#sticker packs imminent!
stickidystickblog · 8 months
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Woah!!! Here come the Glamrocks :D !!!
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frostbite-yinny · 1 year
[a large package arrives, basically wrapped in duct tape all around. On the top next to the shipping label is a big Koffing-Sticker.
Inside are 3 Jars and a lage carton box. The first Jar has some kind of tea in it, made of flowers and herbs. It is labeled "Anti-Anxiety Potion". The second Jar also contains tea, it is made of chopped berries and some herbs, labeled "Slaking Juice". The third jar contains a brown Powder, it is labeled "Tix' Occa-Special". The Box contains a two muffins, one chocolate and one with rawst berries, as well as a Poffin for everyone in Yinnys family. There are a lot of Poffins.
Wedged between the Jars is also a paper bag with dried Chilli Flakes. At the Bottom of the Package is also a letter.
"Hello Hello ~ I was making a new batch of my Occa-Powder and i remembered that you liked it. I also thought that the jar i've sent you before is probably empty already, so i send you this! I'm not sure if i sent you the teas before though. If not, just send me a message and i'll give you instructions and shit.
Love, Tix
PS: I found that in the lab, i either forgot this one for the pride parade or it was left over. Anyways, it fits, so take it!"
You search through the package again for this mysterious something and find a small rectangular vial stuck between the packing peanuts. It has three layers of some kind of liquid in it, the top is magenta, the middle is yellow and the bottom is cyan. They apparently don't mix. At the bottom is a sticker that reads "not for human consumption" in very small print. There is a jute band attached so it can be worn around the neck]
I might have just imminently snatched the 'Tix' Occa special' and hid it in my room before anyone else could touch it but we aren't gonna discuss that <3 <3 <3 Thank you SO much for all of these! You already know I'm addicted to all your recipes and getting refreshments like these is always the highlight of my week ^^ It took me a little longer than I would like to admit to find the vial (thanks to my Liepard keep trying to snatch whatever was inside) and that is single-handedly one of the prettiest fucking things I have ever received. Thank you so SO much for giving me this <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 Btw, I'm not taking it off, like, ever. This is so pretty. I'm gonna wear it to the day I die <3
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stuffkin · 3 years
another fic for @mcschnuggles​ in which akira has not one, not two, but many surprises for haru
Haru hangs up her coat and worries at the door. It’s a Saturday afternoon, which means no classes, no meetings, and most importantly, no one else in the house to disturb her. Most days, returning to an empty home, echoing with reminders of what used to be and what may have been, would be enough to leave Haru wilted and desolate behind closed doors. Granted, some of the servants have gone out of their way to make sure she’s okay: cooking extra meals, staying late to chat, and so on. It was only recently that she’d finally managed to convince them to leave her be on the weekends. Of course, this came with the stipulation that she call one of them if she needed anything.
Today, she doesn’t, and she won’t. Because today, she received a package. Because today, she’s allowed to relax. Because today, she expects a video call with Akira. The thought sends a pleasant little zing! from the top of her head to the tips of her toes. It’s only been a week since the last call, but it feels like forever!
Akira must be psychic, because Haru’s phone chimes as she neatly puts away her shoes. 
let me know when you’re home. i’m ready when you are.
just got home i got your package!!!
ill be just a moment!!!!
no rush, baby bee
Haru pauses, her face burning. It’s not that obvious that she’s already feeling small, is it? Ever since she woke up that morning, she’d felt a little stretched thin, like a rubber band at its limit. Whether it was the long week or the imminent release of the weekend or the thrill of seeing her boyfriend again, she isn’t sure. They’d talked about it beforehand. Haru regressing. Haru allowing herself to regress. But maybe Akira’s changed his mind about wanting baby company today?
Once again, Haru questions Akira’s mind-reading abilities because another text pings through. 
i don’t have to see you to know you’re overthinking it, love
can you change into comfortable clothes and fix yourself a nice drink?
Always a question, never a command. Suggestions instead of musts. It serves to guide Haru along without forcing her into the same dependence she’d been smothered with for so long. She’s the one to set the parameters. 
But Akira’s always good at knowing what she needs.
mhm be right back
She doesn’t think she can get a drink (plus, her sippy cups are in her room) and carry the package (curse her short limbs) at the same time, so she hefts the box back into her arms and heads upstairs. She tries to keep her excitement in check. She really does. But by the time she hits that top step, she’s bounding down the hallways, feet pounding into the carpet, until she’s sliding into her room. 
First, she puts the package down on her bed. As much as she wants to tear into it, she knows that Akira was just as eager for her to get it. So, she’ll just have to be patient a little longer. It’ll be hard, but she can do it!
Next, changing out of her uniform. Her sweater might be super soft, but she’s been wearing it all day. Besides, she has something even better. Twirling over to her dresser, she yanks open the bottom drawer and pulls out a pair of fuzzy, lavender sleep pants and a black hoodie. Once changed, she giggles as the sleeves fall waaaay past her fingertips. Of course they do--Akira’s arms are suuuuper long, after all. Flapping the ends of the sleeves a few times elicits more laughter. But she can’t get too distracted. She’d been assigned one more task, after all.
Rummaging through the drawer once more, she hums happily as she pulls out a small, pink box plastered in stickers. Like the package, this, too, is set on the bed. Unlike the package, she flips open the lid. Packed neatly inside are her regression supplies. Sippy, pacifier, bottle. Sticker sheets. Some crayons. A few nondescript toys.
She thinks. Then she grabs the sippy cup and darts to the kitchen, super fast. She bets she could even beat Ryuji today!
The trip to the kitchen is kept short. She zips around, filling her cup with grape juice and grabbing some animal crackers, before speeding back up to her room. A new record! 
By the time she finally settles on her bed with her laptop, Haru is positively buzzing with excitement. Crossing her fingers that her computer will turn on, and cheering when it does, Haru types out a near frantic message that she’s ready to call. Less than thirty seconds pass before Akira’s face fills her screen. 
“Kiki!” Now any possibility of bigness or containing herself fly out the window quicker than one could say baby. She can’t help it! That’s her favorite person in the whole wide world!
Akira chuckles in that rumbly way he has. “Hey, sugar plum. Is that my hoodie I spy?”
Giggling, Haru flips the hood up over her curls. “Uh-huh. It’s cozy.” She holds up her cup. “Got juice, too.” 
“Good job!” Akira praises, and warmth rolls sanguinely all the way through Haru. “How was your day, baby?”
Haru launches into a detailed explanation of her day. Akira listens attentively to her annoyance at a pop quiz, her surprise from finding out two of her professors are married, her amusement towards a meme Futaba had sent her. 
When she realizes how long she’s been talking, her face heats up. “Oh, I’m sorry. I’m being rude.”
