#steven universe and human reader
universellie · 1 year
What would happen if you arrived at Stevens’ house only to find him collapsed on the floor?
((Steven Universe x gn reader))
//TW:: not eating, no sleep and fainting
Quick little imagine :)
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You’d knock on the door, overnight bag in hand. You’d be looking down at your phone scrolling idly, not bothering to even look up and through the glass. How come he wasn’t letting you in?
You would glance up only to see Stevens foot and sandal near the kitchen. You’d call out his name, fumbling with the doorknob. You’d burst through the door the moment it was open, abandoning your bag on the porch.
You’d drop to your knees beside him, he’d be pale with large purple bags beneath his eyes. You’d pull his head up to your chest, bringing most of his weight into your lap, rocking back and forth. “Please be okay” Is what you would repeat over, and over, and over again.
He wouldn’t move or breathe, he’s completely silent and growing sickeningly cold. You’d be hysteric by now, sobbing, barely able to catch your breath. You’d screen for someone, anyone to come and help.
You’d hold his head close to you, one arm wrapped around his shoulders to prevent him slipping off of your lap. You would be curled around him, continuing to rock back and forth, massaging his head through his curls, whispering your pleas for him to wake.
Garnet would be the first one to arrive, she’d have seen the possibility already. “He hasn’t eaten or slept in days, I told him to go rest!” She would say, rushing over to you and crouching at your side.
“His human body is so weak, he must’ve collapsed from exhaustion.” Garnet would gently try to pry him from your hands. “Please, Y/N, I have to try get him breathing.” Slowly you would release your grip on him.
You’d watch as Garnet carefully, yet efficiently, undid his jacket and began CPR. It would be easy to see she wasn’t using her full strength, but as she counted you would hear her voice breaking.
Steven wouldn’t respond, still he was completely still and quiet. Garnet would groan in desperation, waving a hand at you to come closer. “Sit at his head and pull him into your lap, I’m going to shock him awake. He could throw himself forward so be careful.” She’d hurriedly rush over instructions while ripping his shirt in half.
You’d scurry to his head, gently pulling him to lay in your lap. “Please Steven, I need you with me.” You’d whisper, gently rubbing his cheek.
Garnet would rub her hands together, take a deep breath and press them to Stevens chest. An electric shock would jolt through his body, his eyes would flash open and he’d gasp for air.
“Steven!” You’d say, staring at him with a huge grin. He’d cough and smile. Looking around the room to see Garnet leaning against the kitchen counter with her head in her left hand, smiling.
“Was I out long?” He’d ask, you couldn’t help but give a small chuckle. “Only enough to make us think you died.” His eyes would widen and he’d look to Garnet.
“Thank you Garnet.” He’d say, she’d only pat his arm and respond with a “Welcome back.” Followed by a list of instructions of eating and sleep schedules.
He’d grip your hand, looking up so he could see your face. “And thank you, Y/N.”
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luxthestrange · 1 month
Cakes Mc Has Given the Humans!
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Minhyeok: Platonic right?...
Mc*Starring at him full of affection*...
Minhyeok*Sweating and blushing, wanting it not to be platonic*P-Platonic right?
Kim Family:
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The Kim's + Mc family game night gets intense...things get said-
...ok the actual cake you sent them-
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Part 3 of:
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a-998h · 1 month
i saw that you were open for reqs !! I’ll take this opportunity lol
a steven universe x hybrid gem-human gn reader? Platonic pls.
Seems like Rose wasn't the only gem who had a child with a human, but unlike Steven, you didn't know you were half gem for a long time. Your human parent didn't want anything to do with you, so you grew up without much of a family. When your powers act up during a corrupted gem attack, Steven and the Crystal Gems notice and take you into their family.
(This also takes place before Future/movie)
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🌺 When he first met you, he wanted befriended you
🌺 He thought you were just a normal human, like connie, the cool kids, and his dad
🌺 He invited you over to his house for video games and a sleepover, but thinks didn't go as planned
🌺 Before you two could start inhaling the pizza Pearl ordered for you, there was a rumble
🌺 Next thing you all know, there is a corupted gem attacking
🌺 You're warned to stay inside, which you agree to becuase you're not dumb enough to fight a gem monster unarmed
🌺 Watching the fight you felt safe, until the monster turns it sights on you, before charging
🌺 In a panic, you cover your face with your arms and your gem powers kick in
🌺 Steven checks on you, and learns about your gem powers
🌺 Now, he's so happy to meet another gem human like him
🌺 When he learns about your situation, he feels really bad for you
🌺 Now, if you're older than him, he'll be so excited to have an older sibling, especially cuase you have gem powers like him
🌺 If you're younger than him, he'll try and act like the cool big brother, but he drops the act quick
🌺 He tells you all about his mom, sharing how cool she was
🌺 Steven is great with emotional situations, and will help you work through your trauma
🌺 When he learns about his mom being Pink Diamond, he tries to keep his emotions bottled up around you
🌺 During Change Your Mind, he makes sure you know you're more than your gem type to him
🌺 He teaches you how fusion works, and he will always make sure your ok when you two fuse
🌺 Introduces you to Lars, the Off Colors, Saddie Killer and the suspects, his dad, Connie, and all his other friends in Beach City
🌺 Warns you about Kevin, all the time
🌺 Makes sure you never think less about yourself because you're adopted
🌺 Will be all smiles the first time you bubble a gem
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🦪 Pearl 🦪
🦪 She is the one who greets you when you arrive at the sleepover
🦪 Like Steven and the others, she thought you were just another one of Steven's human friends
🦪 She would tell you about gem history if you asked her
🦪 When the corrupted gem attacks, she focuses on keeping you and Steven safe
🦪 Once your powers show themselves, she is so confused and nervous at the same time
🦪 Once she learns you're like Steven, she gets mixed emotions
🦪 She will ask if you have agem or human family ro live with, and when you say no... she makes you extra cupcakes
🦪 Congratulations, you have a strict and caring mom now
🦪 Is very willing to help you master a sword or spear if you ask her
🦪 Helps you connect with your gem side a little bit more
🦪 She makes sure you know that the rank of your gem, doesn't define who you are as a person
🦪 Protective over you, sometimes crosses into smothering territory but Garnet pulls her back
🦪 Helps you navigate your powers as best she can
🦪 Teaches you a lot about Rose, the gem war, and kindergartens
🦪 Helps you learn fusion dances
🦪 Will be so proud of your first fusion, regardless if it's with her or not
🦪 During Change Your Mind, she helps you cope with all the nonsense of Homeworld and the Diamonds
🦪 Will scold and finger wag people in public who judge you for being adopted
🦪 Will be a proud mom when you bubble your first gem
🦪 Tries to keep you out of fights, even if your power is useful, she just worries
🦪 When everyone learns Pink Diamond and Rose were the same gem, she feels a little guilty because she felt like you'd never trust her agian
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💍 When she first meets you at Steven's sleepover, she is just silent most of the time
💍 Like everyone else, she thought you were just a normal human friend of Steven's
💍 She's the one who starts the attack on the corrupted gem
💍 Due to seeing you as a soft squishy human, she needs to make sure you're safe
💍 When your gem powers kick in, she just stares
💍 When she learns about your home situation, she feels really bad for you
💍 Makes sure you know that your awful human parent leaving you behind doesn't mean you're less than anyone
💍 Once you get adopted, both her and her counter parts feel bad for you
💍 She is the strict, quiet, and stoic mom who shows her love through actions
💍 As the show goes on, she becomes more open and emotional with everyone
💍 Is the main one who teaches you about fusion, even unfusing so you can meet Ruby and Sapphire
💍 Teaches you what a fusion should be, and how fusion works
💍 As your powers start to develop, she is proud of you
💍 Shares stories of Rose with you, and shares her origin story
💍 When Sapphire and Ruby break apart, they both try to be there for you
💍 When she gets married to herself, she might have a dance with you at the wedding
💍 Teaches you about love, to the best of her ability
💍 Gives you the same speech she gave Stevonnie when you fuse with someone for the first time
💍 Makes sure you know that your adoption or status of your gem doesn't dictate who you are as a person
💍 Will intimate anyone who makes fun of you for being adopted
💍 During Change Your Mind, she tries to keep you as safe as possible
💍 She makes sure you know family love
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💜 The most excited to meet you
💜 Also tries to befriend you at first
💜 Keeps stealing pieces of the sleepover food
💜 When she attacks, she likes to show you how cool she is
💜 When your powers kick in, she is tackling you into a hug and calling you "cool" and "awesome"
💜 When she learns what happened with your home situation, she shapeshifts into the purple puma and says she'll beat them up
💜 Once you're adopted, she hands you a bag of Chaps and says "welcome to the family, you can call me big sis now"
💜 She lives you to her role as chaotic big sister
💜 Shows you her favorite food and is ready to show you her favorite games and food
💜 Let's you into the temple, mostly in her room
💜 She has learned from what happened with Steven, so you don't get taught how to shapeshift
💜 Takes you to the underground wrestling area, and likes to show off
💜 She tries her hardest to avoid showing you where she was made, she feels ashamed and doesn't want you to think less of her
💜 When she does show you the kindergarten, she makes jokes ato try and take the edge off
💜 Claims her right to name your first, unless the fusion names itself before then
💜 Protects you from Jasper
💜 She makes it known you're not less because you're a human-gem hybrid, whatever cut of gem you are, or because you're adopted
💜 When everyone learns Rose's secret, she tries to make you feel a little bit better
💜 When the events of Change Your Mind happen, she makes sure that the criticism of Homeworld doesn't ruin your self esteem
💜 Tries to show you here way of fusing, with mixed results
💜 Might use you as a rock at times, but then does the same for you
💜 Shows you her ski ball trick, and many other ways to be a menace in Funland
💜 You, her, and Steven have fun of cause chaos around Beach City
💜 She doesn't care about where you came from, she cares about who you are
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akiraiscute · 9 months
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(This is so big for a banner help)
Steven Universe X Gem/Human Hybrid!Fem!Reader
Steven Universe Future!<3
Based on this song ; here
“I didn’t want trouble, Im the girl in the bubble.”
Steven was heavily breathing, he looked up from the sand. How many fights have happened on the beach again? He got attacked, again. He put up his shield and threw the attacker into the sand, Steven looked absolutely annoyed. He was supposed to meet you, but yet! He’s stuck fighting again. Again, again. God, how many times have Steven had to fight and then get late to something with you? As he thinks about it, he kept dodging the attacks until he heard his name getting called.
“Steven! There you are!”
You yelled out, running to him before seeing him get punched in the face. You absolutely looked shocked before looking at whoever did it, you sighed loudly
“Call someone instead of fighting alone!”
“I was getting ready to hang out!”
“Then came trouble.”
Steven put you and him in his bubble which in that bubble he was absolutely checking up on you. Yes he has seen you fight but you were rusty.. you looked tired, annoyed like he was. Steven didn’t want you to be annoyed, tired, looking like you were about to give up!! That isn’t like you, right? That isn’t absolutely like you. But then, the attacker broke the bubble which shook steven out of his thoughts and he almost got attacked before you used your (gw) {gem weapons} and immediately after, you went straight into the attacker’s face. With a sick sick look on your face which.. Steven sorta liked, for whatever reason.. Maybe you annoyed was a good thing??
“It was 6:48. He was walking home.”
You two were immediately hanging out after the fight, acting like nothing happened which was normal for you both. Well it wasn’t normal before but now, with everything you both have been through? It was absolutely normal to act like nothing happened. It was weird though, Steven was acting weird.. well since that little kindergarten thing.. he has been acting weird, you could get it. Everyone is moving on and yet it seems like Steven can’t?? But during the fight, you saw something pink and the attacker getting absolutely knocked out and yet you keep saying nothing.. well what could you say? "hey steven, what was that pink thing?" It could bring back bad memories of him finally learning about his mother or something at least, that what scared you mostly.. you didn’t want to bring up the past at all, the main reason? The way Steven acts about it, the way he has the most traumatic memories, experiences out of everyone.. yea the gems have it bad as well but Steven was a child when it all happened.
