter than ever before.
When he reached Akiha's base, fully transformed, he confidently strode forward without skipping a beat. His footsteps were sure and steady as he made his way toward the entrance of the secret facility. He knew the layout of the compound by heart, having memorized every nook and cranny in anticipation of tonight's events.
With unwavering certainty, he approached the security checkpoint undeterred. Donning a calm expression, he handed over the usb containing fake intel to the guard stationed there. "This is the latest update from our field operatives," he stated authoritatively, hoping to instill trust in the minds of the unsuspecting rebels. The guard appeared satisfied with his explanation, nodding briefly before allowing entry.
Once safely inside, Mukuro swiftly navigated through dimly lit corridors, making his way towards the central command post.
His newfound physique exuded an air of authority and strength, instantly earning him respectful glances from fellow agents. With an easygoing demeanor, he introduced himself as 'Akiha', claiming to have successfully retrieved crucial intelligence vital to their campaign against Arasaka Corp. While some individuals displayed skepticism due to his apparent youth, none dared question the authenticity of such critical data.
Akiha's quarters were located adjacent to the command center, offering privacy and solitude.
Once alone, Mukuro removed the items from his inventory and began examining them meticulously. Every object held significance and value to Akiha's strategies. Disguised as Akiha, Mukuro felt emboldened, relishing the idea of manipulating Akiha's peers with ease.
Staring back at Mukuro in the mirror, a sinister grin formed across his lips. He recognized the danger lurking within these walls—the potential consequences of his betrayal.
Yet, the prospect of causing utter havoc among these traitors only intensified his resolve. Pondering over Akiha's personal files, he discovered sensitive information pertaining to several key members of the resistance movement. Smirking maliciously, he formulated a plan to sow discord amongst them using this valuable data.
Leaving Akiha's private chambers, Mukuro ventured forth, surveying the bustling activity within the compound. Invisible amidst the crowd, he observed everyone go about their business oblivious to the impending turmoil.
Beneath the surface, however, a sinister smile stretched across his face as he contemplated how to execute his destructive intentions. Utilizing his expert understanding of human psychology, Mukuro subtly embedded seeds of doubt throughout the camp, planting suspicion amongst its inhabitants. In doing so, he hoped to fracture the cohesiveness of the team and create divisions among the ranks. To solidify his position within the organization, he decided to establish a strong rapport with those who held considerable influence.
He amost can't keep his laugh to brust out.
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nvathuw · 7 months
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my online friend drew and printed these keychains to give me as a gift
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devildom-fashion-week · 9 months
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Checkmate. Bring it on. Leave the strategizing to me.
— Lucifer's outfits || Chess outfits || masterlist —
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dairine-bonnet · 1 year
On Taris:
Amnesiac Revan *complaining about a sith guy in the canteen*: You know, I gave him an incredibly sexy look, but he ran away muttering that I was going to kill him...
Carth *sarcastically*: I have no idea how this could happen!
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luxurysystems · 19 days
not the fuckin....homoerotic cop land mission 💀
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blluespirit · 7 months
zukos true calling in life is breaking and entering 😌
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