“Nonsense. I asked you about your day and you’re telling me.” Akira grins. “Besides, it’s cute.” 
This just serves to make her blush harder. “Nu-uh!”
“Uh-huh!” Akira sticks out his lower lip. “You are the rootinest tootinest cutest li’l gal I ever did see!”
She fights back a giggle; he’s so dramatic! “If you say so.” 
“I do!” His pout shifts back into a smile, a soft one, just for her. “You ready to see what I sent you?”
“Yeah!” Haru claps her hands together. 
“Go on, then.” 
A trip to her desk for scissors later, Haru is neatly slicing open the tape on the box. Tossing them aside, she quickly flips open the flaps and bounces excitedly. There’s a whole bunch of her favorite snacks! But that’s not all. Haru pinches the corner of one of the bags and gasps. Then she pushes the snacks aside and gasps even louder. “Kiki, you didn’t!” 
It’s like that magician’s trick, the one with the handkerchiefs, although they aren’t actually connected. She lifts one, two, three...eight stuffed animals out of the box. Two kitties, one black, and one black with a white mouth and socks. A golden retriever with a skull bandana tied around its neck. A red panther with a ribbon. A white fox, a fuzzy panda, a green dragon, all with their own unique accessories. A lavender bunny. It’s extremely clear who they’re all supposed to be.
“There’s a textile shop in my hometown that started selling handmade stuffed animals a while back,” Akira explains. “Thought this might be a good way to keep my favorite gal from getting lonely.” 
“They’re perfect.” Haru carefully bundles all eight of her new friends against her chest and gives them all a big kiss on their tiny heads. “Thank you.” 
“Of course.” Eyes crinkling, Akira adds, “Mr. Snuffles needed some friends, too, don’tcha think?” 
Oh, he does! Haru juggles a bit, but she manages to grab Mr. Snuffles from where he resides on her pillow without dropping the rest. Giving him a big smooch, too, Haru beams. “He’s super duper happy! I am, too!” 
“Are you happy?” Haru asks, eyes wide. 
Akira laughs. “I sure am. Listen, I have another surprise for you.” When Haru peeks into the box again, curious, he shakes his head. “Not in there, I’m afraid. You know that series you told me about? Pixie Cadets?”
She does. Vividly. She’d spent an entire evening info dumping about her favorite childhood cartoon with her favorite heroines. She hadn’t thought anything would come of it, but now she’s suspicious. “Mhm.”
“I asked Futaba to dig it up for me. She found all three seasons and both movies. Both series.”
Haru’s eyes widen. “Really!?” Neither original or remake had been released on VHS or DVD, so she’d thought they’d been lost forever. Just guiding stars in her memory. “Can we watch? Please?” 
“Absolutely.” He grins his kitty grin at her. “Get cozy for me while I get it set up, sugar.” 
Placing the cardboard box on the floor by her bed for now, Haru wastes no time in burrowing under her blankets with all nine (nine!) of her stuffed friends. As an afterthought, she reaches into her baby box, grabs her pacifier, and clips it to her sleeve. She doesn’t think she needs it yet, plus she still has juice to drink, but it’s better safe than sorry. 
“Ready?” Akira asks softly. 
“Ready,” she parrots back. 
He clicks play. The familiar theme washes over her, anchoring her eyes to the screen. She snuggles her animals closer. “Love you,” she mumbles.
Another rumbly laugh. “Love you, too.” 
What more could she want than that? 
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girlmeetsliv3 · 5 years
K-12: Kindergarten
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~ Inspired by Melanie Martinez’s K-12 ~
No one said school was easy nor that it was a fun place. However, Tentoria academy was not a place for the faint of heart, mind, or soul. It’ll be a miracle if you survive your first day - not to mention 12 years. Oh well. Battles to the death, demonic summoning, and interdimensional travel is all part of growing up…right?
Word Count: 1857
Release Date: October 14, 2019, 7 pm (GMT-4)
It was a rather peculiar dream even for you. Granted your five-year-old standards weren’t too high, but it was different from your usual dreams: those were plagued with death, cryptic messages, and content that might have another other child screaming for their parents. You had tried before, but Mommy was always passed out after taking several sips from her special sippy cup and Daddy was never home. This dream was too bright, cheerful with clouds that contained bright rainbows, and sweet music that traveled through your ears. It also smelled sickeningly sweet like the way you felt after eating too much cotton candy after going to the fair by yourself. It was a bit scary for you. That everything was so happy and joyous. You felt it wasn’t going to last. “You need to get going soon.” You turned around to see a beautiful woman decked out in a gold silk dress and braids falling down her back. “Who are you?” you asked, in awe of how pretty she was - almost like an angel. Instead of answering she simply smiled, crouching down to be at eye level with you. 
          “Wake up you’re going to be late.”
           You heard the alarm clock, the metal stick rapidly clashing into the bells in order to emit a dreadful sound. The second your eyes peeled open the clock flew from its position on your bedside table to halfway across the room. You immediately sat up, glancing around the room to see what could have caused such a thing. Was that me? Your eyes focused on the clock, now laying on the floor, and willed it to move. You concentrated so hard that your head began to hurt, it was all a little too much for your small brain to handle. Knowing it wouldn’t do you any good to remain in bed, you stood up walking towards the giant calendar on your wall. Under today were written the words: ‘first day of hell.’ Grabbing your red crayon on the table beside you, a heart was drawn around the words. Your suitcase had been packed the night before, Mommy has been in a good mood, and your uniform was neatly ironed for you to put on. The uniform consisted of a pink frilly dress with white stocking and closed shoes for girls, while it was a light blue collared shirt and blue shorts with dress shoes for boys. You didn’t like pink and the dress was a bit boring, so when your mommy had given you the money to go out and buy the uniform you had bought a purple one instead. One with pretty flowers embroidered into the sleeves. 
           Opting to prolong putting in on and sealing your fate, you went to the bathroom to brush your teeth. Recalling that one dream you had where you opened your mouth and all of your teeth fell out as a red thick liquid filled your throat. You had it after seeing grandma take off her teeth during dinner one night when she didn’t want to talk to Mommy anymore. You counted to up to one hundred and twenty before finishing and going back to your room. You got dressed, grabbing the backpack and suitcase before heading to the kitchen. Mommy was asleep on the couch, drool falling from her open mouth onto the pillow. So you made yourself some breakfast, cereal with milk, before walking to the bus stop. You wanted to say goodbye to her before you left, but she would only be upset that you had woken her up. The walk to the bus stop wasn’t long, only fifteen minutes of you walking at full speed. Thankfully the sun wasn’t out yet or it would’ve been a lot worse. 