Soon after you guys were done hanging out. You two got ice cream and you heard steven talk nonstop about Connie, you ignored that lurking feeling every time he did talk about connie. It’s not jealousy, no it isn’t. You know damn well it isn’t, or is it..? It’s just that.. maybe you like Steven, and he is saying stuff about proposing to connie when they haven’t even—, have they dated in secret or something? God… You quickly got snapped out of your thoughts when Steven said he was going home, He was smiling so happily at you.. how could you not fall in love with him? But then.
“I could walk you home Steven?”
God why did you ask that, maybe he was tired and grumpy or upset! He may be sor-
“I would actually like that!..”
Oh. You smiled, happily but maybe it was laced with confusion at him before walking ahead of him, already knowing where his house is. Afterall everyone in beach city probably knows where steven lives, you heard him catching up. You started to ramble about random stuff during your day that happened, You didn’t catch it but Steven was admiring your face, seeing how adorable it is..
“With the blood on his hand from the broken nose (attacker’s..)”
Steven still remembers him turning pink and absolutely punching the attacker’s nose, or whatever it is really.. he knew it was broken after that really. It wasn’t confusing how it was broken, not at all. But it was weird honestly.. for steven it felt good, maybe it was him being protective, yea that.
Uhm… sooo. I was planning to do everything but i got writer block so quickly omg, but now!!! HERE IT IS<333, im very happy that some people still like steven universe 😭😭 i got too excited bc i like this song and i like steven universe so😞😞 yay!! I have 5 more stuff to do omg, EEK!!
— Akira.. Akira<3.. logg.. logging…. Off- off. Bye!!<3
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saphhhiree · 1 year
hii i’m saph and i wanna get into writing some x readers! here’s a list of shows/anime/movies/games that i’ll write for!
the last of us 1&2
detroit become human
genshin impact
honkai star rail
watch dogs 2
she-ra the princess of power
avatar the last airbender
the legend of korra
steven universe
helluva boss
abbott elementary
alice in borderland
bullet train
guardians of the galaxy (or any mcu movie/tv show)
scott pilgrim vs the world
baby driver
spiderman across the spiderverse
wonder egg priority
fairy tail
a silent voice
what i won’t write!!!
piss, scat, vomit
underage nsfw
homophobia, transphobia, any kinda hateful phobia
sa/r*pe (if cnc is requested i’ll write it but will input the characters agreeing to do cnc beforehand)
what i will write!
underage as long as it’s friendship or sibling bond
alllll right!! that’s pretty much it… if you don’t see something you’d enjoy reading then request a show/movie/game/anime and i’ll do some research :)
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hunny-l · 4 months
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I've seen a lot of people doing this so I also decided to do it
My name is London
I'm light skin but both my parents are black
I'm born March 13th so I'm a Pisces
My roblox is (imgettingrippedddddd)
Some fandoms that I'm in off the top of my head are
Resident alien
The boondocks
Steven universe
And more
Only thing I don't like is incest, stepcest, scat or like shit, barf, murder, gore like someone fuckin an eye socket
I like shopping
I like science and weird experiments like mold
Fav movies are 9, the nightmare before Christmas, frankieweeine,
Monster high, Bratz 2000 sleepover and mean girls, clueless and kubo, the darkest minds, 9, the nightmare before Christmas, Frankinwinnie,
Fav shows are resident alien, young Sheldon, one on one, the Parkers and moesha, the boondocks, supernanny, Steven Universe Chowder, The amazing world of gumball, Adventure time, the imperfects,
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Can you pls write yandere twst dormleaders with a lapis!reader from steven universe
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Lapis Lazuli Reader | Yandere Twisted Wonderland
Coming from a world it took so long to acclimate to it’s devastating when you walk out of that coffin. Save for your gem and manipulation of water you’re just like everyone else. With Grim’s encouragement you’ll have to employ some of the healing you were exposed to in your own world. That doesn’t mean you won’t lash out or sarcastically slam others when their logic doesn’t make sense. Too bad logic isn’t a fan of love:
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Leona Kingscholar
“Uhm so this is my meatmorp. It reminds me of the time Grim gave me a mouse..”
“And that one…is it about the time you survived an overblot?”
“No, I just like ink.”
“Got it.”
Almost kindred spirits
He really appreciates your blunt and apathetic personality
Not to mention your strength it reminds him of himself a little 
But he finds he falls deeper when he’ll stave his desire to nap when you bashfully show him what you and Grim have made
Or when you don’t understand some human or magic and bluntly ask for his help
He knows you can protect yourself 
You know what bothers you
But he still wants to protect you
He wants to make the place you can feel rested 
He wants you by his side
And while he doubts he can fight you head on
He’s never been one to fight an enemy head on
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Azul Ashengrotto
“So having controlled water for so long I assume you are a fan?”
“I was trapped in water for months on end.”
“So no?”
Your lack of reaction makes it so hard to manipulate you 
It also makes your oddly placed compliments hit that much harder
As long as he’s not interacting with you he can handle himself
Intimidating anyone as interested as he into backing off with an already signed contract or a situation that forces them to sign
Being an octopus himself he feels as though you deserve to be there 
It’s destiny to him
And he’s decided he’d take the future he wanted
If that has you in it then so be it
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xcherricutie · 6 months
🌺 drift away 🌺
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[Lucifer Morningstar x Reader]
[Part One] [Part Two] [Part Three] [Part Four]
[Word Count - 1.4k]
[Tags: Angst, songfic (I can't help myself)]
[Notes: My first Hazbin Hotel one shot. Still new to Tumblr, and new to writing one shots, I'm used to writing longer form. Hope this post is up to the standard. It's like, 1 in the morning and I have work tomorrow morning, enjoy. I will hopefully get out a part that's kinda like a prequel, I wanna do Other Friends lol. Obvs inspired by Steven Universe.]
Let’s go in the garden, 
You’ll find something waiting, 
Right there where you left it, 
Lying upside down...
Excitement shot through your system, your feet dragging along the ground as a giggle bubbled from within you. You paused every few seconds as the man before you looked back, a single brow raised at your antics. He took a few steps forward, the sounds of your feet tapping as you followed along filling the air. He sighed, turning around. His eyes, golden sclera and deep red irises, landed on your own, though unfocused. Almost as if looking straight through you. 
He’d tried to keep you here, to stop you from following. He knew you were only doing what you were meant to do. You were made for him. An angel born purely to keep Lucifer in check, to keep him happy. You loved being by his side, you loved spending time with him on Earth, in the garden. You thought he loved it too. You thought he loved you. 
Taking a deep breath, Lucifer forced a smile for you. His wings softly flapped behind him, lifting him off the ground, raising him to be just above your face level. His finger tapped your nose, his enchanting voice coming through. “Here in the garden, let’s play a game, I’ll show you how it’s done.” 
“Here in the garden, stand very still,” His hands on your shoulders, you looked up at him with a beaming smile, happy to spend time with your love. 
“This’ll be so much fun,” Your voice, soft and delicate spoke, earning a smile from him. Your heart fluttered at his smile, his cheeks crinkling slightly as his eyes closed, appearing relaxed. At least to you. But appearances weren’t all what they seemed. 
“And then he smiled, that’s what I’m after,” You clenched a fist, pressing it to your chest, trying to calm your fast beating heart. You could feel the eyes of the demon behind you on you, the very demon that came from him. “The smile in his eyes, the sound of his laughter.” 
You could see the scene replaying before you all over again. You could even hear the soft chuckle that had once escaped his lips, his hands softly squeezing your shoulders. You knew she could see it too, but you didn’t want to acknowledge the memories that had begun to rush back to you, memories from long ago. Memories you’d wished you could forget. 
“Happy to listen, happy to play, happily watching him drift away...” 
Lucifer’s grip loosened on your shoulders, his wings flapping as he pulled away, leaving you to your little game. You watched him fly into the bright sky, disappearing in the light of the sun with another. But you didn’t think anything of it, because he loved you. He was playing with you, spending time with you. 
The girl behind you could only watch in silence, her throat squeezing closed as she tried to keep her inner turmoil to herself. She knew exactly where she was, exactly where you had taken her. The wilted bushes, the out-of-control bramble, the spiraling roots through the grass. This was the long-abandoned Garden of Eden. This was where it all began. Where Charlie’s father, Lucifer, had started humanity’s spiral into chaos, starting with you. 
“Happily waiting, all on my own, under the endless sky...” You glanced up to the stars dotting the night sky. Everything seemed to be happening so fast. You never wanted anyone to see this, you never even wanted to see it again yourself. Yet, here you were, sharing your vulnerability with the person you’d come down to Hell to kill. The princess of Hell herself, and Lucifer’s daughter, Charlie. You had let her in, showing her your memories. “Counting the seconds, standing alone, as thousands of years go by...” 
The roots had begun to cling to your still form, your body aching, your wings begging to be spread once more. Your hair, once something you had been proud of, now in shambles, grown out nearly to your feet. Deep bags had sunk into the skin under your eyes, a telling sign of your exhaustion. For how much longer must this game go on, you wondered, but never dared voice it. You were meant to make him happy, right? 
“Happily wondering, night after night, is this how it works? Am I doing it right?” Your fists clenched, unable to bear looking at your old self any longer, watching as your sickened form disappeared, turning into speckles of gold in the wind. You stepped forward into the place where you had once showed Charlie your older memories, resuming the familiar stance you had been in for over ten thousand years. “Happy to listen, happy to stay, happily watching him drift away...” 
A cool breeze blew through your hair, reminding you of the countless nights you took solace in the feeling, the only thing that reminded you that you were still alive, still conscious. Your eyes met Charlie’s, a faint smile on her face as you spotted the tears welling in her eyes. You turned away with the breeze, taking a step in the opposite direction of Charlie, startling her as she was quick to follow. 
“You keep on turning pages, for people who don’t care, people who don’t care about you,” 
You walked along the edge of a pond, legs brushing against the soft petals of the flowers surrounding the pond. The breeze pulled along the flowers, a long dead water lily being ripped from the ground. Grasping the weakened petals of the flower in your hand, you turned to Charlie with a soft smile, placing the flower in her blonde hair that felt just the same as his. Just as you pulled your hand away, turning your attention to the water, the flower crumpled in her hair, falling apart. 
“And still, it takes you ages, to see that no one’s there, see that no one’s there, see that no one’s there, everyone’s gone on without you...” Your eyes drifted back to the spot you had become a part of for so long. The spot you thought would one day claim you and set you free from the pain that he’d left behind in you. Charlie’s eyes followed, her eyes widening to see more of your memories, more of what her father had caused. 
“Finally, something.” 
The two seraphims, Sera and Emily, stood before you, fear and sorrow written across their faces. Emily ripped roots that had grown to hold you down tightly off, while Sera ran her fingers through your broken hair, tears streaming down her face. 
“Finally, news, about how the story ends.” 
Sera rambled on and on about everything you had missed. About how humanity had progressed. About the angels that had replaced you in society. Everybody thought you were dead, at the hands of the Devil. You didn’t understand any of it, not until she explained just what had happened, why you were even standing here, playing this game. 
“He isn’t an angel anymore, fallen long ago, leaving you for Lilith, and his brand-new daughter...” 
“Isn’t that lovely?” 
Tears streamed down Charlie’s face as she watched your younger self burst into tears, sobbing violently into Sera’s chest as she hugged you tightly, muttering useless apologies over and over. You cried and screamed, telling her to stop lying and to bring you to Lucifer, to end this game already. You begged and pleaded, telling her that it wasn’t like that, that he loved you, he asked you to stay and play with him. He couldn’t abandon you. You were his angel, his love. 
“Isn’t that cool?” 
