#stelena 5x04
zalrb · 9 months
OK but fr Stefan's game vs Damon's game when it came to each of them having a "fuck it" moment and making a move with Elena is laughable to compare. Like how is anyone with their whole chest going to try to say that Damon kissing Elena on the porch holds a candle to Stefan literally just staring at Elena at the Ball? Like??? Be serious everyone. Or Stefan dancing with Elena at prom vs Damon "teaching" Elena to fight or something in Season 3. It's 2024, this whole Delena5eva prank can stop now.
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How intimate is the intensity in Stefan's gaze? AND THEN the eye contact throughout the dance?
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and by the end of the night, Elena is like, no, no, no, you've STIRRED things, sir
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Stefan's emotional "fuck it" with I sold my to soul to basically the devil to save my brother and I'm in emotional turmoil and I just have to hear your voice to keep me from drowning in utter despair
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vs. Damon's emotional "fuck it" with hey, let me tell you I love you and erase your memory of it because I'm such a good guy but I'm feeling conflicted because I saw how much you love my brother and I needed to tell you I love you too
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Stefan's "fuck it" there's a vibe, there's been a vibe, there's this connection, I know you feel it, let's not run from it
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vs Damon's "fuck it" my brother just saved my life but you were worried about me so remember that when he's back
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Stefan's "fuck it" let me cook you your favourite meal because we're in a weird place right now
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vs Damon's "fuck it" let me annoy her with getting her date to order a wine she hats because we're in a weird place right now
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Stefan's "fuck it" let's fuck in your parents' bedroom
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vs Damon's "fuck it" we just broke up but let's have sex
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Please. Let's just all be serious people.
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laufire · 2 years
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more like intensely preoccupied with your projected image to the point of self-destruction but. yeah amnesiac!steffie gets it.
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kiss-my-freckle · 1 year
I hated the 5x04 scene because Elena actively leaned in as Stefan tried to kiss her. It was fine otherwise. Supposedly Plec said that scene was included to eventually introduce Stelena back in the show before Nina left. The difference betwen Delena and Stelena is that being with Stefan didn't stop her from kissing Damon in 2x22 and 5x04 she didn't want to kiss Stefan because of Damon. I don't think Damon would've leaned in if Katherine tried to kiss him while he was with Elena.
It would've been impossible to reintroduce Stelena, but it would've been hilarious to see them try. It's called "history" for a reason. I understood the kiss because they do have history and it's natural to fall back into that, but reality will prevail. Elena doesn't wanna fall in love with Stefan again, period. That's her reality. As beautiful as she remembers their relationship to be, enough to kiss him in that moment... she also remembers the Ripper that wanted to kill her in their high school gym. The point of her keeping those memories. Fans often don't realize why Stelena is a huge deal for Elena, but Valerie covers it quite nicely. Matt may be her first sexual experience, but Stefan is her first true love. THAT'S what Damon is competing with.
I'm tit for tat with certain scenes. Elena willfully kissed Damon on his deathbed, which is every bit the reason Katherine said what she did. Does she even care where Stefan is? lol. She doesn't stop Damon from kissing her in 3x11 because she has feelings for Stefan. She stops him because she knows what kissing him will do to Stefan. They're fighting to get Stefan's humanity back while doing the one thing that would make him want to flip his switch.
While with Elena, no... Damon would never lean into Katherine, but she strung him along for 145 years. He tries to find the spark they once had, but he can't. Elena un-fell for Stefan the same way. Their kiss in 3x22 is one-sided. Her mind goes straight to Damon.
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landonmikaelson · 3 years
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stelena + amazing
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vd-gifs · 4 years
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Stelena + 10 songs
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gilbertstelena · 3 years
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parallels “amazing” (5x04 and 5x18)
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Is it okay that I just shipped Stelena and Steroline in the same episode? 