           From the distance, you could see someone else standing at the bus stop. A bright green suitcase with heart and unicorn stickers practically everywhere. “Rosé!” The young brunette turned around with shock in her eyes before she recognized your figure running towards her at full speed. Rosé was your only friend in town, her parents were much nicer than yours, but she had once told you that her parents hadn’t really wanted a second child. So she was the scrap compared to her older sister. “Are you excited?” She asked her voice high and squeaky something that happened when she was nervous. “Not really.” Both of you stayed quiet after that, neither knowing what was the right thing to say. It was when the bright white bus filled with screaming kids inside approached that the two of you locked hands. “Do you think we’ll make friends?” you asked, your hand turning white from how tight your grip was. “Hopefully, but we have each other and that’s all that matters.” The two of you exchanged a kind smile, as the bus pulled in front of you and opened its doors. The two of you grabbed your stuff and hauled onto the bus where only two seats at the center remained open.
           It seems no one had paid much attention to either of you prefer to talk loudly amongst each other and make obnoxious noises. That was until you felt something hit the side of your head, and you saw a paper plane fall onto the ground. Picking it up, you opened it before handing it to Rosé. “What does it say?” She sounded it out before turning around and screaming at the boys in the back, “Real mature.” Everyone began to laugh, but from the way you felt all their eyes on you, it wasn’t because of a good thing. Then they all began to chant a specific word, one you had heard your mother say to you when she was upset at you. “Freak.” The words seemed to trap you until you felt the familiar feeling of tears strolling down your face. “Aw does the little crybaby need some tissues?” One of the girls further down asked in a mocking tone. All of her friends laughed before one of them whispered back. “She probably has some in her bra.” Rosé comforted you as best as she could, but with the incessantness of their bullying, it was difficult to. The bus driver was viewing everything from the rearview mirror but didn’t see a point in stopping it. Wasn’t in his job description nor payroll. 
           Eventually, they stopped, getting bored and seeking entertainment in other ways. A child’s attention span wasn’t very long anyway. The bus had left the city and was now entering a highway, after a while, you saw a sign that read: Tentoria Academy K-12 Sleepaway School. The only time you would get to see your parents from now on would be on the weekend, which wasn’t a big deal since you barely saw them whilst you were at home. The bus slowed to a stop as it picked up the final kid, a young boy with chubby cheeks and a bright smile. The second he stepped on with his blue backpack with small frills on the ends, you felt your heart flutter. “Oh my god, Y/n. You’re blushing.” Rosé poked fun at you. Your stomach hurt and your heart began to race, but it wasn’t because of what you ate. Nor was it due to the way the other kids treated you; it was all him. Tentatively you stood up and opened your mouth to greet him when you were interrupted. “Jimin!” A taller boy pushed past you and embraced Jimin, the two of them laughing. 
           “I thought you weren’t going to come.”
           “Duh, loser. How could I not?”
           The two boys engaged in a playful banter completely ignoring the world around them. Dejectedly, you fell back into your seat. A full-on put had formed on your lips and the space between your brows wrinkled. “Are you okay?” You nodded at Rosé, simply staring outside the window. You hadn’t even arrived at school and already you hated it, wishing something anything could happen to stop the bus. Your prayers were answered when the bus driver suddenly turned on the road, causing the bus to start spinning uncontrollably. Screams from both you and your peers were so high, they practically shattered the glass windows. Thankfully they didn’t, for when the bus spun so much it broke through the railing and went straight into the lake. Those windows were the only thing that prevented your imminent death. The bus driver was passed out a large gash on the side of his head. You glanced around frantically as Rosé tried to get the door to open for everyone to swim out. The school bus was drifting to the bottom of the lake, the pressure keeping the doors jammed. “We’re gonna die here!” One of the girls screamed out. “I don’t know how to swim.” echoed another. 
Rosé and you looked at each other before grasping each other’s hands. You both closed your eyes and softly began to pray. “I wish this bus would float. Float so high it went up to the sky.” You don’t know how or why the two of you were speaking those specific words, but they felt right. So you kept repeating them. Repeating them until it was practically second nature to you both, then you both opened your eyes. At first, all you saw was white, so much that you assumed you were in heaven. Once you saw the dewdrops forming on the glass you realized something else - “They’re clouds,” Rosé spoke awe clear in her voice. Everyone else had gathered trying to look outside. The bus was floating so high above that it was difficult to make out the things on the ground, slowly though it was going down. No one dared speak, it was as if it was a dream and everyone was afraid to shatter it. The school bus got closer and closer to the ground until the wheels hit the solid pavement and it caused such turbulence it made everyone fly from their seats. It even woke up the bus driver. Coincidentally, it seems you had been dropped off right in front of the school.
It was rather large in size. A pearly white with high arches and accents that instantly drew you in, but something felt off about the place. It was too picturesque and beautiful, something was bound to go wrong. Nice things always turned sour fast. Everyone hurried to get off the bus, while Rosé and you lingered behind; waiting until everyone had gone inside. As you climbed down the steps, you hesitated a bit before stepping on the ground. Feeling that once you did, you might never be able to go back. Rosé gave you a slight nudge which encouraged you to take that final step. “Everything will be fine.” You said, mostly to yourself. “Of course it’ll be. What’s the worst that could happen?” Rosé was trying to be strong, but you could hear the nerves in her voice. She’s right. What’s the worst that could happen? So the two walked together until you reached the giant school doors. You entered feeling prepared for whatever might come your way.
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jennakru · 3 years
Ziploc bags have many different uses.
According to Google, ziploc bags can be used for food storage, organizing crafts, protecting luggage from spills, sorting electronics, as a recipe organizer, to make mail sticker decals, to make omelets or ice cream, protect your tablet while cooking, to pipe icing, to grow seedlings, make treat bags for holidays and parties, as a medication sorter, to clean your stove burners or even as an ice pack.
I have another use to add to the list. Hyperemesis gravidarum.
Wikipedia definition: a pregnancy complication that is characterized by severe nausea, vomiting, weight loss, and possibly dehydration.[1] Feeling faint may also occur.[2] It is considered more severe than morning sickness.[2] Symptoms often get better after the 20th week of pregnancy but may last the entire pregnancy duration.[2]
Let me explain. Hyperemesis is no joke. For me, it began within the first month of pregnancy and it never stopped. The vomiting was not related to any specific food item or time of day. Anything that went into my mouth, except for a McDonald’s mocha frappe and Arizona Sweet Tea, came back up.
Water? Vomit. Salad? Vomit. Steak? Vomit. Crackers? Pizza? Pasta? Vomit. Vomit. Vomit.
I worked throughout my entire twin pregnancy and except for this tiny little snag called hyperemesis, my pregnancy was a healthy one and without complication. But as inconveniences go, this was definitely a doozy. My nausea was so violent and loud and untimely that no one was exempt from its affects. No amount of music, fans or conversation could cover the sounds from the nearby bathroom. Eventually, as time passed, it became part of the surrounding environment and it wasn’t long before people stopped noticing. Jenna ate. Jenna puked. End of story.