You ignored the pain that squeezed your heart, watching as your memories faded in those familiar golden glimmers, begging that this would be the final time you’d have to see them. You ignored the hot tears that dripped down your cheeks, your emotions leaking through, escaping the tight hold you’d kept them in for so many years. 
“And isn’t that cruel? And aren’t I a fool to have happily listened, happy to stay, happily watching him drift, drift...” 
You squeezed a fist to your chest, your heart slowing down finally as you sighed deeply. This was the end. This garden, where everything had begun, would finally see the end of the story. Where you would finally let go of the memories that haunted you for ten thousand years, and move on with your life, putting an end to his little game. 
“Drift away...” 
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scekrex · 5 months
Love your writing!!
Can I request an Adam x Lucifer’s Ex! reader? Reader is basically the same rank as Lucifer was (so he’s the same strength as him too) Basically, they split up after he and Lilith got together and gave Eve the Apple. Reader is extremely depressed about it but then he meets one of the humans from Eden, Adam . And they find solidarity and comfort in going through the same/similar situation.
Lowkey giving that one scene from Steven Universe (No idea if you’ve watched/like SU so, if you’re not sure what I’m talking about, I’ll link it here. (If you want, you can probably just skip to the time stamps or watch all of it, either’s fine, but it starts at 2:33 and ends around 3:11
Spoilers for Steven Universe, if you even care.
(The context for the SU scene is ofc different, but just the overall vibe of it is what I mean.) but just 2 people abandoned by someone who was supposed to be their soulmate (Twice for Adam) and them finding love in each other in the end.
(Like, imagine both the fluff AND angst potential.)
Also!! If/After you write this one, I might request a Part 2 of this with angst for the aftermath of EP.8. (ONLY if you’re ok with it OFC! If not, just tell me in your A/N for this one and I won’t send it!!)
I hope you have a great day!!!! 💙💙
Okay first of all: gimme that EP 8 request right now, I need it soooo badly °^° I haven't seen SU but I've watched the scene you linked and it helped to get the vibe right so much, this is a lil short but dragging it out just to make it appear longer felt wrong. I hope you like it though. Also friendly reminder: this is set in Eden before Adam became a douchebag.
Part 2
I'm a jester and I'm yours, call me your fool
pairing: Adam x male!reader
warnings: language, hurt (with comfort)
note: not beta read bc fuck you I don't have beta readers
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Eden had always been the place for you to ge whenever you felt sad or upset, it calmed you down, eased your mind, made your thoughts shut up for only a couple moments. Lucifer had betrayed you, you knew that, you also knew that it had been for the best to end things with him before he would take it too far with his wish for free will and with the things that were going on between him and Lilith. And before you even realized how sad that made you feel, to be betrayed, to be replaced by a mortal soul that would never be as pure as you were, you started crying - it wasn’t loud and if someone wouldn’t have paid attention it was also not visible but Adam did pay attention. Lucifer and Lilith had given Eve the apple, the forbidden fruit, how much further would heaven allow them to go? You weren’t sure. What you were sure about though, was the fact that you missed Lucifer, you missed his warmth, his chaotic yet gentle way of handling things, no matter what it was. You missed his creative mind, his joyful character, the love he had held for you that he had never been able to hide. You missed your clumsy blonde little angel - you shook your head, no, he was no longer yours.
And while you tried to sort your emotions out, the brunette human carefully creeped closer, he noticed your sadness and despite the fact that he didn’t know why you were crying, he felt like he understood without knowing the true reason - he had heard them whispering about it. About how Lucifer had left his boyfriend in order to get together with the first woman, his ex wife, Lilith. And while one loss alone had been seemingly impossible to carry, Adam had not only lost Lilith to his former best friend, he had also lost Eve. Eve, who had tried to talk him into eating the apple as well, he had refused to though, he wanted to remain pure, if she decided that wasn’t for her though, then that was her deal and not Adam’s.
Once he had reached you, he quietly sat down next to you, he wanted to take the sadness away from you, a creature as gorgeous and heavenly as yours should not sit in Eden and cry. He wanted to ask you why you were crying, who caused all those tears but he felt like it wasn’t his place to do so - you were an angel after all. Was he even allowed to sit next to you? The first man didn’t know, but he was sure that if he wouldn’t be allowed near you, you would tell him so. Lucifer might be disobeying heaven’s rules, but you? You looked too pure to do so.
You quickly wiped your tears away as soon as you noticed the presence next to you, when you turned your head to look at the person that had decided to take their place by your side, you were quite surprised to see the face of the first man there. “You look so sad,” the brunette hummed as he reached out to gently touch your cheek. Your golden, broken looking eyes met equally broken brown ones and you somehow found comfort in them, even though they belonged to a total stranger. “Yeah,” you softly chuckled at his words, a small smile forced itself onto your lips, “I guess that’s normal when you get dumped, though.” So the rumors had been true, Lucifer had left his boyfriend for Adam’s former wife. He inhaled deeply, “That’s what love brings.” And yeah, he had a point. Love was able to bring joy and happiness, but it could also take those feelings away from you within seconds. Carefully you leaned into Adam’s touch and closed your eyes as you breathed in the scent of the brunette. “A creature as beautiful as you shouldn’t be sad over losing someone like Lucifer though,” the first man continued and gently caressed your cheek with his thumb, wiping away all remains of your tears. “That’s so easy to say, Adam,” your voice cracked when you said his name and you opened your eyes again, “He was everything.” Adam nodded, he understood, “So was Eve. And Lilith. But sometimes they choose a different path than you do and there is nothing you can do to change that.”
And looking at it that way made you realize that Adam was in the same situation as you were, a situation that tore apart everything just because Lucifer had made a reckless decision. You had lost everything and so had Adam, you were sitting in the same boat, sailing the same ocean of sadness. But now you had found each other, so at least you weren’t sailing alone anymore. “Adam?” you asked quietly as you looked at the first man, making sure you’d get nothing but honesty when your eyes met his, “Can you stay?” And without hesitation the first man nodded, this would not only bring you comfort and take a little bit of the sadness away from you, no, the brunette would also find comfort in this, you would keep his mind busy and that he was very thankful for.
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murdrdocs · 1 year
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thirty one nights of classic, horny, fun.
requests: closed + note from celeste
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an exclusive with the infamous ghostface killer from the recent 6th installment
manipulation, p in v, choking/breath play, mean!ethan, ghostface!ethan
other articles include ...
INTERVIEW 001 - ,, mean!hobie brown + degradation. OCT 03
INTERVIEW 002 - ,, sub!stiles stilinski + thigh riding. OCT 05
INTERVIEW 003 - ,, ethan landry + period sex. OCT 07
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in a shocking interview, you reveal your attraction towards the nogitsune, despite all of the havoc he has inflicted on your loved ones. including the owner of the body he possesses.
fem!reader, void stiles, slight dubcon, manipulation, impact play, forced impregnation, snowballing, choking
other articles include ...
INTERVIEW 004 - ,, theo raeken + manipulation OCT 8
INTERVIEW 005 - ,, mean!rafe cameron + degradation OCT 10
INTERVIEW 006 - ,, officer! miguel o'hara + playing dangerous OCT 12
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this week we sit down with you and are blessed with the revelation that stiles stilinski really likes your fangs and craving for human blood.
vampire!fem!reader, void stiles, heavy manipulation, oral sex (f receiving)
other articles include ...
INTERVIEW 007 - ,, ethan landry + suffocation + oral OCT 15
INTERVIEW 008 - ,, eddie munson + non con voyeurism OCT 16
INTERVIEW 009 - ,, rafe cameron/sarah cameron + stepcest OCT 18
INTERVIEW 010 - ,, ghostface! jj maybank/rafe cameron + dubcon OCT 21
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in this tell all, miguel o’hara details the time he got with you. well not you you, but the you in another universe. the faces are the same, so he wonders: what else is the same?
fem!reader, dubcon + cnc, size kink, dacryphilia, oral sex (f receiving), p n v
INTERVIEW 011 - ,, robin buckley + voice kink OCT 24
INTERVIEW 012 - ,, theo raeken/stiles stilinski + voyeurism OCT 26
INTERVIEW 013 - ,, finnick odair + filming OCT 28
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INTERVIEW 014 - ,, mike schmidt + filming OCT 29
INTERVIEW 015 - ,, stepsis!hazel callahan + filming + blackmail OCT 30
INTERVIEW 016 - ,, hazel callahan + corruption OCT 31
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respect the authors wishes; do not request any kinks not on the list; if unsure about anything, contact me! most if not all works are dark content. minors pls dni !
Chad Meeks Martin, Charlie Walker, Corey Cunningham, Dave Lizewski, Eddie Munson, Ethan Landry, Finnick Odair, Hobie Brown, Hazel Callahan, Harry James Potter, Jackson Whittemore, Jake Seresin/Hangman, Jake Sully, JJ Maybank, Miguel O’Hara, Mike Schmidt, Namor, Peter B. Parker, Peter Parker (all), Peter Quill, Quinn Bailey, Rafe Cameron, Robin Buckley, Rodrick Heffley, Sam Carpenter, Scott McCall, Stiles Stilinski, Steve Harrington, Steven Grant, Tara Carpenter, Theo Raeken
Age gap/age difference, Blood Play, Bukkake, Car sex, Cock ring, Cuckold, Double Penetration, Exhibitionism, Femdom, Filming, Groupsex/Gangbang, Hate Fucking, Heat, Knife play/danger kink, Mommy kink, Monster fucking (vampires, werewolves, incubus/succubus), Mutual Masturbation, Pegging, Piss/Bladder control, Public sex, Sex Pollen, Size difference, Somnophilia, Stepcest, Voyeurism
original blog navi
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chaostroberry1 · 3 months
Hey how are you? I was wondering if you could have some headcanons for Hermes, Poseidon, Apollo and Loki with a goddess of sadness. She is the tallest of all the goddesses there, measuring almost three meters, she always has a melancholic aura and a quite sensitive, solitary and serious personality but she is kind to the most intimate people in her circle. She adores humanity and used to have a human husband before he tragically died. She is one of the strongest goddesses, when she cries she makes her sadness infect others, making them cry too and feel her pain (it is based on blue diamond from Steven Universe but I don't know if you know her. You don't need to add any more her if she is not to your taste). I'm sorry if it was a bit long, in advance please and thank you!
Oooh the pretty lady?? Im a bit familiar with her. I did my research on Google, I hope I didn't get anything wrong 😭 I'm also not sure if this is an "× reader" or not, so I'm very sorry. You may chat me again if it isn't what you asked for♥
°•Apollo+Hermes+Loki+Poseidon W a goddess of sadness!reader•°
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- Loki and you are literally polar opposites. You both are so different, yet you both ended up being close to each other.
- he's very curious as to why you're so gloomy and emotional. But you are the goddess of sadness, you live up to your title. Literally.
- whenever he pulls pranks or Snickers at jokes, he's always looking towards you and pointing a finger at whoever was unlucky enough to be his target— thinking you'd instantly feel better.
- no, you actually got gloomier.
- but I think he'd take a liking to you. Opposites attract pretty well if I do say so myself. Atleast he has someone (not really) willing to listen to him.
- and about your height, I bet he'd use his floating ability to float towards your face, so he could talk to you more , and os that you don't have to bend down a little to hear him. And yes, he will ignore the fact that you are uncomfortable or not.
- he just yaps and talks about anything basically. Even if you are very quiet. you talk sometimes, only when you really feel like it.
- seeing how you can make people cry just because YOU are crying... its probably super amusing to him. Even if he's also there shedding tears.
-i bet he'd try to make you cry near the unbreakable ones like Thor, Poseidon, Odin, and so on. Just for the fun of it. A little experiment to make sure you're really that strong.
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- this guy is the perfect ladies man. He knows how to entertain you, he knows how to stop your thoughts from going elsewhere (or maybe stopping you from thinking about something sad. Or else everyone will get affected with your sadness plague.)