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for the aks meme; the vampire diaries
I sent my ask before I saw yours one I swear lol. I guess your asking because you saw my post and sorry it took so long for me to respond but I’m using this as an excuse to rant about tvd as you probably know I’m rewatching and like I have so many opinions and no one to share them with. So thanks so much for asking and giving me an excuse.
my favorite female character: So Caroline Forbes holds a special place in my heart and she is my favorite character in the early seasons Bonnie shifted to being my favorite later on though I always loved Bonnie as well.
my favorite male character: this is a tricky one because it comes down to more which male characters annoys me the least at the moment it’s Stefan.
my favorite book/season/etc: hmmm it’s probably season 3 though season 7 had its moments I think the supernatural elements in the show nose dive around season four.
my favorite episode: 5x04 its a true colors showing episode.
my favorite cast member: Kat Graham omg she deserved do much better one of the best talents on the show and she had to deal with so much anti blackness, antisemetism and misogyny from some of her coworkers, the audience and especially her bosses. And she is a triple threat amazing actress, dancer and singer. I’m still mad that they didn’t feature her music or just have her sing in the show when she was actively pursuing a music career but (no disrespect to Candace) they would give any excuse to give Caroline a music number.
my favorite ship: unpopular opinion time Steroline while I have a lot of issues with how it’s done in cannon especially in how Stefan treats Caroline (who definitely deserves better), I felt like they dragged the Stelena drama(like IMO the doppelgänger stuff in the later seasons just doesn’t make sense and just feels so unnecessary and like the logic don’t make sense because it was obviously not planned) and it made no sense for Stefan to be so hung up on her after everything with Damon and everything it’s like Julie can’t fathom the idea that anyone could get over Elena or move on from her like how Elena can’t despite everything it felt like they didn’t want to end it till they coffins Elena and couldn’t continue with it because of that the over lap between the two and Elena constantly being inserted in there romance was annoying and I felt like a lot of the angst and drama once they got together that felt unnecessary and repetitive at times (I could go one about the Valerie stuff for days like seriously the second they get together they got to do everything to keep them apart like can you give them a moment) and I don’t like how drawn out and how they went about starting it like dragging out Stefan realizing his feeling and the whole Caroline turning it off because she thought he didn’t love her which was wildly out of character and unnecessary and there ending was just so sad and despite that they still dragged it out but despite that I think it’s the ship with the most potential, I enjoy there dynamic (I’m a sucker for friends to lover ships and though I think that Julie doesn’t get what people want in a dynamic like it) and I thought they had really good chemistry (personally I think both actors had pretty good chemistry with basically everyone they worked with anyway). Also because picking one would be impossible honorable mentions to the ships that would have been cannon if not for homophobia Bonnora and Klefan the lack of love triangle that feels weirdly romantic in the crossover episodes miss opportunity truly.
a character I’d die defending: Caroline and Bonnie
a character I just can’t sympathize with: okay I couldn’t pick one so I just had to drop a list Damon, John Gilbert, Isobel, Bill Forbes, Sybil, Cade, Esther and Mikeal, Wes Maxfield, Shane, Lily, Julian, Guiseppe, Elijah, Tristan, Richard Lockwood, Silas(but at least he was fun), Alaric, Joshua Parker, post season 2 Elena and later seasons Matt
a character I grew to love: Stefan I just found him kind of boring in the beginning and his relationship with Elena being creepy didn’t help but the dialogue writing and the acting I think got better over the seasons. Hayley was another character like that but that took the originals to do that (I truly do not get what Julie was thinking introducing her and portraying her like that in tvd if she planned on making her the leading lady in TO.
my anti otp: yes this is another list sorry, Steferine, kalijah (sorry), Marcel x Rebekah(like who okayed that one), Stelena and any ship with Damon.
Please send TVD ask because I obviously need someone to talk about it to lol.
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rescuemeifyoucan · 8 years
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stelena forever meme: 5 songs [5/5]
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sarcasm-myfriend · 7 years
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zalrb · 2 years
Okay I just spent an hour and a half binging your masterlist, but I'm so sorry if you've already discussed this comparison. But I'd like to get your opinion on DErs saying that Elena didn't love Stefan as much as she loved Damon because when Stefan left MF, she had "no reaction" but when Damon "died" she completely fell apart, couldn't live without him, had to erase her memories to escape grief etc.
