“would you like some bread?” + steinbramcraft? <3
WOO the sillies.. i have not written steinbeck very much nor bram but hopefully this is good
"Would you like some bread?" Steinbeck offered, holding it out to the vampire.
Bram stared for a moment, before replying, "I cannot eat it."
"Hmmm.. what if I like, put some blood on it?" He tilted his head.
Lovecraft peeked his head in, "What are we talking about?"
"John is being.. considerate of my diet." Bram answered simply.
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littencloud9 · 5 months
“who did you want to be when you were younger?” + kunichuu
“i want food” steinbramcraft (the weirdos)
you get both hehe. kunichuu
"Who did you want to be when you were younger?" Chuuya asks, their head on Kunikida's chest while Kunikida absentmindedly strokes their hair. They aren't doing anything other than cuddling on Chuuya's couch. Kunikida raises an eyebrow at the sudden question, lifting his head slightly. "Before teaching?" he clarifies, and Chuuya nods. "Huh. I had a phase where I was obsessed with the sky. I wanted to be a pilot so I could be up there with the clouds." It's such a genuine, innocent dream, that Chuuya can't help but chuckle. "Do you ever regret your path, then?" They're not sure why they're asking so much. Maybe it's because Chuuya cannot remember their own past, much less any old aspirations that could've led them to a different place. They like where they're at, but there's always the question of what if. "No," Kunikida says, with the conviction he has in anything he does. "I can't say I expected it, but my life led me to you. There's no room for regret at all." Chuuya's breath hitches. They bury their face in Kunikida's chest, flushing at how strong his heartbeat is. "Smooth-talker, aren't ya?" Kunikida plants a gentle kiss on the top of their head. "Only for you."
and steinbramcraft!
"I want food," John announces as they walk into their room, beaming at the sight of his two boyfriends sitting side-by-side against the windowsill. They have matching dazed looks on their faces, which usually happens when they both get tired. Bram is the first to snap to reality. "Hello, my love. I could cook for you, if you'd like." "You can't cook anything that isn't a raw animal," John says. "I'm feeling vegetables today." "We can pick some from my underwater cultivation," Lovecraft pipes up. There's no visible expression on his face, but John knows his tone well enough to know that he's excited. It's cute, but John blinks a few times to process what he just heard. "You have an underwater cultivation...?" Bram nods. "It's very well-loved. You should visit it one day." "I will," John agrees, even as his mind reels. "But I can't exactly breathe underwater." "I will do the breathing for you," Lovecraft says, and John huffs out a laugh as he drops himself in between his boyfriends, appreciating the kiss they give him on both sides of his cheeks. "I appreciate it!"
send me a sentence + pairing!
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justadino-ig · 5 months
why is there not more STEINBRAMCRAFT POSTS!!!!
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slasher-killer · 5 months
cunty blood sucking immortal vampire who is a dad
tentacle monster body horror eldritch immortal thing that loves sleeping
and a horny white boy farmer who is an ABSOLUTE FREAK.
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Do you have some bramcraft or steinbramcraft headcanons?
First of all, I am genuinely so sorry that I am answering to this only now! I found your ask late in my ask box, I was extremely busy with school, I was lacking headcanons, had no time to post anything on any platform, etc. I am genuinely super sorry.
Secondly, I'm so glad that you're asking anon!! I do have quite a bunch of headcanons for both ships (more for Bramcraft than for Steinbramcraft but okay) but I wasn't sure if anyone would be interested in them!
This post is only about Bramcraft but I will probably make one about Steinbramcraft too.
I hope you enjoy those headcanons and thank you so so much for your question!
