#steven universe author
universellie · 1 year
What would happen if you arrived at Stevens’ house only to find him collapsed on the floor?
((Steven Universe x gn reader))
//TW:: not eating, no sleep and fainting
Quick little imagine :)
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You’d knock on the door, overnight bag in hand. You’d be looking down at your phone scrolling idly, not bothering to even look up and through the glass. How come he wasn’t letting you in?
You would glance up only to see Stevens foot and sandal near the kitchen. You’d call out his name, fumbling with the doorknob. You’d burst through the door the moment it was open, abandoning your bag on the porch.
You’d drop to your knees beside him, he’d be pale with large purple bags beneath his eyes. You’d pull his head up to your chest, bringing most of his weight into your lap, rocking back and forth. “Please be okay” Is what you would repeat over, and over, and over again.
He wouldn’t move or breathe, he’s completely silent and growing sickeningly cold. You’d be hysteric by now, sobbing, barely able to catch your breath. You’d screen for someone, anyone to come and help.
You’d hold his head close to you, one arm wrapped around his shoulders to prevent him slipping off of your lap. You would be curled around him, continuing to rock back and forth, massaging his head through his curls, whispering your pleas for him to wake.
Garnet would be the first one to arrive, she’d have seen the possibility already. “He hasn’t eaten or slept in days, I told him to go rest!” She would say, rushing over to you and crouching at your side.
“His human body is so weak, he must’ve collapsed from exhaustion.” Garnet would gently try to pry him from your hands. “Please, Y/N, I have to try get him breathing.” Slowly you would release your grip on him.
You’d watch as Garnet carefully, yet efficiently, undid his jacket and began CPR. It would be easy to see she wasn’t using her full strength, but as she counted you would hear her voice breaking.
Steven wouldn’t respond, still he was completely still and quiet. Garnet would groan in desperation, waving a hand at you to come closer. “Sit at his head and pull him into your lap, I’m going to shock him awake. He could throw himself forward so be careful.” She’d hurriedly rush over instructions while ripping his shirt in half.
You’d scurry to his head, gently pulling him to lay in your lap. “Please Steven, I need you with me.” You’d whisper, gently rubbing his cheek.
Garnet would rub her hands together, take a deep breath and press them to Stevens chest. An electric shock would jolt through his body, his eyes would flash open and he’d gasp for air.
“Steven!” You’d say, staring at him with a huge grin. He’d cough and smile. Looking around the room to see Garnet leaning against the kitchen counter with her head in her left hand, smiling.
“Was I out long?” He’d ask, you couldn’t help but give a small chuckle. “Only enough to make us think you died.” His eyes would widen and he’d look to Garnet.
“Thank you Garnet.” He’d say, she’d only pat his arm and respond with a “Welcome back.” Followed by a list of instructions of eating and sleep schedules.
He’d grip your hand, looking up so he could see your face. “And thank you, Y/N.”
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meanie--zucchini · 5 months
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sketches of greg and rose my beloveds! i like to think that at the end of the day, greg was the only person who could crack rose's facade of the "benevolent earth saviour", and truly empathaize with her
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gracekraft · 1 month
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An elegant White Diamond, done as a sketch commission for a client
For those interested, I still have sketch commissions open on my Etsy!
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villainboygirl · 8 months
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Casey listening the same tape of Steven Grant😍
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gunrabba · 3 months
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Blue diamond
My first finished drawing this year
Man Its been 4 years since SUF finale and there still no news about new project
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dearidealist · 5 months
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emberfauna · 1 year
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I spent the last week rewatching Steven Universe, and thought it would be fun to draw the Diamond Authority 💎
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alexandriaellisart · 1 year
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you’d better be careful.
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telligocuk · 1 year
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universellie · 1 year
Steven X male reader who works at the donuts shop. They're really good friends, but Steven has a crush on him. (he likes him too) and him embarrassing himself trying to look cool in front of him, he thinks he messed up but he thinks it's super cute and they end up going on a date and it's all cute and fluffy. Sorry if this doesn't make sense, I'm not good at this 😭 love your writing 💜
ohemgeeeee of course! and thank you! This is such a cute concept so I hope you like it <3 I got a bit confused with which person is getting embarrassed so I’m going to choose Steven, hopefully that’s okay!