1. This is an old argument, I do have a few posts on it but what the hell.  I love when DErs do this because Stefan left town so he wouldn’t be around DE for a summer and Damon died and the two things are supposed to be comparable? Just like when they say Elena kissed Damon in 2x22 but didn’t kiss Stefan in 5x04 and I’m like right but Damon was on his deathbed saying how much he loved her so she gave him a parting gift i.e. a kiss, Stefan was himself for an afternoon and she nearly risked it all for him so like,
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2. More importantly:
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So to reiterate, with Stefan, no she doesn’t fall apart, she takes action, she always tries to get him back from whatever situation:
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even as an Elenabot (if you’re new, it’s a running gag on my blog that season 6 Elena is an Elenabot like the Buffybot programmed to be sexually attracted to Spike), she was tasked with bringing back his humanity
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and she did
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This is Elena with Stefan
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“DaMoN wAs DeAd” but she still expected Stefan to look for him, which means she could’ve done it too.
3. She did have a reaction, she was worried about him
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elenagilbertedit · 8 years
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kiss-my-freckle · 1 year
That scene between Stelena in 5x04 grosses me out and reeks of cheap fanservice. I don't understand the point of that scene and why Elena acted the way she did.
If it's the one where she tries to help him get his memories back, that episode is hilarious to me. Even the soundtrack is hilarious. Elena does things with Damon that she's incapable of doing with Stefan.
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If you think about it, season 5 of “Vampire Diaries” is an emotional hell for Stelena-fans. At first, we had to watch how Stefan suffered in that safe for months, drowning all over again, hoping that his brother or the love of his life would come safe him and dreaming of Elena as his safe place. At the same time,  Elena spent the “summer of her life” with Damon, while still feeling odd and worried about Stefan (even though those dreams were created by Tessa, their connection was still there). When she found about Stefan’s whereabouts, she felt an ernormous guilt for not saving him. Even if she was compelled by Silas, thinking of Stefan got her out of that spell. There were able to calm each other down, even though they were apart.
Then, Stefan lost his memories and Elena fought with her feelings while trying to make him remember. Even if her actions were questionable, deep inside, she was still just a human. She didn’t want to lead him on or cheat Damon, only help, and was scared that if he found about her new relationship, his progress would have fallen apart.  She trusted him and knew that even without his memories, he was still Stefan. She got caught into their undeniable connection and her memories, but stopped herself just in time. 5x04 is such an emotional rollercoaster.
As if this isn’t enough, we are taught to believe that the connection between Stefan and Elena is because of “Universe’s will”. (Luckily, later Stefan and Elena both agreed that they fell in love all their own, not by spell or a prophecy.) The more I watch these episodes, the more clearer it is, that this plotline was created to make Delena look like a surprising, romantic, “opposites attract”, “winning against all odds”-type of lovestory (which it - in my opinion - definitely isn’t).
Even if Katherine’s plan and actions in Elena’s body were really cruel, it's also very bittersweet. Because Katherine was really good at impersonating Elena. Personally, I at times forgot that she really wasn’t Elena. It was like the writers would’ve wanted to give us the crubs of what vampire-Stelena could’ve been. (Plus, I cheered whenever she told some absolute truths about Damon.)
Aand… 5x18. I know it was supposed to give us the chance to walk down the “Stelena-memory lane” and bury any hopes of their romantic reunion. The first one managed well: we were reminded of their amazing chemistry, their similarities and differences, their ability to communicate - of everything great about them. But, instead of making me letting them go, it only magnified my feeling that they never should’ve broken up in the first place! It was also cruel, that maybe, in different circumstances, they could’ve gotten everything that vision showed them. Children, a life together… it was everything that they wanted and deserved. Therefore, I will forever be repulsed by the fact that Damon Salvatore, who had clearly stated that he had changed his mind about missing being human, wouldn’t want Elena to be cured and even hid the cure from her when he had the chance to give it to her, got all of that with her.
I know that things after 5x21 had to go full-speed since it was this big, shocking finale and everyone - including Elena - were in denial and focused on returning things the way they were, but Elena’s reaction to Stefan’s death was written way too plain. It was like they would’ve wanted to shove this “everything is changed now, people, Steroline and Delena for the win!”-notion into our faces. (I noticed the same thing in 8x05 and 8x16 where neither Caroline and Elena didn’t show proper grief for either Tyler’s or Stefan’s death. Heck, they even deleted only a few seconds longer scene of Elena on Stefan’s grave!)
I’m sorry if this sounds too bitter or bitchy, my intention is not to hurt anyone. I just had to let this out. 
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vd-gifs · 7 years
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3x01 // 5x04
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gilbertstelena · 3 years
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parallels 4x02 and 5x04
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