nancykali · 5 years
Nancy: fire
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Jonathan: earth
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Steve: water
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Kali: air
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nancykali · 5 years
I really need 25 year old Nancy Wheeler with unconventional looking long ombre hair to her waist from bleaching it blonde 6 years ago, being a monster hunter and a sharp shooter in post-apocalyptic Hawkins. Both her arms covered in sleeves of tattoos, massive scars on her torso and legs from monster fights, and a necklace with a ring for the pendant. Kali, Steve, and Jonathan wear identical necklaces around their necks. 
Continuation of this headcanon
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nancykali · 5 years
i know you like stoncy, but what do you think of a possible ot4 where kali is also included?
My time has come
Their ship name is staloncy!!
I have a tag for them!! (multiple tags actually but #staloncy is the most straightforward one) I have written a lot of headcanons for them but sadly not much fic. This is the staloncy headcanon I’m most proud of.
I would post about them so much if I knew more than 2 other people who ship them (but aren’t active in the fandom much)!!
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nancykali · 5 years
Regardless of what happens to Kali in future seasons (including if she becomes Full Villain™ thereby invalidating her depth as a character and betraying why her character is so important) I’m still going to headcanon Kali and Nancy becoming bffs then girlfriends and going off to defeat more monsters and evil lab people together, preferably with Steve and Jonathan beside them as supportive boyfriends OR their supportive platonic best friends and no one can change my mind.
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nancykali · 6 years
Jonathan: sweater bi
Steve: tight jeans bi
Nancy: bi haircut bi
Kali: punk bi
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nancykali · 5 years
Concept: Nancy having three romantic partners and changing her last name to Joyce’s maiden name, Horowitz, at the same time Jonathan does (bc her parents estranged her when she moved out to live with Steve at the Byers’ for being a freak who was mentally ill, wanting to date two fags - her parents’ words). And she and Jonathan help pay for Will to get his last named changed back to Horowitz too. Kali, Steve, and Jonathan all wearing wedding rings she helped design after they decide to marry each other when she and Jonathan are 31, Steve is 32, and Kali 34.
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nancykali · 5 years
I'm feeling lonely too and negative too. We'll both make it though ❤️ sending you so much love and positivity!! The only hc I can think of is Kali + the gang on the run but she calls Nancy at phone booths when she can and dirty talks to her👀👀 I still stand by my hc that Kali + gang learn & know multiple languages so Kali teases Nancy badly when she has a sultry voice and speaks a diff. language. Nancy knows it's sexy stuff but she's frustrated she doesn't understand it
omgg that’s gorgeous
Kali also knows Hindi and Spanish and English is her second language (with the European accent we hear, because she learned English from her Indian-British father. Her grandparents on her father’s side are second generation, so it was Kali’s great-grandparents who came from India.
Nancy takes French in high school and Jonathan took Spanish. Kali helps Jonathan get better at his Spanish, as they travel further south in their monster hunting excursions (with Steve and Nancy listening in as well. But Jonathan is ahead of them of course). 
Steve skated by taking Latin in high school for his language requirement. (I did this so I can talk.) So he knows no other language and is horrible at learning them. But he’s also the smoothest talker among them, language barrier be damned, so Kali is determined for him to become fully fluent in Spanish. Jonathan helps Steve a lot too, and by the time they’ve been monster hunting, on the road, for over eight months together, Steve is nearly as fluent as Jonathan, which is pretty damn good. (Jonathan hates having to talk to Spanish-speaking strangers alone, so when Steve isn’t so good and Kali wants to give both boys chances to practice, she sends Jonathan out without her help bridging the language gap. 
Nancy is much faster at learning to understand listening to Spanish rather than speaking. So Kali loves calling Nancy late at night on her personal phone line, the rare occasions her mother went out to the convenience store for something (usually alcohol for herself), and Nancy has told Kali this is most often Friday or Sunday nights (Saturday nights Karen is cross from dealing with a fussy Holly alone most of the day because Nancy has been out with friends and/or Mike is staying at the Byers). 
