#step on a lego
kawaiisimp · 4 days
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I would rather kms in front of my entire family than you do that, thanks!
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arainydaymcytblog · 11 months
Another PSA!~
Don't be an asshole to someone who is playing a character in an minecraft roleplay. It's literally roleplay and she's in a fictional election, it's not fucking real. In fact don't twist the words of ccs who isn't fluent in english and on a minecraft roleplay server because her character is running against your favorite creator. But let's be honest we all know why you're targeting her in the elections, don't we? Maybe get yourself checked out by a doctor or someone cause this sexist hater thing is not a healthy look on you.
Everyone hates you even your favs cause you not only harass their friends but make them and their fanbases look childish and stupid. They're gonna kick you out of their stream chats and block you for what you're doing so I hope you're happy with what you've done. No, scratch that, I hope you regret what you've done and hate yourself like you hated her for the elections and being there in general. I hope for every post you made about hating and harassing her there's a person who will throw those words in your face and harass you back.
Get rekt dumbass. Stop acting like a baby and grow up.
PSA over! 🥰
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godcomplexmuch · 11 months
the ao3 hackers are homophobic.
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wearevillaneve · 2 years
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The official Killing Eve account slapped up a pic of Sandra Oh for Emmy voters to consider. Nice of them after starving the character for four seasons of any sort of family or history. Sandra deserves better. Please notice that the official KE account has turned off comments. Cowards. You know you screwed up. Fuck you, Derek, and fuck Laura Neal too.
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immajustcrochet · 8 months
Nobody: ...
Me: *Kneels on my crochet needle, that is on the floor hook up*
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ayumitsuu · 6 months
I've only known Edain and Brigid's brother for 3 seconds... and he kinda a ****
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drawing2cope · 2 years
tfw the rare pair tag that you like updates, but it's a porn bot
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perfectlysunny02 · 8 months
If you leave the tumblr, let's just say good riddance
if i leave the Tumblr, huh? like this app is so important it’s THE tumblr
Let’s just say I hope you step on a lego
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i hate those incapable game ads so much LIKE JUST FUCKING DO THE THING
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sweetcipher · 11 months
To the barbarians who blew by traffic on the shoulder today:
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pk-dann · 1 year
This is a warning
@sanctuns your jokes make me want to eat cardboard with milk instead of cereal
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hbbisenieks · 10 months
ok, i've gotta branch off the current ai disc horse a little bit because i saw this trash-fire of a comment in the reblogs of that one post that's going around
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[reblog by user makiruz (i don't feel bad for putting this asshole on blast) that reads "So here's the thing: every Diane Duane book that I have is stolen, I downloaded it illegally from the Internet; and I am not sorry, I am a thief of books and I don't think I'm doing anything wrong, ideas are not property, they should be free to be used by anyone as they were before the invention of capitalism; for that reason I don't believe it's wrong to use books to train AI models"]
this is asshole behavior. if you do this and if you believe this, you are a Bad Person full stop.
"Capitalism" as an idea is more recent than commerce, and i am So Goddamn Tired of chuds using the language of leftism to justify their shitty behavior. and that's what this is.
like, we live in a society tm
if you like books but you don't have the means to pay for them, the library exists! libraries support authors! you know what doesn't support authors? stealing their books! because if those books don't sell, then you won't get more books from that author and/or the existing books will go out of print! because we live under capitalism.
and like, even leaving aside the capitalism thing, how much of a fucking piece of literal shit do you have to be to believe that you deserve art, that you deserve someone else's labor, but that they don't deserve to be able to live? to feed and clothe themselves? sure, ok, ideas aren't property, and you can't copyright an idea, but you absolutely can copyright the Specific Execution of an idea.
so makiruz, if you're reading this, or if you think like this user does, i hope you shit yourself during a job interview. like explosively. i hope you step on a lego when you get up to pee in the middle of the night. i hope you never get to read another book in your whole miserable goddamn life until you disabuse yourself of the idea that artists are "idea landlords" or whatever the fuck other cancerous ideas you've convinced yourself are true to justify your abhorrent behavior.
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ionomycin · 5 months
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2023 favorites
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cha0ticr0b0tic · 2 years
*me looking up at an eldritch abomination, telling it that I hope it steps on a Lego while it dances*
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ninjasmudge · 10 months
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req for @shadowgamerhalo! mei and mks tackle hugs are not only fun, they can also be used as a battle attack.
+ plus a little doodle bc the amount of actual hugs in the comic is lacking
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unicornqueensblog · 2 years
I want thiss so bad
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