- even with your tall height, he still knows how to take care of you. He will find ways. Like when you visit his place, he will make sure you have enough room in the pool of water. He'd also dismiss the nymphs who are staring at your tall figure.
- if y'all are in a relationship, then he's willing to make you atleast a little bit happy. Seeing you cry for the first time was so heartbreaking to see, until it started happening more often.
- well, he learned to embrace it. And now, whenever you cry, he'll just come up to you with his arms open. (Like the "where my hug at?" Typa pose.) and he'll approach you slowly like--
"darling, darling, no need to cry. Let's look to the bright side!"
-- before he makes a tiny lil ball of light in his hands w his photokinesis. If not, he himself would probably blind someone with his light, just to make his statement clear to you. Lmao 😭
- he actually really likes it when you have to bend down a little so you can hear him better. Gives him a better look at your neck, or your chest. And maybe cus he likes the position you're in. (Perv ass)
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- he's already used to this. But I'm sure he'd find joy in watching your power do its thing to those around you. watching people—especially the most cold blooded gods—cry because of you, is incredible.
- he'd give you praises on your power, and how delightful it was to have such a goddess existing in the realm of divine beings. He'd serve you food and tea, ones that are extra big because of your size and height. Like I can imagine this man carrying a huge ass cup just for you to sip some tea or smth.
- I know you both gossip. He'd be whispering all the stuff he has to know on that day's tea, and you just quietly listen and softly giving your feedback. Y'all would do it in front of the other gods too lmao 😭😭
- your aura combined with his, it's a peculiar combo. But its certainly calming, with his personality and yours, it leaves a weird feeling in the room whenever you two are close.
- you both are pretty chill together tho.
- if you guys were in a relationship, he'd be so understanding and supportive of you. When you enter a battle, he'd probably be behind holding light sticks or something with that small smile he always has.
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- now him. He likes your presence. Cus it reminds him a bit of hades. Not the crying part, but more of the calm demeanor you have. You are very soft spoken and it doesn't annoy him.
- you and hades are his only exceptions. Your aura is comforting in a way that soothes his nerves. He's also seen and even felt the sadness you've carried on your shoulders all those years after you beloved died, as well as the burden of other things.
- so he can quite understand you. It must really be difficult dealing with such feelings he learned that after he felt the pain you buried deep into your body when you cried.
- you both are also a peculiar duo combo. I just know most of the gods there ship you both. Loki was the one making the scenerios and fanfics (he's such an ass)
- Poseidon acts like he doesn't care, or is irritated. But in all reality, he doesn't seem to mind. He likes you a lot.
- he's pretty quick to slice someone who makes you cry. He just uses the excuse that he doesn't want to shed tears and all because showing weakness is weak af. But in reality he actually just doesn't want anyone fuckin w you.
- like imagine him saying that showing such weak emotions as a god is pathetic, before seeing you and quickly saying "unless it's completely necessary".
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universellie · 1 year
Steven X male reader who works at the donuts shop. They're really good friends, but Steven has a crush on him. (he likes him too) and him embarrassing himself trying to look cool in front of him, he thinks he messed up but he thinks it's super cute and they end up going on a date and it's all cute and fluffy. Sorry if this doesn't make sense, I'm not good at this 😭 love your writing 💜
ohemgeeeee of course! and thank you! This is such a cute concept so I hope you like it <3 I got a bit confused with which person is getting embarrassed so I’m going to choose Steven, hopefully that’s okay!
>~TW: fluff overload ;)
>~ Steven Universe x m!reader
>~context; reader works in the donut shop with Sadie, Steven comes in one day when Reader is working and very awkwardly asks him on a date to FunLand :)
Donut Look At Me!
Beach City was a means to an end. In your grand future plans, you were ready to tour the world. Visit everywhere you possibly could, escaping the towns small, yet homely atmosphere. You’d miss it here, it was your home. Luckily, you weren’t going to be moving away anytime soon. School was finished, but you had to make money to go on your great adventure.
That’s where the Donut Shop came into place. A means to an end. Sadie had hired you purely based off of your friendship from school. Both 18, she had been working in the shop for years at this point. She has been here with Lars, but following his unusual disappearance the shop eventually had to hire another person. You left Greg Universes car wash not long ago, he was a great boss but getting wet everyday wasn’t really your idea of fun. Then Sadie offered you the job.
It was a regular Wednesday afternoon, summer sun rays blazing through the open windows. A crystal clear ocean lapping at a lazy beach sends a steady thrum of sound. Sadie was out back, throwing donuts in the deep frier. The new rule of actually cooking the donuts was testing, to say the least. You were leaning against the counter, tapping your hand along the wood as you watched people go by outside the shop. Sadie was humming a song, she was a great singer, you had to admit. Maybe she’d end up in a band.
The door swung open, the bell twinkling above. Steven Universe stood there, tall, dad bod concealed behind a pink bomber jacket and the classic jeans and sandals combo. You could feel your knees becoming weak behind the counter, staring at him with awe as he approached. His hair looked bouncier today, his eyes already scanning through the shelves and the donuts displayed at the counter. He was humming a tune, it sounded like his ring tone. His gaze lifted to find you looking at him, a gentle blush creeped to his cheeks. “Hey! How are you doing today?” He fidgeted with his hands nervously, almost shuffling closer to the counter. You felt a warmth grow in your chest, what it would mean to you if you were the cause of his nervousness.
“I’m good Steven. How about you?” His gaze snapped up to yours, he gripped his hands, knuckles turning white.
“Great!” He said it almost a little too enthusiastically. He grimaced, cringing by his tone. He quickly averted his eyes to the glass shelves of donuts. “Can I get a vanilla sprinkles and uhhh…” He paused, looking at you he took a quick breath, and leaned on the counter. “And a side of you to go.” You looked at him, disbelief clearly written on your face and Steven immediately offered an awkward chuckle. “Good joke right?!” He said hurriedly, standing back off the counter and rubbing the back of his neck. You couldn’t help but smile, what a dorky, awkward guy.
“I’ll get you those donuts, unfortunately employees aren’t on the menu.” You held his gaze as you put the donuts in a box, adding a few of your favourites for good measure. He gave a kind smile, cheeks tinted pink with a blush of embarrassment.
“Good come back, Y/N.” He slid cash across the counter, watching you put it in the register. You could hear him tapping his foot on the ground, why was he being so impatient? He opened his mouth and closed it again, before taking a breath and locking eyes with you. “Want to go on a date?” Stammering it out as if it was the hardest thing to say in the whole entire world. “To uh, FunLand! Or or… Mr Happys arcade? If you don’t want to it’s fine, I don’t expect y-“ You gave him a small smile, his awkwardness was adorable.
“I’d love to go on a date Steven. I’m off at 6, meet you here then?” His face lit up, a smile growing.
“Yes! Yes that’s amazing-“ He stopped himself, taking a deep breath and trying to hide his excitement. “That would be great, see you then handsome.” He winked and gave you finger guns as he walked out of the store. You saw him giving himself a face slap and muttering some incoherent nonsense about being stupid. How cute he was.
You stood outside the donut shop, trading your company uniform for a hoodie. You looked out towards the beach, it was 6:10pm, where was Steven? Just as you were contemplating if he had stood you up and if you should leave, you heard the rushed slap of sandals on the ground. You could hear panting, and watched as Steven hurtled towards you, bouquet of wild flowers in his hand.
“I’m here! I’m so sorry I’m late-“ He was wearing different clothes, lighter jeans and a new shirt, still keeping the star theme. He stopped before you, heaving and out of breath. He held up his hand and presented the bouquet, you couldn’t help but blush. “Oh Steven… thank you. This is really kind.” He nodded, then stood and sucked in a deep breath. “I had to get flowers the prettiest boy, right?” He gave a smirk, then tried to lean against the donut shop wall. He missed it by an inch and stumbled forward, catching himself before he made out with the floor.
“Steven are you okay?!” You went to help him up but he waved you away. Giving that familiar embarrassed chuckle.
“I’m fine! Really, let’s go to FunLand. I got us free tickets for the rides after working in the arcade for a month.”
“Wasn’t that because you broke one of the games?”
“Yes but…. I stayed on to help! So I got a thank you gift.”
You smiled, nodding. He held out his hand you took it, holding the flowers he gifted you in the other. The pair of you talked, walking down the boardwalk and to the sparkling lights of the amusement rides. It was sweet, he tried to deliver some pick up lines but they fell flat, yet they still made you laugh. His attempt at wooing you, even though it was miserable, was working. The genuine sweetness he showed you was heart warming. The pair of you reached FunLand, beelining for the roller coaster. He gently took the flowers from you, laying them safely at the entrance. Then your belongings and packed them in a tidy pile. On the roller coaster he wrapped an arm around you, holding you close as the pair of you screamed on each loop and dive.
You played mini games, he managed to win you a giant panda due to his sharp precision in knocking down wooden ducks with a water gun. After getting corn dogs, you found the pair of you sitting on the docks ledge. Sourcreams dads boat sitting to the side. The waves lapped gently at the posts, the night was clear and a gentle warm breeze ruffled your hair.
“Thank you, for agreeing to come on a date with me” Steven said gently as he nibbled on the side of the corn dog. He stared out into space, like he was gazing directly at one particular star.
“Thank you for inviting me Steven. It was… an amazing night.” Steven looked at you, a kind smile playing on his lips as he took your hand and held it.
“I have to be honest with you. I’ve had a crush on you for a while, I think that’s why I’ve been such a clutz. I just- when I see you I can’t help but feel nervous!” You smiled, giving his hand a small squeeze.
“Oh Steven, I’ve felt the same way. I think I’m just better at hiding it.” The pair of you turned to face each other, genuine smiles and eyes that told more than words could say. Steven leaned into you, before quickly looking away from your lips as of to ask ‘Is it okay?’. You merely gave a slight nod of your head in response.
Steven leaned in and kissed you, like there was no end to the night. Softly he took you in his arms, breaking away for a moment to look at you, before kissing you once again.
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akiraiscute · 9 months
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Yandere!Steven Universe X Reader
Tw ; Yandere shit, idk what else help
Steven Universe Future! || NO SMUT U FLITHY ANIMALS.
A/N ; bro no one is writing for steven universe and i badly need smth😭
Steven was talking to garnet, on the couch while garnet was petting cat steven. It was 2AM, both of them were waiting for you, Steven sighed as he heard the door opening. Garnet was looking at you already, Steven turned around as he saw you… he looked shocked, You were in baggy jeans, a long sleeves and crop-top but you stole his jacket before you went out, which both of them were sleeping or gone.. You were slowly taking off your sneakers, getting the silent house uncomfortable really so you tried to distract yourself and kept into your head really until Steven spoke up.
“Soo.. Where were you?”
You looked at Steven confused before smiling.
“You know how sadie is Back into town for her tour with the sadie spects? They asked me to go shopping with them and of course i said yes!”
Garnet looked away from steven to look at you, smiling as she already knew that. She just wanted to make sure you were alright, Cat Steven jumped down from Garnet’s lap and ran to you. Quickly starting to purr and rub against your leg, you bent down and pet her gently as to pick her up as well.. Steven was still looking at you, slightly jealous that you spent all your night talking to them instead of him. Why didn’t they invite him though? That’s- weird, he was the one who introduced everyone to you when you first moved in which was probably when.. he still didn’t know his own powers, those times made him shiver sometimes.
“Were you safe?”
“Why wouldn’t I? We have nothing to fear anymore so I just have been relaxing. Why aren’t you in bed Steven? You planned to propose to connie to tomorrow or is it today since… it’s 2AM??”
“Well, i wanted to wait for-.. my best.. friend.”
“As you are already here (N/N) {Nickname}, I should get going as I have some stuff to do.”
You smiled and waved bye to garnet as you saw her disappear into her room. You turned to steven and walked over to him, gently putting cat Steven in his lap and watched cat steven purr softly and get comfortable on steven’s lap. You giggled as the thought of cat steven and human steven being alike, you walked back and walked to the hallway of the bathroom saying..