Car rides and travel were a different story. The element of danger was equivalent to that of rollercoaster with no safety belt. Too many times to count, abrupt stops were made along roadsides and windows were rolled down while speeding through traffic. I’ll leave the condition of the interior of the car to your imagination.
And then came the discovery of gallon sized ziploc bags. I don’t recall how I stumbled across the idea. I do know that it was an unconventional life saver. These large plastic bags were purchased in bulk and came to rest in my mom-mobile, and always within reach. When the urge hit, as random moments of nausea are apt to do, I’d reach for and fill a ziploc bag. This became such a frequent occurrence that I mastered the one handed knee hold vomit technique while driving alone tho my preference during my 8.5 month pregnancy was to ride passenger. On one memorable trip home from Kentucky, about 4 months along, I filled as many as 3 bags before we even hit Ohio. If you’re a visual reader, I should have warned you to turn off your imagination long before now. My apologies for the oversight.
I remained pregnant with my twin girls for 34 weeks + 2 days. I gave birth on Thursday, April 16, 2015. My last remaining ziploc related occurrence was the morning before. In fact, for dinner on Wednesday I inhaled the majority of a pepperoni pizza from Marcos fully expecting to regurgitate it. When I didn’t, I should’ve realized that birth was imminent. On Sunday, April 19, my daughters and I returned home. We carried our children, our personal items and one half empty box ziploc bags inside.
When people ask me what one baby item I couldn’t have survived their infancy without I always answer Boppy Lounger. However, if they asked me what item was vital to my survival during pregnancy, I think we all know the answer to that.
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singapore-movers · 5 years
Top 5 Step by Step Office Moving Checklist by Office Movers in Singapore
If you’re preparing for an office relocation, you’ll be aiming for minimal disruption in the course of the circulate. Planning, preparation and communique are key. Although shifting offices is a tough task, there are steps you could take to keep things running as smoothly as possible. Here’s a handy guide that will help you make the flow without unnecessary stress. Vincent Movers is a professional office movers in Singapore providing a quality house and office moving service with an affordable price.
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1 First Things First
Once you’ve determined to make the flow, start looking after the primary steps. Ideally, you have to be doing this 3 to six months before your moving date.
Review your lease. If you are making plans to depart early, it may cost you your deposit. You may additionally be chargeable for any breakages or damage to the space that could occur for the duration of the move. Make positive you’re inside the recognition.
Put together a making plans team, who can delegate tasks and be responsible for the moving process.
Start getting costs from a number of moving companies, to discover the great available provider and price for money.
Find out whether or not you want moving insurance for essential devices and machinery.
Set your shifting price range, to help prevent overspending.
2 Communication Once you’ve confirmed your moving date, it’s important to let internal and external parties recognize approximately your upcoming relocation.
Notify your modern landlord and/or assets manager, and supply legit observe.
Notify all your crew participants of the shifting date and new workplace deal with.
Start a master listing of human beings you need to send an exchange of cope with to.
Ensure that your worker list is as much as date.
Ensure that your client list and service provider list is as much as date.
Make sure all team contributors recognise what their responsibilities will be ahead of time.
Make a reservation with your preferred moving company.
Brief your IT branch on the circulate and discuss what tech is needed for the day.
Notify nearby partners, affiliates and suppliers approximately the imminent flow, specifically people who may be suffering from your exchange of address and contact data.
Who to send a trade of deal with be aware to: ● Clients and partners; ● Any expert establishments you belong to; ● Stationery offerings; ● Banks and monetary institutions; ● Any food service agencies; ● Bottled water enterprise; ● Telephone business enterprise; ● Service groups for photocopiers or printers; ● Insurance organizations; ● Any money owed departments; ● Your net service provider; ● Any additional offerings your agency makes use of.
3 Preparation Now it’s time to recollect the logistics of moving all your workplace equipment from one area to another.
Get an in depth ground plan of your new space.
Planning and measuring the new office space and how you are going to lay things out organize the things.
Create an inventory of existing workplace furnishings.
Consult with a furnishings corporation for any new fixtures you might want.
Place orders for brand new furniture and stationery if needed.
Arrange outside storage facilities if needed.
Assign shade codes to each department. Work on an in depth floor plan and allocate color coded stickers to every branch section.
Assign each worker a quantity, and add that corresponding variety to their desk and system.
Clearly define and call communal spaces for your new floor plan.
Sign any authentic paperwork, permits and licenses.
Book parking area and elevators for the transferring day.
Arrange for cleansing offerings at your cutting-edge office and the new premises.
Finalise get admission to codes and security for the new premises.
Send an in depth ground plan to your movers, or arrange a meeting at the new premises if needed.
Create a detailed shifting day plan for your workforce to follow.
Draft a listing of emergency contact numbers for everybody involved inside the pass, as well as elevator preservation and constructing management.
What must your making plans team be discussing at this stage?
Assigning a member of every group to supervise their department’s packing responsibilities.
Deciding on packing strategies and layout.
Drafting instructions to the new location, inclusive of instructions on parking, public transport etc.
Putting collectively a “moving p.C.” for each staff member, along with their allocated desk number, coloration code, and information approximately the brand new region. Movers securely packing all electronic things for relevant boxes without any damages.
All hardware devices to label laptops, screens, hard drives, keyboards etc. And making sure all teams of workers are informed.
Ensuring that everybody takes home personal assets and devices.
Deciding which representatives will stay at the contemporary vicinity until the last moving truck has left, and who might be going to the new location to supervise.
Arranging for every department to empty and % or seal their filing cabinets etc.
Ensuring that coloration coded signs and desk numbers are truly laid out and marked in the new area.
Ensuring that keys, access codes or tags and protection records is all to be had.
4 Making the Move
Once moving day arrives, you ought to be feeling well-prepared. Here are some extra methods to make certain the whole thing goes easily on the big day.
Keep your emergency range printout close at hand.
Allow a price range for refreshments for the moving team and inner representatives.
If needed, set up to have air con on all through the move.
Ensure that every one tech equipment, computers, phones etc. Are moved first.
Ensure that representatives are to be had to make certain all the shade coded items are located inside the right locations, and all desks are within the proper places along with their numbered boxes
Book a date for phone strains and structures to become operational.
5 Settling In The huge circulate is over! Now it’s time to get the very last few matters set up, so that you can get back down to enterprise as quickly as possible. Expert office mover in Singapore securely packing all equipment and furniture safely relocate to a new location.
Ensure that every one area is truly described and demarcated for the workforce to see.
Set up all computers and tech gadgets.