TWs: Losing someone (temporary), slight mentions of injuries
Bram and Lovecraft met during the medival era by coincidence at night on the shore
Bram had been strolling along the shore after a hunting trip with his vampires and Lovecraft had swam up to the surface for the first time since years for some reason and they spotted each other
Bram got quite spooked when he saw a slightly off looking and very tall person suddenly breaking through the surface of the sea
They eventually started a conversation since Lovecraft asked him what year it was right after they started at each other for quite some time as well as after Lovecraft stretched a bit and also since Bram couldn't resist asking Lovecraft who or what he was
One conversation turned into multiple conversations and eventually they've developed feelings for each other (Bram was a lot more aware of them since he had been a human once and due to this was more familiar with human feelings and behaviors) but it took them literal years until they got together since both are utterly dense and can't handle emotions that well/don't understand them very good
They often spend time together by just sleeping (literally sleeping) together at the most random places
Bram was tall but Lovecraft was still a lot taller than the vampire
Usually they would meet up during the night on the shore but when the weather was bad, Lovecraft would come to Bram's castle where the latter lived with his vampires because Bram didn't really like being outside for long while it was cold and rainy
Lovecraft on the other hand, didn't particularly mind the weather but he wanted his partner to be comfortable
At first Bram called Lovecraft, Lovecraft but after a while he started calling him Howard
Bram is one of the very few persons who actually know Lovecraft's first name and who's allowed to call him by his very first name
Bram has a very thick Irish accent which gets thicker when he's ranting, angry, stressed or very emotional and Lovecraft thinks it's adorable
Bram would always be super careful when they kissed or when they were making-out (which happened kinda rarely) because of his sharp fangs and his long and sharp claws, not wanting to hurt the other
Lovecraft on the other hand was always careful when he hugged or just generally touched Bram because even if Bram was the immortal and feared King of the undead, his body still felt nearly as fragile as the one of a human for Lovecraft and since he was aware of his own immense strength, Lovecraft would always be super careful with Bram
They would spend whole nights talking about deep and heavy topics with each other while Bram sipped blood out of a fancy glass while on other nights they just went to bed and slept for hours
Bram being super sarcastic sometimes and Lovecraft not understanding, causing Bram to laugh it is a thing
When Lovecraft went to the vampire castle the first time without telling Bram about it, the vampires tried to attack him, thinking he was an intruder but Bram who noticed the fuss in the courtyard went outside and stopped them, telling them that this man was a close friend and that had to treat him like a noble guest
He even forbid to even just touch Lovecraft in any way
Since then the vampires treat Lovecraft with a similar respect like how they treat their king
Lovecraft is kind of possessive of what's his (to this counts his home, his "territory" underwater but also Bram) and would kill when someone dared to try to take it away from him so when Bram got kind of badly injured by vampire hunters once he nearly went to burn the whole town down
Them dancing together in the big empty ballroom of the vampire castle but while Bram is leading and dancing incredibly elegantly, seemingly floating across the floor, Lovecraft is clumsily following and often trips because he is still not completely used to his human body, is a thing too
Bram thinks is adorable and amusing
He always tries to hold in his laughter then but often he can't hold back an amused and soft smile
Sometimes they lie together in the sand on the shore or sit on the rooftop of the castle house and watch the night sky
They only exchange some sentences then once a while. Mostly they are just lying or sitting there, enjoying each other's presence
Sometimes they just sat there next to each other but sometimes they would hold hands or Bram would lie his head against Lovecraft's shoulder as he was getting more and more tired
Bram never forced Lovecraft to attend to any formal vampire events and they kept their relationship a secret. Even from Bram's closest relatives
Bram himself would often sneak out of the ballroom during festivities, even though he was the king of the undead and should be attending at whatever celebration was going on, and went down to the shore where Lovecraft was already waiting for him
Large celebrations always tired him endlessly and he preferred to spend the night with his close friend anyways
Bram can't swim at all (like the most people who lived during the medival era) so when Lovecraft once dragged him with him into the water just for the sake of it, he did get scared for a second and screamed out of reflex before his head went underwater despite being immortal, so when they resurfaced again and when he felt that Lovecraft was steadily holding him over the surface, keeping him from drowning he proceeded to yell at Lovecraft after getting the water out of his eyes
Lovecraft didn't even tried to stay serious and burst out laughing
They sometimes sit together in Bram's chamber and read while the fire in the fireplace in crackling and creates an incredibly calm and domestic atmosphere
Bram and Lovecraft both were a bit more energetic and Bram felt more emotions before the invasion happened during which he got sliced in half and got taken away like a trophy
Lovecraft had been sleeping underwater while it happened and after he woke up, swam up to the surface and realized what happened, he did destroy what was left of the town in his sheer rage and pain but it was too late
He did search for Bram for years and when he found him centuries later, he was in the hands of Fukuichi
At first he wanted to save him but soon enough he realized that Fukuichi would most likely use Bram against Lovecraft since Bram was under complete control of him and it be would horrible and most likely hurt Bram even more so Lovecraft couldn't do anything
Despite this, he decided to stay close to Bram and always kept close to wherever Bram and Fukuichi went, waiting for a moment where he could get Bram out of Fukuichis hands
Bram often finds himself thinking or dreaming about Lovecraft
Sometimes he dreams about long, messy black hair, the smell of the sea but which surprisingly it lacked the unpleasant strong smell of fish and the smell of old books like which Lovecraft always smelled for some reason, tired black eyes and cold yet not unpleasantly cold hands as well as about the shore and his castle
Sometimes he thinks about how Lovecraft's hair felt and how his cold lips felt against his but he always quickly snaps himself out of it
On some days he can't even escape him in his sleep.