“Alright! You should prepare for bed Steven! Ima take a shower!”
Well sorta yelled that out, Steven watched you leave him with this cat steven… He sighed softly, fully forgetting that he told the gems and you that he liked connie, when he was mildly obsessed with you… well he wasn’t always, half way through his past he got obsessed. Can you guess how? Well, really. he got obsessed with you because you almost died by the hands of the diamonds. You're human.. not like him, not like the gems where you can poof but come back better and new, not like him where he can magically heal himself if he got hurt. but at that point, he didn't even realize it was obsessive, he just thought it was friendly love untillll….
He got rejected by Connie which was a few weeks ago, It was bad enough he had to deal with humiliation but she literally pointed out that she thought he liked you. That made him shocked, as you and him well before had nothing in common, he and you only saw each other as friends until Connie pointed out how he looked at you after everything with the diamonds, she pointed out how he looked at you with so much admiration, so much love in his eyes. Connie found it adoring, cute, sweet. She wasn’t even mad.. Which got Steven absolutely confused. If He saw connie being like- oh. He slowly started to realize that he does and did do that.. how dumb is he that he didn’t notice himself? It got awkward quick..
It was already morning as he got the sleep he needed and so did you. Steven was happily okay with you sleeping on the bed as you two got older, he didn’t find it weird that you guys had to share a bed when you two grew up, which until you told him if it was okay if you slept on the couch and not with him and not near him? That absolutely made him feel like shit, he didn’t know that at time either really. You slowly got up and looked at Steven, confused.
“Steven.. why do you have brea—”
Before you could finish your sentence the gems were already coming up, you sighed softly as you ate the breakfast sandwich Steven made as he talked with the gems. You were too tired to say anything so when you got up, you realized they were already downstairs. You softly shook your head as you started to get dress already, you went down to see them talking.. it was nice seeing it. You liked seeing them all talk, happily.. it felt refreshing, You walked to the bathroom and opened the door to start your routine. You walked out to see Steven get piled in snow, you giggled as you started to get something to drink.
“You know what we haven’t played in awhile..?”
Amethyst said as she looked at steven, before slowly getting up and then. Turning into young steven, which made you look shock as you started to laugh, hard.
Steven looked tired before looking at you, his eyes looked a bit shocked before they softened of all of his tiredness, suddenly gone just by hearing your pretty laugh. Before he knew it, he kept dodging Amethyst from tagging him. He kept complaining until he ran into the bathroom, quickly rolling a towel up and putting it in the gap of the door, he sat on it until he heard your far away laughter fading away and amethyst footsteps walking away. He slowly started to put the towel back and open the door, he walked out as garnet was looking around.
“Yea Garnet?”
“Have you seen Cat Steven, I have been looking all over for her. Can you look for her in the cabinets?”
Steven nodded as he walked to the cabinets, about to ask this one before he dodged amethyst’s trying to tag him. He gasped a bit as he dodged it, looking at her going into garnet and tagging garnet instead but also making you fall down since garnet almost knocked you down. You laughed it off as it didnt even hurt, being trained witn Connie and pearl, you could deal with a lot of things whicn always made steven admire you from afar. Speaking of Steven, he looked shocked before running to you.
“Are you okay?!”
He said as he kneel down and checked you. You chuckled softly as your laughter died down, you nodded before steven dodged both of them and ran to the warpad. Running into pearl..
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EEK!! Finished it myself, 6 more drafts to complete. Im dying slowly omg- i should write each other that im planning until Christmas broskis😊 TOMORROW IS TWO STORIES OKAY?? DW DW I’LL DO TWO BECAUSE I HAVE TOO SO IT’LL WORK. I promise it’ll work😭😭 anyways!! Enjoy this my pretties, i have been having mentall problems so im sorry for being gone for awhile of couple times.<3
— Akira!!<3… Akira!!<3 is.. iss… Logg- Logging off. Goodbye!
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justmeinadaze · 7 months
My Little Man (Steddie X You) (Part of HFOD and SS Universe)
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A/N: I guess you guys would call this season 3? Lol. My angst hella took over as well as some feelings I've been dealing with lately.
Enjoy please <3.
Part of this Universe
Warnings: Demon Steddie & Human Fem Reader, No SMUT in this one, FLUFF, they love each other and their son. Demon Steddie is navigating how to be human while taking care of a pregnant Y/N.
ANGST: More or less the normal level of angst that comes with this series. The theme is grief and PTSD (from a soldiers perspective). Y/N is still struggling with the notion of her parents not being there to see Ellis grow up and the guys (especially Steve) is struggling with being raised how they were and taught to fight. Eddie struggles with feelings of enabling because of everything they went through.
The dreams probably have the most feels. They talk to their loved ones and Ellis says goodbye. Steve has nightmares that involve his dad being a dick (of course) and something that happens within one angers Eddie (blood briefly mentioned).
Word Count: 6398
"Don't you know I love you more than life itself Don't you know that you're my pride And I would not have you walking through this world Without me by your side
Go to sleep my little man Don't you weep my little man"
3 Months Pregnant
Steve sits on the bench outside of the library he had just exited from, sighing heavily as he closed his eyes and threw his head back.
Ever since the three of you got home, he and Eddie had been doing research on which human job they would best be suited for in your realm but were struggling to find much of anything. For him, it was even more difficult since he was raised to be a solider. He genuinely didn’t know how to do anything else and it didn’t help that even though you explained a lot of human behavior, he still felt slightly ignorant with many things. 
“May I sit?” The demon jumped at the sound of a gravelly voice beside him. “Oh, shit. Sorry, son. I didn’t mean to startle you.”
“No, it’s alright. Um, please.”, he gestures towards the area beside him causing the man to flash him a thankful grin as he takes a seat. 
“How long?”
“I’m sorry?”
“I asked how long. I know the look of a fellow veteran trying to figure out how to adapt to a civilian lifestyle. How long has it been since you saw combat?”
“Oh, uh, it’s…it’s been a few years. But I did it the bulk of my life.”
“I can imagine with you being so young. I bet one of your parents was a solider as well?”
“Wow. Yeah, that’s amazing. How did you…?”
“I told you, son. I know the look.”, the man chuckles as he extends his hand. “Truman Duvall; Ex Lieutenant Colonel in the United States Army.”
“Steven Harrington. Um, Sergeant in the US Army. Well, Ex.”, Steve laughs nervously as he hopes his memory of things he’s learned about humans in the past is still up to date.
“Nice to meet you. If I may ask, what were you thinking so hard about specifically?”
“My girlfriend is pregnant and I’m trying to find a job so I can help support my family. I want my son to have a better life then I did but I have no idea where to start.”
“Congratulations on the little bundle! I have four myself, two of them grown and out of the house already. My wife pretends like she’s glad they’re out but she misses them.”, he laughs. “I don’t know if you would be willing but down the street here, we have a recreation center where veterans go to relax and let loose. They’ve been looking for a counselor to lead the group therapy. I think you’d be a good fit.”
“Yeah? Um, I guess I could…”
“Look, you don’t even have to make a decision right now. Why don’t meet me there tonight? We’re having a little party get together thing. Of course, you can bring the girlfriend and you both can meet the person in charge. See if you feel comfortable.”
“O-Ok. I, um…” Steve pauses as he debates on if he should tell the truth about Eddie. That was a fight they had when it came to going home. He had been afraid that they would have to hide their relationship and he never wanted to hide or be hidden when it came to the man he loved. But this is also where he wanted to raise his son and he didn’t want to cause a commotion before you four even had a chance to settle in. What would Eddie do?
“Can I bring my boyfriend as well? He’s a veteran to. We actually met during our tour.”
Truman’s mouth pouted out ever so slightly as his eyebrows lifted in surprise. 
“Oh, um, sure! The more the merrier.”
“Steven, oh my God, that’s amazing!”, you exclaim as you wrap your arms around his neck. “I’m so happy for you.”
“Hang on, now. I don’t have a job yet but…”
“Don’t sell yourself short, bud.”, Eddie grins from his place on the kitchen counter. 
“I hope it’s ok that I kind of…announced…our relationship. We actually didn’t talk about what we wanted to do but I know if we had stayed in our realm I’d want to be honest.”
The long-haired demon opened his arms and Steve promptly placed himself between his legs with his back against his chest while Eddie rested his chin on his shoulder. 
“I’m glad you did. I love you and I’m not hiding that.”
“Me either.”, you smiled as they beamed right back. 
Suddenly, the happiness drains from your face before you turn and bolt towards the bathroom. You three had been home for a couple of months and within the past week some of the normal symptoms of pregnancy began springing up such as the morning sickness you were currently experiencing. 
“It’s alright, baby. Get it all out.”, Eddie tries to sooth as he holds your hair into a makeshift ponytail. As soon as you were finished, you fell back into his arms and thanked Steve when he handed you a bottle of water. 
“This is normal, right? Humans get nauseas like this.”, he asked. 
“Yeah, honey. It’s normal. I’m alright. I think I’m going to take a nap so I can be 100% for tonight.”
“Y/N, you don’t have to go.”
“No, Steve, I want to go. I want to see where you’ll be and the people you’ll be around.”
“Steve! You made it.”, Truman shouts excitedly as he reaches out to shake the boy’s hand. “You must be the girlfriend.”
“Hi. I’m Y/N.”
“Y/N. What a beautiful name for a beautiful woman and this is your…boyfriend? Right, son?”
“Yes, sir. This is Edward.”
“It’s nice to meet you. Steve said you’re a veteran as well. Were you a sergeant like himself?”
“Oh, uh, no. I was more of a private I guess you’d say. But we spent a lot of time together especially on the battlefield.”
“Wow and for you two to still be so close and find a relationship through all that chaos! That’s amazing. I always tell my wife if she met me during my tour she would have hated me. A lot of civilians don’t understand the headspace you have to fall into to do what we have to do.”
Both demon’s nod in understanding and you can’t help but softly smile as you watch them interact with the other people around them. Steve was definitely in his element and you could tell in some way he felt more comfortable in this setting because he was around beings who seemed to understand what they both went through. As his new friend spoke, his eyes remained intense and focused as he absorbed everything he said. 
Eddie excused himself to grab some drinks but became distracted talking to another couple and began to laugh at something they were saying. The first time you met him he expressed a particular distain for humans but he seemed to open up more since they were freed, finding something interesting in each person he interacted with. 
“Hey, this is my girlfriend Y/N.”, he introduces when you walk over to check on him. “Y/N, this is Lisa and Shawn Bennett. Lisa did a tour in the Air Force flying jets and Shawn was a DJ overseas.”
“Oh wow. For the military or just on your own?”
“For the military. I’m kind of like that Cronauer guy they made the movie about. I read the reports and played music I thought would lift the troops spirits.”, the man explains. 
“Kind of like me.”, Eddie whispers in your ear making you smile. “What do you two do now if I may ask? Steve and I have been searching for employment but we have no idea what would fit us.”
“Well, I actually own a store of my own selling books and comics; things like that. I’m a bit of a nerd.”, Lisa laughs. 
“And I teach media and music courses at the local community college up here.”
“That sounds like a lot of fun actually. Are they looking for another music teacher because Eddie is an amazing musician.”
“Yeah? Unfortunately, they aren’t but you should consider maybe starting your own business as well. You can teach kids to play guitar or any other instruments you know and you can do it from your house or maybe the music store downtown is hiring.”
“Are you looking for a job to, Y/N? I’m trying to hire someone to help me with my shop.”, Lisa offers with a smile. 
“Oh, I’d love that. I’m, uh, I’m actually pregnant though and I wouldn’t want to leave you stranded after you just hired me.”
“That’s fantastic! Don’t even worry about it. You don’t seem very far along yet. I can teach you the ropes before you give birth and that way when you come back, you’ll already know what to do!”