>~TW: fluff overload ;)
>~ Steven Universe x m!reader
>~context; reader works in the donut shop with Sadie, Steven comes in one day when Reader is working and very awkwardly asks him on a date to FunLand :)
Donut Look At Me!
Beach City was a means to an end. In your grand future plans, you were ready to tour the world. Visit everywhere you possibly could, escaping the towns small, yet homely atmosphere. You’d miss it here, it was your home. Luckily, you weren’t going to be moving away anytime soon. School was finished, but you had to make money to go on your great adventure.
That’s where the Donut Shop came into place. A means to an end. Sadie had hired you purely based off of your friendship from school. Both 18, she had been working in the shop for years at this point. She has been here with Lars, but following his unusual disappearance the shop eventually had to hire another person. You left Greg Universes car wash not long ago, he was a great boss but getting wet everyday wasn’t really your idea of fun. Then Sadie offered you the job.
It was a regular Wednesday afternoon, summer sun rays blazing through the open windows. A crystal clear ocean lapping at a lazy beach sends a steady thrum of sound. Sadie was out back, throwing donuts in the deep frier. The new rule of actually cooking the donuts was testing, to say the least. You were leaning against the counter, tapping your hand along the wood as you watched people go by outside the shop. Sadie was humming a song, she was a great singer, you had to admit. Maybe she’d end up in a band.
The door swung open, the bell twinkling above. Steven Universe stood there, tall, dad bod concealed behind a pink bomber jacket and the classic jeans and sandals combo. You could feel your knees becoming weak behind the counter, staring at him with awe as he approached. His hair looked bouncier today, his eyes already scanning through the shelves and the donuts displayed at the counter. He was humming a tune, it sounded like his ring tone. His gaze lifted to find you looking at him, a gentle blush creeped to his cheeks. “Hey! How are you doing today?” He fidgeted with his hands nervously, almost shuffling closer to the counter. You felt a warmth grow in your chest, what it would mean to you if you were the cause of his nervousness.
“I’m good Steven. How about you?” His gaze snapped up to yours, he gripped his hands, knuckles turning white.
“Great!” He said it almost a little too enthusiastically. He grimaced, cringing by his tone. He quickly averted his eyes to the glass shelves of donuts. “Can I get a vanilla sprinkles and uhhh…” He paused, looking at you he took a quick breath, and leaned on the counter. “And a side of you to go.” You looked at him, disbelief clearly written on your face and Steven immediately offered an awkward chuckle. “Good joke right?!” He said hurriedly, standing back off the counter and rubbing the back of his neck. You couldn’t help but smile, what a dorky, awkward guy.
“I’ll get you those donuts, unfortunately employees aren’t on the menu.” You held his gaze as you put the donuts in a box, adding a few of your favourites for good measure. He gave a kind smile, cheeks tinted pink with a blush of embarrassment.
“Good come back, Y/N.” He slid cash across the counter, watching you put it in the register. You could hear him tapping his foot on the ground, why was he being so impatient? He opened his mouth and closed it again, before taking a breath and locking eyes with you. “Want to go on a date?” Stammering it out as if it was the hardest thing to say in the whole entire world. “To uh, FunLand! Or or… Mr Happys arcade? If you don’t want to it’s fine, I don’t expect y-“ You gave him a small smile, his awkwardness was adorable.
“I’d love to go on a date Steven. I’m off at 6, meet you here then?” His face lit up, a smile growing.
“Yes! Yes that’s amazing-“ He stopped himself, taking a deep breath and trying to hide his excitement. “That would be great, see you then handsome.” He winked and gave you finger guns as he walked out of the store. You saw him giving himself a face slap and muttering some incoherent nonsense about being stupid. How cute he was.