Set up smartphone strains and structures.
Update the agency website with new contact statistics.
Create a new phone list.
Distribute new telephone lists and department locations.
Perform a detailed check of the premises, and document any damage to the shifting organisation if needed.
Make sure your insurance has been transferred.
Ensure that any old leases had been wrapped up.
Confirm that any deposits have been acquired from the old premises.
Collect all passes, keycards and keys for the vintage premises and feature them despatched back.
Hand out new passes, keycards and keys for the new workplace.
Check all invoices and payments.
Arrange for the installation of new IT structures.
Issue a press release about your alternate of deal with.
Set up a making plans committee to prepare an office-warming party.
Add a unique touch via leaving a “welcome p.C.” on each worker’s desk, with their call, activity title, a welcome notice and some treats to get them through a hectic day.
Are you looking for a professional movers company for your Business, Contact Vincent Movers, your Singapore movers and packers expert at +65 9232 5581 or email to [email protected]. Move your house moving, office moving, piano safe and secure by the experienced professionals in Singapore at the best price. Visit: http://www.vincentmovers.com/
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gothify1 · 5 years
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You know the feeling you get when you’re halfway to the airport and suddenly remember that one important item you forgot to pack? That used to happen to me every time. In fact, I still leave myself Post-its on the door that read, “prescriptions, glasses, contacts, passport” just to be sure I don’t forget—until I decided to adopt a strategic packing technique . While there’s still the occasional slipup (curse you, wandering AirPods!), I can confidently say that I finally have my travel beauty essentials down pat. The trick? They never leave my suitcase. As neither a frequent nor infrequent flyer, I used to think that it wasn’t necessary to purchase travel-size items or minis of my favorite products —the cost per use just didn’t add up—until I realized how much more relaxing a vacation or business trip can be when I don’t have to sweat the small stuff. Let’s face it: Hotel toiletries can be hit-or-miss, checked luggage doesn’t always arrive when you do, and there’s not always a convenient drugstore nearby to pick up an emergency spot treatment. After suffering through each of these travel pain points more than once, I now keep my 10 essential, TSA-approved beauty products in a cosmetics pouch tucked inside my go-to carry-on bag at all times. While I encourage you to evaluate what “essential” means for your personal on-the-go beauty regimen, the below products have helped me maintain my hair, skin, and makeup routine from coast to coast. Browse below to shop my favorites, and start putting together your own set-it-and-forget-it travel beauty kit! As far as toothpaste goes, this Italian brand is pretty chic. I love stashing these minis in a bunch of random pouches—especially my purse—so I can brush up right away after a long flight. I always carry face wipes to use on cross-country flights and keep on my nightstand at hotels. Sometimes you're just so tired you crash before washing up thoroughly. Thankfully, these micellar cleansing towelettes get the job done in a pinch. The idea of using hotel bar soap on my face sends my skin into a panic—clogged pores and dry skin are imminent. Even though I'm not that picky about my routine, I use several Caudalie products at home, and this portable foaming cleanser is the one must-have that always makes it on the road. These new cleansing oil capsules come with a seven-pod travel case and are great for taking on both business and pleasure trips. I like how the oil removes skin-dulling pollution when I'm in a city, and the capsules are 100% biodegradable: win-win. Although I have fine, straight hair, it is extremely temperamental; changes in water quality are the difference between a good hair day and utter disaster, and random shampoo-conditioner combos are nonstarters. With that in mind, I keep this Drybar arsenal in my bag since each product is under the TSA limit of 3.4 ounces. As mentioned, my fine-yet-fussy hair is even more unruly when wet. After discovering The Wet Brush, I don't have to use children's detangling spray anymore. My full-size brushes always got bent out of shape in transit, so keeping this cute travel set on hand was a no-brainer. I also throw in a small eyeliner brush because a Q-tip just won't cut it. Holiday gift sets are a great way to get a bunch of practical minis at once. I like this set by Benefit because it includes several of the products I use in my everyday routine. Just throw in a dual-action blush/lipstick, and you're good to go. There are some people who can wake up bright-eyed and bushy-tailed in any time zone. I am not one of those people. This low-key, high-powered eye mask is a total game changer. Zits happen at the most inopportune times, right? I keep this resealable pouch in my travel kit and pop a sticker or two on at night if I feel an eruption brewing under my skin—works like magic. Last but not least, my go-to toiletry bag. I like that this one has organizational features inside to accommodate various containers and keep personal hygiene products separate. The neoprene material is also very easy to clean. Need to stock up on more travel essentials? Don't miss these: 21 Beauty Products So Good I Bought Them in Travel-Size Too 14 Beauty Products I Never Pack When I Travel (and 21 I do) I've Traveled to Over 30 Countries—These Are the 10 Items I Always Pack
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The Imminent Return
So I'm still on an unofficial hiatus, but I hope to return soon now that I have had time to grieve and the school year is finally ending.
In anticipation of my full return, I'll be cleaning out my likes and some of my drafts. You'll know I'm fully back when I finally, finally unveil the project I've been working on for months. Just think +25. 😉
Also, kinda coming back because of the new packs and kit too. I just want something new. 🤷🏿‍♀️
I had been doing other things like taking pictures of the sky and journaling. I'm currently obsessed with stickers right now lol. It has felt good to unplug for a bit. Follow-up post with pics coming at ya!
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mavwrekmarketing · 7 years
The apps have changed again.
Image: lili sams/mashable
It wouldn’t surprise us if you were so caught up in picking the best foods to eat at your Fourth of July party that you lost track of the new apps and updates this week. If that’s the case, there’s no need to worry. We’ve got you covered.
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Each week we round up the most important app news along with some of the coolest new and updated apps to help you stay on top of it all. Here’s what caught our eye this week. And if you’re looking for more, be sure to take a look at last week’s roundup.
Enlight Photofox
Introducing #EnlightPhotofox. Here to amaze you with the #art you’ll create on #iPhone. Get now for free: https://t.co/stO6UsD3gg http://pic.twitter.com/Y7mYRaWzcp
Enlight Photofox (@EnlightPhotofox) July 6, 2017
Everyone wants their photos to be the coolest on the feed. But it’s not always easy to get the look you want with the relatively small array of free options provided on each form of social media. Enlight Photofox is a premium photo editing app, and it’s free! The brand has taken on the idea of making the app free and including features anyone can purchase within it.
If you really want to be serious about your photo editing, you might just want to buck up and shell out. Any subscriber who spends at least $3.99 a month, $19.99 a year, or $39.99 up front will have access to all of Enlight’s features. The optional subscription lets you add photoshop-style layers and graphic elements to your photos.
You can also dive into the “Darkroom”, a subscription-only mode with more filters and the ability to change tonal parameters. So give Enlight Photofox a shot if you’re trying to become the top dog on the photo feed.