Also Nancy is the first to start learning Hindi with Kali’s help (but she takes classes in college when she goes back to school for a random semester a couple years after graduating high school. She had a head start in the classes bc of Kali’s help. Four years after they first began dating, Nancy gets to visit India with Kali for the first time. 💖
This turned into a pointless ramble but tl/dr i appreciate your message so much, especially tonight, I hope yours gets better asap 💖💖💖
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nancykali · 5 years
I can't paint today but I do have your ideas saved but I am feeling creative and wanna make moodboards any ideas? I'm thinking something poly or wlw
What about a staloncy roadtrip moodboard? Summer themed? 
Ooor a kalancy summer moodboard since it’s all but inevitable that Kali won’t be in s3 :(
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nancykali · 6 years
I never heard of stoncy or staloncy (is that how you spell it?) Before I followed you so thank you for introducing me to these ships I love them
I’m so glad! Yeah, staloncy is something only me and @assholemurphy started talking about after s2 came out, and since then only two other people I know of have written about it. Stoncy was more popular before s2 came out, and since s2′s release has hardly had any new content, let alone fic. I got into the fandom because of stoncy, in May of last year, it’s what made me want to watch the show, so I was pretty disappointed when it plunged in popularity bc after s2 it pretty much became Steve stans (who primarily ship h*rringrove) and Jancy shippers and polyshipping just went out the window. I don’t ship h*rringrove in the least and you probably saw my post on why I’m not enthusiastic about jancy so I’m just over here in my tiny corner shipping poly ships and kalancy for the most part lol.
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nancykali · 6 years
I hope you're having a goodnight! I've been noticing a trend on twitter where u put a poll out "what kind of monster am I?" and ur followers choose btwn vampire, werewolf, ghost, & zombie. And I thought of stoncy monster au lmao Something similar to Monster Prom (a dating game)!!! Jonathan is a zombie or ghost, Steve is a werewolf, and Nancy is a vampire or ghost! Idk that's all I have lol
Oooooh I love it!
Nancy would be the vampire, Kali would be the ghost. ^_^
Now you got me thinking of this with the equivalent of a fantasy setting. Or, I guess, my original ideas about fantasy settings lol. And of course elemental aus. 💖
I hope you’re doing well 💖 I love getting messages from you so much!
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nancykali · 7 years
You: hetero monogamy
Me, an intellectual: bisexuals in healthy polyamorous relationships
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nancykali · 6 years
Medieval AU where Steve is a prince, and Nancy is his betrothed, except they both feel v guilty bc Nancy cant stop think about the Court Painter AKA jonathan(who also happens to be Steve's childhood best friend)and Steve has a huge crush on Nancys lady in waiting/bodyguard (Kali) but they feel even more guilty bc they still love each other and when they finally admit it theyre both relieved bc they can completely understand why the other feels that way bc theyre in love with the other person too
@foxy-mulder this just made me think of BBC’s Merlin except with the ot4 and if you have anything to add to this please do!!
OMG and Jonathan secretly having a longtime crush on Steve but having hidden it for years because Steve’s been betrothed to Nancy forever. But when he finally meets Nancy he’s like “omg she’s perfect for Steve she’s so beautiful and kind and they’ll be amazing rulers together how could I care for Steve I’m so selfish and Nancy is so beautiful…oh shit”
And Kali finds herself flirting with Steve when they first meet and she feels guilty and tries to ignore him from that point. She’s also had a longtime love for Nancy that she has kept telling herself is just platonic friendship (but it’s gay, so gay) and when Nancy confesses she’s falling in love with Jonathan she’s like “oh I know exactly how this feels… wait. Shit”.
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nancykali · 6 years
Also Steve and Kali friendship headcanons please ?
i wrote a little about that here and here!
but also, steve would just worship Kali. I mean he worships all his partners but Kali understands him in a way the other two can’t. She understands he thinks differently, has a free spirit both the same and different than Nancy and Jonathan, and they just get so wild together it’s amazing.
Kali loves driving just as much as Steve. They take turns with his car, once she is able to visit Hawkins much more often with Hopper’s help. Sometimes Steve even drives to Chicago to pick her up and bring her back to Hawkins to visit. (Once Nancy and Jonathan came along, and they had a blast. Staying the night at a motel and swimming together in the hotel swimming pool, Kali in a light blue bikini and Nancy in a black and white polka dot bikini.)