Bram usually tried to sleep everything off. He can't really do anything besides sleeping or lying awake thinking in that coffin anyways but sometimes Lovecraft also appears in his dreams
Lovecraft has some memories of Bram's real smile or of him smiling sheepishly. He saw it some times when Bram was truly happy or a bit embarrassed.
Seeing Bram smiling was a rare thing because just like Lovecraft, he wasn't smiling very often so it was always a special thing but it also always looked weirdly adorable in Lovecraft's opinion.
When Bram smiled widely, his fangs would poke out and Lovecraft loved seeing him smile. Now he cherishes those memories greatly. They are one of the very few things he has left of the other.
Bram would sometimes play the piano for Lovecraft back in the castle
Bram was the one who thought Lovecraft how to write properly
Bram loved roaming through Lovecraft's long and messy hair with his own hands
Lovecraft loved listening to Bram and loved watching him
He'd be lying if he didn't admire Bram and fell for him even more when he saw him commanding/ruling over his kins, standing on top of the staircase with his long black coat, his long soft white hair and piercing red eyes which seemingly could notice everything
Lovecraft once took care of Bram while he was recovering from an attack of vampire hunters and was even more protective of him during that time
The recommend books to each other
Lovecraft is boiling with rage which is aimed towards Fukuichi and he's wanting the moment where he can free Bram and face Fukuichi to arrive oh so bad
Lovecraft gifted Bram small or a bit bigger treasures which he found underwater and Bram cherished them greatly as well as kept each of them in a box which he protected greatly
To those treasures also counted extremely old books, jewels and other things he found underwater as well and he also gifted him an antique and elegant ring once.
It was the only thing which Bram didn't put in his box. He always kept it on his finger.
Many vampires admired the old ring greatly and wondered from where Bram got such a rare treasure but he never told them.
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“it’s been a long day” + steinbramcraft
their dynamic enraptures me. john is the Least normal one
"It's been a long day," John stretched out, leaning against the couch as he eyed the other two, "Wanna-" "We're going to sleep now." Lovecraft cut him off gently, picking him up. Bram was already slung over his other shoulder, fangs bared as he drank from a tentacle of Lovecraft's. John's thoughts flickered between slight jealousy despite how pale he currently was, and curiosity on what Lovecraft's blood tasted like. Lovecraft placed a kiss that tasted like the sea to John's lips, then walked over to the bedroom. Ever graceful, he faceplanted on the soft mattress, letting John and Bram get into comfortable positions as they'd like before all their eyes drifted peacefully closed.
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justadino-ig · 5 months
consider: steinbramcraft with steinbeck just chilling and walking down the street with lovecraft wrapped around his back and bram wrapped around his front even tho steinbeck is the shortest of the throuple, but mans has younger siblings so he's just vibing
n e ways, there's some steinbramcraft for you <333 sorry it's not a lot, i just think. that.
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slasher-killer · 5 months
melts on you....... like cheese. ....... tell me about steinbramcraft..... my dying wish
alright so like.
bram is an immortal vampire who, you know, serves cunt all the time (he’s also a dad)
lovecraft is. also an. immortal,, eldritch fucking. thing. it’s not even an ability he’s just Like That. he also is always sleeping at the bottom of the ocean and is honestly just a freak /aff
now those two right. they go together well. two immortals, they’re very different but you know what? it fits. it does
but then. what makes this ship stand out to me because it’s so funny, literally just add Some Guy. some fucking farmer with blonde hair and blue eyes who is secretly also a little bit of a freak too /aff but is honestly just some guy.
AND YOU KNOW WHAT? i think they work together so well honestly. also they’re literally the ‘draw your favorite threesome in this sleeping outfits’ or whatever it is, with like the pink flowy gown, heart boxers and blue stripey gown with the blue stripey hat.
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