Google Earth
New (and fuzzy) on @googleearth: live Alaskan Brown Bear cams from @exploreorg! We can bearly wait to spot one! https://t.co/iVGrcVkozF http://pic.twitter.com/09HxsvCrnh
Google (@Google) July 5, 2017
Google Earth just graced the world with something we didn’t know we needed. But now that it’s here, we can never go back. This beautiful addition to Google Earth is the live stream of dozens of environments.
The app gives you a realtime, up-close look at some of your favorite habitats. You can watch lazy walruses in Alaska or swimming sharks in the Atlantic Ocean. And you can’t forget the brown bears of Katmai National Park fishing during the salmon rush.
Whichever habitat you like best, check it out on Google Earth. Even if you’re not a huge animal buff, the natural ebb and flow of these environments running continuously on your screen is quite soothing.
Pokmon Go Anniversary
Pokmon Go: The game the world will never forget for making police departments and MTA workers post signs reminding people the world around them still exists IRL. It turned one year old this week.
To celebrate, players can wear Ash Ketchum’s hat to catch special Pikachus from now until July 24. There are also discount anniversary boxes with raid passes, ultra balls, max revives, and incubators. But that’s not all.
A number of cities will be hosting anniversary events. One in particular is Pokmon Go Fest at Chicago’s Grant Park on July 22. There will be new Pokmon that have never appeared in the park before, a new medal to add to your profile page, and of course three team lounges so you can relax with your fellow Insinct, Mystic, or Valor mates.
Be sure to check if your city is hosting an event, get out there, and keep collecting!
Zip across the skies in this pilot simulator.
Image: Airplane flight pilot simulation/itunes
Ever wanted to feel the thrill of flying a plane, but your lack of a pilot license means you’ll never be able to? Airplane Flight Pilot Simulation is a free iOS app that’s ready to take you into the sky.
You’ll have your choice of aircraft designs to zip through the 3D skies, for everything from leisure flights to rescue missions. The realistic flight physics, on-screen controls, and sound effects will really get you into the game. So hop in the cockpit and take off!
Turn one picture into three for your Instagram feed.
Image: Unsuared/itune
Panoramic pictures are fun and easy to create on your smartphone, and they provide a way to capture a huge portion of the space around you. But when you try to post your creations on Instagram, they either appear so small that you can’t really see what’s in the photo, or part of your cool view ends up getting cut off.
Unsquared, a free app, is here to take the stress out of posting panoramas. You just choose how many pieces you want your photo to be split into, do some cropping, and post away! It’s super easy and it’ll make you look like a professional on Instagram.
Gun down hordes of zombies from the safety of a military gunship.
Image: flare games
Keep the world safe from an undead menace by bringing an AC-130 gunship’s powerful arsenal to bear on the walking corpses. Building on the successes of the original game, Zombie Gunship Survival, a free app,introduces more hooks such as base-building to keep you invested in fending off the imminent apocalypse.
Keep all your travel plans together in one place.
Image: HelloGbye
Frequent travelers, this one’s for you. The free HelloGbye app helps you stay organized before, during, and after your trips. You can schedule travel plans, make changes to your itinerary, keep all your confirmation details in one place, manage budgets for solo and group trips, and take advantage of the app’s built-in search features to weed out less popular picks.
Paying subscribers enjoy additional benefits, including preferred hotel rates, no booking fees, and cash back on hotel stays.
Spice up your messaging apps.
Image: sticky ai/itunes
Last but not least is Sticky AI! It’s all about selfie stickers purely to add a little bit of fun to your messaging apps. You can use the app to make animated or still stickers. Then save the brightly colored comic or cartoon-style designs to your sticker pack to use in the future. Download Sticky AI and start having a little more fun with your social networks.
That’s all we’ve got for this week. But be sure to check back next week for all of your app-related updates.
WATCH: Someone has reinvented the surfboard, and it can ‘fly’ on water
Read more: http://ift.tt/2sEeEQu
The post This week in apps: Watch sharks on Google Earth, become a faux pilot, and everything else appeared first on MavWrek Marketing by Jason
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ramialkarmi · 7 years
UNDERCOVER IN AN IPHONE FACTORY: What it’s really like to work in a Chinese mega-factory, according to a student who spent six weeks there (AAPL)
Imagine going to work at 7:30pm every night and spending the next twelve hours, including meals and breaks, inside a factory where your only job is to insert a single screw into the back of smartphone, repeating the task over and over and over again.
During the day you sleep in a shared dorm room, and in the evening you wake up and start all over again.
That’s the routine that Dejian Zeng experienced when he spent six weeks working at an iPhone factory near Shanghai, China last summer. And it’s similar to what hundreds of thousands of workers in China and other emerging economies experience every day and night as they assemble the gadgets that power the digital economy.
Unlike many of those workers, Zeng did not need to do the job to earn a living. He’s a grad student at NYU and he worked at the factory, owned by contract manufacturing giant Pegatron, for his summer project.
Dejian Zeng spent 6 weeks in the summer of 2016 at a Pegatron facility on the outskirts of Shanghai for his summer project.
He told us: 
He was paid 3100 yuan ($450) and housing for a month of work, including overtime.
He slept in a dorm room with 7 other people
What happens when a factory starts producing an unreleased iPhone.
Factory workers usually cannot afford new iPhones. 
There's an Apple-promoted app that the factory wants all the workers to download.
Why it can get stinky in the factories. 
Why he believes iPhone manufacturing will never come to the United States.
Like many tech companies, Apple makes nearly all its computers and phones in China, using contract manufacturers like Pegatron.
That's become a contentious political issue recently, with President Trump calling for Apple to bring manufacturing  — and the jobs that come with it — back to the United States.
At the same time, Apple's overseas manufacturing has long been a target of criticism among some some groups, which point to long hours and low wages. 
Leaders in the tech industry say that Apple has shifted its practices to address previous controversies over its factory workers in China. In March, Apple released its most recent annual report looking at its manufacturing operations.
Last summer, armed with a fellowship from NYU, Dejian Zeng went to work undercover in Pegatron's ChangShuo factory. The factory was profiled by the BBC in 2014 and Bloomberg in 2016, with the reporting focusing on whether some workers are forced to work overtime shifts. 
Apple employees are on the ground at the Pegatron facility every day, an Apple spokesperson told Business Insider.
Apple performed 16 audits at the ChangShuo Pegatron factory, finding 99% of workweeks were under 60 hours, with the average workweek for people assembling Apple products clocking in at 43 hours. Wages at Pegatron have increased more than 50% over the last five years, and they are higher than the Shanghai minimum wage, the spokesperson said. Pegatron didn't comment. 