As you glance at Eddie, his eyes widen with encouragement as he nods his head. 
“Ok, I’d love to work for you.”
Lisa claps and gives you a big hug as your demon beams behind you.
“Hello fellow veterans, spouses, and partners! Glad you could all join us tonight. I hope you are having some much needed fun! I do have just a quick announcement to make. I would like to introduce you to Steven Harrington who is new to Hawkins and after speaking with him I feel like he will be a great addition to our center here as the group counselor.” The man at the podium smiles as he gestures towards the demon and everyone around the room claps. “Steve, why don’t you introduce yourself?”
When he hesitates, you gently push him forward, urging him softly before he relents and nervously climbs up the makeshift stage. 
“Um, hi. Sorry, it’s been a while since I’ve been seen by so many people.” The people chuckle as you and Eddie grin knowingly. “Like Thomas said, I’m, uh, new to Hawkins but my girlfriend is from here and my partner and I thought it would be better for her to be back home where she felt safe with her family so we can start raising our own. I-I-I…shit I used to better at this.”, he chuckles before glancing your way, your gentle smile comforting him. 
“I was raised in a military household. My dad was a solider so that’s what I was expected to be. As soon as I was able, he handed me a weapon and commanded I train to be the best. There was no wiggle room there. It was all or nothing. When I saw war…I shut down and did what I had to. I took no pleasure in killing, contrary to popular belief.”
“The worst part about shutting down that way was how it flowed into my every day. I was as an asshole to everyone including women I dated and people I trained… except for some of the people closest to me…Robin, Chrissy, and Eddie. When Edward and I got out…I felt so out of control…so lost. I lost my identity and everything I knew. If I didn’t have him by my side… Then we met Y/N and without her we literally wouldn’t be here today.”
Steve paused, looking out into the crowd, and realizing he may be talking too much. 
“Sorry. I’m sorry. Thank you so much for this opportunity and I’ll do whatever I can to help.”
The people in the room clap as he steps off the stage and you immediately wrap your arms around his waist as Eddie lightly caresses his cheek. 
4 Months Pregnant
You beam at Eddie as he softly strums his instrument. That day after Shawn suggested it, he went down to the music store in town and applied for the job as a guitar instructor. After playing and showing off for them he got the job. He loved hearing the kids try and play reminding him of the children he watched over with Steve during their war. 
Today was everyone’s day off so they were being lazy in bed with you in your pajamas and both demons in nothing but their sweats. 
“Ok, this thing here says for humans you should be feeling him move around now.”, Steve announced as he gestured towards the book he was reading. 
“I haven’t felt him move yet unless the occasional nausea is him saying hello.”, you giggle. Leaning over him, you grab his hand and place it on the middle of your stomach. “Talk to him.”
“Uh, I…hey, Ellis. It’s, um, your daddy. I’m not scaring him with my voice, right?”
“No, baby.”, you grin as you pet his head. “This is how he’ll get used to it though. Hearing and seeing you both in your demon form.”
“Buddy, you have no reason to be afraid of us in any form. I’m sorry your dads aren’t as beautiful as you and your mom but—”
“Hey, speak for yourself.”, Eddie teases making you laugh. “I’m a sexy motherfucker.”
“What?”, Steve’s eyes shift up excitedly. 
“You didn’t feel that?”
When he shakes his head, you place his hand closer to the side you felt movement, gesturing for the other demon to do the same.
“Say something else.”
“Hey Ellis. This is your other daddy and I assure you we are very handsome.”
“Holy shit.”, Steve exhales as he grins up towards his partner. “That’s amazing.”
“I’m glad you agree, kid.”, Eddie smiles.
6 Months Pregnant
Eddie growls at the crib he was trying to assemble as his glowing red eyes glare at the instructions again. Over these past couple of months, you three had made your dad’s old room your bedroom and begun shifting the room you used to sleep in into Ellis’s. 
Going off his personality from your dreams, you painted the room blue with images of guitars along the base boards and up along the ridges of the ceiling. Near where his crib would be, you put up pictures of everyone in his family that loved him including Robin, Wayne, Dustin, and everyone who had passed that he had been conversing with these past six months. 
The boys were able to get everything a baby would need from your realm but also from theirs including those books that Eddie had wrote and some toys demons normally played with at a young age. 
“Whoever invented these contraptions should be tortured for eternity.”, Eddie grunted as he tried again putting a few of the pieces together. 
“You guys don’t have cribs in your realm?” 
“Yeah but they were like boxes essentially. Or at least mine was. I’m sure Steven had gold porcelain or some shit.”
“No.”, Steve chuckled as he took the wrong part from his partner’s hand and handed him the correct one. “I had a regular little wooden thing with soft blankets.”
“I wish I could see what you two were like as kids.”
Since they left Maeve, they weren’t able to snap memories into your head like they were before. It hurt them more than you because you always seemed curious about them and they wished they could show you everything from their point of view, not Henry’s or Mirage’s. 
“How much did Mirage show you?”
“She showed me big events more than anything. Steve always looking for his parents especially your mom. She did play sword fight with you once and you looked so happy until your dad yelled at her for ‘ruining your training’.” You rolled your eyes as Steve pet your head and sighed. “Eddie, I did see what your uncle told me about with your mom singing to you.” The demon’s glow receded in his eyes as he glanced your way with a small smile. 
“Until my father told her to shut up?”
Tilting forward, you crawled over his work to kiss his lips making his smile widen as he caressed your face. 
“What about your parents, honey?”
“Both my parents were amazing. My dad always loved to make us laugh. He liked being a girl dad and my mom exploited that.”, you giggle. “She would make him wear tutus while I would do his makeup and they both would dance.”
A tear left your eyes and both demons promptly gave you their attention. 
“I’m sorry you guys don’t have your parents here. You both deserve better.”
“Baby, it’s ok—”
“Eddie it’s not okay.”
“Will you let me finish?”, he jokes. “It’s ok because I had my mom and I had Wayne. Then as I got older I got my other family. Steven, Robin, Chrissy, and even Dustin. Now, sweetheart, I have you two and Ellis. I couldn’t be happier.”
“I agree. I’m thankful for the memories I do have with my mom but the kids I trained and beings I fought with…that was my family. I’m so excited to see what’s in store for us, you know. See what Ellis is going to do with his life.”
You smiled as you kissed their lips before you wince and lean away. 
“Ow. Little butthead is kicking my side.”
“Hey, kid.”, Eddie teases as he tilts towards your tummy. “Why don’t you stop hurting your mother and come help me make your torture technic of a crib.”
8 months Pregnant
You, Steve, and Eddie walked into the house you three had been in so many times these last few months except now it was completely empty. All the furniture and everything was completely absent as you entered the living room full of people.
Everyone in the room moved out of the way to where Eddie’s mom was hugging her grandson to her chest as he sobbed. 
“I don wanna go!”
“You have to, baby. Your mommy and daddies need you now. They’ve been waiting so long to see you.”
“Mom?”, Eddie asked as he stepped towards her. “What’s going on?”
She softly smiled as she handed him to your father who spun him around as he chuckled but your son just buried his face further in his neck. 
“Come on, little guy. Your parents have made you an awesome bedroom and knowing my daughter she’s going to show you so many amazing things.”
The little boy shook his head as your dad kissed his temple before handing him to your mom. 
“Steven, remember, you once told me that everything would be ok and you were right. I’ve watched you both take care of my baby and I assure you, you both are going to be more than ok. You are going to be amazing parents.”
He beamed at him as he wrapped his arms around the demon and pulled him in for a hug. 
Your mother grinned as she reached out to touch your face as you started to cry. 
“I’m scared to do this without you.”, you whisper. 
Your parent’s smiles widen as she kisses her grandson and places him in your arms. 
“We’re not going anywhere. We’re always right here.”, she soothes as she points to Ellis’s forehead. “Right behind that door, honey.”
“I love you.”, you son coos as each grandparent reciprocates his affection. 
As both your demons come to your side, you look down to no longer see a toddler but a newborn baby wiggling in your arms. Steve gently pets his head as Eddie reaches for his tiny hand that immediately clings to his finger. 
All of your eyes shoot open but yours is followed by a grunt as you place your hands on your stomach. 
“Fuck! I think…”
They don’t waste any time as they collect you and your things before rushing towards the hospital. 
“How long are they going to keep him back there?”, Eddie growled as he held your hand.
“Calm down. Y/N said this was normal. They need to clean him, check his vitals, and all that.”
“Yeah, but Steven, what if something comes up in those vitals that frightens a human.”
The other demon’s eyes flash red in warning in his direction as a low rumble leaves his chest. 
“Maybe we should have had him in your realm.”, you respond groggily as your heavy eyes shift their way. 
“Baby, don’t let Edward scare you, ok? He’s fine. He’s got more human in him right now than anything. Dustin said he would grow into his demon parts.”
“He also said we’re the first couple ever to do this so…”
“Edward Munson, I swear—“, Steve’s anger was cut short when the door to your hospital room opened and a nurse casually sauntered in.
“Hey Munson-Harrington family.”, she smiles. “We have little Ellis here fast asleep and everything looks good. Mommy, how are you feeling?”
“Like I gave birth.” The nurse laughs at your joke as your demons roll their eyes. “I’m alright. A bit exhausted.”
“Yeah, that’s normal, sweetheart. Good news is your baby is in perfect health. Would you like to meet him?” Your eyes fully open as you sit up, smiling softly when she places him in your arms.  “I’ll come check on you three in a bit.”
Tears start to fall as you fully take him in. Right now, he seemed like a completely normal child with soft skin and just a sliver of brown hair poking out of his blue beanie. 
“Hey, honey. You’re so handsome. I’m your mommy.”, you coo in a whisper as you kiss his forehead. “Oh my god, he smells so good.”, you laugh as you look their way. 
Eddie was the first to step forward, sitting beside you on the bed as he caressed his son’s chubby little cheek with his finger. 
“Holy shit. He’s so soft.”, he breathes. “You’re perfect, kid.”
Steve finally takes a seat as well and reaches out to feel his tiny hand. 
“He’s warm to. Is that normal?” When you nod, he almost breathes a sigh of relief. “Ellis, we’re your daddies. You ARE perfect, oh my god.”
The baby squirms a bit in your hold giving them pause before pulling away. 
“I think that was his way of saying thank you.”, you smile. 
3 Weeks Old
“Fascinating.”, Dustin muses as he rocks Ellis in his arms while swaying around the living room. “He really does look just like a little human with the soft skin and everything. Nothing has stood out?”
“Can you stop analyzing our baby and just enjoy him?”, Eddie snaps as he sighs. 
“No, nothing.”, you giggle, answering his question. “And so far he seems to eat but not as much as normal babies.”
“How so?”
“Babies are supposed to eat every two hours; we’ve been feeding him every six. I was worried at first but we just took him the doctor and she said he was healthy. When I tried to give him a bottle every two he would cry and push at my hands.”
“Interesting. That has to be hard, Y/N. Him not being able to verbally tell you things like that. I hated when my kids cried in general but you…you still have that whole trial and error thing going.”
Glancing towards your demons, Eddie had fallen asleep with his head nestled in Steve’s lap on the couch who was already napping when Dustin arrived. 
“It is. I appreciate everything you’ve done for us though and I know they do to. I’ve been keeping a record like you suggested should this ever happen for anyone else.”
“Good.” When he notices your gaze shift again, he takes a seat on the floor beside you and lays Ellis on the blanket between you both. “Everything ok with you three?”
“Yeah, I’m just a little worried. They were both already so protective over me and now that he’s here… Steve’s been having nightmares. He pretends he doesn’t but I hear him groaning in his sleep and feel him wake up. I asked him the other night if he still has access to my dreams and he said he can’t find the door anymore.”
A tear fell down your check as Dustin reached out to comfort you. 