You stood outside the donut shop, trading your company uniform for a hoodie. You looked out towards the beach, it was 6:10pm, where was Steven? Just as you were contemplating if he had stood you up and if you should leave, you heard the rushed slap of sandals on the ground. You could hear panting, and watched as Steven hurtled towards you, bouquet of wild flowers in his hand.
“I’m here! I’m so sorry I’m late-“ He was wearing different clothes, lighter jeans and a new shirt, still keeping the star theme. He stopped before you, heaving and out of breath. He held up his hand and presented the bouquet, you couldn’t help but blush. “Oh Steven… thank you. This is really kind.” He nodded, then stood and sucked in a deep breath. “I had to get flowers the prettiest boy, right?” He gave a smirk, then tried to lean against the donut shop wall. He missed it by an inch and stumbled forward, catching himself before he made out with the floor.
“Steven are you okay?!” You went to help him up but he waved you away. Giving that familiar embarrassed chuckle.
“I’m fine! Really, let’s go to FunLand. I got us free tickets for the rides after working in the arcade for a month.”
“Wasn’t that because you broke one of the games?”
“Yes but…. I stayed on to help! So I got a thank you gift.”
You smiled, nodding. He held out his hand you took it, holding the flowers he gifted you in the other. The pair of you talked, walking down the boardwalk and to the sparkling lights of the amusement rides. It was sweet, he tried to deliver some pick up lines but they fell flat, yet they still made you laugh. His attempt at wooing you, even though it was miserable, was working. The genuine sweetness he showed you was heart warming. The pair of you reached FunLand, beelining for the roller coaster. He gently took the flowers from you, laying them safely at the entrance. Then your belongings and packed them in a tidy pile. On the roller coaster he wrapped an arm around you, holding you close as the pair of you screamed on each loop and dive.
You played mini games, he managed to win you a giant panda due to his sharp precision in knocking down wooden ducks with a water gun. After getting corn dogs, you found the pair of you sitting on the docks ledge. Sourcreams dads boat sitting to the side. The waves lapped gently at the posts, the night was clear and a gentle warm breeze ruffled your hair.
“Thank you, for agreeing to come on a date with me” Steven said gently as he nibbled on the side of the corn dog. He stared out into space, like he was gazing directly at one particular star.
“Thank you for inviting me Steven. It was… an amazing night.” Steven looked at you, a kind smile playing on his lips as he took your hand and held it.
“I have to be honest with you. I’ve had a crush on you for a while, I think that’s why I’ve been such a clutz. I just- when I see you I can’t help but feel nervous!” You smiled, giving his hand a small squeeze.
“Oh Steven, I’ve felt the same way. I think I’m just better at hiding it.” The pair of you turned to face each other, genuine smiles and eyes that told more than words could say. Steven leaned into you, before quickly looking away from your lips as of to ask ‘Is it okay?’. You merely gave a slight nod of your head in response.
Steven leaned in and kissed you, like there was no end to the night. Softly he took you in his arms, breaking away for a moment to look at you, before kissing you once again.
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smuby · 1 year
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Since people seem to enjoy my Steven Universe stuff I might as well show off these diamonds + rose redesign concepts
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gagnamfart97 · 7 months
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I love Steven Universe but damn, I refuse to accept its movie and su:future
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diegosouzalions · 6 months
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MAGENTA DIAMOND’S ORIGIN: Beats Until It Punctures (Part 1)
Chapter 1: The Beginning
Previous Chapter: Thoughts
Next Chapter: Working By Sweat
Part 1 // Part 2
Aqua Quartzes (made by: @lcloudfreel), Bi-Color Diamond (@mysticthetravelerblog) and Aqua Diamond (@danidaniboy​)
~ Read other chapters in: @magenta-diamonds-origin-blog​
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jinaprivat · 1 year
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The Diamonds ✨ I rewatched the 5 seasons of Steven Universe with a friend, his reaction to Pink Diamond reveal was hilarous
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frostyyart · 1 year
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rewatching some eps of the gay space rocks show
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