Zeng, who plans to work at a Chinese human rights nonprofit when he graduates, believed a strike was imminent at the Pegatron plant when he went to work there. No strike ultimately happened, but Zeng did get a look into the daily lives of factory workers who assemble iPhones.
Here's what he told Business Insider about his experience: 
BI: So what did you do? I'd love to hear about your day.
Dejian Zeng: At the beginning I was assigned to the assembly line in the department called FATP, final assembling testing packing. We put the iPhone together.
One line might have about a hundred stations, each station does one specific thing. At the beginning I work on iPhone 6S. And then after August we are working on iPhone 7.
When I’m working iPhone 6S I do two stations. One station at the beginning I did fastening speaker to housing.
What I did is that I put the sticker on the case and I put a screw on it. The [iPhone] housing — we call it the back case — is moving on the assembly line and that's when we pick it up and now we get one screw from the screw feeder and then we put it on the iPhone and then put it back and it goes to next station.
BI: You were in charge of one screw?
It’s like, that's the work. I mean it's simple, but that's the work that you do. Over over over again. For whole days.
BI: Did it drive you nuts?
The first couple of days you're very concentrated, because you couldn't catch up the speed of the assembly line. You need to be very quick to catch up. So you're very, very focused. It makes you very tired but it keeps your mind on it. You have no time to think about things. I need to get quicker and quicker.
And then after a while you get more familiar to it, and that in the end I can even do this screw by closing my eyes. It's is just like that. So after that you get a lot of time that you have nothing to do. That's when people feel very annoyed. Because in the Pegatron factories any kind of electronic devices are not allowed to be inside the factories.
It makes you very boring there because you can’t listen to music. Sometimes workers talk with each other, random chats, but sometimes your line manager get very upset by that. They say, “keep your voice low.”
BI: So when and where did you wake up every day?
I wake up in a dorm shared by eight people. The dorm is not on the factory campus, it’s in a place about 10 minutes drive, and they have shuttle bus for us.
At the beginning, I would have work on the night shift. I wake up at 6:00 p.m. or 6:30 p.m.
The assembly line starts working at different time. Some coworkers start working at 7:30 p.m., some workers at 8 p.m., some like 8:30 p.m, some at 9:30 p.m. I started at 8:30 p.m, so I take the shuttle bus at 7:00 p.m. and then we start getting to the factory about 7:15 p.m.
After roughly two hours you have a 10 minute break.
During the break many people sleep. And it's kind of a struggle because this is not a very long time. And if you want a drink of water or if you want to go to the restroom you need to walk out a huge workshop. And then go to the restroom, and then come back in takes about 10 minutes.
 SEE ALSO: The complete story behind Apple's futuristic new campus, 'Apple Park'
"I mean it's simple, but that's the work that you do. Over over over again. For whole days."
  BI: So the bathrooms are not around?
It becomes a struggle when you're very sleepy but also you need to drink some water. You can only do one thing. It's just go to the restroom or come back and take some sleep.
BI: You just came back from a 10 minute break. What do you do now?
After another two hours we got a 50 minute break for lunch.
Generally there are vegetable, meats, and sometimes it's like buns or noodles and then basically it's like three vegetable, one meat, with rice. That's generally a meal.
Sometimes they have apples, pears — some fruits — as additions to the meal.
The whole factory eats there. It’s a huge canteen room.
If you have finished the meal earlier [than 50 minutes] you can take some sleep also. Sleep is really a thing in the factory. You can see that in the lounge we have a lot of like long sofas but it's not really very comfortable sofa. It's like you can feel the iron.
People just sit there and sleep. But you can’t lay down. There are people walking around. If they see you lay down they will swipe the ID and take a record on it. And they put the record in your profile. And then they will publish it to your whole assembly line. So your manager would come and yell at you later. Sometimes if it happens multiple times they deduct money. BI: How much money would they take if they caught you sleeping?
It’s not catching you sleeping, it’s catching you laying [down]. There are certain behaviors that you can’t do. The same thing happens if you accidentally bring a phone into the factories. It's not even getting inside. It's like when you're past the metal detectors and it sounds and you pulled out your phone. You’re on the record. Or your lighters. Any metal.
BI: Did you like the food and were you charged for it?
Yeah we get charged for it and it depends on what kind of food you choose. There are 5 yuan meals, 8 yuan meals. But that was inside the factories.
There are also restaurants inside the campus that people generally go eat [at] after they finish their work. Sometimes, if you're working on day shift, then that was more expensive. That was like up to 20 yuan, something like that.
BI: Was the food high quality?
I wouldn’t say that. The chicken that I get...I never see the breasts or thigh.
The chicken that I get...I never see the breasts or thigh. It's always the neck or certain parts that you can't identify.
It's always the neck or certain parts that you can’t identify. So I wouldn’t say that's a very good meal. But it keeps you full and you’re very hungry so it keeps you full anyway. It's reasonable. Not very good, but you have no other choice.
BI: Do you talk with people at lunch?
If you are eating with your friends sometimes you do. A lot of people just eat by themselves. You go get your meal and then you eat. Because it's like, if you can eat it faster you get more sleep.
After the lunch break you work for two hours — two hours and there is another 10 minutes in the middle of it.
Youtube Embed: http://www.youtube.com/embed/-70q8xmTdhE Width: 854px Height: 480px
BI: And by this point you've worked six hours.
After two more hours and about eight hours total working, then it depends on whether you need to do overtime or not.
If you don't need to, you're off. Everybody is off.
But generally if you need to do overtime, it depends on if it's Monday to Thursday or it's Friday.
Friday only work two hours overtime, Monday to Thursday is 2.5 hours overtime work.
And then you do one whole day, 8 hours, on Saturday also.
So total, the time workers spent in the factory is 12 hours total, generally including the breaking times and lunchtime.
Does that also include you waiting in line to go through a metal detector and that kind of stuff?
Doesn't include. If you included those or you should include 30 minutes more.
BI: All right. So you're done. It's 7:30 in the morning. What do you do?
I would generally go have another meal afterwards. Then you take the shuttle bus, go back to your dorm, take a shower, if you're lucky if there is hot water. Sometimes there's no hot water or there's no water at all.
After a shower...people either go to Internet cafe, play video games, watch videos something like that or you lay down watch videos on your phone.
BI: Pretty much everyone has a phone?
You have a phone. The dorms provide Wi-Fi. But to access the Wi-Fi you need to do something. You need to either download some apps for them. Or click something, commons, or something, to earn some virtual coins.
You use the coins to get on the Wi-Fi. 24 hours is 20 coins. And then, downloading apps sometimes are into like 20 to 30 coins or something. So is it you can buy coins like I remember it's like 100 coins about five yuan. Something like that. But a lot of people just keep downloading, it's like a business. You need to need to do that to get access to Wi-Fi.