“As I’m sure you’ve noticed, Eddie’s attitude has been a lot shorter lately. He’s exhausted and worried about the three of us. He triple checks everything to the point that I find him asleep on the floor by Ellis’s crib because he’s too tired to make it back to our bed and would just rather be closer to his son just in case.”
“What about you? Besides the worry I mean.”
“I know I’m probably being paranoid but sometimes I feel like we’re being watched. It may just be because of our dynamic. I know not everyone is excepting like the new friends we’ve made but no one has said anything… I don’t know. Just…mom brain maybe.”
“Hm, maybe. Keep an eye on that. From what you’ve told me, you’re always pretty intuitive. Wouldn’t want to miss something you know?”
5 Weeks Old
“Oh my god, Y/N, look at him.”, Lisa coos at Ellis as she holds him in her arms. 
“Are you alright, Steve? You look like you haven’t slept.”, Shawn chuckles. 
“Yeah, I’m doing alright. Just…little guy keeping me up.”, he forces a smile. 
Your friends were having a get together for veterans and their families and since Steve worked at the center you suggested you three should go and be seen. Truthfully, you thought it would be good for them both to get out of the house as well as having him specifically spend some time with his new veteran friends to talk about anything that may be weighing on his mind causing his nightmares.
As the night wore on you noticed their soft grins return to their faces as he and Eddie mingled with the people around them. They radiated warmth as they talked about their son and everything he had done with his short little life so far.
“Have you guys started baby proofing yet? I swear when my daughter started crawling it was like she knew which areas were the bad ones!”
“Oh no, not yet. He did smile at Y/N the other day. Ellis has a beautiful little grin.”, Steve boasts.
“At that age usually it’s just reflexive. They see you guys smiling so…”
“Isn’t that all babies though? Like that’s how they learn?”, Eddie genuinely asks as the dads around him laugh. 
“Yeah but who knows some babies are different! You may just have an extremely happy baby who couldn’t wait to show you guys how much he loves being here.”
Time passed and a few of the guests left, leaving the main few that you had really gotten to know. You all sat in the living room while Eddie patted his son’s back as Ellis slept soundly. Steve tenderly petted the baby’s head as you beamed at them from your place in the chair across from them. 
“So how has everything else been going?”, Thomas asks as he chugs back some of the beer in his bottle. 
“Everything has been good, man. Just focusing on them, ya know?”
“Yeah, I understand. When my son was born, that first night I checked on him every hour on the hour. Then for some reason I kept checking on my wife. I knew our son needed us both and I kept thinking ‘What if something happened to either of us?’”
“I can understand that. I, uh, before Y/N and Steve, I lost a lot of people I loved and there was nothing I could do. Now that Ellis is here…it would kill me if anything ever happened to him.”
“Do you have nightmares about it? About losing them?”
“I don’t but Stevie here does.”, Eddie answers causing Steve to toss a glare his way. 
“I do but it’s fine. It’s not a big deal.”
“I had them to. Sometimes I would dream they were on the battlefield I fought in. I would run to them but I could never quite reach them.”, Thomas sighs at the memory. “What do you dream about?”
“It’s fine really.”
You’re not sure if anyone else heard but you and Eddie did as the demon’s voice fluctuated to his real one for a split second.
“It’s ok, Y/N. Like I said, I get it. If you talk about it, it gives it validity right? You’d hate to manifest something like that into existence. Someone killing Y/N and your son.”
Steve’s eyes closed as his head ticked to the side. 
“Ok, Tom, I appreciate what you’re trying to do but I’m putting my foot down. You’re going to push him too far and he’s already got enough on his mind.”, Eddie defended rising to his feet and handing you the baby. 
“Ah, you’re the enabler I imagine. You allow him to shelter his feelings so he doesn’t have to deal with them.”
“You’re damn right I do. You humans have no idea what we’ve been through!”
“Interesting word choice. Is that how you separate people from your experiences?”
“Come on, guys, let’s head home.” As the long-haired demon grabbed his boyfriend’s arm, he remained frozen in place. Kneeling in front of him, he cupped his face in his hands. “Steven, it’s ok alright. You don’t have to talk about anything you don’t want to. Let’s go home and get some sleep, huh?”
When the demon finally opened his eyes, Eddie’s widen in fear; he knew this look all too well. As subtly as he could, he got to his feet and towards the front door with you trailing after him. 
Once the wind of the outside hit your faces, he expanded his wings, cutting you off as he vanished into the air.
“Edward, baby, are you ok?”
Eddie nodded from his place on the floor next Ellis who was sleeping soundly beside him. After laying down as well, he softly smiles your way as he continues caressing the baby’s open hand. 
“DO I enable him, Y/N?”
“I just…we went through so much… Every day I had to watch the man I love breakdown. Even when we were out, summoners never treated us with any kind of respect. They knew we wouldn’t be there for long. In our realm, he was hero and with one choice, he was banished and imprisoned…because of me.”
“No, Eddie. Everything you two went through was because of Henry. He killed Chrissy and framed you. Jason didn’t give Steve much of a choice. He was going to disobey orders and hurt you.”
“I always tried to make it up to him… I tried not to show my feelings, pretending I didn’t care we were trapped. Pretending I wasn’t scared and just as angry as he was. I’ve done that my whole life, Y/N. When my mom got sick, I did everything I could to make her laugh so she wouldn’t see how devastated I was. Every time my father came home upset, I acted like I was tough but I was fucking terrified, baby. I was so scared.”
A tear fell from his eye and your immediately wiped it away with your thumb.
“When he fled, I was afraid for my uncle. I didn’t even think twice when I signed up but I was positive I wouldn’t last a month out there on the battlefield. Steven and Robin helped me become a better fighter. With Chris I pretended to be more together than I was. She had enough on her plate at the time and I wanted her to feel safe.”
“It seems like that’s why you pretend, Eddie, so the people you love feel safe.”
Sitting up, he started to cry harder and you immediately crawled to him, curling up in his lap as you held him in your arms. 
The sound you recognized as a portal opening grabbed both your attention as you called Steve’s name.
“Hey, no, sorry. It’s just me. I have him here though.”, Robin answered as she came around the corner with the demon leaning half-conscious around her shoulders. “My girlfriend sent me a message saying he was there at the bar. He had been babbling about how human drinks aren’t strong enough and something about you two and Ellis.”
After leading her to the bedroom, she gently placed Steve onto the mattress. When Eddie entered the room, she smiled when she saw your son’s wide eyes looking back at her.
“He woke up.”, the demon announced as Ellis yawned to emphasis his point. 
“You need to let your parents get some rest, booger.”, Robin coos as she pokes his nose making him smile. 
“Some of our friends said for human babies around this time smiles like that are a reflex.”
“Yeah but he’s not entirely human and that beautiful, drool filled grin didn’t seem reflexive.”, she responded. “It seems like he can handle the demon skin since he’s letting us touch him.”
“Yeah, I think that’s the potion.”, you nod as you reach out to tickle the baby’s chin. “Thank you for bringing Steve back, Robin.”
Softly smiling, she leans down to kiss your forehead.
“Seriously, you and Ellis are so soft—”
“Ay yi, ma’am. This human is ours.”, Eddie playfully scolds as he swats his hand in her direction. 
Loud banging and clinking echoes behind the door you’re looking at as smoke occasionally slips through the seams. Taking a long exhale, you reach for the handle but someone tapping your shoulder startles you as you turn and smack the person’s face. 
“Ow! Jesus woman. How many times are you going to pop me?!”, Eddie whines as he rubs his cheek. 
“Edward, how did you—”
“I don’t know. I’ve been looking for the door for months. Maybe you finally calmed me down enough to know what I’m looking for.” Nodding, you kiss his lips. “So what’s the plan?”
“I think…this is Steve’s door. I don’t know. I’ve been trying to access his dreams but I haven’t been able to.”
Holding your hand, he carefully turns the knob and you both step through. Glancing down at his attire, Eddie realizes he’s suddenly in his old battle armor and you both are on the battlefield they fought on all those centuries ago. 
“Why am I not in armor?”
“I mean, you weren’t there, baby.”
“What the fuck are you two doing here?!”, Steve’s father shrieks above you as he lands on his feet. “Leave. NOW. My son needs to learn his lesson.”
“YOU’VE been giving him his nightmares?”, you growl.
“Not exactly. He started having them on his own but I’ve been fueling them.”
Shifting your gaze behind him, you both watch as Steve slaughters enemy after enemy, panting as he slowly tires himself out.
“Steven! Do better! You think these fuckers are going to show mercy on your son?! You have to do what I taught you to get the truth!”
Eddie gripped Bill’s throat and angrily threw him to the ground. 
“You made your hell his hell, you fucking asshole. He told me all about you and everything you did to him. You ruined his life enough! Leave him be.”
“Please. He’s doing this to himself. He’s worried about you two peasants and that thing. I’m making him better. Stronger.”
Grabbing a sword from the ground, you lift the handle and point the other end towards his throat. 
“You heard him. Leave Steven alone or else I swear to God, Bill, I will find a way myself to keep you in hell.”
Growling under his breath, he tried to stand but you and Eddie forced him back down with your weapons. Huffing he suddenly disappeared as well as every other solider that had fallen around the other demon. 
“Ed-Edward?”, Steve panted heavily when you noticed you both there. “Y/N? What are you…? It doesn’t matter. We need to get to Ellis or else Henry’s going to kill him. We have to—”
“Baby, look at me.”, Eddie tried to soothe as he cupped his cheeks in his hands. “You’re dreaming ok? Henry is gone and Ellis is in his crib fast asleep.”
“N-No. No? I can hear him. I can hear him crying! Can’t you hear that?!”
“NO!”, the demon growls loudly as he shoves the man he loves hard backwards. “Who are you?! You’re not Edward. Y-You’re…You’re trying to trick me. Are you Mirage? Did Henry and his dad hire you to stop me?!”
“Steven…”, Eddie cried with worry as he threw the sword he was holding to the ground and held up his hands. “Sweetheart, please, it’s me. I promise. I would never hurt you like that. I would never keep you from our son.”
As he tried to step forward, the other demon shoved him to the ground.
“I-I-I need to get to my son.”, Steve sobbed as his voice cracked. “I know you’re not Eddie. Tell me where he is.”
When he didn’t answer, he pulled back and pushed his weapon downward. 
The sound of your grunt filled their ears as your eyes met Steve’s wide glassy ones. When you both looked down, blood drenched his sword where it had pushed through your stomach and around your back. 
Looking up at him again, you smiled through the pain as blood dripped from your lips. 
“Why…why does it hurt?”
The three of you opened your eyes at the same time as you sat up clutching your stomach. Lifting up your shirt, there was no wound but it felt so real. You could still feel the stinging pain lingering on your skin. 
Eddie’s head slowly turned meeting Steve’s still shocked expression as is mouth hung open in shock. 
The long-haired demon’s growl cut him off as his eyes glowed bright red. 
“Take us to another realm that we can fucking damage NOW.” You didn’t say anything as Steve rose to his feet with his head hung preparing a portal for them to go through. “Stay here.”
Coming around the bed, he waited for the other demon to finish as you peeked into the world they’d be going to. It was completely baron with nothing but white as far as the eye can see. 
“Fitting.”, Eddie responded in anger as he and the other demon walked inside. 
As the portal began to close, you quickly got up and jumped through right as it disappeared. 
You knew Eddie may be mad but after what happened this wasn’t something you were going to let them handle alone. 
@tlclick73 @tiannamortis @steeldaisies @goodhappyfriday @paleidiot @fireeyes-on-teller-dixon-grimes
@strangerthings64 @howlingco @eddiesguitarskills
@prettypeachsworld @nailbatanddungeon @notlempet
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caligvlasaqvarivm · 3 months
I've been reading some of your homestuck essays, I think they're really good! I would like to know what you think about post-retcon homestuck and the interactions between reader and author throughout homestucks publishing. I was not in the fandom at the time of it being published, but I find this to be a very interesting aspect of the comic!