They love working at the mechanic’s shop together. Kali and Steve learn from each other. She knows more about car and motorcycle parts and how certain repairs go - she’s very  hands on and will show Steve things to help him learn - they’re both kinesthetic learners. He knows a lot more about how to differentiate all the parts of a car and how to repair a wider variety of issues. but they are always learning apart and from each other. 
Kali loves getting piggy back rides from Steve. And Jonathan, but more Steve because he can carry her for longer. Jonathan acknowledges this (Steve lifts Jonathan so easily) and ofc Steve and Kali have the biggest height difference its adorable.
Kali pierces Steve’s ears a second time for him - we’ve already talked about how Nancy pierces Steve’s ears the first time ;)  and she helps steve design his first tattoo. steve is the most social of all of them and he loves taking kali to bars and clubs and helps her loosen up. she feels so safe when she’s out in public with him, he’s so protective and attentive. (nancy feels the same way, they gush about steve’s awesome protectiveness together) so she can actually get drunk in public and trust steve to make sure she stays safe and close by his side. 
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nancykali · 6 years
Stranger Things Modern Ladyhawke AU
So I made a random post about this the other day and I just have to expand on it.
I also need a Ladyhawke AU where Nancy is a wolf by night and Kali is a hawk by day and Jonathan is a knight and Steve is an escaped criminal and they both help the women break the curse and both knight and criminal are also in love with them and each other
So instead of being a knight like I said in the original post, Jonathan is a professional photographer who learned really badass self defense skills during his college days
And he meets Kali by saving her from some street harassers one night - alongside Steve, the guy on parole for drug charges he got a few years back.
And Kali explains the giant she-wolf with her by saying she’s a wolf hybrid rescue who she saved from being euthanized a couple years back.
Which reminds me of this awesome post about the family who raised their kids with a wolf hybrid.
Kali and Nancy are cursed by a priest because the priest thinks Nancy friendzoned him and is a pissy manchild about it - but also because he sees their love as forbidden and wants them to suffer.
Even better if Steve and Jonathan are already dating when they meet Kali (and later Nancy). 
And Kali and Nancy communicate through their cell phones’ messaging and take selfies all the time for the other woman to see after she transforms.
This takes place in 2017 obviously because we had the solar eclipse in August, and that’s when they’re able to break the curse!
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nancykali · 6 years
Because I'm bored...what are some Jonathan/Kali/Nancy/Steve things you'd like to see in s3? Can be total dream shippy stuff or even just small interactions/plots. Craving more content.
dream stuff: nancy and kali kiss, stonathan kiss, car sex, the four of them taking a bath together, kali protecting will and el, kali and nancy beating up billy hargrove, steve and max bonding, jonathan and steve bonding, jonathan and el bonding, jonathan gets to talk to nancy and kali about his own emotions and anxieties and his depression, and they help him; steve and jonathan and nancy talk about their PTSD and comfort each other, kali and nancy comfort each other after opening up about their PTSD and kali about her abuse
small interactions/plots (my realistic (but still unlikely) expectation): kali and nancy talk to each other and have positive feelings for each other, max meets kali, will meets kali, kali finds out about mike being in love with el and vice versa and gets protective, kali meets steve and jonathan and jonathan actually gets his own plot (with nancy or steve or KALI ANYONE) that is more than supporting another person
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nancykali · 6 years
Honestly I don’t mind if you’re completely uninterested in polyshipping as long as you can acknowledge that Steve, Kali, Nancy, and Jonathan would have the best dynamic together, no matter who is or isn’t dating who
Kali and Nancy are these two badass young women ready to fuck shit up for vengeance
And Steve and Jonathan are ready to ride or die for them cuz they’re such protective muffins
And they all love each other like family - unconditionally
Like, that’s all I want this fandom to acknowledge
But no we get Nancy hate, people calling Kali evil or insignificant, and people who want B*lly H*rgrove’s redemption.
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