In that same platform that you earn coins. There are free videos still available. So I think there's something good that workers can watch video for free.
I would like to go to bed about 10. You don't have a lot of time, you get very tired. And then most you can watch one movie and then you really need to go to bed. And then the other day you wake up at 6:30. Again. And that's just a routine.
BI: Did you have any friends?
I made friends with my roommates and also my coworkers on the same assembly line. But it's like the station around me. So we're sitting together. So those are very good friends.
And I also make some friends at the first couple of days when we do some training. But during the training you are together, later you get distributed.
BI: Your dorm roommates aren't going to be the same people.
No, we don't work on the same assembly or nearby and sometimes we work on different shifts. So sometimes I never see my roommates for a month because we are on a different shift, and they shift it every month.
BI: Do you know anyone there with a family?
Yeah they are with their girlfriends or their wives.
Sometimes they rent an apartment outside the campus. You can choose to do that but it's very pricey. But if you have to, that's the only way. There are no dorm rooms there for a couple.
BI: So when you were on the assembly line with you with your mates what did you talk about.
That's where I find that the stereotypes about workers is not right. I had thought they [would be] uneducated. Wrong. They are talking about a lot of things. They talk about, China-U.S. relationship, foreign relations in South China Sea, because at that point there is news on that.
Most talk about movies, horror movies and then sometimes they talk about their lives. They need to support their families back in the rural area. They want to send their kids to do some dancing classes. So it's like being a parent kind of thing. And sometimes entertainment news, celebrities, all the things that young people talk about. And they know other things, they even talk about American history sometimes.
BI: Did your coworkers like their jobs?
So I would say we don't we don't like it and we don't hate it.
We just consider it a job that can give us money. Nobody enjoys the process because the purpose of getting to work is waiting to get out.
The only thing that we're thinking about is really money, money, money. I need to get some money from my family, I need to support my life, support my kids.
That's the only thing in their mind, sometimes they don't even care how tired they are.
Some workers have worked at different factories and think Pegatron has stricter management --- you can't use your phone in their factory, you can't listen to music. Sometimes there are people walking around that don't allow you talk too loud.
So some workers have comparison and think Pegatron has stricter controls. That's something that gets them annoyed.
BI: Is it a respected job? Is it a job that people go ‘Oh, that's a decent way to earn a living’?
I don't think so. People working the factories are also working on becoming a security guard, delivery man, housekeeper. So it's the same kind of level of position. You don't see it as better.
I think the only way to look at the factory job is that you really keep people from being homeless. Because you need no skills, you just get into the factories. They don't even ask you any questions. During the interview, you can just get in that day. And then they take care of your meals and your dorm.
So it's like, if you really have nowhere to go. If you're in the city alone and have no relatives to support you. Go to the factory. You might earn some money, a little bit, and then gradually you can get your life together.
BI: Did anyone see it as a career?
I don't think people really see it as a career.
The turnover rate is very high. It's very normal for workers to leave after two weeks or a month. Some workers get there and if they don't like it, they quit very quick.
But some people can stick there longer. And after one year you can get promoted to become the line manager.
There are different structures. At the lowest level, you're an operator, and then you get into the multitask worker [position]. The third level is group leader and then it's line manager. Then above is section manager and then there's the division manager and then there is the factory director.
There are workers that can really move up this chain. But we think that at most you can become a line manager.
But there are people who could get promoted by that chain, but not a lot of people can sustain that kind of life for that long time.
And then the pattern of Chinese migrant workers is that they go out to the city and do jobs for a year and then they quit then they go back home to stay one month for a new year or something like that and then go out or find another job.
BI: Did your coworkers use Apple products?
Some workers have iPhones. But not very many because of the monthly wage.
If they are affordable for workers, then they will buy Apple. But they are saying “I really want that?” Can they save two month’s wages to get an iPhone? They won't do that. The phones they generally use are Chinese productions like Oppo or something like that.
BI: Do the people working there at Pegatron know they’re assembling Apple products?
They know. We all know that we are assembling Apple products. We even know “this is the iPhone 6” or “this is the iPhone 7 that’s coming out.” Everybody knows.
BI: So what did you know when production switched from the iPhone 6 to the iPhone 7. Did people know that this was an unreleased product? Was there additional security around it?
The controls gets more strict. They increased the sensitivity of the metal detectors.
So you know some girls they have bras? And so they couldn’t pass the door because they had the metal in the bra. And so a lot of the girls had to change all of the sudden that day because they increased the sensitivity.
And then you passed two security checks. There's a lot of security checks.
Here’s how it works. Our factory, when we got to working they are already assembling the infrastructure of the assembly line. They have this curtain circling it it so you can't even see how the infrastructure is, right?
We were working at the same workshop. But there are people doing construction there.
And then after they've finished construction and need to move people in, we were moved out and working in another building of the factories. And then they prepare everything and everybody moved back in.
And then, producing iPhone 7 at that point it was a trial production. That kind of experience is totally different from when we produced iPhone 6S.
Because that’s a whole day, and I consider it as torture. Because one day for 12 hours you only produce five phones. You sit there and have nothing to do, waiting for two hours. Sometimes they don't allow you to speak. You just sit there quietly and have nothing to do and wait until the next phone comes in. You're trying to assemble it, and then you put it back and you wait for another few hours for the next one to come in.
When we were producing the iPhone 7, they have Apple staff there every single day to monitor the process because it’s a new product they want to see if there are new problems.
The management of the factory becomes very, very careful. It needs to be very, very clean. All the case holders need to be in the exact position of where they should be. The process changed a lot because it used to be just an assembly line. They made it a clean room, like they want to keep the dust out.
So every time you get in you need to have a roller to clean all the dust, and then you get it and all of these procedures, you need to do that. Management is very careful, constantly walking around. You’re not allowed to talk or sleep.
When you don’t talk, and are just sitting there for a couple of hours, you get sleepy. I was falling asleep three times one day, and every time when the multitask workers, the assistants of the line manager, would walk out and would spot me sleeping, they would say “no no no” and wake me up. The third time he caught me sleeping, he said “you, stand up.” And so I was standing next to the assembly line, not even allowed to sit.
BI: Were you doing the same screw for the iPhone 7?
No. At the later part of producing the iPhone 6S I was switched to another station called camera cowling. So they have a protector on top of the camera, and I need to have the cowling fastened. It also was putting in two screws so the camera would be where it is.  
BI: Cowling. That is a word I’ve never heard before!
There’s a lot of terms, there’s a lot of terms.
BI: Do the factory workers — they obviously work for Pegatron — but do they think they work for Apple at some level?
They definitely know they are producing Apple products, and consider themselves a part of that process.
See the rest of the story at Business Insider
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