I was only on the fringes of the fandom at the time, but even that was enough to recognize that the fandom was absolutely awful. Every bad story you've heard about the Steven Universe, Voltron, and Undertale fandoms has its roots in the Homestuck fandom.
Pretty much as soon as the webcomic got popular on Tumblr, Hussie was put under intense scrutiny for basically every decision they ever made ever. I'm not going to say that Hussie was a perfect individual who never did anything wrong, because Hussie is a human being and that's how it works, but it's basically impossible to overstate how much the fandom tried to make an enemy out of Hussie.
The fandom was convinced that Hussie was their personal LE, and that attitude continues to this day - like, for an easy example of the fandom harassing Hussie for Literally Anything, when he stated that all trolls were bi/pan, to the point where they didn't have specific words for single-gender attraction, comparing it to a "more exacting preference" like somebody who only dates fat people - but that even within that framework, Kanaya was undoubtedly a lesbian character - people insisted Hussie was being homophobic. Fucking homophobic! For confirming all trolls are bi/pan, except Kanaya, who's a lesbian!
Other examples include: calling Hussie homophobic for John saying he wasn't a homosexual and Karkat literally not knowing what a homosexual was, because again, all trolls are bi/pan. Calling Hussie racist for making the kids aracial but accidentally leaving references to Dave having pale/pink skin in (because Hussie is a biased human person who can't be perfect and who did try to be more inclusive as the comic went on). Deciding that the dancestors served no purpose except for Hussie to be mean to their audience. Like there are valid criticisms to be made of Homestuck, but anything that was valid, nuanced, or thoughtful was drowned under a deluge of incoherent accusations of every -ism and -phobia that the fandom could possibly muster, the fandom as a whole racing to see who could paint Hussie as the biggest monster, even as they were harassing them to make more Homestuck.
Not to mention this was the era of rampant, unchecked ship wars and fandom misogyny. Not that fandom misogyny has gone away, mind you, but it's slightly more in check now. This was the era of fandom where it was normal to be sent death threats for shipping the "wrong" ship, and fandom ship wars were often encouraged by media of the time (love triangles were HOT - think zutara vs. kataang, team jacob/team edward, danny fenton/sam manson vs. danny fenton/valerie grey) because it drove up engagement. Homestuck was not really interested in shipping wars and love triangles - while many characters had circuitous routes and false starts, many were also pretty clearly set up to have specific endgame ships. But the fandom wasn't trained to behave that way, and the troll quadrants + canonical bi/pan trolls + active role of romance in the story meant that the ship wars were brutal - and also, Hussie was getting harassed every step of the way for not making peoples' favorite ships canon, a major part of a larger trend of people constantly ragging on Hussie for things not going the way they wanted plot-wise, to the point where Hussie had to comment on it constantly on his Formspring.
And don't think I forgot about the fandom misogyny! Here's a hot take for the class: Vriska is literally just Girl Zuko. She's ostensibly a noble from an imperialistic, warmongering, fascist society with an abusive parent who raised her with strict expectations, who thinks she has to act much more evil and more tough than she feels in order to earn the approval of her parent/society, and who secretly has misgivings and feels really bad about it and was set up for a redemption arc.
And people HATED Vriska. Vriscourse was so bad that many Homestuck fan spaces banned talking about Vriska at ALL, because just the mere mention of her name would spark massive, endless flame wars as people argued whether or not she deserved her little redemption arc (spoilers: yes, it turns out death is cheap in Homestuck and characters changing, growing, and becoming better is a huge part of the story) or whether or not she was justified in doing the things she did. Genuinely, I think a huge part of this intense hatred and anger was just misogyny. God forbid women have Zuko's character arc.
It was also part of two other large trends in the fandom - the first was that, despite finding every possible reason to call Hussie -ist and -phobic they could, the fandom itself was, ummm... "of its time." For example, the original March Eridan stuff was pretty clearly meant to be funny because, look, man in a dress! Isn't it sooo funny when Eridan wears a dress? (No hate to the artist, this was a long time ago and I'm sure they're a different person now.) The fandom was also constantly goading Hussie on WRT which characters were fat, and while we can argue about whether Hussie is fatphobic because none of the characters are canonically drawn to be fat, I'm going to go to bat for them on this: people treat the Fat Vriska jokes as though Hussie is the creepy weirdo exclusively, but the fandom was goading them on and thought that shit was hilarious, because that was what early internet fandom was like a lot of the time - at the same time as it harassed and decried creators for being problematic, it would turn around and delight in shitting on women, neurodivergent people, POC, and fat people, and Homestuck was rampant with it.
The second trend the Vriscourse was a part of was one that also hasn't fully gone away, but it's better now - wilful ignorance of the actual comic's contents. I'm not talking about the usual fandom fare of noncanon ships or "x character is trans/autistic/etc. even though I know there's no canon basis," which is all pretty damn harmless, but I mean like, memes and fanon would override canon and you would be outright harassed for not playing along. There are STILL places to this day that will call you an actual fascist, genocide liker, evil and irredeemable, etc. if you try to stick up for Eridan, even though Eridan is actually the LEAST casteist highblood and his entire character arc is about how his shitty fascist society makes him deeply anxious and unhappy. Similarly, you can/definitely would be be harassed for saying you don't like March Eridan and/or think it's OOC (it is), and I have nothing but sympathy for Gamzee and Equius fans, who also get it really bad.
The most vocal parts of the fandom, if not the majority, were people who were generally uninterested in engaging with Homestuck on Homestuck's terms, instead dead set on making up a version of it in their head and harassing people who disagreed, including Hussie. Echoes of that persist to this day - Equius, Gamzee, and Eridan get it bad, but practically none of the trolls have fandom interpretations that actually line up with who they are - Kanaya is actually just Eridan's bully (and did nothing to help Tavros after she caught Vriska kissing him), but people portray her as Nice Team Mom. Feferi is a casteist hypocrite who loves classism and calling people the r-slur, but people portray her as bubbly equality lady. So on and so forth. Like, damn, I barely participate in fandom and I'm out here meeting people who think Karkat ACTUALLY hates his friends like he says he does.
And then, of course, these people went and harassed Hussie because actual Homestuck did not match up with the Homestuck that existed only in their own heads.
On top of all the fandom harassment, Hussie was also facing ballooning scope. Most of Homestuck was a single dude drawing, writing, and animating it, and they would update every two or three days, sometimes less. So from the get-go, Homestuck was an INSANE project that demanded an insane amount of work and time from Hussie, and as it went on, it only got worse - and fandom expectations only got bigger. Suddenly, Hussie had to be in charge of merchandise, in charge of vetting, hiring, directing, and paying third-party artists, planning animations months if not years in advance, creating entire sections of the comic that had GAMEPLAY, directing ACTUAL GAMES, etc. ... there's an argument to be made that Hussie should not have taken on a workload they couldn't manage, but at the same time, the fandom certainly wasn't telling them to slow down. If anything, they harassed Hussie for every update, and were furious when hiatuses needed to happen to plan and execute some of the bigger moments later in the comic.
There's a Sarah Z video out there on the creation of the Homestuck game, which I think is OK if you take into account that Sarah kind of has fandom brain and is a little biased against Hussie (and I guess Hussie did send a spurious legal threat which is pretty funny but, y'know, understandable that Sarah would be peeved), where it's really clear that Hussie was not ready for the kind of responsibility, time, and effort needed to manage a whole-ass video game.
So by the time Game Over and the Retcon roll around, you basically have to imagine that Hussie has so many irons in the fire that the furnace is about to pop like a balloon, and the people they were making the damn things for in the first place have been relentlessly harassing them for YEARS, and weren't even that interested in engaging with the actual story in the first place. I'd say the majority of the fandom to this day STILL does not understand Eridan - how do you think they would've taken his redemption arc, and especially the fact that he was set up to date Karkat and Roxy? Given the pattern of their behavior up to that point... they'd probably harass Hussie and call them homophobic.
This is why I genuinely cannot blame Hussie for turning on the fandom and truncating their story. Vriska got upgraded to main character and had her character development reset because fuck you, fandom, you couldn't understand her redemption arc in the first place so now you don't get one. DaveKat got (kind of) made canon but as a weird throuple with the Mayor because fuck you, fandom, you didn't appreciate any of the actual gay ships that were set up so now you're stuck with brutally OOC DaveKatMayor. Karkat and Jake have their plot threads left hanging because fuck you, fandom, you never even noticed all the prophecies and symbolism and character arcs because you were all too obsessed with screaming at women and took the dancestors as a personal insult, so now the guy who's supposed to defeat LE and the guy who's supposed to bring equality and forgiveness to all bloodlines don't even get to participate in any of the important boss battles.
People call Hussie a troll, and they really aren't. If you read their old Formspring, they're clearly deeply fucking passionate about the art of storytelling, and switch between bafflement, mild indignation, and playing along when people ask them stupid questions. But back then, they were always very serious and genuine when they answered questions asked in good faith, and I'm being 100% genuine when I say that I've learned about how to tell stories better by reading Hussie's Formspring. Over time, however, those stupid questions became more common, and often morphed into outright harassment, and in response to that, Hussie's answers became more humorous and facetious, and the fandom - who was already trying to find ANY reason to hate Hussie - started to paint Hussie as an unreliable trickster and liar who got their jollies by shitting on the fandom.
Honestly, in doing so, the fandom was what turned Hussie into exactly that. Again, I'm not saying Hussie was a perfect baby who did nothing wrong - there's a lot of stuff to critique and scrutinize about their writing, their biases, and what topics they found appropriate to joke about. However, I AM saying that they were also just a human fucking being who was trying to write a good story, who was harassed at every turn, mostly for things that actually weren't problematic at all, whose words and actions were always taken in the absolute worst possible faith, and that the fandom is not fucking faultless, and if there's anyone that I'm mad at for how bad Homestuck ended, it's the fans.
That's my hottest Homestuck take.
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A Yandere! Black Butler x Opal! Reader (Steven Universe) would be cool with Vincent, Joker, and Dagger!
Just imagine their reaction to a very, very tall and giant creature who physically "appears" as a woman (Opal! Reader is sexless) with four pairs of arms who is not even human but a gem who accidentally time-traveled to the Victorian Era and is not able to unfuse (back to Pearl and Amethyst) till Opal! Reader can get back to their original timeline.
Even though Opal! Reader has lived for more than thousands of years and possesses knowledge of the Victorian Era of England, Opal! Reader’s appearance would set people off in immediate fear, and that just makes it harder for Opal! Reader to fit in. (Plus, finding a way home.)
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Opal Reader | Yandere Black Butler
You’re roughly fourteen feet tall, have four different arms, and a gem on your forehead and chest. In a world like theirs to any average person, you are a marvel to behold or exploit. Now depending on who has the means to contain you are the ones who have the chance to lull you into a demented love:
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Vincent Phantomhive
“You truly are a beauty. So beautiful I see no reason I shouldn’t hide you the way I have been so far.”
Finds you and finds a way to keep you trapped
Earns your trust while you’re in your own hidden place 
Eventually inviting you into  his home a trap all of his own+
With his connections to the supernatural, there’s bound to be something on par with your own power
Enough to become his exotic and caged beauty
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“It’d be a travesty not to share your wonder with a world as bland as this.”
Naturally, he makes you a part of his circus 
If only to brag to the world that it is he and he alone who owns your heart
He just has to make sure his violent misdeeds allude you
At least until he gets a grasp on the material you can’t break
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“So you’re the latest freak, huh? Welcome to the club.”
At first, can’t help but be jealous
The attention you get the praise, even her cats seem to respect you more than her 
It isn’t until she finally talks with you that she’s fighting a blush 
You’re calming voice and relaxed personality is unexpected
So innocent yet full of wisdom
She feels disgusted by how often and how hot she gets when she spends nights thinking of you
Despite her promise, she’s not helping you get home not when this is the perfect circumstance to keep you by her side
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